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Previous: >>501309960

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
hoshimeme memeyabi
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When ae we getting the next pink character?
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sharkwife thread is a good thread
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>release dps
>sales goes up
My god, you guys are really soulless
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I love this shark
I can't wait to spend my life savings on her during her rerun
I did what i could bros... I hope she's happy gonna have to pray i get spooked by steel cushion one day
M0 Yanagi worth it if I don't have Jane or Burnice?
I do have Grace's ball and Rina M0 though.
la rata anorexica...
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I only just cleared 25 bros...this is it for me...
So whats the verdict?
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>Wow this Tower person sounds pretty strong.
Solos Goku btw
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Crit damage, crit rate, atk, and farm perfect dodges to use your fat dodge counters, that's about it bwo
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When is 1.4 beta coming out? I need to know if I have to pull for yanagi or wait for harumasa
What do /zzz/iggers say? I currently have burnice paired with piper and it would bother me to take her off from my fire-physical team.
For lightning supports I have seth and rina (although neither of them is built) and eventually qingyi/anby if harumasa plays with a stunner
Who is for (you) so far? Right now I have
as the only ones. Zhu comes up a lot, but it feels like (you) and Qingyi are more interested in getting with her than she is.
I say plappa should've been in this game and not HRT
If rappa was built like that i would've pulled
If you're a heterosexual male get Yanagi
If you're a homosexual male or a womam, get Harumasa
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Cant play tower until weekend

How is Ellen faring in there?
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This is sexual harassment
Only with home ground advantage

only clears 4 seconds faster than grace, yanagi a giga flop?
This is why Lucy > Another anomaly.
Fucker running away? Just Line Drive Desu Wa and teleport your DPS right back into the action.
Yanagi, literally Rambo flashbacks + classic OL gimmick
You need m2
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>electric agents
I had to skip plappa and im very sad about it
Honestly I want to fuck both of them in the ass if you know what I mean
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this dungeon crawling event is getting more fun with all the bomb upgrades
no grace is just good
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the new won't go away please help
I dunno, Burnice is really really good at helping said DPS, and Caesar is Zhongli 2.0
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Ok this was peak
This whole faction is so fucking soulless it actively removes soul from the game by existing
They had to shoehorn academy bullshit just to have the window to add more characters later
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>oujou sama lets us touch her expensive hair
>doesn't push us away when we take advantage of the offer and touch her shoulders
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>backloaded damage
She needs the King
Yes and DPS Anby is pretty good against Hans right now.
This is hardly an optimal clear, even on th Jane team he wastes like 20s on the fodder at the start of the first half: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o18QHXrFpCg

She probably won't be usable for a long time but it works right now. If you have Graec try Grace/Anby/whoever buffer for Hans.
I'm home from WORK. Time to roll on my WORKAHOLIC wife so we can WORK together to clear SD7!!
>people like characters they actually get to use for more than just quick swapping
Why am I getting so many random people adding me since 1.3 dropped?
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good looking Corin
of course not
Yanagi loves Wise
im at floor 40 with ellen lycaon caesar and shes been great
her BA3 and ex iframe are really really good, and a lot of the bosses actually get frozen
rolling to clear shibuya faster is a brain flop
if you want to use your favorite character permantly consider getting supports that boost them or just roll dupes, M2 in all characters makes them being strong permanently, M6 is borderline cheating
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Is this Arigato Fellatio roguelite shit supposed to be just comically easy or what?
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>floor 22
ah I see, it's finally time to get serious
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Ellen "FatTits" Joe
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i liked the quest very much, a little slow maybe but a lot of nice moments
ZZZ devs are Ameriboos?
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How far have you gotten in the Bloody Palace, Anon?
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bangboos are like 80 pounds each and she's lifting 3 of them at once...
im using yanagi/piper/lucy
for Yanagi I need 375 AP via discs for her engine to activate? Sounds like a lot disc farming
Need ellen to chomp on my neck
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Yup, time to disc farm
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tower starts at floor 26
based whale
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>Yenless Yen Zero
yanagi is the most fun character in the game but if you don't like her you don't need her for burnice
harumasa is the first real elec attacker (lol @ brickton) we have no idea wtf he's gonna do or his archetype is yet, but i expect he'll want zhu
I like Navia too
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NTA but i have 54 ether batteries and ive only ever gotten the monthly thing once
So does tower reset like shitu?
DPS Anby or Qingyi?
Do I use Thunder Metal?
Yenless Yone Yero
Crossover when?
officer cui could never..
meant chinky not zhu
is that even required? wont the effect permanently proc anyway since you get a big ap boost for 15 secs from even doing a regular non ex special?
I like both equally and I like them very much, but it would bother me having two lightning dps at the same time, considering burnice would have to be swapped
Is there an option to restart from 25 if you die at like 60 or something?
burnice has no concept of rape and moans during it
I kinda like the part where Soukaku unknowingly implied her endless hunger was due to PTSD from the war and Yanagi gave her a hug
pretty sure you always start from 25
Burnice no stop I don't want to be raped again
Putting an abstract concept as an enemy is cheating, you can't kill her.
i fucked with soukaku instead of yanagi
Rina's tits in my face
Grace is nowhere near Yanagi in DPS numbers
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this, but Grace's sweaty tits in my face
I hate the Soukaku change. Squeaky ass toddler voice.
Yanagi is more versatile, and the more anomaly units they release the stronger she will become
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but can she beat him?
Better get that shit below the threshold in under 6 minutes or you are permanently bricked
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I'm actually friends with the devs on HSR
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why do i love whores so much?
I dont understand how a selfish onfielder is more versatile
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as you should
Oni Status?
Saving for FBIboo
They're aspirational
It is Pimon's VA
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I'm stuck on floor 29 because I don't have enough experience fighting the new ethereal to beat it without the indicators.
Well, if I remember the things I read yesterday, they apparently age slowly

So by their standards, Soukaku is still a child (and mentally stunted from the Oni Tribe - Eridu War)
Burnice loves Wise
VA #4 cant come soon enough...
Because Freud was right
its using lighting attacks? can't parry
it's not? then go ahead
All of the SoC do
>both universe resetting, reality ruling multiverse deities
Equal powerlevel, I'm giving it to Zeno because he isn't shattered in pieces.
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my main team is all on death's doorstep. if you can get past 25-30 without losing too much hp, getting up to here honestly isn't too tough. I basically had 2k health on jane since 29 or 30 though, it's been rough
I like how the boos are getting more and more over the top, I really hope we can get some kind of strategy mode where we use our entire collection and watch them wander around fighting each other or ethereals or whatever
>I'm a briiiick
>Asscam wipeouuuuut
>I'm a briiick
I haven't got to play the game yet, I've been working...
All the zzz girls do
Ellenbros not like this...
...but fucks Lighter anyway
anon...you know it has a 2400 battery reserve right? They added it in 1.2
You DARE talk about my nekowife like this again and I'll fucking kill you bitch
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Finally a good OP
...in Belle's dreams.
Lighter is gay for (You) so he can't cuck (You). Only the other girls
You're meant to fuck both at the same time
i tried for jane, burnice and now yanagi
all i have to show for it is BRICK 11, BRICKcon and BRICKda
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Maidfags ALWAYS win
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floor 22 yesterday before I had to call it. revising my setup and getting serious about it moving forward, this shit is real
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.....because thats Wise fetish
Does Yanagi need her ball?
lighter is only for billy
You have her paired with Caesar?
This just reminds me how good Burnice is. Jane, Piper or Yanagi hits like wet noodle compared to when they are paired with Burnice.
It’s joever….
Just busted a fat nut to Rina
I would munch on her desert swamped ass any day
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Truest post ITT
ChatGPT isn't a real person, it can't be your friend
she was watching
post pic
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Now that the dust has settled, do you like the current balance of the game?
Prisoner >>>
I hope
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which characters would force you to cum inside
in reality its just a burnice clear, who will be just as good with miyabi or ether anomaly
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I know she's a responsible adult but sorry, if i was Wise i wouldn't let Belle sleep in a place like the HIA Club.
add this code to the OP
yeah, jane/seth/caesar
I really should have played less sloppy on those earlier floors, that fucked me over
Why not?
>Piper kills enemies faster than Yanagi in her tryout
Ligther will be the first one to break the powercreep
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>Corin below Anton
undeserved rape
Pic unrelated, of course. The game balance is fine, contrary to the tierlist made by some HRTroon who doesn't play the game.
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Very important ZZZ type data collection
he will be T3
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>that time when Obsidian initiated TOTAL HOLLOW DEATH and began to shoot anything or anybody that moved, person or not
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Is Mystery of the Arpeggio Fault bugged?

