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Previous Thread: >>500628337

Happy birthday to Horn and Luo Xiaohei!

[10/25-11/8][Standard]6* Guard Thorns, 6* Guard Irene (Shop), 5* Sniper Toddifons, 5* Specialist Almond, 5* Medic Whisperain (Shop)
[10/10-11/1]Babel - 5* Guard Odda
[10/18-11/1][The Front That Was]6* Supporter Stainless, 6* Vanguard Ines, 6* Guard Hoederer, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Vendela, 4* Sniper Totter, 4* Guard Humus, 4* Specialist Verdant
[10/31]EP14: Absolved Will Be The Seekers - 6* Supporter Civilight Eterna, New Amiya Alt
[10/31-11/14][Our Kind]6* Sniper Wis'adel, 6* Caster Logos, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened
[10/31-11/14][Log-in]1* Supporter PHONOR-0, Savage Skin
[10/31-11/28][BoC, Iteration Provident & Ambience Synesthesia]Muelsyse, Ines, Thorns; Skadi The Corrupting Heart, Blue Poison; SilverAsh, Ho'olheyak, Swire The Elegant Wit
[10/31-11/28]Reselling old skins

[10/24-11/7][Standard]6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Caster Harmonie (Shop)
[11/1-11/22]I Portatori Dei Velluti - 6* Specialist Crownslayer; 5* Defender Philae, 4* Specialist Contrail
[11/1-11/15][We Mischievous Few]6* Caster Lappland The Decadenza, 6* Vanguard Vulpisfoglia, 5* Specialist Figurino
[11/1-11/15][Log-in]Sussurro Skin
[11/1-11/29][Cambrian, Test & EPOQUE]Executor The Ex Foedere, Virtuosa, Texas The Omertosa, Warmy
[11/1-11/29][BoC & Iteration Provident Re-Edition]Muelsyse, Skadi The Corrupting Heart
[11/15-11/29][Joint Action]6* Guard Mlynar, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Specialist Dorothy, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:

Good luck
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Crownslayer and her new buddy Irene!!
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>25 minutes left
Are you ready CNbros?
Bnuuy love
Irene Lavazza is perfect. Now give her to me..
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>reading Babel
Why did it need to be like this?
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I've been staring at Suzumom's legs for a bit now and I can't get over them. At first I thought she had suit pants on to match her top, but then noticed it's more like a skirt.
Now I'm looking and they are a pair of baggy pants that are just transparent enough to lampshade her legs.
Bonus points for her shoes being partially open on the sides and matching her ankles showing that she actually wears a low denier pair of tights underneath that I want to tear with my teeth.
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What a great banner. Probably the first time in years I want both rateups.
grain bud status with your rolls?
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Sex with operators.
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So when Walter inevitably gets a skin, do you expect it to be hot or be trash?
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Long time no see Doctor!
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Kroos feet!
Lowlight will personally execute Liduke if the skin isn't good
It is impossible to have gay sex with Arturia, she is too hot.
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Will be aiming for Wisadel's last pot around the last few days
So how are the new units?
You're 35. Please stop saying 'Lapipi'.
you're better off not knowing...
I'm 23
Heh... Pipipoopoo...
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I say go for it then, I got spooked by QB and have been pleasantly surprised by how good she is ever since, plus her skins are lovely.
I'm 50 and I'll keep saying it
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1 of Lapp's drones is equal to 1 Goldenglow
Mandy isn't
Glassgow's parts were a slog to go through.
Even Delpipi's presence barely able to stop me from nodding off...
Leto's kit feels like it was designed in year one and never updated before her actual release.
Jellyfish love
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Kally wally .....
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Newpipi damage report!
250 rolls, saved since Ray's banner, feeling good about it.
kally..its bedtime...
There is something satisfying in seeing Theresa's assassins denying W the satisfaction of hunting them down. She got nothing out of torturing them since they don't want to live to begin with
I like Doc's little plush
So are the soul of Terra trapped inside originium? If so then what are they experiencing right now?
My soulmate...
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I failed to save that Amiya...
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The only cute new NPC from the event...
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>This makes the Lappi go feral
Will sniper chips stages open later? Yes I'm a dumbass that is lacking chips for W
It's okay, at least she finishes your job, lazy fuck
I want to know how decent the new red cert Operators are.
Cool helmet
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stop drinking so much doctor cum then, Jessica.
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Is Logos worth the M9? 90 RES on S2 sounds like it'll be handy down the line
>an honest to god beam clash boss fight
Imagine having a literal stripper that is pretending to be craaazy be your leader…
how many nodes is chapter 14?
Sure, but keep in mind, it's a niche skill
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Getting the trailer on intro
Anything is an improvement over her current outfit.
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It reminds me of Celty from Durara (I don't know if zoomers know about this series)
victoriabros.... we're getting clowned on again....
>"I feel-"
"I can sense it..."
>"...their sorrow."
Fuck it I don't care whether these mfers are actually sad or not just get into the point already
You're lying if you say it doesn't make you feral either.
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Don't forget clear 14-21(normal) to get your medicmiya

>The enemy whose HP meets the requirement to be instantly defeated by Perish actually takes 9999999 True damage that cannot be negated by dodge, Shield, and Barrier even if these can negate True damage, and not affected by accuracy reduction suffered by Logos.
So Logos is ACTUALLY the strongest character in the game for being able to drop 10M damage on a slug...
That's new.
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we got married
Can logos go up against a servant in fgo?
Hmm... nyes.
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Pray for me with a kiss
Logos really fucked up that slug good
>176k originum
You got more than enough.
Specifically FGO, not just the Nasuverse in general? Yes. Absolutely.
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What if I cleared 14-21 (adverse) huh? What if I still got my medicmiya?
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roll status after 100 and 200 rolls china bwo
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>first free ten
Thank you, you guys
i dont follow CN and i just visited the thread again because of the new event

who is that girl on the left??? and also thats a good looking lapipi alt...
Suzuran's mother.
Need art of her crumbling into Originium dust
sexcat too
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cause your epic
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>50 rolls
Not bad... but I want Suzumommy too
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Lappland 0 pot max module.
435 attack, 1.3 atkspd

Talent buff effects: Upper drone dmg limit +10% (120% total now I assume?), 2 sec silence, +1 wolf, +10 aspd.

Now S3 skills: +80% atk to Lappland, and each wolf has a 120% Magic DoT aura. New ASPD is 1.18

S3 single wolf damage = 435*1.8*0.35+435*1.8*0.5....435*1.8*1.2*27 (wolf head) + 435*1.8*1.2*40 (dot) = 66359 from one head.

Now with 4 heads = 266000 damage (DoT doesn't overlap, this is agaist different targets)
Now Lapp can actually attack, so that's 435*1.8*40 = 31320

Lapp S3 does 293200 in one skilll...? But she's a drone caster constantly resetting, so it's like 200k in reality.

