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Previous thread: >>501161661

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
[000] The Priest of La Manchaland Gregor

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
Target Extraction: [ Rodion ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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I choose none rape thread and believe my fellow anons will do so as well
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i honestly hope trump wins.
we'll see lefty melty kino the likes of which has never been seen before.
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I dont want Limbis thread
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Please stop being rude to Lady Dulcinea
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Doing this with a different liquid.
Should I stack the new Bleed LaMancha IDs or should I realistically wait for a full Ring team considering Ring Sang is the ultimate most brokenest ID in the game by far?
00 firefist office fixer
>a full Ring team
You're going to be waiting a while
You can use Ring with La Mancha fiends. We getting only 5.
>using the late thread because of it being "non rape"
I already knew this general was mostly used by r*dditors and trannies from xitter but holy shit
Kill yourselves, unironically
Stack the bloodfiends. Ring Sang will inevitably get TRAPPED and NERFED by director and any new Ring IDs will not be as busted.
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Get both
You're not poor, are you?
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hmm, that last thread sure spiraled somewhat out of control, didn't it?
however, you must not be taken aback by such distractions. after all, by moving past such discussions is how we are to improve as a general.
how about we begin making this thread a better one by drawing me a sheep, /lcg/?
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Has anybody else been having an issue where you can't move the screen around with your mouse? Shits pissing me off
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Sure, your sheep is inside this box.
Since it seemed that the anon rape team gets hard stopped by a full power Don Quixote, I’ve revised the situation to make it a touch more equal. The situation is this.
>/lcg/ anons are given ALEPH gear and stats to wield it, borrowed from Lob Corp, they will also receive the associated abno gift
>Manager X is providing long range support with health and shield bullets
>Erlking Heathcliff is guiding them through the various mirror worlds
>these anons MUST clear a variety of Don Quixotes (withered, fed, full power) to forcibly take his daughters
>every Dulcinea is willing to leave with them in exchange for exploring the various worlds, but Sancho will fight back and must be subdued by force
>the anons cannot rest between battles, but any healing from the bullets/abno gifts is allowed
Does every anon get a Bloodfiend harem, or are they murdered? At some point, they WILL have to fight Bari and Don Quixote at the same time. During this special event stage, Angela will be providing random Abnormality pages as support. MOSB is disqualified, the anons cannot hurt each other.
Anon we're using it because the teaser image goes as the thread OP once it's revealed. It should've already been done with the last thread but it was baked at a bad time. Also
>Limbis company thread
It's a spitebaker's thread retard
Fuck off
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That's why we need to enlighten these subhuman masses to the great gospel of RAPE.
How? I thought porn was illegal in korea, surely that would also apply to naked drawings
pretty sure the ideal bloodfiend team will be
>barber Outis
>priest Gregor
>Rhinosault for his WAW
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>nonRodya OP
You vandalized the subject
Then you didn't even try to use an image with Dulcinea and/or Rodya. Even if it was rape, people would have used the thread
Don't care if it's bait. Have your (you)
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I think you're just not allowed to show fully naked women or them having sex. You can get as lewd as possible within those boundaries.
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>nonSHITdya OP
That's a good thing though I still do hate shitclair more though
So where were you when all the patternfags and foomposters got utterly btfo?
harems are for cowards
don quixote will die under the might of melting love gear
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It was a silly thing to doubt even if ironically because no shit the 2nd kindred wouldn't precede the 3rd kindreds
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I didn't use the rape thread because rape is a bad thing to do, and I do not condone it

Nicolina my beloved...
remember that now with dulcidya bloodfeast consumption order applies
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If Duldya doesn't have any unbreakable aoe coins I'll throw a chair at monzo and forever yell that she's not special
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smartest chudposter
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Doubters got btfo
>some retards think dulcion will have rupture
fucking animals
You can show sex as long as the genitals are censored in white blank and the characters are explicitly 20 and above.
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Anon get BACK here and tell me where this is from.
Don't care. Her image is today.
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Base Power>Final Power>Offense Level>Clash Power?
Since base power affects all, final power only really affects damage, offense level affects clash and damage but not the actual numbers on the coins and clash power only counter during clashing but doesn't actually affect damage
did i get it right?
What would Dulcinea Rodya do to Sinclair?
>no areolas in nikke still
though it also explains how big pornhwa is there
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That anon didn't make the rape thread.
It wasn't a spitebake, I am unironically retarded, I picked the title from a shortcut of limbis thread I had made when the meme started back in S2 and I had completely forgotten about Rodya's release because I wasn't looking forward to it
Patterngods won thoughever
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Dulci Rodya is NOT real. It is time to wake up.
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Since our Barber ID didn't laugh or cackle because it's a shitis ID then that means this one will be slightly out of character as a Rodya ID right and will laugh? Please I need vampire laughs. ESPECIALLY ojou laughs.
Base power and final power are practically the same until we get multiply coins
Offense level also affects damage and clashing. Also base and final is the same shit.
>porn is illegal in korea
Chat, is this true? How is burgertown more free?
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when will it be HIS turn?
I made her real. Manifested her through the fathoms of my EGO.
If I beg hard enough, would Ryoshu piss on my face?
Yes. Final power is identical to base power in a clash but only affects the last coin during the attack. The only exception to this is in minus coins, where final power acts identically to base power.
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nobody wants that jobber
she will ooohohoho like D5 JP Seraphina and you will like it
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Anon, rupturefags are still under the delusion that this is their season even after Priest greg btfo'd them. Let them believe, maybe its a coping mechanism of some kind
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You always pick offensive power first
Offensive power can be altered through EGO gifts and status effects. If you give an enemy +1 final power, that final power will remain regardless
Ryoshu humiliation ritual
>I picked the title from a shortcut of limbis thread I had made when the meme started back in S2
This is such a roundabout way of copying the current OP
What Archetypes are the next 2 Intervallos going to be
Call it
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>"Sancho! I have conceived an idea most ingenious! You should try to seduce those homeless looking humans!!"
*9 hours later*
i do recall some kimchis reporting ba doujins at a local con there and the police ignored them so no clue really, their cam whore shit is all nips only though or use foreign sites instead dont even recall if bare ass was allowed either though seeing their "options" for porn its not too surprising how last origin, nikke, ba, and pornhwas got big there
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No you can't do that.
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rape is good

rape is natural

the world needs more rape
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We're going to get Blemor and Blinking IDs
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We can still rape in here!
Bleed (Kurokumo)
That's what gender wars will get you.
Almost like the changing of threads was done to you without your consent.
I bet you feel pretty silly now I pointed that out.
CENSORED is revealed to be dickbutt
no, really
This is now my headcanon about how Dulcinea's embrace went.
My fucking sides.
My two new favorite archetypes.
Would that affect accuracy?
It better be burn if they don't want to firebomb HHPP
burn is on life support right now
so bad you have kimchis larping as japanese people kek dorontabi and biya are 2 i can recall off the top of my head instantly
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The 14th is too far away
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Made it myself on en.inkei. the sight on Koharu's rifle really comes in handy for making it look like Sinclair is holding the controller for a vibrator.
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How does one fix burn though?
I miss the sprites bros...
I thought Biya was Chinese.
Turn it into the rape ID
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It's much worse.
Meursault Firefist Fixer 000 will not only fix Burn, it will allow Burn to LIVE
who is the collab gonna be with
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>unbreakable aoe
>blooming thorn
>festive fever
>big tits
>ability to target allied units and give buffs
They gonna drop most if not all of these gimmicks for Dulrodya aren't they
The chinks are already fire associated, right? Seems obvious to me.
Any kit guesses for her? Obviously support heavy s1&2. Conditional AoE on S3?
super tiny picture but wouldnt dulcinea have been an adult when she got turned? none of the others even look like they've aged so i thought that was the case
It just needs an ID or two than can clash worth a damn.
Anon? Xun was rupture.

