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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site


>Enlisted Community Resource

>Weapons List (Alpha)

>Current Battlepass

>Running Events Earth Shield



>BRI can no longer match with BRIII


>Silver Chests implemented

>Update "Guerrilla Warfare"

Defeat >>499808893
sex with StuG A
Forgot this hotfix

I think the next update might involve flares, and maps with different time settings.

Going by the projectiles, and their light effects in the event.
lets hope so
the thing is this window licking playerbase cannot be expected to understand how the tokens work or in some cases that they even exist
I've seen people not bothering to find nearby beeping crates, walking past them even while in their view.

I've been thinking about collecting tokens, and then killing myself in full view of others so that I don't have to go through the map being unable to pick up more tokens
Just open the crates and tell people to pick up the tokens. If they are on console you should have already left.
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I am on console
i can vouch for this
>4 people got in truck
>i had 120 tokens
>total haul 120 tokens
i am fucking over people thinking this game is some kind of race
>niggers sprinting just to beat you to a loot box
>niggers stealing your tokens because they are to fucking lazy/retarded to find their own
>niggers pressing the altar or radio first expecting some sort of reward
and what shits me the most in the actual game
>tanks/other apcs knocking your apc out of the way
get the fuck out of this thread
That's not very welcoming of you, xister. Ensharted General is against hate and bigotry!
Queue all is serving endless Germans tonight
>remove a bunch of premium squads because they're redundant or will be added later
>none of them were added later
most will come back temporarily at full price on occasion
Where the FUCK is my MG-45 squad
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All mine
gold squad sale in 32 hours?
No sales ever, get banned.
>Start of match
>say "Hey guys, I Alt+F4 if you steal my tokens"
>"But why? They're shared!"
>"Then why steal them then?"
Every fucking time
imagine caring
muh tokucks
The people who play this game are deranged retards. A lot of them also farm kills in the zombie mode for some reason.
dealing with all the PvE retardation in the world is nothing compared to having to carry these mongolian idiots while they get farmed by the other team
What's frustrating about the PvE thing is that it is such an easy mode. It's inexcusable for people to be bad at it.
you say that as if you dont well know that a shockingly large portion of this games players seemingly have never played an FPS before, or even a game in general
>A generation of gamers is raise on Enlisted
The horror.
I need my beretta M31 squad
with the pavesi SVT, the only interwar semi-auto trial rifle I'm missing is the M31
Isn't the Pavesi SVT from WW2 not inter war?
And it's a literal clone of an SVT that was made after the Italian Expeditionary Force sent some back?
oh, right
unregardless I need more spaghetti autos
>Clone the SVT
>Without putting a removable mag on it
mags werent being hot swapped with the SVT either, by design removable box mags were to make cleaning easier, like with the SMLE
Is there anything at the end of the event BP? Repeating rewards?
Repeating self revives
repeating urge to nail your dick to the coffee table
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here's mine

i don't strongly disagree with /ourautist/ on anything too strongly here. biggest change is paras at the top of A tier.
imo engi, tank, both pilots and sniper go one tier lower, riflemen go into S tier
engineers are the most important class in the game
the squad itself is not the greatest, especially at higher tiers

can agree on the rest
Well, yeah in that case it's S tier soldier but A tier squad.
All of them are A tier because all of them are fun to play
You really shouldn't care, its better that some tard picks them up while in open view, than hope that they go and open a crate
>Snipers above Radio and Mortard
>Paras = Gorrilas
>Vehicle classes in the list
>Tanker in S
>Rifle Below Engie
Parashitter forver the parashitter.
Crazy that people still don't understand how the event/tokens work.
you would really have to be soft in the head to put snipers in the same tier as paratroopers and guerillas, or AT in the same tier as radio and mortars for that matter
Paradivision exists in a quasi-deluded state of contrarianism and simply cannot help himself.
snipers are better than gorillas
Have you gone bananas?
*headshots you from across the map*
heh nothin personnel
*runs at six trillion miles a second into your spawn*
I put the ape... in "rape"...
I hope eating all those paint chips in your developmental years was worth it
gorillas are just much-worse assaulters on Assault, Invasion, Destruction and Conquest games. Only in Confrontation do they have some utility.
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>Match went well, everyone got some tokens
>Run to the APC
>One nigger jumps in immedieately while a horde is around it
>Everyone else gets killed
>He extracts with 80 tokens

If I ever were to plan a genocide, I would not base it on race.
I'd have people play a multiplayer game that requires teamwork.

