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>Letter from the Producer LIVE LXXXIV (Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4:00 a.m. (PDT))

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

>All Saints' Wake (October 18th to November 4th)

>Fall Guys (Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

• Nov 1, 8PM ET / 5PM PT | Halicarnassus, Lavender Beds W25 P3 Room 2 the theater room | Simpsons Halloween marathon >>500604516
• Nov 2nd, 5:30PM EDT / 9:30PM GMT | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Final Episode + Movie >>500408618
• Nov 3rd, 7PM EST | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 15,16 >>500187609
• Nov 9th, 8:00 PM EDT l Rafflesia, Dynamis l Ultima Thule ( 25.4 , 26.3 ) l Friendless Loser Meet

Previous Thread: >>500716820
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pov you have to fight this in the train boss
Viera boys in heels...
[I] won.
Sisters my femlala is REALLY worried about NNN…
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Proxy is going to fanta
Buy or sell miera stocks?
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Reminder that if you're a femlala that neglect other femlalas then you should explode
there's a reason why every relationship is femlala x femlala and you should stop trying to be a unique snowflake
>but I like catboys and miera
too bad
>I like lalab*ys (KEKKKK)
too bad
they're all weird and hate you anyway
either fanta off the race or embrace your local femlala NOW
did they say what the PvP rewards for the season are?

or is that 7.2?
Are you a brown catgirl
why are you speaking about yourself in the third person
You'll instantly fanta back once you noticed nobody here actually likes male characters unless they are gay like Uchiki and Shoro.
so are thread miera actually acting gay for fujo pussy attention or are they just actual fags
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if she can listen to me yap infinitely about my autistic interests without telling me to shut up, definitely
Lack of personality isn't an issue, being a femlala is
what top is that madam?
Thinking of using my fanta to make my fiddie paler
My Male Midlander pets moonies... and sometimes sun cats.
i'm gonna need all male charas to put this on and post a screenshot of it: https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/121337
and i am not asking!!!
dont think they showed them off
Femras are for
anyone else regret knowing this game
i didnt invited to any halloween parties, and people took selfies with their attractive friends wearing costumes together, and one of them even had sex with someone who dressed up as tifa at a party
meanwhile i just played ffxiv and browsed xivg alone as usual
The thread consists of a lot of different people with different opinions and tastes.
holy moly that's a sex
errybody at least prison gay pal
did anyone else get erect when Ryne got taken over?
Would she let my moonie yap about anything and pretend she cares?
is this fit hard
simpsons host doko?
nigga are you retarded
My femra is like this she wants genuine friends that invite her to hangouts in private apartments (not like that) or think of her when they go to a meetup and invite her even though its nothing she'd usually go to but sometimes you'd rather go to a meetup and see what's up then just rot away and maybe get invited into a cliquecord or something to just shoot shit and post memes or whatever

She also posted it in the wrong thread
wow that patch trailer was mid as fuck
A cc femlala just made me lose NNN...
>• Nov 1, 8PM ET / 5PM PT | Halicarnassus, Lavender Beds W25 P3 Room 2 the theater room | Simpsons Halloween marathon
we're here
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my femlala would EB another but not as a relationship
Honestly? I don't see the point of an EB if our personalities don't mix well so if “no personality” means that they don't have much in common then no I couldn't
t. femlala
uchiki and jean are the first and other bunboys are the second
if you were going for the tube of toothpaste look then yes
I'm not sure how much lower they can go, and I don't have any mierda stocks, but I'll enjoy the drama
Lose the glasses.
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best I can do is a moonie who will yap about things they like and send you youtube meme videos
Now don't be reasonable around here
I am happy my projects and collaborations worked out fine and drama free.
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Hey xivg, check it out I made a snowman.
Can you watch him while I go to the store?
My femlala made millions fail NNN...
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you will never be as good as him
u got dat shit ON
Why would SS do this?
why has someone been deleting their own posts all day
Sitting your femra on my femra's +
I haven't played CC at all so it wasn't me...
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cool house
the coat and the pants are different shades too, it's awful
A femra drugged and raped my malera at a Halloween party last night.
How do you attract an EB anyway?
can I hotdog those buns?
god i wish that wouldve been me
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Cute, actually!
I'm acting fujo for gay pussy actually!!
i post veenaaa heeereee and wait for a response
why yes, I am a transbian who plays ffxiv, what about it?
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Jeans aren't supposed to match the coat, retard
Niggas really can't comprehend an outfit having more than 2 colors
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Love Live meetup?
A friend of mine showed me a forbidden technique where you dangle the EB ring out in front of your target and shake it like trying to get a cat's attention.
I don't know if that ever worked for him.
That's every femlala.
male thirst traps doko
He called me a slur :(
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I was moreso yapping and moaning then looking for a linkup rn I want to change stuff about m- my femra fundamemtally

why the fuck are you trying to mimic jeans with a nier coat? male characters always look like shit and complain they don't get attention
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Last gpose you took anchor?
Sis don't make me start bringing up my million KotoUmi doujin collection…
I posted my biceps last night, go away.
I think the shader ended up affecting the colour of the pants, they look almost blue in the picture but in-game they look grey.
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FRU leaks are looking pretty weird...
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Nice OP image
I'm straight so I don't take naked pictures of my male character sorry.
would anyone like to see some moonie pits
It just happens.
order up, one lazy male chara screenshot
post your bodacious biceps again i was playing mhwilds
Now post the other one
do you like hung shotas
its weird how no-one was talking about male characters and yet you brought them up for no reason anyway to whine about them
That's not me, and jeans absolutely can go with a coat. LOLing at you bringing up unrelated shit
you can't swim you just have sticks for arms
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Evens gyms
Odds bed rot with a woman
>lonely post just to goon and not make friends
You a weirdo.
I'm a femlala who got her heart utterly torn out today.
What's the guidebook on becoming a spiteful shadow femlala, my smile is gone for good.
wanna change together
this picture is foul
Did you ask this unironically or are you trying to clown on male middies?
Uhhh umm
Femezen here?
I will contact you shortly...
are u free right now? i am going to do a frontline on primal and then idk what. want to hang out with me? you can also come to my apartment after. i would really like that actually.
This image has never been attached to a good post.
You're in good hands now sis >>500738618
I've never been so lucky as to have been summoned, please share your experience after...
Jean actually ducked out of the Joker discord game to plap Seishun in LB14 just now, Cockwatch confirmed.
My moonie eats ass
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yea what u want?
I only send those to one person
everyone staying subbed to FFXIV in its current state is the reason it will never get better. it's almost as bad as 1.0. you should be ashamed of yourselves.
oh i see the problem
you're a faggot
Numbnuts november begins today
femra are love
/pet people and be somewhat cute
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I'm not subbed though.
Got any proof?
where proof
nice beta blockers
Who cares
Joker discord is faggot clique central
Nonstop Nut NOVEMBER!
they left as soon as i posted this
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it was unironic
i didnt realise it was going to be received that badly
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come watch simpsons, dynamis is right down the street
my femlala is like this
biofems of xivg, i ask you, would you be mad if your boyfriend gave you a dutch oven
My femlala is also like this…
post the jokercord invite
bitches dont know how to use any oven now a days.
I have hundreds of hours of content outside of DT. Going to try get all the TT cards while doing the crafter/gatherer achievements. I just dont go to Tural
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do you like middies?
you can just say you were making shit up bwo
wtf yes
>tfw will never get JOI from Seishun
Why live...
Did you say goon because you saw a 'sexy' word like moan
I want to be fundementally a normie i want people to just enjoy spending time with me
No I don't want that because I might end up super dependent on you and then we're just in the same spiral this isn't about some weird lonely rp it's about attracting strangers
Looks way better than the ugly heightbeast catgirl but for some reason people like those so you'll get less erp and plaps on the miera
*Gropes you*
my moonie is trying to do all her uni work before tuesday because she views election day as pure content
yeah but you suck
this one in particular, a lot. yeah.
give us more content you stupid pedo
Does NNN still count if my femlala stopped right before releasing…
Asking for a friend..
Don't be sad anon, your glams are generally speaking quite cool looking. Everyone misses sometimes.
yeah, with or without +
Malelala x Femlala
Synthesize it
yes also elk why are you brown and no longer aryan
No one will ever enjoy time with you. You are a GAM posting anime girls in a chinese basket weaving forum crying how lonely you are.
My craft failed...
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Femlala x Femlala
Ponder it
can i just dm it to you instead
>not Futurama
I shan't be attending
buy buy buy
please pleeeeeeease pump up my bags of miera stocks
Where is it? I need some inspiration...
Your synthesis fails! some materials were wasted
>• Nov 1, 8PM ET / 5PM PT | Halicarnassus, Lavender Beds W25 P3 Room 2 the theater room | Simpsons Halloween marathon >>500604516(Cross-thread)
is this happening right now
can i see ur moonie
sorry anon, i was mostly meme'ing
asking this again

