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Previous: >>501323798

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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tetas tiburon
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this one
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gotta love upgrading to def or hp.
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Das it mane
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Ellen thread lost to the shitposter thread...
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I noticed that the arpeggio event have a bug where it can make the TV vignette effect stuck and make your game looks & run like shit. If this happened your only option is to restart the game.
>take random stray hit from floor 15 phase 2 Pompey
>12000 damage
fuck the fuck off
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good shit
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she's dead
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what makes amillion do it?
I don't care what happens, I am NOT posting in the nicolenigger thread!
but not forgotten
Niggole did this
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he's based
la judia rosa
He is untethered and his rage knows no bounds
noooo the 50/50 i got soldier 11. i only got 80 rolls left. should i skip yanagi for miyabi?
pink slut
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>called Lady Miyabi
>wants Yanagi to manage her estate
Is Miyabi going to richmog Lucy?
Roll for who you like.
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Only real niggas are in this thread
Soukaku sounded extra retarded this patch
glad the new voice worked out
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I bought the BP
ZZZ won't be dying tonight bros!
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Is the special episode still bugged/softlocked?
this is the real thread retard
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Same I'm doing my part
beta leak when
Can you suck my cock bwo? No homo
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I've had every single one, in a few years people are gonna be soooo jelly of my BP headers
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Miyabi chooses this thread
1 hour and 9 minutes
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Is this stage good to farm in anticipation of Miyabi?
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bros I'm not sure I want to try to go for floor 30 anymore...
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oops I'm retarded
what stage? also we don't know either way since everyone is waiting on beta leaks
just farm ice skill mats for now
pompey keeps one shotting me with the startup of his epic invincible super move
No one knows yet because we don't even know her kits. Just farm common stuff like denny & exp while waiting.
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ur caesar?
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We told you to roll Caesar
My king...
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>he actually skipped cheezah
why though?
Is there Pompey past floor 25? I am at floor 28
Battle Tower is tougher than I expected and I love it
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there's two possible outcomes for mibibi
>her best disks are her personal set x4, and freedom blues x2
>her best disks are her personal set x4, and polar metal x2
so yes, that's what the rest of us are farming. dismantling the vast majority of them
at floor 50
Imagine skipping Caesar and Burnice.
Support and subDPS are good.
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but I have caesar...
I didn't find her attractive
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did you pat your soukaku today?
Why are you gay?
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I don't want to start this mission if that means these guys go away
Is there any Bangbo that I can level and stick into any team to work? Like support that works with any team comp just buffing attack or something? Are they comparable to specialized ones?
God she's super autistic...
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I love autistic women
Butlerbroo is universal thanks to energy regen bonus.
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I'm more into bimbos sorry
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I got the rare 2 character victory screen
I dare you to get a 3 character one
Avocadoboo is a healer
>floor 15
so this game is just 'i hope you rolled the newest characters lol'
glad this shit is flopping hardcore lmao
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Me either
My condolences.

I asked before, but why can’t I play this? K and L can apply burn with minimal field time while Yanagi does her thing???
post your team and builds
I cleared it with Qingyi, Zhu and Nicole.
Stop making excuses.
Yanagi doesnt need stunners
my favorite part is how if you parry the first part, you always get hit by the follow up and instantly die. VERY COOL
You can, I guess. But Koleda is a stunner.
... is that a piece of bread in his collar wtf?
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I don't enjoy existing
Bro, your Caesar?
>reinstall for Yanagi
>start her demo
God I'm hate lolifaggots so much it's unreal
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is that supposed to be bad?
Did you try dodging instead of parrying this parry bait?
>2 character
do you like... only switch after a character's animation is done?
I didn't roll her, I don't like her and I don't like defenders. Fuck off Zhonglinigger
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Don’t we all, mang.
Atleast ZZZ helps
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you could just keep them unleveled and unequipped like most people do
floor 15 is pretty doable
it's not time-limited content though, come back in a year when you have some S11 mindscapes
Now post the ingame model
How the fuck do I gain assist points I keep running out
Be honest anons...how long would you last to Yanagi paizuri? Certainly you wouldn't make her tease you by shooting too fast right?
oh cool i got a brimstone for my m1 s11 off the standard banner
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No beta, he fired all the devs
Brimstone is the best hit off standard grats
>I cleared it with one of the best teams in the game
Wow, hey someone give this anon a medal
chain attacks
They give you 3 bangboo slots for a reason dipshit
just do it bro. for tower shit whatever gets you to the next floor alive is meta
Chain attacks after you stun an enemy, use dodges more
>scolds you for not wearing a safety helmet
>smashes your fucking skull in with a pile driver
What the fuck is this bigger’s problem?
/zzz/ says attacker teams are bricks.
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Caesar + Avocaboo is the ultimate tower survival kit.
How does paizuri even feel like? Asking for a friend, I totally know what it feels like but he’s wondering haha
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>was ambivalent about Miyabi
>won't be able to live without the autism fox after playing through the special episode
Well, shit. Looks like I'm saving up for Miyabi once Yanagi drops unless theres an ellen rerun first
pompey with chingy/zhu is pretty hard, in the first half at least when he's skidding all over the place and away from your electro dancefloor stuns
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Should have worn a hard hat
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Polar metal is one of the worst disc sets in the entire game so no. If she's crit she will want woodpecker or some new set, if she's anomaly she absolutely will not want this no matter what.
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Boobjobs are just hot to look at but irl boobs dont really have enough grip even when squeezed together for you to feel anything.
That said I’ve spilled gallons to this hag
>dude i clear SD f2p with 50% of the timer left this game is SO EASY
>moderately difficult content that ISNT a dps check for once comes out has has like 2 rolls worth of rewards of attached to it
why are you like this?
so I played the yanagi demo, they tell you you have these 2 stances etc, but at the end of the day that doesn't really matter does it? you just want to have both buffs up at all times, and then spam the strip pole attack?
haha the schizo replied to my bait
I tried this team, it "works" but I'm doing better with yanagi/piper/lucy
>using a crit dps
>in 2024
the wind up looks identical to the attack he normally spams. literally elden ring bullshit fight
the average /zzz/ anon cannot clear floor 15
everything has a billion health how is it not a dps check
Lucy's family is new money. She already mogs them.
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banging . . . BOOS!
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I'm gonna smash Pompey's bike
you have a 10(TEN)(X) minute timer
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Let this be proof.
because it doesn't have a timer, there's no issue with taking a long time on any one stage
it can get boring as fuck if you're really just tickling them though
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>Porn star level body
>Very kind and nurturing
>Extremely smart and strong, and with the oni blood she might even age slower.
>Probably rich, or at least well off
>....but she doesnt have a wacky design therfore she bad
if you didn't want to fight pompey because it's too hard maybe you should have saved him
you sow what you reap
I hope they release a character like Jane again. No thinking about combos, when to switch or other bullshit. I'm too stupid for that. Just give me someone who needs me to react fast.
I wish they put what floor this was in the image, unless im blind as fuck
>billy solo
>only 4 minutes
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It really is that easy to bait him
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Most wholesome faction.
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Very cute
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my cool anomaly wives
25th floor to unlock legend.
b-but my powercreep!
Everything you mentioned have nothing to do with being a good pull aside from character design.
>meat with apples
why is the lingering will on floor 15...
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>Soukaku is a hag
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there's nothing cool about burnice
I beat floor 15, started the tower just now and beat the first 15 levels in a sitting
What now
OSHA rules are written in blood. Bigger is just demonstrating that
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Soul. I'm pretty sure it spells Chessboard. At floor 99 of the mystery fault, use 7 bombs to blow up the walls behind you and collect chests to get message from the devs.
>nothing to do with being a good pull
Everyone already knows that she is good though, she is the only unit that buffs disorder
Big Daddy...
I wish women were real
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no lolis allowed! this is a lolibaba game
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Yanagi was reborn after she fucked the red oni.
imagine your dick between two room temperature skin texture sandbags. It looks hotter than it feels.
Yanagi is jewish
The red oni is female
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chessboard is what's spelled out by the 10 useless letter clues that you don't actually need. arpeggio fault has nothing to do with Yanagi, but her skill effects imply she's some 4d chess master. her c4 does this, and it's why she says checkmate when she stabs the robot in virtual revenge.
all onis are futas
Please modders, I beg of you.
ashkenazi milkers...
my two sex anomaly wives
Will we ever get another oni character that isn't soukaku? I just want more onis
>if someone says Zhu Yuan is good they're coping and she's a dogshit brick
>if someone says they accomplished something with Zhu Yuan she's suddenly T0 ultimate ultra character
every time
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Soukaku is still a child in oni years. You wouldn't a child, right?
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>Lil thingy is confirmed to be a cloxk
>Every time she ults it starts spinning super fast, meaning Yanagi can control time
>Still not stronger than Mibibi for some reason
How broken will the ghost that follows Miyabi be?
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We good
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Miyabi is fucking weird.
No, the military murdered them all
I got timed out on the twins fight
It's her grandmother the first void hunter.
so who are they trying to sell with tower? we aren't getting another defender for at least 2 patches
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I would the Soukacute
why does Mihoyo still think giving enemies huge windows of invulnerability is peak game design...
>a tower of increasing difficulty to test your skill and builds
>it’s all recycled fights from the games already limited enemy types

