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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them.

>8.4.0 | PTB
>Doomed Course Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download
>Official DbD Poll:

Previous Thread: >>502318559
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FIRST for Rebecca
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I love Jill
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dragula's last season titans or whatever was a trainwreck so i haven't even watched the new one. the boulett bros are more concerned with becoming ru paul type queens with a brand than producing a decent television show, using the show to pimp their gay podcast no one cares about or listen to.
aggressive and loud backshots to jane all night long no protection
i imagine this dude looks like tony soprano under all that makeup
>Better Than New
This was during Chaos Shuffle
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no he looks like a total queer without makeup, like you can tell he's zesty
this but sable
How would you buff Better Than New to make it a viable perk?
>increase basekit BT to 20 seconds
>survivors with endurance lose collision with the killer
>remove the endurance effect from OTR and change it to be a perk that blocks your aura, scratch marks, and grunts of pain for 40 seconds after being unhooked and does not deactivate for conspicuous actions
Your thoughts?
make it increase repair speed by 8%
Everyone would swear up and down that it would ruin the meta and there would be clips where a surv with the perk equipped does a gen in 1 second and then it would come to live and nobody uses it anyway
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How did you know what we were doing last night? I’m calling the police
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Jesus. It’s like there’s a fag phenotype or something
Are you a comp player playing against an onryo or wtf are these perks?
Change it so they keep the buff until they're hooked again. That's it, perks that only work as long as you don't get hit are dumb.
seething niggervivors is the BEST!!!
Thats not the issue tho. The effect that the perk gives you is entirely worthless
>carrying survivor to hook
>it gets sabotaged
>immediately drop survivor and proceed to slug all 4
16% faster chest opening kinda slept on fr fr
ayo hol up
so u mean 2 say that this skinny ass susie can smack down big man jeff or adam in two hits then pick them up on her shoulder so easy?
Give it repair speed at the current buff values and double the benefits to the other actions, but the buff now lasts one minute or until hit, whichever happens first.
So why exactly is dbd mobile an entire separate thing from pc/console dbd? What caused that?
i think the company that does DBD mobile has done successful mobile versions of other games and BHVR is too incompetent to do anything other than unreal engine drag/drop type 'coding'
its where they send all of their competent devs
BHVR didn't want to manage both the core and mobile game so they let NetEase handle it. But now it's looking like NetEase is gonna shut down the mobile game.
Good just port all the good stuff to the real game like emotes and bring AoT back
>bring AoT back
Shut the hell up.
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Is she right?
>watching vod of a streamer in a game I was the killer
>she immediately says "uhhh its a nurse" as soon as the game loads
>literally the frame the game loaded she was already saying it
Honestly, how?
link vod
get gud
she could have gotten a tooltip with info (which she shouldn't have unless it was one of her first 3 nurses) or she heard you use your power, which is map wide sound
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Alright to be more specific the camera was still spinning my nurse. You know, how it spins your killer before you get agency at the start of the match.

Its my own recording actually (i leave streams on and play without sound then watch the recording later to hear their reactions) I can make a webm I guess
Link her vod. Who knows what her stream delay is like? Entirely possible that your gameplay video has you spinning in while her stream is still on the load screen showing her a Nurse tooltip.
>last gen in 2v8 is at 90
>Multiple people on the gen
>Killer comes
>They all fucking run away the moment they see him instead of finishing the gen
>Now the edaters win when it should've been a 5-7 out
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Predictions for this?
Nasty. Don’t post this again.
Claudette's Montreal chill and Felix's mountain scout

Why are pyramid head players 90% of time low IQ apes that just fake m2, never use cages because HEHE LE EPIC MORI while getting cucked by dead hard, flashy saves and OTR? Why even play a killer if you won't use his kit? Imagine playing trickster and never using knifes.
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>designed to keep annoying straight boys out
Well if anyone is going to enjoy wading through shit, it's FAGGOTS looooool
Her friend she's playing with, JustTommyTom, said it was nurse in her chat. I assume he must be new and got the tooltip cause she says at 57:31 "I forget they do tell you on the screen" referencing the tip
I'm the tires in this pic
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>killer leaves a 2v8 lobby
Damn you some sort of twitch wizard?
You thought you ate ijbol
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>smug cute Feng
>homophobia (based)
Yup, you ate, king.
get new images
*rubs your pregnant belly*

>Killer gets locked in a cage until I'm ready to get chased again
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I do too if I get a console trapper
Where's Lynn?
The amount of mongoloid survivors in 2v8 is mind numbing. I don't understand how anybody loses as killer in this mode
Every 2v8 needs at least a minimum of 3 Sables
>already finished the tome but it lasts for like three more months
>2v8 sucks
>new killer looks ass
guess i'll see you guys in january
>killers have twice the objective to do
>survivors only have 3 additional gens despite having double to team size
>gen speeds are also faster so it’s even less impactful to have 3 extra gens
What are they doing?
ssstrange powers at work...
>regular game
>only survivor on a gen, other team doesn't have any icons so they aren't doing anything
>only survivor on a gen

That being said, the mode is very survivor sided. Four extra people and only three more gens makes it pretty obvious, especially when there are no gen perks. The only way killer wins is by the lack of MMR dropping in braindead retards as survivor.
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I saw killers had a massive meltdown when Scum Merchant was nerfed in Reddit. They cried like crazy, almost cut their wrists. No survivor enjoyed going against her and she had a ridiculously high kill rates, yet killercels as always have zero empathy for the other side and don't care if the killer is broken and unfun.