If they then behave like an oblivious nigger, the wall it is.
You snooze you lose

stop fannying around and sprint to the APC
its funny because last time this was brought up the exact opposite opinion was stated
i suppose they have some utility when attacking in invasion games but if your team is able to cap without you then its an easy game anyway
Is it worth to put more than one special soldier/named soldier in 1 squad ?
(Like a named rifleman + a named mg gunner).
I can see the bonus stay at "+20% exp" even with the second one.
But if the rifleman die does the 20% bonus stop with him and having the machine gunner allows the bonus to continue longer ?
they make most sense on conquest where rallies are harder to come by and you might also be called to cap the enemy safe point to buy time for your shit team.
It's not, no. Named soldiers are just to save you silver/time on buying/leveling troops, + the 20% bonus XP which doesn't stack. Even if the soldier dies, the squad keeps getting bonus XP.
too bad youll always be a powerless limpdick then
i find that hard to believe desu

if the enemy is reduced to spawning in their grey zone they're almost certainly losing
The most baffling thing is how people still don't understand how the mode works. They think that tokens aren't shared, or don't go token hunting at all.
It's not about shooting them in the greyzone. It's about having a squad with no equal in mobility and leveraging that in a mode where mobility is most important.
I've lost track of how many games I have won using them to do a quick rally wiping flank and then attacking the objective from behind. The class seems to have seriously lowered the frequency of rally mining as well
Across the map? That's like a 50m dash in Enlisted.
is it significantly better than an assaulter mobility?
>last day to get the loot box
>already spend someting like 400 000 silver in them
>no (0) para squad
>only have 10 511 silver left
p-please, it's the only type of squad i lack .. it's not like i ask for one f(1) or each army, just one (1) for any army will do ...
>he doesn't have the soviet event paras
lmaoing at ur life
It's spring perk plus spring plus run and the mobility points. There is no TT solider that can go faster than Gorillas.
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Gorillas are a bit faster than Assaulters since they get the base +5.3% sprint speed perk. In total, they can get +30% sprint speed from perks and mobility points, as well as +5% run speed (that affects sprint speed as well). Assaulter IV can do similar but doesn't have the base sprint speed perk to top it off, but Ass IV can get 24% reload speed. Ass IV is generally the better, more versatile class, but gorillas have a niche. It's just a difficult niche to justify if you only have, say, 4 squad slots.
I've had people just stand around next to crates without bothering to open them, not even the ones that drop after an objective.

I don't get these runts
i started game in May, i got all event squads since then but no paras :(
i started a year ago, i think you must've missed some great squads since then
>assault engineers
>bren carrier
Is every Enlisted YouTuber autistic?
>we lost 240 tokens because of a retard entering the truck early
I understand the frustration now.
>bren carrier
Was the two (2) other squads I was hoping for along one (1) paras squad in the boxes
In the end I didn't got any old event squad in any box.
just spend $70 on 24 lootcrates bro
Yeah there are multiple important distinctions here. Riflemen aren’t that popular until you reach BR V and they all have way more firepower. Also, are we talking about the squad or the soldier? I’ve grown very attached to being able to rush up, start my rally, then order a bunch of engineer bots to finish it while I keep going. But in general, the engineer squad isn’t the best. AT is the same, it’s a hugely important piece of utility but the only reason I have an AT squad is so they can meme around with the Fliegerfaust.
>retards coping over how gorillas aren’t that good again
Please use your gorillas more, just don't be on my team.
>Riflemen aren’t that popular until you reach BR V and they all have way more firepower
Riflemen really pop off at BR III when you can just have them all running sprint + grenade launchers and get 3 kills minimum with each soldier. At BR I/II their main utility is just putting bodies on the point, which is why the premium Rifleman squads are so powerful (because they are stupidly tanky), but they lack the raw firepower to clear the point like they have at higher tiers.

Gorillas are good, they're just situational. If you have the time and breathing room to push into the enemy spawn, then you probably win already and you are just expediting the process. They're mostly useful as the Japanese in the Specific because you have basically no other option for dealing with a Sherman that's camping on a hill besides flanking him. In most situations, a Guerilla squad really is just a worse Assault squad that doesn't have the utility of an engineer or AT troop.
its some kind of sick denial of reality these people are compelled to spew here for some reason
I cant believe we got cucked out of nip event guerillas. wtf is df problem with japan, the lone faction that desperately needs more squads
>then you probably win already and you are just expediting the process
this is just rote tautology
>if you use them effectively you were already winning
ive both received and dished out game winning plays with guerillas, they have changed the meta with counter rally gameplay and rally placement in general, and really punish unaware tankers. they are useful in close games as well as shitstomps
How ?
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dont do this btw
Don't do this at all
For example on the same page they are offering you 12.000 Silver for 750 Gold and if you don't have any Gold you will have to purchase the $9.99 Gold Bundle which gives you 1.000, you are far better purchasing a premium account AND playing with the option of Join Any Army activated and just with that you can get more than 10K silver in 2-4 matches, I have play a couple of matches and I went from having no silver to 40K just today
AT soldiers need to carry less ammo for their launchers. it should be like 3 shots max with the option to grab 1 from an ammo crate
The GrB having 20 rounds is fucking hilarious.
Hello where is Medic
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Me 262
C or D tier
Then there are the Paratroopers whose AT kits give them 11 panzerfausts each
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I wish the demon tank was an M4A2 and not the 76W
I probably would have oinked for it if that were the case. I’m still a little curious how it looks with different paint.
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>12h left of gatcha boxes
>spend some research point to get enough to open one
>finally get this gun
and with the one we got last event and the 4 gold order bredas i can fully kit out my assault engineers. speak of which, anyone got a good build for the event assault engineers?
where is the nip running at the tank with the bomb on a stick?
Right now mine is using an MG-15 with a sword and sprint+run speed, a kiraly on the assaulter (they’re super good after the recoil change) and the rest with FG-42 IIs. Though it’s a pretty memey setup. I mostly use it for uber fast rushes and flanks, and having the other engi get a rally while I do it. Though I’ve thought about going down to IV with them and using the patronentranny
Does the Type 100 LMG bust the event?
I’d imagine four of them does.
>One retard starts the radio over and over while people are still colecting themselves

