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Previous: >>502347995

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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What happens to Soukaku if (You) marry Yanagi? Does she just move in? Will (You) be forced into threesomes?
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>Yenless Yen Zero
Is there anything more cucked than marrying a single mom?
i only want soukaku
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STFU u hrt tranny, go back to work overtime
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I'm going to give Yanagi all my semen....
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what... what if you put noodles IN a burger
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mibibi's authentic melons
You don't find it hot? it's a sexy representation of your lower status as a Man.
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>wake up
>see this
I want to smell her morning breath...
I took this picture. How did you get it?
>wake up
>Yanagi on your right
>Soukaku on your left
>Belle on your dick
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Which rerun banner are you waiting for?
because you sent it to me, mibibi
have any of the agents in this game spoken to any agents outside of their faction?
aside from the hares I can't really remember any.
I think there was something like grace mentioning billy, but not actually a real conversation.
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my smelly semen demon...
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luck is back after that one Koleda spook, but not happy that Burnice and Yanagi took nearly max pity
burnice with koleda
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Sex with Venus
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>got all of pubsex in less than 60 pulls
man fuck u nigga
Pontificate the paizuri
How many anons rolled because of this pose?
I'd pull sigs too if I had this luck, wtf
oh right there was burnice's trust rank up or something. forgot about that.

did they talk? I don't really remember that one.
oh and koleda, lycaon, corin and nicole during Camellia Golden
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>he forgot about the melon conversation
What the fuck teams do I put seth in? I thought he'd work in yanagi/burnice, but they don't really need the extra anomaly and yanagi doesn't need the shields with her parry. The only character i can really see him synergizing well with is jane and i dont even have her
>multiple discs with Anomaly substat
>only two gets a +1
There is zero point theory crafting anything until 1.4
Grinding out discs for Zhu was a breeze compared to getting good anomaly discs
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How do I block people from my dms? Pubsec faggot getting real chummy like its an on-going sting operation
I'm putting everything into Ellen. From this day forward I spend NO chrome and all my resources go into building Soukaku and prefarming for Ellen.
I have no idea what you mean
>three +4 AP disks
>Pubsec faggot
He managed to pull a super hot Rat, Show some respect.
Lucy trust events
Same but yanagi trust events
I wanna do the event but it says something about chapter 4 spoilers or whatever and I just got on chapter 2
So laaaaaaaaame :(
aw I started too late to see that I think.

wow somehow that was completely wiped from my mind. I watched it again, could recognize the part before it and the part after but didn't remember them talking at all. funny.
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Lucy thrust events
SO when my dailies are done and my battery is spent I do......what?
How is it cucked? You get 2 girls for marrying one.
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Hmmmm nyo
>this is the person calling your account a brick
Behead humanyabi posters
doompost in /zzz/ or go start fights in other mihoyo generals.
Do all the side missions and Hard modes. If you finished all of that, nothing really meaningful you can do but wait until the next day, assuming you also did all your weekly shit and arcade achievements
>need to reroll for the bombs to access the easter egg
tell me its normal for 10k silk to not be enough
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Ellen bust events
ellen mouth rape
Is Miyabi good for a new player? I am considering using all my early game gems to get her.
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yes. hold.
its more than enough, and you only need 5 bombs iirc
Miyabi will play different from other characters, like really different, and she'll need a bigger investment than others
So why do you guys act like 1.4 is a total rework of the game? Is that something the devs said or is it just because we are doomposting the decibel change?
I'm wise.
Wisepags just keep spamming Lucy and Yanagi because other trust events have 0 incel pandering. Just pathetic.
How much time do you spend in the closet
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This has been the most miserable experience I've ever had playing a gacha game. If we ever get another event like this I will just quit.
Mibibieber is SHIT, save everything you have for the Ellen re-run. Ellen is top tier DPS and doesn't need as much investment as Miboiner
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uh oh mindbroken
roast pork
I like Qingyi
you need disorder procs so roll for Yanagi, if you're new you should have enough chromes to get them both
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That robot was kind of a bitch this time.
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Post dick pic as proof
yep arpeggio is fucking trash. hope they never do that shit again
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Bro, you're not even done yet...
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kuso clear but after month of play I'm happy to clear this
best song
Yep, stopping at the Area 3, not doing this anymore. It's not fun.
>she stands on a box
meme material
>she gives a thumbs up
meme material
what went so right?
>only got all commons
fuck that shit
She owes me children.
She's 15 you fucking weirdos
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why do you ritualfag
Yeah you didn't "clear" shit. Your solo Billy clears?
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Solve the tro- Miyabi problem
So if i get it right...Yanagi has time stopping power, but She isn't aware of it? Or this there some other reason why it wasn't mentioned anywhere?
Does that mean She will get some important role in the story?
don't know why they keep insisting on the 99 floors meme, if Tower made you go all the way while being limited and having real rewards it'd be way less popular too
Decibel change will be the biggest rework of the game, more than the removal and reaturn of tv dungeons
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mihoyo finally realized bigger foxgirl ears are better
those floppy ears in genshin are a disgrace to foxgirls
and the ears are too small in hsr
Out of 10!
