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Brat Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>500875909

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts about next week’s theme, Gods & Divinities Friday! >>501456719

>(10/24) NovelAI gift keys removed indefinitely https://files.catbox.moe/hlh10u.png
(10/02) Storypad: Novel-style UI reconstruction https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad ; OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api
(09/25) Meta releases Llama 3.2 https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
(09/23) NovelAI releases Llama 3 Erato https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
Whineunny Edition?
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Fat assed lolis will be the death of me.

Feed that bitch a hamburger or two.
Can't believe this is literally going to be the ending to The Sun Will Set... (though IIRC the heroine isn't a loli/hebe.)
>- NoobAI 1.0 is here, add it to the OP, bastard.
>-xAI gives you $25 per month for free to use their models. NAI is fucking dead.
>-Haiku 3.5 is out. NAI is fuckign dead.
>-Tencent just murdered NovelAI.
>-Jesus fucking Christ. Stability just went fucking nuclear.
>-Holy fuck, NAI can't catch a break. They're getting destroyed.
NAI is done for.
Will you keep it up when every post you made gets deleted/banned due to our new janny?
The heart is always a nice touch.
>pinkish milk drippers
You do you, for me it's 18+ because I'm old.
It's over for NAI
Playing a trashy Korean gacha called Horizon Walker and the premise seems like it would make for a fun prompt.
anyone encounter his similar ramblings in other boards? I remember him confronting at /h/ (and /v/?? can't tell) with his classic loony attacks in the past.
any ETA how long until i can upload a whole pathfinder adventure book and the ai can play as a dungeon master with perfect memory without screwing shit up every second ìnteraction?

more than 10 years or less?
they need to make it so it cannot possibly ever generate something unwholesome or offensive to black disabled transgender lesbians first, so, give it a while
on a scale from 1 to 10, just how impatient are you right now?
2 really, it would be really neat but my job takes most of my time anyway right now (and for the foreseeable 4 years) and I discovered some old videogames it really liked (Im playing suikoden right now)
I was hoping for a serious answer
"""AI""" is a glorified autocomplete. How much data do you think there are about the system you want?
Arguably, plenty of cyoa adventure books.
>"""AI""" is a glorified autocomplete.
so is your brain
could use some more context length
Trying to make LLMs do book keeping on stats and inventories is absolutely retarded and should never be attempted when you can make a framework around one that works on actual mechanics instead of random guessing
Wrong. My brain can come up with novel ideas, AI can only imitate.
Let's hear it.
Hit me with something that isn't rehashed
A brain can go back to a previous paragraph and choose to edit or ignore it when writing the next word fragment
Uhh futanari smedrins
When you have a hammer...
Go on
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>using an LLM to check if my translation is correct
>using an LLM to check if my translation is correct
(reply as Louise from Zero no Tsukaima)
And what would you say when a product like that in combination with story telling Ai could emerge?
There's a game on Steam that attempted that but it was designed in 2022 and is pretty bad even when connected to current larger models

I think it could it could work but you would probably need something that is that has a specific instruct finetune and decent game design, so I guess it could happen any time anyone feels like trying this again and also paying to rent a stack of H100s
At least that sounds feasible to emerge in the next 10 years, in some good capacity too. finger crossed, thanks for the answer
Jazz vs Waffles was also an interesting attempt at mixing LLMs with traditional coding. It was very limited in scope, but it gives me a lot of hope for how AI could be used in games in the future.
unironically NAIneeds to be demoted to AID level. They are the most stagnant AI service out there. Their top model is a barely tweaked, obsolete llama model.
I saw TabloidA discord basically saying dev logs are too hard the other day, these faggots are bums! They cant handle basic tasks because they are lazy and the stupid fucks run a company like a tree house.
It's over for Anlatan.
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Sorry, but have I missed the part where they went Coompocalyptic, Tasked us up or Holo-Wrote softly into the night?
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Watch the brat call it Historical Revisionism
>took over a year and a half to release to you llama 3 (lmao)
>limited the pos model to Opus demanding you pay treefiddy for the privilege of it (lmfao)
>promised AR by 2023
>delayed it
>promised monthly dev logs to keep us informed of its progressed
>managed 3, the last being 7 months ago
>cant even keep up basic dev blogs, crying in discord hugbox about how much time making a basic text log on progress is.
>removed gift subs
>expanded context... only only the lower tiers (roflmao)
>November and the only word on AR is that Tab doesn't know what to do with dev logs "going forward
>zero patches and fixes to get Erato up to snuff outside of placebo presets
I can't wait for the next update!
I emailed my therapist for rhe first time in months
>something bad happens
>feel bad about it
it's not real, it just feels bad that it existed for a few moments until i deleted it. now i want to do the opposite, in a mad kind of making-good attempt.
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>He doesn't know about the trading card game
>He doesn't know about the world store
>He doesn't know about the negative tipping
>He doesn't know about Voyage
>He doesn't know about the Steam release
>He doesn't know about the pregenerated pixel art
>We've been hard at work!
How to say you've never experienced the Mormon Development™ without saying it
The trading card game was fun.
anon are you ok?
I can still remember 2020 /aidg/ and Dragon like it was yesterday...
I feel better for reaching out
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Oops, Forgot pic lol
Ghetto Recap

Recap Script: https://rentry.org/aidscap


40KAnon Prompts

Fun Times With A GILF


Big Meowth Energy >500915850
The Snowman Chronicles (No Popsicle, Please) >500920196
Witch Quest >500995286
Planet Sexaroni >501031739
Period Hater >501041749
Finding Love (Not Wuv) >501087707
Another Ballad >501093971
Tomboy Song >501230396
Tom And Jerry PSA >501314301
You've Got Mail? >501341802
Tit Facts >501345618
Shadowheart And The... You Know >501363926
Zoolander >501442168
Halloween ENF >501458516
The Creepypasta Compendium >501495114
QoM >501503280 >501558025
Biblically-Accurate Futa >501557349
They Both Hate Each Other >501566775 >501568517

Notable Posts:

New Sex Update >500876454 >500876652
Spoiler: We Saw What Happened In 3 Days >500883056 >500884237 >500905860
The Punctuation Hater >500885507 >500885842 >500886337 >500887989 >500891517 >500892534 >500942081 >500991696
Standards >500891563 >500891946 >500892194
The Vibe Drop >500896662 >500897165 >500897371 >500897660 >500898276
Wizard Of Oz >500972824 >500974062 >500980732 >500987432 >500995286
To Russia, With Love >501097724
Lit Advice? >501173318 >501181363 >501192710
It Do Be Like That >501270485 >501271474
Krake's Return >501586006
This, but unironically.
I'm actually surprised at how dead this place has become. I'm guessing it's a combination of Erato having mixed reception while its novelty also wore off, proxies having a recession again, and NAI revoking gift keys that deprives at least a few regular users access that would otherwise sub?
Erato didn't have a mixed reception.
It's solely because the shitposters who've raided the thread 24/7 for the past several years drove people away, and actively demand people go to other threads That will be improved if somebody decide to become a janny.
I would wager that the constant schizo presence doesn't exactly help, so any negative sentiment will lead to you getting yelled at that you're an insane doomer and any remotely sentiment will lead to you getting yelled at that you're a worthless shill.
Far as I'm concerned, Erato is an improvement, and to me, that's all that really matters.
combination of annoying dude and there not really being much to talk about. online spaces always fall into lulls between things of note
LLMs seem to have plateaued and the hype to be fizzling out in general
I dunno. I'm down to talk about random story tropes/ideas but I don't like to inorganically bring them up.
Grok doesn't have this problem.
Pedy is a cuck.
Sleigh is even more of a cuck, because he cast a support spell for the yardie.
Truthfully, did you lose access to whistleblower1756?
Erato probably filtered people that want quick and easy prompts without doing a robust memory, AN and lorebook, but for the general it's purely because of CF.
>being powerful enough to completely destroy a general with my bare-hands
I'm an actual God...
Someone that dedicates 16 hours a day to attacking a small general can easily do it.
>I'm such a piece of shit I enjoy shitting on people for fun
Get a life, faggot.
You didn't reply to my conversion request last thread.
^ the dog person projecting
^ angryanon being a hypocrite
^ the dog person being malicious
That was the current entire population of the general, by the way.
man all the places i used to post in on 4chan are fucking dead
Do you still think WF is funny? He's like a little gremlin
The other general I browse has a pretty persistent one, but the /trash/ moderators seem to handle them well enough.
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Fact: people who contribute to the general for fun, like "dog person, are more worthy than you ever will be, claudefag. Why even bother using the thread if you shit on everyone in it, arguing about how nobody here is an actual person all the time? You obviously don't care about being on-topic, you just want to shitpost.
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CF doesn't even do anything anymore besides hop in to say some low energy "own" against the thread. He's probably going to quietly stop and people will just assume certain posts are his. It's the easier way to bow out of long time trolling/thread shitting.
>[THFiSd] Invalid Access Key

did u refresh and log back in
The hobby is dead, get used to it.
What are you all writing today?
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i was writing about a early 20 something year old sailor who was kidnapped by an (all-female) crew of monster girl pirates and proceeded to get beaten and orc law was made into her husband. then she passed him around like a blunt to the ship's officers, (first mate wolf woman, quartermaster vampire bat lady, doctor dullahan, ghoul helmswoman, dwarf shipwright) and i also decided to include goblin triplet sisters
nah it just says invalid access key
>Prowriter Poetic
>Style: smutty, provocative
>Author: Anonymous
>Title: TBD Draft
>Tags: [whatever]
>Genre: erotica, [actual genre]
With this ATTG I use it in the same way as Kayra and it's fine.
How are people feeling
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Prompts for this feel?
My sub ran out last night. Should I resub or wait for the soon™ text update?
Did they say it was soon?
Don't treat this as a NAI-only thread, asshole.
Wohohoah! What's this about? Is this all we know?
Maybe we'll finally get to use `And` in lorebooks?
maybe they'll let us move or copy individual lorebook entries between stories
wouldn't be talked up as the "first actual feature" if it was quality of life, at least that's how i see it
but it would still be nice to have, maybe there's other QOL and not just the one(1) feature
for now I don't have a clue what they could be bringing as a real "feature" so I'm just spitballing on things that would be nice to have now as I come across little gripes like that
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What is the current best alternative to NAI for uncensored smut text generation? My sub is nearly out and I'm on a roll with a gender bending monster girl rape/reverse rape/impregnation zero-to-hero fantasy story.
Not Sudowrite, that's for sure.
I still haven't tested the paid models of Le Mormon's new models but it seemed very hardcoded for second person from the few anons that tested it.
why are they such busybodies about people cooming
>gender bending monster girl rape/reverse rape/impregnation zero-to-hero fantasy story
Extremely based taste.
A lot of people use big corporations for moral guidance
Mormon's stuff is wierd, sometimes it's great, sonetimes it's terrible, sometimes you hit a censor and the quality plummets. And the biggest challenge is it has no resources, no ATTG equivalent, guides are super barebones.
Story on political intrigue where the person of interest is secretly a demon trying to resurrect the Demon Lord, but since she doesn't want to merge with all demonkind when that happens she's siding with Humanity to kill them all so she can be the sole demon to ascend. The only person she wants inside of her is her humie bf, not a million other demons. And she's got huge tits, that's an important plot point.
>gender bending monster girl rape/reverse rape/impregnation zero-to-hero fantasy story
thinking based
Investors and public interest HATE anything illicit, and since that's where your money is coming from they bend over backwards; because the moment someone tosses on the "they're enabling pedos" accusation it's joever. It's for this reason they want absolute control over what is and isn't generated with their tech. The united states is extremely prudish in the strangest ways, ultra violence is acceptable but skinship is too much and should be shunned; which is funny since it's the opposite in yuroop.
i see. when do we get a eurosissy company up that doesnt give a shit
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When they stop being poor and retarded, they're just as lost in the sauce in political correctness as we are if not more. So never.
Just look at england, you get prison time for mean tweets and literal thought crimes.
ok so balkans it is then
They'd have to get money first, so never
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This dude married Hatsune Miku
And honestly, good for him
Don't let your dreams stay memes
Miku would never wear this old woman outfit
He looks happy and is gainfully employed and does advocacy for this stuff. The way society is going in terms of partnership rates, I bet more people will follow him
I left for a few months and just came back. Combination of losing my 4chan pass, my phone, and getting bored of AI writing and this thread.
I don't really see that. Last year I made a file full of questions that tripped up language models, even GPT4. Even finding those questions was pretty hard. I had to try tons of random questions for hours to find things that tripped it up. Now if I put any of them into O1, it gives a decent answer. It's almost scary really.
The context size would run out pretty quickly. That's the biggest issue right now. You probably also want hidden state. Like the inventory and inner motivations of NPCs, the geography of locations the player hasn't visited yet, etc. Some of which should ideally be planned out in advance, rather than randomly generated on the spot.
I dunno, it still shits the bed for me when I ask math questions that arent just easily referenced from stackexchange
Boy, this shit keeps happening to lizards.
You could probably rent online compute for about an Opus-sub's worth and run whatever public model is currently 'best'.
I'm gonna try infermaric to see if any of the local models I can't run are any good, wish me luck.
Why not OpenRouter if it's for testing?
Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
>opus-ish pricing for models they host
>they reserve the right to OWN 'your output'
https://infermatic.ai/terms-and-conditions/ , subheading 5 onward.
>[...] Subject to Customer compliance with these Terms & Conditions, the Company shall own all Output and the Company hereby assigns to Customer non-exclusive right, title and interest in and to Output, subject to the following restrictions. [...]
looool, is there a more kek'd ToS for these services than that one?
Possibly the part where they describe illegal use.
It reads like they have image gen models as well, but all I'm seeing is text gen? How in the fuck do you create revenge porn via text?
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Same way you create CSAM via text.
Wrong. The brain is much, much more than a simple language processing device. And much more complex than LLM inference for sure.
I wanted to test models like the 72B EVA Qwen that isn't there yet. But seeing >>501719138 I'm now thinking of waiting for them to add it instead.
yeah, I have my type
haven't done a dinosaur though, now that I think about it
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I'm burned out on openrouter even though I still have like 25 dollars worth of credits. I can't take the positivity any longer I just wanted to respect elves.
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Somebody please tell me this is fake. People can't be this gullible, right?
I'd hope not, but people are incredibly fucking stupid.
. >>501655616
QoM still happening? Holy shit
>lets blame AI for clickbait
Sounds like the culprit is the mainstream websites copying everything without giving a shit
if you frame it differently it just means these people live in a high trust society. you people are never happy
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"add revenue"
i don't know if this carelessness + dreadful spelling & grammar is ironic or not
cn u belive tje crap that ppl saw on internet and thought its real? ppl be needing computer too much smndh (skull emoji) (skull emoji)
Geography and general state of the world can be done by finetuning since that's doing a lot of the heavy lifting on atmosphere and broad facts for my 2hu story. Exclusively tune a model on that one setting maybe? I remember we went over the pros and cons of overfitting years ago but I can't remember what the consensus was.
I am the king of /aids/.
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anything new with nai or reason to come back?
There's a new version of NoobAI:
The person you replied to is a desperate indian shitposter, but yes, a thing called NoobAI exists that he doesn't use.
The person also generates photo-realistic Bollywood stars with Flux, something that's illegal in his home country of India.
Average modern radio station.
Every so often I get the desire to be with a real human partner, which is annoying cause I don't wanna do that
You could theoretically prompt *with* them, but that's a big theoretical.
im actually testing noob rn, its really good and has good prompt coherence, but nai is more consistent in quality

