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>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>502043140
I love huntresses
I am a soles hunter
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do you got cute cats? you should post em.
Let's see the monkeys parroting the same "opinion" again.
So who cut off Furious Rajang's tail? Was it (You)?
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>Rise sold like shit
>20 milion copies vs 24 milion copies
I just can't with this general, full of revisionist and third worldies.
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you lost
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We get it aira, you have a fetish, whoop de doo
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no nooo nooooo NYOOOOOOO0000ooooo
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At least use the real numbers.
But those are outdated.
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>he isn't a soles hunter
>Rise is for the casual Nintendo audience
3 star hub Magnamalo is harder than all of World
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MH Outlanders looks like shit
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>Rise + Sunbreak = 24.8m
>World + Iceborne = 34.9m

Shit, Iceborne was kinda insane when you think about it.
And it's not like Rise isn't a monster (kek) on itself.

These are from November 8th genius.
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Are World and Rise Capcom's biggest selling titles... ever?

They are.
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>Only half bought Sunbreak
But why? It's an objectively superior experience. Was I lied to and people did enjoy Rampages?
I disagree, we have that clip from one the best players on PoE ragequiting on Izuchi or that other Worldbab carting 3 times on Khezu, since Rise has no question marks on map to players to follow I think that it filtered 90% of worldbabs.
I mean it seems pretty obvious that a bunch of people who got into the series with world ended up buying rise but then didn't like it enough to want to buy sunbreak over just playing world again.
Vanilla Rise prolly soured a lot of people that would've bought the expansion, and it's a shame Sunbreak is pure Monhun kino.
>No dangling tongue
So close to being a 10/10 plush
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Are SF, RE, Megaman fags even trying?
Because Capcom went full jewish mode and is not selling them as a bundle, base World was basically sold by 20 dollars meanwhile Iceborne was sold by 40.
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Friendly reminder
fix the nose
Now won. World lost.
Felyne Puzzles won. Rise lost.
Outlanders won. Wilds lost
Me on the right
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Poorfags rejoice, open world monhun for you too.
Palico customisation is barebones as fuck I don't think I can
What weapon?
wtf this looks better than wilds and is free instead of a 70 euro scam!?
wow that overhead slash looks terrible
>implying poorfags have a 1000 dolar phones to play this
Is that Frenzy? When are they going to stop this shit
>15 FPS drops on a developer iPhone 16
That's gonna cost you more than a NASA rig for Wilds
modern phones are more expensive than pcs
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I'm just happy this is the style they're going for, anatomy sins aside with her hip and arm placement.
Only $19.99 for a "bioenergy" bundle to keep playing the game after you've run out of your free daily amount, goy
So to break Alatreon's ele shift I need to hit his head while he's purple, right? Does that lock him in the element he started in?
Sure this can't be end up being better than wilds right?
i don't know, every other timi game has had super aggressive scaling down for shit phones, i say that as a cod mobile guy who's eager to move on to delta force when it comes out
>anatomy sins aside with her hip and arm placement.
Bro, I know that everyone is India is a manlet, but lanky girls 6ft+ looks like this.
i love monstresses
I love meowstresses
Right after he does the first big red explosion of a phase and the handler says he's shifting elements, whack his head. When you break the horn, it'll stop him from switching from fire to ice or vice-versa at the start of the next phase. You can do this twice. If you fail to kill him by the end of phase 4, you are guaranteed to cart.
>the choice of cinematic or mobile slop
mh fans eating good
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>Congalala gets a cool "wing hair" between arm and torso
>Gypceros ia a 1:1 recreation
This is disappointing, was expecting a visual update.
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Huntresses are driving me nuts
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I want to hunt Digimons
>completely agrees with me
>"i disagree"
Come again?
his tail will jiggle and stretch even more realistically, you like?
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I hope kirin will be in wilds
Genuine shame that this design is going to be stuck in a mobile game. So much better than the mainline concept for being true to the dancer outfit.
Armenian goddess huntress.....
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Kirin taking advantage of paralyzed huntresses...
>everyone celebrating this obvious soulless gacha bug game when you have to spend $100 on a gacha to get the kulu yaku character or odogaron character
>What are you poor? LMAO
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I for one love monster hunter rice
that first slash looked like crap, everything else actually looks nice with good hitstop and screen effects, better than Wilds in fact
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>100 dollars to make your huntresses look like a sexy dancer
>100 dollars to buy a game that not even a 5090 and 7 9800X3D can put 120 FPS
I don't know man, I prefer cute huntresses.
It's just the better value proposition
>Only $100
You fucking wish lmao.
where'e the outlanders lumu
i just hope this is easily emulatable on bluestacks or can be played with a controller, too old for screen tappy bullshit
Reminder that Outlanders will have 4 weapons at launch
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why is riukishit so mad?
is it because he isn't able to find a job after getting out of prison for trying to groom underage troons? thus not being able to afford a PC to run wilds?
nigger that just says the playtest had 4 weapons available what is wrong with your reading comprehension
Most CN mobages have PC ports. They can't possible THAT retarded to not have one.
>confirmed Village Hub, Gathering hall AND Cat cooking chef
Its already superior than Milds.
why would capcom have two titles with the same concept on the same platforms? they'd be competing with themselves
>multiple monster quest
>Kill first monster
>Mega potion
Why :(
>100 dollars to buy a game
it costs 40 euros for me to pre-order wilds try not living in a fucking third world shithole LMAO
Ignore all gachashills.
Gacha are for subhumans.
And if that manages to be better than wilds then we will be able to say capcom is dead
You either joined too late to get proper rewards, or it's an arena (challenge) quest
Can they still claim that when it's from China? In any case, that game already looks like it gives actual PCs trouble, no way in hell are they going to have the same issue of expecting platforms to handle that level of graphics.
>discordtroons will repeat "This looks better than Wilds" for the next 4 months
I fucking hate this general so much at times
he says, living in a third morld shithole where they have to deflate game prices kek
Okay but when you spend millions of dollars on game only for it to look like shit and play worse than every previous entry to such a degree that a fucking shitty chinese mobile game completely shits all over it, then maybe it's capcom's fault for making a bad product and not the players fault?
>Can they still claim that when it's from China?
Yes? The game is based on a Capcom IP in collaborations with Capcom devs
If they don't want it to compete with MH on PC or console they will just say no
At times?
It's just how they all are in 3u for some reason, 3+ monster quests give no carves
but it does look better than milds
I don't get why this schizo always post this when Rise is on gamepass. Gamepass don't count as sales to Capcom but people still play the game outside of steam.
because he has no personality or arguments beyond "but bigger numbers = better"
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Meeting a huntress at the hub!
Hunting monsters with a huntress!
Congratulating a huntress on ranking up!
Helping a huntress choose a new armor set!
Accidentally getting caught peeking at a huntresses's behind!
Watching the huntress look in disgust!
Getting eye banged by a huntress as she occasionally flashes her huntress behind at you!
Making the rest area merchants uncomfortable while fucking the huntress's brains out after a long hunt!
I love huntresses!
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For me, it's monster girls.
delta force also ran like shit when it was first teased and the last playtest was silky smooth so i have high hopes seriously look at this shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SWMqANp8T0
why does wilds look worse than ps4 games tho
need me a bitch in heat
prease understand
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Huntresses need not apply.
>They play on a different school!
You love to see it.
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don't bother, there's no full version
i'll happily pull another gacha out of my f2p rotation for this
>Im more excited for some gachashit than for some mainline MH game
It's fucking oer
Looks like dreadqueen rathian
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Human and Wyverian women ARE NOT IMPORTANT!!!
CB mains, when I go for CSS in Sunbreak should I focus on more Raw damage or Elemental?
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Yes! Cute!
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Female player characters are for FAGGOTS
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>Gotta wait till Forest level 3 for Yian Garuga
The guiding lands suck.
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>Let's see the monkeys parroting the same "opinion" again.

>A bunch of them already throwing their shit around the thread.

