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Previous: >>500763284

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Rerun so I can get M6 when?
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Miyabi is hiding in a box & Yanagi couldn't find her.
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How much longer until the NUN SEX?
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Built for nugget fucking.
My robot grandma is so cute
Bro she's Piper
Woke up to no Miyabi drip. This shit is so over man. FUCK.
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Wasn't this the ancient Piper design?
Nah that's grace
that’s a fire hydrant
>op schizos
>thread wars
>early threads
Can you faggots fuck off back to hrtg?
>trolling with stupidity
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I saw Mabibi drip in my dreams and it was great
Miyabi is dripping on my bed right now
I want to fuck this corn
Don't bother. That retard thinks so because apparently both of them have hammers. We are supposed to pay no mind that Piper's weapon is an axe.
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Hoyo will throw a curve ball, It will be a Chinatsu drip instead
chinatsu dripping would surprise no one
Where will Yanagi rank on the objective long term value chart?
holy sex
Picture the fragrance
>Alexandrina shortens to Rina in game
>Luciana shortens to Lucy in game
>Yanagi doesn't shorten to Nagi in game
defend this?
This little slut drips a lot hehe
>anon shortens to tard
Rina and Lucy have both distanced themselves from their noble background. Also "Alexandrina" is enough of a mouthful that a nickname seems natural.
Envision the aroma
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child smell...
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This game sucks so much but I gotta login everyday because I have a Welking running wtf!! Give me more content!
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The only thing that would curve is her fragrance into my nostrils.
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shark smell...
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They really did give her big boobas, i still prefer the original size of them personally
If this was the passion project Lumina Square would have been covered in Halloween decorations.
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verdict on the trash bag? based or reddit?
It's Tsukishiro Yanagi for you stupid gaijin.
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baggie was the easiest clear for me
shes always had big honkers look at her old gameplay
What is this baby score.
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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are you ready for Chink Illya?
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Does anyone else think that the login screen in this game just feels weirdly somber?
Chink Kuro when??
Anomaly mastery or atk% for Yanagi? (4pc thunder 2pc freedom)
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One game, I don't know why
I bought into the hype with no (you)s to find
Keep that in mind, they designed this guy to improve cucking times
That's all I know (Know)
Fujo panderings are key
Watch 'em fly by as they ship on the tweet (Ship on the tweet)
Lose pandering at the end of the year
I have no waifus to play, it's so unfair (Unfair)
Didn't look out below
Throw my Kazuha right out the window (Window)
Try to hold on but I didn't even know
I wasted it all just to watch the homos (Homos)

I spend all my time inside
Now that launch hype has died, all I see are gays
Just like the Hoyo, it's remindin' me of a memory of a time when

I cried so hard for sex at launch
But in the end, it's just got no (you)s
Bought Welkin pass and paid so much
But in the end, it's just got no (you)s
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This game's aesthetics is 90s punk & trashercore
Fuck off

anyways sometimes I show this to genshin normalfags
Hoyo is actually based
I find it annoying as fuck when I forget to use mihoyo's double exit requirement and it keeps blaring in the background.
Even if tomorrow wasn't better. It wouldn't be worse I thought...
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That's just Clara
We have Miyu's VA as Yanagi...
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I don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking at here
>older apps have more downloads
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How does /v/ not know Illya?
Drip is up!
Fuck Miyu
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Oops I posted it in the wrong thread.

She's just a sexy bangboo
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Why are you skipping her
I just hit alt+f4 whenever I'm done for the day.
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Turns out I don't need an electric dps to clear Shiyu so I'm saving for Mibibi and her balls
Post PC sales, pagfly
These threads are pretty shit and attract a crowd of people that don't play anything other than chinese casino games.
I'm not. The next two banners after her are easy skips for me. Mibibi doko
I dunno I was just curious about the ratings on the google play store and decided to post it
strange hsr is the top rated usually the ones with lowest amount of reviews has highest rating
>Still no Swimsuit Miyu
Wtf is wrong with lasagna
I fucking hate this Hoyo cycle pattern.
They make over 100 mil a month, why do they need to intentionally kill their games so one can shine?
Are we really not going to get any content for the next 2 months?
I need a stash for the cunny
blonde biker babes already drained me
i'll give her one or two tenners
Kuro the semen demon...
>phone stats
>phone sales
Why are jeets so poor? Can any of them afford a PC?
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Are you playing mono-electric? ATK% if so. If not, it's complicated: https://youtu.be/zlY1W09NkSU?si=mvNQyrzt0-cK46uE

I'd be wary of running Thunder Metal in Disorder unless you really know what you're doing.
roll and goon
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Why would I? She's perfect.
4 minutes.
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How do we save zenless zone zero
More lolis
How do we save Wuwa
By not being a bald cuck
The only way to save this game is to have Collab with HSR
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Nah a collab with Nikke or BA would save the game.
Hoyodrones already play this game.
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>I'm not a lolicon she's just a shortstack

fuck this dildo head as nigga
This >>500783426 collab will save the game.
Fucking this
>give more freebies and incentives for players to return
>double down on grueling release schedule and powercreep to squeeze what's left
What shall come to pass?
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bros what should we be buying at the 3 bangboos outside the convenience store? is it a better exchange rate to use battery charges on dennies to use at that store?
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Still hasn't recovered from wuwACK's touch
Nothing. Caesar getting all the pulls ain't weird.
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>only thing that's dying is his channel
Karmic retribution is a bitch
idk how anyone can fight jane and not see how this game is failing
imagine being a casual mobile gamer and losing 50% of your hp because you missed a 50ms parry window from offscreen
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no one plays this on mobile
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>from offscreen
lock on?
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good morning /zzz/
where is hoshimi mibibi??
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git gud

Miyabi HATE
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Man, it's getting kind of embarrassing desu. And it's only gonna get worse with the male banners...
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my super normie ass friend that has never talked to me about videogames asked me if I played ZZZ the other day. he said he's playing it on PS5. i 100% believe most players are on PS5.
What's the game issue
Nothing, business as usual
I rolled Caesar so I don't really have a problem tbqhwyf
If that were the case, Sony would be shilling it harder, no games and such
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Caesars fast ass banner saved the game
grifts like you
When are we getting another caesar?
I hate playing my other team now
end of banner boredom
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I've heard Miyabi got turned into a ball?
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No that would be Qingyi
it's not a ps exclusive
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>Blue Archive
>"Pedophiles rejoice, it's doing great"
Ok, I had a laugh.
>all Yanagi guides has Burnice with her
What am I supposed to run without Burnice
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Mibibi is trending!
Ask them to get in an exclusive contract then. Maybe we'll get a better texture pack for PS5 like we did with Genshin
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What actually is the reason for ZZZ's performing rather poorly?
>What actually is the reason for ZZZ's performing rather poorly on phones?
Too censored for coomers, not censored enough for normies.
>Genshin is doing very good this month
What banner they got?
>TV system made the players quit
>bad character designs
>combat is simple and not interesting
>no auto
>game loop is boring after catching up
>no auto
Get a rope and hang yourself now
Use your brain and figure it out
your game can't survive without yumebait
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la gata puta
not enough shitposting on /zzz/
If you actually want to know the real answer: the chart only shows mobile phone revenues when this game has a large non mobile phone playerbase relative to other phone games.
See >>500784725
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Mibibi status?
I just wanna taste koledas pussy that's all
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Wait I just used my brain, there was only Burnice in October cause Caesar was in September.
but enough about genslurp
Did shittone say this?
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Fucking finally holy shit.
finally Lovecraft's cat got a home...
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What's she drawing? Wrong answers only.
f2poor domain
standard brick domain
>Grace (not recommended)
limited domain
Yanagi comps in a nutshell, choose 2.
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>Hey Bro, just calling to let you know that SEAmonkeys and Pajeets are awake on the thread right now
>Bro, like really bro, Pajeets have 74 IQ on average, can you believe it bro?
>So, do not engage with retarded low effort shitpost, Ok bro?
>ranks higher than the other 2 hoyo games in every region
Why the actual fuck are we even doomposting?
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Qingyi's noooticing...
>Cut puzzle mode for the people who enjoy puzzles and keep it for the people who hate it
>be suprised people quit

