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Previous thread: >>500702518

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
[000] The Priest of La Manchaland Gregor

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
Target Extraction: [ Rodion ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Spicebush is perfectly usable due to having deluge (and AOE to be fair). I find Solemn Yi Sang to be better against enemies with SP who have positive coins while Spicebush is better against the rare (only Kim for now) enemy with negative coins and SP. If they have positive coins you can just grind them down with the damage from butterflies while crippling them.

Someone like Kim needs to be bursted down by the team which is where deluge shines especially now that we have so many EGOs that can inflict incredibly high amounts of potency and count alongside Echoes. Superbia enables this to a greater extent since you don't even need to fuel all the EGOs asap.
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
5th for DON Quixote
Kanchelle won btw.
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Surely this thread will be better
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rape bait
>Sancho and her family in the sky
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Yes it will
Oh boy I sure like the futility or the struggle of man against forces beyond its control
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by adding one word to a filter it made the threads 100% better
Look at the bloodfriends go, to reach the unreachable star...
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Dulcinea releases a triple unbreakable coin paizuri on your dick.
How do you avoid cumming pathetically while she sneers smugl at you being cute?
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Rodya LOVE!
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there is always place for a new beginning
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I break the coins and they barely bring me close to the edge.
Sweet lord sauce?
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you really think i'd leave you alone just because you started another thread?
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REMINDER donchads run this game
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Carmen fut a BLC.
is there any potential for bloodfeast mechanics after this canto is over?
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How does El Director do it?
Please don't engage with the bait it will only make the futafag stronger
Everybody hates C7 though.
evade coin
Maybe if we get Elena+Vermillion Jobber IDs during the Walpipi of Canto 12 or some shit
I'm PISSED he doesn't draw her with her slit pupils in the CGs. She even has them as human Don ffs. AND he doesn't draw her cute fangs enough. idgaf about his inconsistent boob sizes i NEED my monstergirl traits nai_ga i NEED THEM
Maybe. Sanson is a Bloodfiend so he may have his own personal entourage. Or maybe not, it's not the first time they dropped a faction outside of their canto faction like nails.
Mmm no
>No candy for Charon
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who's everyone?
is this everyone in the room with us right now
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It was ME. I'm the everybody.
It's more likely than stuff like nails or echoes of manor since bloodfiends are easier to have pop up or introduce but I still wouldn't count on it.
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I fucking love it
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"Hate" is a bit much.
I want to have steaming period sex with the Barber with lots of biting, she reminds me too much of my ex.
YuRia probably made the sinner's base ID weapons to let them utilize their base EGOs, no evidence but I like thinking she did :)
Donto was just very aggressively medium. No part of it mattered except the last 0.5% -- the VERY last node of the story but it had le epique mahvel spectacle so it gets inflated scores from soys.

Actually in retrospect it fucking sucked lol.
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>T in tcorp stands for time
This was truly an utmost ingenious idea!
Canto 7 was in the top 3 best cantos
The Multitude tightens its hold...
How did she convert Gregor's body though
No it stood for Tremor
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Any hot single dad in the area?
>T Corp is Tremor because the mechanic that's closest to being stopped in time is being staggered, and that's Tremor
I told people and they didn't believe me
Saved it from here...
So with how Don is a bloodfiend and all, how the fuck does her EGO actually work? Like what makes it an EGO when compared all the other sinners since it kind of just looks like she's using her Bloodfiend powers.
>top 3 out of only 4 real cantos
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But enough about C5
Me I am single and my computer is my child
The sapling of light being once per day makes it pretty uselsss, i can't concieve why they added them this way. It's like a completely unreliable crutch conceptually.
Her EGO gives her the armour to more accurately LARP.
KJH really likes FGO you see
Why is Ishmael the joker?
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Reminder that you aren't forced to associate with poor Sinners.
Live a Luscious life, not a bristly one, cut C-list sinners out of your life.
It's nothing hair cripplingly bad it's good for what it is
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You already know
Protect Papito from evil women at all cost
who the fuck were Hong Lu and Ryoshu meant to be analogous to in the stage play anyway?
I actually asked the manager what T stands for.
He says tick-tock.
I feel like dreams of the red chamber is the only one of the sinner books i will never read, does anyone know of a good summary or something? i just kinda dont want to sit through 2000 pages of chinese drama....
is there a sweat mod that looks convincing?
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the T in Tcorp stand for tea
because british ""people""
Biscuit moonie is pretty drunk, but she will still bring you all biscuits!
>Hong Lu
>and Ryoshu
I'm pretty sure Ryoshu wouldn't be rich, she hit me as a roaming blade/artist.
my moonie is thinking...
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what's everyone up to
just got finished showering myself
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isn't it now 2 per day after you unlock superbia.
Mon amour
They are bringing it all back to her.
Taoism rules, Confucius drools. Here's your summary.
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i've got a bunch of boxes and i'm bored
should i...
>shard Dieci Salt
>shard KK Rodya
>shard 9:2 Rodya
>Threadspin Sanguine Desire from 3 to 4
We were talking about futons
>KJH really likes FGO you see
Ah, so non literarary source of inspiration is instantly dead content, cool
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Waiting for MGQ Paradox Part 3's translation
Kong won.
I like to think Don wearing the shoes gets nerfed after her Canto due to it repressing her bloodfiend nature. So she won't out right kill her co workers but in turn just get powered down a fuck ton. I just hope thag every now and then it's brought up she can't really take then off for everyone elses safety. It is going to be kinda frustrating in the future tho when difficult fights come out and everyone will be complaining that Don needs to take off her shoes and they'd win.
My femra is like this she wants genuine friends that invite her to hangouts in private apartments (not like that) or think of her when they go to a meetup and invite her even though its nothing she'd usually go to but sometimes you'd rather go to a meetup and see what's up then just rot away and maybe get invited into a cliquecord or something to just shoot shit and post memes or whatever
>Yeah maybe
>T corp stands for time
No way
Does this mean W corp... stands for Wimbo?
And L corp for Light?
Does anyone have a link or a archive to that one time Zet had a melty?
Is paradox a direct sequel to MGQ or can I play it as a standalone?
Lich, Light!
I wouldn't know, I used it maybe once outside canto 6.
And so did you it seems. Comoletely forgettable mechcanic.
my femxaela+ blacks fiddies
The confetti and trumpet noise is her EGO actually. Because she's her biggest fan
No I don't
Instead we should talk about the Shadowscythe.
Ryoshu/Yoshihide would probably be pretty rich except instead of spending the money on luxuries, they'd spend all the money on constructing various torture mechanisms for their art.
I wish lobco was a freemium city management type game
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i acutally like it now tho.
superbia is definitely WAAAY more useful than hokma.
you can basically use expensive ego for free.
it'll only get better once ALEPHS come
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I'm stuck at home sick and I'm really bored. recommend me some movies to watch
It spoils pretty much everything about MGQ around part 2
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I don't have it but i remember the day after he started to post some blackpilled shit on Twitter. Don't know why either it just sounded like he went off the edge. I muted him after he kept posting rape statistics and some video of a guy getting caught mid rape and a girl had cum in her pussy. Totally wanted that shit on my Twitter feed man...not like I wasn't trying to keep my Twitter only filled with art and goofy shit...
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It's named ''Paradox'' for a good reason. And quickly spoils the events of the VN as the Goddess notices how mismatched the world is from what it was supposed to be.
Concept incinerator.
Who the fuck are you, what the fuck are you talking about, and why the fuck are you here? You lost, punk?!
jonkler dos
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i know we like to make fun of zet.
but he's atleast based for not tolerating the faggy side of the community
But enough about Canto 6
what happens if you fail the qte
Anyone have the drawing of the Cassetti pasta that was made yesterday? I forgot to save it
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My WIFE Vinum.
All Dogs go to Heaven
Those fireworks still give me shivers.
>I know that
>my WIF-
don Quixote rapes Dante in front of Sancho who then limbnecks themselves.
If you hate internet scams and like violence i reccomend the beekeeper.
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ok esjew
go back to sucking tsuni's cock
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Your DAUGHTERwive, Neris
I am not really make fun of him I just remember seeing and and would like to see it once more
what does bean hating mean anyway
is part 3 already fucking out or not? I wont play it until is fully done
Nobody featuring Bob Odinkirk, or Fight Club.
This will be Limbus powercreep in 2 years
You can't lose it, Don Quixote's lance just stops
Which one? Him getting thanks doc'd or Dulcinea no way fag?
With Fire and Sword ("Ogniem i Mieczem" if you can't find it for some reason.)
That or "A Bridge Too Far".
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Of course it is. It was released yesterday.
People are so desperate they are setting up MTL because the thing is so big it's heavier than Parts 1+2 combined. It will take years for the entire story to be translated.
what the fuck
Guys how do I beat The Eclipse of White in Walpipi? I got Red Mist Ryoshu, True Sancho Don, Farmwatch Yi Sang, Arbiter Outis and Claw Gregor and I still die in 2 turns even when I spam Distorted Form, Jangsan Tiger and Pale Horse EGO
How do I win??
The lack of content is killing me, bwos... How much longer do I have to wait...?
>It was released yesterday.
ah? wait what? really?
Eclipse of White can only be beaten by Iconoclast-based IDs and EGOs anon
We already went through this
Okay Zet.
white dantes...
Bloodbag #32 owes me sex
Holy boner
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Doing the Crossover Collab unlocks additonal skills and passives and therefore more multipliers to exploit.
Yes, it happened, all true.
I think COOL Kyoushinja from Dragon Maid also made a figure of Alma or something, I'm not up to the details of merchandise.
that explains the sudden increase in mgq posts in other threads
hmmm who could be behind this post i wonder...
Bloodfiend of the Joyful Parade #110 owes me Sex.
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bari haet
Bean? Listen buddy I don't know what you crazies are talking about but we're gonna teach you a valuable and painful lesson you won't soon forget! Get 'em boys!
You don't fuck with wu- I mean Ting-Tang
How do you get into monster girl quest in the first place? like where to start
Incest with anyone except your grandmother is wrong.
>LoC sloppa
you play monster girl quest
then you play monster girl quest paradox (the one that just released fully)
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>monster girl quest
get that gay crap out of my /lcg/ thread
can't believe i got baited into playing the VN game
the plot sucks balls and the main character is one of the worst ive seen
Play the original VN then go to Paradox.
If you want you can play the other games featured in the Paradox crossover if you're interested in them I really liked SHRIFT 1 a lot
This makes anon seethe
Original 3-parts VN ''Monster Girl Quest''
Then the 3 parts Rpg Maker game ''Monster Girl Quest Paradox''.
It's confusing because, as implied, released in parts. /mggg/ should have the compilation.
I fucking love canto vii's oc, kek
this makes me seethe
>no purple tear vergil
Get wiped
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This is your clown for tonight.
Poor casserole... endless bullying
did you get vored
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do not start it lol
the game is literal fetish crap with 80% of the porn cutscenes being vore and gore
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You have seen NOTHING yet.
The damage broke the limit cap, before that it stopped showing proper numerical values somewhere after nonillion or decillion, then showed letters after damage from a to d, and FINALLY just shows this as damage.
this guy got 100% vored
multiple times
some willingly
Holy based I'm sold
Its Casette for you
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Don should have given Sancho some more feminine clothing to wear. I mean how are people even supposed to tell that's his daughter?
Poor cassiopeia...
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sinners for this feel
So how is this related to Ishmael being the Joker...
Is this AI? They didn't put this in the movie did they?
>the game is literal fetish crap with 80% of the porn cutscenes being vore and gore