Read her W-Engine description it's probably the same deal.
yeah they are mostly just there for variety, their specific non transferrable buffs aren't really that special
you should pay attention to ur animation though if ur looking to special parry
Are you sure that isn't a gauge or electrometer or something? You know, for the electricity flowing through the naginata, just like the matchbox looking thing on Soldier 11's sword holster?
you wanted them to create 99 new enemies that will be exclusive to this tower mode? you might be underage
No one since casuals won't care about clearing past floor 15 for the rolls, it's just something for sweatlords to do
It's not made to sell anyone, you get to floor 15 and then stop doing it because you got all the worthwhile rewards. And you can do 15 with any normal team.
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this fucking bitch flirts with me but I only want to fuck her blue oni
People asked for harder content and this is the best they could make.
Real games would do it
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it literally reads back your device's current time
>only Ice/Ether weaknesses beyond floor 25
>needs either skill or good Defense unit
No one (yet), I'll wait for the Ether anomaly loli to clear it
Bros, is it worth crafting purple master copies into golds? The exchange rate is 5 to 1, but that's the normal rate of creating gold discs anyway. Is it only worth it when you use a tuner to target specific stats?
DMC5's tower mode has 100% recycled fights, none of them are unique to that mode. Is DMC5 not a real game?
>That pose yanagi makes when she changes stances or falls from the sky
Those tits bouncing are activating way to many of my neurons.
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on every survey I asked for a crazy difficult mode with no rewards to make the normies and the dick comparers happy. crazy that I got mostly what I asked for
lolno "real" games would have recolors of the same 10 enemies with no other changes, at least the Tower enemies have different and occasionally very nasty AI
>his immediate rebuttal is Nu-DMC
Don’t reply to me again zoomer
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leaked oni character
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we should honestly get a dmc collab where all we get is danteboo and vergilboo
i look like this irl
>Ether anomaly loli
you're trying so hard to fit in but you're so clearly underage
Bayonetta first
for every f2pkek that quits because they cant clear floor 25:
remember that dawei is happy that you are no longer being a parasite that uses his servers. you are literally giving him money by quiting, and therefore werr never f2p at all
uhh guys i can't even beat floor 15
Suck me off
I asked for it but with those rewards.
Getting a 10-pull for clearing floor 30 would’ve been nice. It’s permanent content so no FOMO either.
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>out of all mats
this gonna take a while but she is very fun
fuck corin rape,

sarr...... youre are sperring sarr....
Is the guy who spams Nicole threads Hertaschizo?
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You DID clear floor 25, right anon?
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Big K9s.
just for that im gonna keep playing as f2p

i briefly thought about getting a pass for the good luck they gave me early o
I want this annoying faggot turned into a bangboo, immediately!
We see the clock moving faster when she dodges the copy of Miyabi, and they even added the distorted effect that is always used for time manipulation
maybe tomorrow, I dun have enough patience for no hits all days..
And the poalnigger.
donteboo would be funnier
No I'm too busy with TVkino
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i really disliked this story chapter, definitely the weakest so far, its not really "bad"(specially when compared to other MHY games) but just incredibly disappointing and boring, i kinda expected the "actually we mainly do boring office work" trope for sure, but i also expected more fighting/chasing big hollows or something since thats how they were introduced, the whole """"joke""""" with the "stans" was way too overstretched too and the HIA guy was HEAVILY annoying, it should've just been a group of people orbiting Miyabi as everyone else tries to do their job or something and thats it, this fanatism shit feels kind of out of place/like a wasted opportunity for this group, same with the "die in VR, die IRL" trope wich is uninteresting and overdone to shit to this point, i feel like it could've worked better for the suppossed idol group with some crazy stalker getting obsessed with them or something(kinda like that Paethon obsessed guy in S11's story), characterizationwise they were alright for the most part, Mibibi is just a standard stoic-goofy katanard of the bunch and Soukaku is still Soukaku, Harumasa was very weak, kind of annoying and felt a bit out of place, like he was just slapped into the group and was still trying to find his place into it and failing or maybe like he was just some "snarky guy of the group" afterthought, but my biggest issue has to be Yanagi, idk why she's written to be such a Mary Sue but holly fuck, not even fucking Jane had this much "shilling" or "writer bias" i guess since Seth still played a part on her story but its insane how much everything just orbited around Yanagi, she was far more interesting in the demo videos for sure, maybe it'll get better on the unlocked missions or next month but it was a very weak story for sure, not bad enough to make want to quit or kill my interest on playing like with the Luofu in HSR or Liyue-Inazuma in GI, but still not a good one
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that wouldve absolutely enraged shitters, no way I would support that. shit I would even make it cost 1 stamina/100 dennies or something just to keep the riffraff out
Im not reading that
>but just incredibly disappointing and boring
So like all HSR and ZZZ stories?
I think i’m getting burnt out, maybe it’s because I was never really invested in Yanagi or Section 6 compared to the others but I just don’t have any desire to do more than the daily chores, I tried a bit of the tower which seemed okay but nothing really amazing (only floor 10 so maybe it ramps up more layer) but aside from that I’ll just give the events a few days to fully unlock and blitz them then tackle the story.
>game is dying fast
>make a tower mode that is impossible without the newest characters
are they TRYING to kill the game?
in like first 30 minutes of the patch
Haven't played it yet myself but my friend who was very excited for s6 said it was ass as well. I have 0 expectations for filler chapters though
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I think Section 6 is "OK".
Cunning Hares still the best.
Ben is on the banner.
yanagi/burnice/lucy or yanagi/burnice/rina?

