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Previous: >>500571360

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
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say something nice about Nami
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she is as cute as a yordle
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the vg vs vg results
absorbicacid finally popped off for once?
what a romantic OP
looks like a good thread for falling in love!
new game up
average isreal is evil hard carry
*plap plap plap plap*
dumb bitch, stop trying to be the only bottom
*plap plap plap plap plap*
let other anons be cock drainers too
*plap plap plap*
are you a girl who's willing to fall in love with me
Talon did really well
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fun game
fun vgs
lovefuck all yall
just won the assassin vs assassin coinflip for once
youre the coolest chick in this general for giving a lonely channeler a shot and being loyal
I wish you and him the best

no I'm this threads cupid hoping everyone finds their lolg love
that was one of the few vgs of the night that was really close despite the scoreline
my back hurts so bad rn
doja troon only builds the cringiest pussy shit ever
jaksho hourglass banshee
peak insecurity
was only close because you guys grouped with sion once, and almost took our base
yeah if anybody on my team wanted to help me at any point in the game we just win but its np if they want to lose we can lose

not my problem
Another dabs win
cool talon build. ive been going hubris axiom every game on him but that build looks nice i need to try it
With Sion Camille and Fizz all on one team I dont think Doja would have been allowed to play the game otherwise
you escaped the pedophile clique grooming so they must grief every game they play with you
Daddy...no...! Fuck me only please, use me only please! Let me be your one and only good girl..
we perservere
im going to be the greatest sion abuser this board has ever seen
and u will all be sorry
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and still did the most damage lol what would you have went? anyways did you guys like that chroma?
Better than the classic honestly
thats the role that jelly used to play...
did everyone have a happy halloween?
im going blind lolg. what champ should I learn?
lily can we get new butt pictures pretty please
Mixed. Probably the strangest night.
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think i just found steel m3ntal alt acc in soloq holy moly
i got to play with some cute lolgs, thats it
>plays a Mexican champ
>they're not speaking Spanish
>plays an Asian champ
>they're not speaking Asian
till she turned out to be a hypocrite
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
be my docile, barefoot, naked apron housewife
Qmm went to bed so he had a free lane
to be fair, i think doja carried those last couple fights. she was literally space gliding on yall
how was she a hypocrite? I haven't been following lolg lore in a bit
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shut up bitch im owning and im about to outrank you
who's the sion?
I thought she was in her adc arc
she was but desu leona and gp were also setting her up super hard with a bunch of cc especially the leona dabs was doing work that game
Steel alter ego
pushes anons to get with other anons but refused to accept any of our own
Dabs is lowkey a lot better than his rank says he is, he has carried vgs and is never the reason his team loses, he's probably high plat player maybe even gemerald.
similar to this anon then >>500641058
rejected this anons >>500640865 proposal for romance
im a man now. not even a boy, im a man
and i main sion
their entire team played very well meanwhile that was the first vg gourdon didnt tryhard ever in known recorded history
steel this is a rerun. we all know your true nature
gourdon threw the game for his two loves on the enemy team
gourdon was wintrading doja
im srs this time though
i respect it
Steel you can own me and use me however you like...
he literally oneshot her on repeat between 20-30 minutes
im a sigma i only care about revenge on gang
can you post a tsunade picture and purr for me pls
niggas writing dissertations on the results of a custom game instead of trick or treating
thats for kids u retard
i love drama man. so fucking fun
trick or treating 3am?
i did dinner and hung out with my cousins after they did trick or treat
steel improved a lot wtf
mhm mhm now lets see him off sion
can we talk about something other than child porn? go fuck yourself faggot tranny
my ap chogath is lethal TRUST
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my favorite lolg played the sims
you used to be so mild mannered what happened
>stop talking about league of legends games just jerk off to purple gerbils
can you guys talk about me too i was in that game too
ok bring up a league topic. go ahead. go ahead
i told you im a man now
Steel... :heart_eyes:
your GP was excellent as always lyra
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Same, it's fun. Been playing it lately more than League with the nraas mods for full control of the simulation.
just won two games in a row and didn't even have fun because they were one sided stomps

i only like fair mid-lategame team fights but 8/10 games are one sided stomps, the only part of the game that i like happens maybe two or three times in a 30 minute game and even in the few games where you get even fights you lose a good portion of them so really i only enjoy one game out of 20 where i get to pop off and then i slog through laning phase dozens of times chasing that high
wait i thought finals would be at sunday
where? the steelposting? yea that's real league of legends talk lmfao
don't you have some dilating to do? or are you doing it right now? is that why you're so pissed?
my nami that did literally nothing all game except press e on me sent me a friend request
yes i think i will accept actually yea i definitely want to carry some handless subhuman just because he plays nami and has an egirl icon ur right actually that seems like a good use of my time now that u mention it
yes that is league of legends related. stop dming minors
theres a reason an anons crushing on you
majin comes back and the thread is alive and good-spirited again. say thank you majin you ungrateful little shits
Nothing wrong with one tricking, alot of anona here one tricks
that was me sorry
thread is alive because the spammer is banned
I'm a good person.
No you're not
if T1 wins tomorrow I'll never play league again
>i play draven now but then i had bad game so i abuse sion now
nigga cant stay on one champ for more than a week
what happened in this pic?
this time itll be different
hey. leave steel alone.
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Its friday bitches
kaisasisters... just saw the nerfs next patch.. they're really dead set on ruining our unique playstyle
why are you still upset about being cleared by steel sion
Don't deadname her. you mean steelie
kaisatrannies finally 41% after next patch.
name them because i cant think of a single one whos respectable
our winrate might actually drop to that
if steel shaved the unibrow he would be 3k lp chall
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next year gloves will come off....
you just wait. he will silence haters once and for all.
Singed OTP man.
jojo clears him
decent callout
seraphine is 17
the only reason im still playing league is because i once had a mentally ill support main duo that threatened to suicide if we didnt play together but then deleted and blocked me from everything after i played bad for 1 game and im still trying to relive that experience because it was amazing
didn't ask
Same but with a homeless adc player except I don't even want to ever duo and been having fun playing alone now.
>queue up to win
>stomp lane
>lose game because ADC is griefing, refusing to fight, giving up every objective
>get angry
>queue to grief
>go 0/5 as jungle, feed enemy mid and bot
>do absolutely nothing
>somehow win
i don't know why i take this game seriously
get on nigga
dumbdigger should play in vgs.
he has and cleared every time
I need to see some more
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u scripting niqqa?
do you look like kaisa?
my draven just banned vayne gg man simply gg
He was banning for his top laner
i dont understand how can be so bad on support but is able to play draven
he is dogshit on draven doe? respectfully
why isn't she resisting?
he posted match histories where he had like 6 wins in a row with good kdas but i havent investigated further than that
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rift romance is so beautiful
Love blooms in the battlefield.
>have to win 2 more unranked games before i can play ranked
why the fuck doesn't spellbook count. i don't wanna queue quickplay either because there is absolutely zero chance i'll win those. fuck sake
uhhh become my wife please ?
It's because people abused that threshold in arams so all the meme modes got taken off the list.
now that statikk shiv is dead what we building next patch kaisasisters
ranked lock as a punishment was a massive mistake that they will never backpedal on. all it did was create literal trolls that abused the system by locking in yuumi and just making the game a 4v5 until you lost for 5 games. they literally released quickplay and then poisoned it. now that quickplay is a cesspool they turn it into actually winning games, and it just shows players the games are the most scripted by matchmaking pieces of shit imaginable
being forced to kill minions makes me play better because it makes me stay focused rather than wandering around doing random stuff like a cat chasing butterflies which is what i end up doing when i play support
enemy midlaner is a annie otp with annie icon and annie based name
since im playing in iron 4 atm theres a 50% chance hes the same age as annie irl and 50% chance of him being a 60 yr old pedophile
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He's playing a dogshit gutted champ that only gets 525 range (outranged by literally every form of engagement in the game). What else is he to do to not explode on contact?
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Literally every game is stomped or be stomped unless it's a 4-5 stack vs another 4-5 stack. Solo queue randoms are terminally retarded and have defective brownoid genes. Stop being an autistic troon and maybe people will actually invite you into a stack.
i'm bad though, i peaked as season 4 platinum (modern silver)
Yeah that's creepy but maybe they're normal I can't recall Annie bot being a weirdo.
And? Everyone simply performs better when they have an actual team to rely on. Even then, just don't join a hyper autistic sweat swamp stack then.
So, are they gonna get Linkin Park to show up tomorrow night?
I dunno but I just managed to get a ticket for worlds tomorrow, thank goodness.
I’ll look out for you nigga
no I don't reject anons out of some "im not for le romance" bs
I am taken
We are not meeting together and you will not find me. I'm gonna wear the most NPC generic shit and will not be on my phone just to ensure this, I've decided this for months.
I can spot an autist in a crowd. I’ll find you
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good morning lolg
good morning mommy
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who's that?
Bewitching Irelia
Those skins don't do a good job being unique huh
The Dark/plurple skins for Soraka, Lux, and Morgana always confuse the shit out of me at a glance.
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Peak design, shit game design.
it's no nut november.
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If you fail on day 1 you get to nut all month
im the diddy of soloq
If you look at the last thread, these guys totally failed when it hit November 1st.
that picture is a really good argument
I'm playing on hard mode and I want everyone else to fail
I don't care.
I'm not a redditor so this doesn't affect me.
Should I become obsessed with samurai or vikings?
for me it's pirates
Is this for some grand strategy game or something? Personal bias says Samurai since those are most popular in this game compared to Olaf.
Samurai is my thing, pick something else.
They should add some passive buffs when your team has at least 3 pirates/samurai/loli/whatever like in TFT
For me it's the Sniper motif.
I can't believe people ITT complain about Chinese representation. Like God forbid 1.5 BILLION PEOPLE got some champions and skins while what? 10 million? 15 million? 1 PERCENT OF THAT get ""''fjeljordian"""" champions and skins

