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Previous thread: >>501132052

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
[000] The Priest of La Manchaland Gregor

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
Target Extraction: [ Rodion ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Mommy? MOMMY?
>Heart tattoo not visible
It's gonna be shit.
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Bring me the Book of Vengeance. Bring me every anon that doubted.
There might be LORE implications...
This is going to be one of those things that we retroactively look back and be like "ooohhhh" when we get her second canto and they actually explain the tattoo
>Pattern fags thinking the season will end without Rodycinea
>People thinking she’s a 00 ID with Gregor
>People thinking it was a farm watch situation
Please let the rodyaniggers finally shutup.
bro that's a shadow from the mask
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It's time
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>>Pattern fags thinking the season will end without Rodycinea
Pattern gods literally predicted this. Humble yourself.
La Manchaland Don Quixote theme:
>rodion is outis and greg's mom now
Uh, based?
So is she coming tomorrow or next week?
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I never doubted for a second.
this adds many fun layers to the rodya/greg posters
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>Everyone was wrong about the seasonal ID pattern
>But because they are right, it's entirely possible this season is going to be even longer than the last and we're just going to get more seasonal IDs
Trailer at the end of the week, kit at the start of next week, added to the game a few days later.
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Next week thursday
Or wednesday if you're not in korea I guess
Skills showcase this week on friday. Release next week. They not going to change anything just because there ino content.
Do zoomers not know what an actual mommy character looks like?
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Seeing a Dulcinea actually smiling is pretty weird bros
But I want it now...
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Alright, you got your Dulcinea Rodion. NOW EAT YOUR HECKIN HEMOBARS, YOU CHUDS.
>Firefist Office
>Don Quixote (Real ID)
>Jia Sexchun and Wei
Yup, everyone gets a seasonal id this canto
>>Everyone was wrong about the seasonal ID pattern
No everyone pointed out that we always get the same amount of canto IDs and that the only time they do solo banners is for the main sinner's ID and K Corp Hong Lu that one time, because Yi Sang got his ID early, so there had to be a reason we were -1 and Gregor had a solo banner.
It was the unwashed masses trying to mock the patternGODs by implying every week without Dulcirodya was proof they were wrong.
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She's quite literally a mother of 2 in that id
Anon she's literally a mother of 2
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I expect a sincere and lengthy apology from all naysayers.
she's literally a mother in this ID you dumbass old man
Great, now Rodya will mog all the bloodfeast for herself like the fat girl she is and leave none to outis and greg...
>cleavage partially censored
its... over...
7 story IDs total, we just had one 00 replaced with a 000. Easy pattern to recognize.
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So? Those tits are HUGE
Take your Daily Dose
the uptie art will have full frontal nudity, don't worry
>Patterntards BTFO when they previously crowed about how we only get 5 Story 000s
>a-actually the pattern was different all along! I'm not owned!
Scarecrow duty. Now.
could have been MUCH worse
KK Rodya found dead in a gutter
What is chud yapping about :skull:
Gregor doesn't need bloodfeast as much as Outis. Now if she is slower than Outis, yeah that's 100% means no scissor blades for you.
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just by looking at how ugly this is i can tell it's futashit
We’re literally getting 5 story 000s for the first time. Event IDs are different, and we always get 2 event 000s every season since season 2.

I think the only ones who didn’t understand the pattern are the ones who didn’t understand why Gregor lacked a 00.
Unfortunately it's not.
recalibrate your sensors, she's giving someone (me) a titjob
It's funny how forcing lips on anime characters almost always downgrade them.
using this for free with superbia is gonna be fucking great
What’s her problem?
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Looking for the faustchuds who were delusional enough to still believe that it'll go to her because ''it fits'', are you ready to post your flying dogeza video?
Thank you doctor.
Is this coming this week or next week?
>One of the strongest families out there
>Make a 2nd Kindred
>She refuses to make her own children, cutting my lineage in HALF
>If I make a 3rd Kindred Cain will come and annihilate me
I would be so mad
early next week my precious little newdante
next week on the 14th
There is no fucking way people actually truly believed this. We literally saw Rodion in Outis' barber uptie story.
There were many posts about it.
There was at least one retard who genuinely believed that from what I've gathered these past few threads
I'm not a newclock.... i just forgot....
Thank you
>no fucking way people actually truly believed this
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>princess rodion coming out on my birthday
I won
next week, trailer on friday
enjoy election day and the chaos, then trailer, then Dulcinea, then get ready for the anniversary stream
are you talking about the posts yesterday? that was a discussion specifically about who fit the character better thematically, not who was getting the ID
There were posts about this the moment Outis released
Not just yesterday no, it has been a thing for a few weeks.
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>5k hearts in less than 30 minutes
>that anon who said Dulcinea was going to be another Farmwatch.
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IT should've been HER (this is a falseflag)
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And how can you be sure those weren't falseflags too? I refuse to believe that this genuine retardation actually exists. Nobody is that fucking stupid. At least give me some semblance of faith that the fans of this series have basic comprehension skills.
And now I can rest easy for the next 2 months or so until they release Doncho
>2 months
Bwo did you forget how long erlking took...
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>Nobody is that fucking stupid
They're Faustfags, of course they're stupid.
>this is a falseflag
Or is it....
>I refuse to believe that this genuine retardation actually exists
Remember Erlking naysayer? Yeah. You can't even comprehend where irony ends and mental retardation begins.
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The way her red eyes are piercing through the shadows with a lusty expression makes me feel some kind of way down in my nether regions
I NEED her to bleed me dry
Even if these posts were falseflags you should realize that this retardation does in fact exist
they'll announce her during the anniversary stream
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>Nobody is that fucking stupid
this is /lcg/
I'm so glad she doesn't have that shitty whore tattoo.
How long did it take?
Anon, 90% of people don't read uptie stories. They uptie, skip the cutscene, and collect their free lunacy
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>that anon who said she wasn't special
Something about this ID bothered me, and I just now realized that it’s because Rodya looks so slender. She usually feels like she’s got broader shoulders, but here she actually looks pretty ladylike.
Is there such a thing as gacha fatigue?
>didn’t really enjoy Don’s canto, thought it was kind of boring
>expected the Quixote fight to be really hard, only lost once then immediately got it on the next try
>no real hype during gallop on together
>can barely bring myself to do dailies
Is it possible I’m just falling out of love with Limbus? I’m just incredibly bored of the gameplay.
not everybody rolled barber outis, anon
some people are too poor for the battle pass
This was foreshadowed in Outis' uptie story where she explains she lost weight, actually.
there were retards that genuinely believed that was a bug
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Starting from the beginning of the season Wild Hunt's release took 147 days.
She became another Wild Hunt Heathcliff, and it didn't even take her 6 months. Amazing, isn't it?
Yeah just drop it then, you don't have to ask us for permission
why does the presidential election matter when I'm getting Dulcion. Fuck those two cunts they are both awful people anyways.
Donbros... we are not getting anything anytime soon...
T-that's only like...about 5 months, I'll be fine!
She's always been pretty and ladylike
It's just that she hasn't had any IDs that've helped accentuate her womanly charms
Heath got an EGO and a 00 ID before Erlking
Don will probably get some stuff to catch up later in the season as she still on has 9 IDs while everyone else has 10/11
>too poor for the pass
it's ten fucking dollars
Wild Hunt Heath was after Murder on the Warp Express. So if it's going to be similar to that we'll have to wait at least two intervallos before the Doncho ID. There's also the new MD they need to release, the collab which will probably take up their time, and we don't even have a road map. It's going to be a while bro.
whose gonna win?
Believe. We got Captain Ish and spicesang very early
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Ain't be me as Faustfan
She might get some stuff from Walpipi as all she got was a 00 ID from the Lobotomy side of things
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Bloodfiends won
Fangjobbers lost
000 FangjobberHeathcliff never ever
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>the collab which will probably take up their time
It's the fucking Mili concert broski, that won't impact Limbus
Please be understanding with the SEAmonkeys in the threads, they need to starve for a week to afford the battlepass.
I just really want to stick with it, but I think the gacha format is fucking it for me. I had so much fun with Ruina and the deck building and the lore, but Limbus is just feeling really boring to me. I’ve tried almost every theme team, challenge MDs with just 00, etc
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Don at least has to get SOMETHING sometime soon, they can't possibly make her wait another 3-4 months when she's already only at 4 000s when some sinners are already pushing 6.
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If we are getting a surprise 00 Cassette tape ID along with Dulcinea ID, who should get it? Iirc, Yisang, and Heath are the only male sinners who didn't get any IDs this season.
probably a non-canto 00
Unironically Sinclair
I know that and I fully believe Monzo and half the staff will be kicked out of the office and used as slave labor to prepare the concert hall. No update week when that happens.
Heath, because that means Rodion is molesting him, and that means Cathy is being cucked once again.
I’ve had some weeks where I felt like I couldn’t bother with dailies and weeklies, but it comes and goes. New content helps revive the drive for me, stuff I can tinker with like IDs if not full-on story chapters or events. You might as well just skip your dailies and only do MDR once a week with all bonuses if you don’t intend to quit, and just run on low power mode until you regain your enthusiasm.
Heathcliff make it so that his reason for escaping is to return to Wuthering Heights and meet Cashy
kino, approved
They'll genderbend Cassette and give it to Ishmael
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She isn't in the eyes of her daddy : ^)
I can see it
It’s content that you can look up even on YouTube, if you’re not aware of the wiki that transcripts the dialogue from the uptie stories.
Mahou Shoujo Don Walpipi 000 in a month
>the futaposting about Dulcinea
Does that mean… Rodya…
IF there is a surprise 00 alongside dulci and it's him I hope it's Heath, Yi Sang already has ring for bleed.
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Who's more pathetic, Cassetti or Linton?
Yes anon
We've known this since release
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everything else is pretty normal, but no hype for gallop on is not, maybe you should drop
>Least special character
>Get's least favorite daughter ID
Fits like pottery honestly.
K Corp Hong Lu released alongside Talisman Sinclair
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Oh, I like this. Yisang already has a broken bleed ID, so giving him 00 would be "point'less
Linton went with it till the very end not caring about the consequences, even killing himself for his beloved
Yeah he was a pathetic cuck, but he didn't run away literally a week before the plan came to an end
would her even having the tattoo make sense?
would she have been stuck in a commie block in this mirror world?
Cassetti was the ONLY bloodfiend who managed to escape the endless hell that was LML. While he ended up getting turned into paste, his last few (days? months? years? warp train moment) were spent absolutely gorging himself on blood. Literally the only reason he lost was bad RNG on his behalf. He unquestionably had a much better final chapter than doughboy mcCuck linton
Take your pills and stop coughing Linton I can barely understand
maybe before getting turned into a bloodfiend
0-3 Rodulcinea sucks.
5-9 Rodulcinea is great.
4 I delete my account and don’t recover it.
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Let's see
>spends his whole life simping for one woman pining for her black bull
>turns himself into goo in the end
>said woman he did this for still doesn't give a shit

