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Translated trailer for MGQP Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSK1EcbLdTc

MGQP part III has finally been released. Further information here https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01114724.html https://pixeldraincom/u/4ek8KWa6
Castle of Temptation has finally been released
NEW Youmaen has finally been fully translated : https://mega.nz/file/5Z1QnDZQ#4fFLCwIIP5xWrs0e8xVptgGHnmYOx8qNY37-PiWtHmc
SHRIFT II 2.56 has been mostly translated https://mega.nz/file/KIEAnAAR#gZSP8wYdutRThD3wJkcd1L2mPTgpzUdPyKzdVG4BOKw
New MGQ Wiki: https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/MonsterGirlQuest_Wiki
New MGD Wiki: https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Dreams_Wiki
Three Charms Lonesome Spirit collab translation has been updated; Link: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/435693950/#q435711784
MGQ collab with REBF

Game guides and resources: https://pastebin.com/ATqygPX7

You can get the latest translation of the Paradox Part 3 Demo translation files from ArzorX's Bitbucket:

You can get the Part 3 Demo files directly from Fanza here:

You can read a guide on how to apply the patch at ArzorX's Blog here:

Get the /mggg/ canon as well as apocryphal savefile for Paradox here (Part 3 ready):

ToroToro Resistance's blog:
Previous Thread >>501122117
Official jobber ranking based on MW and AW routes I just beat. Events are jumbled for me so it's not 100% accurate yet. BIG spoilers.

Granberia — king jobber, super jobber, giga jobber, has segments of the game dedicated to jobbing, how she loves jobbing, how everyone should job and that jobbing is her destiny, Trtr gave her a pity draw with stolen skill just so the players wouldn't notice the traces of Trtr furiously masturbating to their jobbing humiliation fetish
AW Ilias — everything she did was wrong and directly made things more difficult, AW would have won 2 hours in if she didn't do ANYTHING, managed to job even in a jobbing competition to Granberia, did marginally better on MW route
Uriela — hyped as gigastrong, jobbed uselessly on AW route, jobbed to Granberia (!)
Gabriela — jobbed immediately on MW route, jobbed to a half-Archangel, turned traitor for no reason, only value is being a battery
Alma Elma/Minagi — jobbed to each other without fighting the goddess, big arc dedicated to their jobbing
Hiruko — jobbed to Eden (!)
Kagetsugumi — wasted her chuuni on dumb circus show, only got 2 shikibusses, managed to job to Chrome (!) of all people
Lilith Prime — hyped shiki nonsense, jobbed right away
3 Seraphim (MW route) — died like retards
CGBA — jobbed to Sonya and Marcellus
Saja — jobbed to Marcellus 1.5 times
Marcellus — 1 job-draw, 1 job-suicide
Alice I — jobbed to CG Ilias
CG Alice I / CG Ilias — jobbed to Torotoro

—Jobber threshold—

Kanade — attacked allies, lost to Lucifina
Kanon — lost to Micaela/Lucifina
Micaela — didn't do anything on AW route
Rafaela — the only one doing anything for AW victory, lost to deception/interdimensional attack
AW Eden (AW route) — dumb suicide move, but still cool and she was useful throughout the whole route
Tamamo — the only one doing anything for MW victory, lost to a suicide attack
Lucifina — unstoppable, unbeatable, her involvement alone is what decides the whole war

I'm afraid it's terminal.
I love monster girls.
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Same. I impregnated a Tanki and a Centaur
>Lucifina — unstoppable, unbeatable, her involvement alone is what decides the whole war
>slimegirl footjob
I wish Granberia got a less embarrassing form of magical girl and a proper victory.
At least she took down a tough foe as she died, the same as Alma. Did Erubetie and/or Tamamo do the same?
So everyone's a jobber. And when everyone's a jobber, nobody is.
Such an iconic dumb line that wraps around into being somewhat clever, you don't get writing like that anymore
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Chrome unironically won big
New information has been discovered regarding the new Promestein race changes. Although not yet implemented, there's an as of yet unused common event (and absent switch) referring to "reversal" elixirs. One of them uses the Hakunen Extract to turn Demi-Humans into Humans. Speculation is abuzz that as updates come forth, everyone can be any race.

I don't want to use the ugly hag form though.
>Speculation is abuzz that as updates come forth, everyone can be any race.
I mean with the Translation pages you could always see characters had comments on skills that were racial exclusive like Fallen Angel Dance and Page Creation. Implying either this or those were going to be LoC teacher skills
Gazer is cute! Cute!
Well Fairies can become Ghosts now and hopefully before the end of the year the path of the Archfiend will open up to many party members. Just hope this "reversal" thing gives us Succubus > Human. The most obvious one considering what went down in Succubus Village. Right now it's just Succubus > Harpy of all things.

Anyways, no down the skillwords script is gigantic nowadays, and even then not totally used yet.
>everyone can be any race.
Part of me doesn't want this. It would make everyone less unique besides their trait and whatever unique skill the individual has from leveling.
Trtr needs an editor or something, there's definitely something wrong when 80% of the cast jobs.
>Hiruko — jobbed to Eden (!)
Oh no no no
I'm on Chaos Route and I'm hoping there's a way to unlock more race changes. As it stand it doesn't look like Humans can reach the highest level jobs/races.
There's nothing wrong with jobbing. Everyone does it.
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Kiss your daughter
Human > Angel has a switch accounted for so it should be unlockable. Don't know how though. Sticking to datamining until the UI patch drops.
There's no humans worth having in your party anyway.
I'm going to embarrass her by untying those panties. That will show her!
I don't really want it either, but it is optional at least. It also just makes me kinda squeamish though.
Where are the fucking cells for the final custom sword upgrade I have one of them but cannot find the other
Considering it's Alpha and Omega cells I just assumed you need both routes.
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>Granberia — king jobber, super jobber, giga jobber, has segments of the game dedicated to jobbing, how she loves jobbing, how everyone should job and that jobbing is her destiny, Trtr gave her a pity draw with stolen skill just so the players wouldn't notice the traces of Trtr furiously masturbating to their jobbing humiliation fetish
That's fucking gay, Granberry was done dirty
>Lucifina — unstoppable, unbeatable, her involvement alone is what decides the whole war
jobbed to the common cold
Didn't she use a magic ring to suppress her angel powers in order to die like a human to some random coof?
Jobbing by being a tard is still jobbing.
From I remember it wasn't a normal cold that killed Lucifinia, didn't Ilias send the plague to kill her, at least, that happens in the VN I think.
That list only concerns paradox part 3, VN Lucifina is also a different character
Ilias sent the plague, but it was specifically designed so that it only effected humans, and would be instantly invalidated if Lucifina flipped Angel. The whole point was to force her into being an Angel again. When Lucifina decided she'd rather die and let the plague kill her, Ilias in grief spread it around to every single person who was ever mean to Lucifina or Luka to make sure they'd die too.
It's been a while but didn't the Paradox native Lucifina also job to disease?
That's pretty much already the case in part 3.
Personally I think it's funny that if you beat the Archangels or Ancestors fast they comment on how strong you are mostly because you can have an Overquick Mukuro slowly kill them in timestop and they're still like "I'm much stronger than all of you"
>Shiki girl who was raised by Alma
>expecting not to get plapped silly
She's sweeter than other Shikis by a mile but she's not gonna let you off without a fun ride.
This was probably the peak of Paradox for me. Easily my favorite use of Ode to Joy I've ever seen.
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Is there a list with all of the in-game ost names? I'm not looking in every nook and cranny of the map for those discs.
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God I love my wife.

I dunno man, Nasu who write the TYPE MOON franchise does that all the time and he's filthy rich.
I'll always be amazed that she thought it was a good idea to die and leave her kid alone.
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The alternative was letting literally everyone in the village know he's a descendant of the actual Lucifina. Plus Ilias planned on making Lucifina come back to heaven so either he'd still stay alone or worse be raised by Ilias.
The alternative would have been to become an angel, and leave the fuck out somewhere else.
They could have moved to Enrika?
Haha yeah I’m gonna rape my dad until he is drooling calling me mommy
>Started MW route
>Lilith sisters supposedly need Luka to travel back to MW
>They appear anyway when Alipheese 1 called for them, even though they're suppose to still be holding Raphaela back

TRTRbros? What is this plothole?
Ah, well, whenever you notice something like that, a White Rabbit did it.
I always assumed since they dodged the “killing” part that they just put the original bodies in stasis, an apparent state of death so the souls could be forwarded
No guarantee of return but not impossible either
I mean, Morrigan said in part 2 that they've already resolved themselves to never return to MW ever again, until they met Luka that is. But it's probably just White Rabbit shenanigans like what >>501254838 said
Truly Node is too good for this world.
do the SHRIFT DLCs/SHRIFT II's current completion explain any of the plot threads left over in 1?
>Even everyone in MW says how awful Kanon and Hiruko are
Yes Anon. It's as if MW was horrible, just like past materials and everyone was saying, and is only a choice because wanking.
shrift 2 is a prequel i don't think anything gets answered
Feels a little shitty that the hero jobs are kept underpowered for most of the run
Are there an upgrade to them?
Turns out at least 3 or 4 out of 6 ancestors are quite reasonable, Hiruko is the worst because she's basically automaton
There's hero of light and hero of darkness. They're pretty strong even compared to sealed jobs. And there's also hero of chaos apparently
Define your definition of reasonable. I'll wait.
That's it? Well not actually "that's it", but I expected... No actually I expected something more pompous sounding, simplicity is better.
Now I wonder how much we'll have to farm for it.
Not your dictionary.
So the dindu definition.
Why are the auto spirit summons besides Sylph so ass
>Gnome randomly activates at end of the turn
>Undine randomly activates at start of the turn
>Salamander randomly activates as a counter
Their chances feel pretty low as well
Mitra, in a platinum chest. You get one type per route AFAIK.
that's pisslias alright
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she is just like me :)
It's unfortunate how evil the setting is since some of the girls could've been good ladies.
Buzzwords? Tss tss. Cope more.
I'm here to adopt Chaos.
Because they auto activate mean you actually get them up for a Quad Giga unlike Sylph who you only have at the start of battle. It's more of a longevity thing which is annoying in an rpg to have a battle take like 10 turns but it's reasonable when they do.
Based Jack Garland.
>she says this as she types "cope"
>Morrigan got a trait upgrade
>No bonus for having the sisters in the same party
Oh yeah? Name every single one.
this one character makes me regret not finishing shrift after getting filtered by the genocide spooder
but they're probably less fun on genocide since apparently killing the murder plants made my character an insane murderer ;(((
>Name every single one
Hmm... Chloe. That's a cute name for it.
>he expects succs to have any bonds to their family
Lol. Lmao even.
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Someone with graphic design or meme skills in general, do something with this
Sauce? IQDB, yandex, and google all turned up nothing
Does this mean everyone important to the MW and AW faction die in both routes?
Sounds awesome, great improvement to both endings.
>Alma Elma/Minagi — jobbed to each other without fighting the goddess, big arc dedicated to their jobbing

I'm not gonna lie, this sound very fucking cringe.

