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Previous: >>500728586

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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3 minutes
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This is the one
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Two minutes
/zzz/ history will be made in a couple minutes
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Greetings Cunnymaxxers

also the number 7 is important to ZZZ
because it's the number of lolis in the game
soon to be 10

lolis can goe up to 150cm tall

sometimes even higher

lolis can have breasts

they don't need to be completely flat to be lolis

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

cope retards these are lolis

you are a lolicon in denial

lolis can be thicc too
lolis can have hips

there can even be giantess lolis
oppai lolis
legal lolis
fake lolis
potato lolis

Thread theme

and now for some thread tunes

now now let's not be in denial like the /hsrg/shitters

your waifus are lolis and that's okay!

not all lolis are potato goblins like in genshin

stop the cope fufago
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My wife is going to be on the big screen!
homimi mibibbibibbibii
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>"lord harumasa stop slacking off and get back to WORK"
>"soukaku stop chewing on your hand and get back to WORK"
>miyabi-sama this the private investigator we'll be WORKING with
>"n-no miyabi-sama you can't swordfight him to death you have to WORK"
>days later
>"good WORK private investigator it has been a pleasure WORKING with you I hope we can WORK together in the future"
>months later
>"just got off WORK nice WORK team you deserve ramen on me for WORKING hard now excuse me I have some WORK to deal with"
>"oh private investigator what a coincidence me being here is a complete coincidence I just got off WORK and my WORK involves prying deep into the people I WORK with and that involves you but not this time haha"
>"anyways I'm tired of WORKING can I tap- I mean borrow a tape"
>"oh this tape about ands and WORKING sounds great let me tell you WORKING with harumasa and soukaku is a lot of WORK I'll just have to snap soukaku's neck if I want to watch this in peace I hope harumasa's WORKING hard"
>"our team has a lot of WORK we do the WORK of other teams and we WORK on establishing good WORKING relationships anyways it's been nice talking about WORK I have to go now bye"
>"oh silly old me I was so worried about WORK I forgot the video tape about WORKING"
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Pulchrafaggots & OBOLsissies are going to get BTFO'd soon by Void Hunter Miyabi (Forma de Ice Anomaly).
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1 minute
Is this rape?
I can't believe they scrapped Miyabi
miyabi became a ball
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>Harumasa was such a flop that they cancelled Miyabi
Nice game ZZZkeks!!!
>Electric Anomaly ball
Wait ONE fucking minute
The Harumasa post was made 23 hours ago, so maybe we have to wait another hour.
we ballin
Pack it up boys her drip marketing will be only tomorrow
>Harumasa will be the only banner in 1.4
it's over...
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They early dripped homomasa for nothing.
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If you don't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best
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waited 8 hours for a fucking ball we already knew about
all me
I told you fuckers.

1.4 will be Haru and an Ellen rerun as the 2nd banner.

They're keeping Meebs stored for 1.5
This game is so fucking over
Drake, where's the Miyabi drip?
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Mibibi is going to sell, right bros?
Hoshimi Miyabi!!! Ahhh!!!! Hoshimi Miyabi is missing!!!
who's rick
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Ohsitmi Miballi...
Hoshimi Miyabi (forma de bola)

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No drip? Time to honk mimimi
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what the fuck man
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Apparently we won't have a new A rank in 1.4, but I find it bizarre how Drip Marketing doesn't have any standards for when it happens.
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it's over.. actual eos after homomasa
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wait a minute...that design...
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good night sweet shark
game will unironically die if they do that, especially after back to back male banners
Its Ellen rerun HAHAHAHAHAHA
This would had happened if you had baked a Mibibi thread...
Homomasa and Ellen rerun....it's been fun bros.....
>he really thought he was going to roll for Hoshimi Miyabi, leader of Section 6, as soon as patch 1.4
dumb furnigger
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>over 2.5 months to save for Miyabi
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Told you guys that they will hold her for 2.0
you do it next time then crybaby
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Oh shit hold on they actually changed the Mitsubishi logo?
Alright fuck this game I’m out.
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Haven't gotten around to clearing it yet, I keep messing up my dodge timings. I swear the more I play the worse I get but I'm getting there, it's cutting it closer than I'd like
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How do we know that Timeweaver isn't actually Miyabi curled up into a little ball?
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what's the point of announcing harumasa this early if they're not going to announce anything today. no really though
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What's Da Wei's plan...?
People get over 4-5 banners to save for Miyabi (Enough to guarantee her and her weapon most likely)
but you guys told me there was going to be miyabi today...
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>ellen rerun so i can save even more pulls for mibibi after getting yanagi and harumasa
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blueballed by a ball
If Miyabi isn't coming in 1.4 I'm dropping the game. Tired of this carrot dangling bullshit.
I is HSR all over again but I will enjoy my M2W1 Miyabi when the time comes I guess.
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Where the fuck is Miyabi, Da Wei?
He needs to get his ass mugged again.
>rolling for homomasa
Back to /hrtg/.
Alright Dawei I get the message, I'm rolling for Yanagi's ball too...
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it's obvious after dawei got the sensor tower imaginary numbers yesterday he cancelled mibibi release. it's over, she'll be moved to be released in hsr instead.
grow up faggot
clear spreadsheet anon u there?
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same but actually skipping both for meeb copies
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Nice drip marketing zzzkeks
Is Yanagi's ball even worth it or does she have good cope options?
Miyabi doesn't have even one tail
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>Hoyo cancel Miyabi drip because they are afraid of Camellya
Why does the ball look like Miyabi though
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All this means is likely no new A rank for the next patch, again.
Umm thanks.
it's a huge upgrade over literally every other option
miyabi releasing in february at this rate
It's the same as the other 500 Anomaly characters already released you fucking retard.
so it's shit
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Harumasa & Ellen rerun in 1.4, Miyabi is gonna be in 1.5
Holy melty
ehm did the game just die
>Miyabi is ice anomaly confirmed
kill me
Sadly, we won't survive 9 weeks of Yawnagi + double homo banner, so yes.
Game is dead if there's homofag is the only banner for 1.4.
>got a dupe of Koleda's ball
>didn't even confirm Miyabi for next patch
A fine day to die if I say so
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even if it's ellen rerun I think they should've announced something today..
Just over a month ago Lighter and Haru were planned A-ranks and we were going to have cute girls in their place. Why can't we go back to that timeline?
>non-stop delicious S rank girls since launch
>except entire 1.4 which is one single omega twink banner
What's the joke here
Grace ball is pretty good if you also are running Rina
I turned myself into a ball, Yanagi. I'M BALL MIYABIIII!1
Time to drop this trash.
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it's so fucking over bros. i'm selling my account right NOW before account prices crash
rate my teams
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>15 mil revenue
>1.3 has midnagi and a homo
>1.4 only has a homo
>no new belle/wise story
>no new forms of content or innovations