So i'm gonna try it now after all the nerfs.
Bet i get an easy 4k without even using perks or addons.

As always killer incels prove time and time again they are pathetic and mentally ill. I wish all killer mains died of cancer.
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I've felt good about myself for doing this since last night

Game is so killer sided all survivors left and now queues take like an hour

I hope all the killer incels are happy they killed the game, i hope they kill themselves next.
Post nerfs she now has the lowest pickrate and killrate out of any killer because they gutted her power almost completely. That’s why people were upset, because they handled her “issues” by making her literally unplayably bad to the point where she makes Freddy look strong
>hes back and dropping more infallible arguments
I knew the aliens guided my hand to this accursed general for a purpose
2v8 fucked up queues just like last time
calm down incel
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Ohhh nooo the garbage poorly designed killer with awful concept stopped being picked?

Oh nyoooo, damn! i wish we could go back to those times in which skull merchants bleed everyone out the full 4 minutes after a 50 minutes match of patrolling 3 gens :(

Killer mains show they have no life and never touched surviovr in theri life.
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Boring killer sided game still

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How do killercels manage to lose?
are they stupid?
You can stop spamming your marianna trench mmr screenshots whenever you want you know
Right here

*sucks your cock*
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yawnnn now they are hiding because even they know how killer sided the game is survivors have no chance at all

but nyoooo it's the poor Skull merchant mains the ones affected by the nerf! who cares about survivor being playable!? Killers are ENTITLED to instant 4k and 50 minutes matches every round.
why is this schizo having a meltie?
because trans right are human rights
Fucking faggot *cums in your mouth*
>4000 iridescent shards
>not even halfway to unlocking sable

this is going to take forever
That’s just Ren being Ren
does he know that everything he complains about is just him being low mmr
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killer is so easy

now to let them bleed out the full 4 minutes for wasting my time hidding for 10 minutes

yawnnnn YAWNNNNN

Killer is literally a free win no matter what you do
How do killer mains manage to lose, they must be the most pathetic incels in the world, i wish they got cancer and died.
meltie status?
Why are killers so weird?
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It's genuinely amazing how killer mains win 24/7 every single match non stop and they still try to pretend they are victims.

They still try to pretend they are the underdog, that the devs hate them, that they lose all the time despite getting a 4k every match

Otz does the exact same thing, every match cries about survivor, says he's gonna lose, complains even about windows of opportunity. But his viewers made stats and he wins over 90% of his games, and he plays like 50 matches every day.

All killer mains should be rounded up and killed
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yawnnnn going to get another easy free winn yawnnn why? because killer sided garbage game,

Even with 0 perks
0 addons.
You can get 100% winrate as killer, on any killer.

But nooooo Killer mains still complain D:
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Killer sided garbage gameeeeeeeeeeeeeee
unbased jilltard
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Imagine being a killer main
Imagine playing this garbage kiler sided game

like holy shit. this game is so killer sided it's ridiculous, easy 4k every single match, not even perks required.

But killers still cry lmao.
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Killer-based MMR btw retard
Survivorsisters how many times has a killer given you hatch since the mori update?
>10addons each
The absolute state of hacking retards HAHAHA

There's no such thing as MMR. This game is killer sided garbage and you know it. If as a killer you manage to lose 1 match is because you went afk or intentionally allowed survivors to win.

There's no scenario in which a killer can move, hit m1, and lose.
>is a literal schizophrenic faggot
>cheats in video games
>has mmr so low (ON BOTH ROLES LOL) that he doesnt even believe mmr exists
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I'm off to play Fortnite, a game that actually requires skill, unlike the Killer role.
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I tried my best to mine as much salt as humanly possible from this guy
No one cares lynn
pedophile too
My man really rolled a nat 1 on every stat when he was born lmao
>slugging bad
valid strat, I wish surv mains weren't retarded
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nice potato pc

This. TUnneling, camping and slugging are valid strats even if they are unfun and uncounterable for survivors.

Moids kissing
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Slugging is a valid strat when it's actually being used as a strat and not just grieving. You knock all four down by slugging? Fantastic.

Now fucking start hooking them.