Disinformation by a retarded SEAnigger ape. It's 95% just lovey dovey basic bitch vanilla shit.
>Doesnt even mention Lunar memory EGO
By rawdogging her in front of them
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nah the plot sucks
>humans are the REAL monsters
>monster girls are 100% justified in eating and killing humans
>defending yourself from monster girls is...le bad
>main character is a literal self hating cuck who'd kill hundreds of human before THINKING about killing a monster
Hong Lu. We'll get Origami monsters in his Canto. Or maybe Ryoshu's.
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You start by losing to the loli vampire girl then you devolve from there.
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>It's 95% just lovey dovey basic bitch vanilla shit.
sure bud
you might be playing the game in a mirror world
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My wife Gnome Charon...
>humans are the REAL monsters
just say you got vored 5 minutes into the game and didnt finish it
we wont judge you
>>main character is a literal self hating cuck who'd kill hundreds of human before THINKING about killing a monster
uhhh turbobased?
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>Is this AI? They didn't put this in the movie did they?
ishMEAL poster plays MGQ, gets vored, hates the game! Many such cases
need bpdemon eb
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the entire movie was made intentionally to be bad as a humiliation ritual for people who liked the first movie to "own the chuds" so what do you think
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The collab is gonna be lame as fuck. Probably some Korea only restaurant launch that we won't get to enjoy
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>did someone complain about the game?
>lolol you probaly got vored
nice arguement
not surprised coomers are into the lowest of the low games in terms of quality
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A fellow Gnome enjoyer. This was one of the very first images I carried from PC to PC, it's from 2012. Jesus Christ.
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highly likely
Alma Elma Rodya
Erubtie Faust
Granberia Ryoshu
Tamamo Don
You cannot be serious. Someone's getting whacked for that.
>ishkeks are retarded low-iq faggots with bad taste

