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Previous: >>502476343

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Mibibi... LOVE!!!
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>Yenless Yen Zero
Shiyu only gives like 5 rolls a patch. Do not roll for characters you don't like just to clear it.
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5 rolls is worth like $10.
So is Lighter just DoA?
Not even hating, the fire/ice restrictions seem so dumb considering the next attacker is electric.
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pissu pissu
Piss Piss
Piece Piece
Peace Peace
Pee Pee
Yeah. Roll for who you like.
Eventually you will be able to clear Shiyu Defense with the characters you like.
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>61% crit rate with her ball, so you only need 19% crit on substats which is pretty easy
Which is why I'm not bothering with Woodpecker and will use Polar Metal instead.
He would have significantly more team options if he was fire and physical. Instead of just Soldier 11 and Ellen, he would work with S11, Neko, Corin, Billy, and even Piper and Jane with Burnice. Going for ice instead was a very retarded decision.
>try 10 roll on Yanagi's engine for fun
>get it
Welp there goes all my luck in this game, guess I'll have to pull like 180 times for Miyabi
i mean she has a ton of crit dmg, so more crit chance is good anyway
Who could be the 3rd member in the 2nd team?
her translated moveset on hakush mention nothing about crit rate, what's that guy talking about?
Astra. Calling it now.
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the ability to take more crit dmg substats and still be capped is more dps than the 2pc set you would get otherwise
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any lighterbros who's rolling?
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>a rank teammates
>sub 1 minute

How the FUCK do we stop the billyGODS?
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tha anomaly buildup halved was reverted though
Shouldn't she be all about critical rate and AP?
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You will NOT role for Miyabi.
She is whalebait, she demands you have her signature AND Yanagi.

She has no other good weapons besides signature, and she has no good teamcomps beyond Yanagi.
She needs Yanagi more than Yanagi needs her.

Miyabi is a fucking BRICK.
I might throw a few pulls at him to see if I get lucky but man, they really put him right before miyabi.
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I genuinely don't understand how fucking bad you people are at the game. You're using top tier units in one team with Burnice and you took 2 fucking minutes while my meme Anby with a mismatched bangboo took 30 seconds faster. Everyone who screeches muh HP bloat and muh powercreep like you are deranged lunatics. 1.4 will also change nothing difficulty wise, but you will blame muh Decibel change and muh HP bloat too
>Next attacker is electric
>Can't be used with burnice and miyabi anymore
dawei really sent him out to die huh
Old little me rolled for c1r1 Hu Tao back in the day. I will roll for Miyabi and will roll on her weapon banner.
I roll for all bwo
Nothing in her kit cares about AP and ice has terrible anomaly damage.
yeah they really fucked him over, i'm still gonna try to get him but i might not get miyabi
Would Lucy do well on the second team?
mihomo is finally adding eng localization data to their betas.
the catch: they gave miyabi's english text from literally before 1.4.1, it's horribly outdated
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Miyabi's Core needs 72% Crit Chance for a 90% Anomaly Rate up on enemies affected by Iceflame. Getting it above 72% should be easy with her W-Engine.
Unless you can get crit damage stupidly high I somehow doubt it.
Ice anomaly deals low damage. She wants Crit and Attack.
Dawei needs to remove Yanagi as Miyabi's handler
Immediately close the pic, not a valid clear
even tough she is anomaly most of her damage does not come from anomaly procs
I think anons were saying there were some changes in her kit that make AP better.
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So this is the plan now? Dawei got so tired of people using Corin, and Zhu, and Billy in their forced anomaly meta that they're just doubling down and introducing HP bloat in addition to even more targeted anomaly buffs? This is quickly approaching Genshin "all pyro shields" levels of bullshit. Just remove the stun bar if you hate attackers so much Hoyo lmao
Just roll 7 Miyabis and she won't need Yanagi
Since Miyabi's change from wanting an Anomaly to wanting a Support, yeah, she can use Soukaku or Lucy. In the latter case, you wouldn't activate Lucy's passive, but that doesn't really matter as it just buffs her boars' damage.
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It's finally fucking over...
I have to say this has been the worst event I've ever played on any gacha game (I've played a lot of gacha games). It was the most tedious, boring and mind numbing experience I've ever had in any gacha by far. It almost feels like the devs made it this way so people never ask for TV content ever again, I'm sure as hell gonna give this one the lowest score possible once the version 1.3 survey comes out.
>anime avatar nigger is back
Don't reply to xer newfriends
>you and that faggot still cleared under 5 minutes
>hurr durr
shut the fuck up you stupid trannies
No. The stats she gains from leveling her core skill were changed from AM to AP which is useless.
>got Yanagi
>got her engine
>just saving up for Mibibi and her engine now
What're your Zhu Yuan's stats? I used the same team on that fight and took like 2m30s.
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what happened is the passive stat increase in her core passive was changed from am to ap. this makes no sense, but if it goes through, it should be treated as nerf. she has a special snowflake 2000% damage from a different source that happens when she freezes, this is meant to be treated as "what if freeze used critstats instead of AP"
Call yourself a stupid bitch
skill issue, see >>502503209
>Miyabi's Core needs 72% Crit Chance for a 90% Anomaly Rate up
its 90% of your crit rate with a max of 72 anomaly buildup, meaning you need 80% crit rate to max
its over for me, mihoyo wants f2p people to stop getting rewards from shiyu, miyabi please save me
Seems like, makes no sense to intentionally shoot the next banner in the foot but who knows what they're thinking. He's unusable with Miyabi, probably good for Ellen but day one players can get Lycaon for free soon if they haven't already, and he probably isn't a big enough upgrade to justify pulling for her if you do have the knot. S11 could probably use him, but not everyone has her either obviously, and there's no limited fire attackers known to be coming any time soon. It's weird.
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I think this is from Snowbreak
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It's not about the 40 poly I missed by not clearing with S grade. It's about the thousands of polys I've spent to roll my characters, and the thousands of battery power I've invested into building them, which are all wasted because I can't even use the characters for their purpose - clearing content for rewards.
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Why is her ass so fat???
>latest powercreep character in their shill shiyu
Literally doesn't count.
I cleared with S using Corin and Zhu. Quit saying random shit
it's really annoying that they're not using the tv mode in the story, where it is at it's best, but shove it everywhere else
Fuck men
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I see.
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Fastest times for now until I upgrade talents some more. I built Burnice and Yanagi both with AM to work together, but it's still faster for me splitting them up like this even with suboptimal stats for these teams.
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Who has the best entrance look?
>no panting out of breath animation + wipe sweat off brow when she stops
>Miyabi NEEDS Yanagi! She's bricked without her!
Bruh, your Burnice?
s11 and nekomata because they show their armpits
grace has the best side eye
I was going to say Nicole, I always put her first in my team
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So, Miyabi should be built like Zhu Yuan?
Even Anomaly Mastery is not important?
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This is so photoshopped it's sad. You're not allowed to use Solider 11 anymore. Only honorable chads get to use her.
Other gachas are just skin colonies for Mihoyo.
>he doesn't know
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another candidate
I still think it’s Nicole.
Zhu and Yanagi’s are both great too though.
retard, the person that anon responded to 2 MINUTES TO CLEAR WITH YANAGI whjile he was under a minute and a half, skill issue, you fucking retard
Nicole, Ellen and Neko are top3
Call yourself a stupid bitch
Anyone still playing Ellen is going to stick to Lycaon because using Lighter instead means switching back to Soukaku from Caesar. Even S11 players would rather have Caesar. He's truly dead in the water, they should've kept him as an A rank.
What characters?
Don't care, you're not good at the game.
AM still gives you like 4 big stat buffs. there's no way you skip it unless you're overdosing on copium since your only good pieces are atk
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My Zhu and her team are very good disc wise. Still this is the first time in a long time I've been locked out of sub 1min
My Zhy clears faster than your Yanagi and you are 'skill issue' me?
It's only going to get worse with Miyabi
Zhu and Rina
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from last thread >>502501946
anyways I'm tired now so I'll just go sleep while thinking of how big a failure I am
I don't have her
If you're referring to the fact that her passive was changed from Anomaly to Support, that doesn't matter, and isn't what I was referring to. You can run Miyabi / Burnice / Lucy and be just fine. Lucy will trigger her passive and Burnice will trigger disorders.
>not good at the game
>clearing faster than with a shittily equipped than most retards ITT using top tier meta units
AM/Cryo/Critical rate?
Critical and Atk substats?
Miyabi, yanagi and astra yao premium team. Any anons going to whale on mibibi's best team? There was that one anon the other day with m6 yanagi
You need two anomalies to trigger disorder and it seems they are intent on nerfing Mibibi's AM/build-up so it'll take forever to proc it.
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>burnice will trigger disorder
You ain't triggering shit.

