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Previous: >>502321437

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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You're gonna roll for my engine right anon???

You just need to roll it 5 times and I'll be super duper katana Virgil xD!!!

Come on anon pull out your wally and spend spend spend so that Meebster gets to activate her GODMODE cheat!

Do it anon! Mibibi deserves it! Don't you love me?? Don't you love me anonie???? Xiao-Luang UID100004687 IS spending 15.000.000 RMB on me, why aren't you????? Don't you love me????

*sniff* I'm not angry I'm just..... Disappointed.... *sniff* I thought... I really thought you were the one... *sniff*
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Frost-stained Cold Star
Rarity S
type abnormal
Basic Attack
Critical Hit Rate
twenty four%

Ice attribute damage is increased by 15%/17.5%/20%/22.5%/25% ; [Normal Attack] When hitting the enemy, the wearer's attack speed is increased by 20%; When the last attack of [Normal Attack] hits the enemy, the wearer's critical damage is increased by 10%/12.5%/15%/17.5%/20% , up to 5 layers are stacked, and it lasts for 20 seconds. The duration of each buff effect is calculated separately. If equipped by [Hoshimiya] ; When [Frostburn·Break] is triggered , Hoshimiya gains 1/2/3/4/5 additional points of [Frostfall].
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banging . . . BOOS!
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Mibibi... LOVE!!!
where is disc anon from the previous thread
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We already have the real leaks at least update this shit.
>"miyabifags aren't annoying"
>the miyabifags:
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I will start saving for her once I get Yanagi in 30 rolls
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kms'd after seeing +15 ︶___︶
metaGOD here
what if i told you that crit agents are better off building anomaly
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Good evening bros I'm back from working, making some grub, ready to log in and do my dailies within 4 minutes or less and enjoy the rest of my friday night. I love ZZZ so much it's unreal.
p gud
that's not even the same disc you fucking nigger
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your AP disappeared?
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Oh, fuck, I realized I named it very similarly to the disc before, lmao
Sorry for the confusion.
This one is the one I just found in Routine Cleanup
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I will NEVER pull for cope signatures, not even Miyabi’s.
I don’t care about shaving 5 seconds off of 50 second clears in Shiyu 7.
Having the Agent is more than enough.
>mibibi wengine is a house for her little eye ghost
oh ok, gratz faggot
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>Astra yao will treat you desserts
why she so kind bros
Oh these? My boobies? My massive fucking tiddies? My super stuffed up milkies? My honker wonker doinky boinkies? My fucking fabric stretching wind flapping gravity welling sex mounds? You mean these super duper ultra hyper goddamn mother fucking-
Will there be a noticeable boost for the team if I prio Yanagi and switch Burnice/Yanagi discs? (teammates)

My Burnice currently has 'better' stats all around on her discs, same CJ/FB sets on both
I don't know why people bother farming relics, I've been rocking super cope pieces since the start of the game and I've never failed to S rank any of the Shiyus
At a certain point it'll be the only way to improve your favorites.
Her real w-engine effect is already leaked, this fake was more interesting though.
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The game just feels dead without them
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>Snap is Astra Yao
>the Intelligent Construct is her manager/assistant/whoever that was also datamined
>if you don’t complete the event you can’t pull for the Intelligent Construct
do it Hoyo
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Yeah, but wouldn't it better to get everyone's skills at 11 first? Unless you did that already but I doubt it.
I give my Burnice better stats. Your characters already have good artifacts.
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Me when i see a filthy thirenoid
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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Shiyu anon, this is my final Shiyu times.

