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>Currently discussed servers
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org (Vanilla-)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups, 3 anons playing in total)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Realm, Wildcard Season Realm, CoA+Wrath Coming in 2025, CoA open beta in December, Wrath release in march, Bronzebeard V+ Server Alpha During this winter season)
Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata, who even plays here)
Everlook - https://everlook.org (Vanilla+, chinked)
Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com (Classic+, dead?)
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com (TBC no-changes-addonless, dead)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+, Using TBC as design base and Wrath client)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org ("Vanilla+")
Mistblade 3 (Mop(+?)) | Stormforge TBC fresh (ETA Q1 2025) - https://stormforge.gg

>Anon's Ass and Tiddies Mod (Vanilla and wotlk only)
By anon, gives bigger boobs and butts to pretty much every female in game.

>Bikini mod (Vanilla only)
Skimpier outfits for females.

Vanilla client enhancements - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Client_Fixes_and_Tweaks (most servers forbid them)
Curated list of addons that should work in turtle - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Addons
Patch 1.17.2 new class and gameplay changes - https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=15157
Misc - https://database.turtle-wow.org | https://talents.turtle-wow.org

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>500981882
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god i need fat futa cock in my mouth right now i need lots of cum down my throat fuck
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UBRS in an hour and a half roughly

We have our healers and one tank, still needing a keybearer if that Anon is around
gatekeeper anon...
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QRD me on the hacker leak on tranny WoW I missed all the drama around it .
the cube of shame
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My sister is addicted to turtle, she has leveled five characters through the starting zones.
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Forgot pic
cute sister, anon
anon why is your character black
sent a /w
one of devs mentioned that those were the only areas completely finished for the launch.
Free your sister from this shitty mmo before it's too late
Based brother teaching his little sis how to AoE farm early
>reverse image search
>it's some guy and his 6 year old daughter
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it's always like this isn't it
this is so hecking wholesome!
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Where do we find client versions like 1.14.2 now that wowdl is gone? ;[
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What is UBRS going to be like?
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can i get some thoughts? i really want to have a good rp bio. but like im also trying to find a horde (or worgen) bf to power level me. i'll change my at a glance if you really think it doesn't work with my description.
I'm going to purposefully aggro the roaches with demoralizing shout and wipe us non-stop >:)
make sure to help her install the big boobs and butts mod
this doesn't even make sense unless you are hanging out beside a questgiver NPC 24/7
why are you breaking the 4th wall?
braindead bimbo is a really cliche character too, even in twow

