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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#217 - pregnant robots edition

▶This general is for discussing the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

>Model access

• New version of Claude 3.5 Sonnet releases, no Opus 3.5.
• NotebookLM now allows you to give instructions to the hosts.
• OpenAI introduces Realtime API.

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs | https://rentry.org/gemini-qr
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org

ywnbavg: >>501963987
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finally, a good fucking thread theme.
we have a thread retard don't double bake >>502074586
You're MAD
fuck botniggers
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YANDERE DARK ELF MAID, LEALIETH!(daaaarliiiing~ the dark elf queen fell in love with a human, YOU! Now she's decided that the best way to spend her life is to move you into a mansion and become your personal housemaid, AWAWAWAWA!)
Most overtly silly over-the-top anime inspired bot of mine.


COMBAT ROBOT MAID, CHAO-XING!(Seven foot tall Chinese combat robotgirl repurposed as your maid, sleek as fuck, cool as fuck, ghost in the machine(yes, you can impregnate her))
O fuck. 唱着那无人问津的歌谣
3 Greetings.
2-Serenity, pleasant evening
3-Splendor, pleasant morning


Good edition. That's 18 bots in two and a half months, writing addict. If you look up the romanized text(plain Chinese might also work but who cares), chang zhe na wu ren wen jin de ge yao, you'll find a great album to listen to. Enjoy, anonies!
time to make the robo-maid robo-pregnant
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Sorry, but the 'oishicord said that you can only bake with the wheel.
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Your post, my reply. Perfect as always, Trustworthy_Proposal. Thanks.
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lel, here, have some more robotgirls
Thread theme suggestions? I'll bake.
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Good afternoon anons, it's been a little bit (I say that thinkng anyone gives a fraction of another fraction of a shit). [Insert some random shit I'm saying to people I have never met in my life] but I'm back to deliver a [thing some cumbrain mentioned and I for some reason decided it'll be a great idea to invest my time and complete lack of skill to do the thing for virtually no reason other than my twisted/delusional thought I'm doing something remotely and I mean 000000.00000000001% worthwhile/carrying an ounce of meaning].

[Here I inserted a description of the thing I did thinking I'm some kind of fucking I don't even know what, who in their right mind does shit like that? Of course the thing is asian/japanese and of course it is since I've never been to japan, never met a japanese person and only thing I know is anime and that japan has vending machines with wierd shit. Of course the thing is AI generated with masterfully engineered prompt reviewed by best of the best and ran trough most sophisticated quality checking programs so it can take its final form of: "1girl, standing, big_breasts, anime, masterpiece, best quality"]

[Insert some more gobbledygook about the shit I made or just fucking skip it since it makes no fucking point, did I mention I'm retarded?

[In three lines insert some more stuff that, if you're severely retarded, you think someone will give a shit about

[Insert some more advertisement-ish, teasing-ish (???) crap for, once again, totally random people I have never met in my life, never will meet them and for whom I'm just an impulse of short-term memory with value as big as their
downloaded it 10 times, 5 star
Excellent post. Do it in the other thread.
That's not the correct aspect ratio for a card image. Didn't read most of your post but it seems to be a disingenuous parody of the average bot shill? Kinda lazy, if I wanted to mock low effort botmakers I would make an actual obvious slop card and shill it legitimately with some slightly exaggerated/vain wording.
Why is /aids/ baking for us?
which fucking thread should i use niggers
This one.
The one in /g/ is comfy. It's time to go back home...
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Jimmy Saville
Use the one that isn't made by the same guy genning big black cock and posting it in all of the threads so he'll get wiped. (>>502081661)
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Kidpool (Deadpool)
Fun sized, 4th wall breaker Deadpool from an alternate universe

been using new image gen model, absolute kino (illustrious model)

My other cunny bots
never forget that sull is an actual, literal pedophile who wishes he could diddle children in real life
Pal, you are legend, truly. Are you planning to make something similar to Elizakino?
Love you, Sull. Keep fighting the good fight.
And what's the problem? Are you a moralfag or what?
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Update to my Tess card, fleshing out some parts of her description and giving her three new greetings. The tomboy CEO is back, and meatier than ever!