The speed at which Yanagi triggers disorder is on a whole other level to any other unit, you're fucking stupid.
meeb-burnice-lighter was significantly better than either of those being replaced by slopy
Exactly, that too. I was interested in throwing a few pulls at him for Calydon completionism, but now I genuinely don't know what I'd use him for outside of S11 if I use the selector on her. And even then like you said, S11 already has good stuff going with Lucy or Burnice along with Caesar.
He could have been an A-rank attacker that actually worked with his faction, but instead we get this awkward mess that everybody thought was meant to shill Miyabi but is actually for nobody.
Post stats and ball inventory screen. Also >>502503994
>Unless you can get crit damage stupidly high I somehow doubt it.
Woodpecker 2p gives 8% crit, which is worth 16% crit damage, and that's better than 10% ice damage. The downside is that it relies on disc rng.
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it may be shocking to you but building wide and covering all elements is a good advice.
Pulled for Ellen because the only ice DPS
Pulled for Zhu because the only ether DPS
Haven't had trouble with Shiyu ever since, everything else can be cleared with A-ranks.
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for these, is adding more enemies just used for burning more energy, or is there an actual bonus or something I'm missing
The second boss is a bitch for sure so I can understand the big times there but the first one? With those units?
You should be able to pull 1:30 on it if your characters are build enough.

I've seen other anons get good times on the 2nd boss but I am not one of them. My Zhu, Qingyi and Nicole team was walled pretty badly. I got an S because I was able to kill the 1st boss fast.
what do you guys think?
every additional monster expands the reward pool. so theoretically you should be getting x5 purple (or more) instead of just x3 at 3 enemies /60 energy
I think miyabi is cute
bros, how fast can i kill the robot on side 1 with corin? i can only manage to get like 2 minutes. i hate these beefy fucking robots
post your corin stats
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>miyabi's base AM is 116
>new disc set 4p requirement is 115 AM
>25% free critical damage for existing
All she needs is DAMAGE don't waste your time with AM she already gains from critical chance.
>Something not bolted to the ground
>S M U G
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Just finished having a riveting discussion with chatgpt about collective consciousness, the future of quantum computing, determinism, simulated dreams, and the sensation of eternity.