>He starts while there is a horde coming

is the easy eight going to be a premium
ive lost a few rounds because I wasnt able to fully heal before people spam the next alter wave
I gotta get on the forum leaderboard, gotta go fast
>People rush towards the next objective ignoring the crates
>Two are already at the altar
>I, and another lag behind
>A horde spawns
>Someone activates the altar
>Another horde spawns
>Have a couple of giants on me
>Not even inside the forcefield

It was going well, what compels these retards
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Target Washington!
I prefer the cherry blossom song
>spend some research point to get enough to open one
Oh shit totally forgot about that!
I have 2734000 pts right now.
I don't find it all that special
Queue all the last few days has been endless br 2 Germany games. Are all the German players grinding zombies or something
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i'm talking about the assault engineers from the event. its just 6 engineers you cant put (s)mgs on them.
also wtf gookmoot i already waited out your 15min bullshit
lol lol, sorry for answering myself but my 2 734 000 xp points worth only 54 697 silver, wtf is that change rate ?
It's still 10 loot boxes but I am kinda reluctant to do it now :(
>50 xp = 1 silver
i only buy enough silver to round me up to 5k usually under 1000 silver at a time at most
I wouldn't exchange my xp unless I am really feeling the itch.
I didn't get anything good out of the boxes, just a few pistols, and two hero soldiers.

The drop rates for weapon/vehicle/name change orders are just too high, and utterly worthless
just got my first hacking accusation from a teammate lol
They’re not going to up research costs though, if I don’t exchange it I could stop playing now and never need to actually play again to get all future unlocks
Look at these guys standing in front of the tank
I did that in one match because I thought the zombies would keep coming regardless of the radio being on or not. I'm sure thousands of other players have done the same
Imagine giving them all coendies and arti lugers...
>The drop rates for weapon/vehicle/name change orders are just too high, and utterly worthless
this. i started the "event" with 200k silver and have just bought boxes every time i've had 205k so i haven't lost anything but haven't really gained anything either. a fuckton of boosters and 1000 silvers later and all i have to show for it really are some barbie doll tokens and 65 call sign changes which seem to be rare as fuck to get normally. i got the breda pg and a engraved pistol but no squads which blows goats
>another 15min forced wait
fuck gookmoot and fuck his band of autistic fuckboys
why not just give a normal engi squad those guns
because fuck you that's why
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just rolled this with 10 hours left on the lootcrates because darkflow loves me
>20 loot boxes later
enjoy nothing
well you've got a real room temperature IQ strategy there anon
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>oh no some anonymous faggot on the internet doesn't like my outfitting choices in a video game!
kill yourself
im getting the usual at low BR
its not outfitting retard the entire point of that squad is that they can use assault rifles. the bredas can be given to normal engineers. its amazing you are able to breathe at all
The regular engineer squad is actually better if you aren’t going to make use of giving them assault rifles because you can have an AT and radio without sacrificing the ability to start a rally and have your squad finish it while you run off
Event engineers have the gigahelmets.
somehow I think that guy has no idea that even exists considering how marginal it is. that said not using ARs on assengies is the kind of thing you would expect your retarded teammates to be doing in this god foresaken game
>1000% booster
>get conquest
This shit genuinely makes me want to throw my monitor through the window.
have you cumrags ever thought that maybe i don't have the silver to outfit them with 3 star stg44s yet. not everyone has been playing this game since it began and exploited bugs to get all the good shit, you pretentious assburglars.
Conquest is fine now, thoughever.
Get out of here, you un-virgin!
you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink, so they say
>have you cumrags ever thought that maybe i don't have the silver to outfit them with 3 star stg44s yet
That's like one day of playing worth of silver at most, so no.
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the exact rare drop I did not want lol
the squad also comes with fully upgraded ARs...
They come with MKb 42s, right? Those are pretty meh.
better than using a gimped engi squad for no reason
>Run into a guy in a few matches of Hard Mode
>He hasn't unlocked a single item from the event BP
>Even though I have cleared hard mode with him at least 4 times now with 300-400 tokens each time
>He always plays as the default soldier and uses default guns
I don't think he has redeemed anything from the BP...
Wake Up
What is wrong with the Fliegerfaust?
Redeemed most of my research points so I could get one last run of 50 boxes.
I now have 7 .30 cals. If I come across one more I'll feel obligated to start a second .30 cal thompson assaulter squad.
>2023 Video
They fucked with it at least 3 times since that video was made.
Yeah but it's actually fixed now.
Plus it deletes APCs.
>Spend my last 5k
>Get a callsign order
30 minutes left boys
get your last gambles in
alright fuck it 50 more. I'm done now though. Down to under 1.4m silver.
in like 3 minutes I'll finally be able to keep the money I acquire rather than instantly spending it on gambling

