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Previous: >>502502026

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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supermeta? easy mode? yeah pass, i actually want to play the game.
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My reaction when I wasn't stupid enough to skip Caeser who is unironically the best unit in the game and will never be powercrept.
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Caesar got powercrept by dodging
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>She broke millions
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Call yourself a fat stupid BITCH.
Everyone knows if Zzz players could dodge they'd be playing a better game like Wuwa.
why is this a thing
caeser is the bset most strongerest meber of the sons of caldon and if u skipped her wel u r so dumb because caesar is the stronges alive and she has a rly cool bike and a col sord too!!!!
Based soldier 11
Is there a strategy for getting an impair to trigger on the big robot in Node 7? Or is it just dump damage into a leg until it pops
>skipping yanagi
>when she has the best gameplay while simultaneously being meta
explain yourself
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red boccus led her to me
I'm poor
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I want to see the tower scores of those who don't have Caeser vs those who do have Caeser.
I bet you those with caeser are WAY ahead in the tower.

Embarrassing, your account is permabricked.
>Best gameplay
>Mashes attack
she's bland, i only roll for bombshells
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This is canon
I think it'd be really funny if Anby defected from Obol because she's upset by their choice in favorite food
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>hit IK 50
>start farming for final ascension mats for characters without looking at the costs
>suddenly see I have next to no money when I then try to level some disks
>realize ascending a single character to 50 costs 400k
I know that you only actually need to level your main carry to 60 but thought it'd be OK to at least ascend your supports to 50 for the free tapes, should you not even bother with that until you're at endgame and have millions to spare?
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You drive a tricycle.
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I already have grace and I must save for miyabler
you only need one pull bro, you can do it everyday
lord Caesar... she has spoken
there is simply no way anby could've have left on bad terms and face zero consequences for leaving especially since S11 hates rebels and anby is currently involved in pearlman's trial
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This is one weird looking Miyabi
i wonder who could be behind this post...
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>Yenless Yen Zero
How could I argue with such an eloquently written post
Where did all the zen go? Is there really no zen in zone zero?
>best gameplay
You played Warrior in WoW Classic, didn't you?
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>be Nekomiya Mana
>the only brown playable character (Ben *igger doens't count)
>breaks things
>public nuisance
>belonged to a gang and then swapped for an equally shitty gang of broke people
What did they mean by this?
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My KING...
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Obviously Lighter will work with S-Rank Fire Attacker Billy alt.
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all thirens are minorities and need to be deported to the outer ring immediately
I'm sure developing new characters for this game is much more labor intensive than their others so we'll start seeing skins be made available soon to help with the costs. That right there will be "Chibi" Miyabi in 2026
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Its funny how Caeser is so much more valuable than Miyabi will ever hope to be.
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But I am playing wuwa...
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>his hoyoslop addiction couldnt be slaked by 3 games
>he's also playing wannabe hoyoslop
good lord...
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A Zzzz drone with actual good taste???
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having to delay some of your attacks to land the parry on stance swap is fun and objectively the hardest mechanic in the game right now. there isn't another limited with anything close to it in their kit barring swapping autism
GachaGOD I kneel...
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Ellen rerun banner will make the lowest sales ever.
Will they ever capture what made chapter 3 so kino ever again? Maybe with Mibibi?
please never stop lyricposting rinagod
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I play Woowa and I also play ZZZ. I think both games are neat.
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NTA but I still remember some of my macros. I had stance shift to Berserker, Execute, and /y B3RZ3RK3R.
It annoyed so many people.
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Wuwa is better since it has no TV
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I regret skipping Burnice. Fuck
I play other games but don't talk about them here because this is the ZENLESS ZONE ZERO GENERAL so I think the topic should be ZENLESS ZONE ZERO.
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don't tell me you have zero fire dps..
Astra Yao will fix her
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>I play other games
Shitposting on the chans is not a game.
rookie numbers
Wise won't shop up for the meteor shower date
I'd say Yanagi/Caesar/Piper is around where you wanna be. Assault doesn't last long so Yanagi would be more of a burst swap where after you proc Assault, you swap her in, dump your entire energy bar and then bounce back to Piper.
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Do you have an emergency stash of signal pulls?
Said the trash ERP tranny
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>shilling s11 as coping mechanism
Ugly, boring and bad is what she is.
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not to that quantity...
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How do you even build up that many residual signals? How many M6s do you have?
