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Previous: >>501355738

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Why does she eat so much?
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I look like this
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Soukaku's rampant Oni power...
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Kneel to your queen, Proxy.
can we go back to lawbreaking faction chapters? both the cops and special forces stories are so fucking trite
office lady = office sex
I did it...
I think I gave myself RSI playing Qingyi though
we love ellen edits here
After you kys
Does Ellen want 4 piece woodpecker, 2 piece polar? Or 4 piece polar, 2 piece woodpecker?
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>Don't care for section 6
>Do story patch content
>Still don't care for section 6
I guess those dudes are just not my type
>B rank
You didn't clear it.
>all that ass the the only thing that jiggles are her thighs
and barely so
the guy on floor 19 keeps one shotting me help
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Is it work time? Is Soukaku posting included????
Click the recommended button dumbfuck
I didnt realize the biker enemy on floor 15 does damage when he jumps up. It keeps clipping me because he doesn't really have a tell I can see past the huge cloud of flames on hijm
What disk set do I use on Zhu in a team without Nicole?
should i be putting 2 anomaly disks on my jane? I'm almost switching to 2atk% bc it feels like shes barely doing any damage on lvl 70 bosses
It's a good trade. You're shield should still be 85-90% as strong and your ER should double. I have m2 caesar and rarely don't have a shield available.
hoshimeme memeyabi
Yeah where is Miyabi's tail btw? It's not like Thirens can't have tails
>tower teaches noobs basic mechanics and boss moves
blessed patch
See >>501366860
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her massive ass jiggles too. it might be hard to see because her skirt is so dark
i built my jane with the recommend button you fucking retard, that's why I'm asking for other people's opinions here
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Fakekaku, but borger is borger
Skill issue, literally
damn you're right, those two floating things are on the way too
good call, thanks
helped me clear without taking much damage
which floor are you on btw
Soukaku ate it by accident.
what's with gachas and giving away free male characters
dr ratio is a stain on my HSR account...
It's really funny. I would literally never figure out that the bike itself hurts you if it drives into you in regular gameplay because of how easy the game normally is
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>Yanagi pullers on suicide watch
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>Zhu and Qingyi
>Caesar and Lucy
>Yanagi and Miyabi
Now I expect Astra to be paired up with ine of the idols
males don't sell, so they need to give them away for free
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>Yanagi MV has no views
This game is dead on global. JP will have to do the heavy lifting from now on.
these niggas really named a character “Dr. Ratio”
males generally sell less, so they hand one out and if the metafags like it enough they roll for the wengine or more copies
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I was initially a Yanagi hater and now she's my favourite character
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>slacker at work
>sleepy all the time
Hes just like me fr
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today I spent 6 hours doing arpeggio (collecting every single thing because autism)
just don't claim him
he will expire if you leave him in the mail for two months
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>2/3rd of the future ice team either has no tail or wont let you touch hers
Huh... It says not available for me?
I'm eating 3 burgers with egg right now.
pic related
>dr ratio is a stain on my HSR account
No one forced you to redeem him
if this is true does it mean he'll join the standard banner?
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I cut off a letter, just posting this BOP again
lots of the enemies have shit telegraphing
with no flashes its hard to tell if and which move theyre doing
the two legged bots in particular...
>Miyabi was my favourite character
>Game keeps showing her being bested by bangboos, Nivineh, Miyabi (twice) and VR ethereals
>Miyabi is now my favourite
I like the time sword, at least..
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What weekly Notorious Hunt material does Miyabi want? 1.4 beta is up right so surely we know...
Less women play gacha and faggots just suck real dicks.
>soukaku I need you to fill these documents for me
>>hands her a bunch of color fill drawings
therell be a new boss probably
tower shows that mobbing is ass in this game
Some of you guys should buy more character action games if you're having this much trouble with the tower.
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>press parry button
>teleport half way across the screen in front of enemy (was behind them) and parry them
nice skill based game
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>Miyabi was my favourite character
>Miyabi is now my favourite
plot twist: she's doing tax refunds
i went to 60 and then decided to pull avocaboo and restart my run, cant be assed playing at 1 hp and dying to cheap damage
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nice pic, dork! But I hope you enjoy your burgers. Personally I find egg is nice if you're just having one burger, but having them on every burger is just not that great. I'd say one with egg and the rest without would be excellent.
>enemy telegraphs a move (no flashes)
>press parry
>die (it was a red attack)
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Dark Mibibi boss battle...The Wide Samurai...
Yanagi is very comfy in the tower. In long fights, you can infinitely spam her dodge attack and you just don't take any damage holy shit.
red flash attack =/= no flash attack
Check your parry resource.
Red attacks happen only when you run out of it or don't have a dodge parry agent against dodge only attacks.
>fight jane for like 2 minutes
>do 25% of her health
>if I get hit once I die and restart
this is cancer
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>tfw no zoomer gf
I think they just really like Miyabi
looks like i need to put disks on my engines now
don't bully me i only started 2 weeks ago
how do i know whats good for who
she was holding back against yanagi the first time (she held the sword so hard her hand was injured)
virtual yanagi is stronger than the physical yanagi, soukaku was scared because she mentally exceeded her physical limits.
and virutal miyabi was an incomplete copy of injured miyabi, real miyabi no diffed her, and at the end of the quest you see that the nullface hacker completed the data of fake miyabi and wants someone else to use it.

i expect 1.4 main story will be real mibibi going plus ultra on the copy, shonen kino incoming.
She's......fat....and ugly now......
im playing with no flashes in the tower
jane has both red and yellow attacks and its incredibly hard to tell which is which
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It's as shrimple as that
That gigadrop at 3:08 gave me the strength I needed to make it through the Ballerinas. This patch has given us some fucking crazy good tunes.
I rolled for Yanagi because she saved Soukaku.
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>Copying HSR dream within a dream story line where we had a fake out ending is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but HSR PEAKnacony story that was original blows the shit out of ZZZ that just copied it because it ran out of ideas