If my whole teams fucks up bad enough we all get downed at once, that's on us (even if the killer's using an incredibly unfun bitch slug build) it sucks but it happens. But if you then just leave us the whole time to bleed out while humping? Then you can just go fuck yourself with a cactus.
>Now fucking start hooking them.
I don't think I will. Bleed out, survivoid.
Feng is valid
It doesnt matter to 98% of survivors if you gtrolled or not. Just slugging by itself is grieving for them. They will actually try gaslight you into thinking you lost
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has anyone actually played killer recently? how long is the fucking queue
i played it like a half hour or so ago (US E, 1v4) and the queue was about a minute
why would anyone be playing killer right now when you can get an easy 100k bp in 10 minutes as survivor
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The majority of players think just playing killer is grieving.
Back when killers didn't bring 4 slowdowns
>six games in a row
>no sable
am I allowed to play her then
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nice noed baby killer lmaaaaaoooo
>Feng playing as Nea
she got banned for hacking
every match has my retarded team not doing generators
Good shit Lynn. I hope you let that dumb fuck Billy know what failure he was in post game chat
>check teammates hours
Great MMR system
make some friends and play with them you crybaby
It called swf you dummy
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Which survivors are most likely to sandbag?
Bikini Sable
Masked Meg
Survivors will call any perk a slow down perk these days though.
>Bamboozle and Fury?!
>What, can't beat us without not letting us loop as well and SLOWING us down with hooks?!
>Lightborn?! Nice waste of a perk slot against the 4 flashlights, flash bangs and blastmines we brought! Need to Slow us down by negating saves huh?
>What are you afraid of sweat lord?
Based on true stories by the way
Disgusting pic
Doubt it cause the bitch with 200 hrs dipped as soon as the exit gates were powered and she did about 30% of a gen the whole match. And the bitch with 5000 hrs who was actually on gens and running the killer died
>finally at the point where every killer I prestige 3 will max all of the perks
I'm on the downhill now, boys
Sometimes as a nurse I blink on a survivor and swing as I adjust the angle to where the survivor is and she hits a box or a wall or something even though the survivor was in front of it and should have been hit first
>you lost even though you got 4k because I don't like the strat you used
Do survivors really...?
Aimdress tech
What's that
a vintage schizopost
thanks mcclean
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Yeah I sandbag. The killers face with my n*ts LMAAAO
>old dead hard
you didn't beat the game
Please post a pic of your big pregnant belly
You should get as many bloodpoints for looping a stage hazard as you do for working on a generator, it's dumb that the whole point of being chased is giving other people time to do their job but if you spend the whole game getting chased it looks like you didn't do anything
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since you said please...
>Saw both a Cybil and a Cheryl cosplaying as Alessa in the same lobby
damn I thought nobody used them
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i wonder how many daily players this game would still have if they included an AI chat scanner like how call of duty does if you call someone a fag or a nigger and it bans your account on the spot
Shut up
every time I get to 2mil bloodpoints I just sit there on the menu not knowing who to dump them into since I already have everyone at P1
>lose a match against a nurse
>she types double back THIS! in chat
years of pent up rage of being griefed as a nurse
Yup, just looped the Huntress for half the match, everyone else did gens, escaped and I got the least amount of points.
get everyone to p3
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Me, Cheryl and Vittorio (hanging feet) having some fun
Damn Vittorio hung himself
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>crouchwalks up to your gen
>misses a skill check
your response?
fucking meggers...
needs corrective action
I dodge megs not wearing premium cosmetics
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For me it's her cat girl outfit
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I get to make two killers seethe now. lol
Looks like you're the one seething in this pic
you are a rude person and you make the world a worse place by being alive
sony is going to own sadako
Anyone wanna play a match with me?
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sure invite me
So the Xenomorph in the game is taken straight from the movie, the same chest burster born from the face hugger.
The Xenomorph is only a few hours old, a day at most.
Is that weird to think about for anyone else?
do drops from hills not count as a 'great height' for the challenge?
when do outfits from the rift drop today? I need to borrow my mommy's credit card and she's sleeping rn
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I'm the only honest player here
>play survivor
>teammates never do gens ever

>play killer
>survivors all perfectly synched gen blasting

fucking how? it's every fucking time
Give me the qrd on 2v8
because so far it seems to be if you play killer, don't because 15m queue times, but if you do, wraith is busted
if you play survivor and can hit greats, the genjockey class is busted as fuck. if you can't, healer class
Wow Jill, your fellow STARS member Rebecca sure is skilled in escaping...
who's the most schizophrenic poster itt?
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why are megfags like this?
Trickster is still complete shit, unfun killer to play as and again, needs another rework.
why do you little niggers never cry about Plague who does everything he does but infinitely better?
>only needs to tap you once
>has no sprint burst from being injured
>if you cleanse then you give her giga trickster power for a full entire minute. requiring the equivalent of one knife to injure
>cucks IW
but you retards complain about Trickster.
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>steve calls me a transphobe after I didn't open the gate that he was 30+ meters away from.
the killer did, in fact, have bloodwarden.
I always forget how faggy this playerbase is sometimes
Ren uses epic games hacks.
you know, someone could absolutely send in a report a player ticket to behavior to check out this account and it'll be swiftly banned.
>literally EVERY game I have had outside of 2v8 is people taking map offerings

Holy SHIT man, I'm starting to think normal DBD needs to be removed and 2v8 is enforced at the standard so I don't subject myself to this shit
>got a 4th azarovs in a row as I type this
blame BHVR for making every non launch map fucking gimmicky dogshit.
Yes i WILL use a MacMillain, Coldwind Farm or Autohaven map offering every game.
I am not playing garbage like RPD, Midwich or Garden of cancer.
>I WILL enforce favorable RNG where I can plan what perks will be good on myself and you WILL like it