>Get to level 3 of the first stage
>Find a golden button
>Pressing it spawns a ton of loot
>Able to keep pressing the button and spawning loot over and over and over till it eventually despawns
>End the comission with 1000+ Crimson Silk thanks to this

Yeah I'm thinking this is bugged lmao
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banging . . . BOOS!
Based boobanger
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at 51 rn but i think ill just start over again
cant afford to lose hp that early
>every new release stacks on top and pushes everyone downwards, limiteds included
>straight up having complete kits of incomplete characters like Grace
It's terrible, not even HSR was so consistent with powercreep at 1.X until the Dragon Dan/Jungliu double feature (both unusable shit a year later)
>Have Anton and Corin built
>No matter the disc set or weapon, being used with QY/Ceasar or whatever, he barely seems to do anything. T2.
>Corin presses EX and destroys the entire game. T3.
They do not play the game.
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I was really funny in the story huh? So be sure to roll for me, Harumasamasa anon!
what part of that is bugged? it's an RNG farming method that works intuitively. silk has no value anyway once you get to the stage where you get a free 11 and she kills a mech, then you grab a bunch and leave, it's a way more efficient farm. kotposters remain the dumbest
Does Nagi have other invulnerability moves besides Swift Ruten and her EX special? Swift Ruten seems like a pain to use defensively against aggressive enemies, yet you don't want to dash to ruin your combo... Lighter seems to have more defensive options that don't interrupt his combo.
y-yes massa
Shady people, therians, rogue AI, etc. "Ha ha ha the shark lady is hot ha ha ha" the shark lady breaks your neck from behind you the moment you look at her funny.
can I re-enter tower where I left off after exiting? I want to change my squad, dot anomaly against ballet twins is fucking cancer
>he barely seems to do anything
Skill issue. I've been nailing shiyu with him since day 1, only got him past lvl 50 this week.
It 6 seconds really and Burnice spends most of the time on field
It's like disorder Jane vs Neko + Caesar a five second difference between a brick and powercreep
Harumasamasa!!! Ahhh!!!! Harumasamasa in the flesh!!! AaahhhhhhasdfGDFsFDSgadgnoueraqnfgoweafwapkrq$1@#%!@
fuck off
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>pull out? uhhhh no.
I didn't like you in the story
Ellen being sleepy was cute, you being lazy is annoying
'masa gameplay leaks when?
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>the cooler anby
select pause rather than exit. you can switch teams and leave to do other shit then go back to where you were. I assume you can't remove anyone who's taken damage though
press exit combat, then when it fails you you press pause instead of abandon
no + you're a boring lazy retard
Stop nerfing stun time so DPS can actually do their danage
For Yanagi's ball, I have to get 375 AP before buffs right?
>retard skill checked by Yanagi
He’s not for you, but for “those” kind of women

For better and for worse, twinks will always have a market
they're drawing hentai of him with a vagina
Yanagi came home in only 9 pulls without a guarantee. I'm tempted to get her weapon if she's gonna be that nice too me.
Skill has nothing to do with it, Piper kills them before Yanagi's animation can finish a single attack string
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Its good they made him that way. I was unironically considering collecting all of section 6 before playing the story.
God, Harumasa is so annoying
>Piperfags dont know how to play yanagi
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There's no content in this patch!
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>mibibi isn't actually in floor 100
mihoyo has fallen
The game literally gives you a Piper in Yanagi's trial. Sorry I offended your waifu's honor
Floor 5 and then I hit the wrong button to change my squad and accidentally quit
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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this patch was a fucking disaster?
>mid story
>new terrible game modes
>new VAs again
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Yanagi is a BRICK, her gameplay makes no fucking sense.
You're replying to someone who doesn't play the game and just wants to shitpost
He was made specifically to cater to those tastes. I decided to do some digging via Twitter… and the rabbit hole let me to THINGS. Unsurprising given the reputation of those kind of female spenders, but it’s still morbidly amusing
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I cant decide on disk or ball is what I mean, I should have specified....
best game mode in all of hoyoshit
some of her basic attack ends either have iframes or reposition you better
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All my IRL friends who play this game complained about the lack of quality control this patch and how lame Yanagi looked both from a metafagging and waifufagging perspective. Every single one. That's how bad it is.
Story was pretty good for a side quest, better than the rat one. New location was completely unused though, and there's nothing there if you go there post-quest.
New modes are cool but at the end of the day it's just repetitive endgame content that I'll clear some time later when I'm really bored
Also game crashed on me twice for some reason during this new quest
>overtuned garbage of the mode that requires specific agent
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but enough about Genshit and Troon Rail game modes
Won't it trigger 24/7 anyway with 300 because of the other conditional?
1.4 leaks when? I want to see how the new roguelike works like
is this amogus?
>not even posting the pvp one
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>twinks will always have a market
That market is called homosexual men
>how lame Yanagi looked both from a metafagging and waifufagging perspective
She's not super meta but her curvy OL in a miniskirt appeal is pretty obvious. What's there not to get
>anon's IRL friends
>anon's IRL friends who play this game
no shot that's a number higher than 1
Press special once for the latter part of your combos to build electric anomaly (check if both blue and orange diamonds icons are up). Once the enemies are affected by shock, hold special to do constant diving thrust attacks for her unique disorder damage.

Add in Burnice for both the regular and unique disorder damage
Lolwhat, If anything, everything is undertuned in that game
??? but that was pvp
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>new roguelike mode
>it actually is a roguelike
Well I'll be they finally played Rogue
How's the new content? I've been too busy to check it out
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Finally done with floor 25 and all it took was swapping burnice/piper/nicole for this. Never bringing anomaly to fight fucking twins ever again
I don't play on PC so it was improvemment for a filler chapter much better than 1.1
Hoo boy, you gotta dig deeper than that. You gotta understand that women think differently to us guys, and the market is real
I also just noticed that dash counter allows her to skip the first two basic attacks, that makes it much easier to keep things going. Too fucking bad I never get early S ranks and I'm on coinflip, scared to waste these last 20 rolls for a fucking cat when I might want Lighter instead. Nagi's attribute is more appealing than a fire stunner though.
is it even possible to clear endless mode without caesar
how many hours would that take
2 fun but repetitive endgame modes and 1 well made but sort of pointless character quest
I am a footchad, which agents are for me?
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what team do i use for yanagi if i dont have burnice
That's a big Caesar Salad
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I-I t-told you P-Proxy...you sh-should have rolled for Caesar...h-hehehe...
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Shut the fuck up bitch. Go make me a sandwich
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>can't date soukaku
shit patch
>I still can't take Soukaku on a date yet
This is horse shit, give me my blue child
yeah, as long as you get a dash counter out and keep mashing out her actually good BA strings, you can use her special parry as much as you want
I think you can even do her parry off a dash counter but I forget
>update game
>lumina square starts shitting itself like v1.0
thanks mihoyo i guess rtx 3060ti and ryzen 5600x aren't enough
>metafag realizing normal people just play games for fun
don't let this moment of clarity stop you from spending, we need you
>can't date soukaku
what? really? holy shit they're dumb as fuck
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That's my underaged teen sharkwife btw.
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its another
>you swapped characters a millisecond too late and now they're dead and you have to restart

