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My favorite monkes edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>502099994
Post the HD kut ku armor
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continue dump from last thread. Bugstick.
what lameass op image
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why is the quality of these images getting crunchier
Can you compress the images more my dial up can almost download them thanks
outlanders waiting room
how the fuck am I supposed to fight Barioth?
he moves around so much I can't even get a single swing with my greatsword.
break his arms, he starts wiffing all his moves when his wings are torn making for ez hunt
Can't wait for the packs of Yian Kut-ku to filter out all the worldvets.
Break his arms, they're weak to bludgeoning so tackle might fuck them up more than actually swinging
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Next time the image you like will be prepared
As much as some of you hate Rajang, he's the only monke that can actually still be a challenge even at endgame.
Nothing Congalala or Blangonga does is even remotely as difficult to deal with as Rajang.
based squid stick my beloved
do we have any information on how kinsects work?
they look the same as rise and world, but I guess there's no point hoping they have rise abilities
Some of these leaks don't make sense. The roster leak from last week made zero mention of Kushala Daora and Brachydios and Shara, and yet we're seeing their gear in the datamine?
>MH game
>you are a fledgling hunter just trying to make your name in the village who are having a hard time with the local monsters

>MH Wilds
>you the The Monster Hunter, tasked by the President of Hunterland to conquer the -Forbidden Lands- and the monsters and tribes that inhabit it in order to cover up the existence of The Ancient Ones and their Dragon Milking machines capable of creating immortal clones of monsters that are stronger than Elder Dragons
>lots of world and iceborne monsters have weapon thumbnails in the Wilds beta
>not a single rise monster has any evidence of it being in Wilds
Mice and micies lost even harder today holy fuck
>Zinnigger is back
Please... fuck off!
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>i ran a newfag friend through rise and sunbreak not too long ago, we just beat gaismagorn around the 50 hour mark
>tfw started playing Rise with my gf a while ago
>tfw still hard stuck on 3 star Magnamalo after 30 hours
either the leaks were wrong or incomplete, or the images are placeholders and they haven't finished the boned weapon models
Monster IDs referenced in the files would be the monsters themselves
Items aren't linked to those monster IDs at all
Shit could get thrown into the game in whatever order as models for gear were completed
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charm full slot, it seems?
Also the files strongly indicate some short of batering or trading between players
The quirk of the Gravity Zone seems to be flipping upside down the entire tower similar to Dracula Castle
Where's that guy who shits on GS ninjas when you need him?
The games always have a lot of dummy data. If they're building off using Worlo as a base, there's no point in deleting everything and it might actually break something if it was some random toothpick holding up the rest of the code.
Outlanders will have Hunting Wheels
When Plesioth.
Those monster models in outlanders look pretty close to Rise's monster models
Tranny game
Tranny series
Tranny company
There are several possibilities for the gear thumbnails that contain weapons from monsters with no evidence of being in the game otherwise. For instance:
1. The monsters will be added to the game in title updates, but are not planned for release
2. The game contains some sort of material exchange function where the player can trade for materials and weapons from monsters from earlier games
3. The weapons are using assets imported from MHW:I as placeholders, as the models aren't finished yet.

Implementing weapons seems to be one of the last things they do in dev so I would imagine the what we're seeing in these thumbnails is very incomplete and subject to change
>Also the files strongly indicate some short of batering or trading between players
>I have 100 mantles I don't need from various monsters
>but I need 1 Zinogre mantle
>been having bad luck with drop rates
>hunted like 30 Zinogres and no mantle
>offer one of my mantles or more in exchange for the 1 Zinogre mantle I need in the marketplace
They should have had this since MH1
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Say hello to the hammer that single-highhandedly converted the most amount of people to hammer mains.
Outlanders will also have 10fps maximum during combat
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*extremely load incorrect buzzer*
I doubt the equipment modelers are sitting around doing nothing while other devs work on the monsters
gunhammer as full weapon class when?
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Granted, but only in Outlanders
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I never used ranged weapons and I'm trying to learn some bow in World. How do I feel good with this weapon, specifically how do I fuckin STYLE on monsters? Right now all I feel like I'm doing is quickstep into spread shot. Sometimes it feels good when I dodge right with the quickstep but overall its very boring. When the monster is downed/stunned I use either Thousand Dragons or Dragon Piercer. Both fun and cool but I just don't feel a good flow. Mostly just feels repetitive. For melee I usually play SNS, swagxe and GS. Any advice from bowfriends appreciated.
maybe I need to dismiss my Palico or something. he just spazzes out and I can't swing or tackle.
>Right now all I feel like I'm doing is quickstep into spread shot
That's the entire weapon
>Zinnigger in every single game since his debut