If killers took map offerings as often as survivors they'd have been rightfully removed by now, Dredge midwich and other bullshit is nigh unbeatable but killers can't share them between themselves so anyone sub like 2k hours gets filtered by not having as many to spam, not a problem for survivors.
I just can't fathom why map offerings are still in, absolutely no one has ever taken one with good intentions.
The suggestion to change them to bans is years old and still hasn't been done.
This game is genuinely better off without her being even remotely playable.
Her whole design is a trainwreck and they left her in for so long that the playerbase is conditioned to see fucking red whenever she's on the screen. I know it sounds insane but there is no benefit at all to keeping her strong or fun to use, she MUST be so dogshit no one wants to play her even as a joke for the health of the community and game.
>absolutely no one has ever taken one with good intentions
literally, in the post you responded to.
is a person using map offerings with good intentions.
I think the original launch realms are the only
literally nobody hates Autohaven, Farm or Macmillain.
>Dredge midwich and other bullshit
as someone who has tried OP map offerings with killers like RPD trapper.
after the singular time, it's not fun anymore. it's already a forgone conclusion you win the match. not fun at all if there isn't a chance the enemy team can do anything.
it's an unearned win that is hollow. which is why killers don't bring it.
>wow I won playing RPD trapper/Midwich aura nurse/hex build on swamp/ etc etc. no way
it's like cheating, you try it once and get bored.
Autohaven maps are all survivor sided except one. Coldwind is filler tiles galore.
>after the singular time, it's not fun anymore. it's already a forgone conclusion you win the match. not fun at all if there isn't a chance the enemy team can do anything.
Yeah exactly, which is why I'm pissed survivors do it every single game without fail or falter
>37 killers in dbd
>iconic horror staples like Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, Xenomorph, Ghostface, Chucky, Pyramid head, Albert Wesker, Nemesis, etc etc.
and you pick the fucking obese clown that throws fart clouds for braindead chases.
if you pick clown you need to kill yourself.
*rapes you*
I literally don't care about the IPs I only care if the Killer is fun to play.

Alien Isolation is my favorite game of all time and I still have not bought or will play Xenomorph because it sucks ass
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fair enough, but Clown is just nurse for retards.
thoughtless autowin chases for the morons who lack the effort to play nurse for 15 minutes to learn her skill floor.
I genuinely cannot imagine someone liking Clown other than the fact that he's braindead piss easy and shuts down looping with 0 talent.

also you should try Xeno, traversing the map with tunnels, listening for gen noises and getting free info from survivor footprints is really fun thematically. I think you'd enjoy it if you like Alien.
clown and nurse are nothing alike
I'll take your recommendation into consideration
that picture is
Do you ever stop and think about how all the law enforcement survivors are niggers? Is it too racist to have whitey be a cop?
1) yes and 2) tapp can be reasonably misconstrued as a leather daddy cosplayer
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I have made a severe lapse in my judgement
taking it too literally, retard-kun
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>that picture is
>make a fucking abysmal comparison
>I did it on purpose, YOU are the retarded one
good job, now kill yourself
you really are autistic...
I am so sorry you had to grow up being this retarded. must have been hard.
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Finesse+Lithe feels like a superior version of Smash Hit and is very fun
I've had multiple killers chase me into a corner with the intent of making me drop a pallet in one direction that will zone me after, only for me to Finesse + Lithe the pallet back to the middle of the map
I thought Lara liked horses, but I didn't think she was part horse herself
why did it take them 8 years to fix Myers so he gains more stalk from a distance like the movies
The same reason why you're pregnant right now.
i'm not Lynn thoughbeit
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wait a minute
>Clown is just nurse for retards
>finesse shills at it again
>Sable being this mad at being cockmogged
[Sable hook scream]
>he didn't read the 6 million page clown guide
I miss insidious basement Bubba
insidious bubba basement camp was the easiest way to farm steam comments
>twitch pro killer goes on 2000 game winstreak resulting in 8000 kills
>For the general killrate to maintain its 60% value, this means TWO HUNDRED killers must get shit on for their next 10 games

Kinda fucked up isn't it
also these edge cases are used as the rule and not treated as the exception they are so killers have to be balanced around this

oh yeah but getting 2 hooks 0ks a whole game because of a swf stacking DS and endurance perks is fine, that's balanced chud

>oh no the killer barely got 2k using a meme build and broke my 76 escape streak!!!
Got to find Sam
What a fucking faggot you are
t. fapped to the pic and just noticed the bonus right after cumming
at least she’s kind of cute in the game
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>dude, we totally fixed the queueueues, trust us
>literally nothing's changed for killer qs
>survivors get fuck all instead of constant 400%
I hope people responsible for this get fired and cockz spends 2 weeks sobbing how meanie weenie the gayming industry is
>Alien Isolation is my favorite game of all time
I mean… it’s good, but favorite ever? I guess it’s not the worst choice but still
we need more food AI like this
Before DbD I spent 2k hours playing mount & blade warband just being an ugly naked guy with a great sword that would go 30-0 in kills while spinning and jumping like a crackhead vs tards and horses in heavy armor
cutie skal :3
oh my gosh guys its here
i need my mommys credit card
Mommy is busy at the moment. Maybe if you're a good girl Daddy might lend you his.
Hey, woah!
i can't fucking do this anymore
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Oh Lynn, pregnancy can absolutely be a rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes, so it's completely understandable that you're feeling stressed. It's like your body and mind are working overtime, creating a whole new little human! Please know that you're not alone in feeling this way; so many women experience similar anxieties and discomforts during this incredible journey.