this tower
this tower
>ryzen 5600x
It's this piece of shit. Fuck ryzen
the new soukaku va is so bad bros
I ated cheese and now I have diarrhea
What's funnier about ZZZ's powercreep is the version of the game is still a 1.x and yet we have an ENTIRE ROLE powercrept like crazy (anomaly damage dealers in favor of traditional DPSes)
I'm sorry Burnice you lost to a boring secretary.
but now we know in which way caesar will get her powercreep
a shield persisting even while off-field
Well S11's ball works best I believe, but really you can run either Starlights if you don't have it. Me and another Billybwo have run 4pc Woodpecker, but he runs Fanged 2pc, while I run 2pc Puffer.

We're both doing fine in the tower so far, last I checked he was at floor 24, I just finished 15 a half hour ago or so. So those are the two configurations I've seen so far
If you were white you'd be playing in JP.
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Got pushed outside the platform and couldn't get back in to kill the last guy so had to restart the whole fight, nice game hoyo
Speaking of burnice she is way too fucking hard to use in the tower. How is she supposed to build fire? You can't tank more than two - three hits and her EX barely has any iframes. In fact any strategy that isn't just play a character whose optimal gameplan is spamming dodge counters seems impossible.
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Damn she's cool and hot

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Seems like ZZZ is a pick up once every two patches kind of game... HSR is a pick up once a year kind of game, only Genshin is actually mainable
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The limited support can't come fast enough. Everything in the tower is a fuckhueg damage sponge.
>S*th that high
What do you even do in genshin? Pick mint?
what roll tracker website do you use
The powercreep is getting to me
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I dont because I start sweating if I think about how much I spent
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I was down to my final roll when it was all over. Now to save for meebs.
Burnice has a ton of I-frames though
Tectone, please
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hey nice horns
Genshin has enough content to sustain fulltime engagement, the other two simply don't. Most Genshin patches have a new region, here we got a new map and there's literally nothing on that map. Literally, it's just fucking empty
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Why is this not in the game rn? Wasn't it made for Yanagi?
He's pretty good
>erm i have control of the simulation!!!!
>look at me im important!!!
>simulation! simulation! im in charge! im in charge! im in charge!!!
Fairy, kill this nigga
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>”Unlike other places, combats will be done entirely on the monitor array-“

Stopped playing there.
DHIL released in 1.3 in hsr, that's when he powercrept Seele. Jingliu was 1.4 2nd patch, and she powercrept everyone else. Maybe Miyabi will do that. Then we might only see another powercreep in 2.x if we follow by hsr.
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>”Unlike other places, combats will be done entirely on the monitor array-“

Kept playing there.
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not bad
at this pace ill reach 100 with enough hp to make mistakes
cya faggot
Genshin is a grindfest and doesn't respect any serious person time. You're a neet if you still play genshin.
>massive powercreep is controlled by soulless weeb bait (Jingliu/Acheron), and shitty waifubait (Firefly)
Miyabi is obviously the first, who will fill the second archetype?
I'm a casualchad and stopped at 15
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Even Yanagi knows she's boring...
there's no powercreep in action games like this
only actual numberslop like star rail
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Anomaly metabros help me make the 2 best possible teams with these units
Jane, Burnice, Yanagi, Rina (M2), Lucy, Seth
My current options are
Jane - Burnice - Lucy
Yanagi - Seth - Rina (M2)
Jane - Seth - Rina (M2)
Yanagi - Burnice - Lucy

