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myRO - 3x-15x Pre-Renewal
Some people from the thread are playing there 30-50 players

Ragna/v/3 - x3-x10 Pre-Renewal
Some people from the thread are playing there 20-40 players

UARO - x5 Pre-Renewal
International server with 500 online, alive WoE

Arcadia Online / OriginsRO - x5
Popular server (~600) with a long history and no resets
But you will multiclient or be at a disadvantage

>Basic resources:
www.divine-pride.net - has some of the non-English and kRO items
iRO wiki has a lot of information, but keep in mind its supposed to be a wiki for iRO
irowiki.org - /wiki/ for renewal, /classic/ for pre-pre
>Skill descriptions
Over the several iterations of the game, skill descriptions vary wildly. There's also the issue of skills behaving differently depending on the emulator. iROwiki is mostly complete but sometimes it's completely wrong, specially the pre-re version since those are no longer open for editing.
github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Addons/Revised%20%Pre-Re%20%SkillInfoz/data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilldescript.lub
irowiki/wiki/ probably still best but scroll down to changelog. Since iRO added 4th jobs, it's now showing the new descriptions for skills. Some 3rd job skills were entirely reworked.
>Source code:
If you want to look up a skills formula, buff effect or anything hard coded, it's all inside src/map/ folder. battle for damage, skill for skill conditions, script_constant for variables. Sometimes pc file has useful stuff too.
github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE - RO translation project

Previous: >>502045957
First for I shrimply prefer MyRO's rates
Factual reminder:
Lull was not banned for griefing, or he would have been banned when he started griefing
Lull was not banned for refusing to talk with the dev, or he would have been banned when he refused to talk with the dev
Lull was not banned for being hated by the server, or he would have been banned a long time ago
Lull was not banned for sabotaging the server, this is a fake excuse to appeal for sympathy
Lull was not banned for acting like a nigger, this is a fake excuse to appeal to "BASED"posters

Lull was banned for talking shit to the dev after the dev refused to teleport him out of the dev room because the dev thought it was funny, which was a childish excuse to punish Lull because he was angry at Lull, but Lull kept shit talking the dev and tbagging him in the admin room, so the dev got too angry and banned him, the dev banned Lull for talking shit to him and anyone saying otherwise, especially the dev, is lying

Avoid playing on Ragna/v/ if you don't want to be banned randomly because of the dev's ego
I like myro more but I hate the other anons that play on it so I will play with normies
ragna/v/ should be removed from the next OP. It's disingenuous to recommend a dying server to new players
Latest Anon Ragnadev posts having a meltdown and being a retard.
When you only got 30 people on your server like ragna/v/ and myRO… higher drops > higher exp. Dev could learn from it.
And avoiding the obvious topic of him being Ennui
>learning from anything
Way more items being sold from merchants too, including Ulles and other mvp items instead of 10 more suckmadick being sold for 200k by Miku
>play alchemist on ragna/v/
>wtf this class is fucking trash, I can't do shit without wasting money all the time
>play alchemist on any normal server
>wtf, I'm... having fun?
I think you guys should lay off niggerdev, he's sounding really stressed and angry right now
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proper thread here >>502147684
>no Edition on the OP
>muhRO shill
trip back on
Why starting drama by removing myRO from the OP?
Why do you always post in full lowercase when posting without your trip, niggerdev?
I would prefer it if you stopped being an ESL retard Gabriel you make the rest of us look bad
Or what?
can't we all be friends?
all me btw
tranny OP
>people are selling morpheus shawls and other items for 100k on myRO
>meanwhile I had to pay 700K for one on ragnaV
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If someone prove they have a lvl 90 on myRO, I will meet with them or post my name
You could've also asked Hope guild, they probably would've given it to you, even if they didn't have it, they would've farmed it for you for free.
you've proven yourself to be really insufferable so I have 0 interest in meeting you
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Mad = ugly
whatever you say anon, I hope you find what you're looking for regardless
I'm now convinced that ragnadev is Ennui.
It's becoming obvious that the dev is posting without his trip and running defense for himself too, I can't support him anymore
Legit would've give the one off my back cause I'm looking to replace it
Do you have a goibne mantle too? or morrigan?
still not interested desu, you sound annoying
I have to check storage when I get home
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For me? It's myRO!
Why does it say athena at the bottom right
You hastened that crisis by
>Turning PK on
>Continue being a dickhead who doesn't listen to feedback
>which also lead to
>Loss of trust in you to fix crises when troublesome actors start griefing or exploiting