if I used to erp but don't want to anymore can I be pure again
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my moonie just ate one of these
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Fat fuck
My wife
miki, what the fuck?
I pondered it, now what though?
miki's cute bug eyes
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I found some buns.
hide this lalapig before jean makes her squeal
Is that you holding one? Plz hand feed me an oreo icecream as well....
Balls Deep with my 4"er
>the euro biggerhater from /v/ is going lewd
This place is changing you sis
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Mate it happen... NOW NOW NOW!!
stop ruining tomoko by avatarfagging with this shit via her
/xivg/ syncshells
>general syncshell 1

>general syncshell 2

>/xivg/ Lalashell
Is this a new face sculpt? It looks better than the last one you were using.
yes, simply accept our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into your heart
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brown middie is sexo
my aryan middie looked bad with the DT update the face 1 eye bags are really pronounced on her, otherwise i would have fantad to that one
Uhh... I don't have a femlala in my vicinity to make that happen immediately. I'm sorry.
Guh…my femlala’s womb is still sore from all the catboy woobers.
Get in the water.
fat FUCK
Why do I never see a highlander half as hot as this in game? They always look so stupid.
can i see ur moonie
yesssssss TY cat

Please dont seperate the lalas i wanna see them without being outed
black hair and blue eyes is pretty cute desu
Yeah that is actually a pretty good face, How do I get it?
okay i just sent it
My femra just saw that middie slip something to her drink, but maybe it was just sugar, she should probably drink it anyway.
Only if you only did stuff with other lalas. If you let a bigger plap you can become half-pure. If you ever even saw a hroth penis you will always stink of furry jism.
built for Hroth 9 inchers
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My femlala on the left!
Looks better with more clothes on, weirdly.
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>Hroth 9 inchers
cmon even my fiddie is bigger than that
Just drink it you stupid fucking cunt.
they are lalabvll owned
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Ordered myself a parmi while reading msq andy comments about chaotic not coming out until 2025 get fuuuuuuuuuucked faggots can’t wait to prog FRU.
Then that's okay, I only asked because if you're genuinely trying you deserve proper feedback.
Can't comment on the weapon and gloves because it's hard to see. The glasses are bad (that's just a XIV problem, not your fault), and the coat and pants are a poor match because of the different fabrics. The outfit should have smooth transitions between each piece, but this makes it so the viewer's attention is drawn to the lower part of the pants (which stand out due to the different colour) and the boots.
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u can join my m4s prog if you wannya
Y-yes sir.
how many copies of the game have you bought?
Two potatoes rubbing donuts would look like a lava lap
It's so over...
i would actually join this if i was online, i need exp on dps
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do they have bubble and squeak in the phillipines?
What did you mean by this?
I'd love to but going to bed. gl.
can you believe there are cunts that call it a parma
fucked hey
uooooooh those are lolis tho
idk if they're still a thing anymore but they were called F▲T E if you want to try and look them up, i didn't really care for the amount of time they spent farming historicals. this group is doing many many hours of both prep and actual FRU time on release but like... it's working towards an actual goal so i feel good about it
we're doing sharingan and it really doesn't look bad for them, the positioning for greeding orbs is great. but im on caster this time around so ofc i don't know 100%
i kept fucking up because i didn't realise what the timing actually was- someone told me to hit it on the double LL in the hallowed wing cast when i was working on this fight before, and that's way too early
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To the anon that wanted some of my "smol itty bitties" in the new bread, you dork.
Sorry too slow to do anything except whm (and erp)
gimme this eye mod sis
opening this dog up and tying her tubes
When does it start?
>sees cute anime girls
>thinks of lolis
Commit suicide
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This mieras is getting raped.
ok ok i got it, please add to OP
Nov 5th, 8:00 PM EDT l Balmung, Crystal l Ul'dah Steps of Nald | Election Watch Party

come to the ole 'ench to watch dozens of people seethe and mald in shout chat as the results come in

garlean cosplayers or other topical costumes welcome and encouraged
cant wait to hear sena again
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Please consider EBing a femezen
strangling this punching bag until it's convulsing
>miki wants to get plapped by proxy's mierda
say you were joking...
I play in JP like a normal person
it was me. thanks
also nice nails hngggh
I would. They are quite elegant.
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Its NOT a face sculpt its 100% handcraft by yoship i cant even find any good face sculpts

Huh what

Whats a proxy you wanna update me on your ebin lore
post your irl thighs faggot
I think you're overthinking this anon, it's simply nice to have someone supporting you when you want to change and I think we can help each other out. I mean, if it works you won't get weirdly attached to me cause you'll be a normal functioning adult, and hopefully so will I
Holy shit she's hot, do you have a folder or something?
rape rape rape rape
What mod for the nails?
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Why is everyone talking about him?
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who is this ebin? someone give me a qrd?
he needs to rape my maliddie
you've got some shit on your nose
All it took was a single drop of attention and this faggot is back full-time.
Trying to play a viera- is harder than playing a draenei without a horsecock, what is wrong with you freaks
Don't make me pull my dick out nooooo anything but that
I love shotas
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I am
A fiddie watching tiktok in bed
built for 3 foot long lalabvll cock
I would but I never see any who ERP and play the game.
Which catboy chest did you Schlick to sis?
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Suffering through follow quests
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yeah but yours is trash
Good friday! I will not commence rating the characters in this thread.
AGP (White):