You are like three shades of retarded, anon
That could help
He's a spaz but where he ends up after every move is very predictable since he doesn't really combo. Tail sweep and when he tries to pounce you are both big openings
This but in reverse.
I want to be carried by a 7 foot tall hammer mommy.
Also she has to be brown and muscular.
take it easy on her. girls aren't socialized into playing games the way we are, they haven't built up the skillset throughout childhood. Most of them don't actually start understanding how games work until they're already 17/18, let alone stats and combos
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FF classes with MH gameplay worked surprisingly well.
My sister used to be good at Mario Kart but needed help a lot on basically any other game
I guess driving is a little more intuitive than action games though
This game was really fucking cool and I wish it got a proper sequel with a bigger budget.
I think that kina supports what I said, mario kart and party games are some of the things that girls actually do play as kids and as they grow up. they don't really play action games or fps though
Can't believe we're getting TWO (2) MH games coming out... Not playing Outlanders on phones though, they get silly hot. If not on day one, I hope emulators work with it soon after launch.
I'm assuming Kut-Ku won't be huntable in Wilds
Like most MH-likes, needed a sequel to flesh some shit out but never got one
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What weappn am I using?
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what's the coziest weapon to use, where you don't need immense monster knowledge and aren't stuck in mud?
Hammer, just bonk the head
LBG. Point and click.
>managing ammo
sounds anti-cozy.
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from the item thumbnails, expect Guardians variant of monster to be a white/grey recolor
inb4 White Fatalis
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fire monkey set
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But my favorite monster hunter eceleb said the beta was basically developed separately from the actual game and that's why it ran like shit. Why would all this stuff be in it then?
material exchange confirmed
ruiner nerg is kind of a bitch for a mr100 assignment
hammer cozier than sns?
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looks like black flame gear
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as much as people hate it i really do hope the lost code weapon series gets added to rise
every weapon consisting of different formations of just five floating drones is one of the coolest concepts i've ever seen in vidya
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bow. Thats all for now.
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Ok bros i think i want this game on PC now...
>Monster Impact
>Monster Hunter Wilds: Hearts
>Wild Hearts but combat is actually not complete garbage
>straight up copying wild hearts
not even mad, building your own map traversal networks is fun, way better than fucking autopathing
>mobileslop has base building and traversal
>wilds has pocket camps and self driving bird
>base building
and i'm out
It's literally Zelda: TOTK featuring Ace Cadet.
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you have to ration your map bioenergy points though, so pay up that 60 dragon energy points for those freestyle camps goy
I mean that's how it works in wild hearts too so... kek
Just wait a few hours??? Do people seriously play monster hunter for 8+ hours straight?
>Do people seriously play monster hunter for 8+ hours straight?
You don't?
>base building
And I'm in.
I'd never even heard of this before.
It doesn't have traditional Monhun combat. You have buttons like "Attack" "Evade" "Combo 1" "Combo 2" and shit like that that you need to press accordingly in Mon fight

Also you do not forge armors in the game, the armors are strictly cosmetic. You can only pick some premade gacha characters that they made for you
btw i made this all up
I am going to waste so much money trying to get the footslut.