Just look at this shit.
>Gutting a class and having only 3 guild pet crafters and 1 guy playing genuinely has been a blessing because I'm too incompetent to handle people exploiting the game (never mind some faggot camped bosses early on and sold every drop for 12m-40m)
>nobody has to be demoralized when I let some nigger slip after breaking the rules we had understood since the beginning of the server
>I won't give you homunculus because I don't play the class, I don't care about what players who want the playstyle feel about it, playing characters are just means to an end which is seeing number go up since i'm an autistic fuck

When the fuck are you going to start to be reasonable? Does your mother have to die for you to get some fucking empathy?
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No idea, I'll ask the admin to change that
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WS don't need more buffs.
The first 3 WS to reach 99/70 on ragnav3 did so mostly on their own and relied on solo play most of the times. Keep it mind this was way before any of the recent WS buffs were implemented, if they can do it so can you and stop complaining.
Although I do agree a ranged skill would be nice.
>the class is so bad you have to play solo
Genuinely fuck off for acting like you aren't a fucking sperg and trying to ruin a server
How's myRO so far? Thinking about starting there
Golden hands Lull...patpat
My full opinion on myRO and the differences between both server:

>admin is more active
>I didn't like dailies at first but it forces people to move all over the different places and I even got to visit places I never knew existed (like the deep sewer of ghasleim to kill some majo, or killing umbala golems)
>3x felt slow at first, but you reach level 70+ quickly because of dailies
>increased droprate isn't excessive but is perfect enough that it doesn't feel like you have to be unlucky and kill 5000 creamy, you're never going to reach 2k kills for whatever you're farming
>the economy is INSANELY good, I don't know what it is but everyone is selling stuff, and the shops are easier to navigate because of @whosells and @whobuys
>converters are too over priced (25k) but I plan to make my own and sell them for 10K anyway
>I can see mobs from way further away and zoom out my camera way more, this FEELS SO GOOD!!!!
>I can see my last warp on the mini map, I LOVE THIS
>I can link multiple accounts together for storage to help with my merchants, no dual client still
>people are insanely welcoming
>disguise/poro catcher event is super fun and you get a bunch of gift boxes every day through them
>I used to hate cosmetic being a 0.1% drop but it adds so much replay value and forces people to trade with each other

One thing I really miss from ragna/v/3 are the card sets and card revamps (like the crit ones) and the late game items having more slots, but... I also feel like those changes were too excessive? Having a dragon slayer or atroce blade with [3] slot is kind of insane balance wise

I actually hated myRO the first 2 days I started, but maybe I was still angry about ragna/v/3, but now I'm happy I'm playing there and I don't think I'll ever play elsewhere

Heh... I know who this is...
fuck off lull
based MyROChad
Also, why did ragna/v/3 remove quest npcs??? Having hunting and item quests makes the world feel less empty and give more uses to some items, and having more warp + reset for free is insanely good too
You can remove all cards from an item for a 8% chance to either lose all the cards or the item depending on which one you prefer
I dont see any champs complain about having to solo to reach 99/70
>Warpers, free stuff and card remover
Yeah this is all soulless shit
it's only a matter of time before you spergout on someone and get banned though
lull sucks dick for anyone who asks on myRO btw
I tried you fucking liar
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Nobody has ever been rude or mean to me on myRO because the people are nice and normal human being
Someone even gifted me 2M when I started, you're delusional if you think the problem on ragna/v/3 was me and not you guys
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Oh its lullschizo hours already? Everynyan you know the drill.
try again
don't be a loser
>you can see npc from fullscreen away and zoom out this much
Lmao ragnadev is a fucking lazy cunt
Have to admit, Prontera being the main city just feels so much better
i miss you lull
You know why he says he won't increase rates is so that people are stuck with a main character.
Once someone 99s a character on his shitty server, no one wants to go through the slog again because no one parties.
He then uses this to say 'everyone got through all the content' because he has nerfed or removed things that HE doesn't like.
It's fucking boring.
Will you come back if the dev unbans you?
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Can I be the Azure to your Utena?
Fucking gold. 3 minutes later lell started spamming screenshots of himself in response.
So were those posts the other day about how much you enjoyed tormenting Ennui real? Because if so that's kind of hot
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I don't miss you guys... sorry...

Right??? I don't know why you guys are always in payon!