There's also just simply not that much to do. 5 minute dailies and half an hour to do weeklies. Game shits out a bunch of corridorslop out every 3 weeks which is at most 2ish hours of content.

At least in Genshin you get to have your limited characters to explore in the open world. ZZZ doesn't have that, meaning there's less of a feeling with the characters.

The average gacha gamer has gotten smarter too. When covid hit all the retards wasted thousands of bucks on getting Klee. Now there's so much more awareness and knowledge on how the rules of their shitty gacha game works that consumers don't fall for their same old marketing tricks anymore.

The game is too demanding on phones and the combat in a weird spot where it is too difficult on phones while being far, far too easy on consoles/PC.

And the biggest one:
Females are NOT interested in pure action games, instantly cutting out half your market.
Meta support. November will be negative revenue due to shit anemo dps banner.
>1st in 1.4 is WHOFAGGOTmasa
LOL Skipping 3 banners in a row I guess. After 1.4 and Mibibi I'll be able to afford for free every character forever. I guess I'll roll the entirety of Obol and Idols
Tell me about her, why isn't she wearing a bra?
Imagine firemen having to fuck such a cute fire hydrant until it starts squirting to put out fires
because shitposters do it for free
Holy shit she looks so retarded on those frames lmao
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Where is she? I want to fuck her bony ribs.
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Whoever pulls for miyabi is a furfaggot with anal worms
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Some of these shitposters have already spent half a decade shitposting Hoyo games
Pretty funny when you think about it
What open world i was logging in for 3 minutes for the past 2.5 months in genshin aside from 6 hours of unskippable yapping i suffered through
now she only needs a randoseru to complete the vibe
How come Burnice didn't get us a nice gift like Jane did?
Let's be real. HSR was decent in Belobog and kind of good in 2.0, but that's it. Voice acting feels like VAs reading a script for the first time, which is bad if your story is 3 hours of word slop/patch. I'm hapoy for you that it's making money, but as a video game it's vastly inferior.
go back to hrsg tranny
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i want to marry and have a family with Rina
are residual signals on w-engines a waste?
specifically if i already got one for my standard S on a roll?
>voice acting
I don't play hsr but I'm fairly certain it's your mistake for playing any hoyo game in English and then complaining about voice acting
get in line
Arona is trans coded
>is 15% extra power on a character a waste compared to a new, fresh character?
You tell me
>the quality of the game's features are not the responsibility of the game
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Post yfw
>Harumasa is the only new banner and the 2nd one is an Ellen rerun
He has the occasional based take when he remembers to take his meds.
Tectone calls lolis in hsr hot all the time
he's such a little faggot lol

but also he called himself a pedo
requesting someone make a soundpost of Sjal's shouting when you enter her stall in this event
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Must make you happy you're getting representation.
all the girls in this game are confirmed over 18
being short doesn't make you a loli
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and they'll never tire of it as long as someone keeps biting
>are 30 rolls on a shitty copeball a waste??
It's not like English voice acting is good in any live service game.
Japan can do this somewhat okay, because they have a big talent pool and replacements of VA are much more rare and nowhere near as extreme in impact. But English voice acting doesn't have this.

English is a disaster. If you need to voice a sequel to a game it's already fucking dreadful and you gotta pray that the old voice actors are still there, not in some random ass scandal and willing to work with you again.. and gacha need them to appear all the fucking time so it's that in way worse.
Being over 18 doesn't prevent one from being a loli either.
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bro what did you just utter to me you little bitch ?

Greetings ZZZers

also the number 7 is important to ZZZ
because it's the number of lolis in the game
soon to be 10

lolis can goe up to 150cm tall

sometimes even higher

lolis can have breasts

they don't need to be completely flat to be lolis

read this

this was from a drawing of Tatsumaki by Asanagi and even he admits that they can have breasts

cope retards these are lolis

you are a lolicon in denial

lolis can be thicc too
lolis can have hips

there can even be giantess lolis
oppai lolis
legal lolis
fake lolis
potato lolis

Thread theme

and now for some thread tunes

now now let's not be in denial like the /hsrg/shitters

your waifus are lolis and that's okay!

not all lolis are potato goblins like in genshin
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I will not let this fucking counter separate us any longer we were meant to be!
that's...not what I meant...
>Zenless is the NijiEN to Genshin/HSRs Hololive
wait for a better character to go with Yanagi of course
>f2poor domain
Do you know which set is better with these? Thunder or chaos jazz
>phasecucks in my thread
play more games
You can't say the 't' word in this general sir.
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Fat bitch...
>all the girls in this game are confirmed over 18
I wonder what goes on in the heads of people who say retarded shit like this. Doesn't seem like you even play the game.
When does the salespvp end?
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As long as it's the real Illya and not that prisma impostor slut and her slut friends
>confirmed over 18
Pela is 16
I blame Anby's stupid dorky face she's not relevant enough
name one character under 18
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How about they use picrel instead?
you don't even know what a loli is you faggot tectone dickrider
Nicole is more iconic than Anby, why didn't they go with her?
Sexy but she's too green
they should have used Anton as the mascot
Most beta testers recommend Chaos Jazz in general, especially if you go with Piper.
[/spoiler]I imagine Lucy/Seth will have you go Thunder instead because neither Lucy nor Seth are suited for field time so Yanagi naturally will hog most of the field time and proc shock by herself allowing her to build up a second Shock buffed by the Thunder 4pc, but that's feelscrafting on my part.[/spoiler]
Actual answer (I worked on a couple of phone games), for an icon, you typically want a young looking girl with a cute face and average build (no big tits or thicc body). It's way better for downloads and any advertising.
>la brava
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>M-M-Most plays on PS5 anyway
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Drip doko? Don't tell me its just Fagmusa patch
>young looking girl with a cute face
Nicole isn't old by any metric
>average build (no big tits or thicc body)
Can't see her build from an icon of her face
Belle should've been the icon
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the autistic solider bitch just lost me out on burnice's engine with her fucking brimstone
combat isn't just deep enough like Genshit's
Anby is better for the icon, just accept it. People that know better than you know this.
Failing 50/50 at hard pity is enough to make a nigga wanna uninstall
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I gave this game a try, and while I think this game has a better story, the lag is just unbearable on mobile