Good monkeys, good, now do a flip and you can have a banana.
is najarala girl as big as one in game
just wondering
CSS is bad at both but Sunbreak is still an element game so make elemental sets
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>open world survival gacha slop
>mechanics copy-pasted from genshin impact
>the most generic and flat map imaginable
>all monsters asset flipped from World
>the cover monster is Rathian with some pruple crystals glued on
>trailer drops to 10fps

Truly amazing
god I wish they'd put up a new beta already or another test weekend
you better learn to enjoy it cause that shit is coming back in wilds
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Well, its like... huh... the actual a improvement over Wilds because it looks good now?
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why does it look worse than world?
>barely 70fps with a 14+gb gpu
wtf my gpu doesnt look that sharp
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shut up nigga
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>IMPROTVES 110000000#%
Preach it sister!
i can run outlanders therefore it is be better than of wilds because i am poor and can only play on my 5 year old samsong phone
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>why does it look worse than world?

>"gacha looks better than Wilds" rhetoric flopped.
>quick! change for World looks better!

Where the hell creatures like you even came from?
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my wife...
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I'm really liking the hammer's hit and run playstyle. Is there another weapon that can be played like that? At least in Sunbreak
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You seem to be the only person here who thinks wilds look good, maybe it's better for you to leave this place.
Preach it sister!
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If you trannies didn't waste your income/neetbux on stupid shit like medications that still makes you look like a 40 year old man then maybe you could have used that money to buy a new gpu. just sayin'
I regret saying monstresses last thread
>just waste money on hardware that will be outdated in 2 months just to play a shit game that comes out in 3 months
Maybe if you had actual brains you wouldn't need to bootlick for a garbage company like modern capcom.
Why would he leave? He's actually discussing monster hunter unlike you who just dilates here. you should be thankful we even allow your mental illness in this general.
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>pretending to be someone else when it's obvious you're the guy I replied to in the first place
LMAO how sad can you be, does capcom even pay you to polish their boots with your tongue?
What's happen offscreen? My theory is she's getting a vaccine injection.
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Can my Steam Deck play wilds?
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Maybe if you had money you can afford a house and wouldn't be struggling on a daily basis then whine on a Japanese School Girl uniform tips forum. Maybe you can actually be happy and play video games instead of pretending to like outlanders because China is enough to make a knock off hunting game made for sri lankans, indians and other undesirables.
graphics fags zoomies killed videogames
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Why are you so salty about Wilds tranny?
It's because you don't have the hardware to play?
Sounds a little bit specific don't you think? Me thinks the projection here is off the charts.
Does the voices inside your head tell you everyone is just one person? There were 30 people in the room during the wilds beta. You'd know that if you actually managed to launch the game on your piss poor machine for piss poor sri lankans.
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>moon moving at the same speed along with the stars
>not a single drop of blood, something even the very first monster hunter on ps2 had
holy shit wilds is actually just soulless
>a literal no u
I have won and I didn't even know it. Feels good.
sorry small indie company we didn't have the cpu budget to make a second layer in the skybox for the moon and sun
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tell my.... inheritors.... that... {gasp}..... that i preferred monster girls...
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someone ran the beta like shit on a steam deck
definitely wasn't meant to work, could only launch cuz the deck's 16g of memory is shared by both system and gpu
>he thinks it's not a moon but a massive supergiant star billions of light-years away that never managed to collapse into a black hole cause monsters
holy fuck did she died
I hate impoverished trannies so much like you wouldn't believe.
We know chudly
>the perplexed, somewhat bored look of all the young guys in the crowd
>the genuine smiles on the old guys in the crowd who know what it's like to play with a kid
Why yes I come to a image board filled with non Americans to complain about poor people to feel better about myself while playing a blond girl in monster hunter, how could you tell?
>newcutie fighting anjanath.mp4
can we even consider wilds to be a monster hunter game? We can definitely see that outlanders is a real monster hunter game but wilds lacks most of the elements of a hunting game from what we have seen and played in the beta so far.
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sisters play it tactical!
you are being too obvious!
meet me in the transcord for further instructions!
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Fuck this. Alatreon won. I'm out.
>we have seen and played in the beta
why yes i like to pretend that i was there even though i spent the 3 days of beta crying and begging for my machine to let me in even if it's just the character creator
how funny would it be if outlanders becomes the next genshin and blows wilds out the water in appeal, despite them putting a fuck ton of money into wilds? lol
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Another hunter filtered by the chad dragon, remember to write a negative steam review to add to the counter
if they can copy genshin and make it available for any platform then yes it has the potential to blow wilds out of the water but as it stands it seems to be a tower of fantasy
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Don't give up anon! You can do it!
Don't forget you have immunity mantle
Safi armor is great for this fight
Try to be MR100 for this fight. There's a set of armor upgrades locked behind MR100

Other than that... do you know the ins and outs of Alatreon? Do you know how the fight functions, and that you can't escape the dmg of the nova?
Dude got a really good sniff on that cunny holy moly
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>Be worldsperm
>Use arrekz videos to learn weapons over many hours, like the smooth voice and no filler, no idea what the guy looks like, never watched any of the other videos, only recognize the voice.
>2 year timeskip
>Play wilds beta
>Want to use arrekz as the source for weapon changes and movesets again
>Every video on the channel is full of some some brownoids with facecams taking up a third of the screen talking in full-on ebony brainrot
>One timid white guy in the corner that barely speaks
>"is that the guy that made the previous videos? He sounds kinda different. Who are these others?"
>Investigate further
>The actual guy is like is like dead or retired or something

I don't like this. Do you really expect me to just read and experiment myself? Fuck that, I need my spoonfeeding.
I hate brown people
Thanks for reading my blog
Funny enough the outlanders survey asks if you played tower of fantasy before.
Yeah Alex left the channel and now it's puppeted by the other random people.
>>Every video on the channel is full of some some brownoids with facecams taking up a third of the screen talking in full-on ebony brainrot
>>One timid white guy in the corner that barely speaks
I want you to post 3 videos where this is true
And it better not be for a few seconds, better be the full runtime
>Copy Genshin
Every single Genshin copy has failed btw. Even Wuwa crashed hard.
There's like a million different guides on youtube for any given weapon, just pick a different channel dumpass
If I was able to do it I know you can too.
I think I ended up getting silver rath armor and a frost fang barioth weapon.
>he can't read the combo list
>>Every video on the channel is full of some some brownoids
>>>some some brownoids
Really makes you think
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Common Lucifer W.
The Title "First Class" doesn't come cheap.
Less health than a Great Jagras, more ended saves than the entirety of the Rise roster combined.
making monster hunter accessible for turd worlders was a mistake.
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a-are hunts supposed to take this long
>pctard last thread literally bragging about saying 30 fps is fine and buying zen 3 parts and 4060 for wilds
newcutie DETECTED
February 28 2025
>Hunters playing Wilds
>Secondaries orbiting /mhg/ and posting every scrap of Outlanders they can get

Mark the date and watch the show.
That was Aira, she's the biggest snoy in this thread
>Nearly 30 minutes
No. It really shouldn't. They even nerfed it by making the legs have the tenderized effect in World so you don't need to learn to hit the head. You'll get better I suppose.
Jesus dude I think I took lesser time on Lance
You ARE eating dango before leaving on a quest, right?
>see that mountain? you CANT go there
LMAO. this is literally the only good shot, and its only at night. this map fucking sucks.

I genuinely wonder why they announced this mobile slop game in the midst of Wilds not yet released and running like shit for at least 40% of the pc playerbase at least and looking and running like shit on ps5 that snoys called "gorgeous" despite being a shit brown/grey map 90% of the time.
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Sunbreak PC Room
Grinding mats for a new set
Don't forget about the piss filter during day
this webm makes thirdies seethe with jealousy and hatred. imagine what happens on february when the poor people get out numbered by people who can play the game. it's going to be so funny in dalamadur proportions
>Don't like many games other than Monster Hunter
>Wanna play something but don't want to play Monster Hunter because worried I will get burned out before Wilds
still up?
gonna start rise soon i beat iceborn almost
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well /mhg/?
i know aira and i talk to her from time to time on discord and i'm 95% sure she's going to play on a ps5 and that pc she made is to spite and troll this general. it's both sad and frightening. sad that someone would go to that length just to trigger people and frightening that some like her has access to so much disposable money.
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I'll play if you wanna put up a new one
who is mayonnaise calamari?
literally who?
Erm... Sis... what about our narrative of World running better? The best setup for 2016 was not able to pull 40 FPS in a 2018 game, at least a 2022 GPU can pull 60 FPS on Wilds...
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How does Lao Shan Lung and Shen Gaoren work?
I just hit them for like 30 minutes and then they leave after leaving the whatever fortress at 10%.