It's insane
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uoh cunny team
>Finally have free time to play
Please talk me out of playing ranked. I don't want to lose a whole rank division and a half again
I could ask you to control yourself and not queue ranked but let's be real does that ever stop anyone.
I'm playing only ARAM with supports mostly to stop the addiction.
gold per minute is the only stat that matters
everything else is hinged upon this singular statistic
You know things where it’s like “guys choose x to be their personality”
basically that, including league champs I play
You have the power to end this pattern.
everyone wants to live in a world with 1 billion swedes, you can't blame the devs
>chovy is a better player than faker bro it’s just his team
What is this then?
sovfvl cosplay. truly. gotta be the same non-slut zeri from the other webm

yo im done edging. we still beating off to the vg's earlier or did i miss out on all the crum?

steel is a man now? holy shit, nice. congrats
Seems ingeneuine to the person and people around them without just being themselves but whatever as long it's nothing deadbeat.
Just remember to weight that number with a champion specific function to adjust the winrate to account for game length. You could probably make it more accurate by taking note of the past performance using integration because bounties mess the system up
not hot at all really.
I play supports because farming makes me feel like I play a fucking cookie clicker.
Steel seems to ping pong every two weeks.
But yeah atleast na got a vg going compared to the eu meme.
I have literally never seen anyone here cry about chinese representation
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are filipinos free use?
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I just met someone whose irl name is Jan and he plays Janna
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get this pinoy ladyboy out of here
I’m not going to jerk off this month.
>dude the guy who has won more worlds games than others have played (faker has more wins at worlds than the runner up with second most games at worlds has played)
>that has won worlds 4 times
>that is the undisputed mist accomplished player in the games history
>is actually better than a guy that has never won worlds because chovy wins in the lck or something
Good luck.
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joke's on you, I already did
What would make it hotter
Your fault for living in Sneeden
he's one of those swedes that are surrounded by cultural enrichers whose last gf dumped him because he refused to say SWEDEN YES!

go easy on him
chovy isnt even better than zeka if we are being COMPLETELY honest
ofc normies dont even know who zeka is
in their mind its just
faker = michael jordan
chovy = lebron
thats it
thats the extent of their understanding
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good morning /lolg/
i hope everyone had a nice halloween night


was busy
For me it’s more about finding an ideal to strive for so I’m not a fat bugman who plays videogames all games.
Samurai and Vikings are both pretty cool. I kinda like the fantasy of Samurai more, reading the Musashi novel and watching samurai movies but as a white person I feel like I should be a Viking person. Cowboys are also kinda cool but as most of the cowboy movies I like were inspired by Japanese samurai movies so they don’t really count.
Greeks and Romans do nothing for me
most reddit post of the month (it's still october in hawaii or some shit...maybe not)

dont compare esports players to athletes. I don't respect sportsball but there's not any comparison to be made between high apm bug nerds and people in peak physical form.
*hugs u*
are you fucking retarded man im not comparing them im saying retards compare them
kill urself rn
raidou is a dogshit hardstuck gold pla-ACK

i'd have reached emerald but unfortunately i did not have much time to play this week. this is proof enough that i can climb out of my current elo whenever i want however

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I love Lissandra!
stop making posts where the topic is just ME ME ME ME ME ME if you want people to stop hating you
Im not even Swedish actually
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>>are you fucking retarded man
im fucking retarded man
now what?

you're right. ive seen one lowiq streamer make that comparison before - i think it was the chovy one actually.
no, genuinely, the matchmaking algorithm handles those variables for you if your g/m is high enough
the game gives you free wins if your econ is high
it's insane
try it out yourself
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it was just this one time. it is a pretty good match history, you have to admit. i felt like bragging a little. i'm entitled to that
Strive to be the best you can, I think that would be good enough for most.
I think pilots are cool too or just general aviation things. If I ever had stupid money I'd totally be into learning how to fly.
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sorry i thought we were talking about bellend

massive projection
Uninstalled. Just listening to nice music and I feel happier than I ever was playing ranked.
I can't wait for the euw games today
I love you
I'm ngmi this time either lol.
It's because of responses like this I don't make lobbies
If people said hey I'm coming I would
idc me personally i have no problem with u
but u are going to get hate if u post like this
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It shouldn't discourage you because that's just 1 of the 9 people out of the equation. Plus not my fault I have to cover for people over shift I hate being nice and saying yes.
I'm cheering for BLG
No, I know nothing about
No, I haven't watched the LPL this seasoj
No, I did not know who were on their roster until I watched them this worlds
But they are the GOAT
They are my HEROES
And they WILL win worlds and put this chinks in their place like in the old times
yeah based
its official

spill the tea
share some lol related drama
my coffee tastes like old cigarette butts
its genuinely revolting
champs for this feel?
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well, i don't wanna go another tangent just talking about myself like you just warned me not to but at this point i really just think that no matter what i do or say i'll just be hated regardless. people in this general just love stirring up drama. i'll avoid replying to the obvious baitposts like you warned me the first time but that's probably all i'll really be able to do. i don't wanna write something and then spend time thinking about whether or not it'll make people upset or be an unintentional (You) baitpost or whatever. i just say what i think and feel. thanks, though!
hey sisters
whats the best way to spend worlds tokens?
Graves, NF Swain.
orbs or keys
I decided on samurai
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prestige skin if you want it or the ME essence if you want anything from the ME store - anything else is a waste.
league girls I want to marry I’m a black man if that matters
This cute chubby Asian girl I see at the gym is checking me out. How do I know if she’s Chinese or Korean or Japanese
I wonder if she likes league
You ask her.
I thought black men were more about big asses
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Dantes' mom vomitted food in his mouth in front of his gf(i had to see that unfortunately)
Retards need their autonomy taken away and everyone should defer to the ADC's judgement on if they should stay in an engagement or not (assuming the ADC themselves isn't a retard that keeps doing stupid shit even with the team actively helping them).
I’m a milk man but I prefer skim milk usually, Sona and Janna I like cause they’re sweeties
but literally every adc below challenger is retarded
>assuming the ADC themselves isn't a retard that keeps doing stupid shit even with the team actively helping them
this is every adc, even challenger adcs are retard cry babies
smolder, yuumi.
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do you guys think there's any way everfrost could come back? what if they gave it a really long cooldown, like 90s, or maybe just made it a slow (90% or so if you hit the "middle" portion and like 30% for the sides) and not a root?
>Dantes' mom
I know she raped him as a child
I just know
every viego i get is really good lately
no august said its too confusing for cutelows
I'm going to give your mother a son she can actually be proud of instead of the "daughter" she currently has
>riot adding active items
lol. they said 90% of low elo players didnt ever use active items
They should just bring it back regards if low elos don't know how to use it. I miss it and the old Swain pull passive. They should also consider bringing back the mythics but without the constraints on build and numbers adjusted.
I have never seen Chovy try to clutch a game. I only see him CS'ing whilr Zeka is trying to clutch a losing game.
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oh well. kinda ironic though given how support has always been made out to be the "easier" role and it's full of actives. locket, knights vow, redemption, shurelya and any others i might have missed.