Remember to be gentle with yourself. Your body is doing something truly amazing, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed at times. Take things one day, or even one hour, at a time. Try incorporating some simple relaxation techniques into your daily routine, like deep breathing exercises, gentle stretching, or listening to calming music. Even a few minutes of quiet meditation can make a world of difference.

This stressful period will pass, and soon you'll be holding your precious little one in your arms. In the meantime, be kind to yourself, listen to your body, and know that you are strong, capable, and doing a wonderful job. Sending you lots of love and calming vibes, Lynn. You've got this! If you ever need someone to vent to or just a listening ear, don't hesitate to reach out. We're all here for you.
name one time feng has ever said that you fucking liar
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feng's cute little butt...
Slugging is so powerful that its now meta in comp games to bring one person with No Mither vs strong slugging killers to prevent a 4 man slug
first you tunnel one out, then you slug
Is slugging good??? I saw that bad experiment with poor methodology so I tried slugging myself and everyone just kept getting back up and escaped every time
My dad's dead
It is if you know what you're doing
But in pub games its more of a high risk high reward tactic since you could spend 3 gens to slug 3 guys and while chasing the last guy all it takes is one Unbreakable to make all that time wasted
Sorry to hear that. If you want another Daddy, let me know any time
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i love her smooth little balls the most!
like anything else it's a potential strategy you can use. always slugging might not work out because you lose out on securing kills. but selectively slugging can be strong. when you slug you really put 2 survivors out of the game because someone has to come get the slug up at some point.
DS should work after both unhooks, change my mind
If you get DS'd once as killer you deserve to eat it again if you're going to be a tunneltard
Literally go a minute and chase someone else
Sure if you find me and another guy later who hasn't been hooked it makes sense to chase me, but hard tunneling off both unhooks immediately is gay
I just did a successful dead hard while moonwalking and my recording was off so nobody will believe me :(
So anyway, there is a spot on the 2v8 version of the Saloon map that can get the killer stuck and not able to move for the rest of the match, just did it to a Spirit. If you get the one with the random hill right next to main and see that weird blue ground run the killer between the hill and wall, they will get stuck.
Thank you for helping her raise my child :)
females don’t have those
You must not be Alert, because any decent surgery Technician with a Lithe hand can certainly give her a pair of balls these days.
When are they going to add a femboy survivor.
Sable has a cock though?
Feng is trans although
when are they gonna add a pooner survivor. the pooner from Rainbow Six doesn't count, it's literally