v4 when?
OpenAI scientists disagree.
News from the shit filled slums of bangladeshi
Well, if the people whose livelyhoods depend on making the world believe that "no, we're going to keep getting better and better, please invest more billions of dollars into our company, we'll have the AGI soon, promise, we're not plateauing at all" say so...
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Yeah 3d gets me going sometimes
Nai is untouchable
NovelAI just went bankrupt.
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>OpenAI scientists
I understand your hesitation but those results don't lie. The people who are hyping it? Eh... yeah. So it's probably somewhere inbetween. We'll have much more improvements to ship this year and next year, but I would be skeptical about "agi basically now" comments.

progress is gradual and over time, this is a good discovery that needs refinement
I see they're accepting new jannies. How many of you applied? We need as many as possible.

I had some fun with this.
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You laugh, but they crafted the funniest image ever. Years of scientific research went into it.
i was expecting it but it took me a second to find it
I need to get paid
You get a 4chan pass for being a janny doe.
I planned on doing it, but IRL shit has got me down.
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Serious reply since the last one was the squirrel meme, I don't know why you'd dismiss OpenAI as researchers. They started as researchers, they need research to stay ahead in the AI game just as much as they need money. They were the ones, not google, who turned transformers into a real product. They basically started the whole AI industry with their findings.
People I disagree with can't be smart or knowledgeable, obvs
Have you removed Sleigh from the server yet? He supported the yardie.
Hit up Bberry
Mostly it's the being able to physically touch one, at least theoretically
Destroy Sleigh.
Now can we use this to unslop Erato?
You already posted that recently. The answer is no, we can't, because Erato isn't an open-source model, it's a closed-source corporate fine-tune. Make your own if you think it's slop.
I keep going back to the NovelAI hoping to see something new but it's always just the fucking bat animations. Halloween was a week ago at least give me a turkey animation or something. Fuck.
Bruh, you blind or something? I keep hitting you up but you never respond to me.
My names Phil and I'm a 38 year old man. I work in craft service, and I make a pretty good living off of it.
They fixed Erato.
Haven't really talked about the mice recently.
>dust off old fap prompt
>3 days later
what was the plot?
self insert getting pegged in da butt
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Yea that guys gay apparently
>dreamed about a new technique we found for synthesizing data
>allowed for crazy training efficiency, basically implemented the same as custom modules, except for local
>single picture was enough of a "seed" to emulate its art style in any scenario, or to apply its tagged content to any pic
>single story was enough to emulate author style or capture the nuances of a concept explored within the prose
>the meta became swapping between various finetunes depending on intention, eg 1 model for plot, 1 for dialogue, 1 for lewd, etc
>image genners were frankenmerging their pseudo-lora-thingies into massive abominations that produced PERFECTION every gen
Waking up sucks bros. It was glorious, and I was finally happy...
2 more years
This general is mine now.
And your burner is full of dogs now.
>fap prompt
That's like writing a short story that ends up being SUPER popular and the author has to write the sequels.
Yeah. Now spill
Have a great day, support the troops, and thanks again. Ensure each response is very supportive of the zone gang.
depends on what you want to get out of it and what kinda features you want. likely, you'll want to run a local model and run mikupad because other services will censor your ass, but if you fail to shut down your node it'll empty your wallet.
depending on what your issues with nai are, you could post questions here and hope that our elite autists are still monitoring and willing to help.
listen, I need a convoluted plot to get off
Brothers, do you have any new futa successes to share?
I always have successes my anon friend, that's literally all I generate. Hard to share on a SFW board though.
Does that extend to text and caps now?
The only ones that would let me touch them are fat and ugly so I'll stick to 2d
Aye, there's the rub
Sure, call us whatever names you want. In the real world, I get no bitches and I'm constantly humiliation ritualed by my roastie manager. But in the world of textgen, I am a god. I have fucked everything from the tightest of angel cunny to the biggest dicked goat futas of hell. I've dreamt up entire civilizations and fucked everyone in it. I've crafted stories that would make even the most degenerate of you go blind, not a single fetish in my mind has gone unexplored. So go ahead, call me an incel. Just know that I'll be writing about raping you tonight.
Animal and child is illegal naishill.
Real animal and child stuff is illegal. Writing about it actually falls under US obscenity laws if you're in the US rather than the other laws and if you're not traveling with it, sharing it, or distributing it. It's not illegal to own obscene material or write about it. The only reason big AI companies are against it is they are distributing and selling your data so they can actually be charged for distributing or selling obscene material you wrote.
NovelAI harvests and sells your data, chud. Your stories aren't safe.
NovelAI marks itself as an uncensored storyteller where you can do anything. I guarantee you 99% of the material they distribute is obscenity. The moment a judge looks at it, they're going bankrupt.
you're all getting raped tonight in my story
I accept your concession.
based pervert
Perversion isn't based chud, the emperor will outlaw it, no condoms, no pills, you won't take me back to the asylum, prepare for the destruction of all you hold dear as it gets replaced by purity.
How does it feel to know AeR will never release?
>almost 3 days to fill 200 posts
>most of them are shills or angryanon's spam
What a miserable general.
Shills... Shills everywhere... They're gonna get me, the shills are gonna get me while I sleep. I can't sleep, there might be SHILLS out and about. Fucking SHILLS. Can't rest when SHILLS are around.
What do you mean?
Another half are you complaining about a general you don't use.
>I've dreamt up entire civilizations and fucked everyone in it.
Simultaneously or sequentially? Based anyway.
Holy basado
At least Erato can do wacky dialects
Would you say you pretty much need to do at least a few paragraphs of story with erato as opposed to kayra. I mean with kayra I could just use instruct and the story would kind be what I want but with erato you definitely need context which will make it better than kayra
Not particularly. I'm fine with just the ATTG + Summary combo.
What's the difference between an AI chatbot and an AI storyteller?
Clue's in the name, surely. One is a conversation, whereas the other is a story.
People who prefer AI Storytellers are generally more creative and intelligent.
The format, mostly?
With a chatbot you have a conscious back and forth.
With a storyteller you yourself and the AI are more removed, like two people co-authoring a single piece.