Nope, never, out of the question, even if I was banned for 1 second, or even if I was kicked as a joke I would never join back
I hate injustices, bullying, messing up with people, unfairness, it's something that triggers me, I would have left the server if it happened to anyone else too

Make a priest on myRO and do some mvp with me and we'll discuss this! I rather have a Kiwi...
>shitposter tries to split the threads
>doesn't work so he has to link back to his posts in the dead thread
Kiwi fan....Lull is so based patpat
Ennui kicked me out of the party for no reason while letting his friends insult me and pretended to be that nice mediator in the party, so I decided that I would never let him run another party again, that's the end of it
He dm'd me and tried to apologize but private apologies are meaningless, public actions are what matters
All this time utena poster was lull...
And I even sent her a nude on discord...
if she actually did dm you, you should've taken pics of the chat and called it out in the thread desu
>Have a melt down in a party and I call you out publicly.
>Proceeded to be silent and harass the same person in global some more
>When I quit you try and apologize in my whispers and ask for me to stay

Will you party with me if I play in myRO?
>after all of that Ennui tried apologizing to you even though you were the one in the wrong and you continued to bully him
What a terrible fucking person you are holy shit.
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I'm not the Utena poster, I was reading the archive of the posts here and found that theory funny, that's all
I am a UtenaXKiwi enjoyer, though
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I'm not a very good priest but could always try! I like kiwi too but it is hard for me to pick between Azure and kiwi...
Yep I'm thinking of starting on MyRO and playing with Lull
me too
I'm gonna start on MyRO and not let lull into any of my parties.
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Yeah I will
Just make a character that you'll have fun with! I plan to play LK + Priest on MyRO anyway, I can be the priest
Make a guild Lull and I will migrate to myRO
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I joined this guild >>502070003
Join us!
I'm going to post manly dolls so you guys stop simping me now
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>I can be the priest
This is my chance...
>I hate injustices, bullying, messing up with people, unfairness
i don't know how you live with this level of obliviousness
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I enjoy playing priest! But do need to improve my priests that's all.
Nobody was mean to you here you fucking schizo, until you started shit with everyone
>Lull was a TBF poster
my opinion of Lull has gone up quite substantially now.
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After I made some people mad, you guys admitted in the thread that when I was a week 1 player you were following me around/partying with me just to see if I was a bully alt
You're all mentally ill and you can only get mad in the thread, 95% of you are docile little doggies in-game when your name is attached to what you type
>He dm'd me and tried to apologize
Post the logs
>myro getting player housing
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One thing on myRO that I really appreciate
>moscovia is closed, so people have to find non game breaking ways to make money
Instead of having 1 guild having a castle, we'll have one!
Buillies alt people scream about is so annoying and I wished people would stop also BASED THUNDERBOLT LOVER
that and saved builds? oh no.....
You tried really hard and made a really shitty post
Please get yourself together
Video Games
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Sorry for the exp spam

So mad you had to type the same thing twice.
Btw the server is 100% non profit (as said on their website) so you can only pay for housing through zeny, donations will never be accepted
>admin talks like a normal person instead of a stuck up faggot like niggerdev
>also knowledges he's just an admin instead of pretending to be a developer
myRO looking more and more attractive
I'll just have to be like the rest of you then, set up my bot and have it spam these these threads nonstop and render them unusable.
MyROchads we just can't stop winning
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Lull is the Seven Blasphemous Deaths of ragna/v/.
>player housing to come
>saved builds
>receptive dev
>so many fucking costumes holy shit
>larger population
>comfier rates
>morroc isn't a smouldering crater
MyRO... won?
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time to try out myro
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To be fair, I think the card sets and card changes are some of the best changes someone could make for ragnarok, so kiddo to ragnadev for those
But then I don't understand some of the stuff he did, like the LK buffs, I could aoe farm anything by spamming 12K+ BBs all over the place
I wish
>saved builds
Wait, what?
Uh oh someone is having a melty.
Willing to bet it's someone from bullies
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OH and you can also hide pets!!!!!!!!
And so bullies lost and thus myro won
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Btw if someone loot those hair on myRO, the black or white version, I'll buy them...

Ig name is Lullaby
>the sluts ignored your bitching and moaning so you copy/pasted it into here
now that's just sad, man
lol, you were mean to me in the very first party where the melties started, telling the healers to shut up because we were talking and you were pulling too many necros and dying like it was our fault.
I'm sorry but I just dont buy it.
I'll let you know patpat
how do you get costumes in myro?
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I dyon't thyink I wyant to plyay ragnya/v/ actyually. I wouldn't tyouch myRO eithyer. The dyev makes highly questionable decyisyions thyat smyell of hyim nyot knyowing the gyame well enyough to fyuck wyith it. Every syingle pyerson is a lying, tywo-fyaced, syack of shit wyith thyeir hyeads syo far up "byoard cyultyure's ass you've abyandyoned hyumanity. I can't wait to syee what hyappens to the internyet when 4chyan dyies, becyause it's going to be hilyarious wyatching you creatyures fail to integrate into polyite socyiety. Even Reddyit is byetter thyan you no myatter how many tyimes you cry yourselves to slyeep chyanting otherwise..