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out of 10!
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sex nice
too old
Should I roll on Nagi even if I don't want Mibbi?
burnice if she was unpopular
I don't even understand what the fuck i am doing, i am just keep collecting everything, but more and more keeps appearing, there's isn't kind of challenge or anything...i don't understand what's the purpose of it?
Why can't we have ingame battles when we hit someone with the operator we choose at the start?
Peak fertility. She owes me twins.
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uhhhhh so Hoyo is going to reimburse me 150 tapes and 30 batteries after the decibel changes go live right?
my niece looks like this
Yanagi's uterus...
i liked it but it went on way too long and got repetitive after the third area
I'm fucking your niece
Yes, she's aware, it's from the oni blood, read her 6th mindscape.
No, her arc is done after the Section 6 arc unless they expound on the Lumina Square Oni Massacre on June 4 1989 and she gets to be involved.
So i have
>2 male skip banners
>Miyabi skip banner
Damn...i am going to have so much saved after 60 days. The girl after those better be worth it.
Burnice if waterkuma was still working on zzz
>Why can't we have ingame battles when we hit someone with the operator we choose at the start?
Because that's a good idea that combines the TV mode exploration with the Arena Combat game. You know, like how ZZZ was initially designed to be. But I guess a bunch of retards (Chinese whales) cried a whole bunch and now the game is not as good as it was.
your niece is a digital artwork?
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Nice. I got the Shiny Golden Shit today.
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beware of NPCs
Based shitter
Why did they fire him? He creates the whole look of the characters for them and then they just fire him?
Chinks will allow the changes to go live before they go apeshit and force mihoyo to fix Zhu and give 10 rolls as compensation
thanks. rolling now
is that dude actually gone? I didn't realize that.
god damn are we gonna get mihoyo censorship rugpulled in the future?
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Archie sexo...
Stop, you're gonna trigger him even more
If she's aware why isn't She using it more?
Also riddle me this anyone. So onis have innate electric powers and time stop...and they lost the war somehow? Wtf?
coco love
coco sex
this must be archie pre-humbling. that bitch almost got to experience her own version of metamorphosis in a hollow with those hollow raiders
Why do you guys keep falling for shitposting?
After I bought Soldier 11 I just started rushing towards the end tiles each floor
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Congrats friend
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They finally did it, enough HP to stop Zhu from 1-cycling the boss. Though I'm only ~10% off so it should still be possible with better gear.
Hoyo decided the combat and TV should be entirely separate modes now for some reason. I don't know why they think that's necessary. There's that popup saying that the Ethereals are cleared out our something when you start new TV stage
It is clear that the worst poster on /gig/ decided to try to destroy this thread for now. You guys should relearn how to ignore that poster.
Can you show me your zhu? I had a lot of trouble with the same team.
I dont have good gear for sure, but this week that fucking thing tanked me really bad.
>All those S-ranks
How much have you whaled?
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This general needs it
Look at her tail, Archie is a succubus
all possible with standard income + the monthly, just can't lose all 50/50s
I have the exact same teams. How hard was this?
>1m 8s
That's still fast as fuck what the hell
Can I get some cute Miyabi pics
That's not unbelievable for a day 1 monthly buyer
you have to understand that anything above 1m is a brick to /zzz/
Wait that shiyu with buffed HP or they will buff it in 1.4?
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>11k exp till ik50

The wait is killing me, also the how many dennies I can get doing the hollow zero non-nineveh per week?
So if Harumasa is being given out for free who could I put in a F2Poor team with him if I don't have Grace/Rina/Yanagi?
That's just showing that they've already been slightly buffing hp values, and 1.4's hp value buff will be much higher
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For some reason the new character showcase layout on Hoyolab is only available on mobile. Is there any site like enka for ZZZ?
I started a week in with the monthly and I have all of those and the only 50/50 I won was Yanagi. You just don't want to go the full 160 rolls which I believe is actually less likely than getting it earlier, correct me if I'm wrong
Okay, but what am i supposed to do? Is it really just collecting shit?
Harumasa/Anby/Nicole I guess
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>Want Yanagi but have literally zero characters to team her with
Lmao shoulda pulled Burnice
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>just can't lose all 50/50s
I think I missed that part...
Why wouldn't a Yanagi, Burnice, Miyabi team work?
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I definitively need more crit. Also her engine.
Since I have Rina, I will go either seth/anby or rina/anby so my corin can still have a team with Rina if ever this guy is gonna be a free gib.
It's fairly easy, the only issue is Friday sometimes randomly jumps and wastes time. First half is easier than usual since the trash wave is just 1 elite, no need to waste time grouping. 2nd half has higher HP though, around 8.4 million if the data on hakushin is correct. That's 1.1 million more than the previous cycle's boss.
sorry bwo
it will get better in a different gacha
It could but it's just not as braindead as only having 2 anomaly bars to keep track of
Yeah this game rules
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this shit would cause me to lose all motivation to play
Yanagi/Seth/Caesar? If this doesn't work I'm not pulling Nagi
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Would it work to send the Zhu Yuan team in the first half and the Yanagi team in the 2nd?