Sorry bros, I'm not gonna play for long, shiyu defense is also owning my ass because Rina fucking sucks
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why would you do this?
>This got axed for Piper
Why purposely downgrade
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Why not?
Not so much a complaint, more of a statement. I stopped playing. Also zzz EN is good, so it's not impossible to do...
>or an icon, you typically want a young looking girl
>Game is filled with hags in high heels
What's the logic behind this?
playing on mobile feels like complete ass since touch screens are curse from satan himself
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How do I get a Venus wife?
you need to look like Seth
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Only when you play arcade snake, otherwise the control seems fine to me for mobile.
is waiting on 300 master tapes really the only way to reliably get a standard?
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turned my B into an A but that Piper run was still atrocious. I could shave at least 20 seconds off by playing ok, 30 if I played good
Lucy isnt going to change much
you dont want a wife trust me
see you don't even know what a oppai loli is
get the fuck out of here faggot
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It's over...
i regularly fap to oppai loli
i also fap to ilulu
they are not the same
Why is SD the only fun thing in this game?
why do u niggas care so much about what it's called?
if it makes ur dick hard isn't that enough?
Fuck it I’d take it. Could have been much worse
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the good ol >i fap to loli and this is different

there are 7 lolis in zzz now eat shit
I'm already bored of SD 2 months in
Because you need to know what you want, and from there you set your standards
imagine our sales if they really released a fagmasa only patch hahahaha
Did you really just respond to yourself on cool down and think nobody would notice?
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>giving a #1 award to a schizo seamonkey who spends more time malding over Genshin than talking about the game

You couldn't possibly come up with a more Kuso Games thing even if you tried
The is easily the worst game between HSR and Genshin to play on mobile
post soul hounds hiscore
Sorry, but that game was way too terrible.
are you retarded ?

I'm responding to the Fufag subhuman
This is*
>Hags in high heels
It's just Jane and Yanagi
You're bound to get all of them eventually. Every failed 50/50 yields a standard S.
>they're loli because i say so
gee, can't argue with that
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Lighter has a bike. It's so weird that he's the only SoC member who's not beside his vehicle of choice
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This is basically what happened in Caesar's final trust event.
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You are such a massive faggot it makes me sad
filthy simian
you are a lolicon in denial
there are 7 lolis in zzz because they are lolis

look at the list
are you literally retarded?
The only buttons you need to press are either attack, dodge, or swap members.
Movement in the over world feels clunky but it really doesn't matter as long as combat movements are fluid.
The only time we actually play in this game is when we feel the need to stroke our e-penis and post high scores/have the most soulful team comp on /hsrg/. Movement doesn't even matter that much as well
I don't play homo game
>you are a lolicon in denial
This guy is actually responding to himself lmao
Should I use the Piggy Little Bangboo (Moccus) or Terroristboo (Rocket) on a Burnice Piper Lucy team? The A-ranks are both M6, burnice is M0W0.
really bothers me ellen is between burni and nicole when she clearly uses anby's template
You cant backward swap on mobile, right? That alone would make it unplayable for me
>everyone wants a young looking girl for sales
Anby is a tight young cutey, explain why ZZZ is failing then
They're more mobile friendly than ZZZ
>I don't play homo game
>Plays HRT
>tfw I didn't know you could do this until after I finished chapter 4
I'm a fucking retard
You can do it now, but you have to swipe the switch button, which is really awkward to do.
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no matter

Fufag subhuman
you don't even know that lolis can be any age you want
shut the fuck up simian

Not all lolis are like Klee you ape

you see how they can vary in size?
For now
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whose the man? i'm the man!
What about manually cancelling Chain Attacks. Is there a button for it at the bottom similar to pc?
Young cutesy isn't being sold right now. Any other genius questions?
>has a wife
>but not a Venus wife
Lolis dont sell just look at HSR it only has 2 lolis (Bailu/Hook)
I will never understand middle-aged Japanese men's obsession with JK/
On mobile you double tap the empty area iirc
Yuanless Revenue Zero
Women are a small % of the playerbase, a lot smaller than in HSR and Genshin
Why are we still getting males and why not lean into the majority to pander even harder with fan service
sure but ilulu isn't one
holy hell that's actually more annoying than I thought
>they don't sell if you don't make them
Lolis sell, look at Genshin. Both Klee and Nahida topped ranks at their times.
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You must be a woman or something. Every man should be able to understand the appeal of sexy ass high school girls. We're literally built to be attracted to young fertile women.
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there is an obvious reason why they arent listening to mobile incomefags considering how its not an issue to deviate from their original plan, but neither PC or Console sales are tracked.
mobile income are largely women who refuse to get something real for gaming
and its funny that people think this game is ment for mobile controls when slowly, they're implanting agents with more advanced and active action gameplay
>there are 7 lolis in zzz
name them
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It makes ZZZ even more unintuitive. Meanwhile one of their games you play on auto and the other has an incredibly basic combat system where you're awapping characters in and ulting on each one for the majority of your rotation