How's your saturday night going /zzz/ gwos.
I'll probably pull him just in case Lighter/Burnice/Pulchra works well
I'm getting drunk and watching sportsball
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I fucking NEED this woman's ass hole on my face
I think so too but if any of idols are coming in 1.5 then I may have to skip mibibi unfortunately
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>discussion with chatgpt
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impregnate Yanagi /zzz/
I have her sig at s5 too
Pulchra is also supposedly a stunner.
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I'm confused on how to build Miyabi now
Going to read eroge after zzz dailies
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Well that's kinda bullshit
The latest changes to Pulchra in the game files changed her from electric to physical stun (I don't think she had a role before). So he's probably a safe skip, neither iteration of her so far pairs well with him and I doubt they'd suddenly make her a fire or ice attacker just for lighter.
If i used my guaranteed now and ended up with 0, would I still be able to pull Miyabi
Is Corin better than Ellen if I run her with Qingyi?
What a fucking casual this was the best event ever it was nonstop fun to have a roguelite mode
I hope your account gets permabanned
I was confused about that, since the recent leak mentioned only her element and faction were updated, but the leak that had her in Cunning Hares didn't mention her role, right? Is everyone a stunner by default or something?
She gets a lot of AM out of crit rate so you can forego AM on disc 6 to get more atk and leverage her huge damage multipliers
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Post wipeout screens bros
I will grant that it's "a choice" but AM on 6 offers way more
>your freezes still do half as much as a max charge basic
>they give a stack
>they can disorder for 3 more stacks and a meager damage boost
>they activate the 15% atk from her disk
>they activate her engine
atk runs into the usual issue where it gives much less than a 30%dps increase because you have atk from so many other sources. this can also go to an extreme devalued state if she's with caesar
You suck
Get kotball from the signal shop and she'll shred. I hope you're also using 4pc hormone.
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Placeholder element and role is Fire Attack I believe.
Your corin is fine. Very doable. Robot bosses are my bane of existence too
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nicole is just a perfect character but i love how creative rina's is
ai language models just make shit up by determining their next word according to the preceding word, it's not possible to have a "riveting discussion" with something so retarded and fallible. can't wait for this shit to quietly die off like every other industry meme that came before it, like VR.
Good question. Double checked and the role wasn't an update yeah. I don't think stun is the default in the finals though, Lighter was changed to stun from attacker early on and the leakers didn't mention that, but who knows.
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in that case it's probably Bellum or Mors that are an attacker or something, thanks
>make shit up by determining their next word according to the preceding word
Pretty much.
That’s why that Microsoft chatbot trained from user data became mega racist in like a day.
Bowgods win again
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Thoughts on meat?
Bellum being a fire attacker to work with Lighter would be kino. Don't think there's actual data for him yet, but he feels pretty set up to be so I think. Mors could go either way depending on if he regrets what happened to Pompey and all.
corset holding on for dear life
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Wtf was that, am doing the Yanagi agent story and you guys weren't kidding about the photo. Why the fuck Belle and Wise magically teleport to photo bomb then leave. Ridiculous
Every time /zzz/ talks about rina's agent story, they either hated it or love it. Personally, I like it. It's one of those stories that makes the tv mode shine on how the story was presented. Got teary eyed at the ending. Good shit mihomo(for once)
I don’t like cosplayers.
>lost 50/50 to Rina m1
I was lucky getting every character up to this point, but how important is Yanagi to Miyabi teams?
If you miss them in Lumina Square the photo is very silly.
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Is this the meta? Am I doing it right?
At one point do we stop calling them balls cause miyabis weapon is a fucking building
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her best partner but burnice is still a good replacement
*rape her on the spot
You can run Burnice / Lucy instead of Yanagi / Soukaku. Won't be as many Disorder triggers, but Miyabi will get more field time.
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It's their way to get back at Mibibi for the chapter 4 ending.
her base am is low, am on 6 is not gonna do shit, specially since she already gets 72% anomaly buildup rate from her passive
and I forgot something that's a bit harder to calculate
>frozen niggas can't fight back
and for the record, AM doesn't do the "230% is only 15% more than 200, so focusing one stat is weaker" meme. anyone can check that AM on 6 makes yanagi's AM go from 148 to 192
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Fool, you fell for her trap and will have to take responsibility.
When are we getting yanagi mod videos
Are there events that require lvl 45
I hate 3DPD, they are evil and hurt me.
How does the W-Engine banner work on /zzz/?
If you lose the 50/50 do you have a guarantee? Or is it like in early Genshin?
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What fig scale would you buy a WIPEOUT of /zzz/?
>If you lose the 50/50 do you have a guarantee
It's 75/25, if you lose it the next one is guaranteed just like limited Agent banner
Is one of the new disk sets optimal for Mibibi or one of the older ones?
There is one which gives 25% crit dmg but doesnt seem much
Any guesses on who the A ranks will be on Miyabitch’s banner?
Ah, that's nice.
Back in my day, there wasn't something like this in the weapon banner.
That makes it easier to get m0w1 Miyabi.
Miyabi but ANGRY
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mihomo game = yuri game
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*has the best selection sound*
Soukaku and Hanamasa
Still waiting for hoyolab to show my clear but I got 1:42
>Qingyi M0W0
>Caesar M0W0
>Corin 4hormone/2fanged, neko sig
Uhm... is that pink cross actually in the art. I don't remember..
Me on the left
This is NTR porn btw
yeah the crit one seems very op on her
>10% base attack
>25% critical damage
>up to 30% combat attack on frozen or shattered enemies
polar metal could be a cope option but its mostly for basic attacks
Hanamura is an S-rank.
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Built for Ben
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Not to mention that we don't even know when she will become playable, I think it will be in 2.x, when we start revisiting already introduced factions like Victoria with Hugo Vlad and SoC with Pulchra for example.
Yanagi would never do that.
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Isn't Masamune the 5* that will be given?
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Until he ENTERS
Hags can’t be dykes, it fundamentally doesn’t make any sense.
Leaks said Piper and Soukaku which makes sense but seems too good to be true so I'll just assume Piper will be replaced by Anton.
Nooo, not the faggot vampire
Let that shit stay in Genshin
Yanagi is op but it takes forever for disorder to proc. But if I switch to anomaly mastery her dmg drops. I hate hoyo stat farming
>but it takes forever for disorder to proc
You realize it procs when she uses her EX Special, right?
Use anomaly master.
I love how he shots first then yells the enemy to stop
Surprised that it would take a year to introduce a limited furry, if she is really an S rank, but it would be a way to win back the abandoned audience that was the furries.
I'm almost inter-knot L50 and just now finally found the sage in Lumina square.
mature women are the backbone of yuri
Just like how Zhu Yuan tells the enemies to drop their weapons WHILE shooting them. NEPS and S6 must have trained in America.
yep, a gentroon kek
I'm hoping Piper gets a rerun
>started in Burnice banner and only have Burnice-Lucy in the Bunice-Lucy-Piper team.
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I'll forgive it if it means we can get vampire cunny too.
Not mine. Unless I was already doing a few basic hits to raise the buildup a little before using ex
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What killed the hype?
Yanagi's kit confounds me. I shudder to think what this games' characters will look like in like 2 years
I expected the kotowank to come with Miyabi so seeing it with Yanagi was a nice surprise. I hope they get to use this again...
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Bruh, just read her kit.
I want off this shitty ride
For a game that people said would be so degenerate due to it having furries and sexualized characters, it is very light on horny and has almost nothing degenerate.
It's a little disappointing, I'd like to see Hoyo do more different things.
Hitting ex after 3 normal attacks confounds you?
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Leave next patch... TO HIM!
Give me your best screenshots of Yanagi's ex special pose.
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you think dykes just grow out of it and suddenly start craving cock and parasites known as children?
Wu won...
>16, 27, 26, 24
Bro your 200++ attack Nicole???
Try freedom blues on Rina, also the skill itself applies electric buildup and will proc shock before it deals the polarity disorder so you don't have to fill it all the way before using your EX
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Reminder that they're implementing a Simulated Universe-esque mode with no TV shit, just pure rougelite combat. And if these fags will actually bother to learn from HSR and maybe play something like Hades instead of improvising, we might be eating good.
It has the Hoyoverse problem of being overly wordy, but once you break it down it's pretty simple:

She has two stances that she switches between by using her special attack
Being in a stance or having swapped out of that stance in the last several seconds gives that stance's buff
Using EX Special gives her a buff that allows her to skip the first two hits of her basic attack chain, and triggers a mini-disorder if the enemy is under an anomaly

That's basically it. You just want to do one basic combo, swap to the next stance, and repeat, while using her EX Special if the enemy is shocked and its buff is about to run out.
Good move, but with Camy out of the way there's simply nothing to look foward in wuwa anymore, it's the all time peak
similar to what will happen here after Miyabi
Camellya is the Miyabi of Wuwa though
does it even matter when mc has 1k attack
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I lost the 50/50 for yanagi's engine, bros...
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This is what ZZZ will look like in 2034
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>Pressing ex special after inflicting an anomaly effect is confounding
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They can't do any real horny or degenerate unless they move their headquarters from china to japan. CCP anti-horny laws too strong
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mihoyo is evil
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I really want piper too
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Why do you still reply to it?
At least it's still a Yanagi weapon bwo, now you can get 100% pen ratio with your M1 Rina! Y-you do have an M1 Rina right?
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christ dude people actually struggle with shiyu?
once you have two built teams it's a cakewalk
think my longest run took two minutes, a minute per side, and that was me barely trying with very non optimal rotations
It's worse than you think.
You lose the 75/25.
>they really named their team the "Cunny Hairs"
>play stupid games win stupid prizes
I also rolls for balls
We figured out early into Wuwa's life that its hype was entirely astroturfed and fabricated. You're only embarrassing yourself. Now, fuck off.
So where's Burnice?
Stay, EiMikoGod
Man this has to be hoyo fastest player bleeding and flopping game
Even Genshin took like 4 years for the hype to die off
>caring this much about CN
KR contributes more to zzz
>and that was me barely trying with very non optimal rotations
I don't believe this, this isn't Genshin. Post your clear.
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Even yt bois are doomposting
I don't even have Rina at all haha...

post teams
uh oh the indian call center is here
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wuwaKINGS won
absolutely no one on planet earth gives a flying fuck about wuwa, the majority of their the videos have no one watching them
only the trailers "magically" shoot up to millions of views via ads
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MHY used to be as degenerate as Snowbreak devs or any other given Chinese dev. For example, Mona's first draft had her run around with a naked asscheek on display. The problem is, once you get big and the CCP notices you, you have to start toning things down because they don't appreciate lewdness. And MiHoYo got as big as physically possible. So both Genshin and Star Rail are extremely safe, designers have to use every technique in the book to make the characters both sexy and safe enough. Compared to them, ZZZ is pretty horny, with huge tits and jiggle physics galore.
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i think i'm gonna skip mibibi because i like rina a lot and i'd have to bench her
>press attack, tap ex at the end of your attack strings (or before if you need a parry)
>when you proc an anomaly, hold EX.