Even if Zhu Yuan has a disadvantage, if the enemy is weaker it could work, right?
>building seth
Neck yourself homo
So when someone is this unlucky do the devs just accept that they lose customers by not being more generous? You can't keep a fish on the line if you never fucking provide the bait
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In a better life 50/50 wouldn't be a thing and pity is immediately guaranteed
today was a good day, I got 2-Srank Hollow resonia, only 3 left and one challenge location
sorry bwo it's 50/50 or no pity carryover and 200+ spark or NO PITY/SPARK AT ALL
in all honesty Mihoyo is unironically less greedy than the japanese big shots
I literally have no other characters that support anomaly/electric
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Having 2 anomaly characters and 1 support/buffer character is easier to play and makes each disorder proc have bigger numbers
no because the entire market runs on the 0.1% of people who'll go full 7 characters every single time
Should I use bp engine for Zhu since it has crit? Does it work as a cope w-engine?
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It gets better, eventually
Maybe, first half's boss has less HP (6.6 million) so it should balance out.
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it turns around bro
I like Granblue's and the idolmaster rhythm games' spark systems the best. But fuck playing Granblue in current year, and unless you aim for top 100 or some shit in rhythm games you don't need to roll for new characters besides just because you like the way their dress looks
im the anon who posted the stats, im not even that mad, it is what it is, but supposedly genshin has a 50/50 pity now (it becomes 75/25, and then 100/0 if you keep losing), ironic since that game is the least generous hoyo game

yeah, im not that fazed, after a myriad other gachas you get used to shit like this
Why's the second tab on Moonlight Traces locked for me? Do I need to have Yanagi to access it?
Hi Da Wei
they added a mechanic to genshin where if you lose the 50/50 multiple times in a row the chance starts increasing until you win. took them 4 years though
i kno da wei..
That's lewd and made my cock hard. I need cute and tame.
Why even have the 50/50 in the first place? It just seems so cruel and predatory
It's gambling, it would kinda defeat the point if you always won.
>It just seems so cruel and predatory
That's the purpose of gacha, silly.
mihoyo knows they can get away with it, and almost everyone else followed suit because people point towards hoyo games doing it
>It just seems so cruel and predatory
its like the green spaces in roulette
gives the house a slight edge but you can still get lucky
They could put the weapons at 100% and have purchasable dupes like a certain other game that cannot be named
>Why even have the 50/50 in the first place?
I dropped Azur Lane because I only got 2 of 5 botes on a banner
so people will jerk off about pity being at 90 as opposed to 300 for japanese games
The house always wins either way. The obvious choice is to not play the game in the first place.
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What about COOL and BADASS Miyabi pics?
How bad does it get in the gacha scene?
nope it doesnt, only you claim to do so. show me proof that this general needs it
the tl:dr answer is that these systems have been iterative, and gacha devs don't want to give much leeway at a time or risk losing profits, as the market has stagnated and players have more options, they become less and less susceptible to fomo and gambling, so you need something else to incite them, which usually is a spin on the monetization, hoyo did it, codifying the current gacha system, and now has iterated on it to appear generous, when in truth they're just after your money, and they'll do whatever it takes for it
AL is extremely generous but sometimes it can be an absolute bitch and not give that S or A rank that you want despite rolling a hundred times.
Because they still make enough money to justify it. The second they think they could make more money by having better pity they would but there's no need for them to change since their bottom line is fine with the current system.
It is what it is.
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thank fucking god it's dead
Blame the nips, they started it
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>he doesn't know
>as opposed to 300 for japanese games
in most jap gachas it also doesn't carry over between banners, which is more important
Meanwhile japanese games (besides FGO because fuck Fate cocksuckers) are more generous with their premium currency, and you usually don't even need to roll for character dupes to minmax them
i want to know
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why does it take so much EXP to level now?
to be fair the amount of free rolls you can get and the limited release schedule isn't comparable, but you do get retarded bitches arguing that their gacha is more generous even on this very site
and the 300 pity thing was when those systems were new, some games lowered it to 200 these days, but there's also SOME PEOPLE that still doesn't have a pity at all
>and you usually don't even need to roll for character dupes to minmax them
lol? most jap PNG collectors require at least 3 copies of a character for them to be usable, and 5+ to be good
I genuinely would like if Hoyo gave as many free rolls as Cygames does with their games. As of Genshin, Hoyo games already have a similar endless grind as Granblue's weapon grid system now
Once you get to 60 you get dennies instead of exp, and you can't have everyone getting even more free denny scraps
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Back in granblue you had to roll for characters multiple times for their weapons with 300 rolls pity and an extremely diluted character pool
Needing character dupes just to minmax or even unlock new features is honeslty a hoyo thing that they first started in genshin.
In other games like AL and AK, both regular and SSR characters used either dupes or universal character upgrade tokens, some of which are given out monthly on events. In hoyo's case, they opted for genshin crowns or later equivalents where it's needed to upgrade the final level for a character skill. Either that or mats that let you specify the main stat of an equipment when crafting them.