I'll go encode videos of both runs.
Prepare to get spammed, you fags, it took me multiple hours to get there.
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>Yenless Yen Zero
last event teased Yutane so it's just a matter of time
How do you guys know their names and such?
Do I have to watch the ads to learn such things?
>doesn't understand basic math
Well that explains a lot.
Kill yourself.
do we have a list of events in 1.4 or something like that yet
Wish they would have sent you a dm at the end of the event. Didn't care one bit about Astrafly.
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>Harumasa will be given as a reward for completing in a survey
what questions would you put on there, /zzz/?
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who the fuck cares, its all about the tower without caesar now
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There's someone collecting clears? Can't remember if I've posted mine already.
she said she didn't know that intelligent construct that much she just want to help it because she pity it so I don't think it is evelyn(her manager)
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>YYZ beaten by a double rerun
Fucking grim
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>have you bought anything in Zenless Zone Zero?
>answer no
>Harumasa denied
why did you stop saying 'Yero'...
>tower without caesar
that's an interesting way to tell others you make poor rolling decisions
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dunno where the fuck they come from but I'm pretty sure they're official
>not from mail
thank god i wont be denied my claim all button for weeks this time
/zzz/ guild, can I get Harumasa for the blue fate? I won't be kicked from the guild for having a 5* male in my account, right?
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I never said Yenless Yen Yero
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so there just isnt anymore ever after this? thought cap would get increased this patch
I don't care about Mibibi the Reddit
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>Ellen W-engine: 25% Ice dmg, 10-20% crit rate
>Miyabi W-engine: 48% crit damage, 20-40% ice damage
who won?
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if there is a single limited 5 star male in your account, you're automatically a turbofaggot, no exceptions
But what if I lack Rina, have 299 rolls in the standard banner and need 1 more blue fate?
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Am I retarded or this question does not make fucking sense?
>blue fate
Seed is a robot so I won’t get kicked for pulling him, r-right? He’s not really male?
ok so atk% or anomaly mastery for disorder burnice/jane?
I'm sorry...
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nigga wtf is a blue fate, is it hoyoshit?
Check Billy and QIngyi's profile
I use AM for my Burnice. Some enemies take a while to get afflicted by the pyro aura, even with the AM disk.
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of course it makes no sense. why would a horse chase a dog?
I hate those 1 time mechanics, you just complete them once and then... they just do nothing, like buffs for HZ that you unlock one by one, whats the point of even reading them if you will unlock all of them and forget they exist for the rest of the game?
is this activity optional and will go away? we know that mail expires but the last thing i want is a quest that cannot be completed without claiming this faggot
The thing you use to roll on the standard banner.
lmao, I'm glad I chose that answer like any sane adult would
common core was a mistake
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>wuwa at its best is still way below HSR's brickest of brick banners
You're retarded. You have their *relative* movement speeds per step, so the units don't really matter.
Ellen's can be used on future Ice attackers, Miyabi's was made especially for her and no other Anomaly unit benefits from it.
How's wuwa doing xis?
That's a simple two variable system.
You were taught how to solve these in school.
How could this happen... You guys told me that Yanagi is a massive flop and will kill the game...
>halfway to Qingyi
>halfway through her banner
Yanagi will SAVE this game
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>need Impact Proto Punk
>keep getting Impact Chaos Jazz
>need Anomaly Mastery Chaos Jazz
>keep getting Anomalty Mastery Proto Punk
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holy fucking shit FINALLY
Belle's tits full of milk for me to greedily drink...
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is this usable?
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Ehn-nah... (I can't take it anymore)
Grats bro.
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Ally & Hollow Resonium are the hardest to get. Good job, Anon.
my wives together
Keep just in case, but so far, no.
not really bwo
crit has been deprecated
>multiple characters in your party
you made it harder for yourself
affinity resonium is almost guaranteed in one man parties
I know about the Hollow resonia, but the affinity ones too? What the fuck?
How does that make any sense if dog's 5 steps are horse's 3 BUT at the same time horse's 4 are dog's 7?
In first case 1 dog step is 1.66 horse step
In second case 1 dog step is 1.75 horse step
Or its just for each 2 dogs step horse make 1 step?
>Base roster has like 6-7 lolis and only 2 hags
>The sole limited loli is the second best selling banner despise mild reception and not being a DPS unit
>It's only been downhill since then
Wonder if this bait and switch is really working for them.
You get the Affinity resonium by last hitting the Hollow Zero boss retards.
You need them for Anton.
God I hope this means we see less hags in high heels and more lolis and hebes
I did that with Nicole and it didn't trigger.
just go to the easiest difficulty
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Love this little pigga.
it's okay, crit stats aren't necessarily wasted on anomaly units
It's a % chance.
Reset if you didn't get it.
It’s ‘hard’ because you have to first obtain the Agent
You gotta luckmaxx or cardmaxx to get S-Rank Agent’s Resonia.
He temporarily leaves the party. Unless you don't need to do both upgrades for completion.
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this must be usable
banners closer to launch make more money, anon
the two best selling characters, zhu yuan and ellen made even more money and they're certainly not lolis
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My wife is so cute
You just need the 1st...
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Why is this game so ass?
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>The schizo is now copypasting the same pasta with a Miyabi pic and all the tourists are giving him free (You)s, or most likely, he is samefagging.
Aren't all Ellenfags Guramites?
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I have no idea
You can't spell Zenless Zone Zero without ass
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Do you think she's actually into the proxy, or that she's setting them up for entrapment?
what platform and region?
She wants Wise's semen to produce a new line of Anbies
Anyone that works in Hollow Zero doesn't actually give a fuck about legality.
where is our "genshin could never" campaign?
where is tectone???
why would she want scrawny nerd genes for that?
S11 run.
It's possible to group the first wave by doing Dead End next to the dude in the middle, but it's entirely relies on the RNG of the two side guys walking into the AoE.
It happens like once every 30 runs or so, a total pain in the ass to attempt.
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You can't spell Zenless Zone Zero without ero
pretty cool, right?
we're going to have HSR powercreep for sure.
Anbys need autistic genes.
I would R5 Resonaboo but I’m saving for future Boos like Officer Cui. I’ve all other Boos in the current game tho.
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this game sucks ass
Officer Cui was released 2 patches ago
This game is too hard for your average casual mobile gamer.
Its the sad truth.
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yeah, game is complete ass
and too easy for your average PC gamer, Mihoyo should just try making a real game for once
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She's setting Wise up for entrapment in Miyabi's womb
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Wow. I really thought I’d force myself to enjoy this game but it’s much more ass than I thought.
So are the HAND and NEPS at odds with each other?
Not really, just a difference in priorities.
How can she be so perfect
That's like way more marginal than i thought considering all people been talking about is the ache/aven rerun since Feixiao
is that a penis bulge?
fuckin' clean. nice run
>or that she's setting them up for entrapment?
She lost that quality of her character with the new patch. She's just a boring office worker now, not a gangstalking fed.
have anyone tested out the anomaly buildup of each bangboo yet and when is it fine if ever to use the A rank over the s rank in an anomaly team?
Somebody in this general said that a maxed out Lucy can run this set. I keep my Lucy on Swing Jazz though.
maaaaaaaybe in the 2pc for Mibibi.
not sure yet since little to no data
Think of them as the feds and local police
>if user's AM is over 115
did ellenjokes deserve this? I don't think so. she could have gotten a buff and still had no effect on the meta
I'm going to need more pics of that Yanagi
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is she pregnant?
Which set for Yanagi?
Just ate a homemade burger, AMA
HAND are the glowniggers
NEPS are just city cops
OBOL are military special forces
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i don't wanna do this anymore
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Why didn't you make homemade ramen instead?
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yes it comes with regular/pregnant belly swappable body
Do people actually think Burnice has big boobs? They're average?
Why doesn't SoC have an S rank DPS
/gig/ is so bad I've stopped even browsing it
Because making a beef patty is easy.
>negative ass
Why? Lucy and Piper's is fat
I want to drink Burnice's faintly nitro fuel flavoured breast milk
Zhu run.

Impairing the leg seems to be complete and utter RNG based on literally nothing, maybe the position of starts and planets in the sky.
Might be just my anecdote, but it seems that it's a bit easier to impair the left front leg (the one next to the bucket) but it's still incredibly inconsistent.
I had Zhu impair it in like two shots in some runs, and I had ZHU STUN the fucking bastard without ever impairing the leg.
where the fuck do you live that your average girl has that kind of boobs, without surgery nonetheless
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kaku's black hole stomach prevents any fat gain
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W2 Electro-lips or should I get one of the others ?
Dawei doesn't want you lusting after retards.
Fuuuuck you got wipeout screens with that?
Area 4 and 5 have 7 stages each...
I was just watching something on second monitor while doing this event