which team is better
it's a filler chapter, that's all.
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miyabi please stop stepping on me
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SoC remain the best group.
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Now what?
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Take a shower stinky
FFX-2 has 100 floor dungeon and its just recolors but way harder.
I really think theres a chance they give out Miyabi for free for Xmas to stop the bleeding
There is almost zero new commissions this patch literally all their work went into the HZ-demake and VR tower.
I liked the special episode and i like section 6
floor 200
They should have used this side story to tease a bit more about the internal structure of Hand. Maybe there could have been some internal power struggle happening behind the scenes and we see a faction trying to vie for Miyabi's favor.

Null face being a threat that gets solved immediately was lame.
what is a good time for the chaos jazz disc drive stage? i just got 20seconds with yanagi
I actually rolled for Yanagi because she seems to be super fun but I'm not into her design.
I noticed something about anomaly characters, they are just more fun than normal attackers I think except maybe Ellen and S11.
>Miyabi for free for Xmas
They wont do that but they will (currently) deliberately not tell you shes coming so you aren't dissuaded from spending in advance.
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reminding me of that one futa soukaku pic with ellen...
no wonder they military tried to kill them all
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a good number of my /zzz/ friends in my friend list haven't even started tower yet
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I finally did the math of how much it will cost to guarantee and weapon Mibibi without any polys.
On the total worse case, 160 pulls for a guarantee, and another 80 ($240) to weapon, and this game's monetization is so shit it's roughly $1 per pull with the sole exception that your first pack is 1/2 off....

Excuse me, but what the absolute fuck?!
The thing I hate about normal attackers is how much you have to cram everything into the ever shorter and shorter stun timers. I'm not even sure Ellen can get a full rotation in on the new mid boss.
Just say Zhu isn't fun to play.
I keep fucking dying to pompeys delayed explosions why is it so fucking long
best miyabi copeball?
my main issue is how poorly it was though out, its insanely filled with tropes that you can see coming from a mile away, and they should've been handled as a group rather than center everything on Yanagi, but the setup was flawed to begin with, fucking SAO shit like...come on, the story also dragged on some segments a lot and felt very rush at the end "and then they caught the hackers, the end", my main points is, if you have a team specialized on hunting/chasing big hollows then just them for that instead, maybe more Ninneveh or some other random weekly boss, maybe they'll actually do that and introduce one next month but man, this was such a fucking letdown
I mean she's strong and I'm not really against the concept of burst characters
its the Elder Dragon slide tackle skull fuck combo for me
Big Cylinder
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I dont have friends but my recent player list is all levels 50-55 and most of them haven't even attempted Shiyu
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We don't even know what she does or if she exists yet
Sorry meant best Yanagi copeball I ran out of rolls getting my 6th billy
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on my friends list of 32 anons none of them is legend tier yet
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>if she exists yet
that her ball exists or that Mabibi exists?
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most boring faction storyline so far
they made myabi cute but not even that will make me pull for these glorified npcs
Something that occurred to me, as we know Proxies are illegal and Null_Face here is being hunted down by Section 6. So what are possible reasons Phaeton made it this long without being singled out? Because they have standards and don't cause more trouble?
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I think the purpose of this special episode was to properly introduce section 6 and the dynamic between the characters with a (relatively) low stakes story. Chapter 5 is gonna focus on them so I'm looking forward to what they put out
>only 25
>got yanagi
>have to finish the genshin event instead of building yanagi

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Does anyone here play the game?
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>still playing Genshin
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>only 30
I've tried to beat floor 15 for 3 hours straight
im taking a break
>only 50
ummm sweaty.... 100 is the breakpoint to be a true gamer
I need to make friends with more competitive people
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no need to dox them
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I do but I don't really have anyone added from here at all
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I'm about to fucking crash out, is this mechanic intentional? I'm losing out on shield and AP every time this happens, and it's only frequently happening on this god damn boss
I got all the way to stage 5!
All they did was make me dislike Harumasa
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This patch sucks dik, EoS soon