Honkai 3 was still better because you could farm and earn puzzle pieces of characters until you fully unlock them so no need to wait on banners and roll for dupes.
Tv mode was better before. 1.0 was the golden era.
Aren't granblue grids all grindable boss weapons and 1-2 event weapons? It's been years since I played so maybe that's no longer the typical "meta"
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Honestly, there should be an item that let you unlock the mindscape of any S character, even if you have to farm a year to just get one.
LOVE black panties
I really don't understand how it works.
daze is overvalued, that's all
Don't have burnice and my lucy and piper are m0
>Aren't granblue grids all grindable boss weapons and 1-2 event weapons?
Lol you and I wish, gramps
I mean, Anby appeared on the battlefield literally two or three times while Yanagi danced 90% of the time, how the fuck does it work.
Why does your general need 2 threads?
The numbers on top? Those are decibels generated by the character.
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It's bullshit anyway. Look at this, i get banner guarantee now anyway because i lost the previous 75/25, so what's the point of "4th is 100% guarantee". It literally doesn't make sense, you always get the banner one after losing first.
Because we have a schizo that keeps bumping the other one out of spite that no one wants to use it. It's been there for almost 5 days.
>has Caesar
>doesn't have Piper
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There's the grindable grids, but by the time I stopped playing the game was clearly heading into extreme whale territory. Not to mention how bad some of the F2P options were if you wanted to main a certain element.
Pretty sure even wind's guns got powercrept after some time, but it's been years now.
I prefer Mihoyo's gacha over granblue's, but I think they're both on the stingier side.
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The most giving gacha I've played is Eversoul, I filled the entire roster in a few months and the outfits are free, but the gameplay is just not that engaging blue archive type auto battle
[Qingyi image]
Why do you roll for cons as f2p and with that luck.
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>mobages didn't have any soft or hard pity
>you roll thousands of times and not be guaranteed a character if your luck was horrible
>they didn't have to show their rates as well so it was very much some casino-tier gambling shit
>monki releases in granblue fantasy
>considered a "hyperlimited" only being available during the release year and then once a year afterwards
>some poor sod spends somewhere around 2 thousand rolls and forks over 6k dollaridoos for A SINGLE COPY of the character he wanted
>people did the math
>company was technically lying because although she was on rate up the rate was lower than other characters featured in the banner
>players freaked the fuck out
>company apologized
>implemented the ability to check rates
>implemented the spark system (300 rolls guarantees a single copy of the character (still 900 bucks btw))
>refunded everyone that spent money on her banner
>big corpos got involved and after investigating the incident implemented laws japanese gacha had to follow including displaying rates and the pity system
>this is now standard practice and gacha
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Right before reset. Not bad.
Everyone but Seth is M0R0 (he’s M6R2).
*gets mad*
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I wonned
You losted
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What happened to this?
>considered a "hyperlimited" only being available during the release year and then once a year afterwards
Wasn't it originally supposed to be only available during that year and then never again?
Search up Cygames Monkeygate
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its over bro...
it left us...
yes that's what the original director intended
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i wish. wawoo has up to 2 buyable and it doesn't take a year
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>most honest japcuck game company
Naruhodo. At the time I only knew gacha from Squeenix shitty mobile games and just fapped to her pics on Xwitter.
Originally yeah. And now there's also Zodiac limiteds that aren't even animalgirls but human girls pretending to be animalgirls kek
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Cheesed to meet you
Mating press
Why are the Sons of Calydon the best faction?
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here's the BIG cheese
no hagslop, only a cute loli, a cute lolibaba, a cute retard and a cute pyromaniac
Most fun story so far, and it blends into the characters and their gameplay
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ratita linda
all 4 of them are hags, some of them are just short
That was kinda the case like 5 years ago. It's all gone downhill since
because they dress like whores and that automatically makes them the best
I'd honestly be inclined to spend MORE money on ZZZ if it wasn't filled with so much FOMO. If they gave us a means to get limited character dupes and sigs, even if they don't come for a year or so after their first release, I'd be a lot more willing to drop money every banner to at least get the character at m0w0. The game I've spent the most money on in my life was Warframe and literally everything in that game is earnable by playing and trading except a handful of cosmetics.
Are the right pics real?
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Over 2 minutes... Its so over Ellenbros
Any Miyabi changes the past few days? Does she still need m2 + ball if I don't have Yanagi?
my definition of hagslop is Jane/Rina/Yanagi
thats the case with BA
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She got buffed and yes.
Grassy, Woody and Bricky boost
>banned to post 2/4 on official channels
that's tells me enough
Look at her go! Go Mibibi go!
>tfw 1 minute Yanagi solo
Jesus Christ, shill buffs are everything in this shit game.
Funny how suddenly all the chink gacha games can find it in themselves to be relatively generous if they need to desperately fight for a share on the market
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Hoyo reached the perfect balance when it comes to monetization, I think.