News to no one.
That would be my preference. I don't want any weird gacha shit mucking up my game/experience.
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You are BORING
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which abno is this?
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monster girl fans are the worst CONSOOMERS i've seen
they'll literally dogpile you for pointing out flaws in their favorite game of all time.
literal manchildred who coom to low quality femdon with garbage art
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She's just so sweet, isn't she.
>Tamamo Don
knowing what we know now
that fits very fucking well
also Lazarus Gregor
What's news then?
i accept your consession
Fuck, Lazarus Greg fits especially well
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>thinks people masturbate with porn games
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Realistically how would Arknights characters (specifically Doctor and the operators) fare in the City?
The Arknights world is already an eldritch shithole on its own.
shouldn't you be furiously masturbating to shitty undertale porn futafag?
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honestly good
as much as I would like GG IDs I don't even know how they would make collabs work besides the usual bullshit of "WOW WE COME FROM ANOTHER WORLD BECAUSE THERE WAS A RIFT"
Killed on sight for not being human
>he's seething people aren't into the same faggot shit like him
why do you even come here
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futa fag is defintely the type to fap to the game and imagine the monster girls as futa.
so enjoy fapping to the same stuff that futafag likes
Consider the obvious hanging fruit of
Promestein Faust. Though, no, maybe Yi Sang?
And Vergilius as Heinrich.
Holy shit. Fucking AoT tier, grim.
Lucifina Sancho.
>same typing
>same images
You're not fooling anyone.
Finally someone who gets it.
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this thread is garbage
i'll comeback once the coomer retards stop talking about that garbage game
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why didnt we get a halloween event?
come back never.
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would GG designs fit in the city?
Tanya walked around just fine and she was a full on anthro furry.
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I wanted want too...
holy fucking glass house nigger. Kill your self
we're getting tf2 IDs
scout's blue pants were a hint
idk, Don as Luka's mom works since one has a magic ring that makes her human and the other has magic shoes. They're also massive killers in their real form and a literal nightmare for most people to fight.
Didn't Director have a meeting with some other devs a while ago? I forgot which.
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Eat your hemobars.
Lorewise Terrans are at base way stronger than an human, and a lot of the stronger characters in AK are way beyond what anyone without EGO can do in PM.
You know I've seen a lot of people complain about this, which makes me believe the movie isn't as bad as it really is.
(Bad in context of quality)
A distortion which is 100% human. Biological augments on humans are also permitted.
Something that doesn't have human origin is NOT human, like that game's entire roster aside from maybe 1 or 2 characters and is therefore kept out of the City
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wanted ONE too aiie
It would be fine if you did it the same way they "collab'd" with the various literature characters. Especially helped by the fact that it would most likely be the sinners wearing them as ID skinsuits.
>Didn't Director have a meeting with some other devs a while ago?
that was Arcys for the Ruina port
I mean, yes, but we need to make main characters as IDs, lukas mom is way too late into the story
better to just stick it to Tamamo who also got the "being trapped in her own body" part
This is what Yi Sang did to Dongrang
>ryoshu cocooned ishmael
there's a vore pic about this
i dont want tranny gear characters howbeit...
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Behold, the most underitilized character in the whole game.
Zet dislike rape humor
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We may not see much Kemonomimi because that's not the kind of design PM like to do, but Gregor can walk around with a roach arm without anyone batting an eye, having cat ears/tail would not get you killed.
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Where is she? Behind the Russian?
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Mmmm, I'm thinking Color status.
Did you even read why in the second post?
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The real question is how does this motherucker compare to First Kindreds.
Wait, so Rocinante was created by Don using his own blood? Were they shoes to begin with or a familiar that could change shape? We see the horse sprite, but Don mentions how it used to have a flowing mane of shorts, so I don't really understand it's nature.
i'm still traumatized by the footfag loli angel
Stronger. Bloodfiends still used armies, Sanguinarch is ONE person who can take on entire militaries because of how he creates armies from blood.
His control over blood even extends to when it's inside living bodies, which would probably be even more devastating against a Bloodfiend than a human.
hmmm, actually how strong are the monster girls? like I get luka being a color, but alice? the heavenly warriors? they sucked cock vs the angels, and humans who are just regular guys do get to fight average monsters (who are extreamly stronger compared to one human) when in groups
Can't believe the collab is going to be with MGQ
What Sinner is getting what
Don solos of he feels ingenious enough
It’s going to be Blue Archive you morons. There’s no point in discussing it further.
Faust is going to get Shiroko’s outfit/ID, Don is going to go to Kivotos as a student.
>anime generic mc
>super duper strong mary sue
it's typical
it's why i don't have fun when it comes to VS debating with anime garbage
she looks nothing like how sancho looked
sanson's ass was NOT there back then
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i think i last played MGQ literally a decade ago, it was the first h-game i spent the equivalent of entire workdays masturbating to
it's weird for paradox to actually be out now
>Faust is going to get Shiroko’s outfit/ID
I don't like what that implies
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hmm it honestly feels like this general is being spammed by two or three fags who want to change the subject to focus on MGQ instead of limbus...
just a hunch
>arbiters are all female
unfortunately he jobs and gets sent to the head's secret breeding facilities before he can get his fixer license
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Here's your collab, anons!
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Nn, why's that?
You know why.
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I thought BA is dead
That luka kid is cute He needs to get fucked by a cock
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i want to draw limbus lewd but that would mean suffering with human anatomy ngmi

i should probably draw something cute instead
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These mirror world shenanigans are getting out of hand.
get a trip
Oh and Sinclair looked so much like Bari.
I can't see him partnering with a fanservice gacha.
Feels like it'd need to be something with more substance/an actual game.
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well you getting this mad at my hunch only gives me the signal that im right.
dunno why you monsterfags targeted limbus specifically to be your shill target
bros think theres gonna be a real collab and not a nothingburger when they cant even make a mirror dungeon (the only non-story content the game has to offer) without delaying it for a month
Not nearly enough.
>it's weird for paradox to actually be out now
ikr? I played the VN around the time monmusu released because I was itching for more monster girls, and then nothing for almost 10 years because I refused to play paradox until it was fully out
time sure flies by
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>Artist's commentary
>projecting period cramps? how about I project my nicotine withdrawal symptoms on ryoshu
How do you react to this?
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It's quiet hours and the few coomers circlejerking are going to seem a lot louder than usual because of this.
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Her Canto is going to crush me.
lmfao it was actually him
Despite being a comically sexless series we seem to have a lot of overlapping with games that involve quite a bit of rape
I need to know more about the horse
Good for the artist.
I think it's funny.
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yeah that's fair
and the fact that it's a dead week also probably contributed to that
Oh so you have no argument, I win.
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So bloodfiend biting might not be allowed, but what about tender licking of open wounds?
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guys... if demian is blue... and all of demian's bluefriends are blue... and the nebulae are associated with blue abnormalities (blue-ish star, star luminary, dimensional orbit stabilizer)... and the mark of cain is associated with the bluefriends... why is the mark of cain RED!?!?!?! Red is the color of the City.
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Love Doncho
Because we’re getting a Christmas event
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I want to live in the mirror world in which they forgot to put a limiter on MultiCrackPaus
Busy day so first ejaculation was late. Felt decent and the output was good but I'm still pretty unsatisfied as my libido isn't sated.
i want to live in a world where you arent playing limbus company on a nokia
k.... keep us updated
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Reminder that the Bloodfiends are heavily inspired by the vampires of Vampire: The Masquerade and that in this franchise, the progenitor of vampires and the Biblical Cain.
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Explain to me why sometimes corrosions happen multiple times per turn but other turns it only happens once and the rest of the sinner slots are filled by panic
Demian will pass a blue (permanent) marker over the mark of cain when DURANTE meets Beatrice and the city explodes.
This will mean sinclair is free of the city.
It's literally just random
I don't get the boss on 4-48 bud, like everything up till now was doable but like first 2 turns go fine, than turn3-5 she just turns everyone int flowers and insta wins? Like is it really just I can't lose a single clash or she just spirals whole team?
it's random chance whether the slot is a corrosion or a panic
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so how good is griest? I haven't read his stuff yet but I heard he fucking explodes?
This artist drew Ryoshu assisting hong lu in raping gwanlijanim
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He inflicts self bleed
Self bleed is buffed by EGO Gifts, so there's a chance he inflicts 99 bleed on himself
Becomes Don's stool if he feels adventurous enough
That or folded like a picnic table if he dares to hurt La Hija
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The director opens your particular game in a screen and chooses the option that will fuck you over the most
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It's RNG baby
>that one person that was doing a solo Shi Heath run and needed 6 Corrosions to win
You'll need to read her attacks. Save resources, use EGO to win one big clash and you're done.
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He's very greedy when it comes to Bleed, so watch his stacks.
You need to read her passives and skills very carefully, it's literally just a check to see if you are paying attention
Worst case just use Yi Sang
literally just read what her attacks and status effects do
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Cute and canon
Faust as BA Faust
Don as Koyuki
or Outis as Koyuki, because of the VA meme
When is this loss happening? Is she using a skill that mentions dueling? Or are your sinners turning into flowers during the normal course of combat?
watch the directors famous MD4H run
We love Quixote, right?
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Of course!
I do. I'm his biggest fan.
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of course, she's my fifth favorite sinner
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Oh yes.
it's happening like, turn 4?
I'm basically save scumming to not lose any of the early clashes cause it seems she jsut plants sanity debuffs anytime she wins and it creates a spiral, but the issue is when turn 3 comes around and she summons those trees a I can't kill them and keep winning duels with her and than it spirals, she does like 3 aoe petal attack's and next. turn everyone's in a bush. I read there like a dueling phase on turn 8 but I don't think I even get that far, but like 4/ out of 7 of my people are uptied and max lvl so i'm at a loss what I'm meant to do
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OOC af
Wow Don's WAW is really cool. Just used it for the first time. I like how it shows the damage piling up. 305 DMG to poor Dimension Shredder.
What the actual fuck was her problem
Here's a real hard question:

Which ID has the best ID art?
You can divide it by Sinner if you want.
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like seriously I win 5 clashes in a row but she wins 1 and then everyone on my team gets 2 petals its so aggravating, it's the game play equivalent to what that blue scarf was to the story.
Heir Gregor is the best one IMO. Ahabmael looks great too. There are a lot that are nice.
what kind of ego do you have? Do you have any ego with high attack weight for AOEs?
Does it belong to Ryoshu ? Then it's best ID art.
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>Here's a real hard question:
Cuck gregor. Hands down. Not even close to a contest.
I think just the defaults, I don' really use them since they seem to be unusable most of the times and the few times I have their output is pretty cruddy
Does that mean all of Papa Don's kindred are Toreadors? Disgusting.
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She even is director approved
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>Spicebush Yi Sang (pre-uptie)
>Seven Faust (pre-uptie)
>Cinq Don or Middle Don (uptied)
>Maid Ryoshu (pre-uptie)
>Cinq Salt (pre-uptie)
>K Corp Hong (pre-uptie)
>Wild Hunt Heath (uptied)
>Captain Ishmael (uptied)
>Dieci Rodya (uptied)
>Cinq Sinclair (uptied)
>Molar Outis (pre-uptie)
>Zwei Greg (pre-uptie)
I didnt realize how many base arts I preferred before making this post
You can use Base Faust's EGO or her Fluid Sac to get more SP and win clashes easier after a few turns, focus on resisting her attacks, check her affinities and your own and see if you aren't putting yourself in a unfavorable situation from the start
Also this fight is one of the first roadblocks for many, i personally had to actually think for the first time during that one
>that kjh gameplay
So he really just expects us to winrate and spam overclock EGO, huh? Is that why he put Binah’s Durante in, more EGO spam?
Spicebush. He looks very pretty in there.
MultiCrack Office Rep. I also like how she looks in there.
Cinq Association South Sec. 5 Director. No need to say anything about this one.
It's a toss-up between Lobshu and Maidshu. I'm leaning towards the latter.
Bamboo-hatted Kim.
Dieci Association South Sec. 4 Fixer.
Another toss-up between Seven Association South Sec. 4 and Wild Hunt.
Liu Association South Sec. 4 Fixer.
Dieci Association South Sec. 4 Fixer (Pre-Uptie at least.)
Cinq Association South Sec. 4 Director. He looks too cool in there.
Wuthering Heights Chief Butler.
Edgar Family Heir.
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Linton Gregor for me.
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Captain Ish
Lobotomy Ryoshu
Zwei ish
Most of the sinner’s ego are just be urself.
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so good
Predict this collab
Will it be a fucking hamhampangpang thing or a game thing?
Are we literally going to another dimension after the funny vampires incident?
i think it's this.
>Clash Power +2
>Base Power +1/ +5 DefLvl
>+4 OffLvl/ +3 DefLvl
Which one do i take? The first has a pretty good ego gift
You might want to consider using a Support unit with ego that may be beneficial for your efforts. I recommend using Faust's Fluid Sac for a powerful SP Heal to get an advantage for clashing, or Yi Sang's Sunshower for a 7-weight AOE that helps with killing the flowers as well as giving your entire team passive SP healing
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Brainlet here
How come Sancho takes up the name of Don Quixote at the end of Canto 7? Wouldn't it be more thematic to remain as Sancho and be her own star? Sancho going on Golden Bough adventures with her Limbus pals is her own story disconnected from the OG Quixote.
>forced to spend 200 years managing a shitty amusement part
>can't eat the one thing you need to live, instead have to eat bars made of compresses feces
>meanwhile your dad is plapping fixer pussy in his castle
im starting to understand why la mancha land turned on don quixote
>is her own story disconnected from the OG Quixote.
They are the same dream, which is to live untethered and free from the disease that is being a bloodfiend.
to spam Gregor's Sign of Roses, specifically
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doncho from this point forward is consciously continuing her larp as a fixer-admiring retard, she's continuing her previous persona as "Don Quixote" to separate herself from the bloodfiend "Sancho"
Hello Dante limbus welcome to the world of genshin impact
The one with the least total converted offense level up, aka the third one (only +3 compared to #1's +6 and #3's +4)
Think of Don Quixote as a title rather than it counting as a whole identity, her dreams and the ones of her Father are the same
I really have no idea.
My initial guess is Nier Autotomato because of similar depressive themes, and because Nier collabs with anything in existence.
I could easily see 2B Faust, A2 Ryoshu maybe.
Behold the legendary monster of the outskirts FEETMONGER
if she starts using a different name her fixer magazine subscriptions are going to get all fucked up
My femlalas + is twitching...
heir gregor is insane
second one* (typo)
can someone post the cassetti pasta real quick
wrong general
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I can make you dream.
she literally wants to do the opposite of that, continuing Don's story of being a super cool fixer going on adventures, even if >>500746615 she's self-aware now as shown in her announcer lines, she still wants to stay as Don Quixote and continue that story
damn bro i picked the third one lmao
thanks tho
what >>500746542 >>500746615 said and also because she still cherished her father until the very end. in a way the Don Quixote persona is the dream, and it's not like she was chained to Don (real)'s dream against her will in the first place. despite being tsun she really enjoyed the adventures and believed in la manchaland at first and still wants to carry on that dream they shared
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Real answer? They won't change the sinners names.
Hong Lu won't start calling himself Jia Baoyu after his canto either, and same goes for any and all "X was actually Y" twists.
there's a handful of them, you have to be specific
this is the first one
Is Thrill worth it even if i'm not doing a Rupture team?
Ryoshu is way too much of a murderhobo to be the grand berry
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This is past EU hours but I'll post this anyway.
I think the way the city is map-wise structured is taking a bit from Norse mythology.

Norse mythology roughly categorizes the main sphere of happenings "roughly" into three parts.
The inner core, the middle of the world where the gods live and hold court (Åsgard, Mountain garden), Midgard (strictly where the humans live, and Utgard (outside garden, the outside) which is where all the non-civilized gods and creatures and external forces live, the Jotunn.
In the norse sagas our gods fight both creatures the size of mountains and even concepts. Like trying to have an eating competition with wildfire, a running competition with the concept of thoughts or an arm-wrestling match with Old Age itself.

This somewhat paralells the PM setup of having the gods live in the middle of the city, exclusively having humans surrounding them, and then the outskirts being everywhere else outside the walls of humanity, and it containing everything from conceptual creatures, to gods to monstrosities.

From the land of Ice and Cold (loosely connected to Niflhel, the underworld) there is a wellspring, Hvergelmir, from which numerous rivers would flow to create everything in existence reaching far and wide. Long story short, the primordeal creations of existence would spring from these rivers, first becoming progenitor gods, then becoming humanoid gods who in turn would go to create a stronghold from themselves in the void from the corpse of the progenitor gods.
it is within this corpse-world that the gods made their fortress to ward off the other uncivilized gods, before making a outer section which they filled exclusively with humans.
Around the middle section, midgard, they erected walls to keep out everything from the outside.