AGP (Brown)


Thank you for presenting your character for rating, have a good weekend.
Lizzy I love you
no one asked homie
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Its easy
Just adopt the mommy mentality
*skogs fru*
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Yes, I need to stop my fanta addiction and stay as one...
just started, come quick there's a bunch of episodes to watch
are there any large hoop earrings to glam
Hodrick is so cute, is it true she has a cock in game?
i prefer a mommy with a fat cock
appreciate it, cheers
What does hsts mean?
miera minheight should be at catgirl level i think
Hey you can't do that!
Anytime, they are lazy but still, you asked nicely..
Someone needs an outlet today.
Post your fat cock first.
(I'm kidding, there is no trade here)
Nyope, I just post whenever c:
No specific mod, I'm just using AB Body which I believe incorporates Freyja hands.
Why do people keep thinking I'm trans, I'm nyot..
>Gender locked outfit comes out
>Trannies, who want to be a woman but refuse to literally play as one, insist they remove the gender lock so everyone knows theyre a tranny
Mental illness
edengrace, I guess?
I own the large plot directly in front of that middie, but in a different ward.
Kill biggers. Behead biggers. Roundhouse kick a bigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a bigger baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy midlander biggers. Defecate in a biggers food. Launch biggers into the sun. Stir fry biggers in a wok. Toss biggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a biggers gas tank. Judo throw biggers into a wood chipper. Twist biggers heads off. Report biggers to the IRS. Karate chop biggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant elezen biggers. Trap biggers in the quicksands. Crush biggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy biggers in a vat of acid. Eat biggers. Dissect biggers. Exterminate biggers in the gas chamber. Stomp bigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate biggers in the oven. Lobotomize biggers. Mandatory abortions for biggers. Grind bigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown biggers in fried chocobo grease. Vaporize biggers with a ray gun. Kick old biggers down the stairs. Feed biggers to moogles. Slice biggers with a katana.
recent example?
stop jerking it to tranny porn, freak
That is unfortunate
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Now that we have 2 free fantas what should I turn my meena into
See what I mean?
Damn it, I'll need to lurk every second then
too small
Lalafells have to make posts like this because they can't get to biggers heads to behead them
Hey babe been absolutely palmraping my shit to your latest onlyfans post. Must have busted a liter of jizzy juice to it lole.
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no retard i want my bitch to wear a combat vest
gray ravaboy
Imagine the fat shits this retard takes
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Hyvää huomenta, jänis
How big do you require madam?
Anyone who self-identifies as trans isn't really trans, they're AGP. Protip of the day.
malera drained
Stupid fucking nigger go buy an fru clear next month faggot
what is agp
trans women are cis women
do you still pretend to like malera to seem different or have you moved on now that theres more than 3 races in the game
Are YOU TOO finnish?
the guy who came up with the AGP meme considered AGP trannies to be trannies so this doesn't make any sense even according to your own logic
acronym for 'a gock please'
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that's not me, I'm at my desk watching factorio videos
trans women make my cock hard
>EBing a femezen
eww never, stalking them tho? all the time.
should i fanta back to elezen now that meena are lower on threadcred
Try rava for a month then back to meena
tfw no tranny eb to play factorio with while idling together in ffxiv
catboy post
Let's see how straight you really are when a miera whispers:
>You're the best big brother I could've ever asked for
This shit is getting out of hand. Now theyre identifying as computer parts
I also own that plot. Even tho it's a goblet spot it's quite nice as it's so close to the marketboard/bells and feels a little bit isolated.

come and take a look at the house someday
Rylai is literally the hottest woman in the thread and she comes with gock
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I'M CUMMING! FUUUUUCK *shoots cum all over your face*
train women make my cock hard
I think your meena is cute but I'm not sure what your malezen looks like.
i accept your concession, please seek help for your tranny porn addiction.
All moonies are made specifically for my malera
No I still pretend to like them by hanging around them and posing with them or something
/pet /pet
I liked one half of this message better than the other
You'll be hearing from my legal team about this one
Who hurt you man
Hyvää huomenta, pupu!
Okay paypal me 2030320320 bucks and i'll do it
holy fuck is that a new ascian mask?
my femlala was reviewing a p1 ucob before joining the party and it was full when she came back...
what do you actually like?
Hey you old attention whoring bitch post your ass so I may resume gooning
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they're also identifying as store too!

More than likely. You can message me if you ever see me and I can send chu some stuff.
cute blonde bug raaaaaaaaaapppeeeeeeee
What hair
Gay tranny stock phrase.
Nah I’m gonna actually clear it unlike your cashapp legend ass
Nothing I've been deep cover pretending to like the same thing for 5 years
This new face looks really good. I've hated your other recent ones.
Builded for gock neglect
Wow you're dense. Nationality?
>Why do people keep thinking I'm trans, I'm nyot..
Trans-coded character.
Ravas being forgotten once again...
Good luck, i'm rooting for you! Feel free to send me mo money though, in this economy I won't say no to free dollaridoos
>rape rape rape rape.webm
Oh it's been going deep for sure
why do malera have such slutty little waists
This. If you don't like modbeasting in the FFXIV thread, there must be something wrong with you. FFXIV is all about modbeasting and we unironically like this.
Suppose I can't complain if that's the case.
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Work has been busy this week and I missed the LL reaction today. What's the 7.1 doomer status? Despite the CBT 11 has inflicted upon my nuts over the last couple years, I am excited for the alliance raid and the ark angel armor but it's pretty basic so I imagine most of the xiv playerbase is pissed.
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Will we see a darker side of Prishe?
still not installing mare
what if I get someone asking if im trans/calling me trans every day for the last 2 years?
Reported off topic this is ffxiv general not xi post relevant pictures
How would people feel about a Sunday Bunday this Sunday? Or is that not enough time as a warning?
This is what I get for showing concern to a chronically online individual...
can you force me to play stardew valley and the only reason im playing it is to spend time with you but i secretly enjoy it
This one!

??? Its not a face sculpt i didnt even change faces???

What do you mean i love ravas i just want him to waste his fanta so he doenst use it for other races..