You don't need super strong characters to experience any of the content in the game and the only incentive players have to burn all their rolls or whale is love or mentally ill meta-chasing competitiveness just so they can flex 10 second Shiyu clears. Profile badges are also part of it.
Imagine if this game had leaderboards.
the sons of calydon won bigly... even back then
Piper is in it
>leaderboards with extra premium currency and mats locked behind tiering high, despite most high rankers already being fucking whales
Those were dark times...
You still cleared. Good job.
Ellen team can still clear even off element & Shiyu bonus. I still don’t have Lycaon, he’s the only missing character
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Rat has to be one of the biggest comeback stories on /vg/ for Hoyogames in terms of the sheer amount of shitposting and doomposting leading up to her release and even throughout her banner but somehow this quickly completely did a 180 and now most anons here like her
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And that's when Hoyo was even more jewish and weapon banner had no guarantee.
I was told C2 Xilonen is a must. Told here
she's not a single mom fuck off tourist
There are 2 types of grids, f2p or whale. They sometimes fluctuate in power, where the f2p grid becomes as strong or stronger than the whale grid for a few months before new weapons come out to widen the gap or support new teams. There’s also f2p+ where you have 1-2 gacha weapons in your grid, most people have this type of setup.
I was baited into skipping Jane Lawrence
>rolling for balls
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Which is why I will never roll for Signatures again (Ellen’s, like a brick)
my least favorite honestly (i dont care for blondes)
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Based retard.
That's every hoyo gacha. That's how they make old characters feel redundant while making the new characters feel meta.
They know they can't nerf or buff characters but they can add gimmicks in the only game mode where people tryhard for meta whcih determines how good characters are.
How do I clear the cat thief quests on lumina square? the ones that are time limited
I really have no idea what to do after I talk to the npcs, help
>and weapon banner had no guarantee.
Unreal. And people still rolled for them regardless at that time. Actually insane
>people spent that much on genshin
>people spent that much on the WEAPON BANNER
>in a game where you don't even need 5* weapons because it has the easiest endgame ever
fucking kek
Did Genshin really had no guarantee back then? I played until Dragonspire and I quit because of how bad my rolls were and I realized playing just for primos wasn't worth it because of how scarce they were
I disagree. mihoyo gachas have screwed me worse than most gacha games. it's part of why they make so much money.
most of them are a lot more lenient nowadays.
She was hated for other reason tho
The perfect balance for them maybe, not for the end user
The COVID boost Genshin had was incredible. I didnt realized how shitty Genshin was until now
Imagine if ZZZ came out during that time
Jane is so strong. She's probably the strongest solo agent right now even Yanagi can't beat her damage.
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There are 2 featured weapons. You have 75% chance to get one of them and back then there was no epitomized path so you could roll one of them unlimited number of times and some whales actually did.
It'd be dropped just as fast. Genshin at least has a more diverse cast and stuff to do
All open world shit naturally did better during COVID. If ZZZ released during COVID it would've probably bombed hard since you only play 5-10 minutes a day max and then exit out the game
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if anything, thanatos hates being assist parried by a stunner
Someone help u bunch of faggots
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I'm pretty sure I've seen it all during those weeks/months
>Sethcuck latching on to her
>Pipersidegrade allegations
>hated for being sexual
>mushroom or penis hair
>waifufagging vs troons
Threads were unusable for half the time
>genshin release weapon banner
nevar 4get
>half the time
unusable 24/7 for 2 weeks
is that the one that the cat its like 2 meters away and you just talk to the cat and talk to the guy?
does this thread get raided too often?
Surprisingly less than other generals, but it still sometimes has waves of raiding
Piper sidegrade allegations were the funniest, especially when it became quickly apparent they were all made by paggies who became upset their A-tier unit became powercrept so early
It's of the new time limited missions. In one you talk to a girl in an alley and then to an old lady in the other one
Baby Burn Burnice
I haven't done it yet then
I wish Mihoyo dropped "weapon" banners and we just had to roll for characters. I don't give a fuck if they fully exploited whales and dupebait because I'm pretty sure those who M6 all characters now don't care how much they spend.
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I stopped playing after I lost the 50/50 for Caesar
I have Zhu Yuan and Ellen
who should I pull for next
>whole ass "waves" of raids
trash posters should all get IP banned
You're right, I forgot to mention that aside from the contstant doom/shitposting and the metawars fighting over 1-2 second clearing differences, you also had the Sethcuck spamming gay porn for hours on end on a nearly daily basis
Same. I would pretty much prefer end game raids or something similar that had a chance to drop character weapons or weapons are something you craft.
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What's attractive about an autistic midget?
Leviathans don't care how much they spend but there are relatively few of them. There are many more dolphins that might drop a hundred or couple bucks to make their character stronger and roll their weapon.
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uhhhhh her face and hair and breasts and legs and personality and the part where she goes SCHWOOM and cuts a monster into ribbons
Officer KK ran into a burning building and saved 5 cats!
What a guy!
which characters are the most NTR coded?
