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Previous: >>500703978

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
real thread
Me wife Hominid Miyagi
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>she sees your dick
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Predict her next color.
100mill => 15 mill
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Hmm myes this one
If mibibi gonna be anomaly, why they bothered giving Lighter 15% ice shred?
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Here's your 1.4 gameplay bro
Because otherwise only S11 players would roll for him
Now Ellen players have an incentive to get him too
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I JUST got done making a slow-mo one with a 'smoother' transition. Oh well, you can't have too many lips right?
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I'm thinking kino
she could be an attacker
we'll see tonight
because it would limit his viability.
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a kot is fine too
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uhhh nyo
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>take a regular picture
>do a shitty edit in photoshop
>"hehe jane cosplay xD"
good morning I hate women
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is the jeetposting over
they could've went for other elements like phys for that case, Ice is too out of the pocket
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Caesar needs to retire so she can come live with me in New Eridu
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Who will dethrone her?
holy kino
Her mom (science zombie form)
it's your own fault
when will dawei address the allegations and give miyabi a tail
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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tough my tail? uhh nyo.
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Touch my cock? Uhhh myes
Billy forma de Caballero Estrella de Luz
Uhhh nyo.
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Touch my tail? Uhh nyo.
i want to do unholy things to Hime
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What is she working on so diligently?
Ellen's giant double shark cocks...nyesssss.....
drawing hamburger to eat it
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I'm officially skipping Burnice and opting to play Koleda/Ben/S11 instead as my Fire team.

If I can't clear I'll swap out Ben for M6W5 Lucy or Caesar eheheh sorry Bigger
drawing dicks
bro i dont know how to tell you this but literally every cosplayer now just edits shit in photoshop onto their costume
the amount of people, men and women, who have the passion and drive to actually sew quality costumes are small minority
I keep missing Caesar's parries when there isn't a giant yellow/red flash to indicate timing for me
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Ellen continues to handle wherever I throw her
>full cleared Shiyu day 1 with ele disadvantage again
How long until we get Tower?
Why was this game a flop when the two preceding it were not? Was it the pandering to coomers?
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>spot a shiyu clear video
>hear english voices
>close tab
Now crop the black bars
I'm lit...
pinKing still clears I'm afraid
i just trimmed and cropped it in the webm tool, it doesn't seem to have speed/slow options, or it's just me retarded.
i really don't want to bother with sony vegas just to get one drop of sperm more.
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I couldnt stop watching this the first time it was posted and still cant
Ideally an ice anomaly would still do decent damage outside of plain anomaly application because frostbite increases crit damage. I can see her being a middleground between Soukaku and Grace, her EX instantly pops freeze when you fulfill yet another retarded ammo gimmick and then her basic attacks are empowered for a short time afterwards.
So tonight do we get Wideyabi or a surprise new A-rank
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Touch my tail? Uhhh nyo.
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Ether Anby
Give Miyabi the Iai Spirit Slash
Now post the uncensored version.
this so much, sister
hearing english voices causes me so much discomfort due to my nationality-dysphoria >.<
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im going to fix this one tonight. need to make up 23 seconds in shitty grouping and getting lucky on the two robots on the second side.
first side can only get better by a few seconds
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I don't rape Corin, I ignore her instead.
How many hours until drip feed?
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>Corin grooms you into raping her at every chance possible
>just ignore
incredibly based and vile at the same time
that's even more cruel...
just rape her like a normal proxy...
what is WRONG with you!
12AM american time
HZ got harder there are stages with a spider mech boss and an elite how am I meant to deal with that as the first timed floor at 11/11
No. Give her just frame Judgement Cuts instead
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we get spooked by shadow jane in HZ now. keep rerolling the run bro gg
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I love penis arousing NPCs
Your Caesar?
Touch my tell? Uhhh nyo.
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rerun when...
just dodge bwo
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who else building Ben for the tower here?
Shadow Jane is easy
I need to put her first which is a little dull if I have to do it every run
I'll build everyone eventually.
>every run
You only need to do 11/11 once dough
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take your fish oil.
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I'm not gay, but I might unironically skip Yanagi for Harumasa instead
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I was using Ben back during critical node 1. what a horrible node that was
>posts the gayest image of harumasa this thread has seen today
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The problem with cropping it is that there's a good chance you'll get black bars anyways because of the fucked up aspect ratio.

That's fair. I'm learning Davinci atm and it seems pretty good. I like it more than when I used SV way back when.
>bringing your cancer gun to a nice beach outing
it fits since it looks like a toy watergun
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Good thing I'm here so I can top that then
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>"No running near the showers please!"
cute choker
I feel like they jacked up their HP just a bit for this Shiyu because I wasn't able to kill the first phase stage 7 in under 2mins anymore.
It's fun outside of dog mech laser spam from behind a boss
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>sees a shark tail in the water
>mag dumps at Ellen to get rid of the competition under the guise of beachgoer safety
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Is it work time?
Is milk included!?
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ellen could tank it...
>Proxy, why are you taking off your pants?
>Ooh, peanut butter!
>give players free event attack wengine
>proceed to shit out 20 million anomaly agents in a row
what did they mean by this
>Thirens could be anywhere
>With a carrot you can go anywhere you like
There hasn't been an Agent that really takes advantage of the passive yet either.
This took me a minute
Why is Soukaku an oni when every other Thiren we've seen has been an animal?
please explain
I wish. Why is the cat so weak?
It takes fucking forever to get a character to 60. And I'm expected to do this 6 times?
Homimi Mibibi is a tailless freak
It's OPPAI LOLI time
Just prioritize DPS, other characters can cope with level 50 or 55 for a while.
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Tell me why y’all niggas dislike his design
I actually fuck with his design, as he fits very well into the ZZZ world & his faction. I especially like his dual wield katana/bow Trick Weapon.
Finally getting a non bricked Electric traditional DPS character. Looking forward for 1.4 beta.
You only need to do it for your DPS, so 3 times at worst if you're running a dual DPS anomaly comp. Stunners and supports can stay at 50 and you'll be fine.
meant for >>500735143
Notice the traits of everyone in the picture and how she's different, what she's missing.
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$10 says Miyabi is tomorrow and today is Orpheus.
>Tell me why y’all niggas dislike his design
the choker
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Anyone from OBOL
Why would they tease Orpheus now
She's keeping her tail under her dress like Goku. You just know it.
to delay the miyabi drip further
deal, $10 is on the line
Does Nekomata even have a real tail? It looks artificial at the base.
why does she say that?
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Anyone else scream MIBIBIIIIII when she finally spoke in the Yanagi's demo? Because I did
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Our prize money was 1 million dennies. Considering the 70% tax rate on a $1, the government collected 700000 dennies in taxes.
Considering New Eridu's situation, government this amount would probably be distributed across various programs as follows:
>social security and welfare: 20% (140000 dennies)
>healthcare: 15% (105000 dennies)
>education: 10% (70000 dennies)
>disaster relief and reconstruction: 30% (210000 dennies)
>national security: 20% (140000 dennies)
>public safety: 5% (35000 dennies)
National security is split between the Military as we know it and H.A.N.D., so taking into account equipment, personnel, training and risk involved we can distribute that money between them as such,
>military: 65% (91000 dennies)
>h.a.n.d.: 35% (49000 dennies)
Alright now given H.A.N.D.'s unique structure we can try to break down a couple of its expenses.
>field operations: 60% (29400 dennies)
>support staff and administration: 20% (9800 dennies)
>intelligence gathering and analysis: 15% (7350 dennies)
>counter intelligence and security: 5% (2450 dennies)
Now we're getting somewhere. Let's push this further by going in detail on the costs of field operation.
>training and recruitment: 30% (8820 dennies)
>equipment and technology: 30% (8820 dennies)
>covert ops: 20% (5880 dennies)
>agent compensation and benefits: 20% (5880 dennies)
Finally, considering Section 6 consists of 4 members (NO GULLIVER IS NOT PAID), and that they mentioned other Sections existing it's pretty clear that there is a Section for each finger of your H.A.N.D.S., so 10 Sections and 40 agents in total.
That means Soukaku received 147 dennies to spend on crayons and snacks.
If Miyabi is anything other than Ice Attacker I'm buying Karin's core F lmao.
Please spoiler your gore images pls
>the lips
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Moshimi Habibi
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Yanagi will save the game
Trust the plan
I like his design. he looks like a chill laid back kind of guy
everyone wins in ZZZ
Orlenda is an elf
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they definitely have. ive been running the same "teams" for the last 5 nodes and the increase is noticeable between each node since my stats havent changed for shit all this time.
Go back to sleep and never wake up
I don't really have any strong feelings about his design, but I can only get 1 character before Mibibi and I choose Lighter because he's literally me and not an attacker
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When I move in with Miyabi I will give Soukaku at least 500 denny to spend on food and crayons
god i wish
g-gynoid sexo...
This can be verified if true right? Because it was made known that last cycle had that big HP bump
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Reminder that Miyabi plays tic tac toe with herself
>food and crayons
they are the same thing
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Someone needs to make an edit with her
>my ancestors are smiling at me imperial
How will you build Yanagi?
2 Energy, 4 Anomaly set?
Anomaly Mastery, Shock, Anomaly Proficiency?