>>festive fever
>>big tits
>>ability to target allied units and give buffs
She'll get these three and the buffing will be not OP so people will call her a shit ID, you know it to be true.
Phase Connect
Burn activation
Making Burn IDs tanky so stalling is a strategy
Self Burn charge like effects
sweets paradise
Even a mid ID will get her into bleed squad for sex bear & red shoes.
Make burn spread naturally. That’s it. We need a status that’s good in “standard fights” and with this newfound insistence on chain battles it could have a place chunking shit right as they enter. It’d even fit the liu as the group battle association
>How does one fix burn though?
Burn's issue is the 99 per turn damage cap which is largely pointless against bosses outside of MD since you can't get GoF in other content. So some way for excess burn to be useful, doing damage, spreading, giving buffs/debuffs, burn deluge. Also not having to slot the 00 Lius would help.
clearly the bear heath during the canto means he is getting the wolf EGO which will looky as goofy as that
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director's uterus and my semen
Me. It's just me and I'll be on the home screen and say hello.
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Here's your walpurgis ID, please understandu.
coins that trigger burn on enemies
director does not possess a uterus
Like Rodion?
cant be assed to play burn lately with how fun barber anims are but they live on purely having hype ids and glimpse shouldnt be that bad to get with a few t3 gifts on the way.
iirc a year ago or so there was a big kr hurricane + floor with biya posting about it a bunch alongside her having an alt where she kr posted a bit but think its been toned down or straight up wiped off her account over the years to disassociate with them maybe, still surprised having found out their birth rates are doing worst there than jp with the prev thread
Turn burn on target into a sort of charge for personal power up. Something like how Liu Rodya cleanses burn on target on her S3 in order to deal more damage.
Probably, though there's a lot of options for bleed now if we also include the upcoming sancho. I feel like a middling ID will compete with R Meur as a mid ID + amazing WAW EGO for a slot. Or at least be a good option that people can change around which would be nice for bleed enjoyers. Not everyone has to be ring sang after all.
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>another vampire story about co-existence
every time a writer does this, i hate it, it comes off as stupid, and i'm going to give you a rundown as to why this sort of story is flawed from the get-go
a co-existence story is derived from the premise of two different groups being opposed to each other due to either some historical conflict (ie a land or trade dispute or even something petty like a political figure calling some other political figure a bitch) or some misunderstanding/difference in values/belief system which theoretically can be reconciled through discussion
with vampires however, it is fundamentally a different premise for conflict entirely if they brush up against non-vampires: an entire species is inherently physiologically reliant on the unequal exploitation of another species, a literal biological master-slave dynamic which cannot be overcome through dialogue, yet the exploiting species is inherently a slave to the existence of the exploited
now, if you really, really, really want a co-existence story with these two premises, you have to have an avenue wherein vampires can, theoretically, without exploitation, dependently exist alongside non-vampires while, at the same time, not have vampires essentially be "[non-vampire species] but better", but this again fundamentally alters the premise of vampires
most vampire stories which attempt this theoretical co-existence story, however, ignore the latter element and usually add some aspect which makes it fundamentally impossible for vampires and non-vampires to reconcile their differences in order to retain the vampire dynamic (in this case, bloodfiends' stupid thing of "they need to drink fresh blood or else they're not sated")
as much as i like sancho and don quixote as characters, the co-existence proposition was stupid, same as how bloodfiends' pining for blood was portrayed as a "lesser" way of living, and i hated to see vampires explored the way it was in limbus
And I will expect for the different groups of the family to have their own gimmicks.
Burn will have 6 different versions of black flame.
whorejet goon
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So, what was this about? My first assumption was "new abno" but nothing ever comes of this so...
idk man https://files.catbox.moe/m7kt9f.png
yeah but no 30 damage cap, even at the cost of making count go way lower
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he does, in my IDEAL world...
Man you are fucking retarded
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i think you are wrong but i can't be bothered to write a long and thoughtful reply so i guess u rite
I didn't read all this so I'm sorry if you addressed this but I did skip to the end where you said
>the co-existence proposition was stupid
The game agrees with you
>an entire species is inherently physiologically reliant on the unequal exploitation of another species, a literal biological master-slave dynamic which cannot be overcome through dialogue, yet the exploiting species is inherently a slave to the existence of the exploited
Oy vey! Call the ADL!!!
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I bit my nails and now the corner of my thumb is throbbing with unbearable pain
Sinners for this feel?
Something about this art style seems AI generated. I cannot put my finger on it.
>no tattoo
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>>another vampire story about co-existence
>every time a writer does this, i hate it, it comes off as stupid, and i'm going to give you a rundown as to why this sort of story is flawed from the get-go

The entire point of Canto 7 was to explicitly show the fact that it didn't work. It quite literally agrees with you, skip-kun.
>explicitly 20 and above
I feel like i recall some JK pornhwas but maybe im wrong
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This anon will never reach the unreachable star
it's the shading and the kind of realisticalist-anime art style that AI likes to generate
So true! I did not read
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Patternfags? More like goalpost movers, truly a small and feeble faction.
how many anons would it take to rape xichun
Except in this story coexistence would've probably worked better if Don tried harder and Bari wasn't a vague bitch.
sh-shut up!
shading and face has that ai feel but LO being horny as fuck was much before AI became a common thing think obui's own character in it was around 2021 or before?
He's already said future IDs will be stronger than current IDs. It'll just be a while before more Ring IDs happen.
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Seems like you didn't even play the canto. The main problem is, that bloodfiends CAN survive without drinking blood, and this is explored through don quixote and his dream which was able to sate his thirst. It has nothing to do with 'fresh blood' or anything of the like, bloodfiends only have an urge to tap from the source as the emotions of the one whose blood is sucked are heightened during the exchange - What bloodfiends who have no dreams crave is emotion in the form of human blood. By no means are bloodfiends vampires, even with their similarities.
>coexistance story
It's not a fucking coexistance story. We murdered the bastards and in other circumstances would've done the same with sancho. The point of the entire story is that there can be NO co-existance between bloodfiends and humans, it's just a dream, and as we see with P Corp's actions being hidden from our don at the end.
i just realized this is bait
It's more that this is exactly the style that AI is most often trained on. Highly realistic lighting and texture with simplified faces.
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Is this impossible?
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Is any of you really enjoying Limbus gameplay that much that you all go into mechanical nonsense and seething at each other everytime a new ID drops
Limjerking my micro limpenis to some female sinners, Ishmael and Don are my favorites!
Some school kids do show up here and there but they don't get any scene. Even cosplaying as high school student is verboten because one artist got into legal issue over this (it's more complex than that but this is the crux of prosecutor's argument).
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skippa skippa
this but unironically
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They hated anon because he told them the truth
>ishmale image
>retarded post
i thought sancho was supposed to be mentally challenged
Yes, Impossible unless you can corrode turn 2
sinclair jerking off his penis with a two finger grip and cumming two smalls winks of cum after 20 seconds as he is laying in bed and squirming
this, I recognize the artist and I remember watching their stuff at least from 2019
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The birthrate thing is a multifaceted issue that has many various factors at play. Japan doesn't actually have THAT bad of a birth rate (yeah, it's bad, but western countries aren't too far behind, especially if you control for demographics). The problem they have is more on the other side of the tail - they live too long, so the time between retirement and death is just too long for the economy to support.

Now, South Korea has such a bad situation that it's not even funny or remotely comparable, their birth rate is so fucking low that I'd be inclined to believe the water supply has been tampered with if I didn't know how horrible the whole dating/parenting/working environment there is. Even a quick google brings up a relevant article:

South Korea is a fucking joke of a country, not a very funny one, either. I feel really bad for my Korean friends stuck in that hellhole.
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<Faust. Shut up>
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She is only pretending to be mentally challenged.
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Kodomo doushi, maledom, femsub, moral degeneration, nakadashi, anal, blowjob, ryona, cervix penetration, ahegao, public, humiliation, sex toys, mutual masturbation, double penetration, crying, smell, bondage, nose hook, mindbreak, snot, spit, peeing, armpits, asphyxiation, petplay, piercing (nipples and clitoris), feet, kissing, hand holding. And so on and so forth.
What was Rodion thinking when she tattooed a heart with an axe on one of her huge tits?
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Chargechads only got new additions during an intervallo and you didn't hear any of them complaining unlike those rupturechuds
NTA, but Korea is just eternally fucked, they should've just let the Japanese or Chinese take them over. They would've been better off, unironically.
She wasn’t. She got wasted, passed out, and one of her commie buddies tatted it on there as practice.
Probably wasn't thinking at all, but actually does that mean every other sinner has their 'symbol' tattooed somewhere?
Don should keep the boa as part of her base Sinner form.
Just remove human rights from women (it's not like they deserve them in the first place) and all forms of contraceptions (rubbers are for niggers) and the problem will be solved.
Because charge had some of the literal best IDs for the majority of the game?
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Forgot to add dogeza and sniffing, my bad.
yea but they got their best IDs in the start of the game cashytard
i hope you get raped
Rupturefags complaining again about their completely broken status
It is a new abno but it probably won't ever appear outside of that MD event
it helps that charge 00 clash well and actually do damage to boot still thinking about w sang just for my charge team lul 0 motivation for rupture as a whole and sharded devyjat rodion for slash lux and for fun more than anything
>new thread
>thread immediately falls back to off-topic culture war shit
well time to finally catch some sleep
I hope I get raped by a girl
Post disregarded.
Gregor has tattoo in Austrian that translates to vermin on his arm.
If everything in that MD is mad eup of Kim's memories, then that must be a real thing, no?
you will get raped by a tranny with a 7incher
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>immediate seething
my point still stands
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Same desu
That's German.
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This doesn’t make sense; per Gregor’s uptie the bags of donated blood are even worse for sustenance then hemobars.
Have any limbfemanons posted their boobs yet? I bet we have the most attractive limbab femanons. Not like those stinky Hoyowhores
I'm reading the old threads and why did you faggots reply to the futaposter?
he literally used the same images like always
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This general is retarded.
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>Rodya new ID
>Dulcinea ID of all things
>literally no one cares and talks about politics and shit
lol lmao
Do Rodya fags actually exist or it's just one guy self fagging?
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<Sorry Heathcliff, i'm DELETING this annoying ass bitch.>
>he literally used the same images like always
Which one?
They were one country once, yeah.
his existence brings the hatred out of us, it's like the bloodfiend units that make bloodfeast spawn off the ground
Anon people have kind of all talked out on it since Outis uptie story. Wait until the animations & voice lines for more kit & mirror world speculation
Hardblood gem
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what if enkephalin was tasty and nutritious to bloodfiends
>Outis, Greg and now Rodya getting the Bloodfiend IDs and they're all older members of the group
>Don will get Quixote
Don confirmed to be part of the hag crew.
you're trying way too hard
It's just German.
Austrians speak German
Another proof that Ryoshu is the daughter.
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I like watching the animations as well as seeing the numbers among the debuffs in attacks. And it’s pleasant to see the bloodfiends heal a crapton each attack.
I’m still just pressing WIN RATE most of the time
Argentinachuds? Yi Sang
Chile Malignos? Heathcuriffu
Uruguay? Sinclair
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Ryoshu's the monkey though
She's still older though since she was Heathcliff's mammy too
Is this AI slop? The fact that I'm even asking this is grim.
So, Ishmael 00 Bloodfiend or does she get Bloodbag'd, turning her into an Ishmeal?
Yeah and it's pretty obvious
>that filename
Are you okay
Of course, how else could Hitler give his speech if he didn't learn German?
Ryoshu's the grandma
Pic implies a Dulcinea who drank the retard water shutting down critical brain functions leaving her as a stupid autistic bimbo
I think the rodya tattoo was only a thing because it was on the kurokumo ID wich are know because of their tattoos ahah.
>AI is literally better than nai_ga
It’s too fucking powerful at this point.
how about Brazilians?
Ryoshu for the monkey?
If Ishmael gets anything with this banner it'll probably be a Fanghunter
I want more bleed + charge IDs
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>Reddit filenames itt
Not a tourist general btw
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Don't be stupid anon.
Huechuds would be Don.
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>El Padre is a FeMC corruption enjoyer
holy based
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It's visible in her company mugshot too.
>better than nai_ga
not a hard bar to pass
>Sinclairfags are retarded
Many such cases
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On the topic of contemporary American politics I wish we had gotten a cassetti ID. For Sinclair, preferrably, but I really would have been fine with anyone.
>Romeromael getting Bloodfiend'd and turned into Rodya's princess
Damn, isn't this the most Sexo PM has ever gone? I guess Sayo maybe, but the simpler art of Ruina sort of reduced the impact.
I don't forsee us getting a Casetti ID unless PM does a re-run of the Warp Express event.
reddit filenames begin with RDT. if it's IMG it's probably a phoneposter
So this is the guy forcing the "shitclair" thing.
So what's with Don's cuirass?
I never noticed it was see-trought, I might be retarded.
Holy slut
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Sorry but that rupture is there for us Ringsang gods to enjoy. Not your ilk.
Rodya and ishMEAL....
I think it's hES RO VEAT NWOE
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I'm not here to discuss vtubers, I'm just curious:

How come so many of them started streaming Limbus right after the latest Canto release?
AND most of them were streaming the latest canto. Does it mean they were playing Limbus but weren't streaming it before?
I think before it was just Ebi and several other small vtubers that were clearly interested in the game.
I remember bigger vtubers like Nina and Fubuki barely even finishing the first Canto and never coming back.

I mean I love the game. It's great and only it gets better. But it was never popular among streamers.
Why exactly did it get popular now? Did the new season PR get them this time?
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>How does one fix burn though?
remove the retarded 99 potency cap.
we're no longer in season 1 where most bosses had less than 1000 HP.
nowadays almost every boss has ATLEAST 3000 hp
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>I'm not here to discuss vtubers
>several paragraphs discussing vtubers
genuinely what the FUCK did he mean by this
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>On the topic of contemporary American politics
>I wish we had gotten a cassetti ID.
typical xichun poster can't post on topic for /lcg/-American Politics kek. But yes, I agree a Casetti ID would be pretty nice. I liked his entire kit/fight design far more than the bloodfiend trios (him crystallizing the blood from all the bloodbags when he enters the fight was particularly good) and that droplet of backstory on him somehow made him stand out in my eyes. I'd be happy with an ID for him.
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>Tax collector ID
>Takes the entire team damage as their own
What did they mean by this?
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>I'm not here to discuss tumors
>starts a discussion about tumors
It's not impossible, surely we'll actually get a 00 this time right?
Start actively raping?
Retcon, obviously. Though you could pretend that she went off to buy a suit of armor when she showed up for work before she was made to change into her proper uniform.
Apparently Fubuki still completes the story as it releases but otherwise never plays according to screens of her card with the canto banners but low user level.
Blinking is okay.
It will tolerate such a brief moment of disruption.
However, once it recognizes that it lost your attention and focus…
It will spread its wings. Yes, wings.
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I wonder if the whole bloodfiend thing was planned from the start.
that's a raccoon
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><Erm Sinclair, what the SHUCK did she just say?>
Holy shit, was that necessary?
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Xichun posters are the most stupid
why the fuck is my cat tick tocking
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>Tax collector ID
>Takes the cum from all the males on her team as her own
But what did the T stand for?
>She wanted to look like a proper knight
>Faust agreed to it and got her some armor just for the photo
Dost thou belieb it
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i c
It's been getting more popular every canto basically. A number of people I know jumped onboard at various points after Heathcliff's canto and Don's seems to have got more attention again.
Emil just translates what Ryoshu says, not his fault.
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do you fuckers realize that if we get a Cassetti id he will have to wait for LITERALLY EVERY OTHER BLOODFIEND ON FIELD to consume blood feast before he does?
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philipbros.... we could've had it all...
If korea’s birthrates are so low doesn’t this mean they will be forced to engage in harems and polygamy in the future to invert this issue?
The game is gaining traction, so limbus company content is getting more views and interactions than before. At least that's what I assume. I don't really watch vtubers though
It's not like Cassetti has a bloodfeast mechanic though.
Sinclair is so lucky...
That's rape, don's not a rapist
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This Thread might not have any good Pausabilities
No, that doesn't address literally ANY of the reasons KR birthrate is low.
But what did the T stand for?
Yeah, but only for American G.I.
I agree but it doesn't just apply to vampires, like half of "humans are the real monsters" stories have this flaw where we are supposed to somehow feel bad for a being/species that naturally predates on humanity.
no they’ll just import african men to the limbus city
i don't care if the specific story depicted agrees with me or not, since there are other examples of vampire stories that outright go "actually no yeah vampires and humans can coexist peacefully" (which is stupid for other reasons), it's more that this premise inherently logically concludes in "co-existence can't be achieved", which simultaneously undermines the idea of co-existence stories and disregards the symbolism inherent to vampire stories
it's a bad habit of writers of these kinds of stories to begin to even think of depicting this kind of conflict without further thought, imagine if i wrote a story about "your boss needs to shove a broom handle up your ass every day at work or else your boss dies, but hey perhaps this isn't necessary?", it's not sympathetic or interesting, it's just "who gives a shit"
That don girl is not a rapist
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>Twitterposting in MY /lcg/ thread
We should kill and main all discordtrannies.

The other replies are memeing but unironically one of the only reliable ways for a government to increase birth rates is to ramp up immigration significantly. Solving the social issues that cause the birth rate problem in the first place is expensive, difficult and most importantly will probably take longer than that party has in-term, but just importing a million people with the right demographic characteristics and you're good to GO baby look at that graph go UP YES!!!!
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I have to believe in Cassetticlair. I have to. I want to laugh at him so fucking bad.
>"who gives a shit"
Not you, judging by the broom.
She has raped limbillions
if we do get a Cassetti ID it's going to be Cliffssetti
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Here's what i foresee
Blockma is back, and now she has breast
>Nai_ga hatred out of nowhere
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If I had any artistic talent I'd make a PM version of this but alas I do not.
Ah, that one definitely was, since her EGO always ended with that blood splatter-like fade-out. Think the only other Sinner with a unique transition is Yi Sang, who has a feather or wing cross the screen at the end.
>out of nowhere
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>Laugh at him
Anon, he would have fucked Dulcinea Rodion for decades.
>suddenly, one day
Do you think it's possible they'll make a Sancho ID for someone else?
Or is she still technically a part of our Don and we're not getting sinners cosplaying other sinners?
I want those blood punch animations.
>the face on the shadow makes me laugh
>i...is that... a woman with big boobs? AIEEEEEEEEEE
I wonder if she will do another free shill stream since Limbus anni is in a couple of months
We're getting Don Don and Sancho Sault, my dad is Monzo's dad.
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Don will probably still take Don Quixote’s name, otherwise her display name in-game would change when using her “Sancho” ID. I imagine it’ll be a version of her who didn’t lock herself up until Vergilius eventually came to recruit her.
>is autistic about fixers to the point she had hallucinations of posters talking to her
>Verg is tired of her bullshit as soon as he picked her up
it's not hard to imagine her complaining about how her current clothes weren't befitting for a fixer and after a shower wanted an armor set for her photo
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Isn't this actually pretty good for bleed teams?
Just realized Ryoshu's IDs are not really that good for bleed, even GebRyoshu is only kinda mid for them
Just blow up the DMZ and let North Koreans pouring in. There you have it, cheap supply of workers.
I might be retarded, but I don't understand how T Don works, or rather the benefit of running her.
>store all the damage that would have probably killed the enemy anyways to make said damage do overkill levels of damage
it 100% was, her base ID art has La Manchaland in the background
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this shit can't be correct
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>shorter than greg
It's not, that's old internal data. How the fuck is Yi sang heavier than Rodya?
The carousel doesn't hint towards her being bloodfiend, hence why everyone's shocked when the revelation came.
I've personally only put Spider shu in Envy Res bleed teams because I like seeing Pequod Harpooner Heathcliff suddenly shit out dmg via Sever Knot
it's literally a way to double damage anon. it's very good against bosses
hell, I'm pretty sure it quadruples damage against bosses that are weak to sloth
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hag erotic
>rodya will always consume bloodfeast first
at least greg doesn't fully rely on bloodfeast for his stacks and he's a bloodfeast battery but outis is fucked
Lobryoshu has some of the best potency infliction in the game which is notoriously pretty scarce and KK ryoshu has 3 bleed count on S3 and S2 and slso just shits out paralyze for some reason. They're both useful for different reasons.
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>12k likes in a few hours
maybe she IS special...
It'd be funny though.
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You all laughed when I said I once caught a fish that big. Well, jokes on you.
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>tfw taller than meursault
>outis is taller than me
>yi sang is 176 even though he is just as tall as faust
so at this point the bleed team will be all 4 of the Bloodfiend IDs, Painter Sang, Spidershu and a filler?
I don't trust them to balance the thorns in her kit well. Reminder that there is a gift that gives thorns at it's a flat 3(THREE) damage, and only works on shield.
>Rodya's weight is lighter than Gregor and Yi Sang.

