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Previous thread: >>501172743

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
[000] The Priest of La Manchaland Gregor

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
Target Extraction: [ Rodion ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Limbus Company!
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sounds like a great argument for a system with decentralised power
like capitalism
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I don!
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Our time will come burnbros.
The fire rises.
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Pretend that you are time traveller from the future talking about all the new shit in limbus
Who the fuck is this
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>do rupture md
>cinq meursault skill 3 is his ONLY skill which can't trigger gifts that check rupture or rupture count infliction
We all know those numbers aren't meant to actually build rupture, so why the fuck would you include token amounts skills 1 and 2 but not 3 director?
I've finally saved up enough money to pay for the R corp kid gacha! Wish me luck so I get a 3 star!
>Nier Collab
What a fucking slop event limbus is unironically dead
Canto 9 was very good, but let's be honest - THAT scene with pregnant Ryoushu was blatant fetish bait.

This game is getting more and more fanservicey in every Canto sure, but this time it didn't feel tasteful at all.
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What the fuck are you talking about?
>1 star
Read the patch notes
Bros… Indigo Ish fucking sucks ass.
>+10 coin power
What the fuck were they thinking.
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El padre secreto
It's so that you're forced to invest into Ragged Umbrella. Director realized 70% of the new EGO gifts introduced in MD4 were horseshit and pool bloat, so he needs to justify their existence
>what was that Clash powercreep the director mentioned?
most 000s now roll 11/16/16 at base and have conditionals to increase their clashing capabilities/coin power
n faust doesn't have this baseline nor any conditionals
that's for UT5 ofc
You clearly misread. It's obviously meant to be Near from Death note, because our power level is too low for L.
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The Director would never acknowledge sex but definitely wouldn't show off something as erotic as Ryoshu being pregnant.
Limbus? That game went EOS years ago after the director got a bunch of people killed in his weird amusement park.
would be nice if they released him with the next banner but i doubt it, i want to stop running liu greg
They signed the contract, and knew the risks.
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So what? Why is it so unbelievable that in her mirror IDs, instead of being brought out by Vergillius, she left on her own/with someone else to become a fixer or whatever else happens in those IDs. Or maybe she didn't even go to the lighthouse after drinking the water. Or a million other ways that make perfect sense.
Sometimes it feels like some of you guys are looking for problems.
>ryoshu's kid is adopted specifically to avoid this scene
u rike?
It's kinda sad the new director passed away, the new one sucks especially after all the rupture entanglement fiasco
Bros no…how could they do this…Rodya's 2nd canto ID going to Outis? Fuck man…
There is no proof that sex exists in the city.
Not one bit.
>But Roland and Angelica's chi-
In-vitro pregnancy.
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look kids, i know you're all having fun with your little limbus company game, all your theorycrafting and erotic fanfiction is very nice
but i have some bad news for you
heroes cannot be real
Soooo what are the news? Did we get the Dulci Rodya teaser?
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A bold move for KJH to recreate La Manchaland from all those years back. Those hemobars were actually kinda okay at least.
Nyo, EoS
>coomerbrained and missing the foreshadowing
no, we got dulci ish instead
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draw me a sheep.
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Anon there was no reason to make Ryoushu's belly that exaggerated and round. I've only seen that type of shit from fetish artsits. Come on.
No news until 22nd.
>Did we get the Dulci Rodya teaser?
Yes. Trailer on Friday.
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Dulcirodion draining Sinclair dry under the sheets (literally)
Will her daughter live with the sinners now? I'm gonna be honest I liked the flow on the bus at the end of Canto 8 and I feel like having an even more fucked up version of Tomerry on the bus would kinda suck
Sex exists in the city on the account of me fucking your favorite Sinner, anon.
Is it me or is this Canto dogshit again? It was even worse than the last one. The conclusion didnt matter and the whole story was worthless. Mili screeching didnt help at all and the gameplay was awful again.