Are we really that surprised that looking purely at how ZZZ is doing for mobile that its lagging behind?
If Klee and Nahida sold so well why dont they keep making them in other games? Are they afraid of California's wrath?
I want to have sex with Nahida
China should nuke California
Nahida is an archon and Klee was the beneficiary of Genshin being so big during it's launch period
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I'll never forget going to a con a while back and seeing a fuckton of Klee cosplayers. Jesus Christ she was popular in cosplays. Also merch, she got a ton of it.
when are we going to get a traditional loli in ZZZ?
>other games
fgo just made bank with cunny by the way
IS it ever worth rolling the standard banner?
>subhumans are twisting the definition of what is consideted loli to match what they find sexually attractive so they don't have to be put in the same group they label as pedophiles
what an unexpected turn of events
Is this on Japan?
Koleda + S11 is fun yes
Mibibi is too strong to be drip
god no, just use your free master tapes
>It doesn't count because I said so
How about the fact that ZZZ isn’t made for mobile is actually a bad thing?
Have you retards ever considered that.
Them selling had nothing to do with them being loli's. Why are you pedos always so insecure?
this is a self-reported data with a sample size of ~10000, it's probably mostly just americans. HSR is even lower on there
No one should be surprised. The game is clearly meant for console/pc bases and also meant to attract more global players than their typical chinawank mobileslop. The game is also apparently viable with this model since they keep expanding it more and more every patch
not being made for mobile is always objectively a good thing
this game would be 10x better if it wasn't even on mobile
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I have been forcing myself to buy the poly tapes to stop being able to waste them on impulse rolls on standard. So far it is working, I have enough to hit pity...
Nah. Call me crazy but I personally believe that a multi billion dollar corporation has a better idea of how to make money on their product than some unemployed third world ape shitposting on a chinese basket weaving forum.
They sold because they're cute, dumbass. Being a loli is a part of it. Any other cope?
>not being on the trending market
why would a company want to lose easy money
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No way?!
>20% of a self-reported sample size
As a stats fag that is actually pretty good.
Don’t know why it’s posted as an own.
I’m also guessing it’s for trophyfags which is the most hardcore of the base.
>Sample size of 10000
>Mostly from NA
The retard should stop posting it then.
>self reported
>10k sample size
so useless data then.
i'm talking about quality
of course you can always cut quality to chase the big bucks
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Bros. Hoyo needs to find a way to design a character that is not only going to get existing players to swipe, but also design a character that is somehow going to attract normies to try the game out while simultaneously appeasing coomers with a sexo viral character demo. I know they can do this, they just need to recapture the lighting in a bottle they had in July. I really feel like my favorite game is dying:/ I'm almost considering pulling for lame ass Yanagi just to support the game, but I know that's pointless and retarded. Was ZZZ really just a flash in the pan? It seemed to have so much hype and promise, now everyone single banner is a fucking wet fart... Is this it bwos?
I have fantasies about being a regular construction worker that Koleda summons to her office to go beyond masturbation.
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He couldn't save the game
Koleda stinks, beware!
the first column is hours played, players is second
The funniest thing is that you go through the Android reviews page and all the 1 star reviews are just how it doesn’t run on some midrange pajeet only phone.
>Saying shit that is blatantly wrong
Nobody pulled either of them because they thought they were cute. Well, maybe the pedophiles did, A.K.A. you, but nobody else. Again, why are you pedos always so insecure? Or a better question to ask would be why do you think that people who aren't pedos are wrong for not being pedos? You really don't see this aggressive defensiveness from any other group of people.
Dawei still won't share his profits with you (or improve your game for that matter) for your shilling.
haha the anti-loli cuck is seething again
Good thing I don't care then because I'm not mentally ill unlike (You).
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For such an "inferior" race, you sure have them on the brain 24/7.
I wonder, is it because you have nothing else in your life?
It seems that nip youtuber has concluded that Chaos is better than Thunder for Yanagi for all situations? I can't into japanese but it sounds like he's comparing Disorder damage between sets in the timestamp.
Yeah, that's why you shitpost in another thread.
you see goys, ZZZ should cater to nuhoyoschloppers in order to gain a foothold to the wider normalfag fanbase. It also needs less titties, tacticool outfits, and more effeminate males!!!1
>(or improve your game for that matter)
1.4 is giving me exactly what I want with the tower mode tho.
>only pedophiles pulled Klee because they thought she is cute
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Klee was worse than Diluc at the time. She sure as hell didn't sell well due to gameplay alone. It was due to hype for the game and her being cute. You denying one part of it speaks volumes of your insecurity. Why is she a big merch seller then?
ZZZ should have been a single-player game. Too much time commitment.
Called it. Now take your meds.
Trying too hard
What is this gremlin why why isn't she in a micro bikini? Hat can stay
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We should have 4 member teams instead of 3
but enough about wuwa
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as someone who went all in on klee and got C4 before quitting, she is definitely straight ass
>A sample of 173 ZZZ players
Wow, that retard should really stop posting that "proof".
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ya know what, lets never listen to englishpigdogs when it comes to this game because EN internet sphere is currently on a hyperonset brainrot
especially because of ESL
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Sweaty bitch will get sniffed
Who are we getting in 1.5
you really are dooming huh
Sadly the game will EOS after 1.4
What does 3/4 mean? She's a 3rd/4th grader?
LOL Nike and BA revenue is in free fall.
>random ass scandal
That your likely higher ups cooked up because they dissented with their DEI/BRIDGE policies or simply didn't like them and cooked up an SA case.
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im making no progress on these last 3 crit nodes, motivation too low. I can S rank 16 but my results are getting worse every retry
Most likely since that's how it works in JP, she's 3rd grade class 4
Saving all my polychromes for her. But she will probably be coming out mid next year right? It's gonna be a long wait.
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Eh, I loved her gameplay, but I also just really like Klee. She cute.
>helldivers 320 players
>FF14 FIFTY FIVE players
OK why is that list posted as a useful metric for anything.
>sorted by hours played
>It's gonna be a long wait.
C6r5 then
As a Holo main, other way around. The cast size matches. And, like Niji, Genshin came first.
How old are 3rd graders in JP

are prydwen's guides good?
and for grace jane seth do i use police boo or electric boo
damn still good though bwo.
Just take a break and try again later.
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why is he so milkable
...9 year old
ingame guide is better unironically
police boo
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Surely he gets paid to seethe over lolis on a forum where posts are gone 12 hours after they are posted
i liked her gameplay until literally every other character was based around a million attacks per second
He's rapebait for bigger bulkier men that he milks dry with his butthole
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notice how the retard wasn't able to respond back
How the fuck does that look 9 years old
Penacony was insanely good. HSR regularly outsells Genshin despite being way cheaper to make.
so what went wrong? why does China hate Burnice?
I will now roll for this sweaty child
He doesn't have to, he's here simply to shitpost and bait. He's already switching to general salesfaggotry >>500789910
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I like how comfy the CN ZZZ forums are. It's a whole different world compared to your bog standard CN gachage that always gets themselves in the middle of the latest East Asian culture war. What I noticed about heavily JP inspired gachage like ZZZ on the CN side of the Internet is that they're absolutely more quiet and civil. Kemonomimi and borderline sex cops unironically filtered the worst of the CN netizens, and that's a good thing
Burnice slow ass banner is killing ZZZ...
Well, yeah? Isn't thunder only better in mono electric and after the first shock procs?
why are you on the CN forum
A lot of girls like Klee also
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>only mobile revenue
>most players are on pc
>japs are on ps5
>non meta units don't sell
You're now here
>sensor tower is unreliable
>the tools bugged out
>it's because they removed tv
>everyone is waiting for Miyabi
Brunice's slow ass banner needs to go and make space for Yanagi's even slower banner
Isn’t the HI3 CN fanbase borderline psychotic?
I kinda look like Seth but with dark hair
really all they needed to do to fix her was make her burst work off-field, but then she'd powercreep >xl and we can't have that now can we
problem is that the in-game guides are based on what other players are doing, and in a lot of cases the majority of people are following other guides that are dead wrong. not really a big deal until you're optimizing shit for later SD stages, where you need to read engine/disc effects and character kits and actually think about it for a sec
HI3 CN invented trannies you tell me
I've no horse in the race as I play all 3. ZZZ plays like absolute dogshit on mobile
there won't be a game to save if this goes on! (for miyabi)
Because she is cute. Women do like lolies, as long as they’re cute and not sexualized.
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its difficult to stop when you know you can do it, the inability to complete mocks me(this applies to literally everything).
filtering normies is always a good thing
>tailpipe horns
nah its shit
I just want the idols so it filters the normie for good. It's mostly /hrt/ and /gig/ who are trying to stir up shit here about sales because they are not satisfied being the side character on their own game. If they play the game, the realize there is less incentive to spend because you only need 3 agents per team and it's even possible to solo the hardest content in the game with free characters like Corin and Billy.
nobody likes the post-Jenshin CN HI3 fanbase there ever since the nationalists latch onto that game. HI3 oldfags absolutely hate them
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At this point Hoyo should just release internal sales numbers from all platforms worldwide to quell the stigma of having a dying game. Whether or not it's true doesn't really matter. The world perceives this game as majorly in decline. It's getting kinda sad really. I love this game but I'm so bored with it right now and seeing the fact that it's a joke in the gacha community just makes me wanna uninstall desu
Loli itself has become sexualization but I guess women are too stupid to realize oh well works for me
>At this point Hoyo should just release internal sales numbers from all platforms worldwide to quell the stigma of having a dying game.
Anon you know they don’t really give a shit right.
That nobody actually gives a shit.
Dunno, the Ellins from that one mmo where popular amongst women. Those lolis were pure sex
Muh PC never made sense since same is true for Genshin and HSR.