>sixth kindred of a powerful family of bloodfiends
>handsome enough to be placed alongside dulcinea's beauty
>escapes la manchaland out of his own volition, which not even the bloodfiend trio could do
>hijacks an entire WARP train for his personal banquet
>takes qt3.14 tomboy fixer as his first woman
>was about to outmaneuver the sinners and probably backstab them if it weren't that rociante-ex-machina out of nowhere
Cassetti? More like CHADsetti. Don't you mention that cuck lemon's name alongside our rightful prince ever again.
>Gets favorite of the entire park ID
Street goes both ways
I would prefer Hong just for the fashion alone. But they gave him Fanghunter.
>Yisang and Heath
New bleed ID for Heath would be nice. The only one he has RN is Nagel.
Linton, as pathetic as he is, His love is genuine and never give up despite the harsh reality. Had he respecting Catherine's wish is why Heathcliff could meet Catherine once more.

But Cassetti? his life is shit, then he run because of his primal instinct
>Bloodfiend trio didnt attempt to escape
>Gets into a train he doesnt understand the workings off.
>Genuinely no idea what the fuck he is doing. Got lucky then unlucky
bro your whaler?
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00. Not 000.
>Super cuck
>learn english, retard.
The best way to wake up.
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Would his ID count as a seasonal? He's from last the Intervallo, he's not a character featured this Canto
This is ignoring how Burn STILL doesn't have SHIT
Linton. Cass was vibing on the train until time niggers decided he had enough fun. Gooboy was forever in the cuckchair.
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>forgetting Cassetti ran away from this
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So we're doing 4 000s now huh, not counting the final id. That's nice to see going forward, at least 5 sinners will get canto 000s which is almost half the cast. They need to do something about variety though, if outis and especially greg gets another 000 seasonal next canto I'm going to fucking jump on the director.
Firefist Intervallo soon
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Like rupture, director fears burn supremacy and purposely stalls it.
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>Of course it's excellent! Ha ha! Because this mask was crafted by none other than the great and the eminent Barber, whose name I dare not even speak! But… but it hurts so much…!
This is your prince, Cassettikeks?
You already know he will.
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How does Burn mirror Rupture in any conceivable way?
cassetti at least escaped and tried to start a new life, only failing because he just so happened to run into his one other grand grandma and pissed her off
meanwhile linton lived a fake marriage and killed himself while coping about how he wasn't a cuck
He probably just forgot about burnkeks
>pattern gets broken
>immediately assume this is the new pattern
you need to stop assuming this goofy as dev team does anything other than act on vibes
>So we're doing 4 000s now huh
I wouldn't expect this to be a new standard, they're just willing to change their format to slot in more 000s if the characters are more important. They already did it by bringing Yi Sang's 000 forward when he had no good IDs.
Burn doesn't even have 1% of Rupture's potential
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Their relationship was solely platonic and professional.
Also Dulcinea is totally a dead fish in bed
Less so than assuming a pattern next canto scaling down in comparison would just be a disappointment, so I am expecting and hoping that it will be kept.
>"Fucking cunt, Heathcliff! *cough*