She is energy hungry?
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I love her
I believe someone posted an image for this cycle a few days ago and Hans had 7 mil HP
>Feminine face
>Twink body
Super super gay
his design is great and ill probably roll if i can
Requesting gif/webm of Miyabi examining her sword in Yanagi's new demo
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>and today is Orpheus.
Literally who
6: Attack% or AM
5: PEN Ratio or Elemental%
4: Anomaly Proficiency

ER does nothing for her.

For disorder you go 4 chaos 2 puffer and for mono-electric 4 thunder 2 puffer. Discs stay the same.
why are autistic women so cute bros
Compare Hans @ floor 7 from Critical rotation 2: https://zzz.hakush.in/shiyu/62008
to Hans @ floor 7 from the current rotation:
It's effectively the same HP. They might be pushing the HP threshold in the trash mobs but so far there really hasn't been that much HP creep.
Ditch the gay as fuck choker and make a real man like picrel wear the same outfit and no one would give a fuck. That nigga ZESTY.
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Is Hoyo's idea of difficulty just enemy HP bloat? That would be disappointing if all we can expect are HP values to steadily climb each cycle. Haven't played their other titles
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I agree that Yanagi looks like an NPC, but her weapon is by far the coolest in section 6. One of the coolest in the whole game actually
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wait a minute... is that... the meme?
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I don't like powercreep because it means that Zhu will eventually get powercrept band then Qingyi won't be in a top tier team anymore.
Wouldn't she lose her Chaos buff since she is on field? Also, she needs to use her charged EX ability, right? Won't that need energy?
Her new design is super bad.
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Just a few more hours until all the retarded anomaly believers unalive themselves
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looks like it, kek
I like this one.
boss damage also scales
also combining certain elites or bosses together can drastically increase difficulty
there is shiyu permanent mode with 8 stages and on latest stages mobs basically kill you in 2 hits
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This Miyabi forced shilling (not even official mihoyo channels are doing this) will backfire and make her as annoying as Firefly was for hsrg, my guess is that it might be even worse, since at least Firefly is a good dps and her banner was supposedly the best-selling in that game's history. Miyabi, what awaits her? An uncertain role as a dps and a dying game about to reach EoS. Grim.

Also, obligatory
>Yenless Yen Zero
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luv 'kaku
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If Zhu gets powercrept by a better burst DPS you'd just use Qingyi with that new DPS though? Unless they ALSO replaced Qingyi with a new burst-focused stunner her role would be safe.
Her animations and weapon are pretty sweet I agree.
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Nigga looks like he's about to give you a fetch quest and finishing his quest before doing Yanagi's locks you out of her quest and viceversa. NPCs ass looking niggas
Do you wanna spam one additional Ex every 2.5 minutes or do you wanna do 30% more damage?
How do you powercreep Zhu outside of just redoing her with bigger multipliers?
Soukaku my cunny Oni wife
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Are the threads comfy again yet?
Wait so HP really didn't change at all? I guess since most people don't have a proper Electric DPS built the 2nd half feels shitty this cycle.
boring ass nigga looks like an A rank.
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Ellen butthole...
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I think it's the change in resistances making it feel harder since the only Electric DPS are Anton (brick) and Grace (random to get, and also a brick). The older versions of Hans were weak to Ether and most people have Zhu.
I thought part of her gameplay was holding EX, consuming her energy gauge and causing a disorder reaction?
In this case, more energy would allow her to do this much more often than just one more time every 2 minutes.

Did I get that wrong?
I just seriously dislike mandatory twinks.
Make Pompey playable, that's all I need
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She is the only reason why I'm excited for the next patch.
If you're not dogshit you can use parries and assists to give her more than enough energy to work with. If you're a shitter use ER discs I guess.
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I want to french kiss Ellen's anus
NTA but Chaos' penalty for staying onfield too long is specifically only reducing the EX skill damage. It's no big deal even if you lose it, and it's easy to maintain. You don't want to sacrifice your damage for more instances of polarity disorder (aka more casts of her EX skill) because you also end up doing regular disorders with Yanagi as an Anomaly.
The real meta is to play with 4 Thunder / 2 AP/2Puffer to have Yanagi's flopping tits onscreen for longer
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Bro, your Yanagi?!
compared to earlier? definitely
we're almost back to the usual, you can post safely cowinbwo
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wouldn't she have a cloaca instead
boring NPC bitch
whatever hole she considers her butt... my tongue will enter it
>horrid story: no gameplay rail
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Unstunnable enemies, enemies with reverse stun bars where once you break them they take less damage, enemies with massive stunbars that in turn stay stunned for long periods of time once you break them so Zhu's short active field time rotations become a problem rather than an advantage, etc. The sky is the limit, there's no such thing as a future proof, unpowercreepable unit in gacha.
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Exciting playable goddess
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Databro if you're still around, here is my initial clear.