It's a fact that game is under performing and they need to figure out how to fix it.

But in general gacha revenue dropped horribly. Nikke, BA or Uma were hit even worse. Economy is not doing great anywhere right now.
>three save banners starting from the next patch
>potentially more if Mibibi isn't revealed soon
Are Yunli and Clara lolis?
should I roll burnice or yanagi?????
No, but Klee is literally just an actual female child. There’s nothing actually sexual about her design unless being an actual child is all you need, where in that case just being a child is a sexual design to you. Like to most female players she’s just a cute daughter.
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I can't believe Mibibi is delayed
It's funny since they made the gameplay simple as fuck specifically for phones. I play it on controller and half of the buttons do nothing that's how simple it is.
Pontificate the aroma
Sure, nobody gives a shit. Just stand here and play your violin while the ship sinks into the cold abyss, my dude.
They are cunnies
Furina of ZZZ to save the game, when?
>The multi billion dollar corporation doesn't care about sales numbers
Community perception is a huge part of staying relevant in gacha games bwo
>all this doomposting
do you guys not play other games?
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Please stop replying to salesfags and their concern trolling you fucking niggers
And Cover releasing their metrics is going to do… what exactly?
Meanwhile they’re building nuclear reactors and Chinese Akihabara. If anything they have too MUCH money.
Is Furina loli?
2 more weeks sisters!
Klee is made by chink otaku when Hoyoverse was still called Mihoyo "TECH OTAKUS SAVE THE WORLD", I don't believe she's not even 1% sexualized
It's /hrtg/ raid.
Furina is 100% hebe I'm afraid
ZZZ is Mihoyo return to form even after all the censorship.
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You lost?
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pic related
ZZZ is a worse HI3. The only reason I'm playing ZZZ because I think it's too late for me to get into HI3. And HI3 is already very niche in terms of it's gameplay. Combat isn't that great, the TV sections turned a lot of people off, people were complaining about it in beta even. The story isn't that immersive. HSR probably takes a decent chunk of potential ZZZ players because nobody really wants to hard commit to playing 3 gacha's at once. Especially when all of them have high cost of time investment.
Look if you can look at Klee and get your rocks off more power to you, but genuinely, it’s like saying precure is primarily made for fat old bastards just because they have lolies in it.
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I'm not saying it would fix anything overnight, but it's a step towards showing the gacha community that the game is in fact NOT dying a slow and miserable death. It's a step in the right direction. Community opinion would shift from the mostly negative one it has now to a more positive position and they could begin to rehype the game and get some new players in the pipeline. NOBODY wants to install a dying game.
Klee was so sexy they had to nerf her walk cycle because it was too distracting and people constantly had to stop playing for fap breaks
Ojamajo Doremi is made for fat old bastards.
>it’s a worst HI3
>never even played it
I fucking hate secondaries so fucking much.
precure is special
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I'll show you what a loli looks like
Alright I'm curious, what part of Klee has sex appeal in your eyes?
I played for a couple of months before ZZZ came out you dipshit

How am I wrong?
Saying that isn't wrong btw >>500790783
you should uninstall and go back to fortnite or whatever is socially acceptable in the zoomie hivemind because clearly you can't enjoy anything that isn't popular for fear of being socially ostracized or whatever
ZZZ literally had a McDonalds colla, so in Hoyo’s mind they’re clearly not dead.
And it’s an actual collab with merch.
>ZZZ is a worse HI3.
>The only reason I'm playing ZZZ because I think it's too late for me to get into HI3
Fuck off.
It was removed because at the time, Mihoyo wanted to standardize everything. It's why characters have copy pasted models with no variations like we have here in zzz.
I hate third worlders so much it's unreal
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glad they gave it to the horny ciclin mage bitch, I jerk off to her while beating her to death
He’s probably baiting but I’m just laughing in my mind at the thought of someone unironically caring what the “gacha community” thinks of them
Hagfaggots and their obsession with sales need to be studied
if tvsloppa was just a minor side mode rather than being mandatory in the story the game wouldn't being so bad, I considered dropping the game myself because of it and I'm one of Mihoyo's biggest spiritual shareholders
TV mode is good actually, you are not the target audience
i missed out on four months of the game because the tvshit in the beta sucked out all my interest
i only picked it up because i heard they're toning it down
I’m still surprised that Twitter lets FGO slide.
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Where is she, Hoyo?
TV mode was fun but I wouldn't go back to that mode
She cute
You'll be happy to know, we'll be having a new mode in HZ in 1.3 that's purely TVs called Arpeggio Fault. You may now fuck off and leave us alone :^)
Klee is cute
They already tried and failed, along with support from MSM.
And that's during the time when there was extra heat from the increased scrutiny of paid lootbox/gacha thanks to EA
She's not even the most sexualized loli in the game bwo...
FGO is tame as fuck. The one you should be surprised about is Blue Archive.
sorry, let me make posts more fitting for the general
who even plays this dogshit
We’ll see in a year because they’re been accelarating the fan favourites from the spinoffs. Kazuradrop is pretty much the last one they could milk from the Extra series.
Dumb question to ask since it's obvious it's extremely popular and many play it.
I would save until the idols, Yanagi is hot but discord is such a shit gameplay
too bad FGO is just an auto battler without the auto feature
don't forget about monke cope and "all hoyo games are declining"
Maybe you retards still haven't figured out how this shit works so I'll make it simple for you. Gacha games work with a totally different monetization strategy from normal games. KEEP players engaged in the game and keep them spending money. If players leave, the money leaves. You dipshits can sit here all day and cover you ears screaming LALALALALA I'M NOT LISTENING if you want. You're like that kid in highschool who says "I don't need friends" and then you go home and cry yourself to sleep
so are they allowed to play the game on stream yet?
You don't play FGO if you think this.
Nice trauma dump at the end there. Not your personal therapist though
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>mobile sales shitposter is actually taking himself seriously
I bet you're also Chinese
No Miyabi drip because they're rerunning Ellen first.
>"me expert in gacha monetization"
>keeps saying retarded nonsense
do you hear yourself
I didn't say anything about how the gacha community thinks of me, retardbro. It's about how the community perceives ZZZ. If the very people that play a game are saying it's shit and it's in decline... Well that no good, now is it?
I'll go with Ellen then she has big nipples
these things have a gacha too?
I played it for a bit, but I've never seen any Twitter meltdowns over FGO like I've seen for Blue Archive.
The community loved 1.2 and SoC though? Unless by the "community" you mean some faggot e-celeb in which case lol, lmao even
Nice that means Ellen isn't getting powercrept soon
I fucking hate Nasu’s Sakura obsession so fucking much.
Honestly a big reason why I dropped it when I see where shit was headed.
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I still have zmerits to farm
everything does
my worst mistake is using the hundreds of disk crafting materials they give you to craft random sets i don't use and then dismantling them, almost made me drop the game
Not a single one of you fags actually have anything to say that would prove me wrong in any way so you're just trying to insult me like a toddler. Enjoy your dead game gayboys.
Who gives a shit. I have not seen anyone shit on the lastest patches and Hoyo isn't going to care even if their game have shit sales like HI3. Play the game if you enjoy it and stop if you don't
Yeah but
>The rates are higher
>No 50/50
>Ingame only, can't buy with money
It's just there to get that dopamine hit when you want to gacha but don't want to waste your savings
>Literally the only corn posted
>don't forget about monke cope
What is the monke cope?
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>oh no a game that punishes you if you play it on your phone and shilling you to play on your PC instead is doing bad in monthly STALKER rankings
I bet you also wank your dick at oricon and WSJ numerals. Gacha doesn't work like Shonen jump, shonenNIGGER
womp womp
Takes 15 min tops if you know what you're doing
I hope you managed to get all the dennies from HZ before the monthly reset
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be the change you want to see in the world
>punishes you if you play it on your phone and shilling you to play on your PC
is that true?
the only good post ITT
Yeah the community totally loved 1.2. That's why players are leaving in fucking droves and the IP is hemorrhaging money.
A drink?
Some snacks?
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>these filenames with pointless posts
seriously what scheme is this
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nice corn
They gave a polychrome redeem code specifically for PC players
Any source to back up those claim senator?
he is lying
Your mom told me last night
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Don't even try it
As expected. Keep seething jeet
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I thought I cleared all my runs already. shop was bought out beforehand, just burnt all my zmerits and happened to notice I still had some to get
Corin wouldn't resist
Miyabi's Japanese bush pussy on my cock while Corin's underaged 16yo pussy on my face
Hes John Mihoyo, he has all the revenue and expenditures data on his laptop in his second tab
>rape beeper
Practically asking for it
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the source is me. i'm community and i loved SoC
Uh, based?
What even is the point about lying about shit like this.
mobile controls don't allow you to back parry and forces you to double tap to cancel chain attacks, which wastes few seconds essential in triggering some bonuses. If you play this game on mobile, you're either poor or you hate yourself
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Count me in boss. Best faction hands down
The server just reset anon. Better be a good little gweilo and go get those polys!
Is this "gacha community" in the room with us right now?
I just woke up, who got dripped? Post the stinky idol.
I wonder if HSR or Genshin ever did something platform specific like this.
There is no drip marketing during the weekend neetbro...
BECAUSE ANBY IS BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a single one of you wuwafags actually have anything to say that would prove me wrong in any way so you're just trying to insult me like a toddler. Enjoy your dead game gayboys.
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How is THIS bad for advertising? It's what made me pick up the game in the first place!
Reset was 9 hours ago ranjit
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because everyone is a figment of anby's imagination. even you and me
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>mesugaki upgrade
the sound only makes me stronger
As expected. Keep seething feet.
Also, jstern25 said this game is dead. I believe him.
forced animation or some stupid buzzword bullshit
genshin did it with playstation multiple times, doesn't mean that genshin is a playstation game, so yeah the other nigga is lying
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Till this day I still don’t understand how Xitter loves Shigure Ui when she practically mainstreamized lolicons in Japan.
wait when did he say that lmao
>Uhm actually Ui mama hates lolicon and made the song as a call out to pedophiles
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Uh huh
/zzz/ - Virtual Youtubers General
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>a product promotion/tie up/collab is the same as the ZZZ devs giving more importance to the PC market
I think you're purposefully being retarded now
>forces you to double tap to cancel chain attacks, which wastes few seconds
Time slows down like ten times when you're in a chain attack, you're not wasting shit. Also didn't they add the back parry button in an update or was that just some teaser?
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>kept the moles
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Will we have a 1.1-style drip marketing? With a difference of 2 days, if this update has an A rank, then today would we have the A rank and the day after tomorrow Miyabi?
It would be interesting if Pulchra was A rank, because although I really want it, I doubt Hoyo will make her an S rank.
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I bet they could save this dead game if they released Loli Nicole... Eh boys?
reddit might agree but we don't
You know that it’s pretty well known that Genshin makes a lot of money on PlayStation right?
Lol he didn't. I'm just fucking around. I love this game. I've never trolled anyone before so I figured I'd give it a go. Not as fun as it sounds if I'm being honest
why only 1 S rank for 1.4?? isn't it supposed to be a big ass patch??
they gave them an exclusive sword on release, exclusive bow for alloy and they also give them exclusive packs with ps+

