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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on October 31

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
OLD TALES [2nd Anniversary] - October 31 ~ November 21
Solo Raid: Behemoth - CANCELLED
Full Burst Day - Weekends, November 2 ~ November 18

>Upcoming Events
Co-op: Land Eater - November 8 ~ November 10

>Current Special Recruit
Cinderella - October 31 ~ November 21
Rapunzel: Pure Grace [Free SSR] - October 31 ~ November 21

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28

>Current Costume Passes
Scarlet: Black Shadow: Longing Flower [Costume Gacha] - October 31 ~ November 21
Isabel: Honeymoon Party [Event Pass] - October 31 ~ November 21
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28


Previous: >>500646372
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This is kinda 100% true. The mined models we see are the release candidates they send to Apple and Google for approval, and that's who tells them "just tweak this and you're good."
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... Beautiful.
They won't nerf her.
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Strong is beautiful
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Cindy does this to her dolls too
>after nerf she will be weaker than a fucking filler banner
When is Ether SSR?
They're going to nerf her.
She's going to be flat and a loli now.
ohhhh yeah that's getting nerfed into the ground. Fuck.
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>Full caps schizo laughing
Yep, Nikke won
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>110 rolls on cindy for NOTHING
>3 gold molds for BELORTA
>70 dollkits for NO success
>doll selector CANCELED
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She would've been dead on arrival
Can you trash please stop making new threads before the old ones get to close to 800 posts?
wtf they're gonna buff her even more???
I want my tongue to propose to and marry Cinderella's anus
who wants to be my tongue's best main?
also need a bridesmaid for Cinderella's asshole
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You're not supposed to like that.
You're supposed to be upset.
The Four bully victims
But your Nihilister is close to core 7, right? RIGHT?
Second rate heretics with third rate skills
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How the hell did someone manage to get bullied by the snoozing jellyfish? Wouldn’t you have to go out of your way to get bullied?
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>people care about Behemoth and Leviathan more than new Rapi Rojo
How do you keep someone under your heel and ignore them? Victim complex? Cinderella open fire
the jellyfish bullied both inherit and us when she appeared bwo
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>people mad because they are fixing a bug
Maybe if you did your math when they released her kit you guys would know what were you actually pulling.
BASED Nihilister.
the event map is confusing af
They laid down in front of the jellyfish and got ignored as she floated by. That counts as neglect...
>Sexo goofballs or boring main heroine
A mystery really
Well that’s because we bullied her dog. Something something gotta look at the dogs owner before you beat it ya know?
They took down Solo Raid and not anything else, so it is at all possible we're getting solo raid specific nerfs and not campaign/anything else nerfs?
They changed Eunhwa's face to look less gookish.
A tragedy really but it's not like they removed her original SSR when they did that so it's whatever 4 me :3
If they released an SSR Rapi rojo soon after we all saw for the first time
>A wolf has to die at the bottom of the well
it would've been hyped, but it's been a long time now so we've settled down.
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That scope doesn't work.
Oh so they were fan girls, now I get it.
u rike?
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My dick
If ShitUp did math in the first place it wouldn't happen.
They only took down SR because the leaderboard is going to open up. This means it’s due to a unit being bugged that could inflate scores. It’s 100% because of Cinderella as leaderboards affecting whales is all they care about.
Isn’t that how plastic surgery works?
why is Privaty like this?
I wish Rapi would SHUT THE FUCK UP. She needs to understant that she's the middest of the girls and she's usefull for absolutelly nothing but to be the commander's cum doll.
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Newfag here
should i keep rolling for Cindy dupe?
and who should i be focus on level up
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Also the new Absolute. Rapi Rojo looks like shit.
So how do the whales react to all this? After all, only they matter.
Reminder to request a refund if they nerf Cinderella.
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>Got a body upgrade
>Didn't ask for bigger tits
And don't ANY of you faggots forget it
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Don't open
but her tits got bigger
sure, if you can get her to MLB that would be good, that said, she has a low drop rate. For now you probably want Rapunzel, Anis, Cindy, Snow White, Maxwell.
I'd say you shouldn't overspend too much on Cindy right now, you have plenty of time, there will also be Grave.
Are you sure they wouldn’t be even more confused why she got uglier? Ignoring the top half, ignoring speculations on censorship, I’m pretty certain Rapi is rather iconic for her leotard+butt flap that acts like a sluttier skirt. It’s like the Tifa Lockhart thing in remake.
Going to request a refund. Or else I am going to kill them.
She still got a facial surgery . And most people complained about her shitty face. She was still shamed.
Wouldn't whales want nothing but a busted CInderella?
I think they got a little bigger. Not sure.
Reclaiming strongest b3 defender title after 1 day.
>he went all in on Nerfedrella
how unfortunate
but she has cleavage bro!
I'm clearing talking about in-game shit talk you mongoloid, no one who shit talked her face's opinion mattered and it was only because they had an artist swap.
it's funny, despite Cindy being in her own head about beauty and stuff, what she actually says is 100% true. Anis absolutely should find a reason to keep going, a goal for after the world is saved. Living without a goal like that is not living.
I want to hug little mermaid...
She deserves to be happy...
Why would they want some luckshitter who got a free copy to do as much as them?
Nobody cares about cleavage when her tits can’t even match her hips.
Her damage doesnt only come from her burst so she will lose maybe 1/4th of her damage. Also how the fuck did this never came up in testing before character release? Was the bug there this whole time and they never noticed it and built Cindy around it?
Anis already said she's mad because Cinderella is correct.
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kill me
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Sex with Absolute.
Yeah, i'm just saying that usually someone saying "la dee da isn't everyone beautiful" would be up their own ass but she's right here.
Doesn't matter requesting a refund. Saw video of her big numbers and pulled.
I went all in and got my SBS to Core 5.
Dump her and roll for Red Hood instead.
>Nerf Cinderella
>Whales chimp out and start doing chargebacks
>Shift-Up panics and reverses the changes, buffing her to be even stronger than before
Wait a minute I’ve seen this episode before……
>me coping that even the threat of refunds will be enough for them to not nerf her

it's just gonna be a cope i know it.
The artist swap happened because no one wants Hyulla faces except weirdos.
>Anis is the Nikke known as Pretty
So, so what caused her to "die"? And wouldnt that make Anis on the old side?
I want to be hugged by both Hansel and Gretel at the same time...
>shield nikke
>turns out to be the best DPS in the game even though she jobbed to Dorotrash who's jobbed to Anus
Being called a weirdo by a lame brained retard is a compliment you know
one day you will realize that this is a compliment
Yeah I'm hoping they just straight up offer full refunds (ton both real money and resources used) if they need to nerf her.
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If they nerf Cindy for real bros I am going to start looting all the Walgreens downtown and burn my own city down... That's how we get stuff done here in the US, right? Who's with me bros?!
I don’t believe this, when I use her without burst she does like half the damage Quency would in off burst slot maybe less.
How long ago was even Pretty? It's vague.
Red Hood babbled about letting the current generation handle it but Rapi is from 80 years ago possibly from before Johann's time and it sounds like Anis is after Johann's time which was 80 to 60 years ago.
Why doesn't Rapi just tell the commander she wants his dick in her mouth every night already?
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They'll just fix the bug and buff her damage to match the current numbers, it's literally a nothingburger. Stop panicking.
You wouldn't reply if you truly found it a compliment anon. Or just say
That's how I know you are bothered.
She was betrayed by her fans.
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I'm glad people are finally realising an*s is a unlikable bitch.