The first part i read on some article, i would find it for you but i am at work. The second part was their literal producer video, anon

what's the tl;dw
...normal monhun has those exact buttons
You do not forge armors in the game, the armors are strictly cosmetic. You can only pick some premade gacha characters that they made for you. Also you are a gay retard.
What enjoyment do you guys derive from spoiling all this content for yourselves? Its like paying for a movie ticket and then going online to read the synopsis and the ending before watching the movie
think of 4u relic system
>No armor forging
>Most likely no skills, armors are for aesthetic only
>Fornite base building
>The only avaiable weapons are long sword, double sword, lightbow gun and bow
>Most likely no skills, armors are for aesthetic only
Yep outlanders is the true return to KLASSIK
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Here's your SnS Follower from Outlanders bro
it's true because wilds is a movie
>No critmeme engine in Outlanders
>literally no mention of the combat other than "yeah we are going to take into account that its for mobile but can't say anything else"

The only spoilers I care for are monster moveset spoilers. That's the only thing I want to go in blind with.
in the entire video that was all they said?
perhaps you're the gay retard for being interested in a gacha mobile game and watching a video about it that can be summed up in a single sentence.
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>Luchika looks like this in Outlanders
I find more "enjoyment" out of knowing the information as it becomes available. I don't care for surprises.
1. It's fun to speculate about games based on incomplete/disconnected information.
2. A videogame you interact with yourself (especially a multiplayer videogame that the devs want you to engage with for hundreds of hours) is very different from a film you sit and watch passively for at most two hours
spoiling is only an issue with stories
knowing about the game doesn't change your enjoyment of playing the game, because watching it isn't the same as playing it
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>yer a gay retard for being interested in a gacha mobile game and watch it video
>unlike me a gay retard who is interested in a gacha mobile game but doesn't bother to watch the video
>Give it to me in 15 seconds tiktok format instead
Wow, anon, you are so fucking cool and apathetic and aloof and totally do not gargle gargantuan buckets of dick in your free time
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>ywn hunt a rath with your best bro
I mean we already have circle gameplay in Rise (LS) and Wilds (HH), so why not?
>hurr durrr use this trash engine that makes the game run like shit and prices out 90% of the PC userbase
Fucking nip-ass Frostbite engine from Nip EA.
Nah, it's just as much my fault as it is hers, we both kinda suck.
It's something that always baffles me about leakers.
They can never provide high-quality images for leaks. It's always either someone taking a blurry, poorly-lit photo using what looks like a disposable 10 dollar camera, or it's low-resolution images like the leaks in this thread.
It's the same with leaked video footage. Whenever someone breaks street dates and plays a game early and uploads the footage online, it's always shit quality. You'd think that they could just use their console/PC's built-in recording feature to record their gameplay in 1080p/60fps, but instead most of them seem to use 2000s-era Bandicam recording software (or they just record the screen using their phone at like 360p resolution).
Most people are retards
Its like how no one actually good at a game ever gets to record themselves playing a game show demo
>went to a local laptop store
>they had one with a price range that fit my budget
>8gb ram, 3050 laptop 6gb vram
>it had the demo of monster hunter wilds on it
>I tried running the thing while the shopkeeper wasn't looking
>it was lagging as hell trying to boot up and I haven't even gotten to the character creation menu yet
>ran away from the store before getting caught
Is the specs for MHW really that high? What do I need for framerates to stay at 60 consistent?
These are GUI texture files. They cracked the compression on the textures.
re engine is the greatest proprietary engine of all time tho, just look at how amazing KAMI 6 looks and runs
>6gb vram
this was never gonna work
This is a fake opinion.
If you've put thousands of hours into these games, this is retarded. You're lying and I see through your lie.
You're arguing with retarded children and niggercattle NPCs. Just avoid all MH outlets
Does Rises weapon design get better? It's not quite as bad as Worlds but it's very close
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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worth a look
but that said it's on 3DS so you'd probably have to do some homebrew to make it work online again
Aren't the only huntress soles gonna be in that chink mobile game?
Was it ACTUALLY MH gameplay
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There's no spoil in MH, you unfunny faggot.
Fucking newfags I swear, fuck off if you don't like it.
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When's the next demo, anons?
And yet here I am. Looking through spoilers. I'll only leave if somehow leakers manage to activate non-demo monsters like Arkveld or Black Flame and have them available to fight in the hacked demo, because (as I made clear) I only care about not being spoiled when it comes to monster movesets.
This must be a LARP. Why would a store have a MHWilds BETA that's hacked for a computer that can't run it? Weirdest bait of all time.
What's cringe is then I have to hear you guys bitch about incomplete information before and after the game launches. "Waaah this one system changed and I didn't know 12 other things changed in small ways in a unified way and I'm mad!!"
>8GB RAM in current year
>something is installed but you're not allowed to touch it
>Wilds beta is over already
>your fatass running
churr bro.
there was a playable demo before the open beta
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the cycle is definitely there
>go out on missions
>kill monsters for their materials
>bring them back to make or upgrade weapons and armor
>missions with time limits have rewards
>can go on expeditions to kill what you want without time limits
though there are fewer bigger monsters to hunt, capping out at around 15 (more than shown in pic related), weapons' and armor's stats can be increased by adding monster parts and loot to them in addition to being smithed with them, and weapon movesets are largely replaced with dragon's dogma esque abilities (i.e. spells and special attacks tied to weapons) that work on cooldowns, though they can be altered to inflict extra status effects, have greater area, be able to cancel into other abilities for free and so on
Only for TGS and it was for PS5. There is no real demo for PC yet.
>they used the PS5 to develop the game
>hear chinese
Yep. Into the garbage.
Yeah now kys you disgusting manchild who sits on his PC 24/7 chowing down another pack of cookies. Go die from deep vein thrombosis already nobody will miss you. Pathetic excuse of a human being. You're worse than cattle because at least cattle isn't sedentary
Wild Hearts has better combat than any MH game
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Anyone hear about the Pterodactyl and lightning hyena which are supposedly siege type hunts? Either way seems more real now.
most rice-only monster are pretty shit so it makes sense.
>Actually take nontime stamp "leaks" that say literally nothing new seriously