>confusing story
>bug bug bug
>boring ass side missions
I imagine that outside of being well known, Phaethon wasn't much of a threat. I imagine there was some desire to catch them since they're well liked amongst the populace from what we've seen but that's about it.
That's Harumasamasa for you
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sad to see anons just randomly go one day without a goodbye :(
Most of us play both
This game will EoS if Masamasa is the only banner in 1.4.
You're too far so Seth blocked air.
>confusing story
Ok so why can't I select any decent resolution in full screen all of a sudden and only have a few okay-ish windowed options now? No word about this being a known issue. Nothing.
It's a permanent content, right?
I ain't starting that shit when most of my supports and stunners are using +0 Discs.
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I don’t know but the story makes no sense to me
Add me only if you are a cool and kawaii Corin bwo
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>most of us
maybe they died
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I kinda like the new TV mode
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>too far
I am quite literally in his fucking guts, how close do I have to be in this guy for the parry to work?
Now do it again but assume you were getting $5 packs since day 1
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I will add you after this movie
wtf... no...
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Why is this autistic fox so cute?
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where are the polys for the softlock bug hoyo
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Added you bwi
it kinda ended like inferno reap, where it occupies a lot of space but it's a one time thing. I wonder why.
use paragraphs
I skipped this post
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I didnt even know genshin was a game before ZZZ(hentai)
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This is the most boring patch yet, can they skip sec6 and go to whatever they’re planning next?
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No, you're parrying the spear throw which puts Seth too far from the spear so he's not parrying it.
It's jankshit like Dead End Butcher.
okay but how do you actually get more inspiration
where are sokako trust events
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Just crushed the first floor of the tower. Don't know what you faggots were complaining about. See you at the top
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Anomaly mastery or ERR?
2pc chaos jazz+4pc freedom blues or the reverse of that?
next patch
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I don't make the rules
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shes 67 years, 112 days, 38 minutes and 16 seconds old you SICK FUCK
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Say something nice to him
Finally got my burnice to lvl 60, what stats do I need?
doomposters sure are braindead
anal rape
But isnt Yanagi supposed to be on the field most of the time? She wont benefit from it as much I think
bros... help me find motivation to clear this godawful tvslop event
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the reward for finishing this godforsaken mode better be sex with this 5/10
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how do you like my brick collection
build all the bomb stuff and just drop bombs everywhere heheheahahah
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Fat pussy
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Remember the soul we had during 1.0?
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Someone make a Corin edit of Super Saiyan Fofo
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Post Miyabi funds. After Yanagi I don't plan on pulling until the fox
I'm going to put all the section 6 balls on one shelf
Parry doesn't go off if the attack doesn't reach you for any reason (obstacles, other enemies obstructing the way, range etc). In your case I think you parried that attack too late: the enemy targeted Jane and as it initiated the lunge to her position you parried with Seth, appearing too far from the spot that it locked its attack on.
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I would happily take all of these
>There's a yume on twitter that constantly whores her OC between Lycaon and Mors
I understand saving, but for those who occasionally rolled, I was expecting a character+weapon to cost $30-$50, not $100+
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I kneel whalegod. I'm going all in, hope I can get c3w1 and I will keep going even if I'm lucky and I get it early
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Buff slut for my jane and yanagi
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I really hope that when the OBOL squad chapters come out, we get some insight into this rebel faction, what they're rebelling against and why. An entire splinter army supplied with heavy autonomic weapons and mechs seems like it should be a very goddamn big deal.
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Someone explain to me who the fuck thought an even higher stats boost than 11/11 Withering Garden was a good idea. This shit is downright unfun with instant death if you miss a single dodge, even with Seth and Caesar providing shields. Double Haiti and Thanatos just adds insult to injury.
Only Lucy deserves to be Wise's girlfriend
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Looking juicy. I'm going for M6W1 myself. Lots of time to save for us
Uh oh cuckschizo melty
Yanagi is just electric Rat, iframes and ass shots galore.
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20 rolls away...
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Shepherd and Venus glow
The government knows and only gives them commissions that aren't shady
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So how does Yanagi fair on the Milkers list compared to Rina and Grace?
idk but grace milkers are MASSIVE
Fuck man let me use her ass as a ventilator
how are day 1 sales looking
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yes, and?
shes a crutch character for mobile players who can't dodge
hopefully I never curse my account with kot either
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just got knightboo sex with knightboo
>finally beat floor 15
thats as hard as it gets... right bros???
cry about it
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from floor 20 there are 2 copies of a boss per floor
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it didnt even start to get hard until floor 20
I think you might suck anon
it took me 7 minutes to do 15 though...
I dont think I could survive two Butchers at once, maybe two Razors
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It only gets better! Enjoy the easy badge anon
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The anomaly shilling here is worse than the superbreak shilling in HSR
Crit damage dealers are so much worse it's not even funnny
kek stupid oni
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>lost 50/50 to Koleda
>Only 50 rolls until hard pity
I want Yanagi but do we have any vague clue if idols and hammer nun are after 1.3 and 1.4 or should I just say fuck it and go for the OL anyway? I haven't done anything yet apart from the not!Bloody palace and I finished enough to get the legend badge so I have no clue if I'll make it
what happens if you grab an oni by the horns
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Anomaly feels like an actual dps.
Meanwhile attacker relies on stunner to babysit them
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I kno u rote this Lucy. I'm teling Belle
1.4 has a limited attacker agent.
Tides will turn.
1.4 is supposedly Asaba/Miyabi and 1.5 is Astra Yao
Dont expected Idols until 1.6
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That's a very weird way to spell Belle
The only aks we have are about Astra, and even then the arent reliable
how is the tower easy
are you all fucking whales or what
my ellen joe biden still clears faster than my burnice piper
How strong Oldwoman?
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He's a good friend with a nice tail and a cool chargeblade. Most of his brain is just muscle, and that's not completely a bad thing.
It's a shame he's mechanically very niche outside of anomaly, but I use him sometimes all the same, particularly Shiyu.
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Every single character they released (except Ellen) pairs well with the character that came right before or comes right after, but who is Lighter gonna pair with? Burnice doesn't want a stunner, Yanagi isn't ice or fire and doesn't want a stunner, Harumasa isn't ice or fire.
This means Miyabi will be an ice attacker.
>he skipped caesar
do you not have a physical or fire, ice or ether, and electric team yet?
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Is this a new NPC? And is she a hint for the Nun's faction?
Miyabi isn't in 1.4 bwo
>but who is Lighter gonna pair with?
Your Ellen brick rerun?
just use lycaon
Anomaly girls are cute and fun
Superbreakers are ugly and shit
It's not the same.
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Not clicking any of those
>1.4 is supposedly Asaba/Miyabi and 1.5 is Astra Yao
How do you even know that? Who are those characters? I only know Miyabi
Or we are getting a Ellen rerun banner in 1.4
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They're probably gonna rerun Ellen after Lighter.
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2 hours until mbibi drip?
This time for sure right?
I see. Well I'll just go for yanagi then
I have only two teams
just feels like I deal shit damage and can't really improve without rolling new characters or their weapons
who the hell is Yao
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Keep telling yourself that.
We're gonna have a 'battle of the bands' patch, calling it now.
But instead of human judges, it'll be how well you can pacify Ethereals
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So uhhhhhh when are they raising the HZ license level again?
level them up, their core skills, their relevant skills, and get them good disk sets
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It's Jane x Seth porn
1.4 patch
Are you???
Asking for more???
Shame, gweilo, shame!!
Anomaly Mastery or Atk% for Yanagi for Slot 6?
That's bullshit and you know it
What if they throw a curve ball and Miyabi really will be the first half of the next patch?
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Did any losers roll for Caesar instead of Burnice?
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Wow so they’re making bangboo sex doll real in zzz
i got both
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What’s yall rank so far?

This tower is definitely tough, even with premium teams, though not too bad if you’re a whaleGOD (just can’t also be trash at the game). This mode will test your patience, comps, rotations, & enemy knowledge (awareness, animations, knowing Defensive Assiss cues without flash, etc). Gonna take a break for now & continue tomorrow, trying to hit rank 100, though I know there’s(actually) unlimited floors, as I saw someone at Floor 201.

Let me know what y’all think
>he didnt get both
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I will cum
>Did any losers roll for Burnice instead of Caesar?
I sure hope not. No idea why anyone would roll Burnice.
Right here, coward.
post feet pictures I demand them
crit carries in this game are more comparable to break units in HSR in how they need restrictive conditions to do a lot of damage
meanwhile anomalies are universally good and can function solo without a stunner
Rolling for Caesar makes you a winner.
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>floor 100 cutscene
Bwos I got 9 almost-fully built agents (Ellen, Lycaon, Soukaku, S11, Koleda, Lucy, Caesar, Piper, Burnice)
Should I focus my time and resources on fully upgrading them (better discs included) instead of rolling for Yanagi/Lighter?
Asaba is confirmed, Miyabi and Astra comes from leakers
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Cool player autonomy
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God, Yanagi is so much FUCKING FUN. Still haven't activated her mindscapes yet and she shits damage. Gonna ride this to eos since she'll only get better with new anomaly and support characters
How? Did you spend on stamina?
my game is too fucking laggy for the tower jesus
You can still roll, just upgrade them later.
>still haven't gotten disks for ZY
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Images you can hear.
so 25+ beyond is almost impossible right? I didn't roll for Caesar so I always get 2 or 1 shot at floor 28.
you mean agency, numbskull?
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All signs in the sky and on earth point to her being in 1.4 bwo
Who do you think he voted for?
I'm still trying to learn how to use her, especially with Piper
Chat I can't clear floor 15 even with Caesar
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I fucked up. Anybody remember where's the last Arpeggio item?
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>zzz already making character checks this early
I hope to see your floor 100 tower clear once you activate her mindscapes NagiGOD
where lolis
A guy dressed like a söy lumberjack? Definitely Kamala
wtf....they changed Soukaku's voice again?
cumming in Yanagi?
No, only Yanagi.
it's always at the end of the last stage of each section.
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This guy got his voiced changed in EN dub as well lmao
bangboos are fucking hilarious
>punch guy for 6 minutes straight, if you get hit once start over
wow... this is fun...
I don't really have his voice memorized since I barely go to the bangboo shop
Now the coffee guy