Nooooo my daddy!
add 'footjob' to query, full pic will show up
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So after beating MW and AW routes, we can agree that the evil god is chill as fuck but has 5 murder hobos + saja under her and the AW is the reverse, Sub-ilias is a murderhobo and she has 6 great loyal angels under her + Sariela murderhobo.

MGQ is about mommy issues, with Luka being the rare exception in the VN.
Monster and angel girls are evil, horrible beings because they are raised by evil, horrible mothers.
No, Luka also has some mommy issues.
Something you kinda see is that without Alice, the Six, Ilias, and the Seraphim, monsters, humans, and angels seem to get along more and more as time passes without their meddling.
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So far, so bad. Ty for the tip though, I'll keep it in mind for future searches even though it didn't work this time
Actually worse than kanon in some ways at least kanon loyal
For what reasons?
Nvm, I'm dumb, just remembered that search engines typically have some form of safesearch. Logged into a yandex account I forgot I had, changed the filter settings, and voila
In Ilias route, she betrayed because she was promised that she would be able to be the sole Archangel in MW. They said that her ambition was just too strong. Dunno about Alice route yet
You have filter set on Family Mode (that second pic with boy and girl shows for me only on family mode filter, but not on Moderate or Off). Turn it off in upper right corner -> Settings -> Search
Is mimic island the best place for job exp grinding in part 2?
I don't think a good mom could've fixed Hiruko.
Don't you run from me little Ningen, you are not fast enough, you aren't brave enough, you are out of luck, now it is time to cum very rough.
It depends on what they were like when they were created. It could be that, at one point, she was an innocent young girl who gradually grew into the monster we know due to her power and poor parenting.
Grand Noah Colloseum -> Unlimited Class
But it only opens after completing Part 2 beating the boss in Ilias Temple in Snow Continent i think.
Before that yeah, mimic island is the way.
They're very nice buffs, even if they're inconsistent, with how long battles will probably take you...they're much appreciated
Any Part 3 summary dumps to look up in an archive?
I still prefer mimic island because it's easier to switch jobs in the pocket castle.
Bros... for the 3rd route, is there someway to make Vanilla worth a slot? I've just had her eat up an unused party slot. I'm already using been using Lime as my thief... so she just seems kinda useless. Also, what does the power of greed do?
so basically
Ilias jobbed because she tried to micromanage everything
while ALice jobbed because she couldn't be bothered to tardwrangle her kids?
>we can agree that the evil god is chill as fuck
No. Stop copping, it's pathetic.
>be me
>put the job changing guy in the colloseum
Go to rule 34, slime_girl, footjob
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Huh, looks like the 'having a different line if you kill boss fast' might be in as early as in the demo. Was curious about it and the Raphaela fight at the start of MW had this
Fucking hell. I upgraded Ilias, defeated all the phenomena, and I still can't get the true ending. You really have to do the stupid monster lord collectathon, huh?
Well demo is Part 3 with most of its parts cut off. I.e. Demo has Tartarus in Hellgondo, accessible with noclip, but game crashes when a random battle there starts.
If you want the true ending you must collect all milk, pee and panties as well.
Pee? Don't tell me they actually added Pee items...

>I upgraded Ilias
Post pic.
It's just MTL having a moment, but the meaning should still be pretty obvious
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She just becomes the regular Ilias from the VN. You also get these two, though, which is sweet.
Do you get still these two if you picked the Ilias starter?
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Oh good, so it's you sided with the Angels, and fighting LoliAlice for some reason?

>She just becomes the regular Ilias from the VN.
>from the VN
>Not the actually superior Paradox Portrait
I'm feeling insulted. Trait?

>You also get these two, though, which is sweet.
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If it were me, i'd rather add orgasmic moans collection for each girl. And a sonic-type skill that gets more powerful as you record more and more orgasmic moans. Obviously, for that a girl needs to be defeated with Pleasure attack.
That would take too much work, while being too autistic. I like your style.
>That would take too much work
Not him but all that would be is one new skill and a library record for pleasure defeats.
I don't think it makes a difference either way, most of the route divergence is brushed off once the worlds merge.
(Not perfectly accurate due to MTL): Physical and Holy damage becomes eternal, increased eternal power. Always use and upgrade Bow, White Magic, Holy, and Medicine and no MP cost. Nullifies holy damage, halves eternal. Can chain White Magic -> White Magic or Medicine -> Bow -> Holy.
Japanese doesn't require you to use pronouns in your sentence and most of the time you don't use them, which confuses MTL because English more or less requires them.
Can you turn her back into the loli form like you can with the bandits?
Judge says you are no longer allowed to use that word, anon.
Of course.
Chrome has a 100% winrate against anyone that isnt Luka, she might not look like it but shes a genius
>most of the route divergence is brushed off once the worlds merge
Nta but sad.

>Physical and Holy damage becomes eternal, increased eternal power. Always use and upgrade Bow, White Magic, Holy, and Medicine and no MP cost. Nullifies holy damage, halves eternal. Can chain White Magic -> White Magic or Medicine -> Bow -> Holy.
Yeah she's cracked. And I love it.
I'm not really the best person to point this out, but the choices of chaining seems weird, and will probably just bloat the fights more than anything once you get strong enough.
Thanks bro.
There's a LOT of deaths in both routes. Hell AW route is super bloody, almost no one survives.
Evil Chrome also loses to Shirome+Chrome, which should count as a Chrome loss.
Any H-scene stuff unique to one decision or another? Mostly just care about the Shiki Tamamo, and I'd assume you only fight her by siding with the Angels
>Chrome has a 100% winrate against anyone that isnt Luka
Or herself and her zombies lol
Oh yea I confused the name, my bad, I meant her as the murderhobo, Sariela is sweet and loves sushi.
Alright she can stay on the team then
It's literally her main problem, she does fuck all and just chills while her children are out there jerking off by torturing people for a thousand years, she's too chill.
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There's no real Sonya here...is there?
Follow your heart, anon, and you're guaranteed to make the best choice.
Hey, I got a question. Does the Companion Dialogue patch from the wiki work with version 3.0.0 of the part 3 demo or do I have to downgrade my game to make it work?
I've followed my heart 5 times and all of them have been wrong, I don't wanna live like this man
The choice you make is wrong because Sonya does not exist.
My heart is telling me to go after my actual waifu.
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>people who got slapped by Boss Sonyas be like:
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Also I really hate how MTool is getting worse the further I go - not the translation, that's fine but it crapping itself when looking at some monster's abilities and causing crashes. I don't even know what this thing does for its unique ability other than it being big.
>Meteor Breaker
>King of a Hundred Demon
Jesus talk about chuuni.
last time i tried using it, was for the part 3 demo and it does sorta still work - you'll get the popups for part 1 and 2 but it stops working when the demo content starts
That's good enough for me, I'm doing a new play through with the Part 3 Demo to jog my memory. Second question, can I use my English Patched part 3 demo save with the released version of part 3?
yeah you can
>Want to level new job
>Realize how awful it would be to resetup the abilities when I go back to another mastered class
Ability preset when? Is it even doable in RPGM?
Thanks for the info!
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It really isn't a face of mercy.
Also will I be able to go back to the moon after this? it's a pretty good grinding spot.
through the power of directly editing the game cuz it's made in fucking rpgmaker, anything is possible anon
How do you keep up with the numbers?
Well, you already have party presets when you talk to the Pocket Castle maids, maybe you could pester TRTR in their blog posts for that feature.
Damn, didn't know Mtool also fucked with numbers hard
And yes to your question
It's pretty easy so far to know what's up with the numbers with what another Anon told me in another thread.
>It really isn't a face of mercy.
Ironic, since she's merciful enough to go easy on you. Poor girl, she's so misunderstood.
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I felt really bad for her when we had to slice it up for sushi
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A tragedy in 2 panels
Poor Promestein...
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Once again, asking for suggestions for a poll. Hopefully will get the winning idea by Christmas.