Which one's better? No one has their signature balls.
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>have everyone on T0
feels good
>he thinks he can "outskill" number autism, HP bloat, and hard counter mechanics meant to kill archetypes and shill new ones
No you didn’t you fucking nigger. TV mode sucks
Kiss my ass, bitch
Congrats you are having more fun than most of the posters here
Didn't Yanagi powercreep Ellen and Zhu? Miyabi might be our Jingliu.
I stopped at 25, will probably try for 30 at some point.
There is nothing to grind for. Since day 1 the main complaint about genshin is there is nothing to do once you finish the one-and-done content
there is when the main endgame mode is time attack
if you dont think SD total health is going to follow the same path MoC did in HSR you are delusional
>Build Corin wrong, as a joke
>Turns bosses into confetti
kid named Honkai Impact 3rd
This villain was such a retarded faggot, especially when he took control of one of the key enemies just to gloat about how he was winning. Why the fuck would you put one of your key chess pieces LITERALLY in arms reach of dying to your opponent? If the villain is this fucking dumb it doesn't even manage to make your heroes look good.
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Excellet work Nicole!
Give it to me straight bros is Yanagi hard to use or not, I'm not reading all this shit
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I haven't rolled since qingyi
at this rate of powercreep it feels like all the 1.x characters are going to be shit as soon as 2.x starts rolling out so im just going to hoard a big stash of rolls and mats
>Genshin is a grindfest
What are you even talking about? Most content in Genshin is open world exploration and quests, the fuck are you grinding in Genshin? It only got the second endgame mode a few months ago. Meanwhile current patch in ZZZ is two grind towers to grind through. Non-grindy game for busy salarymen
Why doesn't ZZZ have a beta?
idk what to spend stam on
both are valid, I think you should just switch between A and B depending on enemy resistances and weaknesses. I would suggest always running Rina with Yanagi instead of Jane though
>Born to roll
>Forced to save
what was the point of area 4 99f-b
what are you talking about? Her EX has built-in dodge, her double flamethrower EX is only missing iframes if you hold it down for very long, her spin has iframes too if you time it correctly. You barely even need to dodge on her
Nigga play the character. Jesus Christ
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How are you guys handling Piper in tower? Just don't use her EX until stun?
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I-I kneel...
fuck you
I was intimidated right when I first used her but it's literally press E to keep both stances up and hold E to do a shit ton of damage, with degrees of autism in the middle. Her basic play is no harder than Caesar and you don't even have to time shit.
there is powercreep as is needed to shill units
better sets, weapons and supports will come too but if you really want to use your favorite until EouS, get dupes
Is it just me, or is the tower supremely unfun? I'm up to floor 20 so far, and I am NOT playing this shit beyond the limit that gives you rewards. Like holy fuck this is not fun at all.
Mash attack, hit skill once in a while, hold skill when it's shining
I didn't really enjoy playing yanagi so I can skip with clear conscience
No. I skipped all that yapping and figured her out soon after. Just play her Episode. You get five huge fights to figure out her stances
Live yourself, luckgod
your parry?
>I ran out of assist points
ok now your just fucked until stun
Not really, her trial makes her seem way more complex than she actually is.
if you bring 7 bombs you can blow up everything to your right and access a secret area
You need everything so just get anything
TV team's last message
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>Another electric agent
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How long is this TV event?
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Yup, it’s sex time Belle
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>tfw mibibi will break the 50/50 streak
The only other anomaly unit that needs a lot of field time is Jane, everyone els works perfectly with Yanagi
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No amount of skill can beat HP bloat on timed content.
I’ll roll for you bro… on the Bangboo banner.
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I want to try rolling for the new evil retard boo but I'm not sure which S rank to pick for rate-up
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Why do the devs refuse to add Ether agents?
You were even more unfunny than Marvel movie-heros. Fuck you
>there is powercreep as is needed to shill units
Far more than needed.
I don't care.
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My next S rank will come home early...surely
Will they make attack great again during his banner?
People sperging over Yanagi pullers. I just needed an Electric DPS ..
ether is going to be a premium element that consists of only units that are of the highest calibur in both gameplay and design and sex.
and nicole
so based*
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Why mihomo make men of zzz all rapeable?
Genshin is drop the controller and make dinner as you get words words words act 3 of Natland was walk here read dialogue with no gameplay for three hours.
whats the point of attack vs anomaly?
they both do the same thing but differently
I don't like the tower but that's okay
This gamemode is just not for me, but I'm glad that people who want an actual endgame have something to do now
I can't believe there's anyone actually saying the game is fairly balanced when they've already announced massive overhauls to the gameplay, the devs objectively are completely lost as to what direction to go.
>duuude lumina square is a combat stage now
>there's literally 1 fight on it
Are they retarded? Why can't they just build a stage like HSR does, with little puzzles, with TREASURE CHESTS and small hidden things for you to find. Just do that instead of building a stage and then putting ONE fight in it. Why do they insist on having NOTHING in combat stages
>"zzz doesn't have powercreep"
>tower releases
>prydwen retards change two spots on their list
I will roll for you and Lighter, finally having two teams of sexy men.
Call me the Homo Masta
>You will never have perfect disks with an Attack unit
>You have to spend resources leveling up individual skills on an Attack unit
>You have to stun the enemy to do meaningful damage with an Attack unit
Why haven't you taken the Anomaly pill yet?
>RPG has dialogue
Say it ain't so!
thanks ill try her episode, just now playing the update, so much ability text and weird names for random shit
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>units that are of the highest calibur in both gameplay and design and sex
>and nicole
what are you implying?!
It's a permanent event.
One needs a stunner the other doesn't
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>they both do the same thing but differently
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They need different stats, and so far most attackers want the enemy to be already stunned, while anomaly doesnt care about that
>try out yanagi's demo
>It only makes Piper looks good as she mows down all the mobs
Grim. Also, they really fucked up with Yanagi's sfx imo. Compared to other electro characters especially Qingyi, her attacks don't have as much crackling or zapping effect. It just doesn't feel very impactful.
Yeah, I treat it like a weekly shonen show. Takes way too long to get to the point but ends up being satisfying anyway.
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>with little puzzles, with TREASURE CHESTS and small hidden things for you to find
Are you child?
I do this on my anomaly anyway because I love them
>the fuck are you grinding in Genshin?
artifact exp
>those burnice rolls
>they both do the same thing but differently
>except one is easier to execute, doesn't need stuns, does sustained damage, has higher damage floor, higher damage ceiling, is easier to build with fewer stats to chase, it's easier to play, rotations can be far more random, team composition is more fluid...
What was I saying again?
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>anomaly doesn't need crit stats
>they don't need leveled skills
>they don't need stuns
>they get free CC from procs
>they deal more damage
>they have better teambuilding options
>they deal free bonus damage to certain enemies
so uhh... why does attack even exist...
>filing nails
>holds E, backflips straight back into filing nails
>No polychrome rewards beyond floor 15
Fucking cowards
HSR is also like that. Just like the average naruto filler arc, the start is incredibly boring as fuck but the finale more than makes up for it where the devs drop all the budget into the final battle.
Literally all of those things are in ZZZ towns, retard sis. Why aren't they in ZZZ dungeons. HSR has those things both in towns and dungeons, why can't I have puzzles in combat stages as well as in towns
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Unpopular opinion:

This pose makes me horny
So they could bait people into rolling ellen and zhu at game launch before they release 10 anomaly units in a row
*burp* Miyabi... I turned myself into a bangboo!!
I'm bangboo Harumasa!
I paid more attention to the doppelganger Miyabi in that 1 fight than to actually playing the game
not everyone is a sweatlord like you are
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Players complained and devs answered is all.
what is the tactical purpose of posting like this in combat
They changed that with Yanagi since she wants her EX and ult leveled to increase her special disorder damage. But you still deal enough damage even with level 1 skills if you play an actual disorder team, it's true.
Caesar is too fucking tall, I use Burnice for roaming instead just so so much of my view isn't blocked by that tower
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So this patch's TV minigame doesn't have that lens filter anymore. That's nice.
That shit was so motion-sickness inducing.
There are actually supply crates in dungeons, if you look around. But it's like 1 or 2 in each dungeon compared to like 30 for every new map in HSR.
what does the "high quality character animation" setting do besides break mods
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She got that fungi lean
That was pure soul
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In theory attackers should be the best at brute forcing shit, since they come out once the enemy is weakened and they are buffed. Problem is that we have no limited S rank supports yet
It's called the pole dancer technique, very powerful oni-style naginata move
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This is the one patch where I didn't want to clear the content as soon as it became available. I remember when everyone was hyped about the Sons of Calydon patch, there's nothing like that for this one, nothing exciting to do in-game, nothing
Yesterday I had a moment of weekness and I ended up dumping my savings on Yanagi and her ball.
I fell for the excitement of anons in this thread. I got her and her weapon but I'm out of polys.
What do? I was weak
She's only slightly taller than Wise.
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anomaly butts
The wipeout screen on Yanagi’s m2 is currently bugged. If you get one while using it she flies out of existence.
I've played enough online games to know that this just means that the devs have no clue in what direction to steer their game towards.
Reminds me of First Descendant where just like ZZZ where the devs are new to game dev, the dev just listens to their dumbfuck audience so the game is now easy as fuck, has no worthwhile content but just serve as a model viewing game.
How are they gonna implement the ult charge changes without making attack completely useless
you have 1.3 and 1.4 to save no?

since miyabi isnt in 1.4
There's nothing exciting happening until Miyabi anyway so you have plenty of time to save up.
imagine we get playable bangboo mode, you control them like characters, so peak
There's dialogue heavy game like persona or even a tell tale game and then there is "sit here while we drop 6 episodes of anime backstory on you"
I like Ororun and Citlali but you don't actually do anything in act 3 I think there are two short fights and a tracking mission while you watch their antics
So 1.4 drip market in t-minus 29 hours right bros?
this reminds me of genshin when dendro released and cheap reaction teams btfoed all the old crit ones
then they just made new characters even more op
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Handing over this game to the B team was a stupid idea for a project this ambitious, they should have cut down the scale or given it to more experienced developers.
They're floundering, swaying too much in different directions by "listening to feedback" and since I barely see advertising for this game anywhere I assume Mihoyo isn't that confident
yea but first descendant is genuinely horny though
i actually spend money on coomer outfits
reminder that billy chad still clearing solo, whats the excuse to not clear with t1 or .5, meta slaves are skillets
>so uhh... why does attack even exist...
do you not understand how gacha games work? one day they'll shill attack again and the enemies will have some bullshit like
>+100% health, takes +100% crit damage