it just isn't interesting
Shenna, Shenna, Shenna...
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right here nigga
Me overpulling and immediately dying
>anons trying to make an event out of UBRS (a fucking dungeon)
We're starting in about 20 minutes, /w Sylma if you want an invite
Still looking for a key, some Anon said they had one
>people discussing things they do in wow private servers on wow private server general
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Finding a name for a new character is frustrating.
heaven forbid people try to play the game together
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These are on your pc? Can you upload 1.14.2 anon?? please
don't kid yourself, only thing I see you guys talk about is huge sweaty dicks
what a weird thing to put in your bio. don't even try rp, man, you're not gonna be good at it.
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>see a hc warrior
>give him thorns rank 1
I thought Gilneas was pretty good but Lapidis Isle
was shit.
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Five slots!
I'm not against it, i just think its hilarious tht you guys are building up something that is literally a walk in the park. Talk about it on guild chat and pug misssing slots then go? lmao
I just thought it would nice to get Anons playing together, we don't really do it often even within guilds and not everyone is in the guild so I thought I'd put it on the thread
I'm not at home sorry, but i think you can use Everlook launcher and download the 1.14.2 client from there.
maybe the thorns damage releashes the mob so they cant escape
Don't worry about it, i was just shitposting.
Sounds like exactly what this thread should be for. Not your pathetic, gay discord sex larping.
close your eyes
hit random 5 times
i think it's a trick to get them PvP flagged
i've never posted in favor of avatarfagging, coomers or homosexuality. Maybe keep your homo fantasies to yourself?
but the avatarfagging coomer homo is the one running ubrs
Was always kind of annoyed by how small 2h weapons look on the blood elf model.
>see a tagged person finish killing a mob
>no hp left
>i'm a rogue, could easily murder him
>flag up
>deliberately ride right past him
>watch him immediately run away as i just carry on
>see him stop and watch me just leaving
it's a different kind of power.
Sylma........Holycharged IS the elf buttsmacker.......
DAMN...those blackrock orcs are gonna have fun tonight
i missed ubrs...
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Is it me or is the Dryad death pose just the idle pose turned 90 degrees on its side?
The tail shifts but otherwise yeah sort of the same
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looks like their down loader is pulling from wowdl... damn it sucks there was no other repository anywhere
there was no real hacking, it was a team member (role not specified) that phished access to the internal DB and a GM account
his name is daniel
he spammed nigger in world/GM chat, GMs took the server offline, daniel pressed the "release update button" so when people tried to relog it prompted a download, but no real patch files or malware were avaliable
daniel then uploaded the entire turtle DB, enough to run the whole server, and screenshots of some GM discord
some gooks patched the gamebreaking bugs and released copycat servers, which on top of the existing issues crippled shenna's chingchong income so they started firing all the superflous hires like "social media manager" because they thought the gravy train would never end
server recovered a week later, we still don't have the armory back but nothing else really came of it
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>the hacker known as 4chan
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Is there more of this shit?
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troondle wow lmao
>hunters have no stealth ability
>ranged class with stealth
what is there to explain
>soulless bug people cant comprehend fun, only throwing money into a pit to brag about how much money they could throw into a pit
colour me surprised
how was the post ubrs erp?
>ranged class
how do you figure
preemptively cease your attempt to discuss this in bad faith, please
I'm not the guy you're talking to
he's also retarded but not "erm ackshully hunter isn't a ranged class" retarded
To be fair turdle devs can't comprehend fun either as every single change they do is there to suck even more fun from the game.
hunter is a dual class
saying hunter is ranged only is even more retarded, also not the guy youre talking to
it seems we have a retard outbreak in here then
americans just woke up
rogues seething at the thought of being even more cucked
Can you blame them though? Turdle devs just love abusing that meme class for whatever sadistic reason.
>and screenshots of some GM discord
post please
this shit too funny when you realize shenna doesnt pay them at all
what does endgame in ascension look like? M+ or raiding focused?
You mean they do it... for free?
20 years of griefing and ganking finally caught up.
>t. retard
honestly all things considered shenna is a fucking giga chad, she's mastered the private server game and knows how to exploit bottomfeeders almost as well as blizzard does
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what race for shaman?
going resto
need my helfie to be abused...
ahahahaha are they fucking retarded holy shit
with this blizzard can rape sue them in easy mode with no chance of losing
what a fucking pathetic, two-faced and corrupt shithole
many russian businesses are now ran from the so called ukraine and the kike government doesn't care about just registering them for pennies
What race do you think looks coolest?
Then strut around the barrens like every other pornrotted gooner, you'll get picked up in no time.
PvP verdict after 1.17.2