I hyope all of you get cyancer and die a miserable, excruciyating dyeath that saps your respective families' resyources and myoney, causing thyem to fail because your uselyess selves ate one too many cheetoes

Fyuck all of you forever.
>join myRO
>join myRO
>join myRO

Through in-game event, the devil square (3 waves of enemies to fight) give 1 outfit box
Finding the poro in the poro catcher (every hour?) give 1 outfit box, but you fight against other players for it
It's a world wide 0.1% drop (random outfit from any mobs)
And gamba machine, you can also trade 2 outfit for 1 outfit box
At first I hated the system (since I already know how I want to look) but it's pretty fun and it's like when you start ragnarok? You feel like you'll never have cards, then after a few days you have a storage with 50+ cards (or 50+ outfits)
>myro mind breaking anons this bad
you love to see it
>the fav tab on myRO will hide your items to seller
Why can't ragna/v/ do this?
I've been asking for low level party for 3 days and got nothing
There is 2 dailies leveling party a day minimum on myRO
Does MyRO have resets, and if so for how much?
I would just play terraria or something, there's still a chance for myro admin to suddenly become something like ragnadev,
Reset free
Dungeon warp (free)
City warp (free)
No because the myRO admin is a normie, and normie aren't all bad as long as they aren't politically brainrotted
at least you're impartial, take care anon
Well at least its not scat.
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login screen from cas w/ love
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Amazing how much you can zoom out, wth
You can zoom out super far in ccRO too for the record
Ennui melty
Dev melty
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I plan to boost people through levels 1 to 50 every single day around the same time on myRO, whisper me for help or wait for me to make the party in the #lfg channel (yes we have a lfg channel in the game!)
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always hated payon caves
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i miss when we would just erp
really enjoyed nonoko's hag butthole and throat
get that shit out of here this is the shitposter's only section
I kind of love payon caves... Favorite spot to level there, you can stay there up to lvl 60 and it's comfy
Lull are you still here?
I posted just above you!
Preach on Lull-sama, you speak great truth. Bully guildfags and dev where always the main issue.
Good! When are you going to make a priest?
I already have one around lvl 50, I'm focusing on my knight for now so that I can farm gear for both my characters
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only really hate the first floor because of all the bats
I'll join tomorrow, see you there!
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Nice kiwi...
The bats are always annoying but as much as the dragon flies elsewhere...
Whisper me in-game and I'll boost you, it take 15 minutes to reach level 50 with dailies
Did anyone want to party up and run some content or level as a duo?
I'm playing on myRO to clarify.
I'm boosting an anon from here then I would be up to duo anything but I'm level 94
>i miss when we would just erp
really enjoyed nonoko's hag butthole

Gross dude that slut’s asshole was probably all loose and prolapsed
So... this is how it ends for ragna/v/3 huh...
Will you meet me in Lighthalzen afterwards then? The level is fine.
I like Payon Cave, sometimes I don't know where to level in that range between 30 ~ 60 and I just go there and feel like it's fine enough.
Sometimes you get AoA, the archer skel card for yourself / to sell to players or just the daggers / bows from the skeletons to sell to npc, and that helps a bit starting out.
You know myRO has warp to lighthalzen... You aren't going to make me waste time!
I'm not trying to waste time, I just want to have a good time, duoing!
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You LOST, and BADLY.
Then I'll tell you in the thread when I'm free!
samefagging is sad lull
It's ogre, if you look online at ragna/v/ it's just maxed out players who can't log off for good due to sunk cost fallacy.
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>feel guilty as a priest when I let someone die
>feel guilty as a tank when I let someone die
I should play dps...
thats what makes it hot
>already lvl 94

Very based, keep up the good work. Also who do you main in Grubble versus rising?