rip like 1.5m, didn't get a single squab
I spent my last 50k silver. I got a Golden Beretta. I wish I held onto it but caved due to FOMO. Could have really used that silver to buy more soldiers, guns and upgrading them.
last 25k and all I got was an engarved korovin
yes, game
thank you
I always wanted the actual weakest pistol in the game
bagged my first daemon
He came right back in a firefly
ahhh its the reddit battalion!
Do you put your engineer as the first soldier in the squad or the last?
First, of course. But if I decide to put an officer's hat on one of the squad members, it won't be that engie.
if this game ever adds proper clans, would the /enlg/ be /enlg/gers
Clan tag [CHUD]
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I feel like buying the Italian marines half off, but they may be redundant as I already have the Lebel volksboys. Maybe the Moroccans instead..?
Moroccans and Marines both have retarded perk distributions that make them way better than the Volkssturm.
>The Italian marines are in the premium shop, but their Moroccan equivalent has been removed
Why the frick would they do this?
Why are the Jap snipers more expensive than the Auzzie snipers?
Chi-Ha or Chi-He for a Jap BR2 Line up?
Get the APC for the premium slot.
Nah the tank goes in the premium slot because I often forget to scroll down and you don't always need a tank.
I don't get it.
If you have 11 squad slots you have to scroll down in-game to see the bottom and you might forget whatever is down in the 11th slot (the special extra slot for premium squads is always on the bottom)
Type 99 sniper deals more and has a faster reload with a x5 scope vs the x4 scope for the Enfield.

But the price difference is significant. Was it dropped a BR or something?
These used to be bundled, it's probably a price fuck up
>Gonna buy
Jap Snipers
Type 1 Ho-Ha
Italian Marines
>Might Buy
Auzzie Snipers
>Thinking of Buying
G41 Sniper
Turner Rifle
The Turner SMLE is a BR III semi-automatic with 10 rounds and 16.8 damage(!) but I've never seen anyone endorse that squad. Why is that?
isn't it because the reload is 2 clips like all the other shitty semi-autos nobody uses?
It has a weird recoil impulse that does not feel very good to use. On paper its pretty good though.
Which BR III semi-automatic do you think feels the most pleasant to shoot?
I bought:
>Jap APC
BR4 rises!
I don't know, probably the SVT-38 or the Garand.
Sten Mark V
Pedersen Rifle
Does the U.S FP-5 fighter with the napalm bomb worth it ? Or it's shit ?
It's a Hellcat at BR 3 with 4 HVARs. The Drop tank is only useful against open tops and some open caps.
It's half the plane the Corsair is at a lower BR.
>POV you're an ammo box
I guess they learned their lesson about 50% discounts on BP items
I was curious about the effectiveness of the drop tank against infantry.
It’s bad. Especially after they nerfed fire on the ground.
My picks:
Type 1 Ho-Ha APC squad
>Germany / Hetalia
Moschetto M91 "San Marco"
Stug III A tank
PPsh-2 medics (to play some femoids)
236mb update as well, something else is coming
Redundancy and/or limiting French content intentionally.
>Squad slots not on sale
>Premium time not on sale
Guess that's for Christmas?
AKT is pretty badass at BR4
It would be if BR IV existed. It's just too risky.
It does though, especially with the BR3 change
The PPSh (Parkerized) really is a pointless garbage squad. They look cool but they are objectively worse than a normal Ass squad. Not only that, they represent how shitty Stalingrad was pre-merge.
That's true for most premium SMGs. Even the good ones like the Marine Tommies are not as good as even standard gorillas let alone a full kit ass squad.
The USMC Thompson is, at least, somewhat unique for its BR. Getting a powerful Thompson at BR II is really nice. On the subject of Thompsons, should I get a BSA Thompson for my Ass IV?
It's the highest DPS you will get out of a real gun at BR2.
It has less actual recoil than the Owen but higher visual recoil.
I personally wouldn't bother but I don't run ass squads for my US BR 2.
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Fuck it, I bought it. The recoil isn't half as bad as people said. The reload and mag are bad but that's offset by stickin' it on a guy with reload speed and shaving .7 seconds off, which is pretty huge. Reload on a mag with 1 round left is nearly instant.