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
Because poop
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what is bro on about
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Stop using this cute retard to shitpost...
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Let's settle this. How do you rate 1.4?
u took damage on last swap
wouldve died in tower
>she was holding back against yanagi the first time (she held the sword so hard her hand was injured)
Yanagi hurt her sword hand when she knocked her out the first time. Did you play the story?
How can I rate a patch that isn't out yet?
this game is too hard for me
DR RATIO but gay
worst story worst event
great battle mode with questionable balance
i do have caesar but what if i didnt? such direction is awful
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don't tell s11 about this..
how do I stop jane from breaking out of every combo
I WANT to like Miyabi but they make her look so incompetent.
How did they fuck up so badly that soukaku is the most interesting of section 6?
The only reason Yanagi was able to do so was because Mibibi was gripping her hand to the point of injuring it. iirc they do a flashback highlighting it.
>Yanagi barely discussed
>Burnice art still everywhere
She's kinda boring aye....
you don't
It was an example
You'd take damage if you tried swapping while doing an attack
If you are not attacking, your on-fielder will swap out immediately and take no damage, and the perfect dodge will i-frame the agent coming in (and you can always dodge right after that)
Alternatively, you can swap after doing an Ex Special with i-frames (most do), and if it's not a boss or an uninterruptible elite doing a combo (usually due to level difference), I think it's a pretty safe method to swap out. If the Ex Special interrupts the enemy, even safer
hagkaku sex
just dodge
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That's shadow Jane's gimmick. You must adapt.
This isn't an issue for physically active people which S11 is.
Especially salt.
basic gacha mechanics such as "whale or suffer"
Bro your Jane? Just dodgecounter every attack
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why are people like you always so confident while being so wrong? we don't even see yanagi knock out miyabi it was offscreen and why would she attack her sword hand to knock out a miyabi that wasn't even moving.

and this is without mentionning that miyabi says that she sprained herself by holding the sword, yanagi had nothing to do with it.

i'm so fucking tired of people like you, fucking contrarians who just don't know when to shut up, this world is as miserable as it is because there are so many people like you.
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>The only reason Yanagi was able to do so was because Mibibi was gripping her hand to the point of injuring it. iirc they do a flashback highlighting it.
fucking lmao
if you say so. I'll just take your word for it.
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red attack?
yellow attack?
If you post Corin, I rape you
Simple as
How is ellen not powercrept when every new limited agent has a massive AOE nuke as their ult and ellen is stuck with her chain attack except stronger
u forget about parry
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see in contrast, burgers are a complete, well-balanced food
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>get a free harumasa
>but pulchra is also electric DPS and I'm planning to pull her
what a waste
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20 floors left
ellen is powercrept
but its fine since she was the reroll banner and you got her for free
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Saw the mommy milkers and won my 50/50. What am I in for?
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Her cheeks are very kissable
I have no horse in the race but that's just a diff between attacker and anomaly agents not necessarily ellen against others.. yet
Can I still guarantee Miyabi if I start saving from scratch today, haha...
parrying can fuck off
u put ur caesar on 2-2-2 with swing jazz
and play dodge-carries such as jane, qingyi, billy
If it's free, there's really nothing to complain about
ignore or use him, simple as
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banging . . . BOOS!
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You've got at least 9 weeks until her banner ends. Get to it.
become an idol loving ojisan instead
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She deserves lots of them after carrying me through the tower. And some cheez-its.
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wtf is this argument
Count to three to five, then hit special. If you're feeling spicy, hold down special. Congrats, you now know how to play Yanagi.
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>our average player is so retarded we had to make the "password" completely useless
1.4 will give you 10 rolls right off the bat and you've got what, 1-7 from this patch with the login? So only ~140 more to go!
Nursing handjobs
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holy shit floor 20 shadow jane was something.. I don't know how people can clear this without a Jane of their own, props to them
looks painful
what were the worst floors so far
are you using avocadoboo
>mouse over url preview
It's over for me
Good to know that I can just skip it and not look for the password clues
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Glamorous Jane's embarrassing boyfriend...
Job yagi....
firting with asaba...
cuck bros won...
>there's actually something if you beat 100 floors
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Got a hot date. Later, losers!
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Apparently they changed this bitch's EN voice too. Holy fuck accelerate the AI takeover already. Tired of these whiny faggots
the lady at the VR told you there's something special at the top.
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I don't understand

You had ample time to roll for her
You were shown by multiple theorycrafters and content creators that she is amazing
You had her gameplay demo showing you how comfy her shields are since they let you play on lazy mode
You saw she offered more buffs as a defender than actual, dedicated supports

And you still skipped????
I don't like caesar
I think she looks dumb
I thought she was just joking cuz nobody would be able to do it
>if I don't lock the camera I'll get 1shot by attacks I can't see after enemies teleport behind me
>if I do lock the camera it's constantly spinning and disorienting me, characters walk in the wrong direction if I hold a movement key, and if there's 2+ enemies it just falls apart

I like how every new "difficult" mode they add just exposes more and more mechanical flaws in the game
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Got a C6 Billy so I might as well build him. What do you guys equip on him?
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There are two categories of jane doe art
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Why is her ass so big anyway
pretty skippable if you pulled jane tho
>what were the worst floors so far
The Pompey floors and Jane floors.
>are you using avocadoboo
Nah, I'm using officer Cui.
i dont roll for ugly hags its that simple
I fucking hate eceleb voice actor and self rightous clowns.
they are in a self fullfilling prophecy.
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for me it's the right
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I thought I missed the REAL door to type the code in.
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I only roll for characters I actually like. I do not give a single shit how strong a character is, I will not roll just because the devs try to force me to roll.

They're trying really fucking hard to force me to roll for meta right now but it's just not going to work. I'll sooner uninstall if this shit keeps up.
skipping caeser and her agent piss filter until EoS
>he is unaware
>officer cui
damn I wish you luck
good to know though that floor 49 and 50 were just fucked
do those two show up again
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Heterosexual developers
>stuck on floor 30
>best I got was 1/2 of its HP in phase 2
shit, I just have to keep trying...
>not a single CC has praised battle tower since its release
Bros is it really over...
Pompey showed up again at floor 80 and Jane showed up again at floor 79.
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Cheese is high in fat.
most grifters are shit at the game except for a couple of them
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She apparently hoards junk food in her room, and just eats whenever
just like a real rat
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>Yenless Yen Zero
fuck… thanks
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Damn, you know you fucked up when even the whales don't like your whalebait mode
Rina milk
how much fucking hp does floor 20 jane have jesus christ
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What's the tactical battle advantage of having a fat sweaty ass that smells (too much cheese)
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why would they when it shows their complete lack of skill in plain sight. You know what cc's would really love? An auto battle button so that they can just read chat while the game is fighting for them with their whaled characters.
counterbalance for her ice skating moves
probably has high metabolism too so the fat is good as energy reserves
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I'm at my 50/50 for Yanagi, but I wonder if I should go for her since I already have a good anomaly shock team with Jane/Seth/Grace. My main issue is lacking a good damage dealer for Ice nodes since Lycaon and Soukaku are just too damn slow at doing damage. As for fire team stuff, I plan on picking Soldier 11 since she seems like a lot of fun and is an actual S-Rank attacker.
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When I rolled for her there was some autistic fire girl to appear on my screen instead of Ceaser.
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So how exactly does Yanagi’s parry work? Can you only use it between hit 3-5 of her combo? What’s the point of hitting it instead of just dodging?
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>wannabe whales still coping with the fact that there's no "skill" involved in the game other than the skill of swiping your credit card
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Why would you ever roll for a non Anomaly dps?
They haven't released a non anomaly dps since 1.0 so it's not like you have much of a choice anyway.
Because they are hot
>pantyhose in the EP but not in game
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I like Zhu Yuan a lot and I'll keep using her...
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Mods are saved for now and all normal map texture issues are fixed, at least works on my machine
You just need to use the XXMI mod lanucher that has a build in fix for normal maps
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You now remember pussy cheese.
it's not fair
who's the character with the best / most fun gameplay?
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wow what the fuck this girl's entire character really is just "dude food"
>devs are shilling anomaly instead of attack this week
>Attack is total shite!! Down the tierlist you go!!
>Repeat this again when it's attack shilling next week instead
Tierlisters are retarded.
anomaly shits on attack even without the shilling
left = dude food
middle = just as planned
right = katana woman of few words
enjoy your anime
>another reset because I was holding W but my character was running backwards because of camera lock