Yeah... He couldn't cope with it; one says because his hatred to Heathcliff and his love to Catherine colliding. until Heathcliff come with her diary, then he proceeds to Ferment himself
Sancho, Priest, Barber/Dulcinea, Lobshu, Ringsang or Rcorp Meursault (for WAW)
Do you enjoy modern bleed teams?
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Nicolina is scary
Season 1 was 5 Story 000s and 1 Event 000, Season 2 throughout 4 were 4 Story 000s and 2 Event 000s respectively, but Walpurgisnacht had extra IDs
I am smelling either a pattern break, or an EGO only Intervallo, probably or Christmas
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>Their relationship was solely platonic and professional.
>Finds herself a new boytoy that looks exactly like Cassetti as soon as he left
Yep she was pegging him everyday and night
Scary how cute she is. I would smooch her forehead.
You'd take Ringsang over Rsault because Ringsang's just nutty
The resources you could spent on Meursault's EGO would be better used on other EGOs from Sinners whose IDs are far better for the status
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Rodya didn't get dumpstered?
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Expectations for kit?
looking at Dulcinea's fight she'll probably have Blooming Thorn as the 10-20-30 buff thing like the other 2 do with finale being the S3 AOE skill.
She also probably won't do much damage outside of her S3 and will probably do a lot of ally buffing. I also have a hunch she'll have a clashable counter.
>dulcinea randomly inflicts some rupture alongside her bleed
rupture too i guess...?
So... this general Rodion target extraction was a trap all along...
I honestly think you might forfeit Barber id Simply for Meurs EGOs. He has a lot more utility and Sancho will absolutely be a damage-beast
>ever pulling on general target extractions
Don't worry anon they still have time to fuck her kit up
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Watch as we get Rodion Dulcinea's ID story and it turns out she considers Cassetti nothing more than pure vermin
I want a good ID for Rodion's WAW EGO but I also want Rodioids to suffer
NTA, but this could be the case depending on how the other bloodfiends will end up being. Barber herself is quite bloodfeast hungry, and kind of useless if she doesn't get it. If bloodfeast ends up being more valuable on Dulci and Sancho she might just get kicked off the team which is funny.
I have the idea for.
For focus and for unfocused.
R salt, both rings, N faust, Lob ryoshu, Dulcina for focused since you have sanguine desires and high count inflict to set up and kill with.
In scramble fights go.
Ring sang, bloodfiend Rodya, Greg, Outis, sancho and Rsault (or lob ryoshu for awe) for ego spam in wild fights their attack weights will have more value.
Goal now be to drink up for ramp up and large bleed damage procs is just if it happens it happens
>eratohok creator is ranting about turning the sinners into whores
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This thread is full of Pausabilities
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How the fuck did a six gen shitter get the "prince of the Parade" gig alongside a Second Gen Goddess, anyway?
I expect the Uptie Story to not mention him at all or only in passing, who the fuck gives a shit about the Casetti jobber
>But Anon he fought with the sinners for a long time
Yeah, cause he was in a Warp Train otherwise he would've gotten washed after the first time
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You're LATE.
I did it for Don before her canto because I had only one 00 of her and that was Lantern and I don't regret it. I got Tremor Corp out of it and some 00 as flavour
Cassette is a faggot
I will pass on Outis and Gregor in china dress too.
The pattern is all about finding what’s consistent and removing what isn’t. Rather than the pattern having been broken, it was just reorganized from 4 000s and 3 00s related to the canto to just being 7 canto-related IDs in total.
Same way Dulcinea did, he got picked cause he was handsome.
Who cares about some degen's headcanon?
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>page 1
hmm Nyo
Yeah i agree, her support passive is also good so its not that big of a waste.
Sancho will probably suck up hundreds of bloodfeast
patternfags are so pathetic
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How well does this describe /lcg/ in a nutshell?
My guess is a buffing S1 and defense skill, set up S2, and AOE S3. She might actually have decent count since crazy potency would be broken with Sanguine Desire's doubling effect.
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Faust/Carmen/Angela babs whenever they get uppity.
Probably will be focused on building up her Thorn stacks for permanent buffs while also having Festive Fever as the resource she spends on enhancing her abilities
Her S3 will probably be something akin to The Finale at higher Festive Fever stacks
Not sure about her other skills. Aside from her ally targeting attacks, she only has 'Beckon the Audience Hither' which will probably be her S1, then her only other skill besides her big finishing ones is 'Parade of Wonders' which also is a big AoE attack but not as strong as 'The Parade Repeats for Eternity' or 'The Finale'
They might even just have her be able to stack Thorns on everyone and get buffs based on the total sum of Thorns on allies
Or if they want to get REALLY stupid, make her S2 have weight 2 which can be increased through conditionals and S3 have weight 3 which can further get increased as well
Nothing but AoE and bleed application
1 bleed potency on all her skills so that you get a whole 2 bleed after using Sanguine Desire
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That would still be +2 bleed on every infliction with Hex nail btw
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How well does this describe /lcg/ in a nutshell?
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But why did Papa Don asked her to help with the hemobars
As Gregor had both Ailing Heart and Bloodied Hand, Rodya will likely also retain both of Dulcinea’s statuses.

Dulcinea didn’t have any skill that granted Festive Fever to allies, unlike with Blooming Thorn, but she did have a passive that granted it to allies every turn after a phase change. So it’s possible that Rodya will end up being able to buff allies with both statuses.
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nah what he is complaining is, it's okay for characters like Honglu and Shitclair to get "slutty"/"feminine" looking IDs and egos but female sinners never get those kinds of IDs.
Imo, Sinclair I guess can be argued for that Molar Boat ID I just remembered now, but that's like the only ID that is revealing. Honglu doesn't really have a "slutty" ID so I don't get why he is mad.
He also says this is due to Limbus being targeted at a "worldwide audience" which means woke sjw in Japanese lingo.
>Two EGOs one of which is a WAW to inflict 3 bleed per skill
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sinners for this feel
So uh, what was the purpose of this massive update?
Rodion has big milkies though what's the issue?
>He also says this is due to Limbus being targeted at a "worldwide audience" which means woke sjw in Japanese lingo.
"Western" woke sjw to be specific
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he sounds like a retard
who is he and why should we care what he has to say
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lcg try not to obsess over literal who opinions challenge
I think he wasn't satisfied with the level of booba Rodya got in this teaser. Btw, I don't agree with him one bit. I don't think PM is pandering to "worldwide audience" as he puts it, PM is just doing what they want.
Some Touhou gooner
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sinner for this feel
we souldn't, but you're still gonna get mad anyway
some eroge creator that isn't of any relevance to normal people.
She is handyman of La Mancha. So they likely tried bunch of different methods before creating hemobars.
Another one mindbroken by GODclair
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Feel this sinner
i've never been mad in my entire life
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what a retard
anon? Your roseate desire honglu?
Rodion is Don Quixote's (Sancho)'s sister.
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I also never doubted. However, I do doubt Dulci Rodya has a place on my bleed team. That, we shall see.
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Not only is she real but her tits are front and center in her art, not hidden in the slightest
I'm sorry I doubted you Director
They put multicrack in the seasonal box, we always had as many "slots" as needed.
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RodionGODS won.
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>Rodion's the first undisputable milf amongst the Sinners
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is she actually showing off her vagina bones
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>gives you 1 power up
>gives you 2 protection
Here's your kit bro.
don would never say this
On use buffs like G outis, extra buff for bloodfiends, unfortunately somehow gonna be a tank ID cuz rodya so +0 nat offensive, clashable counter unbreakable coin
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>8k hearts in an hours
They sure love her tits huh
Don would literally say this
>Woman with tits out
>Waves of fans gather
What a shock
She is the most beautiful after all.
I'm expecting a supporting role but that's why I don't think it's going to be top tier, just a good ID like gregor/outis. In fact, I'm thinking it might be a bit lower on the damage.
>be a tank ID cuz rodya
her only tank id is dieci what the fuck are you saying
Dieci Rodya tanks so well that people think Rodion's a designated tank ID getting like Meursault
The PM logo looks like the Megalia symbol if you rotate it and look at it crosseyed
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I have no clue (nor do I care) for whoever this e-celeb cuck is, all that should matter is that we're getting a new ID that's gonna look not only cute, but another Bloodfiend powerhouse til we get the Sancho ID, of course.
Rodion isn't Meursault bwo
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Mother Russia won.
Director will Farmwatch Sancho, trust me I'm from the future.
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Now that El Director witnessed how strong breasts are it's only a matter of time until Sayomael becomes real
>breast size
>toenail shape
can you losers just go watch porn already?
Rape victim post
I felt hype thoughout the whole Canto, but not the same emotional high as other anons (though I had to be mindful of people sleeping). If you're feeling this way just play less or drop it. You'll know how much you actually care (or don't) care then.
Can you please travel a bit further back in time so that we can get it via butterfly effect? Thanks.
No, it's called having taste.
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Dulci love?
what makes you think i'm not already doing that
Nigger cattle slave
5 Months to perfect Bloodfiend mechanics and make Sancho work better with her WAW.
Bleed is now where Sinking was 6 months ago as in, the status effect only works because of a single EGO and is unusable dogshit otherwise.
>5 months
Even if next Canto is delayed it won't be by +4 months like last time.
Possibly. I just made a pit stop on the way back to convince the director to replace Meursault (the traitor) with Quasimodo the hunchback.
ooga booga go back to north africa and stay there
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Dulcidya LOVE!!!!
Fat fucking titties bring people together
works for me though.
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Anyone wanna did up my quote that all the Bloodfiend ids would be 000 while (hong lu was just released) any future human ids would be 00?
I'm half right because we didn't receive any human ids!
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Why not discuss?
Bro. It's November.
Do you actually play bleed
I think Sayo animations fucking sucks. The only reason why I'm aganist her. Well besides
>fIsh id
Sinclair. But I'd be partial to Heathcliff or Meursault (the latter for the WAW)
Sorry bwos I just woke up
99% of Bleed's damage comes from the IDs inflicting it being god tier, and not from Bleed itself.
That's not true
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Please do not be rude to the Princess of the Parade!
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Alright, so then who's getting him?
They masked the tattoo because it doesn't fit the elegant lady role she's supposed to play.
It gets revealed only during sweaty babymaking sessions with her.
Why is there so much art for her and Dante?
She's literally a character created to job from early game ruina that people only remember because her breasts are hanging out, so it does make sense that her animations are on par for her relevance.
Heathcliff (pre canto 6)
>Must return to Cashyyyyy blood blood
>Why did I leave my familia? For Blood? need Blood Blood Blood!
Why the fuck did Meursault get mircalla even? He could have gotten the priest ID instead of the Cinq
Instead the player gets stuck with Rsault if they want to use the new WaW
>Why is there so much art of the girl who saved Dante and keeps getting closer to him
What Mirror World are you from, anony?
That's the same artist, isn't it?
>He could have gotten the priest ID instead of the Cinq
This would be especially funny given his book.
Meurzoomer should've been a 00 considering how hard Cinq jobbed.
bro your nsault?
Sure. But you probably want something better for Kurokumo outside of eyecandy.
so you do have your sanguine desire and rodya hex nail at ut4, right? you weren't some retard who thought the dulcinea id was never happening, right?
Ye that's why I said it
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Hey, Ink Over was a good card in early bleed and singleton decks.
Nah, battle ready is great
Should've given the 000 to the Firewatch fixer.
I think Mirrors of possibility goes into the most extreme of probabilities.
For example, there could be the genetic makeup and life experiences that a "Gregor" could exist during the Machine Purge of the city and thus become the Priest of La Mancha Land. Same thing with the other bloodfiend IDs.
So you can in fact have sinners with IDs where they're 2000+ years older or part of organizations that don't exist anymore or never existed in this timeline (I.E. Bookhunters Association 13)
Yi Sang
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>that people only remember because her breasts are hanging out
Her Bleed application was extremely strong. So strong that they had nerf bleed after because people could just cheese most fights with kurokumo passives and cards
I doubt it’ll be that long, I feel like Healthcliff only took so long is because they were trying to figure out how to make him work. Like literally how to program his shit.
I liked her card that boosted slash power
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>Flees La Manchaland to become the ruler of his own kingdom
>Would have the mark
>Is a prince
Still at level 30
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>no double 000 Dulci-Sancho banner
>Donqui is getting the Ahab/Wild Hunt treatment despite having had no IDs since T Corp (June)
>priest was a twig
>let's give his ID to the widest sinner
>Would have the mark
Faust/Heathcliff/Don are the ones that should get something soon right?
Alright, Ishmael was a random La Manchaland mook. Next question.
She might get an intervallo 00 like Heath lol
Damn I'd fuck the shit out of corroded sunshower Outis, never saw her sprite before
>images that are no longer canon
>got groomed by a busty lady
Me, hopefully
>barber was sexy
>let's give her id to the ugliest sinner
this actually happened
not him but I wouldn't mind seeing more "useless" aka. niche 00s. I like more art and I like more choices. It's more work for PM but they've had 6 months to work on this, I want more.
>Bloodbag Ishmael
She truly was an Ishmeal...
she's getting the Queen of Hatred 000 durnign walpingas
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>Greg / Rodya now counts as incest
another 00 id to sinclair on the dulcinea banner
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>Greg / Rodya now counts as incest
Hot and based
You hate to see it. Queen of hatred is boring!
Name one sinner who'd match Barber's aura better than Outis.
Lets goooo, I am so back, Dulcion finally here
Anon an id being 00 or 000 only matters on whether they would be Green, Blue, Purple, or Gold tier in Library of Ruina.