>Gregor is heavier than any Female Sinners.

The height is right, but the weight just sounds like some Headcanon.
It's good if the enemy is weak to sloth, you are not killing the enemy next turn, if the enemy has defensive skills one turn but not the next, if you have two of her S3s one after the other it doesn't even matter that you activate it, even activating it is optional so it's surprisingly versatile
Every time i trigger her s3 the very next turn anything weak to sloth takes thousands of damage, i would say you need to play with her to truly get it
Maybe Gregor's funny arm has more weight in it.
So special she has to sell her body to get attention lol
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hi limbabies.
i decided to do something pretty crazy.
recently got interest in stock investments.
and thought it might be cool to start my journey into making a million dollars through stocks.
who knows...if this goes well enough (hopefully)
i might even manage to make enough money to make my own real lobotomy corp
I'm supposing the play is 1) get T Don to be the fastest 2) inflict Time Moratorium 3) inflict Reverb this turn or next turn 4) have T Rodya activate Time Moratorium again or wait for it to expire naturally? I'd like to know because I always seem to get at most 400 or so damage from a Time Moratorium proc, which seems less than generally just letting my tremor team burst a Reverb'd boss.
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>Only Meursault is taller than me
Not bad.
I will take care of Sinclair so he grows splendidly! My son.
Please hire me as a manager if you succeed in your dream
>one of the main female characters in the original story was a prostitute
this is canon
don has to be shorter than that
Pleas hire me to do nothing and get payed, I yearn to be a nepo baby.
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short nvidia on a 9+ month expiration
free money
You will not use the id unless it's s tier and it will be forgotten in a week and you will winrate with it anyone stop talking
It doesn't need unique mechanics it just needs to clash ok and have bleed + bleed count and fuel sanguine

Let's assume his Arm is 2-3 Kilograms in weight. He still Outweighs every Female sinners (or only on par with Rodya, the Heaviest Female Sinners)
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Hey fellow limbab. I have some good capital to invest, what do you use and what do you recommend for books to learn? I got a degree in accounting and Finance but forgot some stuff for investments.
Go back
can't wait for you to post a screenshot of how many thousands of dollars you've lost
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>not strong enough for a bari ID yet
>sancho copies her moves with blood weapons, not actually the final boss
>zwestyclair disconnected from the mirror world of Lamancha Land, not a single reference to it
>behind in 000 IDs
>no bleed IDs
My lack of meds have opened my eyes. An age of darkness encroaches upon /lcg/, yet all are blind to see it. We're so not ready.
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>i don't care if the specific story depicted agrees with me or not, since there are other examples of vampire stories that outright go "actually no yeah vampires and humans can coexist peacefully" (which is stupid for other reasons), it's more that this premise inherently logically concludes in "co-existence can't be achieved", which simultaneously undermines the idea of co-existence stories and disregards the symbolism inherent to vampire stories
The only thing I can agree is that the idea of Bloodfiends not being able to co-exist comes from the fact that they crave the "emotional" part of feeding is utterly retarded. But otherwise, what symbolism are you referring to within vampire stories? I'd like to hear some examples first as to how you got this idea of "coexistence between vampires and humans" being part of the major symbolism within the vampire. Cause the only thing I can think of is that one kids movie, Hotel Transylvania. Otherwise, most of the stories about Vampires (that I'm aware of in classic literature) are based around romance (mostly in movies), or violent invaders (like with the original novel & the original Nosferatu).
you can just wait for it to expire normally unless you want to post the funny skill 3 damage numbers
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Sinclair the predator would PREY on them.
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sinners for this feel
you can either gamble or buy index funds
dont delude yourself into thinking you are going to find the secret third way where you simply analyse the market and make guarnateed big returns by picking and choosing individual stocks
if you want to gamble, browse investopedia for a while so you understand what puts, calls, leverage and, perhaps most importantly, implied volatility means. though no degenerate in the history of gambling every took this advice to heart until they got burned on options for the first time.
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Can someone help me and clean this up? I copied the pattern, but using it as a template is kind of difficult
>t. not an artist
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I wanted the director stub so i bought the more expensive season pass version, i also got the 000 gurantee ticket and i was wondering if i should just use it when rodya comes out or if i should wait longer?
Clearly poise, Meursault
my only real advice is to see it as passive additional income and not expect massive returns, because the reality of stock investing for most outside of sudden fluctuations is "get 0.5% of your total investments as interest every 5 or so months"
The "perfect" tremor turn is:
>Don S3/Rodya S3
>Hong Lu S3/Frog EGO
>Faust Everlasting
>Molar Outis S3
>Zwei Ish S3
>Don S3/Rodya S3
for the damage to trigger the same turn and no need to wait or you can do another burst at the end and repear this the next turn for more sloth damage
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>bp level 215
I don't even need those crates, I still have 1700 left.
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i actually recommend browsing through r/wallstreet bets or R/stocks
the big losses people post there will give you better stock lessons than any professional book could.
ALSO very important : dont invest more than you can afford to lose.
my own ethics in investing is to only use 1% of my money on buying the actual stocks.
>ex : my acc has 6000$
>i'll only use 60$ on buying the stocks
and keep the rest of the money in case the stock you bought goes down.
maybe even buy the dip if it really fell down
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He said he wants to be more like her, anon. This exact shit happened with Philip. Director is spelling it out for us.
dulci rodya with 1 2 3 coins
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here you are, nice and clean
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>gamble or buy index
DO NOT listen to this retard
index is a scam nowadays if you're not already a nepo baby with 100000$ money in your investment account.
a single index stock is super expensive
man, alpha Limbus looked like fucking dogshit
I think I'd rather get raped than take financial advice from Don. Sorry, but...
invest all your money into betting on the US election
bet on whoever you like less
Investments and stocks are jewish inventions.
use transparent layers next time
if you're going to use this anyway, you can just set it to multiply and color on the layer under it, then flatten it
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I just need someone to draw Dante or anyone PM related
nice job
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i already had a few losses with my first time trying out and letting greed take over.
getting getting 1% of my total money as profit every month or two should be the perfect goal.
why is this young girl being drawn in such a manner?
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why can't we talk about Limbus Company
She is actually a 2000 year old dragon and a mother
ahh, all is well
she's like 40 years old
limbus is a dogshit game
it should have been a vn
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are you a autistic female or a femboy?
these two types of people are the only ones worthy to join my lobotomy corp.
and i guess maybe 120+ iq einsteins
Buy P Corp shares bro I heard from a friend they got their hands on something big during the la Mancha land operation
Why's he speaking to him like he's some kid
That's the joke.
Mersault is only 13 years old.
Meursault literally almost died(turned all of his life into 4 hour days) because the director of T Corp asked him to forfeit all of his time
The worst thing about this is Rip Space being gluttony.
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I’m always surprised at how vampires are eroticized. They don’t have much difference from humans and are essentially rotting people. But they are always depicted as extremely seductive.
What, did they make syringes illegal to draw now? What is this even supposed to be?
Meursault is half Sinclair's age
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super micro computer is imploding due to suspected fraud, that's nvidias third biggest client vainishing
the AI frenzy is failing to materialse any actual profits, the endless investment is going to run dry and that's another giant chunk of the nvidia customer base gone
the AI bubble will pop, it's obviously hard to time it precisely because there is a gigantic sunk cost fallacy going on and nobody wants to point out that the emperor is naked, so who knows how many more billions are going to get "invested" into ai architecture before enough people say "where the fuck is the trillion dollar business that would justify such an investment"???. it's only a matter of time and 9+ months is a reasonable prediction, they will not do more than one more earnings call with these financial black holes