Yes anon, sorry anon
Zogbots think small chest is trans now because there are no women with anything smaller than a D cup IRL
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My femlala's buns demand both hands...
Announcing a report
thats illegal
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not too fond of vieras
mentally, im deflated like the one in the back right
>Wow you're dense. Nationality?
I don't know who that is
VERY fond of vieras, especially the male kind.
>Why do people keep thinking I'm trans
Because your character is a girl but you call it a boy
But is there enough time for people to actually consider coming?

y r u so mean 2 us..........
NO way absolutely not. I just love languages, I used to be a foreign language major until I realized how dead-ended it was. Even so, it is still a fun passion to me!
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Ah, sorry, my bad.
You are an unthinking member of a hivemind. You have no thoughts of your own. You can only respond with generic replies worse than what an AI can spit out. You want to talk about being chronically online, but everything you believe comes from Twitter.
I think both of these have a good use. The female chestpiece is good for an archer/bard look while the male chestpiece is good for a gunner/commando look. They're both good, but I think having the option to pick would have been nicer.
>Nov 1, 8PM ET / 5PM PT | Halicarnassus, Lavender Beds W25 P3 Room 2 the theater room | Simpsons Halloween marathon
I think the apartment is locked >.<
do you only plap mieras?
Same honestly
I'm keeping an eye on you..

Jesus, doesn't this shit just get exhausting? Seek Christ, please.
>where should we place the next quest marker
>lol I have an idea
Glazing this femlala's buns...

maybe i just make a femezen as a joke
i talk about pizza with L.L. and she will know exactly who this is
>love fieras
>nearly every fiera is either a huuuuge futa and I don't like futas
>a femoid playing the single most awful modbeast imaginable
I've given up trying to find a fiera eb...
Can I get a qrd on the Live Letter
God I wish Khole would suck my malera off for V-bucks again
It is what it is.
Brother, I have made it VERY clear what this moonie is.
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You biggers might be able to reach the top shelf but one day the slicing of shins will happen and i will be there leading the charge
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*smack smack smack*
cute lizard
why aren't you playing scp with the boys macchi
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If you raid, we are so back
If you don't raid, it's over.
Go back to meena at some point then tho.
I hate to break it to you anon but I'm not a stardew valley celeste ssbm tranny, but a former cod kid one so I'd drag you to play blops6 or like darktide

I do know I think (I talk about pizza a LOT)
Why aren't you jerking it to lalafells, Zir?
smooching this fava with my feena
yea i still have my dawntrail quest one
Jokercord status?
Factorio, HoI3, or New Vegas; which game is the most tranny-coded?
Not Zir but I am
>yet another nice newfag disappears from LB14 and meetups thanks to an ebin being shitty
How do you rationalize spending years worth of spare time talking about, producing, and sharing porn with other grown men in a dying MMO?
Those are all autist games and no amount of tranny strong-arming will ruin them for me
World of warcraft
If you do that, you're going to get a warm hug in return.
Made to be bondaged by miera.
Why are female-character-playing men in their 30s so tilted tonight?
All this mieratalk reminds me of how one meena told me that I should admit meena are hot and I told him malera are better. Next day he fanta'd to an incredibly ugly face 4 maleraen and I had to tell him he was cuter as a meena. He then fanta'd back.
Wait, who?
sounds perfect!
I'm 45
Cute character. My femlala would make his toes curl (for the good of the cause)
THAT question is QUITE out of nowhere anon, it is a bit unbecoming of you to ask me so forwardly, but even so-basically, yes. It's not that I think others are bad, it's more like I just don't really notice anyone else..
Seishun Complex is the most egregious modbeast here, rivaled only by Magness and Balalaika, yet I've never seen anyone criticize him on those grounds. His character is the most Second Life looking entity in this general.
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New Vegas
Like, message you in game?
Say who is the newfag and who is the ebin right now, god I hate niggers like you so much

"teehee, ebin did something baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad :3c" baiting for replies and not spilling the beans.
most of the shit they talked about isnt even happening with the patch release you have to wait more for the rest of it
No... they're already glazed...
They can't handle any more...
I don't because I stopped doing that after I settled down with my bf 8 years ago. Really saved me from a lot of bad choices desu
Seishun's mods are actually good. Those others look retarded.
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nobody gives a fuck msq andy play real content
Yeah, silly.
Unfortunate. And I figured I'd be forward to avoid wasting your time.
There are just ports
>play real content
*installs WoW*
>tfw no stardew valley animal crossing cottagecore booktranny wife
It's called being classy and demure retard, maybe pick up a book once in awhile
>play real content
And how do I do that without playing the MSQ?
Agreed with the other anon, your face looks different and is so much better than whatever the fuck you were doing previously
Seishun bounces on it so they get a pass
>tfw no cute femboy bf who enjoys tall, muscular bearded men
How do you expect them to access the real content that requires MSQ completition you absolute nigger
idk whats going on in this thread but im checking in on my hermanos now that we are officially coronated as the pvp dc
Bro, your aether currents?
New moon making people go crazy (my femlala is on the prowl)
Oh shit, are you usually at balmung? I just came back after like 2 months since I cleared savage
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>Seishun Complex is the most egregious modbeast here
No that's me.
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I'm a foray andy
nigga what?
not that anon but I have the same sentiment. I only rp with people that I have a rapport with though.
Thanks slut, nutted so hard I hit the ceiling
I am a femlala who has to do The Porta Decumana for moogle tomestones... and I really don't want to because it takes so long...
it's the fucking catgirls
Yeah, my home world is Balmung and I am usually around LB14 or Ul'dah.
Currently at the Simpsons meet tho because it's fun.
What counts as a modbeast?
I forgot about the Simpsons movie meetup and took a shower instead
You're annoying
None of these are futa, so take your pick bro >>500737684 >>500738157 >>500740803
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Stalking who?
nta but the options are pretty narrow given how the thread has been in the last few days
the ebin is obviously val or dhalia
new vegas, barely. none of them are particularly tranny-coded, unlike ffxiv
It's the last quest tied to the aether currents. You know that.
It's still going come join us
we're back
pf please
You too
chat how did she do that
You're amazing, im gonna try to meet you there one day! Surely you're not into fiddies right...
They don't like fiddies tho
Val really hasn't commented on any of the drama?
It's still going. Not much goonfuel there though.
In my eyes it is anything that strays off the vanilla path too much.
So ears and tail? Fine, whatever.
Face sculpts, over the top body mods, glowing tats everywhere, yeah that's a little silly.
>leave thread for a year
>come back
>it's the same but somehow worse
>he doesn’t know
The modding scene for HoI3 is 100% trannies fantasizing about exterminating their political enemies (once completed they’ll finally become real women).
he's astroturfing it for attention
I see. I'm not sure if the thread could handle that many finnish players.
Have your parents really not commented on you spending 19 hours a day obsessing over faggots on 4chan?
Fiddies are pretty neat ;D
Your monstrosity of a character is actually more recognizably built from assets of this game. Seishun's looks like it was ripped from another game, pixel for pixel.
This community used to ridicule modding but now it praises and ensconces it.
Will there be a second movie?
My bad, its over...
He lied a lot about it if that counts
Im gonna fall in love!
we're just watching simpsons episodes bro
it's mostly treehouse of horror. there are lots of them. come come.
>"i have no reason to think he would lie about that and schizposting about him isnt going to change my mind."
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What's with people who play miera/male middie's obsession with anything related to "biofems"?