I liked it better when (you) were dead, stupid bitch tranny
Think they'll ever add skins? I hope they go the bikini/sexwear route
ellen and nicole would do compensated dating
I have 1/10 of that
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Yes and they'll be actual slutwear unlike Genshin's paid burqas
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You say that yet all your posts are about how horrible and shit the game is, stupid bitch.
Nicole sells quickies starting at 200 Dennies..!
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I actually do but she pales in comparison with Burnice, especially if the later is paired with Yanagi.
are you saving and not rolling at all since day1 or *just* whaling that much?
What is the max energy of the characters?
I want to making fuck with Soldier 11.
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about to drop 100 on standard
wish me luck
so that's how house Miyabi loves their children...
I keep asking for them. It's a good idea if they ever decide to slow down character releases.
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those are from rolling
i'll wish you some intelligence instead because clearly you are in dire need of some
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All that is to earn was earned.
Which way, white man?
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someone please stop this retard
guess i have my answer.
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Both, I'm going to 6c/5e Miyabi and the angel streamers
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check your character stats, bro.
I don't think anyone has any different limit than 120, unless it's a stage effect or something.
You are unfathomably stupid
you're acting like i have to choose when i can have both
those are residue anon. You get that currency when you get a duplicate of a roll.
I am high test.
How do I finish the Special Episode? It just says talk to wise but when I do it just opens a menu.
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Every survey the only thing I ask for is school uniform Ellen skin.
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I hope you get the character you like the least and off yourself
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I just started your fun game, I'm here to get your codes.
Thank you very much.
I am highest test.
With the mihoyomillions MHY makes, I'm kind of surprised character skins aren't way more common across all three games.
knotball it is!
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What are you going for, anon?
With the way some Eastern and Western fans react to things I'm not surprised.
Double lap pillow
The more complex the character kit the worse they are. If I can't win by just holding down the ex button its a shit character
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Why can't parasocial gacha players that form incredibly unhealthy attachments to pixels on a screen just be normal? Why can't they hide their psychosis better like the rest of us?
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>my knot level is too low
That is a problem, hmmm...
why did they change miyabi core skill stat to anomaly proficiency
Damn I fucking hate kot
>rape on right
>get raped on left
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Based low iq gamer
I kind of think they have to with this game. Their others require less effort with each new character but the fine tuning required for an action game character to feel good is a pretty high. It'd be a good additional revenue source to compensate for that and I want some slutty outfits
most bugmen have no souls and half of the west is cucked and deathly afraid of the sexualization of fictional characters
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The fuck is wrong with her voice?
yeah the early game is very slow in this game and you'll need to advance quite a bit before unlocking the basic gacha things
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Total Lucy Supremacy
What's your UID? Can I add you as a friend
why are you playing in EN
also, guess how i knew
Cats react poorly to pickles and cucumbers because vaguely snake shaped.
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>Not barefoot
Can't you see? It's 1. I have the very first account.
What's wrong with it, anon?
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Lucy is built
For Lighter
Burnice > Lucy > Caesar > Piper
Top three hottest characters:
1. Burnice
2. Yanagi
3. Lucy
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It's about to happen bros!
uh oh
any woman enjoyers here?
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There is no fucking way this woman is not a virgin. Not a single adult woman who casually lean like this after they have tasted a dick once. This is a pose for a Christmas cake past her expire date lusting for young boys since nobody around her age want to even touch her.
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Imagine not liking this pretty thing.
OL sex
This should be the first skin they release
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For Wise
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I do enjoy a woman or two
For once I like the nasally voicework
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So why the fuck does Soukaku only have I-frames on the first 2 seconds of her Ex-Special, and not her whole animation, when practically everyone else does?
Forget doing repeated EX Specials, she can't even Fly the Flag without getting punished against fast attacking enemies.
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Content Doko?
built for Belle's 11 inch futa cock
It's cuter in the tv sections, oddly
You have them all, you didn't brick yourself, right, anon?
Everyone but Qingyi, yes.
I... only started playing when Burnice was on the banner. I really want Jane and Caesar and skipped Burnice then pulled Yanagi in my first 10 pull so I have all these pulls begging to be used.
Soukaku is awful and I hope we get a better Ice support soon.
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none of that actually matters
>has a torii and heart marking her womb
what did they meme by THIS specifically?
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How do I get a Venus wife?
i'm only ik level 29, anonu....