Some other mathchad wanna confirm this? picrel is the data.
her mommy?!
I calculated that I'll recuperate the 300 spark threshold by the time of Lappland2 with just regular income, monthly passes and playing all events that come along
That doesn't include all intermezzo and side event CMs I need to clear as I haven't touched them as a newfag, I haven't even touched Ch4+ CMs
All excess rocks can safely go towards Ulpipi because that's the only operator I look towards to between this banner and Lapp2
3 of us.
Kally Wally is a person too.
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So who's the next 2/3-star that's going to get an alter?
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>91 rolls
>2 lapp 1 suzumom
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Is this a canon event?
Beagle, probably. Then maybe HG will start giving the A4 or A6 teams alts next.
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>first person Doc thinks of that he couldn't forget
Oh my
>Skadi, a reincarnated leviathan
>Muelsyse, a reincarnated feranmut
Don't tell me Savage and Angelina have super special backstory too...
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How many vibrators does Blaze own?
i hate this woman
Anons, how to do the secret stage? For Theresa potential.
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>at my dad and grandfather's grave
>only use the free 10 pull
Thanks dad
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Isn't Beagle dead though?
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Lappy Getto
Elves is just a creation of Feranmut, I think.
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How good are Suzumom's numbers?
Best Pioneer, A+
>Future leader of Terran
1/2 slut
>Ruler of Leithanien
Double slut
>Ruler of Victoria
>Ruler Sarkaz
1/2 slut
>Ruler of Siracusa
Used to be a turbo slut when she was younger
Why do Arknights women dress so slutty?
Yeah, much like this one.
So Muel and the Precursor have met each other, huh?
i need more of W seething like this
shes so cute
Suzumom breeding
She and the elves are probably involved in the creation of the Stargate. Hence why they have the knowledge to fix the parts in the first place.
I can only afford 20 more rolls for Suzumom, wish me luck!
its impressive how this shitty elf has hackjobbed its way into everything
*adds to the folder of "funny arknights porn"*
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Who do I pick bros?
Sounds realistic since preliminar numbers from CALCULATING her showcases in the stream would give you 180~190k damage
Not a single one of them is worth it in this day and age
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No mod, SL7
Used CE to simulate "masteries"
She has passed the /akg/ test
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>Everything of Her, everything I could ever find, I've got it all by my side. Thank you, Doctor, for accompanying me so long. Whatever comes next, we can save thinking about it until we get back. Oh... it's raining. Maybe it's time for us to leave too.
My elf wife got her good ending.
kally wally...
Goddamn drunkards
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I'm tired of helping retards anymore. Especially those with both W2 and Logos. So scared of making mistakes. Play the fucking game and learn. Uninstall and go kill yourselves if you can't.
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cool fang fact's
>she grew 4cm in 2 years (!)
>combat skill from standard to excellent
>oripathy worsened by 1% and 0.1u/L
>smile reduced by 100%
>new operators see her like another dobermann
>her equipment includes gifts from ex-A1 (that shuriken thing on her belt is an arts unit made by lava)
>is not an elite operator
>still in contact with beagle (yes she's alive)
hmmmmmm nyo
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No one wished me luck... but thankfully the average rng was on my side.

180 rolls total, I will spark Rosmontis in 10 days.
Kal if you need more true damage
Qiubai for melee deployable support
Archetto for maximum fun
That isn't saying much.
Gonna cry?
No one
Your daughter will be getting an IS exclusive module in 3ish months that makes her much more relevant.
Would it be stupid to spark Rosmantis if I only care about IS over the others?
*late kisses*
Okay but why is Lapipi the boss?
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post soft
Suzumom has:
0.43 DP/s generation (Myrtle has 0.46).

Suzumom S3 can kill Elites like Woodcrack warrior in 10 seconds and permastun them, while healing to full after 4 secs.