Went better than expected. I think mid 40s is feasible on this guy with just standard optimization. I don't know if there is any tech for Qingyi to speedrun a shock application on this guy, but if there is it would take even more time off.
We are getting Miyabi's drip in a few hours, right? God I hope she isnt anomaly...
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I'm tired of cheesetopia quests
I'm a terrible player who dislikes dodge and who goes ungabunga against enemies.
I've seen Anton with a craftable ball have multiple 300k+ ticks on his ult so it's not that bad. Some people managed to make mono electric teams work too but she's better suited for disorder with Burnice. As a last resort you can run Qingyi as a substitute for Electric DPS unironically and it works just fine.
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miyabi was always memed by the players for being ultra wide or a vergil clone and even in-game is wanked to an actually comical degree
there's important lore tied to her but devs aren't taking her THAT seriously
Should I play Yanagi with Rina and Lucy (w Kaboom). I don't have Burnice. I'm also considering going mono with Grace but I honestly have no idea what im doing pls help
Grace mono electric teams*
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>there's no such thing as a future proof, unpowercreepable unit in gacha
I'm cool with it. I do agree the choker is much though. As far as gameplay is concerned, he's probably the one I'm interested in the most. Tons of possibilities. An actual stance character that can swap between ranged dps/sub dps/trap set play and melee rush down with dual swords. Looking forward to seeing his gameplay a lot. I just really hope they really play into the transforming weapon aspect.
That wluld brick a lot more units, not just Zhu, and I would seethe to no end because there is so much anomaly shilling already
Grace is an on-fielder, you don't run her with other on-fielders
yanagi grace rina would be better I think
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>enemies with massive stunbars that in turn stay stunned for long periods of time once you break them
I'm pretty sure only Ellen and S11 would enjoy this. Even most anomaly DPS have an energy-reliant rotation that would be difficult to make work in an extended stun window. It would be unlikely they'd design an enemy like this for a while unless they add more sustained DPS like them.
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They'll just make an enemy like this but actually moves around and attacks.
we might start seeing anomaly build-up resistances once we're out of anomaly shilling phase, and then maybe the stun bullshit after the later stun shilling phase goes back to anomaly shilling
You expect too much for a mobile game, we only have two action buttons. Realistically the bow and sword switching will only be seen in his strings and the traps are exclusively on EX. I hope he gets a tilt command like Nicole to manually detonate though.
I hate this nigga
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Oh my fucking science, ENOUGH ALREADY

I have literally more copies of this bitch than I have days playing this semen slurping game.
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maybe she lost it the same time she lost her arm, but decided to just replace the arm for a mechanical one(?)
Those things aren't even that bad to deal with as anomaly, their defense and hp are so slow you can just kill them without procs. They'd have to make enemies with actual stats that are immune to anomalies.
>so Zhu's short active field time rotations become a problem rather than an advantage
Fortunately, theres a solution to this, its called her M1. What? You can't roll for her M1? She has a rerun coming soon. There is no excuse. You love Zhu, don't you, anon (I'm only semi memeing here)
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You don't deserve her.
That's a gauntlet/armguard for her sword arm.
>she lost her arm
Shaoji doesn't work on this game so it will be fine
and here I was thinking choom was chromed
yanagi inflation
(i waited 15 minutes to post this)
You should always expect the most generic, safe female designs from Nu-Hoyo
M*le designs, well, maybe you'd get some risk-taking here and there
where's that from?
Until what?
Yanagi Anby Rina unless you have another strong anomaly
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told you niggas
shouldve rolled for m1 qingyi
>Tell me why y’all niggas dislike his design
The choker.
>dual wield katana/bow
I can just play Smash or Kid Icarus on 3DS for that.
Call me when Pompey comes back from the dead.
Caesar actually has a real prosthetic arm though, but it's not really prominent enough in her design to be considered a "risk" I guess.
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Which one for Burnice?
>Yanagi with Rina and Lucy
That's fine, Yanagi is like Jane in the sense that her damage is consistent enough to keep her on field 24/7.
>mono with Grace
Meh. The only good part about this team is the constant shock for easy mini-disorder. One anomaly with buffed procs is better than two anomalys with mediocre procs, and that's assuming both are built so well that one isn't stronger than the other. You'd end up with a lot of overlapping shock procs, which is lost damage. It works but it's very cope-y.
wait fuck wrong one it's from her demo
i have no clue what the fuck im doing but a clear is a clear
TV mode needs to be removed
>Soukaku how would you feel if you didn't have lunch today
forgot to mention I am gay and trans, not sure if that matters
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Jane players will never beat the retard allegations at this rate.
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Level your Avocaboo.
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Why the fuck would I level this A rank Boo? Pointless if you ask me
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i'm still getting 7xS without swiping
DPS QingyiGOD...
that boo will solo carry you in the tower mode
hey if it works
HE will solo the new Bloody Palace mode
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Will the story progress in 1.3? Will we finally see the actual bad guy? Will shit goes south and turns into despairkino? or will it be nothingburger again?
why do people hate TV mode so much... yeah, it can be a drag, and the loading screens are a pain, but there's so much room to do kino quests and minigames in it... you get to fight in the Bangboo league, and for Hollow Zero it basically becomes a board game...
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3 hours on premiere.
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i'm not playing this game for minigames.
it's like if i was to play tetris in call of duty.
I did, i just dont have her sig and my discs are still kinda ass. what are you even running on her
a clear is only a clear if it's soulful...
yanagi gonna oneshot it with this retarded blessing
This is now mine
700 more rolls to go