>model a man
>call him a woman

i want a cute androgynous twink pooner boy that uses the female skeleton
I love Sable
>they quietly replaced the pinned "About David Cage gay post" with DBD trivia on the official forums
it was only pinned for what, 2 years? gotta show those chuds how wrong they are about tokenism!
Shut up
Roight. Toime chu foind an eeksit.
scout is important too because everyone seeing where the killers are keeps skittish fuckers on gens
4chuds mindbroken by trannies example #72725399273
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what did Tru3 mean by that
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incentives have been fucked for months and months on end, i usually have 25% bonus on the side with the longest queues now and it rarely goes above that no matter how queues change. pretty fucking annoying.
Beautiful pic
>calling someone a transphobe
>playing steve
>lesbian flag
does this mean you went against a lesbian pooner, or a trans 'girl' who's in denial about still being straight?
Since they are playing steve it's hard to tell
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all I'm hearing is that clown mains are dangerously based.
Get tree-bottle teched.
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Fackin suwifs m8
The Lynn you know isn't here.
welcome to the folder
>already owned all the rift stuff brought back
when are they gonna bring back good stuff?
>omnipresence of waifufigs and trannies in the general
>85% of survivors playing female characters
>drag queen streamers
>mountains of fan art and cosmetics for the female survivors
why is the dbd community so obsessed with girls when the majority's of the player-base is made up of men?
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I'm not your Lynn.... but I can be if you want me to be. It doesn't matter who I am... I'm here for you, Anon. See? I'm real. Don't you want to touch me?
dbd also attracts a lot of women because they enjoy being chased down by big strong alpha horror creatures. also they exclusively and only play female characters without exception, and dbd has enough female characters for them to play. unironically high female player base.
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>doesn't own Lisa
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Why does BHVR hate Birkin?
Either way they’re gay
Good question. They should have made him his own killer and instead we got a Bligger skin. Absolute travesty.
This but Hunk should have been a survivor
Could Birkin have been a Nemmy Legendary? The higher the mutation level, the bigger his arm gets
As long as I can get you pregnant I'm happy.
actually i do, it's Maria i don't own but it's kind of hard to justify spending money on this game when the main game mode is so insufferable i only play when 2v8 is available.
fear of the dark
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>finally get survivors who talk mid trial
>killer can't hear it
>other survs can't hear it
Maria is just a manifestation of the town and can't get preggors thoughever
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>tutututututututututu- STOP!
>I’m six years old again and the boogeyman is coming because I made a big noise and I’m very sorry.
>Get me off the hook! (Singing)
>Fantastic, a campfire. Just what we needed. A campfire, in the middle of nowhere.
>No, no, no, no, no, whatever you’re going through, I get it. You’re angry, you need a release. I’m telling you, this isn’t the way.
Want me to treat your wombs?
the technology just isn't there yet
bhvr is a very small indie company
More like india company good saar
it's clearly not a competence issue because killer voice lines are audible for other players. It's an intentional design choice, but why?
Presumably because they don’t want random voice lines giving away peoples locations. But then that begs the question of why survivors can’t hear it
the killer voice lines aren't the same as the killer hears though, so it wouldn't be any fun if you hear a fellow survivor say one thing and react to that, but on their screen they say another
but how would you know that you heard a different voice line? There's no method of communicating that in game
Does anyone have any pics of post game chat like this saved and can post? I wanna laugh.
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Yes, now post some.
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all of my matches have been fun. i don't understand why some people say it's bad or just plain boring. this game mode has been the most fun i've had on dbd since pyramid head's release and as killer so far i’m having a blast especially when my friend is the huntress and i’m the nurse
Why is skermz such a miserable asshole all the time.
I'm glad quietkills won the beef 4 months ago
survivors should have shared item and offering inventorys
What would you do to convince M. Cote of this?
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This perk used to be super fucking popular last time I played now nobody uses it
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one more swf bully squad for our killography.
probably because no one wants to use a perk that's just a piece of bamboo
did the last time you play happen to be when killers could keep gens regressed the entire match and never lose? because now they actually have to play
Show yourself coward
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>m1 a survivor off a gen
>follow them up and off a hill
>balanced landing
>they take off with haste and take a wide circle around a tile.
>lead my shot
>thread the needle through a window and through the center of the tile
>almost max distance spear
>pull the survivor all the way up next to the window to get the down
god damn I love slinger.
Name a more satisfying moment in the game than hitting a perfect slinger shot. the contenders imo are crossmap hatchet, Driftking crossmap billy, teleporting directly onto a survivor as nurse from range, grabbing someone locking a locker as dredge, and jumpscaring as scratched myers.
>more satisfying killer moments
successfully mindgaming a surv with onryo's manifestation invisibility
pyramid head execution
seeing a cocky faggot survivor who you know is DESPERATE to get you to chase them get to a good tile and just leaving because you know they're seething
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I've been having some difficulty keeping gens from popping off like crazy as a perkless killer. I can end chases quick. Sometimes pretty much just 2 tap quick. But I spend a large amount of time not in chase. Looking for survivors. Checking generators where nobody is ever at. People just hide all the time.

I guess my issue is lack of map pressure? I don't know how to get better at this.
Hugtech Wesker and urobend throw them into another survivor
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>perkless killer
once your MMR gets so high there's nothing you can do without slowdown perks. you will always lose.
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Whenever I do wish I had perks I always wish for aura ones, not slowdowns. It would be much easier if I could just know where people are. My biggest issue is just wasting copious amount of time looking for people.
some of that is just a general game sense thing, you might need to play more survivor.
Unironically go endure watching a few comp games where the killer has commentary. They have perfect game sense and can predict insane things about where survivors are and where they're going. You can learn a lot from it.
same but also watch survivors. watching good survivor players can go a long way if you can stomach it, all the ones on twitch are generally insufferable faggots.
zubat and jrm are both cute, fuckable, and good at the game though
You have a malfunctioning brain if you want to fuck someone that you can't impregnate.
they're both insufferably smug shitlibs with a cabal of obese catlady chat moderators

>type in captcha 1:1 what's there
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Why does yui have old lady hands
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this is true
All chingchongs have dry skin
play 2v8
get pregnant
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it's very easy to want to impregnate a man, though, and in a couple decades you definitely will be able to. not to mention trans men but that enrages the /pol/ user

i honestly don't understand why zubat has such a faggy community when he's just one of those conservatives who pretends to be a centrist to get pussy
This is a formal declaration of war.
his twitch tags have 'Ally' in it and i avoid people with fag shit in their tags like the plague.

