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imagine using shards on an EGO that can't even clash lmao edition

Previous thread: >>502180469

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
[000] The Princess of La Manchaland Rodion
[EGO] HE - Fell Bullet Yi Sang

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
Target Extraction: [ Meursault ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Faust's massive retarded breasts.
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>imagine using shards on an EGO that can't even clash lmao edition
Sorry, multi coin EGOs are not allowed to be good if they're not walpurgis.
I'm so glad that Rodya can actually clash with this ID, this will be my last ritualpost
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>I must apologize for Yi Sang. He is an idiot. We have purposely given him a teamkill EGO, as a joke.
Thanks director.
NTA but won't you still lose the count if the enemy has a lot of coins. Like, even if you let them attack you freely, you still lose the count. iirc, only counterattacks don't lose the count, not sure about clashable counters tho
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>Lust represents Bleed
>Because of Blood"Lust"
Ok, so:
*Defense level up doesn’t boost Hardblood Arts Parasol, because it uses Attack Level for its clashing and final power, as it’s a clashable counter
*Attack Power Up doesn’t work either, because it’s a Defensive Skill
*Strife/By the Manual/Backing don’t really work because they target Least HP, and Princess Rodion has higher then Average HP since she’s a Leader, not a DPS

As such, I conclude that Princess Rodion is a complete 180 from Wildhunt, who was all about spamming his Counter Skill over his Skill 1 or even Skill 2, both because it rolled better and because it built coffin. Princess Rodion, however, can get coin power more consistently on her Skill 1 and her Skill 2 gives her so much Attack Power, that it is simply inconceivable to not use it
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Those two faceless bastards and budding disciples of the Way of Rape? Gregor and Sinclair.
>Burn represents Wrath
>Because of Burn"wrath"
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Now that the dust has settled, what's your favorite Bleed ID in Limbus Company, the hit gacha game from Korean indie developer Project-Moon?
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All I want is to rest my head on her soft breasts while she gently rocks me to sleep...
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N Faust
>Gluttony represents Rupture
>Because of Rupture"Glutton"
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It truly makes you think, doesn't it?
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Waking up to another day with my work wife Ishmael.
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i still use guidosault every time i run kroomie faust for the flavor. uncle guido is the best and he LIVED and DIDN'T DIE
>Sloth represents Tremor
>Because the T stands for Tremor
why do bloodfiend are so oneside inherently evil they're next to imposible to have any function beside being a waste of space
Sanchodespair is so kino when it's human Sancho.
But dark flame is a pride burn effect
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ring sang
Rodya passives made him too broken now though
자 막아내라!
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he got taken down by a woman with a 9mm lol
hook greg
Painter Outis, I love her skill 2 doing multi thrust
I love his slicked back hair, it's so much better than his usual faggoty ponytail
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Am I crazy, or does Rodya manage to inflict bleed through counter clash so long as she has thorns?
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>OC x Erlking yume is also a Don x Sancho shipper
What causes this?
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Who's smiling at the end? Sancho, the chuds? Is she getting the rape treatment or is she going to drink their blood?
we need more racist id again blooda
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If you had to give a (non-seasonal) ID to your least favorite sinner with the intention of making them more likeable for you personally, what would you pick? I think I'd be interested in seeing how Ryoshu adapts her family trauma and murderhobo tastes to the Zwei.
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>anon trawls twitter for artists shipping and rushes to report on /vg/ about it
What causes this?
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No. Hong Lu's hatred for our Bloodfriends is why his hunter ID sucks so much.
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Now we talked about Sancho TRAPPING and BETRAYING El Padre but here's another question. Do you think she'll still take up the mantle of Don Quixote? This time not to carry on her father's dream of coexisting with humans but as the new leader of the LaMancha Land ready to do whatever it takes for her family?
Dulion was not Bleed savior, useless woman only good for sex
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>Don and Sancho clashing while they were both weakened generated enough pressure to disperse the clouds high in the sky.
Can any powerscaler run the numbers? It seems like an insane feat.
We don’t know how much food a normal Bloodfiend consumes per day, but the L Corp Elder was eating from like 6 people per night, granted, she was slowly draining them by trickling the vein over her body over the course of the entire night, but that still means she needs more blood that an adult can fit inside them to feel full

Imagine needing to eat 5 times per day instead of only 2 to remain healthy and now imagine needing to also taste the adrenaline of the kill or else it tastes like nothing and makes you feel empty
How long before you grow jaded?
aside the healing, the support is great for solo Greg
she's going to skin him alive and wear his bloody flesh like a toga
It comes out at one story cutscene on the chuunige scale. Bog standard. Just like baba yaga, or shitmian one shotting kromer, or grandpa soloing a calamity off screen.
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Don was weakened during our fight with her, and that was only because of self doubt on actually wishing to go through with it, after she became resolute she should have lost that debuff. She wasn't withered like the rest.
Treating visual effects used for storytelling as something to calculate as a "feat" instead so you better understand which of your toys can beat the other is exactly why powerscaling fucking sucks.
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The 2 men stole all of the money she had managed to make.
I don't care for Meursault and the only thing that would change that is some character backstory, explanation, or development. I barely consider him a character right now. He's basically just a robot butler. Him chaining Erlking was cool though.
I'm predicting now she'll be revealed to be named "The Lord of La Manchaland" and grudgeposters better hold onto this prediction.
So what reason is there to use skill 1s as opposed to clashable defense skills?
Between Zweimael, Wild Hunt and now Rodion, I feel like their first skills are mostly a waste at this point
>Rodya's S2 gives 1 power up to herself and another ally
>If it's a bloodfiend applies 2
Does that mean that she herself always gets 2? Or only if the other ally is a bloodfiend?
That applies to every sinner.
She had tanked Don's lance and had clearly spent most of her forces
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If you string up a higher kindred and drink all his blood would you yourself become a higher kindred of that rank? Are they going to feast on Papa like it's the last supper?
haven't tried with not-bloodfiends but she gets 2 with another
gotta be the strongest skill 2 in the game aside from Ring Sang's
i don't think they can make any ID that would make gregor more likeable considering out of his bug arm he's "a guy" and every single ID that makes him interesting is making him someone else of narrative importance
Time for another seethe stream.
Resources generation mostly. In case of Ish it's irrelevant tho. Since they both pride.
You misspelled Ishmael, retard. It's I S H M A E L
Suffering of Dante = your lack of skill
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I honestly think there is nothing they could change besides in her story that would make me really like her, i find her antics funny but if i was forced to pick a least favorite i would choose Outis
I'm pretty sure she's getting an Udjat ID anyway which i quite like
Oh right, she got fucked up by the spear meant to kill you before the clash.
It also rolls 15, 2 points higher than her skill 1, and is a free burst without reducing count
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i prefer an ishmeal
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>bari's name and gender omitted in the uptie story by people who would obviously know it
evens and i commission padre/bariclair sex with some of my holiday bonus
odds and i spend the money on coke
Reminder 3 blood fiends + 2 high count inflictors can give a high potency, high enough count to non hit 0, then desires next turn to proc as many 20-30 damage ticks as interactions the enemy has that turn.
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NTA but every sinner has put forward some level of character before their canto, Sault's is understated on purpose of course but he does have the least outward personality of the bunch.
More than most sinners fan perception of him gets driven by the book, if The Stranger did not exist we'd have very little to go on character wise for him. But because exist it does every small thing he does gets read through that lense.
I spit on your boatbilly
If Sancho was born pre-City, and assume a Second Kindred needs to eat half of what a First Kindred does, Sancho might have eaten up to 854000 people during her life as a Bloodfiend.
Sin resources. Realistically, none. In fact, the best way to play WH is to spam his clashable counter to get him to use his S4 and stack coffins fast. The best way to play Zwei Ish is to spam her clashable guard to keep defensive stance, and Rodion would be an exception if only her bleed count purge wasnt so fucking powerful, not to mention resonance for CA and YM
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>Yi Sang had a character before his canto
they were literally stinky peasants, if the vampires didn't kill them childbirth or diarrhea would have
>cokefiend can't tell omissions meant to not spoil newbabs
as expected of dr*ggies
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I love Sancho!
Now I think about it. Her S1 is mostly to keep Tremor count. Which is not great. But it's something. Besides can't really use guard when enemy is staggered.
>Do a regular MD to try the new Rodio
>Ringsang on the bottom of the damage spread
Huh? How did this happen? He's below literally everyone, I didn't do anything different than usual.
Who? Is that a new character?
he had, drinking spoiled milk and liking poisonous potatos
For Rodya there's barely any reason to use skill 1.
For Zwei Ish you use skill 1 if you need tremor count so at least it has an use.
thanks for beta testing the stealth nerfs
>CA and YM
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>For Zwei Ish you use skill 1 if you need tremor count so at least it has an use.
cunny/ass and yung munny
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>How did this happen
*rapes you*
its almost like the damage is randomly determined
Is there a way to abuse Middlesaut's +10 SP per turn in a bleed team with RingSang?
Of course the only way to get Ringsang in a team is to Ring Outis which means no Barber.
Fair enough, it's been long enough and he spoke rarely enough in cantos 1-3 I barely remember the time before he regained his smile
Rodion is the exception >>502202086
why does he have to give sp to ring sang? Just let him give SP to the bloodfiends.
well that's true but the obvious answer doesn't have sinclair getting his back blown out by a vampire
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Newfag anon again, Just bought Limbus pass and it's quite underwhelming?, i expect more general rewards and the EGOs don't help me that much, am i still good on the pass progression?, i'm on level 55 and could grind daily, weekly, even mirror dungeon if possible but i'd prefer do it weekly for the rewards.