0 Green-Blue (Generic enemies are Green, Sinners are Bkue)
00 (Every named enemy we fight, Sinners based off these IDs)
000 (Every Boss or miniboss, every Sinner ID based on them)

It's not that complex, all named Bloodfiends are 000 tier.
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Holy sex
Thank you for reminding me that I hate these /egg/ traitors who can't do shit right.
Yearning on rsault is great though, now he can stack bleed potency by himself if he needs to
>look on PM xitter
>"Sancho is a trans woman because she was depressed and aloof and has no tits and tried to off herself!"
Why do we have to share a fandom with these people?
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I was curious so I looked it up, holy kekeroni this is comedy gold. And to think he made this post BECAUSE he was disappointed with the new Rodya ID.
Liu East will save us, trust.
why do I have to share these threads with faggots like you who bring you faggot twitter drama here to shitpost anonymously about because you're too scared to call them a faggot on twitter, faggot?
Ishmael, because taking care of hair that long can't be easy.
Don has 9 total. The only one who was on part with her was Gregor, but he got the Priest.
Since they got content from intervalos and last season. 100%. Rip Sinclair.
Sinclair is a canon sissy bottom bitch junior though. Instead of Mt. Tai he only sees Mt. cock (Dante).
>Sancho gets the farmwatch treatment
I hate my life
>unironically what it might be
but my proto-Yan....
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sinners for this feel
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>Dulcinea will never be your clingy mom
Why even live
Just hit me. Something about the ID roll out feels strange. Are we lacking in 00? What's with all the 000?
Nah, he's canonically a MILFHunter in his book. He got rock fucking hard when he heard Don was actually 200 years old.
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>X will get the farmwatch treatmnet
Doomsissies nerver learn
>3 twitter (you)'s
wow so he really is a complete literal who. why was this brought up at all?
Rodion desu
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they were all suffering its not like they fighting each other for the spot + he was the sacrifice so that grandma would molest him instead of them
If you look at any other Gacha ever its basically always like this. I also thought its weird but its actually normal for these
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˙ɟlǝsɹnoʎ ƃuillidʞɔɐlq oN
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What do you mean, we got this awesome, totally viable rupture 00 this season!
But he's actually right though
Prostitute IDs would both be logical given the setting AND incredibly hot
Noticed that as well
Usually it's along the line of she's trans and lesbian with bari (???)

why are so many delusional fans trying to make characters trans AND lesbian, I don't really care for nor hate trans people but this is a recurrent thing I see in many fandoms
>Eratohok creator
Is that fag even making any era content anymore. I thought K hasn't gotten updates in forever.
>erathok author
Eratw better.
okay true I wouldn't mind Rodion Barber and Faust Dulcinea
>Are we lacking in 00?
Yeah. They swapped it for another 000. Since major La Macnha bloodfiends can't be 00. Last season we had 3 00 and 3 000. Now it's only 1 00 It's actually 2, but fuck if I'm going to pretend that Zwei West was seasonal ID.
Why would he play Limbus of all games? PM has always been politically correct with very little sexual fanservice, even to the character names and designs. Dante is literally a they/them.
Sex exists in the city (check the text in Myo's hat)
>why was this brought up at all?
/lcg/ loves bringing up twitter literal whos. The post right above him is bringing up ANOTHER literal who. It's free (You)s.
>xitter drama
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I wonder what the technological history of The City looks like, given what we saw during Don's flashbacks from like 200 years ago things like Bari's fancy compound bow is a thing and the mentioned war with the machines. I imagine something along the lines like the Dark age of Technology in 40k where things were at a peak and then stagnated or just straight regressed and what we're seeing now is the catch up point.
For a couple of seasons now the amount of 00s we get has been decreasing, and this canto is following suit.
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Going to be real with you he's really dogshit BUT