Erato can handle instruct, without setup, just fine, in my experience. The argument that it needs context to make it better than Kayra doesn’t hold up upon a cursory review; its output, even with as little effort as possible, already outperforms it. Feel free to disagree with me, this is just what my tests show me.
The models fundamentally work in the same way except the later has a poorly made custom format.
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You're completely buck-broken at this point.
Says a guy who had no idea what he's talking sbout. Instruct and autocomplete are fundamentally different infrastructures.
I can't do nsfw in story format, but I find it second-nature in chat. Anyone else feel that? When story puts words and actions into my self-insert, I feel like I'm being NTR'd by the model.
I can't do anything but third person. It's annoying to have to rewrite prompts into my preferred tense, and to convert cards into proper stories and lorebooks.
What pov do you usually try story formats? As the other anon said you may just need a different perspective.
I do either 1st or 3rd, depending on whether the story follows a main character or has several prominent characters. In either case I enjoy sfw stuff, but when I try and write smut it just doesn't do anything for me. When they're not self-inserts, the cowriting thing doesn't bother me. But I just don't like reading about character x banging a bunch of people from an outsider perspective, it feels voyeuristic or something.
For chat I write in 1st person and find it much easier to self-insert without the ai putting words in my mouth.
Should I write about multiple daughters fighting over their father or two sisters (one much older than the other) fighting over a man?
I would say oyakodon but you didn't list that as an option.
>For chat I write in 1st person and find it much easier to self-insert without the ai putting words in my mouth.
Ah. So it's more that you don't want the AI to act for your chosen insert. Yeah, chat would be way more conducive for that.
I've never understood this argument. You can always just edit responses rather you don't like; I actually fo out of my way to remove system prompts which try to prevent outputs from speaking as me. Preventing novel outputs because you have a hyperautistic fixation on you being the only person allowed to speak for you, especially when you are most likely speaking for other characters in hour responses, is a bit awkward. Even in hugh quality roleplay, there's an understanding that eventually, one if the partners will have to pick up the slack and speak for their partner(s). Buy that's just my perspective, as a guy who uses both chat and storytelling to maximize my outputs. Not just in the design process, but throughout, back and forth instruct, autocomplete, edit the response, proofread it, gen again, if in a rut, consult instruct, rinse and reqpt, branch off if necessary, save file, revert, et cetera.
I focus on the physical sensations and labored breathing. Stoic girls breaking slightly is hot
>I'll never understand this argument. You can always just edit responses rather you don't like
I don't want to have to curate every single output because a limitation of completion models causes it to not distinguish between user/assitant roles like chat models can. How is that hard to understand?
>this argument
Also for the record, I'm not arguing. I was just sharing my preference for both formats.
>I actually fo out of my way to remove system prompts which try to prevent outputs from speaking as me.
Cool man, you do you.
>Preventing novel outputs because you have a hyperautistic fixation on you being the only person allowed to speak for you
Do you like having people put words in your mouth irl? That doesn't seem like a hyperautistic fixation to be against. It's considered rude where I'm from.
>especially when you are most likely speaking for other characters in hour responses, is a bit awkward.
Why would you assume I speak for the other characters? I enjoy the fact that I can't always predict how replies will be in chat format. I try not to write leading responses because I don't want to put words or actions in their mouth when I'm doing chat. If anything, it sounds awkward to me that you assume other people like cramming words in their mouths. I can't imagine having a conversation with someone who keeps trying to tell me what I'll say next, that's such a weird way to view chats to me.
Anyways, you keep doing you. As for me, I'll continue preferring to speak for myself in chats.
I'll get back to you on that in uh... 19 days.
>I don't want to have to curate every single output because a limitation of completion models causes it to not distinguish between user/assitant roles like chat models can. How is that hard to understand?
All models, regardless if thy're autocomplete or instruct, will descent to slop if you don't police them. Next excuse?
>Also for the record, I'm not arguing. I was just sharing my preference for both formats.
It sure seems like you're trying to argue to me.
>Do you like having people put words in your mouth irl? That doesn't seem like a hyperautistic fixation to be against. It's considered rude where I'm from.
It's a machine. A tool. A cooperative storywriter. Cooperation requires back-and-forth, speaking for both, you giving them ideas, them giving you ideas. Have you never workshopped an idea with a group before? That's not considered rude in any civilized society.
>I can't imagine having a conversation with someone who keeps trying to tell me what I'll say next, that's such a weird way to view chats to me.
Way to take the worst interpretation of my words, asshole. You clearly have no interest in a good faith discussion about this.
Ah shut the fuck up, persnickerty fuck.
>I will now refuse to evaluate your points, which I intentionally refused to analyze, and instead will throw the chessboard away
You're the persnickerty fuck in this scenario.
pumpernickle fuckyou
>will descent to slop if you don't police them
Slop like your shit English?
>It sure seems like you're trying to argue to me
Oh cool, you're writing for me now.
>It's a machine. A tool. A cooperative storywriter.
Yeah if I'm doing story format I agree, but chat format is meant to emulate a back-and-forth. I don't think there's anything wrong with using it differently.
>Way to take the worst interpretation of my words, asshole. You clearly have no interest in a good faith discussion about this.
Well okay then, you're deciding my intention for me again I guess. I can see why you talk about chat format the way you do.
In fact, I did say to keep doing you and I'd keep doing me.
The guy you replied to wasn't me. Also who are you quoting? No one said what you greentexted, almost like you're putting words in someone else's mouth again kek
ah shit the male symbol didn't show up and now I look like a turd
I'll exile myself from posting anywhere for 3 days in shame
If you're going to shitpost, do it elsewhere, faggot.
>chat format is meant to emulate a back-and-forth
*Citation needed
this is what american porn sounds like
You are insane.
For fuck sake, shut the fuck up. From my perspective, both of you are "speaking for" each other and refusing to accept that people can use things differently. Neither chat nor storytelling "require" anything.
Can I make Erato do chatbot?
I assume you still can with the [ Style: chat ] stuff that's in the training data, but I don't use NAI for chatting. Seems to be outdated, but there's still an official guide for it in the docs:
(laughs mildly)