Devs had to waste an ungodly amount of time making walking animations for every agent on top of the newest indogcel self insert pandering slop, its no wonder the game is going on indefinite hiatus after 1.4.
no. i hodl for mibibi c6.
Almost lost my NNN.
Maintenance mode soon
Where did the clone super soldier theory come from for Anby and S11?
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Apparently she calls Anby 'Zero' somewhere. But also the S11 trailer has Anby in it as her senpai
my ass
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>Qingyi's BA2 will do more harm than good if you use it in tower
s11 refers to anby as zero
anby and s11 have literal identical facial texture
anby and s11 both have the same fighting style (elemental generating backpack that charges a sword)
anby and s11 have the same skin tone, hair, and are both comically deadpan autists who love a particular food
If you have the one where she says you did a good job you should post it and make everyone bust
doesn't count
Find a young grade school teacher to flirt with, idk.
You now realize just how many HZ voice lines and event lines will never be heard again because of Blitz mode
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Seth is gonna spectate
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the noise my sharkwife makes after i wake her up from her 3rd daily nap
Who won, who lost?
How old is she anyways
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I'm scissors...
Oi where does that one girl always sweat
You know who I'm talking about, she looks she's melting
releasing pheromones to signal that shes ready
you must be talking about the idol who is an ice cream thiren
only in the chinese dub
same face syndrome caused by art style
simply were trained and equipped with standard issue
mere coincidence, lucy and piper MUST be related under your logic
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Who do I use in my miyabi team if I don't have yanagi and burnice
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What is Wise's avatar?
*piper side grade
piper i think
>only in the chinese dub
Which the original creator intent her to be. Localizers don't know shit about their own work is nothing new.
chinese game
no. it's literally identical except the baked-in shading for their hair. nobody else in the game is this way.
ok and? do you think clones wouldn't be using standardized equipment and training?
what in the fucking monkey sub is that
Stunner or Defender + Attacker or Anomaly
Triple Anomaly
Soukaku and Caesar
tbf the Red Fang didn't start out as a gang it was a community watch thing at first
Funnily enough that's how most irl mafias starts at first too maybe that's what they're going for
the ellen character demo song goes hard as fuck
Why only wrong answers?
the avengers tower
look again, has hsr genshin and zzz
then wuwa and reverse 1999
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It looks like a communication tower of some sort
Because 3 supports is a 1000 IQ comp.
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Ellen / M6 dps Soukaku + Caesar / Ben / Lycaon
anby and soldier 11 will fuse into 222, obviously
anby = 0
soldier 11
so what comes next is 222
this is why anby is the icon, as she will be the base for this fusion and thus be as close to ZZZ as possible
as anby wears earphones, and S11 eye goggles, 222 will don a mouth plate ala optimus prime, and will dual wield swords as an ether anomaly
2 of 4, miyabi is next then after that 0 fucking idea
can't you use harumasa with her? I don't keep up with leaks.
>be as close to ZZZ as possible
What the fuck is even ZZZ anyway
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what does this have to do with ellen's character demo song
>Jane Seth Burnice
>Yanagi Caesar Miyabi
My perfect teams, can't wait for my fox waifu
Fuck off faggot, before I end your mother in front of you.
Is the quality of the game improving? The story I feel has taken a dive.
1.4 is their last hurrah for sales. If it falls short of expectations they will de-prioritize the game.
This has been the most boring patch so far to me.
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>Seth and Ben's shield don't give interruption resistance
>Only Caesar's does
Shit game. Predatory monetization. EoS soon.
the current story is just to market yanagi with little regard for anything else
S11 has a voiceline in combat when Quick Assisting Anby after a knock back, saying Anby's name. There's also a unique response line if Anby dies and S11 swaps in. I've tried it myself.
I don't think Anby has any voicelines for S11, though.
Ask again in 6 months.
This game is going on maintenance mode soon
1.3 is a filler patch
Either a dramatic identity of Hollow Zero or the project name that lead to the disaster, for a guess.
none of the other ones have shield gating either
you REALLY feel that in the tower
Been playing for a week and game is alright, feels like genshin combat but faster I guess

Still having fun but early game and having no limiteds makes the game feel samey

Hopefully mibibi is gonna change that for me
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What story?
Nice hack.
its actually over...
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mihoyo having still no clue how to write flawed character yanagi is so boring a mary sue
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Where the FUCK is your shift key
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I can partially answer that for you.