Wow so complex and hard anon.
But I'm not surprised, this "complex" gameplay is already impossible to do for 99% of video games players who got their brain destroyed by years of AAA games where you press a single button to win.
I hope this is just samefagging arguing with itself, I thought we've already learned to ignore tourist salesposters...
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>spends time autistically opening up every chest instead of just going to the exit
>complains it's taking too long
Is there a point in switching characters while exploring?
>So where's Burnice?
Way beyond wuwa dogshit, by your youtube views metrics
Yeah, getting Burnice upskirts.
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What did you guys use on the second half if you didn't roll Yanagi? I would probably clear faster if I used just Piper and Lucy in the first half and did Burnice + Grace for the second half.
>Zhu Yuan's perfectly sculpted mound
>Lucy's asscheeks hanging out from her shorts that you can see for a fraction of a second when she does her assist attack
What are some other techniques I've missed?
You pick nicole, pick deep pocket and as many 15% coins that you can, farm for 3 minutes on the first floor and speedrun the rest.
Stop staying in there forever.
I used Jane / Burnice / Caesar on side 1 and Zhu Yuan / Qingyi / Nicole on side 2. Took a similar amount of time on each side to your run.
Soldier is surprisingly puffy but you only see it when she has caesars glowing shielding highlighting it
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>as degenerate as Snowbreak
>for example, Mona
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Where did all your players and revenue go bwos?
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Went with the Corin classic. Felt that it was tankier than usual, went fro 1:30 to 2 minutes.
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up ur butt and around the corner lol
Chaos Epsilon soon
yeah, watching yanagis fat jap tits bounce
Maybe it's time for Mihoyo to stop copying Kuro.
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Can any Lucyanons add me? I like to compare stats/discs for realistic improvement goals-- Thank you~!
NA: 1001465156
What was that one Anby wipeout pic?
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do not reply to shitposters and focus on sex with Tsukishiro Yanagi. She needs it.
>brings phys dps to the phys resistance fight instead of the phys weakness fight
gee i wonder what could have make it tankier than usual
Chat, is this bait?
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Still works perfectly
>Corin on physical resist
based retard
Next patch will save ZZZ
Finally. Floplin, Flopli and Flopzhi weren't enough. It's time for Cammy to earn wuwillion dollars and make this game earn more than R1999 once again
DPS Soukaku?
Rina upskirts herself when spamming dash and you can take a peek at her goods, it unironically looks like the lower part of this >>502510179
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are you guys serious
am I in the fucking minority thinking shiyu is a snooze fest, even here?
is this thread full of redditors?

no yanagi, bro? fr? you've still got time
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It's usually shorts, or something like that.
Pic related is what Mihoyo was allowed to do before Genshin.
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I was dead set on skipping this boring office lady but decided to roll at the last minute and I’m glad I did, her animations are pure sex and her personality isnt as boring as it appears at first, either
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Sex with mibibi fan.
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>Have Rina, want to build PenMAX build for Yanagi
>Had to use my signal shop currency to get Yanagi
>Not enough left for Fusion Compiler
>At what cost.jpg
>Weeks later, roll on standard banner once I have enough tapes.
>Game hand delivers Fusion Compiler through the standard banner when i'm not even at pity.

Being a HagGOD has never felt so good. All I need is Rina M1 now and my aspirations will be realized.
For whatever reason I struggled with level 5 way more than 7 for this rotation
mindscape status?
Well of course you're going to have an easy time if you have the limited characters that are being shilled on both sides.
post m2w1 jane, thanks
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they still do in their kamige
her pussy looks smelly
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How does one have a round ass yet their legs have zero musculature.
>"Look, it's easy!"
>use the most shilled characters in game
>reddit hates him
Truly /ourguy/
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>go to take a pic of coach aster and his students
>spend 10 minutes watching the lil doodz grooving
I just don't understand how Corin vs phys resist still clears faster than my Grace Rina Rat. My Grace's shock is ticking for 60k and has so much uptime...
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>ywn own a loving bonpu
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>What did you guys use on the second half if you didn't roll Yanagi?
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ZZZ is like a pussy. It bleeds every month.
I meant against these four legged boss. It's always been in the 1:30 range with Corin. They have always been resistant to physical.

My only other options are Ellen or Anton. After many attempts, i came to the conclusion that yes, Corin/QY is faster.
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so does your dad (from his buttehole cuz ur mom put her big dick in it) except every day lmao
HSR is like a penis, it's gay and homos suck on it.
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Stop ritual fagging, go to bed
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>noooo you can't roll for characters on the limited banner in a gacha game!!!1!!
>that doesn't count! you have to use the f2p cunning hares like me!!!
christ guys at least reddit admits they're just shit
>m6r5 jane on the left
>the 2 latest (and obviously giga shilled) S exclusives on the right

If you genuinely believe that's impressive you are a complete retard.
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it's simple math. the robot hp went up from 7m to 8m, and the shiyu buffs suck dick this cycle, so current clears take longer than previously
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>’tectone sucks!’
>’how does he have a career!’
>’youre losers for watching him!’
>all these niggers not realizing their engagement with his content is boosting him in the algorithm, making his garbage even more prolific and encouraging him to keep going, like giving shitposters here (You)s
This is why I tell youtube to just stop showing me content from people like him and mtashed.
Literally no one has said that people "aren't allowed" to use shilled characters. They were just pointing out that the guy saying "OMG GAME SO EASY" was making the game easy for himself by doing so.
Is wuwa at all worth playing if so far there's only 2 designs I'd pull for assuming they're even s rank or 5 star characters? My hype has almost completely plummeted since the ps5 version is taking for forever to come out
Huge news for his predominantly seamonkey audience
>Still hasn't posted builds
Do you enjoy being a fag on the internet?
>trans puppygirl
what did they mean by this?
when does this game get good
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Ask yourself why wuwa shitposters NEVER mention any quality events, game modes or storylines and focus exclusively on character models and animations and the answer will present to you on its own...
Mate nobody cares if you roll strong character. Your original claim is disingenuous if you are cruising through SD with whaled agents
if you still don't like it after chapter 2 then you won't like it at all
it's okay
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When you uninstall
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Would Mibibi allow her lawfully wedded husband to fool around with fangirls, who would do anything to touch a dick that's been inside THE GREAT HOSHIMI MIYABI?
Unironically it's why I haven't even bought monthly passes for this game despite really liking it. I think it might actually end before eos
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I WILL laugh at miyabi rollers.
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>I think it might actually end before eos
I'm still trying to make sense of it.
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>HSR, a mobile based game with 4 banners at once losing to Genshin on a mobile chart last month, a console based game that only runs 2 banners during its 4th year