Broken Tier

S Tier

A Tier

B Tier

C Tier
iirc they host in russia so to dmca them youd have to talk to the russian government which recently legalized copyright infringement
>recently legalized copyright infringement
absurdly based
ya it was retaliatory because so many companies, including entertainment companies, have blocked russia due to western sanctions. so russia said ok if we can't buy your products we'll just make it legal to pirate them.
so a lot of wow private servers are now hosted in russia where blizzard can't do shit.
undead shamans when.
I like the casting animations.
Thanks for UBRS then LBRS Anons, was fun sorry I accidentally my screenshots
Are paladins really that broken in pvp?
They just got nerfed against woyers
t'was fun
where do the ERP anons with anger issues hang out in game? inquiring nelfie minds would like to know.
server's hosted in france actually
oh ok it was other servers
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total anon death
>log on
Thank you very much TurtleWoW, very cool
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I can't believe Sylma went this far to get us a strong paladin tank...
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what the fuck are they allowing on this server
and how do I get one
How am I supposed to pump to nelfies in shadowglen now?
>not an illusion
sadly aggressive dominant anons are pretty rare
when are we getting an MMO that captures the feeling of tabletop RPGs
the closest thing so far is Everquest but it's extremely dated and quite restrictive for being built upon TTRPGs
Never, every future mmo will have a cash shop, even the ones with a subscription, If you want a genuine rpg feeling from an mmo you have to look backwards
God I wish Draenei were real...
Hiding myself from anon in plainsight
you will get p2w dailyslop and you will play it
>took a break from Turtle
>hear about catastrophic patch and people fleeing
I was playing a rogue. How bad is it?
i dont rly want a tabletop rpg mmo
i played morrowind and that was enough tabletop for me forever
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Nobody tell him
we're back up
>>hear about catastrophic patch
this is true
>>people fleeing
doesn't seem to be true, pop remains higher than prepatch
Started a mage, leveling in elwynn and watching paladins pull entire packs and kill them is really something, its like they're in full heirloom gear and 5 expansions ahead. When can I level mining, is it even possible with a high pop realm
>I was playing a rogue. How bad is it?
Let's just say that you're now even worse compared to every single class, and you were already bad.
I had no issues leveling it with 5k pop before prepatch
play neverwinter nights not WoW
I thought about playing hunter because I used to autistically main hunter and was quite good at it.

What changes have they done other than Steady Shot? Not sure what they could change about Vanilla Hunter without ruining it
>not a single Redwall inspired animal race MMO/RPG
CRINGE. I'm tired of korean and tolien slop
I've exhausted nearly every quest in elwynn, and I've seen two nodes, one of which I got to mine
secret mining spots:
- goblin starting area for horde (no one there, can circle around island to collect stacks of copper)
- alliance (high elf starter zone murloc cave, make sure to be lvl 14+ to not get too annoyed with the mobs in there while farming)
he's hot.
>Not sure what they could change about Vanilla Hunter without ruining it
Yet they managed to do exactly that.
nelf hunter with a very needy pet...
how do I get over hunter early game leveling? this is my 3rd attempt now and I just can't get myself to level past 10, it's so boring and clunky with the deadzone (especially indoors)
What class should I play if I just want to experience the custom new dungeon/raid/zone content?

Thinking about just being a prot paladin so easy dungeon groups. Is ret to the point where I can find groups/spots at 60 despite how numerous they are population wise?
If you want to be useful pick shaman or priest.
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How good are they?? do they feel tasteful and blizzlike?
um... meow?
Zone issue perhaps
Rimmed daily
this is how i keep my worg always eager
Why aren't jannies banning those fucking furry faggots shitting up the general?
>me petting my balls
ummm sis the retail thread is over there
Rogue combat swords is basically the same as vanilla if that's what you're asking for
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how do you change your name colour in the rp directory on twow? anyone know?
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I don't know anything about software. Can turtle devs significantly improve the shitty vanilla client or is that pretty much impossible?
Any tank or any healer. If you could advertise yourself as a dps with >100 IQ, it would say that. The dps is so bad. Never seen anything like it.
>Can turtle devs significantly improve the shitty vanilla client or is that pretty much impossible?
it is technically possible, but it would require pretty much recreating the vanilla client from scratch to be more mod and update friendly, which is retarded since the wotlk would be way better for custom content but turdle devs stick to the vanilla client like like my older brother sticking it in me
>like my older brother sticking it in me
This explains vgtroons.
Can I double spec just fine? I'm getting mixed answers
So they would need to do what project epoch is doing, using wotlk's client while remixing vanilla
>project epoch is doing
its basically a ghost project at this point, i dont believe it will ever come out
>Bimbo patch
>Talent trees
>turtle wow
buddy this ain't the US, the EU isn't bending over backwards for some american corporation
>the EU isn't bending over backwards for some american corporation
nigger we let your greasy kikes blow up the nord stream to our own detriment
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Read earlier in the thread they somehow made Rogue worse
he's right though. what's america gonna do? send people to ukraine to hunt down a tranny?
you're welcome for the server btw, all thanks to EU courts not upholding american corpo laws on EU territory. Next time you login to turtle remember that
Don't listen to the local only "paladin and druid are worth playing" schizo
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Tauri has been a "legit" business for more than a decade, are you guys new and retarded?