>where is my fucking sheep commission dante
but enough about Xiao's canto
She literally doesn't. You can't just say bullshit and expect to get away with it.
Scission is a 3 coin lust slash skill. Base 4, coin 4. Let's be nice and assume she has the coin power conditional.
First attack is 4+5 = 9.
Second attack deals (4+5+5) x( 10% from ideal sewing target)= 15.4.
The third attack is (4+5+5+5) x (10% from ideal sewing target) = 20.9.
Altogether that's 9+15.4+20.9 = 45.3 damage.
Let's be even nicer. Let's say she also has the lust res passive, and all THOSE conditionals are also fulfilled. That's an additional 30% and 10% damage. That gets her up to 64.78 damage. Lastly, at maximum scissors, I believe that's a +5 offense level over ring, so 15% more gets her to 74.5.
Meanwhile, with basically no setup, Ring hits for 60 and inflicts 5 count. You need pretty much every single conditional active at once, including scissors and sewing target (good luck lol!) to make this skill deal a noticeable (like 20%) amount more damage, all while, again, dealing ZERO bleed count. And of course, since Barber is mono slash, she gets no help from the otherwise free damage from Gaze and Hex Nail the rest of the team (including ring Outis) get constantly.
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Happy that this blue faggot is finally dead, the fight was piss easy too
Dulcinea Rodion will spend the entirety of her ID story munching on hemobars.

Screenshot this
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>finally finish the MD grinding and ID boss fight requirements
>unlock Purgatorio
>steam forces a update
>click on menu
>game crashes
>game crashes
>game crashes
I'm going to DISTORT.
*deletes account and ghosts you*
it'll be another id where she hates food actually. she said she lost weight after all
hope dulcirodya is more like priest and can build stacks without purely relying in bloodfeast
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The worst part for me was the title theme changing, i liked in hell we live lament.
Only good part about the new song are the lyrics referencing Dante's slow ascendance into a star.
get this ugly thing out of my sight
>dulcinea ID
>so thorns ID
PSA that the only source of thorns we have is a gift that gives 3 damage thorns when you have shield. That's it. That's the benchmark.
Bwo, your new MD?
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/lcg/ moments for this feel
Damn, tax collector Rodion hating on affordable colorless food was foreshadowing how shitty hemobars are to bloodfields.
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need a little dande
Mili songs.
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>No Freckles
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Bait posts
>a pack exclusive gift
>super specific conditions that works only for handful of IDs
I still have no idea what was the plan behind this one.
the moral of canto 7 is that vegan "food" (homobars) suck
>the only source of thorns we have is a gift that gives 3 damage thorns when you have shield.
Which one? I dont remember
hemobars are not vegan thoughbeit
Dante become a star is fucking bullshit, the whole point of the game even all the way through purgatorio has been accepting AND MOVING ON FROM the past and now he's just going back to where he came from as if nothing happened. The fucking loops were bad enough but if Dante suddenly becomes a singularity I think I'm actually going to drop the game
curse used to exclusively be attainable through faust hex nail
The moral of canto 7 is that heroes cannot be real
Twinkling scrab, from the crabs. It deals 3 fucking damage
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That flashback scene that played before introducing the new theme and the brief cut to distorted Faust was amazing though.
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i love this little guy
>When an ally with Shield is hit by an enemy, reflect 3 fixed damage. (does not reflect damage when the ally did not take any Shield damage)
The fuck
>Greg EGO
>combine damage taken and damage healed
>for every X amount total apply Y maggots, up to 99
Please director…
>added tag la manchaland to enemies and ids
buff slut dulcirodya...
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I need Sancho Don ID
It's looking like she'll be support-tank core for the game's lifespan and I'm all for it.
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I'll allow this shipping faggotry this time because it's cute
Yellow burn and +1 bleed count is dogshit
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For this feel?
I know but the idea of hurting your enemies because you've stuck them full of festering maggots that are eating away at them is cool to me.