But what is Zone Zero is yet to be seen.
Call yourself a stupid bitch
Good op
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Yes it is, they're removing TV trash and you can finally use the ultimates of your supports.
probably a hollow broken off from hollow zero
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>1.0 launch
>1.1 jane side story patch
>1.2 bigger story update
>1.3 yanagi side story patch
>1.4 bigger story update
>1.5 (probably a side story patch)
You can have a threesome with the last team you played
But you need to become one of the team members yourself, otherwise you could watch I guess.
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>Refers Harumasa as Asaba all the time in front of him and everyone
>Secretly calls him by his first name in her mind before changing it later knowing it was out of character for her
Does she actually like him?
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you are under arrest
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I win bigly.
she acts like a mom to all of them
>become Lycaon and knot Ellen and Caesar
Yeah, sure.
My Burnice applies Burn so slow. What are target stats for her?
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Yanagi is built for it
I was always felt like the Yanagi x Harumasa ship was gonna be canon.
Mhy made them both electric (not ice or anything else) so they could be on a team together.
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officer mewmew will always protect you
or should i say paaawtect you?
With Yanagi as the team mom, I always read it as Asaba as the surly, sassy oldest sibling, Mibibi as the middle sibling, Soukaku as the youngest.
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el sexo kodomo negro...
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the stat that affects her burn build up is anomaly mastery (disc 6). Otherwise, her buildup is affected by her core ability (needs another anomaly or someone from her faction in team), or using the spinning basic-hold attack which builds up anomaly much faster at the cost of her heat meter.
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nooooo you're supposed to be upset when you get kotted
>mihoyo having still no clue how to write
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I love the kot though
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1. Mocktails
2. Mixers
3. Ice
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The wierd thing is, there's this implication that from Spacebar's journal entries, the soldier from the Roaming The Ether event, implies Hollow Zero isn't the first Hollow to exist. It's not stated if Hollow Zero was born from a Companion Hollow that expanded, but other Hollows had already existed before, and NEDF was already fighting them to keep them from expanding.
On that note, Hollow Zero is the source of the current primary Hollows, and in Undercover R&B, it's possible to encounter spatial fractures that can transport you to Hollow Zero from other Hollows, and likely vice-versa.
Regardles... perhaps Hollow Zero IS Zone Zero, and it'll become a primary story element sooner or later.
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>spent 2 hours playing soul hounds
>still cant get the 6 lives achievement and its the last one i need
I think the opening sequence where you see the twins standing in front of hollow zero while it expands is a big clue
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I don't use the PV as a source. It's in-game or nothing, baby!
Every patch seems to mess up my controller in a different way. Few patches ago and the camera would til up, patch after and that was fixed but my L2 didn't work, now that's fixed but the camera only stares straight down. Anyone know whatcan fix this? On pc by the way.
Works on my machine, I think your controller is just shit
It's fine on other games only this one is messed up.
Inferno metal or Freedom Blue 2pc?
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Im going to stop doomposting and save my power to have the biggest melty if 1.4 doesn't do anything to correct this games course, solidifying that they gave up
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who would you fuck in game and who would you self insert to do it as?
That's a common misconception people have regarding the lore, there has been two catastrophes on the lore, the first one that collapsed the old civilization (not Old Eridu, but the one Billy comes from) and was stopped by The Voidhunters who went agains't the horde, afterwards they became the founders Old Eridu and kept watch as the defenders of humanity, Old Eridu had no hollow nearby to branch off from, Hollow Zero was artificially made, the day before it appeared at the white star institute Spacebar saw a gathering of Order cultists. My guess is that the WSI was doing hollow experimentation and a undercover agent from the Order managed to make it go "zenless" and become a full blown hollow, this was so dangerous that apparently the best course of action was to straight up just detonate the entire city before it was consumed
>self insert
As myself silly
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SEA subhumans and being incapable of comprehending clearly written English—name a more iconic duo.
The devs aren't even trying to make Zzz good anymore.
Just milking their hype unit to go eos.
Soldier 11
Soldier 11
very nice taste, fun
fan of this dynamic, approved

happily keeping in mind, continue as you were
>tfw no shortstack gremlin wife
life is unfair
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I lost
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I can't remember the last time I heard fairy's voice..
It's impressive that they made a worse sidekick than Paimon
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Posting a cool wipeout shot...
Add me if you want to~
>koleda is 150cm
wtf she's literally as tall as my mom
Paimon is annoying, Fairy is based.