>Sometimes, taking a break can help you go further!
Anon, how much are you going to spend on her?
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just wait bwo
Finally started building Lucy. How bad is it?
Uh... your M6W5 limited..?
You aren't poor... are you..?
>coffee isn't a must, but a calm and relaxed mindset sure is!
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Feel GOOD to have the KING
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This panders to me (masochist)
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I'm tired of waiting. I need your strongest lolis.
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this is the worst flagship event i've ever played across all the gacha games i've tried out
wow old characters are fucking DOGSHIT compared to the newer ones
if you aren't a support you might as well not exist
i really like this update
have to skip but im sad about it
i love mibibi
i made it to 20, gonna finish it later but what a fucking blast
>more bangboo
havent gotten that fucker yet

I Love Zenless Zone Zero
I don't know... I feel like I'm just getting more and more agents, and shit gets so expensive by the last levels it's insane...

How many fully built or almost-fully built agents do you have? (Question for everyone btw)
its more like 2-3 times actually
also it takes you 6 minutes to beat a boss?
I beat the twins in like 4
I'm tired of playing s11 she fucking sucks DICK and not in a good way
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This update was fucking great wasn't it?
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That's the fun part. Been replaying Shiyu over and over trying to get a good rhythm between stance changes, parries and the like. It's fun as fuck.

Man, that's gonna be fun. Gonna get my shit handed to me but if it makes me a better Nagi player then I'm all for it.

Going to?
She probably sucks mean dick in a good way
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Have you tried not being a rhythmlet?
guess I didn't spend enough money...
get better disks and upgrade your characters idiot
This patch makes me want to milk someone so bad...
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We HI3 now.
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my characters are maxed
my discs are also good, im not spending 10000 energy to get 2% extra crit rate on one character
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Started the game like 4-5 days too late to get Burnice, god damn it
What's a good chink controller to play this on pc?
Buy an account
Well, how much DID you spend I guess is the better question...
Nice, to skip banners. More founds for my mibibi.
No! :)
So you haven’t played the oldies like FGO or Granblue, huh? lucky you
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I got both.
When can I roll for Agent SOULliver
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Uhh are you talking about boobs?
Who said that this is a “flagship event”? It’s clearly filler
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If I got Caesar, Burnice, Lycaon as my S ranks, should I roll for Yanagi?
Her looks don't super do it for me, but if she's good for gameplay, then I might throw in a few rolls.
Especially if it's true that we're getting back to back guy banners.
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For a day one Yanagi that I didn't particularly farm for, I'd say this is pretty okay? I can definitely optimize her Aprof some more, but I need disk luck for that.
This shit is completely rigged right? All 5 rolls landed on try again, trash hoyo greedy sloo
So is Caesar actually (You)bait or was it just the promotional material?
same bro. rigged chink shit
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idol holes...
I want to plap every single HIA girl. They are all so stacked
its a hoyo game there are no for (you) characters
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Is this appropriate skirt length for an OL?
Why is chaos jazz good for yanagi when she's on field mostly?
No, should be shorter.
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I let you decide that anon
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You want (you)bait, you're looking at the wrong SoC.
do you play the game?
wise isn't attracted to little kids
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>patch comes out
>cool, new main story content
>it's another stupid low effort "special episode" that only exists to shill the newest limited character and doesn't even involve the MC in any way

