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RPG armor edition

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It's one of those nights again...

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Your insistence on the "nepobaby" narrative and criticizing Eric for being encouraging just shows your real motivation, you aren't upset the ericschizo is posting "offtopic", you resent Eric and the fact he gets attention you deem undeserving, its sad.

I find most ericposting amusing, at worst it's annoying when it gets repetitive but I look at agdg as more of a lounge for gamedevs to blow some steam and have a laugh between dev sessions, not some super super serious nofunallowed feedback and help center.
Seeing a post about a notable indie dev wearing some goofy ass shoes or posing for a photo with a weird looking fan will sooner put a smile on my face than make me throw a thread derailing jealous tantrum because "the wrong person" is getting attention.
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progress post
You can pick up and drop things in my game engine now. I have tried to add a smooth movement for the items you are carrying but there is a stutter to the movement.
vsclonedev needs rope himself after this
very nice.
/agdg/ - Alice Game Development General
the gang's all here
we're taking /agdg/ back bros
she's going to want so many minigames and puzzles in my RPG....
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This is the code I am using for the camera root object (the object the held objects get parented to)
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Now that Necrovale is mostly done, I’ve started prototyping another game. It’s odd being at the start again, where there are so many choices and possibilities.
Now that Negrofail is mostly failed you should be starting on your goodbye letter to the world.
You've constructed an entire cinematic universe from a single post correcting you? This thread has become a toilet you can post whatever you want it's not that serious, lol.
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No Bocchifags allowed.
for my 1st devlog.
should I do a more laid back zoomie lo-fi music style devlog?
or a whackadoodle green screen type of devlog?
I am going with the 2nd option.
interested to see what you cook up this time
replies to progress = good

posts his own progress like a self-centered faggot = bad
Look at those thighs, God damn I want to do naughty things to her
Life is a lot bigger than games

Thanks. I’m going to try and make the next DD with a rough prototype
YagManX is going to be flabberghasted by me.
this is giving me nausea
nigga you're like a jeet musk worshipper, people are not jealous of musk they just disgusted by your behavior, fuck ALL nepobaby rats btw
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You're fourth in line, behind the Hatter, the White Knight, and the White Rabbit.
Nah, I'm at the front. I just love lgs.
why does aggy bring up salaryman shi at random times anyway ive never even seen that game here
The video or the code lol
what would you change in it?
>unactivated windows and imgui
yesdevs live like THIS?!
If I was the ericschizo the OP would have been an ericpost
schizos gonna schiz
you think a shitty little generic pixelshit meme genre slop game is going to change the fact you're never going to amount to anything? lmao
you dickriding a schizo ain't the clapback you think it is lil bro
envy is a sin
he made it on his own with 0 nepotism in this era, sit the fuck down
the Friernen Elf just knocked on my door.
I can see we have a lot of new baby schizos here trying to undermine the shitdevs.
Here's a word of advice to you newbies: If you want to really hit these devs where it hurts you need to remember the simple truth that if their games were actually worthy of being good games they would be immune to any accusations of being chinese knockoffs and cheap disposable consumer garbage. If their games had even the tiniest change of being real games it would be obvious. Just tell them the truth and there is nothing more devastating they could hear.
Careful, the Hatter's a gangsta and he might pull out a Lee-Enfield for such a transgression.
just stick to mobile games grandpa
>up at this hour
I take it you are not going back to the wage cage for the short term future? What engine is this btw? What does activating windows do?
I'm thankful for fygoon, he's the best new poster we had in a while.
post game
What most crabs don’t understand is that their attempts at hurting people are revealing, to an embarrassing degree.
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He's on the /v/3 server, This isn't like most anons who cease to exist after they release.
how about you first? Oh wait I forgot pixelshit school projects from 2012 don't count so you have nothing to show me :(((
The mad hatter concept comes from the fact that they used to use led in the production of hats which led to them becoming insane over time.
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posted it too late in the other general sorry

is sheepolution a good resource to learn love2d/lua? or is there somewhere better? I'm kinda new to programming (learning web dev, somewhat intermediate in that aspect) but i wanna mess around with game dev a bit too.)

also, does anyone have experience working with love2d in wsl2?
I want to FUCK that office lady.
salaryman shi x fygoon linked up, need it or leave it?
those are the decoy attacks
even "google the witness" wouldve been better than that
dafuq is a v3 server
I’m going to work on this prototype for a few months and see if I can get it funded somehow. If not, I’ll figure out my plans. I could probably just finance it myself but I have a family to support as well, so I don’t want to be too risky like I was when I was younger.
the reason why its harder than ever to make it is that everyone in the world values their time much more because theres so much to consume.

you have to not only make the game engaging enough to hold their attention but also respect their time. not only that but they want instant gratification so you cant incorporate elements of leveling up or grinding anymore if they cant even show of. why would they grind in your single player game when they could do it in an MMO?
>he thinks the criticisms aren't empowered by the shittiness of the games
something feels familiar about this UI's style, can't put my finger on it. the UI mogs mine though and after all the effort i put in ;_;

woah she's hot i'm easily satisfied tho. link to v3 server?
from pilots I preffer Stone Temple Pilots
Who is the best 3D developer of this general that still posts here? Flygoon?
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I knew that, I was just making a comment on how the Hatter (or Idler, as his name for some reason is in Russian) looks like he was throwing up gang signs in that one frame.
Now, did you know that the March Hare's madness comes from the expression "Mad as a march hare," which, as I read, came from the fact that hares like to breed in the springtime.
Simply put, the March Hare wasn't mad, just horny.
I can't remember a single thing from DD except it was kind of forgettable
That is one rapey looking one
yet he made the most money in the 2d pixel category with the exception of ror
when bocchi anon started his grind you weren't even in the 5th grade of elementary school
Grinding what? He will never make it and you know it...
There's gotta be an easier way to code this right?
>be me
>have 4 choices all selected from an array of choices
>no repeats are allowed
>I can either
1. Have it reroll to get something else, but terrible luck means this can go on forever if the rerolls keep choosing something already used
2. Limiting the amount of rerolls but that means duplicates are still possible
3. All possiblities are taken into account in a long and confusing if/else if set of statements where any previously selected choices are completely avoided in being re-selected.

I'm doing the last one but the if/else if statement is so absurdly long and confusing.
Surprisingly, he does not feature in any porn; a shame most miss such an opportunity. Then again, most of the images just focus on Alice herself like she's posing for, like, Hustler's magazine or something.
Also all of the Queens have never been featured, which I find shameful because the Black and White Queens have the right amount of friendly tension that would make them perfect for some lesbian action lol.
Copy the array and pop each item as its chosen.
The UI is mostly from Necrovale, with some janky prototype art thrown in.
>remembering that it was forgettable
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>5th grade of elementary school
Props for doing your research.
var index = Random.Range(0, choicesRemaining);
var choice = choices[index];
choices[index] = choices[choices.Length - 1];
1. arraytolist
2. roll to pick one
3. store the pick and remove it from the list
4. go back to 2. until you have enough picks
Shut up faggoon
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Also -Chan as a suffix is more cringe than the people this criticizes
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I've been wanting to play around with adding custom window borders to the game for awhile and I decided to try that out today. I got it working, but it turned out to be a lot more involved than I thought it would be.

The first version of this process was simply making the window bigger and using SDL's CreateShapedWindow function. I ran into a handful of issues with this but they weren't too bad to figure out.
> binarized alpha is the default masking mode
> windows doesn't support that, you have to use a chromakey
> SDL gives the same error for any malformed inputs (had to dig through the source)
> windows wants the mask size to be an exact match with the window size, which means if you scale the window up or down, you have to manually resize the mask along with it

so now that i had the masked window onscreen and it looked correct, windows was freaking out and shitting the bed because the desktop window manager can't handle redrawing a large window at 60 fps. CPU was maxing out at 100% as the operating system attempted to pleaseunderstand.jpg

what i tried next was making the main window borderless, creating the border as a second, standalone window and simply snapping it to the position of the main window. at this stage in this experiment, windows OS is now confused on a regular basis as to which of the two windows is on top and should be receiving my inputs, and if i click on stuff in the right order, i can wedge other programs into the z-space between my border and my game scene

so i got to learn about SDL_RaiseWindow and managed to throw the game into an infinite loop of receiving window onfocus events and responding to those by raising both windows in order in an attempt to keep them snapped together.

eventually got that working, but this was only the beginning of the much more interesting next phase. by the time i had come this far i had decided that this was personal and i wasn't going to let it go just because it was jank
It looks cool! However, pick up making the AK go to what I assume is world origin before snapping back in your hands seems weird to me... I hope your code isn't housing technical debt.