i don't think i agree on the mythics part. they uhh. idk the word but they made champions feel too similar. the game became more about what mythic you build than what champion you're playing at one point. i guess now that items are weaker that wouldn't really be the case but i still don't think i'd like to see them back.

also, does anyone feel like league players nowadays just know too much? i've been playing in gold/plat lately and people will consistently freeze or do stuff like picking akshan top and standing between the wave and you lv 1 amongst other things very often. streamers really are a blight on the game telling people about things like this. freezing and cheese strats like this are pretty annoying and unfun to play against
The best midlane in the world?
Second place is Caps
No-one else is important
Don't get it twisted, Midbeast would be the best if they put him on a team, but they are afraid of his power
topi lantto clears
>they made champions feel too similar
That's because of the mythic itemization path restrictions. Also a lot of players just build the same thing over and over thesedays without reading about the items themselves to utilize maximum performance, in a way that's bad and desu also why I didn't like the mythic system itself despite enjoying the items themselves.
>play sion mid
>push the enemy viktor under tower
>enemy amumu tries to 1v2 me and my jungler at grubs
>"gg noob mid wont help"
>starts soft inting
really disgusting
why dont junglers understand that if your laner is pushed in you need to gank their lane before doing an objective so they can get prio
>update reset my settings
Does anyone have the image of mordekaiser blushing ?
I need it for reasons
>Majin gets image banned
>Spamming stops
ERPing is more difficult than it seems
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>Garen shits himself at top lane, dies to Trundle 4 times in a row
>starts screeching in chat in some SEAnigger dialect
>he randomly runs bot lane of all places despite me not saying a word the entire game to him and starts spinning on the minion wave and steals all the farm
>amumu and I don't bother with him and just run top to keep Trundle from cracking the base open like a fucking egg
>we immediately run Trundle down and kill him
>he starts complaining in chat
>I try being sympathetic cause idk what the fuck Garen is doing
>Trundle tells me to "get rope" and to get off the game
>all sense of sympathy is gone and we run him down again with utter malicious intent as we also rotate to curb stomp the enemy jungler alongside our Tryndamere
>they FF
Top laners need to be culled from the human gene pool, jesus christ.
didn't ask
Brown retards need to be banned from playing top lane at all.
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spent a lot of time doing disgusting limit testing with picrel and turns out mid prio is very important
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What's the point of learning ADChud if Support is the most OP role in the game
yeah but you can just get mid prio by doing a shitty gank mid
you don't have to kill or anything you just have to show ur face and use some abilities
because support is for women
Cause even if you're a god tier support, if your ADC is retarded you just lose. A "meh" support is better than having a "meh" ADC. Also playing ADC for a bit clues you in on what sort of things to do as support for said ADC.
Youre wrong. my roll is the hardest and if you played it you would do worse than me

please make it so my jungle pet attacks champions too. roll too hard. please help riot
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you're right about players just building the same thing over and over nowadays still (sadly because of the "popular build" websites - op.gg, porofessor etc. auto runes sucks, too. i wish people bothered setting their runes manually more). but mythic items were this but worse. as in to say, even though what we have now isn't much better than mythic items, it's at least a step in the right direction and i don't think the next step is going back to mythics again.

the main issue imo is that at some point riot started giving actives to all the items (around the gunblade/twin shadows years) and we went from having a handful of items that had actives and the rest being creative stat options to just all the items needing to have something special about them and having some unique passive or active. i don't know how they'd fix this but i think something nice would be just making a whole lot more items with just creative stats thrown onto them - the new version of yun'tal arrows will be the only item in the game with ad, as and crit on it as a good example.

sadly, though, i don't think this'll ever happen. wit's end is another good example of why. people don't really build items for their stats anymore - just the actives/unique properties, i feel like, which means items have much clearer lines drawn between them - you'll only build lich bane, eclipse or terminus (as a new example) on champions that can utilize their passives and so on and so on, meaning that if you're playing brand you're just gonna build the items brand specifically can use. it's not like you're gonna build archangels because you want/need mana because it just wouldn't really fit on him.

i don't know how to end this post but i think you understood my point
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I love Lissandra!
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You can't spell "fetish" without a "fish"
a cool one
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>Opponent chooses Zac
I never win against Zac for some fucking reason.
Oh look, Doja got unbanned immediately because they're part of the discord. Can ruin games on a whim and still gets invited back :^)

I wonder why VGs will die in a week or so... Can't possibly be the rules are applied extremely inconsistently and that certain individuals will arbitrarily decide the outcome from minute 1.

And you wonder why new anons don't stick around lol....
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
username ideas?
petite gwen feet
gwen feet goner
kiss gwen feet
kiss gwen toes
gwen feet worship

this is WR so names can be longer
leave the twinks alone firestorm
there are rules in vgs?
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Went to bed after >>500639001 - hopefully I won't be around today, since it's my birthday!

Kiss Gwen Toes and Petite Gwen Feet are both good.
rope neck myself
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do you guys think 'ganymede' would be a cool ign

happy birthday!
happy birthday!
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Thank you! And yeah, Ganymede would be sick as fuck, desu.

Thank you, anon!
Yeah. If you're part of the discord you get to completely grief a game then can appear again after sitting out 1.

Remember, about 80% of the games are filled with discorders, so that leaves it 8 games per night where they get a freebie to trollpick then int while you try, then if you ever call them out on the bad behaviour you get insta-banned.

Really inviting :p
I like it
how do i enter the discord
click the invite link in the OP?
>post axewound
>post ign
>ask for invite in thread
it's that simple
He's been broken for months now, if you want free wins just play the champ.
Nerfing bork and armor pen just made him better.
I pray for you downfall every day
I'm jacked and successful while you simp over ugly brown mid women on discord. I am better than you
I pray to overcome my downfall every day.
>nami poster uses my quote now
based loony
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holy shit bros new invisible mistakes and tricks videos just dropped from skillcapped
time to make it to masters with this one,surely this time!
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i believe in you, anon!