fucking animal
>Time slows down like ten times when you're in a chain attack, you're not wasting shit.
any half second wasted is a time wasted. I've wasted more Nicole Bombards on mobile than I do on PC
>Also didn't they add the back parry button in an update or was that just some teaser?
I play on mobile so they definitely haven't added it yet. I don't really follow dev changelog streams that much so I have no idea if they're adding it in the next patch
They just need to release a feetslut to save the game
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>died before paying
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You bros need to relearn the art of ignoring saleposts. The saleposter doesn't play this game and comes here with the intent to make this thread worse and to try to convince people to stop playing this game. The same thing he does in Genshin threads.
You don't think this person here >>500792257 actually plays this game, right? Ideally, this poster should be permabanned, but unfortunately this doesn't happen because he has many proxies. The best alternative would be to ignore his posts.
God, I hate AI "art".
and you know making money on playstation doesn't mean that it "punishes you" for not playing on playstation like the other retard is claiming for zzz
no mobile player is being punished for not playing on pc
yeah, you are being fucking retarded holy shit
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Cunny ZZZ OC
dont reply to salesniggers
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We have had a foot slut in the game since the first trailer and her only purpose is for people to huff opium about how to find her useful
venus is so fucking cute and precious i love her
holy revisionist
How many weeping gemini copeballs do (You) have? Kinda feels like a waste but I'm not rolling on weapon banner and there are way too many anomaly agents
Eh depends on what you mean, but it definitely shows their favouritism and priority.
>Mainstreamed lolicons in Japan
Anon, I don't know if you know this, but lolicon stuff isn't exactly hidden in Japan.
I just roll everyone's signature because I'm not poor
i love when animals like you get proven wrong and resort to name calling, you think 60 polychromes is "punishing mobile players and pushing them to pc" but somehow exclusive items (sword, bow and wind glider btw i forgot to mention it) in addition to exclusive packs from ps+ don't count? come on bro just admit you are wrong and move on no shame in it
part of the problem is that there's really not much to talk about right now wrt the actual game
why do people turn into ethereals?
Redditors would hate it, but we'd love it.
I'm a day one player actually. Just felt like being a total faggot for a few minutes. It didn't make me feel any better:/
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Miyabi will turn evil... Anby (completo) will be the second S rank agent...
To anyone that actually plays the game, can someone tell me why Caesar players always use her held basic before doing the parry, even on single bosses that don't need to be gathered? I tried reading her kit and the held basic only reapplies the DMG% buff, which the parry already does so it should be pointless.
revisionism is stating facts and events that happened?
omorashi coded, thank you waterkuma
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Holy kinoooo
Think of it like Xmen.
Oh wow. Would sniff
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>redditors will hate it
uh huh
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>ywn own a bangboo
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What 2 piece should I use on Piper with 4 piece Fanged Metal?
Bring me another poll to conquer.
I don't. I just use the parry
I mean duh, it’s 3 days before the patch.
We don't know.
My headcanon is ether is some sort of malicious mana from a different dimension and it turns humans into its own fucked up version of spirits.
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I don't know if it makes sense to try and predict the marketing schedule since it keeps changing
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Not clicking your reddit screenshot, therefore I won.
Freedom Blues for more AP?
Shouldn't Piper use the Anomaly set?
>Just the literal description from the game
just buy a furby
freedom blues if youre using sig
puffer if youre a penmaxxxed gigachad who uses fusion compiler
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I was clearly talking about the controls and overall experience on mobile although the polys are probably part of signaling players that you have to use your PC to get the full HD experience. If you haven't played ZZZ on your phone, you will never know how painful it is to use the controls. You will never get it.
Guys, still no Miyabi drip? Are we really getting Ellen rerun?