His support passives saved my ass during canto 7 especially against Dulcinea and the trio so he still has some uses
About to drop a DEMON image that will be spammed here until the end of time
Reminder that Rodicinea will be full rupture and have no bleed
She will have 0 ways of charging his passives and status and still won't be able to use Red Shoes
>massive showing of unabashed nihility
Honestly, that perfectly summarizes what La Manchaland devolved into.
Her S3 will probably be based on "the aprade continues" and "the finale" skills scaling up with her Thorns.
Her s1 and s2 will be standard combat skills that possibly build in her team buffs based off gluttony/lust resonance. Her s3 will probably be envy based. (Wrath unique to Barber, Pride tp Priest, Envy to Dulcinea) Thus I assume that Sancho will probably have Sloth or Gloom as her unique sin to represent her inaction in regards to the family or disposition with the current state of affairs.
Then who gives a shit about him. I might care about his opinion if he made EraPM
>Dante is literally a they/them.
On english version (non-canon). Korean has no pronouns so any pronoun is non-canon until further notice.
As long as Faust doesn't mention pronouns they are simply not correct.
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it's over, cashy
That's bullshit but I'll believe it.
bet this post will upset some people
>whole bus was turned into dosukebe slut bitch gyaru tour bus
None of you would actually want this, right?
She'll have Gluttony because Rodya is a fat fuck.
His support is incredibly good in this canto and will remain in every bleed battle
What is whorish about a giant fluffy dress?
which one is the game where the ntr merchant demands to rape your 2hu wife and if you refuse he kidnaps her and the game slams 300 lines of ntr rape in your face
100% factual post, chudcels seething.
The fuck is eratohok?
It upset me because there are people who actually think like that
Weird how no one has just asked Dante to touch his dick (if he has one) to confirm his gender
he does have 15k following due to poorly animated 3d porn
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I am filled with hopium for the Doncho ID. We WILL get Sancho. We WILL get to see her in the uniform. And we WILL have the ultimate bleed team.
People in general fucking love drama. That’s why youtubefags can create drama commentary channels and get hundreds of thousands of views.
/lcg/ is people, people love drama
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obviously not, although i am tempted to reply in the affirmative as a little silly jokey joke between me and my pals on 4channel dot org
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Me too, bwos.

I'm so tired with such forced non-sense....
I wish someone did that
Or at least added Pm characters to eramegaten. Aah....
<Jesus shuck! You scared me, Faust.>
>why was this brought up at all?
/lcg/ is infested with vtuberfags who gossip like 15 year old highschool students. it's pathetic.
I could get behind Gyaru Company
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>retards farming reactions on election day
Porn game in an old ass text based engine where you conquer the 2hu universe map while raping or romancing 2hus along the way.
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Where is Rodya boob tattoo Project Moon I can't see it in the teaser art
I see nothing wrong with getting a meow id
Honestly this. Male sinners included.
It's actually kind of a nice design. I will expect it in the future for Burn.
no vtuber was mentionned before you brought it up though
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true that
Gyaru males are NTR LORDs though...
I can't be bothered repeating my analysis, so look here >>501166945
fairly sure this general has last origin rejects, /bag/gots, /nikg/gers, and /fgo/ts so it's not impossible
It's sad how this guy jobbed. This design would have been a great early Library office fight.
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This is just a thing that happens on this website in general. Retards go looking through Twitter and Reddit to find things to get angry about, then drag it back here looking for an echo chamber to share in their anger.
>fAith chads once again rewarded
How do you people keep doubting? After all this time?
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I give replies to twitter screencaps so that they get their (you)s and continue to shit up these threads.
Sinclair will magically have a 25cm cock to prevent cuck posts
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Save the burn status Firefist…
It's right where it usually is, the colours are more washed out than normal
>I wish someone did that
Learn to code in era, make it yourself. Sadly that's the only way to get Era content you specifically want.
>he is unaware
Shit opinion, but still would play if he made EraPM or EraLCB
You now remember that the greater PM community had a literal trannyfaggot fundraiser earlier this year and the only one who stood against them was /ourguy/ Zet.
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But I want slutty vampire mommy, not elegant lady
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Fire Fist SAVED his big sis and is IMPREGNATING her as we speak
Thank you bwos
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sinner for this feel
Post the fire punch cathy image
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>teeny tiny bulge
These traitors only works on eraMegaten while the best game for training, EraTohoYMAEM, is forgotten.
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So Bari ended up having even more sex than Moses right?
>Firefist Office ID
>Inflicts burn on self
>Heals by burn on self * 2(3 when below 40% HP) at turn end, before burn ticks
>Inflicts burn on self / 2 on enemies
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wish i had the time. plus i'm a terrible writer so even if i could code in era i'd be very displeased by my own stories.
Will DINGDONG ever be topped?
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It was so clear all along...
A self burn heal tank?
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thank you, I'm still proud of it
I also don't see it, it might be covered by her sleeve but it also might not be there.
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he RAN
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never forget that 2huGAWDZ rule this board, gookcel gachaslaves
anon... look up through a few archived threads. Like 2 whole threads were wasted on some vtumor stream... because Heath VA appeared as a guest
Dongrang... you fucking TRAITOR
this picture is bloodfiendphobic
>PM community ballooning rapidly
How long until we have a Hoyomoment?
What does that mean
He looks a bit too generic. Even the fire fist isn't that interesting.
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>TFW you're too subtle against something and people react in a different direction.
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My HEROES would never support Megalia
go take your pills, NOW
Shut up or I'll ROMANCE and IMPREGNATE your favorite 2hu in EraTW
I don't watch anime. Sorry.
Unless you mean something very specific then we already had most of their stuff
I hope they interview another sinner's VA and/or collab with dogrector
Kjh stabbing attempt
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i like the one where Yuuka is a fat titty slut that goes around getting fucked by everything
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Nice thread, Limbabs
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Retard accidentally posted his captcha code
Today I will remind them off the time we got famous
thank you female au ra from final fantasy 14
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What am I supposed to do here, just eat the damage?
>I don't hate trannies
You're part of the problem.
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>sancho always being in the same room as these two specifically prevents the logical progression of "don bangs the shit out of bari"
the HERO of her father's involuntary celibacy
What, its like 9 damage.
Yes, fuck you
>I don't hate trans people
You should
/lcg/ only likes flatties don't post big titty whores in my general
You can evade I believe
We liderally have had protesters show up at PMs headquarters with a parked out van and yell about Sinclair getting a sexier id than Ishmael during the crab event. They also got Vellmori fired for a tweet she liked 8 years ago on a private account not linked to her work in any way
Yeah you just eat it, it's not that bad. Or block, or evade.
Rape victim hands typed this
That's not Drake
Where's the evil lookin' albino bitch with a shitty haircut
>someone asks a question actually about the game
>immediately gets 400 you's from people desperate to discuss literally anything remotely on-topic
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Kankan will draw Dulcinea, Sansho and Don now. Right?
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just aim to destroy the flotsams it spawns next turn
trump will lose this election
>general was obsessing over dulcinea dulcis an hour ago
>Evading a 5 + 6
>believing Feminazi lies
lol, even director clarified no such threats happened. But please, do cry more in your own imagination-induced trauma
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it is funny to see people coping
>"yeah bro i totally believed dulci rodya would be a thing"
>"all those previous posts? just jokes"
Total Jeb Victory
i look like this and i say this
only because she'll save bleed, nobody even mentioned her tits anyway
I genuinely don't see why anyone would vote for Harris. Biden at least had the familiarity part of him, but Harris hasn't earned a single thing in her damn life.
How does it feel knowing that everything to happen to Roland and Vergilius was caused by a drunk shitposter wanting to play the piano in front of his friends?
>Rodion comes with Fanghunter Heathcliff 00
>That means Heath is Romero.
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i'm still drooling over them
*pulls you in for a kiss and spits you in the mouth with a huge glob of phlegm*
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Yeah I pretend to be retarded on the internet and then stop pretending once I'm proven wrong without a doubt. What about it?
How do we save burn?
I am friend with some of them, and really really don't care what someone else does with their own body desu