I'm still using Piper
it just werks
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1: don't be heightist
2: people with autism can still be cool and beautiful
Considering the unending Anomaly shilling, you could go for Yanagi, similarly to Rat, she's self sufficient so she doesn't necessarily need anyone
She can be played in Disorder or Hyper teams
*gets mad*
The more I play the more I realize that Ellen Joe is the best designed damage dealer in this game and it only gets worse from here.
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Belle and Anby
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She's great, one of the biggest reasons I rolled for Rat was because of how much fun Piper was. I wanted more Anomaly
This game needs raids
>but muh anxiety
Get over it
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Anyone collecting shiyu clears?
+1 for Corinbros here.
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what about nagi tho
Just default to Nicole and move on with your life
>hz buffs heavily favors triggering anomaly

Holy shit, why didn't I notice this before, literally broken piece of shit because its not enough to just trigger anomaly but also execute them (insta-death when mob hp is less than 30%) while at it.
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anby burger
Did you reward her with rape after that clear?
I agree.
Nothing in her kit fits thematically to her character or design besides adjusting her glasses in one or two animations.
someone post the jane one please
Jane and it's not even close.
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Stop using Piper, stop posting fanart of her, she's clearly powercrept by Jane, go buy a $5 Jane account right now so you can clear Shiyu or you're hard-bricked, totally not shilling my Jane account btw
Anons hate to admit it but it's Jane.
>the character that sleeps with you is the most NTR coded
If you self insert into an npc or Seth, sure
All girls in this game are for (You)
Cuck general
uh oh melty incoming after this
you joke but this is how Janefags actually sound like whenever they open their mouth
ughh I am melting
This is not /hsrg/
Enka is working on it apparently but the big issue is formating with core skills
It would be a lot better if it was
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Much rapings were had today.
I want Ellen so much bros...
I think you have a bigger problem which would be nobody wanting to play anything other than Miyabi.
Shiyu is starting to resist Physical btw
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>phys resist hp bloat fuckass robot
How long would it take a newfag to reach endgame content?
I'm a few days in and it seems like I've got a shit ton of ground to cover (which thankfully comes with a bunch of free rolls on the way)
sethbros... how do we cope...
When you get to lvl 50
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>that sound of continuously mass proc'ing shock with Yanagi
I impulse rolled but I don't regret it now
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That's normal for hoyo games
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Wanna have sex in Steeltusk?
Lets get you to bed grandma
pipin pipirs
i luv pooper
there's a lot of permanent content that gives xp, so probably not that long
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Thats why I hate these shiyu rotations. You see a 30s jane clear or whatever, with 2 or 3 different anomaly buffs going on and against razor who sets you up with free disorders and is physweak, and I just roll my eyes because its pure unapologetic shilling by hoyo.

I would not be surprised at all if when the anomaly shilling ends jane, yanagi, burnice players start calling them bricks since they will feel like theyve taken massive nerfs despite still being fundamentally good units
It would be really neat if S11 gets a costume change for when her story is revealed more during whatever Obol chapter we get in the future.
Or at the very least let her lose the visor and let her hair down
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Can’t wait to use the Miyabi/Lighter/Burnice team
Might be one of if not the strongest team in the game
Also a crit-based Anomaly is fire (and also sigbait but I’ll never pull for em), just gotta get godly subs.
What would be her best cope W-Engine?
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I skipped Jane because I think she is a disgusting whore. She’s objectively a great unit but I couldnt get over what a whore she is
Technically you reach soft-end game content around 3 weeks. I'm new too and 29+ days in and I'm still not IK50
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Is Yanagi supposed to be meeting the 375 AP requirement to trigger her W engine's passive naturally, or is she supposed to be meeting that threshold through the W-engine's boost effect? I need 3 more Anomaly Proficiency substat rolls to pass the threshold but I'm not sure how realistic it would be to expect that to happen anytime soon.
>yes I know I haven't maxed my Timeweaver level yet, I'm working on it
I fear the censorship she's gonna be put through
I dont actually bang boos
same, don't like her design at all. she APPEARS to be a whore (turn-off for me) but acts awkward and probably forgot how to socialize normally because she worked as a glownigger for so long (STILL a turn-off for me)
i got m1 kot before a single s11 copy
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If you don't roll for her sig engine, I hope you're lucky enough to get multiple AP substat rolls
I have masturbated to Nicole even though I want to marry someone else
What's our next cope when the revenue chart drop and we go below 10mil?
I really like Piper's EN dub.
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I'll just say "the game needs more lolis" once and watch the resident schizo seethe until his eyeballs fall out
I'm skipping Miyabi
I hate that Yanagi is too hard to use.
> acts awkward and probably forgot how to socialize normally
Also true.
I actually like Seth and I'm a straight white male (not troon).
>replying to himself
and watch a mirror? okay, suit yourself
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>get lost loser
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I put 80 rolls into the standard banner because I wanted rina m1
I hate the Genshin and Star Rail base model skeleton so much
yanagi's trust events saved the game
>already seething
The most mentally ill cucktroon likes him too, the worst thing that can happen to a characters fanbase in a hoyo general on vg
that's based, nothing to be ashamed of
i think this nun bitch's design is hideous and i will be annoyed if it gets into the game (but also happy for a save banner)
WTF!? Officer MewMew would NEVER say that.