Also LOL look at this faggot

By the way, what has the Alice poster ever made? I seem to only play FPS DD games, games people complain were ignored, and the games avatarfags make since it catches my attention.
fuck off
>made a successful game and already started another
all the crabs seething right now
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Here's a cake!
Good job on the impressive progress post with a cute cat and code!
You're making it, literally! :D Good work and a fun arcady game to top it off! :D
(I got you an extra nice looking cake picture, also consider creating a blog or a twitter to evolve from /agdg/)
nnnoooooooooooooooooooooo only eric barone is allowed to make it no no no no NOOOOOOOOOO
I'm going to kill you, and all the cake is gone.
Thanks mate.
Yeah there is a bit to fix in regards to picking up/dropping, its mainly the stuttering when you are already holding something that I am concerned about at the moment. I think it might be because of the physics of the character. (I just tried it with the free camera instead of attached to the character and there was no stutter)
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the next step in getting this window border working was making the window draggable

the first attempt at getting this functionality working involved getting the mouse cursor's coords onscreen and comparing delta from frame to frame, but the SDL_SetWindowPosition func basically blinks the window to where it's trying to go after bouncing off of windows to tell the OS that the window needs to move, which created a really jagged, rigid, shitty-looking motion which had issues with mouse sensitivity and also with the difference in timing between the game running at 60 fps and windows doing whatever it does at however fast it's going at any given time

this wasn't working, so i did a bunch of searching around through stackoverflow and etc and found a handful of posts talking about how windows works under the hood with this kind of stuff

this resulted in bouncing off of SDL's hittesting functions, which gave me a smooth, working drag, except now that i had two windows instead of one window, when i'd drag one, it would leave the other behind, which looked arguably worse than the previous jank

this turned out to be a windows issue. windows puts user input for programs into a modal spinlock for certain actions which include dragging the window, resizing it, closing it, etc. when SDL was passing my input through the hit testing functions to the window handling functions, the entire game ended up just waiting for the OS to finish the drag before it could do anything else due to the blocking design of this functionality

various bad workarounds were suggested all over the place involving multithreading the rendering (way too late for that now) but i ended up copypasting some code from stack overflow that creates a timer which hooks into the SDL event loop to kick you back to your main thread long enough to do one more pass through the event queue

i ended up just hiding the main window if the timer ever ticks and added an opaque background

ty love u
The name is right there, just look through DD59 again.
I'm not gonna install it to know what the bosses are like, it is on the dev to show me such things.
>Brings up Eric Barone out of nowhere

(Now it's your cue to call him a nepobaby and claim shartdew valley sucks)
A complete shot in the dark, but I had trouble with rotations in a similar way in on a different engine (idk wat u usin) so maybe it could be the transform updating rotations or translations before/after or whenever and just not working properly working with one another. Just a brain fart though. It's like 1:30AM but I had a similar effect happen to me like 6 months ago.
Looks cool all the same. Best of luck!
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massive progress
y'all need to relax. just because the game is shit doesn't mean that anyone pointing that out is as obsessed as you
thats not progress
That is progress.
Good work! Keep it up!
i do not appreciate my patience being tested.
Thanks mate, yeah I thought it might be the camera needs to move before the offset object moves, I have tried in both orders and it gives the same results.
My project is in C with the Raylib library and ODE for physics.
You have to learn how to digest information. Be it crabs, advice, or both, you need to digest it properly (or die).
have fun! :D
Can some blender wizard help me?

I want to imitate this art shading in blender.

The issue is that the light and shadow boundaries doesnt seem to follow the definition if this was a 3D mesh.
They seem to imitate similar boundaries if the mesh were under a subsurf modifier and used a toon shader.
But at the same time the light shadow boundarie seems to follow very closelly if there are creases, similar in that area to a bevel operator more than a smooth subsurf surface. This is more obvious on the joint ares and the fingers and the groin area in some anime art, specially if there's something like a shirt of jeans.

The specular is closer to a metalic in PBR shaders or a phong model very shiny specular, It usually follow simpler shapes than the shadow, and sometimes is even the shape of circles or something that looks like the shape of a RIM light but beyond the area of a normal rim light.

There's also the reflected light of the ambient light, but this seems to follow something like a curvature map and a vector towards the left area of the camera view point.

There's also the RIM light, which follow fresnel logic, but in a simplified fashion.

Colors don't seem to follow really a realistic logic but more a color ramp type of logic.
shut the fuck up negrofail dev
Don't know what you meant.

Yamero! I wasted so much time making this 400+ lines of code and comments just to pick 4 different choices which isn't even done since trying to randomly choose the 4th item gives so many different potential scenarios I had to account for!

I like the first anons method since I'm not very familiar with lists. Though a question for both of you, how does it know to properly resize? eg
>array has 40 items
>the choices[index]/list has all 40 items put in
>say item 10 (which is in index/element 10) was selected
>remove it as an option
Where does the resize of this index/list happen so that element 10 is now taken up by item 11, element 11 is now taken up item 12, and so on?
That’s not me. I thought the crabs actually had a few funny comments
Also, jokes on me for responding to my crab name.
no the crabs have gotten really dull, must be something in the water
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(sorry for the delay, I was busy this week).

fun fact: y'all are some crazy ass fucking niggas
dude :(
too lewd :<
stawp :(
I'm going to have to crush your skull! I don't wanna do it! Don't make me crush your skull anon! :(
Why are DDs held on Itch.io?
The only benefit I can imagine /agdg/ being on 4chan is lost when we all have to enter the cuck cage of itch.io's TOS
Idk, maybe someone should do something about this.
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Too late, my skull has already been crushed...
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Wtf, I've been using blender for years and wasn't even aware of how to do this.

What did he mean by this?
lists auto resize thats why you can just list.remove(i) and you can use list.count as the random max parameter in your loop to easily get as many as you need from the list
"cuck rage" never was a problem because we had no pedodevs before /vg/ tourists clicked on /agdg/ from the catalog, if you're a lolitroon you have to use dlsite and those weird jap websites or alternatively you could neck yourself
As far as I know there's no way to easily take the grease pencil and freestyle stuff into an engine so it's pretty useless.
>trying to write script for a new scene in my game
>get really horny 2 mins in
>lose motivation
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unstable thoughts: check
insomnia and sleep deprivation: check
heart palpitations: check
chronic headaches: check
irrate impulses: check

yup another night wasted without a wink of sleep. Can't dev under these conditions. It's inner circle assrape time
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I wrote 200 words today, the gains are slow but steady and I'm not choking as much anymore.
ayo dis nigga killed the thread?
5 months is all you need to change your life forever. Explain why you're still not making games for viable genres?
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i have a permanent boner from writing this script i think i found my calling
Unfathomably based.
It's higher poly than I thought, but I guess it makes sense with the high definition.

Still surprised they haven't bonked you yet. Which is good to be fair.
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"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen."
kill yourself
>choices[index] = choices[choices.Length - 1];
deletes index by overwriting it with the last index in the array
>No user reviews
just like negrofail
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Am I going to get in trouble for writing directly into *.meta files?
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Trying out different keyframe easing modes because the animation is too stiff but damn this would look so awesome if it were a robot character.
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>Explain why you're still not making games for viable genres?
I'm not wise enough for that. I've gotten wise enough to avoid the worst genres, but i'm not wise enough to know when there is a gap in the market that just need a decent to good game to fill.
What are you writing into them? What's the official api segment in pic?
Forgot to ask but is that rig from rigify? How is it for 4.2?
I've always avoided using it because of the old clutter but it does look way better from what I remember here.
It's from Auto Rig Pro.
My best ideas are for genres that sell fuck all.
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Anyone got links to free WW2 and WW2 adjacent assets? Maybe abandonware that wouldn't get me sued?
I got an idea for an action shooter where you play a sexy Vampire woman who is helping the French Resistance to fight against occupying Nazis with guerrilla warfare and ancient relics.

I'm too dumb to follow trends. It all moves too fast and I hyper focus on things I personally like.
I pray the adage of "no matter what you make, someone will pay for it" is true.
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99% of the time is spent in their .Apply function, whatever the fuck it does.
Because we have enough games in "viable" genres. It's our duty to start the next arcade design renaissance
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Makes sense. Good for me though, gives me an opportunity to study their rig.
I'm not sure what exactly you're doing but whatever it is, it feels like if you're writing to meta files there must be something not right with your workflow. Also why not use unity's own sprite editor?
Lol yeah I kinda figured from what I found online, was busy making the code and just came back and saw your comment. Was left confused on whether I could trim excess in a for loop as I saw some weird bit saying you can't/aren't allowed to remove stuff from a list in a for loop. Or something like that I can't remember. Apparently the list count can be different from the lists internal size, not sure if I understood that right when I looked around online. Ie list has 40 elements total. I use element 10 and remove it. The list now has 39 element total in count, and shifts everything above element 10 down by 1. Internally the 40th element still exists but when using count it will treat the list as if it only has 39 elements total. Am I understanding this right?