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It's very strange that shitposts here about "EOS soon" "Dead game" "No content" shit are word for word copy pasted from the Genshin general as well. Very curious...
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fairy would be 10x better if fairy wasn't forced to say what 2 + 2 is 10 times a mission ooc and be the sassy bitch she's meant to be making fun of you for being retarded if you can't figure it out.
its the same group of no life retards, they do it in multiple games threads
just ignore those incels
me on the left
uhh you're supposed to not even be looking at/listening to that shit lol, i always tune it out
>Yanagi trust event near the scratch card old lady
>She reveals she has the Soukaku dog guy on a watch list and can fucking doxx him to the police if he ever harm Soukaku
Jesus Christ.
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Its stupid they didn't transplant Fairy into a bangboo or some form of physical body to function as the mascot of the game.

Now that they removed TVs they removed the proxies relevance to the main story, and with it Fairy who's supposed to be the impending BIG BAD of the series.

Everything is going to shit.
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thats ALL it takes for agent gulliver to break in your house and mag dump you

me on the left too as >>502535550's multiple personality
I'm surprised by how decent this general is. I check in on /gig/ every now and then and it's was never a great place for game discussion, but holy fuck has it gotten so much worse. Checked yesterday and there were 560 posts and not a single actual conversation. I guess being a little more niche helps avoid that shit.
most of the non yuri mobile game threads are ass honestly
the yuri serves as a filter since incels get all insecure because they cant fuck the girls
Did all the ellenfags jump ship once they saw the miyabi leaks or..?
How come no one posts her anymore
Soldier 11’s favorite food is noodles.
Likewise, her favorite snack when unable to cook noodles are Crayola.
To be fair, we don't even know what the devs are planning for Fairy. She apparently has siblings even but we have yet to see those AIs either.
if my mother and anby were in the trolley problem I pick save anby 10/10 times, 100/100 times, 1000/1000 times
yurifags incels too because they'd welcome being cuckolded by women.
Spicy hot noodles*
Not just any noodles
you don't even give a shit about the story, do you?
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If I run Caesar and Burnice with Jane for one team, who else can I put together with Yanagi? (No Rina yet)
all hail overlord caesar!!!
as if on cue, here we have an insecure trooncel taking it personally
ol reliable
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Zhu if she wihite
Anyone has a build guide for Yanagi in mono electric team with Grace/Rina?
I would've fucking ROLLED if Zhu was a dog Thiren with shark teeth.
go back to /bag/ pedo
To be fair, ZZZ has everything Genshinfags have wanted since 1.0.
>Better fanservice
>Better animation
>More character interaction
>a skip button for cutscenes
>Unique looking characters instead of copy paste Gensgin models
>Protagonists actually speaking, no Paimon mascot talking for you
>No Cheld expy to schizopost with yet
Etc., it makes sense why ZZZ would be saner when have less things to complain about than them.
>black nails
Waterkuma game
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nicole isn’t actually in any debt to wise they secretly have a baby together and it’s all child support
>four ears
but why
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And yet ZZZ will EoS next month while GI makes another 50m. It's over...
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I can't believe I'm the first real Belle player to beat the Tower.
nah wise is for belle
nicole is their sex friend and they practice safe sex
>a, probably
You didn't clear it
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Gonna lick your pussy later my cute little sis.
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My hotwife is so cute
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you cleared it
you won
you're beat the game
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>projecting in utter and limitless rage as the entire lineup is clearly visible in the quoted post
lmao even
should've rolled for Caesar when you had the chance
Jesus this Arpeggio crap is not only boring but also badly paced
Nicole pays Phaeton, so for this to be true Wise is the one with custody and is raising said baby somewhere completely out the way of Belle’s sight, a difficult thing to do with his already packed schedule.
not so fast
>nicole makes money on her account unconnected to anyone else
>gives wise “debt repayment”
>wise deposits most of it in their shared parenting account instead of their proxy/random play accounts
and nobody is none the wiser if they look at the transaction history
Would you go on a date with Anby at McDonalds ?
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i offer hotter
so why did billy leave such a successful group like calydon to live in poverty with cunny hares?
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Bro, Chinks and Nips were patched to count as White for composition bonuses about 80 years ago. Read the damn patch notes.
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Leave the Ethereals... TO HIM!!!