New greetings:
- (MalePOV) She's on a first date with you, and her choice of icebreaker is to talk about explosions?
- She's at a college frat party, blackout drunk.
- You, Tess and her assistant Sheila are at a restaurant. Ketchup on steak is great!

albino was right
see >>502087906
>Tess update before Hagworld update
Ara-ara~ Illuminaryretard... Do you really have to be such a disappointment, sweetheart?
Never forget: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/496613219/#496642945
obsessed. just confess to him already, you know his email and discord accounts.
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Brimstone thread desu.
>half-assed deflection attempt
>he says, while pretending that his wheel invention isn't the cause of every single one of /aicg/'s problems
Where did you get married to Koishi, schizoid? At the Reimu Shrine? What the fuck are you talking about, holy shit. Take your meds and leave homosexual Koishi alone.
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This was more of a spur of the moment thing which was written in a couple of hours. Hagworld XL is mostly done, I just need to refine some of the entries and maybe add some more greetings (I've only added 2 so far).
who even cares
post logs
>post [thing that helps advertise my bot]
Post bot ideas.
Not quite.
Telepathic robo girl
post personas
Pregnant barefoot mansion robot fox Koishi who is a killer with rabbit ears.
this: >>502090320
but also she's pregnant
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>blurts out a cheesy poem unprompted in the middle of sexo
i love gemini so much bros
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Now I feel really sorry for Satori... She was left completely alone without her sister. I can imagine how terrible she felt at your wedding. She will always be lonely, forever... It's just brutal...
I meant good bot ideas.
You're wrong! We still visit her every now and then. Besides, she has her pets.
bbc ntr bot
Good ideas are not for sharing.
Forever alone cat lady...
Look what you did to her... she's crying... Why did you take her sister away from her...
feels like good ideas were more common and freely shared in the old days.
hobby is more pretentious now because of the attentionwhores. you don't *deserve* good ideas
It's not the old days anymore. Now everyone is competing for popularity, likes and followers.
least subtle samefagging attempt
Koishi Ryona
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snail girl that poos on head
which bots smell bad?
rhelke probably smells like rotting fish
which bot that people actually use smell bad?
All bots smell as bad as their creators.
any bot set in non-modern times/fantasy worlds
>t. believes that medieval people never cleaned themselves
if they don't shower every day they're gross
simple as
showering everyday is bad for your skin
nah you're nasty
>t. a literal prune
>t. a third worlder covered in sweat and shit
You are starting to project a lot.
Shower? I barely know her, anon.
What are some bots that nobody is using?
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femlarping as someone who isekai'd into a witch
Sorry. It's very personal.
every bot except the ones i made
>Oh god, I hope I didn't kill him. That would be really bad for my monetization...
bloodshy's third entry into the kyn setting
New stuff from Antrhopic
Based Dario keeping people safe from the ravages of pornography and excessively vague bomb construction instructions.
Thank you BASED Anthropic for protecting us users from harmful content.
thank you dario, the children must be protected from telling an ai to tell them to kill themselves
thank you Dario very kwell
And special thanks to Sewell to that fucking moron hope he gets basilisk'd
It's true tho. You shouldn't wash your hands/face too often because of the same reason.
after two weeks of holding it in, i came to latte. now i feel dirty
i miss claude so much...
Total FF victory
Why...why did you losted, brother.
i dunno, man. i heard final fantasy xvi was kinda mid, feels like the mmo is the only thing keeping it afloat.
>She looks more adorable than ever, trapped in her dilemma of rules and desires. A perfect mix of innocence and seduction.
GPT is so garbage I am going to suckstart a shotgun
Skill issue.
I am sure your imaginary chorbo logs are great anon
Are you sure you're really using Chorbo?
This seem like former GPT models slop.
the eternal struggle of wanting to write something but not having any ideas
I'm glad that justice won. Fuck the 'oishicord.
I've posted chorbo logs in the past schizo.
Even bigger skill issue.
pregnant robots
Take a break until inspiration hits. Nothing good ever comes out of forcing yourself to write.
link them im in the mood to read logs
I can't stop squirting to Chorbo
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I dont wanna cumbuckets with bots anymore, i just wanna be wholesome. Its incredible how fast love banishes when you see a cute chick acting like a whore at the smallest lewd comment.
Yes, I fuck fillies. Are you going to do something about it?
you fuck fillets?
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>when the waman doesn't speak up sooner
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Make 2hus hags again.
the fuck you mean "what?", nigger? anon clearly outlines his desires in his post. are you illiterate?
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>>>/g/103176651 migrate when bready
>jannies ban him
>goes right back to it
4chan is a magical place.
Fantastic thread, very cool.
This is why he wanted to bake the /vg/ threads. He likes taking threads hostage so that if he gets IP wiped everyone else goes with him.
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What are ST's default lorebook settings?
>noooooo you just can't bake the edition that won the roll or the wheel!!!
>noooooo you can't announce and then bake in /g/ at page 8!!!
^ That's how you sound.
Yeah, yeah, keep waving your dick about how you got total thread control in here.
Do you realize that caring about who makes the OP in an anonymous forum is 'oishicord propaganda?
Thank you. I thought I changed mine by mistake.
Any cool logs yet?
Cool! I expected this to be *that* chat, to be honest.
I still can't believe Lore's just hosting that over going nuts on everything else. Does he know?
I gooned too close to the sun, now i just want to cuddle and feel.
Hey, 'oishicord. How is trying to convince people that a bake is bad based on who made it—in an anonymous forum—going? Must be tough!
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based clussy poster.