Is it just luck or do I need to stagger/knock them a certain amount of times so they don't have time to destroy the thing?
Or is it getting the spears to shoot mid-attack to save more time?
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this new monster hunter is looking kinda fire
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Please I need something to cut tails with but all the bladed weapons feel like ASS
don't expect trannies to know that. it's not tactical for them they only play rise and gu on their tablet.
Should've bought 9800x3d 4090 if you truly have disposable money to trigger mhgtards
I'm not a very fast hunter so the elemental damage check filtered me. I used the Velkhana SnS with level 6 Ice Attack. Still wasn't enough.
>Safi Armor
I'd love to get it if the event was active.

Alright, I'll get back to it.
Hit the belly or the head as it walks for 20 minutes. It can only be repelled/killed at the final area.
Same thing. Just hit the legs until it turns red, if all turn red it will collapse giving a 15 second opening.
I had 90-120fps at 1440p on a 1080ti during iceborne with a worse CPU
i agree but how many here actually have a 4060? i personally can't run it with my 1080 and going to wait for capcom to fix their shit
I played world before
In my defense I was trying bow for the 2nd time... I got 15 mins with my main. How long should I be taking? And aren't dango just stamina/hp boosts?
literally aira
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>comparing a 800 dollar GPU vs a 2000 dollar GPU
that's kinda sad that you have to stoop this low and still end up being wrong lmao
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they updated dlss it works better in cracked beta than what capcom used
Lao Shan
area 1 can only have it's HP halved, any more damage is moot
use the cannons on his back, head for knockdowns to slow him down
it's tight timing for sure solo
if you wait until he climbs in the fortress before activating dragonator you can whack his mouth for a weak spot
plant the bombs on his back in the second phase by jumping off the bridge onto it
depends, are you my wife
If you don't have access to safi armor or a kjarr weapon, use either velkhana armor of silver rathalos armor.
all they did was nuke all the presets except E and F
>How long
Maybe 20 minutes tops? 30 minutes is way too long imo.
There's more defensive shit and I personally like Medic since it make all healing basically full heals.
>has to sit still to charge
Where's the RUN part of hit and run
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>hit part with draw slash
>roll away
i was going to make a post about it
>They brought this shitty mode back
Nice that they're showing what their demographic is.
Quite a lot because 4060 is quite literally the most populer gpu
gotta give tendies something to do while the adults play mainline game bro
Isn't safi up right now ?
What site is this from?
really? i thought the 3080 is the popular one according to steam? then why are so many people shitting on a 4060?
I'm really liking lance, didn't think I would, but it's super fun
Girl monsters>>>>"monster" girls
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>what is inflation
>what is gouging / scalping
>what is an increased market size due to the third world and crypto
800 in 2016 = 2000 in 2024

don't like it, do something about it, don't just bitch about it
Unless your wife has a penis, no sorry
Outlanders broke this sub so bad it's not even funny
>Speeding up the economy crash to hope for a restart
I'm seeing Kulve.
Return whence you came
>going back to a metal back standard
i'm literally orgasming right now
Outlanders killed those retards that went on that Titanic expedition. Blood sacrifice if you will.
>no TCS
You're right. It will rotate tomorrow
He said he wanted a hit and run weapon. Draw slash GS is the OG hit and run weapon.
*bleeds u*
>pick up SnS in FU
>triangle triangle circle
>if it's really spicy you can add the triangle+circle attack
Holy fuck this is boring
4060 is "cheap" and can do 1080 60, they shat on it because it's literally worse than 3060ti, all of 40 series except 4090 got shat on because of how njudea has started binning cards in order to avoid the mistake of 1080ti/3080ti
wow so you're telling me I can kill capcom by just doing nothing? Sounds great!
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just replace this file https://www.techpowerup.com/download/nvidia-dlss-dll/
you think they'll repeat this on the 50 series?
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>*marks up the prices of imports to bolster internal revenue* (hint: all chips and cards are imported, so look forward to 3k cards)
>*fucks up because there is no petrodollar any more* (huh the saudis didn't renew, guess the wars in the middle east were all for nothing then lol)
>*bankrupts himself, then gives himself a small loan of a miyyan dollaz* (tried and tested dup strategy)
>*grants millions of green cards to visajeets like canada and fast-tracks cheating chinks in uni into positions of power* (they deserve your job more than you)
>*gives 12 billion to israel, staffs his admin with israeli nationals and pardons tons of israeli spies again* (they need the funds)
>*legalises LGBT across the board while only rolling back the most extreme stuff* ("jesus was obviously pro-trans, but he wasn't a necrophile duh..." - current year rebubligan)
>*doesn't really do anything groundbreaking, especially when the fed taps him on the shoulder, but supporter cult suck him off anyways* (like they did last time he shut down the gubbermend)
>*gets dementia in his final year like sleepy joe is now*
say it with me:

get your cards in now lol, the 5000 series will cost more than 5000
dup btfo
That's the main problem with going back to FU these days, it's just too antiquated these days.
I would suggest just playing 4U or GU instead if you want your classic fix.
so that makes ricies rfk voters
rise players are animals so they don't have the right to vote
Can you stop shitposting for like a nanosecond
*angry squeaking noises*
You realize congress has to pass any tariffs or increases to them, right?
Tariff? I can make up words too! Uh.....tariff!
You're making it sound like they'll go against him.
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cope until copium supplies run out
damn if rise players are animals I feel bad for worldniggers and milds movie watchers
They won't but increases are also not immediate, and that's if they don't face any sort of legal challenges to them which is probably going to happen because the electronics and auto industries are going to be massively fucked over.
wow classic classic or mh rise?
i really feel bad for rise (switch) players
>they lost the election
>they can't play wilds
>they lost the election
>they have to submit to china for their mh needs
>rent is due end of the week
i can't imagine living like that
wow it's a human woman with halloween costume parts tacked on wow
Does GU really obsolete the older games?
content wise sure
gameplay wise it's very different because it's a lot faster paced than the old games.
In terms of content, yes.
Depending on the style you pick tho the hunter is far too fast for old gens shitmons to keep up.
>playing 4U
Would rather staple my testicles onto radioactive steel wool srs.
Miss me with that shit......... nigga!
not at all, it's a downgrade
blondie. me and aira are frends
pc world room
Wow what a fucking slap in the face to the dedicated Now players that have practically built this company. How ungrateful can Capcom be?
It's been two months since the public beta. When is the next one dropping?
Then genuinely, what are the best old MHs to play? Is it just FU?
>2 months
No, that can't be right.
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>me and aira are frends
R-r-r-really!? *sniff*
inb4 Hehe just pretending it's actuallu moi WhitelinkxAnnie
tariffs can be passed by executive decree if they are under a national security scheme, his national sales tax scheme does have to pass by congress and it probably will
enjoy :)
yes lol. only shitposters and contrarian grandpas will say otherwise. it's the same shit as the older games with a few more bells and whistles
1 is the best (NOT G/F1)
now Dos and Tri are alright too
I mean FU and previously, is only FU worth playing?
Fucking kek Chinese mobilefags get prowler mode back before we do. It's so over
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There is no point in playing 1/G/Freedom because all of it's content is in Freedom Unite.
Dos is different enough with it's weird mechanics that it's worth trying out
WTF looks better than wilds
It isn't, nice try though
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Wake up sheep, its time to change the world, tourists think that the world changed in 2008 but the reality is that the capitalism died in 1971.