Listen, I like a big ol burger.
But nothing beats pasta.
They ARE big. You've just been conditioned by titty monsters like Rina, Grace, Yanagi, and Caesar into thinking theirs are big boobs, when in reality theirs are gargantuan size and Burnice's would be considered large in a real world context
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It's a nice ass.
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then he shouldn't make retards hot
Proportionality and width are more important than depth.
this guy at floor without Caesar and yellow flashes is literally impossible. Imagine designing bosses around a specific mechanic and then removing it fucking up everything
They've outdone themselves, easily the worst TV content ever made since launch, just in case there were any people on the fence about TVslop
>C and P
shut up fbi agent.
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there is nothing wrong with the second post you replied to
same, I check it once in a while but its never even close to being tolerable
after /zzz/ I really have to question was it always like this or most of the /gig/ migrated here and only shiptrannies and fags left in /gig/
It's a misguided attempt to please both sides.
Introducing more mechanics and including most aspects from roguelikes/mystery dungeon games.
But also extremely easy and quick.
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Then what happened to the Flyposter who did...?
Please respond.
My money is at stake here.
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This is a genuine smile
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Gotta hard commit to Electro Lip Gloss IMO. I was gaslit to getting Cannon Rotor by CC shitters & regretted it, but it’s no biggie, as I still have R3 Lips. I’d just stick to one until R5 then do a different W-Engine (or honestly going for another R5 Lip) but the Attack & Stun ones aren’t worth it.
Soukaku is a growing girl. She'll bloom into a powerful Oni Amazonian woman given time and calories
If you're not going to use it, don't get it.
Fair enough.
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oh i take it back, sorry i didnt know it was ritualfagging
maybe the meme that there's no males left playing the game is not a meme after all
He died
>over a ritualpost no less
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Updated Shiyu list
Yeah, reading their passive I was thinking the same.
Thx for reassuring my initial thought. It's gonna be electrolips until R5.
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Gotta FromSoftwaremaxx & learn it’s animations & (somewhat random) patterns.
I'm just picking one copy of each weapon even if I won't use it on anybody, then I'll pick copies
I stopped at 25. I'll be more motivated after acquiring Miyabi.
I am convinced that Caesar would be easily the hottest ZZZ girl wearing lingerie. As Majikoi taught me; there is something so very good about feminising hot, busty, gruff tomboys
Why did they make Grace so unlikeable?
>Burnice had 30% on her first Shiyu before it reset
damn nobody rolled for Yanagi, it's over isn't it?
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personal problem
Nice zhu bro. I dont think I even bothered impairing the leg in my run because of how hit or miss it is. Going to have to take a look at my run again and compare to this when I get home from work.
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there is a good reason why i skipped yanagi
all-in miyabi with weapon + support astra yao
Whoever is in charge of character writing has an actual autism fetish.
>Jane still at the top
Because chinks can't write subtle characters most of the time in video games. They have to go all in every time.
That's why Soukaku is all about food, Nicole is all about money, and Grace is all about "MUH ROBOTS I LOVE THEM".
Every time I see the black background, I remember the time he had a huge schizo meltdown and tried to graph the times that anyone made fun of his mental illnesses.
Every time I do it makes me laff.
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Died of ligma
Did it already reset on EU?
Fucking Pompey in the tower is hard filtering me. That fucker with his AoE spam and floating lazerbeams is a twat to fight
That's what you get for metarolling.
Some anon figured that out a week or so ago, but I don't think Phase is ever going to catch on. We can't even get people to not use esoteric terms they got from other gacha games.

Also do you use the Rotor on anyone? Last time I got the game boy cause it sounded (and looked) cool but I don't use it. Not sure what to get this time.
was it a nothingburger?
f2poor got baited into Burnice and had nothing left for Yanagi.
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>Three dodges
>Wacky iframes on her dodge counter nearly two goddamn seconds long
>Three dodges
>Can fit into nearly any Disorder team
>Can also run hypercarry if she feels like it
>Self sufficient
>THREE goddamn dodges I cannot *stress* how much easier her dodge flexibility makes not getting hit

People who hate Jane are huffing premium copium. Jane is a character who makes the game easier by just fielding her.
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I like how they never called the SoC rednecks but they made all of them wear something red around their necks
>unlikeable because she's one of the few that didn't suck your dick the moment you met her
Get a grip, she's a riot
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Need this skin for Qingyi.
I just don't like her as a character, nothing to do with whether she's a good unit or not.
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what's "died"?
Perfectly valid. Roll for who makes your pp hard, anon.
That thing Pompey did when he fell in the lava.
I tried to make Kino catch on in week 1, shame /zzz/ liked pyrdwen so much they had to adopt his convention.
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If you want to see just how bad a general for your game can get, just look at Genshin's right now
First autist?
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>Lost the 50/50 and got Yanagi in a grand total of 30 rolls.
Well shit.

I don't even know why I rolled on her. My main team is Burnice/Caesar/Piper, and my only real use for her would be sticking her in a team with Miyabi, but since both of them seem pretty hungry for field time, I don't even know if they'll play well together. I don't even have a second lipgloss to give her yet.
>Skipping Jane Lawrence
Lol, LMAO even

(I also don't have her, since I wanted Caesar and Burnice too much)
isn't that just an extra one so 2 in total? or is that some dupe shit
bro he will come here to spam it later too
i skipped jane because she's ugly from the neck up, and leaning-lesbian bi
>I don't even know why I rolled on her
Reading your post the answer is easy : you are retarded.
Not just that, more than half the thread is just like three people spamming sloppa for hours on end
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theyll come here next too
Decibel changes are pure slop
>over 120 rolls
when the fuck can i roll im tired of holding this
Looking at their thread, it is above average as far as /gig/ goes for the last few months.
/gig/ when the fujo spammer is online is much, much worse than that.

I don't even get why you are complaining. Yanagi combines well with both the characters you already have and with Miyabi
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I go outside enough. Burnice is normal by real life standards. Where do you live that she would be considered big?
Got a $100 gift card, should I spend it on Yanagi or buy some games on Steam or something?
needs a safety pin danging in the condom
me on the left
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Get her boyfriend that releases in 12 days
Where do you live where Burnice is average? Because honestly, I want to move there.
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Something sad that's gonna happen to all of us
>her boyfriend
I am already playing as wise though
so do these chink figures just crumble to pieces when you get them or are they actually decent quality
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>never planned to roll for sector 6
>game is giving me harumasa for free
>completionist autism mode activates and now i want his ball
genious move from mihomo now that i think about it
the only game in the next 6 months that's even going to be worth full price is monster hunter wilds
gonna ligma lusee...
wtf are you gay
simply do not redeem
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>people will never know the truth behind New Eridu 9/11
Atelier Yumia is we out THOUGH?
There is Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 too.
But I would still rather have Yanagi for now and it will be a long time until KCD is released
Yeah, because nobody wants to read all this shit
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depends on the studio but resin figures are more expensive and higher quality than japanese pvc
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Stfu you are STILL AT IT. Go back to sleep euro
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I did it bwos! I beat Malenia for the first time
I should really play through KCD.
The game is great but it clashes with my minmaxing approach.
People say "the game doesn't have scaling" but those people clearly didn't fucking play the game because all bandits and brigands in mine are now wearing full plate.
Not that it's helping them but it's hurting the immersion.
Is she Belle and Wise teacher?
when are they releasing an electric support so I can use Grace and Burnice together?
>game shits out 7 meta waifuflops in a row
>still flops
>w-waifus sell
no their teacher is called carole
when are they releasing the children (idols)?
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Gonna get her m2 on rerun
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this is one of my favourites
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grats bro
So, would a main DPS weapon work well for Miyabi?
why do wuwajeets lie about their revenue?
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you on the bottom
CamellyaGODS not like this... she was supposed to earn wuwillion of dollars and finally put us ahead of R1999 again...
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dead thread...
yeah I'm thinking wuWON
I think you meant japanese.
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It's 3 in total, both in and outside of Passion state
It's a chink game anon.
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My first time Malenia was quite funny, I've been doing a blind playthrough and I couldn't find my way to the other part of the snowy biome which I know that existed because of the map area so I figured, maybe you're supposed to go there once you're done with the stuff in the big tree so I basically finished the game and didn't get to go there after which I looked up how to get there (there was a SECOND BUTTON SWAP on the elevator) and then I just went there and rolled over her in like 3 pulls because I was like level 140 or something, sucks to suck, I never replayed the game because I didn't care enough, only played the DLC when it came out
>Soldier 11 has to grit her teeth and say while she respects her as a person, not a soldier, to spare the bangboo's feelings.
11's autism may be my favorite brand in the game so far.
It's all downhill from here. Who else besides her has any hype left?
yeah, ironically enough Ellen's wengine is probably her second best option
>replies to obvious bait over and over again
Why is /zzz/ like this
no summons i hope?
yeah but that's clearly a japanese trope to write overly dramatic one dimensional character archetypes
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But it's a Friday night who sleeps during this
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>these niggas really spent 10000 polychrome on yanagi
whenever I think of canning Soukaku I see these cute pics and go back farming her skills
Yanagi will do 10x more
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>Miyabi Ball

Crit damage of the ice attribute is increased by 48% when launching an ex special or any teammate applies an attribute anomaly on the enemy. The ice anomaly dmg caused by the wearer increases by 20% and it can stack 2 times, each stack lasts 15 seconds, the duration of each stack is calculated separately.