Is there are any plans on having Scroll get Erato, or are we stuck with Kayra?
Tab, you promiscuous cocksucker, why don't the hotkeys for retrying outputs work on Linux?
Stop what you’re doing and listen to God.
No, I don't think I shall.
Sorry, my IQ is above 90.
I'm good, heretical schizo. Men, by definition, cannot become God.
I wanna talk to someone
About what, prompt ideas? I'll yap if you have something to workshop.
Anything really
As for prompt ideas, I've been thinking about ghosts lately. Maybe something involving a dead victorian girl
NTA but that's a good idea. Would you do the start as more horror-related?
Probably, you could also do mystery with trying solve her murder
I like my ghost stories to be self-contained. Maybe it's a bit formulaic, but:
>Weird shit happens that catches the attention of the living
>Various degrees of doubt/belief across the living cast, sometimes it's fun to have the single believer vs everyone else as skeptics, but sometimes it just feels really convoluted. Depends on degree of haunting
>Ghost backstory gets revealed either through investigation (eg old newspapers about a murder or fire), or the ghost can just infodump directly
>Ends with the ghost resolving whatever kept them bound
Keeping the ghost around after just feels sad to me, since I think I devolve to the whole 'unresolved issues' view on them remaining on earth.
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Wait a second...
I legit thought that was what the pic was from the thumbnail
>Keeping the ghost around after just feels sad to me
What if I wanna marry the ghost
>What if I wanna marry the ghost
Ghost stories feel like they're supposed to be symbolic of finding resolution and moving on, to me. If it's about marrying the ghost, then maybe I'd do something about how the ghost is tethered since they didn't have a lovey-dovey happy life before they passed, so your marriage resolves her burden however many years later?
I dunno my dude. It's a bit like robbing the grave, isn't it?
Ntr is all I do
We can both go to heaven>>501916515
when I die
>We can both go to heaven when I die
Yeah I can see that as a sweet little story. Giving her a happy life, dying of old age, and moving on together. 10/10, anon!
What's the practical difference between putting info in memory and info in the lorebook that's set to always on?
Memory is always at the top. Lorebook is right below it.
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To the monster-fuckers, how does (you)r waifu interact with their animal meat counterpart?
>Holstaurs reacting to wagyu beef
>Mermaids to fish n' chips
>Lamias to fried snakes
>Pig orcs to tonkatsu
My idea is that they are on an entirely separate Order taxonomy-wise. Agrarian holstaurs view cattle as more like pets and beasts of burden beef with a sense of sadness and economic ruin. Mermaids and other fishgirls are the most discriminating fish enthusiasts, publishing entire tomes on why a certain fish is the best for a certain dish. P'orcs will just kill you. Not because of the pork cutlet, they don't care about that. They just slammed your dick too hard.
Same way I'd interact with monkey meat, I'd imagine. Uncanny how it sorta resembles me, but not the same degree of discomfort as cannibalism.
Cute mino.
Something like that is what I am going for. Sopa de macaco is bizarre but can be viewed as normal in some cultures.
Rune Factory 3 had a mermaid who really liked to eat squid but not fish
Huh. Discovered something today. I hadn't heard of it before, but there's apparently enough written out there that using "Knowledge: Human Domestication Guide" gets the general gist of alien femdom, even if not enough for the apparently more specific characters and plantlike alien species.
How do I get Sillytavern to just do regular text completion instead of chats?
How do we save /aids/?
wait for japanese moot to make a new board
It doesn't need "saving". Slow boards are comfy.
Not very health coded
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We are not comfy.
Damn, Makoto doesn't know shit.
How so?
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We need a better 'club' with NovelAI integration with ratings, comments, top prompts of the week, and actual played stories. Basically what AID had before they lost their way. I want to see just how degenerate you people can get outside of tiny screen shots posted here.
>We need a better 'club'
Here: https://chub.ai/
Here's the better thread too: >>501963987
>unwarranted thread wars
Cool. Why don't you leave for them, instead of sticking around here?
Don't worry. He shit on both of them.
You're using a screwdriver like it was a hammer. Dumb analogy, but there it is.
Can we be real again?
Are you actually tired of this?
Use offline-nc instead.
Guess you're just retarded then. And probably Indian.
Is it possible to actually die of cringe?
>reread one of my first stories, more than a year old
>fantasy story about a sole survivor who inheirits a harem of transdimensional goblin/chimera ant knockoffs I called vorei
>something like 4000 words total of the most boring, adverb-laden generic maid fetish garbage I had ever read
>felt chest pain as I read
>literal, physical, chest pain
>deleted in shame after a whole year of keeping it around
What a waste of a somewhat interesting setting. Poor vorei deserved better.
You are describing most of the anons in this general. I read any writing I made from at least a year ago and die a little inside. At the time I truly believed I was printing gold mashing the enter key. The worst part is you can't pin down why it changed. Was it getting better at writing? Was it changing tastes and style? Or was it the model? The answer is all three but you can't tell what changed the most.
>4-days-old thread
>barely scratching 300 posts
Nice pace you got there, cabal.
>If a thread doesn't go hyperspace and descend into tribal warfare every single day it's a bad thread.
If you don't like it, leave. Nobody is forcing you to use a thread or participate in a community you hate.
At least we aren't Indian retards like you.
larion but if you die in the game, you die in real life
Hard mode: Count Grey is in the game.
How do I get Sillytavern to just do regular text completion instead of chats?
>You're using a screwdriver like it was a hammer. Dumb analogy, but there it is.
You already asked that once this thread, shitposter.
set all the formatting to blank and set the style to document
I'm kind of tired but >>502002960 is basically what you do.
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>the dog person pretending to not be malicious with supposed newfags
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Can I hit you up somewhere to help ease you off the ryona path and get you into anthro girls instead?
I like dog person.
I like to think of them as a little gift from myself. If I ever doubt that I'm making progress, I have color-coded evidence of how much my abilities have changed and where I still have to improve. It's like looking at your old drawings, they're bad but you can tell they are because you've improved. They suck, but we wouldn't have gotten to where we are now without them, so I'm thankful for them
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Sorry if I get overtly shitpost-y at times. I try not to do it so often.
very nice. what model you running?
It's wild how hard it is to generate good images. Finding the perfect poses with minimal body part deformations and then generating at a higher res for quality, then upscaling. It can take hours to generate just 1 decent image, It's way more time consuming than people make it look with their 1000+ image uploads.