The Æsirs (gods) and the Jotunns are actually more or less the same people/creatures with the same powers, stemming from a common ancestor. It's just a dichotomy separating the uncivilized from the civilized.
>Go to Distorted school to try to solve it
>Fail miserably
>Never mentioned again
I wonder how many active Distortions occur daily in the City
KimSault's head and neck look a bit awkward in my opinion.
His Dead Rabbits Boss preuptie art looks pretty cool.
Don Quixote is the alias for his hero persona, Alonso Quijano is his actual name. Sancho becoming Don Quixote is like Robin becoming Batman, not Robin becoming Bruce Wayne.
imagine being so fucking scared of your great great grandma you go as far as to commit filial impiety and leave that hellhole to get on a train just to somehow run into your OTHER great great grandma
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I love him
>200 years managing a park
Do we even know how long they kept it going? The 200 years thing was how long he was TRAPPED and BETRAYED.
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Who's more pathetic? Casetti or MY VIOLIN!?
These things are born from alien beasts not even those from earth
They are just mimicking human history they are literally all hacks
definitely hindley
Readlet-kun... Don Quixote is Don Quixote (the original's) actual name. He doesn't use any other name, and he uses that name before he gets infected with fixer autism.
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middle don
gn /lcg/
casseti t ried to move on
hindley literally could not even when cliff was not around
Gregor would be Granberry.(Forme de magical girl)
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it's his fault for being a fag and try to sire another short-haired tomboy on top of the one he already had
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You're the readlet.
If Don is the only fixer(she has a fixer license) with a worldview that approximates Vergilius's "save everyone" philosophy, then why does he beat the shit out of her? How stupid is this guy?
We're talking about Limbus Company Canto 7: The Dream Ending. You may be in the wrong general
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book retard
they never once mention alonso in limbus
you should've learned your lesson after don was revealed as a bloodfiend
This was so shucking lazy of them.
He only beat the shit out of her when she literally almost ruined a mission because of her incompetence, they have a contract to fulfill including Verg, if the sinners fuck up that fucks him up
He was ok with the Cinq duel because of that, the game literally tells you this
It's safe to assume that book content is canon unless directly stated otherwise. Don Quxiote being a persona is a MAJOR part of the book...
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>Canto 7 is about fathers
>Canto 8 is about siblings
>Canto 9 is about mothers
What is Canto 10 aboit?
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Just finished Don Quixote. I didn't enjoy the second part as much as the first one. I really wonder if Honger's book is worth reading.
BookGAWDS would've predicted that however by knowing what the term "hidalgo" actually translates to.
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glad that so many people got BTFO after don decided to keep her don quixote name and gremlin personality.
it was unbearably cringe seeing people hyping themselves up that she'll be changed forever to be sancho
This decade really is the revival of don quixote
I don't care in the case of it being a book thing and El Director just going in another direction, but Sancho was REALLY forced and I'll continue dead naming her.
the sun.
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Mothers again
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>i LIKE when things are boring and lazy copouts! take that!
... Okay?
hindley got fucked because ***** was a bitch and told nelly to bankrupt him
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you gotta stop replying to the futafag bwo
>The Prince of The Paraped
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i just hated all the frauds who only stared to "like" don after the bloodfiend reveal, they were hoping that PM will change her into a super edgy bloodfiend onwards after her canto.
now that hopeGODS won and she's still someone who wants to be a heroic fixer.
the frauds stopped pretending to be her fans lmao
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How do i solo this? I missed RR2 and i still don't fully understand its gimmick
Don lost the personality if you listen to her announcer however, it's all thinly faked and she slips constantly.
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>retards thinking don didnt change AGAIN
jesus fuck how are you niggers this stupid?
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>checking Don's ID sprites
>it looks like all of them have Rocciante's shoes
>all of them besides N-Corp unless they are squeezed into those greaves (I don't know how armor works)
I'm going to headcanon N-Corp Don as fully Bloodfiending out.
I need more pictures of Ryoshu being a mom.
>besides N-Corp unless they are squeezed into those greaves (I don't know how armor works)
N-Corp Don Quixote's story specifically mentions how she wears her running shoes under the boots.
But that's stupid .Why didn't The Red Gaze gnore the contract for the sake of heroism and help us effortlessly slaughter the K corp guards and save the innocent civilians?
They literally are squeezed into her armor. It's part of her uptie story.
>all of them besides N-Corp unless they are squeezed into those greaves
That is exactly what's going on and was also one of the first hints in there being something off with Don.
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it's not faked at all.
don(sinner) and sancho are the very same person.
don (sinner) was just sancho without the 2000 year bloodfiend trauma.
post-canto she can now fully embrace that side of her WITH the bloodfiend trauma.
shut the fuck up Don
N Don wears Rocinante underneath her greaves and this is the meat of her uptie story. NSault thinks shell'll be the next Grosshammer.
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>every single Outis ID has the same earrings
Do you believe?
>collab ideas
Here’s a different question for (You)
Are the collab IDs going to be absolutely busted must pulls or you’re bricked for years? Or are they going to be ass? Make your prediction.
>People don't understand the difference between fake and self-aware
Why do we get so many people here accidentally posting in the wrong general?
what I am more concerned about is how W Don morphed her Rocinante into shin boots
They hand those out in Hag High School, Iori has earrings too.
does every Outis id have her broken watch too?
it's a pretty forgotten detail of her considering its in her fucking symbol
it'll probably turn out to be a gift from penelope or something
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I found this gem!
Does Don not eat? Is this another hint at her true nature? I wanna check if there's any other upties that mention how Don doesn't eat food.
>Hag High School
That doesn't even fucking make sense.
Kill flower then signpost
Since you're solo, it will spawn 1 flower and it will attack as well
Its attacks are Glut and Lust IIRC, so do an ego to change resistances
That's all
>stutters and shuts herself up in the middle of pretending to recount an adventure
She's gone. Face it.
No she willingly joined and belived in the N corp inquisiton’ ideals
No brainwash needed
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thanks bud it killed me twice before i realized i had to change my affinities or it would one shot me
She doesn't eat the mind control goop and is even more fanatical than the ones that do.
She eats, she mentions having preferences in the chicken event and bakes cookies as a Bloodfiend. The significance of that isn’t that she “doesn’t eat”, it’s that she’s fucking nuts without being brainwashed.
How would Sancho react to all the donrape that’s been posted here by mirror world Dantes?
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whatever you say bud.
she's just self aware now and knows if she's going too far
Is Limbus just a korean FGO (in a good way)?
read her middle uptie story dumbass
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Imagine you're reading your fixer mags and this nigger intrudes onto your room
>I'm respecting your privacy by blowing the door open
Let him serve as an object example of the consequences of greed
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draw me a sheep.
i will take ONE halloween drawing request
make it GOOD
A sheep.
Furry heathcliff
Chibi sinners in a jack-o-lantern candy buckets carried by Dante.
How far do each of the sinners get into NNN?
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the most terrifying thing an /lcg/ poster can encounter...
a book
Bloodfiend don beating the shit out of Sinclair dressed as Nosferatu.
Furry Heathcliff
In the future when we have to fight Demian if you use Electric Screaming Don Quixote or Meursault to clash with him, he'll instantly stagger. Screencap this.
Child abnos going to Ryoshu's house despite the bad omens because they heard she gives out full candy bars
She'd beat them. Hurtily.
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We all know what's gonna be the crossover franchise, come on bros...
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aaaaaaa she's so cute!
It's where they put old women in young girl's clothing and teach them how to get together with younger men.
jobs to rats
meat so dogshit even the most hungry district 23 dweller would rather eat their own fingers
They both are lower case sissies...
>Yi Sang
Probably completes it.
Probably completes it.
Probably completes it.
Thinks it's stupid and wouldn't want to restrain herself anyway.
Completes it easily but he's not that happy about it.
>Hong Lu
Completes it but desperately needs to fuck afterward.
Probably completes it.
Loses because she becomes a raging bitch when she's sexually frustrated and somebody forces her to nut.
Probably fails because the challenge got boring.
Loses. Any sinners who can't take it will go to him to lose.
Loses Day 1.
Completes it. Got way too competitive about it and will make other sinners lose if she can.
Completes it but he didn't even know it was supposed to be a challenge.
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Found what the collab will be
>Got way too competitive about it and will make other sinners lose if she can.
This sounds hilarious
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Chapter 7 VAs
Rodya planning their Halloween route with Heathcliff, Sinclair, Don, and Charon
The collab will be Nikke
>already filtered
>Probably completes it.
He's gooning to Cathy every night
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KJH would collab with the REAL PMtoober
>Dulcinea has the same voice actors as Xichun
What the deal with the VA of the backstabber not being known
>Light Yagami, Saitama, AND Sasuke
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Love Live collab
Every idol has sex with Rats and Sinners and Dante and they look at directly at the camera to say "My Manager from back home could never satisfy me after this."
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>Sanson was fucking Light
I like how they are all in cookie run too
He was the first one I hesitated on what he would do, but since he's so dedicated to Cathy and is canonically a virgin he's probably used to going long stretches without nutting.
>Sanson was voiced by Light
...makes sense
Every korean voices at least one cookie in CR
>Xichun is Mio
Oh i see
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>Dulcinea and Xichun shared the same CV
is that a gay earring?
Is this some type of rule?
>Rye Cookie Moses
Well that gives me an idea for something later...
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>Dulcinea and Xichun shared a voice
Interesting. What about the other members of the Bloodfiend trio?
just ate 3 croquettes with meat and drank 4 cups of borscht, your response limbabs?
It's their coming of age ceremony
Just like how they have to study the story of samsung in highschool
The barber was voiced by Rodion's/Elena's VA, not sure about the Priest.
That sounds tasty.
What if we get an actual crossover with Cookie Run?
Dulcinea wasn't credited in the credits, how does the person who made this chart know?
>El Director causing a mass Distortion event
Is being in Cookie Run a fucking rite of passage for Korean VAs or something
That game has a lot of characters and is Korean originally unlike all the other roles which are dubs. So they get around a lot more in terms of hiring voices.
>What about the other members of the Bloodfiend trio?
for some reason, Priest wasn't listed and neither was Barber but Barber is obviously played by Kim Soo Young (Who voiced Olga, Greta and Pierre) just by going voice alone
Romero was voiced by Heath's VA (he confirmed it on his live stream)
I still wonder what they're gonna do with Penelope.