fucking yanqing in hsr made a comback because they shilled FUA so hard, it's not powercreep, it's taking turns
post new sjal
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ok these two was fun af
You can always play Ellen.
>taking turns
The turns are happening so fast we don't have time to build old meta before new meta begins
Can someone clarify? No healing in the Tower past floor 25, at all, right?
Can you infinitely restart floors in combat?
I love seeing sharkboo happy
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That never happened, vape and melt still have higher damage ceilings, hyperbloom just has a high floor and catalyze made old electro units viable
Don't care
TVslop was bad
And that's okay. I'll have plenty of polys by then.
Art direction team has done a stellar job but it's the gameplay side which is in tatters right now because it's clear the devs have no clue on what to do with the game. Honestly just keep the variety of genshin without the bloat of the open world and we're golden.
I'm thinking P5 or Yakuza tier density of side activities in each area.
Yes and if you die in the tower you die in real life
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>officially out of character exp materials

its over...
>yanqing in hsr made a comback because they shilled FUA so hard
Let's not get carried away
>1.0 unit got powercrept
how are you surprised at all
he's seething about neuv
regardless there's a clear power spike on fontaine characters compared to everyone before them, which continues into natlan
It’s honestly never enough. And I’ve been buying the battlepass for months
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>was on a break on Black Swan's banner
>by the time she reran for the FIRST time the whole DOT archetype was T2 unusable even with full 5* limited team, only viable for clearing fodder
How is Yanagi not the actual leader of Section 6?

Miyabi is just sword autist who barely has any leadership skills, yet she called the chief because she’s a Void Hunter and her family status. She doesn’t even like being chief.
im new
what about unofficially?
Damn I couldn't play yesterday, only logged in to dump battery on dennys real quick and then closed the game
Reading the thread now, I assume this patch is bad?
Instead of going to the disc mines I just use my energy on character mats. Eventually I'll look back and be happy I did
That's common. Deputy chiefs are almost always the ones who are the de facto leaders since they get thrown the most work while the chiefs are just there to look good at the camera.
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offscreen enemies should not be able to attack you
I think it's time to start prefarming for mibers
why is her pussy so fat?
Core gameplay is great but for some reason they insist on reinventing the mission structure and they can't come up with anything good. Like what was this mission today? All you did was fight some mobs, nothing else happened. No puzzles to solve no secrets to find no choices to make. Just mobs in a room, sometimes you have to go to the next room and that's very special apparently
Then prepare to exercise patience and just play ZZZ just for an hour or two a day. That said, it helps avoid burnout
Whatcha farming bro
It's true, and most feels very nice to play, but the floor for clears is still low enough that nobody feels obsolete yet new units feel like upgrades.
I assume it was a response to the common complaint of "ugh they give me no reason to ROLL everything is a sidegrade"
abyss which is an easy mode in genshin has 10% clear rate for floor 10 not even 12, pandering to the 1% sweaties is why wuwa flopped
already happened on friday
it's just harumasa
Welcome to 90% of the difficulty of action games. NG was absurdly hard because of off screen enemies lobbing grenades at you so you move like a spastic fuck at all times.
Ice anomaly/exp mats.
there are literal arrows around your character that flash
You're the one who controls the camera??
Yeah I may of accidentally shit my pants. Yeah I may be only have a 3 inch penis. Yeah I rolled for Yanagi. But I am still better than you because I am level 30 in the Tower. I cleared it. Without Caesar.
Anyone here attempting solo tower
I hope the polar metal stage will be worth farming
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>easiest enemy in the game suddenly becomes impossible when you get give it elden ring AI with fakeouts and you don't have le premium shielder as a crutch

I'm not even sure that worked because Fontaine's sales were bad (admitted by Dawei when he cried) despite the power spike. I think it's because most of the characters are not fun to play, not even Arlecchino who is just a mash character.
Whereas Sumeru had many characters who were fun to play, including ones that are basically useless outside of if you like them (Nilou, Blunderer, whatever).
Hoyo probably realized this too which is why they added theater to encourage pulling and why every Natlan character has a unique gimmick. Like, Xilonen is still on par with K and Kinich isn't really better than Al Haitham (until Mavuika comes out).
Neuv was a way bigger blight on the game's meta than dendro ever was.
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Billybwos, the journey to 25 starts now
im using her in tower and you basically dodge counter and then spin but only tap it dont hold, you can loop dodge and tap spin making you basically immune, you can spin a bit mroe with mobs that get pushed back but release when a hit is coming, the leap has iframeswhen you touch the ground dodge because thats outside iframe timing
Well no one liked the tv mode.
>No new Sjal color
EOS can't come soon enough
>M5/6 billy
>like 60 rolls later
>M5/6 billy
Are there any tryhard youtubers?

Like just speed runs, but actual nerds who do gay stuff like solo runs with blue weapons or some other super niche shit
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a semi-premium shielder does the job
I like it but I'm biologically female and therefore retarded
im not touching content until level 50 or so of the tower. looking forward to more hearty content like this(in different forms of course)
last patch I saved story absolutely last and it still went by crazy fast
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I just dodge with jane all day until they're dead
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come home casuals, we have AI that automatically fights for you
Any content in which that would matter is impossible to do it in. There is a minimum damage requirement on everything.
>Neuv was a way bigger blight on the game's meta than dendro ever was.
They should have given him the same rotation speed as Sigewinne's ult on release and he'd be fine, he'd still be strong, tanky and self healing, but would reward very good positioning and awareness to manipulate enemy positions, or require grouping.
I know they tried to fix it later but it should have been like this from the start
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dawei cried because of incel movement
Nah, I did.
He was always the hardest of the chapter bosses because the rest have really predictable gimmicks or telegraphed attacks. Dead End Butcher just flails around with wide reach like a souls boss and has a dash attack in his 2nd phase just like vordt in das3 and that doesn't have counter or dodge flashes.
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I beat the entire SoC story day 1 and haven’t even touched the patch yet. The most exciting thing of this patch is Lighter’s story.
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skill issue
Has anyone done a comparison of Yanagi's tits vs Grace? This is very important
I love my C6 Anby so much
wuwa flopped because it's a bad game
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Lucy is so for (you) it's crazy
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Wait, Miyabi isn't a cat thiren?
I like the tv mode. It's good, let it be a side minigame thing for many more patches. I don't see huWHY it should be mixed with combat stages at all though. Or how it augments combat stages at all. Those are two separate gameplay modes, they've made good tv missions, that's great, now make good combat missions. Not like it's hard, HI3 had em, just do that again
yep, i pulled yanagi and i logged out. i dont know why but i have zero hype for this patch.
>elden ring
that game is easy and all enemies are predictable as fuck sekiro and ds3 were harder, tower has actually difficult AI but is not impossible you can dodge everything even fast attackers like jane, this mf is not so fast you cant dodge everything
She should start being for someone else
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Why is Miyabi taller than me
>locking achievementGOD status behind owning every character
I forgot how utterly soulless and jewish this game is
>google video with dawei crying
>all the comments are gloating
Damn why are people such huge cunts
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I hope Yanagi is into anal
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>want to save for miyabi or harumasa
>also want billy mindscapes to finish out M6 on him (M4 right now)
>maybe even anby too
Watching the log in screen made me realize something.
It reminds me so much of cyberpunk2077's ads.
The game would have been so cool if it actually had playable ads while strolling around the city. Right now it kinda feels too sterile.
I'm trying to wait for Harumasa's gameplay before deciding to roll for Yanagi but it's getting difficult. Leaks please come soon.
This nibba playing with a CRT filter on
I was but gave up, too much sweat. will revisit after getting to floor 100(lol)
You made all my teams obsolete
what does her farts smell like?
Got to 25 and haven't touched it since. Might try for 30 but I can't be bothered more than that. Pointless drawn out fights cause enemies have too much HP isn't fun to me.
Yea Jane and Burnice really want stun else they run out of steam while someone like Ellen doesn't care much.
They are really going to have to push his kit. Anomaly is the obvious DPS choice and he's probably the least hype banner to date
Dawei was a huge cunt with the genshin fanbase, that's only karma
>Proceed to do the same with shart rail
He's asking for it
if your pity is low id just two a 10 pull or two. if youre close to the guarantee forget it
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Uh, bros? Is Harumasa the only new unit we're getting in 1.4?
Better than nothing. Anyone win anything cool?
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I'm here to just wander around New Eridu eating nice food with big bro Wise and imagine cuddling with him at night
Don't care about the gameplay or mechanics or that yada yadah >*screeching* that the devs need to do all this}} >*writes a thesis and submits the whole thing to /zzz/* to cure me autism shiz, i think most of us regular anons don't care for that kind of "playing" and no offense but i think gamers like that need a bath desu
I asked my friends and they told me they're not interested in coming back to this dogshit flop of a game...
>falling for fake tears
he lost the trust with all the bullshit he pulled with genshin
he's lucky chinks haven't stab him again, for now
you answered your own question
This game needed another year in the oven but dumbass devs rushed the release.
Most likely, 1.4 beta should be starting soon and there's no way they're gonna let leakers be the ones to reveal Miyabi. If she doesn't get dripped tonight she's in 1.5.
Newfag here, I'm coming up to like 60 exclusive tapes, running Grace / Anby / Nicole at the moment and while its seen me through I doubt its anywhere near optimal.