very fun and engaging game
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sniff sniff
Attack is just shit and way less versatile
People are really forgetting when 1.0 was shilling attackers and everyone was calling anomaly was a brick. When they decided to shill them again we'll just start the loop over.
You're going to change your opinion couple of months later
I'm so fucking happy bros I finally have a main in Yanagi. I feel like I just went from playing Pokemon to DMC where I can stop matching weaknesses and just focus on mastering her and giving her the best teammates. I love ZZZ right now.
Best anti-whale games out there? I'd say ZZZ deserves to be in the running.
>Dude food
>Ara ara
>Free A rank

Slopton 6.. I kneel...
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Oh damn the ZZMI launcher must've JUST updated, I tried it like 30 minutes ago and mods were still broken. We're back in business.
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>game where the only way to clear all content is to whale is anti-whale
>only way to clear all content is to whale
That's wrong though
Post your floor 100 f2p clear
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Primal need for a hard working Zhu wife
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Yeah, I think it got updated like 3 hours ago or something like that. But everything works now
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>Yenless Yen Zero
who does caesar work the best with?
why does my bangboo do more damage than my characters
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>another reset because chinkyi is bugged and I took damage despite getting a perfect dodge
I have my Grace on max raised but I still went for Yanagi and got her. Purely because I like her and her game-play style. Now my Piper/Lucy/Yanagi completely stomp every content. (but my Grace/Rina/Caesar team can do that as well tho...)
that means your dodge timing was off but the game gave you a pity dodge (but you still take the damage)
but then she went BLU-BLU-BLUSH MY SPARK
is this the newest cope to justify broken game mechanics?
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Agent with fattest pussy?
dodge earlier next time
I'm really curious about what she meant when she said while sadly reminiscing about her past. Something along the lines of having "eat the things she loved the most."
Sounds kind of sinister...
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finally done, bros!
caesar works in every team comp. But the current top premier team is burnice + yanagi + caesar
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>dodge early
>get hit by the lingering attack hitbox as soon as my iframes are over
this game would be literally impossible if you didn't get 5 minutes of i-frames from doing anything
I was wondering if Yanagi would be good for Lucy/Piper so I could move Caesar over to Jane/Seth. I don't have Rina so that could cause an issue as well I guess since she is a good support from what I have heard now. Also, I decked out my Ben in a ton of Def% Disks with extra Def + Attk% substats and have his engine, so I am hoping he will produce crack results for a fire team damager dealer in the meantime.
I want the puffiest one and hopefully it's Nicole.
Defo the "larger women".
Zhu. Caesar. Nicole. Grace. Rina. Yanagi. Maaaybe Miyabi.
then dodge again? you can chain i-frames into another perfect dodge in this game. it's the reason why jane doe is fucking invincible
>I was wondering if Yanagi would be good for Lucy/Piper
The rotation is pretty tight but it's very good.
jane's dodge becomes available before the iframes from her last dodge are over, this is not the case for most other character
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>this game would be literally impossible without this core mechanic the game is designed around
why they baby
but cute
Very cute. Sechi don't miss.
>see people talking about how cancer tower is
>surely it cant be that bad
>try it
>floor fucking 15 is borderline impossible without caesar

How exactly do they plan to keep the game alive like this?
that's literally all/most combat-based games
monster hunter has i-frames from dodging, and some new moves and shit also give i-frames from certain attacks and such
good ol' times were during MHFU and then MHGU so nowadays it's more casual overall

but getting to and clearing floor 30 in this game actually felt harder than any of those, especially since I didn't have caesar and I was still trying for a somewhat fast clear
>jane's dodge becomes available before the iframes from her last dodge are over
you don't chain dodge into dodge bro
you go
>dodge counter
100% i-frames from start to finish on every character in the game
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>we will never have sovl sidequests like this because tv is LE BAD
just use ben retard
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this was supposed to be the chosen run and I fucked it up. my arms are numb
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>Yanagi's stance switching gives unlimited i-frames
I regret rolling for Caesar
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Don't call her fat...
>dodge counter
>attack hitbox is active when your dodge counter ends
>take unavoidable damage
im indifferent towards tv though I think arpeggio fault is just a garbage event honestly
this car would be undrivable without an engine
this cake would taste like shit without sugar
this watermelon would be dry as fuck without water
this whore would be jobless without her body
I like that the Cheesetopia music has become this game's herpderp song.
dodge counters are 100% invincible for the full animation
>dodge counters are 100% invincible for the full animation
yeah, which is why you take damage when that animation ends
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Kino North...
Rost must pay. The Flutist must be stopped.
dodge again
do you just let the butcher maul you when he chains attacks or do you dodge again?
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holy red flag, I don't think I want to marry a woman with a child regardless of how sexy she might be..
>>attack hitbox is active when your dodge counter ends