i don't know why buying antiheal against zac seems to not do anything. his passive blobs either need to be far less frequent or they need to heal far less than whatever it is they do. the rest can be attributed to how much damage tanks do right now for whatever reason. lots of tanks need their base ad and damage on their abilities lowered.
you are jerking off to pixels and making your in game identity about jerking off to pixels. you are worse than the guy who is simping on discord
>defending groomercord for free online
hahah lmao
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If I had 3 bullets I would line you all up and shoot you all in the head 3 times collateral
nigga why you pointing fingers do you know where we are
yeah, locking in yummi with flash tp, then stealing cs, not shielding or using any abilities is surely trying as a d4 player :^)
When will skarner get a new skin
if free will is real why do millions of people play league of legends every day?
>no argument
ye we know the pixels don't say you're a nasty freak and avoid you like the plague like real women but making ur online name about wanting to bang fictional characters is kinda weird dude. u can't really pull the holier than thou thing when you're doing weird stuff like that o.o
shouldn't conqueror skins be in the store?
you will never be a woman
you saw that post that had nothing to do with trannies and immediately thought of transgenderism. this is a confession disguised as an accusation
you will never be a woman
we know u won't dude that's why you need to win every customs because the surge of unbridled baby rage you get from losing them reminds you that you have male hormones
keep coping
i know good sites to buy cheap rope i can recommend you for the inevitable 40%
didn't doja quit because of vanguard?
uh oh he's mad now xD
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come take a lick pon the 'firi (yuh)
would that ass fit in the 'rari? (nuh)
lemme take a bite of that cookie (yuh)
you know what i heard?
Mhmm thats why he spams duos with Gourdon with the same account name and same character played... mhmmm
>discord troons playing troonguard
not surprising
what's a troonguard
that's pretty gay
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assassins are so good
I love playing against
>the unplayable matchup mid
>the unkillable toplaner
>the jungler camping my lane
>the adc so fed they deal more than my entire ability rotation in one auto
>the support who for some reason can 1v1 me with support tank items
All of which goes great with
>my support feeding while stealing farm and leeching xp after giving firs blood to my lane opponent
>my adc stealing the kills I sacked mid wave and both summs for and doing negative damage
>my jungler perma farming, still being down in cs, and losing every objective
>my toplaner rage splitting and dying to the enemy bot at every opportunity
newest slop for biodrones
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our time will come once again. we just have to be patient.
Happy birthday poppyslut. Try and enjoy it doing something fun instead milking lolg anons all day!
had a dream everfrost came back
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I don't just do poppy, y'know!~ But thank you. I meant to close this tab after the last post, but glad I kept it up!
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Rare discuck W
I hate the discucks as much as the next guy, but you being a crybaby bitch for getting banned from their private games is pathetic
Expected Serashitter behavior though
which yordle do you wanna be the most?
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>looney troons eating each other
what a nice way to start off november
If only
I'm not a bad person.
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why would you think you are?
i was just kidding i'm literally satan
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Vex, I think!

Speaking of, great Vex! I wish we had Bewitching on PC :(
someone just called me satan.
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I just wish there were more active items in the game
holy sexoooo
Vex cock polisher under my desk all day using her plump lips to stroke my dick
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well, if you know you're not a bad person then you have nothing to worry about
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True! <3

I wish I had it too, but since I don't...well, I try.~
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why is my adc hovering draven in silver
I can imagine you just faceplanting into anon crotches like that vex viego pic
huffing away like the cock addict you are
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I love it for exactly that reason!~
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vex is for ........?
grown ass man typing that to another grown ass man
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i liked playing troontown online or zoo tytroon
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Hey Swain Anon, how do you feel about the new Swain skin(s)?
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9 dodges in a row.
I keep locking in my champ and then tabbing out while i wait for the game to start but someone dodges and i get
Warning!:Stop declining match
Warning!:Stop declining match
Warning!:Stop declining match
Queue lockdown for declining too many matches.
Stop dodging bruh...
do you have fat ass vex's?
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They should make Talon's W return faster and let him recast his R as long as he's in combat and also he heals

free shit
there's a reason you're pisselo playing the most snowbally midlaner in the game
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eu vgs tonight or i'm not letting grandma out
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that's not true, though. talon can't really do much without his R and his laning phase is heavily matchup dependent and most of the time just involves last hitting with W while standing far away from the wave so you don't get poked out.
all those buffs? he'd be super busted
so who's winning tomorrow?
but what kind of sex? i want her to enjoy it first and then me
ad assasins are complete dogshit tho, they havent been much worse than they are right now very often
doesn't he have the best lvl 2 in the game apparently?
BLG, I don't think T1s win was very "legitimate" since GenG support just inted
why dont YOU host it bitch
and let grandma out or I'll kill your dog
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if you get level 2 before your enemy does and are using electrocute (which isn't that common anymore - most run conq/phase rush now, i think) i'd say yes, you can press your advantage and then hold it really well, but most will stop you or try to trade into you lvl 1 and/or reach lvl 2 before you do at which point it's just matchup dependent, again, but using the current popular midlaners as an example (syndra, sylas, ahri, vex) you won't really be able to do much because they'll have their disengage tools and be able to zone you out from doing anything besides going back to W spamming to farm.

in my opinion
Akali player reporting in, I'm getting pretty good with her. Just got mauled by a Xerath as Yone because he banned Akali. Still have it in my throat.
You think Sylas is a good alternative options for these scenarios?
How hard is he to get good with?
Sadly missed the season 1 skins and the crystal rose Swain chroma because I said I won't play the game for the year and held on to it till the end, still some regret on the Swain chroma but the Vi skin I wanted to get off the Arcane one isn't missed as much since I like the Chinese Vi skin with the jade. Will see if I can get that in spring though not sure if I'll even have the game installed by then since I'll probably just take another break from the game.
sylas is braindead easy

>but what kind of sex?
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I want to draw again. Give me some yordle requests
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not hard at all - he's pretty forgiving with his cooldowns being generally pretty low. his base damages/numbers in general (like his W heal) are also pretty beefed up so if you fall behind you'll still get good value out of them. you can pick up on the more "difficult mechanics" in one or two games, too. your trading patterns are pretty broad but you'll generally want to E forward, W and then either just walk away and if they pursue, E2 backwards and if not just proc it into the distance anyway for the passive stack.

one fun thing you can do with him though is look into q max builds. they're still viable and they're also far more skill expressive and fun, i'd say.
Still trying to mentally comprehend what the purpose of shilling for eu vgs that much to deliver nothing was about from yesterday.
Can you draw Norra
*cries crocodile tears.*
someone killed my botlane, /lolg/.
Is the drawing event happening tonight or have people exhausted.
it's the beginning of a new month, where is the new drawfag collage?
Vex in a bridal dress?
would he lol?
If Zeke’s Convergence was an active instead of R only I would be happy
i'm not the kind of guy who takes responsibility for stuff
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>The game hasnt even begun yet and im already feeding in champ select
you beat electrocute sylas with conqueror lvl 1 starting q
> crystal rose Swain
Never seen it, it's fucking majestic. I fucking wish they would, at least once, put back every missable skins in the shop so I can get the Deathbringer Kayn chroma as well.
Ok thanks guys.
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This but with Lulu and she has more of a mischievous smile and visible garder belt.
I'm in Bronze MMR ARAM... I love it !
seraphine is
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Aribo changed his twitch username for the second time now dude has an identity crisis or what lol
I know Jelly wants the lolesports Braum chroma, that dessert one, they should just allow people to get it instead of just locking it away forever. I think they're bringing back chromas and stuff for purchasing based on this >>500675148 so idk maybe.
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being used as a urinal by my jungler
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xayah slut I can fix you
>Twitch account
Don't have one and I certainly don't have 4 more for my alts.
My half chubby in your mouth watching those big gulps.
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i don't believe you. maybe if the sylas starts Q, but i don't see you winning vs a sylas with W/E start. i just don't see it.

good luck, based gtoposter

please don't post as me
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I'm iron 3 and average like 7.2 cs per minute. How important is it to get that to 8 or 9? I think I mostly miss on CS because of poor wave management.