As for the current IDs, i'm lucky with rolls by getting Dulcierodya, she's cool with my Winrate team, but i don't expect W Outis (since i got it on single roll and zero Meur 000s on 10 roll), is she good as Generalist?, i know She's more into Charge support with good clashing skill but i'm unsure if i want UT3 her while i probably could UT4 Ring Outis for Bleed team despite i'd prefer having, y'know 000s ID?
If i have 20+ enkephalin boxes should i just use them for leveling my underleveled IDs or is it better to use them for MDs?
I'm not even a newfag, just took a massive break during Seasons 2 and 3 and now i'm forever behind
Contempt Awe
Yearning Mircalla
Imagine Dante trying to bring Doncho to an ice cream parlour since she loved them pre La Mancha Land
>An ice cream shop?
>You know I was just pretending right? I don't actually want ice cream
<You don't sound like you're being honest. >
>What a ridiculously juvenile thing, I-
<There's the old Don Quixote I know, smiling underneath that act you're putting on>
>Fine! I will have some ice cream...
[She enjoyed a large sundae]
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Once again you are reminded of the importance of EATING YOUR DAMN HEMOBARS
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>bleed ID
Fuck you director.
>is she good as Generalist?
Kind of, not really. Her rolls are good, so you're not going to lose out on the clashes, but her damage is lacking. She's mostly a support for the jannies, if anything. I honestly recommend getting Molar Outis if you want an Outis ID
Also, if you want to know which of the IDs are good as generalists, I recommend checking the grind guide in the OP
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>sinclair getting his back blown out by a vampire
he kinda deserves it though
that doesn't look like level 55
>is she good as Generalist?
she takes a few turns to ramp up but after that she clashes well yeah
Why Sonya in the maid uniform? Outside of looking erotic.
To the mines with you
You HAVE been hoarding Lunacy for emergencies, right?
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Bleed and Ryoshu chads won
I get to run her every time
I have uptied 4 all of N corp IDs
And you are BORING
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p-please reply
I just sharded her because I'm low on Lunacy. I have 2.500 left.
>I'm on level 55
That'd explain why you feel it's underwhelming, once you advance it a bit more you'll get some really strong EGOs, also the main appeal of buying the pass is what happens after you reach max level. When you gain pass lvls after reaching the cap, 120, you instead get a shardcrate, which gives 1-3 shards of the sinner of your choice. If you have the pass you get 3 crates instead, so sharding IDs and EGOs is super easy.
>Is W Outis good as a Generalist?
Ehh, kinda but not really. If you don't have anything better go ahead but without charge her clashes are iffy and she's basically built to support other charge IDs
I just did that like an hour ago to level my Bloodfiends. I ended up just spending $7 to recoup my box loses
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Hmm... cute scenario! For my beloved Sancho!
>Ring Yi Sang + Outis
>Bloodfiend Rodion + Gregor
>N Kromer + Heathcliff

>Ring Yi Sang + Outis
>Bloodfiend Rodion + Gregor
>Pequod Ishmael + Heathcliff
Alternatively just pick the best Bleed IDs

Save 10 boxes for doing new Intervallos/Cantos immediately
Otherwise whatever, maybe save them for when you've realized what's best
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So where do I place the new Rodion as a generalist ID? I don't have modules, so I haven't used her yet
So the City isn’t 900+ years old, rather, SOMETHING happened 900+ years ago?
It can’t be the declaration of the Age of Humanity, because that likely happened after the banishment of the AIs which takes place in the Priest’s Lifetime and the Priest is younger than Sancho
So it could be the end of the Dark Age, the start of Humanity once again cataloging their history
Are you caught up with the story? If so just grind MD for shards to get all the IDs you're behind on. The minimum you need for levels is enough to beat the story, the luxcavations and an MDH team. There's railway too but those last for a while, plenty of time to level all your useful IDs.
IMO Between Dieci and above Devyat
I'm a brainlet but isn't the new rodya actually pretty good?
Using the bloodfiend IDs is so bland...
is almost like eating a hemobar...
sasuga director...
Anywhere you want, same as G outis.
In character
very in character
>no defense level down
Bloodfiend IDs are FLAVORLESS
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why don quixote erotic
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That's still rupture and charge. But nice try.
Am I crazy or does Outis only inflict Sewing Target on UT4? I can only find the debuff on S2 UT4, and yet most of her kit pre-UT4 interacts with it.
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Here's your flavor bwo
erotic old man built for cock
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This face still haunts my dreams
spouting crytics and being a more of a bitch than sinclair isn't that good
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See this, limbabs? This is how you make a REAL good ID.
Why is Dante such a pussy as bitch?
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Can you post the real one next time? Thank you.
Imagine Dante forcing Doncho to wear the Bad End ID where she betrays her own father in such a horrible way.
>Dante, please don’t make me equip it…
>I don’t want to live through the memories of my mirror world self. Let me stay as I am.
<Did I say you have a choice in the matter?>
>Dante, please just let use the W Corp ID, I-
<Do I need to get Vergilius to talk to you about not performing your duties? It’s your strongest ID, you need to wear it.>
>Fine! I will equip the ID...
[She screamed internally as she was forced to live one of her worst nightmares]
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she has it on her UT3 too but needs 10 scissors for it
i think some people should be under the threat of rape for their posts
We don't like gays around here
Bratty ancient bloodfiend. Needs correction.
What do we feel about kankan?
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No dulcinea art
He has forgotten everything about the city so when he learn something new he gose uaah AAA-
If they decide to do another Library of Ruina Walpurgis, which abnormality would you want to fight against?
Oh really, what should i do then?, I don't have the option to get Charge team or Molar Outis unless PM bless me again, and i don't know if UT4 Ring Outis will be worth than UT3 000s ID?, shall i save the thread?, it's not like i'm stuck with my current team
Definitely not above dieci as a generalist.
I want to fight nuggets.
Nuggets nyow.
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Oh, I missed it trying to navigate the wiki. Still, that's very bad considering your S3 eats away 15.
this is what anons will be doing the second they can shard the shiny new id. none of you care about doncho you’re just going to use her up as soon as her season id releases
Limbabs really out there buying passes for no reason
Pro tip, this game most expensive resources are thread and EXP, not shards/IDs/lunacy
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Just found out that my girlfriend sucked 37 dicks
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Sorry limbab, Rodya's eating them!
Barber outis is mediocre. She's a outis ID.
I am aware, i'm still recovering from blindky wasting EXPs on Janny Outis
just save thread yeah, some ut4's are better than several units' ut3 kits
did she take a video
Yo /lcg/, just got a blowjob from some slut who said she's done it 36 times
In a row?
Its fake. Where's the see you later losers? Such an amateur mistake.
Can kankan draw a can of peas can’t he?
They already adressed why the Sinners can equip IDs of their worst enemies without being mindbroken last RR
irrelevant nobody that anon obsess over
To that anon 100 pulls in from last thread no 000.
I want you to know that was like 98+% cumulative probability in your favour and you failed, save for walp next time.
Untrue, /lcg/ loves talking about cock.
It’s hotter to imagine Donqui getting mindbroken thoughever
Can't wait until I get enough thread for UT4 rodyulci.
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I knew and feared that this would happen, I hate it so much bwos. Director will pay.
I solo'd Cassetti with rodion and now I'm wondering if she can solo all of MD.
Princess Rodya's defense skill doesn't use Bloodfeast, so it allows the Lower Kindreds to consume it first. Helps in the case that she is the slowest of the trio and you would want to build the other 2 bloodfiends up.
Damn, you did indeed call it.
nicolina is superior althoughever
>Fell Bullet Corrosion
>*music stops*
>screen turns off
God this is such an awesome ego. Better hope none of you shitters job your rolls and get staggered on Yi Sang's watch OR ELSE
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When will we get a Mili song at the lvl of "Children of the city?"
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Rodya consumes bloodfeast on combat start so that's not a problem. Use the counter if the bloodfiends have too much bleed on themselves to purge it for bonus bloodfeast
it's called fly my wings
I don't get why anons, even anons who usually dislike Mili, put Children of the City on that high of a pedestal
Fuck off falseflagger, mili is shit and children is shit.
Is there any list for it?, i'm thinking about investing for 00s UT4
what is this about? the og post is gone
Not really, just name them
I'm not falseflagging, I am genuinely curious. I think Children of the City is mediocre as a standalone song compared to their other songs even though it'a perfect for the atmosphere of the situation it was made for
Use 4chanx anon, *smooch*
install 4chanx redditor
I think it's because its unique, the instrumental it's amazing and the lyrics themselves are interesting.
Should i grind for R Sault, for bleed?
Struggling with making Mircalla be worth it
if you mean list as in something to reference for kits' upties at various levels, the kusoge link the op is a good resource
>install the chinese spyware
lmao yeah right
It absolutely isn't.
Nah. Unless you were already grinding, you don't have to go out of your way to get Rsault just for mircalla. Bleed has plenty of options, you don't NEED meur's mircalla.
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You summoned him.
>he says as he just posted on 4chink, all of his data instantly sent to Xi
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>UT5 comes
>Makes even shit like Mariachi be good
>But it costs the same amount of shards as a brand new 000
u rike?
fell bullet yi sang seems alright for story content but shit anywhere else where you don't get a full rez on your team after 1 fight
I would be happy because El Director is spineless and would nerf the costs and give us 1300 Lunacy as an apology.
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Oh wtf, I didn't even realize that. So the whole "Higher Kindred" schtick was made just for Doncho
>he reposted
It's canonical that Dante tells the sinners info and stories of the Identities that they wear. Therefore, I will mindbreak Don by saying to her face that I will be equipping her with an ID that TRAPS and BETRAYS her father before immediately forcing it unto her. Even better, I will equip the identity unto her for a extended amount of time before taking it off so the lingering effects will cause her to catch herself randomly mumbling about betraying her father, devastating her.
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The promised timepiece (I'm the timepiece btw) is so lucky...
>get hit once
>can't use The Finale anymore