Most Bullyfags don't even know that Ferry is their guild icon lol....
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Everything feels so organic !
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There is nobody at lhz...
Percival and Narmaya
I'm on the way!
That person lies a lot Lull. If you see a Usa Musume poster they are full of crap
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Don't feel guilty! You are doing your best and I am thankful for all the help!
>Pa-chan and Naru player

Good taste!!
I'll try to help more next reset!
What about you?
Not than anon, but I main Anila...patpat I'm pretty bad at fighers though
Mofu mofu! Anila is a based pick too! I'm happy for Anila player that she was buffed
Why would you say such horrible things...
Lull this person lies all the time and I have reason to believe it someone from bullies >>502173278
Don't worry I'm already back to farming minos!
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2 card in novice area!
convince me not to roll on myro
bro just go wherever the fuck you want at this point
>dumb fucking BPD sperg comes and acts like nothing happened
spammer was right
>being controlled and dictated to by the clique
yikes lilbro stay on ragna v you're needed to lick bulliekek ass
almost a textbook case
has an self-destructive episode and takes a bunch of people with them, pretends nothing happened and back to acting nice
genuine mental help needed here
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>slowing down activity due to simply not having much else to do.
ive mostly burned out due to your incompetence of being consistent with your own rules and, therefore, judgement
>The server will turn 3 months old in 3 days and only just now we stated to see a dip in player count.
do you think this dip happened of people not knowing what to do? why not just make another alt? are you sure that nothing happened before that dip?
>Most private server owners would kill for the stability that Ragna/v/ 3 has shown. Not just in player count, but also regarding item prices and party availability.
>item prices
>party availability.
you've only partied with bullies and it shows
>Despite the constant screeching, having Homunculi completely removed has been a massive blessing to the server.
id rather let them have homos and make players record and post AFK offenders than-- nevermind, i guess tweaking numbers on skills and mobs is more fun than figuring out about ways of AFK farming as a response of gutting the only way for alchemist to survive solo being a shit idea that's happening on picrel, reassuring "I'll investigate." despite clearly showing date on screenshot and you telling you won't apply anything retroactively screams your interest in performing justice while sticking to your own rules (there's fucking none)
>Their goal is not to get you to move to another server, it's to demoralize and shit up the thread and prevent new people from joining.
this is your 3rd server iteration and i get why those "schizos" exists
seek help along with lull
Trip back on
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different perspective taken by another player that shows cosmetics and job better, you can see its ~90 degrees rotation by bush placement
>He dm'd me and tried to apologize but private apologies are meaningless, public actions are what matters

You are mentally a child and have no idea what an apology is for.
Good luck with the rest of your life
niggerdev has convinced himself the server is dying of natural causes when he's had fuck up after fuck up for 3 weeks straight. People noticed, it's that simple
Ragnadev controls the droprate on the server for each individual player

When ** ** **** got muted, his luck for the next few days was way too high, this was done to keep him on the server and calm him down
When **** had a melty in thor, his luck for the next few days was way too high, same deal
When **** got kicked from the abbey party, he looted 6 cards in the span of 20 minutes, statistically impossible

Conclusion: Ragnadev is controlling individual people droprate to calm them down or punish them
no shit, you're talking to a bipolar retard
>Most private server owners would kill for the stability that Ragna/v/ 3 has shown. Not just in player count, but also regarding item prices and party availability.