look at this dudes gameplay, you can chain dodge into dodge counter and back, it's infinite i-frames
INFINITE unless you fuck it up
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She's not, but her ass is so she has cushion for the nightly mating press I give her. I love my Chinese cop wife and her massive ass.
Endless tower feedback - constant music cut outs as you advance levels dulls the enjoyment of the early climb where it takes a minute to clear a stage and then when you go on to the next stage the music resets during loading
I keep choking at the last 10% of janes health...
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You just had to EX bwo...
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all these song PVs make me wonder how hard would it be to listen to everyone speaking their perceived language
butlers and maids being the most mixed its a shame they probably cant find the actors for that work
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How does she function when literally everyone she meets wants to give her ass a big fucking slap
>took out the flashes
>updated enemy ai in more ways than just being aggressive they have new moves and bait out your attacks
>whiners still complain that they this isn't real difficulty and the devs are using artificial difficulty
genshin could never, that's for sure
Because if anyone does it they'll get judo thrown into a trash can. She nearly breaks (Your) wrisr during one of her trust events at the movies.
We're talking about people that want a sweep mode, what do you expect?
wipe out finishes just make my dick hard
I blame kingdom hearts
They already have Shiyu and the HIA stuff for that, the Tower is fucking cool and feels like more than a statcheck.
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I dont really pay attention to bars when im playing, dont like taking any focus off
>>took out the flashes
>>updated enemy ai in more ways than just being aggressive they have new moves and bait out your attacks
This is literally the definition of artificial difficulty. If you disagree, post your floor 100 clear without caesar.
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>built in Caesar perfect parry by stance switching during attack strings with incoming enemy attacks
>0 energy cost i-frames on stance switching
Holy Powercreep
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If you play any form of online PvP game, you will quickly come to realize that 99% of people will blame absolutely EVERYTHING before even thinking about the possibility of them just being fucking bad. Self-awareness is their kryptonite.
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It's OK. Believe in the Ojou-sama of Manyfold i-Frames and you will make it through.
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thanks bwo desu wa
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head empty
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>tower 24 kicks my ass
>with caesar and jane
i might be a scrub
I dunno bros, the new mini-boss enemy they added for floor 24 was really fun. It was so satisfying to dodge/i-frame through its moves with qing yi. Figuring out that it would start lobbing javelins at you when you ran away was a pretty cool on-the-fly discovery I made when I ran away to deal with the additional mob that spawned. The tower, or at least the first 25 floors of it, is the most engaging zenless's gameplay has been in quite a while. I only wish they'd tone the HP down a bit since the bloat is a bit too much.
I didn't devour all of the content on patch day. Please tell me how spending money makes you better at dodging?
It doesn't make you better at dodging, it makes it so you don't need to dodge
have fun doing that guy again on floor 29 bro
>Can you only use it between hit 3-5 of her combo?
Yes but most of the time you'll only be doing hit 3-5 because of the ways she skips into those
>What’s the point of hitting it instead of just dodging?
Probably not a massive DPS difference but it lets you continue your rotation without having to dodge counter.
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>expected Miyabi to be an overly serious edgelord
>she's actually an autistic dork who can't even wipe her own ass without Yanagi to help her
Will Tower mode be the new basis for tierlists?
I got Caesar for free anon.
>Lucy angry grunts
Its like a music to my ears
This company has a fetish for foxgirls WITHOUT tails
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I want this title to be three different bars of gold necklace that she wears on her body like Caesar.

I - F R A M E S"

Instead of KING ya know?
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The first 25 floors are honestly the peak of ZZZ combat so far. It's fucking good.
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the problem is everything in the tower takes forever to kill i don't care if they can one shot me
The main problem is how flashes are NOT an indicator of when to dodge, only when to parry. You have to condition your brain to not dodge on command. Many enemies have delayed attacks after the flash that will hit you if you dodge too early. Taking out flash markers makes it easier to dodge since the flash won't gaslight you into thinking when to dodge.
they changed her design AND personality this update sadly
>24th floor of tower
Wait what?
Isn't this a new boss?
Why wasn't it in the story?
Did you manage to input the password correctly?
All I'm getting is the gratitude message, regardless of how I try to input it, be it correctly or incorrectly.
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just get m1 yanagi bro for a bonus free hit
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Can I get a quick rundown on Yanagi? And did Mibibi's kit leak yet? What was the name of that website where you can find unreleased kits again?
I was asleep for the last month.

And why do I suddenly have to wait 15 minutes before making a post? What's up with that?
if you had a real built team, you can kill them in 2 stun rotations, 3 at most
I 2-cycled butcher on floor 30 with zhu/qingyi/nicole
Miyabi is still wide, we are saved
I don't think the old aspect of her is gone necessarily. We just don't see it because she isn't really in the spotlight as much.
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the fall of eridu were some tough times indeed
There's a new side commission where you can fight him at a lower level. Check Inter-Knot.
>facefuck jane for 6 minutes straight
>get hit once
>die and need to restart
this is gay
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Would you?
It's only fitting for one such as LUCIANA AUXESIS THEODORO DE MONTEFIO.
does soukaku ever have animations that clips her horns?
that could be a good reason why yanagi doesnt
meant for you, helpful anonymous person
Waiting for a proper uncensored yanagi mod. No I don't give a fuck about the lewd mods currently up. I just want PANTIES. Leave the rest of her model and proportions alone you overextending shit taste fucks
How do you have a waifu with an ass that fat and go for a mating press? At least go prone bone.
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Seriously, what the fuck did she mean by this?
through the dust through the night, ain't nobody can ride like johnny the knight~
>gets hit
This game is very chigau
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Do you all do the code sharing event for the extra poly's? I'd like to get the full 510, but I don't know anyone that could actually use the code.
s-she's talking about candy
Mating press is my first instinct honestly. Plus if I'm looking at Zhu Yuan I get to see her face get really red as she gets closer to orgasm.
she ate to fill to the void in her heart from losing her loved ones
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Why didn't this count as a perfect dodge? This shit keeps happening with these lasers, dodging them feels completely random.
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Oni are so cool and weird in this setting that they can eat fucking anything. They BECOME what they fucking eat, in a way. It's such a weird concept. Maybe too, she had to eat most of her family to survive.
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>almost timed out on the twins at 25
I think I will continue tomorrow.
The tower is intense but fun.
I pity Caesar skippers.
Yanagi is fun. Built-in perfect parry and i-frames which suits her on-field role.
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Wouldn't it make more sense to rerun shark girl instead of Miyabi for this?
too early
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she should become my semen
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the funny part is, you can tell that she knows what the text fucking says WITHOUT HER GLASSES because its soukaku
I don't mind shilling but section 6 having fanclubs is a tad too shameless for me
Why did they even both focusing on them if they were going to make them all worthless and replaced shortly after? They even went so hard as giving out Anton's replacement for free.
That webm is half speed, it wasn't too early. Sometimes I dodge even earlier and it works.
I'm more surprised that it isn't just Miyabi that has one.
Thanks, do you remember the name of the website where I can find her kit? I forgot it...
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He will be a slightly better Anton but still get shit on by Yanagi.
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>still use ben
>still use koleda
not having a reason to visit the construction side is kinda sad though
>They even went so hard as giving out Anton's replacement for free.
Harumasa will be given for free according to leaks.
>ZZZ story events get worst every patch
Surely it's uphill from now... right guys?
Since when Harumasa is an A rank? Did I miss something?
The game just becomes dogshit when they put two elites in the same room, when it's 1v1 you can actually fucking see what attacks are coming towards you at all times and react
harumasa free
like dr ratio
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Thankxie you very much
Koleda's best team doesn't even use Ben despite being pushed in her skill.
Koleda and Grace have their niche.
Don't expect A ranks to be better than S ranks.
Modes like Tower where its a flat out endurance match make me wonder if we're actually going to get Healer support/defenders down the line.
Oh. Being Anton is suffering.
>Since when Harumasa is an A rank?
Nobody said that.
Where's this perfect parry I keep hearing about in her kit?
SoC was a big step up albeit short from TVs being cut
Side chapters are just mid and low stakes
Still S rank but they didn't want to bother demoting him so they just gave him free since they have no faith he will make money. We won't be a new male for a long time thankfully.
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Is it true? Harumasa whored himself out to (you)??
And here i thought she couldnt look worse
You don't need to announce to everyone that you're both pulling for meta over waifu and a shitter who can't dodge nor parry
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Piper and Lucy are still pretty banger though