Yeah that still doesn't make sense, I ended up using the list style of doing this.
It does what you'd have to do in the sprite editor automatically, so when you import 50 tilesets from an asset pack, you can just press a button and you're done, instead of sitting there navigating directories, figuring out tile sizes, and pressing Slice>Slice>Apply over and over.
Well quite simple, I suck at gamedev

Feels like the biggest reason I'm ngmi isn't because I don't know WHAT to do, but because I don't know HOW to do it. The code of the quality needed to pull off the gameplay I desire. And the art skill to pull off the graphics I desire. Though like the other anon I know what genre's to avoid. But each of my dream games is in varying genre's which have varying levels of success. My current game for example would probably be a 5000 review game if I had all the skills at a level I desire. Currently my best case scenario is improving enough to just hit 1000 reviews. My realistic case scenario is 5 reviews...
cozy and quirky
Love2d wiki is pretty good and their forum, from here check Chasm Climb dev, Confess Your Sins dev and Super Pixel Rabbitmania dev
i need game dev fuck buddy nympho
For every webfishing, there's thousands of other $5 games that vanish into the ether immediately after launch. No one on agdg will ever be that lucky.

Also, the fact that webfishing blew up at $5 is just another sign that the race to the bottom is progressing to the point of total unviability of game dev as a viable business.
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post bussy
>Also, the fact that webfishing blew up at $5 is just another sign that the race to the bottom is progressing to the point of total unviability of game dev as a viable business.
this, not only is the market saturated but you gonna have to sell for fucking pennies, 5$ for a game? that's before fucking steam sales
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Watch out little penguin!
>marmo releases game
>cosmicdev releases game
>amazoomdev releases game

Why should I post my game here when all you do is bully yesdevs?
make a game so successful it cant be bullied
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bully the bullies
Mark my words, there will come a time when indie devs will release games for free and rely on ingame MTX or donations to fund them. It's happening now but in the future it will be commonplace.
I will be bullied for tricky madness too. You can't stand a little bantz?
>indie games will turn into mobile-style slop
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Sure bro, I got you covered. There's also a sequel so you can save up for the second part if you feel extra lucky.
Do anyone knows if godot suport semi sharp or semi smooth shading made on blender?
Webfishing blew up because it's a weird different thing with cute graphics that people wanted to check out. The cheap price made it possible. Had it been 10 or 15 it wouldn't have sold. It needed to be that cheap so that people will impulse buy it to see what's up.
Like 90% of game devs (not hobbyists, actual people with jobs and studios) are in the mobile slop industry in my cuntry. They're also all VERY enthusiastic about Ai art and most of them use variations of it proudly.
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the thread is a mosh pit, just have fun with it
treat this place like a halo 2 postgame lobby and enjoy the shittalking
Won't surprise me desu.
>no no it's just banter
>you're not a real dev if you cant stand being bullied!
>you will keep making your game even if bullied anyway
>kill yourself
choose one
I will simply just not post my game here. You'll never know what my game is. Simple as.
Context: this webm was posted here multiple times, og dev might be dead already, webm is at least one year old
Hmm not sure how I should handle this. Keep the code together to keep it nice and tidy or keep it separated for "efficiency."

I have a randomizer but one specific spawner doesn't need a randomizer as it can only spawn one thing. I can either keep it separate where the code is nearly the same just no line of randomization. Or I can delete that code and let it reuse what the others use, though that means it wastes time running the randomizer, for something that has only 1 option on what to spawn. Does make my code look cleaner though.
damn this place sucks
Jesus Christ how did I not remember Bloodrayne. Wtf am I stupid?
I don't want to make a meme game
Also I tried to program online functions once and I hated that stuff
I have ZERO experience with online functions but in my limited research (2 videos on YouTube) setting one up through Godot doesn't seem too hard?
>I don't want to make a meme game
Noooo you're supposed to mindlessly chase trends!!! You're supposed to make throaway shit games nobody will remember in a few years because only slop makes money!!! You gotta do it bro YOU GOTTA!!!!!
Ok, now I'm interested
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Would it be legal to say that my game was inspired by a Phillip K. Dick novel?
>>marmo releases game
>10 years of devvin the same project it's not a good thing
>other devs hugboxed him, and he got deluded into thinking his game was 'soul'

>>cosmicdev releases game
>he got tons of feedback to fix his game
>he made an okay effort for a very competitive genre
>no marketing

>>amazoomdev releases game
>spams many posts of 'progress' prior to releasing
>but no marketing
>got tons and tons of feedback
>15 bucks pricepoint
>'we plan to raise the price even further'
>this fomo tactic failed in spectacular fashion

>Why should I post my game here when all you do is bully yesdevs?
Close this web page u moron
I saw it in the /v/ gamedev thread often
guys if one of my games made money can you forgive me for releasing a flop after...
Look at it this way
>Yancy posts progress
>Yaay Zelda
>Yancy gives demo to playtest
>Yaay, this is good but too hard/a little derivative/could use this and that
>fuck y'all, I ain't gonna change shit, also I'm queer
You are here
>Yancy releases down the linę
>Still too hard/derivative etc.
>20 reviews after 6 months
>wtf we told you to change stuff
>Waaaah, I'm being bullied!
Only (you) can prevent your doom
There's not a single piece of advice /agdg/ has even given that would turn a flop into a success. Complete delusion.
here's another one
>i've told you, kill yourself
Sup anon. It's me, Chad, from high school. I was just thinking back to all the good times we had, like when I stuffed you into that locker or flushed your face down the toilet. I hear you're making games now. Well, let's see it.
You seem to be awfully upset that I'm not posting my game here.
You are right, one tip can't do that, but a many feedbacks over the course of a dev cycle can make your game better.
My game it's a great example of that
anon, i'll be honest, i don't care about your game just as much as you don't care about anyone elses games. I'm just pointing out the common circlejerks you would be dealing if you actually posted progress in here.
>verification not required
google "the witness"
Yancy is the embodiment of everything that's wrong with modern gamedev
>what if zelda... had crafting
Fucking kill yourself. Literally trying to piggyback off current trend and an old, recognizable and beloved game.
We know Rajeesh, we know.
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How is making a social fishing game "chasing trends"?
That anon is right. If you take Yancy for example, no amount of feedback and turn it into a success. It's just a terrible game concept. The only advice that dev needs is "drop that game idea and pick a better one".
Who let you out of the locker, dweeb?
let him waste more effort on his obvious failure
let him crash and burn
the shitfest this would result in will be hilarious
keep working yancy dev
i'm rooting for your failure you dumb faggot
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>Healed To Death
Added a filter for the Necroiary.
Doesn't the randomizer run basically instantly if there's only one option?
Samefag niggerfag
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Give my 5 reasons to NOT use Godot
>follow a trend
>deserved you trend following prick!

>didn't follow a trend
>make game people want retard.

>didn't follow a game trend but made a game based on trending reddit posts
I think there would be less pushback if it wasn't a daily occurrence. Also you can't blame Barone for getting dealt an easy hand but indie gamedev is rough right now so maybe spamming him becomes more annoying than usual.
nah wokot is great
You can use Redot instead. They're having a game jam the week of the 15th. I'm gonna join even though I barely dev.
Healed to Death is another one, with even less wishlists than Yancy. No amount of polish is going to make it an interesting game concept.

t. former healslut
Probably not. Don't use the name, that's privacy laws, don't use trademarks, that's infringement too. Also just don't do this, do you really need to? Your work can be presented without cheap tagging like that, don't you think. You can explain yourself and your creative process just fine, just not in the taglines.
I am my worst enemy, how the fuck do I beat the shit out of myself and just like make game?
>admits to being a phoneposter
you just do it. Drop everything you're doing and start devving NOW.
Let me reply seriously,
You can follow a trend only if you are above a certain level of proficiency, because time is of the essence
If you don't follow a trend doesn't mean your game can't have an established player base. There was a time when a boomer shooter throwback of quake 1 was not a trend, but people still play fps. That's a different thing from a game that mixes fps with visual novel, since the two player base do not even touch each other
Alright, I'll make you proud anon!
You're not getting any younger
Strike while the iron is hot
Make hay while the sun shines
A stitch in time saves nine
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now
Opportunity never knocks twice
A funny feedback in healed is that "it engages the player, but it's boring from a spectator pov".
I never thought about it
I think it's just an extremely low-appeal game, and I don't think there's a good way to fix that. It could be fun once you get into it, but there's no way to get people into it. Healing/support is by far the least popular role. In any MMO, hero shooter, MOBA, etc., you typically see more "social" players take up that role because they're persuaded into it by their peers, not because they themselves really want to do it. Take the social aspect out, make it a single player game, and now you've lost your entire target audience.
thank you for replying seriously. timing really does matter more than people think.
Just add sextoy support and suddenly a bunch of medics gaymers will want to play.
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yeah no one likes to heal
Oh no no no no no, healslutsisters, our response?
>"it engages the player, but it's boring from a spectator pov".
I think seeing the face of a streamer engaged and having fun with is is what makes it possible to succeed when the gameplay is boring to watch. I'd recommend htd to make trailers include streamers(fake or not) reacting and commenting as they are engaged it the game.