At what position should the mid wave be when I want to back and catch the enemy wave without losing CS?
>please don't post as me
errrrrrrm are you a piss slut raidoo? wtf?
nigga just pick a jungler and full clear
Nyooo dont stop
It's easy if he starts W
With E as long as you AAQAA and ignite early, you'll have enough AD to beat him
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i wouldn't worry too much about it, but the state of the upcoming wave doesn't really matter much. it's the state of the one that's being contested at the time.

if you've got more minions than the enemy does, your wave's gonna push into his side and you'll lose out on all the minions your minions kill.

if the enemy has more minions than you do, it's gonna push into you, naturally.

i'd back either when the wave state is completely neutral (both waves just crash naturally and nobody's present - this'll keep both of the waves from hitting either of the towers meaning you can both catch as much as possible) or when it's *slowly* pushing towards you (when you've got slightly less minions than the enemy does - it's gonna push towards you, but it'll take a while, meaning you'll still be able to catch most of them when you come back because it should be hitting your tower around the time you get back. it depends on your champion's movement speed, though)

with ignite factored into that that makes sense, yeah. i guess i forgot to factor that in. sylas *does* usually take tp, too. i'm still a little surprised though, i thought talon would just lose any and all early match ups like that.
where's the lolg magma??
You probably won't get a serious answer here, but I'd recommend watching some of Alois vidyas, while he's a top main, surely his wave fundamentals should work for the other lanes.
There's also Coach Curtis and Shok for mid lane shananigans too.
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like this?
high cs is almost entirely a myth before diamond so i wouldn't worry about it if i were you
there are so many variables that will fuck you over unless you play almost entirely passively

>your jungloid starts objective and you have the option to drop 2 waves+plates or he dies and you lose objective
>your support is a subhuman and afk pushes lanes with lux,xerath,hwei,morgana etc
>your jungler fucks your waves or taxes you lane for no reason
>you get astro camped by a psychopath zac that averages 2cs/min because he lives on lanes for the first 10 minutes
>your support doesn't help with last hitting under tower before you get your first item component
>you play midlane and you get perma pushed with a champ that sucks at last hitting under turret + your jungler will never ever gank
>you have to give up minions just so you don't get a fucked up recall and your tempo can match the enemy laner
list goes on

there are 2 rules for high CS and both of them will cause your teammates to spam ping you and possibly afk
>ignore shit calls entirely even if your teammate dies if you can get more gold/value out of your play
>don't die and play for KDA

you can kinda play without the first one, but not dying is pretty much the only way to boost your CS since you have more uptime on the map
as soon as you die midgame your support mage and jungloid will turbo tax your lanes and you will never ever have high CS
vision control also contributes heavily to how much you can farm
Well even if he does take ignite he's gonna die to conqueror if he doesn't kite back from the wave
The main reason to ignite early is for the conqueror stack
You're one auto off of fully stacking conq with AAQAA ignite
If he's W start it's probably better to hold it a bit longer though
>How important is it to get that to 8 or 9?
it's important but it's most likely not what holds you back in iron
>At what position should the mid wave be when I want to back and catch the enemy wave without losing CS?
you have to make sure the wave is either neutral or pushing towards you by the time you come back to lane
the easiest way to do that is to crash the wave under enemy tower
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sorry i'm busy atm
I know the basic fundamentals, 4 minions to freeze wave, pushing it pushes it back. It's just that it's kinda hard to apply them without knowing proper timings. Sometimes we both clear the wave but I wanna back but don't know if I have the time to catch the wave

I thought it would be easy to time by looking at my own wave state but nothing about it is out there.

True but I also want high CS to get chests!
>>500679818 i forgot, try to recall when the next incoming wave is a cannon minion wave
it's not mandatory but it also helps
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both of these posts are better than mine. good explanations!

wait, ignite counts as an ignite stack?
he is a disabled gypsy so probably
I was thinking more like treating you right and showing you that you have more worth than just being an easy lay
>high CS to get chests
just play quickplay, S ratings are much easier to get there than anywhere else because games are much shorter
She isn't that schizo.
Depends on what your champ does
But the general rule is XP above all else
As long as you're watching minions die in range for XP it's fine for most champs
Mid I don't really watch the waves coming out, just the current equilibrium
If the enemy has more or equal minions on their side of the lane you're ok to back
If they have less or equal on your side you need to push or you're going to lose a significant amount of XP
Also if there's a huge wave you don't wanna back because it'll push too fast
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I abuse duoq because I can't climb solo ok???
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Thanks for the replies! Have 4channel gook gold
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learned something today! thanks. is it 2 stacks per ignite tick or is it just the first 2 stacks for using it the first time?
Just two for the initial use
I think smite used to as well, but I wouldn't be surprised if they removed that
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Soraka my cute sheep wife!
hard games make hard men
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Is it true Sona will give paizuri to any child brave enough to ask?
you will never be a woman seratroon, being boosted and pretending to be a woman irl, how sad are you angrytrumpfan?
gwen foot feasting
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well thank you for the knowledge anyway. i've always been more of a tp over ignite person because i think tp sees far more use and there's already so many passive burn abilities in league anyway that you don't even need ignite to finish someone off (scorch, fated ashes, passives, etcetra) but if i ever play something with conq ill try that out.

also wtf... satan...
I thought you were busy big boy
God absolutely nothing I want for weeks. Double the number of skins on sale NOW.
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>Jungler flashes in to last hit your kill and proceeds to clear wave and clear wave again(using smite to secure that cannon minion btw) until your minions are under the enemy turret as jungle tax for that gank.
You're welcome :)
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i'm playing games
*sells everything and buys jg item*
if you wanted lane you could've just said so :^]
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nta but you actually can't
you can't buy jungle pet without having smite equipped
>inb4 spellbook
in that case i kneel
Id play games with you iykwim
cough...lolg magma....cough....
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Kanye looks like T H A T ? !
Honestly, as long as the jungler doesn't take the cannons, he can do that if he wants, cause by the time the bum-ass jungler remembers my lane exists I am sitting on almost 2k gold and need to back anyway.
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ultimate spellbook (this specific iteration) might be the worst gamemode riot has ever implemented. zero effort and zero balance whatsoever. Incredible.
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i don't know
Why is the only ADCs I ever see is Caitlyn, Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune, and Ashe?
>zero balance whatsoever
but enough about arena
you don't see jhins?
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at least they tried with arena. ultimate spellbook clearly has no thought put into it whatsoever. magical footwear isn't touched at all - you get 20/25/30 in flat stats (adaptive, armor, mr) for ult. swap (which seems to be random in frequency), the game pace is significantly sped up for no reason meaning early game/scaling champions just don't exist at all in this mode either - the game will very likely be over before you finish stacking your smite item, but even then why does it matter because you have auto-smite and not unleashed smite (lol) amongst other things.

no thought put into this at all
You doooo. You know what delights you and what scratches the itc
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Tank Shenna vs Ap Sacko
Who counters?
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i wonder why
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>Riot killed Dominion and Ascension and Twisted Tree Line for CHEAP modes like these.