>I personally wouldn't bother but I don't run ass squads for my US BR 2.
Why? BR II Ass squads are good for the US, the Lanchester and Owen are really stronk.
I have 2 premium ass squads. The UD 42 and the Marine Tommy. So I don't run a regular squad.
I guess that makes sense. I have the USMC Tommy but I rarely use it because it feels like 5 men isn't enough to pressure caps.
Oh, and also because they can't get Vit, which really fucking sucks. Vit is so meta, especially against shit-tier unupgraded SMGs.
>It's the highest DPS you will get out of a real gun at BR2
*laughs in sawn off PPSH*
Depends. The BSA Thompson has 104 DPS and kills in two shots, guaranteed, which makes its effective TTK even quicker than the Obrez. The Obrez kills in 3 shots against Vit users and deals 112 DPS and MASSIVELY falls off after, what, 10 meters, where it becomes a guaranteed 3-4 hit kill against non-Vit users and the Thompson remains 2 shots, even against Vit users. The Obrez kills faster if you are within 10 meters against someone not using Vit, the Thompson kills faster everywhere else.
>102.5 DPS in a gun you can aim with little recoil and damage at range
>109.25 in a shit gun you can't aim with a lot of recoil and no damage at range
Is there anything special about the Stug III A?
ROF and DPS maximalism are retarded, anyway. They only matter in the Zombie mode where the Type 100 LMG is OP as shit.

Nope. It's worse than the Panzer III N in every conceivable metric.
>Play a few matches of the regular game after doing nothing but the event
>Realize why I didn't want to play the game
I fucking hate these teams.
Play top tier Japs.
one of the worst reloads in the game
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nothing it just means I am taking one less pfaust or offenrohr which is annoying
I only take RaketenpanzerbĂĽchse because of the gas mask
just bought 4 type 1s and im not sure why
is there any merit to the stug G?
the HVARs are decent with two salvos but the drop tank is the most useless thing ever put in this game so its kind of a wash
>in every conceivable metric
iirc it gets more HEAT shells but its still shit
I was about to get more 10 round type heis but realized the newer ones are BR4
It’s cool and slightly more difficult to kill than regular Pz. IVs
nip BR4 is stronger than nip BR3 by a huge margin and the late model sights are better
Yeah but the Jap player population makes it a lot more risky to do 4.
nearly every nip BR3 match is an uptier anyway
Exactly, I haven’t used my Jap 3 preset in ages. But why would I move them to 4 when they’re also just going to get up tiered
being able to run with the pfaust is sometimes really useful
>30% discount on temporarily available premium squads for Gold with the Type 99 sniper rifle (long) (Japan, BR II), MG 45 (Germany, BR IV), AKT-40 (USSR, BR IV) and the Enfield P14 (T) (USA, BR II).
Are they 100% new squad or it is not the first time they are in the shop ?
They’re all old. AKT was from Moscow I think and was pretty shit because it used to have way more recoil and there wasn’t any niche for BRs.
MG-45 was from Berlin and used to be better because it had less movement speed penalty than now, but it’s pretty nice in a BR4 lineup.
The sniper squads were both available for like a month before they were pulled with the merge which confused a lot of people. The only thing worth noting about them is that they can get vitality while most snipers can’t. Still, they’re a sniper squad which means they’re automatically pretty trash.
because the tokyo arsenal and ki are exceptional and its even better if you have the paras
>birthday event
>its just a small discount in the store
its over
Yeah, but again, just play BR5. It's way, way better and you get in the exact same matches.
I am the BR4 advocate but I wouldn't tell anyone to play BR4 Japs.
eh, spamming the hei auto and type 100 gets kind of boring
Germ BR IV is the only fun BR IV nation in my opinion.
soviet br4 is excellent and mutts have the farquad
>I guess they learned their lesson about 50% discounts on BP items
What lesson is that?
And the calliope. And the johnson lmg.
I can't speak for others but I basically just bought any BP item I wanted out with gold.
Is there a way to preconfig the BR of a whole squad ? Not going classes by classes.
Like saving a "67th Infantry Regiment" BR2 and a BR4.
What's armor like at higher tier?
I'm already starting to get buttblasted at T2 by little faggots sneaking around with TNT charges and shit while my team is oblivious
All tanks are killable with tnt and explosion packs. Higher br tanks will delete the point with less clicks and king tigers can be afk in the grayzone wiping infantry and tanks if no one on the enemy team brought a plane
Nope, just soldier and squad lineup presets.
Some tanks are notoriously harder/trickier to blow up, namely KV-1 and Tiger II H
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Custom games are suprisingly fleshed out. The modability makes me wonder why Enlisted is not popular due to mods alone
why are the rifle grenade fags omnipresent since the event started
That is always going to happen if you play aggressively. You'll think you are supported by infantry and they'll all sit around and watch while some faggot tapdances on top of your tank. Plus at BR3 and 4+ people start getting spicy AT weapons that will fuck up any tank.
So generally the safest way to tank is to sit way back in the few open sightlines/grey zones left.
Bigger belt MG-42 when
How is Marder III H gun compared to the Panzer IV G and J guns ?
Dunno, my BR2 and 3 lineups are pretty stacked with vehicles as is so I never tried them. Plus I have the Dicker Max.
>"Best" Americunt faggot on the enemy team is just some niggerfaggot who drives out in his M4A3 (105) and farms kills until he gets bombed (the only way to kill him)
>When he dies, he gets into a plane and suicide bombs
>Then he gets into a 4 man premium squad and commits suicide with them
>Before getting back into his 105
I am glad these subhuman freaks lose 99% of the time. A single win is too much for them. These fuckshits KNOW they are unkillable to anything on the ground besides a Ho-Ri, and they revel in their faggotry.
>Japanese Gold APC on sale
oh shit, I might have to get that on friday
Finished the BP with 22 days to go, guess I am done with it for now.
Fucked up how this is the sole winning strategy for Ameriniggers tbqhfamalam. Every single match where they even come close to winning is because of some groids just rotating in and out of their planes and tanks.
>m4a3 105
your type 5 bro?
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>Why are you making use of your faction's advantageees?!
>anime retard chimes in
It seems like all the lowest effort strategies are proliferating recently. HMGs, Paks, noob tubes, howitzer tanks every game.
>only a halloween event going on
>not even all prem squads are on sale
it's so over
But all the money premiums went on sale last week. Now its all the gold ones.
it's so over anon. the game is deceased. rest in piece.
Worth pointing out that there was an update but it wasn’t necessary for the sales, I could see all of them before I had updated. I think it will be for something else.
she's in
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>join pacific game as BR3 americans
>against BR5 japs
sorry brothers, but I'm not going to play against cancer without a dozen M2 carbines and 1919s
7.5cm PaK40(Sf) auf GeschĂĽtzwagen FCM(f)
>Jerking off in a tank farming kills
>"Erm it's le advantage?"
Kills are important it's his teammates fault for not capitilazing on the armour advantage
>Kills are important
They really are not. You can farm kills easily in a tank and your team can be floundering without a single rally. Jerking off and shelling people for le epic score and exclusively playing tanks is a losing strategy.
Only if your team isn't capitilazing on it by playing the objective. A player that's dead is unable to play the objective. The less able the enemy is to play the objective the better your team is able to play it.
Even though as a tanker you also aren't playing the objective, as long as you're preventing more of the enemy from playing the objective, you're a net positive to the team.
That is half true. Defenders have infinite spawns.
If the defender using a rally/truck can reach the objective faster than your team can reach the objective then your killing is pointless because they don't need to survive long, just long enough to stop the enemy from capping.
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>Win 3 battles
played BR2 allies for like 100 hours now, and can confirm that thompson is awesome!
small magazine is its only weakness in comparison to other br2 autos
sigts are great!
rate of fire is great!
accuracy is ok for its rate of fire
The dispersion is like 0.54 or something, which is really tight. It just has a bit of jittery recoil.
>bought the women medic squad
>2/4 are ugly faced
>Can't change faces in customization
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For me its Alisa <3
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>what kinda gun you want senpai?
>like an STG44, but slightly worse in all aspects but still BR5
>say no more senpai
I can do you 2 better
Is this game fun? Thinking about giving it a try. Also if there are any jewtuber gibs from codes I would be appreciative.
I enjoy it. I haven’t seen a recent ad so no idea, they do exist though for a couple days of free premium.
The only frustration right now might come from your teammates.
Otherwise it has become an enjoyable, non-grindy experience.