Probably prefers city life and wanted to go out and experience something other than the outer rim. He absolutely loves pop culture. Monica, Starlight Night, Godfinger. All way more accessible in the city.
i was trying to roll for anby (my wife) because i wanted her at max cinema to unlock the lewd namecard and make her stronger, but ended up getting the office woman instead. what do i do now?
You have to be suffering from stupid bitch syndrome to not roll for Caeser.
That's not Caesar
I did roll for Caesar, and I did use avocadoboo. I'm on floor 115. My clear doesn't count.
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You build Yanagi and roll for her boss in a month.
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Build her.
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S-sorry, I am in fact a dumb slut with double digit IQ to be honest...
If that is where she wants to go but I know other burger places.
Neither of them still don’t have the time to raise children but don’t let me stop you from thinking this
but my wife :(
i dont like the office lady :(
i was going to save for the office ladies boss when i maxed out my wife, now my roll count is reset to 90. i was at 50 before ;-;
>Two of the oldest most badass characters in the game team up with a jobber
Something is fishy in the cunning hares
Run both on a team. I find Yanagi/Seth/Anby super fun.
More like the Cumming Hares
>bare burger directly on the table
GROSS. What is wrong with Anby?
absolutely. anything for my wife.
Anyone else feel a fleeting sense of elation when the door Bangboo opens the door for you at Random Play and that cute sound effect plays?
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>only ben and yanagi are 60
>yanagi is the only character with good disks

this is grim sisters...
She has a strong immune system because she does stuff like that, don't be a pussy beta, sis.
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me and who?
This Belle is me!
Will i get a heart attack if i drink her boob milk?
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She ate worst.
i love my wife

i wish there was good anby futa, i can never find any
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Stupid fucking bitch
Well NEPS has themes inspired by the Chinese Zodiac and Zhu is supposed to be the rooster so...
how big is...you know?
>POV:burnice offering you nitro fuel so she can get you drunk and feed you her breast milk
My tits? G cup
When are they going to sell bangboo dolls?
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I forgot to spam my previous Shiyu clears some more.
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There's a bootleg one on amazon, I love mine.
>the beginning and end of the video when they just paste a png of it onto a stock photo
i love him
i cant wait till i got the money to buy nice things again
Eous is ok but I want an Avocadoboo and 1Dennyboo
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>futa stays up but this is insta nuked
Straddling Eous and turning the vibrate setting to max!
Why did Mibibi leave pubsex?
It's report based and we dont report stuff we like, fuck off normalfag
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post anby futa
What's the mindscapes and wengine on your Zhu and Qingyi?
Whatever it is, I need a bigger image.
this pic made my clit twitch
Blessed be this thread.
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s-stop... it's still nnn you know
They are both C0.
Zhu is P1, Qingyi is using Restrained in that run.
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>The HRT poster is awake
Go back to hrt
How much longer until Miyabi's patch bwos? I don't know if I can wait any more...I wanna roll her now!!!!
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We have to wait for yanagi, lighter, and homoasa slow ass banners to kill the game first
Comfy hours?
Comfy hours.
*Straddles (You) and gets comfy*
Say thanks to the faggot janny who lets it stay up but removes anything else.
Her sig correct?
Why does she have such a big bulge?
shut up bitch go back to playing with your micropp lil bro
They told her she can't carry her sword everywhere.
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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>get kot
>continue main story
>complete belobog mission
>do one more roll before logging
I love this little kot so much, it's a good luck charm
Puffy vulva?
cute koleda
and incels will unrionically tell you it's the "shiptrannies" who ruin the threads
i would rather have a thousand fujos and yumes rather than a single gooner who can't stop erp'ing, porposting on a blue board and seething because of virtual males
based sharkposts
tourist incel doomposter kun, you didn't get the memo from the discord but miyabi releases at the same time as 1.4
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When I was searching for some ZZZ goodies I found this horrifying thing on Aliexpress and there's a bunch of them.
Ellen's trust events have all been really cute so far.
kinda gay desu
I finally know what those things represents!
They are the replacement of human children in that world, but less annoying and more helpful. Those who have bangboo but no children are equivalent of cat ladies in our world
>siblings running the store
They are representing our modern sexless world, where 2 adults of the opposite sex live together without marriage and without children, yet they raise many bangboo.