kinda wish they did the same thing with pregor and dulcia as they did with the barber, where she has a status effect buffer and doesn't need to have it fully maxed out to use her ability to it's full extent
>he's even back to drawing abnos now
It's funny seeing him crawling back ever since middle don.
>dulcia uses it at 25+

nvm I'm retarded, still counts for pregor tho
anon you just posted something that is prohibited to repost
that artist will now starve to death and get raped by a dog, and maybe ill do it too
dont you feel good about it?
did he have a melty because of middle don?
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He'll schizo out again and run for BA (he'll schizo out in there too)
Did someone extract YiSang's Fell Bullet image from the game files? I want to use it as a wallpaper
No there has been no meltys, middle don is just when he started posting art again.
I love taking in a new ID into MDH. Dulci feels really nice.
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>crawling back
bwo i think he just draws whatever he feels like at the time
you aren't forced to draw for one fandom no matter what, drawfaggotry isn't a caste system
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>siltcurrent with glimpse of flames
The hell do you mean crawl back? He's always been doing stuff spontaneously.
pregor uses it a 20 and you can stack it to 30 dumb nugger
I've a question. This is aimed at gregor right? To remove his bleed count which he inflicts upon himself? But doesn't gregor wanna be on relatively low hp for his nuke s3? And one of the best ways to reach low hp on him is to fight through the bleed? Why would I ever want to remove bleed from him? Except when he's near death but from my time playing, I've never come across that scenario
>drawfaggotry isn't a caste system
anons here are unable to conceive that you can like something good in something otherwise dogshit
he had another nuke meltdown when the whole velmori thing happened
Usually I'd agree with you but kankan is a special case.
silence, retard
he uses it at 20 EXCESS PAST 10
>spergs out the job interview
>comes back during limbus
>spergs out during the drama
>slowly comes back
He must be a woman to have such mood swings.
It immediately adds all that to bloodfeast, which is the main thing priegor is for, to generate bloodfeast. His damage is secondary.
Gregor will self bleed just fine by using his S1 and 2, if he has count on himself, you're just asking for trouble, since he'll kill himself way too fast, so Rodya's counter saves him from going overboard.
Hook Lu
-Great count on s2 (easy conditional)
-one count on s1
-great sin spread, pride evade is nice for sin gathering for Sanguine Desire
-Relativly good lust access for Whistles
-good number of coins
-Zero count on skill 3
-middling rolls
-No EGO support

R Corp Mersault
-Very Tanky
-Pretty Good count on skill 2 (partial conditional, sorta inconsistent)
-Amazing count on skill 3 (easy conditional)
-Great EGOs, even ignoring Yearning Mircalla
-More Gloom Access is nice
-Only Lust on Skill 3
-Envy isnt necessary, already have enough
-Pretty trash Skill 1
-Guard is pretty trash, same sin as s1
-Priest Gregor is already a very good tank, his role there is less useful, though they have different resistances

Who do I pick anons? Team is obviously Ring Sang/Outis, Dulcinea Rodion, Priest Gregor, and Grip Faust, but who's the 6th?
That'd be true in a normal situation. Deleting all his pmoon art makes it a not-normal situation thoughever.
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>newshitters don't know the kankan lore
Jesus fuck just nuke this general already
>he stopped making PM art for a few months
Running away, are you? Pathetic. Weak. I'll correct you when you come crawling back to /ourgame/.
>team is obviously wrong team
priest greg is very vulnerable to bleed count dulcirodya allows you to get rid of the bleed count while still getting the bloodfeast
depends on what you're doing. If you're winrating MDs, hook lu. If it's RR, it may be a different choice.
Gregor inflicts unholy amount of self-bleed on himself. So if he gets count his HP will burn in seconds.
It is easy mode Canto 7 for late fags
When are we getting a fight that actually uses Bloodfiend mechanics? I can barely get them to 20 of their unique statuses before the fight is over WITHOUT bloody mist
Let's talk about Wonderlab.
there are people in this very general who don't play the game, you know
Priest Gregor's Bleed is [On Use] not [Combat Start]. So, when he uses his skills, he will still gain some bleed immediately when he starts a clash. What her skill here is doing is making sure he only takes that bleed one time. Gregor gets fucking obliterated if people inflict any count on him, so she's basically just making sure Gregor doesn't overdose.
surely the new MD will come soon. They do sometimes get to 20 on XP lux though, just long enough.
No. His mircalla is optimal for bleed, but he requires charge and rng + his s1 is shit, and he is worthless outside of count, doesn't even have a lust defense skill for resonance. Hopefully he gets a better bleed id this season.
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It's never gonna be useful in MD because everything dies too fast so have fun using it in Canto/RR.
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This Rodion feels very good to use and with Sanguine Desire, she's basically a staple.
If you're mad about Ring Outis over Barber, cope and seethe. She's just better, get over it.
If you're mad about no Ryoshu... I simply don't think you can afford to bring her. She inflicts no count.
Why are you even asking when your team isn't running the second best bleed unit by far?
not him and I won't excuse it, but I think with dulci rodya, it's a top 3 situation now.
Hook Lu, duh
This is for MD right?
Look I WANT to run Red Eyes Ryoshu but the zero count is really fucking painful and her potency infliction isn't exactly the best ever.
Red Eyes Ryoshu is a charge identity
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does red eyes shu count as charge i don’t have her yet but im saving shards for walpi
>She's just better, get over it.
serious question, any metafags wanna explain how a bleed ID that ramps up over time will be worse than an ID whose sole appeal is their bleed count infliction, which doesn't really even matter now that rodya finally has a usable bleed ID (ie sanguine desire enabler)
yes red eyes and penitence are both treated as unique charge
She counts. It's just "unique charge" instead of normal one.
>her potency infliction isn't exactly the best ever.
Did you even read it? It's literally among the best when it comes to potency application, you should look at the ids you're running and see how much potency they're applying for a quick reference and a comparison, you'll notice that red eyes will be leaps above them when it comes to that, and your team needs that.
>not blood flavored poki
Because even fully ramped, Barber doesn't actually do that much more damage, and count still matters, you can't use sanguine every turn.
me in the middle
You're the one trying to make a suboptimal team work with suboptimal choices. If anyone's trying to cope here, I'd say it's you.
And if you're gonna go all in on your count autism, use rhino
Any effect that normally gives and ID randomly gives her either of her special statuses
>immediately like rodya more since she got the dulci id
>have made her my profile, my login, and my loading screen
Amazing what that ID did for her.
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Me in the middle
I don't know why you cucks sacrifice the best IDs in the game and synergy just for a few bleed count ticks
No it fucking isn't, it needs a skill effect to scale off of and she only has one per skill.
>Better S1
>nuke S3
>ramp gives her damage
>Rodion goves her damage
>lust res gives her damage

>Barber doesn't actually do that much more damage
The best part is that he actually believes this lmao
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Based schizo.
He's just retarded, his count autism is really bad. Like the other anon said, you may as well use R Mer if you're so fucking worried about count
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<Rodya, wear these red eye contact lenses.>
>Why, Dante? Is something wrong with my eyes?
<N-No reason. None in particular. Hey, can you try this blonde hair dye too? It would look good on you.>
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In my last MDH run, Barber did 3rd place damage in position 6. Obviously Dulci in 1st position.
uh nu uh because then bleed can tick for 20 damage one more time

what do you mean the boss reset his statuses/lost the limb that has status/the 1 out of 20 enemies died and thus the status is irrelevant
Not him but the actual reason you need to use ring over Barber is barber simply does not give enough Wrath generation whereas Ring at least has the skill 2.
You need more than one wrath every 6 turns on your team and literally nobody else generates any
After turn 1 these are her bleed application numbers, assuming you're not a retard who ungas away all of her stacks at the first opportunity possible.
Again, now please LOOK at the other units in your team and see how much potency they're inflicting per skill. If you're still going to pretended to be retarded I'll lay them out for you next as well.
this is.......not ideal.....
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No lmao. It's incredible the cope people will go to about bleed.
That's why Hooklu exists
Also, people keep forgetting Ryoshu has Awe, which is great with this team as it shits Lust res?
I don't think it actually triggers bleed, it simply removes it and adds the amount removed to the bloodfeast pool without dealing damage. And since none of the current bloodfiends apply count to themselves it's either aimed at the eventual don id, or it's simply a meme like +1 coin power against bloodfiends hong lu has.
Kuro ryoushu for mid rolls, meme paralyze and offense level down, more count and potential contempt, queecliff for potential meme count from crit on s2, rsault for more count and mircalla, or wait for the eventual don(and hopefully another mersault) id. That is assuming you're talking about rr or something and not md.
What's the point in asking about a team composition in a status you're clearly clueless about when you're going to ignore everything said?
Honestly if you're going full autism on count wouldn't you also cut NFaust? Nails isn't super good if she's the only one applying it, since it halves before it actually applies its bleed. Her "real" application is 2 potency 0 count, 1 potency 2 count, 1 potency 2 count.
Just cut her and run both Hook and Rhino
And who exactly are you dropping for Hook Lu?
You need Ring Sang for obvious reasons
You need Grip Faust for her best in the game count + Whistles + EGOs + Gaze + RingSang Synergy
You need Priest Gregor because uh... Well idk maybe he's cuttable but his pride generation is nice
You need Dulcinea Rodion for obvious reasons
You just argued you need Ryoshu so you can't cut her
And you want to run an Outis.
why is it only bleed that leads to these autistic meltdowns over which IDs/team composition is best
They have the most reasonable options, so there's more to debate.
I'd assume he wants her because of Gaze. That arguments gets countered by his "you can't red shoes every turn", because you can't Gaze every turn either, but retards don't think so...
>best in the game count
>2 count per turn

Retards have Ringsang and still have slapfight over imaginary "status damage" funniest shit.
>actual gameplay discussion
>autistic meltdown
kill yourself tourist
Damage never holds water to begin with because gaze isn't worth the opportunity cost of having nfaust on your team.
>You need Priest Gregor because uh... Well idk
you use him for bloodfeast. If you're not using bloodfiends he's completely pointless. You're totally clueless and/or baiting
True, this wouldn't happen to burnSCHOLARS
>Barber doesn't actually do that much more damage
IDK man she does a lot on my teams when I run her
>count still matters
what encounters are there where stacking, say, 7 count on a single turn across all sinners' skills isn't overkill? i'm asking in good faith here because the only encounters i can think of where bleed count really matters are boss fights, and with that in mind you could just focus down a limb, inflict a shit ton of count, stagger/break it after a sanguine desire pop, and then not worry about count decreasing
the only encounters i can think of where this would be an issue are like, uhhh, dongbaek, any abnos with 2 phases, pequod/gasharpoon, ricardo, sancho and papa don
yeah nigga because you dont even have enough 000s to fill a team
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Oooh! Are we having autistic shit-slinging match?
Mind if I join in?