>america prime time
Well, yeah.
fuck off akalix
Anon begins shilling Asscension in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Is anyone ever going to make a guild that isnt just an erp clubhouse
I love Asencion
Tauri isn't incorporated in Ukraine. Ukraine has direct copyright treaties with the US. They also aren't porting blizzards fucking game to a different engine using their assets and IP.
I guess we just have to learn this lesson over and over again, Blizzard will absolutely wait until the last possible second to make it as painful as possible for the turtie troons. The clock is ticking.
blood elf paladin or mage for warmane onyxia?
What makes you believe the ((current)) guild is an erp clubhouse?
Combat gameplay is literally the same as vanilla
that every other class got buffed to be above it is a different thing entirely
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Yeah, blizzard is totally gonna destroy turtle by DMCAing the servers in france and suing them in russia, forcing them to host the servers elsewhere with zero major incovenince besides changing ping zones.
Wait a minute...
If you troons think you can escape the long dick of microsoft you're dumber than I thought.
Enjoy decades of legal debt and no future prospects, I guess.
blizzkikes will lobby aipac to start the third world war and nuclear holocaust over a few pennies they imagined losing
you can have two pvp trinkets now, and they counter every single cc that rogue has including blind.
rogue still has no damage to kill turtle buffed classes in time anyway
buddy blizzard didn't even take down Nost when it was at it's peak. The devs just got sweetalked into taking the server offline and getting jobs at blizzard to make an inhouse classic version. Now that gummy server that was hosted in the US? taken down immediatly lol
you really are retarded arent you?
Enjoy the years of legal battles leading to your inevitable 41%, Shenna.
alright buddy I will

t. Shenna
blood elf paladin or mage?
Paladin, no question
sorry sis i think you have the wrong general
Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this piece of shit? It's almost as if he's trying to honor his nickname in order to be the most power tripping, contrarian (so many of his takes are so stupid that I'm willing to assume that he's doing it on purpose) insufferable mod in existence. He's like a caricature of a bad mod. I don't know who he is beyond being a mod, or if he's part of the development team, but trash like him give warmane a bad reputation.
for me it's darktifa
if male belf then paladin
if female then mage
ran by a russian turkroach scammer living with his grandma who literally embezzled millions and had a criminal case open against him
ran by a russian troon with a long history of opening and closing scam servers
>Can heal
>Can tank
>Can now do damage
Unironically why the fuck would anyone play anything else but Paladin?
iq higher than 70 would be my guess
fotm brain does not care about that
I'm playing rogue :)
>free mount
>0 downtime between kills
>easymode for any challenge
>everything else
Shit that dies after 3 months