Cinderella was beautiful for putting her in her place.
the problem is her damage is literally double what the best unit is. So that seems unlikely.

>check the mustache and shades
oh, i get it.
I hope they send us a bunch of gays tickets and gems as an apology instead, because even after the nerf she'll still be the best dps in the game and I know I'd just reinvest in her again.
I want to at least get something out of this shitstorm.
Assumptions like that go nowhere sorry, I replied to inform you that you could do better if you were trying to make me feel bad about myself since that was clearly your intention.
Anis is likeable, but she is a massive doomer and a bitch to everyone that isn't shikicock. I like her, and I'm glad she is getting btfo'd by Cinderella.
Same with Viper.
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Because he needs to put it in her vagina to make her a mother.
Rapi and Anis are ancient Nikkers. So much for Red Hoods let the current gen nikkers handle it. I wonder if Marian was the only one that was around our age. Neon is either old as shit or from the future too.
The 2nd gen Grimms models might as well become the new protags with the SKK leading them since everyone is an old hag. My dick would be happier.
>shit bonds
>character regression
>idiotic story
>60$ skins
>bugged Anni Pilgrim
>Nerfs forbsaid bugged Pilgrim
>You shall NOT have any romantic interaction with a Pilgrim
>shitty main girls redesign (she was already boring)

Nice anniversary, /nikg/, leats they spared us the shitposting with Rapunzel.
>Reddit spacing
They all seemed to know about New Hope, which means all of them are hags.
Yup you are bothered. You are literally babbling. Saying stfu fag would be more believable.
I sure love trying to read the metroidvania instructions only for it to disappear because I was jumping or moving forward.
Yeah the question is how long was ago was the new hope era? I think Anis might be younger than Rapi in any case.
I honestly don't believe they will make an anniversary unit, that everyone has been hyped about for over a year, bad. Even if they "fix" the bug, they must compensate for it by buffing her S1 or S2. No way whales that went core max day 1 will be fine with her being bad.
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forbsaid and leats saars
It would have to be an insane amount of rainbows to compensate us. I watched people pull hundreds of rainbows into her. There's no way at least a bunch of people wouldn't sue.
>Anis closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...
Hope you're ready for this.
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No. That's gay.
Cinderella is getting a statue when?
What if they fall for the genshits pretending that she does double damage then SBS or that her ass is too revealing?
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My wife D cheated on me... Why would she do this?
she looks so fucking hot without the hyullaface
Believe it or not whatever standard you're trying to set by saying stuff like "would be more believable" doesn't really work if the person you're talking to doesn't respect your opinions at all.
You'd probably prefer if I made an ass of myself by giving such a primitive response but don't worry I'll keep posting this way.
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Anis doesn't even have her SSR. You should be teasing Rapifags about this instead. They asked for it.
Of course it could be SR->sSR upgrade. Sounds like they were considering that option in the interview.
I don't care about her dps, but if they nerf her ass, I'm getting a refund.
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This attire vexes me.
Doomers and bitches are terrible people.
>Cindirella given fate worse than death while and there are many more Nikkes corrupted after that by raptures
>Modernia: Raptures are good they dindu nuthin
I dread the day they tries to justify the invasion as good thing actually
Yeah thanks for caring more than you should. And being obsessed. I love you too.
I accept your concession
>tfw Little Mermaid
She can talk?! She can talk?!
>pretty flashback
>mustang advise sessions
year 3 looking bleak
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Harmony Butt, activate!
lol all nikkes will eventually be this
Why does every Rapi hater always turn out to be a jeet?
For the (probably not) last time, she has the Rapture Queen maternal instinct tugging at her. She's successfully suppressing it,. A single line of dialogue is not weakness.
>Underworld Queen, and by extension Tetra Line, risked being trapped in a Morton's fork of misinformation; any inaction would seen as implicit admission, while any attempt to curtail it would be seen as a coverup, and therefore be admission of truth. It would be the death of Pretty all over again, and Mustang would not abide that...
Misinformation Disinformation Fake News BAD!!!
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>wake up
>Solo raid closed
what happened? cheaters? gamebreaking issues?
Or when you're trying aim at a rapture and the fucking screen keeps shifting upward so it's impossible to hit anything. Or when you can't figure out how to get the key to unlock the next section so you run around the shitty map for 2 hours only to find out it's gated behind event story progression. Fun fun
Is there sex? His helm's ones are god tier.
It's all the Rapture Queens doing. Raptures especially the lower ranked ones seem pretty harmless if we go by Raptillion.
It's all alien cube shit anyway.
It was me.
Everything superfluous will be banished from paradise.
Cinderella has AIDS
SR got corrupted
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Idk doomers from my experience are nice people to be around in while being around people like Cindirella feels like torture
no she traded her voice so she could walk on land and have her jaw caved in by some schizo
I can't believe they gave the entire Anniversary to Eunhwa. Eunhwa chads can't stop winning.
190 pulls and did not get her so I just bought
well, you see, raptures are like human babies n shiet
Don't forget Rapishit will be fucking advise sessions with Red Hood.
Soon I bet. Just sucks that she was so high on fentanyl when she launched and they had to nerf her..
>Design Cinderella to be a boss nuker
>Shocked when she does big damage and have to nerf her numbers
What did Shift-Up mean by this?
When can I roll on SSR Rapi? Don't tell me another year...
Some dps exploit. Again.
That's why Cinderella is the main girl now. The true Goddess of Victory that will surpass the Goddess Squad.
Exactly. Even some of the mothers of those school shooter tards will protect them as much as they can. Doesn't make it right, but the instinct to protect your progeny is pretty fucking strong. They can still let them go after realizing what kinds of mosnters they are.
And multiple skins for Pretty instead of Anis, with voice lines directed at Mustang instead of (You).
What a glorious game.
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>anis doesnt have her SSR
>t. doom guy
Anis got fucking eviscerated by Cindy, that was hot as fuck gonna plap them both
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I'd rather have either of them instead of Grave or Cinderella to be honest.
Bet she can't say this with my dick in her mouth. Or maybe she says this right before giving you the sloppiest toppy of your life
That's Anis(summer).
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We need more scene where the counters gets gtfo.
Honestly just refund me everything I spent and we're good
Her redesign is just that shit
That means you're a just doomer.
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>The flat texture on where the nipples should be
>The way her breasts are is peeking up as though it were being squeezed
>The strain showing the cloth is tight
Is Eunhwa wearing a push-up bra?
hmm I think people here can't math?
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based OP
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What's the breakpoint for Cinderella's ammo where she doesn't need to reload with Bastion?
>can speak properly
>gets told not to speak
>decides to make complete retard noises of her own free will
shes perfect
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>Rapi closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Anis closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Neon closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Hansel closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Gretel closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Modernia closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Liter closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Diesel closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