So far they've been generally good with adapting the couples from the original novels (Rodya/Sonya, Heatchliff/Cathy, and arguably Ishmael/Queequeg, Dulcinea doesn't count due to Sancho not 'really' being Don Quixote and Dulcinea in the novel not even being real) so I doubt they're gonna adapt her out or change her relation.

The real question is if they're gonna keep her female, making Outis a canon lesbo, or gender-swap her like with Sonya.
Someone should tell el director's wife to stop handing him the fucking green marker
He's starting to make less sense ever since the first stream, I think he secretly eats them too
From my ears it sounds like Papa Don and Priest share the same VA but I could just be deaf.
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Someone should tell Sancho to press her feet against my crotch while calling me a good stool
go to bed
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For all we know, Sancho has negative sex education
Okay. :(
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Couldn’t all Bloodfiends become Fixers champions of justice superheroes and drink or kill criminal bad guys?
There is no end to those in the city
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I'm near 100% that they're going to keep Penelope female and pretty sure they'll still be lovers since Barber Outis specifically talks about an old family in her uptie. The only other way that'd make sense is if they're siblings instead of lovers or something.
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the collab is just gonna be the Mili concert they announced last year
At this point Bloodfiends should turn into Sweepers inb4 Sweepers are Bloodfiends
They don't want to put in the REAL work
Slovenly bitches, all of them (not you Sancho)
they're not making penelope a woman. she'd be the first 100% confirmed gay character in a gacha, and the last thing director would want is another controversy
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>she'd be the first 100% confirmed gay character in a gacha
You are retarded
>I'm near 100% that they're going to keep Penelope female
What makes you so sure? Considering we have past examples of gender-swapping like with Sonya, and having an opposite-gender name never stopped anyone in the City.
>she'd be the first 100% confirmed gay character in a gacha
bro Honkai 3rd already beat you to it
Is the name Penelope ever mentioned? because it's impossible they give a name like that to a guy
Penelope will be a sword
she's 100% getting genderbent, you're delusional if you think otherwise
>she'd be the first 100% confirmed gay character in a gacha
it's ok to not play gachas buddy but don't lie like this
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shit, sorry...
still, given how popular she is, it would still cause quite a stir, and director wouldn't want that after the vellmori shit
>because it's impossible they give a name like that to a guy
The vibes tell me. I just don't see them writing Outis to be homesick for a husband and they specifically had her reference loom weaving in TKT.
Are people still in denial about Ishmael being a lesbian?
Does Torn Bandolier not work with Lamentsang?
penelope? the trojan horse.
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This character's name is Harold, she's a woman.
Penelope? It's Dante
She's not even that popular though, most of her notoriety comes from non-Limbus players in fanart. She's probably the least or 2nd least behind Rodya popular female sinner. If there was no real meltdown from NFaust and NClair or Ishmael and QQ, nobody would give a shit if Outis has a wife.
What's with the horses
what does it matter when the other girl is built like a fridge and her ID went to a guy?
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she remains as plausibly straight as book ish
Oh also I should add, anyone who would go schizo about Outis being married to Penelope would do the exact same thing, maybe even worse, if she was married to Peter instead. Because both put her off limits for hardcore Dante selfinserters which is their core issue.
Filtered? Context? Did she quit?
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Uma Musume collab confirmed.
Ruina was a mistake though
This canto alone has more straight sex appeal than the entirety of Ruina
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>Penelop is alive and well, and is a male
>Outis is a clone, and she sees herself with Penelope.
>The Odyssey had a purpose.
>just not for her
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someone should draw Dulciena or Xichun in that outfit
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why was shitclair the one to drop a fuck you
why did watson have to ruin YEARS of dante development with fucking "shuckaroonies"
>ishmael being a lesbian
Outis? Actually Odysseus.
sex with him/her/them
Literally every interaction and flashback with Queequeg, which mirrors the subtly-veiled homoeroticism in the original novel between OG male Ishmael and Queequeg.
Got filtered by a canto boss because
Don't remember what canto, probably this one or 6 though
Will Circe be in Outis' story? I love the pig witch.
Here is their proofs:
>But mu book
>But mu feels
>But mu interactions
>But mu final EGO
Dante? Jesus.
Part of Dante's development is going to be able to say FUCK YOU at the end of Canto 46
Sinclair? Lucifer.
i wonder how will they recontextualize the Trojan horse for the city
I know that it's in her base background and it's apparently made out of horses or something
Dante is Ayin the man whom committed one sin to create 100 good deeds
>it doesn't count because your proof is just things that happen in the story
That's usually how you prove things...
Ayin? God the Father.
there are more indicators of her being a lesbian than straight, it's quite shrimple
Anon you can't say an interpretation is wrong by saying 'but muh proof' in a silly voice, that's not hwo this works.
Clones are allowed to exist, just not for more than a week
The rule doesn't apply if the original is dead, the rule only says no more than one instance of a person may exist but that doesn't mean only the original may exist after all
Are people still in denial about Ryoshu being a Mother?
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*made out of people, sorry
had too many horses in my brain
Sinclair? my sissy cockslut
Ryoshu is the monkey
Ayin? One of the aeons now residing in the pleroma.
When has anyone ever been in denial about that? If anything it's always been people assuring each other that she will be one and if not PM are hacks.
The only real contention is whether the kid will be adopted or biological.
Out of all the female sinners only Don and Faust are canonically single.
>but Rody-
In common-law marriage with the roachman, also Sonya stole her virginity
>but Ishma-
Her heart remains with Queequeg.
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i just fucking realized that her having the Trojan horse in her background is YET ANOTHER HINT that she will betray LCB
Found the collab
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To be clear on the interactions there was nothing romantic in the slightest sense Queequeg's relationship with Ish is more of a comradery they lean on each other but I can't see them in a romantic relationship
Yes I can
I bet Dante had a hot gf with huge titties before the amnesia
Dante had Beatrice.
Dante is literally me
People are in denial about the daughter being adopted
Listen, Dulcinea is sexo and all, but Nicolina's smug face...affects me
You can claim that there's plausible deniability sure, but to pretend there's absolutely 0 hinting at that is absurd. During the dungeon we see Ish multiple times fantasizing about how the 2 of them can build a life together in the future.
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reminder that nai_ga will never ever get close to vellmori's level
compare all of the canto 7 cg art and none of them hit nearly as hard as shrenne being bisected
what do you guys think? is this gay?
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>Outis betraying LCB for the chance to return home
Anons will scream at you but it's true.
Going from the sprites to Vellmori's art was a bit jarring at first but she was undeniably more talented than nai_ga at drawing CGs.
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This is correct
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Reminder that you're a dumb nigger for trying to bring it up in the first place.
We have had this same song and dance for God knows how long.
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>could easily have built a harem
>becomes a stinky neet with greasy hair instead
Free damage, Thrill is always worth it. A lot better with rupture, but really no reason to not grab it.
>I can't see them in a romantic relationship
Ok, but it's severely implied, why would two characters need to look directly at the screen and say
for it to be a thing? if the majority of people see it as such, it is, and Ishmael and Quequeeg have always been interpreted as something beyone mere comradery, they care for each other in a deep personal level which is usual more common for lovers to do so, the original writer also had several strong feelings for other men that went beyond friendship in a time that it was much less accepted, so why wouldn't this be a tell that the relationship between the two is romantic in nature?
>now velltranny
What is this, a coordinated attack?
That would imply it's multiple people(it isn't)
Sancho wouldn't have a harem. The fact her retinue is made up of handsome, strapping young fixers is pure coincidence.
are we still talking about fetishes
Now show the part of the book where a purple guy has a melty because somebody stole his coupons
If we are I want Gregor to bite me
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If that is true then I can slightly see where you are coming from