You need to choose somewhere to play. Also got any proof? I'm not saying you're lying im curious
Am I a faggot or is the goblin starting area a fucking mess?
>flat island terrain
>small even for a starting area
>quest mob levels are all over the place
>put level 7/8 mobs next to level 4
can't explore at all without running into a hostile mob 4 levels over you
It's complete dogshit, the old one was better.
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>you can have two pvp trinkets now
are they no longer unique, or separate items?
do they have shared CDs?
dunno what is that nig on about but they homogenized the pvp trinket and made it remove all cc, including blind
on top of that they can still pop lips
meaning you have virtually zero chance of winning most matchups and you already a bad chance even before due to turdle buffs to other classes
>The devs just got sweetalked into taking the server offline and getting jobs at blizzard to make an inhouse classic version
They got a bog-standard DMCA empty threat, like everyone else not retarded enough to host a server in the US, simply assumed they would get jobs at blizzard if they complied, and willingly shut down, getting nothing afterwards but shame.
>the french throw the white flag at the first sign of confrontation
Many such cases.
You guys do know that blizzard's EU HQ was in france at the time right?
It wasn't a DMCA, it was a direct legal threat from Blizzard EU.
wow, thats OP
and would be retardedly OP if you could actually have two insignias
i would call you a shitter for "needing" stun and/or blind to not be trinketable but i'm not level 60 yet to know how retarded pvp is postpatch
literally every single class, healers included do more burst damage than you and have ten times better survivability
i can buy one of these being true, but not both. what the everloving fuck? are rogues literally sap machines now?
>anon got an angry letter from McDonalds HQ
ohhhh noooooo....
you're welcome
any tauren on twow want to do this to my nelfie?

neck yourself you retarded faggot
moppy fresh will save /wpsg/
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Post your nelfie
>you're stupid!
that's it. that was his entire response. americans...
seems to have hit a nerve. i am now questioning all of the times that i have beat off to this "woman".
Spirit feels pointless for leveling as a pally now.
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if nobody plays shaman, prots have shitty aggro and rets can't dps :3
spirit has always been useless for pally
It was a rushed effort to "match" all the work they put in on alliance side.
>high elves get an entire super fancy city and starter zone (even if its just a lot of copypasted crap)
>horde is stuck with the very shitty custom reputation being pointless troll 2.0 tiny ass zone, and goblins having zero real rep purpose and no starting zone
turdle devs are so alliance biased its not even funny
hello i like to coom as much as the rest of you and yes i get it but please think of the thread quality and try to remain on topic in terms of actually playing the game
if you struggle simply coom before posting, anons here in-game will help you with that
uhh pallytime says otherwise. Spirit/Stam is one of the best ways to level pallys
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hi :3
Spirit has busted scaling because they're using stock vmongoloid values instead of tried and true vanilla/classic values, it gets retarded at high levels for out-of-combat regen but still feels weak early on.
this thread would be dead without coom
put some effort into it next time
>no markings
0/10 literally doesn't even understand the lore
Mana is pointless for pally now
If anon wants to help so bad then why aren't they in the high elf starting zone behind the main building with me right now???

i just rolled on here yesterday T_T look up my trp profile in game if you want to see effort :/
You wont be taking advantage of the 5 second rule because you can just spam Holy Strike + Seal of Wisdom and just get all your mana back and do stupid damage.
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>turdle adds dank new customization options
>but only for new characters, otherwise pony up 16 bucks
it's even more egregious when you realize they removed the barber NPC as soon as the update dropped. If you read the leaked chatlogs you can tell Turtle is just another enterprise where the main focus is making as much money as possible
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we already saw that and laughed at it for being uninspired coomslop
i get that what you write works for ai chatbots but to a human being this just reads like low effort trash
the name sucks too by the way
Faggots really are out here camping plaguebloom spawns. Great server.
do you niggas ever get tired of roleplaying as a sissy cumslut and just do the complete opposite like a gigachad orc who's got no time for pussy and just wants to kill niggas
do NOT let this person in the guild
no such thing as a plaguebloom spawn on turtle, just a herb spawn that can be one of the many herbs in a zone