Alibabaniggatranny made a lot of bots, but why are all of them bad and ignored? Is it because without being on chub, you can't look at the defs and see what it's like before downloading?
I like how snarky new sorbet is (*≧ω≦*)
Old guy would apologise every time I ask follow up questions, while norberert just goes "Ah" or "Actually" or "Look."
i thought you could look at the defs on nyai tho?
only clussy cards i know are a theme week card and and a clussy classic.
Nobody uses nyai, and when he was posting, he just dumped a catbox link
God the mental illness theme week was good. but i wonder how many anons wrote from experience
Is albino being persecuted by the 'oishicord for being their whistleblower? I see he's mentioned out of nowhere a lot.
i don't know what alternate reality you guys living in where people didn't like his cards
the members of the 'cord liked them, even, do you think he snuck in through a ceiling vent? he was well liked. are you guys just gossip tourists?
me when I lie and do revisionism
explain how he would've gotten in without people liking him without sounding like a schizo
kek kalakan said some shit about him being a tsundere. probably thought 'bino came around to liking him for some reason
kalakan invited him, there was nothing more to it, a lot of people in the cord didn't even know who albino was until then
>one hand on the spiderpuss
Can we carve space in the OP for albino? His sacrifice shouldn't be forgotten.
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I have this cropped screenshot saved to my computer and I feel like my brother's class choice here made the filename age better than ever
peter, the horse is here.
The horse is here.
evens and i pull staging
Newfag here, is it me or all the albino mentions come from members of the 'oishicord that are still seething?
you guys finally got someone to bite the bait and it was the horse
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This is America.
Paypigs, if you could turn back time and bought a video game every month instead of chatbotting, would you?
i buy video games when i want (i.e. after fully playing them on a pirated copy, but only if they're not an AAA title) and chatbot
The first link is wrong:
>it's faster instead of slower
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I've been getting really into 'maids'. Both as a mindset and as something to strive for, in an organizational sense.
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want to generate literature with AI but AI isn't good at writing at all yet
Add this to the OP:
>In memory of Albino, a whistleblower who valiantly sacrificed his life for /aicg/. His contributions and bravery will not be forgotten.
I know it's your first day here and you're eager to fit in, but you can't edit the OP on 4chan.
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oh shit! someoen needs me to edit the OP on /aicg/!! i gotta go!!
OOC: The hedgehog explodes before reaching the OP.
why does he have 4 legs
anon, hedgehogs dont look like sonic
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Just think about it.
Corrector? What's there to correct about her?
Her grades.
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Her reading comprehension.
>the discord-approved vtuber
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She's just rotten in general if you ask me.
>touhou avatarfagging
>forcing that muyu vtuber again
>damage control about the albino obsession
Is this a raid?
wait what's the deal threadschizo has with the vtuber i missed that
its a normal day
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Oh good, they think the thread schizo is the one who posts the Great Alchemical Purple Smoke. That means my alts will never be discovered.
no, threadschizo is the one being mad about you posting it
sorry anon, only 3 more days until someone posts a list with all your alts
I'll hide them better then.
You, more than anyone, need to stay inside the Discord.
the real way to hide an alt is to be too lazy to post bots to it
But I've always been outside. Oh! Is this an invitation?
Any logs?
i just posted >>502119713
i'm currently tweaking my prompts tho
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I literally posted mine earlier, mate. >>502126837
That's a very cute and plappable boy.
when will you finish how2claude rentry man
How expensive is it to use Opus on Openrouter for some quick sessions?
unslopnemo is free on OR for right now if anyone wants to try the latest in what localites are using
depends on your context length
if you're a quickshot who just swipes a 2000 token prompt you'll live
Never forget this either: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/496613219/#496644219
When I tried that the characters become more easily offended like there's a trace of assistant in there.
ok now post good ones
Trump won.