so... 20 polychromes
Wait he's free? Then who's gonna be on 1.4?
I'll build him if he works with Grace and Koleda
where are the animation leaks for mibabie
He has the worst gameplay so you can't even say he is fun.
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Soukaku's pussy...ready!
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never forget that when you see someone lose their minds over male characters or call you a faggot it's always this type of specimen, they never touched a real woman, all they do is neetmaxx and they have a deep fear of other males, they fear that fictional men will steal their fictional women, they call them twinks and faggots but they are genuinly terrified of other humans that can compete with them.

total incel death.
He's gonna be in 1.4 supposedly with miyabi
you just get c0 for free
the lack of mibibi leaks is slightly unnerving me
uh oh homo melty out of nowhere!
Dude, she's just a child
will agent gulliver require two s6 members in the comp? wonder what he does
Is it cock time????
I want Miyabi (male version)
The quest story is the reward.
She's older than Yanagi
What other character do we get for next patch if not Harumasa? Pulchra?
If his EX drill go BRRRR thing did actual damage or built anomaly better I'd love his kit. As it stands he's just Corin but worse.
Out of 10!
is this modded or is Jane's ass that fat what the fuck
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so you want Hakumen?
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>Maxed out Anton and his weapon
>This happens

Please god give us the ability you rewind agents even if its a limited amount each year.
Mibibi hopefully
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Yea that was a given. I mean the other banner.
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if you want to date soukaku, you'll have to go through me first
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Okay no, fuck you, you cannot tell me with a straight face that I missed the timing here. The dodge window on the lasers is fucked.
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Slow on the uptake, huh? ZZZ is filled to the brim with rich backstories.
doesnt miyabi also takecare of soukaku even if she lives in a different place?
I'm cooking octopus, it Soukaku wants some let me know
Huh, gonna have to go test this out in VR, learn the timings. Might make pushing Tower easier.
Cow thiren when?
If I want soukaku I just have to offer her a piece of candy and she'll do anything at that point
Anton aniki not like this...
I'm legit tempted to try Caesar/Seth/Jane for the biggest shield redundancy possible. Getting clipped before I can get Caesar's shield back up is frustrating.
She also has a few i-frames on her idle stance switch which costs no energy. You can't spam it so it's only good for single attack, and you'll get bludgeoned if you try to use it on an enemy which attacks successively.
can we get one interesting character with more than one personality trait?
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it feels weird to mod something so minor, I think caesar's shield is just accentuating it
I remember seeing a floor 100 clear with that comp
>max out 4 star release dps
a stiff breeze can powercreep a release 4*
Lucy and Piper honestly gets you the most mileage out of all the starter characters if you have and build them when you're just starting out due to how good they are as a team core. They unbricked a lot of chars like kot and corin from the get go and back before Jane dropped they were the best at making Razor, the first boss to slap players in the face with actual increase in boss difficulty, kneel when he first came out. Nowadays they're still pretty viable with because of Caesar and Burnice. Really glad I invested in them from day 1.
If this is true I'll be pissed off. Why the fuck does Mihoyo always make the male characters the give away ones? It's obviously fake, no way they're doing a free character this early.
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Damn endless tower is kinda nuts?
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I can't beat floor 20
its over
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>all icons and text are somewhat blurry after the update
>start checking graphic settings
>for some reason resolution is 1600x900
holy shit, so glad it was just my issue
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Rost is serving jail time, but the Flutist is definitely coming back.
We must help our bro.
I am fine with the powercreep its the fact there is no reason to raise Anton even as a free cope when you can just get an S rank for free.
Ellen's friend Monna.
holy if this is true my cock is hard
What happens if you present your peanut butter covered cock to soukaku
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Given how badly Mihoyo is sharting and farting over the game struggling and making changes, I don't see why they wouldn't do it if it worked so well for HSR.
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HOW do you respond???
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My fated bro...
she bites it off and you die bleeding out
hope there's an ambulance nearby
you mean the slomo does not proc when you dodge them?
does it even proc for the lasers?
>a literal 3RD KOLEDA 50/50 LOSS IN A ROW
Fuck this game I quit I am literally shaking from this retardation. I hope this character suffers terribly in the story and her VA loses her job in this game.
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viewer discretion is advised
You can't bleed out from your dick
Wow I really need to finish this quest chain.
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I just grab her by the head (I'm fat but also tall and strong) and carry her to my house where I can cook her some shit
Yeah it procs sometimes, it's just really inconsistent. I don't know if it's because the laser hitboxes don't exist until they're already dealing damage to you so you need to dodge on an exact frame, or something else.
Calm down Horse
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jfc how can one pose contain so much SEX. i literally cannot stop jacking off to yanagi and by jacking off i mean playing
Blast her head off with a shotgun
I want to stuff Soukaku till she balloons up like an Abuela with 8 kids
You dumbass she'll just eat it and grow a comically large shotgun to kill you with.
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nice, I'm stealing
Just like I do when my kitten keeps mewing: ignore her until she stops asking.