Here are some tutorial videos, about some mechanics that may not be well explained in-game

So when will they create a separate bri'ish tree?
i have played a shitload of games throughout the years, and i must say that Enlisted is a very pleasant surprise - clocked 210 hours so far
it has an early battlefield series vibes to it in terms of gameplay/gunplay - with modern graphics and progression mechanics
doesnt feel or look cheap, and microtransactions arent predatory - you can unlock all the best stuff by simply playing the game. ( a lot )
i have spent about 50 euros just to support the developer, but now im leveling up a new faction without any "premium" gear, and it feels just as good
as other anon wrote - teammates are the worst part of experience, you need a "do-it-all-yourself" attitude if you want to avoid rage
rounds are often being dominated by a few good players, while half of the team does close to nothing at all
realistically never ever
I don't understand why it's not more popular. It's better than Battlefield slop in every way.
Enlisted does feel and look cheap compared to the big hitters in 2024, but that's kind of the appeal. CoD and Battlefield are massively bloated and over-animated.
It hasn’t had any really big marketing run, it’s just been slow but consistent. If it already had a huge community that would be fine but it never built that significant of one up.
It's too arcade-y, people like high realism slop more
I think it's a great middle-ground between arcadey and high-realism autism. The games that are more realistic are squad, arma, and hell let loose. All of those are walking simulators that have less realistic vehicles than Enlisted. And the more arcadey games are absolute garbage tier slop now.
most people here are playing this game instead of a walking simulator for a reason
>medics can use assault rifles
I somehow didn't know that. Give them an engineer and they're a slightly worse prem squad.
The Type 100 LMG is one of the most fun SMGs in the game, it's a shame that using it is a nightmare because American teams are full of niggers who just camp in the hills all match.