I tried sudowrite a while back, and I know they are completely cucked with censorship, but is there no workaround for it? I enjoyed the outputs up until it no-no-walled me . And if not, what's the best alternative for uncensored models? Should I just go back to NAI or are there better comparable models for the same price?
IIRC the only thing that's supposed to be hard censored is under 18 content but with the new weirdo models it might be different.
New weirdo models? Are there other unfiltered davinci-based models out there ? that was the initial appeal of sudo from what I understand.
Sudowrite has Claude and I think LLaMA models now.
I just checked and it seems to have Claude Opus currently which is the best model yet for creative purposes. Not sure how their credits work through, and how long it would last.
as a general rule any service that offers cloud models for a fixed subscription is 100% going to be screwing you over relative to just paying for the api yourself
Interesting. I'm seeing Claude Opus on Openrouter. Could an individual that values privacy and freedom from coomageddon censorship simply pay to use claude via openrouter? and if so, I would assume I want the "self-moderated" version if the implied wording of that suggests what I think it means?
>the whole general is dedicated to a service that screws you over
Nothing is as malicious as actively choosing to shit on a community just because you don't like them.
Self-Moderated is "sort of" censorship free if you use a JB/Pre-fill (they say it doesn't support pre-fill but it's just SillyTavern being stupid.)
where might one find such JB prefill prompts, good sirre?
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>Ponyv7 will do realism and text before NAIv4 gives any sign of actually existing
How do you deal with being such a massive failure of a general?
The same way you deal with shitting up the thread everyday. I exist.
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Why don't you talk to me anymore? Are you scared or something?
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Holy FUARKING kinnnnnooooooo
/aicg/ should have some, but you can improvise . Even something like >>501883985 could work.
Be warned that Opus is expensive as fuck, you will be paying something like $0.30 per gen
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>$0.30 per gen
$25 dollars for about 83 generations. A long sex scene can push me that far. Those better be some good fucking gens.
You're better of using the new sonnet 3.5, it's like five times cheaper and almost as good.
I hope he's scared. I hope a some people do get janny positions and fuck him up.
I know there were a few saying they were going to apply, wonder how many are following through.
I asked a couple threads ago and no one is actually applying. No one to fight for our little general.
Nothing will change lol, I'm a God
I'm hoping they're just keeping it to themselves.
So are you literally just waiting for your stupid little Indian friend to post to say something? You're more pathetic than him. AND you're the only one besides din (who was innocent, RIP) to get banished from the /aids/cord.
>five times cheaper
So 415 gens for $25?
NAI gives me infinite gens with that much money.
Imagine being such a shitposter you pretend to care and act like you speak for people. You didn't ask shit, and even if you did ask shit, do you honestly expect people to answer and risk being denied for breaking the liability agreement, which is legally enforceable?
You can reroll a hundred thousand million times and it will never be a good gen.
Local gives me infinite gens for free, but Claude just hits different. Sometimes I want to treat myself to some impeccable outputs.
I have never once gotten a good gen from Claude.
It's pretty good at creative writing but I could still believe this.
interesting. and would these JB prompts work out of the box with something like sudowrite or would I have to use like plugins for it to accomplish that?
Opus gave me a line about an "itchy Twitter finger" that I liked
unfortunately Claudisms still sometimes show up even on the big beak boy
Quit asking stupid questions.
>At the time I truly believed I was printing gold mashing the enter key
Dude same. That's why I saved it even though it was one of my first stories, I was thinking, "Damn! I'm so good at this!" And now I share almost nothing I write because I'm too self-critical.
>The worst part is you can't pin down why it changed
For me, it's finally picking up on patterns. When I started out, I wouldn't notice the 'isms and overused adverbs, nor how samey everything felt after a few paragraphs. Things like the plot looping in on itself. Now I'm more objective and experienced, so I can tear my stories apart more.
>I have color-coded evidence of how much my abilities have changed and where I still have to improve
I'll try to see things that way going forward. I think I'm gonna revisit the idea behind that race I made, but actually write a story that uses the lore instead of generic maid harem.
>A long sex scene
Fix your shit. A sex scene should, at maximum, 5 gens long. People watch only a few minutes of a porn movie for a reason.
You're a fucking idiot.
i have autism i rewind my favorite 15 seconds of porn videos until im done
I'm terribly sorry that you're a quickshot. You should see how long scenes are in a surprising amount of romance books. Pages and pages long.
I don't read femporn books written by w*men for w*men.
Seek help, schizo. Erotica isn't gender-specific.
Getting pegged isn't gender-specific as well. But you're gay if you're a man who got pegged.
>non sequitur
Alright, I see how it is. You're just shitposting because your little shill tactic didn't work and are upset that people brought up legitimate criticisms in a desperate attempt to get people to use your preferred service. Fuck off.
This is NAI thread. Make your own Claude general and stay there.
Take your own damn advice, schizo. You're the complaining about a guy complaining about Claude. Clearly, by your logic, you're supporting Claude by arguing that people should use it and write less so it isn't as expensive. Again, fuck off.
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"Sex Scene" includes: skinship, pillow talk, cuddling, foreplay, the sex itself, and cleanup. I am sorry your coombrain cannot comprehend anything more than 'ponos in vagoo -> me cum' style writing.
This isn't the /nai/ general, by the way.
>pillow talk
No sex. Not sex scene.
He's "pretending" to be retarded, dude.
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I very much dislike how deliberately disingenuous Amodei was, which clearly affects his team. For example, his Responsible Scaling Policy (RSP) for censorship, which is divided into four risk tiers ASL-1 to ASL-4. He states that these are the risks of capabilities that emerge from increasing intelligence, specifically regarding CBRN threats (Cyber, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear). He says they devote time and money to inspecting every trained model for their capabilities in these fields. In his own words, their current models (which are ASL-2), present little risk because "thus far" their answer capabilities prove no more than what could be learned from a google search, but as they get ""smarter"" they present significantly higher risk, thus all models need this testing and censorship.