and that's not even talking about the fact that nvidia would have to 10x their revenue to remotely justify their current evaluation, but that's just regular stock market retardation that can go on forever
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sinners for this feel
Like that's the point, to lure humans with mystic and glamor, That's been there since the myth started
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i've seen countless stories of people losing thousands of dollars on shorts.
never touching that type of stocks with a 10 foot poll
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Go big or go home you stupid BITCH
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Thanks Limbabs, currently I invested in cows (because my country main export is meat products). I bought some local government bonds as well. I will dig deeper on some stocks.
It's okay, he would have given it back.
Wait until he hears about go homeless.
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You're NEVER going to become a [BIGSHOT] if you don't take a few [RUSSIAN ROULETTES]
bonds are a good choice
they are boring and don't offer the glamour of "omg what if it 10x" but they are a very good investment in terms of risk and return
dont know about the cows shit, sounds like some babbys first trade shit
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Director just writes random shit when it comes to stuff like this, just look at the scales he has given for the citys map.
Anon, in Uruguay we have 13 million cows and we are 3 million people. There is good business in trade with cows. Usually you get an increased 3/4% value per year.
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If you aren't putting your livelihood on the line, you aren't living. All in. Load three rounds, spin the cylinder, and see if you're a part of God's grand design.
>what symbolism are you referring to within vampire stories?
vampires are inspired by various sources, but most notably derive from eastern european accounts of people encountering "vampires" (the most likely explanation we have for this being people suffering from rabies), so one of the primary aspects of vampirism from a sympathetic perspective is "being afflicted by an incurable, life-altering disease" (syphilis and tuberculosis, big problems in the 18th/19th century)
the second aspect of vampires' popular symbolism is tied to their depictions around the time of dracula is "aristocrats do terrible things to commoners", which was thought of inconceivable and part of the horror of vampiric fiction at the time, since "how could someone so inviting and charismatic be so evil?" (see: polidori's vampyre, carmilla)
vampires being connected to brooding, tragic, moody figures, ie being aware of their diseased status while simultaneously occupying the position of "the evil aristocrat", comes from anne rice and similar writers in the 50-60s and onwards
>part of the major symbolism within the vampire
it's not, and that's not what i'm putting forward, i'm stating that the idea of depicting such a conflict is stupid and fundamentally disregards the idea of vampires as commonly understood unless it alters the exact nature of what a vampire is, which then changes the nature of vampires as symbols and what they evoke
based misogynist intern
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Until someone delivers a masterpiece, have my scribble.
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you sound a bit like that guy that shorted copper because the olympic bronze medals looked bad. financial vehicles dont necessarily map onto real world things like that, no matter how obvious and related they may seem.
let's just say it's generally not a smart strategy to base your investments on this sort of napkin logic.
"they historically give you 3/4% yearly return" is a better point. of course then the question would be why do they give this return and are these conditions going to continue in the near and far future so they will work for my investment too.
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at times you read something and immediately realize it's someone that has never written anything in their whole life
hadn't gotten around to using Don's new EGO yet, isn't it implying she benefits from the rum chalice at some point in the future?
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I agree, It's not a "safe" investment because primary resources prices varies depending on the markets and also local produce can be affected by natural disasters like a drought for example. The same can be said for stocks though. I know the risk of investing in cattle.
Reply to the post in question so I can figure out if I need to kill myself or not
>rodya finally has her tattoo out
>id art covers it
overrated piece of shit artist
EGO gets clash power for 100 (you need to consume fucking 500 for +5) bloodfeast consumed by this unit specifically. None of the Don current IDs consume bloodfeast. So yeah. Tho her coins deal more damage for each 100 bloodfeast consumed by every character.
the tattoo was clearly a mistake now
Why are anons talking stocks?
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Trump wins and I commission meurdon
Kamala wins and I commission the futafag
Sinclair and Ryoshu
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Hopefully she actually applies count because they're not gonna give her a lot of potency.
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don is giving away free money trading tips
that's the norm for most people talking about anything
I need that fucking orange in the office now holy shit
>overrated piece of shit artist
This but because of how he draws tits
I don't know why no artist at PM can actually draw hot girls
Like she's very clearly supposed to have huge breasts in the teaser yet he managed to make her look flat, there is no volume whatsoever
>not both
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>I have conceived an idea most ingenius.
this: >>501181137
if a third party wins any state, you commission foxgirl Faust in cute chibi crayon form without any degenerate shit
>no volume
>when they literally look larger than her waist
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>she's very clearly supposed to have huge breasts in the teaser yet he managed to make her look flat
Being blind is the real struggle
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If Vermin Supreme gets over 1% of the vote I'll do both
i won't, because i want for you to feel insecure
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very mean
>Roland, would you please provide me with a night of most tumultuous action in bed
What did Angela mean by this?
cool, now just edit the bus background behind him
Who do I look like, Picasso?
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Is Bari actually one huge psychopath? She went on to duel Don Quixote because he was the biggest threat to the war by staying in a safe position. And was evenly matched to him but had he ordered any Bloodfiend to help she’d likely be overhelmed.
By feeding him tales far apart from the morally empty City, he entered the war on the humans’ side and decimated all the opposition. And then he went on to make an Amusement Park where all the bloodfiends starved and eventually nailed him to a windmill and sealed himself.
Instead of helping him like a good friend she just kept sending letter to Don Quixote indirectly contributing to her return to murder all the surviving children.
i said edit not draw retard
A considerable anount of your post was just don being retarded
Bari has... complex motives.
It probably would have been worse if Doncho had zero other contact locked up.
She just indulges in... vague actions once in a while.
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Bari is an idealist that didn't fully comprehend how much the City can warp and corrupt the hearts of those within it
It's a headcanon. I made it up.
I want you to remember that it was over 200 years ago, presumably closer to 300.
The city might not have not existed at all. Intelligent AI was out there. Its fully possible that she never lied
i think the only reason why she choose to sided with human is because it her race also still only one guy decent to draw dulcinea porn why are all limartist are such huge faggot
an idealist, you say...
She taught the man how to fish and he didn't teach anybody else except his favorite.
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she has anime disease
>A sheep... can change everything.
Be a friend
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what will you even ask futafag to draw?
futa bari with sancho?
AIEEEEEEEEEEEE missing the seagull feels like shit
Want to with cuddle sancho
2 paypig banners, huh.
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This is the best I can do. Feel free to fix it
anon, even men can have larger chests than their waist, this means nothing
Good shit
Probably a ship I don't like. Maybe donmael or donclair. The latter seems to be getting more popular so maybe that
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>feeling bad about not being a paypig
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I think she genuinely was a friend, She didn't interact with the others so maybe she assumed they were like Sancho, Don Quixote didn't want to kill his children and likely implored Bari to not get involved and help Sancho and look after her.
Bari is a good person
that would mean said man has voluminous tits actually, just like rodion. she's built like a one piece character in that teaser
>Bari is as strong as a first kindred
>she is also smarter than Ayin
Holy best girl
im clearly wanting to fund a second hhpp location alongside fun banners for profile
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i really wanna believe bari has a good heart.
but the bookhunter ending makes her REALLY sus.
like she's basically purple tear 2.0
>feeding him tales far apart from the morally empty City, he entered the war on the humans’ side and decimated all the opposition.
I thought she told him to join which ever side since she didn't like he was just an observer
THEN after everything was over she told him stories
GOOOD shit
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What is the best team I could possibly bring for this canto's final Dungeon?
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it's called X - the everything app
Blue hands typed this post.
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>feel obligated to to also UT 4 red shoes and bear
>I will either attempt to kill you or give you a dream
>Because i know the true disease of bloodfiends is loneliness
Don accepts the dream and starts striving for it, believing that due to his Family being his Family they would strive and be happy the same way he was
Now, it becomes unclear how much they talked to him about how unsatisfied they were, Sancho was the one that talked to him the most about their collective dissatisfaction and even when they found the helmet she was worried about them while Don fully believed they were completely satisfied with the situation
I think people trying to put the blame solely on Bari/Don/Sancho/The Bloodfiends in general are missing the point that none of them were entirely to blame during this entire Canto, a lot of people fucked up at several moments even when they had good intentions
Don should have been more responsible, Sancho should have had more empathy for her fellow bloodfiends, Bari should have helped more if she truly wanted for Don to reach their dream, the Bloodfiends should have had more to do than living for the dream of another but overrall it was a shitfest that nobody expected would get this bad
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missing one crucial element
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Bari was simply enlightening a lesser species. If the Bloodfiend untermensch don't adapt their subhuman ways and understand what they really desire are emotions and not blood, we Cityzens can not permit them to exist.
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anon how do i get to your mirror world
Sinking or the strongest generalists as usual
every halfway fit man has that ratio mate
slim waist broad chest are default male proportions
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U Jelly?
what did tie 4 shoes and bear even do cause youre really making me regret my devyjat shard a bit cause i forgot how much shard rape tie 4 egos were
I would let el grande padre turn me into a bloodbag
No homo
their best effort went into the seagull wished they did something with the squirrel for heath
solo cinq don with g gregor and fanghunt hong lu supports for the easiest to execute strategies
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>futa don on femboy sinclair
eh it's not the worst thing i guess
sinclair dissolving from my stomach acid
Yeah. I do have Director scribbles tho. But no more paypig banners.
>>Probably a ship I don't like.
hilariously based
Sinners for this feel?
>showing off your first line
>but no turn count
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That Bari drinked from Oblivion, that's why she was the child with no name then, Influence by angela, But she eventually killed her after learning about the city, cause she's a good person to the core
Cavernous wailing Honglu
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Just for the final boss right? What makes this particularly good bwo?
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<Hello Faust, do you mind telling Vergilius something for me? That's all your useful for really. Make it snappy because I have to hang out with Heathcliff later.>
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link to the song or Rodya's new ID is another Sloshmael
I do also have the Heath one, but is not that good
very high evade dice to dodge the unbreakable coins
and like I said, it's real strength is in the simplicity. there are other, perhaps even better ways to deal with all the unbreakable bleed bullshit, but solo cinq don is incredibly easy to play. dodge the unbreakable coins, clash with the rest, repeat for 20 turns. the supports cushion any odd 90% heads miss.
>[Utter random bullshit]
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Total DonCliff love
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Only wants cashy
Has her promised timepiece
>higher base on regular and corrosion
>higher healing on both
>both can heal an extra person with 4+ envy res
>corrosion damage buffs harder
>both inflic more bleed, curse, and nails
>+13 coin power max instead of +9
>does even more damage based off bleed
>corrosion inflicts more bleed and count
Nothing groundbreaking, just marginal increases all over
>And was evenly matched to him but had he ordered any Bloodfiend to help she’d likely be overhelmed
She was definitely holding back lol. She came to his castle, ready to wipe him out if he didn't choose a side.
he looks like he's about to unhinge his jaw and swallow her head whole
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Imagine unironically falling in love with A FUCKING FROG
Camillesault is now forgiven since this is four seasonal 000s before doncho
SHITclair's zwei ID is still on the hook unless we get a bloodfiend 00 and said 00 is actually not complete dogshit unlike the other two this season
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I made it pretty far using mostly Bleed+Sinking, though I had to go for more Sinking agains the rose horsemen and the rest was more bleed-focused. I’m yet to fight the final boss though.
In particular, the new Bloodfiend units shine really bright here. They can exploit all the Bloodfeast around and they heal a lot which circumvents the damage suffered of all the Unbreakable Coins
You guys are too addicted to porn to think that Rodya does not have tits lmao, seek help, I mean it.
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>1 limbillion views after 4 days
total donchad victory
I think should include steam playercounting peaking during the canto as well
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Here's I'm trying to reason with a Doomposter
What an utter fool I am!
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>unless it alters the exact nature of what a vampire is, which then changes the nature of vampires as symbols and what they evoke
They did alter them within PM's world, as I've already mentioned the major detail of emotions being part of a Bloodfiend's way of feasting (again, still fucking retarded). I'd say Bloodfiends are similar to the Vampires in Vampire: the Masquerade in terms of how they handle hierarchy, but they're more aligned with PM's distortions, which I assume you already know that they're just humans overcomed by emotions. In fact, they have been explicitly referred to as a distortion that has existed before the White Nights and Dark Days. You gotta remember that they only take the baseline concept of a particular literary reference & folklore, and change it to fit within their world. Basically: They kind of are vampires? But they do have some fundamental differences that makes them function slightly different to their literary / folklore counterpart.
But even with all of this in mind, while I now understand why you hate this aspect story (it is pretty bland, and I have some issues with the general story itself), tt was meant to establish Original Don Quixote's dream, and how he squandered it for himself, and ultimately lead to him hurting his family the most. You could say that it was done in a pretty flawed manner, as it was trying to balance between the ideas of Vampires & Don Quixote's novel, but it failing was the point. And, to be honest, I don't think it was executed poorly It was an idea that was considered "impossible" by his own family, and because he was making a bunch of other stupid mistakes (such immediately going with the Hemobar idea despite it not satisfying the hunger of Bloodfiends, or traveling around the Outskirts with Sancho to go on adventures. Albeit with the explicit purpose of spreading the word of La Manchaland), he ended up just failing miserably at the end.
I'd like to hear more, but I'm tired as shit.
priest gregor's 3s is programmed to always play the 3rd coin animation which is kinda funny, it makes him skip his first coin long animation if he will kill with the first coin
Thanks bro!