What do we thing about miyabi ball?
Seeing as Grace is the one on the field, the Disorder damage does not belong to her, lmao.
>lower dusorder damage than a stunner
I got her in my first 10 pull I don't know what you're talking about.
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Stop using bwo. Only tranny from HSR do it
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free is free
Nah, just a buckler, milady and hotswapping to a misericorde for crits. At least now I can parry the no yellow flash fights in ZZZ now from all that bullshit.
She does become kind of a pushover if you got a fast af weapon that exploits her weak poise + summoning Ogha, didn't want to beat her like that though.
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It has always been insane to me. How difficult is it to write interesting playable characters? Other gachas manage to do it very consistently, but not Hoyo, the only character that stands out is Furina.
Don't point that out, you know that based Nippon can't be bad at anything
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Hey Fireflybwo, what's the state of Firefly? I heard she died, but then was fine, but then died again or some shit.
She's important as one of the last remaining bastions of (You)bait in hoyoges... not including Honkai Impact, which for some reason continues to have a lot of (you)bait even if it's in a weird non-canon area.
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Could you post your Grace build? What team do you run her with? Are those pics from HZ?
One-dimensional characers are fun
>b-but muh depth
I don't care
you just reminded me i am yet to finish the dlc damn
they are only fun as side-characters
>bad is actually...le good
What being a contrarian does to a mf
Still won’t pull for sigs
bad is the new good
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Why the fuck are barely any of the release characters DPSs... Even if you get lucky on the standard banner, you're looking at... Kot as a Physical and that's it. Your other two options are Anton for Electric and Billy who's also Physical.
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wow so brave and contrarian
I want to say that I really like Ellen, she is sweetest, cutest and most beautiful girl of game and thread.
S11 must be even more forgotten than fucking Ben at this point
*turns the poster below into a bangboo*
its all burnice lmao
Need advice on improving Burnice, here's my build
I genuinely don't know what mainstats I should put. I feel like 11k afterburn procs is a nothingburger but focusing more on the afterburn makes the disorder damage lower.
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I played the game retard, she's a lazy uninterested bitch
i hope she actually gets a rerun soon. i started at the tail end of 1.2 and definitely want that sharkgirl seggs. i got 80pulls saved up rn... 50/50 tho
>it's not porn
What's the point?
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I didnt used bwo, gro....
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It's ok anon you'll find someone that loves you one day
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You need way more attack nigger
don't be an idiot chasing for 400+ AP and end up with 5% crit rate 50% crit dmg and 2500 atk
Stop posting these fly pic, go back to HRT if you want to post hrtfly
I like her but I forgot she existed.
And I have Burnice so even if I got her she wouldn't do much for me...
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No he wont.
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Burnice is BiS for Soldier thougheverbeit.
I’ve been knotted into an M2 Lycaon, so I want her just so he isn’t wasted
His pic is a liar.
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not that guy, but you'll have to pry my bwo and bwos from my cold dead hands
I posted for too long in /gig/, it's in my DNA now, it's a part of who I am
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>Think I have a good Yanagi set with plenty of AP and PEN
>realize after that it has literally 0 extra crit damage
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I just got her sig from Standard banner. I also got two S11s from Standard before too. It’s like they want me to use her (I still wont [M2R1 S11 is actually pretty solid tho]). Still don’t have Lycaon but I have his signature (on Qingyi).
At least I have a W-Engine to give to Harumasa.
genshin aranara chads won
star rail chads won
we..... LOST....
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>But it's a Friday night who sleeps during this
i have a massage tomorrow morning so im heading off to bed early
My Burnice has 2200 attack, 450 AP and she breaks stuff.
Also, why care for critical? A critical substat is an anomaly proficiency substat less.
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fuck gg bro. i told myself if my first early 5star from the standard banner was the furry, i would've uninstalled. i got neko instead tho. UUUOGHHHHHHHHHH
But Soldier isn't BiS for Burnice...
I'd use her if I got her, she just doesn't help me at all with the issue of the game having few accessible DPSs, I need some shit that ISN'T pyro, phys or Anton...
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She flopped right on my bed...
Holy fuck probably the first good disc I've gotten since I started playing.
so, who is this person and what exactly did she do?
this is me
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Ok I'll be posting *depicting sleep* pictures from now on
Massage like a real massage like you stay on a bench and they massage your back and legs and arms and neck and head and so on
Whoa that sounds, good for you bwo
Ligma nuts
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Not bad anon!

>he doesnt know
So, new Abyss will be tomorrow, right?
Which teams are you planning on using?
Going to go with
Zhu Yuan-Qingyi-Nicole
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It's up
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return her ears. they are a source of power. with them she can hear ethereals. removing them is like gouging the eyes of a human to blind them.
is it worth it to use battery for weekly bosses?
i counted and i need 30 mats to max out the core passives of the characters i play, which is almost 10 weeks
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New game mode????
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What disks for Mibibi?
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no Voice acting is a hard skip for me.... so who the fuck is this qt?
The sexiest part about this for me is that tummy
Thanks anons, this gave me more dopamine than pulling limited agents.
Mualani Dehya Kachina Chiori
Keqing Nahida Fischl Nahida
If you're IKlvl 50+ and you think it's worth spending stamina on it, yes.
i dont know if you are acting retarded but afterburn can crit, likewise Burnice does a ton of on-field burst damage, she has 4200% scaling on ult and 2000+500% on flamethrowers