uhhh... guess ill just uninstall for now. not much to look forward to. i don't even hate male characters but lighter and harufag arent my type
>he posted wide miyabi
You don’t deserve her
>1.3 has two special agent stories aka filler
>1.4 is just one dude and probably reruns
ZZZ more like Zzz
So no Miyabi?????
Love and Deep Space
>Lighter on Caesar's banner
>Harumasa on Yanagi's banner
>early Miyabi
Alas it was too good a timeline for this cursed world.
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looks good bro
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>Hoshitmi Midyabi cancelled
holy BASED
>What's the joke here
Gay sex.
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>another Koleda ball
my account is cursed...
Your Miyabi is pretty good bro, I wish I had your disks
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Miyabi delayed until 2.0
Hoshimi Bosenmori Shogun
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>I swear the more I play the worse I get
fuck I know that feel(im the Lucy solo fag). getting complacent fighting the same enemies over and over, plus having to redo the mob groupings takes so much steam out of the boss fight.
Hans is meaty as fuck but you can definitely clear this season
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Leave your 50/50 losses.... TO ME!
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>Miyabi completely cancelled
Retard she will be drip marketed tomorrow don't fall for shit bait
Just died.
Barely, but if you have a screenshot you wanna post I'll add it to the sheet later.
Status: Miyover
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33 minutes
trust the plan
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Can anon survive
The timeline with no Hoshimi Miyabi?
these always make me laugh but I feel bad
at least you're happy
[Sad News] Hoshimi Miyabi has decided to retire as the world's youngest void hunter and leader of Section 6
[Happy News] Hoshimi Miyabi has announced her sudden marriage to ME and has decided to put 100% of her time and energy to care for OUR children.
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update m1 qingyi + lucy timers, this time i actually tried
NTA but I swear I spend 10x more time trying to group mobs slipping all over the place than actually fighting the boss
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30min until meeb drip everyone!
>people unironically run Qingyi as DPS
Jesus I have m2w1 Qingyi and I still have her holed in as stunner
Thank you Dawei.
so uhh...is ellen's S1/ball worth?
it's over... cough cough...
The new Yanagi ball is better than Mitsubishi ball.
Left side white, right side black represents her 2 shances.
feels good to have piper be my solo character, grouping is just hold e and watch mfers pop
Change discs if you want to run her as DPS
>engine uncaps are phases
Damn. So it's Kino#Phase#
I managed to get a 3 min clear for once, I usually get S rank by seconds
getting there, maybe next shiyu rotation I post my clears
why did I let this thread gaslight me into thinking burnice's ball was worth it...
bibi funeral next op pls
Her signature w-engine's good.
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Dear Proxies:

Due to lack of support, Zenless Zone Zero did not meet its monthly revenue expectations. As compensation, we have decided to postpone the release date of the S Rank Agent "Hoshimi Miyabi" until expectations are met.


After the Version 1.3 update, the release date for the S Rank Agent "Hoshimi Miyabi" will be postponed indefinitely until Zenless Zone Zero manages to meet its monthly revenue expectations for a total of 6 (Six) consecutive months. Thank you for your attention, dear Proxies!.
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>1.3 Yanagi / Lighter
>1.4 Harumasa / Ellen
>1.5 Miyabi / Zhu
>1.6 Trigger / Qingyi (Seed as an A-Rank)
>2.0 Ghostfire / Jane
Is this what we should expect?
well i skipped zhu yuan so my teams are piper and ellen
chinky lacks synergy with either but somehow ends up being a better dps than ellen, at m1 that is.
Where the Ellen rerun shitpost is coming from?
if ellen comes back I might roll for her, is m1 good or do I go for the weapon
>Is this what we should expect?
no, you should expect end of service in three seconds
after finishing all the main chapters, I think I liked belobog's chapter the most. belobog has a fun cast.
just weapon
her mindscapes are all quite weak because of re-roll potential due to being the first limited
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She's the most popular character in the game
Expect 3 additional reruns next year.
weapon. m1 makes your life a bit convenient but if you've been playing fine then you don't really need it
About what? not rolling for her when the game released?
people want more time to save for mibibi
And get even lower revenue lol
They didn't drip anyone today because they are scrambling to get an infographic for Bellum drip marketing to balance the male female ratio
The logic is that Miyabi would powercreep Ellen so they would rerun Ellen to bait people before releasing Miyabi
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Uhhhh do we REALLY want female furries...
This make no sense
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Ellen's rerun killed the game.
if they really want to bait people to roll ellen, they'd release miyabi's kit as leak implies making ellen one of her top teammate.
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for me it's tomiya
She gave it life then gave it death.
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are you the Piper/Corin bwo? seriously based clears. I think my Piper's stats are higher but you still do better
>perform my monthly standard 10-roll
>it's an s-rank!
>it's a fusion compiler
>the last s-rank I got from standard was also a fusion compiler
I hate this. It's been ~2.5 patches and my only standard s-rank is lycaon. even when I failed a 50/50 I just got a lycaon dupe. I want rina or grace or even soldier 11 so badly!
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Weren't we supposed to get Miyabi's drip today? Is 1.4 going to be a solo banner patch?
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Dopamine acquired
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What if the Miyabi model fix was the reason for the delay?
What's your type of male then?
How do we know its Ellen rerun? Maybe Miyabi will be dripped on Monday...
does mihoyo do drip marketing on weekends? it's like saturday in china ain't it?
It's so they can milk Ellen's fat underage taddas before Miyabi cuts her sales, in any game with powercreep the metafags won't roll for weaker characters that fill the same role as the strongest one so any character that has been powercrept instantly becomes less profitable in future reruns
Maybe they’re giving her the best animations they can, completely different to beta
>investing in attackers
Big Daddy, Varka, etc...