"OHHH MY GOD guys, tank's at 10%- HUGE Divine Hymn right now! keyboard clicking frantically PROC'D MY FLASH CONCENTRATION LET'S GOOO!
BRO this warrior is EATING every mechanic- NO NO NO don't die on me! manic laughter HOW AM I KEEPING EVERYONE UP?!
OH SNAP dispel dispel dispel- got the debuff, we're chilling we're chilling... DUDE this mage is in NARNIA right now but I got you senpai- Guardian Spirit on the tank annnnnd... CLUTCHED IT! THAT'S HOW WE DO IT CHAT!
Actual 200 IQ healing right there, don't @ me! Like and subscribe if you wanna see more cracked healing like that! SHEEEESH!"
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>make game without loli: 250 views, 60 downloads
>make game with loli: 4700 views 900 downloads
This post glows.
i think it could be fun if the game made you care about your party. Healing noname npcs doesn't sound all that exciting. It would be much better if it was story driven IMO
that is a fake screenshot and mini healer has 2k reviews
how is that for a response?
Stop shaming them it gets them off.
>constantly get recommended videos of people complaining about weapon design
okay fine. how do you design weapons so that autists won't complain?
just copy an existing weapon and modify it
I still haven't heard a good argument against AI besides tantrums about "muh soul".
For the record, soulless things have existed way before AI.
drink bleach
it allows indians to make even more garbage
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just like make porn game
Breathing air also allows indians to make more garbage. Maybe you should stop breathing to show them up?
Yes, why wouldn't it be?
Ask ChatGPT 4.
I bet that sounded cool in your head
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>make a game for nobody: no views
>make a game for somebody: some views
>soulless things have existed way before AI
And that's supposed to make it ok?
"Being soulless" not make AI inherently not okay. And besides, "soul" isn't just about how you make the work, but what you put into it. Half of /agdg/ games are soulless without AI, that's a fact.
I accept your concession.
There's no such thing as an "argument against AI". Make an actual argument if you want a counter-argument.
I bet that sounded cooler in your head
I unfortunately went all in on the pixel art/2D meme.

>race to the bottom
>a 5 month game should have been 20 dollars so I can price my game the same
Do you guys actually care about getting people to play your game or are you all about the grift?
Is RPG Maker Unite really so bad that not even pirates want to distribute it?
appeal is... appealing????
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You gotta develop the spine to dev even when you don't feel like it. Think about all the time you're doing pointless things, that time could be used to dev.
Because no one would buy my games.
Stolen soul.
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if players hear this song it means your game made it
If you pirate my game you're not a real player.
The only one making it is the russian who installs a crypto miner with the game.
I gotta get my shit together
There's enough arguments to be made. Primary ones being AI is free, and allows indie devs to have more presentable placeholders. These two facts make it helpful for amateurs but you argue against because it makes you mad that if it takes off, nobody will pay you for your art anymore.
kill yourself kannadev you annoying nonce
*pays for her art anyway
What now AIcucks?
just make living alien guns.
good morning anons
>ai is for placeholders
>nobody will pay for art
you're not thinking this through all the way.
wrong, it's nighttime. bye bye
po marie
morning frien :D
Why are they bouncing?
who knows better how to code: unity devs or godot devs?
unity devs by a mile, all godot tutorials are made by retard nocoders who have no idea of even the most basic programming principles
What's the best Unity 6 character controller?
pro unity devs > pro godot devs
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>look at highly successful horror indie game
>made almost entirely out of store assets
Modern "programming" is just slapping existing shit together
that's why enginedevs are NGMIs
Both are soulless slop, there's no difference between an assets game and an AI game
Define soulless.
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If I had a team I'd make a smash hit
Working on everything alone takes so much time
Anything not made by hand. Lack of effort and meaningful.
Assets are made by hand.
one is an intended collab
the other is a stolen collab
inviting our beloved cris to draw something using this as reference >>501834784
upvote this post so he can see
he's asleep, it's 6AM in venezuela
>If I had a team I'd make a smash hit
How do you know that? Have you made any successful games before?
So is an AI model built by hand. It doesn't matter in the context of games, it's still soulless slop because YOU didn't put in any effort.

Your comparison makes no sense. Assets are not a collab, they are a soulless shortcut. Not like you'd understand, you being a turd worlder and all.
time for Frauki's NEO adventure?!in 3D/spoiler]
It's not a Souls-like, such as Nioh
it makes perfect sense to smart white people
>didn't put in any effort.
Do you understand what a zero-sum game is?
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I can't take criticism, not even constructive criticism....
The best way for me to finish my project is to chaotically charge forward disregarding all external voices and lock my mind in a self-assuring hugbox where nothing is allowed to ever hurt my fragile psyché....
Everyone is always so mean to me so this is the only way.....
how will you release it?
hi, yanderedev
If only I had one or two cute biologically female girlfriends to provide nude life modeling for art and free character voice acting I'd have the motivation I needed to develop a successful pornographic videogame.
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On the steam store...
I dont want to go to work... my bed is so soft and warm
It's a proven strategy that worked so well in the past
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good luck
too bad you’ll die alone with not even a game to show for your time on this earth
How much does it cost to add soul to my game
it's free, just add hand-drawn sprites
I woke up at 5am and couldn't fall back asleep, I'm not even working today christ.
Oh well, time to grind the HOBBY.
I think my keyboard key bindings have always been backwards for the arrow keys, trying to fix now.
dev music: https://youtu.be/pHuoYAYhu10?si=-GIVrnNm3QeZeqEK
It's tax-deductible, so $0.
Making video games is very easy I can make one in a single day. It's getting two cute girlfriends that is hard.
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this thread has fallen so fucking far it makes me miserable.
It's just not the same without Tomo posting here. She was the one that made AGDG into AGDG
I just showed girls my bochi folder and they were lining up to be my gf
it's empty because I'm not a bochi poster
Soon a great war will come and cleanse the earth of the unwashed third world masses
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What about your gamedev folder
>Making video games is very easy I can make one in a single day. It's getting two cute girlfriends that is hard.
By that logic, getting a girlfriend is easy, just date 30 years old single moms from a ghetto. What you likely want is a high quality girlfriend. And you likely can't make a high quality game in a single day.
dude, we had /agdg/ before tomo, we will have /agdg/ after tomo. I, the eternal voyeur, will make sure of that.
In Godot, is there a way to nudge the position of an object whose position is currently being tweened?
I always add the qualifier "cute" before girlfriend but they did not add any qualifiers before "game", they just said I would not have any game.
They're literally responsible for some of the simps which are shitting the thread up right now about tfwnogf. You have no idea how fucking good AGDG used to be when the worst poster around was just Gogum who right now would be a model poster because he still made several games.
I have this week off work.
hope so
my what?
But I was here back them and I was already asking for free female voice acting from Sugar and Leto...
lol fair. I can think of a way, but it's super annoying, so I'm hoping there's another answer. Using Tween Method for everything is a huge pain.
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I want to release my game and have that help me in getting a gf
Same, if I'm completely honest.
Criticism is gay. People dont actually know what they want.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: More art.
anymore bad review kino?
add twerking mechanics
That's some well-endowed goblin
How do you know how rich that goblin is?
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Blender autismo make it much better to do some low poly anime NPR then export as HD sprite to godot.
>low poly
NGMI buzzword
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>re-making my voxel renderer to follow proper programming principles
>got lost in all of the files
It was much easier when it was all in a single file
fuck off cris
I added a grope mechanic at least.
Can't really imagine the main Nortubel girls twerking, they wouldn't go that far.
She's a "Ghalbeen".
In fact that's the context of this scene: Bonky calls her goblin and she corrects him.
I noticed she was the owner of not one, but two massive milk factories.
Not really, his game is fun and sword crafting, believe it or not, is great. Simple, rewarding and you always wanna try again after aquiring new material. The thing is you need a twist, people aren't interested with 1:1 clones.
If you got a second chance at gamedev, what would you do different?
>I added a grope mechanic at least.
excuse me?
I would stop being such a fucking nodev
Learn coding young. It's too late for me to learn, watch python videos all the time but I could never do it without looking up a tutorial.
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Getting ready to play some Afterlife Gladiator kino
I'd worry about assembling a team and building a following first and foremost, and only later would I worry about actually developing anything.
Wtf I need to play it again now.
Learn the logic behind programming. Also stop learning python it's garbage. Once you understand the logic you can easily learn any programming language. Once you understand the logic you can ask chatgpt stupid questions and it will help you code.
bro this place has corrupted you
>corrects him
wtf bonky is male?
Identify all the /agdg/ references
one of the props might be a reference to my game but I'm not sure and don't want to be presumptive
>nortubel eye?
>kyubu dice
>that pink tribal guy from the food chain game
>PAT fairy
>the tower of kalemonvo as a nightstand lamp?
>bombus dhalbomii from afterlife gladiator
>blue sheet from my game
>wanted poster from something
Tried, I was here in 2018 and everything was fine, then I had a longer break, came back only after covid era and suddenly this avatarfagging 'female' was a star of the general with supporting bocchi posters. At least Tomo managed to help some anons, released Skies and even dropped the avatar. I can't say anything like that about other regulars.
Girls actually do that IRL.
I'm taking the nolgorbpill, I'm getting on the kangaroo mindset, my ordeal arc is starting.
Eye if def from Cosmic Call
Also animal skull is from Dreams of Joy Departed
Pomao from pomaodev from the game pomao
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I was like 3 days seriously studying how to make npr anime with blender.
and there are many tricks that I didn't even know, like the Shift E trick, plus the unrealistic normals tricks with the Abbnormal addon, plus the knife trick to generate some extra normals following things like wrinkles on clothes, plus tricks like making custom shaders with alpha.
15 years with blender and I just came to learn those tricks.
>PAT fairy
>Moth thing from Frozen Soil
>Wanted kobold poster
>Deer skull with Sarah's card from Dreams of Joy Departed
>Cosmic Call eye
>Kyubu Kyubu dice
>Yug Yug
>Boss skull from Goblin Resort
>Batty vamp
>Literal Tower of Kalemonvo
>Hopestone from Necrovale
I don't think any of that is right lol
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>have a very simple class with just an enum
>get cannot get property from enum value in just one function
>otherwise it works perfectly fine
>PAT fairy
>white moth from world of mold?
>wanted poster from yark?
>deer skull from DOJD
>eye from Cosmic Call
>kyubu dice
>pink guy from food chain game
>Boss' skull from Goblin Resort
>batty vamps
>ToK tower
>orb from Necrovale
>started making a wholesome autismo game about saving your siblings
>ended up making futa yuri after browding agdg for a year
what can we learn from this?