It's possible to change up your team compositions at the rest nodes right? Could be fun to run some Bleed again.
Im pretty sure we had similar cases before already. Like captain Ish always does a finish regardless if she lost clashes or not
Tourist here, which sinners are for (you)?
>Rodya gets a 2nd gen kindred ID
Gregor and Sinclair are not safe
ah so a no rush type thing ill just focus on the 450 rodya shards for now then and tie 4 those egos when i got 300 to spare
You know what? I feel sorry for you. You've never felt these feelings and you never will, but you have to interview an employee on the edge like me while pretending to be decent.
Now it's time for my head to burst. Good day.
higher damage on bleed-lust deluge, bigger rolls
bigger heal for self and 2 other allies, extra ally healed at 4 envy abs-res , additional healing for every negative status effect on healed allies
remember, it's only downhill from here
Devyat Rodya's S3 is the same iirc, she'll always do the final coin's animation regardless of which is the one that kills. I guess we've come a long way from Molar Ish killing with the fist coin of her S3 and then just freezing in the air
i've had her kill many enemies with coins that aren't her 4th coin of the 3s and she never strikes the 4th coin pose unless she kills with it
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I liked it when Buffy did vampires wanting to co-exist.
They also had the neat trick of tying vampirism directly to demons, and turning into a vampire makes you lose your soul and with it goes your conscience (and a bunch of other shit, Buffy vampires are very dense thematically). And the few vampires that want to coexist have regained their soul and now they feel really bad about all the killing and maiming they did and they want to repent and do better, so they have a genuine internal motivation to no longer do all that.
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>it's only downhill from here
No anon i don't think posting can possibly get any worse than on literal election day
Artist: Blind Guardian
Album: Beyond the Red Mirror
Song: Grand Parade

Honestly I thought the album was lackluster on release, but it's aged surprisingly gracefully. Still one of their weaker albums, but it's fermenting like good wine
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Yes. And there are a ton of rest nodes. And if you level up your units outside the dungeon, they get those levels once your each the rest nodes.
My team was Barber Outis, Priest Gregor, Red Eyes Prominence Ryoshu, Grippy Faust, Wild Hunt Heathcliff and Lament Yi Sang (I don’t have other bleed units leveled up). Oh and Fanghunter Hong Lu for the support passive against all the obligatory bleed.
I managed to beat most bossed with this team. Of course there were a few fights half of my team died out since there is a ton of damage. Outis and Gregor are exceedingly tanky and this helps a lot.
>Swimsuit Ishmael 2
unrelated to this board but most defintely
>GF2 release on global
What is the scale he gave for the map
stupid speed reading retard
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Sometimes the artist draws Heath with a bigger head. Must have trouble getting the size perspective down.
who gives a fuck about gfl2 here beyond seaniggers
PM should have enought money now to make a JP/ENG Dub, it would be funny I think, but might make even more delays
Why don't the sinners with IDs based on NPCs we fight have lines like Capt Ish and Wild Hunt do
limbus website had a map of the city with distance indicators, leading to people calculating that the city is roughly the size of belgium
>Blind Guardian
Sometimes I feel like they made 2 half-decent albums and that was it.
aigoo, smol induie teamu, pureasu underusutando
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Post on-model sinners
IDs like Captain Ish and Wild Hunt are special because they're based on characters who are more important to the story. Also PM chooses when to do it.
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I do bwo... it's hard to find X-comlites I enjoy, especially with anime aesthetic. anime X-com is what I needed oko also, mechabare robots alongside being a "sequel. couldn't care less about the dorm or skins that aren't tacticool
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You fuckers made me lose my shit whenever a gook says that
coexisting with people suffering a disease doesn't sound that far off
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Here's your linton bwo
That's pretty big, at the same time not as big as I thought it would be
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Their latest album "God Machine" had extremely high highs, and marina trench lows
But the highs were great enough for me that it's one their better albums period.
>Deliver me from Evil
>Secrets of the American Gods
>Violent Shadows
>Blood of the Elves
are all somehow still at the top for me in this genre
Did Hex Nails powercrept Pursuance?
pursuance was always a crappy ego, people only used it because it's part of the few healing egos, but hex nail is so much better in every aspect
Even if I won't like later Cantos as much, there are still plenty of things to look forward to:
>Hong Lu's canto will probably feature Liu (or maybe Xiao gets her own intervallo like Kim)
>Ryoshu's canto will feature at least some fingers (which means index IDs, thumb IDs, Ricardo ID, etc.) and should fill a lot of lore gaps
>new bough abilities
>Binah and Gebura IDs on 10th anniversary
Cant 7 Boss 3 for 10 hours
holy based
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some milli fans are annoyed they keep making PM stuff
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I came back to the game after 2 weeks of not playing and gave it a 10 pull
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Those aren't people
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not sickly enough
classic returning player luck
My boy did nothing wrong
He might be dead as hell but surely he has insurance yea?
Don't blame you, the in-game OSTs themselves are almost always a lot of fun :D
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Honestly I don't really feel like you need to know about PM to understand what the songs are talking about.
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Gregor seed...
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that aside, I don't see the issue. More Mili music is more Mili music. the only thing you'd miss is whatever the song adds but I can't recall any PM Mili song that you would 'miss out on' by not playing the game. PM is already so in your face with their story themes and Mili is no exception. do they need to be unironically spelled out what Fly, My Wings, Hero, Gone Angels or Through Patches are all about?
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The Burrowing Heaven ego that uses your phone's camera to check if you're looking and rolls all tails if you are
i think fly my wings is a bit too specific to yi sang for that
Singhclair, translate.
It's because he collab'd with that fucking Zwei bitch. You fucking niggers said it was a nothingburger, but now look.
>doubters got fucked
do they ever get tired of it?
Only parade or circus song I have is sin circus by unlike pluto, so I guess that while I do a 10 roll
LaManchaLand carnival on loop
who plays this game on phones?
top Geg
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>go to lcg
>election discussion
>go eat lunch while watching tv
>local news discussing election
>turn off tv go to yt
>i'm not even american
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+50 social points have been distributed to your account
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NTA but one read tells you everything you'd need to know what the song's about. it doesn't need some hyper specific knowledge to figure that it's about regaining hope after having lost it and finding the drive to move forward despite prior experiences.
I am really fucking stupid and have 10 thousand US dollars in my pocket. How much money WILL I earn after those 9 months?
Is there any gain to saving it for longer or shoudl i just send it tomorrow...
Hex nail does more damage.
Hex has an offensive passive, Pers has a support one.
Hex has a higher healing cap but it's conditional scaling.
Pers has more consistent heals and gives shield.
Hex can heal more people.
Thats futa? Source? I can't believe it without proof
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It's a digestible song about someone having sincere dreams and wishes, when suddenly things crash down because of external elements, before the singer gathers their last strengths to keep on striving.
depends on how much the stock drops, how much you short and your precise timing
Take note everyone. This is what happens when a man collabs with a woman.
rondo duo
they're going to wait until after railway to say sancho don isn't coming
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Im from the EU and I legit got an ad this morning saying I can bet which AMERICAN president gets elected, like what is the world coming to when European citizens gets ads like that man...
I will have you know it’s the only time I've doubted and I'm happy to be wrong. Especially if it means more seasonal 000s in future seasons.
being addicted to porn is the equivalent of the bloodfiend addiction for blood
Then what is an equivalent of a hemobar?
What would be the equivalent of hemobars?
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most important country in the world, sorry buddy!
Don't you know anon? It's the last real american election
No matter which side wins, every future one will be politically staged to enhance the winner's power
>[Cinq Assoc. West Section 3] Meursault is released
ruh rooooh
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Homobar mind....
Ryoshu and Heathcliff would vote for Trump
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It was a friendly collab! Nothing happened!
Yeah, don't see why Paula collaborated with her.
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>DulciRod uses sanguine desire
>Bleed count doesnt drop
>Priest greg keeps proccing bleed damage over and over
This ID is starting to feel like a massive mistake. why doesnt he just purge bleed count after he inflicts some on himself like all the other bloodfiends in the game do?
edging to porn
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Oh no no no, Camillefags? I thought your oshi WASN'T quitting his job to fuck the dyke??
Just wait for Greg S3 to use Sanguine Desire
i would shoot a liquid at her face, and it's quite surprising
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Consider yourselves lucky if you don't have to deal with the election and it's results directly honestly.
Damn, Musk was right...
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Wonder if we're getting an 00
your reading skills...
She only stops decay on target of her skill.
So can rodya fans finally stop saying Outis “stole” from her with the barber? That was always the dumbest shit from the moment she got leaked.
>coexisting with people suffering a disease doesn't sound that far off
and it isn't, neither irl or in fiction, "vampirism as an ambiguous mental/physical condition" is actually depicted very well in one movie i like, martin by george romero, and they've more or less cured hiv
the problem, again, with vampire fiction depicting this while still trying to keep the stereotypical features of vampires is that you then depict someone having this disease as actively antagonistic by the very nature of their being
>18% Trump
>20% Kamala
>2% third party
>60% Dongrang
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How do I “recharge” my sinners for the Mirror Dungeon?
They usually tease the 00 first, don't they? This'll be 000 season.
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Use different Sinners during your next MD run.
But if Rodion had gotten it she probably would've still had the drills...
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anon please READ
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This really was a great Boss track. Although it did take some time for me to appreciate it