I thought tower was pay to win?
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AM or Attack% on Disc 6 for mono-electric Yanagi?

did I get these right? and who are the hot water and police autists?
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SEXkaku is going to work with Mibibi right?
It would be a shame if they didn't
Its astounding the amount of people who don't realize Ben is actually pretty damn good at keeping someone alive.
im getting peak from endless tower
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How does the new VA compare to Soukaku and Souka2?
man, tower is so fun... mfw hand is a little sore
Never AM in mono-element. You will be wasting some of your DoT damage as is, AM just makes it worse.
I literally want to blow my head out right now from just how shitty my luck is with this game. Literally ANY other permanent S rank agent would had been fine, hell even I would have loved M1 Lycaon over her orphaned ass. But no, I knew I would lose my 50/50 to her again because I can foresee shit like this happening 70% accurately and I just hate it and myself for being trapped in this hindsight with no escape. Do you have any idea how shitty it feels to not being able to feel surprised about anything when you know the outcome? I am miserable.
Yanagi doesn't have a faction bonus, just attribute and element, she doesn't work with anyone in S6 except Hanamusa, not even her boss or her sister-daughter. I have no clue why they did this.
burnice shilling
>Yanagi van parry explosions and missiles
I lover so much
Zhu Yuan still kicks ass especially in tower. It's insane how many people shitden has brainwashed
Why would they be on suicide watch? If anything everyone got a free homomasa lmao
I mean, Harumasa will still get rate-up even though he's free
Seth probably
Am I hallucinating or are the player's footsteps now louder when running around the neighborhood?
>spends poly on energy refreshes for discs like every other "f2p" youtuber
>still finishes floor 25 with literally 2 seconds left
not really making a good case for yourself here lad
you live a good enough life to afford the time to complain about a gambling game
you could be some african kid starving under the sun dying a miserable death

stop complaining it's just a game it doesn't matter
Yeah burst comps still clear stuff easily even without elemental advantage thanks to Qingyi.
You don't play the game.
stun phases are shorter and harder to get as you go higher
>kicks ass
I prefer slapping her ass
I feel like the only thing holding her back for me is needing better discs. Maybw her signature W-Engine but Starlight kicks ass already.
>Jane stat 5 + Demonized
yeah... this is gonna be podracing...
the people getting filtered by the tower stuff/crying about it should just quit the game honestly. they're holding zzz back from potentially releasing more difficult content.
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people got filtered by 3rd grader puzzle on the hollow floor breaking event
this is very much expected
Eats in front of her and don't give her a single bit.
I'm playing it rn
Don't say Zhu Yuan. And ass in the same sentence. If you do, the freaks come out.
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>how much is left in the snack room?
>three quarters left!
>oh dear that won't last..
>they changed Soukaku's english VA again
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Soukaku has pretty good anomaly buildup on her own, and buffs Ice Damage with her team passive, so it should help apply shatter and shatter proc damage, I imagine? Given Mibibi is anomaly, it would be not so bad, I think.
New A rank
i meant qingyi and zhu
the rest are right
See, those retards in africa caused their own suffering being retarded subhumans that cannot for the life of them figure out that "Maybe we SHOULD fix our shithole country and not rely on american aid for food". But they can't so they have poor aids ridden society to drink themselves to death in. So the whole "It could be worse" doesn't mean anything when shit could be a lot better and I could actually have something more important to do in my life than get pissed off at this shit.
She accounts for 1% of all food consumption in New Eridu.
At this point I kinda want them to do it every patch.
>Gets BTFOd and called a schizo for overreacting
>Writes schizoid paragraphs
Sjal hair vs soukaku VA
>Given Mibibi is anomaly
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I hope this is the last change, unless they're bringing 1.0 kaku back
They keep changing her hair?
Penacony sucks. Keep crying cause your dog shit game hasn't seen good writing since space Russia.
>Elfy's VA was also changed in 1.3
Now she sounds like she suffers from depression
Strangely fitting
a child who can't even speak somehow caused his own suffering by come into being in the wrong part of the world.
but you who willingly decide to gamble your sanity away somehow didn't cause your own suffering

just realize how fortunate you are and stop crying like a little bitch over a gacha game, be a man.
I think I parried a Demonized Jane dive and it was the loudest fucking clang imaginable, jesus my ears
Kelobog was never good.
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Shut up and get naked, Stelle.
All in all, a very nuanced character
Lol really?
Belobog is horrendous, people get roo focused on muh Wildfire moment to remember the slog to get there. Shit I couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
>person who draws shit templates, posts them 24/7 and gets 0 attention starts crying about honkai shit rail to try to get it instead
Isn't it a waste to roll Yanagi now since we're getting a free electric attacker??
America is a shit hole if you are not rich. Don't kid yourself
no, different niches entirely
that shit is hardly confirmed
Yes anon just like how it's a waste to roll Caesar because we're never getting hard content anyway.
Retard did I say I was?
Who is the free electric attacker? I haven't been paying attention.
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I strongly disagree but I think Ben is a solid enough character still. I play him in my fire team and even with Proto-Punk you shouldn't expect his shield to actually change your survivability, he's more valuable for the crit buff and on-demand defensive assist though. They were using his shield stacked with Seth's and also as a third member with Lucy to create two different flavors of poverty hypercarry Piper.

The disks seem "okay" from the two they showed but it's still M0R1 Billy. The super slow cleartime is because the entire strategy they're talking about is just running away and playing super lame I think. Running away milking each boss for max time so that they can heal using Avocaboo before moving on. More than viable for anybody to recreate but I think most people won't have fun or simply have the patience to play this way.
Who is
>Mibibi is anomaly
Stop trusting leakers
>do everything perfectly
>demonized 100aspd enemy hits me with a literally undodgeable attack
Well if Mibibi is attacker, that's even better, since Soukaku's base kit buffs ATK as well, so bigger crits.
Either way, as long as Mibibi is an Ice DPS of any sort, Soukaku works for her, yes?
>Give Faggotmasa for free
>Rerun Ellen
>Powercreep Ellen next patch
Sounds like a plan to me
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I've had qingyi since the start of her banner and I only just now realized that you can hold her ex skill
>Have Billy at M2
Is it worth trying to pull for dupes if I'm not particularly interested in Yanagi
I've heard he is only usable at M6, so sure.
So because of the random element shields Shiyu defense even on stable isn't actually a DPS check but a "DID YOU PAY OR DO YOU HAVE IMMENSE LUCK FUCKER" check because if you don't have the right elemental DPS that also fits the rest of your possible team(s) lol good luck smashing a shield for the net 5 minutes.
Nah she only thinks she does.
They both need a tard wrangler.
>do everything perfectly
>except get hit
not so perfect then mate is it
new to this game should I buy jane doe or yanagi account? who's the best / most fun
>miyabi has already been drip marketed a while ago
>hayabusa is getting an agent quest, this means miyabi is first half of 1.4 and the main story will focus on her
>all leakers have confirmed that meebs is in 1.4 beta
>mihoyo knows that 90% of people who play zzz only play for mibibi, so they are keeping her a "surprise" for the livestream
don't brick your account by thinking she is in 1.5 or later
miyabi is anomaly
but I guess in terms of dps, she'll be better regardless

she probably wants yanagi though, what about the third? harumasa depending on kit I guess?
this arpeggio event is so fucking boring bros
What does it do if you hold it?
>Wise's bassy footsteps against the hardwood floor of the video store thumping on the inside of my head
This is going to drive me mad.