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I still cant believe Paraiso actually ended with Dante tripping and falling back into Inferno
I would suck el director's cock if it was X yellow burn + X count of bleed
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If bloodfiends feed on blood for the emotions, wouldn't enkephapin solve all their issues?
Just slam a bit into coldblood and you will feel things you wouldn't even imagine
If director said 10 years and we get ~3 years for each chapter (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paraiso) there won't be looping of any kind
That is actually a great idea.
>he thinks PM is finishing inferno within 10 years
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>Rodion teaser got more likes in 6 hours than Greg's does now
The power of the parade princess....
we are halfway there bro
Anon, were already halfway
Life is simply unfair. Don't you think?
There are moments when a single snaust can make a world go extinct.
one has breasts the other doesn't
the power of massive fucking titties
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uchikoshi is a HACK
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ZTD sucks but it's hilarious. Very complex.
AI2 shits all over the themes of the first game. My feelings about it are very complex.
Uchi is a HACK and a FRAUD but I can't stop liking his games...
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kimsault just rolled 3 tails in a row with his skill 2 while at full SP
can someone calculate the chances of that real quick
but what if i told you ice-9 was responsible for the outskirts
5% * 5% * 5%
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I had multiple ladies at the polling station tell me I look too young to be voting today..
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i got that too and im 27 limbus company
Who did you vote for?
>Anon gets flirted by hags
>Comes to thread to brag about it
Sinclairs for this feel?
I really Believe that Ayin would be neutral but with the influence of Carmen he'll prolly support Bernie Sanders but after her demise Ayin will come to understand that Trump is the better choice so he'll send Angela to cheat the elections.
Which Sinner would be a monarchist?
Which would be an anarchist?
Which would believe in Communism?
>visit Lobotomy Corporation
>"Sorry sir. We don't do lobotomies here"
0 stars! False advertisement
Poland mentioned
Ask for their tour of the scarecrow room, that's the secret.
>Which Sinner would be a monarchist?
>Which would be an anarchist?
Sinclair would have an anarchist phase for like a year and then cringe whenever he remembers it.
>Which would believe in Communism?
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But Angela Rebels and Kamala wins ending up in Roland losing his wife to an illegal alien and he goes mad shit and starts killing the democrats, after this Roland finds out that Angela is the culprit but he forgives her, Roland and Angela flee the country and end up living in Canada....
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>No tattooo
Vendetta from Monster Girl Quest Paradox
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can you guys shut up im trying to think
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its obscured by her sleeve
canto 5 is alright so far but I swear to gosh i hope boatbilly's complaint about her reflection is a one off, we just finished canto 4 and that one would not shut up about mirrors
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ZTD isn't funny or complex. I really don't get people that see a pile of shit and go XDDDD isn't it funny how people get invested in a series and then all the paysffs are ruined XDD
No, it's not funny at all.
Ishmael is the best girl just because her hair carries her entire design.
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I have now achieved enlightenment
dyon is ababa
You're gonna LOVE Canto 6
You're gonna LOVE canto 7
You're gonna LOVE canto 8
cute but it's not outis so I hate it
Dont worry, the director isnt that blindly obsessed with mirrors or family
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anon, it's a meme...
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>charge up Yuro Hong's S3 while stacking tremor and tremor count
>use Yuro Hong's S3
>user superbia to use Faust's tremor EGO
>boss dies
superbia is so fucking busted it's not even funny, almost guaranteed they will forget about it eventually and break the game with some new EGO
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no, for many people it's not, for many "so bad it's good" is an actual thing
and I have a feeling you are one of these and just insecure about it

I am VLR's strongest soldier
im more of a vampire girl from the bandits from MGQ enjoyer myself
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Based. I’m more into Vendettee due to her fat ass rather that personality reasons.
Vanilla gave my castle a personal shop
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it gave me fraying autism so i cant complain too much
shame we still only have 1 durante charge daily
Man, I wish celebrity endorsements of politicians didn't exist. Every single one is just the most retarded fucking shit I've ever seen, and it only makes me wish Hollywood would explode.