Obligatory Ritual post contents

Album of my lewds: https://catbox.moe/c/w5gtyf

The latest: Mommy Micaela https://files.catbox.moe/p9fmq9.zip

Friends commissions: https://catbox.moe/c/vo902u

Big post, still needs updating: https://pastebin.com/DCfArGfe
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Eyy I beat it without needing to go past the moon or lower the difficulty
3 and 7 are very attractive options.
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Yeah I'll just use this since it's so much stronger than everything else I got lmao
MW Tamamo cucking Alice while Saja laughs in the background
That's a beeeeeeeeeg girl!
I love that people called that Ilias would turn them into angels from back when even Part 2 released. I kind of wish it didn't take into Chaos route for it to happen, but whatever. She really ended up liking her traveling companions a lot and I guess she must have realized just how great the monsters that weren't total savages were.
It shows her character development. Ilias is a good girl now.
From Chaos you were born and to Chaos you will return.
She really is, enough to actually have full conversations with Alma without insulting her, sympathizing with her and pretty much demanding that she NOT die because no one should throw away their lives.
I wonder if it broke her heart to watch those two double kill each other.
It's not even that Ilias wanted to turn them into angels so much as they were trapped in a hell dimension for hundreds of years that they had to fight out of. Poor Inuel didn't deserve that.
Luka gave birth to Chaos tho!!??!!
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my brain is fried from playing paradox almost nonstop for the past few days
>Luka gave birth
I get what you mean. Between work and paradox, I think I've only slept for like 4 hours in the past two days
Father of Chaos remember?
She's down! Get her!
so who got him pregnant this time?
It was him fucking Hild. However, when he did so, she went 7 billion years into the past
...At this point call him God of Creation.
The only problem with that is that Chaos didn't create anything. The universe was already formed by natural events, Chaos was just the fundemental force that existed back then. By the time that Chaos split off into Light and Dark and birthed Ilias and Alice, even the Earth had already formed and many different races had already begun to inhabit it. Including the progenitor of humans, elves and the mermaids. The mermaids even have the intrinsic ability to Time Travel
what the FUCK
Bros... Luka raped me
First off what the fuck.
Secondly, okay okay fine geez, call him the Demiurge then!... Or God of the New Creations.
It gets weirder when you find out the world of MGQ is the 9th universe in a sequence of universes being created and destroyed, with our irl universe being the 8th.
The banshees are cool, shame they're the only good thing to come out of the new pre-human lore.
>with our irl universe
...Nta but what THE FUCK?!
This just makes me feel like TrTr is trying to WILL this into existence. We will eventually have a big crunch and possibly another big bang to make a universe. It would be funny if monster girls come about simply because of the souls that birth into this new universe remember that and will it to be.
I don't think I want a dimensional merge with fucking MGQ, there's way too much risk of getting fucking murdered instead of getting a monster girl wife.
At least for most of them we know it feels incredible and 90% of them it doesn't hurt even to die. Then you also might end up going to soul merge with another similar universe, which not only brings over all of your experiences, but increases your power too. You just have to hope that you don't wind up in a parallel world where the entire world is a crap shoot.
don't worry bro, you'll just get reincarnated and either get a monstergirl wife, or get dryfished/vored again
you may have to deal with being stuck in a wall for an unknown amount of time before everything gets fixed though
yeah, the release made me want to finish up my ng+ so i've just been doing that and slowly (finally) getting into loc. might just call in since i feel like a zombie
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So you're trying to tell me that ALL 3 went out like complete bitches? LMAO!
>Or God of the New Creations.
One could say God of Last Bible New Testament lolandlmao
At last, I can become the shikibus.
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soon it will be time to transcend all limitations and dream a world that doesnt suck
>Get killed by monster girl
>Reincarnate in universe where I was born a girl
>Find out that I have monster ancestry in my family. Try really hard to trace the lineage. It traces back mostly to shit sea monsters like crabs, but there was some mermaids and even dragon
>Find a friendly monster that is willing to try to get me some of her power to activate my monster genes. It is a gamble, but I'm hoping for a winner
>Get turned into Earthworm girl
God fucking dammit
since you get adult IIIas either way I assume all of her scenes are the ones from the VN, the handjob from part 1, the cowgirl from part 2, the titfuck from part 3. I doubt she'll have new scenes, the new scenes for her are for the angel world IIias
I always believed that the LoC weapon descriptions fit that perfectly.
Nta but how so?
On another note, jesus fucking christ, I know you are supposed to imagine what they look like, but I wish they had an iconset.
ShowText(["I got a video letter from Saja!"])
ShowText(["Let's see..."])
ShowTextAttributes(["sazya_fc1", 1, 0, 2])
ShowText(["Wheeeey! Goddess, you watching this? LOL"])
ShowText(["Look, I’m turning your dear Luka into my dried-up snack~ LOL"])
ShowTextAttributes(["iriasu_fc6", 4, 0, 2])
ShowText(["...What the hell did I just watch...?"])
What the hell? We have the ancestors not only sending Ilias NTR porn, but it could also constitutes as cosmic shit posting. TRTR is on another level.
If this is true, I'll just be sad.
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AW IIias will make /mggg/ great again
I sadly don't remember and don't have that file anymore. Sucks that no one bothered adding the descriptions of the legendary gear to the wiki so I can point it out either.
Anyways very few weapons sounded very inconsistent with MGQ's own lore so we joked about it years ago. Idk if it referenced hell, demons, or maybe giants on one or another legendary loc weapons, but not in a monster sort of way but in a different world way which goes against MGQ's own multiverse being a bunch of deviations from it's own history.
It is. I've translated all the Ancestors and new Lilith Sisters scenes so far, now I'm gonna translate the rest of the Shikis.
Yeah they decided to add them, but just AO and Judgement and Worldbreaker.
Wait, I'll give you the descriptions.
This sound like shitpost material.
It's not the Chaos weapons. Those had actual parts of MGQ lore. It was some of the generic legendary weapons. Try Dark Emperor Axe or Titan's Legacy if you can.
Saja doesn't seem the type to dryfish.
is it true that once you get them for real their high affection scenes don't have dryfish? Is it true that morrigan really was a virgin?
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Honestly I don't blame her for the outburst.
Where do you get Shiki Tamamo's?
Do you recruit her by allying with the monsters, or fight her by allying with the angels?
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If you say so, pal.
Well shit. What can you expect expect from trtr and shiki.
This had me laughing hard. I swear, even the humor is miles better in the AW route compared to MW. Ilias getting more and more mad at the elevator was another good bit.
So... we hate TRTR now?
Luka, why must you be like this?
She does. If you defy her and lose, she dryfishes you.
I don't know, I haven't played the game yet. We're hard at work merging the translation, and I was hard at work translating my wives' Talk, Seduction, and H-scenes (though only Lilith had a seduction event).
>First large city you visit in both AW and MW
>Incredibly fucked up shit happening
>The leader is associated with plants
Hmm, is TRTR trying to tell us something here?
I just realized that THIS is why we have references to all of our myths and legends in their world. It is little bits from the collective unconsciousness making it over there.
>Artemis Bow
>Gigas Gauntlets
>Genji Armor
Fucking hell, this ALSO means that this is the reason the Job system exists. The entire world runs on RPG mechanics and tropes because everyone just expects it too.
Is it true Gabriela ends up being a big sadist and also backstabs AW?
>It's not the Chaos weapons
Oh you didn't meant Quantum Chaos or AO?

>Try Dark Emperor Axe or Titan's Legacy if you can
>Dark Emperor Axe
>[Axe] Legendary axe once used by the King of Hell.
>Titan's Legacy
>[Axe] Legendary axe left behind by giants from another world.
I don't get it. It seems like fairly normal descriptions you can find even in the base game, like any RPG.
Yes, it isn't a surprise once you find out
All of the 6 new Arch Angels are created from Cell cultures from the 6 Ancestors. So Gabriela is just Kanon's sister.
She is drawn by Shiki the guy who draw things like they are made by an AI and love dryfishing.
The hell is wrong with you?
yup, betrays them for the dumbest of reasons too, But I can solo monster world! dies and jobs
honestly both routes show that a huge chunk of these people are fucking idiots only a handful of them seem to have enough empathy and brains to be effective leaders Minagi surprised me alot my first impression of her was that shitty OVA from way back so I thought she was just a generic murderwhore she's really monster world esdeath
>The entire world runs on RPG mechanics and tropes because everyone just expects it too.

>she's really monster world esdeath
I don't think you understand who Esdeath is.
So these non VN archangels are relatively new in the timeline, and were not part of the great war between Ilias and Alice 1st?
Did Lucifina have to win it for the angel team or something?
It's precisely because they're so basic they don't fit into MGQ's own lore. Who would the lord of hell be? It wouldn't be either Alice 1 or Lucifina but an entirely different character. Maybe Part 3 adds in hell in the chaos route but at the time that sounded like something that doesn't add up.
Tell that to Neris
One of the previous universes.
Yeah, the 6 Arch Angels don't exist in the original timeline, that is part of the plot for this game, since VN Ilias is confused about them. Lucifinia and Micheal together were a menace to the 6 ancestors in the original timeline and the reason for Ilias being able to match them. The only reason the fighting stopped before the 6 ancestors could join forces and mount a final assault was because Ilias threatened to destroy the world if they didn't seal themselves.
MW is what happens when they didn't take the treat seriously and called her bluff, she actually tried to destroy everything, Alice 1st got involved directly in killing Ilias at that point.
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...I have no idea where that sword even is, I fucking hate this.
Well, in the original/paradox world, Ilias won by striking a deal with the monster side because their war was wrecking the world. In exchange for sealing themselves, the 6A and Alice 1 made Ilias swore to never indiscriminately kill monster
In AW Ilias created the other six archangels besides Michaela, which provided her the edge to win a total victory
Have you seen her face you dumbo? Dunno about the sexscene, but I don't give a shit. Lazy design.
Sounds like one of the upgrades to Luka's sword.
Anon... That's your custom sword. Backtrack to other blacksmiths
How did I miss it, I upgraded it to the end of part 2 but could not find a single blacksmith to make it go further
Minagi enjoyers won bigly
I don't get it. I mean I do, but I don't see how you can reach that point.
Wait a minute
>Goddess Sword
Is that the fucking Goddess Sword from the original?
Also those two sword icons.
Bad MTL but yes it's Angel Halo
>Goddess Sword
You talking about the one in San Ilias? No, that was a fake, Ilias confirmed that. The REAL Goddess Sword was in heaven and was sealed away because of it's destructive capability
The other one is Angel Halo. Yes, you can create another Angel Halo. Nero gives you back Angel Halo late into Chaos route because Luka can actually handle it at this point and won't turn into pure holy power
No no no no but also yes, I know that one of them is Angel Halo but the other one is named Goddess Sword.
They are both in the original. Alice just stupidly decided it was a good idea to break the last one.
A THREEsome with Ilias and Eden.
So adding onto it I backtracked but yeah no blacksmiths are touching it and there's like 2 wiped out towns now SOOOO....
From the mats for it, Goddess Sword God Halo is the Angel Halo infused with the cells of Ilias and Alice 1
You're a big homo.
Go back to the AI artists fag.
Neris is great.
She would be perfect with a bigger chest.
This, but flatter.
And this is why no one want to be in /mggg/
Neris is not that bad, come on
Oh. I got hyped other noth-
>Angel Halo infused with the cells of Ilias and Alice 1
UGH. But I'm still a bit sad.
I wonder how it'll be translated.
>AW route is straight up better
>but only MW route has any in-world conversations
post-release update will fix it
trust the plan
I'm just teasing you. But Shiki doesn't do her any favors.
Reminder that route devergance stops mattering entirely once you've made your decision, even if you betray the heroine you started with the only change is which one of them dies so luka can become worldbreaker or judgement
There's a reason why people didn't like the concept of third perfect ending.