Huh, I didn't know that either.
>Paradivision doesn't realise the guns in premium squads are displayed as unupgraded
>Says the Moschetto 91 has a "low rate of fire" because it says 54
>Doesn't even talk about the squad's perk points and how they can uniquely become extremely tanky with instant, 6 HP heals
have you played against BR5 japan anon?
you have to become a nigger to fight a nigger
They don't play to win, they play to lose. They just snipe.
Such a beautifully rigged hand
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>Click "Join ANY Army"
>Look inside
>It's actually exclusively playing the Japs in Conquest matches
Nice, I just shit on Token_dRed in the new map with my BR4 lineup.
He basically just used planes. I don't blame him.
Yeah after a while he shifted towards vehicles in my game too. Had 77 assists at the end and a ton of points despite fewer kills.
Dedicated medic squads can't have engineers
Well, it is really stupid that the guns are displayed as unupgraded
Are there any guys you have seen in the community for years, but are still terrible? I see SeiDorei really often and he is still really middling/average despite playing for at least 2-3 years, maybe since CBT.
some people just dont have the reaction time anon
I've seen a lot of guys I recognized as being prolific on the forums but are absolutely garbage in-game
My reaction time is terrible compared to what it used to be, but I still do better than 90% of players. These guys have every advantage, from fully equipped squads with perfect perks to rare premiums and event squads, and they still just kinda flounder.

Those who can't do, discuss instead of doing.
I have bullied para division so many times it's not funny. Made face tac quit. Beat the breaks of axis man. Made quadro quit.
One thing I notice is that the older fag people get the less likely they are to play the objective which is the most important thing.
A lot of them are old and just wanna shoot people, I guess.
I usually do the same, but my decimation of the enemy backline usually leads to collapse of enemy control over the point except in the most extreme cases of shoehorsing.
>Playing my fair and balanced Jap para squad (Type Hei LMG)
>My fair and balanced paratrooper has +47.3HP
>Walk around a corner into a group of Thompson 100 paras
>They open fire on me
>My shield blocks a bunch of shots, then I absorb a few rounds of .45
>Hipfiring, I massacre them all
Ugh, it was so hard for me...
>D.C. Tonight
Can the San Marco squad take an engineer?
The Jap premium sniper is soo much better than the TT snipers it's not even funny.
Japan doesn't even have a self loading sniper and their bolt action snipers are on the low end.
Yeah, but they're snipers. And I'd argue they are still worse at sniping than a radio squad with a sniper in it spamming arty.
Nope, they are just bodies you can throw onto a point, which they are good at.
can you change the backpack upgrade to secondaries on premiums?
>One tank/sniper/mortar/plane can stop you from sniping
>You can only call arty once every 3 minutes instead of every 5
Maybe the event radio team and giving the Type 97 mg to the engie. But if you count the type 97 mg as a sniper you might as well run an mg squad.
That's still a significant difference, and there isn't anything special about the sniper. You can just pick up the rifle with someone else if you need to, having three snipers is kind of pointless.
The rocket arty squads are garbage.
Just downloaded another 341mb update.
it's eggs
I think that if you use a Sniper you want to use a good sniper and the Type 38 and 99 TT snipers just don't feel good. Sure the Radio and even a regular sniper squads are technically more useful. But for the purpose of sniping I will take it.
get your paper tanks out of my realistic ww2 game bro
Alright, alright. Hear me out on this.
Die Glocke
More like Die Cocke
Alright but I really do want the Komet, Ho-229, Me-262, Kikka, Ki-200, R2Y2, Vampire, Meteor, Attacker, P-80, F-84, F2H-2, Yak-15, Yak-17, MiG-9, IL-28, and Su-9.
I can foresee some event in a while with 262s on a runway you can secure.
But I doubt TT Jets are coming since the Meteor and P80 had no fucking payloads in 1945.
>since the Meteor and P80 had no fucking payloads in 1945.
The K-4 didn't have a bomb for 2 years.
That's IRL not in game.
Yeah, so? They don't get bombs. Asymmetric balance. They're lucky they get the Spergshing and Jumbshing
When will US get Long Tom and Battleship based Artillery Support since this is all about asymmetric balance?
I need the Yamato providing close naval support via Artillery squads.

I never played that Battlefield with the Titan mode, but I wish Enlisted had something similar, with a bunch of squads trying to take over a battleship.

Did they remove the train missions?
The train is gone. Probably too many people quitting it.
A battleship would be too much but I can see a battle over a fortress like Maxim Gorky or something like that working.
Best I can do are Tiny Tims
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What a crock of shit this is. I opened 10 crates not including the named ones and only got a thompson drop... and not a single one of them had tokens. Darkflow are jewing everyone late to the event.
everything here could theoretically be added if russia and japan get to use half their BR5 shit