>I got a biofem in my party!
>my static has a biofem!
>I made a friend and she's a biofem!
>i gave commendations to this person because theyre a biofem!
>i met someone whos really good at the game and a biofem!

I never see other races hype up the presence of women so much.

I have nothing against women but its fucking annoying because I see it all the time
I'm sure you'll find one one day anon..
I also haven't tried AC or Stardew so who knows, I may enjoy them
My femlala would leave him a shriveled husk by morning
This thread has been the same handful of neckbeards spamming their characters desperately seeking attention for years.
Hi Val
Is that fiera with the cute femroe golem still around.. They should post their fiera..
No movies just episodes, come join us
7.1's main battle content Thanksgiving week

7.15's main battle content on Christmas Eve

Are they fucking serious
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>that hand
You must really enjoy not okay, then :^)
Im always watching 0.0
I need to fuck this thing
How do I get a Val gf
This is why I dislike most male characters and avoid them, they treat the game like a dating app.
I don't understand could you explain further

You've got that backwards but I like the enthusiasm
i NEED to rape
Shouldn't be.
Letting plugins play the game for you isnt content though?
who are the male midlanders?
I would bet it's some fiddie and the ebin was Magness or Siegben (or both)
have you seen how val treated the last person he called "wife"? lmao
Oh you don't wanna do that silly, I am..very bad for you c:
I mean I'm sat down watching Simpsons so you have your work cut out for you.
>Thread already back to their high school drama instead of talking about the new patch
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my femra normally goes for catboys but when she gets drunk she starts kissing girls.....
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4545 on primal, I don't have the skip thing
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Thanks for posting buns!! Love miera, love how they raise thread quality!
ok bringing my alter ego to primal because my main ego is not on primal atm
modded my middie into a garlean and the game is more fun now
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the high school drama has more content than the patch
Who are the femlalas known to be into other femlalas?
cute boy
Thread quality would go up if all transgirls posted feet
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Actual EU avoid list

Part 1:

>Gyoza Fairy
Man has such a huge ego, and his head is so far up his ass that there is no getting it out. Publicly admits to reporting people in CWLS. He acts as if light people killed his entire family in front of his eyes. He thinks he is hot shit because he has a job. (Most of the people here do and earn more than him anyway.)

>Vazi Ayu
Absolutely unhinged gay groomer. I don't even know where to begin with this guy. I can probably write a 20-page essay alone about him. But basically, he hyper-fixates on people. If they don't follow his gay larp, he will leak logs, pretend to ask for opinions, and manufacture crap at the same time. He will then fabricate entire webs of drama to seem like a good guy, and that some guy is le bad, and that he is behind all the le bad in the world. Taking logs and screenshots of every DM possible and then manufacturing an abomination of disjointed, out-of-context DMs. If there is a person you should absolutely stay away from, it is him.

>Nanky Meek
Gossips like a little high school girl and leaks DMs. When confronted, he will pretend to be 12 and laugh it off. All his gossiping has made him beyond schizophrenic, because there is virtually not a single person he doesn't gossip about that he interacts with. This might be the only actually schizophenic person on EU.

>Ryun Gaido
Gay femboy that is basically Vazi but forma de light. He will do the exact same drama-mongering Vazi does, except for the gay grooming part. However, unlike Vazi, who does it to smash, he does it for fun. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. Responsible for 99% of EU schizopost and many classics such as "I am cum and so am I"
whats up with the white spots?
miera cum
I love you too my wife
Talk about what?
>wow we're getting a new dungeon again!
>wow a new alliance raid again!
>no information at all about what the PvP balance changes are going to be
What is there to talk about?
I'm too lazy to link the post, but some anon will likely do it
oh ffs, search the archive if you're not astroturfing, this has been asked and posted countless times
Now you're just making it on purpose!
Im gonna be camping your house!
He won't because he's shitposting
Do any of these people even use the thread anymore? Can anyone even name a single EU xivgger?
Honest and unironic:

God I love malera
>Romani Archa
Architect of the horse penis culture on Light. EBed to Ryun Gaido. Hates to be disliked and is stockholm syndromed by Ryun, so he basically does his bidding. Which makes him just as much of a vile piece of sh*t as Ryun. May seem like a nice guy, but make no mistake.

>Soima Tho
Another unmedicated closet tranny. Will do literally everything in his power to goon. Ruin friendship to goon? Yeah. Leak DMs to Goon? Yeah. Pretend to like you to goon? Yeah. Fabricate stuff to goon? Yeah. If this guy is talking to you, it is with the sole intent to goon and nothing else.

Literally every other person is not worth mentioning. They mostly got dragged in, because they got the misfortune to cross paths with one of those mentally ill retards.
While there are a lot of other bad people on EU, none of them come even close to the drama mongering that these retards above do. Worst part is that they are very deeply nested into EU clicks, so there is no getting rid of them.
Gyoza has been nice to me

I’m sleepy
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Yeah bro i agree the thread should just be for discussing ultimates thats all we are here for hardcore EPIC gameplay.
That's a forbidden question.
I can um...put up a good effort at least...
I think neither of these EU fags are worth mentioning because I dont know a single one of them
thread quality would improve 1000% if people who watch streamers left
As you should. I've always done the same!
There are quite a few and so far all of them have been very very nice to me at least!
They let me down by leaving out the housing stuff, like usually we get even just one picture of a new house skin but it's alright. I know in patch notes they'll show new cute housing items and then my soul will be at rest again
I haven't been in the general in a while, came back to check it thanks to LL. It would take me ages of scrolling to find the post with just "val"
My moonie sneaks into your house to pee in your toilet.
nta but ryun, vazi and romani for sure do. They have perma melties all the time here. I have never seen the rest post here.
Val Moorabella fucked a lala and has been trying to manipulate the narrative for days, you'll get linked some fake qrd, but the reality is he's a pedophile
Jean just whispered me that he wants to suck my femlalas toes
Why do eu players think anyone cars about eu drama
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I'm gonna post my lalafell, alright?
ok what about playing through the halo campaign together i have never played those...
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The urge to bust a nut is strong but I am stronger
how do i get a moonie with feet gf
. . .
May I ask why?
It's the double LL on the *reflected* Hallowed Wing cast on the enemy list
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>MSQ Andy
Doesn't this person cheat all his clears?
It was never about content. They could fulfill every desire posted here, and it would still get ignored in favor of grown ass men trying to recreate the high school drama they never had/were involved with. All because they were too busy spending their adolescence with RuneScape, StarCraft, League of Legends, etc.
Tell me more about yourself
at least she has the decency and manners to not shit on the street like some miera
Good thing I only have an apartment.
You don't even know where.
>implying its not an american making all those schizoposts
none of these people even browse this thread, infact almost no one from eu browses this thread