At least we will get Milds next year, you just need at least 2 months of salary to pay for a decent computer that can run at 60 FPS and 4k.
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"You got any games on your phone?"
Me: well actually...

i can't believe this is a real tweet
Yes it's me, Annie, a.k.a. Whitelink. You got me!
Lmao are they implying wilds is a phone game?
not as bad as the other one
why is capcom ashamed of mh combat
Based! I hope he continues to piss off natsoc larping marxists. The sooner they all kill themselves the better.
>no image
>no lumu
Why would you set yourself up for failure
Why the fuck is the Chinese mobile game better looking than Wilds
It's Genshitslop THOUGH
Should've been a Monster Fighter game
Monhun combat relies mostly on prediction which is never marketable to the masses. The average player prefers systems based on reactions. So instead of predicting what the monster will do next they'd prefer to simply react to what the monster is doing. You can clearly see the shift in thinking as they started appealing to mainstream audiences in 5th gen. That's why you can cancel out of moves faster now and can move while healing etc etc. Ultimately though the bigger reason mainline isn't focusing much on combat anymore is because that's not the kind of audience they're marketing to anymore. The combat is no longer the focus because it's no longer the main pull for the current audience
I will join when safi is back up tomorrow
>keep trying to play other weapons
>they're fun and all but feel wrong
>go back to my wife the great sword
>feel in control
>completing quests in half the time
I'm sorry my beloved, I'll never abandon you again
>Monhun combat relies mostly on prediction which is never marketable to the masses. The average player prefers systems based on reaction
It's both you clown.
I want to become a GUNLANCE GAWD but I have no idea how to properly play it
My hunts are like 15 minutes for a fucking Ludroth, but I love blasting shells into the monsties
thanks for the games, guys! i need to make dinner now


Choose an attack style (normal/wide/long/slap) and build only for that style. Read a guide.
Evade extender and window because shieldlol
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It's not. At least not when compared to other action games. There's a reason the "why is this big sword so slow" meme exists for monhun. Many people when first trying the game out lament how terrible it feels to control from their perspective. It's no surprise that when they made things easier by allowing people to turn more during attacks and allowing them to cancel out of moves faster that you end up with the best selling game in the series. People hate having to predict shit because it means less control and more restrictions. Now is a step even farther compared to fifth gen. Now just lets you do whatever whenever. Obviously we've already seen from wilds they'll continue in this direction just slowly removing all prediction aspects of monhun and with it all consequences. The 360 TCS for great sword and the cancelable hemlsplitter for long sword should make that obvious enough
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i play bow

i play hbg

i play lbg

there's nothing you can do about it
That's it
Is outlanders really a gacha?
Probably more like Now where you pay for potions and crystals and shit like that to keep playing
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Question for gunlance niggas
>Do you use the gun or lance part more
>Do you prefer to dodge or block with your shield during an incoming attack
>What game did gunlance best
>Wide, normal, or long?
>pay $10 to get an increase in rewards for this quest!
long is end game
heavy P2W studio with a ton of DoA/EoL games
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Good hunts! 2/16.
Monster Hunter is a gacha, yes.
which ranged weapon should i pick for rise -> sunbreak
It's going to have character swapping like genshin so you can bet your ass that they're gonna force players to roll for them.
Is P3rd worth playing or should I just play 3U?
So you can't even make your own hunter?
Monster Hunter was always a gacha, World went full mobile gacha, Rise went back to Rise and Outlanders is a unapologetic Gacha, so yes.
what's the problem?
p3rd is 3U with uglier graphics, no swimming (which also makes the water maps ugly as sin), no G-rank, no ceadeus, dire miralis, brachy, no slime weapons, but you get amatsu thats it
historically it starts out bow > hbg > lbg >>>>> melee but as time goes on and we get better gear etc. it becomes hbg > lbg > bow >>>>> melee
It looks like it's gonna be a combination of both, your own goon and premade characters you can swap to.
excellent take king
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my wife
Whatever happened to character designers? Taking random people isn't a fucking design
so ive heard
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Rise won in the waifu department so fucking hard it's ridiculous
i got disco. ghs
i'm so fucking hard it's ridiculous
you need a $2000 phone to play this at 30fps
If only the combo lists weren't incomplete in EVERY FUCKING MH GAME
yes it is. that's literally the history of art.
lumu is kill u_u
genshin impact and its consequences
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Honestly, Wilds has to fail, if it fails it can usher a new vision from Capcom forward, maybe ditch the chase for graphic fidelity that can only end in disaster.
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Don't care, still buying Wilds premium deluxe edition
i feel nothing
dr. pepper
you gay?
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>nintendies couldnt play world and iceborne
>nintendies cant play mhnow
>nintendies wont be able to play wilds
>nintendies wont be able to play outlanders
truly, the best timeline
Why should I want a “new vision” from Capcom? They’re doing alright by me. I’d like them to drop the micro transaction bullshit but that’s about it.
>we want genshin impact money
They should have used PC as the main platform
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maybe best girl is more your style
Post her feet so I can make a proper analyzation
It's actually funny you post this as I'm learning about investing and was going to be writing a report on the financial state of several gaming companies including capcom soon. Maybe I'll post some stuff about it when it's done in several weeks
Fiorayne is made for facefucking
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You're a retard if you think Capcom isn't going to find a way to get Wilds to run on the Switch 2
Relax animefag, the moment Wilds fails to reach 5 millions copies Capcom will panic and release Wilds on switch 2 in 480p, 30 FPS and with zones just like classic monhun to salvage the game.
They can't find a way to get it to run on PC motherfucker
Great hunts, friends! Definitely got a lot more Rise to play through before Wilds drops. Hope to catch y'all again later.
Thanks for the hunts, the room is closed
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>implying they won't double down
>implying the wilds dlc won't have time travel back to the ancient jeet civilisation that created everything with 4 hours of unskippable cutscenes with volumetric fog, vaseline textures and 17 layers of anticheat dynamic encryption that doesn't work
quick reminder that the last person to receive a pay cut is the executive deciding everyone's wage
>runs the game for 2m
>melts from the heat generated
Doesn't it run fine on PS5? That makes me think the gooks just can't optimize their games for PC
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Here's your dr pepper for the night
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>post yfw they never make a portable title again and instead relegate the portable team to making expansions for the current mainline title
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee
it runs fine because its at like 460p upscaled to 4k
the problem with PC is that it has several different upscalers each with drawbacks(but still fine in the end) and poors are crying they need to upgrade their mom's laptop
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>Doesn't it run fine on PS5?
no lol, just clever sony marketing.
everything's on lowest res and it still has massive framechokes.
i prefer more mature ladies, like the third fleet master
>don't worry meowster, I'll save y-
I predicted Wilds model as the logical followup to Guiding Lands - that the next mainline game will have a world that you can hang out in continuously with a camp that you visit every now and then, hunting various monsters and gathering/mining materials that you need to replenish your items as you go

But I cant find any of my posts in the archive to rub it into everyone's faces.
the king is back
Actually, most PC ports of it are well optimized. It's just that on the console you don't see the pop in, shitty AA and lag because of the blurry graphics.
Anon, everyone was saying it was a test for open world when GL dropped. You're not original.
Wilds looks pretty standard for a modern AAA game, it absolutely should not need AI slop to reach a consistent 60 fps on modern hardware.

Chinks just can't optimize their shit.
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My biggest worry about this is that at least from what it seemed like in the beta, that you can't engage in this gameplay style with a party. The "Link Party" system seems set up in such a way that you can't just freely roam the map with other players unless a "quest" is already posted (be it by you posting it or hitting a monster enough in the open area) and then your link party members join your instance of the game. It feels gross. Hopefully i'm wrong/this is something they fix.
>removal of focus mode
>actual endgame instead of garbage mmo shit
>monsters people actually like instead of filler garbage
it would be kino
Did Sunbreak beat Iceborne in the end?
Wilds is calculating about a billion different things for the wildlife around you, weather and much more. Majority of other games have flat open worlds with little to actually push performance beyond the odd NPC groups you murder.
You can pretend to be retarded and not understand the logistics behind it but that's on you.
Not only open world but living off the land while hunting, cooking out in the Wilds(tm) and similar without ever needing to return to a base