Ahabmael is good on a bleed team.
The extra S1 can be really good, and you don't have to get Pride res to activate her gimmick. It can be multiple instances of ANY color, actually.
burnbros... firefist ID saving burn soon... trust the plAn... help us director...
Yup, NFaust is overrated for actual fights, like imagine being so fucking hung over "but le 15 SP for 2 people!" in a fucking team that doesn't eat sanity in any
Bleed and Sinking are pretty much the only statuses with enough strong IDs that it's hard to choose 6, so directly comparing them starts mattering.
I don't run bleed but this sounds wrong, especially now that unbreakable coins are a thing. El padre pukes out like 10 coins a turn AND he will roll them more than that since there are unbreakables in here.
You think Nicolina came up with the bgms for the Blood-Shooting Stage in La Manchaland?
I run Ahabmael in bleed but only because of S2 (S3 is also nice), but even I know her count and potency is basically null. She's just a good generalist that works better in bleed
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I use her. She does good damage and she's actually become even better with dulci and priest both having pride+lust skills. I'm sure you can replace her since bleed has many good options, but I like the ID a lot so I shan't.
>El padre
which anon mentioned as an issue
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>Sancho, I have concieved an idea most ingenius. Did you know that some humans have entire swaths of land dedicated for scholastic pursuits?
>If we are to live alongside humans, then proper education is most paramount.
>Henceforth, I shall become what Bari has described as a "sensei", and you shall be my most precious student!
With someone like him you're literally never stacking bleed without gifts anyway. No combination of IDs could ever stack more than he will roll on a turn, so trying to force count just means getting less value out of what bleed you do manage to build since you've got no potency
Chargebros…? Do we even have any IDs besides the Ryos, Don, and Crackpaus…?
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>her count and potency is basically null
True. I'm swapping her for Don's id the moment it drops but at the moment she's genuinely not a bad choice.

Her S3 actually rolls respectable numbers on a bleed team. Also, she applies 1 whole-ass burn, which would be a meme, except Ringsang is a thing.
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Literally discussed last thread. Charge has 5 must use IDs, last slot can be filled by W Sang, W Meur, W Hong or R Ish
I like Heathcliff's photoelectricity
I don't bring Grip Faust, she can heal SP from the bench and her clashing is trash
faust’s count sucks shit
fluid sac can be replaced with any other better SP or HP healing ego
gaze only works for blunt/pierce skills so she makes barber outis’ life harder
whistles is kind of bad
her rolls suck and her animations are slow
Yeah, as I said I use her too and I like her, she's pretty nice in the team, it's not like you're starved for bleed potency or count in most content (that matters) anyways
rent free lol
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they'r pretty cool
At this point it should be pretty clear that that anon is just omega coping with his old IDs because he already leveled and uptied them and doesn't want to "waste resources". He was crying the same shit before Dulci Rodya released and he'll keep crying the same shit after Doncho releases
worry not. GODclair will SAVE bleed with 4 billion count application.
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>Delivery box go vroom vroom :D
This is fucking bullshit
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Do people actually bleed outside MD?
Why wouldn't they?
I used bleed for my canto dungeon clear, was pretty comfy
be a lot cooler if greg could get his mask before 2038
I only have a bleed team, tbqh. Newishbab.
you dont know what AI is dont you?
It's the most skillful, strong and arguably the cutest status in the franchise
bleed IDs are usually good generalists so leaning a bit into actually playing their status isn't all that hard
It's literally explained in her uptie story. Simpler AI like Polu are allowed.
I'm asking. It seems a lot of work considering you can't target most fights and even when you can, by the time you hit the ten or so hits necessary to build anything -assuming nobody drops their clash since those mostly start you at 0 sp- you've already staggered the target.
there’s no reason to invest in anything else because md is 90% of the game
the cheese strat for story is rupture. i would not tell any new player to invest in rupture because that’s stupid
How many cocks did the Devyat suck to make the Head allow them to implement AI in their service?
I think Ring Outis is better because she adds consistency to setting up Sanguine Desires turns with her 5 count which I can't not see as bleeds clear wincon since it allows ramp up and passive nuke damage on top of it's own convert bleed to lust damage effect.
Bleed to maintain realistically needs to face tank hits but additional 5 count means you can clash a bit more to mitigate incoming damage.
Then at 30 potency a boss with 3-5 skills with 2 coins on average you can desires to deal 180 - 300 in just bleed ticks that cost 0 count assuming no more potency in infinite bleed tick damage, then you can apply more count on clash wins to sustain the count next turn to follow up with another desires.
It also means Gregor who has an early stagger point and will be getting pequod heathcliff support passive is hogging all the tanking and attack power up buffs so his dps value spikes up a lot for not bring Barber so I feel you can live without.
Like unfocused fights or any multi enemy focus fight, scrap the entire post and bring barber for attack weight multipliers, but vs a single enemy ring just gets you to desires combo turns faster which I imagine over the fight generates more value and more consistently.

I'd prob also say if you play all blood fiends don't even bring count inflictors period besides ring sang.
Run Ring Sang, Dulci Rodya slot 1, Barber, Priest Gregor, Lob Ryo and just play bleed flavoured aggressive beat down with big clash power and nuke turns and attack weight, with rodya having desires and hex nail in the back pocket to heavily punish a stagger.
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draw me a sheep.
Most of the bleed IDs are just generally good and self sufficient. The Bloodfiends in particular are nice because they're incredibly durable and have healing, meaning even if you go in blind you can be pretty confident they'll walk away healthy
Yeah we know Barber outis got the short end of the stick
At least Gregor x Rodya shippers are gonna be eating good for ages since it actually makes sense to run them together
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but thats incest bwo
>will be getting pequod heathcliff support passive
I've never read anything longer than 5 lines. Today won't be that day. Nice input tho
>do people use the status that has the strongest ids in general
Director's plan to remove Ring Sang has begun.
Is Rodion's new ID really THAT good?
We're not talking about charge or sinking, anon
yes (on bleed teams)
ringsang is still the best general ID in the game
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>Deployed in slot 1
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Webm related is in a railway run
She's in spot 1. This is the dmg WITHOUT meeting the conditionals for coin power boost
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>Game called limb us
>No anon to limb with
why even bother...
>he's limbing alone
oh no no no
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Decent rolls without any conditionals.
Really good rolls with (easily) fulfilled conditionals.
Has AoE (not nearly as easily accessable as Regret Paus, but AoE is AoE).

More importantly, though, is that it's Rodya. She has THE Bleed WAW, and she has a pretty good bleed HE now as well.
outischuds lost btw, nice job with all your gloating when barber came out
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What is this, have you two... been plotting behind my back? To see my work undone?
Enough games, if you two won't understand with words, force will.
>Ascendant Don Quixote Harblood Arts 3: La Nalgada Rigurosa
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>charge or sinking
>strongest ids
Why? he self hurts so can reasonably be expected to get 10-20% buff from his support at UT4.
And it targets highest max hp so it'll always be him?
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kinda crazy how sanguine desire is just unanimously considered good here now
i remember a bunch of you fags saying it was the worst WAW
sancho id's skill layout will be lust/wrath/sloth, screencap this if you please
Playing LobCorp, hit day 22 and only just realised what the Memory Repository does.
Give it to me straight, is it a restart angle or is this still doable?
There's just a lot of different ways to run it, so everyone just fights and argues that their team is optimal.
I play mostly bleed and experiment with it a lot, I have like 4 pretty different teams that can maintain potency/count numbers well outside of MD.
When we gonna meet a bloodfiend with hardcock arts? Is that the one Moses met?
Nigga everyone said it was good, and it was the sole reason why there has been so much seethe about her not having a good bleed id.
No pride? I hope it's lust/sloth/wrath desu.
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Director thinking he has to justify Ringsang being as busted as he is with in-lore reasons and getting miffed because it's not what he had planned for the character at all is funny if not sad as a fellow ludonarrative autist
Yeah because the game has changed around it making it better now.
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i'm 99% certain he had something like that
donpapa was just dr gadget forma de vampiro after all
I'm gonna wait for Sancho to be released before doing a Bleed RR run. It's the only status effect run I haven't done so far
it's a fucking amazing ego that could only be used with dogshit ids
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Thinking of trying out NCorp for Mirror Dungeon for fun since it's boring just winrating with the same 4 teams over and over
How do nails work? Do you get count for the full value of the nails or do you just get count equal to the number of the nails that get removed at turn end?
Also do I want to rush the fusion gift for NCorp (if possible) or just go for Bloody Mist?
>Charge as THREE S3 nukes that roll above 30
>Sinking has coffin and echoes
Stay down, faggot. You invested poorly, simple as
QQcliff only targets pierce attacks. Gregor is mono-blunt
Oh my mistake, thanks for the correction
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Sinclair wouldn't talk to Demian like that.
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I'm actually kinda mad that there isn't a single Heath support passive for the current Kindred Team.
He does have the "more blunt damage" support, but it goes on the LOWEST max hp ally...
Sayo would do this
I think you mean Ascendant Don Quixote Hardblood Arts 6: Magic Wand
Faust applies 5 nails with her s2, that applies 2 bleed count at turn end and nails halves itself(rounded to 2 because lol)
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I haven't been following the convo, but...
Webm is not MD, this was during the event. Meaning no EGO gifts
And Wild Hunt was not the Captain