Why does Riot hate different maps?
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here you go>>500676867
i dont know
>nilah kog sera
why aren't they getting nerfhammered?
shit good shit good shit good good shit
meh shit shit shit good shit shit
>Enchanter Lux APC
Am I allowed to do this in bronze ?
why is corki so strong atm?
>>Enchanter Lux APC
but why
all abilities got damage buffs, overall mana costs got reduced
you do the math
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Shenna mogs
This is what happens when a support main goes on ADChud ):
They really should add more supportive-ADCs though.
how would senna fair into a toplaner that could run you down?
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an anon challenged me to 10/cs and lied to me and said that would be what wins games. i pursued it and learned that your cs doesnt determine your win/loss but when you focus on it you'll probably play a little bit better. from that i also learned that in bronze and iron your micro matters more than that. you play good micro your cs is irrelevant.
t. has niggers on his team every single match ever in ranked ever. evens league odds more rainbow six.
aaron nigga nobody reading that shit
back to smoking crack behind your mother's trailer
Woah thanks, Norra doesn’t usually get any art. I appreciate it
They didn't even let me cook...
She doesn't. Unless it's really low elo - they're literally playing in Iron 1...
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It should actually be a lot better in bronze, assuming your teammates don't start trolling because they don't like your pick.
Bratty boy
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I'm no brat..
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Brutal humiliation ritual
best yuumi ITT
Brat tamer?
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>we win early game but we lose the game cause 3 retards keep scattering to the fucking winds trying to get 1v1s and pick offs they have absolutely no fucking business going for
I hate brownoids so fucking much it's unreal just group as 5 and play around the fed ADC you retarded turbo gorilla niggers.
I actually might try hosting at 10:00
I will only give it 30 minutes
I will post it in the general so you know it’s not a meme
>I am iron/bronze because the matchmaking is rigged
makes sense
>the match making is rigged on all 50 of my accounts permanently
hmmm... okay
>I have to play 10k rigged games eventho I will remain iron by the end of it
>I am not a low iq retarded subhuman loser I swear
What time at 10:00, how many hours from now.
cleared the fuck out of you in vgs however
Csing after laning phase in iron is bad since both teams are perma fighting
High cspm is only reasonable in high elo where things are calmer
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No.. I just like bara
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five, i think
Playing in low bronze is the comfiest I"ve ever been.
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Why is the only ADCs I ever see is Caitlyn, Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune, and Ashe? Literally seeing anyone else is rare as shit.
euwvgs at midnight (turkish timezone)
10 o clock central European time, CET like Germany and France, Spain
10 o clock for most EUW players
I will start the lobby at like 21:50 and leave it open for 30-40 minutes depending on if there is any hope
If only like 2 people show up after 25 minutes it won’t happen anyway
I can start it earlier if there is interest but not before like 19:30 I am eating rn
nobody cares
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That makes two of us
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decent game
are you the real heathcliff from the comics
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isn't it funny how no one talks or cares about the fighting game? it's as if they had already released it months ago and it had already flopped
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to be fair all those news about it were coming out at the same time as the sf6/tekken 8 launch. i guess it just got overshadowed and now with the lack of any more news nobody really cares. hard to say how the launch will go.
I need to cum inside purple/blue midgets.
why so little? I already shat the bed this split and am still earning at least 22
no. first you need to marry them.
you tell me
I have a 59% wr and gave riot my money.
why do i have to fight gold 1/plat 4 players to get into gold 4
sure the lp gains are nice but i have to put so much effort
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yeah, I feel the same. However, cute ez.
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thanks! cute ahri.
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Shame sociopotato stopped drawing
Much appreciated!
Anyone else have problem playing Cait after watching arcane? Her game voice is so unsexy compared to the show one, she sounds like my mum
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Your mother is a slag
why are there so many bottoms in lolg
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Viego wanna revive this
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Even the last 2 people that made one piece of garius art a month stopped doing so on top of artists migrating to bluesky. Its never been more joever
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bottom game
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we'll just have to make do
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and he's justified for it
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gaming is for girls and girlbrained men. real men go out drive trucks and die in wars instead of playing with computer toys
has the spammer killed himself yet? The anti-spam measures are so based
kaisaslut poster? what's your ign? please don't be doja
shooting up heroine before a good enjoyable game of league of legends
>dedicate your entire life to try killing a general from a mcdonalds
>now you can't even post
I wish we could see how hard he's seething
he was on /v/ yesterday trying to make bait threads with the same edited images he was posting here
>Just lost to a Chinese smurf account
why would a female type "girlbrained men"
nothing new here
>Play with Master Support in Normals
>They don't know roam timers
>Die to getting dove
Supports truly are boosted, huh...
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>ctrl+F qiyana
>no results
Does anyone on EUW actually want to play some games rn or soon?
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i probably could
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unleash the feesh
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I could be persuaded
>Stomping my lane so hard my enemy is 3 levels behind
>Mid,jungle and support show up to catch me between 1st and 2nd tower and shut me down then show up again to towerdive me when i respawn
What does my team do during this time using the fact that the entire team is one place?
Do they come and have a teamfight?
Do they use the opportunity to get a dragon or something?
>Mid loses tower to a minion wave with 0 enemy champions there just minions
>Bot gets doublekilled by Samira and loses a tower
>Jungle does a full clear and then steals enemy raptors and recalls
>While im playing 1 vs 4
Rank is real btw.
Skill based game btw.
My jungler did less damage than a Yuumi because he full cleared into full clear and then he was still 50 farm behind enemy jungler btw.
vgs or normals/arams?
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with how many people seem to be around, maybe we could try a vgs lobby and then if it doesn't fill up we just go to normals?
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I love
I can only join in about 3 hours minimum.
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champions that elicit this reaction?
Daesanghyeok took the red pill Daesanghyeok, the first player in the world to bang his head against a wall after losing 10 straight games to a team, is a GOAT
If Messi had banged his head against a wall after losing 10 straight games to Ronaldo, he would have been a confirmed JOAT instead of a GOAT and would have been teased for the rest of his life
Season MVP 0 times, Final MVP 0 times, POS 0 times Chovision P-Sol Kill 0:14 Chovision 10 straight losses, finals 4 straight losses 0:15 in Chovision
2015 Lee Ji-hoon bench 2018 Pirean bench 2019 Gori Bench 2020 Closer Bench 2023 Nationally Certified Chovy's Bench
If you win, it's my fault If you lose, it's Jeoguke's fault, Gamko's fault, Bug's fault, Didos's fault, Ping35's fault, Wrist's fault
Faker took the red pill The first and only athlete in the world to headbutt a team after losing 10 games in a row and become a GOAT
If Messi had headbutted Ronaldo after losing 10 games in a row, he would have been permanently excluded from the GOAT candidacy and would have been ridiculed for life as a confirmed JOAT
0:15 in Chovision, 10 consecutive losses in Chovision matches, 4 consecutive losses in Chovision finals 0 season MVPs, 0 final MVPs, 0 POS
15 Easy Hoon Bench 18 Pirene Bench 19 Gori Bench 20 Closer Bench 23 Chovy's bench recognized by the government
If we win, it's because we did well If we lose, it's because of Jeoguke, Gamko, Bug, and Didos. It's Ping35's fault, it's the wrist's fault, it's the meta's fault
If Faker's nickname was Humba Humba, there wouldn't be anyone who hates Faker
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maybe we can just do normals and vgs later instead, then?
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Lobby name EUW VGS
Password is euwvgs as written
way too early desu
how you feeling about the qiyana buffs, anon?
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yeah, maybe vgs in 3 hours and just normals or whatever for now might be better.
i haven't even joined a custom before what are the chances of getting the role you want
Just play for now and I'll be there after 3 hours if it's still up or I'm required, if not it's not a bummer, I'll be playing games and enjoying the Friday night regardless.
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>h-holding hands?..
the people have spoken
yes but with attractive girls not you
vgs in 6 hours
Make the VGs in the middle of the night so only naCHADs come.
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pretty much guaranteed. people are pretty open to playing flex/playing whatever to let others play their main role if they don't play anything else. the games aren't usually very competitive given how far apart the rank discrepancies can be as well. don't stress too much. it's just for fun. not too much to the point that you should troll either, though, but, well, you get it.
im willing to play jungle and support even though i play neither role
if you truly want a role people are open
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so it's worlds finals tomorrow
will our guy win and become a world champion?
>A player has declined the ready check
>A player has declined the ready check
>A player has declined the ready check
>A player has declined the ready check
>A player has declined the ready check
>Game actually finally goes through
Yess i got to torture my myself by playing this horrible slop of a game!!!
I cant wait to FF15!!!
>*Someone dodges*
Oh :(
>A player has declined the ready check
>A player has declined the ready check
>A player has declined the ready check
所有美好全部 come for ya
我的爱也全部 come for ya
Baby 这是我给你的礼物
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galio abuser down
graves abuser down
oh my gourdon
doja yuumi carried
Losing games to get into Iron is unironically harder than climbing to Plat. What the fuck
I just lost NNN
i am surprised the webm quality is this good for 1080p and 31s
I'm going to watch arcane with my girlfriend (female)
>galio abuser
what's wrong with galio? he's barely played and only lives to protect people
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this was what Inspired thought was going to happen when he shitpicked Nunu against HIM
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s-sera inflation?
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Feels pretty good
The hp regen buff is actually nuts you can tell she's way tankier in lane
The damage one is basically unnoticable but eh its like 80 extra damage in a combo late game so its not nothing
wait qiqi is a footslut?
pro niggas will pick nunu before udyr at his peak
he can build ap and oneshot you
if CS doesn't matter try going 1CS/min and tell me your winrate in 50 games
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Always has been
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what if i play support during those 50 games
are you into feet qibro
this game needs more monster girls
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/lolg/ musicposting hours

we're getting ambessa
ambessa is a man
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Zoe is the best off support
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my latest addiction
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Champs for this feel?
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im into everything
for me it goes something like
hips - tummy - butt - thighs - boobs - backs - feet - lips - pits - pits - necks - calves - biceps idk
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i tried
i love cartoons and flaming my teammates and listening to phonk while i play adc im also 32 and balding
magma doko
magma grows in volcanos
literally me except the adc part
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Hi /lolg/, what does crashing out mean?
why do you get more XP the longer the match? shouldn't I be rewarded for quick games with a perfect execution ?
look it up in the urban dictionary grandpa
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i'm not so much into this type of stuff usually but this one atleast has some tempo to it. it's okay.

i guess the moment a minions die under tower or something similar
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We're getting the weekend drawpile started now bros
join fast filling up quick!

obviously doesn't count retard
I've been one tricking gp recently
Most of Ye Banished Privateers tracks are great
I wish I could say the same
basically what you do whenever a real female makes a post here
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very fitting! it's not something i'd listen to casually, though, i'd say.