That's about it, she's just solid as a vanguard and early laneholder.
I think I'm having a stroke
>Kroos sipping from her drink
Indirect bnuuy kiss...
alright CNbros what the fuck is the gimmick
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>>is not an elite operator
>>still in contact with beagle (yes she's alive)
That just means the big incident hasn't happened yet, since as is called an Elite Operator in her infamous skin and lol lmao at Beagle getting a promotion before anyone but Kroos
IS is the primary game mode
The better walter
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How do I get more people to shitpost here I'm too autistic to socialize
Sho said her skirt is based on a hakama
Can I get the prts wiki link for lappy
What a beautiful world
Sounds like, in some situations, she could be more useful than Ines (like if you want a laneholder with DP printing, over Invis reveal)
Chapter 14 is weird. Suddenly everyone is in Originium hell and the Sarkaz are STILL trying to kill you.
CNbros, can I get a screenshot of the spark shop from Lapipi event? Just the newest of the old limited operators is fine.
just let your heart speak up?
Why is Priestess so creepy? Please take me back to my pure wife Theresa....
Where H14-1/2?
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Indeed, but we don't live in an unblemished world, do we?
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+ NTR, Skadi Rosmontis(200), W(200)
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Why did we do it bros...
I think NTR spooked me for calling her uncle my favorite horse after Meteor. Sorry Nearl.
Much appreciated.
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>Infinity kohl in shop
fuck this bitch
Who in Siracusa could defeat Mlynar, Degen, or Skadi?
Put it on the list lads
It’s funny that I can bring W alt to Babel last day
kalpipi come here to papa...
Is Crownslayer like Vigil and Lessing or is she like Gladiia?
Meta in futaknights
Less Than Lessing.
Is she on top or bottom?
She has tokens so you'll get certs for rerun
Maybe around Silence tier in terms of kit cohesiveness but can be applicable in many comps.
Wow prts.wiki is really lazy this time
Nothing even after the event has launched.
odds I e2 lapipi2 first even I finish the event first
>why aren't the chinks at my beck and call after 30 minutes
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Be honest. Do you hold any regrets for betraying her?
>skip Arturia
>saved 300 for Lapp2
>get a free Lapp2 and Arturia spark guaranteed at 300
Feels goodman, now limited banners don't feel like as much of a scam.
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I would never betray her, it was Priestess.
They only update fast for important events
Not really
>lapp can't even kill the normal stage under tides boss in one s3 cycle
uhhh bros??
>roll lapipi on your free tenner
>have to decide whether to wait another year for Arturia or spend 300 rolls to get here now when you could have spent 50-150 rolls to get her on her original banner if you weren't dumb
>He doesnt know
No one wakes me up from my sleep and gets away with it. Kal'tsit? Traumatised. Theresa? Dead. Terra itself and its society? WiP.
im gonna be honest i started skipping a couple months ago so i dont even know how we betrayed her
Half anniv welfare units stopped giving gold certs starting from Vergil...
Lappland is not a boss killer, the more different targets she attacks the higher her damage.
>decided to focus on Logos first instead of Wisadel
I get the feeling I'll regret this.
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Not for this anni since CE won't give you tokens
Bros, where can I check the upcoming banners from CN?
Gamepress shat the bed...
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yes but it's all going to be ok now...
I focused on Wisadel first because Logos' trust isn't high enough yet.
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>Lappland event
>An op with global range
>Enemies have invis
Very funny, HG
>play the game
I fail to see the problem.
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*teas and reeds*
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You wouldn't actually have sex with an Oripathy infected hag, would you?
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No, she's the only one who understands me and accepted me
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your sworn ally?
>the King before Theresa was actually a pretty cool dude before he took on the crown
>the voices and memories had just broken him into inaction
Poor guy
>retards pulling for units that doesn't let them engage with the game
Shame that there are still leechers that rely on those who do aka not using meta operators 24/7
[Good News]
Lappland Alter is the SECOND strongest caster in the game!
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The operators who never take a break in my base
Based Laterano chicken makes sure they're always up
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NymphGODS won!
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>Tries to rape Red
>Gets topped and counter-raped
>Cries while it happens
Salus or Ursula
Which one has the biggest cup?
red is made for none martial procreation.
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Irene gets to rest
Futafags shoud be hanged
Did you think you could escape the Ines tax for one event?
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Crownslayer just can't catch a break.
Dude that b-8 medal is so fucking shit. Like for real.
all get pegged by my Ines (pronounced eens)
I imagine it's like watching/feeling a child die in front of him all the time.
Also, thousands last stands of past Kazdels.
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It's a good thing /akg/ would never use a homo sissy gary stu because they have standards. All of us here who aren't homosexual cock slurpers will be using the other casters available the next few months.
>(pronounced eens)
fucking madman
you sound a little passionate there sis
i gave up and wont do the CM stages today... i'll just do it on the rerun hehe
>need to beat 2 EX stages and all the S stages
i don't think i'm beating babel bros...
For a heterosexual male you sure seem to think a lot about cock
So I can safely Lapp2 for Thorns2 and SA2?
ih nes sounds so nasty i refuse to say it
>those pupils
wait a minute...
I still don’t get how the Elder was able to btfo the Teekaz back in the day. Imagine fighting 1,000 Patriots. Even the strongest Elders nowaday (Talulah/Eblana) are still jobber to Sarkazs.
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I'll use both, thanks
How long until Crown Slayer is used to bully Crown Slayer?
I stopped caring about medals a long time ago. Why care? It's been 5 years and they have never been relevant unless you like a certain one and want to put it on your profile. They'll just keep making more.
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Is she the only canon non virgin operator on Rhodes?
shitposting aside, lapp is basically able to do logos s1 mook clearing on a global range when her s3 is active
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Love karambit-chan...
Catherine and Harold
They might have been stronger in the past, think caveman strength.
So wait Eterna doesn't have tokens?
You're new and you probably are looking to roll for W2 and Logos like the rest of the sheep anyway. If so, you can clear the entire game in...4 months if you skip in game story
Elders were all horribly nerfed by the coming of Originium. Their original forms were stronger than the Sarkaz and ye olde Sarkaz only started to develop their infamous witchcraft while desperately fighting them off
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Guess who's stage this is
Christ almighty, Lappland is barely in this fucking event. She's in like...20% of the event and that might be a generous number.
I hope you like Irene Lavazza because you're gonna be seeing a lot of her here.
Can Logos hit the entire map?
She also deals more damage if hre wolves are targeting the same person.
I'd legit say she's situationally equal to Logos.
Arturiabros.... we are just shipbait...
i've been playing for 4 years and am only doing the free rolls
>Elders were all horribly nerfed by the coming of Originium
But didn’t elder also use originium art?
hmm nyes I will give you cookies
No operator on RI is a virgin after the mandatory onboarding medical checkup (administered by the Doctor)
I do like her a lot. Who is she and what are her chances of becoming playable?
lapp is godly in IS, at least
what's her class (asking for a friend)
is texas in this lappy event
A unit that does 2.5x of GG is godly everywhere.
Seriously. Who cares about the other fucking characters? No reason not to give Lapp 100% of the screentime.
So what happened to Ursulah?
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Umm, what did Charlotte mean by this?
Should I exchange Mumu or Nearl?
sex was so damn good but the journey has to end at some point
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She's a trucker, and the leader of a Truckers' Union. Her crew saves Crownslayer from the wilderness after she exhausts herself chasing Projekt Red, and in return Crownslayer ends up helping her and the crew after they get involved in some smuggling conspiracy.
Crownslayer starts seeing similarities between Irene's reckless behavior and that of Talulah so she basically promises to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't become Talulah 2.0.
Using a masculine woman as your caster is worse than a feminine man thoughbeit.
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does Babel become a permanent event immediately after it ends like Lone Trail or do we have to wait for a rerun?
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So how good is she at DP? Both with and without Lappland/Bagpipe.
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Left or right?
Kill left, marry right
We have masculine casters?
Lappland and Texas are male-coded
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>Look her up
>Her skills sound like a powercrept version of GG
I can see that.
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Hey look who decided to show up at the very end...also Texas getting a bit jealous?
12F is probably the manliest Caster we have but he's not a kemonomimi and he's a 2*.
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HQ version of Unmask since I didn't see anyone post it
>SA slowly becoming meta again
>his niche is no longer a niche
My sworn ally never falters
Are they really pushing texas x sora? That's her least popular ship. No idea what HG was thinking with this event.
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>Pulling on non-limited banners
>Theresis was actually pissed off, and calling the Confessarius giant faggots for thinking Theresa could be broken into a puppet by the ritual
Damn, later chapters really recontextualize shit
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How much time do I have left to save for Lapp banner? Walter stole my orundum stash.
>skipping Ascalon and Ines
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logos fucking sucks why did you lie to me /akg/
6 months.
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>Like the cool armor
>Like the sexy tummy window
>Like the face she makes in her art
>Like the cool shadow effects and how the shadow sentry looks
>Don't like it when she has her mask up during her S2
I still bought it and I'm still using it but it's a very minor nitpick.
I hope Durin gets a 6* alt one day...
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returnstinky, I need an (ideally) level 90 Wis'Adel to speedrun Babel. Prima#0216
You should +400 rolls saved up even after Walter as F2P
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its her!
someone did this shitpost with wuh already
you can't fix skill issue
I like that it is making her invisibility reveal easier to spot. Light blue is much better than the muted red.
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what the fuck
show me you clearing emergency no more than 4 with logos
i'll wait
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So none of the characters join Rhodes for real. Good to know and expected.
Don't those enemies have like 70 RES
Why does she look angery?
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You don't buy skin because you like it.
You bought it to not get bored.
Suzukiri is a goddess.
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Now that we're gotten Walter/Logo out of the way, who are you saving for next bros?
Well we already knew Crownslayer had a specific reason for being present on Rhodes Island, which is reaffirmed at the end of this event
>tfw actually think the mask looks really cool
I won
jk elf
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I got drained prefty hard so I'm just saving for Arturia spark, Sui medic, and Eblana/Burn Ritualist
I saw someone test it, yes, Rosmontis S3 can hit air if a airstrike specialist is blocking an enemy
Is it setting up another event by the end of it? I really like Irene and want to see her playable. She looks unique enough but also unfinished so I fear she will remain a npc forever.
Nymph and the pipis
Pffft Archetto 14-18 laser cheese
So being blocked supersedes being in the air, nice.
Yeah, the beast lord plotline isn't over and we have to deal with Reddo currently being mindbroken
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milked dry
First how good is the new 4*
Second LETS FUCKING GOOooooooo
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I did it bros, and it's my first memedal.
Still questioning if I should get Nymph.
Marcille because FOMO
Save for next OP shit after that.
Her S3.
>attack all blocked enemies.
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They took this from you
No way. I refuse to believe this. This is private server footage.
nice job bro
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This is how Blaze looks at you when you bring back your first medal.
>do Lappland's module mission
>game gets stuck after mission complete
>twice in a row

they fly now
lappland time
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>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
>the myriad souls
the myriad souls
I'll just borrow him and get him on a rerun
got Logos
depends on how low the spark cost is
she exists
>Lapp2 + Suzumom
the only banner I am looking forward to in the next 6 months
>promote Logos to E1
>he shows up late to the promotion ceremony
>mumbles something about how that hangover cure incantation didn't work out as well as he told Mechanist it would
Kill right, marry left
ulpipi and siege2
Big if nue
Nyoly shiet
Kill the whores on the left and right and marry my wife Kelsey
sexas is jealous
Oi! Say my name, faggot!