I mean, does that also matter in the end?
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Yeah I don't know where you go to make this and it's killing me
Just check every AW/MW town's blacksmith?
I'm not on the MW path so I can't for one and the other I've done multiple times but there's now like 2 completely wiped out blacksmith towns so I can't double check them without restarting a save
File deleted.
Yea, you're fucked it's in Grand Noah for Ilias route
It was in the fucking water wasn't it? FUCK THAT SETS ME SO FAR BACK!
Nice. I hope that Myusca and other collab girls got some new lines.
Can you do full synthesis chains on Chaos route? I didn't really do any during AW/MW.
not really, Luka can't access that form or power afterwards anyway anymore than Sonya could access her part 2 boss forms, all she gets is her normal form from xelvy and her new form as an apostle, she has 3 request scenes in that form I think 2 are cowgirl sex and 1 is paizuri
Thank god my autism for crafting/buying at least one of every equipment saved me from that
Yeah but fuck that, I'm just gonna use MTool to put it in because missing out on it after a point is super shitty. If it was ANY OTHER TOWN that got nuked it would have been fine.
>not really, Luka can't access that form or power
Seriously? Why?

>anymore than Sonya could access her part 2 boss forms
Don't forget to delete the previous step sword because you're only suppose to make 1 of them per save you cheater
Not sure I understand what you mean by route divergence.
Isn't the Great Decision basically meant for if you don't want to redo parts 1 and 2, so it just pretends you were on their side all along?
Different content for a side-switching playthrough would be neat, but rather extra, and not convenient to see.
No imp content
Of course Anon.
Nta but
You can dual wield them naturally. According to others, you get one Angel Halo from crafting and another in MW route where Nero gives(returns) one to you
Ah, the return of Pirate Lord Luka!
Kind of crazy how you can MAKE Angel Halo
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Some more difference in dialogue depending on how fast you kill the boss
That's some strong Damn I've been defeated but I can't fall there energy.

>noticing Alice's portrait
Oh so Alice get a good portrait but not Ilias huh?!
Thank God they started implementing those flags. It was damn infuriating in Parts 1 and 2 how you could do some broken combos and the battle still treated them as far stronger than you.
What are the conditions? A first turn kill?
Seems like turn 1 yep. Killing in turn 2 triggers the slow kill dialogue
Is overload still good? It still do 10000 X MP? Because I could get millions of damage with it, so if it's not been nerfed, could handle the early bits of part 3 with that it seems. Also, how do gains in MP from levels scale? I'm guessing not enough for Overload to be viable later.
Considering there's not a lot of MP increasing equipment, it actually fell off relatively early for me(like 1/3 through either route)
It's not good enough.
Aren't there MP seeds or MPmax stealing skills?
It's less that it's been nerfed and more that enemy hp is scaling really dumb
Damn. So you really need either a low difficulty or some huge stats difference. I can trivialize a boss after using proper buffs and debuffs but sure as hell can’t do that t1
In the AW path the only boss I wasn't able to just kill in 1 turn on normal was Chaos Black Alice. Everything else got blasted from the abnormal status damage boosts you can slap onto people.
>abnormal status damage boosts
They work that well?
Honestly doing paradox difficulty and luka still one shotting everything with hero skills halfway though angel route not even using buffs
I'm only using Talk skills on solo Luka and it has been a steamroll.
Why are plants so cruel?
no one answered this... i need answers...
Ex chapters do
It's in their nature, anon. Don't question it, just... Stay the fuck away.
guys Kanon is at my front door what do I DO
Tell her you under Hiruko's rule.
You are someone else's meal, and she can't be stealing it.
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you in 5 minutes
No-one would believe that and you would get turned into an art piece in seconds.
This is why I always keep a wedding cake on hand.
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guys... i'm kinda tired i'm gonna take a rest and sit on this chair
This game needed a 3P scene with Alice and Ilias
That looks like a nice toilet.
>people didn't like the concept of third perfect ending
Fuck off, faggot. Bad endings are shit.
Tell her you just ingested a massive amount of herbicide and hope for the best, otherwise make a break for it through the window or back door. Realistically you have no way out, if you think she might kill you a lewd way that feels good, I guess just submit...If you wanna be sure you can avoid some horrible fate, kys.
Does anyone have the Monsterpedia entries of both new Paizuri Dolls ? I'll just use Google Lens to translate it pls
I mean it feels good...at first. Then it gets really, REALLY bad.
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Which monstergirl design philosophy is best?
>Ilias companions get added as unique characters with angel class
>Alice companions are forgotten so we don't get a kitsu based nine tailed Kitsune and a demon bunny slime

Alice got robbed
So is there a big active team ready to work on the translation or should I check back around 2030?
Anyone with the game + the full save file? Mine says that the game is corrupted
If it doesn't have a human face it's not a monster girl, period.
Somewhat disappointed at this, I was hoping the Custom sword would become a new ultimate sword, just making it just a second Angel Halo somewhat defeats the point
It's a nice throwback, but yeah.
That depends, if it's with her directly it should be amazing the entire time, but if she decides to make a show of you... It's impossible to know how it will end, but probably in hellish pain.
Her entire personality is just sadistic really, it's not too much in your favor. Give me Minagi or Tamamo any day please or even Kanade, at least I can live there.
Yeah, there's a team. Most of the UI stuff is actually done from the demo files, so I expect we'll see the first bits of actual content done within the first half of next year. It will be a hot minute before it's totally translated though, the team that does the H-scenes is kind of slow, and there's stupid amounts of battle text and gift dialogue that will take a long time to clear through.
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Do you still love imps?
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>we'll see the first bits of actual content done within the first half of next year
Wait, do the imps get new scenes?
Reminder that the original Angel Halo is supposed to be made from hundreds of Angels lol
Sadly no, but they have some extra data so they might get some new content in the NG+/marrigae stuff.
>NG+/marrigae stuff.
>check Forest Alraune (Aria)
>is pretty humanoid compared to other plant monsters and the artist doesn’t seem fucked up
>check her scene
>spread Luka’s legs open and shoves his dick in a flower. The flower makes him cum and pee uncontrollably and just keeps sucking it over and over
Before Part 3 this would be a fucked up scene. After Part 3, this is among the kindest and mildest a plant can be
So, forgetting about the third route, isn't the second one you do after AW or MW much easier since you already finished and got jobs, levels and items from the other one or is there a check to not make it too much of a cakewalk?
That's not even fucked up by part 2 standards, that's just a description of half the non-vore plant scenes.
I will never understand why japs love pee.
>the team that does the H-scenes is kind of slow
Never call me slow again. My dedication to the Shikis knows no limit.
yaaaaaay the shikis how greaaaaat

I don't even need the UI translated just the facking skills, accessories and class menus
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Haven't beaten a route yet but Luka is stronger than everyone else again lol
What is the fourth path about?
Alright, fair enough, even if your taste in waifus a shit.
honestly all i want is the ui and story done, i could not give a fuck if the h scenes take another 4 years to come out as a separate patch
A man after my heart.
Don't forget the items, skills, and jobs.
yeah that too, i kinda mentally combined those with ui
basically so long as all the real gameplay stuff and plot is TLd i'm happy
the porn in MGQ does nothing for me and can easily be mtl'd for those that do care
Like I said, a man after my heart.
There's a reason why the sex scenes from the main game and the time loop aren't translated, as well as the LoC dialogues.
The Lilith sisters are less cruel than Alma so they're based
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That's wrong, but your bar and the world bar is in hell anyways
So is the whole thing guro now or just that one plant section I've seen popping up.
it's just that one plant section
Your translation is seriously outdated, then...
>That's wrong
Luka can stick his dick into Astaroth just fine
But if he does it to Alma he is squid
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Ilias really fucked up with gabriella didnt she
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Should've taken DNA from a more sane plant.
Sorry, mistake on my part, some of the scenes of the main game, and most of the scenes from the time loop events.
Ehhh...honestly you have pretty bad odds if anything turns sexual. Minagi is gonna dry fish you no matter what, and just being near her is probably enough to make most normal people succ retarded. Tamamo is pretty chill, but she has no morals for the most part, If she wants a snack or a recharge she'll snuff you for fun. Kanade idk, I just know all she gives a shit about are slimes, I have a feeling she wouldn't have any issues killing you for some energy. You have to understand you're just Anon, a basic human among giga powerful beings who see you as food, snuff is all that awaits you in most cases. I do agree that they are your best hope of surviving, if they want you to live, or just don't feel like killing you. Now will you end up a brainwashed slave who's hopelessly charmed by the fox or succ? That's the real question.
They are both evil and retarded people.
>inb4 nuuuuuuuuuuuh
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At least not as bad as the evil god
4/6 misses.
Nta but the other two are precisely bad endings because the dev does not want the player putting the game down by being satisfied with those endings.
With what has happened in the AW path? I'm in 0 danger of ANY of that happening with any of them. They are THAT chill, especially Minagi.
Don't bother, he's a faggot who's afraid of choices that could actually matter.
They are wholesome if you do their route
And Minagi is basically a succubus tradwife
She's part Kanon, so she's more or less just like her sister. The real question now is which Angel is part Hiruko and how bad is she?
Tamamo can be fixed, so don't count her as a total loss.
Yes yes, MW did nothing wrong and they are good people. Now stop pretending to be smart instead of horny.
Is there a TL;DR on the whole deal with what Luka is? How big is the castle now? Can you recruit literally everyone in both worlds or are some bosses only?
All the scenes have been translated, both for the timeloop and for the demo.
Where do you even get Alpha Cells?
>They are wholesome if you do their route
iirc the only girls who will kill Luka during sex no matter what are just Alma Elma and Hiruko. Which reflects really poorly on Alma.
>Is there a TL;DR on the whole deal with what Luka is?
He's the Father of Chaos. That sound vague, but it actually basically explain everything.
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That fucking retard failed to do his ONE job and caused the entire clusterfuck in the first place, sounds about right
Really? Man you must be right, I must be behind the translation.
But honestly I was more annoyed at LoC vague dialogues not being translated than the scenes.
As much as I like people pissing on Alice, that's not what I meant.
>pissing on Alice
Ilias, please.
I feel like trtr dialed back on their murderhobo nature that was implied once P3 actually came around.. I mean, look at the Lilith Sisters... Still, I don't think your odds will be that good unless you have good luck, or the right sort of setting/situation to pull though.
And it doesn't change the fact that they are still brainless murderhobos.
Look at the Lilith Sisters.
Don't get me wrong, Kanon and Hiruko are the most awful pieces of shit there and one is so, SO much worse than the other.
The only ones that are going to just impulsively kill you, random citizen, for no reason are Kanon and Hiruko, and even most of Kanon's human cattle have no idea about her garden. You are only fucked for certain with Hiruko, and just have bad odds with Kanon, everyone else will probably leave you alone.
Do you have to pick one world per playthrough or do you do both? If you've dong NG+ do you have a point where you can swap Alice or Peeangel or do you have to go all the way back to the start?
Which do you think that is? It can go either way, Hiruko is more dangerous but she's basically operating on raw instinct, whereas Kanon is 100% fully in control of herself but chooses to be an extreme sadist for her own enjoyment.
Even Lilith in the AW path murders a city just to heal back up after Zion knocks her straight down and when Zion said "why would you do this to your own people" She basically responded with "So? Do I care?"
If you play to the end of a route the game gives you the option to restart from the beginning or restart from the start of part 3 with whatever companion you want.
Gee, this kind of behavior sound familiar.
I find Hiruko to be worse because there is 0 way to make her reign it in while with Kanon, she's sadistic to the extreme but there's at least a CHANCE. Don't forget in their scenes Kanon remembers that her mom would kill her and heals Luka, but Hiruko, after PROMISING she wouldn't eat you decides to do it because "I got hungry".
That's an entirely fair judgement. Like I said, it can go either way. I'd say Kanon is morally worse because she chooses to be the way she is, but Hiruko is the only Ancestor who can't be forced into coexistence.
>with whatever companion you want.
Gasp! Even the Archangels/Ancestors?!
Ok so after grinding like hell on the moon I think I'm ready to go to MW's main castle and finish this route.
he means ilias or alice
Ruin my cynical joke why don't you.
Pick Ilias and play till Great Decision, then choose MW.
That's the most interesting sequence to me now. Ghh, run through part1+2 AGAIN just to see the difference.. I'll do it one day.
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Man watching this thing change has been weird.
so who is childhood friend? is the game 100% finished or more DLC/true end?
no it's still not finished
>first question
Are you dumb?
I actually need to go back to the beginning to get everyone I can't get without Alice,
Who knows. I expect it to just be a victory lap. Sure we technically got a complete story, but the postgame isn't in yet.