This is the future (You) deserve and asked for.
Refund for what? How are you gonna prove you used paid gems and not free hoarded vouchers?
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Bukkake Queen
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Eunhwa, Emma and Rapi must be coming early next year so they can then have their bikini skins during Absolute summer.
I am SU's strongest warrior
I even care more about the flower girl than Rapi Rojo.
Marian was so well designed and best girl they had to turn her retarded. Her first design is so good hope this version of her comes back one day not a fan of Modernia look
Isn't this just Maiden?
I am Cinderella's strongest anal bull
Good luck anon, dont let the guerilla marketers stop you.
At this rate the present is going to be a blur
Don't worry, my half-rapture half-human half-nikke will remember me while doing some fucked up shit that shames me.
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I only like Emma's redesign, Vesti is just meh, Rapi's is awful, Uwnfufa is ugly still, they can't fix the ugly.
Read the interview anon. John Shiftup doesn't see summer limited as true alts/ upgrades which is probably why many of them are bad or niche.
No, it's Sin.
Except she's not as flexible as Sin.
>we could have had Marian as the main girl
this is truly the worst timeline possible
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>exposition dump bonds

>covered up skins

>mediocre anni units

>shit boring voice lines
lets keep the momentum going
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I can't open https://nikke-db.pages.dev/visualiser.
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>Rapi closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Anis closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Neon closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...
>Hansel closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Gretel closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...
>Modernia closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Liter closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Diesel closes her eyes and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

This is the future (You) deserve and asked for, saars. Play Genshin instead.
This Marian was the reason I picked up the game...I will never forgive Shill Up
So he’s a fag.
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He also called summer anis the mona divinci of nikke
New Hope was already New Hope 60 years ago. Rapi was already a rikker 30 years after invasion. How long ago invasion happened?
>she doesn't need to reload with Bastion?
Is it really possible to truly achieve this on any character without the aid of refill ammo buff?
Cinderella with 60 ammo needs to reload every 30 seconds if she's shooting continuously. That means about 6 reloads in a 3 minute fight.
I got so mad at the time when I started that I became racist against rapture, now I want to fuck heretics and watch the ark burn.
The direction this game is taking should have given that away already
No one wants to play as the cameraman. Wuthering waves where you play as God is better.
so is there any cuckshit in rapu's past bonds?
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They continue that scene from the church in red ash
I'm glad Grave is a respectable serious scientist with understanding and patience. I won't have to worry about her like I do Maxwell.
kek, based.
>chinkshills exposes themselves with a post making fun of them
what will Grave's release bug be?
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Our fucking Villains...
Her burst kills her
That means Rapi meeting Red Hood was at least 70 years ago. Possibly 80. Not next gen at all.
Of course Mustang is old as shit and is probably 100+ years old too like Andersen.
Her panties will start clipping in and out of frame and show her crotch and butt from time to time while reloading and shooting.
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I don't know how to feel about this
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>I won't have to worry about her like I do Maxwell.
New Years.
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What went wrong
My consent and pelvis...
>villains get bullied so hard they end up being the ones to use the power of friendship to win
That would mean Anis and Neon would be around 70-80, while Rapi is 85-100 assuming her age of nikkefication was 15-25
Absolute queens. Counters are old and busted, this is the new hotness.
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Lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick
They didn't let her keep her cool mask, it should've been a free skin. I just want the same design, but with the mask. No other changes.
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She was ruined..
These artists ruin everything.
Cinderella's flawless armpit cleavage.
I don't care I'll core 7 her regardless
she could at least say yes or no
Sorry but I like Cinderellas squad more than sludge monsters.
I forgot this bitch even existed.
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>Rapi went full drama to get her power
>Behemoth simply want to protect her friend
Honestly, I didnt expect that.
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Anachiro > Cinderella
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Blasting loads of semen at Grave to make her waste her Plot Spoiler dodging! Moving in for the nakadashi when her body has to wait to recover!
It fails though. And technically Rapi used power of friendship to win against them. I am getting tired of her being out of jail for free card.
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Wait what's going on? Cinderella is getting nerfered or some shit? I just woke up
Is SR cancelled or just delayed? And what kind of compensation do they give when this happens?
I can't clear past 3 so hopefully they just give out a bunch of dolls and call it a day (but I doubt it).
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Kiss kiss
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Heretics bad.
Vatican good.
Ark is full of innocent people.
Nikke Corporations are the good guys...
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that last one doesnt work anon, why do you lie to me?
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so what happened to SR?
I already did stage 6 yesterday
>Counters and SKK are bullying 2 girls that just want to be friends
Are we the baddies?
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It's right there.
why are you highlighting my post, bitch?
The theory is that Cinderella vastly overperformed in SR, to the point that shift-up had to shut it all down so they can nerf her to hell.
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Cumming on her abs, and watching my semen evaporate into a cloud from the sheer heat of her muscles.
do seanigs really...
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If evil, what was her masterplan even?
did you miss the part where levi wants you dead?
They want to drain your blood which would kill you. Don't be fooled. This is why Cecil told you not to let anyone find out about the blood.
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She looks like she fucks shotas
their cocks can't even make it past all her meat before they cum
Cindy's burst was using her charge dmg to buff her final dmg, just like day1 Harran
They put SoloRaid on hold for now
She's from Vatican, so...
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I can see it but personally, I think she would make a great rimjob queen. Just made to kiss and lick mens assholes
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Like having a shota ranch with shota cattle being harnessed into milking machines
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>I can gain....POWER
Does anyone know what her 45 second monologues are saying? I don't speak nippon unfortunately :c
I'm tired of hearing the same speech every time I click on the map to move.
>all the amputations in recent story
asanagi doujin when?