Have you tried Troubleshooter? Less -lite and more -like but still very decent
Only one ID was promised. Maybe we get more 00 for the intervalos.
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Not real Ayin was the biggest brained person in the city no contest
Tou must pick them two time in a row, Tou must have a rotation between
that's a bloodfiend you're replying to anon
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I keep sneezing and it's starting to piss me off.
Thanks too
>biggest brained
The 000 is teased first. What are you on about?
What promise?
Would you let Rodya suck your blood, even knowing you'll turn into a bloodbag?
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around 120k if the stock drops by 30% by then

i would fuck her gently and shower with kisses and tell her i love her and probably leave within the week most likely
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Would you rather Outis get the big open boob id instead while Rodya gets the drills?
rodion should bounce on my penis and let me suck her udders
Give me a link to Man of La Mancha.
The last director stream. Only one ID mentioned.
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Nothing can be done
that would be 50 ahn and i don't think the bimbus company pays its sinners
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Yeah since both of them have their tits out anyway so it's a win-win. Plus it'd potentially mean long hair Outis
four arms faust is so ugly I wish the ID wasnt so good
I love her design.
that's a lot of money, I'm in
>sansón mask in the background
Who the fuck was that guy even
Nai_ga can't draw tits to save his life and I'm tired to pretend otherwise.
one of the few ids that will show her tattoo
We have no fucking idea
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options are tricky
read up on them before investing
while I 100% agree with the direction of the trade, there are a lot of details to iron out in terms of degree and timing and you should know what you are actually buying and when you're in the money
First kindred of another family. Also blue star cultist.
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After you I follow
After you I follow
The world you show me broaden my horizon
Forever my hero
Forever my hero
I am your biggest fan
I am your biggest fan
he isn't even drawing the IDs
why the fuck are you retards harping about this
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Paulachuds... I still believe...
I hope we get a fixer convention intervallo.
you just exposed yourself as a retarded drama starved tranny
Ayin & Benjamin
Argalia & Pluto
Don Quixote & Sancho

Who had the biggest fan?
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Next Canto will release in 8 months btw
Don Quixote was stuck to an enormous fan for years so him
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Moses & Dias
Is 60 boxes enough to get a 000?
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Wait. I can just spam Fluid Sac and win any Railway, MD or dungeon fight?
did you fail the third grade
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So quickly she is forgotten.
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It's been like two weeks since I finished canto 7 and I still can't get over how fucking kino it was truly peak cinema bravo director
200 almost always guarantee 400 sharTs.
Spamming fluid sac works for story more than anything where you start at 0sp
There's no point spamming it if you're in MD at 45sp
200 boxes anon. you probably meant 60 levels on the pass

if you have the ego resources, then yes
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I wonder what could have compelled Don Quixote to adopt such a charming lady
As someone who stopped playing the since summer and only casually follows via threads, I want to ask:
Does Sinners having Bloodfiend ids even make sense or did the game completely stop following any rhyme and reason with the game mechanics?
They just are.
If you get the rare 200 shards box in one of them, maybe.
too big
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Oh it gets Kino-er from here, This Friday we'll get a PowerPoint presentation
oh yeah that does't make sense to have gregor and rodion be 200 year old vampires huh
its mirror worlds, theres an infinity of choices and they expand as we continue, dont think about it too hard
Aren't those blood fiends way too old to be alternative routes for sinners?
Yes, they are.
the more we find out about the sinners the less some of their ids make sense so dont even worry about it
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IDs can't be anyone and everything, it usually happens with those we directly interacted with, or fought, so yeah it still makes sense.

The fucky aspect of it that IDs are supposedly in a 2-3 year gap limit, but the uptie stories are around the time prior to Don Quixote leaving Lamancha land, or around the time, which is +200 years ago.
And I still refuse to read Hong Lu's book.
thank you
>Does Sinners having Bloodfiend ids even make sense
No. It does not.
It's the same thing as Gregor having the Linton heir ID. It doesnt make sense-in what world could Gregor have been born to a completely different air of parents as a member of the Edgar family? Same thing. How does it make sense for the sinners to takr the place of characters that existed more than 200 years ago?
Just roll with it, it's not worth the trouble
I just can't really see any reason to ever use Barber Outis over Ring Outis, unless both Don and Rodion are countGODS. Yes even with Sanguine Desire.
Real, i think it will be the only sinner book i will NEVER read
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Those are all choices for people they could have taken during their life time, not before they were born.
Barber does more damage than Ring. FAR more damage
this but with every sinner's book
nigger it's mirror worlds they never made any sense to begin with
it's all alternate infinite possibilities
it's like how there is a mirror world where you aren't retarded
Maybe Outis' mom decided to have a child 200 years earlier, have you ever thought about that?
This is incorrect. Final power and base power function identically for damage as well. Because it's "final" on every roll. So when rolling damage with a 3+4+4 skill, the first coin will be 3+4(+1 final power), and the second will be 3+4+4(+1 final power)
>nigger it's mirror worlds they never made any sense to begin with
It is basically like Everything... all at once. There is a certain logic behind it.
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If it was observed, the possibility becomes closer to being grabbed by the tech, that was specified already. We saw what happened through Dante's flashback powers, so that made us look closer.
The circumstances also change in general, it's infinity, their parents are wholly different people as well for certain situation. Not all of them are "what if sinner did X" but instead "what if sinner had X life". The most questionable aspect of it is how Outis still had a desire to go home even back then, but it could just a simple matter of actually having been able to reach home, and then she got turned.
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She really doesn't. Skill 1s are similar, slight edge to barber. Skill 2 Ring does WAY WAY more damage, and inflicts an assload of count. It's only skill 3 where Barber has a real edge, and that's just one skill of 6
You're missing a key point though. Barber is way more sex.
IDs aren't only around possibilities of diverging paths they took, it also includes entirely different lives.
my theory that our outis is a clone of the original who got away is getting stronger..
why are you even complaining about that?