Buy Jane, try to earn Yanagi so you can have both.
I want to know what faggot fucking shit for brains chimp dev is responsible for Thanatos, the worst fucking enemy design in any video game ever conceived
we only have 5 elements you will get there eventually, it's not p2w to have elemental restrictions
I thought it was just me hitting burnout.
Yanagi and it's not even close. Jane is better for F2P though.
tvCHAD here
I enjoyed it, but I wish it had more replayability (maybe weekly content with small rewards and randomized stages)
but... you cant.
Anomaly carries use ATK the exact same way. Otherwise Jane wouldn't care about Caesar or Lucy or any support other than Seth at the moment.

Though I will say, if anything Soukaku seems like she'll feel way better as an AP support. Her chain attack fucking sucks and it makes her WEngine and Swing Jazz both very awkward to use with her. Give her Freedom Blues and this annoying asterisk in her kit mostly goes away.
it consumes slightly more energy to hit a few more times, not a big deal but can be useful since you're invulnerable during it
>mihoyo knows that 90% of people who play zzz only play for mibibi
Bait or mental retardation?
samurai bow boy
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Actual Spoiler
Weird HIA guy who was weirdly obsessed with Yanagi actually goes through with making a Yanagi fan club. It fills with a smallish and strange group of weirdos who have to be told by Yanagi how to behave.

Wh...what do they mean by this bros? A.. are they trying to say something here?
>6GB patch
>start game
>another 1.6GB to download
o well, I'll check the new content tomorrow I guess.
You get overpowered too fast making all decisions irrelevant.
is that when when I press it I see the energy requirement pointer move
Sounds like garbage to me.
The stages also end in a flash, I spent like an hour trying hard to become overpowered and then an hour later I was just blasting through each stage without caring.
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yeah im thinking Yanagi Caesar Qingyi is the best team
How slow is your internet?
It's a tv event. What did you expect?
bros where did the ambush node go...
>I only do the same grey encounter event in my daily loop so the characters are only one thing
holy yikes.
belle must have one of the most serious cases of breast envy in gaming with all these female agents having their massive tits flopping about
Make sure you're on wifi, not mobile data like I was.
I'd rather they add more variation to hollow zero personally
It’s all boring shit either way
Alright, I'm done at Stage 22.
Every single feedback I send from now on will include "remove Thanatos from the game"
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I am genuinely doubting I'll be able to clear this event. Shit's mind-numbing. Made crystal clear to me that the only reason I play this is the regular combat and not this rpg shit.
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It's okay, she knows her brother still likes hers the most.
SO I have to wait multiple months or see myself forced to draw on a character banner I care little if at all for just to maybe get a character of a specific element that isn't even the actual banner character(goodbye saving) and then level that random character, provided I get him or her, and then see whether or not that character even fits, say an electro team just because two enemy units have random fire shield. It's not pay to win, it's just extremely annoying design akin to pocking me in the back with a stick, making fun of me and then showing me other people with similar fates that got out of it by paying. Epic.
What's the best engine for corin? I luck myself when I started and got her sig that gives ex-regen gameplay wise I do ran out of energy after the initial stun phase in some stages. Corin is sure hungry for regen but I'm sure it won't matter in high end bosses since they take ages to stun.
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gotta call it. no idea how many hours ive played this floor. getting past the Farbauti is so rough
Difference between having an elemental system with reactions vs. one that's just coverage.
Just like HSR you don't roll for characters that are flexible, you roll for entire archetypes and teams with their dedicated synergies, then mihoyo moves on to shilling a new archetype with more HP bloat and your old characters are fucked because they aren't flexible enough to be used with new archetypes.
Camelia Golden Week was very fun, this shit is just kind of bad by comparison. The stages are short and you quickly come to realize all of the decisionmaking and teambuilding ideas they made for the mode don't matter or mean anything.

Steel Cushion. Her playstyle is very much "only pull her out to shred a boss under stun" and so you don't really need ER, you'd rather something that effects her ult too (her WEngine only boosts her EX). It gives her all the stats she needs and has a massive damage multiplier with a conditional that's easy to fulfill in the context of a stunned boss.
yanagi's english voice is so good oh my god
I find playing without damage numbers lets me focus on enemy movements better
I could barely get myself to do the two tv missions last patch. Just fucking clicking on rock pngs until it's done. 5x the time for the same rewards and boring as shit.
I watched youtube as I cleared it.
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Will harumasa be a mail or event claim that I can refuse to claim? Or will I log in and he will be forced into my account?
Moonlight Traces, however, is great. Straightforward fights with trial characters.
There is no fucking chance the average person who plays this game is clearing floor 25 of the Endless Tower
Not really sure what Mihoyo was thinking unless they plan to add serious powercreep in the near future
Post Yanagi stats
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>2 Brimstone Engines
>Don't need to roll an Attacker Engine until EoS
I won
ive spent two hours on floor 20 with nothing to show for it
>unless they plan to add serious powercreep in the near future
>in the future
It's already happening with every banner, that's their MO for all games except one
What's the verdict on this? Should I wait for SoC re-run and try my luck on piper/ceasar for corin the. Lighter for my ben/lucy setup? I honestly believe mono-elemental teams is the way to go.
>Liz turns out to be a robot
>Wise covers her speaker so she doesn't give the actual location where she was found
>officer who was looking for her 'daughter' refers to the robot by name
>First of all, Mommy, my official name is HA13451.
kek. I love this game.