AP is good but not at expense of everything else
cope discs with AP+3 HP DEF ATK < atk+1 crit+1 crit+1 atk/AP
she's from the current HZ event
she was a rebel spy who infiltrated the institute, but in the end abandoned her mission and made the rebel mechs kamikazee against a giant ethereal to save her institute bwos
Meant for >>502361903
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>Massage like a real massage like you stay on a bench and they massage your back and legs and arms and neck and head and so on
yes, deep tissue
no happy ending
2x woodpecker 4x broken sword
Massaging your own dick is easier than your own back, afterall.
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i actually dont know either anon. i was jsut giving you shit
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She is back in business
Deep tissue? What does this mean...
And why did you mention no happy ending were you thinking of something inappropriate
Still good for you bwo. Everyone deserves a good massage after a week of work
eigo muzukashii
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You should try farming discs more often bwo, its good for you.
>build one character to 60, core F, 11 attack/special/ult
>no dennies left
Oh my god.
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>4p new set 2p punk
crit rate on disc 4
pen% on disc 5
am on disc 6
that's 20% atk, puts her above required am, has plenty of crit for anomaly buildup and defense reduction for good measure
sounds good on paper
Bring back WIDEyabi
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Does anyone else find these npcs unusual? Feels like deja vu...
I like the "strongest Miyabi" poster
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I regret skipping Caesar Lawrence
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we have a new wideyabi now. She's WIDE in all the right places
That's 1.3 rolls friend.
pls post the back anon
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Updated ZZZ(depicting sleep) "brother" powerscale rankings:
1. Bwo
2. Bwi
3. Aniki
4. Gro
5. Bro
6. Scro
7. Gwo
8. Skro
9. Cro
10. Dro
11. Bwoh
12. Bweeeh
You are trolling, right? Burnice's damage comes from anomaly. My Burnice+Yanagi team just deletes stuff and both are full AP, with no critical.
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>10. Dro
i've done qingyi, soldier 11 and lycaon quests
which one does /zzz/ recommend to do next?
Do Rina last. Better keep the best one till the end.
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Did your opinions on nagi change?
Neko and maybe Koleda's are okay, comparable in quality to Lycoan's.
11 and Qingus are the best.
No. I like her.
Unless you are talking about meta.
It went from
>She will be slightly weaker than Jane, right?
>What were the people saying she was weaker than Jane smoking?
about how much attack do you think is good enough for non-sig? I'm running AP/Fire/AM, should I switch one to atk?
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Burnice's quest sucked. Get it out of the way.
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go neko

After modding her, yes. She's better now.
I like that despite her nerf she is still broken af.
No way. Even more so considering her best team is with Yanagi
Should've get cat out of the way first after 11 since she's the worst one. At least you've more in waiting.
The characterization of Sec6 was bad enough that I like her less.
Making them all celebrities is a bizarre choice.
>cat the worst one
Bro you erased Rina from your memory.
should one be rolling for Nagi?? is she futureproof??
>+4 crit damage
>+1 crit rate
>it's in chaos
that looks terrible.
without her sig you need a fire disc for sure, her sig gives like 70% bonus dmg% by itself so it is pretty broken
Bangboos are really cute.
huh, who do i trust here?
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I like Rina but her's is the worst. It didn't make me like her any more or less, it just isn't good.
Might as well do it next though to get it out of the way.
Lighter x Miyabi is the next top dollar comp soon.
Lol. I'm kind of expecting someone to have +5 AP in the critical rate set.
How much attack should I aim for? First guy said 2,500 is too low
I wouldn't do this if you already have electrical teams.
nta but you can disable makeup and play around with parts (remove pauldron, unbutton shirt, etc.) in this mod
Lighter won't shine until OBOL.
Cat is still worse since she was a terrible character by Chapter 1 and the thing didn't even tried to make it any better.
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No, I like her just as much as I expected. No more, no less.
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and I'm getting them both C6W1, I want to play Lighter as an onfield dps tho
if a character doesn't have some gimmick they're usually forgettable
look at any gacha and a bunch of the least popular characters always act like boring normal people so nobody cares about them
It honestly isn't, I don't even know how they fumbled Blighter so bad. The only possible options that will outclass Yanagi are in 1.5 and beyond
I have 2,200 attack on my Burnice. My Burnice+Yanagi team clears stuff in a kind of speed that I didn't thought was possible.
>tfw no blacked little sister
why even live?
Is Wise into office ladies?
She went from boring to eh.
I feel her personality is heavily reliant on those around her so she ends up sorta undefined. Never had a problem with her design except the HORRIBLE massive spats that go against everything God had in mind when He created pencil skirts.
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I just realized yanagi is yae miko expy...
eeeeee she's ok I guess?
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>umm guys....what's playing on my CRT?
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when you're done building a character just farm dennies for a while
Is anyone else getting really worried
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Yeah, I was indifferent to her before she was released but after playing through her story I actually really ended up liking her personality and her gameplay was fun as fuck. Being a hot big titty megane OL also helps.
I dont know anything about this game but I pump to Burnice White regularly. Thank you all for your service
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Yes, her skills and bossom are a asset and luxury to behold. She fills out Anomaly options strongly. Powercreep is real.
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new shiyu complete 1st try where is the spreadsheet autist
No, didn't like her before, still don't like her now. Section 6 is so fucking boring.
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doesn’t Yanagi want attack on her disc 5? because anomaly damage isn’t effected by the electric damage boost?
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>400 rolls
>get 10 with the event
>I'm 18 away from pity
>hope to get Yanagi so I can use everything on Miyabi
>get pic which I wanted at the start of the game (at least now I can M1 my Rina with the free standard banner agent without thinking twice)
>but now I'm on guarantee with 400 rolls in the bag so I can probably get my Miyabi to M2
Thanks for reading my blog
Idk why niggas are so focused with Miyabi/Yanagi/X when Miyabi/Lighter/Burnice might just be the better team
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I liked her more when we didn't know anything about her, and almost everything they added to her character only took away from that mystery element that made her interesting.
I still think she is one of the sexiest characters in the game howeverbeit, but that's all.
Not really, even with powercreep I'm still having fun. If we get more events like this one though and that'll change real fucking quick.
thought she would be first girl I skip especially since hag but she has not only given me a hag fetish but an OL fetish now.
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It never changed. Loved her since I first saw her during HZ. I was still her #1 fan even during her omegadooming her ‘nerfs’ & ‘boring design’ in generals
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its time
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The hard part about playing Jane is just playing the other characters after her and going for 3 dodges thinking you are safe like a retard
>shiiit it's not jane
Still no interest. Slowest banner so far.
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>I was still her #1 fan even during her omegadooming her ‘nerfs’ & ‘boring design’ in generals
I don't remember writing this
I'm IK level 49 and still cant fully clear Shiyu Defense, is this a skill issue? Don't have any good ice dps units or ether units so I get cucked on those nodes
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Your king demands tribute
>Thanks for playing our game
yeah, kinda
M2 Lycaon?
i think star rail is more your speed
I would like Yanagi a lot more if they played up her motherly side a ton more. Have her wiping Miyabi's mouth while they're eating, or cleaning their rooms unprompted, or doting on them to the fans. I'm just so bored of "overworked office lady"
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Watcha get here anon?
how so
>Don't have any good ice dps units
there are no good ice dps units
She has dirty panties
I'm worried about whatever happened to your brain that caused you to post this so many times...
Could be a Disc issue.
As long as you're not trying to beat a Phys resistant enemy with a Phys DPS it's not a brain issue as well.
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Bro your Ellen????
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why would we be worried?
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Your honest thoughts on AI art?
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holy fuck this account cannot get bricked any further
attackers are worthless and i already have a brimstone
LOVE black panties
*wheezes* lmao
>1.3 adds a new boss-level ethereal
>it’s a one-off fight in a random side commission
Lighter core skill activates with attacker or SoC member which Miyabi is neither
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anon... gomen
black only?
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>The Final Callback
It's so fucking over
anyone have the total polychromes for 1.4 image
that's not sloppa though
>brimstone on S11
>brimstone on Zhu
this is my setup and it’s great
stop complaining anon
get yanagi if you like her as a character. if you dont then just enjoy your m2 mibibi. im sure she'll be absurd even on a hypercarry team
Yanagi+Miyabi is a great combination
Do you have Burnice?
if im going with chaos jazz on yanagi, can i give her swing jazz as the the 2 piece or i just give her 2 freedom blues?
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shit unit
shit unit
anomaly is king and will continue to be king
How long would you last taking Nagi from behind /zzz/?
>he doesn't know
white panties make me think of piss stains
I gave her 4 Chaos Jazz and 2 Freedom Blues.
I pity them
1 second
Good evening and welcome. I'm Burnice, what can I get for you?
Massive... LEAKS?!?
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I am in the exact same situation where i lost 50/50 on yanagi banner to grace and now i am hard skipping yanagi to put 300 pulls + guarantee into Miyabi
All you need is Burnice
not long enough
her ass must feel heavenly
Free Homomasa will save us, non-ironically.
A drink? Some snacks?
Save us from what?
maybe a little nitro fuel?
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I'm glad you like the Brimstone so much!
You can't use it on Miyabi though. Pay up, gweilo.
Literally no one likes that faggot
>clip focus on her T&A when saying this
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I NEED to maki nagi a real MOM
Not gonna claim him since I'm not gay
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if we're talking without protection? 4 seconds. with a condom on, maybe 12
Miyabi should take a MASSIVE LEAK!!! on my face
if you claim the homomasa your mibibi rolls will be rigged against you
do NOT fall for the trap
I've wanted to fuck her ever since I saw her hanging out at the outpost. She's MY waifu. And not even the M6 NagiGOD can have her.
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So... did her viral song save the game or not?
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wait a second... youre right.
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It feels like Yanagi run faster than Belle, is it true?
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>Do you have Burnice?
>All you need is Burnice
I don't. It's why it's probably better for me to get Yanagi while trying to M2 mibibi and if I don't, I will push to M2 on a rerun I guess.
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>song goes viral
>a bunch of unrelated niggers profit off of it
>doesn't meaningfully affect game's profits, so I can't say my wife saved the game
It's not fucking fair that Hutao's VA gets to benefits but Burnice herself doesn't...
She sold worse than Caesar bro it was a complete flop.
I almost feel bad for mhy because they made a free wengine referencing her in 1.4, they were clearly expecting burnice to be a big hit.
Doesn’t matter when I’m cardmaxxing.