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Posting my sexy underaged teen sharkwife.
Are there any sexy pictures of Miyabi? Preferably one that won't get deleted here?
honestly? kino
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I'm not too worried with powercreep considering she's the only limited Ether unit so far
That trailer left me with a lips fetish
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banging . . . BOOS!
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There is no main story update, instead there's gonna be another special episode like in 1.1.
Next story chapter is in 1.4.
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Your mistake will not go unnoticed.
wtf are you saving for
She has an oral fixation for sure.
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tough my tail? uhh nyo.
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this game is kinda boring bros...
Just to be clear, 1.3 being Special Episodes for both Yanagi and Lighter means Phaethon is out of the equation for both, yes? Why the fuck do we even exist anymore?
there's a coop blowjob pic with yanagi
4 woodpecker with 2 thunder metal
atk on 6th disk
but woodpecker sort of sucks since she cant get 3 stacks for a stun window where all of her damage is, im wondering if theres a better option
maybe 1.4 will introduce a new electro set for harumasa
Lady Sunbringer
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Thought's on the new oppai loli?
How did your Zhu clear go?
Can you post the stats of your Zhu team?
She's not even that short, probably like Anby-tier.
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not as fun to manhandle as cowin
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I need a solo one of her. I guess I'll be a little risky if no one posts one.
fox on a box
fox on a box
Piper is my favorite hag in the game and I'm equipping her. Is her signature much better for her than Weeping Gemini?
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It's all for Nagi. I will be her strongest t warrior.
>roll for every single limited character
>bros??? I'm winning???
Fucking kill yourself already
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sorry to ruin your dreams loliCHAD, but not this time
meant to post this in /hsrg/
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Account is officially bricked
you could probably clear the left side with your eyes closed bro
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>already have M6 Soukaku
She's wearing 8 inch heels here
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Miyabi is not short, stop this slander at once!
there's that pantyhose thing that's frequently posted here
i remember seeing somewhere one doggy piece but the only thing that said "miyabi" about it were the ears, tits too big too
>it's like if i was to play tetris in call of duty.
that sounds kino...
but what else do you want from commissions? to fight trash mobs like in combat ones? Those might be faster, but most are boring as hell... There's probably ways they could make them interesting, but I don't see anyone talking about that...
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kinda, it applies to both. its really amazing how pro game devs who get paid to make good games end up making glorified sleep-medicine. maybe I'm just burnt out on gacha
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how good is yanagi with r1 electro lip gloss
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Prediction on which character will going to be in the next drip marketing?
caesar is a slut that wants cock but doesn’t know how to get it
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It can't possibly be Miyabi
The only male character I'd roll for
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Call me naive but I want ZZZ to become just DMC/Bayonetta-lite. It was advertised with combat and I want the combat. Story, characters, and small bits can be cool but they should not be by any means a major focus, TV was a major focus and that was a massive mistake.
>b-but think about mobilefags!
don't care.
>b-but think about shitters! it can't be too hard!
don't care.
ZZZ shouldn't be a multi-platform gacha. It's the closest that Mihoyo has ever done to a real game and I'd like to see it becoming one eventually.
well i laughed you got me
Sternritter J
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sex with this CEO
Who is the most unique character in ZZZ?
Yep. It's gonna be the worst patch yet.
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Can someone explain to me why we can’t use Bangboos in training mode? And also why we can’t view Bangboos anywhere we want?
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Not great
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I don't think people want to play bayonets for 4 hours everyday for five years it's a gacha game the characters, fluff events and world building are why people come back
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we exist for mibibi
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I love her design
She's just shit without her ball?
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What does Burnice think of small cocks?
kaku you fat retard you have to eat dinner first
Fuck Dawei
Her ball is literally Seth's kit ripped off and thrown into a personal Engine
By comparison yes, she has arguably the most stacked sig of any limited so far.
no way red bean buns taste THAT good
someone will actually goon to that
I would have rolled for him if he was a grill.
Only reason I MIGHT waste polys in his banner is if for some reason Pulchra ends up being an A rank on it.
Had them once and they were delicious.
Someone post Burnice's list for comparison. Absolute night and day difference
Making Yanagi, Miyabi AND Harumasa watch as I DESTROY Soukaku's tiny cunt
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Jane HARD carries me through all content and I do mean HARD
The worst part about Harumasa to me is that I love bow characters, but his existence means it'll be forever, if ever at all, until we get one that's a cute girl.
Stuff with anko is nice but rather boring and unimpressive.
You'll probably enjoy it when you'll try it for the first time but it'll immediately get old.
Is she a F2P trap? A half baked character unless M2W1?
jerking off to this
I liked it, one of my favs when it comes to asian snacks
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if you use Rina fusion compiler a legitimate sidegrade, but you really want M1(W1) Rina to it to be better than her other teams
otherwise pay up gwelio
I haven't seen any CCs showcase her without her sig at minimum, so it's hard to say. Even in those showcases she's not really any faster than Jane, even against electric weak enemies, but that could just be CCs being bad at playing her.
Hoshimimi Mibibi is mi bibi
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>s rank W5 cope engine performing worse than w1 sig
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Here you go. My Zhu team should be able to one phase without activating her M1 with a cleaner sweep of the trash at the beginning. That is what I will be working on in the coming days as well as a quicker time.
>just now realized i have fuck all for atk subs
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Heya proxies, this is a reminder that we are hosting a /zzz/ drawpile-aggie-magma if anyone wants to doodle!
>only 401 AP
you're not done anyways.
Why is Shart Rail doing better than ZZZ despite being the most soulless of the Hoyo games
It's the electric weakness. Very few people are running electric teams.
Mibibi whither art thou gone...
oh god im thankful i didnt level up my second electro lip gloss now
game plays itself + is infested with femcels
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because it's the most mobile friendly of the three and overworked office wagies happen to be the one part of the userbase with the highest money to free time ratio
Will attackerkeks finnaly kill themselves in 3 hrs when Miyabi is revealed to be Ice Anomaly to work with Yanagi?
yeah me
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Ok but, what does sex with Burnice feels like?
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Just finished Burnice's quest....why do people dont like it? It was really cute and made me want Burnice even more
The combat is neither deep nor stylish enough for that, unfortunately.
What do i give rina for her disc 4 and 6 or does it not matter?
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Datafag here, now that the threads seem to have calmed down here is the link to the sheet for the previous cycle. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HYceOlM3GV-u37fDpuj0DtYd6eteSf1-q3nTTFyReoc/edit?usp=sharing
If you want to change the sorting, make a copy and mess around with it. If I missed your clear and you'd like to have it added let me know. Otherwise I'm collecting clears for the new cycle, and you can find a link to that sheet on the one above if you want to take an early look (Piper/Burnice is dominating right now).
a better comparison would be
>it's like a bunch of different stories told through tetris intertwined with call of duty matches
I'd play that shit
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Couldn't skip the bangboos this time with the physical resistance.
I like TV mode, at least it's something different.

You surely don't play ZZZ for its combat?
It's so tedious and stale, also oversimplified.
I accidentally peed my pants
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Nice, thank you.
I'll check and compare what I'm missing.
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Maybe I will roll...
Do you care if I submit multiple clears? I'm trying different team comps
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real nice
God I wish i were that box
I'll list different team comps separately, but if you get a faster clear with the same team I'd rather replace your old clear.
>Piper/Burnice is dominating right now
Yep, we're going full contrarian with this one, time to clear with Corin and Grace.
we're about to invaded by femcels and you stupid retards are here arguing why a generic NPC looking guy isn't a generic NPC looking guy, for fuck's sake when will you learn
sex with honorary japanese femboy archers
Rejoice Lolicons
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Nice. I'm gonna metafag my first clear then go round 2 with Ben
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Getting Yanagi's ball if I'll win the coinflip on character banner
Skipping Yanagi's ball if Miyabi will be in 1.4
Is this Mihoyo's tactic of raising revenue? Releasing good/cool/must-have characters back to back with basically zero skip banners?
>i'm not gay but... [gayest thing you'll ever read]
my favorite internet trope
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3 more hours
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You will never achieve success by being a sore loser anon
Surely they'll just separate the decibel gauge between characters and not let you spam all loads on the same single character?
Fusion Compiler + M1W1 Rina = Yanagi's Sig + M1W1 Rina?
How the hell is it making up the 30% Electric build up?
have you not seen the banner history for this game
3 hours until what
I'm doing fine without Qingyi, Jane and Caesar
But I may have to swipe for ether/ice anomaly...
On Zhu, is your disc #5 ETH% or ATK%?
>bimbo-ifying the already bimbo character
just why
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3 more hours bwos
mod link...?