This also was the line that showed me how far dev has his head up his own ass.
you guys won't be happy no matter what happens
you flock to another server with less content and you'll get burned out after the honeymoon phase
t. bullies
>Most private server owners would kill for the stability that Ragna/v/ 3 has shown. Not just in player count, but also regarding item prices and party availability.
stop replying to yourself
yeah i've got 10 raydrics, 1 archer cards and 4 iron cains i would fucking kill for this 0.05 luck on gloves in roughly 5k kills (they weren't in killcount, just the amount of drops i've sold), 1 rideword despite avoiding them at all costs and 3 AK cards in 1.6k documented and 400 undocumented kills, first two ~100 kills apart from each other in next days after being muted for 2 minutes, then dev PMing me if im still unable to talk in #global
its fishy
if you need proof lull is a shit person and shouldn't be believed at face value, they were also mean to nemesis for no reason
I had fun. I'll check back in for v4. Hopefully there's more of an endgame for farming solo gear. Maybe rng item stats like some servers do, idk.
How was I mean to Nemesis?
I believe it, the amount of cards each time I got when I was thinking of leaving the server is insane
After the first drama I got into, I looted 11 cards that day, when I left bullies I looted 12 cards, then when I got kicked from the party my luck was insane, never had better luck than those times
lower rates would unironically go harder as people would be forced to party in midrange dungeons than lowballing wolves -> orcs -> horcs til dodo parties range
Lull, why did you fill Prontera with literal niggers buying gold for 1z?
didn't Zaku said those were his chars
>reassuring "I'll investigate." despite clearly showing date on screenshot
>myRO has card removal
...Why can't v3 have this?
That's a shit feature which is why mykeknewal dailies has it
B-because.... don't think about it!
If the rates got any lower I wouldn't play at all. I don't know how I played iRO back in the day. It's not fun smacking wolves for 2 hours to ding one level. It's more to level quickly and spend time grinding for gear imo
shit feature that ruins the game
i dont really get this feature considering 10x gear and 15x cards
does it costs huge money to do? may be another zeny sink alongside slots
You have a 8% chance of losing either the cards or the item (you can choose which one to gamble)
Imo refining items + slotting is already a huge zeny sink, and we will get housing too for zeny sink so... And we have cosmetic as additional cards drop for money sink too (and gamba for money sink)
can myro admin remove dings from trash gear that drops from low level mobs? dinging club [3] from fabre or unslotted cotton shirt from baby desert wolf is not life changing...
You'll have to ask him, it feels bad when you farm mobs that drop useless stuff (like mino) but it feels great when you farm for a certain refine item (padded armor [1])
I think he has to change it for each item individually
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This sounded like a crazy conspiracy theory but I think you're right Anon, lol
Also I put 20 mobs a minute but I was logged out for 5 minutes during those 20 minutes
Do the math yourself and tell me if it's wrong
Sleep well
Thank you again for helping me out! I'll try to get strong soon!
>Ennui's mail will expire
You know...I think I like Lull they're nice and I enjoy petting them too. I hope MyRO keeps treating them well.
you can keep pretending all the bad shit they did doesn't exist, that's fine
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What bad thing?
the server is dying...
we never found xan a wife
once again, he's too shy and others are too shy to approach him
nobody wins
I still love you, you know?
Anyone on myro wanna do dailies? My BS is low level so I'm starting from 40
christ i got flashbacks to the time I frequented /xivg/
Please stop
I would with my priest but not until that next mino card drops... or I'll feel like my luck is going to be drained by some low level mob...
Where's a wingman when you need it?
You still have time do it already.
there aren't any
What's your name ig? Say it quickly there is a lvl 40 leveling dailies party going on and I can leave it so you get my spot since I'm already lvl 95
t. goon?
leave the guy alone...let him be a kirito in peace
reject nonoko, embrace kirito
unironically get yourself a slut friend, if you're in then you'll be fucking IN
**** and ***** are wingmen but you have to befriend them first, so it's up to you if you want to do their questline for easier access to wives
What are you even on about
The thing about myRO is that its a server that you can sense will only get better over time. That admin cares to improve the player experience. When myRO launched it didn't even have resets because he was concerned about some sort of pvp abuse, but he listened to feedback.

Meanwhile on ragnaV... The problem with dev is not just his ego and lack of good faith, which of course is a pretty damning deal, but its clearly his lack of talent. "Too complex or outside the scope of what I want to do" "impossible due to limitation" is just PR talk for "I don't know how".

There's tons of customized servers out there with shit you'd almost expect to be the standard. For example, myRO and ccRO have automated events, why not ragnaV? Most of you must of glazed over a post dev said himself a while back, that "he wished he was as good as the ccRO devs because they do some impressive stuff on that server."
It's not just that he's ignoring your feedback, it's probably because he can't even do it.
>"impossible due to limitation" is just PR talk for "I don't know how".
I wish he was honest about this
I didn't knew much about ragnarok so I took what he said at face value, then I tried myro and the differences are... embarrassing