Discordnig, when will you learn that nobody buys your terrible samefagging attempts?
All characters should be S Rank. Weapons as A rank drops. Bangboos should be the B rank drops. With Bangboo dupes dismantling into random mats. Like one HIA cards worth-ish.

But that's just me thinking in game design terms and not caring about Mihoyo s bottom line so don't bother replying with "b b b but money" cause I don't care. It would make the gacha machine more fun. Would require adjustment of rates and probably even pull counts.

Also Standard channel should be called Syndication and after a 2nd banner run every character should enter Syndication making getting what you want from it almost impossible but you always get something.
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I have never been cheesed to meet someone
I'll just use fusion compiler or lip-gloss, she doesn't really have that many options. Maybe using a non-Anomaly weapon with crit rate sub will be viable
How long until your eyeballs fall out?
Uh so I'm out of main story stuff and still need 130 standard rolls to get a selector. Do events ever give them in this game or is it just gonna be 10 a month from now on.
genshin is the granddaddy, have some respect for your ancestor
No wonder pedos have such a bad reputation for being both fragile and schizophrenic.
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How could you....
Just wait it out. All hoyo games are like this.
I dropped ZZZ shortly after Qingyi's banner, but picked the game back up when Caesar got added. I played through Jane's story episode and thought she was actually fun. And now I regret ever dropping the game since I missed Jane
you're supposed to be ultra-blueballed by the standard selector, you're barely getting 10 pulls per patch. unless you spend polies on standard but that's retarded.
Hold EX>basic attack chain twice>tap ex>basic attack chain>hold ex. That's the whole thing.
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>Bangboos should be the B rank drops
Quick post the graph
This post sounds severely schizophrenic... I bet he'll answer himself though.
>All characters should be S Rank
Look out, bros, we got a Commie over here.
Your disks 1~3 are kind of awful so with that in mind it should be very doable.
Sexy nuns are a contradiction of temptation. And I'm a fool to lust for you.
Not in real combat. There are ways to parry with ex and each skill animation is too long you can't instant dodge like Jane.
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I'm not attracted to any of the playable characters
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[image of a graph]
I don't rape Corin and never go on her dates
ur gay lol
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*has a meltdown*
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the power... of CHEESE
trust events + qingyi
Sometimes I don't eat even though I'm really hungry, because I'm too lazy to brush and floss my teeth again
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He's gonna spam his homo folder now
What was the straw that broke the cuck's back this time?
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Me. I mindbroke the schizo
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He fucking SAID that
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I'm not used to Hoyoslop and I don't care about Ellen, but they aren't going to use any previous character for their upcoming event anymore? They just let their previous characters rot in the corner? At least in Granblue, some characters appear from time to time.
Based pedo mindbreaker
Have you notice Jane being too tall? Her center of gravity is so high that she always almost lost her balance walking around in map.
Sometimes they do, but generally no
She's wearing massive heels
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>Pedophile and a faggot
hoyo does reruns, eventually
Miyabi is half-dwarf, that's why she's so short and has no tail.
>post picture
>derail thread
That's me
Wise putting on a bit of a voice when he has to don the Phaethon persona is pretty cool honestly, I like it.
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belle is so lucky...
my nigga
Some previous characters showed up for the Golden Week event, so yeah they do it
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I'm not talking about reruns, I'm talking about previous characters appearing in new events
yes, but it's rare and it usually takes a while
yeah that's the problem with mihoyo games imo. the settings often feel kind of dead because story events are so scarce. since they're so scarce they're always used to shill whoever is on sale rather than building up storylines with old characters.
I made a Koleda, Lucy, Piper for the petite women joke but mostly to build up a fire/anomaly team.
>There are ways to parry with ex
you do it with special, not ex, it only has iframes.
>and each skill animation is too long you can't instant dodge like Jane.
you can cancel out of every attack with dodge, but not with special. I think the only basic attack you can't cancel is the 5th basic attack where you jump into the air, but it has iframes, so that's not an issue.
I'll be honest with you guys. S11 has been a MVP for me for consecutive Shiyu's now. Fire has been a prevalent weakness so S11 coupled with Burnice has been doing work for me.
I honestly thought I'd get fucked not having Jane but eh, I've been maxing Shiyu no prob with S11 and ZY as my DPS.
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Just a bit off the top please
Is it true her ears aren't as soft-looking and move much less than before her face change?
I paid for C6 yanagi
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Haru my beautiful wife
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I love her so much bros
so they're removing the tv parts in the story? we might get more returning players that way. i know so many people that quit in the first hour because of that
>feeling my Zhu falling off in Shiyu
Not anymore since they backpedaled and are returning tv to the game as shown with the Arpeggio event
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use her while you can before 1.4
i thought they were making that one a permanent event because no one is finishing it in time because of how much it sucks. i think they wont try that again in the future
>1 minute each.