But on principle I will never give yuri shippers a win if you give them a inch they take a mile so my fan theory is that gay people are impurities under the head

I will not accept them as lovers until it has been stated by someone if it is just implied then it is a fan theory

Because they don't have any proper romantic moments
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posting Sancho's big Sanchos
She's bot that stacked
I seen them, they're not that big
I like them both desu. Appreciate what VM could do with her expressive art and colors and nai_ga's sense of depth and scale in the more dramatic CGs
final part/verse of the song during the qte literally has mili wait for you to hit space bar before she continues you the song
I hate them both. They should've asked me to do the CG art instead.
Don would not do such inappropriate things with his daughter
>Because they don't have any proper romantic moments
Anon, what is romance to you? because to me Canto 5 is as romantic as Canto 6
>canto 5 is as romantic as canto 6
you're actually delusional
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Thoughts on Sancho's s(ancho)ideburns?
Erm. Ishmael talking about a life with Queequaeg is not romantic. Stop being delusional.
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>Canto 5 is as romantic as Canto 6
Are you mentally ill? Because I don't see how a allusion to a relationship can be as romantic as someone SAYING THEY LOVE SOMEONE

Go back to the xitter yuri tard
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>Is being in Cookie Run a fucking rite of passage for Korean VAs or something
cookie run is south korea's version of disney.
it's basically a sacred figure for south korea's media
Canto 3 is the most romantic Canto
It even has a meet cute moment in high school
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just thought about Xichun's chinese pussy
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>Canto 5 is as romantic as Canto 6
What kind of crack are you smoking?
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Found some fanart for my favourite underrated IDs.
Prologue is the most romantic Canto since it feature roman poet Vergilius
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>xichun is black pearl cookie
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I'm fine with a bit of a personality change but the only thing I'm bummed about is that she isn't getting the wavy hair, that's the only change I was hoping for
I want more R corp so bad
This is so retarded that it can only be a falseflag to make yuriniggers look bad.

I approve.
dude i love going 1 month witout any content or even content announcement after the canto is over
this season will totally not be longer than the previous one
Do anyone have the vampire origin short story that you can't get legally because it was hosted on a dead patreon
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>This canto alone has more straight sex appeal than the entirety of Ruina
>skadididididi is now mosexs
What the fuark?!
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>meet cute moment
sleep well me
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Post the real one next time.
I'm still seething that R Greg has official art but doesn't exist
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yea, i may have gone too far but ignoring the romantic undertones of Canto 5 is stupid, nobody has good faith argumentation here anyway so fuck it, i'm tired of taking about this
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What is cookie run and why is literally every va from Limbus from it?
yepyepyep Canto 6 GODS do it again
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probably sounds weird but i like the way nai_ger draws ears and side faces.
it sexually appeals to me
At this point, the art quality is too improved that 4th Match Don and Rhino Greg aren't going to be released ever.
Korean gacha about cookies. So many VAs are in it because it's Korean and the main dub is Korean, unlike BA/Nikke which use Japanese.
thats an oddly charming geb
Anon... the mars and venus signs are placed for our convenience...
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not really a big deal for me.
i really like normal don's hair.
they could still give her the wavy hair back for whenever she removes the shoes again
>"Penelope will be a woman!"
Aren't you guys forgetting we literally have a man called Sonya
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I need to sleep now so good night /lcg/

I can sleep well knowing that a yuri tard has been destroyed please praise me /lcg/
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So are we going to get an ID announcement sometime this week? Or is it going to be on the 8th?
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What do you mean Anon
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the first korean gacha that got BIG (like almost as big as FGO in it's PRIME)
it's one of the biggest series south korea ever made.
they also gave PM 2 million dollars as a donation after ruina's big success
Post sinners being OOC
we're past the trailer time already, so it will be next week
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papito would be proud
the picture literally shows it's a straight double genderbend
>anyone that makes an argument against me is of the opposition
this mentality is so stupid
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Would ryoshu really?
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It's not genderbend, Kromer has the female symbol and Sinclair the male. They're just both crossdressing.
I know but the stream seemed to have vaguely suggested that there's going to be an ID announcement between the first and the 8th as it pointed out a period between those dates specifically so I'm not sure if KJH meant we'll be seeing a teaser this week or if this weekly period was pointed out for some other reason
>NTR-ing herself
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You have eyes but you can't see.
>don quixote is don quixotes actual name
what kind of parent would name their child "sir jockstrap"?
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it'll probably be a dead week banner instead of dulcinea rodya
hopefully they finally release pic related
>the eyebags
>leash under clothes
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>pic related
you want Don to get a second burn EGO without an ID?
>dulcinea rodya
Is there any hint this ID will actually be a thing? Or is it just a want?
english hard I meant crossdressing
Oh this is psychological torture got it
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>he doesn't know bad end Sancho will be the queen of burn AND bleed
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i just want to finally see a non blurred look at the design.
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Rodya's portrait is used in Outis' uptie story and they went out of their way to give Gregor a solo 000 banner
>i just want to finally see a non blurred look at the design.
It's a launch EGO made by na_g*i, it's gonna look like dogshit compared to modern EGOs.
Barber Outis uptie, plus it's about time, she has a bleed WAW but only KK as an bleed id
So it just be all Lesbians because the German will beat the fuck out of the sliver one
>they also gave PM 2 million dollars as a donation after ruina's big success
yeah that is called an investment bro not a gift
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It will come.
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>nai_ga hate
nah it already looks neat from what little we saw.
nai_ga is a really good artist
he did make sheep don look cute!
There are russian men irl called Sashsa Semenov and a man called Hitler Gaylord in America but a guy being called Penelope in a setting where names dont have gender is a step too far?
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What are your hopes for Don's sprite change? I'd like to see one of the following
>Oh no somehow Rocinante's power weakened a little and now her pupils are red
>Oh no somehow Rocinante's power weakened a little and now her hair is a bit messy
>Lance now says "dreaming the impossible dream" like the outdated combat sprite
>New expression like Yi Sang only smiling after canto IV
Yes it's a long shot but I can hope ok
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Stay out. That's HIS domain.
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Her portrait was used in Barboutis' uptie story, and the manner the Princess was speaking could only match Rodion too
isn't her sprite already always smiling?
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I'm ready for my Cinq Heath. More Cinqs when...
Cinq doko?
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>hair is a bit messy
tis a sueno imposible...
Following Rodya around with a tuba
>rodionfags JUST got an 000
>they expect another
Greedy beasts
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>only new association that didn't get a follow up banner the next season
wheres my oofys
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just wanted to tell you guys i think rodya is pretty cool
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honestly if you really like an ID then you better pray it comes out super late.
since the director confirmed openly that powercreep will be a thing going forwards.
with them making new IDs stronger and justifying it in the story/lore
cute fluffy prince
I meant that Yi Sang only got a smiling talk sprite after canto IV was finished
all the sexy female designs were made by female members of pm
all the covered up androgynous designs and fruity men were created by the director himself
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We just want a seasonal ID and a decent bleed ID
Is that so much to ask?
I guess it's nice to have confirmation that the section numbers are going up intentionally, we're getting stronger IDs
Reminder that Rodya hasn't had a Seasonal ID since fucking Season 2. I get that Kim Jihoon hates her, but the Dulcinea ID is gonna release.
But Rodya has lost weight as Dulcinea?
The team works on everything together under KJH.
Niggers Devyat Rodion is arguably her best ID why would she get another OP 000 immediately afterwards
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Oh this reminded me.