It should have never had to have been fixed in the first place. Almost everything the devs have been changing or "fixing" should've been done by 1.0. It's insane.
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Well I'll come back tomorrow for the mibibi drip marketing good night bros
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Miyabi will be dripped on Monday, its the weekend and the interns are not at work.
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Oh, well....
I can now go back to grinding for my favorite Soldier.
>my Soldier 11/Burnice/Caesar team clears way faster than Soldier 11/Caesar/Lucy
Maybe it's actually Burnice who does the heavy lifting...
FUCK Hoshimi Mibibi
I will NEVER ROLL for Hoshimi Mibibi
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I also have no grace, rina or s11. im going to go for rina on my selector but its going to be 2 years before I get her to M1 at this rate.
kys retard
Drip marketing in zzz has no set pattern every patch they did in different days
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reminder that 1.1 drips weren't back to back each day
They delayed Miyabi because Tiffany raged saying nobody would pull for Homomasa if she was coming next
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>lets everyone save for Miyabi
>lets people not spend their money on Miyabi
>kills the game
Everyone thank your favorite maid Ellen!
wtf was that?
dead game not renewing my monthly
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Miyabi is cancelled.

Embrace Hoshimi Shiroyabi instead.
i have 2 koleda balls bro and also a lycan ball deespite not having either character
at least fusion compiler is actually usable
You WILL enjoy your homo story quest. That is all you will be getting :3
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I regret rolling for Ellen and Zhu
but why, why so inconsistent. What's the point, why not make it habitual like the sibling games
I hate when they try to be funny about giving me a dogshit experience
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she killed millions (in revenue)
it's Miyover
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Armpit slut
Unpredictability is more addictive than a set pattern, therefore doing this boosts engagement
Zzz is silly like that
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Cunning Hares is the only thing in ZZZ to anchor the story to the light hearted comedic side.
The res tis pretty fucking dark.

Belobog vs Vision. We learn about the sacrificial lambs, Vision = The Order, they wanted to sacrifice an entire sector of new Eridu to expand the Dead End Butcher hollow.

Maids and Butler vs The Order henchmen. The Order was probably behind the creation of the Twins ethereals back in the day too. Ch2 and ch3 shows they are deeply infiltrated into New Eridu upper society, they have the TV station helping them, they have people inside the police force who are in charge of overseeing prisoners. Shit is fucked.

Bikers and old oil gang vs Ether money corpos. Those fuckers are undoubtedly related to The Order as well, so probably so is Lucious, the dude is giving me crazy cultist vibes.

Will be about Section 6, and as the rule goes, if you focus story into a strong faction like Section 6, the opponent will also be strong and creepy one way or another.

That leaves us with the Cunning Hares as our ace in the sleeve to tip the scale of balance.
The other factions are stronger, but developers will always match them with some opponent that is strong enough to hold them at bay.
Cunning Hares is protected by the invisible force of plot armor and is the comedy relief among all the creepy shit that is going on.
...you know that's fake, right?
Holy shit is that Suzuki Mitsubishi Honda
Homomasa and Ellen rerun lmfao in a game with a less playercount consisting of 90% males. Do they want to kill the game?
just got a call

its coming in 2 days so do not worry
and yes she is anomaly
what the fuck are you talking about anon it's right there on the twitter page
Did everyone just forget about Lucia? She's still in the games files isn't she?
big if true
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this is what happens when you use Nicole to find your surgeon FUCK
Why are ZZZ names so uncreative? 80% of them are just boring real names.
You have brain damage
So the thread will be people shitposting a Ellen rerun just like the last drip marketing huh?
So what are the chances we get drip marketing on monday for a second character?
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Okay but genuinely what the fuck is Mihoyo thinking here?
How does letting everyone guarantee the most hyped character in the entire game make money for them?
0 its fucking over
I’d rather be named Acheron or Aventurine or Sparkle or Firefly right
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This sucks
They don't really care in zzz
>Implying there's anything creative about ZZZ
They copied full kits and characters as "inspiration" i still buy my pass but let's keep it real, creative they're not.
free miyabi in 1.5 will save this game
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I still cant guarantee M6R5 and ive been saving since day 1
I'll probably skip miyabi. I don't think she's all that hyped. she doesn't even dress like a slut.
>end game content so easy that you don't need to pull
>plenty of save patches for the best character so you don't have to swipe
I dunno, maybe they need to lose some money so they don't have to bribe the ccp as much
so funny reddit brothers!
What is hype about her?
Can you point me to it? Maybe some examples?
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Yeah we should take cues from Arknights' naming conventions. Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska, Wiš'adel and Пoзёмкa really rolls off the tongue.
>why isn't everyone named Lang Qiang Ting
playing this story makes me want to kill myself nothing fucking happens
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why do you guys play zzz?

for the combat?
the story?
the characters?
the vibe?

I'm genuinely running out of reasons for me to want to
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banging . . . BOOS!
Because it's a mihoyo game ?
I don't need any more reasons than that.
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The only change they did was give her eyes a lighter hue but it made all the difference she's so much cuter now.
Hoshimi Miyabi
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For her.
People get hype over Virgil knockoffs over and over again. If you spend enough time in these kinds of places you keep seeing it.
im a gacha addict and this is my choice of poison
to keep up with the multi-thread gacha shitposting on 4chan
You failed to picture the box
personally I felt chapter 1 was ok. I liked chapter 2. I really didn't like chapter 3. chapter 4 was nice.
I want a character that will let me do crazy action where I can jump around like a retard shooting things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZLK5NRQPOc
Very true, now go back to sleep March 7th.
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goddess demands it from me
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>no foxwhore

Ellensisters won bigly again get fucked neckbeard weebs maids >>>>>> autism katanadicking foxwhore imagine having skipped the ONLY premium Ice DPS until 2.0
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>beat shiyu second side without electric dps
sorry yanana I'm going all in widebibi
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this game has god-tier NPCs
I play it to stare at burnice's ass. that's about it.
I love the art style, I love the designs, I enjoy the combat, I love the characters, I love the attention to detail, I love the constant events even if a lot of them are tiny, I love the promo material, I love how devs seem to be listening and have addressed a lot of QoL stuff quickly, I love ZZZ!!!
Those names have way more personality than "Ellen Joe" and "Jane Doe"
need quests with them, preferably ending in threesome
I disagree; ZZZ is definitely very lighthearted in general, even without the cunning hares. Also, every villain secretly being tied to/part of the order sounds a little far-fetched; is there any proof of this? Like, I remember chapter 4 the best, and lucius is just your standard evil twink with dark ambitions, him being a cultist would be unlikely.
I just stole it off twitter
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Autism lost...
Welp no Miyabi means I’ll pull Yanagi and play this game on maintenance mode till the next female release
im getting pissed
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beating second side with electric dps is more impressive thoughbeit
Fuck it i'm out
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it's over sashimi is cancelled
gibberish isn't a personality, Imbibitor Lunae.
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Woke. Same, Anon.
Those aren't their real names...
I guess they don't want to interfere with Yanagi's debut but wanted to give courtesy heads up to female players and faggots that their elec option is upcoming
I’m getting bored chaining attacks into the same characters over and over…..
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I like the character designs and I like the siblings and I like the story so far!!
Bros they post on their social media usually every day exactly 1 hr and 7 mins ago, you still have 22 hrs 53 mins left to go until the next time they post something.
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I like Qingyi
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Iado sword bitches have the worst fucking fanbase. What is with them and attracting the mouth breathers like Ayaka in Genshin?
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>Miyabi is a boss fight only NPC
partly because I like the artstyle, maybe the combat, but mostly because I'm apparantly addicted to live service games. Like the game is boring as hell to me but I'm still playing it because I want to make the polychrome go up and hit my goal of m6-ing a limited character without spending any money. I even uninstalled once, only to come back to spend my rolls on caesar, burnice, and lighter.
Ayaka is a bad example of sword bitch though.
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>lucius is just your standard evil twink with dark ambitions, him being a cultist would be unlikely.
e works for one of the The Order branches in New Eridu.
Vision is one of them.
The other one is related to harvesting Ether.
And they have people in the TV station and police station.
I bet you they have people inside the government too now that we are moving to Section 6.