Now, they just need to throw a crumb to Ptilo and Silence.
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>Vulpis generates 9 DP (11.8 assuming talents works as listed below) on a 28 second cycle (18 SP cost, 10 second skill duration)
>Myrtle generates 14 DP on a 30 second cycle (22 SP, 8 second skill duration)
>Myrtle has a 13 SP start, Vulpis has a 10 SP start
>Vulpis passive increases DP natural generation by 10% (not sure how that works yet, may just be every 10 seconds you get an extra DP)
>Vulpis can cast skill instantly with Bagpipe (or after 2/3 seconds with Lappland), Myrtle needs a second (and does not work with Lappland)
She seems solid enough, obviously should note as well that Myrtle is lower cost but you'd need a blocker soon after deploying her too but Vulpis can handle that roll.
Make sure to read Sora's new op record too
Ah, Homeseeker, my dear friend. Take this armament and go farm 1-7(The tyrant) for 1200 sanity.
Yep, to surpass Myrtle entirely she needs her other mod.
This one boosts her damage.
I will.
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>4 am
>i'm watching russian dude translate italian event for some chink game
Isn't she pioneer or something?it's already better than flagbearer
>On American website
>filled with SEAfag this hour
>solid DP generation
>expanded range
>2 block and can attack 2
>micro stuns
>110% attack up and 180 ATK SPD (which does decay over skill duration)
>better DP generation
>but you're leaking enemies
I suppose the more important comparison is her versus Ines.
what the FUCK
>the conditional of "being blocked" surpass the conditional "aerial enemies"
It depends. Do you need a pseudo FRD with invis revealor a solid laneholder?
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If kally already knew this much about originium what the fuck did she need to wake (You) up for
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Such power... my knees are bending on their own...
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how long until we get big defenders that can block both aerial and ground enemies
Because she thought you would like seeing your civilization's hope get destroyed by a bunch of dumbasses who mismanaged the crown so bad it shackled them to it
>I got spooked by Rosmontis
oh my
Imagine if we had Lappalter in Babel event
>Use Horn to invis reveal the assassins in S4
>Lappalter eats their face
The 50% dodge is still an issue.
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I'm in NA though.
Crossing my fingers for an arts defender that has one of their skills be them raising a beam of light towards the sky that block air.
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Hmmm nyes..
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Here's how Cuddlemontis module works in IS
Summons a big slab near any sniper/mage.

If let's say, the snipers were deployed before Rosmontis, then once Rosmontis is deployed she will give them their shields at once.

Lappalter's most apparent weakness is actually invis units. Why?
Becaause she inflicts frighten, which means they start walking and become unblocked and thus turn invisible again.
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Her S2 has a 15SP cost and a 30 second duration which is very very good. Can attack 2 enemies, slows flying enemies, 90% attack up, blocks flying. S1 seems meh.
I swear Logos mindbroke people
>Does 3-4x GG damage
>Spams Fear at the same fucking time
>Nobody thinks this is top tier because muh Logos
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I eatta the [redacted] pizza...
BB-S-4 is turbo mega ass.
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>thought it was aerial > block
>it's actually aerial < block
My money is on: flingers are so old they didn't even think about this interaction so they didn't bother
>GG damage
I thought Lapp2 was supposed to be the one sharing GG niche, not Logos.
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One last BB-8 run for the road.
Goodnight, /akg/.
That's what I mean. Logos mindbroke people so hard that nobody is givnig Lappland alter her due
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Rest in pieces homoscum, made irrelevant less than one day after his release.
Idk might be fast redeploy or fighter guard...
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fuck priestess, bros... give me my true wife back...
All of them
Vulpipi, but there also are plenty of old ops I still need.
love my mixed sarkaz wife...
It's up
Jesus passing away.jpg
prts, drop the route blocking cube and shut these literal animals up.
what's the most official but OOC shit you've ever seen/read from arknights
I am the Amiyafucker
I fuck Amiya
It's hard to take this CG seriously with W hugging Theresa when it should've been the clown.
Lapp2, enough to spark Virtuosa.
Might roll for Ulpianus, the others don't interest me. Hell, I have everyone I wanted going into AK in this July: Pramanix, Bagpipe, Specter and Specter2.
Falling for Archetto to the point of dreaming about her was an unexpected development
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Are you afraid?
Global's 4.5 anniversary stream.
i have to question why you hate your own gender so much. unless... sis?
Lappland's new voicelines
Is Theresa actually good? She doesn't look like she'd be any better than Skalter. In fact she looks like she fills a similar niche as Silence alter.
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She'll always be with you
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>This blemish is an intermezzi
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Bwo... that's your friend...
From what I've gathered, CE highlight is S2 to bind and real decent true damage on a low cost Supporter. Amazing with her Sarkaz talent in IS5, pretty good elsewhere.
Timed ATK buffer vs. Skadiva's AFK fire-and-forget.
It's a bad story chapter, after all
Skills always override targetting priority. Adreana will ignore lowest def enemies if they're under 50% HP and Młynar will hit air even though base Liberator can't
>similar niche as Silence alter.
Nag at everyone?
Fishkek seething that his latest fish sloppa wasn't an intermezzi? Business as usual.
Good job. But stop being poor and get that last pot.
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>Lappalter event is full of invisible units that can't be hit by Lappalter and the units that can be hit by lappalter have full on DR which makes her do shit all damage to anything
Every time...
It was the Midctoria Epilogue afterall.
They had to """neatly""" tie up all loose ends.

You now remember Merlin.
>new player
>already saving for half a year before dumping it all on a limited banner
Fucking lmao
friends with benefits
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Probably Lapp2/Suzumom.

I'm lukewarm about everyone else here except Ulpian, but I don't know if it's worth potentially draining all my pulls.
She's not as good as skalter but you are right that she' similar to silalter. I like to use mine alongside exaalter and chalter, and I have heard she gets better once we get vinalter; but skalter is still stronger for Walter and yalter for how strong their scaling are and with texalter for the niche long range kin buff combo
Arknights is easy enough to win with just freebie units
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I thought it would be funny.
Logos is the strongest on Heaven and Earth
Nymph is cutter

If wasn't for Suzumon this banner would be skipcore.
(and no, Marcille is still mid tier, don't roll for her)
Do they all have the 1.5 second stun on deployment?
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da lapp
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Well, I might as well spark Nyosmontis on CN acc since her IS nyodule is good
Only if you are guidefagging and using support units.
>You care about Rhode Island as much as Texas cares about her fellows - good, your expression is serious, in which case let's bet the ship...me too Part of this place? You just said something interesting, Doctor.
For (you) tax is immutable
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New player from yesterday.

I finally found some time to start this game and finish the tutorial. I used the rolls they gave me and got Logos, whom I wanted. Now some people mentioned I should reroll for Wisadel, my question is, can I gather enough rolls before the banner ends to pity her? Because I really hate rerolling and I'd rather just play the game.
does everyone play on CN nowadays?
>to pity her
Zero chance.
No, AK is very stingy. Either reroll for Wisadel or wait for a year before she appears in spark.
Yes? don't you want to have a back up account just in-case global shuts down?

Lappy2 would be nice, but by then we gonna have CNY and 6th anni news and I'm 100% sure either of those gonna have something more busted

Or a character that I like more than Lapp2, but that's too much copium
I've only got about 220 rolls right now, so I might go for one Nymph, max pot Vina one way or another, then maybe spend the rest on lapipi/suzumum.
Always and forever is3.
Same. I like the guarantee that comes with limited banners.
You don't need a huge roster for most content, 4* are surprisingly serviceable. For the longest time my only E2 were Archetto, Gladiia, Specter, Amiya, Perfumer and Myrtle.
hmmm... nyo
>support units
support units are free

you "should" do whatever you want. Yes, you can amass enough rolls in 2 weeks to have a decent chance of getting her. If you want to guarantee her, rerolling is your best bet, but don't torture yourself rerolling just because >/akg/ said
You can use an emulator and reroll on the side while playing the game over the two weeks the banner will be up, you don't have to do it all at once, and if you roll her on your first account you won't have to switch then
I slept well thank you for asking
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Are we winning?
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is this your bed?
>But, who won?
Hetero males

>And who lost?
welp, this is depressing.
This particular water elf is a slut and (You) cannot deny it.
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Looks comfy to me
Me in the middle
Wbros, Rosmonbros, C!bros, Arturiabros won hard
Lappbros won soft
Wskippers are seething
Mandyfags are still coping
>Theresis just fucking left at the end
What the fuck is this story
Whats rong? You dont rike watching things being endlessly set up for next big event?
When is the next Shu banner? Support one carried me hard in bb-s-4 and I regret not building her before.
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lappmutt lost
Rerolling for both Logos and Walter is not happening without some serious pain, give it up and be happy with Logos. Spend most of your rolls on this banner to try and get her though unless there is someone else coming up you need. >>500650817 is who's coming up in the next 6 months.
Got assraped by three fucking Logos and two Dorothy with only a fucking single alterW and 10 alterfang with 12 five stars total. Spent 250 pulls, left only with 60 pulls.