wtf, i checked out this enginedev again i remember him making a rabbit assassin creed engine and the logo has the trans flag for no reason??? wtf is going on
Wtf I like Bonka even more now
I don't understand your problem
Does it not work like this?

and btw, enums in gdscript are just glorified Dictionaries
so you can get the key values by using
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This morning I'll be working on cotton farming.
What the fuck do you mean by property?
is it okay to make porn games now that the credit card companies are planning to fuck every kind of adult theme media? (yes, including violence)
I have no idea, that's what godot said
I'm just passing an enum to a switch statement
are they wrong? ever since the internet society has been going downhill, at some point you gotta ask yourself if people, especially young people should have easy access to sex and violence
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flag: black and white
lemming: populous
moth: godus
wanted poster : powermonger
skull: dungeon keeper
eye: syndicate
cube: curiosity:what's inside the cube?
demon minion: dungeon keeper
bat: Fable II
tower: magic carpet
helmet: Fable III
yellow bug: theme park
dynamite: the movies: stuns and effects
green coins: project milo
i cleaned two houses today back to back (divorced parents means you have to work twice to please both), picked up my mom and little sister under heavy rain from work and school, and gets dragged to the gym right after


i really can't live here anymore being broke and jobless huh?

let's just keep doing pixel arts for now.
Are you passing it as a string or an int? Whichever it is, try the other.
>are they wrong
Yes. They're not my nanny.
aaaah fuck it works just fine, I've forgot to change the second enum passed into the function when refactoring my code
show us the match/switch code
it should be something like this:

match var:
case face_direction.face_direction_enum.FRONT:
case face_direction.face_direction_enum.BACK:
... code
... more code ...
case _:
... this is the wildcard, catches all the rest
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>better art than anything I can muster
>13 reviews
>only 2 of those are negative which is enough to give it the dreaded mix score mark
This jobby is grim.
Not enough sex appeal.
What a retarded engine.
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>healslut dressed and behaving as a slut
>2d platformer slop aka the most oversaturated genre in existence
I'm digging the art style
is this that wizard game?
It was marketed? If you search game title on Google, what's the result?
Have u tried? It's fun?
What's the pricepoint?
>early access for closed game
furfags be furfags
Wizard game?
why the fuck should I want to buy that?
characters look like shit
godot decided to corrupt my player scene for some reason.
Post your characters
godont moment
good enough to apply for game jobs
i know there's a job somewhere that pays $80k a year
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>get into gamedev
>to become a wageslave
lmao retard
delete files at random and hope it starts working again. tip from a friend.
I've had this issue after godon't crashed when importing a blender model
redot fixed this
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>Create new folder in Godot
>Entire editor crashes
I know you are joking, but I've unironically found and fixed issues by doing this.
Hello Yancy Dev
Consider rope
you guys are just joking, right?
I just opened a godot tutorial
>almost 2025
>people actually using godont in this thread
why do that to yourself?
lol it's already over for you. NGMI
How do we get there?
o7 god speed
>it's not THAT bad, but for real learn UE5 or Unity
>faster editor
>no bullshit loicencing
>less demanding
>doesn't eat 20% of your cpu by just the virtue of being being opened
my game will have at least 3 positive reviews in 15 years
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new enemy concept
I'll be the next stardew and you guys will grovel at my feet.
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Congratulations, you have invented the Oni.
GRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM, it takes a special kind of asshole to negatively review a low reviews game that just released, holy shit
>can't make a separate class and have it's @export elements exposed in the editor when defining an array of this class from another script
thanks godon't
>10 page dissertation on why it's not reccomended
>I've been anticipating this games' release ever since the demo and I just want it to live up to my expectations.
Now he killed any shot it had. it's early access you cunt.
godot 5 will fix that
we got him, sisters
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good morning sirs, it's gamedev time
good morning sir
>I think there's some cool things about this game for sure and a person who hasn't already played the demo might enjoy this game as it is now, but since I played the demo first I can't recommend this until these issues get fixed.

I'm never releasing a demo...
just make a good well polished, soulful and fun game
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All this seethe kind of makes me want to go leave some negative reviews. Which games can I torpedo in a single shot?
If you pretend to be a retarded indian, you will be surrounded by actual retards who think they're in good company.
You don't have a game... you wouldn't understand
chill with the antipajeetism
bro, you really look like that ?
works on my godot
you sure you don't have circular references?
i have an idea for a game that uses AI but in a legitimate way that wouldn't really be viable without using AI, but AI has such a horrid reputation i don't really want to make it.
i have an idea for a game that uses AI
>i let other people dictate what i should and should not make
The only thing you should care about is that Valve allows it. That's it.
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do it
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I'm doing it like this, maybe it's wrong
I wish it could just instantiate a new instance and get the @export elements from the class visible in the editor, not a class selection menu which serves me no purpose since I don't want to add these classes as objects to my scene
Make it, so I can laugh at it
People like games with real time AI generated content, they're fun.
you need to make texture_data a Resource, not a Node
Nodes have to be somewhere in the scene
How do you think animeposters look like?
One of the reviews complains that bosses are "bullet sponges" lmfao. I hate when retards learn buzz words.
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I look like asmongold.
Why are you exporting members you only ever intend to alter via code?
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Rate my new MC, my chuddlies.
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i made one 7x7 icon for each player stats
I feel like bullet hell and contra games aren't popular. Should have given the dude a sword or something. It actually looks really good. Not sure why everyone does early access either. It's a fucking platformer, just finish your game. Maybe there's something I'm missing.