Forced to punch down on your little ZZZ sister as a result? That's so petty.
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I refuse to believe that they won't be real within 10 years
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[bad news] ZZZ will end before end of service
>zoos talking about model quality
Fucking delusional, you can't even win against HSR
when your favorite character is released
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I really like how all those ZZZ WORST SELLING HOYOGAME shitters keep forgetting about Honkai 3.
Almost as if there was a targeted hate campaign against the game.
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unironically when you get to the american part
I know it might be a bit too much to ask from your sub-90 IQ seamonkey brain but try reading my post again
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>I think it might actually end before eos
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Yeah >>502512003 is right on the money. From what I understand Wuwa originally had this whole Death Stranding inspiration but something went wrong (ask them I don't know what) and it's basically garbage chinksloppa now. Sure, models are sexo and the game has nice visuals but might as well jerk off to the porn and just not endure the rest.
this game story in saturday villain with no stakes
how much does ToT make every month anyway
Unsurprising that WuWajeets have zero reading comprehension
nta but I'll take fun saturday morning cartoon shit over pressing the skip button
Honkai 3 and HSR is the same thing, sorry but your cope is shit lmao
These footage are so easy. Why don't they do a gorilla video, like asking ask to count how many passes and in the end ask us whether we've seen a gorilla bangboo or not.
>Almost as if there was a targeted hate campaign against the game.
There was, at least in China. There was a bunch of bots set up to spread negativity about ZZZ that broke on CN social media shortly after it launched.
you'd be surprised, especially after like hundreds of failed lesbian relationships
they either realize the party life is unfulfilling, or end up completely and utterly alone
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Graph of thread speed in posts per minute, cutoff at 13:00 UTC 16th November. Already posted this yesterday but I marked the livestream times and refined the graph a bit.
I'll make more graphs later. Right now I'm too tired to write any complex code.
uh oh melty, hit too close?
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>this game story in saturday villain with no stakes
thank god
I'm tired of the slop in hsr and genshin that tries to describe yet another space god or world ending magical threat every single other patch
this TV shit is boring
I like the little spikes in between content that are no doubt schizo melties
Which is a good thing. It might not be anything groundbreaking but it's enjoyable.
Wuwa's storyline is so unbearably dogshit the dev team apologized profusely and scrambled to add the skip button (it wasn't there originally) because they feared it might scare away new players
Best place to farm wipeout screens?
Do not test the meeb
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My wives+Miyabi
Don't say that, you will trigger this general into copium mode
my wife + Grace + Yanagi + Rina + Caesar + Burnice
I like how this pic is 50% tits.
she's already married
>Nihility hag sexo
>Anomaly hag sexo
Why did Mihoyo decide DOT was the designated hag sex damage archetype?
I hate that ZZZ are just a bunch of titty monster. I want it to be Blue Archive instead of Atelier Resliana.
yanagi and mibibi's boobs hanging over their corset is so sexy..
She would use her husband for sword practice or demand a child out of you if she gets jealous, lol idk.
90% of HSR's playerbase hasn't even considered downloading HI3 and they don't know who Kiana or Elysia are, or even that Silver Wolf was just a skin for Bronya
uh oh axenwouded xister is here
I unironically got into ZZZ because of this. I used to make fun of how the game is zoomerslop and goofier and than usual. I just gave it a shot and I ended up really enjoying it more than the typical "serious" gacha.
Most of Blue Archives characters are titty monsters nowadays though.
honkaishitter cope
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>I want it to be Blue Archive instead
Wait what? No game is safe from titty virus.
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Women should be small
Fuck you fuckers. I meant that they're gonna shut down the game
Obese black woman with no tits in ZZZ when ?
Be afraid of your desires, they may come true.
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You will skip Sashimi Mibibi
and that's unironically a good thing
i'm fed up with the space china and the great danger
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That is the evil company woman.
I don't play hags or fags
Just to be sure, do you know what eos means ?
then play something else? theres so many pedo pandering games now
And small women like Corin need to be raped.
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Do (We) really park like this....
Oh yeah?! Name 10!
When was the last time Hoyo shut down their game again?
End of story.
uh oh
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I will get Mibibi and this sexo hag too.
why is she looking at me like that
>not playing Piper and Soukaku.
Wtf bro.
try better bait
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Why are you here instead of dvatch 2ch? Isn't that YOUR territory?
Didn't they shut down the global version of Gun GirlZ?
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saturday morning cartoons are goated
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foxes are predator animals.
she identified prey
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I shwowed you my katwanwa
Pwease wespwond
Still running fine in China.
aces of spades
why even bother "replying" to a subversive hagfag
Anything interesting with the "???" guy on 6th street? I usually see him on the payphone and sometimes playing with a cat
after 7 years of nobody playing it yeah
That it has a loud speaker on top always blows me away like are they driving around blaring sales pitches or something? Neither twin seems the type.
uwah... lady miyabi is waving around her katana...
i MUST take a selfie with her...
meant for >>502513998
sry I'm kinda new XD
>please give me (You)s I'll say anything just for 1 (You) please please please please please
It's still running fine in China
they even got the fate collab first before HSR
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>force miyabi to be the most shilled unit ever

>turn her into a whalebait unit
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child soon
Nothing yet.
They release more big titty girls than cunny nowadays. The last actual cunny BA got that wasn't just an alt was Kisaki in September, and before that Ibuki in January. Game has been in rerun and alt hell and most new characters don't even look like high schoolers.
it's ok redditard, we forgive you.
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>Yanagi release not even visible as a spike
sorry for salesfagging with 4cuck metrics but this is just too funny
So who are the idols exactly? The robot, sweaty, smug girl + Astra?
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>Your Agent
>Your Saturday morning cartoon
Sonic X, Pokemon, My Life as a Teenage Robot
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we need large, healthy black women in zzz
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>qingyi's the highest after ellen
uh oh
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I'm half black so I'm immune to this
*has a melty*
Is she a real JK/JC or a fake one? Do we know yet?