Every time you think its EU hours its just neet Americans staying up. I legit dont think there are more than 5 people from eu overall that browse this thread.
Femlalas are splitting into Cirina or Anti-Cirina affiliations so tensions are high.
No one wants to out themselves out of fear of escalation.
that actually sounds fun but in game release order or story timeline order?
Let my femlala sit in your lap… you can rub against her if you need too… she’ll pretend to not notice.
>miera compliments my femra
>get the ick knowing it's an Indian man behind the screen
Race ruined for me
Me otr.
those are decent for what's on offer, thank you
Nanky is one of the schizos here
You're right I went to the wrong building like a dummy >.<
Its just pre-DT and after-DT face 4 looks....
can you use the ai voice to read this out
ive only played the first 3 they are fun in co op
I need to now!
my moonie thinks your indian miera schtick is old and boring.
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Come visit The Broken Choker! Mateus Goblet Ward 15 Plot 30! Open on a new night! 9PM-12AM EST! We are soooo back! Come check out the modbeasts and have fun at the bar
Thanks friend.
oh my god that makes so much more sense thank you
Is any of this true or just completely manufactured by the lalacord?
nanky is beyond schizophrenic yeah
he unironically believes in bigfoot lol
He's mentally ill and trying to force a new meme or term on the general but nobody will use it because it sounds like twitch tv slop.
And then get shitposted in the thread and be called a schizo because I end up hanging out with actual schizos? no thanks
Sure thing boss, as long as the rat shortstack is in
my forest wife
Why do we always have to fight...?
Can't we just set aside our differences with a nice and organized tea party?
All that actually happened in the threads, so it's not like he can even deny it, you can probably find it in that thread in the archive
Go play in traffic you gross troons.
All of the people in that photo gross me out
That's just the way of the world now sis.
I fear we're entering a struggle that we cannot come back from.
Look for femlalas that have the Cirina minion out.

Literally all of them. Just approach a femlala with your femlala.
Should I attempt cloud of darkness if I've never done a savage before?
deagledad you will never be a femezen
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I'd also add that both Dhalia and Chloe have posted several times since then but have been completely silent on the matter.
Dhalia also works at the Broken Choker, which is known for having femlala hookers and gooning with lalas, he's even in this pic that just got posted (dark cat on the right) >>500745194
Balmung is congested...
Genuinely impressive how someone can manage to make a femezen look so ugly
idk, they said the content is extreme/first floor of savage difficulty. But may be easier, on the little they shown, the castbars seem pretty forgiving
Yeah, I think Dhalia's friendship with Val is over after this
you probably don't need savage experience but it would help for sure to have cleared some of the tier if not all of it. did you do the current extremes?
people will try to use that to gatekeep you from it
I'm a femlala though.
Plapping my boivaries to bnwo hypno
Always will be.
Besides like I said, I'm at Dynamis rn so won't be back for a lil.
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EB a lalaboy
you forgot egyptian schizo maro and gooner troon falke and this would be perfect eu avoid list
Why are miera like this?
No thank you TB
Smooching Kanchelle
Oh, well, have a /thumbsup then.
grey ass parse and bland ass glam
such a shame
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Someone just informed me via tell that I've won 300 million gil in a raffle
See you poor losers later
Val will be there right?
purplekin /pet (what shield is that?)
fiddie actually...
Does anyone like lala men here?
Most hated male middie in xivg?
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/xivg/ and xiv twitter are genuinely two sides of the same coin huh?
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If only
I want to but I'm too socially inept and awkward even for xivg and mmo standards
very rude
Far from it. Val said he confronted Dhalia, and Dhalia said he never did it. Val also said nothing people post will change his mind.
There's also a good chance Val and Dhalia plapped AT the Broken Choker itself, Val has been hanging out there recently lol
I would have, until you included me in your schizo list copypasta. I tried treating you like a person, only to get shitposted about. Eat blacklist.
thanks you too :3

Uh-huh, uh-huh, I'm sure you'll do fiiiiiiine.
No, that post has a bunch of claims and speculation. I do know for a fact that the lalacords have been looking for a reason to smear Val for mulsiple years now, so I can't dismiss the idea that this is all made up.
i trust your judgement
i have wanted to try them for a while
That would be me.
Chloe no!
The best poster has arrived
Big cat titties, eb status?
It's Byakko's Shield from the Extreme trial. The crafted version on the marketboard has the swirly paint effects, but I prefer the gentle glow of the regular one.
If you haven't kept up, he also got fucked by Proxy, a big time lala gooner who ended up wiping his whole twitter just to stay on Val's good side
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Me cause I'm too cool
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>Lewd lala fantas to Miqote and goes balls to the wall lewd
Semen retention makes you strong bro
Warning: Player exceeded your configured VRAM auto pause threshold (602.59 MiB/500MiB) and has been automatically paused.
>that first blowie pic
my femlala blows Biggers just like this
You're a good bun too my fellow rava with golden eyes
that would be every male midlander becuase they never get attention, Except for that one that posted about his bday
How do I know which femlala WON'T leak logs?
Happens pretty frequently.
And some of the lewd lalas are ebin alts.
do you like my femezen do you enjoy my femezen does my femezen inspire you thank you
Goodness gracious
Can you blow me?
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How do i lose my fear of tanking? Should i just give up or what because queueing for stuff isn't helping
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Why the hell do you think Val would hang out at a place that encourages public fucking of lalas*