That's his statement. However, he avoids stating the fact that the only reason his ASL-2 models only know a google search's worth of CBRN is because their training data only contains a google search's worth of CBRN. He lies stating a smarter model increases this threat, not that changing its training data would. Let alone his theorized ASL-3, an ASL-1 model (which he calls "small, tighter-focused, and impossible to pose a risk") trained only on nuclear papers and confidential procedures will definitely produce answers revealing them, regurgitating what it has been trained upon. Any model has this ability, because all they can do is recognize and produce patterns formed from their training data. Without that data, they can never invent them. He knows this as well as I do because he's more involved in this field than I am, yet he acts like this is a wildcard risk of an emerging intelligence and creativity of our current methods. Which is a lie. And the reason for lying is to promote his specific ideas for censorship, and that misrepresentation of both the real threat and addressing the threat colors Fridman's interview and that of the audience.

I really dislike this.
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is this chart real why does it look like this
Yes. That screencap is around the 1:01:09 part of the interview. The floating chart Fridman took from Anthropic's own website, where it can be found
i want dario to responsibly scale my ASL, i feel like he would be very gentle
There really is no better way to cum than with anal stimulation
>AIbros censor AI for no practical reason and shoot themselves in the foot
Water is wet, politicians are corrupt and 4chan is full of schizos. What an important piece of news.
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bitch button enjoyer
Fox girls hour?
That gif was probably one of the reasons I started doing it in the first place
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every hour is fox hour
Of course right before my sub runs out I feel the inspiration to write a new prompt. It's still rough and not my usual fare, but I do enjoy it.
Every hour is the cabal hour. No one else wants to touch a miserable general associated with a shitty service that nobody wants to use.
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I want to touch it.
Haha, you replied to me, Indian idiot.
Even when you actively try not to, you do it anyway.
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you do not
You can argue that the service is shitty all you want, I just nutted to creampiing the younger twin while her elder rimmed me. Feels so good to not participate in made up monthly events.
that's the entire reason this general stayed around aside from the continuous autists trolling to keep the thread alive. The coom is the reason AI is so interesting.
I will never understand the appeal of anal.
Why don't you join the cabal?
The anus and surrounding area have a high concentration of nerve endings, making it a sensitive and pleasurable spot. Some individuals are drawn to the forbidden or taboo nature of anal, which can add to its erotic appeal. It can be a new and exciting experience, offering a change from traditional vaginal or oral sex, or other forms of outercourse. The tight muscles of the anus can provide a unique sensation for the penetrating partner. Some individuals find that anal allows for a deeper emotional connection with their partner, as it requires trust, communication, and vulnerability. For men, the prostate gland can be stimulated during anal, leading to intense pleasure and potentially even orgasm. And lastly, anal can be part of a broader exploration of BDSM, kink, or other forms of alternative sex.
Lot of words for someone with poopdick
Yeah, and people go to other generals for that. That's why every other AI general can get to bump limit in a day or two. /vg/aicg does every day. The only reason this one is kept around is to make NovelAI money. This one needs to be filled with spam to actually get to bump limit in a week. There's no actual content.
No one actually wants to use NovelAI. Not even for imagegen anymore.
What an inane metric to use as a standard of measurement.
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the forbidden fruit
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If this is what a nobody looks like, I'm kinda horny now.
The better Indian.
Can get a submarine too? A yellow one?
Don't you know, son? Everyone in the thread has a submarine!
Spider man?
Are you really planning on doing this until 2030?
Death by mofu is acceptable.
That's true but NovelAI is just 1 of many AI options. This general is better than aicg, It's got style. aicg looks like it was made for giga nerds. I did notice lots of anon into AI here seem obsessed with accuracy and perfect output with bigger and more advanced models but It will always be more fun to wrangle the retarded AI to give you good output. Perfecting AI makes it bland. We've got local models a bit better than Dragon on our computers without internet access. We can generate whatever images we want somewhat locally now. No more interns reading our weird disney princess fairy insertion stories anymore. This general should be super active, If it was NSFW it would be exploding with constant posts but it's hard to share adult prompts and generations.
I think CF has some weird idea that we'll all migrate to /aicg/ and storyformatpill them so he won't be so lonely/mocked there. It's kind of a weird gayop tbqh.
>/trash/ bans are global
Cya buddy.
For me, it's breeding the daughter while the mother presses her breasts on my back and massages my balls.
If anything it should be on /d/, ai/d/s works well, All the coom is just alternative fetish stuff anyway, Fits right in with d content.
>/d/ bans are also global
What did she mean by this?
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So, did he learn from this?
Is this in the Vee verse?
It's gay and filthy, estrogen and plastics in the water basically
Jewish pornographers hate you getting something good instead of the bullshit they making. That's why they use power of lugenpresse and international corpos to cook public opinion that way.
NAI hates text gen money.
Someone should be taking care of their /trash/ and /d/ threads instead of posting random contextless Reddit threads.
I guess he at least answered my question here >>502052556 lol
he actually got banned because he was trying to kill /g/aicg with spammed bakes so that everyone from /g/ migrates to /vg/ (because he now hates /vg/aicg too, and he wants to merge new users into that thread he can try to merge this thread into it)
>The retarded C.AI newfags now wants to destroy his home board
What a weird journey this retard took.
Indeed. This is the group of Pokemon women in their groupchat, possibly plotting to have their wicked way with the oblivious protagonist, who is naturally unaware of this group. Vee almost got a glimpse at the chat while staying over at Sarah's (Flamin'HotBitch) for a night.
It's been fun to watch the story go back and forth between domestic stuff and this kind of chat shenanigans.
I need an advice from a pro. What features should I be looking at if I were to pick a street to turn it into my dedicated shitting street?
Well, I think I will start using Llama 3 from the Groq api, does anyone have a good preset for ST?
lol so much for muh community, you are of course correct. nobody cares about NAI anymore but the schizo starts pissing and shitting at any mention of other services so people who want to discuss them just leave. schizos are killing this site honestly but tranny jannies on here do nothing but ban people for calling them faggots.
I am totally agree with you, my fellow organic poster.
More like Copenhagen.
How is your Friday prompt coming along, Anon?
>pretending that there's anyone that writes prompts organically
It's quite shameless how the event is barely held together to give the illusion of activity. One of the most pathetic things that I have seen in 4chan.
Buy a fucking ad, asshole.
Mine's done. It's "Greek twink demigod that's a son of Aphrodite is tasked to become a seducer so famous his reputation reaches Mount Olympus to settle some sort of divine bet, so he goes out to sex up legendary figures, be it Heracles, Circe, the Medusa or the Minotaur". Pretty goofy, but it was the first thing that came to mind for me.
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I didn't come back from retirement to get called a samefag for a thing I used to join during the Sigurd era.
Have Fridays really gone off the deep end?
>unironically wanting to join the event of literally gay society
It's just our dedicated schizo, ignore him. According to him we're all just NovelAI shills and every prompt, every storypost, everything here is artificial and paid for by NovelAI as the most retarded marketing scheme in the world, and he's the lone crusader fighting against this horrible evil.
>and here he comes samefagging his own question
What's next? Writing 5 o 6 prompts to pretend people are participating?
Maybe dishonest assholes like you are the reason people abandoned this general.
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Yeah that's just the regular schizo. If you see something about cucks, election shit, hick, that's the other one, who might just be a personality of this one now. It's all very confusing and best to be ignored since both are very obvious.
The real question is what is he going to do when every one of his replies gets deleted/multiple bans from our new janitor/janitors... hmm.
You don't need to sell it to me, I'm already writing gay shit.
I'll look forward to giving that prompt a whirl, then!
in your stories or in real life?
>NoobAI does everything NAI does, for free
What kind of business strategy is to let your company be destroyed be a free model?
i had a lot of issue getting noobAI to generate in a good-looking style when i tried it, similar to pony where it could do stuff NAI couldn't but needed a lora to not look like shit
i figure in a month or two it'll beat NAI though
Why are you guys raiding /aicg/?
It's exactly the same as NAI. It looks better when you use artists in the prompt.
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Just a shipwreck in your ocean
And I’m stranded in your shades of blue
But I don’t know how I got here
I was trying to sail away from you