In the first two route when Luka said the world was his it was treated as a joke, in the third route it was treated seriously, in the postgame it's simply stating a fact. Luka and his party will go through the game again from the start but this time they have the power to tell everyone "Fuck you and fuck your arbitrary binary choice" as they drag everyone kicking and screaming into the golden ending.

Add in some new content like dropping by the VN world to recruit Nero and Neris, and maybe some random marauding space pirate fights to act as low stakes bosses and new recruitable characters for those who bother to do it.
lads how worth it is going the genocide/neutral non pacifist routes in SHRIFT? I know I can't get the non-True Mercy done genocide ending at this point, but are they good enough to go for or just not bother?
it's finished people are in overcope
Lads I just subscribed myself for the Grand Noah coliseum, think im pretty strong, been training in my village for years, surely I can beat lady Uriela, right?
>I expect it to just be a victory lap
I expect it go kinda similar to ye olde NG+ mod for MGQ went: story flow is the same, but bosses get overpowered because they feel that Luka is too strong now (or just Chaos messing up with stuff). Like party arrives at Happiness Village and get to the tower, but then Harpy Queen gets power of chaos on period of battle and has sixteen quads of HP.
You are playing shrift, that's already not worth it.
Me irl
Wishing for marriage when I win btw.
You say Who knows, and yet you're saying things that is very compelling, at least to me. Of course our favorite hack of a writer will probably fuck that up if it's the case.

>In the first two route when Luka said the world was his it was treated as a joke
It's not the first time that Luka said as a joke was actually true. "My mom is an angel you know".

Seriously, is there even a Fourth Path?
Lads I just got invited to a village full of only women in fancy dresses, should I accept?
so is the timeline cylical or was there a catalist
You won't even reach her, odds are someone will take you out round one...
yeah anon go ahead nothing bad there
On the six days left blogpost he mentions this, saying it will be added in a patch later.

Translation by google:
・Second Playthrough Mode
I won't go into too much detail as it would be a spoiler, but...
This is a special mode with special conditions added after the ending.
This is different from the second playthrough of the so-called "NG+" that existed in the first to middle chapters.
Imagine how hurt the level 1 imp will be when she's rejected by you even though she won. You monster.
Welp let's all enjoy our eroge games before porn gets banned. It's been a pleasure.
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This is 100% how Luka gets around.
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>It's Pandora!
>Everyone! Be careful!

How big do the boobies get in Part 3?
The artist isn't known for being that good.
Not bad, but good-good.
translation patch update soon tm
She won't care, she's just going to rape you with her tits. Enough paizuri and you will learn your place.
Second Playthrough eh? It sound like a bonus thing and less of a Fourth Path.
I thought Negotiation X Monster got a translation. Did it not?
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Oh I can finally try and get them now
Don't remember too well but the neutral routes aren't that special, only the endings are different.
so what's chaos alice's ultimate role? is she final boss or like a golbez to someone else?
Please tell me how her scene is later. That ass is divine but all those teeth and the precedents of Part 3 monsters scare me.
Stop lying.
Man even Alice's ancestor is way hotter than her
Who the fuck thought forcing the character into a loli form was a good idea?
Is this form recruitable?
The most based man alive.
Fuck off.
Someone with really good taste...?
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Man everything REALLY feels tanky now
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Deal with it, hagfag. We barely got any new, playable characters in part 3. You can tolerate Alice I having a loli form.
That's not a lot.
>fighting Belial
>spamming skill hasted Chaos Drive
>she can't move
>still took 45 mins dealing billions of damage to reach the temptation trigger
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but seriously, this is the last time I ever do Reaper a favor.
I'm still in my first playthrough of AW, I can't possibly do more with Luka unless he crits with that move.
More like a retarded piece of shit.
You put cool looking characters into the game, you make them recruitable. That's basic bitch common sense, and was done since fucking day one. Changing them to loli, sure why not, I approve, but let the actual form that was actually advertised be there too, otherwise you are just a piece of shit.

This is why everyone run away from /mggg/, the average poster are massive shitposters who cannot think or be serious to save their lives.
You're having this meltie while all the loli characters got adult superforms in this part.
You play as The World, but you are fighting a literal fucking tank.
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uh oh, melty
Thank fucking God so much for basic things that everyone expected. Outstanding.

By the way there's some leftover sperm on your lips from sucking Trtr's dick. How about you back to it and leave the people capable of thought in peace.
The artist that did Alice I's art doesn't do art for MGQ anymore as far as I know, This was the only way forward to giving all the ancestors scenes.
>mindbroken ESL endlessly crying about everything he doesn't like is back
Damn, this general's going to be a lot worse with that fag around.
>What, I only got 95% of the content and not 100%!? This is a travesty!
What do you need to do to let Gabriela out of the prison for the ritual? Got all of the other Archangels just waiting there.
Full form and Chaos AliceI/AWIllias are going to be post-game recruits, their traits are already in the files.
>loli bad I HATE adding sealed loli forms to characters (has been done since the VN)
>hags bad I HATE adding boosted adult forms to characters (has been done since the VN)
I see, we need a third schizo now whining about...
I want her to metly my penis...
Third schizo here, I'm actually just glad this thread is back to its old bickering form and isn't a lifeless circlejerk of 3 fags anymore.
That's understandable. Not really forgivable though.
One of the main gimmick of the game is literally being able to recruit bosses, as they were hyped in the trailer, I'm perfectly fine with them having loli forms for one reason or another, as long as it's secondary and or a temporary thing, otherwise that's borderline false advertising if you can't.

But of course you got cocksuckers defending that. If it's not one guy.

Thank god for small miracles? And you for telling me that. It's cool from you.
I looked through the CGs and I see Neris with Shikibi energy drain aura coming out of her in both human and snake form while she rapes Luka

did my shitpost about her dryfishing him come true???
>hags bad I HATE adding boosted adult forms to characters (has been done since the VN)
If you're referring to my post, I don't actually care about this happening as long as I can swap them back (and you can) so it's not a problem. The only thing about Part 3 that's making me unhappy is the low number of NEW lolis, since you need to use new recruitables before you get all the sealed shit unlocked.
fug those tiny ass additions to races/jobs. Wowee Angel gets Eternal Booster and Nano Booster yay
Trailer was made for the full game though, not for the barebones we got.
As I said, understandable but not forgivable.
I don't even know if Part 3 is as barebone as you say.

You are a good one.
No because she doesn't actually kill him lmao
>getting angry without even playing the game
>We barely got any new, playable characters in part 3.
Wait, really? Are there just a lot of unrecrutable monster monsters or something?
>since you need to use new recruitables
Skill issues
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whats the last one?
>didn't play through part 3 with human recruits only
You didn't beat the game.
>also Forbidden
Jesus what the fudge?
Since it's marked as ????, I assume it's something you don't have yet
Have been asleep for the past 6 days?
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I mean, if you didn't use Scat Captain at all across the entire Paradox run, can you truly say you beat the game?
I don't anyone talked about Forbidden Jobs
Only seven?
Looks like those are only the Archangels+Lucifina's special races. Maybe there's more
There's just not a lot of new loli mobs and none of the story characters are loli by default.
...Huh, I never thought I'd be attracted to Alice I yet here we are. Who's the artist for those CG's?
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I want her so bad, please let me recruit you
Is Part 2 translation 100% done yet or anything still lingering there?
Is is that, is that marcellus? Gnnnn my dick
I like Rumi best but not enough to try make her viable in part 3
It should be completely done, barring some weapon description of some LoC gears and whatnot
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Honestly, the reveal that tentacle monsters all originate from an alien lifeform is really interesting. It explains a lot about their behavior compared to other monster types.
I've encountered flavor text that hasn't been translated but ~99% of everything is translated.
Weird design choice if true. And a vicious cockblock for people who want to use them on others..
I know a guy who made a team out of humans you can recruit, gave them all automatic weapons, and called them 'a firing line'. Managed to beat everything besides LoC too though it was long and painful.

He was very disappointed that you couldn't execute every MG in Part 1-2. Hopefully, Angel World will cheer him up.
Race restrictions has always been in the game though
Just do other side content until you're told to free her. Should unlock after defeating around half the Phenomena of Ruination
She had 24 trillion HP.
>You're having this meltie while all the loli characters got adult superforms in this part.
you mean the designs that already existed just slightly alterered? shocker
My guy... every angel and monster is technically an Alien lifeform.