Damn the game must be entering HI3 ending phase. BA S2 soon.
joke's on you I used yanagi side 1 because I'm lazy and because it doesn't really matter.
stinky sweaty child-bearing sex
I agree.
is ZZZ in the same multiverse as the impact and gun girlz gachas???
>Caeser + Burnice + Yanagi
>Jane + QY + Ben
I was not even paying attention, even got my Jane killed at node 6 but still passed all of the nodes with S. This is the power of not saving for Miyabi.
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Weird I think FGO has been putting out slutty loli more then nay game really. Not even trying to hide with the loli dom in JP last time, but then again that did outsell like every other gacha.
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>Medabots, Pokemon, Angry Beavers
You did not save at all at any point in the game anyway so...
The base roster in comparison to the limited we got really feels like a complete different team got in charge. There was like 2 hags on release against 5-6 Lolis and JKs.
So far there is nothing indicating that. It's possible that the reality New Eridu is in is a bubble world on the Imaginary Tree, but there doesn't seem to be any evidence of that so far.
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Her leaked profile said she was 17 or 16 but her bag (3/4) implies she's like 10 or something
If the 3/4 is not present in her final design you already know the reason
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brute forced with shark gf, same game plan since 1.0
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>he whales for signatures
qingyianon are you collecting clears? can't decide if I want to compete for fastest time or represent Karin...
Lolis sell but Mihomoanons aren't ready to admit it just yet
We're a stealth sequel to Houkai Gakuen, better known as Gun Girl Z
Gun GirlZZZ
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ye, here's the sheet for this cycle so far https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VtwJ4Ij6vpuZ7kkcVfIpnP2S_VX3F5ffDJuw3PaBq4c/edit?usp=sharing
It was all the gay interracial porn spam
>people advised to never pull for weapons, only for characters at the beginning.
>turns out the better mid and long term investment is to pull fewer characters, but always pull their weapons.
Why do you niggas give attention to mentally ill spammers? Literally just ignore them and they'll eventually go away.
>A rank on last node
It's over
Mah nigga
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But only Zhu Yuan uses a gun and is a girl
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back to /wuwa/ with you
meant for >>502515461
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how the fuck do you get the 6 lives achievement in soul hound?
I skipped Ellen and Zhu Yuan.
What are you investing in?
my dick.
That's because we're irrelevant jobbers compared to the Kiana Expy.
All hail Sunbringer, mihoyo's favorite.
digital numbers and data on a remote server that I can't access, bwo, you don't get it
What should I be doing with my blue and red disks? Is there an efficient way to convert them to yellow or is the regular combine enough?
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absolute trvke
>What are you investing in?
relevant characters
>putting out slutty loli more then nay game
>outsell like every other gacha
Did you just find the secret to success for a gacha game?
>Her leaked profile said she was 17 or 16
Based. 16 is enough. I am not that picky.
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Another one then
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It's the weekend so stupid ass thread tourists are here too.
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Why would I ever need to waifuroll when the game gives you best girl right off the bat wtf
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>What are you investing in?
You're waifu.
You want her to be the strongerest she can be.
Why does stakes automatically mean world ending catareosphies? There's a lot in between those two extremes.
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Looking at FGO late sales and the highest selling thing was this, they do throw money around I guess. FGO was not even trying to hide who they were selling to with this
*gets mad*
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I don't take shitters seriously who whale on signatures.
All the characters you pulled lose value over time. You are not investing into anything.
She can't even smile on her merch. Why is Miyabi like this?
>into gambling
>Yanagi, Rina, Burnice
Is Rina better than Lucy in this team? Feels awful to play even at M1 Rina. Literally ADHD nonstop quickswap
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I NEED Ellenbitesex
>A character removed and delayed from the beta becomes so much of meme Section 6 having public superfans is implemented in the story.
On that note, make the next female character have bigger breasts and continue that "powercreep", Dawei.
im sensing mindbreak
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That's it. We need more cunny.
Get watercoomer on the case immediately. Dawei, cancel all meetings.
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Go on without me
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Got back into top 100
It's a quickswap team regardless because of Chaos Jazz, Rina fits perfectly because of that.
Use Lucy.
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What no Yanagi does to a motherfucker.
Attackers are OBSOLETE.