I think my account is ruined. Should i leave the game after such an assrape? I have no way to prepare for another same assrape at Pepe banner if i will get same dogshit operators as off-rate again.
Optimal play is to get walter and preferably also logos. It's up to you whether you do it. Spark is too expensive for f2p players in general (it's 300 pulls and that's the f2p budget for 6 months if you either burn all orundum and all originite [can be spent on skins as well as pulls] OR all orundum and all gold certs [can be used also to buy standard six stars around 2 years old or older as well as pulls])

Limited banners don't rerun and walter will only appear as an offrate in the future, meaning that unless you are an absolute luck god if you want her you will have to spark her, like most people. This is because on average it takes around 265 pulls on average to get a random offrate limited with boosted rateup.
Next CNY banner, around summer for us
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Well seeing as how you can still get some more free pulls over the event you might as well go to 300 and spark someone that you like.
>I tried my odds
>I lost, my account is ruined
They you never truly knew the risk of pressing the pull button.
...I guess you are
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marcille since shes ultra-limited i guess, none of the others really interest me and im still unsure if im pulling for lappipi alter.
wake me up when they release closure, redblade or thorns alter
You still have free daily rolls, free daily orundum, and new chapter originium. Don't give up hope now, bwo
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>I played a gamblig simulator and lost
Don't play chinese gambling simulators maybe?
Pots are a literal meme. Don't bother rolling for pots.
i'm pulling for nymph and the elf and lapp
i love casters so much bros, i'm glad i got logos early
>worse DP gen than Myrtle
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? It's like they want Pioneers to be dogshit
So, have they announced a new CC where i can use my giga nigga units like degen, Ascalon, Walter, logos, etc to their maximum potential?????
Ever CC always features some random assfuck out of nowhere units that are good. I wouldn't bet on it.
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haha... i am SO fucked
I have everyone in the banner despite W and Rosmontis. Sparked W for 200 pulls but jesus fucking god why should i even fucking play the game if the only good thing in gacha as pulling on banner every three months should always be a fucking circus where i get 80-90% of 5* as rate-up (how the fuck it must be a 50% of all 5*???) and dogshit duplicates of the same opearotor in a row.

I think i am just cursed that's it.
I don't think PRTS are putting the birthday lines up anytime soon, so gn /akg/.
There's only like 6 of us who do
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Been a while since I had this many 6*s gaining trust
Flagbearers can't really fight. Maybe actually check the archetype differences.
Oh wow, they removed red certs tokens of caster and another class (I think defender) in CN
I farmed Caster last week, thank goodness.
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>extra stage to force people to use the event mechanic
lowest of low light...
Max pot surtr
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Just finished reading the story
>incest man lost to Shining and Nearl and ran like a bitch
>Theresa and all the other dead sarkaz move on to the afterlife
>Nacho King lets himself get lynched by angry victorians as consolation for shitting up their country
>Theresis just fucks off
>the new leader of Kazdel is an illiterate whore
>Ascalon got banned from the story early on and is nowhere to be seen until the end
>Manfred exists
>Logos jobbed to Nacho King
T-thanks Lowlight
There's no risk if you simply save 600 rolls
no risk apart from getting a max pot Hool before a single Elf
how do I get that stupid BB8 medal? does he have to cross a chain or attack an operator that's chained? Also there's only 1 assassin.
Fucking hell i was also assraped by two R6 banners in a row. I got in total 8 six star duplicates for useless operators from both banners. I literally got two limited R6 operators at precise 120th pull EACH!

So i spent 240+250 pulls in three months only to get a full face of duplicates and every limited i had was a pity (AlterW was 250 ok)

Jesus fucking Christ this shit is unbearable.
You only need 300 rolls now
Limited is guaranteed on the 300th roll and you can then spark another op with the tokens.
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you'll save your remaining pulls for me, nyes?
If the dead sarkaz move to the afterlife, what the fuck is going on in the furnace?
what does it say anon
If she suddenly gets a bigger rack of double d's and birthing hips yes.
No, Thorns alt
Bold of you to assume I ever saved pulls
All on Lappland The For (You)
It's just a furnace now
No more Sarkaz witchcraft bullshit
Sorry three Logos and two Dorothy took my pulls. Beat the pulls out if them if you want.
We're not getting Thorns alt, we're getting Thorns's teacher.
Yeah but with 600 you don't have to worry about not being able to afford the next limited too. 600 is perfect safety for the entire 6 months of foresight we have
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Imagine not getting Phonor early
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Suzumom Module MTL

>Even Killers Have Holidays

Ingrid looked at the young face, blood flowing from his hairline to the back of his neck, like a bad tattoo.
"Save me." He begged, seeming to forget that he had tried to throw a dagger at the woman in front of him the day before.
Ingrid looked over her shoulder and saw the vehicle with thick smoke rising in the distance. Oh, she thought, it turned out that he was caught up. The man who had sought revenge on Ingrid had returned unsuccessful, only to meet his own enemy halfway home. An all too common plot, hatred was a wolf chasing its own tail and biting it.
"Save me." He was still saying.
Who would ask their enemy for help? Just because she spared his life before? Not letting these questions to bother her for too long, Ingrid said:
"Sorry, I don't do this kind of thing now."
Ingrid threw down a dagger that she had taken from the revenge seeker yesterday. As for whether he still has the strength to pick up his weapon, and who he will point his weapon at the throat or chest, it is not something Ingrid needs to worry about.
Ascalon not meeting Theresa is total bullshit.

Fuck you Doc.
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i have never saved pulls in my life and i have gotten everything i've ever wanted
i havent gotten w yet though so maybe it'll be the first time since launch that i miss something i roll for
I don't get it
>victorians are NPC tier in their own nation arc
can't make this shit up
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how do I get more of picrel or do I just eat shit?
Monthly card users get like 150 rolls between limiteds, excluding gold cert income, so 450 is fine IMO.
Also, luck is a skill.
>Thorns's teacher.
What happens to my unused raw sugar lumps? Or should I just spend all 600+ of it on a pittance of lmd
Anon, no one mentioned that event at all. Don't know why you would bring up someone else seething when it's obviously stuck rent free in your mind.
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Nothing, the Revenants are still their, Kal explicitly says they're not a part of the myriad souls due to how much they were changed by originium. They're just not endlessly angry anymore since the ghosts are no longer trauma bombing them constantly
more like peenor
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Nyo but you won over your granddaughter at least.
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red certs, you've been farming them right?
Thorns teacher is probably the boss of Thorns event. New runs are inevitable
That's her sister
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Ingrid turned and walked into her dormitory on Rhodes Island. The logistics operator outside the door reminded her that her scheduled physical therapy service would start in fifteen minutes. Ingrid looked at the wilderness through the porthole. It had been six hours since she threw the dagger. She doesn’t know if the young man escaped the circle of hatred.
There was an unfinished puzzle on the table in the dormitory. It was a gift. Lisa would sometimes help her put together a few pieces while chatting with her.
Ingrid carefully looked at the picture that had been pieced together: an ordinary landscape. Along the concave and convex edges, you can imagine the outlines of buildings, mountains and trees. Even if she has never finished a single line, in her mind, this puzzle has been completed.
She is not lacking in patience, but it is really difficult for her to be interested in things that can see the whole picture from the beginning. As if testing herself, she picked up a piece of the puzzle and placed it in the middle of a large blank area.
"It's right here," she said. She didn't even need to find the circle around the puzzle piece. She was sure of it, as if she had really completed this puzzle countless times. With the lonely puzzle piece as the center, she seemed to see a wolf chasing its tail, round and round, never tired of it. She shook her head and simply flicked the puzzle piece off the table. "This is not something you should think about on vacation." She walked out of the dormitory. Is the scheduled physical therapy time coming? It doesn't matter. A killer on vacation can use her time luxuriously.
Reminder Theresa is your friend, not wife
I know but does "contact" me pass through or touch, it doesn't say
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>they're not a part of the myriad souls due to how much they were changed by originium
Isn't myriad souls literally just originium afterlife?
Mon3tr is a cutie.
My wife is my best friend
She's just some random bitch I shanked
My issue with her is her 10% natural DP regen buff is wasted on Anni, since 10% of 0 is still 0. And that's affected DP debuff of emergency stages.