Limbus Company.
i like a fat ass too of course, its just the vampire girl's face riding and mutual cumming that does it for me
watching lantern don solo the fox lux by corroding with mircalla like she's shitcliff fighting the frog is neat
isn't it 2 now?
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this thread sure seems to be coming along nicely...
sure would be a shame if someone were to bring up american politics to derail it...
no, it's still 1 charge shared by both sapling of light abilities
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I already did, fuck you. Now post Dulcinea's tits.
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Funny how all the bitching about Rodya fitting the Barber ID completely disappeared once Dulcinea Rodya was hinted at in the uptie story. Almost as if it had nothing to do with the ID fitting and everything to do with wanting a Rodya coom ID YOU UNPRINCIPLED CUNTS
I like the Pre-Uptie art more than the Post-Uptie action shots most of the time.
who would dongrang vote for?
Fuckin better be.
Abe Lincoln deserved it.
jill stein
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Pre uptie is "neutral", post uptie is them during combat and some don't look all that good.
nah, I'd imagine it shows as 2 in the cutscene because they add one in case you used it that day
He literally did. He was a tyrant and got exactly what was coming to him. Shame it didn't happen sooner.
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two confederate whiners in my thread is two confederate whiners too many
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zenya fyuur pwesyidyend!!
They butchered Barber ID. There is not much else to say. Rodya is stil better pick for Nikolina than Outis.
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I voted
If Abe Lincoln lived, he would have deported all of those blacks back to Africa. John Wilkes Booth RUINED this
Specifically them doing their Skill 3 in most cases, and as satisfying as some S3s are they're never really that iconic, aside from Hong Lu's winks.
Nice. I still need to.
JFK knew the singularity of C(IA) corp and that's why he got what he got.
>people saying gregor was going to be a 00
>people cursing gregor being 000 thinking dulcirodya wouldn't happen
I think NFaust is one of the few that don't actually use it. Erlking as well though that'd be a epilepsy warning image. I do think NFaust's S2 and S3 got interchanged.
In a perfect world, it would have been Barber Rodion and Dulcinea Faust.
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Appropriate ending. At least now I understand why nigga sometimes has negative speed. Getting S3 re-use is much easier. I still have no idea why he has clash win conditionals.
where's the cute boy
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Who is your favorite limbperson in the limbgeneral?
The poster below me
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The BURU ARCHIBU collab was fucking awesome!
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This really says a lot about society.
this guy
Too many S tier limbpeople in the general and I cannot choose.
No one else but maybe Faust has the cup size to fit in Dulcineas outfit anyways
I'm your favorite limbperson in the limbgeneral
Go on and tell that anon
You aren't going to lie about it right?
Not directly infront of me right?
Tell them.
Reply to them saying I'm your favorite limbperson.
Swap Outisms with Don (ruffled-hair hobbo). And it will be perfect.
I love the Dongrang fag.

I also hate the Dongrang fag.

I hope his balls get twisted.
Papa Don is right there
sinclair 000 announced during the company anniversary
new H-Corp will just be the Blue Archive district
This guy >>501200581
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ran out of modules to farm boxes with and have no good porn to jack off to.
time to hit the gym i guess...
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It's so hard to chose ummmm...
Zena poster

And I hate Futa fag with all my soul
Why is there so much Limbus/BA crossover art anyway? The games are like the complete opposite of each other, at least tonally.
The inverse of this made no sense since before barber they had the same number of IDs and it completely failed to capture the joke of the original with Ishmael
Why do people say Ring Outis is better than Barber?