More like BUFFboos
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Ah, yes, I meant that she's C0P1 - has her signature W-Engine at Phase one.
she's a sweetheart
Thank God this is censored, otherwise we could see it.
incel melty, total incel death
Reminds me of the pic someone in these threads posted of a bangboo with giant ripped bodybuilder arms
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Now that Brickter and Miyabi has no synergy anymore, is he only good for sex?
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Betraying my species for Mibibibibibibi
Is Knightboo any good? The attack buff seems nice but not sure if its worth using.
total incel and femcel death
you need to be killed
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Is it even realistic for idols and famous actor like Astra Yao to be an agent? They don't need to do dirty work inside the hollow to survive. What makes them
1. want to fight in a hollow
2. have the ability to do so
How do they tell the story without breaking any common sense?
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hoshimi bangbibi
>finally replace ellen's disk 5 from atk to ice dmg
>shave off 30s in SD7-2
When are we getting a DPS that's not a left-clicker like Piper
Impressive, it took me 3 rotation to kill the boss
as soon as you switch to controller
then NONE of the dps characters are left clickers
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Buffboos are the trend now.
Man everyone is going on about Caesar and Avocadoboo, but Jane's dodges and i-frames are what's carrying me through Tower most.
why do housekeepers need to fight inside the hollow?
>Euro HRT poster has awoken
Stfu go back to HRT
Damn how did you do it? I mean how can QY be unharm while performing the floor smashing act?
Because Astra is secretly more than just a celebrity, the new leaked area being a dingy underground-rock hideout points to her having some kind of double life. And the idols are going to be on some Macross government-sponsored-battle-idol type shit, valkyrie-angel theming.
Victoria's housekeeping company specialized in hollow work. Unless you are telling me the idols specialize in performing in hollow this can't work.
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Hmmmm nyoo
There's nothing to do there
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Would you play ZZZ with your children ?
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Make something to do
Wasn't there an input to make Zhu yuan shoot 3 bullets at a time instead of 1
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>and had no strange odors
What an observation
Do I HAVE to roll Yanagi for Miyabi?
I sometimes wonder if it's my lack of signature weapon or shitty disks that creates such a huge difference between my and /zzz/'s clear times and after watching this I realized it's 100% skill issue on my part because goddamn you guys are gamers, that S11 switch into Burnice to get S11's chain attack to refresh her fire suppression was clean
How about the idols?
cheap textiles often have really bad chemical odors
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I have a better idea. Post your Shiyu clear so I can laugh at how slow you are
Are there any upcoming gacha games you guys are looking forward to? I'm new to gacha, but I don't like the mobile type gachas. I like how ZZZ seems honestly more built for PC/Console than phone.
The idols have no real material so far but given one seems to be an Intelligent Construct, I imagine she comes from some kind of agency that made her. I already wrote my shot in the dark as to how they'll justify them being playable agents though.
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>zhu yuan walking around without her cancer firearms
she needs to be strapped at all times to unload on a thiren at a moment's notice
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first of all you are wrong, victoria housekeeping doesn't specialize in hollow work, all housekeepers do since it's part of the housekeeping evaluation exam

and two my comment was about you having a little more imagination, you are playing a fantasy game so why are you asking about realism? what you should see are logic and coherence, not realism
i can find a thousand reasons why they would go into the hollows, they could do special limited performance inside the hollows, they could lead a double life fighting ethereals in addition to their idol job, they could be ex agents that settled for the idol career but for some reason need to go back to their old ways
Monster Hunter Outriders, which I'll drop soon after launch because fuck rolling for armors/skills+weapons
Her ass looks smaller without her accessories
I want alt-Miyabi boss just like alt-Jane boss.
only Rina was good the rest seems lack of personality
GFL2 and Arknights Enfield.
Pumping to Burnice
there aren't many ways to walk around and run
what do you want, nekomata runs on all fours like a cat?
I feel like a lot of these are unfinished. We have some time before 1.4
Literally going to play Genshin and ZZZ till Astraweave/Petit Planet or whatever the fuck its called comes out. I don't like being a hoyoslurper but its hard when other Gachas don't hold my attention at all.
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Here, maybe this will help.
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>32k gems in hand
Is it safe to roll for Mibibi or are idols coming after
isnt astraweave that AC bootleg or some kind of MMO?, idk
Plap meat
She already walks and runs without her weapons drawn in combat and those cycles have a lot more personality, they could've reused them.
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A game called Chaos Zero Nightmare appeared on my recommended, it looked good so I'm waiting for it.
It probably won't be out until 2026, but I'm just tired of open world slop now, maybe I'll try Endfield too.