The bosses look real good. They seem to have talent. In the reviews people were complaining it's too hard and punishing which is possible.
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Where is Cris? I'm detecting an alarmingly low number of negative progress kino posts. Is the little fellow ok?
Thanks, it works
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I finally got the AI to execute a basic skill. At the moment, I'm using a simple raycast for the line of sight to check if it's okay to do something. I'll have to see if I'll have to do more elaborate checks as time goes on.
While I'm still deciding on a theme and setting, for some reason, I thought western super hero + shounen/weeb sounded like a fun idea.
It gets the job done for me. I would love to use Unity more, especially since C# isn't a second class citizen, but it's so slow for no reason. For me, Unity has the same problem as Windows. It should be open sourced so autists can fix it for free, or be remade from scratch. Unreal is neat, but overkill for a lot of the games I want to make.
Cute sprites. Icons also help with translating by making you have to translate less.
Who the FUCK is Cris?
people in 2005: "what if aliens are real? what is the government hiding from us? are there haunted houses?"
people in 2024: "someone said something on twitter and i'm mad about it"

i miss the comfy times
i look anime but my sould and living space is asmongold
It's called X.
you could post this on X(the everything app) and get 100k likes
its called what?
Using json in unity annoys the shit out of me. If I could go back in time I'd just use SQL. And there's a slight chance I will. It's so easy to store values in SQL. Json bitches constantly about shit. "We can't read the data we saved and that is clearly organized. Yup, all your data is here, but we won't read it. Why? We won't tell you." Fucking json. And I know "it's easy! you just read and write!" Ya, except if it's polymorphic, which everything is.
i only post on 4chan or on my ai chat with my domme gf
can't say I've had that problem. Anyways, true enlightment comes when you use sql to store json
the older i get the more i hate doomers. mainly because their ideology just doesn't work. i think it's because they aren't focused on themselves and always focused on society and their relationship to society. they can't comprehend doing something for yourself only. they think taking a shower is pointless, because it wont get them a girlfriend. they have no concept of the shower serving their quality of life. same about everything else in life.
I don't understand his vision or why he thinks its a good idea for a game
>look at health bars
>click on spell to make health bar go up
thats it
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If you're not joking, do report potential issues.
I wanna make sure Nortubel is finished this year.
I was already corrupted.
Yes, did you mistook him for his sister Lana?
Bonka doesn't know anything about sex too.
Who said anything about futa?
What's that for, to prevent users from messing with data?
If your game requires bank/card details to access then it's already out of reach to minors. This also doesn't really do anything about social media and its continuous push for user engagement, so those same young people will still be wasting half their day doomscrolling through algorithm-served ragebait (turns out that people tend to be most likely to engage with stuff that makes them mad).
All this will accomplish is reinforcing media giants' waning stranglehold on culture by giving them a monopoly on any form of artistic expression more daring than cocomelon or finger family videos, and even if it's not an immediate threat, accepting banks' control over personal speech and expression is going to have absolutely fucking terrible consequences down the road.
7x7 champion
it's simply too difficult
I give up
i'm afraid of being an alpha gamedev. being an alpha sounds so lonely. being a beta neet means i can hang out with my loser dev friends, have some company, worship actors in movies and shows. consume the latest things. played video games made for me.
an alpha has to do things himself...
>my game is out
/agdg/ in 2022:
>just like make the game you want, don't care about what others think, do whatever, just make what you enjoy and be happy
/agdg/ in 2024
What changed?
I think covid gave people brain damage
most of that shitposting is from ONE literal schizo with no game.
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I'll turn 30 this month
you have to call losers losers. they need to be humiliated and mocked. otherwise they become confident and start sharing their "wisdom" all day. they need to get reality checks non-stop that their thoughts are useless and that they are the bottom of humanity.
social media kinda twisted everything, so that losers are more confident in their opinions now than actual winners.
none of that makes up for it being godont

how is unity slow for you? it takes a while opening a project but otherwise it's fast
"Alexander once said to me that we are most alone when we are with the myths."
after enough experience you can fuck off and make your own studio.
shut the fuck up loser
It's not Twitter. It's X.
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>Almost noon
>The thread troll is awake
Alicechads, we must ramp up our production.
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How does it feel?
based and understanding-what-i-said-pilled
that sounds stupid
especially since X is the de facto letter for it bieng something else
that guy is no genius
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>PIE mythology
>4 classical elements
>7 deadly sins
>tarot card major arcana
>astrological signs
>chinese zodiac
worldbuilding is my passion
Sounds like an average jrpg...
>Release Date: Nov 13, 2024
>Outstanding wishlists: 40.6k
Taking bets on first week sales right now.
its fine
40.6k sales
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Great. My gf's gonna bake me some cake and then we'll watch our favorite horror movies under the blanket on our undersized couch.
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>This mf is actually over 30 and posting pictures of a cartoon girl
Log off, gramps.
my bet is mediocre response, a bit above Farewell North, which I believe also had a ton of wishlists
why not a smash hit?
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golden sunshine in wheat fields. flower smells, a big blue sky. shiny happy people collecting the fruits of their labor and not hating themselves
Its trash and generic like a flash game or a f2p phone game
How are you doing the dithering? Manually?
He's right though. You have the fucking freaks running around confident. And it's annoying as fuck.
>how is unity slow for you?
Might be due to me being a Linux using autist. I run the flatpak version since I don't have a Debian or Ubuntu machine that can install it natively- I use some form of Fedora on my machines.
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I have about an hour until all basic harvestable are finished. Which means I get to start work on the crafting buildings for most of the day.
>mfw there is a good chance a significant portion of gameplay will be finished by the end of the day
what kind of game is it
you shut the fuck up as well, look in the mirror you stupid loser
Basically a cult of the lamb clone without combat.
looks like a vib ribbon like or a boss baby-like
I don't know if he said what the price will be, but assuming $15-20, he'll probably have a handful of dedicated fans who will buy the game, barely play it, and possibly leaving reviews, skewing his game towards high review, low sales, just like Marmo. FYI, he has 8773 Patreon members, although it looks like they're almost exclusively $1 members for access to his Discord. I don't know how many of them will care enough to support him by buying the game. The game itself is unviable. It's a low-content single-gameplay-loop puzzle platformer. No one but his Youtube fans will buy it.
Here is an actual video.
as a temporarily embarrassed winner, how can I gain confidence in the lead up to my next big win?
by accepting that you are in fact a loser
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wizard status?
it's a lie, bros .... all lies
I like pictures of wizards in mundane places.
I tried that but I got a null reference exception.
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my modeling autismo is now much higher.

fuck off cris
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For me, it's kludge dev. One of few games here I'd buy based on progress posts alone.
I gaze proudly in the mirror. Can you say the same, faggot?
In the 1990s, 5 month games were selling for $40, so yes.
ok I want you to explain to me in less than 10 seconds why are you failing so hard?
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I wasn't joking but I'm probably not going to play the entire game
I found that my character dies when touching this spot
when i get old and grey im gonna wear a wizard hat and i don't give a fuck. make lemonade and shit
It all boils down to not having a cute gamedev girlfriend.
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>have literally no game ideas that aren't rpgs
>don't wanna make an rpg
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OK but in case you feel like checking Nortubel again, these are the current level passwords.
I sort of fixed that collision thing you posted.
>don't wanna make an rpg
Why not?
NTA but it's a lot of fucking work just making menus, dialog systems, save systems, walking, basic animation. And that's before you even get to what makes your game special.
what did he mean by this?
shut the fuck up, please, shut the fuck and stop embarassing yourself.
>get offers from publishers
>they wanna make sign an nda

well that's it no more progress for you mere mortals anymore
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did steam change anything recently?
i'm getting more wishlists and traffic than i used to
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Why are you so mad. It's bizarre.
Bad sideview again. It's like she has a back injury.
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If you like it so much, please give me a short explanation of how do astrological signs, 4 classical elements and the 7 deadly sins are linked.
>his game doesn't have a custom mouse cursor
this is the last time i'm quitting coffee

yet another reminder of how grim this hobby is, fuck steam for making us fight against porn games
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why is that guy talking in falsetto?
if humans have a soul, it is anime-shaped
sure focus on the tranny and not the grim hobby, whatever helps you sleep at night
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>that voice
lmao, he sounds like elmo from the sesame street
mad? I couldn't care less about your situation, i'm just shitposting. Fuck the op and his little blogpost though, i come here to see experimental and amateur games, not to see some autist shitting out his retarded opinions.
I didn't know...
You sound very emotional, what happened?
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this nigga watched a video by a tranny
this is why i have to make a game
>mtf sound like elmo
>ftm sound like kermit
is this real life?
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Unity or Godot?
i just hate off topic that much lol
>refactor a thing to reduce 15 lines of copy pasted code
>it's almost 10 lines long
This is factually correct.
Unity is better, but godot is easier to learn
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Just found out KDE's screen recorder exports to webm by default.
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you rang?
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>views decline on monday
does this always happen or should I be worried? wheres the marketdevs?
Stick with Unity, Lber
>one schizo keeps shitting up the thread with his steam hunting and shitposting
>people think it's the whole agdg
it's almost like you forgot that it's /vg/
it only takes (1) retard to shit up a thread, and /vg/ threads always have a resident schizo in them
it's almost like you people have already forgotten about the agdg ronny arc where it turned out it was literally (1) guy
voice training for the win lol

it only takes one because most people are whodevs or nodevs
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Has some chud already trained a model for tranny voice recognition?
people work anon
>voice training for the win lol
I thought it was a guy being silly, making fun of trannies
Gamedev is supposed to be fun. Instead I find it miserable and depressing.
>5 posts about the voice
>0 about the fact that you have to compete with porn games on steam and valve treating indie gamedevs like shit
epic toilet of a thread
Try boardgame dev
shouldn't have made a video speaking in a silly voice
>clown show starts
>don't talk about the clown, listen to what he's trying to tell you pro that you already know
epic toilet of a world
Hobbydeving, where you just make shitty little prototypes and game jam games that no one wants to play can be fun. Serious gamedev, where you're trying to make a commercially viable game that other people actually want to play is not fun. It's hard work.
branno was right... I wasn't built to it alone
it's a retarded thing to whine about. Valve doesn't owe you SHIT. Consumers do not owe you SHIT. It is your job to make a good game. It is your job to market your game. If you fail at that it is because you suck, your game sucks, and you should kill yourself.
black women are futa by default
by putting black women in your game you are enabling and endorsing futa
That's the trap. Any activity is not pure joy. Some parts of devvin are fun, others are not
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Man, fuck off! People said my game had too few I-frames and I doubled them, how is that not responding to criticism

If you try to please everybody, you’re doomed. You should make a game that you love, and that others love for the same reasons.