Wild Hunt, Lament Yi sang and Linton Gregor (with Lament EGO) are absolutely some of the strongest IDs the game has to offer
the main problem, with the bloodfiend team is that itonly has barber's skill 3 as a source of wrath, which is kind of annoying if you want to use sanguine desire
At least for MD, I still use Rcliff's 10% pierce for the fastest. Even with barber/priest, the other 4 slots are all pierce since I don't have lobryo.
I spent ALL of my tickets and thread to UT4 and max my bleed team and bloodfiend units. I was getting tired of running sinking every single time.
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If I shard and UT4 everything I'm missing right now -including the fanghunt 00- I need 1350 shards or ~675 crates for the dispenser, then 130+however many shards for the ego, and thread.
I'd still have about 700 crates kicking around
And that's before claiming my BP crates, which currently amount to about 600.
And you know what?
I have never run a railway or story bosses more than once. I have not read passives this canto and I don't think I read them in railway or last canto either.
You can do both fusion gifts pretty easily since N Corp just needs you to get pack specific ones (and they're both bleed).
Player Nails are fucked because they halve and the end of combat phase, meaning you'll never get the "full" value of nails, you can have 4 on an enemy he will get 2/2 bleed on the next turn.
Wholeness makes nails halving themselves a worthless mechanic because it allows you to spam the shit out of nails
gambits on, so it’s actually 275 damage across three enemies, or 91.67 each
They just do. Like, that's just a fact. Almost all the best IDs are charge or sinking. Yeah ring Sang and Lobcorp Ryoshu are bleed, but the fact is that Sinking and especially charge just have MORE goated IDs than Bleed.
just a little warning that getting the n corp fusion gift is unreasonably hard on MDH for some reason, maybe KJH is telling you not to use a season 1 gimmick team in MDH.
from what i could understand, rodion's counter serves just to increase her thorns more quickly right?
but anon, lobcorp ryoshu IS the best charge id
bleed removal
>Lobcorp Ryoshu are bleed
Funnily enough, there's an argument to be made about LobRyo in charge because it helps her build up to her S4 much faster, so yeah.
Man, that sucks. It really should give you the full value of the nails instead of half. That means Faust on a bleed team is just 1/2/2 on count right?
I guess that's better than some IDs but still...
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>At least for MD, I still use Rcliff's 10% pierce for the fastest
Me too.
Everything else is just genuinely fucking useless.

>I don't have lobryo
... honestly?
I use her, but the more I look at her, the more I think about cutting her instead of Ahabmael when Don comes out.

She's really good in general. She applies basically zero bleed, however.
It also clashes slightly better than her s1 if you've got no conditionals
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>91 dmg each
No, you're just diving by 3. Which is stupid
You need to autistically consider enemy resistances and stagger breaks

But STILL, the point is that she's strong. As this was without the coin boost conditional of
>"target enemy must have 6+ bleed"
or something

Yeah that's fair
Word of advice: if you're taking Pequod units in the team, don't expect them to actually be good appliers of bleed
Or well, they CAN. They just... aren't reliable
Why does the new yi sang ego suck so hard?
Illiterate anon...
her skill 1 does nothing for count if you use it on someone who doesn't have any
She has coin buff if enemy at 6+ bleed. Also extra damage for each 5 stacks of bloodfeast consumed up to 50%.
Ring Sang.
Also its intentional (see kjh stream where dogshit ass stuff is meant to be unsalvageable)
I'll use the three bloodfiends, Hook Lu, Budshu and Painter if Sancho isn't released before RR5. Otherwise, I'll drop hook lu
Oh yeah LMAO I forgot that she's also charge. Just more fuel for my argument.
And yeah she is sometimes better than W Corp, really just depends on what kind of enemies you're fighting. Like section one of RR4 you'd always use W Corp since slash is good, but against blunt weak enemies, of course you would use Lobcorp.
The two are really close in viability. Like, there's good arguments for both, so it's really interchangeable on what kind of content it is. Anyone who says one is objectively better than the other is simply wrong.
First time a gimmick is done
There'll be another teamkill EGO soon and it'll be 10 times better
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>bloodfiends ramp up too slowly to be a MD upgrade over a generic bloody mist team
Getting tired of used the exact same team every single week for months
In MD, I don't think it matters, but for hard content, I wouldn't. I used KKryo in RR, just to have Awe available.
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If you're fighting an enemy that applies bleed and you get your Priestgreg hit with a bunch of bleed count, you can use her counter to stop the bugboy from literally fucking killing himself by stacking 99 bleed on himself in a few turns.
I have tried her in both md teams, you NEED the charge tier 4 gift or some charge ego in order to get S.S.B in a reasonable time frame, I ended up just swapping her to blood squad to fill a slot until more bleed ids come out because she might never get S.S,B but it doesn't matter if bloody mist empowers all of her skills.
I'm tempted to bring Don on my bleed team even if Sancho isn't out, since her new ego feels really good
they're at worst a sidegrade to your MD team. You can just bring whatever bleed units you feel like, even N units would be ok in MD with bloody mist.
Mem Repo is something you're going to have to do a few times. Think of it as a roguelike with progression where a run can take dozens of hours. You keep your EGO gear and any core supression buffs and that makes subsequent runs easier to get further esp on a clean slate.
That's really impressive, until you realise
>he rolled double tails at positive SP: This almost never happens. The most likely scenario is rolling double heads and dealing less than half damage.
>The rock is weak to gloom so he's getting extra damage.
>This is exactly the type of content Erlking was made for. He's great in long, multiwave fights with lots of mooks to kill. This lets him build up 9 coffin+a S3 to use when the bosses come. In a single wave fight or a regular boss fight (which is 90% of the content in the game) he doesn't do this as well.
So this video seems impressive but it's basically just an example of luck+Erlking being good in this specific fight. MB Outis was great in her Walpurgis event but in most content she was mid.
>add first team killing conditional
>forget to add a payoff

bravo director
And on, we literally know that MD5 is gonna involve long chain battles but fewer nodes....
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how nice of her to protect her husband/child
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Bleed has some cheese strats and stupid EGOs that can unironically kill bosses in 3 turns if played correctly and RNG is in your side
And you have to trade damage for applying bleed count, but it's not unusable
The biggest issue are that a lot of Bleed items good at applying are kinda bad
When Don and Sault get good bleed IDs with Lust skills people will be ashamed of ever saying Lust Res teams were bad
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>In MD, I don't think it matters
It doesn't.

Genuinely better for pure bleed application.
A LOT better.
Used to run her before Lobryo came out.
I've used U4 LCB don for all of canto VII and it's very rough. She's got like no damage, no coins, it's just all bad kek. You could change her for literally any reasonable don ID and it'd be an upgrade for your bleed team.
Is it even possible to beat the game without a mem repo? You can't get 100% observation without it, and I don't think you have enough time to do both Hokma and Binah in one go
Rupture can kill bosses in 2 turns.
are we really getting wild hunt critics now
I mean, Erlking IS extremely amazing anon, but it's not for the reason showed in the video. His Skill 3 is basically just for getting instant +6 coffin, what makes him good is the skill 2 (ESPECIALLY combined with Binds), and the insane levels of damage up and clash power he has access to after like 2 turns.
Someone post Ryoshu's pits.
>MC Faust, Red Mist, GunSang, ErlCliff, W Don and WRyo
>not the best IDs in the game
Admit it, you're a newfag coping that you missed all the good stuff in S4
You can beat the game with exactly one memo rep, but you should abuse it to keep aleph ego while not having to deal with them
yea, but rupture IDs and EGOs look worse
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Ryoshu's feets?
I gotchu!
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Not really? Lobryo is miles better on potency application since she has it on every skill and has way higher numbers on potency. The only thing kkryo has is count, which can be easily managed now with sanguine becoming usable. I'm not even gonna bring up how its a comparison of a deadweight unit versus one of the best we have in the game.
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gonna start gathering boxes for fucking wingbeat for the next walpipi
it's the only thing i've yet to own from it
...not particularly excited about it
Close enough.
PLEASE stop calling her "Red Mist". She is not Gebura. She will never BE Gebura. Yeah she uses the weapons she has in phase 1, that doesn't make her Gebura. She's some middle manager on the safety team.
Also W Don is not one of the best in the game anymore. She's fine but she's literally like, 4th or 5th best on a charge team nowadays. Her shitty skill 1 super holds her back and she's not fast enough to really make use of the skill 2 fragile
new MD when?
It's the purest form of gacha
You start, pull the lever and reset.
They should make Sloshmael gain 25 sanity on sanity loss when using wingbeat because the idea of that is funny.
I will call her Red Mist solely to make you mad
>literally likened to red mist by the narrative
>Captain Ishmael
>Ring Sang
>LobCo Ryoshu
>Pequod Heath
>Barber Outis
>Middle Don
This is my standard Bleed team. I want to try putting in Princess Rodya but I'm not sure who to switch out. I'm thinking that I could switch out Don for Rodya, but I'm also thinking of possibly swapping out Ish instead.
>In a single wave fight or a regular boss fight (which is 90% of the content in the game) he doesn't do this as well.
>all those damage and coin powerups in his kit
>Binds further amplifying his damage
>even a single add is enough to give him +50% damage on the spot
>even if not, just getting off his horse with a counter at +15 sanity will give 20% extra damage
It's unironically either a instant kill that fully heals her or 2 dmg
>She will never BE Gebura.
yeah cuz ryoshu can actually save people lmfao
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Count > potency, still.
... well, depends on the enemy, but if they attack a lot - you need a lot of count. Like, good fucking luck maintaining bleed on some Railway boss that gets 12+ coins per turn.