>even without the cunning hares
I think without the Cunning Hares, the game would lack the "main character" faction that tips the scale. I think this is their role along with Belle and Wise.
They need to nerf weekly bosses. It's not fun spending 3 minutes hitting a bloated punching bag for 1 material.
I just woke up bros, where's mibbies?
What if surprise Pompey release
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Who do you choose to go have dinner with?
as likely as Pulchra...
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in our hearts
>lucius is just your standard evil twink with dark ambitions
NTA but lucius used a poison that accelerates ether corruption, that screams The Order to me.
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If we actually get a whole patch only with Harumasa and a rerun I'll be really FREAKING pissed.
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>9 minutes a week is too much
Wirh Rain, who is offscreen on the left.
I'm uninstalling if they do that.
Neither, I make Lycaon cook for me and Lucy
Burnice's banner flopped pretty hard and now we're stuck with two male banners in a row after office lady

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>nothing for the next 4 days
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Holy mother of fucked up quoting
>For a 1000 def enemy you would need at least 90% for armor shred to be worth taking over an elemental disc. There is currently no way to do that for ZY.
That's literally false.
It's quite easy for PEN% to become equal or better that DMG% on Zhu Yuan, the reason you don't want to get PEN% on her is because in every single realistic scenario where PEN% is better than DMG%, ATK% will be better than both.

It's a matter of investing into the multipliers efficiently.
On my S11, PEN% disc #5 is already within the 2 sub-stats distance from the DMG% against the level 70 Elite Dullahan you can fight in VR Training.
So, assuming Shiyu itself and the boss status do not scale DEF (which they most likely do), it's already better than both ATK% and DMG% discs for pretty much all kinds of Shiyu weather enhancing either.
After my S11 hits C2, it'll be better pretty much always.

If someone runs Zhu with Caesar and Nicole, they should absolutely test if PEN% on disc #5 could work for them.
Pompey and Bid Daddy units that let you can date only as Wise!
Going out to dinner with Pompey and constantly getting mistaken as his son then going home to have gay incest sex!
Big Daddy BBQ and sucking off his thick cock and licking BBQ sauce off of his nips!
>ellen flopped
>zhuyuan flopped
>qingyi megaflopped
>jane megaflopped
>caesar gigaflopped
>burnice gigaflopped
those are just the names of real gods and mythological figures anyways
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Calm down, they don't post on Saturday.
no one cares about miyabi. ayaka flopped
That's a good point, but I think such a poison would actually be pretty common and easy to make. Hell, Zhu Yuan laces her bullets with ether like some kind of sicko; if a cop can infuse their gun with ether, the son of the outer ring's overlord can probably infuse a drink with ether.
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Nothing can excuse choosing "Rockrock" as your codename
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This is great news, I get more time to save for all the idols and their balls
I like the characters, I love the visual style, I'm curious about the story and I enjoy the combat.
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Has Mihoyo gotten too cocky?
Do they actually think they can make a patch with just Harumasa and rerun of a powercrept character and sell well?
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>"real gods and mythological figures"
>can tell the which ones are real and which ones are myth
bros I think I found a god
>Jenshin NPC mission
>thank you for delivering this bouquet of flowers uwu
>HSR NPC mission
>thank you for helping a certain space notChinese notPolitburo for neutralizing a follower of a different god. Also, you don't actually do anything of note for the space notChinese because they hate foreigners
>ZZZ NPC mission
>thank you for delivering this fucking audio of my children dying from interdimensional crystal zombie disease. Much appreciated

why are ZZZ NPC missions so much better?
We need an edgy chuuni faction. All the current designs are too tame.
he also used ether-based explosives during the race, it's pretty obvious that he's just getting help from outside (probably the same people who employ miss sarah)
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can someone summarize the drip for me?
I'm too old to follow all those zoomer things...
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Petite woman jumpscare!
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At the end of the day, dawei approved the double homo banner with single limited for 1.4. This must be all part of the grand strategy to invade Taiwan. Trust the plan.
The only thing that jumped here was my cock
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we love underaged girls here
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Here's your drip bro.
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Y’all really think an Ellen rerun is gonna be on 1.4 or y’all astral coping? Hoyo had almost 3 years to fix Miyabi’s kit & story implementation, there’s no way they’re gonna push another 6 weeks until her, especially when she’s supposedly releasing in January which is when sales are gonna be hitting because of Chinese New Years & when Sec6 is gonna be the main focus in 1.3. It doesn’t make sense in a business standpoint. There’s also 3-4 days before patch launch, so really anything can release during that time (IIRC someone’s Drip Marketing released a day or two before patch launch). Stop the cope & dooming & really think about this clear-headed.
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when will mihoyo let us go on dates with NPCs
not all mythological figures are gods
I think of sex when I see this image.
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do not the corn
K6P5 __________
Can Ballyabi defeat Nineveh once and for all? Check out the 1.4 main story release to know more...
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Oh, so Miyabi is electric after all.
Interesting choice, if unexpected.
my miyabi looks more round than usual
I don't care, I want zhu yuan and qingyi to rerun so I can get them
The proxy delivering sad news about missing people, and dog, has happened a lot which only made the mission about the handcuffed couple sweeter
I don't think ZZZ writing is anywhere near the best writing I've read but they have their great moments
What am I supposed to play during homo Lighter banner and Homomasa and a shitty rerun?
I was mostly joking about 'real gods', like how would someone in this day and age know which gods were real and which ones were fake(myth).
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Fellow men.
I love Rain.
That's all.
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They won’t release Miyabi because that coincides with Mavuika, can’t let their most hyped ZZZ character flop to a Genshin Archon
I meant "real" as in real names taken from gods from real religions, not "this god is REAL"
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ZZZ for this feel?
J___ and Y_____
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Coco drip when? I hope she's Ether Anomaly
miyabi wears too many pieces of clothing to be a "hyped ZZZ character"
Sex with Ellen!
Raw dogging!
Pulling out!
Cumming on Corin's face!
Sex with Ellen!
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>this god is doing damage control
I want some of her sugar if you catch my meaning
Rina, Jane, and Nicole.
10 HP, 100 HP AT LVL60