I mean, I'd be more than happy if that's the case, because I want Ellen ball, but some Miyabitards here might get a tad upset...
Without aptitude I just think of it like a fungus the more you huff the more you get infected or whatever. Like tlou
>>Just the literal description from the game
I must have missed it. Where can I find it?
this is the future I want, not human like androids, but cute pet like bangboos (open source obviously)

this shit is not cute at all
How long did it take for Lighter to get drip after Yanagi
I play on mobile while I’m eating brekkie to clear dailies it’s not that serious.
Everything else I use a controller though.
S11 without her glasses is the most beautiful agent :)
November is the month I was born as well, some I'm even happier :)
Who's the target audience for art of bathing lolis in a Magical Girl show for little girls?

I mean most scans came from merchandise
so they'd be selling bathing lolis to someone......

am I the target audience?
It would be very strange if they put a fucking rerun banner right after christmas/new year
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I want one so bad.
Literally the first mission???
Where the fucking dude gets turned into an ethereal????
And you have to escape before it builds up too much for the cunning hares????
I have no idea what her kit does besides giving a shield, but hold attack looks really cool so I always use it
>this shit is not cute at all
Yes same as the bangboos.
That's why I recommended it.
there is no pattern, it's been pretty random
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4-piece Freedom Blues doesn't increase your damage any, it just applies a debuff that reduces enemy anomaly res. I have it on my Caesar instead.
I honestly think it's because it looks neat.
oh yeah and she's a succubus in one of these ......
Power levels in ZZZ are more or less stable, right? In the sense that there is not that large of a difference between Miyabi and a normal agent like Nicole.

Compared with Genshin where you have a Raiden and a Barbara.
I don’t know if you know this but real life little girls like to go swimming and wear swimsuits too.
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>same as the bangboos.
you can't be serious
Yeah but the extreme measures they took against TV clearly cut content to the bone for 1.2, there's barely been anything to talk about for weeks. Bizarre Brigade and Burnice going viral saved it from being much worse than it was
>not much of a difference
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C-Cheesed to meet you?
but would you sell another person pics of a little girl in a swimsuit?
I'm skipping Yanagi unless it's proven she is a beast on a team with Burnice and Caesar.
I'm skipping Lighter unless it's proven he is MUCH better than Koleda.

What are the chances of those two things happen?
Meant for >>500794134
It’s not like the ending week of 1.1 was that content filled.
This is literally how it is for every live service game.
I mean in HSR I don’t even have anything fucking to do and there’s 4 weeks left to this patch…
a vagina!?
you also missed the succubus part
Nothing in the game describes Ether as magical energy(AKA mana), its presented entirely as a science particle thingy. Other than that NPC who "talks" to Ether fields or whatever and The Order who treats it like God.
That's not a large difference compared to the one of a Raiden and a normal person like Diona or Xiangling.
It is more like the difference of a Harbinger and a Xingqiu.
No, the breast reduction scars.
Very nice.
Now fuck it.
What does corn pussy smell like?
>Comparing card captor sakura to precure
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I want a Rocketboo, but I won't be able to help with his exupurosion obsession.
I have wanted s11 for a while but I always end up with shitty ass Grace.
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I'm talking about the overall patch not the last week. There is almost nothing to talk about in the game itself and hasn't been for weeks so of course people are going to drift to salesposting and other shit. Otherwise the thread would fall off of page 10
>HSR has no content
no shit that's why hsrg spends more time shitposting in other threads than in their own
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you could get a schizoboo to wrangle it
>ignoring the question
holy retard
>want to upgrade my PC
>Realize all I play really is just gachashit these days
I guess my Ryzen 3600 and 3060TI can last till Civ 7…
Bwos... why are honkeks so gay?
Watch the video in >>500789340
>Yanagi/Burnice/Caesar: 71 s
>Jane/Burnice/Caesar: 86 s
I forgot to log in yesterday and broke my uninterrupted login streak
It's actually over
holy sex
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You're bricked bro
I'm so sorry
No???? People were talking about 1.2, cheesetopia, and yes, Bizaare Brigade for a pretty good part of the first half of 1.2.
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rabi lookin ahh bih
Xiangling is OP though dude...
wouldn't be shocked to start seeing small humanoid robots become commercially available in 5 years or less. limiting factor right now is battery life. of course they'll become restricted as fuck as soon as some faggot uses them to blow something up
Bro... you missed... all that.. nonexistent content...
Grace is a cutie though, give me all your copies
I'm also on ryzen 3600 but 2070 and I don't plan on upgrading for the next 5 years minimum
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Please don't link other generals here.
Thank you.
I was thinking the new 9800x3D would last me for the next 10 years easily.
I will do as i please
I missed 90+60 polychrome as well as a good chunk of energy
As well as anything I might've gotten from my daily scratcher
she would be peak without the dumb safety glasses
>Won't break the law for his terrorist bangboo
Pathetic. You don't deserve him.
crystal corruption is a pretty widespread concept
>I missed 90+60
you missed the 60 but the monthly pass doesn’t actually count the days you don’t log in.
Would be pretty fucked if it did honestly.
Gee I love oppai lolis like
La Brava and Illulu !