I still think what he did with card set combos is insanely good for class identity
The main reason he doesn't want to fix homonc by adding an anti-afk system to them is because he can't do it.
being a kirito will do morre harm than good, he needs friends
>That admin cares to improve the player experience.
will they buff the extended classes if I ask
And have SuNo become the best card farming job in the entire game with the most versatility? No
Then I dont give a fuck
sunos are an abomination in the eyes of God our Lord
i dont know you can give him the ragnaV's changelog and see what happens? He did say that he aint gonna buff LK, thats for sure
I like the extended tile view the most, the default tile view feels so limited.
I was watching that MONK tournament and I couldnt see shit sitting there in the audience
It's the worst during weddings, you can't even see people sitting on the other side, or even who is getting married if there is no sit left in front
Curiously, you know that HUGE buff to flee builds, where mobs degrade flee and vitdef at double the size of the mob compared to normal (e.g. 4 vs 2)?
That was a HUGE buff to get. Makes the game feel so much better for flee classes.
And look no further, that change was implemented on MyRO. When? Couldn't tell ya. But it wasn't there when I first rolled on the server back when resets still weren't free, and it is now.
honestly the BIGGEST problem is/was the bullies.
They were behind everything bad that happened to the server. EVERYTHING.
I sent him the changelog and he said he will definitely check them out, especially the card sets changes
>back when resets weren't free
oh my god you're that guy
damn based
dev wants players to push the limit and challenge hard contents
Bullies is the only one who wants to do this. Most just wants to ERPs or form their own cliques to enjoy the game and not being overly sweaty over a 20 years old game
this is why dev favors the bullies
Lol, every problem are because of the dev
Bullies are just a big(small) fish in a small pond syndrome like you see everywhere, they barely play anymore
bullies fucked up the economy by being the jewrat they are.
But bullies also were the only one willing to grind hard contents
They fit right into the dev's vision, however fucked it is. So the dev gives them a lot of slack. That why peonggy got off scott free.
I am probably not who you're thinking of, I never even took screenshots when I first rolled this character.
I just saw MyRO getting advertised in the /v/ thread and after remembering how much of a shitshow the first two ragna/v/s were, I thought "Maybe I should try this one instead", back when it was a tiny little 19 players connected server. But what won me over on Ragna/v/ was the gunslinger changes, so I thought "Since I'm kind of wanting to make a pseudo-gunslinger rogue over here, why not make an actual gatling gunslinger on Ragna/v/ since it's actually viable?"
And then proceeded to not even play gunslinger.
I sensed trouble in the water so I went back to playing MyRO, and I'm having just as much fun as I was. I really am at home around the 1-3x rates, especially as a habitual Kirito.
then he should remove #trade and merchant class entirely and make extended kafra storage even more convenient for better hoarding as trading mvp items for fair price to others to have easier time of
>push the limit and challenge hard contents
isn't part of this statement
Its all comes back to bullies and dev. All roads lead to them.
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Wow, was this card always like this?
>daily ragnaV log-in
>still nothing worths buying
>still no odin blessing
>log out
okay I'm rolling on myRO
No, on MyRO you can get free mammonite use though with 2 of those.
No. Pirate Skeleton normally gives level 5... discount?
But everyone already has overcharge and discount 10 on MyRO, so it was retooled to something different.
Same for Ragna/v/, for that matter. On Ragna/v/ it gives level 1 Gank.
>free mammo
What a retarded server
>do 80x10 crit
What a retarded server
stop being so antisemitic dev
>free mammo
Incredibly based. Finally can be useful when leveling a merchant
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>haha, with my pike 10+ 4x minorous card... surely... you're dead this time abyssal knight!
>2k BB
Aie... I'll come back later as a lord knight...
Don't forget to drop a Provoke 10 on them.
It can be tough to kill them even in one burst of GC sometimes, and that hits with fucking Holy. They're 200% WEAK to that.
>Knight skills
dont say myro dev figured out how to keep 1st job sprites without fucking up everything
Should try getting an Ahlspiess since AKs have pretty high defense.
Life has many doors, Ed boy.
you can use any sort of sprites on myro even baby sprite (with no penalty in stats)
Yeah, you can stay a swordie on myRO and there is a ton of baby sprite too
I have no idea why it's not like this on ragna/v/
I always forget to use provoke... I need to get used to it, thanks
I know I should make a paladin/crusader if I want to farm raydric/aks, but I just find LKs so much more fun
>all teh things that bullydev said is impossible, somehow possible on wholesome 100% big chungus moment reddit server
is ragna dev even a dev at this point
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>3K BB
Now we're talking... (I need provoke rank 10 aie)

I think he has good ideas, but not the skill to implement them, just like >>502189168 said
>"impossible due to limitation" is just PR talk for "I don't know how".
ENDURE HAS UNLIMITED HITS ON MYRO!!! It feels so good when mobbing!
>figured out
anon I promise you it's not difficult nor complex, you were being lied to.
>that guy got two pirate skele cards in a few minutes
I mean Sader is fun too. But you'd better REALLY like killing the undead, or REALLY like tanking damage for squishies.
LK shrimply has more varied uses. They truly are the main character class.
Which is really funny because the main character of the Ragnarok anime job changed to crusader
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He talked about housing yesterday and he is already planning ANOTHER patch? He patched the server 2 days ago!
Yeah, I think what I really like about LKs is how they are a lot like warriors in wow vanilla? You kind of experience the whole game, from being incredibly weak to being incredibly strong...
And you spend so much time minmaxxing, having a lot of different gear for different situations...
Sader is fun too but... idk, I don't think I'll make more than 2 characters on myRO, Priest + LK, or Monk + LK is what I have in mind, if the server was 7x I would have made a crusader + hunter + whitesmith + alch for sure
For o against reducing the mvp respawn rates by half?
Ragnarok Online is Dead
Why did you kill it?
ragna vee sissies....Lull is getting uppity again...Xer is taunting us...
One day people will see me for the man I am...
Killing the last remaining players of their real life responsibilities by turning them into disgusting schizo bipolar unmoving e-fakenice larvas.