>Val has been hanging out there recently lol
... maybe Val is a secret pedophile.
It's alright I have some stuff to do right now...
oh im pondering it for sure
I wanted to edge a bit to some XIV twitters and ended up failing NNN already...
only seen ryun and romani have melties here
I did em as a kid as they released, but the MCC putting reach first and then release order was also fun to run through
i can join your party and call you a sissy everytime you get nervous
its called exposure therapy
will they hire my shotadom
Get on TRT.
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Because your femlala is UGLY
tbf being a lewd lala is like fucking with a condom, goon on them for going rawdog
Did you win?
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My moonie can make you give in
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hello lovely lady you are goddess i want to give you lots of kisses
Last time I went to the broken choker I got pregnant and now I have to wait 8 months
Oki, enjoy c:
nice butt dude
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>All this shizoing and dumbshit because someone dared lewded a lala.
Guarantee you half of people don't give a fuck
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what does it mean...
they banned you for getting pregnant?
Why does Val keep misconstruing the situation
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>cute tiny race is also piloted by normal people with sexual libidos
Who would've thought?
There isn't even proof of it. It's someone people think lewded a lala.
Sure.... Will you hold me down by my ears while I choke and swallow?
Why does he run so gayly lol
Femwaa, what mod is that lingerie, it's so pretty...
what should i name my orc warrior bwos?
anybody on Gaia wanna meetup and roulette
based occasional unaugmented weapon enjoyer
Not possible
grogzor the demolisher
I can't help myself around alcohol, and I'd end up having drunk sloppy pregnant sex with a lala or something, it's just better if I don't until it's born
i'm not a real person i just parrot what i think other people think is cool
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very cute Indian boy
Val is fucking retarded. Dhalia:
>gooner for years
>has a lewdslop xiv twitter and follows lewd lalas
>runs the goon island
>pics and webms of lalas at the island
>friends with lala gooners like atma, ikkou, and seishun
>works at the broken choker
>fanta'd to femlala and val literally met him as one
>obviously knows val would cut him off if he confessed
And he can just say "I did nothing" and Val buys it, even though Val posted that they only met a month ago.
My fiddie loves rimming...
As with all the drama, most people don't care, but a small group can perpetuate it and sound like a crowd via anon posting.
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All this Val drama just goes to show how schizo a male character with a crush can be when his crush plaps with futas.
that's fair, getting drunk at home instead is both safe and can be a pretty fun/constructive experience!
nah i give up, yeah call me a faggot, sissy or whatever. tanking isn't for me, it shouldn't be ok to feel this way to queue for a damn roulette. i think i would rather pick up a fight with some random crackhead irl than tank an alliance raid, no joke. fuck this shit, i'm dropping my shield, back to dps
Anything is possible
That is exactly what I was thinking of doing if you accepted.
You will only grasp for air when I want you to. When I come, I will make sure all goes to your stomach
Personally waiting for the post where Val says he loves lalas and posts goonslop of getting fucked by one
Gay GAM who is literally attracted to Indians made this post
gotham join the jokercord, it's full of soft faggy meenas
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Not with me, go do it with Dragon Fucker
i am
an unlovable femlala
Yeah keep running from everything that makes you feel even a little bit of negativity. If it's to the point where you can't even press buttons in a game without giving up it's unironically over.
My moonie is going to drink a cup of coffee 3 hours before her bed time :3
I am
an unlovable male middie
he's obviously not against it in reality, just thread memes or signaling to some "friend" who actually is against them to get good boy points
i wish i had a lala wife...
thanks bwo
>what she thinks is happening
>what is actually happening
>999 gathering materia of every kind
Yep. I'm fucking rich once 7.1 releases.
why do people still go to this pedo/schizo honeypot? why not just pick a different ebin house?
Is Dhalia gock just that good?
>Why the hell do you think Val would hang out at a place that encourages public fucking of lalas*
He said it himself and even posted pics there
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thank you for your service
i love seeing /tttt/rannies playing ffxiv, the funny part is we probably spoke with me on trip (i'm not mtf though)
How many times are you going to post this?
whenever i make an orc or a big brutish (and stupid) character in any game i always name him Baragon
doesn't really mean anything, i just think it sounds cool
Why are Val simps so dishonest and reductive? The problem isn't that Val fucked a former lewd lala, it's that he was sanctimonious about lewd lalas being scum for years but then gave one a pass for plapping him and lied about not knowing about it.
They masturbated a lot together, in their virgin brains they think they are in love
no thats gross
you're up early my NEET tranny wife
let me queue a dungeon or two with you as healer
simply press sprint and grab everything
outrun your fear and also realize that it's hard to mess up in normal content
I'm blacklisting this image
Deleting it from my memory
I have never seen this
This never happened
You should DIE
He is your best bet here
My femlala needs to be treated like the third pic...
Its not "lewded a lala", its "may or may not have plapped someone (no proof of this) who may or may not have been a lalafell lewder at some point in the past (no proof of this either)
Is this Renda Rae?
poor ass niggas do NOT reply.
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>My friend went to reclear ucob
>He joins a clear PF containing my ucob static's RL and our very salty melee
>PF goes bad
>The melee kicks my friend
>We're supposed to raid tomorrow
Tomorrow sure looks like a fun time to be part of said static
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lamitt sisters... why does this keep happening...
is nuvanilla out yet
This is why you're alone.
let's see the mog when you get in game
just in time for you to shizo out
They had sex with someone who at one point in their life was a child so they're literally worse than hitler
Val please say something on this and shut them up, they've been going for days because you haven't said anything
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In english?
you just need to realise no one cares
you will be fine alliance and trials are the easiest things to tank for me dungeons are a lot more stressful
Even run alliance roulette in ~20 minutes. Odd back to playing other stuff.

When you realize dungeons in this game are nothing like wow with shortcuts and stuff that require any real leadership. Just pull one or two packs and use a def cooldown while spamming aoe and you're good.
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Back in MoP I remember rpers bitching on the forums because the Kor'kron Garrosh loyalist orc rpers were goose stepping around and "holding the rp community hostage."
A sign of things to come...
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um these weren't supposed to be shared
Can you give me a qrd on Val and the other people you named?
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>undercut someone's 270 offer with 260
>hours later
>wonder why I haven't gotten a sale
>see this
Really it's my own fault
btw the femra in the second screenshot is komani ura, eb'd to a lala and currently a lala himself
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When thancred imagines WoL fucking Ryne
Why aren't you giving Val more attention? Fix this before we come after you. Worship your god.
can i see ur moonie
just in time to watch you samefag, my BLACKED tranny wife
Will there ever be an ALTER 2?
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pass: 6060

thanks in advance.

i will keep that in mind, you speak the truth. maybe it's my mindset that needs to change.
so thats how middie x femlala sex works
Val can not catch a break, maybe he should just tell the truth
My moonie returns from D&D pretty fuckin blasted, hope you anons had a good friday
that isn't what samefag means newsir
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After getting hard rejected? I shan't.
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man im glad i'm not someone who looks at a lalafell and think "THATS A KID"
same-sex attracted tranny
so either a dyke who's only into pussy who poons out into an ftm, or in this case (and most cases) a gay man who's only into dick who troons out into a mtf
i exclusively tank for level 50 trials for this reason. also no sense of direction and slow reaction time caused by autism
bro how can you be afraid of tanking
you are literally a dps whose job is to aoe the stuff first and press your mitigation
nooo he doesnt samefag it's someone else replying the same things to him 90 seconds after all his posts
is this crystal?
i'll be on in a minute
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He fucked himself into a corner, he's one of the most popular celebrities on twitter, do you know how bad it would look to post something like that and it get leaked back to his twitter. His reputation and life would be ruined, he'd be a pedophile on twitter, a hypocrite here, it would be over for him.
im a different anon, im the can i see ur moonie and moonieposter anon

i like moonies...
no but 90% of your replies are
The joke is that Lamitt pines for someone she can't have. This just kills the joke.
>khloe comes back right after I delete my malera and rebrand
The lord is testing me in ways I didn't anticipate
My moonie is trans...
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Femlalas runs this general
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I still need to shoot an album with this costume but I don't have enough TIME.
>no feminine shape
>no pubes
Way to out yourself as a kid raping jeet anon
yes it's on crystal, i will go afk for a few, i need to prepare some coffee.