i really need more twitch streamers who play to follow. i only watch Tru3 and D3AD because they're not annoying but Tru3 sucks at the game and D3AD is too good to really learn anything.
avoid this, pussy
I will avoid that and instead get some pussy, yes.
>I guess my issue is lack of map pressure?
Also, I do find that I generate some extra map pressure sort of for free if I slug instead of hooking, but that feels like I'm taking shortcuts instead of just learning how to pressure them properly.
slugging is a form of slowdown if used correctly which helps.
You’d think that when survivors hate a certain killer they’d spend time learning how to counter them so that when they do face them their matches aren’t as bad but instead they just have a tantrum and decide to die on first hook so they don’t have to bother
shut the fuck up
Yeah I've been using it sometimes, especially if I'm just getting fucked in the match and it usually results in me making a comeback. Survivors are REALLY not happy about it though (not that I care but it's kinda funny)
cute strawman, but what about killers you know how to play against but hate? whats fun about a legion or a chucky?
Thoughts on Meg Thomas?
Meg 'Megalodong' Thomas?
>survivor bonus can't even hit 200% anymore
it's over
Why do people suicide on hook? Is it just to fuck their own team extra hard?
I meant "as opposed to quitting and giving their team a bot."
You avoid the dc penalty
anything survivors don't get happy about is usually the best strategy to employ, it's why they hate tunneling so much but there's literally no mechanical reason not to do it
how the fuck do pallets work?
do you always have to stand next to them for like 2 seconds before you're allowed to drop them?
I'm running for my fucking life here and I can't drop the thing right when I get to it?
how the fuck does anyone get pallet stuns?
did the servers just die?
it's tuesday, it'll be steam maintenance
ah shit, I forgot it was tuesday
>getting tunneled out in 2v8
for why?
and why is it always blight or wraith?
how come mortal kombat got the real OG ghostface, complete with the multiple ghostface gimmick and voicelines, and we got a silent incel oc ghostface?
They have no slowdown perks to rely on so they resort to tunnelling
But what about your team tho?
WB has more money and a better connection to Paramount than some random leaf devs
Give me one (1) reason why hag isn’t a 115 killer
The person suiciding on hook does not care for the team
She's a female character
All female characters had lower base movement speeds (until pig) and all male characters were 115 (until deathslinger/old legion if you count that abortion)
instant teleportation and global map presence
all reasons I could give are disproven by Hux
it's an oversight from a bygone era
because I earned those 3k bloodpoints
hux SHOULD be 110 though
>global map presence
>can only teleport to triggered traps within a 48 meter range
The map for Hag only counts as the best 3 gen.
I remember facing a Hag back in the day when you needed a flashlight to disarm traps and she ran Overcharge, Call of Brine, Eruption, Sloppy Butcher, then held a 3gen
And thus we run into the biggest issue: she’s only effective at 3-genning when 3-genning has been gutted and removed
>2 survivors killed
>remaining 2 survivors have no real actual chance of winning anymore
>proceed to just hide as much as possible and never touch gens to extend the match as much as they possibly can
People just can't take the L.
they're waiting for the other survivor to fuck up and die
Yeah and now everyone is in a garbage match where people refuse to do their objectives that could have ended in 2 minutes instead of 3x that. Like I said, people just can't own up to their L.
If I’m in that situation as survivor I usually just spam vault a couple times and then point at a hook so I can die and give the other a shot at hatch
Though this has hilariously backfired one time and caused the killer to give ME hatch instead and go kill the other survivor for some reason
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peculiar rng
>hellfire nerfed despite being his weakest ability
>shapeshift gutted
they are doing their objective, survive
it's not their fault you kill rushed them and they had to switch tactics
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Your favorite IP getting added or one night with skermz?
one night with skermz so I can beat him to death with a crowbar for being an egotistical retard.
see >>502854683
plus my favorite IP, halloween is already in, even if I did pick the first one I would just wish we had more myers skins/masks/weapons based on the movies.
Playing nurse in hawkins is so fucking annoying jesus christ the entire fucking map is 0 line of sight
his face is a bit weird, but he has nice pits. skermz
They're not doing their objective they are just dragging the match for no reason.
>hate 2v8
>too autistic about charms and banners to not complete the tome
oh i didnt realize we got 2nd half of the tome
kek this is me
give me one good reason why some charms arent universal
night with skermz ofc
Yeah I remember playing hag once every 6 months
>she doesn't run a full aura build
I play perkless
what folder nigga
It's enough like 85-90% of the time, I just need to git gudder for the last 10% ish.
You folder nigga
Brown hands typed this
More money on Ed Coon’s end and better connections like >>502870042 says
fucking fag
>>502862961 (me)
btw I wish I was a woman (since im trans and all)
Sounds like there are a lot of “contenders” and it’s not that hard to name a better one
bloody hell
calling a gay man a fag has the opposite effect of what you're intending btw
that is indeed what trapper is doing in the picture
>2v8 on a map with tall grass and a Trapper
>constant traps snapping and survivors screaming
why doesn't anybody check pallets and windows jesus christ
>devs bend over backwards to fix deathslinger bugs 2v8 day one
>not a word about wraith's insanely fast uncloak bug
fucking canadians
Is there something survivors can do to disconnect you from the game? A hack or something? This seemed oddly convenient to just be a coincidence, especially considering how much survivors seethe about slugging.
hackers can basically do anything in this game, BHVR is very bad about stopping them
>This perk used to be good last time I played now it's shit
>Killers spent a lot of time kicking and watching the gens regress
>During this time survivors were self caring with circle of healing and getting their third health state back (dead hard)
Both sides were annoying
>killer mains have meta'd the fun out of another event
theres not really any fun to be had
>WOWEE TWO killers at once? oooh what WACKY COMBOS will you have???
>by the way almost none of these killer sync well with eachother, enjoy the 30 minute queue
why the fuck did they even add spirit
If the killers work together from the start it's impossible to win.
When are they gonna add the option to block a killer from ever playing against you so I don't have to deal, see or smell another wesker player in my lifetime