Is it even worth touching this banner?
at least shadow jane is a fun and great fight, i cant even half health this fucking piece of shit 2nd phase butcher asshole in the tower because he acts so stupid, I've had him wind up shit only to hop mid animation and cancel, he acts like an elden ring/lies of p boss (bad game design)
Fucker should have just been an A Rank to go along with Yanagi then have the 2nd half be a full rerun. Make Lighter the opening of 1.4 instead. They can't continue at this rate of making limited 5*s every banner, because unlike genshin and hsr, it's clear that the dev need more time to bake characters especially when they're inexperienced.
>Dawei was a huge cunt with the genshin fanbase
I've been playing Genshin since 1.0 and that's made up retarded drama.
meant to post this in /wuwa/
Dilate gig/hrtg tranny
Wanderer mindbroke chinks too hard
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This looks like a cat to you?
Imagine if, after the Wii U came out, you had Iwata and Reggie cry about the fact its failing and they have to make mobile games. It's kind of like that. I think what he may have actually been upset about was the Wuwa shills that were pretty active at the time (which is why he mentioned real fans), but its hard to be sympathetic when, to a lot of people, Mihoyo's problems were self inflicted. Not to say people weren't being cunts. From what I've heard, Da Wei isn't a bad guy and he does seem to care about the games his company makes.
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Players often don't understand the constraints that developers face, including monetary limitations and tight deadlines.
TV serves a purpose: they're a vehicle that allows developers to tie battles together within a narrative framework. While some commissions focus solely on combat or exploration, TV enables developers to deliver a compelling story while minimizing budget strain and adhering to tight schedules, ultimately ensuring the timely delivery of a quality product. However, despite its initial criticism for being clunky, a significant portion of players expressed dissatisfaction with the presentation, deeming it unnecessary padding, a boring slog, and a jarring contrast to the high-octane gameplay.
When developers acknowledged these complaints and informed players of the limitations, many had high expectations for potential replacements. Realistically, given the constraints they likely operate under, it's improbable that they could implement features like fully hand-crafted stages, unique Hollow maps for exploration missions, or open-world Hollows.
The solution they came up with instead was to significantly reduce TV in favor of a more familiar format seen in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail, involving walking through empty, uninteresting spaces and talking to NPCs.
Consider the scope of the 1.3 update, full of bugs and recycled content. Undertaking a larger-scale project would be impossible.
>Proceed to do the same with shart rail
What? Unless you're talking about male characters, Da Wei cried during penacony's live stream because it reminded him of so much memories making honkai impact and it was tears of joy. You even had people at the time making fun that Da Wei would never cry like that for genshin. Well they were right because Da Wei cried for different reasons during the genshin stream.
>lost the trust with all the bullshit he pulled with genshin
What bullshit? Genshin was the first AAA gacha so he got away with shit just because people were willing to forgive everything for an AAA gacha. Nobody sane actually expected Genshin to give away as many characters as .png collecting games gave away
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It's time to take my near perfect Jane into the Tower
based: yumes enjoying the game for what it is
cringe: /zzz/ manchildren sharting themselves over what the game isn't
>60 tapes
are you still going through story? You don't really need any limited character for story. You should pull Yanagi only if you like her and want a flashy limited character. She's good but just saying you can wait a while until you finish story.
Thanks chatgpt
>Imagine if, after the Wii U came out, you had Iwata and Reggie cry about the fact its failing
And? I wouldn't be a cunt to them, they tried. And if they're crying, they give a shit, which is more than can be said about 99% of this industry. Wii U was actually pretty good, had some good games, just didn't sell well.
I liked you better when you were whining about lolis and falseflagging with Jane fanart
Funny you say that because Lighter and very likely Haru were designed and prepared to be released as A-ranks. It wasn't until a month or so ago femcels and other tourists complained that there were no limited males. Hoyo bent the knee and here we are.
Save for Mibibi
I Love Pussy Cheese
the next 2 years will be a freeroll
Anon she clearly looks like a fox
Skip shillyabi
Unironically true. The fact of the matter is, a bad game will always be bad if the developers are bad, no matter how much they listen to the players. Too much listening to feedback and not having a good and solid vision from the devs can result in the game being just awful because most players are awful with shit taste.
TVsloppa being gone is good though
damn my stats are close to yours and im using the lipgloss weapon
Ive had sex so im not a femcel
Indog opinions do not matter
Achievable natty?
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Unfortunately for you Yanagi is a Grace replacement. That being said Yanagi is really good.
Devs are panicking that the game is flopping hard so they hope to gain yume and fujo bucks, not aware that those types have long quit the game and the game is failing for different reasons. And even if they did, they will still get ridiculed for "crawling back" to fujo/yume fans for their money.
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painful part of the tower is coming to terms with my ego that B clears are good enough
Do you like Yanagi? Get her, she's good. Don't like her? Skip her, you don't need her. Simple as.
How is Yanagi? Tempted to roll for her. How important is her cone?
you don't have to get friends to come back to do this event.
>no pussy smegma
it's shit
kill yourself
I’m still here nigga I never left
Meant for
That's not what the WuWacord told me though.
based Troon Rail fag
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They already started to pander to fujos sis
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The tower makes my penis hurt (in a bad way)
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I wish Mibibi was taller than me
It’s funny that men can’t comprehend playing a game and enjoying it without constantly gooning. Like why do you have to have a meltdown over playable male characters when I’m fine with playable female characters?
I just spam clicked through the shart rail event, is the event in this game any less shit or should I just uninstall
I remember having really high expectations after CBT 1, ended up playing just because I saw Ellen's prerelease art
They should have delayed the game more, it was absolutely not ready for release
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Is there any way I can still get Burnice's light cone from the regular warp or was it limited? I just wanted one copy
>Burnice's light cone from the regular warp
SAAR, this is a gasha.
wouldn't this cause hollow activity to spike?
Cool story. Post tits.
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ok, i dont care
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Did miyabi actually smile in game yet?
Post ur miasakaixbei face
^O___________________________3___________________________O^ (she is giving me a kiss)
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Surely today...
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I like male banners because they allow me to save up for more cute girls
You are a homosexual male currently dying from HIV
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I'm a woman (the kind with ovaries) and it's always the same old shit with these guys, they bitch and moan because the game isn't like whatever garbage they were playing before and it's disgusting
where do i buy one
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Puppets mogged
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New mibibi leak just dropped bros!
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I'm actually starting to feel pretty bad about how bangboos are treated, is kinda dystopic. When of them start showing signs of becoming a sentient construct they get reset by PUBSEC and need routine wipes at HAND and EDF, they also have the intelligence of an small child and they struggle to understand certain things but the cruel part is that they feel it to begin with. If I was in this universe I would upgrade the crap out of my bangboo but apparently is kinda expensive. The Glowieboos under the Section Operations are sick
lol it took me 170 pulls to get burnice and now i got yanagi in 20 while fucking around. how do i build her?
>I'm a woman (the kind with ovaries)
well? are you gonna post feet or not?
So we all agree that the mommy comp (Yanagi, Jane, and Caesar) is the best comp for Yanagi mains right?
I like the tv mode I don't understand the bitching at all. It doesn't have a narrative inside the hollow like the prophecy but it has a clear narrative in the overworld better gameplay and isn't as grind heavy.
do missions to level her up and to get hergear lol
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Yanagi, Burnice, Jane
he didn't get away with it, that's why he cried on stream
>What bullshit?
literally no female limited character for a whole year went all in to pander to femcels while also censoring female characters, also no optimization done to the game genshin only get artifact disassemble like some patches ago, there are so many things in hsr and zzz that they just don't implement in genshin for some reason
chinks went apeshit on him
finally, forgot how much of pain in the ass these puppets are when im not using zhu
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Mihoyo deserves for this game to catastrophically go down in flames in their hand, they've brought it upon themselves.
You don’t get it.
We want you to play Love & Deepspace while leaving games like Zenless Zone Zero for us.
Neither of us get what we want when a game dev tries to appeal to everyone.
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I bet it's the same niggers bitching about the tv mode as the ones who spam their jigger puzzle links here and pretending its not autistic
How good is Yanagi's M1? I'm thinking of skipping Lighter/Haramasa so I got the rolls to spend if it's a decently big power boost.
Hook me up with a yanagi teams sexy ladies
I don't have jane
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>He doesn't play the game on a controller so he can pull off Nicole's special move which requires an anolog stick