>skip ellen for miyabi
>miyabi ends up wanting ellen as best teammate
how to cope
i thought she was gonna powercreep ellen
>Fusion Compiler + M1W1 Rina = Yanagi's Sig + M1W1 Rina?
yeah pretty much, fusion compiler letting you hit 100% pen ratio is huge because of how pen scales
the buildup is slightly less valuable in that team as well because you can be limited by fire gauge instead
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will probably try better times when i get yanagi and try an electro team
>no Qingyi passive
>still a sub-minute run
That's how strong elemental weaknesses are.
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>beat second side without an electric dps
get fucked yanana, i'm going all in widebibi
Add my Qingyi + Caesar + Billy clear on 2nd half, 2 minutes 05 seconds
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void hunter + stun + support will still clear faster than 1.0 agent + stun + support
Does it matter who the 3rd is or would it change whether or not Fusion Compiler holds keeps up with her Sig?
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Add this retard(me) to the list
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Roll on Ellen's inevitable rerun right after miyabi's banner?
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Add me
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For that run it was ETH. I do have an ATK #5 that changes the build to look like this, and is what I used for my best time last cycle, for what its worth.
Maybe i should stop rolling for a while..
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I'll need a screenshot
Already got you
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Literally everyone is expecting her to be a hypercarry not an off-field support for Ellen.
I trust mihoyo to not fuck it up, otherwise its their ass.
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This one only has 10% difference between fusion compiler and her sig, i think this one calculates PEN build
no, it has to be Rina
every point of pen is worth more than the last, pen is only really worth going for it you can cap it
which fusion compiler lets you do, otherwise you need M2 burnice
As a former spender in Genshin, I came to the realization that having too much too quickly isnt really fun long term, at least not for me.
I have decided that I won't be rolling for Yanagi and just keep my hares team until OBOL
What the fuck
When's the next ether character?
Literally me. Unfortunately I'm rolling everyone up to 1.4
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This woman is so unreal, I'm anxiously waiting for her. Already prefarmed everything, I need her.
>i love safe horny so much!
>safe horny
go back
I would kill one hundred children just to run my tongue a single time across her thighs
no u
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I can't help it anon, I just really like naginatas and office ladies, I also like her seiyuu.
Does this general have weird autopost deletion rules or what? I could post this spam >>500747351 but twice I tried to post about pulls and they were lost to the void.
No I mean aside from Rina, does it matter who the final slot is
just save VO like a normal human
>Kaori Nazuka
Any notable roles?
A new auto-delete function removes your post if you post a post containing the N, F and T words all together. You can only use two at once.
Same, but with her ass hole instead
>I just really like naginatas
That's fair
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Ellen OWNS you
Jane confirmed a Piper downgrade
fucking niggerfaggotransformers
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non fungible token
holy accounting
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What else are we asken for?
you are good bro ignore the tranny
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Cute. Playable Fairy when?
Me habe 90 jerks in stock. I skeet for titty lady maybe jerk me still habe good nuff 4 Foxtitty?
It's not trans, it's tranny
You can full a post with those words (like a post being nothing but NIGGER FAGGOT x100 on caps), but if you add the third word even once it won't work. It will say "sent" but lost to the void. You have to choose two of the three
It was implemented like 1 month ago
probably not but if it's not burnice your coping
although without burnice her sig is probably just straight worse than compiler as the buildup and disorder bonus lose value
I don't get this redisent jestern meme/jokejoke
I posted about rolling...see this attempt >>500748214 which seemed to evade the void.
Oh wow I just realized I've made a post containing all the three words. Wtf. lol Maybe it's the amount of words then? There's a filter related to these words though I'm 100% sure of it
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Chelsea (Akame ga Kill) < this one even spawned a "crossover" image
Yuu/Tooru (BNHA)
Uta (One Piece)
Frederica (ReZero)
Tsubaki (Soul Eater)
Nunnally (Code Geass)
Tsukasa (Amagami SS)
Shizuku (Kampfer)
Miyu (Fate/kaleid Prisma Illya)