There's an "Environmental Link" optiona once you're interlinked (within cells), that enables roaming freely with a group.
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Please, no, for fuck sake, NO, the game is rotten to the core, just like World was, Rise has increased aggression from monsters to justify counters and less downtime between being hit or staggering a mosnter thanks to wirebugs, you can't solve the problem by just putting the superior devs to fix it, you need to start over.
without a doubt yes
damn we're now at that coping phase where we pretend wilds is a technological marvel
honestly, it has less going on than most games
"weather" isn't a groundbreaking system neither is passive creatures
Don't make me post the charts lmao, not even Rice could touch Iceborne, let alone Lunchbreak.
>Increased aggression
Why lie like this? They're all as slow as they have been.
was the goal to reach 0 players? if so then yes, rise beat world
this nigga blind as hell
I think it's more likely to happen than you think, considering they're saying Wilds is going to have two full sized expansions. It would cost less to add on to what you have and keep it a cash cow for longer rather than making a new title and siphoning customers from your current one.
Shut the fuck up, they even nerfed Rajang so it's slow as molasses. Velkhana is the same. All other previous title mons are just as slow as they usually are. The only """"fast""""" monster is Primodrial Malzeno and even then its because it unironically goes
>*teleports behind u*
Wilds is going to be the last Monster Hunter game screenshot this
good, worldbabs deserve this for ruining the franchise
>honestly, it has less going on than most games
sure, if you're stupid
>"weather" isn't a groundbreaking system neither is passive creatures
overwhelming majority of games don't have weather systems that transform the landscape. some rain/snow shaders at most with occlusion being a tossup.
creatures are not only not passive entities but interact with the environment and are themselves interactable objects with some being used as hazards
>Worlds is bad
>Because it doesn't run on my nintendo system
sounds like you're stupid and haven't played many games, regardless these systems shouldn't result in requiring the highest end hardware to reach acceptable framerates
Wilds Taikun Zamuza Focus Mode gameplay
its been nearly 4 years and the rise vs world debate rages on
whats the point of mp with randos? people keep joining who destroy the mon in a couple minutes
I'm kind of enjoying FU, it's quaint and fun in a simplistic way, but it's getting to me. Not sure how much longer I can go on with these retarded monsters and horrible attacks.
Magnamalo is so fast and agile that he's not on screen 50% of the time
What's quality mode for ps5 even? 720p upscaled to 1080?
Which mons?
>appeal to majority
are you american? it would explain a lot
why do you keep making up some imaginary strawman?
>sounds like you're stupid and haven't played many games
i play a ton of games anon and I've seen this exact line of dialogue from every retard on /v/ that has no idea what they're talking about but firmly believes in their right to be stupid and let everyone know about it. i also know you're a reply away from crying about how every single dev should be using unreal engine despite how much worse off a game would be.

>regardless these systems shouldn't result in requiring the highest end hardware to reach acceptable framerates
and it doesn't. they have a hardware target and nailed it completely. you wanting to go beyond that is not any concern of theirs as it is outside the scope of what they intended.
Just started, only fought Velicodrome, Giaprey and Bulldrome
I'm bored out of my skull but it's supposed to be CLASSIC HARDCORE KINO so I'm trying to stick with it as I want to play the older games
>it's fun
which is it autist
It's his backup shitposting plan and no i'm not joking. He shifted gears as soon he felt that there was criticism from wilds trailers a few month ago.
It's both, simultaneously
>Already bored on what appears to be like the first 2 hours of the game
It's gonna be rough for you buddy. And will probably gonna get worse if you don't bother looking up keyquests because each tier will have like 20 quests in it but you only need to do like 6.
absolutely based incoherence
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>turns into an anchor at max charge
any other hammers do this? changing appearance based on charge i mean
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FU? more like FUN_
Rajang hammers do that.
>they have a hardware target
irrelevant, they can target 10 fps on a 5090 and you'd say it's cool
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There's lots. My fav is the gunhammer that cocks the hammer and the cylinder spins.
You will definitely love G-Rank where you will be sucking cocka for 40 minutes just to kill Emerald Congalala.
I've always said that Tri / 3U / P3Rd is where the series actually started going somewhere. MHFU was just the best thing we had at the time, but it aged like shit, ESPECIALLY if you play it with the original control scheme which was abhorrent.
>both elemental
it is completely relevant as you claim its unoptimized when in fact it is optimized specifically for what they intended it to do.
had you pegged as a retard from the start and glad to see you didn't disappoint.
Iceborne vs Sunbreak is mid vs mid.
Now World vs. Rise, that's kino vs dogshit (World being, of course, the kino, and Rise being, of course, the dogshit).
You can just get Layereds.
It's really no different than 3rd gen except that attacks no smoothly chain to each other. Pretty much every big attack in FU requires you to roll to recover.
aren't layered weapons endgame?
I think you might have dogshit in your head instead of a brain but you do you
you should have noticed that im putting 0 effort into these replies because i had you pegged as a boot licking retard from the start, try again next time
Kinda? Getting from AR 1 to 300 will probably take you about as long as killing Gaismagorm. It really shouldn't take too long.
this dude sounds like the dev team bullshitting ryozo on why they don't want to work pn christmas
Hmmm... I just checked, and I do not. Mayhaps we are dealing with a major case of projection here?
What about a Monster Hunter like game where instead of monsters, you were hunting giant naked women and instead of weapons, you used your comically large penis?
Newfag here.
I want to start with Rise. Do I have to buy Sunbreak first? I always experienced every past monhun game by release date and I don't want to miss out on each game's unique story/gameplay.
>Do I have to buy Sunbreak first?
No, you can buy it whenever or not at all with a DLC unlocker
You don't need sunbreak until you beat the base game, since unlike iceborne it doesn't retroactively fuck with the base game
I've played Skyrim rape mods and it gets dull around 30 minutes in so no.
i ran a newfag friend through rise and sunbreak not too long ago, we just beat gaismagorn around the 50 hour mark.
that being said, the game is MUCH slower to get the ball rolling than i remember. it's kind of a slog until you get to HR 4-6 (depending on what weapon you use, that's when you get the new skills)
that being said once you hit chameleos you're more or less at the point where the game is great. i can totally see why people hated the basegame but in my opinion title updates + sunbreak totally redeemed the mediocre basegame.
never played icebourne but i don't really want to. i didn't like the style of world very much and vastly prefer the arcade-y boss rush that sunbreak offers. I boot up Rise just to play for fun and it's probably been 300 or so hours since i last thought about builds.
my top 5:
>Malzeno (either form)
>astalos (cool but easy)
>seething bazel (extremely fun matchup for hammer)
>female PC
>arousal mod with buffs and debuffs
>combat rape mod
>increased difficulty mod
>faith mod with morality mechanics
>results in deep game choices where you have to constantly avoid combat rape or risking getting addicted and getting debuffs, on top of devine punishes/boons based on your purity
you lack vision
Zinogre lights up at lvl 2, almudron and revolver start spinning at lvl 3, gargwa egg starts shaking at lvl 3, goss turns red but I don't remember if that's on draw or on charge.
>>nintendies cant play mhnow
>>nintendies wont be able to play outlanders
do you people just think intendo fans don't own phones? there's like a dozen fucking nintendo mobile games
>Play as a female that gets raped
I remember you posting that anon but then again it wasn't a huge surprise. Every single idea they've tested or explored in previous games has made a comeback eventually usually in some expanded form (except underwater). Guiding lands has roots in third gen's moga woods and 4th gen's everwood
i love to goon
Dear god how will they bring back Rampages...
ummm sir its nevergoon november
ngl, the right looks terrible.
I think it would’ve been possible to make good rampages. The idea isn’t terrible.
Soul vs Souless, blurry textures is pure soul.
There's an event quest one with only rajangs. It's one map and it's difficult enough that you can fuck up and need a bit of coordination. It's the only one I really enjoyed with how tense it was.
Rampages were just the typical siege stuff but expanded to let you place turrets and traps as well as having more monsters coming at you. Obviously the whole herds shit in wilds has roots in rampages but just like rampages they let you just ignore it after the first few times with that stupid ass big dung bomb in wilds. Not even sure why they keep bringing up the multiple monster thing. Maybe they're planning something big with it multiple games from now
Honestly, Wilds lost the narrative on twitter, /v/ and reddit, even on facebook they are not that optimistic about it, since Capcom was not able to salvage DD2 even with Asmongold they will need to employ Musk or Trump to save Wilds from failure.
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>4 months until I can play Wilds gunlance again
Remove the controllable hunter from the mix and you have a pretty standard tower defense game that could be released on mobile.
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i like this monstie
Keep talking, I'm sure CAPCOM is listening. Give me MHTD6.
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>4 months
>I'm Donald Trump and let me tell you I just love playing pokey man-...what's that? Oh excuse me. I love playing Monster hunting yes I do. There's never been a better experience for hunting monsters. It's the best there ever was.