Her burst is bugged and dealing a lot more damage than intended in some situations.
I wanna kiss Little Mermaids lips.
>in some situations
I'm going to need a list of those situations, so I can avoid them.
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Where are people getting that Cinderella burst is getting nerfed? I never seen anything about it in any notice.
When someone commissions him to do it. Sex twins didn't go viral like Elegg.
yeah I do, not telling you though
No it's not.
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Feet Nikke. Stop showing so much booba.
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subete wa goddesu no tame
subete wa kuin no tame
subete wa goddesu no tame
subete wa kuin no tame
subete wa goddesu no tame
subete wa kuin no tame
read the thread retard not spoonfeeding you
I can't unsee SBS' fingers in her skin
The internet.
She's so fat because she's an amputee. Her fat can't circulate to her legs and stay stuck in her hips and thighs.
I mean it’s obvious if you have a brain. They won’t write BIG CINDERELLA NERF SOON in the announcement
owari da
It's probably her long tangent of saying "rip sear shread and remove then the goddess will be happy"
subete = all
wa = for
no = idk what this means
tame = sake?
Did I get any right?
Love most of the english cast. Cindy's VA put some real emotion into the breakdown scene
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Mesugaki flowchart
just shoot with her (hold charge)
triggers like 90% of the time on auto, except when you ult while you're reloading
same bug as harran used to have
I want her to look down on me like I'm trash then step on me while my Nikke's watch helplessly as she grinds me into a red paste that sticks to the bottom of her boots...
I asked the question prematurely, and I figured it out now. The mirror tells Cindy those exact lines.
They need to reduce the frequency of the lines. It should be every 4th click at least...
>SR 19 cancelled
>Cindy 20% nerf
>no refunds
lmao what a blunder, apology stream when?
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I almost went insane while searching relics
So...it's a guess?
There is no notice saying anything abnormal about her burst
I'll be shocked if red shoes doesn't turn out to be nihilister, but I also have some brain problem that makes me find onee-sans boring as hell, so I'm still hoping it isn't her.
Very informative. I shall now fuck Levi and Syuen.
Sex with my princess and hugging her so all her trauma and guilt goes away
Who this?
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SKKum will be wringed dry
So when the fuck are we getting the nerf? Pull the trigger already, Johnny Shit Everything Up.
What a dogshit anniversary, I'd quit if I were a new player
Them being boring is part of the appeal. Thats why the contrast with bunny mary hits so hard
>different voice actor.
It's not her
No, she for my (SKK) dick. Soon.
This isn't beautiful.
Sex with all of them
I would totally be fine with Levi draining me, if you know what I mean
So is the Cindy nerf just the current doompost narrative?
>devs say 2+2
>community guesses 4
A 20% nerf would still make her the most powerful dps B3.
if you were so beautiful and pure you wouldn't have to take a fat shit every day using your butthole, Cindy
yeah right
So if older model nikkes can gain muscles and fat would that not mean that anis is a older model.
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Rapi love.
Imagine being leviathan.
>manage to kidnap SKK
>try to extract information out of him, but get outwitted
>get attacked and manage to lock everyone in some kind of cucksphere
>cinderella easily breaks through and BTFOs you 2v1
>use giant ass flood to seperate everyone and charge up your ultimate attack
>gets parried by a rikker and defeated in a single shot
>crawl to your best friend, begging for help just to see your friend fucking dying
>friend gets powerup, act all smug about it
>try to mindtrick a useless rikker just to get punched in the face by a fucking ghost
>friends powerup gets destroyed and she gets reduced to just her core
>only option left is to run away

She did literally fucking nothing, the one time the tide turned she acted all smug just to get destroyed from 3 different angles again.
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Nice 20% DPS loss bro
Yeah, she's still going to be the best dps in the game even after the nerf.
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Rapi is life.
The community is fucking retarded so I doubt they would actually guess 4
they literally call her ability kotodama
Is Quency escape and Phantom any good? I just got them from regular recruit.
So? We just need to get her 2 11% attack lines and she's back at being broken.
Refunds not required. Nikke is saved.
it's more like a 30-40% nerf which makes her an SBS sidegrade
told you this anniversary would be a flop, I fucking knew it
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>Quency is now the biggest flop of Nikke's history
Fanartbros, our narrative...
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>story ends with us telling all of elysion
All they had to do was keep the leotard
Older like not made in the last decade or so.
The vast majority of them can gain muscles, only zoomers like Matis can't.
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>chinktower posting
lol at the shape of that mouth. They're really doing their best to leave the anime art style towards something less boring without doing it.
>Everything is for the Goddess Squad's sake
>Everything is for the Queen's sake
"All of this..." can also work
She wasn’t even the best dps with the nerf. I don’t think anyone here actually used her.
Jobbers gonna job. And they think they can take the offspring when they got btfo even harder than they did.
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attention brown poorfags
take your made up numbers somewhere else and stop stinking up the thread
>no mention of Cindy doing abnormal dmg in any of the known issues
I still don't know why people are saying she's getting nerfed.
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Thank you, Commander, for your amazing support during our adventure in the Ark. Today we must share that Goddess of Victory: Nikke will come to an end on December 31, 2024 (UTC).

We’re incredibly grateful to our loyal fans and for all of the bonds we’ve made along the way during our journey together. Once again, from everyone involved, thank you for your support of Goddess of Victory: Nikke!
the entire October had one banner, it's actually insane that Quency sold that much
>game goes public
>progressively rids itself of any pandering
>past slop
>earns less on anniversary than on random months

Deserved and genuinely happy about it.
EoS soon
china will save us
Quency can only do so much when she is carrying Phantom and and the tetraslop slob.
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man if a gacha announced EoS on anni I would be fucking pissed
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Who else's uninstalling if they nerf Cinderella?
Mating press
Diego whats ur thought on Cinderella nerf?
Towards her feet.
Not me, but I demand they send me free shit as an apology anyway.
If that's the case, whales will burn SU alive. I doubt the would dare to do this
Hey at least it isn't Alice's WAAHAAAAA!!!!!
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It's owarida...
I just woke up but isn't it a bugfix?
same thing that was happening with harran 2 years ago
The Mother Whales will attack Shift Up the moment they nerf Cinderella...
>make 8m
>lowest revenue ever
>nerf anniversary unit
lol company implosion?
That Naruto gachaslop is carrying the entire franchise.
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>no costume on release
>raid cancelled
>fail to get top 1 revenue
it isn't fair cindy bros.. Has she not suffered enough?
She will have a 40 percent loss of dmg so no.
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Remember when this game had good revenue thanks to my wives? Now only Flora can save Nikke.
enjoy your 5 pulls
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>hai, kashkomarimashita
>hai, kashkomarimashita
>hai, kashkomarimashita
>Pandering down, revenue down
>Shift Up WILL be retarded and WILL fuck up 2nd anniversary and Cinderella
>November revenue will crater
What's your excuse now nikkers? I don't see revenue ever going back up to 2023 levels again.
>puzzles & dragons supremacy
downloading now.
I am disappointed with her design. It's bland, and the scenario in which it happend does not help it. Her internal turmoil is introduced in chapter 33 and resolved VERY quickly afterward. It basically wasn't even a chapter. She just grows anxious over being a failure that cannot succeed Red Hood when Behemoth bested her, and then it just resolves itself because Red Hood was still there and just hopped out of Rapi???