We also knew that Dark Elves summoned tentacles from some other dimension since MGQ part 1, and I don't mean the paradox.

It's all in the lore!
Sounds like a skill issue.
Are you being annoying on purpose?
>Turn Sabasa's king into a woman
>Can't fuck her
what's the point, unironically
Aren't every monsters just that already?

>You are playing as The World
>But you are fighting a literal fucking black hole made of metal
Has anyone done a full summary of the part 3 story?
Did Shrift ever get its final update or did the creator forget?
>My guy... every angel and monster is technically an Alien lifeform.
>Aren't every monsters just that already?
No? Monsters are just natural organisms infused with dark energy. Until now they all have had their origins on Earth.

>We also knew that Dark Elves summoned tentacles from some other dimension since MGQ part 1, and I don't mean the paradox.
Your point? The reveal isn't that alternate dimensions with tentacle creatures exist, it's that tentacle monsters can trace their DNA back to said creatures, unlike any other monster type.
What are you talking about?
>>My guy... every angel and monster is technically an Alien lifeform.
>>Aren't every monsters just that already?
>No? Monsters are just natural organisms infused with dark energy. Until now they all have had their origins on Earth.

Except we were specifically told that Alice was putting her DNA (which is an Alien DNA) into her creations since the very start, aside from just pumping Dark Energy into them. This is why Promestein infused her first-generation prototype monster plant into her body to get Dark Goddess's DNA.

It seems to be the same with normal monsters, they just interbreed with humans more, so less Alice 1st DNA there, unlike the first-generation plant-seaweed thing.

TLDR: every Monster Girl have an alien in her.
I though that Alice the first WAS an alien that directly put her stuff in her things? Iirc it's one of the main problems with monstergirls.
I just realised, right next to the end of AW's path that I haven't found MW's Queen Elf or Queen Fairy...
On the other hand, both Alice I and Ilias are the children of Chaos and Luka, and Luka is half-angel half-human.
Update will fix it
Mutated lifeforms from Earth are not aliens. Angels are aliens 100%. Ancestors are just mutants.
armor impact is the best skill in the game
There is no third path, you must choose.
I mean, Alice the 1st is an alien. Even accounting for the spoiler above, she was born off-world.

And her DNA is in every monster girl, so the monster girls have Alien DNA.

Ilias should've built a wall.
That makes the ancestors mutants. Because they're mutated lifeforms from Earth.
Do you know what the word mutant means? Mutants are those who mutate, mutation is a change in DNA due to natural circumstances around the organism. To be a mutant, you need to mutate away from a baseline. What is Kanon's baseline? Which of the 100000 plants and whatever human DNA she likely has in her?

Ancestors aren't mutants, they are hybrids. Hybrids of Alien DNA and DNA cocktails of different species from Earth.
You're a mutant.
Their DNA is mutated but they're still from Earth. Sounds like you don't know what alien means, piss for brains.
Can anyone tell me if the Edens ever merge? I just saw them try it on AW route and fail and I feel like the end of the route is soon.
I'm glad I did Ilias route first because I can imagine the Alice route's prison segment would be more painful with an underleveled Luka
You do have No Encounters on him, right?
Are the artificial spirits in Paradox part 3? If so, do they have any scenes?
Yes and yes
Holy shit, fuck yeah!
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Reminder now that all 3 parts of Paradox are out Toby Fox will finally start working on Deltarune (by copying Paradox of course)
Truly the greatest game ever.
>start working on Deltarune
I heard it's canned because orange man won
How funny would it be if Toby actually, coincidentally, added paradox elements to the rest of of Deltarune?
>That pic
Lmao is this true?
>Paradox releases in 2015 Orange man won in 2016
>No paradox releases in 2020, Orange man lost
>Final chapter Paradox releases in 2024 and Orange man won with HUGE victory
Ok that is just marvel cosmic lore
Undertale is just a plagiarism party. Most of the music is stolen, some of it pretty blatantly.
Unironically non pacifist is worth it just because the levels would make spider and Daji easier and then you can easily destroy them in a "New Game". But from a story perspective you're not getting anything.
Does she interact with her sister outside of trying to murder each other? Any cute moments at all?
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>Bro, stick your dick through the gap. I won't bite it off I promise
Is this some lost bastard of Lucifina?
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>How big do the boobies get in Part 3?
the tits are so fat man
have a "small" (heh) sample
nta but idek if she even has scenes because searching for her name only comes up with this for h scenes and the art style looks completely different (bad) and it's all just basic bitch cowgirl / paizuri
please tell me the whole thing with the twins and all the "intervening" stuff gets resolved in the Shrift DLCs because in the main story they're all like BEWARE THE TWINS and they never show up even once after thar
We have to be careful not to pollute the environment and make catbox go down again under load.
what? i set them to delete after 3 days you've got more than enough time to look at them
No, it's just that I can't open it. I dunno if it's my country or something else. Even a VPN to Japan won't help
That just happens from time to time here too.
>. I dunno if it's my country or something else.
check the faq, see if your country is on the list, see if the fix works

i'm in england i had to change my DNS in my network settings to get it work
>vpn to japan
Catbox is blocked by many UK and probably US ips.
>it's all just basic bitch cowgirl / paizuri
>>no death
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I've gone back to the demo to get Reina and the Harpies up to Level 80 while waiting for the first translation patch for Part 3 to be completed; I love them all too much to part with them now so regardless of how rough the Harpy Only run will end up being Reina is my girl and she and I will see this through to the end.
I'm avoiding spoilers well enough so far but from what I've seen I'm probably gonna want/need to train the other Harpies up on a few more jobs too. The difficulty spike sounds massive.
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>Catbox is blocked by many UK
can confirm, i got my friend to walk me through it cuz i'm a tech illiterate

Go to network settings
Click change adapter settings
Right click on your network card / ethernet / whatever the fuck you use
click properties
right click ipv4 and click settings
click "use the following dns server adressess"
preferred as
alternative as

doing that IMMEDIATELY solved it being blocked for me
Yes, the last EX chapter is about fighting the twins real form and it's the longest chapter in the game.
>no death
Yeah, about that...
>Cow Demon Queen
I didn't know it was possible for her to look more like a royal gal/gyaru.
>sex doll
not as cute as the small one, but nice
best new seraph
>alexi angel
Does the commissioner post here?
Women shouldn't smoke. I like her hair.
>ogre woman?!
Hip!!! Save me from high impact sexual violence!
>ogre woman?!
"great orc" in the files
Connecting it to a russian IP worked! I can see!
And I see big tits everywhere! YES
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>The Luka Doppels arrive in saiyan pods
Finally finished the AW path, translation broke for me right there with MTool so I had to swap to Luna.
...Now to start back at the beginning at get all the Alice exclusive stuff that doesn't get grabbed at the decision.
Godspeed. I had to do that
>And I see big tits everywhere! YES
congrats anon, i'm glad i could help :D
have some more

these may be the relatively fattest tits in the game
very cute eyebrows too
man there's so many cows in this
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She has no idea the level of autistic grinding she's gonna be subject to
>recruit living Scylla queen
>trait has skill use Ocean and she can chain White magic despite her only spell being Aqua Pentagon
Come on Part 3 was all about the powercreep this is lame.
You're supposed to pick Ilias then switch to MW route so that Alice goes to lvl 70.
Do we have to use them in Part 3? Cause I think my Ilias is sorely underleveled
I think you could level her up to 70 immediately by choosing her as your starter in the great decision, then going to NG+ by picking the third way
Or you might have to do what >>501323330
You should had switched to her for auto level 70 and Noble Fencer like the other anon said and asked someone here for all the auto big Alice jobs so you don't have to grind those.
Eh, it won't matter much with how fast I'm gonna be speeding through this anyway
Actually what shit DOES Alice want? It's been so long since I've done an Alice run that I don't even know anymore.
learn more white magic then dummy
That's a lot of big fat tits, and a lot of upgrades.

My dick.
>blue angel
holy sex
>4 handed.....???
Finally, someone besides Amabie and Aradia has appropriately sized breasts.
>scaled woman
So Luka truly was the No-Life King...get a better fetish!
>alexi mermaid
They are indeed cute eyebrows. Thick eyebrows don't receive enough love.
great Point Of View for emphasizing her size(s)
>Alice the Clussy
>alexi baphomet
>six-armed yomi
healthy level of sagging
>alexi angel maid
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What is going on in this scene? Titania voyeurism seems very based. How does she manage to get Luka into a crowd of people so she can humiliate him in public?
Fencer and her Dark arts/Demon Eyes which is only really after Sealed races anyways. So yeah anything you can grind on her is just more jobs to get proofs rather than actually make her stronger besides Dullahan Rondo and Maid Boost.
Her evolved trait boosts the power of Rapier, Black Magic, Dark, and Demon arts, while also boosting the dark attribute, so anything with those. Her wide array of racial choices also means that she gets to have a lot more race proofs
I love this
hold onto her and call her mommy
did someone seriously think they were being clever by comparing two formulaic games?
Imagine the kisses.
i hope her tongue tastes like blueberries
through the power of the dark lord, anything is possible
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>been whacking the Singularity for like, 40 minutes
>Prom makes it so the boss can't do anything
>I just mash auto over and over again, and switch in Luka to help top off my main attacker's SP every so often before going back to Saki for debuffs and buffs.
Bros...this was the next main quest objective that stupid Lamia listed off... Do I just go very easy to save some time, or did I miss something? Besides side quests I have no clue if I'm ready for, and getting the part goddess powers for Luka which was listed after this, I'm left confused. Is this boss supposed to be a giga sack of HP I smash into for hours?
Hello Toby.
Skill issue
Rapier, Darkn, Black magic, Demon Arts.
Luka is Ness
Wait, she finally went down. That one skill that lets your multi hit attacks hit 4 more times is great for boosting dps...
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Humanity, fuck yeah.
He's pretty based there.
Mtool MTL is so fucking bad compared to Luna it's unbelievable.
Unless you use the Chat GPT one but good luck pulling that off when it's behind a paywall and the game is too big to translate everything anyway. I think it's like 68Mb and the limit is like 60.
What's the best way to farm synthesis materials?
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>Illya Skroitz
So is Luka being the father of chaos, literally just adopting Chaos?
Realistically speaking, how long will it take for the current translation to be moved from the Demo, into the full version of part 3?
did any of the other challenge runs go into part 3 yet? I know the guy with the four bandits team did, but I haven't seen anything from the dragon only or slime only anons etc.
Wow that sounds hot
a month
I imagine they're waiting until they can do a full UI patch at least(new Items, weapons, skills, etc) so it will be quite a while
Two more weeks
he just IS her father
So is Luka a god now?
Luka is her real father via a timeloop. Literally all of her problems, and thus the problems caused by Alice and Ilias and all of their children, are caused by Luka abandoning her as a child and this causing her to freak out.
GOD I fucking wish!
So in the end what happened to OG luka?
*hugs Eden*
He managed to divorce Alice after a lengthy trial.
Always was. No seriously.
Baleted, but maybe it was fixed in the Chaos path ending. If not, he's going to be saved in NG+.
So Luka is his own great great grandfather?
Yes, and also the great x15 grandfather of Alice.
What the fuck is this story anymore?
A Paradox.
Monster Girl Quest
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We can all agree that Lucifina has the best face, but Eden is the best archangel flat.
Yes. Unnironically, yes.