funny how people make fun of genshin's MC for being a cameraman but in ZZZ you don't even get that privilege, you straight up don't exist during these stories
What are some on-field Burnice teams?
How were you able to max out so many agents? I haven’t even gone halfway with the core passives for my supports
What is this?
I love how she calls Yanagi "nagi"
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This is a good thing though
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How did they manage to make the TV mode even WORSE?
Is this game secretly a shitter filter? It's easy, but highly dependent on player skill
-> numberscucks like prydwen are rarer -> less guides -> shitters can't read and doesn't get handheld
>posting the rat whore
the irony...
Because she nags about work all the time?
I smell a stinky S11 instead
Made for groping
have you seen the amount of shitters bitching about tower when people post clears like >>501342283
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Finishing my 9th fully invested character.
There have been 8 characters added since launch (including Ellen) so you could say we're upgrading characters slightly faster than they're being released.
Miyabi's bush...
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>Why isn't the story about ME??
>I am the most important!!
grow up
prophecy was kino
it takes a little long to go through but it's fun and I like having SOME amount of content to play
Huh? Then why is my Wise following 8-year-old brats all around Lumina Square and taking pictures of them?
>It's easy, but highly dependent on player skill
You mean highly dependent on player spending.
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>What if they throw a curve ball and Miyabi really will be the first half of the next patch?
Then they successfully gaslit 99% of the playerbase and fucked over a decent amount of would-be Miyabi rollers who thought she wasn't coming.
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No, the game is designed to milk my wallet, it better milk my ego while it's at it
That's better than being a cameraman, characters shouldn't be involved in the story if they don't serve any purpose in it
I wish Yanagi would tardwrangle me
this is a side episode tho, MCs are always involved during normal chapters
Whenever my wife has her boyfriend over, I don't even ask to watch anymore, because I know it's none of my business and I don't serve any purpose to them by being there, I just let them enjoy themselves in peace and ZZZ's story is no different.
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Why are there so many people rolling for Yanagi? I thought only 4 of us were gonna get her!
Some event thingy, go to notice and look for one that say "participate" Let's you do a daily lucky draw
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I don't see how your cuck fantasies have anything to do with my silly hack n' slash videogame though
okay so... what engine do I put on her
that pv went hard bro..
I don’t know but prophecy was more enjoyable than this one.
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the wrangler and her retards
She's both strong and fun to play
She's sexy even if she is generic
Two males in a row after her means enough time to save
To be fair the only thing most people saw from her until this week was the blandest 2 minute appearance last patch, her teaser was pretty cool
better then mine i only got 2600 ATK and 353 AP
i think 375 is the breakpoint for her passive I need to get a few more points on her disks
If you enjoy bad writing that much then go read some shitty wuxia. Not to say that ZZZ's writing is good, but in this case they did the right thing.
Have they fixed the pc quest bug yet?
spending doesn't save you thoueverbeit
maxed m6w6 whales are still filtered
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>Touch Lucy's mole
>mole (singular)
If I remember, Lucy has three moles according to this autist who makes videos of the 3D models
>If you enjoy bad writing
I don't enjoy bad writing, which is why I don't like special episodes. They are clearly written purely because they need to shill the character of the week and not because the writers had an interesting story to tell.
Yes, it was fixed earlier today.
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>Agents having their own stories = cuckoldry because they don’t shoehorn the MC into everything
Crawl back inside your mother, faggot. You’re not finished yet
The Prophecy was compelling because of the story. The characters and setting gave context to the gameplay (as in a good RPG) and made it memorable. Here, there is a story, but it's shoved off to the side in random lore dumps and cutscenes that exist entirely separate from the gameplay, which is just listless TV exploration with no context. It really comes off like this was designed by people who heard that The Prophecy was a popular side quest without understanding why it was memorable for people.
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Tall electric woman with big tits is my favorite character archetype in Hoyo games.
there's no funny cute quirky story attached to this one
But I do enjoy tugging my agents with me. Better gameplay but worse story, basically
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Yanagy MV in 30 minutes?
>not even getting to interact with the characters you're expected to spend money on is good ackshually
Jesus christ, mihomo really mindbroke their players into accepting cuckoldry like it's normal
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Bros, I think there is something wrong with my Yanagi.
How many Atk% do you have?
Imagine playing the tower shitheap beyond 25 for the poly. Fuck anything else in that whalebait mode.
Just do the trust events and shut up
Your Agent trust events, brother?
yeah bet those tv dickriders during 1.2 are finally understanding the consequences of their actions
you interact with them after you spend money to get them silly
the story quest is to show you the character, not how they're for (you). It's exclusively for payers only
You aren't even 18, you're 17 or under
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dumb cuck
You sound retarded
chese and crackers in me yummy i drew a giraffe tiday at wirj abd had a cake and a brownie
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Is there any way to reset to a previous checkpoint after going further than floor 25 in the tower? Lost a character on floor 30 and might need to go back now
>cardboard cutout Yanagi
why would she do this
Sorry. We ran out of budget for this scene animating Hoshibi Mibibi. We had to use a jpeg stand-in for Yanagi. Please understand.
I havent watch it yet, but legit after seeing all the responses, kinda afraid i'll ended up using my idol savings for her
>b-but the noncanon trust events!
Is this the "b-but the teapot lines" of ZZZ?
yeah it's fucking great
>try yanagi in her trial
>felt really fun and satisfying
>try yanagi in the event combat stages
>felt just alright
ehn ne?
As someone who enjoyed the WELL MADE TV quests, if this is what the devs think that people want from the mode then I'd rather it just died and we get corridor sloppa forever. At the very least, they are making small incremental improvements to that gameplay, and if they focused on it entirely it would likely improve. They clearly have no idea why anyone likes or dislikes the TV mode, so if they're too retarded to figure it out then why bother?
You're literally hanging out with the agents, the teapot shit has two lines of text, go back to your shithole retard
>You're literally hanging out with the agents
And? It's still non-canon.
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>tv bickering
>mentally ill NTR talk
yup it's these hours again
She's just electric Jane really. I wish we'd get a radically different agent, like some huge grappler who can grab and slam enemies (e.g. grab that faggot thanatos and slam him so he can't teleport).
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I hope it’s just food, haha…
>outing yourself as a gigger
no wonder you have a cuck obsession lmao go back to slurping wanderer's sloppy seconds cunny
Just a dash of pedophilia and we'll be solidly into mentally ill seanig hours.
brain damage
many such cases
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How come Yanagi wants 4 piece Chaos Jazz instead of Thunder Metal
don't (You) me again, SEApag.
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what does ntr mean
put it in the surveys retard
It happens in-game tho, don't you go out with your friends?
She's an anomaly unit
That's the wrong ATK sub-stat.
I wonder if they're gonna explore Soukaku's gluttony as a coping mechanis for her PTSD from the oni war the next update...
>be multi-billion company
>still can't release stuff without tons of bugs
>absolutely incompetent with events ranging from "talk to sjal" to horribly unbalanced anti-fun tower
Why the fuck can't they do anything right? Do they not have people test this stuff for bugs/balance before release?
>have a literal system where you can directly interact with them and hang out with them over multiple events
Goalpost-moving retard.
>the autistic fucking seanig thinks it can order actual humans around
nice one
Negative turbulence region
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your waifu sucking a juicy BBC and enjoying it
Save it for when crit stunners return to being meta
Happened to me, too...
>It happens in-game tho
And? Nothing that happens in a trust event can ever be referenced outside of it because said events literally don't exist if you didn't roll for the character. They are objectively not canon.
Most pedoschizos are completely delusional and detached from reality. It's actually incredible. This one might be mad about the R victory as well.
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Do I have to put in the surveys exactly how they should design their game? That's moronic. Part of the issue with the game's direction right now is that they're listening to players too much. I don't want to dictate to them what they should do, I want them to put more effort into actually understanding why people liked their game in the first place. I'm sure plenty of people said "make more quests like The Prophecy!" in their surveys, which is how they arrived at Arpeggio Fault to begin with. We're in this mess because they're misinterpreting and overreacting to feedback. Just saying "GIVE MORE FEEDBACK" is not going to fix a problem which is on their end.

I don't want to have a melty but I like this game a lot and I want it to be good, and it really concerns me how the devs seem to be lost and unsure of their own vision right now. At least they haven't censored anyone again... yet.
>At least they haven't censored anyone again
All characters come pre-censored already.
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I'm having fun
How would you even fix attackers? They do more stun and anomaly build up?
Their attacks maximum break bar so they can get back to burst window sooner?
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Yanagi's huge spats are a tragedy.
Upcoming attackers will be "fixed" by giving them insane multipliers. Existing attackers won't be fixed.
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>nekonigger only 10 points required