Just felt like a bad excuse to warrant a power-up.
Fucking SHiftUp got anally raped by Sony with that exclusivity deal. Even going Xbox exclusive would be better for them, at least Mictrosoft pays you and lets you port their games to other platforms in less than 6 months.
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haha yeah its just bugfix
>look at harran current usage
ha..... fuck this shit
Good, flop harder with your pastslop and sanitized bonds/lines
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Actually funny that keep fucking up the annis
NTA but I still don't know if Ein is flat or not... Her art keeps changing like she has schrodinger's chest.
>doing the new lost sectors with alice and sbs in the same team
Holy, what happened? Are we actually gonna EoS soon?
She was. She is straight up the best dps now. Lets see what happens after that.
>45million downloads world wide.
>days 5 million here.
So does that mean more people play on PC?
Levi is a fucking idiot. Ya get more milk on a year then you do in a day. Also, this means skk can be the source of in universe upgrades for neon and anis since their ceos are useless.
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It's just outrage marketing
>Nikke and DBZ: Dokkan Battle made the same amount

A blatant sign of a Dragon Ball collab so I'm saving mileage for the inevitable Yuhara (fusion of Yuni and Mihara like Vegito from Dragon Ball) and Yuni & Mihara (a duo unit that fights together despite using 1 slot) Hansel and Gretel (a duo unit that fights together despite using 1 slot) are FRAUDS and """they""" stole my idea
how fitting
SBS+Alice got mogged. Why do you think retards are complaining that Cindy is too strong?
Waifu game stops doing waifu things.
No surprises there.
It's intentional, it drives player engagement
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How come all the heretics are so smug even though they keep losing
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>waifu game
Wide shirt effect
Stop pointing this out
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Not really. I tried pushing campaign with core 1 Cindy replacing SBS and SBS honestly shreds and does AOE faster.
>say they want to diversify into consoles in case nikke crashes
What they meant was in case nikke crashes after they are through fucking it up.
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They went full /nikg/
nobody wants more shounenslop collabs
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>revenue chart drops
>flashback schizo is back
>pandering retard appears
>forgets Rumani and Quency have heavy pandering
>ignores Cinderella has a lot pandering
I knew this schizo was a tourist
The real problem is that they went from focusing on her thighs to focus on her chest which is why she has a windown. Unlike Anis however Tapi doesn't have the Massive mammaries to pull such a look off.
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>this redditor is really spamming replies at his reddit chart
Cinderella would never use a condom. It would only detract from the experience for no practical reason since she can't even get pregante
>lots of pandering
Here we go with the damage control, John
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Cinderella was about the same damage as SBS without the mechanics SBS and RH have that make them good in Hard Campaign pushing. If they just fix the bug and leave it at that Cinderella will be consigned to Electric raids.
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>the beasts/heretics were designed after /nikg/ posts and posters
So that's why they're all retarded...
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Is it just me or the metroidvania is more optimized than the actual game?
It loads so fast I can't even read the gaslighting tips
>Pandering down, revenue down
How is pandering down cucklord? Do just have selective memory or are you from Discord?
What's the bug?
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metaGODS run this game
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>mrw jobberbox is more level-headed than our current heretics
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Very good and good
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cute piggy!
whats wrong with that? not every unit needs to be good
Nice cope, SBS bro
Who gives a damn
>SBS in the campaign
She's isn't draining your semen. She's hooking you up to a vacuum to suck the the blood out of you.
More effort in your damage control , John
Nobody cared about romania
>after making her bond grave-centric
It's like I'm reading a jab at the neverland writer
no cindy nyews yet I assume?
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Ok but what if I tell her that vapaus semen is stronger than vapaus blood
Literally grasping at straws.
Distributed damage, truly what people want in the campaign.
Nice b8
>She wasn’t even the best dps with the nerf
Lmao. Have you even tested her? Mine has 40k POW less than my RH and does good 50-60% damage more than my RH in pretty much all the content (tried her in shooting range, hard campaign, AI, etc). With the same POW Cinderella will do x2 damage of RH
wait nikg said her bond was yuri bait?
>the doomposter claiming Cinderella is too strong doesn't even know how to play the game
If you point out then they would be forced to make a proper 16:9
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The next move by ShiftUp will decide this game's fate.
There was never any Cindy news.
It's just fear mongering.
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More fanart and now more revenue we won
Thanks mister. You're correct, it was all said during the Mirror's brainwashing sequence.
She can whatever she wants with me, I am fine with that
Most of the bond is cooking with her. Grave doesn't appear until the last one. The mini game reveals they have the relationship of parent and child. I'm sorry bro. A girl doesn't call a guy her prince unless they are in love. Congrats I would call you a dense harem protagonist but you are just a dense loser instead.
>Retards using this as an example of pandering
>When at release Delta was literally sucking your dick
Yes doomposter, you are bad at the game, we know.
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Abe talking about Cinderella's pits:
Sorry anon.
Tencent fucked the game.
Man I knew there was something weird about my single copy Cinderella dealing more damage than my fulled decked out +2 Alice, I just dismissed it as pilgrim powercreep in action.
I yearn for the day when we can have a full babuspeak team.
>Here we go with the damage control
It's the truth tourist. Maybe play the fucking game, read her advises, bond, blablas, and the MAIN story. You lost cuck.
>Cinderella sitting quitely at your hospital bed and waiting for your recovery alone
She has a lot
It was litterally a daughter bring her boyfriend to have dinner with her mom
>says this retard when he's doomposting Cinderella
The irony is rich
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>/nikg/ really expected cinderella to have sex before the canon wife
The entire bond is you and Cinderella. Grave appears for a small bit at the end. COPE
ruined forever...
I have RH, SBS and Cinderella max core and she was putting out 5% less than RH and 10% less than SBS in neutral fights. Sit back down retard.
>change Kraken's circle patterns
That's why the revenue is down.
I already tons of sex with Rupee though.
It is just powercreep.
Litterally nothing has been mentioned about Cindy's dmg being abnormal
>Oyakodon with Grave and Cindy
Perfect, Grave should be waving tiny flags encouraging Cindy during sex.
ESL bro
>retard doomposting Cinderella can't even test shit properly
When does this scene happen?
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This looks worse than base Rapi but she still looks better than Redhood that's how bad Redhood looks
if the metroidvania is so optimized, why is it so god damn awful slow paced?
There's nothing wrong with that though. It should be like that.
Bro you don't push hard campaign?
*cough cough* I am a new player... I thought... I thought I will get a lot of dolls for my campaign team... *cough* But they cancelled Solo Raid... *wheeze* I will never finish Alice's Diary... *flat line beep*
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That's one fucking example, and Cinderella has a lot. Play the game?
GARBAGE redesign
Hello, ESL bro. Nice name.
>no you are the doom poster
mihomos not sending their best
Red Hood looks great. Shows a lot of skin an everything. Biggest problem is that she's dead and won't make a move on you.
Cinderella and her squad have even better designs.
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Let me give a very simple reason for why Nihilister is not Red Shoes.
One has hair vents, the other doesn't.
You can change the voice, the proportion and literately everything else about a character but the vents are something that would always be there.
>Azur Lane's JP anniversary did that bad
Jesus christ
True, Cinderella is trash according to you. Let's all doompost now.
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So in the end we don't know why rapi is getting younger anymore (dropped plot?) and that mystery white girl flashback was probably not rapi
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I can't wait for the meltdown when she powercreeps everybody