Wasting that much time do a lot of dangerous damage to the soul non ironically.
so hurt u mad
the real nice is just born that way. There is no effort whatsoever from them to be nice. Its just nice.
What is better? To be born goodnice or to overcome your evil nature through great fakenice?
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True! + being nice in the way people imagine... it's basically being retarded
Too retarded to know when people insult you, so you let it slide
Too retarded to realize when someone is being mean to others
Or it can even be too cowardly
Too cowardly to enter conflict with someone for legitimate reasons, etc
People mistake being nice with being naive, what people want is naive people to exploit

A lot of people will call you fake nice when they make a sexual move on you for example, because you "seem" nice(naive) in a retarded way, and when you tell them no strictly, they feel like they were lied to/that you were acting being nice(naive)

Anyone crying about "fakenice" is someone that was denied something from trying to exploit someone "nice"
>dev wants players to push the limit and challenge hard contents
*with class buffs, nerfs to MVP's and other crutches
but hey bulliekeks finally accomplished it after 4 servers of attempts, so maybe niggerdev will take the crutches away for v4 :^)
Beel/ifrit/randgris isn't that hard lol
tell that to crutchdev and the guild that "crashed and burned" against them for 3 servers in a row
calmly and non-chalantly typing "easy" memoryholes the fact that it took 3 years to accomplish, everybody knows this.
easy, btw.
holy shit dev treating the server likes a social experiment and we the kindergarten test subjects.
No wonder niga dev is a fucking egotistical megalomaniac.
Compares to the humble Myro dev its fucking day and night
>after countless class buffs and boss nerfs finally being able to complete pre renewal content on 3rd iteration of clownfiesta, antagonizing theirselves as jewest of jews in process
>never bothers selling scraps of said content to other people
and dev will cater them again on 4th iteration, no rule will ever work against them if they'll break them again, they'll ruin server again and they'll point out fingers on next **, ***** or lull
share afk build and job that will work on ragna please
Paladin, reflect shield with naga shield and orc card
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Clique will always destroy everything, which is why joining a public server like myRO is unironically the answer, I'm not saying this just to shill
Kaiki is objectively right.
Which would you rather have? Generic Saber figure?
Or the legendary SADER.
I-i don't like fate...
i dont even know what fate is but i did read that doujinshi about blonde queen or something with half her tits out
Blonde queen??
Metal Gear?
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One good thing about dailies (which I used to hate), is that you can make a party with a ton of different level range and help everyone level up fast while also getting exp yourself + boxes
I realized later that you meant Saber again...
I never considered that.
That is pretty neat. Big kudos.
I still prefer no dailies and having the exp rate at 5x or 7x because I love leveling solo at my own speed (ULTRA FAST) and own comfort, but it's pretty neat yeah!
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Favorite TBF character?
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I'm done, time for job change
Gz! Monk or priest?
Disgusting schizo bipolar unmoving e-fakenice larva.
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3 more to go...
Disgusting schizo bipolar unmoving e-fakenice lullva.

Wasting that much time do a lot of dangerous damage to the soul non ironically.
Pekola is simply the best
Wasting that much time do a lot of dangerous damage to the soul non ironically.
its okay **, its just a game...
Why do you try to put the blame on him all the time?
Why do I feel responsible for everything that's going on?
It feels like something that could have been prevented.
Disgusting schizo bipolar unmoving e-fakenice larva.

Wasting that much time from your real life do a lot of dangerous damage to your soul non ironically
tend to your hand
Tend to your irresponsible larva soul
This retard can throw a tantrum over anything if xe's on xis period. It happened with Chachamaru (therefore Ennui), Onyx, Saint Asonia and only God knows how many people xe hurt this way, then apologized next fucking day. Actual bipolar tranny behavior.

** is Lull and you cannot convince me otherwise.
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Get help
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what town will you buy your house
Niff! Or Alberta

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