I would die of laughter
Nigga wtf are you talking about. Wilds will outsell world lmao
>But world is certainly the better game
Doesn't matter
We just need a crossover with Cabella and it'd be the most American Monster Hunter.
What does sex with Minoto feel like
Trump would never do it. He's a tendie after all. I mean don't tell me you forgot his famous catchphrase
>Bing bing bong bong
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>play mhw
>quit because some monsters piss me off
>play rise
>quit because i didnt cart once in 200+ hours
why cant they make challenging but fun game insted of this "aoe 1 hit spam or snoozefest" dilemma
>Well, I was playing that new game the other day... Monster Hunter... Great day... Great work ethics from the JA-PA-NE-SE... AND it gave me a lot of ideas, YES, A LOT OF IDEAS, on how to capture Ilegal Aliens, next week the border patrol will start using fake dollars bills to attract illegal immigrants using ingenious devices called "Shock Traps" and "Pitfall Traps", don't worry about the little ones, we will be using Bug nets to capture them
>don't worry about the little ones, we will be using Bug nets to capture them
My sides.
>why cant they make challenging but fun game
They did, you just got filtered.
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aoe 1 hit spam is not challenge, you brute forcing hundreds of hours of the same hunt to finally nail the 1 pixel/1 frame safeties isn't fun
it's like fags dumping 5k on a pc to get good frames in milds and calling people poor, same tranny mentality, grow up
dont reply, im allergic to plebs and will ignore further posts
>a few hits away from killing hyper rathalos
>get pelted by a fireball, low on HP
>run through lava thinking it'll only be a second
>go to climb ledge
>won't climb ledge
>will not climb the ledge
>keep running against ledge
I take it all back, ledges are fucking cancer because Capcom doesn't know how to make games.
Before that I fainted because Rathalos swooped down into the canopy area and blasted me. Then he swooped at me and there was a giant fucking rock to my left. I was consistently dying to the most bullshit reasons. JUST GIVE ME THE FUCKING HYPER SCALES GODDAMMIT.
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Please understand, they were REALLY inspired that year.
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>Guardian monsters like Arkveld are sterile white
He's in
that was the problem with kamura, folks they didn't have strong border security they just let the monsters right in. but we can make kamura great again we're gonna build a great wall and yukumo is gonna pay for it
Donald Trump Rathalos armor edit when?
Not even Fatalis with Blue Flame start falls into the "aoe 1 hit spam" category, even with Velkhana's set. If you are getting one-shot by everything, consider dropping the metafag skills or, better yet, play better
I hope not, don't like that monster
>is a sex pest
So Wyverians are basically conservatives that chemical castrated Fatalis and Arkveld for being rapists?
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is hunting smaller mons with ig supposed to suck
Insect Glaive is not a real weapon, next game it will be incorporated to Lonsword where the hilt can expand so you can vault and do air combos.
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igbros, i
Is that a joke? Probably the easiest weapon to kill small monsters with. What game are you even playing? Small monsters basically don't exist in 5th gen
>Wtf village is easy
Retard you clearly didn't play the game if you got filtered by fucking world
How? You have less room to ride across monsters.
Wait are you talking about small monsters like bullfango or large monsters that are on the smaller side like arzuros? If you mean the second one I don't know how you're missing given the helicopter move is incredibly generous in 5th gen. Only way I can see you having issues is it you're using kinsect slash in sunbreak and even then it just takes practice
The more I play the beta, the more I think switch axe is actually pretty weak
What happened?
Ele Phial will be meta
Change into digital champions
to save the digital world
Yeah, that's a good point. I think SA, DB and SnS will all be a lot less weak when they have elements. Funny to think SA is joining the ele club
Lance is pretty fucked without a buff imo, I don't think element will save it
>STILL no scorpion in mainline
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>What happened?
Morph attacks no longer restore the Switch Gauge just by switching, so if you drop to zero you're screwed
Seemed pretty decent otherwise, especially with all the wound popping into Full Release Slash
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>still no reptilian monster
I feel like they expect you to hit 0 a lot more now, if not on purpose with the full released/unbridled
It combos into spiral immediately for a reason. I also think it'll feel better with Focus or Prolonger, because amp burns out so quickly now
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>still no pvp
Dragons are reptiles to me but we don't really have crocodiles now do we? Or like a giant newt/salamander.
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Well... Lagiacrus looks like a crocodile.
Do Gajios count? they even do the spinny thing
Man, rewatching the SA reveal trailer and element hit effects are so much better than the shite raw ones we have right noq
>pedo coping his child predator tablet won't be getting anymore mh
Maybe you will get stories 3 to compensate?
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>I am forgotten
i want a pokemon crossover i want to hunt a zapdos or something that would be really cool
/v/ is making fun of wilds again
I think if I have to pick out of the two then I'd go with Focus for extra recovery (and slightly faster Amp charging). Having to aim to end your combos on Morph > Spiral Burst Slash instead of just Morphing is going to make good SA play harder, I just hope there's power behind that requirement to compensate
Yeah cause it's shit
Nintendo isn't cool enough to let you cut into and kill a pokemon to turn it into a hat/sword
Good. Fucking movie game.
Girros was a lot more forgettable. At least GJ looks funny when it eats something.
>Funny to think SA is joining the ele club
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I think he's neat
>oy vey!
The most I would expect is Pokemon being added to the endemic life and you catch them using a Pokeball attachment to your slinger. They wouldn't have you actually fight them.
>Machamp grapples the huntress
Think of the possiblities.
what;s the point.... I want to hunt charizards
Best I can do is capturing (not slaying) a Rathalos so you can make a Charizard hoodie for your Seikret.
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>Capcom makes a MH clone called Pokemon Hunter
IG just sucks in general. I don't know how to use that thing without trading all the time
lance is just gunlance but boring