I'm just puzzled by the length at which some people will go to defend their strange headcanons on social media when there's absolutely nothing to support their shit
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don't care about twitterfags, go back granted that this is funny though, I guess culture war fags are to be found all over the globe
For some reason my team spend the rest of this battle paralyzed, so I had to spam ego in every clash.
Kill it's spine turn 1 and ignore the entire fight
Okay, but she'll be the evil sancho who never joined papa don and eventually rebelled against him. Are you okay with that?
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just take a break.
don't play the game for a month or two.
or only skip dailies if you wanna still somehow gain resources.
but you should definitely stop playing the game until the burnout goes away
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>nobody even mentioned her tits anyway
Blatantly false
I pointed out how huge her tits are and I'm still salivating over them
we don't really know enough about vergilus to say that definitively desu
honestly the only real impact that roland and the library had on vergil was that tommerry killed a bunch of his lil orphan guys. most of the other suffering in his life seems to be external to that.
Dog bless Israel
America second
Trump will take America in a new election by doing literally nothing just like last time
>I am friend with some of them, and really really don't care what someone else does with their own body desu
You're disgusting.
Literally who?
Women resonanted with how she fucked her way up to the top
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As long as we get her, I don't mind.
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But her tits are where the bleed damage is kept
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debilitating blow to trump
>enemy has a 5 + 1 + 1 coin unclashable attack
>it can be evaded, blocked, and tanked with ease
Get a grip
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don is definitely gonna get something soon.
heathcliff got both oufi and multicrack before wildhunt.
i really hope don atleast gets 2 Ids and/or EGOs
pic related
Amerimutts still posting like this when asked politely, I told you I think last thread, literally cannot help themselves.
imagine being a 4chan janitor during the next few days/weeks
can't say I pity them
it's one of his passives, you have to destroy it's spine to cease getting paralyzed every turn
I hate burgers and their retarded politics so fucking much Limbus Company sinners for this feel i love you goodbye
I hope Trump wins too many leftists on this thread rn
People vote for Harris because Trump is an unlikable retard that only appeals to rednecks and 14 year old boys who are yet to develop critical thinking (and the manchildren like them who never grow up)
There are two candidates so if you have a brain you have to vote Harris to avoid Trump getting elected regardless of what you think about her
Hope this helps!
Jannies deserve worse anyways
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Can you fuckers stop talking about your retarded election?
I couldn't imagine doing this shit for free.
post that image of him jumping like a retard
>I don't like this retard, so I'll vote for the bigger retard
Democracy was a mistake.
Limbus means boarder therefore limbus is a border company. Dante stands with Trump!
reddit spacing i had the misforturne to knew a trannie and i he was some of the worst people i ever know glad that his mother thought him as a mentally ill
Ishmael is an American sinner and Ishmael would vote for Chuddald Chump.
I bet $100 on the black woman because the rates were so absurd that it'd be silly not to
>implying its ameriGODS who post about our politics and not chronically online europoors that spend every waking of their lives thinking about america and wishing they were american
>it's one of his passives
I hope it was hidden during my first encounter, because otherwise I exposed myself as classic illiterate pm player.
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>game where literacy is a required skill
>general is filled with dogs from least literate country arguing about offtop stuff
Guess I'll WALK to the LOCAL PARK where I can lay down on a BENCH and bask in the noon SUNLIGHT without a single MINORITY in sight.
All bloodfiends have gluttony and lust anon. Envy is her unique sin, keep up.
Rodya will have gluttony on all 3 skills because she's just that gluttonous.
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cease this American politics faggotry. let us talk about dulcinea
I wish i was American beacuse at least i wouldnt need to have an excuse that America is the most important country in the world and can erase every contintent from the face of the planet if some retard takes rule
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Burgers distort again.
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I only trust a candidate who knows what the T stood for.
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She might be gluttony S1, envy S2, and lust S3, but I personally hope for lust S1, envy S2, and gluttony S3
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>Envy is her unique sin, keep up.
>Base ID has no Envy skills
>Base EGO is pride
I dunno about that one
It stands for Trump
It's time
Should I write in Sancho or Don Quixote?
Trans Rights?
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he's right tho?
ever since the SEA event. it's been easy to notice PM pandering to fujos with male sinner IDs being half naked and moaning.
while female sinners are basically covered up completely to the point that even a muslim in a hijab looks more nude lmao.
it's hilarious how anti-female sex prude the director is
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And para, which is kinda annoying, I guess.
standard issue ishmael post right here, fresh from the factory
He's talking about Dulcinea
>Posting this in Canto 7
>After Dulcinea Rodya reveal of all things
Thread is bad so mentioning a fanfic I like won't make it any worse: Yi Sang is an Idiot, Your Honor
To this day.... Not a single good post with Ishmael image attached to it was made.
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Biden was a democrat candidate, let that sink in. Americans are an absolute joke if these are the people they're choosing to lead their country. neither seems appealing so voting green or liberal would be less of a waste than engaging in this "us vs them" bullshit
there are "people" who vote for a confirmed pedophile, sexual abuser, conman, tax frauder, and literal criminal who is consistently wrong about pratically everything he says and that will fufill nothing off what he claims just to be edgy
trump only wants to get elected to implement policies that help his businesses and enrich him and his friends but I guess he is a man of the people because inflation unrelated to politics happened during bidens term
limbus company ishmael is american and sinclair would refuse to vote
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that seems obvious in hindsight. whoops.
>Bases his opinion on esoteric bullshit
>Despite having 2 bloodfiends with completely different conclusions
>replying to /lcg/'s local schizo attentionwhore
you never learn, limbabs
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Punching all Ishmael posters to death
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She's already been claimed, Don. You don't want to know what two repressed youths do to each other behind closed doors.
but enough about biden
This but for Sancho.
Yi Sang is one of the smartest people in the entire city. He's also deeply sensitive and thoughtful. I think he'd make the right choice on election day and pull the lever for Trump.
Trump would grab her by the pussy and have her calling him daddy.
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The 00 release rate has reduced, however, that’s probably because PM has balanced out having the total number of 00s any Sinner has just being equivalent to the minimum number of 000s any Sinner has for a season. 4 000s was the minimum amount any Sinner had the last season, and everyone had 4 00s to match.
I'm thinking she MIGHT be lust s1, gluttony s2, Envy s3 Though they might swap the gluttony and lust skills (but every bloodfiend has been gluttony s1 so far, 50/50 on lust s2 vs s3.)
its so funny when eastern "europeans" say stuff like this when everyone of their countrymen move from their country at the first chance to the "degenerate west" and never come back to the point that brain drain is a national crisis
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>actual touristfaggotery
and this is how you know it's both SEAnigger and burger hours. go back to /v/ you inbred jeet
kill yourself maybe haha
If he's a literal criminal and it's of huge benefit to the opposition to put him in jail, why isn't he in jail?
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Who is this character?
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Sinner for this feel?
A Fixer from Zwei Association West.
Unnamed Zwei background mook #20 of course
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American hours really are a fucking pain the ass huh
honestly I want trump to lose because watching the /pol/tard meltdown was one of the funniest things that happened in 2020
you bitches talk shit like this as if LobCorp and Ruina had fanservice
This better be hatefucking -> Genuine relationship and not some NTR shit
Budding Zwei Fixer
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Well, since this thread isn't getting any better.
>election tourist season
I fucking hate this country and it's politics. Shut the fuck up, the election has nothing to do with Limbus Company AAAAAAAAAAAA.
Ryoshu, unironically.
Dulcinea being jealous of Sancho is why Rodion's a good fit.
Speaking of the La Manchaland IDs, how did the timeline divergence create a possibility where the sinners become antideluvian vampires in the first place? Is director just dropping the pretense that the Mw ID's could have been real and going with them being spatial anomalies that Mephi forces into existence now?
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sinclair (tags: possession, mind_break)
I think Ruina had fanservice
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Why, it's one of the RANDOM ZWEI FIXERS that were ALSO assaulting LML. It certainly WAS NOT Paula and anyone who says otherwise is a RETARD
>American hours
Bitch, it's fucking 4 in the morning in the USA. This is ALL Euros
Me on the left.
he is a literal criminal and was pardoned because of a new law that gives presidents immunity for what they did in office specifically because he was risking going to jail and having to continue his campaign from there you delusional loser
Dongrang would say this then Yi Sang would teleport forward and his knife would turn into a shard of mirror glass reflecting the world where Dongrang voted Trump in 2016 and 2020 and he's happy with a big smile on his face and has two small children and a loving wife. Dongrang would say "Yi Sang" (this is ironic because it also means "ideal" or "that's it") and then Yi Sang (the person) would drive the shard through his chest.
actually it's around 6:40 for US EAST. So most Americans are getting up and going to work.
Lol no. It's shotadom harem.
You're right. We need more KOREAN politics here, just like KJH intended.
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>as if LobCorp and Ruina had fanservice
lobcorp especially had alot of fan service.
it was made back when director was a in his early 20s and was still horny (by worst korea standards)
pic related
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sinner for this feel
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>not jeet, seanigger or spic hours
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>We need more KOREAN politics here
Who are we voting for in 2027 bros?
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Angela's tits are fucking massive
>I cause problems
>Literally every other nation on Earth gets the blame
It's too easy
what am I looking for here
the minecraft boobs
Why is this fucking thread so dogshit today?
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they'll 100% nerf the boob window for dulci rodya.
they always ruin some of the designs when making a sinner ID for them
you're only allowed sexy designs when it comes to female NPCs who only appear in the VN sections
the dastardly ausposters...
>they always ruin some of the designs when making a sinner ID for them
Which ones?
someone made the incredibly poor decision to post the tweet of some delusional nip mad about the latest ID, somehow
things spiraled from there
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Have a goodnight /lcg/, and stop falling for obvious bait from niggers.
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how's it nerfed lil' bro?
aren't South Korean politicians horribly corrupt and completely subservient to big companies like Samsung that control the economy? it's surprising they didn't establish some sort of ancap dictatorship akin to their brothers in the north
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finners for this seel?
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Literally the only time they did this was with Outis where they gave her thigh high stockings, Rodion however still has her tits out.
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No tattoo
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beta lobcorp artstyle.
tried to emulate panty and stocking
I deleted my account over the vtuber shit. Seeing this thread currently only reaffirms my decision. You are only a single ladder rung above the Hoyo generals, and below every other gacha. Fucking limbabs.
didnt the shota still hatefuck her still and i assume it all became a genuine relationship towards the end well with his future knowledge of stocks and never worrying about money
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Soon, fellow Manager. We'll save Dulcinea and La Manchaland.
That's explained here >>501166945
>Speaking of the La Manchaland IDs, how did the timeline divergence create a possibility where the sinners become antideluvian vampires in the first place?
Well some of the IDs are already implying drastically different circumstances in sinners' birth. I guess in this case it's the world where more of the sinners were born hundreds of years ago and got turned into Bloodfiends. I reckon we won't get a full picture of how the MW differs from our own until the Doncho ID since the outcome of the betrayal will be the biggest difference.
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I kinda regret making this post >>501165716
Maybe it wasn't very bright of me to post obvious culture war bait(didn't realize it then) in the midst of FUCKING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION
S-tier general btw.
probably, although i'm certainly no expert. but it is indeed what you hear repeated often
the korean province is such a fascinating little area.
How did this thread become so shit just after getting the teaser of the most wanted ID of the season who also happens to be a hot female with her tits hanging out
>nerfing boob window
Should she have her nipples out and be lactating or what? Do you really have nothing more important to be concerned about than how many inches of bare cleavage a cartoon character is showing in their promotional teaser?
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You're both retarded. It's quite literally right there.
>horribly corrupt and completely subservient to big companies like Samsung that control the economy
Is it corruption if the country intentionally decided to went its government together with the chaebols to catch up with the first world? It's functioning as intended.
you failed
Who did you vote for
>Canto ogre
>MD5 delayed until the end of the fucking month because PM is incompetent beyond believe
That would actually be so kino though
lets lament
lets lament
>Haha Ana - Mother Hole
Thanks for not helping. I found it myself.
:^) all acording to keikaku
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I did not care for the two party election system
Limbus Company
was busy doing something else wizardry so didnt any of the vtuber spam in the last few threads, it couldnt have been that bad can it still funny seeing all the different gacha gens mix there but cant recall if hsrg or lcg shilled it
Election season faggotry. Every board is bring flooded by /pol/tards on both sides shilling their useless corporate slave of choice.
Yea, you were pretty stupid posting that on election day. Naked Dogeza on Isreal's flag when?
You must be 18 to browse this site
Whoops, I completely forgot to respond to you. Glad you found it.
Anon postt some irrelevant shit
Then all the baiters crawled out if their shithole
>the t in t-corp stands for Trump
Don image
>tits hanging out
That's exactly the problem anon. Now where is my zwei rodya in full armor?
>Uses Carmilla
>Paula not Carmilla-ed
Ooooooh, okay. So Paula backstabbed Carmille and a surviving West Zwei and fucked off. In this rendition of the story our Laura is the baddie.
Or at least that's my headcanon.
how the fuck did you even find the source from such a vague image?
Our election was last week, Voted for some CDP guy I don't even remember the name of.
reminds me i keep getting spam texts about the election while im here in a foreign for uni lul
Its been 7 minutes, so here's your pity (You).
He fucked her until she's mindbroken and stopped being a dyke, in the end she's just a member of his pregnant harem. It's up to you to consider that to be genuine relationship.
>politics shit
>thread so bad anons will reply to my post
The anons of /lcg/ have been given giganugget stats and ALEPH gear from lob corp, randomly sorted amongst them.
These anons must work together to conquer multiple mirror worlds until they each have a Dulcinea harem. This means they’ll have back to back fights against Don Quixotes and Sanchos from the different worlds as they attempt to forcibly abscond with each Dulcinea.
Are they successful?
Im voting for trump because he likes mcdonalds and is orange (i like the color orange)
Paula was a Shi Fixer, her real job was to assassinate Camille (paid for by a Yume streamer) but she needed the Zwei Fixers Camille hired to be worn down before she could go for the kill.
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We must cull all Americans, they are a disease to the mind. They ruin our threads.