perhaps zzz could do this!
My aemen
It does. I had 59 last log-in and now I have 57. If you don't log in you lose a day's worth of polychrome.
I'll have to roll for Yanagi, hey.
I mean, she is a smoke show already, so it's no sacrifice
fat ugly bastard cock
did you know Reddit is not a monolith and there are in fact all sorts of people on it all with their own personal opinion?
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nice cock
yes?????? saaar yesss?????????????????? I'm trying to explain to you why people are taking salesposting bait and you're almost getting it
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Ok then, I'll take his bro.
I bought an i7-14700 and I've just been playing RPGmaker porn games and Gacha slop.
But I’m saying, second half of patches is always going to be this way. For any live service game.
>for the next 10 years easily
true, modern hardware is insanely powerful and unless the future of software development is chrome wrappers it should last for even longer
Playing dress up and having bubble baths with your little friends is something little girls enjoy, there's nothing sexual about it, its just a fun pasttime. At least when viewed from the point of the girl...
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don't underestimate the protection value of tactical goggles in the field, Scarlet Bellpepper.
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eh, would
Delist the game from mobile and make it PS5/PC only. Instantly improve quality and the true vision can shine through
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we'll see if women and faggots that wanted their husbando oh so much will make the meme numbers go up through the homomonths
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I bought a 3080/5900x a few years back to play Slay the Spire and CIV4
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its actually amazing how much detail goes into the animations for the character demo for yanagi
especially the tired strain on her left foot that she has a very subtle struggle moving toward the table with all the anpan
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>Shinsyouhin zokuzoku nyuuka!
>Yoterashai miterashai!
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I'm running out of characters to build... The only ones not shown are Anton, Billy, Seth, and Ben and I don't plan on building any of them. Do I just spend an eternity in the disc mines now? I feel like it took way longer to get to this point in HSR.
>I want to be experimented on and ripped apart, piece by piece by Grace Howard
Alphaboo deserves his name.
When will the Idols and the busty woman who wears nun clothes be playable?
>Marry Yanagi
>Now have access to blue demon pussy as well
the pleasure of cumming inside...
sounds like something a redditor would say
I don't understand how the points cap works in hollow zero. When I hit the cap does that mean that there is no more point doing any more?
> /zzz/ is a doomposting archive now
> No one wants to talk about the game itself.
You guys are something, let me tell you
Fuck off tranny
You can still collect z-merits up to a certain point in exploration mode. Not sure if you can in Blitz
Are you on BP? Did you farm leveling mats?
Black cocks
>> No one wants to talk about the game itself.
There was no new content for 2 weeks.
People who wanted talk talked already.
It's only shitposters now till the next patch.
>another effortless 7 S Rank in Shiyu
I still don't know how to use Ceasar properly though
I've bought 2 BPs, and of course I farmed leveling mats. I've avoided disc farming for the most part, most of the ones I'm using were made with the crafting system.
Nigger its the shitposters who come out of the woodwork during patches. The general is best during down periods
That depends entirely on the game and how they release content. Live service games where the gameplay is more compelling (mainly multiplayer shooters and sports games) don't have this sort of problem. Hoyo has always had a really bad problem with dead periods in all of their games because of their release cycle, and in 1.2's case they followed up a filler patch with one where much of the content was cut. That means that interest in the game is going to fall, which means that people who want to talk about the game are going to be more likely to respond to bait because at least it gives them something to talk about
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the point is that you wouldn't sell pics like that to strangers or really at all

there was a documentary where a girl was an idol in Japan (well she was trying at least) and all her fans were grown men and some hid their faces at her concerts.
These men bough pictures of this girl dressed in maid clothes sold by the parents and that's not something you'd normally do right?

So it's safe to assume that much like idol culture there is some appeal in the girls in Cardcaptor Sakura to lolicons and the creators are aware of this and profit from this.

Like for example Brooke Shields nude and bathing isn't really sexual but they put it into a magazine that's for adults and sold these photos.
Not to compare a drawing to stuff like that but something not sexual at all can be sold with the knowledge that others find it to be sexual.
I've recently started farming leveling mats instead of hitting the disc mines. I've always felt off about spending energy for level up mats because I'm clearing fine and I'd get the materials naturally anyways
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If you hit the points cap you don't get the exp for pic related

You can still get more z-merits if you play more. 150 z-merits for 6 HZ runs. Total of 900.
You can play up to 15 HZ runs for a small amount of dennies and bangboo mats but its not worthwhile. After that, further HZ runs give zero rewards unless you're doing Ray's checklist.
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Hello /v/
Fuck you
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pic related is ray's checklist
so is harumasa gonna be a or s
>don't have this sort of problem
Nigger have you never interacted with the LoL, Overwatch, DOTA or CS communinities?
Fucking VALORANT?????????
wrong number this is /vg/ bwo
Haramase is S-rank Electric Attacker
Designed and planned to be released as A until about a month ago
What in the fuck I never bothered to talk to her, she had 500 polys for me to collect wtf
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no this is /v/
If you're playing anomaly you just have to make sure the shield is always up, if you're using an attacker you should try to get in as many defensive assists as you can and potentially even a few parries if the enemy is very aggressive, never use basics unless you need grouping.
so repeat of Yanagi/Lighter?
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she wouldn't do that
Soldier 11 running around parrying bullets from the mech reminds me of Metal Gear Rising
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>he does not talk to every NPC, especially with a yellow marker on top of their head
-50 sovl points
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Anby you she-sperg, why don't you make a sound in bed?
do we need more timegated content? if comissions were drip fed over an entire patch it might stop players from getting too antsy
Very high
So she's just a shieldbot? huh I see
I use her with Piper and Burnice but also Ellen and Soukaku
Who should I build for a Seth/Grace team where Grace is onfield most of the time?
she'll do it if you ask, just don't expect it to have any emotion
>On field
Anon I...
I'm still using 1050ti bros
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>Stay up until 12AM
>No Mibibi
>Stay up until 1AM
>No Mibibi
>Wake up 6 hours later
Burnice or Rina
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She would use it if you refuse to rape her
Burnice is the only off-field anomaly agent that exists. Fast shiyu runs end up swapping back to her constantly anyway but for the average player you play her like an off-fielder.
I used to watch this guy. He can be pretty funny, but he has built his entire career around being an incendiary retard, it's a shame.
There's no way they would downgrade this hard.
Has anyone managed to push HZ Nineveh so hard you skip tentacle invuln phase?
Lol no, I remember tuning into his stream during AK times and he was still an obnoxious twat
is that MOTHERFUCKING danker than black
Burnice is busy. No one else?
>just a shieldbot
Yes. Don't even bother using her for anything else other than grouping enemies up and shielding in Anomaly/Disorder teams
For generic Attacker teams its still worth defensive assisting>EX on her for a good chunk of Daze, anything else don't bother
PEN stacking with Rina and Disorder with Burnice are the only viable Grace teams, everything else is pretty much cope
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I literally don't even play this game though.
Corin rape??
Did that with my first Blitz 11/11 run.
Also is it just me or is Blitz easier than regular Withering Garden? I feel like the decibel loss in regular WG11 is insanely punishing.
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what is this? it looks unsettling
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You can just one stun him.
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Previous: >>500781617

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
I dunno about that, timegating stuff too much makes people grumpy. I think it would be neat if they expanded on the rougelike concept and had a real rougelike mode where you start as a level 1 HIA agent that you generate, and dive until you beat Morgoth or permadie because you fucked up and dove too far for your level/gear, but that's an anti-pattern for gacha where people want to play as the characters they gamble for instead of characters they create

It would be nice if content was released as it's ready instead of bundled into big patches, but then people would get pissed off at the constant downloads, especially mobile players

Maybe the problem is that much like Genshin, ZZZ is closer to being a traditional game but is still a gacha so it inherits the problems of both while being tied to the revenue model of gacha
I don't think that the small bit of tape will cover those stretched out roast beef countians....
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Corin would never be shaved in a million years. Delete this!
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Geez. That Qingyi knocked off like 20% of its health before even stunning it. What kind of whale build is this?
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Oi horsechump!

Blech, I can't clear Notorious Hunt in sub 2 minutes, I keep hitting 2:30 for Pompey.
stupid bot
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I really needed that callibrator
I guess you can cope with Grace/Piper? People used to do it in 1.0 but apparently it actually takes skill. This general has issues playing Grace, so don't expect too much help. I recall seeing 50s Grace/Piper runs in this thread back in 1.1 so it might be worth doing.
shut up, I've selected "New thread" as an option for posting and this stupid shit still posted here
does anyone else hate how Qingyi will trigger dodge counters but STILL get hit if you do it a bit too late?
It's just 0/11 and before they made blitz so I have tons of resonia.
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skill issue
i get hit too but her charge attack has anti-interrupt anyway so it doesn't matter
I believe that's because you actually get hit, but don't get knocked out of the animation thanks to her interruption res, while the dodge window hasn't closed, so she still triggers dodge

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