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But also other linton fags since I think linton was the funniest meme on /lcg/
I think people like drawing cool halos
Definitely not the Pilotfag
because they're stupid
Rodyafags are gluttonous just as their oshi, no surprise there.
barber outis needs at least two turns to begin ramping up, one for inflicting bleed and one for actually activating the bleed stacks to get bloodfeast.
since most of the content we have nowadays ends in like, 3 turns at best, she doesn't really have any good occasions to shine, while ring outis can be useful from turn 1
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he'll be in the trailer, just you wait
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its about that time for a yi sang id innit? cant go too long without one these days after all
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Limbus honestly isn't even that hard. I don't know why people get filtered by stuff like railways. There's no need to farm for stats or roll for dupes or anything like that, and most bosses can be easily defeated by just reading. I've had more difficult times with other Korean games, even without the grinding autism.
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Sancho, I have conceived an idea most ingenious!
>it completely failed to capture the joke of the original with Ishmael
Welcome to Zoomerlad, where the simplest jokes/terms/words go beyond the scope of their understanding yet they feel the NEED to jump on the bandwagon.
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all rodyaposters
Miss Cathy don't touch yourself there
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We won!
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seanigger youtubers are not people.
Ring Outis has bleed count, Barber has bleed potency and AoE. Retards have trouble maintaining bleed count so Ring Outis is clearly superior to them, when it reality you should pick what your teams needs or don't care at all.
>just turn the borderline drug addicts into actual drug addicts lmao.
What an amazing fucking idea anon, truly you are unrivaled in sheer intellect.
Farming for stats or rolling for dupes is not difficulty
Limbus requires reading, this is difficult for gacha players
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I love speed. I want more Cinq IDs...
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Do me a favor chum, and stand still...
>Gacha players
Just video game players in general. This was also a problem in Ruina.
>Limbus requires reading
>Winrate with a level 50 team that has the same colours
sorry bub but yi sang and heathcliff aren't allowed cinq ids
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*rapes you*
>There's no need to farm for stats
you don't need specific item grinding but i would argue the xp curve is difficult if you only play main content
nice outerplane image
also like this guy said, niggers can't read
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>tied with Hong Lu for last place when it comes to 000
>hasn't gotten a seasonal 000 since season 1
>not in the Lamancha Land mirror world
>has something that Rodya obviously covets for the character parallel
>Sancho Don would be redundant since Don = Sancho
>Sancho (boss) is mostly a Bari bootleg we can actually clash with
>has no bleed IDs (1 skill on 2 IDs with no count)
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I posted that because I've been bashing my head against a hard mode stage for hours and I want to fucking strangle someone.
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can't wait to grudgepost literally every single one of your garbage ritualposts
desu I kinda wish we had another sort of exp or uptie independent progression. Like farming for skill upgrades, as long as they aren't too ball busting.
Don't look now, but even rolling for stats requires reading because you still have to figure out how skills work and what's actually needed as well as understanding how the mechanics actually apply to said stat.
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Rodya I'll foot the bill at our next food stop if you let me motorboat your titties.
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I'll be expecting your naked dogeza apology right after the trailer...
WRONG, he will be made my kindred and we will be in LOVE and FAMILY
what stage limbab
is it donbaek
Honestly not a bad ending for the pair considering everything else.
Is Limbus Company unironically the gacha with the highest skill ceiling and the lowest skill floor?
Not really no
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>bloodfiend cathy makes heathcliff her kindred
>he's actually happy about it
>they're finally together forever and happy
>there's a knock at their door
Different game.
I've never struggled with Limbus Company.
This hard mode stage has the boss give itself two turn invincibility frequently, has the boss perform three attacks in a row, gives the boss a bunch of speed, and has the boss frequently stun the entire party.
I'd say the skill floor is the highest, while the skill ceiling isn't too far above the floor. It requires you to engage with its combat system the most, but you shouldn't struggle at all once you actually know what you're doing.
I'm considering playing this game, how P2W is it? And can I skip the story?
you should leave
nikke has a higher skill ceiling btw
Not even close.
>skip the story
>of a story based gatcha
Rope. Now.
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The six months long battle pass is all you'll ever "need" to buy, and you can get every single unit with enough grinding autism.
Don't skip the story.