You must finish combat within 15s or else she dies from Ether corruption.
the original WORMED character
She’s like the only beta character from ZZZ so people have known her for years
she reminds me of AA12 from GFL
Ellen chugging down a glass full of semen and smegma before burping and falling asleep.
Why do genshin characters always have weird ass names
doesn't matter not nakey enough
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The only virgins are Caesar & Zhu Yuan.
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Imagine 1.4 really is just Fagomasa and an Ellen rerun, only for 1.5 to be another male banner kek.

Imagine seven homo's in a row...
Sweaty idol panties
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What if I start licking them instead?
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would roll
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The real reason why Miyabi isn't in 1.4 is because she's inside Soukaku's balls LOL
NOT Belle.
Anal is NOT sex.
Anal is NOT incest.
They’re gonna make them naked and make this a Lads copy with gameplay
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Sweaty idol pussy
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She'll be a summoner
The summons in question?
Our high-ether aptitude kids.
wish i didn't image search that
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I hope yanagi and soukaku live together like a mother and daughter. Soukaku is probably an orphan and I can't imagine a dangerous oni with a mental age of a child living alone.
she lives in a little box in the corner of my house
secksion secks! they have secks all day!
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free gibs soon? devs must be starting to panic by this point
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Ellen's slow ass rerun killed the game
Does she have the softest pale skin in game?
they would've released miyabi yesterday if they're panicking
>no contents
>4* looking ass homo
Jesus they're really TRYING to kill this game huh
ellens 16yo shark pussy is killing my sperm count
ive fapped to that story like 4 times already
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wajeets aren't sending their best
i'll NEVER quit HOYO games
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Something will flop in front of me.
So what happened to Miyibi bwos
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Dawei had sex with a Chinese femboy so he decided to make 1.4 a Harumasa patch instead of Miyabi patch
Stop being a hoyodrone. If zzz become cuckfiesta like HSR and Genshin, I'm quitting without a second thought.
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you know better than to expect gibs. when was the last time we even had sorrychromosomes?
Do it now nigger. Save us all from your pag eating street shitter stench
Yanagi is going to get last minute buffs. Trust the plan.
i like em flat
you like em ai slopped
go back /hrtg/
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im edging post ntr please censors are even better
If you pull on a limited banner a few times and get a standard S Rank agent, if you stop pulling on the banner and wait for the next limited banner, will you for sure win the 50/50, or does the chance reset?
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broooooos started cutting some of this content up waiting for someone. want to split this out into images once cropped perfectly so I can recombine it into a perfect loop
Cute projection, I didn't know third worlders had self hatred like that.
>Miyabi delayed
Are they fucking retarded?
ZZZ revenue already plummeting and can't keep up with HSR, Genshin.
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Does Jane's late fee count?
Ellen maybe
Lucy maybe
Most of the roster actually.
They're called turd-worlders for a reason bwo
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Is this bait
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How do we revive ZZZ?
Yes, your guarantee carries over and the rolls needed for pity are shared between each limited banner.
I'm skipping Yanagi because her high heels are boring as hell. If she was wearing literally any other type of high heels I would of pulled.
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shit this is damn near perfect as is, loop wise
another slop job here
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Remember when they didn't release Burnice's trailer at a date "everyone" decided they would and thread was full of doomposting about her not getting one at all?
>I'm skipping Yanagi
wow you and 90% of the playerbase
free Yanagi
Im not joking either she's m2w1 bait as it is it's completely within reason.
/hrtg/ is having a meltdown. They always bring up sales or sometimes blurt out their pag meme. They glow in the dark, just ignore them.
They gave up on the game bwo, it's actually over
Add more lewd men and LGBTQIA Folx, add an auto button, each patches story should be a 5-hour VN
Not me, you think im gonna patiently wait that long for the event to end without being tempted to roll?
not looking great then
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No way.
Why are they having a meltdown? They won the monthly pvp
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>poe2 delayed
>mibibis delayed
Lol trying too hard
Genshin crossover when? I want Nahida and Mona here.
calm your tits El retardo, more drip was posted at cc local time 3pm and 6pm yesterday (it's 2pm now)
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love that stupid dance
>3 months of dead game incoming
damn there's going to be alot of doompost from now
gayest post of the week
I wish yanagi would plant her milkers on my face like that...
It is the default state of a /hsr/xister. They are either lusting after men, pretend to lust after women, or seethe about how their game is dying.
hrt trannies having a major melty today
Where's the oyakodon porn? Where's the porn at all? This game sucks at attracting artists.
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We're entering into
>new areas in Natlan
>hype building for Natlan's conclusion
>Mavuika banner
>massive lore reveals

HSR also wrapped up their chink arc 2.0 and are cooling down.
Everything is in a cycle.
pulchra is my "hear me out"
I'm skipping because she's a stale boring hag just like Zhu, I'll wait and see what OBOL and idols have to offer
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when you play all 4 hoyo games there's content every week
I'm rolling for Yanagi since I'm guaranteed Mibibi after 1.5 homo patches.
it's oppai loli time
ZZZ is the fastest I've ever seen a gacha die. No one plays or talks about it outside 4chan. Revenues are plummeting every month.
I think it's time to move to another better gacha.
goddamn Cheesetopia gives a lot of polychrome
I'm glad I managed to finish it before the limited rewards went away
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I recorded this lower res, shitty looking. hoyo plz give me that event back
shits cash
Miyabi would’ve been drip marketed by now along with free 20x rolls being announced per patch if they were panicking
HSR is our greatest enemy
I don’t care about Genshin
Wuwa is our greatest ally
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Life is pain
soukaku is flat though?
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*blocks your path*
Soukaku's tits aren't even big bro...
Lucy is the oppai loli
Your ability to speak English does not mask your stench, Dinesh
Why are there 3 threads?
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Lucy my daughterwife
one for each z
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Ranjeet working overtime in mihoyo threads
Okay seriously what does no Miyabi mean?