Do you want a fucking firefist ID and 10 different flavors of dogshit fanghunt or fixers IDs when we could have access to cool designs ? Mirror worlds barely mean anything anymore nigga no one cares about muh 2-3 year gap limit
Limbros, I need to ask, Why is there an big Pm roblox presence? it scares me
Doesn't she mean with Range only the from which point in time an ID can be extracted?
For example usually you can have an Zwei Sinclair that is 2 years older, but with higher ranger you can extract a Zwei Sinclair that is 4 years older.
That doesn't mean a Sinclair can exist at every point in time.
>Every time you get chocked, you get tighter.
>No, t...
>Mother has some unique tastes, huh?
>That's... Can't be it...!

Or something with MTL.
Then you remember that Barber Outis has a coin power conditional on her S2, on top of a status increasing her damage, and then inflicting sewing target which is 1 fragile on the enemy. And then you have her res passive increasing her damagr even further
limbus company is a baby game and has understandably attracted a baby audience
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>gets the first Cinq ID
>gets the first "match the colors" ID/first middle ID
>borderline non-functional
>gets the first "defend to activate a mechanic" ID
>doesn't even get a clashable guard
Does she deserve it?
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Do i look like a baby?!
Neither of the seasonal association IDs reference the mirror world of La Manchaland.
In fact, what's curious is that 2wei Sinclair and Cinq Meursault do not share the same uptie story hub page, and neither do 2wei Ishmael and Sinclair for some reason.
And with all that, she still does way less damage on the skill 2, and inflicts zero count.
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Not nearly
We're still extracting within the Time limit because the IDs is extracted from a point in time before Don Quixote's return and capture, which in our World caused La manchaland to appear in P Corp a few months ago.
The fact that Gregor/Outis and co would technically have to be 200 years older is overall convoluted but not relevant to extraction
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It's infinity. Someone that looks 1:1 and acts similar might exist in a different period, who's to say that not possible when you have literal infinity to work with?
Course we don't know how mirror works perfectly, the ones in charge probably know more. LCA grunt did that "a friend is a foe, and a foe is a friend for Limbus company" which is probably a hint at the nature of the tech.
people really just say the most random shit don't they
By that logic literally none of don's IDs make sense at all since she's 200 years older than all the other sinners and was spending her life in a lighthouse until verg took her out
cinq don solos her canto though
I didn't like this picture
What's exactly a short?
another limbillion garbage IDs to don because rip space is good, it's a good tradeoof
They robbed nai_ga from his true calling by having no cunny sinners.
does he really call her mommy or is that some sort of korean way to talk to their elders
>I just can't really see any reason to ever use Barber Outis over Ring Outis.
Slash over pierce. And self-heal makes Barber are much stronger pick for longer fights. If she survives long enough to ramp up that is. Ring for everything else makes more sense.
Probably referencing how she's going to become a mother
The issue is anon, if it DOESNT do that, you open yourself up to theoretically infinite risk. The issue with options is you need the timing, and the amount. If you're off on either of them, you could be holding the bag for many times the amount of your initial investment
I used MTL so I have no idea. I looked up the specific term and it does seem to be straight up mother. I guess it could be him being cheeky since they took him in, or adding fuel to the fetish pile.
Man I love WDon, even if her S1 leaves a little to be desired.
Blood lance
So who'd make a good fit?
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t-that's hot...
She's due two IDs this season
Anon... It's been rough. But the dark times are soon to end...
I actually really like playing envy res, it's a fun team. Did it for all the non-boss fights in Don's Canto, and had a lot of fun. And she's pretty great in that team.
It's about option trading. Regular stock trading involves buying and selling a stock and you gain profits if the asset held value between your buy and sell points. Option trading is like a meta-bet on the stock. Being "long" or "short" on a stock means betting a stock will rise or a stock will fall. "Shorting a stock" means buying "puts" on it, which are bets that the stock will have lower value than it currently has in the future.
The technical explanation as to how that generates profit is that by buying a put, you are loaning the stock from someone else and are telling that person you will be returning the stock at a future date. Then, you sell that loaned stock (at its current value). That's your money, yay. But you still need to return the stock you loaned, and you do that the previously set future date. To do that, you need to buy the stock again. But if the stock price has dropped between now and that future date, you pay less for it and made a profit. If the stock price rose, you lose money.
I really don't get posts like this, most IDs in the game are usable because MD is easy as shit, story is also easy as shit and the hardest content is railway which you do once and never again so why does an ID NEED to excel at anything?
You borrow stock assets for someone else ( which mean paying fees while the asset is borrowed, this WILL eat in your profits margins)

IMMEDIATELY sell the shit you just borrowed for cash

Pray to god the stock price falls :

If it falls just buy new stock and give it back to the guy who gave you the stock,

if it rises or is stagnant you get fucked in the ass

good luck!
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Collab when?
It's just Donfags developed Gregorfags syndrome from parental neglect
It will be her if she stayed in la manchaland
>she still does way less damage on the skill 2
Not with her offense levels she doesnt.
>By that logic literally none of don's IDs make sense at all since she's 200 years older than all the other sinners and was spending her life in a lighthouse until verg took her out
I mean, yes. It doesn't make sense. Her being a Vampire is absolutely retarded.
...Sancho, I have conceived an idea most ingenious. I wish to participate in the stock market, as the investors do.
why doesn't it make sense if don is 200 years older than the others? seems fine to me.
Stock markets are fake, gay, and are based on pagan magical rituals.
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Not very convincing.
Actually it's just gambling with extra steps
Numerology bros eternally winning
Not to be a commie since they are retarded as well but capitalism is utterly fucking stupid and dysfunctional but it does allow a chosen few gamblers to ascend society
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What a fantastic idea.
Walpur was specifically mentioned to have a widened time range of extraction. Other than that we know nothing
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no capitalism is based and the best instrument to organise the needs and desires of the many in a way that allows society to function
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I don’t properly understand but what was that Clash powercreep the director mentioned? I was using N.Faust with the Bloodfiends and she didn’t seem to have any trouble clashing in this Canto. At least not more than other units did
Or were her values just better than average in her time?
May I bake?
She has no conditionals to improve her clashing potential like some of the stronger clashing IDs, and her S3 is insanely below average in regards to clashing. That's about it.
N faust was a great clasher when she came out because both her s2 and s3 had good values
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You may
Have you considered that the many are completely retarded and the few that manage society are either retarded as well/ greedy/ evil?

I won't argue against the fact that capitalism is the best system currently but that's not a very high bar to pass
What is the modern envy res team?
Is it
>Middle Don
>Middle Sault
>Ahab Ish
>Red Eyes Ryoshu
She's among the better season 1s. It's just that nowadays if she released she'd probably also have coin or clash power up conditionals too.
I forgot but what exactly happened with L Corp's Nest? All of it went away with the Library when the Head did something in their reception or just the Library itself?
No? Capitalism is great.
Why would gregor ever have become a pirate? Why would Gregor have managed to lose his hand in literally every mirror world? Doesn't make sense
Why would Ishmael magically turn into literally Ahab? Why would Yi Sang and Heathcliff take up the roles of her crewmates, to the point that Heathcliff had the exact same backstory of also working for the middle? Doesn't make sense
Why would Sinclair be doing anything other than either Ncorping it up or being dead? Doesn't make sense
Why would Yi Sang be doing anything with his life other than talking to Sang Yi? Doesn't make sense
Why would Ishmael and Sinclair be part of a fucking anti-technology rebellion when Sinclair's parents were almost entirely prosthetics and Ishmael is a literal sailor? Doesn't make sense
Almost like mirror worlds aren't 'everything is the exact same but ishmael went on an internship for no reason'
Just admit you're still not over the bloodfiend don reveal next time anon
It's not the 200 years old thing itself it's that the only time Don wasn't with papa quixote was when she was with Bari and when she was holed up in a lighthouse where no one would find her
either way its shit that no one should consider or give a shit about
The Library got punted to the Outskirts. L Corp's nest is still around getting carved up by local syndicates and opportunists
She literally doesn't. You can't just say bullshit and expect to get away with it.
Scission is a 3 coin lust slash skill. Base 4, coin 4. Let's be nice and assume she has the coin power conditional.
First attack is 4+5 = 9.
Second attack deals (4+5+5) x( 10% from ideal sewing target)= 15.4.
The third attack is (4+5+5+5) x (10% from ideal sewing target) = 20.9.
Altogether that's 9+15.4+20.9 = 45.3 damage.
Let's be even nicer. Let's say she also has the lust res passive, and all THOSE conditionals are also fulfilled. That's an additional 30% and 10% damage. That gets her up to 64.78 damage. Lastly, at maximum scissors, I believe that's a +5 offense level over ring, so 15% more gets her to 74.5.
Meanwhile, with basically no setup, Ring hits for 60 and inflicts 5 count. You need pretty much every single conditional active at once, including scissors and sewing target (good luck lol!) to make this skill deal a noticeable (like 20%) amount more damage, all while, again, dealing ZERO bleed count. And of course, since Barber is mono slash, she gets no help from the otherwise free damage from Gaze and Hex Nail the rest of the team (including ring Outis) get constantly.
Try dropping a zero

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