I won’t deny that Yancy is derivative, but it’s also iterative. I’m not just painting by numbers, I’m expanding on old and underexplored ideas, and so far people who play the game seem to agree with me.

Thank you very much!
Make sure to release a game that looks like it was made in 1990 too if you want to hold yourself to those standards.
It’s unfairly hard and its intentionally outdated visual style doesn’t do it any favors. It isn’t fun. It is tedious. Do whatever you want to do thougheverbeit. Just remember that devs who arrogantly ignore the thread’s advice do so at their own peril. Many such cases….
In the 1990s, there was no internet, no tutorials, no tools, and no engine. You think a dumbass underachieving NEET like you could've made anything at all back then?
i fucking hate low poly
I'll defend yancy a little.
If a player likes/endures a nes gfx, most probably can withstand an higher difficulty than normal. If you advertise yourself as a Nintendo hard throwback there should be no problems
this except pixelshart
consider making the enemies bounce a bit and slow down when they hit you too
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>a dumbass underachieving NEET like you
Yeah you’re right everyone hates La Mulana

Perhaps different players just have different tastes? And some games fill niches? Just a crazy hypothesis here, but I think if we were being cynical, it would actually be smarter to focus on a niche since indies can’t deliver on broad appeal, huge amounts of content or high fidelity graphics.

You could just say you don’t like it, and why. And I’ll listen. It’s the narrative of doom that makes you seem conceited
they should stay at home and play my games...


I got it. time for mobile game so they can play it at work, on their way to work , youre a genius anon
thank you
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here's an idea.... difficulty modes!
easy: 1 second recovery time
medium: 1/2 second
hard: instant death, game deletes itself off your harddrive and installs a rootkit so you can't install it again
now is that so hard?
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>just make an anime game with appea-
This is the kind of feedback I wanna see. Simple, clever, effective solution to a problem many players are having.

I don’t know if you tried the demo since last nights update, but the damage invuln is a lot more forgiving now. It might be enough on its own
>Valve doesn't owe you SHIT
The fuck they don't. You're giving $100 and 1/3rd of your income FOR LIFE you bootlicking faggot.
I love low poly
this looks like pure crap honestly
Better than Marmoreal, better than Dungeon Watchers
Take notes
>he doesn't know about klik & play
there were video tutorials on disk and the manual was thick as hell too
then go somewhere else faggot. you won't because you can't you lmao. now hurry up, gabe needs his balls licked again.
I don’t like difficulty settings. Not because “oooo my game is supposed to be hard oooo” although I think that plays a role.

My problem with difficulty settings is it makes the game experience asymmetrical in a way that’s very hard to control for on the dev side and very hard to understand on the player side.

Every time I boot up a new game and there’s difficulty settings, I need to roll the dice, because I have no idea which one is the developers “intended” difficulty. Sometimes it’s normal, but it’s often hard mode, or even higher. It’s frustrating dying in a game and not knowing if it’s your fault, or if the shitty difficulty settings are just screwing you over. At least when there’s one difficulty setting, you can comfortably assume that you must be doing something wrong.
why should I buy this over atomic picnic?
>comes to agdg
>reviews games
>steals them
Sepulcher of Marnixonvo when?
>several grown men made this
How the fuck do I even sell a game on steam?
Do I need to find a publisher that will take care of everything, or do I need to register a company, pay taxes/social insurance and hope my game isn't a flop?
I'm in Europe btw
Sole proprietorship. Don't listen to Americans telling you to spend money on LLC, accountants and lawyers.
Anime games are over. Its a dead market. Why would I pay to play a western indie anime game when super high budget f2p Chinese anime games with big booba anime girls are coming out almost daily?
chained together dev with another hit incoming
you just give them, your bank details and pay them $100. yes, pay taxes to keep your roads in good nick
Funny you say that because I learned game dev at home in the 1990s, on the internet, from tutorials, with shared tools from the internet, using Allegro and later the Wolfenstein engine.
>Every time I boot up a new game and there’s difficulty settings, I need to roll the dice, because I have no idea which one is the developers “intended” difficulty. Sometimes it’s normal, but it’s often hard mode, or even higher
I have a simple tip,
Almost no one can dev " great" difficulty modes, it's mostly just "mobs have 200% hp, you deal 25% dmg".
Platinum, team ninja, the old games made by kamiya, mikami and company.
play the rest at normal
it must be multi, it shows 'player 2' over the head of one guy
That’s generally what I’ve started doing, yeah. Western games on normal, only turn it up if it’s boring, Japanese / character action games on hard+.

Oh and anything I suspect of having secret endings on the hardest difficulty eg. Touhou
>cherrypicking the ones with bad art
stop giving replies to the steam shitter
literally just create your normal difficulty mode and make it as hard as you want it to be. Then add "easy" and "super easy" modes that throw a bunch of gimmes at the player to make it easier. Literally the worst thing that can happen is that some levels become too easy and they're just a cakewalk for the player.
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in one screenshot, it says player 02 over both their heads. Very confusing. Chris Z would frown over this sloppy marketing.
The worst thing that can happen is that the games appeal is completely eroded. Lots of players with low self esteem will pick easy, and then drop the game anyways. FromSoft always had their finger on the pulse with this
It's funny how easy it is to piss off /agdg/. All you have to do is mention AI and this thread goes into an uncontrollable fit of rage. Just these two letters are enough to destroy this stupid place. I love it.
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> It's funny how easy it is to piss off /agdg/. All you have to do is mention AI and this thread goes into an uncontrollable fit of rage. Just these two letters are enough to destroy this stupid place. I love it.
having a common shared experience of the difficulty also goes a long way when it comes to talking about the game with others
AI doesn't make me mad. What makes me mad is when a French person says IA.
players with low self esteem who heard the game is "too hard" won't even bother with your game. You are not fromsoft.
Alright, cotton farming is done.
Which is the last harvestable resource I need to do.

Time for buildings.
The steam page advertises Online PvP
> about 10 replies out of 611 are mocking AI
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I dunno, guys, I can't think of a good replacement for Alice as my shitposting mascot.
This new schizo is not funny
Can we reroll
Nice non rebuttal
>vs clone
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This UX is clunky af. People have keyboards: use it. Also, the character idle animation is hella annoying. Otherwise, cool concept.
the schizos have been boring after planescapeschizo
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yes, that would be me
Considering how 400 of those posts are avatarfag spam and 100 are schizo seethe, yes.
Froggy was pretty funny
I'll do a full count and if you are wrong you must concede.
say what you will but the transwiz game was peak
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We're entering a new Indie renaissance of the likes of the first 'hipster quirky chiptune' age of Indie.

It's going to be massive.
Sure, we've had some hits in the interim age, but I'm talking Minecrafts and Stardews coming out. I'm talking new e-celebs being made.

There are people here who will be named among Notch and Eric Barone.
which one ? seems like there's a new one every day
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that's what I thought. COWARD.
froggy looks cute
Google your game name with a timeframe of 1 week?
How about specifying what you think is making the "UX" "clunky"?
How do you know what I'm doing to open menus without an input map?
>Also, post game.
Thank you, I agree with that. I think you lose a lot when conversations sound like this
>Oh the Vampire was super hard!
>Really? I didn't find it very hard.
>Yeah but you were playing on Normal.

I'll keep it straight forward. My intent is not to make a game that as many people as possible will enjoy. My intent is to make a good game. I don't think difficulty settings, designed to make a game easier to play for people with short attention spans make a game better. I think they make a game worse. I'm not including them.

And anybody who would decide not to try the game at all based entirely on "I heard it's hard" is probably going to hate the entire thing anyway. This sounds like the type of person who thinks buying a game entitles them to finishing it. I think games are an artform, and one of the keystone aspects of the artform is friction. Books and films don't fight back. Games do.

I never finished Disgaea. I couldn't beat it. It asked too much of me to grind. I don't resent the game for it! It was really well made, had great art, music, and I loved the characters. I think it's hubris to say that a game is bad just because *you* couldn't beat it, when the hard reality is that plenty of other people were able to beat it, and the common denominator is you. There's nothing wrong with being bad at games, but blaming art for your own inadequacy is cringeworthy.