A story about CHAOS Chaos and the Father of Chaos, and how the Father of Chaos became the Father of Chaos.
Featuring Chaos and Father of Chaos.
Who? Ilias? Because if so, she actually apologizes to her in the camp right before the final battle for ignoring her loneliness for so long
So the OG game world just another alternative timeline? Also than who is the mother of Chaos?
don't forget Chaos from hit video game series Monster May Cry
Can someone remind me of the name of the Manticore girl from Youmaen?
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>Some new Xelvy girls in part three
HOLY SHIT! I just wish he was able to do even more...
>Also than who is the mother of Chaos?
Hild - Luka knocked her up and she gave birth like 7 billion years in the past
Fucking lol. Ilias being the better girl as usual.
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As tempting as it may be to swap over to them since their traits are very strong, but I will stick with maining the disc 1 OGs
>kill your grandmother to save the world
>accidentally break reality in the process
>suddenly you've now become your own great great great great great grandfather and caused a multiversal catastrophe by abandoning your ancient bastard child in a primordial void which turned your grandmother into a jerk in the first place
>also you have a literally uncountable number of kids and grandkids scattered throughout time and space
>and they're all tracking you down
wew lad, now that's kinda wack
It would be better if the artist didn't make Luka look like a grown man.
Can't you use their old appearance with their new stats?
what a fucking DOWNGRADE
Sometime he has a giant dick too.
Ilias Quest: Paradox RPG
Chaos route bros
WHERE THE FUCK do I get the shit for the new thief job, fucking gold chests i'm so mad
Sweet, glad we finally got full power bandits but are there any other characters outside of Ilias and Alice who benefit from it?
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Nope, they're separate characters though I heard the OGs get their own upgrade in third route. Really looking forward to that
My my just who are those pretty ladies?~~ I sure can't tell!
My boy can't catch a break.
Heavy spoilers to the start of Chaos Route: the plan they come up with to defeat Chaos once and for all is to create a God of Chaos who would be able to control the energy and stop the cataclysm. Hild was built for this sole purpose, to serve as a womb for Chaos to grow inside. Needless to say, Luka, already deeply connected to chaos, is the one to impregnate her, making him the literal Father of Chaos.
Are we sure they aren't the parents of the bandits? Gob and and the older oni have similar features, but obviously have different colored eyes.
Should have killed the snake and enjoy the Heaven
Part 3 was a mistake
You say boy but I'm pretty sure he's a man by the end.
what's black alice doing while all this shit is going on
Play the game instead of making dumb theories. Of course they aren't their parents, it's 100% clear it's their alternative versions.
They're the AW versions of the four bandits, and they're the 4HK there
He's likely in his late teens at the beginning, so probably, but I'm not using boy 100%, literally.
Imagine how fucked it is if the succubus trio kills you and you arrive on the monster world already being eaten by Hiruko. You KNOW this probably happened to some poor fucker.
Did the angels brainwash them or something? How is there anything with a monster cell still around?
>How is there anything with a monster cell still around?
bro everything other than a human is a monster
So in the it comes down to being one fucked up paradox timeloop to eventually save the universe.
>Did the angels brainwash them
No they're the leaders of the last large resistance of monsters, waiting for the prophesied monster lord from another world
daydreaming about heinrich
Does the pixeldrain for mgq part 3 work still? It just throws me to a dead page
>Play the game instead of making dumb theories
Sorry anon, I can't read Japanese at a level to understand 90% of the text and i'd rather not have my first time be through an AI translation.
The one in the OP? You have to fix the link since 4chan sees the proper link as spam
>How is there anything with a monster cell still around?
Raphaela finds some cute, Uriella wants them for the Colosseum. Fairy Island is needed for the ecosystem and anyone else is just really strong or good at running and hiding.
Oh, I'm a dumbass, I thought it would be something like that but I didn't see what was wrong with it. Sorry about that.
So, everyone from AW and MW is now in the prime world, and did not just merge into a single entity? Like there are two or more versions of someone walking around? I mean TrTr isn't going just erase a good chunk of you character selection because of story reasons, but it just seems hilarious how absolutely overpopulated the world is going to be.
Yet you stay in the thread to eat up spoilers.
do we get to see this plap plap plap plan I mean surely Hild was gentle right? Granberia wasn't gentle, Neris wasn't gentle, Sonya wasn't gentle, Chaos wasn't gentle, somebody had to have lovingly plapped Luka instead of rape in this story, right? spoiler]
If anything, I'm under-geared. She literally never got to move because haste guaranteed I'd always go first.
This isn't a Labyrinth grognard save, so I still have relatively normal stats. Still, any enemy that isn't immune to time stop has been reduced to a glorified Chrome Doll Mk.I.
>Chaos wasn't gentle
I thought it was lovey dovey?
Because I don't mind spoilers.
When you timestop rather than hurt them in timestop you should buff a character not immune to timestop and overquick them to have them deal massive damage all in one turn.
You can unlock them for everybody else, but the races are obviously built for said characters, given their names and abilities. There's other forbidden races and jobs unrelated to those as well.
Oh thank God.
>they gave Setouchi to Vanguard
Based. Can’t wait for the ass-focused scene
Like Sonya she tried to be at first but was too turned on to hold back anymore so plap time, she fucks him so hard reality itself starts distorting as they fuck until nothingness luka just seems to bring that out in girls who like him, kinda like mana tank
Bro, that's UN_DO...
sigh of fucking course, they couldn't just take the most important and final one seriously couldn't they?
Their hatred of non-fatal scenes is annoying.
It's Toro, she doesn't know how to write anything else.
And it's annoying. It is already a pain enough that I'm forced to see shitty porn even when I choose skip in the option, the least they could do is make them better than the rest especially if I'm supposed to take this shit seriously.
I get how
>hora hora my monster pussy designed to make you cum fast, made you cum fast? how pathetic!
is bad and dumb and boring
but how is a girl with pent-up love and lust, going nuts and fucking you as hard as she can, a problem for taking the story seriously?
It's a father/child reunion. I don't think I'll have to explain right?
Sorta? The thing is chaos exists no matter what, it's just a type of energy. It doesn't need a God tied to it in the same way holy and dark energy don't need Ilias or Alipheese. Chaos, the god, is present throughout the entire timeline because to birth her they needed to send Hild back 4 billion years. At the same time, Chaos isn't present because until the events of the final battle she's literally just a fetus growing inside a womb. People are somewhat exaggerating when they say Luka is his own great-great-great-great-something grandfather, since Chaos (the god) isn't chaos (the origin of everything).

We do get to see it if you choose natural insemination it's pretty wholesome in that she's really eager to fulfill her purpose and have a child
Oh okay, for Chaos and Neris specifically.
I get that.
I guess I've been accustomed to the idea that these women do not care about incest at all, and "platonic" doesn't exist to them.
>I guess I've been accustomed to the idea that these women do not care about incest at all, and "platonic" doesn't exist to them.
Basically yeah. I didn't exactly know how to say that without sounding rude.
I have multiple time stoppers now, including one whose skill is the hydrogen bomb to Chaos Drive's coughing baby, so the sky is the limit. I was using triple-actioned Hero chains while under Quad Spirit Summon to burst down bosses while soloing, but now it should go much faster.
Did time stop always cause everyone else turn to be skipped once it ended or is that a bug?
These characters are monsters, literal beings created from the powers of a chaotic energy that was tearing the universe a new one.
The humans of MGQ don't seem to have fallen that hard into depravity yet, but they are starting to emulate the monsters more and more, so it could happen soon.
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It's fucking hilarious how the only thing that unites the Six Ancestors is their undying love and loyalty towards their mom, meanwhile literally half of the Archangels end up betraying Ilias at some point
How exactly does Luka get Sonya back and why do they have sex? Apparently she has 3 scenes, she has a scene in the main story where they have sex and during it Sonya and him realize what they are and that Luka and her need to become one and Sonya gets heart eyes and rides luka til they fuse, he also fuses with white rabbit and reaper but not through sex but man,Luka had to fuck Sonya to gain this power and knowledge, fuck HIld to birth Chaos and raise her so she isn't alone anymore but why was Granberia the third one to react in the true ending, I don't think she and Luka mated once let alone there being a need to
Hashtag Iliaswasright or something.
For me, it's because not being able to fuck her without dying and destroying the universe just plain sucks.
Ilias is a monster too.
Probably a even bigger one than her sister.
>he also fuses with white rabbit and reaper but not through sex but man
There better be a new Luka form, and it better be fucking worth it.
Updates will probably add request scenes where that doesn't happen.
So who has a realistic chance, in story, of winning the martial arts tournament for Luka's hand? Given that it also includes tests of intelligence and homemaking?
Incest is best.
>Probably a even bigger one than her sister.
>*look at her daughters*
Alice, Ilias, Four Knights, 6 Ancestors, 7 Archangels, Lucina and Micaela all have a chance through brute force. Going to assume Chaos isn't allowed to compete.

Once you factor in intelligence and homemaking, Alma Elma, Tamamo and some of the archangels?
Tamamo has literally everything.