So if you really want some lazy DP afk generation Flametail or Pon are still better.

Suzumon main selling point is manual with her S2/S3 indeed.
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Birthday lines doko?
Fake ooc and uncanon
GGbros... I don't feel so good
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Can you make my fish team stronger?
Ok, I usually never care about this, but the current event is the most "Anti-Lappland" event possible.

Every single enemy is invisible and the only one that isn't, is only weak to true damage (takes 2500 from my Degen S3)
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Yeah she's very cute this chapter.
they spam invisibility in every event because they gave up on balancing the game.
It's 12 DP vs 14 DP (when comparing at 30 seconds which is Myrtle's skill cycle). Not that big a difference and in return you get a unit with CC, expanded range, high attack and attack speed, camouflage and self heals (Myrtle has self heals too albeit slower, this is Thorns heal slapped on with an additional effect).
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Some devs like to show how powerful an unit is on their debut event. Not HG. No. They are determined to show you how shit that unit is. Consider that operator marketed.

This fucking event, it's more like a SilverAsh or Ines showcase than a lappalter event
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Sarkaz is literally worthless why do we care about this race?
Yes actually
She buffs all guards on the field
>that voice
It was all worth it. Perfection..
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And that kids, is why we love Ines in this house.
They are spamming invisibility only because they have released the dogshit Ines and looks like she's their (devs) favourite.
The invisibility is because the event gimmick is 'lighting' the enemy up with fireworks.
>Jobbed to Jobberton
You bought the skin, right?
>another op that can solo a patriot
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bros am I gonna make it
nyo, you're bricked.
Watch for the big unblockable guys, they fucked up my first attempt
I know but that only lasts for 30% of the stage.
These enemies have "insta-invisibility", which means even if you block them to remove it, Lappland inflicfts fear and makes them go invis again.
Lapp S2/S3 are unusable here, only S1 is (for comfy AFK)
>>another op that can solo a patriot
Only with multiple skill activations
Plenty of newer ops do it in 1
yeah bro just deploy Walter on the bottom lane and spam texas
bro, stealth is in every event now. I cannot remember the last time an event hasn't had a stealth enemy. They use it because it's basically invulnerability, but players hate invulnerability so they use stealth to try to hide their intents to the players. They want enemies to be invulnerable because it's the only way to prevent you from doing busted damage, which makes it harder for them to design stages. It's just laziness on their part.
They didn't die and go to the afterlife like normal Sarkaz though, they're still "alive" in a way in that while their physical forms have disappeared they're sentient beings that can interact with the physical world like most everyone else, albeit they have to possess shit
no, just wait 365 days and you get your meme medals.
>bottom lane
>blaze's ass
Seconds before the disaster.
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What a cute comedic duo
[Height] 161cm
>[Combat Experience] 25 years
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How nostalgic...

I failed to get Beagle's skin and TFN2 like this too...

Procrastinator bros... we suck....
there's not enough time, you're looking at another 5-10 minutes for that stage. Just wait until next year.
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>laziness on their part
not hard when you have characters who ignore what their class is about and the technical abomination that's Wis'Adel who hasn't had an impact on the enemy their stats as now . is the game really turning into "Have Ines/SA or eat shit and die lol" or are anons exaggerating?
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>didn't deploy Walter on the bottom lane
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pregnant lapipi...
cute witchrain
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Retards bitching about Walter and "m-muh class identity" can now suck my dick forever. Both 6* Flingers break the """rule""" and always have apparently.
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Spoil me.

Did Lapipi and Zapipi got any cute interaction?
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Reset Pram
I hope your rolls went well.
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Reset Ceobe!
Yes, it's getting fanart too. You will see it soon.
Is there any videos of people testing her on annihilation yet to see how her passive actually works?
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Nyes! Nice. Red's grandma is cute too.
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>Dukes bring tens of thousands of soldiers and a bunch of warships to the battle
>every scene is victorian armies getting either butchered to the last either by sarkaz or the originium storm
>except Exemplars, comprised almost entirely out of untrained civilians, salvaged equipment and hand-me-down armored vehicles
>they just plow through everything without issues while the heroes quip at each other
I think I'm about halfway through the chapter but this is almost as miserable to read as ch11
That's only if you want to ignore the event mechanics
>Młynar will hit air even though base Liberator can't
There's no trait for liberators that says they explicitly cannot hit air. And before you spout "muh patterns" there are only two liberators.
I basically skip every Victoria part in this second arc.
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Nyes they did thank you for asking
>get railroaded into this specific strat that the devs want you to do because you can't attack the invis enemies otherwise
>do that, but you still have to use Ines
Still invisibility is much better than dodge and neural imparement that is absolute cancer.
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Is Sarkaz the only race that formed myriad souls? And if so, is it due to Civilight Eterna recording their civilization?
and with that i'm mostly done with ch14, it was a fun chapter. it's really funny to learn that theresa really was just regular old theresa the whole time, and was never brainwashed or whatever by her resurrection. she just decided to work with her bro's plans for a change and in the process they freed their people from 10k years of anger and sorrow
it also makes seeing people talk about the twins hating or not caring/respecting the other anymore for their actions during the civil war very funny
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You're cooked. Baked, even.
Tequila S1, S2
Mlynar S1, S2
None of these can hit air
The assassins HAD evasion too, lmao
>phonoro is a girl
Are /akg/ lorefag or lorelet?
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so? why does that mean S3 can't?
Cute. Does she smells better than blazeloaf?
You beat all the stages, you completed the event, that's what matters. You can get your medal trophies in 1 year.
So any summary of what happens in Lapipi2 event? What are Emperor, High Priest and Dolly doing together?
>named penor :DDDD
>is a girl
>why does that mean S3 can't?
It doesn't, but it should specify that it could
Same with Wis
How ironic is it that victorians are the worst part of victoria arc
I suspect S2 will be LappDancer's main skill, its cycle is much nicer than S3
They had dodge, invisibility, tons of damage, dash and immense survivability. If mob was a cancer definition than this assassin is absolutely one.
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holy readlet, Walter breaks the rules because she quite literally has
>can target ground and AIR
on her S3 despite being a flinger. there's 0 drawbacks, you don't lose anything and you get a tactical nuke for it. it's the same way Degen goes against Swordmasters with auto recovery on her own S3. the webm only, and ONLY, applies to that specific subclass with Ros' S3 because they can block air and she targets ALL blocked enemies. blocking flying enemies is already niche as is and they likely never considered it 3 years ago when they released her. it isn't that hard to figure out why Walter gets so much shit besides crazy numbers which is eventually going to affect the game in general
>leaks jobberton
it's fucking over
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>200 rolls
>x2 walter,1logos
I mean it could be worse, but im still butthurt.
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I suck balls at this game
If Liberator could naturally hit air, Tequila would and Młynar's other skills would. The Liberator base class doesn't attack air units just like the flinger base class doesn't attack air units
If you don't like this example then consider Abjurers, whose targetting priority changes from enemies to allies during skill, Eben S3 which makes him ignore non-elites, or operators like Utage and Mudrock who can't attack during skill.
Skills ALWAYS take precedence on targetting priority and valid targets
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The scent of the bakery contains many kinds of baked goods, too many to discern any one sort of bread.
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>Fang on my free pull
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I-I'm still a newcutie right?
>Degen goes against Swordmasters with auto recovery on her own S3
Attack recovery is not in the swordmaster trait, suck my dick
patternfags get the rope
>jobbing with this team
You guys are insanely retarded. Is it that hard to learn the basics? Oh wait, you won't even know because the operators you use outright denies you the opportunity too. My baaaaaaaaaaad.
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Oh yeah