My little anon can't be this retarded
nothing about milds is real because it's not a real monhun game
This was before the audio files got cracked. I can trace it back a week to a few weeks back.
>i don't care for surprises
aka. you don't have a soul
knowing which monsters you fight before you actually fight them is absolutely an issue. the first time you see a monster should be ingame as it tries to kill you.
you soulless niggers are disgusting. no taste, no idea what makes experiences good and memorable.
how fucking gullible are you
People who fall for shit like this are no different than gullible older women who fall for bullshit cold reading techniques.
Even if it was a few weeks back, it says literally nothing new anon
>Open world, everyone knew that
>Ancient beast return, old leak, proved to be untrue
>MMO Raid, it is obvious as fuck because they literally said that they were gonna keep the 16 people room
>Seasons, literally the first thing they announced

The only new shit is the hyena or what fucking ever and it is likely made up. Fucking hell anon, i bet if you were a girl you'd get pregnant alot
This is because all "leaks" are on-purpose marketing. There has never been an actual leak about anything, it's all made in-house to stir up hype, and blurry shit leads to more speculation, which leads to more discussion, which is what they want.
>trying to find out about if there's a pattern to the stores having a sale in the game
>my searching just leads to people talking about sales of the actual game
Does anyone know if the sales IN GAME are based on anything deterministic?
Y'all all gon look really stupid when the pterodactyl siege is announced
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its too good
Because you aren't allowed to draw early conclusions or tell whether you like or not what we will get?
People said that same back then with World about the various complains like the boned weapons for example and that was exactly what we got.
>horizon lore with nugow gameplay
mh is really cooked...
thank you chat
>umm if you don't like spoilers ignore it
>umm you have to listen to my complaints before you can even touch the game
i love monstresses
Literally every single one of those negative reviews is because performance was bad on launch, nothing else.
>Performance was bad on launch
Performance is bad since launch
so they updated the names according to the monsters they are expecting to include in the game but just didnt update the weaps yet so teostra confirmed
I can't comment on that, i ran absolutely fine on my pc but that doesn't say anything.
>World team puts world monsters in their next game
Worldbabs are genuinely retarded holy shit
That's usually the case with steam, even the worst, most absolute dogshit games can get 90%+ positive reviews as long as they don't run bad. Every single Hyperdimension Neptunia release has great steam reviews.