Robin (HSR)
>reverse swap for phones
>autotargetting system fix, toggle to change targets
>the movies you put out attract a different character to give you rewards and some interaction
>have cheestopia be another venue of passive income, have more future stores every major expansion
That does make sense
She's giving me Yajirobe vibes.
>characters are getting more and more dependent of their sig
hope you saved enough for the weapon too, mibibifags
>back to back male banners
for what reason though? cunny already scared off the hoes
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>all those cope "anti-spam" features
just enabling IDs on this board would solve 99% of the issues
All of these except for coop
Oh man I love some kind of "box" or something to organize drive discs. I hate seeing so many of them ughhh
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do you have dyslexia?
Allow us to fight any number/all types of enemies in VR PLEASE
The choker, the bandana, the faggot personality
I don't think his weapon is all that interesting
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Just got back since i took a break in 1.0. any guide or characters i should level up? I want my wife yanagi so i kinda need primos
Idk if this was Hoyo's intent but this makes her 10x hotter
I think he's boring and 4* coded is all
May as well add trips faggot, anything beyond flags is gay
Those that are using Electro-Lip Gloss and an Anomaly Mastery disk 6 on Burnice, what's your base attack stat? Prydwen says to aim for 2.5k, but that doesn't seem very realistic without using an Attack % disk 6.
Rina for Nagi and Seth if you're not gonna get Burnice to run mono-shock. If not then you can just use Lucy in the last slot.
You can just use Ellen on your other team for now. Ellen + Anby + Soukaku until you get another stunner. If you don't hate males, Ellen's best stunner is coming out in 3 weeks (Lighter).
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Holy brick. You'll just quit again soon anyway leave.
I'm at like 2.8k
Agents for a brownCHAD like me?
Disorder Burnice with Lips
Atk or AM on disk 6?
im quitting if i dont get burnice
All adding flags would do is further drive shitposting.
It would also just be revolting to see how many third worlders we actually share a general with.
wtf /zzz/ told me Qingyi was an Anby sidegrade and I skipped her
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(YOU) are here
seconding >>500749524
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going to see if my Piper can reach this. I havent actually compared my runs to yours yet
grace sig or what? my piper is slower
Wut? How many Attack% rolls do you have? That seems absurd if you're using Electro-Lip Gloss and an AM disk 6.
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How do we save zzz from dying?
show this to /hrtg/ so they know they can play now.
Don't know how else to tell you this, just get better disks. I feel like 5 substats each is good. mine has no atk on her weapon (besides 684 because it's a compiler), no atk 4/5/6, 2pc, or 4pc and the total is 2708
get xi to send out bigger stimmy checks
Alright thanks bwo
Is Yanagi really a brick by herself\without her sig or are people just doomposting her as usual?
Add more children
and I guess I need to explain, the text below Data Flood is never included in the character page. same is true for literally every wengine, it's not common but zhu's ball does this too
I don't know bro does a char that can solo shiyu in < 70s sound like a weak character to you?
Assuming she does that at M0W1, that means even with a 30% difference between sig and f2p she can still solo in 90s.
It's - 20% damage without her ball bro.
must be morning for that side of the world
If anything Hoyo are being mega jews with her ball. Burnices F2P options were within 10% of her sig while the closest F2P option for Yanagi is a 20% downgrade
m0w0 without burnice is pretty brickpilled desu
It's just that the difference between having and not having her sig is a lot larger compared to past agents
>solo shiyu in < 70s
In a disorder comp with Burnice, but what about hypercarry Yanagi?
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Cute and canon!
? bro Zhu's is honestly a much bigger gap
I also sleep. When will Ellen give me a tailjob?
being sleepy is NOT a personality
zhu's is barely anything because of how good the combat attack from brimstone/saarlight is, its <5%
the only thing comparable is jane's (which is actually worse)
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W3 Roaring Ride
Zhu's is literally meme'd as the least consequential one.
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You retards missed the point. Every fight from now on will just be spamming ult cut scenes repeatedly until the boss dies, aka, all skill expression in the game is completely fucking removed.
Go back to genshin if you find this shit enjoyable.
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Reminder to laugh at every yanagi puller without her ball.
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What should I change on my Shark? I haven't touched her disks in forever and I need to go back and do it since she's falling behind
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3 more hours for Anomaly to be saved
Bangboo kart and city areas where we can actually drive our van. We have this great urban setting and not a single highway to drive on at night. I want to drive my agents around and do more city life tasks. TV was good for a change of pace too but these dripfed TV minigame events are just not enough.
post skill expression vids
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Just get better rolls honestly. You have the stats in the correct places, just not enough of them.
go back
Be honest bros. Sex is better with yanagi than burnice
stay here
yanagi has the best GYATT in the game hands down
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ellen's is basically as large but calctards undervalue certain things, it's retarded how many people think starlight actually compares to zhu's sig, especialy when you consider how finicky it is to stack it and the assumptions people make to devalue zhu's sig (they are using chaotic metal instead of hormone, they get little value from the CR etc)
there's a reason most f2p can't 60s shiyu with w5 starlight but just having the sig makes that a joke
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sorry chud new eridu is a walkable city with no parking
I meant what I said nigger
Yanagi without her ball is a brick until proven otherwise
Disappear into the night
I think the character I would blow the biggest load to would probably be Rina, Yanagi is very close second.
What do you think safe horny means?
You think Rina/Nagi/Burnice is enough to prove otherwise or do I have to test Rina/Nagi/Lucy?
I am betting most of the people that like the look of this have never had to play genshin and experience falling asleep at their keyboards during combat.
>especialy when you consider how finicky it is to stack it
>hitting nicole's quick assist is finicky
>character is named BURN ICE
>uses fire but no ice
No wonder she flopped
she will burn ice with yabi
The whole thing about starlight being only 5% worse than her sig was started by a single CC who later admitted his math was wrong and it was closer to 15%, but nobody was around to hear that part.
A limited character shouldn't be reliant on other limited characters. If you can make her work with Lucy that would be great
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Yes, I know the masking isn't perfect.
> there's a reason most f2p can't 60s shiyu with w5 starlight but just having the sig makes that a joke
Lol. Is this bait
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Bruv work on the masking
Walkable cities are objectively better thoughbeit.
And this office lady is scrolling through images of whores because....?
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this but miyabi
>living in a van but wants a walkable city
explain this
There's a list of things that are perfect and the making on that webm is not on that list
she is based and likes having sex with girls
Ellen being always tired makes sense because she's a high schooler with a job that requires high physical activity. What's homomasa excuse?
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Who's going to be dripmarketed in 2 hours?
he's lazy
is there friend assist in this game
I would also like vehicular hollow gameplay with some of those neat APCs we see parked at NEPS and Scott Outpost
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bwos..... Hans......
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Just got this
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there's no way it's not Miyabi sadly
But why did they dripmarket Harumasa early then?
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I need some advice on my bangboo situation.
Luck is terrible, I need 70 rolls per bangboo.
I have 32 to the pity, and 34 rolls in total, so I can get 1 Bangboo.

Objectively speaking, I need Cui the most, because I use the 2 police teams extensively, and they are my favourites.
But I also want Moccus, and I have no idea about the section 6 bangboo, it might be the one I need the most when Yanagi and Miyabi launches because I'm definitely going to get these agents.
Will I regret spending my guarentee on Cui?
Should I keep saving up?
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I look like this
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is that you billy bwo? what was your solo time?
They dont announce A ranks until the very end anyways so your best cope is still wrong.
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Why no Halloween event?

this is so gay
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Seth was in Jane's banner which was last though
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I'm not sorry
full pic?
You already have resonaboo for Zhu's team and bangvolver or plugboo for Jane's team, there's no reason to roll for Cui
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Aye maybe next year
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>bangvolver or plugboo for Jane's team
They don't work for Burnice-Jane-Seth which is my main.
>You already have resonaboo for Zhu's team
I'm using Caesar, not Nicole.

That's why I have been so terrible on the bangboo side, both of my teams need Cui, but even so, I can only get 1 Cui ever.
The Bangboo bonus only applies to their chain attack, which you should be skipping regardless. For an anomaly team, the anomaly boo is still BiS, especially if you don't have more than one character for buildup on a specific element.
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I finally got around to rolling Cui for my Zhu/Qingyi duo a couple of days ago. still havent used them seriously since both agents arent level 60 yet. I have no other spare missions to play them in atm
hopefully the world doesn't get nuked by then
So which Bangboo should I go for with Yanagi? and Team?
Yanagi/Burnice/Caeser or Yanagi/Burnice/Rina
Atk because I have m6 lucy
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What does it smell like?
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I just rolled him.

But I might regret it if Qingyi-Harumasa becomes a meta thing.
atk doesnt work in disorder
it just doesnt
Burnice and Caesar are her best teammates but it's a massive overkill
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not him but you're not missing much
just a dong tip
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Needed all 30 rolls out of 34 rolls.
Lime candy?
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I have done 0 side quests this patch
fish and sweat
ai slop?
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its a fun thing anyway
Can't blame you. Shit is boring without tvs.
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Just begin with one of them and the ball will roll.
No clue, I don't even know what normal women smell like are you're asking me to estimate the stench anime women?
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My cousin who lives in gookland went to the hoyoverse festival happening there. Apparently Ellen's acrylic stand sold out the fastest and Ellen/Caesar/Lycaon player won some kind of a boss time attack tournament beating other comps.
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screenshot can't capture the bangboo charm, we need webms of their jello vibes
Looks too good for sloppa maybe assisted or edited
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>doesnt know what nowandlaters are
ill see the rest of you old farts in the retirement home
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>went to the hoyoverse festival
I bet he got the ZZZ ice cream the rest of us can't have ;_;
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youre telling me. cant wait to cut up my content for just this
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which one bros?
Sex with this child
you just sent this nigga to his death
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Coff cafe
im like unhealthily obsessed with pulchra but i dont want her to be a random A-tier on harumasa's banner, i can wait if it means her getting her own S-tier banner
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Caesar probably has the smelliest feet
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3 more days until Gulliver
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you know the answer already. make sure you clear the ether plating shelf with your cat food
it's nerf or nothin
They already did the whimpery pathetic male intern thing with Seth, the only difference now is that this guy looks even worse. Outfit is dogshit, colors are dogshit, nothing about him stands out and he's definitely being shoehorned into S rank because femcels keep crying about lack of men.
sorry, but setting up an ambush but forgetting who you deal with and leaving yourself open to an attack is PEAK A tier agent at best
forever a bullied mook at most.
god imagine the chafing
If they actually doubled down on making him a femboy, I'd be less annoyed by him. The outfit design couldve been better and the choker wouldnt look so out of place. His actual design just looks very sloppy, boring and not well thought out.
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I roll for Hags and lolis
jokes on you
why can't burgers ever get something like this, we also pay for the game too
No one cares about burgers, except burgers.
Is Ether% even optimal on Zhu Yuan?
Doesn't she get a lot of dmg% from her kit+ball?
Wouldn't getting Puffer be better if you have C1 Qingyi and Nicole because you can pseudo-penmaxx?