>retards are trying to shitpost a girl that calls you "her prince" and sat at your hospital bed waiting for you to recover all alone.
How did we get here?
>kit revealed nikg says shes mid
>releases and nikg says she sucks and to skip
>gets threatened with nerf and nikg says she is the most powerful DPS in the game
what is the endgame here?
c**k posters aren't very intelligent
If we continued that plot, SKK would've been left with a loli Rapi that resembled the girl from the hospital.
We can't have that.
You probably have shit OL's on her or you are just bullshitting. My 160k POW Cindy outdamages my 195k POW RH in every fight I have tried
>t. ESL
Let's talk about how Cinderella will only be used in Electric raids like this >>500663096
>grave: you guys were impulsive and chatged in
no they didn't, they got ambushed by levi and Bethy within a minute of noticing the puddles.
She looks bland. Not bad. Just bland.
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>People were falseflagging to get her buffed
>Instead she gets shafted
Rapi Roja?!
That was a mistranslation.
It was just supposed to mean she was shortening her life
ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play Blue Archive
Does SKK ever send Anne into battle in the story? From what I've gathered, it seems like she canonically just hangs around the outpost as a sort of foster daughter, an innocent kid to be shielded from combat.
Ironic given she's one of the most used B1s.
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>to prevent others from getting her too
>to prevent others from getting her too
>to make others get her now that she's probably getting nerfed to hell
It's not that hard to think about being an asshole.
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ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play Blue Archive, saars
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She definitely won't leave with Grave to go look for her old squad and leave you with Rapi as usual
As in if they do the thing that you are claiming they will do. Can you at least learn English before you post here?
ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just playBD2
Is this nikg in the room with you right now?
I mean to be fair. Anne looks terrified out on the field. Better to keep her safe in the outpost.
There's a lot of non-combat Nikkes that are playable
Liter, Talentum, Maid For You, 777 as the prime examples
>Chinks will save gam-
Nope, they bought this company's shares and ruined it
>Genshit can barely hit 50 million for their anniversary
>Their other trash continue to cannibalize each other
Retarded cucks.
Mistranslation. The real dropped plot is the voice Rapi heard to destroy the Ark. fucking disappointment.
Which anime idols have big tits by the way? I can only think of flat ones.
Go back to /gig/ instead of doomposting about Cinderella, you faggot
>Blue Archive
Is that the one with shipgirls?
ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play GFL 2
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do costumes ever rerun?
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Investors know this is a nothinburger.
Yeah with the ominous "a wolf has to die at the bottom of the well" quote
End up red hood was just a separate character which somehow ended up in rabi, and even she doesn't know why she thought about killing the ark
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>no u
Sorry that our anniversary is better then whatever third world gacha you play
We've been fighting amongst each other too much lately.
That a a cuck game and the gameplay is slow ass shit like all Mica games.
Can't wait.
Hey now, Liter may not be the best, but she can at least crack a few skulls.
ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play Epic Seven
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>/nikg/ thinks
>/nikg/ says
>mihomo raid
Was there a party today? The gangs all here
At least I'm based for making this pic.
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How bad will Shit Up's revenue be after everyone as well as ALL of /nikg/ asks for refunds for nerfing cindy?
-14,000,000 in Nov 2024?
Yeah. I wanted to fight Rapi but they are doing this disappointing Shounen plot with cringe CGI.
It's just the daily homo raid each time the reddit chart drops and new updates
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Only SSR Rapi can save us now
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ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play LADS
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I think
>flashbackSLOP will kill nikke
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
It's post Halloween so everyone is still Larping.
Remember phones only make up 5 million of the 45mill downloads nikke has
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>a fucking drill
>Boomer making a joke to Snow is now the main girl's primary weapon
did my repeat viewings of Anis's sock advise count towards the tally
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Actual fags
Mihomofags falseflagging
>mihomo raid
Mihomofags seething at games for straight men again, also actual fags
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It's nap time
What are theese pixelated Scarlet meme things called again
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Is this really sex?
Is it me or can you make at least 3 electric teams with top tier DPS now?
the scarlet team sucks though.
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You mean 3 separate electro teams? They all kinda depend on SAnis tho.
Yeah. The 2nd generation Grimms should just be called the sex squad.
So many obvious tourists, yet the jannies are too busy jacking off to CP to do anything
Scarlet is still a very good DPS unit. It's just that the rest is broken.
The Poli of truth
Nah, she has the Seven Dwarves, the drill being Dwarf #0.
Because apparently 8 is still 7 if you label the 8th one as a 0. According to gooks.
Jannies don't work if you don't report
>Indivilia jr
Who said heretics couldn't get pregnant?
that is indeed sex
based art
Reports don't work. /nikg/ doesn't have a dedicated janny that does it for free. Even dead generals have better moderation.
I'm getting so fucking tired of the lesbian relationships in this game.
Wait, people are taking seriously the chart made with Sensortower numbers, the people who have admitted to make up the numbers according to how they are "trending"? Which then gets an extra coat by the guy who adds "China numbers" which are just the added global numbers multiplied by a random number between 1 and 3 (also according to how the game is "trending")?
Red Hood Is dead for good!
where's chatterbox
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I love my wife Rapi.
I have no idea who these are meant to be
If you're not gonna take the effort, just filter this thread.
>he thinks she'll powercreep anyone
Your wife Rapi was defiled by Shift-Up.
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Damn Nikke plays like THIS??
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I am sorry little one..
You are forgotten now..
Nobody took them seriously 2 years ago.
But a bunch of gacha tubors started giving them oxygen. And now people take it as gospel.
I wish they would do more small event maps like the Eva collab one.
Large ones are fun to explore once then crossing them for the daily loop becomes a massive chore.
This one is even worse than usual with the teleporters
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I don't think so.
I'm not rolling Cinderella because she's broken, I won't stop rolling her because she was nerfed. I jsut want to have her!!!!
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The Admire?
Honestly my favorite part of this animation was the neon and anis part
well that felt uncanny as fuck
how does that url work like that?
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There you fags can stop bitching
Bros my heart can't take it anymore, please tell me everything is going to end fine for Cindy...
This animation was pretty nice
I never really picture neon as the floppy drippy type but it honestly suits her
Cool, now give me 200 rainbow tickets for nerfing Cinderella.
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>no doll selector
Only the numbers at the end matter, so you can fake who it is from.
Will Grave also get free daily free rolls?
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To be fair, the cuckposting is literally minimal. It's almost nothing. Rapunzel alt is a nothinburger, and she has absolutely no degenerate episodes directed toward lssk. They lost hard there.
They tried yuriposting Cinderella instead, but she panders far too hard to her prince (you) and Shitup confirmed it a mother/daughter relation with Grave. It's hard to cuckpost a girl who dubs you her prince and is vocal about that.
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Hmm, I guess maybe there was something wrong with the challenge mode specifically? As in there was glitch or whatever that made it unplayable and they were like we can't fix it by the reset so just shut it down.
>no mention of Cinderella nerf.
Cindy bros we won!
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Cindy's voice is so cute
>be in maintenance mode
>do bare minimum dailies/SI/sim room
>sometimes not even that if I'm not feeling it
>do events and skip it to watch later and just spam 11 for rewards