>And can I skip the story?
the story is the point of this gacha, the units' tits (female and male) aren't that appealing
Is there a way to instantly select the EGO skill instead of holding it down? Also on that note is there a way to skip the cutscene?
One BP each season is enough. Everything else for the whales.
>can I skip the story?
No. And you should play LC and LoR first.
>b-but I don't want to
You should play LC and LoR first.
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you hold down the portrait and pick the ego and thats your only option. the only thing you can do with the ego cutscenes is speed it up by holding left click or touching the screen the whole time
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ok thanks fag
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Sinner for this feel?
Isnt Nikke actually just pay to win? like, the meta forces you to use certain units or you cant even clear the lastest chapters
Man it's been a while.
Are barber and priest considered part of the same faction? Will middle finger Meursault passive work on them?
from what ive heard the later stuff is incredibly hard to beat without the meta units so yeah it may just be p2w but that also means the game is hard in a sense
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>every sinner has at least 2 bleed ids
>some only have them on technicality
>still struggle to find a coherent identity or gameplan or status other than "just win clashes"
bloodfeast is an interesting mechanic for sure and it's great we're getting things like this, but it's kind of odd how bleed isn't really all that reliant on its own status despite the amount of support it has
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Rodyabros won.
Blame the library and 99 bleed from there.
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I'm sorry Ishmael... I might switch your maid ID for Dulci Rodya on the homescreen...
it will be broken when we start getting enemies with 10 coins and we at least reached a point where application is not a heavy issue
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Tramp stamp ruins it
Dulci's Dulcis > Rodya's Rodyas
anon do you know what a tramp stamp is
>Limbus honestly isn't even that hard. I don't know why people get filtered by stuff like railways
Because the gameplay is not fun or interesting, no sane individual would bother learning the intricacies of this slop.
There's a reason they included a fat winrate button, they know this shit is unbearable.
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Oh no! You're being pinned down!
so just like every other PM game
But I enjoy playing it?
The game isnt anything special to be either one of those.
You get to put on girl in the jar, who do you pick?
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Very nice
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No, LC and Ruina are both very interesting and Ruina is very fun.

Enjoy your insanity.
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>Ruina is very fun.
hmmmmm nyo
>It's the retarded Ruinabab from earlier
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>6th gen
>escapes when nobody else could for 200 years
>PM girls are based on his avatar, who is based off of the office dog
>PM girls are bitches
OOC for both
Yes, Ruina is a blast.
Its biggest flaw is that it ends too soon, it never fully realises its immense potential.
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DulciRodya? She will be trash since PM can't into gimmicks that aren't OONGA BOONGA.
Do you think he had to beg and plead with Sanson to bail him out?
he was too fast for the bloodfiend hunters
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No, but I do know who has the better tits.
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>Ruina is a blast.
hmmmmm still nyo
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OoC as well coomer
Being a massive faggot gives you strength in the City, as we can see with Demian and Sinclair
oh it's the retarded Don Ruina poster
what does that say of the colors then
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>it ends too soon
Lmao good one
Did anyone consider the fact that Cassetti was simply a flat chest lover?
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I hope you're happy you got your id rodyabros
too bad she's going to be sunshower tier
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No you don't understand I HAVE to clash the 2-9 single coin skill targeting the tank on turn 2 and waste 2 bleed count. Literally unsustainable status effect!!!
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That's 100% in character
We already said he was gay, anon
can't wait for the PM ASSFAGGOTS
*rapes you*
That just ends up as even more retarded LOL.
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Nothing will top the ending of Lob Corp in PM history
Most wouldn't resort to such a shameful tactic
>What about A-
No, not even him
i would say even more autistic DOTA with koreans instead of russians
sounds like an even worse balancing nightmare than limbus already is
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It does.
I was eagerly waiting for a full-library reception, every floor decked out at the same time. The reverb ensemble does that a little bit, but you never get the complete challenge where you have to juggle all the decks on every floor at the same time.