Side question: Does anybody here know what Hans' DEF stat is? If its high enough maybe going pen is worthwhile.
puffer is bad with nicole
Convenience store so I can harness their Jewish energies.
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>Does anybody here know what Hans' DEF stat is?
Ether is better with starlight. HOWEVER, certain shiyu buffs can swing the pendulum in the direction of ATK. It all depends on the cycle but generally ETH is going to be better.

ATK is better with her sig in generally all circumstances as far as I am aware.

Not sure how the math pans out for brimstone.
My biggest gripe is that he looks even more A-rank coded than Lighter. Him and Yanagi don't stand out when compared to Mibibi and Plapkaku, but at least Yanagi has fanservice.
It should still be 69.4% total """pen"""
That could be worthwhile if the DEF stat is high enough.
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which it wont be because nicole shreds def
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What's going to happen now is I will be rolling for Moccus, but I won't be able to get him of course.
Bad luck and all.
By the time I near pity, I will change the focus to the section 6 bangboo, and hopefully get that one.
Then refocus on Moccus.

The other 3, sadly my luck isn't sufficient to get them, and they aren't meta anyway.
Safetyboo and Butlerboo, I will probably never be able to obtain you 2 because lowest priority and bad luck.
Amillion, at least has a chance eventually. But she is below priority behind Idolboo, section6boo, Moccus.
Thanks bro.

meant to reply to
It is now November, and there STILL isn't a build planner for this game.
>69% penetration
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Just finished Grace's quest...why is it so hated? I dont get it, the ending was pretty good and if anything it redeems Grace's autism
>it redeems Grace's autism
It doesn't, they just wanted to tie in the title of the Agent Story and you convinced yourself it makes sense.
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>That could be worthwhile
>he doesn't know
Get Moccus for Shityu. He's great at wrangling annoying stragglers.
Gracefags are super mad that they get cucked to any Bangboo
why did they have to give the biggest GYATT also the most P2W agent in the games
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Exactly one more hour until dripmarketing for our very first VOID HUNTER.
Too late I grabbed Cui.
Burnice is for Wise.
Burnice hands typed this post
The entire Chink world is afraid of skeletons. Think "arachnophobia mode" but the entire population has it.
Why do people say zzz is dying? It doesn't look that expensive to keep running at the current content cadence. The salesfags are insufferable
>It doesn't
The fuck do you mean it doesnt?
>they just wanted to tie in the title of the Agent Story
The title was introduced earlier in the quest and with a different meaning, so that makes no sense
Dude I just posted a pick of her saying that she doesnt actually love machines
Is this anon for real?
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This one
I dislike the premise because it's kinda fucking dumb.
>haha you're a retard for letting AI think and feel they are nothing more than tools that's why I'm stealing your AI model
Putting that aside, I don't think it's that bad. We learn plenty about Grace which is more than can be said for most agent stories.
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I dont have great luck having him activate during the time window when mobs exist
I've decided that I'll pull for Yanagi, but only if I start seeing sub minute clears without sigs or mindscapes (and only because the game has cucked me from getting Grace so far).
Is my game fucked or does chapter 4 not have stage complete music
141/Chop>GF>Fucking Stsrbucks
I wanna see what kind of DM's Yanagi sends before I roll.
Challenge accepted, burnice+caesar on hans counts yeah?
is that Angel Hina in the far left?
Might as well double down on Burny or skip Yanny
I don't use any standard S-ranks because they all suck
From what I understood she hated the more human-like AI stuff, but to be fair the bitch was desperate to surpass Grace so being a hypocrite is to be expected
hope you get kotted, metafag
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Didn't know you were collecting clear data. Wished I saved my previous one to add to the spreadsheet. Anyway, here is my current one.
>he doesn't have DMs from Yanagi already
oh no no no
but >>500742843
is official art
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But why give AI the ability to feel suffering or pain or shit like angst?
it's not dying but the steep mobile dropoff makes doomposters sperg out.
it was niche from the start, kinda low on content and now the mainstream is leaving. not good optics but not horrible
we'll have to wait and see what MHY is doing about it
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>they all suck
She does suck. My dick that is
I'm talking about drip marketing. Are we getting drip'd soon?
The one chinks are permitted to see probably has a fish monster there.
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It's Elysia (forma de ZZZ)
I don't remember it having any either.
Lucy is our Hina
That's not official art.
she looks tiny
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Probably for the same reason Billy and Fairy seem to have feelings. Advanced logic core leads to the machine having feelings
it's comissioned art drawn by a nip
can chinks even see twitter?
is this not one of the official accounts ?

>Big breasts are le bad
Ok gaylord
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Why are you skipping her
Zzz Raiden will save us.
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I can probably improve my timing if i manage to group the initial mooks on side a better
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Sorry chud, I'm Koleda seeded.
Jane, Caesar and Burnice made me dry and I'm saving for Miyabi now.
>1 hour until Yanagi stocks crashes for not synergizing with Miyabi
How are you feeling bros?
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Billy is an android, not a robot. so he probably has a human brain with real human feels
1-I really like Burnice and I like slutty chicks
2-I have Grace and getting Yanagi's ball for her would be cheaper
3-She seems like a brick if you dont have either Burnice or her sig

I do love thos tits tho
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I only like big breasts on lolis
Might try 50/50 for her because my electric damage.options are...Anton. But if the gheyboi is actually A I will just roll for him on Mibis banner hopefully.
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based straightGOD
Engine and disc Setup for DPS Qingyi?
Pretty sure he is full machine, and besides him there is also Qingyi
It's just reposting it they even credit the original artist, plus its a JP account not chinese.
>Dude I just posted a pick of her saying that she doesnt actually love machines
don't be stupid women are liars anon
she's just saying that to save face
An android is a robot designed to look like or based on a human, you're thinking of cyborg.
The game only mentions Billy by the classification of android so at most his memories were transferred to a robotic body with an artificial brain, but I believe this only happened to Qingyi while Billy is a rogue AI.
just looked it up because i felt i was like i was talking out of my ass lol
but the wiki calls him a cyborg which implies modified human
Because you are leaving a lot of damage on the table by skipping her ball. Don't want hoyo to start a trend where balls begin to be must-pulls
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They didnt need to go so real...
I'm tempted but I'm not using my guarantee on her, I'll keep saving to pull every Obol agent
Burnice with A ranks is good enough to clear
time to save
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Her main rival is Jane.