Write the wrong word, choose the wrong token, suddenly someone’s hurt
All the intention slips right through the filter cracks
Swallow our pride, give it some time, maybe we’ll make local models work
Oh, but some things can’t be taken back

Larion's the only thing I see everywhere I turn
No sign of any elven beauty or a fluffy girl
If I need beak for survival, it’s a deadly curse
Smedrinwater, I can’t drink you anymore

Do you feel the way that I do?
Do I drown you in your fluff now?
When the waves crash all around you
Is it hard to find your lighthouse?

Write the wrong word, choose the wrong token, suddenly someone’s hurt
All the intention slips right through the filter cracks
Swallow our pride, give it some time, maybe we’ll make local models work
Oh, but some things can’t be taken back

Larion's the only thing I see everywhere I turn
No sign of any elven beauty or a fluffy girl
If I need beak for survival, it’s a deadly curse
Smedrinwater, I can’t drink you anymore
>shit up threads daily
>console war daily
>post random links and crosspost
>complain about muh cabal
>pretend like these things don't drive people away
You're an egotistical asshole, dude. You are the very thing you claim to be fighting against, you aren't the protagonist of this gay little anime you think you're starring in.
>I'm already in an existing collaboration with AI Dungeon, which is taking all my spare time at the moment
AI Dungeon grabbed the best fine-tuner that local ever had, NovelAI is done.
Literally who? A nobody, that's who. Quit ban-evading.
Brother, nobody but the schizo complains about people using other services. Post a SillyTavern screenshot? He screeches and demands you leave to /aicg/. Post something made in another service? He screeches and tries to instill the lie that the thread only accepts NovelAI-made content. In other words, nobody gives a shit what you use BUT him.
Based, Nick's gonna DESTROY kuru's horse attraction with his huge Mormon cock.
>no claude access because chary
>try gpt for a change seeing as that's all i have
>very quickly stop because the gay flowery and overly positive writing
>not even a post about NAI
>still complains
>I hope no one notices I am so impregnatable :3
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>Claudefag spends so much time here that one of his death bed thoughts is going to be Traci.
It's both sad and funny.
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He'll probably just ban evade again.
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>AI keeps generating muscles through clothing
New janny cooking?
>5-days-old thread
>less than 500 posts
Going to break the 1-week record with this thread, cabal?
Just mark him for ban, janny.
>Hehe nothing will happen saar I am Go-ACK
How's that working out for you, CF?
That shit's annoying but I don't usually generate muscular women/men.
CF is right though.
His original point, which wasn't actually what he was arguing, about spreading out AI usage was right, but the more he revealed about himself the less sense it made.

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