And of course, the game ends with you receiving new cards. What's up with that??? There is no postgame or any other challenge. You can replay shit, sure, but why would you give me cards AFTER the game??? And, on a somewhat related note, the game leaves several deck archetypes plain unfinished, another problem that would be solved by the game progressing just a little further, just a couple cards here and there to get charge and discard and whatever up to speed. Ruina is truly an amazing game, its underlying systems are brilliant, but it never utilises all its elements to their full potential.

I used to pray for a DLC which would address all these things, but it seems like PM doesn't do that.
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>enemy staggers
>bleed becomes useless outside conditionals
they should have added an "hemorrhage" keyword that deals wrath damage by potency and removes 1 count
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Wish I could choose my loading screen art…
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>Mircalla's you
>White Gossypium's you
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Imagine if Limbus is actually just Ruina with gacha mechanics, and you roll to burn books for skill cards instead of IDs, haha...
you can
Digits don't lie
so deep wound like the barber boss inflicts?
How? I thought it was the last thing you viewed for the first time?
I feel like they could've straight up done that
>Each sinner can equip 10 pages
>Have to roll for pages
>Each page will have animations for it
>Sinners will only be locked to their Base ID form and quick change when doing moves
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I agree, it's kino
Also, post nuggets anons
nice trips
it's the last uptie you watched or the last node you completed. so if you go back to canto 2 and watch the cutscene where Don looks in the car window to completion your loading screen would be that
Bleed = blood = red = wrath

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and then angela the BITCH ruined it all
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forgot the pic (yes the tooltip name is still wrong)
And Binah THE GLOWNIGGER side with her.
but wrath is for burn
binah was being pragmatic
compromise was ultimately the correct choice after angela ruined the initial spread
>Binah was [COPE]
>La Madre (mosessex)
>La Abuela (muh mistress)
>La Tia (forma de Star of the City)
>La Hermana (sexichun)
Dogrettore's family... is very interesting.
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I'm gonna try my best to save these boxes up as much as I can :)
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it's not cope, that's just a fact
unless you believe angela could have been defeated with brute force at the time (highly doubtful and a notion not supported by anything in the games)
4 and they get erased due to an error
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your 4 has no power here
>you never get the complete challenge where you have to juggle all the decks on every floor at the same time
was patched out of the game for being too challenging
>And of course, the game ends with you receiving new cards. What's up with that???
chinks complained kether didn't get a realization so they added it in when there wasn't anything to use it on
>it never utilises all its elements to their full potential.
it's not that the game doesn't, it's more that the progression of the game being tied to its weekly content releases means that by the time you do, what, the floor of religion/philosophy's realizations (for example), you're already at the end game with established decks and don't necessarily need to make use of the new things you have
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The only reason Angela wasn't defeated with brute force was because Geburah was busy fighting Binah and your entire facility was busy juggling every abnormality breaking out AND Binah's department nuggets switching teams.
>roland hits a dab
what did director mean by this?
How peculiar.
Extremely pleasant ejaculation. Even though I came three times yesterday, my first load today was still quite intense and high volume. Might take a nap even
binah didn't "change teams" at the start and they still couldn't do anything to angela
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>being pragmatic
was she? iirc wasn't she motivated moreso by a curiosity in seeing how angela's way of thinking would develop in contrast to the city, same with how she was fascinated by ayin?
her face when she sees my (evil) cock
what to, bro?
she did nothing wrong
>binah didn't "change teams" at the start
You just made that up, lying nigger.
Thanks for confirming you've no clue what you are talking about.
we can only guess at her personal motives, but the fact of the matter is that compromise was the pragmatic choice
continuing to fight would have left either side with insufficient light. letting angela gather the light again lets you fight another day.
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Faust love
drawfags also that one linton copypasta reader is cool
people who make oc more or less
She changed teams the second all the sephirah confronted her about betraying Ayin, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Paus love!
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hag sex
Spoiler alert anons
He didn't play the games
that's not outis
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Faust does not sweat like this.

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