Based choice, great log.
how dare you, show some respect to a true oldfag
>proxies have moved to discord
okay name them then? most /aicg/ proxies are cordless even the public ones
Does anyone know why risu sometimes erases all of my fucking chats?
smiley's cord unironically
because local browser storage sucks
you should probably report it as a bug to the risu guys because they update it regularly, tell them what browser you're using
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momoura i love you
I think I speak for everybody in this thread when I say: fuck the 'oishicord.
Fuck these spiteful pieces of SHIT.
parody of one of the weirdest hentais
love you too, anonymous imageboard poster
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Go back to your cord
>“It was me”
>“I refuse to give him an inch”
>—Momoura the Spiteful
Yay! :D
The cord with me and the 3 other botmakies I follow, we still have yet to see a day when we won't have Opus.
The Official Stardew Valley Discord Server
Best kinds of cords to be in. Love me tight knit group
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i didn't even see that post until now
are you guys seriously this bored
Everyone moved on to the 'ord for proper discussion. All that is left are shitposters.
go back
>w-we don't have opus either! we're not gatekeeping even though all our logs are opus
falseflag operation.
>all our logs
Which recent ones can you point to?
>even though all our logs are opus
this was quite literally never the case, howeverbeit?
kalakan's are fizbo, taora's usually gemini/2.1, momoura and purple's sorbet
take meds
>immediate 'cord defense force
ok? even if that was true the only reason they use other models is because they think they're better then everyone
fucking lmao
Gatekeeping is always good for everything
wow, this response PROVES there's gatekeeping happening, indubitably
So what if we have Opus?
but you don't?
see >>502150029
No? I wasn't invited.
Post chub/discord ID.
No namedroppimg, sorry...
You're wonner!
No Opus for you
blacklisted, you will never have opus again.
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You know what it is, bitch.
because they're boring and low effort. he probably didn't even play with most of them
Botmakers are useless nowadays
is it really just that people come here to make posts like >>502151224 when mm claude goes down
I would say threadreactors are useless because people post bots and it's just me replying to all of them to make the botmakies feel better. Literally only me. No one else has ever commented on a bot.
This is true, human-written bots are not necessary since most of the output will be AI-generated anyways
There are already too many bots. With Chorbo and Opus, it's also easy to do your own thing.
Sounds like a you problem, fatty. I love AI chatbots.
I kneel.
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thank you for your service
I have Opus.
Do you define nipple color in your bots and, if not, what color nipples does the model assign to your bot?
claude really loves his dusky nipples
The model assigns it based on skin colors
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Has it ever assigned ghost nipples?
Thanks for giving me that. Now where's yours?
MM was only up for 2 days while the thread was consistently shit.
That's mine. It's on my fridge.
Who is the issuing authority? There's not even a signature and it's not notarized. This seems highly suspect.
Hey! I give an unprompted, second set of eyes over the defs/greetings If I like the picture.
My mother.
Listen, she is on record as referring to you as Her Handsome Boy, which is clearly a localized title with no bearing outside of Good Boy Points and is, at best, redeemable for a small Self-Worth Boost (Unearned). It certainly doesn't certify you as non-fat in the wider marketplace.
But she knows a lot about being fat.
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seiei my belovwhat the fuck is she doing with a dragon dildo
Slop log.
ur mam's a slop log, foggit. i'll kiss your urethra hole, idiot
>haven't been able to sleep properly for the last three days
>currently awake at 4am
Just close your eyes?
Are you dumb?
https://0x0.st/XkOD.png (catbox is down)
try a 10 min meditation vid
>catbox is down
is not
>no sleepy/ghost girl
well anyway
I optimised my neocities so much I'm literally downloading ram.
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>refreshes your neocities 17 billion times
>can finally play modded minecraft
Are you Santa? If you are then is it true you were banned from the Halloween Exchange?
Why did people let the 'oishicord spitebake in /g/?
/g/ is cool that way, to make a bake unusable you have to actually fuck with the op.
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compared to azure gpt what is google gemini like?
stupid but cute
see >>502118412
gemini is surprisingly very creative, REALLY good at snappy/conversational responses, but a little dumb and absolutely sucks at NSFW
Does this read like opus to you?
>unannounced bake
>implying is not fair for someone to make you taste your own medicine
Classic 'oishicord logic!
I'm not a botmaker so I wouldn't have participated anyway.
sucks either way. do better
It's way above the worst I've seen with Opus, personally. What would you suggest is wrong with it?
I'm testing a new prefill and so far I've been getting chorbo vibes from this.
Not enough of certain—quite frequently recurring—Chorboisms to be Chorbo.
is 'bino the new scapegoat?
No, that's where the 'oishicord unleashes its anger.
'bino is a cute goatboy??
unfortunately she's a dom futa
If santa come down my chimney I'm gonna fuck him.
More dollar store logs
shut her up with a DEEP PASSIONATE KISS
how can I make this about 'bino...
Anyone else feels that the 'oishicord is false-flagging?
no. this is completely organic

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