... might actually just be good enough to deal with such issues.
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It just occurred to me that Dante's office has a projector in it so there's a canonical way we rewatch story scenes/upties/voice lines
Director you are so fucking autistic
I'd take out Heath desu
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You do realize you haven't argued for a case against the declaration that Wild Hunt is amongst the strongest, right?
You're just making the claim that the webm vs GREAT LOVE FOR US tablet is not a universal case
Which yes, it should be obvious that it isn't. What are you doing?

The game is slowly moving towards longer fights. The railway, canto 7 and bloodfiend IDs are evidence enough.
That's what the theater tab is, anon. Seriously, pay attention
I'm so missed I had a a 6 coin wingbeat that rolled 43 final power and dealt 0 damage against dongrang and the next turn i tried using it again and it only got one heads.
I'd swap out Outis in this case. You can maximize pride/envy res, since Dulci is Pride/Envy/Lust.
Could you imagine if limbus was a good game
Or even an enjoyable game
For once you fags are talking about the game, i'm impressed.
Literally Me has such snazzy office, unlike the JOBBERS that are the sinners
So not a gacha?
I was just thinking about that, as Rodya could fill the pierce, but Heath is one of my mainstays and favorites.
Yeah, and with the envy it'd be fitting for maximization
>Red Mist Ryoshu applies 0(zero(nada)) Bleed Count
the fuck
Why do they keep making bleed IDs either apply Count OR Potency?
>PLEASE stop calling her "Red Mist".
Red Mist Ryoshu.
Seethe, fag.
>Also W Don is not one of the best in the game anymore.
>always places 2 or 3 on the list after a MD run close to Ryoshu
Git gud fag.
If these are the only units you have, taking out barber makes up for the most coherent team.
Are there any Bleed EGOs that inflict count?
>You do realize you haven't argued for a case against the declaration that Wild Hunt is amongst the strongest, right?
He's good but not exceptional.
>You're just making the claim that the webm vs GREAT LOVE FOR US tablet is not a universal case
I'm claiming that the WEBM misrepresents WH Heathcliff's strength. For example, there's a WEBM of Fairy Ishmael oneshotting Dimension Shredder. But that WEBM isn't indicative of her actual strength, because DS is weak to gluttony+slash and the fight was restarted until all coins flipped head.
>He's good but not exceptional
he very clearly is, having a clashable counter that turns into a S4 on demand. Sour grapes is not a healthy cope
sanguine desire indirectly
donqui wishing cairn
I have nearly every unit, except for: Butterfly Sang, Dieci Meursault, and BL Sinclair
>he very clearly is, having a clashable counter that turns into a S4 on demand.
The problem is that that takes multiple turns of prep and his S4 doesn't deal much damage without building up multiple turns of Dullahan and Coffin+sinking on the target.
>Sour grapes is not a healthy cope
I have him at Uptie IV+lvl50 and have used him in Luxes, Story and MD.
How would you even make an ishmael ID that's not a complete dick
swap out either Don or Ish, don't listen to the anti-barber fag
Lasso(Hong Lu)(Corrosion)
Hex Nail(Rodya)(Corrosion)
Roseate Desire(Technically both)
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It's funny because it's true.
It's a gacha, so they are unable to patch launch IDs that are borderline unplayable without either backlash or introducing another resource grind with UTIV time gating access.
It's a gacha, so they are unable to patch ring sang performing well above the expected power curve without getting firebombed by the chinese.
It's a gacha, so they have to maintain the same party throughout for 99% of content because people might have invested in certain sinners and be stuck if a few were unavailable for "difficult" content.
The only notable bleed count EGO is Meursaults mircalla(not counting sanguine desire), otherwise there's just random 2-3 count on corrosions.
>win clash with counter on turn 1
>starts turn 2 with 15 SP on the horse
>use counter
>turns into a -ve coin S4 at 0 SP
easiest 60% damage ramp up ever. Seriously, you should stop huffing so much copium.
>Give it to me straight, is it a restart angle or is this still doable?
It is much easier to day 1 once you get the most missions done.
wonder what teams you guys are running where erlking isn't top-scoring or is at least in the top 3, cuz i legitimately think the only times i've seen him been outperformed somewhat consistently are teams where nclair, multicrack faust, or lobshu are present
When did you last corrode?
>Corrosion for a little Bleed count
>Rimeshank inflicting 10x8 Sinking
Thank you, fucking worthless bitch ass retarded dog
>easiest 60% damage ramp up ever. Seriously, you should stop huffing so much copium.
You know that you only have 1 Dullahan after using counter right? So you get 20% damage from the Dullahan conditional, not 60%. You really shouldn't speak about things you don't understand.
director should just open the flood gates and release everything deluge
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It's a gacha, so they were unable to buff it prior to UTIV, during which they wildly overcompensated because sinking virtually did not exist at the time, and now they're unable to patch it because chinks will drive trucks through hamhampampang if they try.
Free game, no bitching.
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Trailer for an ID or EGO tomorrow, right? Say yes or else.
Is Wildcliff the only ID that takes more thinking than "Don't use S3 until you have stacked your resource"?
They already exist, they're called glimpse of flames and thrill.

No lol, dead week.
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>gets a 30% damage boost flat when he uses S4 at turn 2
>gets 6 coffins (ie 60% damage, the thing I was talking about) when he kills an unbrella/painting/whatever add the boss summons with it
Im afraid your retardation is terminal, anon. My condolences.
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>can't use superbia in rr4
>but units can be lvl 50
Dogrector is so inconsistent.
out of the bloodfiends, which ones can live without uptie 4 for mirror dungeons and which ones can I leave at uptie 3?
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>so they were unable to buff it prior to UTIV
Nothing says you can't do buffs in a gacha, if you nerf something people rolled for you are in big fucking trouble, and I'm not talking about giving Ring sang a passive that says "please don't use me in every md team".
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>buff everything to be twice as good except currently broken shit
>previously broken (overpowered) shit is now broken (underpowered)
>chinks firebomb you anyway because they're chinks
rodion only really gets some coin power conditionals from UT4, save her for last
No he needs thinking for "Im getting fucked over by RNG, should I get off the ride now?"
Imagine if every ID had a way to get out of drawing 3 S1s in a row
>>gets 6 coffins (ie 60% damage, the thing I was talking about) when he kills an unbrella/painting/whatever add the boss summons with it
You only get 5 coffins on a kill with S4. And most fights don't have adds, and you never mentioned attacking adds. And frankly, this just shows how much time the Erlking takes to ramp. Use counter on T1, waste S4 on T2 to get coffins, use counter on T3 again just so that you can finally use S4 on T4 to deal damage? Cool, except the fight already ended last turn.
>for mirror dungeons
Literally doesn't matter, you can have them all at uptie 3 and you won't notice a difference.
You know what make me mad
String Theocracy is censor on the steam version
The one you PAY
Man, the idea that Don's ID won't have the cool blood weapons but will instead be her unga bunga punching things is a bit depressing.
>You only get 5 coffins
Plus one from passive.
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meursault's ID spread is so incredibly dire even with 11 IDs
>one of the best IDs in the game
>others are situational at best and have nothing interesting going on
>everything else is actual literal dogshit
You know what makes me mad
mili plays during canto final bosses in limbus.
>>one of the best IDs in the game
>>others are situational at best and have nothing interesting going on
Both BL Meursault and Cinq Meursault are some of the best IDs in the game.
Mircalla Mersault doesn't inflict any bleed count. In fact, it's massively bleed negative.
Her boss version has the lance, nothing says all of her skills have to be punching.
>You only get 5 coffins on a kill with S4
Amd his passive giving you one for killing the target.
>Cool, except the fight already ended last turn.
Because that S4 on T2 dealt above 100 damage on the boss no questions asked, especially with all the sinking you've stacked on it with his teammates the previous turn. Oh, and its count neutral
Seriously, why do retards that have never played the game presume to blab so much?
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>don quixote
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Many such cases.
>Because that S4 on T2 dealt above 100 damage on the boss no questions asked,
Except you said to use it on an add which would be a total waste. If you use it on the boss it doesn't kill and you barely get any coffin.
That's because your a faggot
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>windows updatws make any time I turn off take forever telling me tow ait
Why is Microsyso goddamn incompetent? My windows was fine as it is and now it makes a snail look like the Flash.
Fuck Windows and fuck you too Steve Jobs.
>BL Meursault is needed for BL and is the best ID there
>Cinq ID is a good Rupture ID
>Dieci Meursault wasn't bad even at launch, now that you'll be taking damage no matter what he's more relevant
>W Corp Meursault was key for Railway so it had its moment to shine
Stop complaining
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Collab leak!!!
Will anons ever inform themselves about the kits they are arguing about or will they forever continue arguing over what they feel they do?
Oh boy can't wait for her to ruin Hong Lu's climax moment next
>Except you said to use it on an add
Most bosses have conditionals that force you to kill the adds first. But of course you wouldnt know that
>you barely get any coffin.
2 coffin, a permanent 20% damage increase.
can I run barber outis over ring now that dulcina gives good count? Or am i still stuck in ring hell
WAW EGO tier list