That's whaling your way
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This is a fox
I like Arpeggio
Want to see me cause a pedo melty?
Post Piper armpits - they hate that shit
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Around $1250
Based whale keeping zzz alive.
I kneel
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Complete hag domination, death to lolicons
Zhu, I want her weapon
Jane and Ellen
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What's the best cope ball for Lucy between Slice of Time/Bashful Demon/Weeping Cradle/Vault
she should have been a wolf
My aunt gifted me $500 out of.nowhere and I felt bad after spending $20 on a meal with it
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oi, i like both
zzz... zzz...
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I love nagi faces so much. They unironically gave her the most personality now. She should do more of those stupid dork glasses look. It looks hot when paired with her super haggy body.
>still haven't pulled Yanagi
>scraping barrel for another 10 roll
Owari da
Same. I nearly have pity on the weapon banner so I moght hold onto it till her rerun.
girls with glasses are hot
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Meant this one.
Her glasses getting destroyed during the final battle was peak shit. She grew on me a lot.
What the fuck are they doing, where are my attack agents at.
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numbers of truth
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ZZZ is anomaly country
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don't like men and children?
Attack is trash for now. Just abuse discord.
He reminds me of Minazuki with his dual blades and jacket tied at his waist like that
Do we know anyone in TOPS? They're mentioned so often
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[Bad News] I think sub-1 is impossible for me bros
they only added it to shill caesar
How have the Bangboos not overthrown human society yet? They are clearly stronger than them at max power.
Seth POV
>all her fanart is with Seth
>even Jane cosplayers are taking videos and photos with seth cosplayers
All secondaries or was their shipbait really that good?
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I bet $200 on Tyson beating Jake Paul tonight and if I win I will be spending all of it on Miyabi. Wish me luck bros.
>daily web check-in is barely 40 stamina worth of resources per month
why are they so fucking stingy with everything
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mihoyo is a chinese company, so...
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There's a wolf NPC out there
Uhh your free 0.25 rolls? Pretty generous of you ask me. Triple a games don't give you anything for free!
would you prefer if a significant chunk of your progress was tied some shitty calendar on a website?
its less about the login bonuses (which are worthless) and more about engaging with their social network, its free traffic
They'll add it back eventually and then some. HSR alone has like 4 different end games that give you a ton of premium currency. That's why I stopped topping up in the game since the game hands you out free jades.
The web check in shit is just to get traffic on their site for investor shit
the ship is really popular among secondaries, so they're a factor for sure, but this general just needs to get real and accept that people are okay with ships in hoyoge because none are blatant (You)pandering and their first company-defining hit had a fully established female protagonist
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I will be taking turns with this hag and the lolis
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This is my first month doing it. Do you at least get something nice at the end if you check in every single day? Checking in for a single blue bangboo exp is honestly a spit in the face.
Fuck it, if they're gating extra attacks behind M6 for Miyabi I'm skipping her entirely and going all in on the idols
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>since they're so scarce they're always used to shill whoever is on sale rather than building up storylines with old characters.
>anon unironically said this when Shenhe and Ganyu have got skins and the whole patch was about them and their bird mama but with no banners
>said banners are almost two years old at this point
Corin status?
Trust events
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Ellen will never get her agent story
Not even HSR goes back and gives companion quests to old characters
How do (You) not feel cucked playing as Wise

I do it too and it's just like this pointless ritual. Part of logging in or whatever. I should really stop kind of embarrassing now I think about it
Okay. I'm skipping the sloppols and maxing her.
Man, Minazuki was so cool. Still have his bnb ingrained into my muscle memory
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Getting Miyabi or saving up for Astra Yao+Zhu's weapon...that is the question.
how does the game know when to play the cool music when you get an s rank?
Hags are already near the end while lolis have their entire life ahead of them. After hag there's only rot. That's why lolis always wins, you cannot turn back time, only go foward
The Miyabi "hype" doesn't really feel organic
It's all me...
>Ellen will never get her agent story
And that will always be hilarious
Yoimiya got her Part 2 story 9000 years after her release and rumor has it Hutao is getting her Part 2
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Why pull Miyabi when Burnice os way hotter?
I pulled Burnice and I want to make a fire & ice team with Miyabi
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Miyabi os way cooler
Burnice is retarded while Miyabi is autistic
They are NOT the same
It's Saturday morning in Metro Manila.
because burnice's banner is gone and never coming back
Nicole is so cute I die a little inside every time I have to interact with her.
I started playing because of Lycaon and the other non-human characters, and I can't wait to play with Pulchra and Yutane in the future.
I will never satisfy a woman like this...
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it's all about the ears
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Nope, you lost because you are seething
The new Bangboo event is so fucking peak I fucking love counting Bangboos why is there still no Bangboo wife (Qingyi is not a Bangboo)
>6th street got some visual changes midway through chapter 3
It looks less of a shithole now. Not sure if there's a lore related reason on the visual touchup or the devs just wanted to change how it look
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>Qingyi is not a Bangboo
is it better now

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