I play for [the grind of] obtaining the characters that keep appealing to me. Was supposed to stop playing after obtaining Jane. Missed out on Burnice but surely after I get Yanagi...
I really like this game overall but really don't have the time to properly play it.
Feels bad skipping through most of the content as I love how the characters are handled.
Miyabi will deal enemy health % as true damage to counter the HP stat inflation sloppa
>unless they plan to add serious powercreep in the near future
Spoiler: they do.
So this game is f2p in name only? I had some inkling of realization when I saw "I'm f2p too(purchase monthly pass)" everywhere. I like a lot of elements(lol) this game offers but I'd rather not have the dev insult me and treat me like shit at the end of the day.
I cleared floor 21-22 with Ellen, Soukaku, Lycaon and 23-25 with Qingyi, Zhu and Nicole because Ellen died.
We really, no fucking joke no fucking shitposting, are going to need % HP damage operators just to make the game playable at this point. Enemy HP has gone up like 1000% at this point and that's not even meant to be hyperbole.
I don't like it very much (same for her JP voice) but I'm looking forward to it growing on me.
Unless you are embarrassing bad at video game, you don't need correct element to clear everything
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where is the british football hooligans faction
i never asked for the game to be harder
in fact in every survey I said the opposite
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>he says this when the main "challenge" is a DPS check under timer
At minimum you need an element that is NOT resisted
>enemy health % as true damage
Is there any character in any mihomo game that has this? Seems like it would completely defeat enemy HP bloat powercreep forever which is something the devs clearly don't want
i thought it was just "ok" but the story event made me like it a lot more. i like how she sounds kinda bitchy and snarky sometimes
What... Housekeeper doesn't affect her ult? Damn I should be saving tokens and buy a steel cushion then huh?
We need a fire fighter factions whose motto will be fight fire with fire.
Oh you are just retarded, my bad
>So this game is f2p in name only?
Yeah pretty much, it's not like genshin where there's a ton of content you can enjoy without ever worrying about your characters' stats. If you're not a big spender in this game, you will NOT have fun most of the time.
Ignore the retards who say you just need to git gud, they're in denial.
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What's the verdict on Baddieboo?
yo source?
I switch to JP dub
I haven't rolled since qingyi and did floor 30
you're just bad at the game bwo
>Is there any character in any mihomo game that has this?
Rifthounds in Genshin do true HP% damage on you to counter shielding, but I don't think you can do HP% damage on anyone
Physical break in hsr technically scales with enemy max hp but it's capped so functionally it doesn't really work
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also miyabi seems autistic enough for this to actually happen
Is tower on a cycle like Shiyu Defense and Hollow Zero are? How is it causing this much seethe?
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Ah yes, HP% for the new Tower mode. Thank you.
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It's time to move on from this dead horse
>finally manage to wrangle the totally not broken dodge mechanics in my favor
>get this wipeout screen as a reward
If you play HSR it's like Divergent Universe Difficulty 8
Do you lack reading comprehension or something? I'm not concerned about clearing it, I already have, but the ***AVERAGE*** player, you know, the fucking VAST MAJORITY of the playerbase that actually pays MONEY to keep the lights on unlike you, is definitely not going to enjoy being completely gatekept by this content
Too bad, they're already losing casual players, they'll focus on squeezing the Japanese salaryman now. Expect more HP bloat and "must pull" characters every month
zzz didn't fly with the normie audience so now they're targeting the meta coomer audience
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>Have to share thread with these shitter trashes
congrats on the tutorial
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new character is fun
tower is fucking sick, I wish it reset once every couple weeks like shiyu tho
story was pretty mid
7/10 not enough content overall but good QOL changes
>open image macro
>look inside
>close image macro
doesn't count
>If you play HSR it's like Divergent Universe Difficulty 8
I don't play HSR so I have no idea what the fuck this means
At least he clear it unlike nigga here crying about floor 25
There's nothing funnier than being elitist about "being gud" and insulting "shitters" on a two button p2w phone game lmfao, retards think they're Immortal in Dota
I will look forward to your tears when, not if, they release a gamemode where there's a forced operator lock and only people who whaled to roll basically every S rank in the game can actually play it
I'm the one that is having a meltdown over my Kodela shit. Trust me when I say just watch the story as I am fed up with being insulted by my shit luck. I recommended this game to people because I loved where it could be going with the writing and characters, however that game is actively telling me to "Get lost" with this crap. It's not a fun feeling and honestly I get left drained knowing each time that "I'm about to get punched in the face" and I have the "slight" feeling of maybe this time will be different, but it isn't. Besides getting a second copy of Jane after my next ten roll I have had to get to the higher levels of the soft pity each time and have spent around 390 reels just to have half of those S-Ranks be someone I can't even use on anything.
>it's not like genshin where there's a ton of content you can enjoy without ever worrying about your characters' stats
Sure but for the content that requires worrying about character stats you will be malding your ass off in genshin, while zzz's disks don't feel like they require any significant effort
>If you're not a big spender
So $5-15 a month makes you a "big spender"? Monthly and BP are more than enough to fix all resource drought and help you save for characters granted you aren't a gambling addict who wants everything
>Ignore the retards who say you just need to git gud
You do. That's how me and many others have fun in this game, your execution makes a massive difference between clearing fast and struggling to clear, that's why even Anton is viable

2/10 doompost
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post floor
>Jane defended herself from a pickpocket
>got hit with paying their medical fees
>advanced pocket picking
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if it's so easy then show us that floor 100 clear!
She watches us through alien eyes...
>remove s11 from my team
>instantly clear the floor I was stuck on
its that easy
>Sure but for the content that requires worrying about character stats you will be malding your ass off in genshin
Not really. For 3 years, literally the only content that required putting effort into building characters was abyss. One single mode per 2 weeks. Now there's a new whalebait mode but still. The percentage of content in genshin that requires good stats is miniscule compared to ZZZ, where every single patch adds a new endgame mode.

>So $5-15 a month makes you a "big spender"?
$5-15 a month won't let you clear all content unless you only roll for meta and never for characters you actually like
I won't, because I don't pay, I don't clear it, that's what determines ability here
M0W1, Burnice, Caesar - my disorders are doing 2-300k for small and 6-700k for big instead of 500k and 1M like the showcases.
Is it because im running Anomaly and PEN instead of ATK and Elemental?
I spent a ton of resources but couldn't get anything even remotely decent with those main stats...
I still have no clue how you're supposed to play something like endless tower on a fucking phone
I am almost entirely unwilling to believe that people are clearing content like this on a touchscreen.
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So with the lack of drip it's pretty much confirmed she's 1.5 now right?
>I won't, because I don't pay
in 6 months there will be 5* agents who can easily solo to floor 50 btw
Post your floor 100 clear then.
ehm im immortal in dota and tower is much more harder and mechanically demanding
>high floor clear brag
>look inside
>S rank dupes
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I'm the Elon Musk of wanting to go inside Nagi's shoes.
>NOOO I STRATEGICALLY only bought top ups with generous 2x and PERFEVTLY executed the 16 button input combo
Enjoy your "skill" evaporating after Mihoyo's next round of powercreep lmfao
you've never had a pubg mobile claw grip phase?
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I got time checked. It's over for solo Ben.
I'm not the one diminishing the accomplishment of clearing tower. I completely accept that it's a skillful challenge.
>I completely accept that it's a skillful challenge.
If it's a skillful challenge then surely someone who is not a whale but is extremely skilled can show us their floor 100 f2p clear.
>$5-15 a month won't let you clear all content unless you only roll for meta and never for characters you actually like
I skipped Zhu, Jane and Yanagi, and pulled all characters I like, still doing great, have been S ranking Shiyu 7 since 1.0 with A rank DPSes. And I have 200 rolls saved for the next character already (despite losing all 50/50s)
thats why you should be saving
the powercreep has to plateau somewhere
I'm Ascendant 2 in Deadlock and I consneed Cheesetopia is the most skill based and mechanically demanding game of all time

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