I'd also like to see some of the helicopters as set props at the very least https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rotorcraft_used_in_World_War_II

how would you even use helicopters in this game, some sort of advanced scout?
You need to unlock the weapons first
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no shit sherlock
Helicopters don’t belong as anything other than obscure set pieces. They weren’t sufficiently armed for another 20 years
honestly I do really think it would be an incredibly bold move for enlisted to lean into the fantasy route
1946 mode, IS-3s slapping mauses, T95s being arguably mobile pillboxes, the entire T28-T34 series of gigaheavy supernigger tanks rolling across the fields

maybe other what-ifs, a landing on pearl harbor, invasion of britain, invasion of japan
I think it'd be ~neat~ since the only game that did much of that was bf1942 with its secret weapons expac
Flying APC. Duh.
I think they should try 20v20 before they try increasing the timeline.
2 days ago we had a small update - since then, there are fewer boxes overall, and i see way more common weapons in them
i have unlocked up to thompson, and i used to find one of the unlocked weapons almost in every crate ( over 50% chance for sure ) and finished with maxed out tokens ( 120 ) in most of the games
now, crates are few and far between, and it feels like a 1/3 chance to find one of the unlocked weapons
had a game where i found 4-5 crates in all, with a single instance of an unlocked weapon
playing 3-5 games every evening, and the difference is very obvious
Are you accidentally playing on Normal?
can I get more tokens on difficult?..
i have seen anons posting ITT about gaining the same tokens on both difficulties.
>This nigga has been playing on the retard mode for 10 days
Yes you get at least 3x the boxes and the boxes have 3x the chance of giving you tokens. You can easily extract with every player having 120 tokens.
>You can easily extract with every player having 120 tokens.
lol lmao even
>niggers will find and open boxes
>niggers dont just steal your tokens when you die
>niggers wont just run to the truck and leave everyone else behind
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ah, its not stated anywhere in the game, when you change difficulty
and as i wrote, anons itt complained that its the same shit on both difficulties and killing extra zombies doesnt add up to anything
just finished my first hard difficulty game - it was pretty tough, and if my team wasnt good, we would get our asses kicked
had the easiest boss - the one that shits out purple "artillery balls", still it was challenging since there were waves of common zombies assisting the boss
also, got dropped in the end by a zombie with an SMG! there were not a single such gunman-zombies on the normal difficulty
all-in-all its not too hard after playing a shitload of normal missions, knowing whats what
one last note - ammo count is even a bigger issue on hard, so im inclined to use the soviet guy, because of an extra weapon = extra ammo ( been playing as an engineer on most normal missions )

560 tokens is a sweet reward! will keep going with hard missions, unless stupid teammates will result in a lower overall token income per hour
>armpit sweat
>loli spats
>loli feet
are we creating a homunculus
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just because you give latvian jews money doesnt give you the right to make /enlg/ your personal blog
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make me stop
Wake Up
Guns you pick up from corpses definitely come fully upgraded.

what do we think /enlg/? is /ourtroon/ right?
>Arguing to make the game worse
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He's mostly wrong for saying bots are not adequate replacements for players. In at least 60% of cases, a bot is better than a human because bots can hold W. If you clear the point and only have one or two soldiers left, a bot squad can stand on it and help you cap it at full speed. Humans will just stare at the point and jerk off out of... I dunno, fear of losing virtual soldiers?
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YOU FUCKERS. GIVE IT BACK. I actually really like using Emelyan, having 30/30 on a Fedorov is REALLY nice.
just play warthunder at that point
I refuse
I don’t advocate for fantasy, I just think early jets and the other KT equivalents should be added as BR6, with all the top tier items moved up to BR6. The AVS, M2C, and FG-42 stay at 5.
based and Me-262pilled
I had a dream that the Battle Pass rolled over and the new one added soldiers that were just Mortal Kombat characters.
this mirrors my experience also
fuck off goy
Must suck to still be in the event, I finished that shit by the third day and don't intend to touch it again.
it doesnt help when console tards and samurai niggers selfishly hoover up everything... im going to alt f4 every time i see a console icon or someone pick samurai from now on
Just pick up the items they leave behind.
are you fucking retarded? how are you meant to know where the items are? psionics? also new patch dropped
They usually tag it. If not then just leave and get a different group. Dudes on the official trannycord stack for the event, even if they're pretty insufferable it helps make it a sure thing.
>They usually tag it
cool story nigger. also you cant tag extra tokens that drop
I play it once or twice a day, it's a slight respite from BRV
No but you can tell them there are tokens and still mark the box even though it has been opened
Half of level 25 ...
console niggers cant use text chat
So when will they add outfits with matching camo for Germans?
when you pay goy
>call eva members niggers during event
>"the helpers will love this"
>game crashes minutes later
lol evaniggers
I can't change the face of my gold order soldiers anymore, when was that added?
Yeah eva seems to have been filtering out non-onions drinkers for some time
Birthday leaks apparently
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>another shitty ppd variant
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Unless this is BR1 or another APC, I don't see why I would use this.
I'd love it if they'd stop pretending they give a shit about historical accuracy in the slightest.

>bf1942 with its secret weapons expac
Assault with jump jet and mp40 was the shit. Ironically enough I also spent tons of time riflenading fags in that.
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>Germany get a second event APC
>Still no Japanese and Soviet event APC
hyper mobile howitzer is an interesting niche at least
those are ppshs
where did anyone say its an apc
Oh wait, it's not the Sd.Kfz. 251/9 from the previous event (with another camo)
It's a Sd.Kfz. 234/3.
Sory i'm retarded.
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How can I be sure that my Tank Commander in the main menu will stay in the Tank Commander seat in battle ?
Right now my commander keep taking the driver seat in battle (and then the guy who take the commander seat don't have the binoculars i want him to have).

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