Ohnono nekosisters..
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reminder that soukaku's a child and the government is literally spending your tax dennies to field a child soldier
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make shiyu buff benefit attackers but not anomaly
They're listening to whiplash schizo feedback because they have honestly zero clue what they want to do. In the last few patches we've had:
>delete a core component of the game (TV)
>delete daily task rotation (coffee being replaced with the universal +80 one)
>change the difficulty from somewhat tricky for a mobile game (SD7, 11/11 Garden) to bone crushing sweat lord difficulty (tower) that is literally impossible on a phone
she's supposedly older than Yanagi, so...
Events don't exist if you don't play during the event period. Are they non canon, you dumbass? You fucking retard? You absolute SEA mongoloid?
Everything is canon unless it contradicts a higher hierarchy source. Until Trust events start contradicting the main story or vice versa, there is literally no reason to say they aren't canon.
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Not if I impregnate her first.
Fix what? They can still clear all content in the game just fine.
Fix what? You retards see a paid shill website move some characters around on the world's worst tier list and start dooming about non-existent powercreep. Zhu's premium team literally clears only slightly slower than the premium anomaly teams while having no support in the Shiyu buff or Ether weakness. Ellen IS weaker than the other limited DPS, but this is mainly because she doesn't have as much premium support - this could easily change with Lighter and potentially Miyabi, and even while being weaker she is still more than good enough to clear content even while not having ice weakness.
>anby is free
What a SLUT.
I noticed that the of the Yanagi is
>planned to skip Burnice for MIyabi
>did a ten pull on a whim and got her at 5 pity
>planned to skip Yanagi Miyabi
>did a ten pull on a whim and got her at 6 pity
>pulled on her weapon banner on whim got her weapon at 9 pity
So how fucked is my luck going to be when Miyabi actually releases?
In Oni years. She still says she was born before Yanagi, meaning they age really slowly
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>fix attackers
I'd argue attackers are doing just fine, given Shiyu is shilling Anomaly.
Miyabi drip in 10
I hope they can at least add characters that look as slutty as the calydons. if not I'll probably drop this game for lack of interest.
first off, explode nigger
all your next banners will be 160
I don't get why people are treating the Tower like "mandatory" endgame content. It doesn't even give polychromes past floor 15, and it doesn't get exceedingly difficult until floor 20 (at least, that was the point I started having real trouble). Casual players can ignore it or just put a mild amount of effort to collect all of the polychrome rewards and move on, if it's not for them. It's not equivalent to how SD is rotating endgame content that you are "expected" to clear. (Even Shiyu is ignorable, technically, but you can make an argument that there's not much else to do if you do ignore it.)
>Events don't exist if you don't play during the event period. Are they non canon, you dumbass?
If they don't permanently change anything about the game world and are never referenced again in the future, yes, they are non-canon.
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Stop replying to the cuckold.
Cheap but one of the best teammates, kotchads win
Tower rewards is one-time only (currently), isn't it? At least Shiyu is recurring challenge, and HZ is a weekly, though no one's forced to do 11/11 garden to clear it, any HZ runs will do (other than time consumed)
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s rank anby should switch between white hair and black hair
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>he doesn't know about the 200 free pulls you get for beating the floor 100
i wonder how many have uninstalled over getting kotted
Thunder damage or pen ratio for yanagi? The pen ratio disk has enough AP to trigger her engine passive
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>leading a squad of bangboos
uhhhhh is red anby lost?
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>he thinks it's only 2
year of the homo soon fellow proxy
I still don't have a kot
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ill be getting myself another kot from the 300 selector
So uhhhh… once I theoretically reach my guaranteed standard banner, which one benefits from M1: Rina or Nekomata?
who do I even put on yanagis team if I don't have burnice
I wish to trade in my knot for the kot
who's the heaviest zenless
>afraid of kot
wait until you lose two 75/25 to koleda ball
Ben Heavier
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>retards are still in denial about the blatant powercreep
I don't fucking get it. What do you get out of doing this? Are you a whale who doesn't want to admit that all your """skill""" can be attributed purely to the fact that you own the latest limited characters?
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It's me. I'm the one who asked for an endless tower mode. No, I don't regret it. Yes, I'll fucking do it again.
Rina, M1 makes her actually usable, kot is a meme
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he's called large benjamin for a reason
It's a phone game. No content should take longer than 5 minutes or be harder than something you can casually do on your commute. You're right though that it only becomes major bullshit after floor 20.

Casual players should be able to get all the rewards. Again, this is a phone game, not some sweaty try hard game.

Also again, this wacky whiplash of content variety and difficulty clearly shows they have no clue where they want to go. Stuff like the rhythm TV repair, the virus cleaning, and so on is their attempts at trying to find gimmicks to use later on.
Hey, that's BiS engine for your Anby!
Don't attach Corin to your shitposts.
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kek yeah I definitely trust pr*dwen more than anons in this very general soloing everything in the game with the characters they like
anyone actually finish all this yet? I pushed through 3 areas but it gets kind of boring.
>it's a shitpost because I don't agree with it
How much gooder is Yanagi than Burnice if you know powercreep? Is this model worst or gooder than Honkai Star Rail shill unit like Fexiao every 3 patches Acheron Firefly SSSS dPS is that a gooder system than current ZZZ?
>It's a phone game. No content should take longer than 5 minutes
ah. so you are the guy who is ruining my pc gacha game
Explain how Yanagi, Jane, or Burnice have a meaningful leg up over Zhu without pointing to the fact that Shiyu defense is blatantly shilling their playstyles right now. If anything, the fact that Zhu clears are still so fast despite her being ignored by the devs is a testament to her longevity, not a sign of powercreep. You people are retarded and mindbroken by nothing.
>at hard pity
bwos... im not going to make it
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We won't be worse off than HSR until older units start struggling to clear newer content. Ellen and Zhu still wreck shop, so it's fine. Check back in a year.
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I've finished everything you need to get the rewards.
Was taking a small break, gonna jump into the extra stuff that's supposed to tie up the story.

It's fun, if a bit bland in how easy it is.
If every single run becomes "broken" then no run truly is.
>retards still falling for one attentionwhore's shopped clear screenshots
Protip: if you can't even find solo 4* clears from whales on youtube, you're not gonna get one from some random retard on 4chan
I'm gonna keep asking for more TV in surveys
now i just wish anby didnt actively make every party worse...
First, that's ChatGPT.
Second, he posts AI-generated videos too.
I mean they serve different roles, maybe you'd be better off comparing Yanagi and Jane. I thiink yanagi clears faster but only with premium teammates
>floor 25 twins
>fire zhu's ult right as one is reviving the other to kill it
>it manages to get the res off in the time it takes for zhu's rocket to hit her
jesus christ they weren't kidding about instant revival
someone already cleared floor 25th billy solo tho,,
can someone get the picture?
The 20 hour tutorial literally killed this game for a lot of people. Fucking no one is playing a gacha for a 20 hour tutorial. They want some quick tits and action.
Not how tiers work but go off short king
I have m3 kot
she is a meme
I'd like the other 3 standard units that I don't have please
Am I bricked if I skip Yanagi? I'm kind of traumatized after skipping Caesar.
>It's a phone game. No content should take longer than 5 minutes or be harder than something you can casually do on your commute. You're right though that it only becomes major bullshit after floor 20.
This is moronic. If every single piece of content in the game has to be designed so some half-asleep mobile shitter can clear it, then we can NEVER have anything remotely challenging or interesting. I can agree with this for mandatory content like story content or major events, but something like the tower is absolutely fine since you are literally NOT REQUIRED to engage with it if you don't want to do it. Man, even HSR, the infamous auto-battle slop, has content that requires more brain activity than one would be able to invest during a commute. You just put off that content until you have the time to dedicate to it. Keep in mind the tower is also PERMANENT, so there is no FOMO here. You can do it whenever you feel like, or just ignore it like I said.