Beauty, power, intelligence, skilled at household chores, owns a functional, pleasant territory, unlikely to snap and eat Luka at some point.
>Kids love a mom who literally doesn't make them do anything
Is there a better chef than the Angel Arekishi one?
You know someone who doesn't use ingredients. Because part of me hopes not.
So who canonically fucked the current Paradox Luka? Not through requests, or AU bad ends, but the girls who sexed him up as part of the storyline?
Anon, do you know who her artist is? There's zero chance.
Also you can't be someone's wife if you refuse to fuck him without killing him.
Tamamo is canonically a genius. Alma isn't super smart, but she's fairly intelligent and by her own admission, is good at cookery and household chores.
Happened with Neris.
All TRTR has to do is change some dialogue lines, and not use a dried-up CG if there is one.
>There's ONE exception that means it's reasonable for me to huff copium like this
I think you need to learn the difference between telling and showing.

Tamamo always seemed quite intelligent to me. She fucks around and does stupid shit, but that's every single character in the games.
>Tamamo always seemed quite intelligent to me.
>She fucks around and does stupid shit
Anon for the love of everything that is 2D and 3D in this universe...
you're sounding an awful lot like the doomposter
Saja and Tamamos will form a united front and beat everyone else up.
It'd be doomposting to say there will be no request scenes. It's being realistic to say they'll all be fatal because it's a Shiki.
So far Tamamo has clearly been the smartest character across both MW and AW routes, but I haven't played the third yet.
Dude, name a character in this series who doesn't do fucking retarded things for the sake of comedy.
>Alice sperging out about ghosts, food, self-sacrifice
>Granberia fucking around fighting and testing people randomly, stands still to let Luka charge up
>Erubetie is just retarded
>Alma Elma just fucks around larping as a poet, gladiators whatever takes her fancy
Tamamo just messes around 90% of the time, because 90% of the time, she's dealing with stuff so far beneath her weight class that taking it seriously would be a joke. She's a skilled magic user, her MW self is running an experimental lab, she keeps her territory running fairly smoothly and Alice, who she raised, is shown to be highly educated, if making very stupid life choices.
The bar is in hell.

Not helping your case.
Yep Ancestors are always superior like that
Wait that sounds like the 4HK and Alice...
>this series with lots of comedy has characters acting in a comedic fashion
>they must all be dumb

Anon please
Anon, if your main argument is 90% of the time she doesn't take things seriously, you are in fact, doing a terrible job at making your point.
I'm sorry, but it's the sad harsh truth.
To be fair that's an AW Ilias problem. Lucifina and Michaela do love Ilias, they just have had enough by the time of the VN that they think she's gone insane and give up on her. Meanwhile the two angels Ioli Ilias creates after her redemption arc love her completely too..
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Back with this again. Going to finish the rest of the chaos weapons at some point of time.
>love her completely
Yeah, until they grow up.
>Deus Ex Machina
Ooooooooooh I get it.
It's also implied in exactly one scene that Lucifina-chan may have the memories of the original Lucifina.
Remember that Eden sidequest? "So you do remember" or or understand or something.

Now this was actually emotional.
Sonya and Hild, Sonya first, then Hild, Chaos has a scene but it's either only a defeat scene or a request scene in the pocket castle we can't access yet

TrTr has a bad habit of undermining characterization for the sake of a cheap gag.
Tamamo confirmed best girl in EVERY single timeline. I fucking kneel.
But even in the serious moments Tamamo, or everyone for that matter aren't that smart.

I said that the bar was in hell, I was dead serious, I wasn't joking.
Pick one of those serious moments and tell us how a smart person should have acted
I'll do one even better, I'll name a character. Alice. She should have made a better job.
What's your cope now?
Right sorry, not my proudest moment there. Point still stand though.
>angeltard is ESL
i am once again asking for assistance. i am being filtered by vorespider very, very hard.
sandbag friend says to stack the avoidance spells but that seems like a really terrible use of my limited turns and mp. cool calm stops me from force-masturbating though, i guess. i managed to unload 4 assblasts into her once and it didn't even put her into yellow health so im not sure where to go from here. maybe i should go play a better game.
Real time damage in a turn-based game is the worst thing he could have done.
Dog girls as a whole
>competent spies
>pirate one betrays when they know they'll lose
>get domesticated by humans because it's an easy lifestyle
actually, i like it a lot. makes the turn economy more meaningful in theory, where you can choose between clearing it now or clearing the debuff that'll fuck you on the next turn and tanking the drain. but the game's so ball-bustingly difficult that it feels like overkill and generally the effect is attached to something you need to remove straight away anyways, so you're still kind of right.
>4 assblasts
Is that magic? I'm pretty sure against Spider you should be using your strongest gun even if reloading is annoying
Serious moments that aren't about Luka or Alice are pretty brief. Partially, as a result, many characters have aspects of them that largely go unexplored and result in a bunch of informed character traits rather than displayed character traits.
shotgun blasts, sorry. i havent even had to chance to unload all 5 shells into her before getting vored so i havent had to reload at all. sandbag man says magic is good but that only does like half the damage of a shotgun blast so eh.
Wowowowowowow calm down Anon! We are talking about real smart, not machiavellian geniuses like Pochi.

Thank you. Someone's honest.
Her LoC marriage dialogue implies both that she is good and willing to do housekeeping and that she considers sex to be her "duty as a wife" so both things you said are false.
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Nah, I think I got them mixed up, I meant this one
You misunderstand Alma.
You can't just ask her for sex.
You have to let her make the move.

This is true, hell you likely get away with heavily implying you want sex, and she will do the rest. That said, I'm pretty sure she has to step down from her position of Succubus Queen to marry as her mother did. So it likely wouldn't be an issue at that point.
Again, I'm rusty since it's been like 2 years, but if I recall, just like with Mukuro, if your arms are not bound you can shoot her I'm pretty sure. If you still have 1 turn of leeway with Untangle already available, don't use it yet, first shotgun blast her THEN Untangle.
Also, I think you're defending too much. The reason Cushion recommends to also stack Sylph Storm is specifically to avoid that fucking bleed attack which eats up a lot of your time recovering from. You'd still have to eat shit from Psi Blizzard though.
Check her weaknesses again, I don't remember if she has an elemental weakness. Is she in the compendium already? Check there.
You mean love route was genuinely a really nice change of pace. Shame the game wasn't all that popular.
>first shotgun blast her THEN Untangle.
i did not consider this, thank you. i defend when she's in combat stance because kazuya's blizzard fetish makes him cum instantly if he's hit by it, then it's game over. knowing i can get attacks in during tangle will make all the difference though.
She's weak to Ice attacks, don't be afraid to spam them so long as you can keep up your Will
Wait a fucking minute. Basically Luka become Alice, Ilias, his mom, White Rabbit, Reaper, Sonya and Chaos.
I think there's a joke to be made.
Alice being Ilias's greatX16 niece is kind of funny.
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There is only one true wife for Luka.
Bow before her.
It's kind of hard to believe a main girl could tumble in a game sequel so hard, but Alice showed us all how it could be done.
We can't forget about Allice's mom, Alice. And Alice' grandmother, Alice. And of course, Alice's Great grandmother, Alice.
I'm not doing for the 13 next ones.
File deleted.
Nah, that's mine.
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I hope the janny won't get mad I didn't notice the nipples.
But I'm already married to her?
Any fix for this error?

Monster Girl Quest! Paradox RPG
Due to error Errno::ENOENTthis program is unable to continue processing.
If this bug has not been detailed on the officialwebsite [Patch Support], please report it.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

No such file or directory - Graphics/Battlers/80_lamias_st02
** backtrace:
( Cache ):106:in `initialize'( Cache ):106:in `new'( Cache ):106:in `normal_bitmap'( ベース/Module ):1051:in `normal_bitmap'( Cache ):91:in `load_bitmap'( Cache ):33:in `battler'( ベース/Sprite ):152:in `update_bitmap'( Sprite_Battler ):38:in `update'( Plugins/BasicEnemyHPBarsLite ):77:in `update'( Spriteset_Battle ):332:in `block in update_enemies'( Spriteset_Battle ):332:in `each'( Spriteset_Battle ):332:in

(I ended up cutting half of the error message)
>No such file or directory - Graphics/Battlers/80_lamias_st02
what you can do is go find 80_lamias_st01 or whatever the fuck in the pictures folder, you make a copy of it and rename it to st02 and make sure they're in the same place

you're crashing because it's trying to load an image that doesn't exist in the folders, so if you just dupe one in there it will be fine
It's an open relationship. And you're Anthony Burch.
where do I buy Leeks? Yamatai vegetable vendor doesn't have them
Happiness Village.
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In AW's Fairy Forest where I need to subdue Cosmos, explored what I think to be the entirety though couldn't find a trigger for Cosmos specifically. When I came to pic-related there's 4 pedestals which don't ask for anything, is this related to Cosmos?
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Amen to that
There's a hole in a square box outside this room, a bit south east. This was so fucking dumb, I spent 30 minutes running around the place.
Thanks bwo.
Thanks anon, weird how that was the only error I had since starting the part 3 demo.
i had it for the quad lamias in part 2, thankfully it's an easy fix
Did Proof of a Thief keep the new scaling off of stolen items or did it get nerfed too?
Source on that image? Asking for a friend.
Probably not canon, but I imagined Luka and the Promestein you find in Tartarus banged at least once for comfort if you choose to find a third way at.
What's the reward? My dumbass didn't find that.
You mean after you beat the butterfly? Titania join, shit you find in the eastern part and something you get one completing the quest.
Oh yes I meant him. He draws a lot of asses and harems
>tfw Vanguard doesn't have a buttjob scene.
While I love Un Do, and hoped his love of huge asses would result in more buttjobs, it has been slightly lacking. Maybe it's a trtr thing though... The crazy thing is her scene is the start of a buttjob, like, you could just use that for a scene and you would be set. I guess Un Do just didn't have the time, considering he did so much work.
Also, I just found it to be a shame you never fight the AW bandits/other world heavenly knights . They're begging to have a loss scene, yet don't....I wanna say it's because Un Do already did so much, so a lot of his girls are lacking, but I'm thinking it might just be because trtr didn't feel like it/couldn't slot it in. Like, imagine a Vanguard buttjob brainwashing/info/semen slave scene...

Oh, I guess it's a little more on topic, but Vanguard is paper...
Chaos approaches.
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>I need to subdue Cosmos
a rare sentence. With one big fat snek wife.

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