Seraflation !
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Just popped up on my yt feed and I'm already going through artist's soundcloud.
what champ should I doodle this time, lolg? already did the briar and zoe suggestions
neeko's big tail
We have 3 already.
nigga just standing there autoing
that's all it seems to be to the eyes of the unwise
I need more temptation to fail NNN
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jinx from arcane
holy spacegrind
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none of these are monster girls though
do you look like this?
nta but can you post smaller ones? the off model art upsets me. it's so big it can't fill my hand
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man this game is weird these days
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Any Youtuber that made cherry picked clickbait videos of Heartsteel Bloodmail Senna needs to be killed IRL. This build is turbo dogshit if you fight actual top laners with it. You have 4k HP but you'll still evaporate under the damage of a Garen, Nasus, Irelia, etc. but you also now do absolutely zero fucking damage too. This shit just punishes shitpicks that shouldn't be top lane to begin with like other ranged top laners and shit like Shaco.
>just kite/don't get in engage range!
If you're in range to click them you're in range to get engaged on. All it takes is one tiny slip up of positioning and you're getting ran down by the living helicopter or E'd by the dog of stacks. And you WILL be in range to get blitzed at by Garen or E'd by Nasus at least once. And that one time is all it takes for them to start snowballing. And even if you don't ever get engaged on, you can't fucking kill them either, they get insane base stats and you're rushing fucking Heartsteel as a champ that gets no percent HP damage outside of passive proc and zero fucking HP damage scalings until Bloodmail + Titanic. You do no fucking DPS while they're impossibly tanky AND shitting out damage while also waveclearing like fucking crazy and eventually crush your turret as they laugh at your attempts to kill them with fucking Heartsteel. KILL ALL CLICKBAITING YOUTUBER NIGGERS THAT BAIT RETARDS TO RUN THIS SHIT IN MY GAMES WHEN IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK AGAINST ACTUAL TOP LANERS.
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Why is he so perfect
No, that's just my wife !

Here you go, anon.

I don't know...
I guess /lolg/ is just kind of scary these days
Things have been really negative recently and I don't know why
It's not just vgs, it's been like this with norms too, and in the thread as well
Everyone seems mad and annoyed with each other all the time
And it feels like it only takes a bad game or two before people start fighting and leaving lobbies, or even deleting each other off of their list
If that's the case, were we ever even friends in the first place? Or was it all just a fragile veneer, peeling off at the slightest hint of conflict?
I hate this, I miss how things used to be, I wish anons would get along and have fun playing games with each other again

It's not like I'm above any of it, either
I wouldn't be surprised if I was also a bad influence on the people around me and on the games I'm in
In fact, I know I am
So I think I'm going to take a break from this general
It's not you, it's me, I know now that I'm the problem
I love you all, and I'm grateful that you exist
I appreciate each and every one of you for who you are
Even you, Boodrum, b3llamy, taebak, Seraphine is 17, Maqe, SorcShoes, STEEL M3NTAL, gourdon, and Kyoppi
You're all great people, and you make /lolg/ a better place by being here

Thank you for everything until now /lolg/
For all the good times, and all the laughs we shared
I'll miss you from the bottom of my heart
And I'm sorry I couldn't repay the happiness and kindness that you showered me with until now
euwvgs in 7 hrs, I'm hosting
yeah i will definitely watch a single one of these and not just ignore every one of your posts fucking idiots posting about music on lolg naive fucking morons
can you post your brown asshole, lyra?
what champ if your fave?
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201st lyra goodbyepost
People fear the Enchanter Lux pick
>Heartsteel Bloodmail Senna
Who is doing this ? And why ? Tank Senna was a thing in S13, but now... It's way better to probably just go full enchanter even outside of the support role.
Not even i0ki is shilling this build, who normally causes so many problems for Senna mains.
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is diana good to blilnd pick jg?
Girl monsters>>>"monster" girls
Kindred is a functioning adc besides the hunt minigame on jungle camps and her ult is good for 2v2's, too bad the support went yuumi so she cant take full advantage of it
Cass/Singed is underrated since his flip guarantes her Q lands and also Cass E procs with any poison not just her own
I don't know but I just had a 2-8 Senna get bodied by a Garen in top lane for playing this shit. She was doing fine early on but then Garen got component items for fucking Stridebreaker and hit Level 11 and stopped taking any fucking damage from her whatsoever and she just got ran down. I have seen a few people in here post games of it too so I assume it's some clickbaiting Youtube nigger thing going around.
only issue is your team might pick full ap
>monster girls
cass, elise, lillia, any female vastaya etc
>non monster girls
anivia is full animal design, reksai is full mosnter, belveth is full monster who use tricks to looks like a humam

isn't that hard, retard.
thank you. i love my wife
We really don't need more since we have a bunch already.
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i don't really agree with this. kindred adc is like jayce adc - both have serious mana issues, even with tear, and also get poked out by literally everyone. kindred midlane is viable - adc is not.

love these. specifically never look back and the tekken revolution song. great taste, anon

this is nice ambient but i specifically really hate that deep drum that drowns out all the other noises when it comes out. i hate how overused it is and i specifically hate it as a noise a bunch
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all the champs I have fun with end up being ap, I've given up on having an ad champ in my pool
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Do you like save these on a notepad file or something?
lyra would fit so well in xivg
you should try qiyana, big sis
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Here's your monster girl, bro
belveth if she was in a rpgmaker hentai game
why did you suddenly hate me
Is Nami considered monster girl?
belveth if she sexo
new champs are too boring imagine the hype if they released thresh or graves tomorrow
yep, mermaids are classic monster girls.
>Too monstrous for waifufags
>Too human for monsterfags
Would still fail just like Bel'veth.
>"Wow a gay cowboy with a shotgun?"
>"Pozzed garbage this game has fallen"
>"Nobody will play this skeleton bullshit"
Lolg would hate them if they were revealed today.
ok I'll rape your champ now
Nice *unzips dick*
What's the best role and champ to climb out of bronze?
I'm tired of jungling and trying to tard wrangle 4 unironic retards playing and losing with point and click champs with 5k hp. Objectives? All alone. Ganks? They stay back.
I just want to be able to win games on my own because team cohesion at this rank is non-existent and their egos are way too fucking big to listen to calls, focus the correct person and shut the fuck up.
>inb4 any
I wouldn't be hardstuck with 54%KP and 3.0KDA with a positive laning phase on most of my matches.
yes but you need a tank in your team
jungle is the answer easily. What champs do you play
I'd rather be a misfit in /lolg/ than fit in in that depraved godless cesspool. Sorry not sorry Arya, Qikami, M*i
Monster girls are shit
u are nothing
if Bel'veth looked like this I'd play her
Vel'Koz clears you
No you wouldn't. You would still bitch and complain.
that thing has tits so it'll automatically have people willing to fuck it
belveth forma japan