That being said, this means Wilds will get eaten alive with how embarrassingly bad it runs while also looking terrible
Whycome Yian Garuga was in Dos and Lagombi was in 4 if it's just because they don't like Ichinose mons?
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>24 minutes to kill a guild low rank Duramboros
>16 minutes to kill a guild low rank Rathalos
im gonna end up timing out in HR if this keeps up
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>Buy MHWilds on Steam
>Write a bad review on purpose about performance issues even though I can run it fine. Write about type A/B and the pajeet if you want more clown awards.
>refund the game
>Go to one of those sites that sell steam keys for a discount so it doesn't count as a real sale
>Buy the game and play Wilds

Reminder to do your part kings.
I love huntresses
The dead rising remaster has mostly positive reviews despite being complete garbage that shits all over the original game.
Wilds will be the same exact thing, tourists will love it while the real fans see it as a mediocre cash grab
Abes Oddysee New N Tasty has positive reviews despite it being horrible in all respects and insulting and disrespectful to the original
The Crash remake has good reviews despite Crashes hitbox being utterly fucked, but people think this is what the PS1 games were like
>so it doesn't count as a real sale
uhh... any keysite selling a game that close to launch is a reputable vendor and legitimately acquired the keys from capcom themselves. they sell them at a discount because instead of steam taking a mandatory 30% from the sale, they opt for something less. looking at isthereanydeal, it looks like each site has a 10~20% discount on preordering the game using their keysite. I can't imagine that they'll eat into their own profits, so they're probably charging 15~25% in lieu of steam's 30%, but passing on the savings to anyone willing to use their site.
Iceborne has mixed/mostly bad reviews because it ran really badly when it came out.
Except the crash remakes are good, the hitbox is barely an issue and only for shitters who got filtered.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
>crash remakes are good
Even disregarding the abysmal hitbox issue, the art style is atrocious and completely unlike the original
Cortexs Castle is the best example between the two
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the amount of people that got first hand proof that Wilds runs like complete garbage and still pre-ordered the deluxe edition is too damn high

it'll take years and a few generations of hardware before it can be brute-forced since capcom won't fix shit
Crapcumguzzlers literally bought a rootkit, they have zero thinking skills
>Except the crash remakes are good,
I too, enjoy eating shit straight from the ass
i cant believe the game is not even out and there's a season pass for cosmetics...i hate modern gaming so fucking much its unreal
>the amount of people that got first hand proof that Wilds runs like complete garbage
ran well enough for me. i've upgraded since and would love to see how much better it performs if they do a new beta test.
>hehe it's just le cosmetic :)
Reminder Worldfags literally defended having to PAY REAL MONEY to edit your character
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Okay but I don't care, it doesn't need to be the exact same as the original games. If you want to play the originals instead go ahead, I got the trilogy from humble monthly so I paid less than 10 bucks for it and had a great time recompleting the trilogy because GAMEPLAY.
Let me guess you also hate crash 4 because e-celebs cried about 100% being too difficult and you are unable to form your own opinion?
Remember when they had to make a mod to fix Street Fighter V's fucking atrocious netcode and Capcom released a patch within the week specifically to kill the mod and never touched the game's online infrastructure again?
>She doesn't buy the keys from shady resellers with Russian names and with stolen credit cards
Again, why the fuck are you on a videogame enthusiast board if you don't care about the intricate details of what makes each game a unique work of art? And when that vision is compromised in a series, you don't care?
People didn't even say anything bad about the weapons design except for the white/gray recolors for the guardian weapon.
No, I hate Crash 4 because they made Dingodile less hot
yeah and Ricers defended the paid Layered armor and paid Event weapons
Classic, of course the fightingfags had no issue and still supported the company
i would shit on capcom but its too low hanging of a fruit
Fucking atrocious
>I know, I'll make a new hammer!
>this one looks cool!
>need low/high rank shit

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