Sinclair and Ryoshu
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The state of this thread is so bad futafag would actually improve it, impressive
Didn't read
You are trans btw
What's it like being Japanese
An Obsession
A Blind one even.
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True. Lets distort together
get a trip schizo
Lens, into screenshot, into lens and finally source.
Depends. Are we forced to make a Dulcinea harem or can we pick from the other bloodfiends as well?
>Yume streamer killing his competition to get higher in the "Fixer I most want to get dinner with" contest.
Fucking kino, ship it.
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But I just killed them all…
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doesn't even look like boobs
looks more like a man chest.
Enough about politics watch this kino instead
Are you fucking retarded?
EGO inherently gives you the skill to use your weapons, so we should be able to beat most of La Manchaland. El Padre will definitely be an issue, though. Maybe we could convince him to willingly part with his daughter?
You. Are. DAMAGED.
Anon doesn’t have depth perception
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I'm willing to invest in this theory.
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This guy is an idiot.
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>multiple presidents in a row got convicted for charges of corruption for collaborating with chaebols
>most young koreans are pressured into studying themselves to death if it means they have a chance to work for Samsung
>Korean fertility rates are somehow lower than fucking JAPAN
>the gender war in the country has festered so much that even other Asian countries think it's going too far
>more than half of the younger population of SK consider the country to be "hell"
>>>>>>"working as intended"
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sure the dulci ID is nice.
but still pales in comparison to the most important political event that happens once every 4 years.
the results of the election will literally decide the course of the world
Bretty gud desu, but I'm a very optimistic person. Most people in my age don't share the same view as me and would call me naive
anyone who doubted was absolutely fucking retarded
You may pick at your will, but only Dulcinea and Nicolina are willing because they’d like to escape. Sancho WILL constantly fight against whatever is decided for her.
Yes they literally sold their soul to catch up to the Japs.
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If this post ends in anything other than a 4 I'm getting off my ass and going to the fucking gym
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Farmwatch will save us
Why are you biting such obvious baits
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Sinclair would suck on those Dulcinea Rodya titties. If he would then I would as well.
>ends in 73
that's my favourite number...
this is a sign
there were two shadow governments uncovered in the past 5 years
it's easier to do it from behind the scenes and dismiss any whistleblowing as antisem- I mean antigovernment schizoposting than to openly ruin your public image in the eyes of other governments by trying to change it
This is simply not the right place for this discussion, anon.
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sorry bwo
im too busy making don porn.
so i mostly lurn nowadays
>taking a shit in public
>tee hee they are giving me attention
>it’s all bait I swear guys I got you!
She has a massive tear drop hanger what are you talking about
You might have failed but this 4 will haul your ass to the gym
I can save Korea
You know it's bad enough when a Nork defector decided to go back to North Korea.
New calculator K I N OOOOOOO just dropped
For once, I'm actually happy to see you. Even though I know you still post in these threads using Doncho reaction images.
Director Kim...
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It depends how many anons we get in total and how starved la Manchaland is in each mirror world. Using Lament Sang, Regret Faust and Lantern Don as a base (No dual wielding allowed) we can surmise that lobcorp EGO gear has to be bafflingly powerful to turn non combatant nerds into that. ALEPH gear is significantly more powerful than anything the sinners have access to (HE gear is the best they got iirc) so we can assume that we'd breeze through the "baseline" la Manchaland experience even without Dante's revival. where things get hairy is in worlds where the Kindred have been feeding well for a good while. Enough blood can turn even low generation Bloodfiends into Stars of the City, so a fully sated Manchaland may be too much for even a large group of ALEPH EGO users to handle.