How do you feel about the fact the Director said "Yes, we're canonically power-creeping older IDs" pretty much directly?
the director is spiritually stuck to his domineering mothers breast and represses his homsexual urgues to avoid dissapointing her
>its canon that gregor has bad IDs
there are two seasonal ID slots left obviously one of them is going to finish the bloodfiend trio
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
What other gacha should I try out, limbabs?
>wait for girls frontline 2 EN
>star rail
>suggest something easily played on pc, no emulatorshit
Didn't KJH say announcement in 1-11?
What are the chances we get something in like 6 hours?
Not buying that propaganda
Barber, Priest, Princess and Lord (Quixote)
Bleed Season, Bleed Supremacy. It just makes sense.
Absolutely. I'm excited for whenever Heath gets his first burn ID because the longer it takes the better chances he is amazing. A section 3 or maybe even 2 Liu Heath...

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You conflate sisterhood with romance. A simple way to see this is by comparing it to many of the moments seen within Canto 6, where it was downright obvious that Heathcliff loves Cathy. There is no mincing it. With Canto 5, however, the closest moment to being conflated as romance is when Ishmael said that she didn't want to let go of Queequeg. To me, it comes off as Ishmael caring about Queequeg as family. Which makes more sense since as a sailor, you're spending a lot of your time with your crewmates. If the friendship between Ishamael and Queequeg was supposed to be interpreted as subtly romantic, then it's a very juvenile way of telling romance. And that would just conflate with Ishmael's personality (where he's much more candid about her thoughts), and how Project Moon handles their romance. See: The entirety of Library of Ruina and Canto 6. Seems weird to have all these romantic moments, but then have this one specific "romantic" relationship somehow be subtle.
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im fine with it for two reasons
1-limbus doesn't really require heavy invesment for units.
you can just do two weekly hardmodes to get any ID you want (plus a free 10 pull worth of lunacy)
2-a tiny bit of powercreep is NEEDED to keep the game fresh.
the gameplay would feel really stale if all the broken season 1 stuff kept being good.
they had their time in the spotlight, it's time to move on
NTA but no. It was a no strings attached donation (also known as an angel investment) through a game development program made by Devsis to support up and coming developers like PM. You can even find it here https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/devsisters-ventures/investor_summary/overview_timeline
It's May 1, 2021.
That's why we need to get her as an ID to save her from starving
Because people have been asking for a good bleed ID for her since Sanguine Desires came out, and the unfortunate release timing of her Devyat ID and the bleed focused Canto that also confirms her existence in the IDs' mirror world doesn't change that want
Dude you're doing the meme. You're doing the 'they must have been good friends' meme but unironically.

The reason this romance is subtle is because it was subtle in the original book as well, while Wuthering Heights is a romantic drama/tragedy.
>Part one
Sir Squirrel!!!
>Part two
My violin...
Clough cough.
>Part three
Heath distorts for exactly 1 node
Mirror niggercliff fight 3 times
Clear all ******!
NTA but I don't care personally. Day 1 players are already able to get any ID we want by sharting with our one limbillion boxes and newbabs will be able to invest in one really good unit that can get them through the early game instead of spending forever grinding EXP tickets for a bunch of different IDs because we all know the EXP grind will never improve
yeah bro it was a no strings attached (legally hehe) donation
surely that cant have ANY effect on the developers they give it too
>ut5 will save them
I'll still use 'shitty' id's for fun
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what is the orb
You're correct and I agree. However it will ultimately not matter. The people that want her to be in a gay relationship canonically with Queequeg will die on that hill.
Erm Sisters, we made PM!
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>they forgot CinqMeur was a seasonal
You must not have a sister
give her Sancho hair and change her lance to say Sueno Posible
the same can be said about both sides
Reverse 1999
>limbus doesn't really require heavy invesment for units.
>you can just do two weekly hardmodes to get any ID you want (plus a free 10 pull worth of lunacy)
If you have BP AND it's maxed, making it still F2P unfriendly.
Also, actually getting the unit is not the real issue. The real issue is the hellish grind to get a team levelled up. Investing in a unit allows you to lessen the grind long-term, that's kind of part of the stipulation. If that unit is power-crept to the point of being unviable in new content and suddenly find their investment worthless, that's not good for the players.
yurifags are so annoying
Good post, you nailed it, gripping stuff!!!
They also made investments in Black Desert, Epic Seven and Counterside well before PM and they weren't forced to do anything by Devsisters, so schizo all you want about it.
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If I ever meet someone in real life that plays limbus actively, I would do everything in my power to make them mine, regardless of race, sex, or creed.
The sheer value of being able to replace /lcg/ with a living person cannot be overstated.
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you really love to overestimate the grind required for IDs.
you can max out a ID's level by doing 6 skipped exp lux's
This is just that comic where Charon sees Don with a pipe but only if it was made by a mouthbreathing retard
Ishmaels canto was comically bad and was worse than canto 1-2
I will die on this hill
I was genuinely left baffled wondering if that was really it
Unimportant random part 1
The lake was super dissapointing after all it was hyped up to be except the visuals of the different colored sections
Mermaids were a nothingburger
Whales were a nothingburger
Part 2 was funny but Rim is stupid blue man wank that nobody even remembers and Ricardo, while funny, has nothing to do with the story of Ish, what the entire canto is about
Part 3 barley gets time to develop its cast and backstory and everything about the crew inside the whale is contrived and stupid
Ishmaels character has been dogshit ever since
And Queerfag is a hilariously bad design.
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>Yeah I grew out my hair after my very good friend complimented it and then I tie my hair in a very specific knot my good friend used using a rope that belonged to my good friend
yeah but did canto 1 and 2 have anyone as entertaining and charismatic as Ricardo and Ahab?
man I sure hope Outis' eventual canto doesn't ruin her that bad, honestly so much of her revolves around denta I'm unsure what her past before dante was like.
congrats on not liking something
you are so enlightened
I just know you liked the gnomes too
stupid nigger faggot
I handmade/carved wooden bobble hair ties as a parting gift for my bff when she moved out of the country. From the show we'd watch every week together after work/school together. We were roommates too for a few years.
And we weren't attracted or into each other like that. What Director actually meant for undertone wise will always be a mystery as only he can know. To a certain point, I think we should separate the original novels and his "version". They can be pulled from, sure and of course. But I don't think it's wise to use it for "evidence" of something that cannot be known.
But people can really love and care for each other without it having to be romantic in that relationship sense. That's all I wanted to mention.
I can't wait for Ryoshu to adopt Meursault as he cries for maman
i want Don 4th match flame but please give me the lob Corp weapon not just fiery lance

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