In terms of meta, and ease of use, it's probably close.
I guessing they gave Yanagi a lot of invulnerable frames. But this can only be equal to Jane at best because Jane is easy to dodge with low effort.

In terms of charm, Jane is well animated, Ice skating themed, diffiult to beat. Well done recovery from dodge animation, she has 2, one for each clock direction.
Yanagi showed some unique charm in the new video where she kick her sheath and bumped it into her butt, but that's probably not enough.

Too many Anomalies in the roster is like having too many chefs in the kitchen. And not Miyabi is the biggest chef.
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Does character level affect daze damage significantly? Am I bricking my stunners by having them under level 55?
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yup here we go I managed to cut down both sides
Gacha girls shouldn't be taller than the average man.
we need a way to view voicelines
uh oh OPPAI LOLI time again

captcha JAS GG

I'm 70 deep into pity and hoping Grace+Burnice can carry my poor ass
If fox wife really is a buff for shark wife then everything is going towards her
I think that comes from a mistranslation of his character description on the official website. His agent archive reads;
>Billy Kid, an AI construct that has passed the forbidden fruit test, is essentially a self-aware machine.
>Note: Ether adaptability for androids depends entirely on their constituent materials. We recommend regular Ether tolerance testing and self-monitoring of component health.
I keep asking for it but it doesn't come...please help me anons answer your surveys...
I only like lolis with small or flat chests, what does that make me
An average heterosexual male.
It's not loli if they have tits.
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Going from 55% to 70% is not worthwhile even at 3000 def

For a 1000 def enemy you would need at least 90% for armor shred to be worth taking over an elemental disc. There is currently no way to do that for ZY.

Penetration stacking is exclusively for anomaly characters at the moment, unfortunately.
Rina is so fucking annoying to play, it ALWAYS default to her shitty useless time wasting evasive support which also puts her 15 miles away from the boss and the DPS needs to run. I can't fucking turn it off.
If I'm farming at HIA, is it more cost-productive to just sink 100 energy per session or do I do less energy? I don't really know how the drops work, they seem pretty random.
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You guys know what needs to be done to save us from EoS.
It's the same either way.
>Bounty Hunters
These construction crane enemies are so annoying
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Do you guys really think we're going to have a new A rank that wasn't even in that game launch trailer?
I saw people commenting on Pulchra, but wouldn't she have to somehow appear in the plot of 1.4?
stfu retard
Not really, but she could easily show up in whatever the main event is or some other crap.
>wouldn't she have to somehow appear in the plot of 1.4?
There's no rule that says so, even though it would be out of place. What I find more likely is that an Obol A rank will be present sometime during 1.3 or 1.4 to help transition into their story next.
I love coffee but I think I'd take the ramen here
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Miyabi on a box or Miyabi in a box?
Don't have a melty just because you like petite hags.
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Since I didn't get a confirmation about being added, I decided redo my run for a faster time.
This scene gave me an erection
Is the Ellen rerun expected to be in December?
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Sorry the box is mine, get your own.
Probably 1st half of 1.4, so yeah.
If Miyabi is really a support for her they might run them together, do January instead. Won't know until the 1.4 stream probably.
I mean, would you be willing to sacrifice a single OBOL character to the A rank shitter? Orpheus/Magus are guaranteed S rank due to being the leader btw.
I like hags, lolis and shortstacks, but oppai lolis are SHIT
Not really, she could be related to Lighter's story and they're probably making her factionless if she is indeed released now.
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Miyabi in a cage like a fucking animal
Most of the A-ranks are good, Seth is good despite how much people seethe about him, and when he came out he was the best at his job (as short lived as that was).
There's no reason to think the A-ranks are gonna be garbage like most Genshin ones are, at least right now. Most of the M6 supports are better than Caesar in their best teams still, for example, and HSR has most 4*s be pretty good with every 2.x 4* or free character being meta except for Misha.
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Added along with everything else in the thread so far.
>Lighter gets Pulchra and Bellum as A Ranks
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Greetings Cunnymaxxers

also the number 7 is important to ZZZ
because it's the number of lolis in the game
soon to be 10

lolis can goe up to 150cm tall

sometimes even higher

lolis can have breasts

they don't need to be completely flat to be lolis

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

cope retards these are lolis

you are a lolicon in denial

lolis can be thicc too
lolis can have hips

there can even be giantess lolis
oppai lolis
legal lolis
fake lolis
potato lolis

Thread theme

and now for some thread tunes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuPJKosb-bs [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEXAdhFPp7M [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf6Mn-aWzhY [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvrM7h0ieLk [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXivjx406Co [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO4Yfj2ifqE [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iivJ5TBu9go [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io7XG_Gnzsw [Embed]

now now let's not be in denial like the /hsrg/shitters

your waifus are lolis and that's okay!

not all lolis are potato goblins like in genshin

>Orpheus/Magus are guaranteed S rank due to being the leader btw
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her game
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This is how your in game girlfriend looks like, thoughts?
S11 is already the honorary A rank
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ZZZ made more money per character than Genshin did lmao
All ZZZ had in october was Burnice, while Genshin ran like 4 shitters. I just mention Genshin because it's the standard for success apparently
Wise is so lucky
>under 5"8'
What 3rd world shit hole are you from where guys aren't 5'8"?
Would rather not since it's not going to be Trigger either so it has to be Seed.
I dont know why no one pointed this out earlier to the salesfaggots. Genshin runs 4 banners per patch and hrt runs a gorillon, they're like the walmarts of gacha
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Kidnapping children is illegal, Wise...
I don't really care about Obol, but I got spooked by goggles 11 so yeah I'll take a free support for her
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Exactly ten more minutes left until Mibibi drip marketing.
Genshin had 1 new character and 3 reruns retard
including a DPS most people own (Hu Tao) and a bottom 5 least owned character (Chiori)
what kind of retarded metric is this, are you going to say HRT made "less money per banner" when one of its reruns is fucking dan who had a rerun already and is also usless in the current meta?
even acheron isn't meta anymore and her rerun is soon, what an idiotic thing to say
Imagine if this game suddenly had Ellen Caesar and new character all in the same month, the revenue would be off the charts. I'd be pissed though
isnt zzz more of a pc game, is there a site or something to see pc revenue?
FUFAG MUST BE Subject to Enhanced interrogation techniques

death by PIGLET
please stop salesfagging
>salescucks are back
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But it's thrilling to catch them in photographs that is.
Ok sure but also add that ZZZ costs are definitely a fraction of Genshin's, I don't know how much if I did I would be pulling numbers out of my ass, but it's evident that this game is cheaper so proportionally speaking any cent it makes is worth more
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>advance the day because I kept putting it off
>Get railroaded into 3-4 trust events in a row with grace the moment I fuck off and leave the store
I swear to God... If I get spooked by m4 grace on Yanagi 's banner..
Don't forget to bake a Miyabi bread to time it with the drip.
7 minutes
Don't use this thread
It's made by the nicolefag who fucks up the embeds
meebs op doko
>[Embed] [Open]
Lets not.
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That's not mibibi.
>Miyabi drip market about to start
>no mibibi bread

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