I suspect we were supposed to fight dark Meebs in 1.3 but it wasn't done in time so it only showed up in the cutscene. During the last fight one of the boos shouted something about watching out for "her" attack, which made no sense because I was fighting a robot, then at the end the robot says "How can you hold out against Miyabi for so long?" before she even appears. Shit made no sense.
Yea the Animal Crossing knockoff. Assuming its going to be small scale co-op. I'd expect an official announcement in the next few months but not sure.
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>running around with dangerous weapons drawn in public
Pretty much Girls Frontline 2 and nothing else. Although I have been thinking about going back to some gachas I haven't played in a while to finish the main stories.
>Animal Crossing Knockoff
how is that going to work?
also ngl when reading AC i thought they were going to make a ace combat or armored core bootleg, but ah well
>Idols confirmed to be scrapped just now
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why won't this go away...
I've checked out every event and every reward and window of every event.
exclusive rewards maybe?
My suspect is that it would be in 1.4 and you need to use Miyabi to kill it in the story, as it is data collected from Miyabi herself. If alt-Meeb can be killed by anyone other than herself then she would seem weaker.
Guess I become Piper and grab a strap-on.
>shitty 2d autobattler
what the fuck is this i want real games...
I wonder if it really is the robot idol that was trapped in the VR system. Feels like that whole event was a tease for them.
She shows up in the fight and randomly attacks you, it really doesn't amount to much.
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Huh, I never saw that. Maybe a bug or something I didn't notice due to the size of the enemy and all of the effects
She doesn't do much damage and it's hard to see her through all the particle effects flying around
Its reverse 1999 but with guns
Yutane my love
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Belle is the baby, she just grew up fast due to Ether nonsense.
>darkest dungeon but anime and gacha
Basically the two things I don't want to see in darkest dungeon
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>I mean how can QY be unharm while performing the floor smashing act?
Her enhanced finisher (the one you get after sustaining her BA3 for a while) is fully invulnerable after it starts.
Her Dodge Counter can be followed up with BA3 immediately.
Those are two main tools you can use to keep her in her BA3 as long as possible without taking damage.

The finisher actually builds up considerably more stun than the Dodge Counter, but you can't follow it up in BA3, so I try to only use it when it'll either 100% stun, when I'll get a Dodge Counter immediately after it, or when I have EX, because her EX can also be followed into BA3.
Zhu's hold BA3 does that.
You can do BA1>BA2>BA3. After BA3 you can hold left or right to do a side roll Dash Attack (at least I think it's Dash Attack) and if you continue holding BA, she'll immediately follow that with her BA3, i.e. the triple shot.
>Her enhanced finisher (the one you get after sustaining her BA3 for a while) is fully invulnerable after it starts.
Wait you mean I should just let her jump up instead of long-press BA when enemy attack? But how do you build up damage multiplier that way?
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Am I wasting time and resources by having a second fire team?
>he plans to roll for mibibrick
Astra Yao is most likely after Miyabi (and maybe Monica too). We don't know if they belong to the same faction but they are in contact and maybe working together so they'll probably release idols after Astra.
No resource is a "waste" unless it's limited.
I mean... kinda?
There's probably never going to be a shiyu where both sides are fire weak.
But if that's what you enjoy, you do you. The game is easy.
level up some more
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will there be an agent that we only get from an event instead of pulling
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Meh I'm tired of just farming disks or stacking resources. I'm not rolling anyone this patch and might not roll next patch too so I've been building Ben and s11. Who knows maybe it's a mistake but I'll have more choice at least.
Billy alt as a welfare for anniversary
level up what
I'm a day 1 player, everything is maxed, every event done and rewards redeemed, even today's bangboo meme event, there's no reason for this to still be showing
Guys I might be retarded but did they delete selfie mode? I can't seem to find it anywhere now.
>Guys I might be retarded but did they delete selfie mode?
No, it's still there
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Do we know what elements the idols are going to have?
Open camera then its one of the buttons on the bottom right
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Where? the left one resets the camera angle and right hides UI.
You cant take selfie while you are playing as another character
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Ah shit that's why. Thanks bwo
nobody knows anything about the idols including if they're still planned to be in the game
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Who is your favorite Bangboo ? I love seeing this little guy in his Bangboo-sized heavy equipment charging into the enemies.
They wouldn't just completely design three characters and then toss them away
Would they?

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