>new anni comes out
>pull the new shiny toy(s)
>enjoy getting other new stuff with all the free pulls
>enjoy the new event and its new stories
>fun minigames
>get caught up on all the main campaign and stuff I can do now that its all blue instead of red

>anni ends
>campaign progress slows again
>less to look forward to, just an event every couple weeks
>can't do campaign anymore
>get shit rolls in SI
>back into maintenance mode

How do I just stay in full active time and not go back to maint mode :(
Are we sure it was due to Cinderella and not some other bug that went unnoticed by the players?
Okay Shift Up, I forgive you
We forgive you
Rapunzel being so fucking boring nobody even cares to shitpost her is a redflag in itself
Flashback sloppa was a mistake
>69 cube batteries
just say doll instead of collection
There is a doll selector
>collection item selection box*1
This is a healthy way of playing games, you don't have to force yourself to play everytime.
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Check your mail right now!
Cindy nerf?
Thank god I love NTR, because normal players must be seething at the cuckbacks lol
Looking a bit too happy...
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I think the new Rapi is an improvement over the old (mostly) but it's still a pretty bland design.
Can't say it was unexpected though. There was no way they were going to radically change Rapi
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>don't have to play solo raid for once
>bunch of free stuff
We litterally had no evidence that Cinderella was involved at all
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>69 batteries
that's... not how that works.
It would've made a good free skin for new players. But not a redesign, or SSR unit.
arent those purple dolls like super super rare and important?
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It's all over...
Quick question, am I able to set music for each lobby screen, or can I only randomize from favorites? I got "Girls" recently and it would be nice for Crown, but I dont wanna mess up my Snow White set up.
>don't have to do the second worst mode in the entire game
>AND get rewarded for it
This is the best anni gift of all
I want the frame though...
Apparently not
One day ShitUp will afford real, good animation
Nothing, her entire bond is a lore whrre she interacts with abe/red shoes. LC has only two lines and those are related to battle.

Her advises are also pretty pg and her lines are as bland as collab unit. Seems like they didnt want to repeat the mistake of red ash which happened before the gfl controversy and now they cannot get away it without controversy
b-but now I can't anyone a shitter for the next 2 weeks...
>am I able to set music for each lobby screen, or can I only randomize from favorites
Personally I think all three Pioneers are way more boring in their Goddess squad form.
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>cindy cancels the raid so all newfags get sr materials
apologize if you started recently
you need to actually be told in a legal contract that accepting compensation removes your ability for remuneration.
How do we know it is the SSR? Has it been confirmed?
It might just be the temporary/placeholder or a skin for base rapi.
Or if it is the SSR there could be more to it that they just aren't spoiling yet, like how Dorothy has her plain dress and then a transformed version with her armor
Thank you. May your rolls be blessed for eternity.
Bullshit, low tier bait. Its a free unit and anyone who can see her bond story and lines can say so.
This is the truth
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>he claimed
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No, it's absolutely nothing. Rapunzel has no degenerate moments toward LSSK at all. Zero lewd thoughs or interactions.

That's how hard cuckfags lost.
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I'm praising her right now.
They can't refund me two years of game time.
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it's never been so over
>No, it's absolutely nothing
Did we learn anything important about the VTC?
>Cindy is so strong you don't even need to run SR
holy fuck
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>Cindy's smile is safe for now
Wait did Shitup nerf Cindy or not?
So Grave is the new year's unit and SSRapi will release as an Elysion unit with the next batch of story chapters?
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Post your dolls nikkers
>Personally I think all three Pioneers are way more boring in their Goddess squad form.
I do like sbs but I like Scarlet more.
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Thank you Shift Up for the bug, now I can finally get my first treasure on Exia before the SR actually starts for real
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Ouji-sama... douzo
How do you people get so many?
I have like 1 of 3-4 different purple ones (that I've never used yet because I don't want to waste them) and 0-2 of each blue.
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more like dork matter
don't mind if I do
how do you have so many, I barely have any...
I want to see Cindy and Harran meet
They'll fucking HATE each other
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If you want to fuck my daughter, you have to fuck me first
>quest to play in the mirror 1 time per day
>inside the game there’s several more daily quests for killing shit and getting gold
>but the game has time-gated locks
>so you’re forced to run through a couple raptures for the daily shit
>Need 11 bastion batteries for next lvl
Even after the incident I thought it was nice mermaid seemed the most worried for Cinderella.
I hope they have a happy reunion.
Please tell me. Should I skip the story? This event's story has been pretty good but the chapters? Holy fuck what's this dialogue? I just want to play this fucking game.
bro your solo raid participation?
your free boxes?
SR, dispatch boxes sometimes, also i used like maybe 10-15 of them since they got introduced, maintenance kits are the problem
Nah, you get a bunch of them every SR including a selector. The true bottleneck is the maintenance kits.
>Red Shoes did this
I will kill Red Nikker..
I didn't do raids 4 to 6 before the closure, I'm permanently bricked...
Solo raid didn't exist last time I played I don't think. And idk where the free ones are supposed to come from I get like 1 purple a month from outpost maybe
You can just skip it now and rewatch it in archive.
>Open blue boxes
>No RL doll
>Open purple box
>RL doll
Drop it the main story is much better than the event slop
Oh SR, I've been ignoring that mode. No wonder.
>2 smg purple doll
Oh fuck you
She knew it wasn't her fault, Mermaid is a good girl.
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Of course half of the dolls I get are SMG...
How angry is cindy gonna be when she meets dragon bitch?
i wish shitup can just stop caring about "muh spoilerino" and just release big events about current day like crown event
Wishlist blessed me with Rouge.
What is her skill leveling prio?
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Nikkers at Ikebukuro station
newcuties be FEASTING
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>You took everything from me
>I don't even know who you are
>korean cuck artist makes cuckshit
Why are you looking for it and then crying that it ruined her for you ?