People need to stop sleeping on Brimstone lol, one of the better standard S-Rank W-Engines.

I’m hyped for Harumasa. Great character & weapon design, lazemaxxer, & a troll. Got some good Thunder Metal & Woodpecker discs for him.
You should have gotten Burnice, anon.
But yeah, Yanagi+Miyabi is good .
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Harumasa seems like a megabrick without Qingyi
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Belle is short
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Stop posting Yanagi. My Miyabi guarantee is on life support
I hope no one falls for this troll with proxies
meant for
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Burnice twerking did in fact save the game
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I'll claim him after i M6 Miyabi
Imagine not having Yanagi for your Miyabi team. She also works really well with Burnice. Or with Rina and Grace.
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Just one roll anon
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what about... both
Is she worth 170 rolls? Because I will lose the 50/50 on Miyabi's banner and I will be going deep in the red
Does Yanagi realize how much attention she'll bring wearing such a tiny skirt?
Yanagi is her handler though.
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miyabi + signature
m2 miyabi
miyabi + astra yao

the above are all superior to yanagi + miyabi
you will regret the pulls you wasted on such low tier bait (nerfed twice) this update
fyi miyabi is getting further buffs with every 1.4 beta version
She brought a lot of positive attention just no money. Hopefully the games popularity starts to snowball because of her and the upcoming Mibibi "I am the storm" meme explosion.
Come on, bwo. Don't be too pessimistic. Are you getting Welkin and BP?
You NEED Yanagi on your team otherwise you're not lore-accurate
Sex for the sole purpose of procreation with Miyabi.
this but recreation
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Yeah bro I've been saving for a bit too and can afford both if its really worth it. My banner luck has been so shit though that I had needlessly rolling
wew I suck at timing the perfect assist with burnice while she is spinning
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I don't really care about meta. When I heard about Yanagi getting nerfed I still wanted to pull her because I want to FUCK her.
What makes you think Astra will be Miyabi support?
Partial Credit
When I was 15
I will suppose you are writing in good faith. There is no way to know how any ZZZ character has done, since it is a console/PC game. The only data that is posted is on Iphone.
On PSN, ZZZ does a little better than Genshin (right now it is ranked higher than Genshin on my PS) and much better than HRT.
That video made me hate her.
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So we have no idea how much money ZZZ makes, just because it's on PC/PS5 and soon Xbox I guess. Makes me feel a bit better about the game.
Just imagine how tight she is....
15/10 you mean
that video made me realize she is wearing a cheerlader outfit
1.4 shiyu beta phase 3
Astra Yao is an Ether Support that focuses on Anomaly buffs
>most used agent
>the kind of sextoy they would own
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this one
at this point i think i will just save until 2.0
i kind of started the game because of the edgy characters they showed in the lore teaser but they haven't released a single edge lord yet
and i'm scared to waste my roll for meta and then have them release a character 2 weeks later who does 3 times the damage
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Not an issue for me
all attackers are megabricks with or without qingyi
It's Anomaly Zone Zero
that's something salesfag never talk about, hsr is an autobattler, people just play it for the story so it thrives on mobile
but zzz is basically unplayable on a touch screen
There were people posting themselves clearing shit solo Billy so just save for who you want. Rolling for meta sucks.
Yes. It is just better played on console/pc.
I had to play on smartphone a few weeks ago and it is much worse. You can't even select which character you swap to. The camera is harder.
I just used an ungabunga Piper and Burnice team.
not an agent but
>his little sister
That's looking pretty positive then.
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I think floor 15 is my limit for now. Tower is really fun.
I can't imagine trying to do these fights on a touch screen.
The game is starting to turn into another Genshin for me.
>roll for who you like!!
Okay, I don't like anyone. In Genshin, I would have 4 limited characters total if I rolled who I liked from 1.0 to now. ZZZ started strong, but the future character roster is looking grim.
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best i could do is 23
i think there must be something wrong with me because i saw people clear faster with a corin than i do with jane (jane seth grace team and jane has weeping gemini)
look at the other thread LMAO
Just keep playing a game you don't like and bitching then.
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Is this normal for a Hoyo gacha to release so many characters that synergize with each other back to back and are a step up from the previous limited characters in power? I don't feel like Genshin did that. And WuWa's newest units aren't T0. Feels like whenever a new unit comes out in ZZZ it's just auto T0.
Your jane is short 120 AP
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Idols are 1.6 btw don't be an idiot and blow your polychromes now, maintain a 150 unused pull stash at all times
And what do they have to do with maintaining a safety net? They're just slop.
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>Wanted Yanagi
>Got S11 M1
Welp. What the fuck do I do with her? And is there ANYONE to look forward to anytime soon? I really, really don't give a shit about Mibibi.
anomaly characters are so hard to farm for since you only have 2 good stats you can get
i will finish farming for the core passives of everyone then i will just farm disks
We are in version 1.3
Of course every limited character will be tier 0.
Venti, Klee, Albedo, Childe, Ganyu and Hu Tao were pretty strong when Genshin was starting. Zhongli was kind of an exception but he later got buffed.
The bad Photoshop next to kids is freaking me out.
How the fuck are you guys getting so much AP. My Piper is still under 300 with AP disc 4 and a handful of AP substat rolls
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>And is there ANYONE to look forward to anytime soon?
. . .
For me, is is Astra Yao
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>What the fuck do I do with her?
level her if you don't have burnice, feel free to bench her if you do
save for Astra Yao
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>Idols are getting released in 1.6
>But they are releasing at the same time and each idol has her own separate banner
I want to stick my dick into Astra Yao while she is in the bangboo body...
shiyu defense is for IK 50+. unless you mean the stable node?
no one cares
Just get +2 AP on each artifact. The only hard one is the goblet.
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Stopping at 15 is honestly fine since that’s the last level you get polys, aka the most important resource. I only climbed higher to flex. Won’t go than this again, but I’ll probably try tower a different time since I reset it.
He's right though. How many discs are you getting with AP substats that you are willing to roll into? And of those how many land in AP?
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I like that idea, now I can get all the characters I want at the same time!
A dainty little vibrator because she's scared of trying larger things
>How the fuck are you guys getting so much AP.
it's called being a whale
whaling increases disc luck?
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If you don't have AP main stat weapon, it should be above 300, if you do have AP main stat weapon, it should be above 400. Just level some discs
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new dog style enemies confirmed in 1.5
That doesn't explain WuWa's newest unit not being T0, they are also around the same version, 1.2-1.4
I paid 100€ for the first time in a Mihoyo game in 4 years, outside of welkins.
You better not FUCKING TELL ME that Yanagi flopped.
They are incompetent if their limited characters on early game are not t0.
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no but spending money on energy refreshes increases the amount of times you get to try your luck
You must have rolled perfect discs on Burnice
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>one of those subtle wireless vibrating bullets
We have no idea how any character does. This is a Console/PC game and the only data that is posted is on Iphone.
Alright...who currently Has the biggest booba in the game? Is it Ceasar or Yanagi?
still Rina
Is main story chapter 3 happy