way better
The issue with belveth is she isnt monster enough for monsterfags and isnt hot enough for waifufags
This is both more monster and more sexy than current bel somehow
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>pick yorick
>use jihn ult

okay evens yorick odds malz. fuck ultimate spell book bring back arena this shit is gay
yes i fucking would you retard? what the fuck are you talking about if i say id play her id fucking play her shut the fuck up faggot
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I've tried her a few times, but I don't know how to win matches with her or deal damage, too many combos and you have to play hundreds of hours to be a decent qiyana, she isn't for me.
>What's the best role and champ to climb out of bronze?
mid/jg champs who are mechanically easy and has a high wr on meta.
what? why? league isn't overwatch which you need tanks every match
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Human face so still not monster enough.
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You can have your monster girl, but it has to be a support. It's been T W O (2) YEARS since we had a support. And no, Hwei is NOT a support. Mages aren't supports !!!
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you are shit
is /xivg/ really that much worse than lolg?
Its been a year since Milio you retard
I did it on jungle, blind Jarvan, pick Vi if they have 3+ melees, Xin if they have 3+ ranged, then you full clear every game and only make a play if it's 100% success chance, otherwise keep full clearing. Better to get objectives/turrets/waves than kills
Why does he make his personality to be a contrarian?
>oh NAfags like TSM and Bjerg
>my whole personality is to shit on them
>oh everyone likes Faker?
>I will now shit on T1 and Faker
the problem with Belveth and Naafiri is that they had different audiences interested in the champ and tried to please both without focusing on just one, so they released a champ without identity and without appealing to anyone
to be fair, few people still like graves
yes.... looking very big very good........
Note I said functioning not ideal. Kindred is nothing like Jayce, her dps doesn't come from combos and her mana is manageable in lane, as long as you know how to play medium range / close quarters adcs you can pull it off. It IS in bronzeish elo so anything can work
Naafiri was never for waifufags. The issue with them is they are female despite the fact female non humans always do terribly. They would have an audience if they were male champs.
it's where kyopiss originated from
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>Milio was released the 23rd of February
We aren't getting another support before then.
>Mages aren't supports
>includes lux, swain, brand, zyra and velkoz on the chart
uhm honey seraphine is an adc have you seen her winrate
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we don't know, go there and find out for yourself, good luck.
it's basically putting a support in the adc slot so it doesnt count
abe is a real pedo you tell me
>try quickplay
>jgl second
>get jgl 4/5 times
funny how you didn't like Naafiri, she perfectly suits your style of playing like a bitch
>asshoe itches
>scratch it a bit absentmindedly
>there's brown on my nail now
Champion for this feel?
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i live in a hell world fill with monkey brained retards who somehow throw a 10 to 0 lead and refuse to push objs when they get picks. this kindred didnt go for a single obsession/mark all game even when it was right next to her and lee sin decided that he lived inside urgots fucking robo starfish.
these people deserve to be fucking executed.
>Naafiri was never for waifufags
were you here before it was released? lolg waifufags waited until the teaser revealed that she would be a darkin woman with a dagger and who controlled hellhounds, on the other side there were monsterfags who thought they would finally get the full monster champ instead of literally a dog with slutty make up
you die too much
Waifufags were being retarded like usual despite Riot telling us a billion times she wasn't gonna be humanoid.
no one wants to play jungle. how do we make jungle fun again?
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you're right about it maybe working in bronze anyway but i'm still not sure about it being functional in the first place, even. she starts at 300 mana and her most basic, spammable spell (her Q) runs you 30 mana at lv. 1 and it's not even gonna give you much at all. the same can be said for W and E - she basically lives and dies by the jungle resource regen passive buff, like many other junglers. playing kindred botlane also means the marks are always gonna spawn on the other side of the map so unlike mid you're just not gonna get any marks (beyond targeted ones, obviously) which is another thing that hinders this idea hard.

i just don't see it being viable in any way

this looks *mostly* about as expected. urgot ran you guys over because of course he would with jaksho and hullbreaker. kindred buying qss is really funny - i haven't seen anyone buy that in a long while. oh, and why are you buying shieldbow on akali, anyway?
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This game is NOTHING without people typing and getting mad. I hope every single Rioter that worked hard to ban chat toxicity (something so easily solved by just muting) gets cancer and DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we gave up at 15 mins but the bot duo kept us hostage so i built shield bow for fun
Lolg are the same set of dumbasses who thought Naafiri was a jungler.
and she should have been
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Yeah, sorry, here's your more humanoid monster girl champ, bro
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there's just too much pressure and choices. adding the grubs, even though changing their spawn to 6mins instead was a good idea, was a big mistake and a step in the wrong direction. it adds another 50/50. league players are very indecisive with choices - look at auto-runes and auto-builds literally being integrated into the game because of how popular they were with 3rd party clients.

truthfully i don't think there's any way to make it more appealing. i think riot should just come to terms with this and allow it to be the niche role and stop reworking it and changing it in hopes of "making it more accessible" because that just runs the people who like and play jungle away.

you shouldn't cave to stuff like that. i know how upsetting it can be but you have to keep trying up until the very end. lots of games turn around unexpectedly
she was briefly
when was euw vgs again?
>you shouldn't cave to stuff like that. i know how upsetting it can be but you have to keep trying up until the very end. lots of games turn around unexpectedly
chatgpt nigger stfu
you got fucking lied to you fool dont you get it
you got played
Yugioh designs stopped being good after GX.
>Had kino like Neos,Doomfire and Cyber end dragon
>Now its scrimblo overdesigned garbage
Naafiri should have been a Raptor from Ixtal with a blade tail that can call smaller raptors to help. Dogs are boring and we have Nasus/Warwick already for dogs.
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>Riot telling us a billion times she wasn't gonna be humanoid.
did they say? i don't remember
what retarded ass timezone do u live in
champs do tend to run out of mana fast when they use their abilities level 1 yes
>kindred botlane also means the marks are always gonna spawn on the other side of the map
that's why I said this is a disantvantage for lane Kindred, I guess the advantage bot Kinded has over solo and jg is the passive for champs is long enough to reach your 4 mark powerspike early and guaranteed by choosing enemy adc,support and adc and support again (reversed depending on how killable each one is) whereas ganks and invading is more of a gamble. Though yes jungle kindred is infinitely easier you have to know her throughout to make her work anywhere else than the environment she was intended for
Removing goredrinker, everfrost, crown, ingenious hunter, ravenous hunter, kleptomancy, predator and minion destabilizer has ruined the game for me.

it is no longer fun
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i didn't make that post but it's 4 hours from now give or take.

i'll just concede - we're ultimately just going in circles over the definition of functional/useful or whatever. she works, she's just not a very good pick. is that agreeable?
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yes that's what I initially said
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well my bad for arguing so much, then.

i meant to reply to
stop making character designs that's just an animal obviously noone cares about them
bro, I need my horse champ.
5 or 6 months ago at least
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I'm tired of the jungle. I'm just autofilling and picking the highest WR champs. Shit ain't looking great. Already demoted to IV.
Do we do vgs now at 10 or later?
Yes or no
imagine the spank ripples
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elo hell isnt real. just play better
>60 cs 1 kill lead in mid
>ekko says gg go next @ about 5 minutes (hes right) because lucian is 30 cs while sivir is 3/0 and 80 cs

yes its your cs/min its your macro decisions not the lucian that is actively griefing your games that decides the win/loss. youre cherrypicking
and then it happens next game
and then it happens next game

and then "you cant win every game"

right kill yourself

evens tryndamere
odds adc game

doubles a jungle game.
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later i'd say
raidou you are a faggot
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rude and uncalled for
raidou is based and cutepilled
elo hell isnt real its YOUR MACRO and YOUR LAST HITTING and YOUR GAMEPLAY

yep, you are dogshit and that is why youll stay a lowwhore forever
no greentext the webm too you stupid fucking nigger.
is vetanbe trans?
Yes hes female to male trans
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i still draw them all the time, i'm just not that good lol

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