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Is this your first gaccha?
They arent people, who cares
Bored of this patch already
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im pathetic
>he can't do it on his keyboard or phone
gee male gamers really suck ass in 2024
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The comp is both extremely meta and good looking.
Full floating woman comp when?
you have HSR and genshin, stop crying like a little bitch
Jane has 0 mommy features, and Caesar is probably the same age as Phaeton. The mommy comp is Grace-Rina-Yanagi
It's a filler patch do something else.
Kill yourself.
That's not "gooning", zoomer "sis", that's just anons being overly attached to virtual characters
nothing new, and by absolutely no fucking means related to gender, yumes are just as insane if not more
Post main character and cock length in cm
I thought I was a pretty good player, but that tower showed me I am horseshit.
>Jane has 0 mommy features
? retard
she is more like an autistic sister
You stop crying, pencil-dick incel. You have wuthering waves and blue archive and various other coomer trash for pathetic faggots like you.
I'm talking about hoyo games tho
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We live in a society where honest shipsisters are persecuted for liking cute and canon
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I gave in and rolled on Yanagi. I only had around 60 rolls saved up after burning everything on Caesar and Burnice back to back, so I didn't lose much but FUCK. Okay, now I know I have to stay strong for idols and tittyhammer nun and Pulchra. I must.
lmao, hilarious tranny
haven't even started the new story but i've seen a few clips, why is harumasa so annoying? i was thinking of pulling because of his cool weapon but im probably skipping now
I’m sensing there’s an external reason you’re so angry right now. Probably some recent news you didn’t like or something?
The tower has shown me that stunner comps are actually comfier than anomaly
I did it!
I mean, its going to be down to number chasing too
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>giving it (You)s
I have Jane Bernice Caesar and Yanagi
Throwing Jane and Yanagi in a team is such a waste, the only reason it even works is because they just individually brute force it
uh oh woman melty
You haven't even started bwo
They somehow managed to make bow + two swords kino unlikable.
lmao even
any floor 100 autists in this thread yet?
Hi Yanagi I want to lick your thighs
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I'll be honest, doing triple the number of tower floors I already did, resetting for every single big hit and waiting for Avocaboo to pick up the slack on small hits, doesn't sound fun.
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I roll for dick hardness vs how many pulls I have saved. Meta does not factor.
he's just the opposite of yanagi
>wow this character WORKS all the time
>let's have her coworker, who HATES WORKING
genius never before seen interactions
I'm starting to get tired of zzz bros...just got yanagi too. I don't know why the disk farm has to be such a ball buster
>SoCfags dooming 1.3 because their patch flopped
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>not treating it like Bloody Palace
>no shields
>no resetting
>just going until your team is dead
ive never heard of any yumes attempting murder and killing animals over their husbando. try again
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I'm not whining lol, this is all just so beneath me that I'm laughing at all of it.
I like blue archive and LaD and other games and i don't expect them to try to cover every base and it's elating that there's the same competitives and consumerists treating story focused phone vidya games like this as an esport

Is it really that fun to read a book as fast as possible and then brag about your page turning techniques and number of words read per second?
What disk farm?
this but with futa belle and there's cum dripping from mibibi
>? retard
Name a single mommy feature that she has. Or are you one of those retards that go "hot adult=mommy"?
Why is the femcel landwhale melting?
EXTREMELY dangerous good taste
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I've been sad all day
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This shit is nowhere near as fun as bloody palace it's just a place for whales to show off.
Jack off and put the video into the gacha slutposting thread
makes moid dicks hard and distracts them, makes flatty femcels the big jellymad and distracts them, idk about robutts and ethereals
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You will fall again
Thread is particularly horrible today, I'll just play the game again I guess.
Ok thanks for letting me know
love you
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Belle (Futa) is canon