D would chop his d off canonically. Also looked at the artist, he only made 2 nikke arts, the other one with bay while its arguable worse for BA and hoyoslops.
Red Shoes is not fucking Nihilister. Cindy beat the shit out of her and left her in a beaten state after the rest of them go up the space elevator.
10/7/7 should be fine, you have to max her S1 or her CDR won't be high enough to not have delays on burst and both her S2 and burst just add a bit more damage, burst probably has a bit higher of a prio now with her synergizing with Cinderella
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it should have been soline instead of neon
Isnt jobberlister already dead anyway
very CUTE snow white
>the main characters aren`t for (you)
>all the anniv events were flashback
>all the free units are flashback or not for (you)
>most characters are capeshit despite this being an ass game
Nice waifu game
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New design is great, but we all knew her original design was impossible to surpass because it is perfect.
Nothing much, but her bond story happens before RH gets corrupted. So its just lore and info about corruption while rapu talks with red shoes who seem to have connection with vtc
Even more damning for this theory is one of Cindy's memory fragments when she was corrupted that she couldn't wait to meet her new comrades her fellow Heretics where she name drops Nihilister among the other two.
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I will love Rapi no matter what.
It would be perfect, if her new design was like 2nd Anni stream model.
>Cindy beat the shit out of her and left her in a beaten state after the rest of them go up the space elevator.
This never happens, and looking at the map event and CGs. That's clear as shit.
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love this one
Its garbage
who's that on the right?
>Marian counted as part of Counters
She's 8 years old.
If this is the rapifag I think your wife’s new look and weapon is cool
Can I get a tldr of what happened? Cindy dps was bugged so they canceled SR?
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I kinda get the brid ritualposter now.
her burst was bugged
Its not perfect, but the new one is just that bad.
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If you maxed the SR doll, there's a bug that unlocks Cindy's treasure sex scene. They had to shut it down.
>get apologibs
>on my way to clear interception EX on day 2 of my reroll account
early game truly has become a joke
Is she limited? I've never seen her
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OUT OF 10!
Litterally no mention of Cinderella at all in any capacity
Did you skip the story, nigga? She was in chapter when Counters ride AZX.
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i love both and i will use both. win win
Actually meant for this. Truth
I have SAnis/Quency/Cindy with R->SR dolls, which one gets the most gain from investing kits? I’ve read that not all dolls are equal, but then again neither are the Nikkes. These 3 are my main dps so I’m hoping to figure out what to prioritize. No Alice because I’m not on PC and hate manual.
He's a fraud who left his waifu for SBS. We don't like his kind around here
No, just bad unit
what if SSR rapi isnt a separate unit?
that was Diesel, retard
Damn fat snake, I won't lose this month!
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I didn't realize that Gretel was wearing this backpack.
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SR Rapi, Red Hood, and SSR Rapi on the same team.
both are shit
>implying you wouldn’t whale harder if her new design was Nopan+curtain
Her next logical evolution is too much for the games rating, so it could only devolve instead. Ironically enough Gretel somewhat gets to inherit it, but it’s nowhere near as lewd as what would have been a Rapi version.
Wtf did core dust went from 10k per level to 11k per level at syncro 350?
>Someone calls Gretel an oppai-loli
>Redditfags have melt down
It's bound to happen
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Imagine the smells
>Heretics makes fun of her
>Get punched by SKK
>Get killed by a nikke in undies
>Her solo raid is canceled
Poor girl can't catch a break. Post more behemoth.
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My Rapi and Anis remain unadvised at bond level 1
>I think the new Rapi is an improvement over the old
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>He's a fraud who left his waifu for SBS. We don't like his kind around here

Did he really?
anne.. easy on the croquettes...
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>all the cases from the raid apology super succ'd
>i finally have a treausre lap
Shit up? More like succ up
so fertile
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Nice box amount.
Nikkes lack of art showing Counters in combat leaves me always underestimating their combat prowress. Neon and Anis personalities makes me forget sometimes that Counters is a pretty effective at their jobs on the surface
man she sure is forgettable
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Yep. During the anni vote, he said he isn't voting for Brid because she has no chance and will vote for SBS
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Do retards think they would actually nerf a character?
>Ticket Cinderella
>Game actually becomes playable now
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>He's a fraud who left his waifu for SBS. We don't like his kind around here
oh for real??? I always thought the ritualposters are the only loyal niggers in this thread. I don't know what to believe in anymore nikkerbros
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they nerfed harran
this is a metafag game sir
Harran was never a hyped unit.
>sexo design
>doesnt do anything
Cant have shit if the game is run by tastelets
Yeah right. Do you realize she's doing 2x more than some of the highest Nikkes in the game? They can't afford to bump the power creep this higher.
Best part of this update for me
Only a few ritual posters are legit
What’s the most meta way regarding maintenance kits? So far I’ve done R15 from blue, go SR, then blue to 10, purple to 12, then gold. But is that really efficient?
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>investing this much into a soon-to-be brick
drakefag is a fake too
They already did. She won't be nerfed. Or they will get sued
blues all the way
does anyone have an updated spare bodies schedule? i'm fucking confused
A bugfix is not a nerf retardKING
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just got back from a short vacation. QRD on Cindy and what comp to run her with?
By receiving the compensation you acknowledge that no further compensation will be provided for Cinderella.
Speaking of anni vote, when is it? When Grave is out?
No where is it mentioned that Cindy's dmg is bugged
Blue from 5 to phase 6/11 or 7/12, then purple the next phase, then gold.
Is that meme or do you mean just go blue until you run out?
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>Cindy beat the shit out of her and left her in a beaten state after the rest of them go up the space elevator.
I am with dream anon on this. It makes no sense for the events to follow like this. They are branded traitors, Cinderella is branded an the enemy of humanity and used a test subject for vapaus after her fall to GS. When is there time for them to resque her, sit together for some tea and fight, and then go into space with the elevator? Huh?

It reallt just seems like the tea time they shared in part 1 but differently.
John Shiftup here. Its not a bug, its a feature
you rike?
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>stop bitching
make me
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I advise Rapi every day since day one.
April, for half-anni.
They have only ever done it durring half annis
Yes. Both Siren and Maiden use Kotodama.
I'm a grown ass man and I cried at least 4 times during Cindy's event
I’m confused what do you mean by 6/11 and 7/12?
There is mulitple drakefags. Sex with drake anon already proved himself like 3 times. Another Drakefag posted his stats which has everything maxed out.
MLB as soon as possible
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I didn't but I get it. It is a sad story, not overetly drama sad. Just genuine sad.
There was already an update. Nothing changed.
Maybe they go up there in a last ditch to clear their name. As for tea they reused art with Behemoths clamp.
Between Cindy, Levi and Hansel & Gretel, my semen barely has time to replenish before I have to empty the tank again
I sent shift-up a complaint about Rapi, and they responded passive aggressively. Almost as if they were offended that I didn't like the new design.
So I don't know, but I think it's very likely.

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