Shart Rail delayed a character drip because it was a holiday, could this be happening here too?

Or was Miyabi’s release time always just speculation from no one reliable and never had good evidence to be after next patch?
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Every straight man's dream.
50 minutes to next drip
delaying drip to observe dia de los muertos, mihoyo is very culturally sensitive company
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the real bwos are still in the capped thread. I-Im just here right now to tell you that
>mibibis delayed
What do you mean?
About to buy 6 big packs (303 rolls)
i hope harumasa's gameplay focuses on the bow more than the daggers, i love bows and i'm planning to roll for him, hyped for beta
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>buying rolls in a dying game
I’m pure F2P in HSR though
But enough about Honkai Shartrail
make sure to buy it from your iphone to boost our imaginary made up numbers for the numberfags out there.
i did it
i got her
i feel empty
took me 161 rolls
im gonna an hero in my own mind
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ZZZ for this?
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Imagine Yanagi's massive tits lactating that sweet japanese milf milk
Not her you monkey
Harumasa was always an S-rank, don't kid yourself.
Sorry bro. I've got an android. Topping up on the hoyosite anyway
Imagine a gooner game doing some charity for disabled children.
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Congrats bruh.
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>161 rolls
Nigga what the fuck
nicole donates all the proceeds of her business to her orphanage, that's why she's perpetually broke
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Who's Lucy's current EN VA? I can only find the name of the only one listed anywhere.
Really love her voice.
This happens once in a while where one retard keeps necrobumping a shitpost OP thread in the hopes people use it at the end of the next thread, even when they're like 5 threads behind. Mods are slow.
Great idea, I won't spend a dime in WuWa this month
>80 (81) rolls to lose 50/50
>80 (81) rolls for Burnice
This is the reality of an average player, luckshitter.
the replacement voices haven't been credited yet, I want to know too
it can actually go to 200+ if i count the time i failed the 50/50 first time, rage quitted that account, and started another
got another S rank way earlier on the second account but it was a furry so i rage quit that account too and decided to eek out as many rolls as i could on the first one since i was sitting on cinema 6 for lucy, piper and nicole on that
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How did a furry outsell Burnice?
She didn't want to come bro, why didn't you take a hint?
She shows more skin than Burnice.
Landmine girl in ZZZ when?
isn't this the one that skates around on heelies? I thought genshin was supposed to be a fantasy game
46 minutes to next drip. Prepare the whisky
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I'm gonna sleep. Good luck for whoever stay.
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So is Piper actually old or is she just experienced
It is, dragon civilization invented those, they also invented hiphop, rap and DJ-ing
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piper is a 25 year old hag
>I bricked my account of all easy polychromes just for BRICKnice
start another one and just whale
nobody tell him about the pixel sprite and videogames character...
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Why do we have 3 threads you idiots
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the only thing BRICKED around Burnice is every heterosexual male
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just be lucky!
>all reds
So why is hsrg seething about yanagi?
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sex sex sex
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>wake up
>no Miyabi
Yeah, see you guys in 2.0.
>71, 66 for engines
>4x 77+ on exclusive channel
What's in 46 minutes?
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21 minutes to next drip. I am ready
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Not a "sub" minute, but I'll take it, kek.
I think about 5~10 seconds worth of time saving is possible with my exact build.

For all anons struggling with this fight using the same squad lineup, getting the buff from the shill weather is what makes the difference.
CA with Qingyi if you have to.
Anon i bet you're a cute tsundere girl, aren't you?
I already checked the news
where hopipi
Lucy's small budding breasts against my back...
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>et least 3 characters before Miyabi
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For the last three patches they were getting
>one loli with obvious fatefag bait
>NPC tier homo
>the most boring bitch ass china wank foxgirl with no fox tail
>reused assets
>solo banner of a zoomie lobotomite ninja
>resident ultimate homo
>chink dress #108 even uglier and more obvious with its censorship
One must forgive them for sperging out. I would too if devs were deliberately killing my game.
Official drips at CN 12pm, 3pm and 6pm
Check timestamps of yesterday on their twitter
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They didn't drip Miyabi to avoid spoilers, but she will be in the beta.
Source: I made it up just now.
>Only 1 new S rank agent after 3 patches
Lmao there is no way this game will last a year
Meant to quote
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Straightest honkek btw
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Is this just the melty after the lack of drip marketing? Or is she really delayed.
damn. is ellen just garbage now?
can anons post ellen clear that is at least sub 1:30 minutes mine is m0w0 so i can't even break sub 2 minutes.
Miyabi will be the free S-Rank Character since there is no S-Rank main character this will be given to us to alleviate for us.
>160 rolls on Burnice
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There is more drip in 10 minutes, calm the fuck down.
wait I just noticed, does China ban cigarettes and alcohol on games? I haven't seen someone pull a cig in game and I realized Burnice was mixing non-alcoholic larptail in her dance trailer. That's just fucking weird
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>zzz is not in this video
lol lmao
1 or 10 rolls?
who cares nigga, i don't watch music videos about gacha
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Here is a 1 minute 7 second clear on Hans with ellen
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I just got here
I can't believe this game is dead............
>in 2024
I don't think she's garbage, however the current Shiyu shills Fire and Electric Anomaly.
My clear where I didn't proc Shock on Hans was just a bit under 1:30
You can try proccing Burn with Koleda just before doing Ellen's burst - that might help.
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How many dicks have been inside of her bwos?
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>got her in the first 10 roll
>tfw haven't gotten a single lucy in 80
my A rank/4 star luck is ALWAYS SO SHIT
Yanagi is for Wise
none, she's the slutty virgin archetype
Burnice is pure
This is cope, her body count is easily in the hundreds
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Miyabi the oppai loli
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Grace the oppai loli
if they follow genshin and hsr then 1.4 should be the start of reruns
News doko?
1 (mine)
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we need a zzz version of this
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2.0 trust
uhh, guys?
Just woke up bros
I'm guessing they drip'd m itab I
How's she looking?
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Skip wabibi
Save for purple katana woman
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It's time to stop deluding yourself...
newfren here what is drip?
She looked like this
Should I order starbucks guys? What’s a good drink?
Fucking kill yourself already.
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Guess I'll just dump all the ice chips to Ellen.
Buy pollies instead of paying for overpriced shit water that Starbucks sells
Duh? Don't tell me you weren't doing that already?
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Miyabi is the storm that is not approaching...
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brew coffee at home and use the money you save on welkies and pakijis