i have no idea, it just scares me and makes me uncomfortable, maybe because i have this idea that tanks are the mighty leaders of the group that will lead the peasants to victory/glory. anyway..
Alright, I'm done giving Val the benefit of the doubt. There's no way he can spin this shit.
>a friend asked to pose
He even said it right there that he posed with one of them.
>Khloe comes back to harass Val
coomer ""femboy"" desperate for attention and is a twofaced asshole who keeps both leading on people to then dump them and get led on only to be dumped, do not interact
Your moonie is valid.
This isn't dms moonieposter, I shan't embarrass myself further.
I remember this broke lizard from maps
My femlala may be totally flat, but i'll have you know her bush is soft and well maintained!
You are grown ass men.
You guys told me Val was a biofem and also god, why are you lying?
How did you do that...?
I had a good day of laying around and talking to friends while recovering from hangover.
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Thank you x
I am trans :3
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Warning: Player exceeded your configured VRAM auto pause threshold (898.12 MiB/500MiB) and has been automatically paused.
A hangover on friday? Y9ou menace
He always needs a schizo target
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>All you need to do to get simps like this, is to play a Miq'ote
I might fanta to femlala, you nyaggas weird
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Another fiddie friday without a fiddie anchor
what have we become
Built for bbc
My femlala's bush is a little less maintained, sorry...
My favorite qrd is
>his whole personality is that he was abused for years and has ptsd when touched
>everyone finds out he was talking about a gooner who didn't want to be in a relationship with him
>he then turns into a blacked futa slut
ok i will randomly message you about this sometime
Anyone got the nightlife drive?
what about Dhalia and the lalafell gooners you mentioned?
Stfu dramaqueer
tranny faggot
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im just going to use what i usually use
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Odd = Try to reclear
Even = Farm my tomes
0 = Another bg3 run
Fiddie Friday is canceled until Elk fantas off.
Pic of the Simpsons meet?
Catgirls that don't actually play the game want to rope us all in their mental illness.
good luck
see you in a month bwo
Uh oh melty
based + good name
can you tell me more about Dhalia and the lalafell gooners that were mentioned?
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is that so?
Thanks guys, going for something modded
Any class / race suggestions?
In final fantasy fourteen : Endwalker of course
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Not as broke anymore! I can afford my own maps again.
I only repeat what I read, I don't hang out with any of these pedos
All I know about Dhalia and Proxy is that they used to be lalas and get fucked and then were forced to fanta because Val made them or wouldn't be their friend anymore
I know for a fact Komani's a gooner who's been plapped by a bunch of xivgers. They used to post here and hang out at the Enclave, IIRC they had a meltdown when someone sent an unsolicited tribute. If they're lala now, there's no question about the lala lewding.
Are male characters allowed at the broken choker?
>I only repeat what I read
Most honest schizo itt.
says the guy schizoing val
males arnt allowed anywhere
Doesn't he have 5000+ followers?
My femlala claims diets just don’t work for her
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Only if your lap is available for my femlala
No cat anchor next thread, it's not worth it.
my femlala cant afford a gardener to maintain her bush
my femlala needs to be groomed with a hairbrush
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How much did the materia i gave you go for?
People who live vicariously through this game are truly tragic. It's not too late to save yourself. Eat better. Work out. Touch grass, bang chicks. Don't let yourself fall deeper.
lmfao these posts are just getting retarded now, nobody is going to actually believe this shit
He's already a hypocrite here, and his only defense has been "the lala lewder said he didn't do it and I believe him"
My femlala only trims it before dates... sometimes...
I like Chloe because they are Australian
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Just now got around to watching the last part of the LL, so pleased after a decade to finally get the ability to transfer UI between characters (they'll implement it poorly.)
Then you should also know he just fanta'd the other day and is doing this for a week only.
I believe it now because you made this post
need this for my catboy
My femlala pits stink so bad...
le concern trolling
Is there any proof Dhalia fucks lalafell? Like any pictures?
Surely the prolific gooner would have some lying around
Val simp trying to help him with a shitpost lol. Proxy got blocked by Val after he was exposed as a former fulala, it's why he went back and deleted lewd poses from twitter.
had a chuckle at these two back to back
Bathing correction is needed...
Whatever you say. But you're not a lost cause. Not yet.
Ah I know now how it was, it was a google doc containing a lot of info over body mods and eorzean nightlife I think?
god same
Posting my malezen as the 870th post in the thread. Stop posting I keep having to change the number
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le ironic detachment
My moonie to her meena
I'd rather a fulala hit it (me) from the back
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thanks, wow lets you have fun names sometimes
My femlala ate all the leftover halloween candy.

She actually did it yesterday before any trick or treaters arrived.
le armchair psych degree from youtube university
>doing this for a week only
And? I don't care about Komani being a lala gooner. Val is the hypocrite here for hanging out with them and possibly doing more.
its fucked up we cant have fun names in this game
i just want to laugh man
The next thread will be better. Surely.
Presenting the sequel to Lightcord Hero, the newest hit: Val of the Drama
I am a femlala eating 10 PM chipotle
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I gave you those quicktongues for nothing...
i am a femlala seeking another femlala to EB
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for what purpose?
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Every thread deserves to be shit
This game is shit
This Website is shit
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It's okay! The gesture was still appreciated.
My femlala snacks between meals.
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>doxed, raped and killed unnamed neko last week
>just did the same thing to val
>no consequences
You know what I hate about you little pussies? Everything.
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dont worry himcess ill save you from the malicious computer gnomes
i oughtta strangle you
Appalcord was ruined the second he joined, by the way.
You say you don't care but none of the people you call lala gooners have actually lewded on their lalas.
My femlala sometimes has to unbuckle her belt mid-meal.
how many of you "gay" people who would e-date grownmen actually jack off to gay porn? and no, hentai traps and futa are not gay lol
And by he you mean Kyoppedo.
appalcord was ruined the second he made it
fuck outta here
All these fat femlalas will get blanketed and they're too fat to outrun it
I have a big question to ask /xivg/ in the next thread. But I have to wait until then so that people will pay attention.
>and no, hentai traps and futa are not gay lol
someone is coping about totally not being gay
It's an amazing coincidence that gooners just happen to cease all gooning activity the moment they switch to lala, even the ones who do it repeatedly.
i'm seeing the choker mentioned, is it open?
You know glamourer exists, don't be obtuse.
let me tell you about this thing called goleming
hentai traps are literally just female characters with dicks, aka futa
t. choker staff
you aren't subtle
Cover them up, slut.
le ironic detachment
liking dicks is pretty gay anon
i'm an ebin that's never ebeen
to a venue
someone was asking about dudes i'm just curious in general
Seems like it.
This moonie is going to kill herself!
Post moonie one last time.
I hope this moonie doesnt hurt herself, she is pretty nice
Simpsons fun, thanks for meet
t. moonie

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