Imagine rolling for them and stunners.
Stupid fucking bitch.
>Full kindergarten outfit with the tulip name pin even
What did she have a rape buzzer too?
That shit is so blatant it's amazing
Not at m6 Lucy, her buff uptime is a lot longer
now that the dust has settled, what is Caesars best engine that's not her signature?
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It's part of her brand.
You should read what Chaos Jazz does anon.
I fucking hate those pictures with emoji in them.
I don't know why.
>That shit is so blatant it's amazing
Yeah it's based
Any stunball with Impact will do.
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3/4 is a time signature, but it would be based if that was her grade
So true
Does m6 lucy not proc it even better? She literally rains down Ex specials when your onfield uses theirs
Release also had better quality content than 1.1/1.2/1.3. Wouldn't be surprised if game got passed onto another team to maintain after they finished developing 1.0
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They killed her
Switch soldier out for piper and you will beat it under 5 no problem
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Realistically it's a double meaning for both, considering this part right here.
Ellen is still best girl
Thanks luckily I have a somewhat built piper
They need to stop making chestlets and make more women like Yanagi.
>2 limited character
>same clear time with f2p dps soukaku team on side 2
what the hell
Yanagi taking her sexual frustrations out on Miyabi is canon btw
That's mostly a buff and they reverted the anomaly reduction
That's not how it works, the conditional buff activates while the equipper is off field and will last for 5s after they switch on field, with a cooldown of 7.5s for the switch continuation. Lucy's m6 has absolutely nothing to do with it, plus her m6 counts as attacks from her boars, not her EX.
Idk I'm not good at the game but I don't think I made any massive mistakes. My grouping on side 2 could have been better
Most truthful post in the thread
>yanagi, burnice, jane
>billy, corin, zhu, neko, ellen
this is official /zzz/ policy
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It's unironically over.
i still dont get the support/faction change when miyabi wants to disorder
How are your discs? Did it in 1:20 with the same team on side 2
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Gone, but not forgotten.
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astra probably has cheat disorders like yanagi
holy fuck look at that sag, how the fuck do I find a woman like this IRL bros?
I moved this game from my SSD back to my HDD after seeing Yanagi's design
It's not a big deal, you just need to fulfil one of those requirements
so you can still go burnice + support of your choice
But it will definitely fuck people who are planning to use her with Caesar without Yanagi
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Can I get some Miyabi pics
So basically you're making a case for Rina's damage. Is her Ex special damage even good, that is if you can even proc it every 7.5 secs
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Do you think they'll have a TV mode revamp in 1.4? If they double down on the really bad replacements I don't feel so good about the game being fun in a few months. Yeah I'm dooming idgaf I'm sad I liked 1.0 a lot and I don't wanna go back to genshin
Skipping the npc for this
Does birthday matter, or can I put something dumb like 69
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You wirr roll yanagi gweilo she's less dependant on disorders to build stacks now and especially so if you have m2
Anon, I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Who do you think Chaos Jazz goes on?
ZY is the only one with good discs. Nicole's are below average and QY has garbage (just have set bonuses). I've been neglecting disc farming since I've been able to clear up to this point. I should eventually get it though just need to shave off a few seconds
Looks like a clear to me
Is it me or there was no SOVL TVs during chapter 4? Did the devs give in to the casuals?
Who is stronger Soldier 11 or Enby
>she's less dependant on disorders to build stacks now
sir your free 25% ice res ignore?
sorry bros i don't think i enjoy this game anymore
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It's ok, bro. I hope you find something else more suited for you out there!
I thought u wanted the support on CJ hence my confusion. I already have the dmg dealers on CJ, what I'm asking is if the damage is worth the play style of constantly rotating between 3 characters for optimal CJ uptime vs 2 and 3 every now and then.
I just realized the whole point of this game is take my money
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banging . . . BOOS!
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Play Factorio
Cunning hares is really cool in that they could in theory be the strongest faction because we dont know Billy or Anbys true power level
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FGO doesn't give a fuck, they put a 10 year old in a micro bikini with slits cut out in it of arrows pointing down to her pussy and ass and gave this as her this bond CE of her ass well her normal bond was a womb tattoo.
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Got there switching piper for S11. Second side was a mess with the robot jumping multiple times and I let QY die.
Factorio is trash
Is Miyabi supposed to be a wolf?
Rina allows Yanagi to hit 100% pen ratio and extends the duration of shock by 3s, which means more damage out of shock disorders, on top of forcing you to actually play with chaos jazz buffs. You don't put it on Rina, you use freedom blues on Rina.
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Id disagree, there's a lot of clear passion put into the characters story and animation. The story arcs are slow burning as well with everything faction getting a piece to play in some sort of big early climax to Kickstart stuff they seem to be building towards with each factions story having a piece in that pie, loose ends purposefully not set in motion yet.

The gameplay being stuck on actual baby picture book difficulty outside of combat is just making combat feel like the only actual gameplay and you need money for that to not get repetitive and boring.
can i if im not an autistic incel?
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I'm playing satisfactory
>there's a lot of clear passion put into the characters story and animation
Only the 1.0 content. The patches fucking suck
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I don't think I have normal miyabi pics
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When did you lose hope that this game will ever be good.
animation sure
the rest is dogshit, it took the whole playerbase complain to fix Miyabi dogshit model
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Jane's special episode
is this obtainable natty
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1.2 was good tho
>about to complain no pubes
but she probably does go clean shaven
Do i need pen disc 5 or is rina + grace ball enough on yanagi?
>TV ruinning the game
>W-We will fix it!
>Some retards on twitter complains
>Okay nevermind lol
These faggost are clueless
I'm hoping Lucy can substitute for Caesar with Burnice.
When are we getting the enhanced trust events, 1.4?
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everything after 1.0 is just as good if not better animation wise, but the story has suffered a fuckton from the removal of TVs as a way to build rapport with the characters and story to be gradually given/character interactions. Remember that half of Koleda and Grace's conflict in ch 2 were in TV mode, and that the majority of character interaction with all factions was in TV mode.
Ch 4 was really disappointing because of this and Pompey didn't get even half of the time he deserved, I really feel like we would've had more with him and of course SoC if TVs were still around, sucks.
When Hoshumu Ngubu touched the memorial plaque and gave an edgy weeb speech
this is my cope. I really don't want to pull Yanagi just for Miyabi
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This could've easily been a great standalone offline action RPG with a proper story and ending this is why we have to nuke and murder all squint-eyed jews for inventing gachashit and then terrorizing all the west for popularizing live service games.
Yeah I understand they made 10x their money back just on Ellen's banner buf fuck you either way.
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That's nice Ellen... but all I asked for was some tea.
Good point. In that same vein, I really enjoyed the ballet twins TV mode too, avoiding the ghosts and dealing with the lights going out. They finally dropped the tutorial bullshit and it was the most natural it felt and added atmosphere to the mission that corridorslop would not have achieved. Was very sovl
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well, you won't know until 1.4 begins. good luck
She's too perfect for anyone to compete with her.
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Are you excited about the decibel change that will ruin combat?
I just did that new event where you count bangboo running by.
I don't get it. Isn't this game supposed to be age 16+? this shit feels like something for 4 year olds.
amazing 0 intelligence take
i have money what do i do with it there aren't any good games to pick up

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