there's no reason why anyone should pay starsux $5+ for a coffee when that's a monthly welkie right there!!!
doesn’t matter, none of them will be you
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>wasting the Ice chips on the ugliest and soon to be bench warmer character in the game
Something about Friday evenings + night having bad turnover for debuting content.
Real answer? WHo knows. Marketing has their own reasons for when they debut the new content. Patternfags can take a fucking hike.
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I make my own TEAMILK occasionally.
It's great!
Burnice loves Wise
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>hu tranny
I love Ellen!
>poo tao
>posting on an english website when you still can't speak english
you've been at this for MONTHS use grammarly or something stupid hutrooner
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that thumbnail looked like cum
,W-we still have tomorrow right?
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stop shitposting with my wife, she's cute and wholesome
i literally don't give a fuck about stats i only play with the hoes i like
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>lesser game posting
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oh fuck yes he's here
it's time
I hope the reply to this post has extra terrible english to give me a good chuckle
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>loving a fugly
talk about something disgusting
why the fuck do they call it teamilk ingame? its called milk tea...
>no Miyabi
Looks like I will be joining the YanagiGODS' ranks.
did you take your hrt dose today ma'am?
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Where's your saved post hoe?
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Current progress, but going to try some new things to get the time below 1 min. Current shiyu buffs dont help her at all
I checked zzz's twitter and saw nothing about Mibibi's delay I'm confused
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>>loving a fugly
Bwo... Miyabi is cancelled...
Savechads, how we feeling?
You're getting baited by hsrg
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Why do males exist in this game?
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How the fuck did the Sons of Calydon flop so hard? Are the Mihomo players all homosexual nowadays? Did Genshit seriously rot the community this much?
>You're getting baited by hsrg
Dinesh please, finish your meal from cow dung infested floor
least obvious Janefag shitpost
so we have a buffer between real banners
what's stopping you from just playing azur lane or blue archive then
i had to spend fifty bux to get burnice
i did my part
but i did it on playstation so it did not contribute to the meme chart
Genshin and HSR have more whales compared to ZZZ, look at Xilonene and Crappa getting good sales
feels good posting in a Pulchra thread
Post PC sales then, salefag
Blue Archive has no gameplay I only jerk off to it sometimes
I don’t care about Azure Lane
>Are the Mihomo players all homosexual nowadays?
Iphone users, but yes
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More time to save for Mibibi's mindscapes, more time to save for Nunsex, more time to roll for all the idols, more time to save for Miyaboo.
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I need her to bite me
Every day I don't carry the scars of her love is misery
what's the appeal on Ellen Joe?
>crooked teeth
>always suck on candy like a baby
>lazy ang haughty attitude
>using scissors the lamest weapon in history
>falls of the Meta in less than a year
she the ugliest character in whole hoyoverse.
>hagslop banner
People overtime realized that this game is shit on mobile. Look at the difference between Ellen and Zhu, then Qingyi went up just a little bit maybe because there were a few metafags on mobile left and then it kept dropping because this game is ass on mobile
Best case scenario they can afford to play it on a PC/PS5, worst case scenario they’re gonna have to change their strategy to make it mobile friendly

A reminder of who's what.
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>what's the appeal on Ellen Joe?
She's 17 and has a fresh vagina
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>>always suck on candy like a baby
>>lazy ang haughty attitude
>>falls of the Meta
Please stop saying Miyabi is delayed, I'm starting to believe I will be able to save enough after the Yanagi damage, and I might just kms if she gets announced tomorrow to ruin my plans...
>plays on phone
Unironically though, who does this?

Holy blast from the past, I wonder what xe is doing now
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>Followed by a giga twink homo no one cares
>No Mibibi to save this dying gachage
If Caesar and Burnice flopped this badly then imagine the next months.
Dead game EOS soon.
We need a chad male furry like this and not another A rank twink
I look like this.
>She's 17
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>turd worlder esls hate ellen
Feels good being a white man
I mean she's still in high school most likely a senior
She’s 17 years old and 365 days old
i want to go back to 1.1 and early 1.2 when we didn't have this many shitposters, burnice made us too popular and now we are the prime target even hsr and gig don't get as much saleposting faggotry, and the other gachas that are doing even worse also don't get anything they just chill in their slow threads
me nigga, it's the only real game available on a phone that's not open world slop
>b-but HSR
I have an emulator, I can play Chrono Trigger and Persona, no thanks.
third worlders are much better than having a shit taste in womens.
It's over...
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This is pure cope. There's no way that whales, the majority of the revenue, have phones to play GI but not ZZZ.
Normies don't care about arena slop games. Every single one of them makes pennies. If anything it's amazing this game lasted so long.

>hu tao laughing.jpg
>t. turd worlder
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zzzigers can i finish the 1.2 main quest in 3 hours without skipping?
>Most likely a senior
Based on what?
It ain't if you're an actual adult
Post belly or pecs
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Based on the dream I had about her last month
Im a newfren and i goth both Burnice and her W-engine in a really low amount of pulls? Is it rigged to give newer players a higher pulling chance?
Am i gonna get fucked hard next event?
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>can i finish the 1.2 main quest in 3 hours
Probably if it's just the one chapter
>without skipping?
i look like this
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He's making shit up. She's actually a freshman, just recently entered high school. Shark thirens are built different.
holy, that was 50 seconds of pure kino
please be in london
>they're talking about that fugly shark
no wonder why /zzz/ is the toulet of vg
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>Is it rigged to give newer players a higher pulling chance?
>Am i gonna get fucked hard next event?
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>I look like this
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Qingyi and Jane were announced 6 days apart.

Have hope.
No way, son.
Give me the sauce immediately sir
fair enough i'll just do one chapter today
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Those tits are way too small.
Ellen Joe is only 16, Lucy is 21, Piper is 54, Caesar is 28, Burnice is 24, Lighter is 30, Zhu Yuan is 28, Yanagi is 34, Koleda is 20, Ben is 12 (bear years), Lycaon is 15 (wolf years), Rina is 100+ years, Anton is 35, Seth is 23, Jane Doe is 32, Harumasa is 28, Miyabi is 32 years, Nicole is 25, Billy is 1000+ years, Anby is 100+, Nekomiya is 18,

Qingyi is the oldest at 5000+ from the B.C.’s
why do you have this random twitter picture of an eldery tranny saved bro
Love me shark butt
Jane killed the game
Okay, dad...
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>no wonder why /zzz/ is the toulet of vg
do any anons really play on mobile here? i personally only do it when i'm out of my house and it's very painful, if i didn't have a pc or console i just wouldn't play this game at all, same applies to genshin btw, hsr is the only passable game for mobile since it's an auto battler so you just play for the story
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Ellen sold more than most of the banners after her combined.
She also gets more art to this day than any other agent released.
ZZZ peaked way too early.