The good kind of stink!
lapp looks really fun, i'm glad they didn't just give her damage out the ass and gave her some cool shit instead
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Which chapter 14 stage should i farm to clear the rest of the shop?
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I saw someone making similar complaints about Ulpianus which I really don't get.
>his HP heal on damage is effectively defence and crusher's gimmick is no defence!!!1!
>Hoederer's sanctuary is fine though even though it reduces damage which is what defence does
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Celty is still the sexiest anime character in this world
lapppp stats
[Physical Strength] Excellent
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resil.] Standard
[Tactical Acumen] Excellent
[Combat Skills] Outstanding
[Orig. Arts Asml.] Excellent
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>i'm glad they didn't just give her damage out the ass
But they literally did?
Here, have a free extra drone
Here, all your drones have an increased damage cap
Here, skill will give you even more drone
Oh, and a damage DoT arua for some extra AoE too while we're at it
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Well done you honor your ancestors
Fuck this stage.
Cleared it after expiration.
Huh nice. Wish they've done this before.
lapppp stats
[Physical Strength] L
[Mobility] A
[Physical Resil.] P
[Tactical Acumen] I
[Combat Skills] P
[Orig. Arts Asml.] I
procrastinationbros just keep winning...
Doesnt count lol
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>Swordmaster's trait
point taken, I still stand that Wis'Adel's S3 is absolutely retarded though
>Attacks deal two instances of Physical damage to ground enemies in a small area (The second instance is a shockwave that has half the normal ATK)
Ulpipi is fine as he still has 0 defense and doesn't break the entire point of Crushers. even if the heal procs on hit, it is a way to mitigate damage outside of a defense stat like Hoerderer's sanctuary + Gladiia and the other Abyssal Hunters already make that 0 def an absolute non-issue
She's almost nearl tier. Same stats except for physical resilience
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>Doctor, your food intake for the day is getting dangerously close to the critical line, and it might be advisable to exercise some restraint. Oh, please don't look at me like that, I... Okay... it's New Year's Eve, after all. You may eat a little more.
Yet another nagging nanny for Doc...
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>No IS4 update
So when does IS5 drop?
I thought BB-S-4 was mean spirited.
That spells Ceobe!
Okay who's OP? SuzuMama or LappAlter?
So what's the logic here? Rosmontis hitting her teammate instead of the enemy?
Manfred is a lucky man...
It does
I got a new sexas and a dupe skadiva within 100 rolls tho, but zero roach or rogos. It feels like the old limited's offrate rateup were boosted and walter's lowered considering how many people were spooked by either sexas, mumu or speccy, which is rare in itself.
Now that the dust has settled, what does /akg/ think of the Sarkaz?
What stages are the most efficient in CH14?
i can save her
The women should be breed by hard human dicks
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Unironically both
Suzumom has crazy DP gen and is by far the best pioneer vanguard
Lapp just shits all over GG
I still don't know why their tits are so big
lucky bastard
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>I could see that they were worried about me, but...
>I would definitely take flying seriously and do my best.

>First flight experiment:
>I chose the experiment date. If the weather conditions met the flight conditions at that time, I would take off after sunrise.

(The following is a large blank, and then there are traces of pages being torn off.)