I’m sad and about to start it
I like Burnice, it makes no sense to me that she flopped
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Not really, she's just using 2 sets that give +30
how's my yanagi's stats bros?
They are good, I guess
I would kill for discs half as good as these
>no weapon
Those are pretty good disks. You didn't use Anomaly Mastery?
I look like this
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I think hes referring to burnices giga attack stat

My ZY barely reaches 3k attack and shes my highest attack stat character
one of them has to be A rank, probably chinatsu
got a double
That has to be bullshit. Both Ceasar and Yanagi have a really tight bra that pushes them back and they are still as big as no bra Rina.
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I just M2'd my wife!
I know it's not THAT big of a boost from M1 to M2 as it's more of a side grade or different playstyle but it looks so good in HZ..
>You didn't use Anomaly Mastery?
No, I never have any problems inflicting Burning with Burnice, and she doesn't benefit as much as Jane because her base AM is lower.

Burnice's weapon gives 50% ATK, if I use ATK% instead of Fire% on disc 5 my Burnice has over 4k.
Which girl do you have you M2'd or plan on M1/M2ing at least?
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I am on it too. Already have her engine and M1. I think i will try to M6 her, or at least with her rerun.
Is She the toppest of tier at M6?
I literally don't know what Yanagi does other than hold E for disorder
I imagine she's pretty high up there. But at that point several of the M6's banner girls kinda start blending together no?
Now post the in-game model
She gives me motion sickness by teleporting through enemies every time she attacks
You also Press E for pretty much everything. Stance change, parry(no idea how IT works) and some extra attacks in combo.
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You probably don't care, but I did it bwos. First time a shitter like me managed to fully clear it, and just before reset as well. I actually feel a sense of accomplishment over it.
Ellen has fallen off even at m6, her mindscapes are not that strong compared to other limited.
I cant stop staring at Yanagi's breasts...
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grats bwo!
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>EX changes stances and gain small buff (the two symbols)
>EX special gives her a 15-20s buff, all her damage is now electric
>While in EX special buff, basic attacks chain is 3-5 instead of 1-5
>Basic attacks applies Electric RES debuff

I think

Basically try to not chain spam EX special needlessly
That's really nice, but i have no idea what you just cleared.
Congrats, bwo
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See the 2nd side for M6 Yanagi
go white girl go
mogs me and I've been here from the start
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Remove に and add を in 気を付けなさい
Yeah pretty much what I do to. Her disorder on demand has pretty much improved my account by three fold because I always had an issue with burst damage especially on shitty mobs. At first I thought burnice was strong but yanagi is on another level and the best part is that she can work alone. Sure shit feels like powercreep but at the same time it just feels nice actually feel like you're getting progressively stronger.
Other than Officer Mewmew, which other characters who likely won't be playable are certainly good guys?
Caesar's mentor? Who else?
frogfags are retarded as always
Venus, the canon wife/sister-in-law