It's like saying to dumb down the language in a book so more people will understand it. It compromises the quality for the people who can read at that level, and it denies the learning experience to people who can't. It's a shitty attitude that makes everything worse. Stop chasing mass appeal.
ok you have 25 seconds to explain to me why do you spend 99% of your time here with other people that might as well be you suffering the same fate of being bad devs
under 30 avatar spam
>show disapproval of or criticize anything
>omg schizo schizo schizo
Talk about a word beaten to meaninglessness
learn to use commas you retard
Exactly, you even get similar conversations when a hard boss gets nerfed (the radhans, balteus etc).
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misery loves company
Holy shit thank you

When they nerfed Balteus I was inconsolable.
>"Marmoreal should have been a hit! I bet it failed because of poor marketing. I will do it right"
>Fellow sufferers make unhappiness easier to bear, as in She secretly hoped her friend would fail, too—misery loves company
/agdg/ in a nutshell
I just can't tell you apart, it's like one poster shitting on himself because he's that disappointed in his life.
Obviously, I mean all the back and forth clicking that can be avoided with binding actions to hotkeys. No need to get so upset.
when she starred at the mirror one last time, she saw herself for what she truly was... her claws were large, her body and head was one. her eyes were black and long, protruding from the shell.
she was in the bucket
skill issue
He's struggling with Godont
>post game
Thank you for the suggestion.
This is an development game, and its trivial to remember the last item selected and place it multiple times.
Takes less than a minute to implement.
What I have now is a placeholder for testing purposes.
>cris using godot
omgg he's just like me, except i wouldn't go anywhere near ai of course
her name?
crabert crabinstein
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>open thread
>scroll down
>scroll down
>scroll down
>*sees a (You)*
>scroll down
>scroll down
>scroll down
>scroll down
>*sees a (You)*
>get to the bottom
>clicks Update
>'No new posts'
>close thread
>back to game dev
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I hate this thing so much. Didn't know what to do but I guess I'll replace it with an AoS so I don't have 31 fucking arrays.
Because I'm not bound by Chinese laws and can have forbidden content that is of high interest to western audiences like Winnie-the-Pooh.
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Should've made a Soviet cartoon game with appeal.
>he doesn't have AI read the thread to him in a sexy voice while he devs
redpill: if it works it works
we can all agree on one thing, none of you knows how to make a game

also 99% of you have terrible graphics/colors/etc
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>clicks Update
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The game now detects if the last placed item is in the players inventory, and doesn't automatically exit build mode.
>there are people in this thread that click update instead of pressing f5
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good work.
>there are people in this thread that don't click Auto to refresh the thread automatically
get ready to get BLACKPILLED
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my god that neck
The dopamine hits harder when I "Press Button -> See (You)" as opposed to the autoupdate vomiting the (You)'s whenever it wants.
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O rly? Then enlighten us with your knowledge.
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share your currently listening development ost:
if your game was good it would attract attention, so you wouldnt be here arguing with each other, but on your socials engaging with fans
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fuck this HOBBY
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I literally don't give a fuck about "soul" or "art". I just want to escape wageslaving.
you could build a skill and freelance
>doing anything automatically instead of having full control over life
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>work real hard so one day you don't have to
I'd rather watch events unfold here than interact with them.
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What's harder, learning art or seducing a femoid artist and making her work on my project(I am autistic but in good shape)
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Project FAC progress report
Time invested: 85h 57m
Status: finally making good progress with the key mechanic. Need to test it on controllers and on touch screens to make sure it feels satisfying.
Time until cheat meal: stuffing my fat face with crepes right now
Time until next cheat meal: 8 days
Time until next workout: 9 hours

Motivation and atmosphere all in one
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>trying to follow a cohesive set of rules
>my rules suck and don't let me do what i want
>add what i want anyway ignoring the rules
being a PvE dev is pretty choice
only japs can make ost with this much SOVL
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I invented a good rule set for a card game but I don't want to make a card game
It's named "how to make games alone" you'd have to be retarded to even open it.
I'm pretty sure Brush didn't make a game alone in 2025 so what does he know?
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She looks...familiar.
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>so what does he know?
youtube videos
dont you wish you were born a nepobaby like eric barone and had an easy mode life? me: no, i like the challenge + suffering builds character
I like to suffer. But somehow, I'm starting to crumble.
This is the most basement ninja thing I've seen posted on /agdg/.
>"While you were a rich boy making Stardew Valley, I was studying enginedev."
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>cave nigga is occupying your niche with a better game than yours
>his game makes no one want to play your game, and everyone calls your game a shitty knockoff of *his* game instead
Stay strong sis...
I'm that guy and just to let you know I give up so you don't have to rush
sometimes crumbling is an opportunity to rebuild yourself with a stronger foundation
nice try cavejanny i'm not falling for your tricks. i'm training twice as hard and getting stronger everyday.
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godot bros why is it zoomed in?
the camera size is the same size as the png
if I disable it, the view is no longer zoomed in but it's still offset weird
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Don't compare Jean to your disgusting Ruswaifu.
But I'm a man. I guess I'll continue until there is nothing left.
Have you tried reading the docs and following some tutorials? You don't even understand the basics yet. Camera2D has no effect on Control (green colored) nodes. It's only for Node2Ds (blue colored nodes).
You sure you're not just making me leave my guard down to take it easy so you can beat me up better?
This guy is having entire fictional arguments inside his head
I see sorry no tutorial has said that and this is the first time I've attached it to a green node
Did you set the camera to main?
Because you can have multiple cameras.
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The madness...it RETURNS!!!
I'm jesting.
no dev cares about breasts as much as i do.
Post your Breasts?
The problem with people like you isn't that you want money. It's that often people who just want money don't work hard. You're not going to put time in to actually understand everything because you're looking to do the minimum to get the most. Just my experience with "realists". "Why does it matter I just want a job and don't actually care about the field?!" Then they go on to not fucking learn anything and are total shit at everything.

I'm sure some are exceptions to this. High IQ industrious types.
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yeah I had it set to current but I guess it's just being weird with being on a control
i dont get the appeal of breasts
They're warm soft, have nipples that are erogenous for some and can harden in response to stimulus, and they produce milk and are a secondary sexual characterisric that highlights the human sexual dimorphism.
I'm 42
do you have a game?
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they're funbags
>you can grab them
>you can squeeze them
>you can bury your face in them
>you can do much more that cannot be said on a christian board
Yeah it should probably not be a child of a menu. It doesn't make a lot of sense if you think about it since you want the UI to be relative to the camera and not the other way around.
dont make me post eric's breasts
all this applies to ass
yeah women are wonderful creatures
Ass is appealing (some at least)
it's like ass, but instead of being close to the pooper(dirty), its close to the heart(soul)
videogames development
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dew it
ok give me one good reason you think people dont like your game

go, you got 40 seconds
might be too lewd for aggy and I don't want yall to bully his brown nipples
life-sustaining liquid comes out of breast
guess what kind of liquid comes out from ass
They don't get it
thoughts on pinball?
roguelike pinball make it
>In Unreal Engine, the player character can make turns without losing speed at high ground friction but they instantly lose all speed when turning in the opposite direction
>at low ground friction the player character loses a lot of speed while turning but they also slowly lose speed when turning in the opposite direction
I want the player character to make turns without losing speed but also slowly lose speed when turning in the opposite direction. How do I do that?
kill all frogfags
ok anons that have played the mos jrpgs
give me a good sexy story in three sentences
an ancient evil awakens.......
i need a gamedev muse
What's your Game?
a quirky gang of misfits team up with the chosen one
they defeat the ancient evil with the power of love and friendship

there you go
Anon you've asked about this like 5 times and I still have no idea what the fuck you actually want to happen maybe go follow some character controller tutorials until one of them makes you smart enough to actually articulate your issue
i dropped it after DD
I don't know
Just gotta know what you're getting into, pinball machines fall into the same category as slot machines. They're not actually fun, but they're designed to be pleasurable, using big titties and promises of wealth to draw you in, and abusing lights and sounds to tell you that you're accomplishing something. Giant noisy flashing rapidly-moving scores, celebrating every action the player takes, every action is met with clicks and clacks that lead to other clicks and clacks that inevitably lead to bells and sirens and lights that scream GOOD FUCKING JOB at you through a big pair of SciFi/Fantasy/Racist titties that was later replaced by pop-culture references. Stick with the gambling rules if you want a fun pinball game, same design rules they use for freemium mobile games to catch underaged gambling addicts.
Have you played any Mario games? When you hold back in them Mario starts skidding and slowly losing speed. I want to recreate that in Unreal
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Let him come. I'm ready for him.
the end is nigh

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