*cough cough*

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too old and those tits aren't big enough
I tried to but the game lags so much and the touch control is utter garbage.
He made it up. Buuuuut one of her character videos makes it sound like she's in her 2nd-4th year of high school. The only way to know for sure would be to know the minimum age to work in New Eridu.
cant beat genshin in terms of sales
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I literally haven't used my Ellen in months. Piper powercrept her team. Anomaly shilling completely killed the puffy nipples jailbait shark. It's not even funny anymore. I posted in the dead thread by accident.
>Zhu Yuan is 24
stopped reading, lorelet
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This is a shark general. Leave.
yes, majority of the playerbase is mobile
why is someone spamming pajeet memes
how do you know?
I googled ''Ugly tranny meme'' and found this
Didn't read.
Probably a (You) problem.
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Ellen DID beat GI and HSR in terms of sales. The other limited just flopped so bigly all the momentum was lost.
Gooner game gets a gooner thread attracts gooners
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>Love lolis/tiny women
>Don't find Piper attractive
She's fun as hell to use, but I just have no attraction to her whatsoever.
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Ellen Joe is a high school girl so you know she'll stink.
funny, i just used my ellen today to do shiyu!
A timeline that only exists in your delusion and hatred.
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Good morning, where is the drip marketing?
She's old as fuck.
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is piper the best A rank?
God, I love women.
no, it's anton
She has to meet Victoria Housekeeping standards so she only stinks on her free time
Except for the 24/7 stench of fish coming from her tail
talk about adult women
That would be Ben since he is the hottest.
What does drip mean in here
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ummm where's the drip??? don't tell me homomasa is the only coming S rank, I don't want the game to die....
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>Except for the 24/7 stench of fish coming from her tail
Her pussy too
>shark posting
>in november
We are so dead
Okay let's talk about Piper.
>all the momentum was lost
Well everyone and their mother were sitting on this game at launch, it's almost like everyone was shilling that other game....
Good boy.
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I would go for Nicole, she's the most useful and universal A rank unit, and the easiest to use. Piper is definitely up there as the easiest DPS to build and use for an A rank, since Billy needs mindscapes when she doesn't.
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Smooch Shark Sunday soon!
Is there an animation of her getting her armpits fucked?
I could have sworn I saw one but I can't find it.
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>not used with Ellen
>not used with Jane
>not used with Burnice
>won't be used with Yanagi
>only used with Zhu
Lmao no

Lucy+Pipet are the best
Some facts:
>A-ranks are good at M6 so that you can still clear content even if you lose your 50/50s
>Jane is a Piper downgrade
Soukaku's cunny juice dripping into my mouth
nigger, playing ZZZ on phone is just so fucking bad you wouldn't understand if you're a shitposting tourist scum who haven't played the game on mobile. The mobile version has lower quality and FPS allowance. It's just so fucking bad and I hope it stays that way. I don't want Mihoyo to dumb it down to placate phone niggers like me. In fact, they should really double down for the PC/Consolefag market
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They turned Miyabi into a FUCKING BALL
It's late. Goodnight Ellenbros!
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>>in november
>he partakes in le epic leddit challange
can't you just stick nicole with any other matching duo?
Need more breedable high school girls.
For a Non-support yeah. Overall support and non-support it's Nicole, she pretty much is the reason why Zhu Yuan still puts up a fight vs the Anomaly spam.
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You can use her with Ellen, Soukaku DPS, Billy, Neko, S11, Anton, basically any non-anomaly team she fits into because of how good DEF shred is, same with Rina and her PEN shred. Lucy needs M2 so you don't have to slot her in all the time to refresh the buff, Nicole works an M0.
>november mentioned
>must be a r*dditor!
r*ddit living rent free in your head
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Make a room, Yanagibros.
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Qingyi...is an Anby sidegrade...
Keep talking like that and I WILL jump on your lap and french kiss you and say I love you.
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apparently my beloved blue goblin and the pink hag are very close..

Nope she's very limited being tied to cope squad and ether which she is probably most of the playerbase only ether character
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that's not coffee
Dream of shark pussy.
A toaster in a bathtub. So you stop being a waste of air and page space.
Just skip regardless.
me on the right
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>Ellen fags spamming their ugly waifu because Miyabi will stomp her to irrelevancy once she's out
talk about the loud minority
2 more weeks
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you sound mad
will the fame really die
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Qingyi wife...?
M6 Piper is probably the most comp-enabling A rank but Nicole is such a amazing bandaid in the context of Shiyu always having trash mobs at the start.

It's not even just her DEF shred, it's that you will get a free ult + instant mob clear in 10 seconds on any team you put her on, additional ability not required. People not running Qingyi/Caesar don't realize how much time they lose to chasing around mobs one by one, last Shiyu I shaved 25~ seconds off my clear by putting her on my Jane team even though it made the boss section afterwards a little slower.
I can't find it, share please.
He's probably behind this seethe against Masa. He and whatever followers he has beguiled somehow.
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just a quick reminder of who this mentally ill hutrooner is:
terminally online genslopper
fuck you, I must support my retarded wife by pulling without care for her teammates!
except harumasa
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You're a sliding door?
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I just got a ZZZ ad in my Guardian Tales dailies lmao

It had Ellen in the ad
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Can I make Piper decent enough at M0? I can S rank stable node with her but she takes too long to kill the enemies on other modes
xe is hutaofag in /zzz/, kotfag in /hrtg/ and sparklefag in /gig/
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Make sure when you're rolling for homomasa and Anton, you have your crystal out bros.
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the game makes you watch ads for it's dailies?
at least it was ellen
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Get in
Share the sauce anon
>not fugly Ellen on the OP
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They give you gems and stamina for watching ads. It's pretty aids.
Sure, so long as you're ready to spend the hour afterwards apologizing across my knee.
>>500781524 Nick Gurr thread
>>500781630 Correct thread
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Why does this look like it was done in an N64 render?

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