even Jane cosplayers would rather fuck a Seth twink than a Wisebro...
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its over...
Hello, add me on NA. My UID is 1000010886. I want to have friends ready for when they add friend content.
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Thanks for the ID.
Reported it to Mihoyo.
seth is the man
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Thanks for reporting it ratbro, I hope you told them I'm looking for friends! Maybe I'll get a Mihoyo staff member as a friend!!
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Chen from Arknights....
What the fuck, She had blue hair? I don't believe this.
Miyabi/Yanagi/Soukaku triple pregnancy Xenoblade style
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Cheesed to meet you
neither is attack. Disorder and anomaly are based on AM.
Attack% is really more for the regular (yellow) attack, which yanagi barely does
>reddit repost
>You can't even select which character you swap to
You can actually, not sure if it was an option on release but you can swipe direction on a quick assist button to select which character you want to swap to
Its a little bit clunky and easy to miss-swipe but it works for anything that is not tower
Also got curious and tried connecting DS4 and it works, for some reason coming from genshin I thought android would be cucked and its surprisingly playable, I'm not trying to say that mobile sales are accurate now because of that but if you really have to play on mobile its not that bad
What the FUCK
Thoughts on this fox???
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go to sleep you euro
I think mibibi is BORING
Nicole best girl
>Disorder and anomaly are based on AM.
lol lmao
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Anon,bro! You gotta show me the latest drip.
The fuck are you talking about? Anomaly damage cares about attack too. And AM doesn't increase anomaly damage, it increases buildup rate.
Also, anomaly damage is in fact increased by element damage %.
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3 hours of mindlessly running Construction Ruins while watching shit on the side I finally got another S rank Hollow Resionia that I was missing
someone should report this as a bug
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mediocre and skippable
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ratita linda
hoyos other foxgirls are all superior
and I don't even play other hoyo games
I want to fuck her ears/
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Too soon for a Friday
Cute, autistic, dumb and with ears I want to cum in.
She's perfect.
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She's cute
She has considerably big tatas
>these are the people calling you bricked
>Finally got the golden poo scratch card achievement and I've played every day since launch
why is this game so stingy?
If I (autistic) had sex with Miyabi (autistic) our child would create an autismal black hole that would consume the universe.
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I won you lost so stop posting hrtfly.
true but if you taught the child to use a sword, they could cut the black hole in half and start a new universe
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Would you eat at Miyabi's?
smile and optimism, gone
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The fucking Lighter banner is going to kill me.
Mibibi should be just after Nagi.
What if two negatives make a positive?
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so cute
Do you think Caesar would be a good president of the United States?
this, 1 month of nothing. im too hyped for the new chapter
Just skip Lighter's banner and save for Miyabi and Astra Yao
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You won... in a flopping competition
indeed, meeb melons are very large, especially for her proportions. she's just not the absolute largest in the cast.
new eridu must be putting growth hormones in the water
>neither of us can relate to our own child
Sounds like a rough upbringing for them.
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does Jane boggle her eyes when you pet her...
>Just skip Lighter's banner
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>mfw I've saved prophesy and few other quests for dead patch like this
That's creepy yet cute
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What now
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Do you feel accomplished rushing things like this in a game designed for children and young teens?
It is just 3 weeks. On Genshin we once had to skip an entire year with solely male characters.
By the end of it, I had enough primogens to make my Furina c6.

This won't happen on ZZZ, relax.
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Um yes, PubSec? I am the manager of a video store on Sixth street. There is a vagrant squatting outside my store. She is constantly pestering passerbys about money and is beginning to scare my customers away. I've attached a photo of the person in question. Please send an officer to deal with this issue.
Thank you,
Manager of Random Play
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> On Genshin we once had to skip an entire year with solely male characters.
What? really?
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Yes, yes I do.
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Is it normal to have Yanagi's trust event in the tape shop just repeat again and again and again all the way up through entire trust levels?
Yep, I dropped genshin during that period of time.
>reddit humor
this woman is a KILLER
No, they always say this but Nahida came out in that time too. She apparently doesn't count because she's small (peak sexual form).
I have a gut feeling they're making less and less random trust events with every character. Burnice had a lot of repeats for me, and Lucy and Piper both looped the same 3 events for me.
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lads is there any research on sabotaging thiren metabolisms? asking for a friend
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Yes, green boxes are limited female characters, red box is a 5* character but she was demoted into standard banner and on release she was the weakest character in the game, they gutted her really bad and even censored her pants (removed baked shadow so now its just a solid color)
Not really? I've always liked her and I'm glad we got to know about her a but more. She was the character I always wanted to take to max and I'm glad it all worked out in the end. She's incredibly fun to play and pretty damn strong to boot even at M0. Love Nagi and I'm working on becoming her strongest warrior
I wouldnt know what that is. You seem knowledgeable about the subject however
This is cool if you assume it won't be low effort.
it's adorable and he's so happy :)
So, Miyabi won't need Anomaly Proficiency? What about Anomaly Mastery?

Yes. After Nahida's banner in 3.2, the first new female 5* limited character was Furina in 4.2.
Meaning we only had male characters and reruns. And one standard banner female character that was unusable at c0.
The 2nd half of Sumeru was not good.

At least I hope this won't happen here.
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i can't wait to show miyabi my sword, if you know what i mean
Thank fuck I quit right at the start of 3.0
Same but with yanagi
she killed... all da semen in mah balls
jack off to lucy
Wait, didn't the games sales reach the all time peak during this time?
I know the bird mommy broke sales records during Tectone's boicot, but that was only day 1-3 sales right?
Rats are so cute
I wish they lived longer
I have no idea about sales, but whoever thought its a good strategy definitely is no longer with us
She gives you dennies when you hang out with her sounds likeable to me
Is that an issue? A-ranks are harder to fine tune and design in a game like this where M6ing is much easier to do.
Last night I had a dream where zzz had community tools for user hen custom content and we were stuck in the game with such a tool, we made a ckol.house of horror mansion events type map but one of the players w us got exposed for a glownie hooyo employee because their spawned in vehicles had a special tag n aura so we started fighting them and I woke up, in the dream we were playing as Corin making basically shooting gallery levels in a swap mansion for everyone to clear but we're still designing the last party we're u face off against a boss similar to twins but one, regen

Thought I'd share
No you are wrong and now you are lying to make yourself feel better. These are the tricks used by HRT trannies
>literally all characters are m6
i can't take this seriously
yes mastery. she gets like 4 bonuses when she freezes niggas
>1 stack
>disorder is free damage
the 2000% effect is just a way for her freezes to be about the same damage as a proper anomaly
We don't know, really. We don't have good data, since the graphs that are posted are Iphone only and at that time Apple gave Genshin a tax which made it more expensive than other venues.
the limited 5* waifu draught during sumeru/early fontaine was so bad mihoyo basically stopped releasing 5* males in genshin almost completely... only 1 male in the last 12 months with literally 0 confirmed for the future
dawei didn't cry on stage for nothing
I don't play genshit so I won't say for sure but it could just be newfags going for reruns
feel like fontaine was worse than sumeru
3.0 was tighnari but he was doomed for standard anyways as the first dendro unit ever next to dendro MC (but if new players started in 3.0 they're likely to get tighnari first even before having access to sumeru to active the teleporter and free collei)
3.1 was cyno and Nilou (female)
then nahida into a good chunk of reruns having a mix of women and males
>yae raiden hu tao yelan (HT and yelan had the biggest sales ever cause of their cons + weapons broken during that time) dehya (subject to standard cause woman and black shenhe ayaka nahida nilou ganyu yoimiya yae again for both eula klee kokomi. 15 women
>cheld wanderer/scaramouche itto ayato alhaitham xiao cyno rerun baizhu who's been in the game since 1.0 alhaitham rerun again and kazuha rerun into wanderer rerun. 11 male
if the anon can get all of fontaine that'd help a bit but with 4.0 and 4.2 already there's 7 males out of 10 characters rerunning or released
It was probably during 3.4 with the Yelan/Hutao rerun. It went downhill after that.
I have hundreds of Construction runs and that fucking Lucky Cat eludes me. I'll get one of those triple s pulls before I see that little shit.

It's alright though because in my opinion Hollow Zero is the game at its best and it gives me a reason to play it.

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