Overall I think we'd have a pretty good shot just based on the stupid power of ALEPH gear
this is a glorified chatroom/discord
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Dulci's Dulcis > Rodya's Rodyas
That's a fact.
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I'm glad I live in my irrelevant country Uruguay.

I believe in him.
Didn't Blue Archive destroy some government branch?
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just EOS this thread already
You're improving.
It's still bad though.
Proud of you.
In Backwards Land yeah
Well-fed La Manchaland would be endgame SOTC tier (still gets destroyed by yesod dark flame solmen lament spam)
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sinners for this feel?
how the mighty have fallen
he should go back to making mlg videos
Horrendous art, even drawing attractive shit can't save you
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>HE gear is the best they got iirc
>lament yisang
wonder how bad hsrg is in comparison atm
It would be a mix. Sometimes the door leads to a decayed, pathetic La Manchaland that’s been rotting for 400 years. Sometimes the anons walk straight into Don Quixote’s castle before Bari even shows up.
Shi (heh) was the same Fixer from Canto 4 as well.
I wanted to learn how to play Fly my Wings on the piano but then I discovered it's actually a bitch to play and more complicated than I thought it would be.
Nice cover
I'm sure one of you faggots would eventually corrode and EGO kill everyone else.
It was inevitable and people should have more faith and less doom.
I'm trans btw
What the fuck
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>the gender war in the country has festered so much that even other Asian countries think it's going too far
The gender war in Asia is more timid than in America. It's just that they are experiencing the feminist movement for the first time.
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i did make some tcorp don posts once.
i admit that.
it's actually one of my fav recent memes
thanks bwo
im trying my best to not do hyper that much and try non futa stuff
Send nudes or you’re lying
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You have no idea how bad it is in South korea though.
deeply wrong
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Decided to do an update to this pic to see how it would go out, and man did they fuck like rabbits. Every time she bounced on his dick, he came buckets. I don't know what happened, but it was as if Koharu's own mark awakened and she wanted Sinclair to slam her pregnant until she cries. And given how she came from the nakadashi, I think he more than delivered. The simulation ended, but I think they're still going.
You are stupid
my condolences
>the gender war in Asia is more timid than in America
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What sort of hellbound sodomite could have possibly made these posts?
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Sinners for this feel?
Both sides
meant for >>501171387
This is the Project gooning General
Definitely someone from Hong Lu's family
Having lived in both, feminist/PC movements are crazier and more open in America than in Korea.
Pre amnesia Dante above, every single other male in the PM universe bellow.
If even a single world contains peak power El Padre we're fucked, ALEPH EGO or no. There's no fucking way Lobcorp ever had the ability to mass print anything remotely comparable to the single strongest Bloodfiend in the City. Reminder that the Head AND the wings AND the associations almost lost to the vamps during the war.
American zoomers are FUCKED
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South Korea is so bad they specifically designed Last Origin with higher maturity ratings than it needed just so they wouldn’t have to deal with radical feminists
>(You) 143 results
Not bad not great
I'll do better next thread
If the last origins were made in the US it would be canceled out of existence, your point?
Could also have an envy counter, power counter if we’re optimistic about it. I feel like she has to have pride, though.
Aren't Funeral and Freischutz HE?
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Never been so happy to be wrong before.
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Haha wouldn't it be funny of he did that to her in front of the brazen bull and then it got pissed off and the gored and trampled her while she was on the floor crying
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armor is HE
weapons are WAW
one of the few abnos who's EGO is higher rank than the abno
...and I'M fucking them.
that is just in poor taste
Yes, but there would probably be anywhere from 30-50 anons if not more. Don Quixote would need to deal with anons that completely resist his damage (Mimicry), anons that bypass his defenses (Twilight), and so on. It’s not as one sided as you may think.
Those are very tame for last origin
>radical feminists
more like people with working brains, look at this shit
I'd live there. Pretty comfy.
I think your post was very funny and witty
there are areolas showing
They look pretty bad, though
What engine even is that?
>Reminder that the Head AND the wings AND the associations almost lost to the vamps during the war.
I don't remember the canto ever directly mentioning the Head though? It was just a vague "Humans vs Bloodfiends" with no real scale for how big it was compared to the city. Since the claws don't go busting down bloodfiend dens they don't seem to be an impurity that bothers the head. And as far as associations go remember that in the lighthouse Doncho thought Tres was still a new associations so they didn't have all the ones that are around today.
But in regards to the question I believe in anons' power of thirsting for their vampire waifu harem, I'm sure that with the right ALEPH gear combo they could beat padre or at least keep him at bay for long enough to kidnap his daughters.
nta but those are the tamest designs ive seen from LO specifically kek
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surely thread will be better in friday...
maybe we should let early bakers bake a new bread... this thread is literal shit
You have to gain your reason.
I can bake... for a price
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This thread is shit.
Next thread NEEDS more rape to function properly.
Basically. They exposed the corruption levels in a branch that basically only exists because of the cult corruption of the previous regime. It was probably inevitable but deserved and something good going for cunnychads.
>thread died by breaking values of /lcg/
>we should poison the next one by doing the same thing in a different way
Me on the left.
There BETTER be more pics of Rodya’s tits next thread.
Why didn’t we just rape the mutts from earlier? I’m going to have to kill my self for not thinking of that
>she's grinding on his crotch in an attempt to make him stop
do Donkeks really
If Gaze stacked NFaust would be insanely broken
Essentially it's what the 70s would have been like here if the internet had existed. People aren't aware anymore how deeply stupid the politics back then were.
You have no idea how tame it is by LO standards
That's why it doesn't stack
Woman instinct
What else could a woman do in that situation.
Based. This is what pegging was made for.
this thread unironically is making me wanna redownload LO but the proccess for installing it and changing the language was a pain
non rape thread
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Yes, and?
Shouldn't we have had a teaser image as the OP?
>Nikolai ID
>Ring Sang now does 120% more damage on his S2 and it's guaranteed to reuse twice
>no DulciRodya in the OP
Good idea
Like >>501172786
Chop chop nigga
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Accept SHE CAN NEVER beat the cock.
theres some broad in that whose default art has her pierced nipples out in full display
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In my defense I only saw the first thread when I wrote the post.
Not using the vandalized thread.
man Patterncucks really should just shut the fuck up
Pattern fags said that don would get the fourth 000 id since there have only been 4 000 ids each season.

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