S: Blind Obsession Ishmael, Sanguine Desire Rodion
A: Binds Heathcliff, Everlasting Faust
B: SunShower Yi Sang, Yearning Mircalla Don
C: Contempt; Awe Ryoshu
D: Binds Outis, Yearning Mircalla Mersault
F: Garden of Thorns Gregor
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>he updated
You could have prevented this.
Don Quixote will be TRAPPED and BETRAYED by Sancho's bad end ID, and she'll steal his name to boot.
>F: Garden of Thorns Gregor
The unique effect(rose wedge) it inflicts does inflict count at 10 potency, but then it's limited to 5/turn and expires immediately after, so it's at best +2 count I guess, cucked once again by arbitrary per turn restrictions.
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So what's the verdict on Dulcion?
i'm going to complain because i would like to use his other IDs but they're so fucking ass in terms of designs/animations/mechanics man
even sunshower heath, actual dogshit, is more enjoyable to use than most meursault IDs
Will other bloodfiend elders notice that don has grown shorter at their next meeting?
Faust is the worst character, change my mind
>Sanguine Desire Rodion
Fucking lmao
>It's actually really good guys! Look at this example where I have infinite EGO resources where it did an okay sorta job under very specific circumstances/RNG
As long as poorfags exist coping with their fomo, no.
I still remember some f2p arguing that Yi Sang's Bygone days/Echoes combo didnt give count lol
>Most bosses have conditionals that force you to kill the adds first.
Depends on the boss. And many adds have such little HP that it's a waste to use a S4 on them. For example, the dimension shredder portals and fox umbrellas can be killed with a S1.
>2 coffin, a permanent 20% damage increase
On S3 only.
>where I have infinite EGO resources
So any Dungeon run, including MD and Story Dungeons which are 99% of the game?
She's pretty good.
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Acktchiually, she's not a character so she can't be the worst character.
Why wouldn't it be? It basically enables an entire Status and is pretty easy to fuel (besides pride sorta). Like Everlasting Faust makes tremor even better, but Sanguine Desire can, if need be, completely carry bleed on its back
Sorry, meant to type Sinclair
>by the narrative
What narrative?
True, she is just garbage.
>b-b-but muh irrelevant 2 turn lust weak story boss clear that required 100 resets
>using ego in md
>get extra 60% damage for the rest of the fight on kill
>free S4 on demand
>it's a waste to use a S4 on them
Yep, terminal retardation.
>On S3 only.
Readlet too.
Many such cases. Sad!
>all the most powerful lust egos
>+ ringsang s2
Bro she's just a CLAPPED machine and an exposition dumper
>Mirror Dungeon
Literally irrelevant in any form of discussion. In fact for MD it's bad because it's base weight is low and you have to actually do more than Winrate to use it effectively vs the 7 weight ones
>Story Dungeons
Not all story has dungeons (canto 6, Warp Event), not all harder content is in dungeons (Dulcinea, Riccardo, etc), and some dungeons half resources every node (TKT)
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Oh right, I could only really remember the Bari moves because those were the coolest ones. Donbros...
No. I meant to write Faust. She literally has the worst personality from all of the sinners, even Heathcliff is better.
>>get extra 60% damage for the rest of the fight on kill
>>free S4 on demand
>>it's a waste to use a S4 on them
>Yep, terminal retardation.
Except you wasted a turn to set it up. Don't you think that using Telepole Don>Rip Space on an umbrella would be a waste?
>>On S3 only.
>Readlet too.
You only get damage up at 3+ coffin. 2 coffin gives 0 dmg up. So the only extra damage is from the conditional on S3. The readlet here is (You).
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heres a cute barber, please respond
Dulcinea does not give good count, but you can use Sanguine Desire and stagger turns to cope with that now so it's fine to use Barber if you want.
Carmen says that she reminds her of geb and her canto will line up with gebs ''the courage to protect'', on top of her already having gebs phase 1 weapons. Seething about her getting called the red mist is just dumb.
skyrim ass looking feet.
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Sancho on non transparent png background, the strongest.
Walpurgisnacht is nothing but fanservice.
Storywise they have barely much in common.
>Don't you think that using Telepole Don>Rip Space on an umbrella would be a waste?
>comparing a fucking EGO and a kit S3 to using two counters completely for free
I dont even know why I'm still bothering with you desu. It's gotten boring
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Explain this character's purpose.
Finally, a weapon worthy of clashing against Bariclair's
And you know this because you already read her canto, yes?
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>CLAPPED machine
making faust's fausts clap like a machine...
to rizz up all the zoomers in the city
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>>Don't you think that using Telepole Don>Rip Space on an umbrella would be a waste?
>>comparing a fucking EGO and a kit S3 to using two counters completely for free
Both are 1 turn set up into 2 turn S3. They're very much comparable.
>It's gotten boring
Yeah, the way you just immediately start ignoring shit when you're proven wrong (like the dmg from coffin) is boring.
Gets me erect
I tried cutting Grip Faust for the new Rodion but now Ring Sang often doesn't get the reuse off... Should I cut Hook Lu instead? His count is better but nobody on my team inflicts anything lingering besides ring Sang himself (sometimes) without Faust (I guess there's sewing target but that only lasts like a turn)
plot device to keep the story moving. Secondary purpose is to cause /lcg/ to seethe (and also cause the pilotfag to get horny)
I personally want a lance. The Bari moves were pretty cool too. I just don't want too much punching. I simply don't like punching over weapons.
If you think using EGO and the necessary resources is comparable to tapping on the sinner portrait is the same thing, I can only laugh at you, anon. Espexially if you waste superbia on it as it's otherwise not possible in the first place.
>Yeah, the way you just immediately start ignoring shit when you're proven wrong (like the dmg from coffin) is boring.
Because using counter-S4 scares you.
Terminal autists are something else
>If you think using EGO and the necessary resources is comparable to tapping on the sinner portrait is the same thing, I can only laugh at you, anon. Espexially if you waste superbia on it as it's otherwise not possible in the first place.
Using EGO is not a huge cost, EGO resources are cheap. Anyways, I'm done. I don't think you have anything of value left to say.
I didn't realize that battle pass is this easy to level up, I started previous friday, newfag here and I am already level 44 on BP.
>Kali does everything to protect her fellows and improve the city
>Ryoshus only motivation is boredom
Weeklies give you a LOT like 22 levels.
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If this is not bait then i really don't understand the question and thought the purposes were obvious.
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Really just anything over punching. Given how many punch skills she had though, it isn't looking so good.
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>bloodfiend team will have absurd amounts of self-heals, Rodion will also heal a ton(even without needing to use pursuace) and Midsault on the bench + holiday Outis can heal SP
>Sinking has a ton of SP healing effects and can use pursuance or bygone days to heal
Fluid Sac bros...
>Using EGO is not a huge cost, EGO resources are cheap.
Cant do it turn 1 tho
>redt of that post
Cute parting shot. Good luck with that autism, and I hope you pull Wild hunt one day so you can stop suffering like this
people who think ryoshu is a bored detached aesthete are probably the same people who thought rodya had absolutely nothing to her other than being a walking fat joke that wants to eat a lot
Did you also know that Don was a over +200 years old vampire who made herself forget everything to start larping as a justicefag. Just wait for the canto before you talk about a characters motivations and shit.
Finally she will be where she belongs, in the fucking trash. Garbage character
Don wont get Don id, it's gonna be alternate Sancho and she just gonna be herself and the lore is that in that lamanchaland she doesn't let rochinante take her away and will kill everywan with her bear feet.
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cassetti didn't run away yet in the la manchaland mirror world
Burnfaust will save us
Run Butler Faust. Echoes is fucking great
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whoa mama
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can't wait for another burn 000 walpurgis exclusive id
Have you read the Dulcinea uptie story, mr anonymous?
<No, that's how she looks naked, apparently she uses bandages to hide the curves of her motherly body>
>Don wont get Don id
I don't think anyone expected to get Papa Don's ID.
>dude they totally pull something new out if their asses
Why are Ryoshu fags even so adamant that she has any connections to Kali?
Is her character that boring?
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>the best it will ever do is 99 damage per turn
>when bosses have thousands of HP already
Atleast Rupture is a meme, burn is fucking worthless
jikan heathcliff next walpurgis to have another self bleed id for rodya
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it's truly over for ringsang..
I didn't roll anyone actually, i got tired of sharding everyone and then getting cucked by my 3* guarantee tickets so i only got hunter hong fom daily roll.

I thought that was the thing people saying as "obvious" id we gonna get, like every other recent "main sinner id" is a boss we fought? I just saw the Don being called a "father" so i doubt mothers are called fathers in bloodfiend society.
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>game clearly makes connections
>why are you so adamant that she does?
Pathetic, continue seething about it when normal people will refer to her as such as even Carmen herself does.
I look like THIS??
>Liu Faust could've saved Burn but Director cancelled her
>Rosedyon could've saved Tremor Charge but Director cancelled her
>Butler Sinclair could've doomed Sinking but Director cancelled her
Why is he such a hack
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Break it down for me limbabs
Why didn't Sinclair fuck this
The full extent of this fumble cannot be overstated
>he doesn't know about ignite they will add
>he doesn't know about defense level down and other debuffs from burn stacks they will add
>he doesn't know they gonna fuck up balancing again, add 3 types of outis blue burn and it will all stack and deal 20000 damage a turn and has to be nerfed
He's a homosexual
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>oh boy time to fuse
>get a rock
>oh boy oh boy it's time there's no way i won't get glimpse of flames
>get another rock
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>those [damage type] gifts that only affect pos #6
sinclair only fucks people that remind him of demian
team order
>Pathetic, continue seething about it when normal people will refer to her as such as even Carmen herself does.
That screenshot doesn't actually mentioned the red mist tho
you think you might want to fuck crazy but you don't.
Or rather you not prepared for what happens next, they like mantises.
Rodion in 1st spot
Ryoshu 2nd
Ring Sang 3rd

anyway MDH isn't very good to evaluate stuff anymore because of how fast things die
Actually, Kromer should have fucked Sinclair if she wanted him to join her.
The full extent of this fumble cannot be overstated
you're talking to a delusional geburafag that wants to probably impregnate her or is possibly so deluded he reveres her like a divine being
women like kromer seem fun and hot until you get a modicum of self-respect
yi sang’s ego will become top tier once they add respawn points to mirror dungeons. i will grudgepost
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Is there any Faust that is good as DPS or she is supposed to be support?
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Holy mother of tertiary AHAHAHAHAHA
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>Dulcirodion's big damage skill is lust(and encourages lust resonance)
>Priestgreg big damage skill is lust
>Ringsang's big damage skill is lust
>Lobshu's big damage skill is lust(and has a really strong lust ego)
>Sanchos "La Aventura ha terminado", "La Sangre" and "Armadura de Sangre" are all lust(and has a really strong lust EGO)