Six months have passed since the accident, and I opened this notebook again.
During the days of treating mineral disease and undergoing rehabilitation training, I was finally able to stop and think carefully - flight experiments, or what flying means to me.
Lapp doesn't have a skill that has autoAFK. She's automatically shittier than GG.
24 pulls
>1 Proviso
>1 Fang
>1 wind chimes
>1 Lin
I wanted the slutty elf... I'm done with this banner
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I love my bunny
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>by far the best pioneer vanguard
That's special olympics.
Now that I think about it, why are all Theresis' buddies male?
>Lapp doesn't have [inferior afk skill to GODgos]
Why should anyone care about GG's obsolete second skill?
I know there's a new archetype, but if her attack needs to hit the ground to create a shockwave, would she hit that flying op to create a similar effect then?
sarkaz genocide best day of my life
Spotlight stealing squad
Female Sarkaz suck
So what skills shouls I be building on W2 and Log?
evil woman arknights starter pack
>god tier legs
>wants to kill you
what would he has to do with femoids
I like em
It's funny how the Grand Dukes feel far more scummy than even the worst of the Royal Court
She's Myrtle who can block and solo kill stunable elites. She speeds up DP generation, regens own HP and does arts damage. Her kit is overloaded.
no anon
>new archetype blocks air
>S3 hits all BLOCKED enemies
it's still useless without the new character
all of them; think you should prioritize S3 on W2 and would rather gets Logos' module first and build S2/3 though
>Now that the dust has settled
You say that as if we are somehow free of them and are able to look upon it in retrospect. Amiya is in Kazdel and the main story follows Amiya. Dust won't settle until the game hits EoS. Even then it will likely continue onto endfield.
Anyway, total sarkaz death, spare not a single one.
S3 on both
S1 on Logos
Explain Arturia and Dorothy then? They only fit condition 2
Walter S3
Logos S1 for easiest AFK unit in the entire game, S2/S3 for everything else
Dudes mostly have male friends
Or are you one of those gigolos surrounded by women?
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Bros...I think I actually like Duke Caster now
She's a self serving bitch, but she's got guts and enough sense to know when to fold em and just focus on the good of Victoria over her territory.
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Got W2 with free 10 rolls, should I go for Logos now?
What are the next banners?
All of my buddies are male too...
Because I love afk gaming.
I'm talking about lorewise, it seems stupid if being blocked can somehow make her target flying units
NTA but I am literally Logos irl
Don't care. Total Duke annihilatio. Londinioum was entirely their fault
Arknights writing cant reconcile them having access to instant war crimes arts that kill entire armies in seconds with the fact they are still jobbing all the time despite all of their tricks up their sleeve
Up to you, logos is a great unit but he can spook you in the upcoming banners. See the upcoming ops and see if one fancys you.
W2 needs S3, that's all she needs, she will wipe the floor with anything.
Logos S1 and then S3
Logos S2 is also good, but it needs you to isolate an enemy within his range, so you'll be using S3 instead of it most of the time.
I skipped most parts with Siege.
Despite all the complains,Sarkaz' were the best sections.
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wah... waaah....
Arturia had to go through redemption arc and Dorothy is not evil but autistic
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I'd do it again
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That went much better than expected, 300 pulls total and also got p6 Logos. Now time to save for Nymph
Lorewise it was more stupid not targetting aerial enemies in the first place tho.
>Sarkaz won
>Rhodes won
>Reunion won
>Dublinn won
>Victoria lost
A real happy ending
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If you don't actively want him then skip, you can replace him with Nymph or Lappalt confortably
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>20 rolls (10 of them free)
>1 rogosu
>1 wisadoo
>4 fangs
Should have waited for the dailies
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I would, have and will do it again.
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More like Suzucuck.
14-12 or 14-16
Devices farm
Both have the save % drop (58%) with about the same clear time
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No skins, sis?
her s1 is AFK thoughever?
her S3 attack does not throw slabs, it just remotely hits enemies. If the reason she can't hit air is that the slabs are hard to aim at aerial targets then lore wise it makes perfect sense that she can hit blocked drones with S3
How many Italians are in here at this hour?
I kneel
his execute being coded as 2.5 million damage is very funny
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>abyssal blade with s2
nerf this dog NOW
>Lapp just shits all over GG
I'm a Lappfag but from what I've seen that's an overstatement, I might be crazy but it looks to me like her drones' attack speed scales with how close the enemies are to her, so GG should be better for killing enemies all the way over from Narnia while Lappland should be better as a traditional caster despite her global range
Logos has the highest hit damage in the game now
don't worry GGbros, she outperforms lapp at 90 res!
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>I seriously put a stop to curious guys discussing the family structure of Operator Suzuran, until I ran into Operator Suzuran and Mrs. Ingrid chatting side by side across the bridge, and they stopped to greet me at the same time - they were too similar, with similar heights and facial features that were almost carved from the same mold, but their temperaments were completely different - I admit that this was a bit rude, but I really couldn't help but wonder how a Siracusan killer and an Highashinese priest had met and bonded.
Many stories flashed through my mind in an instant, such as the cold-blooded killer who traveled from Siracusa to the Highashi, ordered to kill the owner of the shrine, but the moment after the long sword smashed the mask of the dance music, he met the clear eyes of the priest, and then both of them stopped as if they were under a spell... Another example is that the gentle priest accidentally went to the foot of the mountain to participate in an event, but found the Siracusan killer leaning against a maple tree at a corner. The killer who escaped from the bloody battle fled all the way to a foreign land and was dying. The priest squatted down lovingly to check on her condition... When I reacted, I found that I had already opened my mouth involuntarily: "Excuse me..." Whether as a colleague or as an HR department operator, my behavior was very inappropriate, but unexpectedly, they were not angry. On the contrary, Suzuran operator answered my questions generously and simply. In her description, Mrs. Ingrid's acquaintance with Suzuran's father was just an accident
Bigzuran soon
Guess I made a good move skipping her module. My laziness paid off
Romance in Arknights...
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Mandykeks what the fuck is our response?
I like big tits
It's actually even funnier because It's coded as 999999 unblockable true damage
They got Civilight Eterna relic so his instant kill skill is even deadlier, increased to 999999 x 2.5
yous a hoe
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>An armed force flowed into the area where the shrine Suzuran's father worked, and frequently caused trouble. In order to protect innocent people, he resolutely decided to go to the other side's base alone for the final negotiation. At the foot of the mountain, he passed by a foreign lady wearing a coat and with a scar on the right side of her face. When he arrived at the base of the group, the leader of the other side had died in the snow, and the rest of the people had fled. A week later, in order to buy the favorite bamboo rolls for a "god" he served, the chief priest changed into his regular clothes and went into the city. At the stall he often went to, the woman in front of the chief priest bought the last two bamboo rolls. He politely asked her to resell one. The Siracusan woman, who looked like she was not one to be messed with, turned around and handed him one with a smile. He bowed and thanked her, both for the bamboo rolls and for the second meeting... Then everything went smoothly.
>It is indeed not a strange story. In fact, the meeting of two people from different countries, identities, and personalities is a precious fate in itself. The subsequent choices and the efforts required for this - challenging the taboos of the shrine, ignoring the rules of the family, and raising a child that both parties have invested infinite emotions and expectations in - are more worthy of respect. This has nothing to do with whether the meeting between the two parties is bizarre e. I said goodbye to the two of them. At this time, Mrs. Ingrid, who had been silent, smiled and called me: “I remember you're going to be at the special confrontation drill this afternoon, right?”
Ummm...acksually Mandy has a secret twin sister that died in her stead
>monthly shop reset
>used the tickets and got Walter
I can go back to sleep again
>shining sidestory
Skill Mastery order for Logos?
S1 > S3
S2 is optional, you won't use it 99% of the time
She's gonna beat her up...
Violent woman.
No, a Siracusan woman.
s3 or s1 depending on your priorities
it doesn't really matter
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>According to them, when they approached Mrs. Ingrid with a large pile of information, she nodded her head and confirmed it, with one small request - to remove the surname “Venice” from her name. On her way out, she even gave each of her personnel officers a nice little gift, saying with a smile, “Firstly, I would like to thank you for taking care of Lisa, and secondly,....... you guys have worked hard collecting all this information.”
>“Looks like Mrs. Ingrid is not that difficult to get along with."
>“Hey hey, don't you think that last sentence was more of a threat?”
>“Don't guess, think about her smile.”
>“Yeah, about her smile ......”
Dont listen to that other retard
S3 > S1
But yeah, S2 is best single target damage but his S3 does so much you won't usually need it.
does w2 e2 animate
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I will never stop using her
GG's global range still focuses on the enemies closest to the blue boxes, so she's usually hitting things that are relatively close to her. The distance only really matters on big maps, like anni, but we'll still be using GG S2 for that. I know my sunk cost on that skill won't allow me not to use it.
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>get Walter in 20 pulls
>Failed to get any 6* in Ines banner after 70+ pulls
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behold, your new standard banner operator, courtesy of azling
>her smile is a weapon
I pity her enemies... how many had hesitated before that cute face?
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Suzudad when?
K, thanks
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Do I have to collect all rewards?
>Suzu grandpa is the current head of the Siracusan Venezia family
>Suzumom is very angry at him
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did you believe him?
Hopefully soon
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>you compete to see who can kill more mooks for buffs
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SuzuMama sex
>Failed to get any 6* in Ines banner after 70+ pulls
Do singles until you do. That banner does NOT share pity with any other banner, so break your pity or you have wasted your rolls.
I'm guessing it was him who set up suzuran's incident.
What should i expect if i marry April?
Your sugar, yes, please
Won't you come and put it down on me?
I'm right here, 'cause I need
Little love, a little sympathy
daily threesomes with rope
Mam we can't do this! You have a husband!
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He's been replaced with a simulacrum
Lowlight used his soul as cultivation material
Lots of children.
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Bigzuran banner
>Sender: Fabrizio Venezia (verified to be the current head of the Siracusan Venezia family)
>Recipient: Rhodes Island Purchasing Department
>Specific content: My granddaughter Lisa has been receiving treatment for oripathy in your company. Recently, her mother Ingrid also went to your company. I hope to sponsor your research on oripathy diagnosis and treatment in the name of Venice Vehicle Company.
Handling opinion: We specifically asked Mrs. Ingrid, and based on her attitude, we made the following reply——

>“Thank you for your interest in Rhode Island, but as part of the situation is not true, it will not be considered.”
>back2back fun but irrelevant anniv event after Pepe
I miss fishe/honsetent...
me on the bottom left
Grr...!!! LappMUTT!!! SIT
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Be quiet, don't let me hear you talking about "wilderness" and "civilization" again - the new game is not that boring, you have to quickly understand the rules of the human game... Haha, did you hear that? Then be my enemy, Doctor.
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>It's a metaphor for burying the past, burying Mandragora the Dublinn mook giving way for Mandragora of Rhodes Island
>Buried doesn't mean dead, pic related
>Yes she's buried but Mandragora is a mythical creature designed to be buried, Reed is still on her way to Londinium to lead her people and Eblana can revive people (into zombies), it just makes too much sense
>Cats have 9 lives
Also the Eblana banner is confirmed for anniversary so makes sense to include Mandy as the second 6*

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