>Also again, this wacky whiplash of content variety and difficulty clearly shows they have no clue where they want to go.
Yes, this is my main concern with the game right now. The devs seriously just need to pick a direction and stick with it for at least 2-3 patches. They're flip-flopping so much on what they want to do that it has to be impossible for them to collect any meaningful feedback. They'd learn more if they just committed to a direction and collected data about what people liked and disliked about it over a longer period, even if it means potentially filtering some players.
Is eelen joe going to powercreep miyabi?
You're the only one who's focusing on Shiyu. Anyone who has tried playing both an attack/stun and anomaly team knows that anomaly is objectively stronger in ALL content, not just endgame modes that "shill" it (read: give you a 20% dmg bonus)

Everyone else accepts this, which is why attackers are dropping like rocks in every tierlist, but you are in denial. Why?
I have 3 levels left in the 4th zone and 5th zone looks like it's very short, I think I optimized the fun out of it by starting with S11, Nicole, and Neko and just hoarding all the money to turn Nicole into a 1 shot machine
I'm in the mood for a SEApedo melty
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Kot's little brown budding breasts are very milkable
'kaku is the best part of all section six content, per the usual
When will the damn beta starts?
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Yeah this is a karaoke bop for sure
>Anyone who has tried playing both an attack/stun and anomaly team knows that anomaly is objectively stronger in ALL content, not just endgame modes that "shill" it (read: give you a 20% dmg bonus)
I had a much easier time beating Shadow Jane with Billy and Qingyi than with Burnice and Piper, but sure, keep making up scenarios in your head to argue in bad faith. It's almost like the game actually has nuance and different teams are strong and weak in different content.
Yes, it remains retarded easy all the way through
>ellen wrecking anything after 1.1
What game are you playing, because it's not the same one I'm playing
the tower is just the same fucking enemies in a featureless room but with jacked up hp and damage
why are we praising this?
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They're not even giving dennies anymore.
Yanagi needs to be made a baby momma.
>can go to HSO headquarters
>can't do anything there
Why did they even bother with it so soon?
If Miyabi isn't an Ellen enhancer, her banner is going to flop.
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>Casual players should be able to get all the rewards.
This is a gacha liveservice, not a charity. Pay up, gweilo!
I simply just skip content that's too hard, and usually the rewards are minor at best. Wow, an extra few rolls. Surely that's worth all the hours I spent using my best non-meta team because I don't roll meta.
I think there's plenty of garbage gachas if you want quick tits. Quick tits and action? Kind of SOL, it's cheaper to make coom bait for braindead games than make coombait for actual action gameplay.
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Get better thumbs.
There is powercreep in this game desuwa
Jane Doe directly powercreeps Nekomata
Yanagi powercreeps Grace
Lighter powercreeps Koldea

This is more of a issue of the small pool of type combinations desu
prydwyns tierlist is dogshit but SD clear times are a garbage metric because they simply do not have enough health (right now) to live beyond a single rotation for a competently built team
that will 100% change in the future
why are you black?
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we r now homeress
spent all money on soukaku food
>I had a much easier time beating Shadow Jane with Billy and Qingyi than with Burnice and Piper,
Did you forget to equip discs on burnice and piper or something? Because that's the only way billy can ever come close. You're not the billyschizo right?
I need to make Yanagi a real mom
You can equip drive disks on your characters to increase your damage, hope this helps
Playing this game makes me so disappointed for what could've been. I swear Devs being able to get player feedback this quickly and so loudly has ruined modern games STICK TO YOUR FUCKING GUNS YOU'VE BEEN MAKING THE GAME FOR HALF A DECADE IGNORE THESE WHINING IDIOTS AND STOP RUINING YOUR FUCKIN GAMES have some backbone god dammit man
>Casual players should be able to get all the rewards.
Fuck off
>but something like the tower is absolutely fine since you are literally NOT REQUIRED to engage with it if you don't want to do it
Anything that's considered "hard" or "optional" should have nothing tied to it. Tower should give no rewards besides maybe 10k dennies per floor, no icons or badges, and so on. It should just be there for people masochistic enough to bother with it, a sort of "OK fine we gave you hard content now fuck off" from the devs.
people are building their yanagi and I still don't know how to build my burnice
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There's no way she won't be if they really are going to have an Ellen rerun lead into Mibibis banner
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>Limited powercreeps Standard
Say it ain't so
>Anomaly powercreeps Attacker
You're playing a single player game that barely challenges you at all. Powercreep is irrelevant.
at this point I really suspect there is no miyabi marketing because miyabi's assets are not done yet.
they made a citypop lol in japanese too, thought they'd just give all global characters english songs
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what the hell are you talking about retard?
I’m simply stating facts.
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>no miyabi drip
See you in 1.5
You can go fight the floor 20 Shadow Jane with a disorder comp and let me know how it goes. The reality is that without some stun windows for guaranteed damage procs, the tower becomes significantly more difficult to manage. Neither Burnice nor Piper are great at repeated dodging either, while Qingyi is literally designed for long sustained on-fielding with one of the best dodge counters in the game.

But uh, sorry, attackers are all objectively inferior in all content. Right. Even though they're the ones designed around exploiting stun windows... huh.
>each group gets a different language of music
Holy soul
i have a question, if the chinese and the japanese hate each other so much why does a chinese company make japanese songs for advertising?
shouldn't they sing in chinese?
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They literally did not introduce a single new detail to her character with this holy fuck.
Cute song though.
For some reason this general is full of retards who like to larp as whales and pretend to love braindead whale wank content like this
>if the chinese and the japanese hate each other so much
they both love anime whores and mobile games with anime whores
>weeb song
truly the worst agent so far
both like money even more
are mobs the same just more buffed? no bullshit like double doppels?

New thread
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there's this thing, you may have heard about it before, called money
what about the raping of napkin
/pol/ has really rotted your brain.
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If you're too much of a scrub to be able to clear up to floor 15 for the polychromes then you also wouldn't be able to clear Shiyu Defense. Should we remove that too? You definitely wouldn't be able to clear HZ 11/11 consistently either.
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That's what you guys said yesterday. And the day before yesterday. Time to stop coping.
>powercreep LITERALLY doesn't exist!
>uhh yes it does, here are some examples of obvious powercreep
>powercreep exists but it's LITERALLY irrelevant!!

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English characters got english songs
Chinese characters got chinese songs
American characters got american songs
Japanese characters will get japanese songs
Kill yourself indog
I can full s clear shiyu but found floor 15 way fucking harder
literally took me two hours
fixed op
Yes, they're the same. Some anon said that the butcher had new moves at like floor 60 but I didn't notice.
Gachaplayers can't read
>flopnagi already dropped out of the top 10 despite the emergency buff
>gear coins instead of dennies
Animators that don't know the source material can fuck off.
Anon, if its coin shaped and shiny, Nicole wants it...She gets excited over Gear coins in H0 just the same.
might be the case of butcher being so bitch-made that people have never seen some moves until he spent more than 2 minutes alive lol
The final trust event has a part that can be interpreted as the proxy and Caesar fooling around, but its a huge stretch. It's just the music video otherwise.
>They're listening to whiplash schizo feedback because they have honestly zero clue what they want to do.
This honestly. You can really feel that this is the team's first game and it seems like they're trying to play catch up with their older brothers. At least team genshin and hsr are more confident in their decisions, even if they're sometimes to the detriment of the community

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