>Outis has a cheap EGO with a corrosion that inflicts 2 lust fragility and 2 regular fragile
Oh yeah, it's all coming together
they're ass outside the blunt one because it gives coin power and clash power
>That screenshot doesn't actually mentioned the red mist tho
The narrator is Carmen and the only backstreets resident she knew is Kali so yea, tell me your theory on who she is talking about.
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Awful for me because I like multislotting
I am a newfag, hence why I am asking. I know I am retarded but I want to learn
if kromer were a hag sinclair would have gone for it. its too bad
whos lobshu
also watch them make don id be pride/wrath/sloth
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>Don Quixote in THE CITY is absurdly powerful
>Don Quixote in the book gets his ass trounced by random peasants regularly
what did the director mean by this
the tier 3s are good when you upgrade them so they hit slots 3-6
except slash because director’s fetish for monocoin slash
>Multicrack Faust
>Lobotomy corp Faust (both of them)
>7 Faust
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>New rupture count ID
>Rupture count negative
What an absolute fucking meme status effect.
>was the original prince of la manchaland and resembles a star
maybe so
>Ryoshus fighting style is a baby version of Kali
>For some reason that makes them narrative wise connecteded
Fucking retard
Okay then. Use kusoge to check which sinners have what.
Multicrack faust is very strong. Seven faust has been slightly powercrept but is one of the earlier IDs to have 2-coins/3-coins/3-coins standard clashline. However she is rupture, which is, uh, not what I'd suggest investing in when you're new.
What's the tierlist for Status Effect?
LobCorp Ryoshu
Spider Bud Ryoshu
Red Eyes Ryoshu
Training Team Cap Ryoshu
>The only sinners with Zayin EGOs weak to pride are Yi and Sinclair
Sinclair better not get staggered if he doesn't wanna be fired by Fell Bullet.
don quixote was powerful in the past, but there has been 200 years of powerscaling in the meantime
>>was the original prince of la manchaland
Cassetti was the Prince though
Is A Real Bear>>>everything else.
Why are geburatards so dumb?
Why are Ryoshu fags so desperate?
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Imagine being inflicting the status that's on your status sheet lmao, here you go, bonus damage, now fuck off.
t. Director
Thank you, their teams should be run in any ways? Like bleed, burn or such?
They retarded just like her. But not nearly as cute or strong or have hips as wide as her.
their only exposure to PM is roblox and lore summary videos
well Sancho does have lust skills, mostly her big attacks like la sangre, ectasy of blood, armadura de sangre and la aventura ha terminado
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Why did they randomly give some bloodfiends rupture?
I don't fucking get it
Just came back, is the big titty vampire any good?
>doesn't even bother fixing his esl to hide samefagging
Myo's hips are wider than that butch bitch.
hong lu canto is gonna be a rupture shitfest
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>was not the halloween ID
Director is a sellout and a fraud, limbillions must die.
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when is john fixer coming back?
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No, tits too small.
Flavour I guess. I still don't get what Rupture is really supposed to be.
That's your homework for today, newfag. Figure it out yourself. Teambuilding is part of the fun
Because they were very very gluttonous for blood.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Shame, thought she would be good (for paizuri).
>gacha nigger accuses others of being secondary
Oh, the irony
this is probably an underage speaking that knows about kali from roblox or some shit jesus christ
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Too stupid to make a definitive assessment/analysis/whatever
But she is absolutely good, see >>502211072
Like was said in that post, Railway spot 1, lvl 52 vs section 3 Envy Peccatulae
What should be noted is that the attack can get stronger. If the target has 6+ bleed, she gets a coin boost for that skill
Don't forget that they are almost always ESL as well, explains the extreme lack of reading comprehension when it's combined with their lower than average intelligence.
You can play through story with generalists just fine. In mirror dungeon you will be expected to run a certain status, however
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Next week will be worse
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>Oh, the irony
not as funny as not seeing the parallels between ryoshu and gebura
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bleed + rupture = breed
You should have sex, Sancho
Pajeet or seanig?
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What did Monzo break this time? It's the same skill on the same target, it can't be Favored and Struggling
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Reminder single coin skills exist.
Damn, not bad. I might consider burning some boxes later then
>skill 2 is 4 base + 3 4 power coins
>always gets +2 attack power up without any condition so already rolls for 18 at base
>can get +2 coin power for each 6 bleed, so can roll for 24 very easily, requiring only 12 bleed on the opponent
>skill also gives 2 attack power to another bloodfiend for free
>power counter
>owned passive lifesteal that also heals allies if you're at full health
what do you think
>nonfocused encounter
PM simply gave up on making those work. Just winrate and be done with it
>only 12 bleed on the opponent
I am mostly looking into MD.

Fair point
Top is taking the +coin power into account, bottom is not.
NTA but her buff also buffs the bleed application of the other units AND also gives them up to 30% damage bonus at max stacks which isn't too hard to reach.
Because she's inferior to Demian
Does status type affect which stage cards appear in MD? I never fucking get claim your bones because the game thinks getting 9 out of 10 sin packs is peak fun
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Haste support for cinq don please.
This was such a fun Refraction Railway, What's the next line?
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bleedclair nyow
chargeclair nyow
sinkclair nyow
Anything beyond the most shallow connections, only nitwits come up with to sound smart?
>having an abno's ego equipped does not give you a bonus for its check
Why the fuck not?

Just ran the bloodfriend trio on MDHM it was fun. I didn't use Gregor's s3 that much since I didn't want to recover his stagger bar so Outis outdamaged him even though his performance was better overall. We do need more bloodfiend IDs so I hope we get Casetti along with Doncho.
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Remember chef ryoshu?
Anyone else disappointed by the Dulcinea Rodion Uptie story? I was hoping for some more insight into Dulcinea's character but instead it was just saying shit we already knew from the canto
it's hard to compare a real character to someone shallow like gebura, you're right
endclair nyow
>not even november 15
>christmas chocolates on the shelves
Intervallo for christmas or dead weeks?
We understood where the betrayal it came from, and she has no memories of being human anymore, and that she was not just concerned for her family, but maintaining her beauty forever, we got enough.
another 50 bleed IDs to rodya
another 50 charge IDs to faust
you have mariachi.
He will never end.
Intervallo not for christmas.
it was nothing special but it gave us info about bad end Doncho so it's ok
nta, but as a tech illiterate monkey (I bough the pieces and build my own pc and that's it), how long would it take me to learn how to linux and what a linux even is?
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I should wait for the stream before I shard and UT everything in case UTV is soon right?
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>first trying to shill Ryoshu by making her narrative to Kali
>now trying to undermine Kalis character
I accept that you ran out of arguments to save your shit character
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Wouldn't it make more sense for V to come with a big update i.e. a canto & bough acquisition? Mind that I'd mind it less for a railway since it would then give you time before the next story update.
U4 came with Rhino Meur banner
Thank you
Fuck it, i'm gonna use my ticket
Order of desire
can't undermine a character that has no character, buddy
anyways you should get the red mist ryoshu ID, it's pretty good
UTV won't drop before purgatory.
post roll
it's when you try to peel the skin near your nail but it instead peels in a long strip making everything worse, exposing your bare underskin to air.
I legit only wanted Cinq Mersault for Pierce Lux (really a stretch I know) but now that I've started just skipping XP and instead doing a floor or two of MD, I have absolutely zero desire for him
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If pm goes broke at this very second, you think ell director would tell us what was meant to happen on the cantos that would never be?
I feel like they completwly fucked the pacing of updates to push this canto out.
>no haloween event
>seasonal number-fixer IDs (fizzled out plot about them too)
>single 000 banners
Something is off, and since we have no roadmap presented, no roadmap is likely present
>Sancho won't have her best animations
what is there to be hyped for now?
i got Barber, fuck this game
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director...took the money and ran...
He'll write fanfiction about it and post it on a smurf account
dulcidya is actually pretty bloodfeast efficient, 6 stacks for 30 bloodfeast on her while priest and barber have a 6 to 1 bloodfeat to stack rate
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Get fucked
He has thought out those stories
my ass on your mouth
how the fuck is this Don's VA
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And the temptation of instant gratification claim another
the game is telling you to follow your boner, not your team building
Reccomemded and expected:
>canto 1
Uptie 1
>canto 2
Uptie 2
>canto 3
Uptie 3
>canto 4
Uptie 4
>canto 5
>canto 6
>canto 7
>canto 8
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What do you mean, it has this cool new EGO with it. Just kill a sinner, don't be a pussy.
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Sinners for this feel?
FUCK you're lucky, I didn't get her
if they really wanted to release completely filler ids they could release random workshop associated fixers like stigma
Everything is working well anon, stop FUDDING. Director will increase the leftover rations his staff is getting from HHPP to increase morale and work ethic.
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el negro silencioso..
You disrespected the ticket, This is your punishment
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SEX with KoG
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dulcidya has normal sanity rules making barber the only one with wild hunt sanity rules for some reason
I have lost most of my interest in the Sancho ID. I hope some grudgeposter proves me wrong and I am actually just a doomposting retard.

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