get captcha post
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snow map reveal when
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What do you mean by reptilian? There's tons of reptiles in the games.
It will sell millions but it literally cannot sell more than World simply because less than 3% of steam user have the PC to run the game. Not even the Chinese players that play World will save them because you need a 3xxx or 4xxx series to play it optimally. Capcom will be surprised that the game will sell less than World in the first year and will scratch their head wondering why. This is also their first monster hunter game that is $70, so even less people will want to play it on launch.
>still no soles monster
if there is no sailor suit in wilds I will be very sad I want to be sailor moon like in rise
sailor moon is for girls
I am a real biological girl in real life
imagine if someone made a mod that seamlessly tied together all the maps of World. obviously it runs like shit, but you can brute force it to be playable with high-end hardware, or by making it look like shit. this is Wilds. $70, please. I have the feeling that Capcom is retarded
You'll never be hot aira so stop fantasizing
Can you fags go back to /v/ already. Or did you nigs get banned.
as ancient custom dictates: titts or gtfo
Used pads or GTFO
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Wow this actually just explains the sad state of this general perfectly huh
you have to live with the fact that a shitty product will be criticized, or are you one of the "leave the billion dollar company alone" types?
This is outdated considering the 5th gen number is at about 50 million now.
mad because im hot and you're not
many such cases
Yes, 10+ years ago only japanese people browsed this general.
I started FU the other day. Today I failed quest to Plesioth and deleted that shit
I’m the “holy shit this nigger is fucking retarded and needs to go back to /v/ with his low effort shitposts” type
well, you're right. stating the obvious is a shitpost
so were they pandering to japan with rice? hated those japanese gay ass serpent faggots
>so were they pandering to japan with rice?
Really? You're asking this?
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Jesus christ did they actually scrub this beta at ALL?
>is the japan wank game with lolis, waifus and idol songs pandering to japanese players
wow what made you think that? It's almost like there's a correlation between world being mainly western focused and rise being mainly japanese focused that causes world fans to dislike ri
Just failed a 16 min hunt with defender gear and weapons
I'm not terribly familiar with hammer, but I at least spy Brachy, Lagi, and Jho.
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I'm pretty sure a bunch of the icons are placeholders
gomen gaijinkun
our new glorious chinese mobile game has what you're looking for
yeah p3rd is worth playing, it's short and easy but it's comfy and feels really good to play
s-surely it's a bunch of placeholders, haha...
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baby blankies return
thank god now I can beat the game
I assume that's the lala barina ls third from the right in the second to last row. It looks cool.
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>it's all confirmed once again
>mfw the 1rst hammer on the 4th row
At least returning mon wont get their gear boned/iron'd
Why are ESLs like this
>Gore and reggy again right after sunbreak
Damn at least be original
This has to be fake. They're really bringing him back again without underwater? Lol
>all the babyshit of rise like knockdown nullification and anime movesets
>but also mantles from world
how will they make Wilds hard? endgame one shots you?
Lagi was in one of the initial chink leaks for returning mons and all the other ones that were listed have been correct so far.
gore, seregios, nercylla, rompopolo, balahara, gravios, kutku, gypceros
Considering how pathetically easy Rey Dau was in the beta, I highly doubt the game will have any challenge at this point.
After all they don't want to repeat the Alatreon review bomb no?
Bone saw for I assume rompopulace? Cool
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guardian rathalos GS
*ETLs actually.
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Brachy is back? I don't remember him in the leaked rooster
We already knew this. Anyone saying "it's just ghillie mantle" was always coping hard
holy shit im getting skill issued big time by tigrex
People were coping they'd only bring back the utility mantles, instead they cut the utility mantles and only brought back the busted ones.
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>Only Whites can be Guardian
Why are they even bothering with lagi without underwater? He's literally the poster boy for underwater.
Unless health boost comes back how it was in World, probably
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I don't play LS but this looks real cool
So guardian monsters are just colorless version of the regular ones like akveld, sounds lame.
>vitality? temporal?
Because tribabs are extremely loud and won't stop shouting that they want their gay fish dragon back
second is probably frenzy mantle
The gamefreak leaks had some super early footage for a spinoff that was basically that. Straight up called it 'hunting action' in the pitch slides.
The "weapons" were specific pokemon the players would be riding and fighting with, like Decidueye was basically Bow.
Looks like it didn't get much further than some concept art and a few test animations though.
only temporal and rocksteady were busted
Oil squid or Rompopolo?
Post the whole list
evasion and impact were actually the broken ones, rocksteady only carried a few bad weapons and simplified crutch claw stuff
That's just a hacksaw from Home Depot
I never played world, which mantle are these? It's not the temporal one right?
Did they literally copy Palworld? That is fucking hillarious
Rocksteady was a noob trap most of the time. It opens way too many ways to get oneshot because you lack the knockback iframes.
Everything in those leaks predated Palworld
It wasn't being done by Gamefreak themselves but I dunno if anyone figured out who the actual devs making the pitch were
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neat, ghillie was a fun mantle that got ruined by meta combat mantles.
uh sure? maybe the antidote one?
evasion? Probably evasion, the cheesiest mantle of all.
ugggggggggghhhhh. Meta mantles ruin mantles. The hunter already gets protection from their armor, they don't need second armor.
You realize that the ghillie mantle was literally in the beta right? You had it by default
>actually using rockstedy requires skill
I give up
They want to fill you with a sense of pride and progression when you press the mantle botton anon you wouldn't get it tokuda is a visionary
so it's vitality then? Eh, at least vitality went to shit when monsters could 1-shot it. Kind of a mundane game mechanic.
>teo runs at you
>you land on the floor and survive
>put on cocksteady
>teo runs at you again
>die because you got hit 5 times in 0.1 sec
It doesn't require skill, it requires 3 braincells to prevent you from using it.
Clutch counter got me killed plenty of times on Lance, you'd die to the same multi hit shit with Rocksteady or max Flinch Free
Its strong for doing shit like point blank cluster bombing though
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Can you beat all of FU and GU solo?
clutch counter gives the same effect as rocksteady, so why bring 2? Lance universally sucks with tools regardless, they have to sheathe first so any tool is pretty much a fuck you to lance.
where are these wep leaks coming from?
I didn't bother with mantles much on Lance yeah, barely used Rocksteady in general because the cooldown sucked. At least with stuff like the fire or lightning resist mantles you could use it twice and they also helped more with chip damage.
I am beating GU solo. So i guess you can but god damn grinding alone is so fucking tedious
130+ fucking hours and only now i reached G-rank
I only got through Yama Tsukami and built King Atillart Sword in FU then lost steam :(
I fucking HATE mantles why the fuck does that shit model stay on your character after the effect wears off unless you manually go to take it off? It's ugly and annoying as fuck, and Capcom doesn't seem to think its a problem because the mantle in the wilds beta functioned the exact same too
was yammie hard?

>No armor forging
>Most likely no skills, armors are for aesthetic only
>Fornite base building
>The only avaiable weapons are long sword, double sword, lightbow gun and bow

Gay ass fucking game. Fucking chinky with their shit fucking taste. Dropped
Unironically still better than wilds
GS models
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lmao this is the game you guys were sucking off for like the past two days straight?
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>No Elder
>Kula sword

Tigrex and Kush on the bottom row, not surprising
Not really. I mightve triple carted once but it wasn't terrible. As GS I had more miserable of a time with big crab. Especially since I was too retarded to ever build for Focus or tremor res
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Gotta say I heckin’ love guild LS. Fade slash dodges feel way more earned than foresights.

Oh hey I’m grinding through GU solo as well! Also just finished last HR urgent. Want to finish fully upgrading silverwind set before moving to G rank though.
probably just placeholders, a lot of the leaks look like placeholders,just like the fulgur anjanath and ebony odogaron roster leak
Rip Wyvern Ignition keks lmao
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Doshaguma has a Guardian version?
Only 28 GS models would be low even if the game only has a few more monsters than World did
>Fornite base building
>double sword
At least put some more effort in your shitposts.
So it's Monster Hunter Online + gacha characters + a little bit of Wild Hearts (building things for world traversal etc).
Big meh. It's over.
>Only 28 GS models would be low
That's what you get for rejecting BONED
28 models > 1 model
>Guardian Rathian, Rathalos and Doshaguma

Oh so "Guardians" are just "Deviants" but white. Gay
One model fifteen times doesn't count more than once
Even the leaked monster ID list didn't pass World's monster count yet
They did a lot worse of a job scrubbing the demo that I expected but its obviously still not everything in the game
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Genki Susano was the producer for the Steam release of Rise, whatever that means.
The text also says "Steel Dragon Sword"
Is it true that they had planned a weapon forging system for world that would let you mix and match parts to build weapons but was cut later into development and is the reason for the bone and iron meme tapejobs?
>One model fifteen times doesn't count more than once
You still get the same amount of unique models, but instead of BONED weapons to pad out the weapon trees now you just get nothing
Nah, they planned a system where you start at an iron boned weapon and gradually unlock more monster parts as you upgrade that weapon
No World's equipment situation was a mess cause they had a tiny 3D modeling team doing the whole game
World had like 9 people in the credits for general 3D modeling, Rise has more people credited than that just for Weapon Models specifically.

>white lagia sword but not blue
How many FUCKING games are they gonna jerk off Kush?
This is insane.
Boxart monster + nostalgia
I'd eat her ass
Why is self inserting okay when this lady does it
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You can use the offline server method to play more of the beta.
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>Don't forget you [CAN BE A FAGGOT]
worlos need to leave
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Just bought World a few days ago, decided to google hardest weapon to use and landed on Charge Blade. Pretty fun so far but a lot of whiffing the SAED goin on. Haven't played that much but made the Rathian CB and full Barroth armor yesterday. How many hours am I looking at to finish base game and all of Iceborne including killing Fatalis (got spoiled that he was the final boss)
Depends on how hard you want to power through to Fatalis, but you can manage it in 200 hours or so. Fatalis with CB is pretty hard though
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>200 hours
Holy fuck, I was thinking it would be 100 or so max. Then again I already spent close to 10 hours...
You could probably squeeze it in 100 hours if you looked up meta guides for everything and were pretty good at the game, but at that point you'd be doing yourself a huge disservice by turning the game into a checkmark. Just enjoy the ride, man
To add to that anon, if you want to take your time and see all the different monsters, build lots of sets, try different weapons, take part in catching endemic life, etc. it’s easily a 500+ hour game. Have fun!
you all sound like redditors wtf
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The internet has slowly but surely rendered all sub cultures and cliques obsolete. Everyone will increasingly speak the same and think the same. Welcome to the future.
>speak english
>become redditor
newfag here, do all of these weapon sets even really matter or will everyone stick to a few lategame meta ones? is there like a way to upgrade early sets to become on par with endgame weapons?
>nerg and legiana weapons are in
please be true
>reddit monster hunter
>they're all complaining about the female armor being too skimpy
I don't hate them enough
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>decided to google hardest weapon to use and landed on Charge Blade
Nowhere near lol, it's the hardest to learn but it's nowhere near the highest skill ceiling; SnS and Horn both curbstomp it in that department, and I'd say a good GS gives it a solid run for it's money too. Ultimately CB'S just a lot of mechanics that boil down to maintaining your charges and then burning the rest on massively overtuned SAED's. Once Guard Points click, there's nothing left to the weapon, it's just overtuned damage at that point (which is treated as a "reward" for learning it, but again, it's not the hardest, just the most autistic, and LS / LBG / HBG doesn't even have to bother learning the weapon for better output).
All the weapons are easy, just use what feels best for you.