but enough about Genshit gamemodes
don't have 100/100 tower?
that's ok just remember that you will forever be inferior to whaleGODS
What does Yanagi taste like?
she's wearing high heels nigga, you think she cares?
Obviously retard, a new patch just came out. The only people here are people that don't play the game.
pretty sure there was a web event where you could spin the slot machine and I can't find the link in game
mind spoonfeeding me?
isnt it up to 25
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I've been enjoying the game twice as much since i got Yanagi
I love zzz
Even whales get 2 shot all the same. Doing 2x the damage of non whales means little with the insane bloat and AI once things ramp up in the tower
rewards go up to 25 you can keep going after that
you don't get any pull currency past 15
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So...we rollan?
I can't beat floor 15...
i dont have avocaboo
how bricked am i for tower
we love herta here
based on what they did to tingyun, I'm not sure anymore
>requires an analog stick
Bro, you only need to press wasd for keyboard, the input for it is so lenient you don't even need to be fast or accurate with diagonal inputs. The only problem is if you only use E for skills instead of also using mouse button 4 or 5 for skill abilities.
Getting Fugue then e0s1 Hag Herta
Zenless Zone Zero
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It depends her being the same as base Herta kinda ruins the appeal
ok nevermind i just got avocaboo
tower here i come
arpeggio is the fucking worst tv content we've had and i like tvs. i'm halfway through area 4 and the only thing that's enjoyable is that it won't reset. how the fuck did the devs conclude that this would be a fun way to bring back a tv-centered mode
>playing tower just fine
>get to dead end butcher
>faggot steals half my Jane's HP
not a game so no
Explorerboo status?
Oh, it's you. Go back, please.
A game so yes
Also I love Herta
also rolling for E2s1 Foog
explorer with 4 stars and avocado with 1 star
which one is better?
Anomaly disks. I don't even have one +4 disk and I've been farming anomaly disks since the start.
my s11 sucks... piper shits on her
I think mibibi is BORING
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does this bitch want AM or ATK % disc 6
how try him again at 29th but with a twist this time around
have fun on the next floor!!!
official or fanart?
I'm pretty much done with HSR, gonna get Acheron LC and save for the first v3 powercreep hypercarry, fuck that summon shit
AM for disorder and ATK for mono electro
I mean she is kinda generic resting bitch face katana anime girl #3456. Her little emotionless thumbs up was kinda cute though.
My months of no-hit autism challenges have been preparing me for this moment
19 cm
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This TV mode is taking too long
I love NTR
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Ok let me rephrase that: The really-fucking tall, big-tittied woman comp.
>>501337478 (me)
sorry, i meant caelus and aether
We just know the surface facts, the question is what the filling will be. Biggest bets are whether she'll be this game's Ayaka/Firefly.
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Anyone unlock Yanagi's background?
I want to see how disappointing it is
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The choice is obvious, right?
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I made a twitch account to get this shit and they never stream
If you have caesar + jane and you're still not on the 100th floor - shame on you
pompey is too hard wtf
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Any Zenless zome zeros 4 this feel? I literally can't cum unless i get choked like this
You can already see it when you play as her during the mission.
You can watch ANY streamer if it's on the ZZZ category. Make sure to link your twitch account to your hoyo one though.
watch anyone, leave it in a tab muted
I'm glad. Let this be the final nail in the coffin for anything TV related
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>tittyhammer nun

Seriously how the hell do they plan on implementing her? Her faction was supposed to be called Belobog in the beta before that got changed to the name of the construction faction.
that one was definitely the hardest for me so far, I haven't tried 26-30 yet
I'll watch some 1 viewer nobody to make them happy I guess
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is this the correct build?
I actually expected Nagi to just start killing them one by one based on this scene from the movie
>very short story
>only 4 stages
>no new combat areas
>shadow Miyabi was not the even end boss
Very disappointing patch ngl.
I think Wise and Belle bilaterally belong to each other, and every girl unilaterally belongs to them.
go grind tower and enjoy your tvslop
it's a filler patch
why is Avocadoboo sad?
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Burnice and Yanagi have drained me...
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SOULkaku is all I wanna know about
I can't self insert as him because my dick is 3 cm
>don't roll for a couple months
>now all my characters are useless
wow nice game...
Which cute mtf tranny vtuber streamer are we watching rn /zzz/ chat?
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Floor 22 seems like a good stopping point for now, those Dual Dullahans were really tricky to dodge together but I got through it, more optimistic of the rest of the 3 floors left
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nevermind theres this bloke too
this is it
floor 100 here i come
I just use Ellen and sprint, his second half one shots are annoying
only cost me 100 bucks
floor 15 is LITERALLY fucking impossible
you can't dodge all these fucking lasers and delayed explosions with no tell
>at 140 rolls
>not rolling on Yanagi
>not rolling on Lighter
>not rolling on Fagumasa
>not rolling on Miyabi
when the FUCK do I get to roll again?
obol squad or the singer
this but Floor 6
Wisebro btw
Jane and Qingyi are still good.
Only retards roll for 1.0 banners and not expect them to be powercreeped in few weeks.
Yanagi is only 5 seconds faster than Grace
Jane is only 5 seconds faster than Nekomata
I got her from 1 master tape lol
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> and every girl unilaterally belongs to them.
Was based before you said this. Wise and Belle are exclusive to each other
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>Not abusing VPNs and buying from JP while the dollar to yen is at an all time high
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It's ok Corin, I have Ben.
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Nice, the new event gave me a hamster wheel so I can finally have my second fully maxed character.
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I like Arpeggio, I think is more engaging than the normal TV's we used to have. It is built upon The Prophet quest but faster and more engaging, at least tome is a fun minigame, I think I would have liked the TV's from chapter 1-3 if it was like a "little" version of Arpeggio from the very start and I think many would agree with that statement
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Just noticed the walking animation while climbing stairs are now much more smooth & natural-looking.
threesomes are ok.
I get this is a filler patch like 1.1 but at least 1.1 had Qingyi, it had Zhu's story, and most of all it had some content. What the fuck is this pathetic joke of a patch? Yanagi's design sucks compared to the other big-boobed characters, there's LITERALLY a bug that makes you stuck in the story, the tower feels unfun to play, and there's not even a new Ambush Node. The only thing exciting about this patch is the Calydon event that drops 3 weeks from now, it's fucking insane
NTA but suck my ass, nigger
an anon already got banned for that
Me (a belle rping yume) on the left
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If only you knew the things you were about to witness Billybro...
Got her in 40 pulls, imagine paying lol, just get better luck
stop lying to newfriends
out of savings
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Haha it can't get that bad bwo! What could POSSIBLY go wrong in the later levels of the tower!
>there's LITERALLY a bug that makes you stuck in the story
it's fixed
your level 100 tower clear?
Honest question of the matter on the situation of. What does they do it do give the give Raiden Mei voice too Yanagi? Isn’t that be the thinking of the matter of the whole? A little too early to count the chickens? Seems like do it waste of that the bag half empty.
>level 100
everyone is at 250 bro
You don't get any primogen after floor 15 of the tower, right?
What do you gain by defeating 5 bosses without healing?
>singer with a chink name
FUCK no.
>the tower feels unfun to play
>he didn't roll for king
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so true big sis
didn't ask and don't care
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that anon never posted evidence
stopped at the same location lol, not exactly doing Lucy solo right now though. I want my 100 floor clear first
Caesar doesn't really help in the hardest content. Even in those combat commissions for Rain her shield gets deleted in one hit, it serves more like a buff that you lose if you take damage
Do you need to reach it level of the Tower to join /zzz/'s guild?
There are less voice actors in CN and sometimes they voice more than one character, if it's not Sawashiro then it doesn't count
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>using caesar
you didn't beat the game
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>What does they do it do give the give Raiden Mei voice too Yanagi?
honkai kino
I want Soukakuboo.
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>Isn’t that be the thinking of the matter of the whole?
How strong Oldwoman? la
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No, you didn’t beat the game if you use pic related
Not strong enough to beat the cock.
New thread
On no billysaaar....
Fair, I might do Billy Solo till 25 or 30 if I can even make it there, then just do the same and make a team to push to 100, nice to test the waters though
true for both
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921 pictures of nicole...
is anby trans?
my wife poster...
non troll thread
are all games connected? I never played genshin or honkai, one day I was just browsing /v/, people were like "IT'S OUT" when this game released, tried it out and liked it enough to keep playing
the only other gacha I ever played was fgo ages ago, saved for over a year, back then there was no pity, used all my savings to get a character I really liked and I didn't get her so I quit
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She very strong lah
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Another Good Question:
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
They have recurring characters who are alternate universe versions of each other. Except Welt in HSR who literally just came over from the other game's universe
Its a gacha game anon, it shouldnt be your main game ever. Westoids seriously need to get with the program

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