yeah im really bad at rp, you should discipline me for it :3
No one wants to join your guild, Sylma.
post more anon trp
What kind of partners are Helf sissy "men" looking for?
Another one of those people referencing CP out of nowhere; curious. Someone start the clock
lol this is so fake it hurts
Everytime i try to do this i end up going back to my old ways
For me it's domineering futas
Futa sucks.
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Turtle doesn't have the lich king upgrade druid models available?
i want to join sylma's guild
my futa cock is only for women
Whisper anybody from <Dairy Tales> to join Sylma's guild
I've got one cute-sized futa nelfie as well
still made for tauren cock
vewwy based :3
I like to play the classes I like to play, not the overpowered ones
show her
is sylma futa?
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guess i'll just wait here and see if any taurens want to log on and tell me what to do
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Weak game, sister
if i were a turdle gm i would find and permaban all of you brainrotted coomer faggots
you should take out that anger on my throat
If you were a turdle GM you'd be a tranny, or a tranny friend/advocate.
Guess what they think about brainrotted commers?
Hear me out:
>everyone starts as level 1 character with generic fantasy class
>can do all the things a regular person could do
>have to adventure to other zones, visit other factions/guilds, and progress through unique questlines to unlock new features
>can fully commit to one traditional 'class' or adapt one of your own by learning during your travels
>for balancing reasons, either cap how much a character can learn so they can't do literally everything or leave it uncapped but with extremely diminished returns
So, Project Gorgon?
with 100% less jank and 200% more roleplaying elements
Goblin or dwarf hunter? I started playing the goblin starting zone and it made me want to kill myself
I believe in the project
Sorry i keep crashing, i'm back now but it was fun
What about Kara crypts tomorrow, around the same time as UBRS today.
Bear in mind it has an attunement quest chain but I think only one of us needs to do it for the key and I have it, also only 5 people so if too many we can just rerun UBRS haha (I want that flask!)
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I forgot how good the Belf starter zones were and how LONG it takes to do all of them, holyshit.
Went and watched a video on Wotlk classes. I forgot all the cool shit they did with Mages and Rogues. I recall having so much fun on those classes now.
I need to power level my Paladin so I can get my DK as well.

Now I remember why people had to quit their jobs to play WoW back in the day.
Goblin starting zone was cool.
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thanks anon <3