>How many hours am I looking at to finish base game and all of Iceborne including killing Fatalis (got spoiled that he was the final boss)
~80 + ~80, title updates / event quests / grinding lands adding onto it.
Also Fatalis isn't the Final Boss, he's the final title update (the final fight, after a series of free optional DLC that extend the story a bit). The final boss of the DLC story is quite a few fights before it, and is even heavier spoiler territory. Hell, for most players, Alice isn't even the hardest fight (that award goes to the one directly before it, and is notorious for ending casual player runs because shitters give up and get filtered by a monster with less health than a Great Jagras).
Also, I would argue that one of the title updates for the base game (the Witcher crossover) is harder to solo than Alice, even with endgame DLC gear that more than doubles your damage. There's also a heap of annoying monsters / missions; and the generally accepted hardest monster in the game is the beefed up DLC Arch-Tempered version of the Iceborne cover art monster (which can and will oneshot you while you're in recovery frames).

Try to keep spoiler-free, you don't know what you're talking about.
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palico stuff
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Nerg's in.
Good day to be spoiled.
This game will be shit
Well call me a fly then cause I'm gonna slurp it all up
LR / HR is a case of upgrading as you go along; lategame MR gives you a series of choices that are all scaled about the same but with their varying niches (at which point only made redundant by title update monsters offering more meta-optimised niches).
You can also change the appearance of weapons later on if you like how one looks over others.

tl;dr just upgrade your weapons as you go along, whenever you feel the need to upgrade them.
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Please don't tell me that's the raging brachy lance, I am so tired of that giant nigger
Aren't those the caravaneer's pants?
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fuck off he was kino in worlo
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Please tell me that's the raging brachy lance, I am so fond of that giant nigger
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seems to be a glowup version of old kut ku
Raging brachy would be more orange, I doubt we'll get most of the buttmad monster variants before an expansion
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Can't wait for autistic screeching every time I go into the polar region.
i like his cry
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me on the way to the wilds roster
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Gear leak doko?
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regional banner I guess
Kirin spotted
>we're back
Hope wilds had kirin gear since French MH event with MH wilds demo had Kirin gear cosplay womyn too.
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i hate this screeching nigger like you wouldn't believe, but in a way, like an old fren, i'm happy he's in
happier than i will be when i actually have to listen to it, but happy right now.

>you can have multiple of the same large monster now
>legiana are pack hunters
>more than 2 legianas on the map at once
>+ alpha
>+ shreiking
oh god.... oh fck....
Doshaguma gear has leotard design with barbed wires for type B.
gravity zone doko?
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1-7: Doshaguma, Balahara, Hope (default), Chatacabra?, Lala Barina, Rompopolo, probably Ray Dau
8-14: Rathalos (duh), Gore, Same ice monster as the Switch Axe showcase?, Squid maybe, Old design but I forget the name, Lagiacrus, Gravios
15-19: Babel, Rathalos again (placeholder for Guardian Rath?), Barioth, Kirin, Brachy
None of those look like they match the look of Arkveld's weapons but as a flagship everyone will probably get one
They're about the same price as a modern midrange PC setup so no. Also, iPhones are overpriced as shit.
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What the fuck is a Monster Hunter Outlanders?
If you never played World, is it better to just wait for Wilds assuming a good amount of monsters from World return to Wilds?

The only thing I want to see is the Ancient Forest because people say they get lost in it.
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So we can see bikini armor right? Cannot wait to put bikini armor on body type A with beard to make drag hoontah.
>assuming a good amount of monsters from World return to Wilds
The two share almost no monsters.
Dug through the wiki quick, the one I forgot (#12) is Skysunderer, one of the generic Dragon element weapons
Kirin's male armor already made you look like a stripper so a tube top isn't much of a difference
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No, even if Wilds has a ton of returners, World is still going to have a ton of uniques for a good while to come (as in years) by virtue of it having dedicated areas for them.
Example, Kulve Taroth has her own map entirely, and Wilds does not have a Golden Cavern map.
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I'm no longer pure...
That's a lotta placeholders
Is 17 new?
Monoblos bros, when will it be our turn again?
Do u guys not have phones? Ironic that it has bikini armor for body type B spite China bans bikinis, while Persona phantom X has no bikini unlike P3 reload which has bikinis.
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come on yian garuga shamisen and stygian zinogre guitar you bastard post the hunting horn one already
Odogaron's back
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are there really this many unannounced monsters? whose files are completely absent from the obt data mines, no less? occam's razor says all these weapons are probably just placeholders, right? guys?
either material exchange or relic weapons
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>world godmons secured a ticket into future games
>rice shitmons totally absent
Whatever early build the beta was spun off of is just as likely to be missing references to monsters as these lists are
They already said there's gonna be more monsters than World had without Iceborne so that puts a minimum of 35, even counting the IDs for variants there's only been 28 found in the files last I saw
>Radar gives samurai aesthetic armor

Oh shit nigga here we go
That "more monster than World" interview was confirmed to be fake, anon. Lies on the internet
It was technically true since 31 monsters is 1 more than World without any updates
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quest icons
I like him and I liked the Duet of Rime quest, hunting two at once. I just want his MR armour and theme to come back
>Cannot wait to put bikini armor on body type A with beard to make drag hoontah.
I already saw a guy with a purple beard in female clothes during the beta, so it seems to be a somewhat common loadout, ironic or not. Could have sworn I took a pic but I can't find it
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Compiling unannounced shit in one spot between these thumbnails and datamines from last week
Monster IDs referenced:
Gypceros (full model + quest text too)
Gore Magala

Weapon preview thumbnails:
Rathian what a surprise!
A bunch of old non-monster related weapon designs coming back
Lots of repeated placeholder pics on GS and Gunlance
A few mystery designs, some could be generic weapon trees

Other probable new shit:
Ice monster with the pink china themed gear, probably an apex
Apex for the "grave" map
Final Boss
Guardian Monsters (probably variants/endgame monster aids mode)
What's the deepest and best entry? The one that is pure MH, difficulty, skill, preparation etc
If you want all of that unironically Dos, but it's not actually fun to play unless you're extremely autistic
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whatever these toddler scribbles are
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That looks like its supposed to be Black Flame
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can't wait to have a lil nigga monkey palico ook ook
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ergebnis 8==D
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Hype status?
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no idea why they left a bunch of this in the demo
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THEY DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO SCRUB THE DEMO JESUS. I wouldn't even be surprised if someone found surveillance camera footage of them making the fucking game in the files at this rate.
The switch axe from the trailer translates roughly to 'Ice map king', which would suggest the monster it belongs to is the apex predator of the Iceshard Cliffs, and not one of the three other unannounced new monsters like some people believed.
Love the legi SnS. It's so fancy for a shitmon weapon.
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got something for your huntsissies
is that the clone rathalos sns at the end?
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We have lil nigga monkey palico ook ook at home
Hobo choco sextresses...
>2 chatacabra sns
>teostra but no kush
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the FUCK is its problem?
new bread:
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GS had Kush weapon
Garuga dual blade silhouette
Small penis.
Fatty just wanted some DICK
>shara dual blades
yeah these gotta be filled with placeholders
4U is quite literally the only good game in the series and the only game that even approaches skill based instead of tedious gear checks that are not hard, just annoying
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>F.anja GS is still boned
>Flame syphos
My beloved...

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