no horde bf today, but i'll keep trying tomorrow. maybe if i sit like this outside org it would help.
that's what made wotlk the best for me. every single class had some cool shit going on. spent so much time just leveling alts and fucking around with friends.
I'll rape you later
damn i don't know what nelf thread slut to choose
Warriors got more fun, Paladins got a WW and prot got more fun. Hunters got all kinds of cool stuff. Warlocks got Chaos bolt and critical DOTs. Just and endless array of brilliant ideas...
Then the Cataclysm happened. How did it all go so wrong? All they had to do was keep doing what they were doing. Never was there a more aptly named expansion.
I went to their website to see what the new races are, dear God, its horrible. I said it repeatedly, WoW should have ended with WotlK, all this could have been avoided.
i'm on for a while tonight if you want to boss me around. or add me up and talk to me whenever :3
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Which is more fun on turtle wow, I just want to swing a fat 2H weapon and see big numbers. Enhancement shaman vs Ret paladin. also take into account ease of getting into groups I raided on both in classic but they were meme specs and not too knowledgeable about how things are on turtie
Real lack of shamans in the raids I've been doing as of late
was looking at playing on TBC on warmane but the playerbase there is awful. is it really this bad normally or did I just come across the rare subhumans who cant play for shit. thinking maybe I just wait for stormforges new tbc server.
warmane's population is famously bad
the only problem with paladins is there are a hundred other paladins, I'm leveling a mage and they make up 30% of the players in elwynn and westfall
Yeah as a paladin main myself thats what I probably figured on a server where they got built upon. ill roll a enhance shaman and hope for the best at 60 :^) if it turns out to be ass ill just roll elemental which looks better on the recent changes.
>ease of getting into groups
Shaman all the way. No competition.
Not surprised, TBC Was not the best expansion. It was cool the first time through but it gets old unusually fast. The best use I had for the place was ganking with my rogue. Goodtimes man.
Yeah TBC had some special moments
I miss Crusader Storm
TBC had great leveling content and dungeons/heroics.
Wrath content is dogshit in comparison but classes are more fun.
I think my issue with it was it was obviously an alien world in a fantasy game. Not much undead content, mostly demons. I just like undead as playable characters or enemies. Wotlk solo questing was so much better. Better storytelling as well. I am really looking foward to getting back to Icecrown on my warsong account.
TBC did have its moments, as you said. Great instances and some really amazing quest lines. The overall theme just never really sat with me. Demons just do not come across that well in the Warcraft universe which is way more PV-13, compared to Diablo or DOOM. The undead just do it better in Warcraft. Demons take the comic relief roll a few to many times.
pisspot pearl
Wrath leveling and dungeons are garbage though because you can do it all with your eyes closed.
TBC actually had challenging and fun content even during leveling and even the base dungeons pushed your shit in if you messed up. Meanwhile you can run wrath heroics pressing random buttons while watching a movie.
Yeah this game sucks
Quest progression in Wrath was the best WoW ever had. You could chalk up the difficultly to the revamped classes. Where TBC was just an expansion on Vanilla, Wrath brought out huge and constant changes. As they never change the leveling content to match the classes, the classes just got more powerful.
Yeah which was boring as shit.
Depends on what you are playing for. I liked the questing and storytelling. If you were looking for challenge, you raided or did PVP. I did the Wrath content so many times and always enjoyed it. I think Zul Drak or the Alliance starting zone were my favorites.
what did you do in WoW today?
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perved on nelves
I didn't.
Did some dungeons with Anons and stuff and now it's fishing time until sleep
Road to 300 begins
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>Four pieces of loot
>Progressed on my dark iron desecrator quest
Last night was a good night
what are these things?
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Let me tell you exactly what I'm looking for and maybe one of you guys can recommend me a private server if it exists
I don't want there to be a level cap. I want to be able to level up indefinitely and keep increasing my stats.
I want there to be PVP with little to no safety rails for low level players. There might have to be safe areas for some players, otherwise level 9000 players would spawn camp and kill noobs
I want it to be punishing when you die. For example, if you die, you lose all your gear and items that you had with you.
I don't want there to be fast travel, flying, or teleporting or any variant of those. I want everyone to have to travel by foot or possibly a mount.
why do we have to find your cock and ball torture for you
epoch wow
Legion is probably the closest thing to what you want, but this sounds so insane it has to be a joke
Sadly I don't think there's a cure for sever mental retardation. All I can recommend is a painless suicide.
This nigga wants to play p99 everquest red pvp server with the 12 other players still on it
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Found a nice secluded spot to fish and this person came over and has been hanging around for about 20-30 minutes now

Fishing grind is going well, still on the hunt for a good spot to fish that has good fish and good company
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i was alt tabbed you should have whispered me T_T
why not play the game?
leveled my gobbo a bit and shitposted about the election on world chat
i just think a lot of modern MMORPGs are too casual and the end game content for a lot of them are lame
i have a pretty good idea i think of what i'm looking for, i want like basically a Diablo 2 MMORPG but with infinite progression. i haven't played Path of Exile but from what i've researched, their progression system kind of seems like what i'm looking for.
i'm asking here because i really like WoW's combat system, so i thought maybe there would be a private server with the sort of parameters i'm looking for
but yes, p99 everquest does seem exactly the kind of thing i'm looking for, thanks for the suggestion anon
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Please leave
Sex with the human!
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Sex with the human while sylma watches!
I'm just waiting for msb3

See you in the rice fields motherfuckers

sylma only sleeps with wild animals
Watching sylma get knotted
Same. I don't like any of Turtles custom content, there is also nothing to play.
Sylma is boring, I want to fuck the big titty green dryad
that's also sylma
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well in that case I want to fuck Sylma in her big titty green dryad form
What's the lore behind Cats Eye Drama Club
For me? It's gnomes
pretty sure she's free use make your dreams come true
I saw Sylma fishing yesterday. I think.
I saw Sylma fisting yesterday. I think.
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is this ring actually better? I dont know how the math works
what are you fishing for? i've got 300 fishing and keep meaning to grind a spot myself.
probably not worth it as 50 armour (50 armour is probably a 0.07% dmg reduction) isn't much, especially at 60.
then why is the minimum level for it 54? to bait retards such as myself?

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