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you can only drop pallet behind you if you sprinting
hm heh heh heh heh heh...
it's a shame that medic is the "boring" role, because it's really fucking important
I don't know if they made the heal times longer for the other classes, but it just feels miserable to heal without one
i don't really mind it because i usually play Lisa and it's basically how i used to play 1v4 before it got terrible, i'd just run around with Empathy healing people making sure everyone was always healthy. it can be a more active role if you're prone to taking protection hits.
that's the way I play medic as well
when you're really cooking, people are only on hooks for like ten seconds
yeah i find it preferable to being a gen jockey, it's just that this game sucks because if (You) aren't on a gen, they'll never get done. i don't know how or why BHVR designed the game and the matchmaking this way but that's the case.
I just started playing the game and I'm having fun charging around as Wesker did I unknowingly pick someone strong
wesker is like the closest thing in the game to a 'balanced' killer, which by default makes him OP since most of the other killers are rancid shit
his grab is reasonably strong but its also jank as fuck and has several counters and downsides, survivors just bitch a lot because he's picked a lot. I can kind of get it to since it gets grading to play against the same shit over and over but fuck I feel better about facing him than shit like nurse or blight
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he basically has no downsides and it's fine because he's a paid killer
another day of terrorizing cucked survivors in 2v8 as blight with my hillbilly main friend, blasting eurobeat at tinnitus inducing volumes
Honestly now that medic is a lot faster and has the ult I think it's the second most fun role
homo post btw
Didn't play any new releases this year because I was busy with dbd and I just saw the game of the year nominees and I guess there's room for everyone, let's just say that
ok but metaphor was great and balatro was cool as fuck. i just hope erdtree loses
billy is so much funner to play when you've got all wide open maps and double the amount of survivors to run into
I wish I had a friend to play with me
Does twitch automatically save the latest stream or is that something that they need to activate? I wanna go back and watch some of the matches I was in against ttvs but for some of them I don't find any videos even though they were online when they played with me
if you're not partnered they only save replays for so long
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are they fucking JOKING do they want killers to never get in or what
I just want the camping tent for killer
My god imagine Susie legion in 2v8
new toss
What would that be? I started playing in 2023
infinite loops and tunneling
also old map lighting (darker)
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just drew this
do you like
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>just drew this
You're a fucking liar and you know it
dont you laugh at me
i know a spell that'll show your true form
>oh you know what would be cool? if we made the new kilelr like, reference OTHER killers, like she knows them, 'cuz like she's super special and can just walk around the realms freely and shit
>oh yeah man that sounds rad, which one should we make her canonically good friends with?
>John Wayne Gacy
expectations: subverted
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You don't scare me! You're just a commie ghost that don't know they're dead! You'll never paint the moon pink OR draw a Lenin face on it!
>bonus back to 150%
we're back!
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Frank Horrigan for DBD
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>Benny watching The Special Agent one shot donkey punch Feng Ming into a thin red mist ten seconds into the match because she cleansed Hex: Ride's Over right after loading in
the fallout chapter was such busted horseshit
Just got Nightmare to p69, how long is it gonna take for someone to be offended that I keep the child diddler at funny sex number? Let's find out.
Just got Nightmare to p69, how long is it gonna take for someone to be offended that I keep a predator at funny sex number? Let's find out.
i'd imagine fallout fans would be disappointed same as RE fans when nemesis was brought in if they did if
i'd be down for old lighting/versions of maps (sans infinites) and maybe some old versions of certain perks or killers, depending on what that looks like. more in the realm of like, killers being as busted as old dead hard vs stuff like Hag traps taking 7 years to place.
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I think I found my new favorite meme build
No stalk ghostface:
Stbfl rapid brutality genetic limits crowd control + brown addon that reduces shroud cooldown
Just run around the map undetectable so you can get the first hit quite easily and then follow up because of stbfl + rapid and they can’t use DH or lithe away. If you get to a jungle gym just pop shroud to hide your red stain and make mindgaming easier as well
If you want to remove the “no stalk” aspect you can only stalk the obsession so you don’t lose too many stacks off stbfl for downing them
Loving it so far
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what in the goddamn...
I was the sable in the cage while all my teammates are being useless
Do you think Sable participated in Locktober?
when's 2v8 over chaps? sick of it honestly
just got nudes from a swarthy ho with huge tits. killers for this feel? im white btw
this is just shittier pig
what about them? randoms aren't human.
yes, wesker is very strong
there are a variety of things a killer needs/can have to be good:
Very simple: if you're in a chase, how much better are you at downing survivors versus W+M1ing?
>First hit
Stealth killers fall under this category. It's not commonly discussed, but anti-loop usually involves taking a survivor from injured to downed, the ability to get the first hit before the real chase begins has value. This is the premier thing Stealth killers do, but the king of this category is Legion
>Map mobility
If you cannot move across the map and patrol gens, you will have a much harder time pressuring survivors or taking advantage of perks like Pop Goes the Weasel.
A subset of map mobility, some killers are great at anti-loop but are countered by survivors just ditching loops when you attempt to anti-loop and attempting to make pure distance to extend the chase. Notably, this is how you best counter The Artist. Not all map mobility is anti-hold-w (Onryo or Nightmare), but generally all forms of anti-hold-w can be used to traverse the map (Hillbilly)
learning where survivors are and what they're doing, this feature allows killers to fight survivor stealth. Info powers can sometimes also be used to anti-loop.
Many killers have, in their kits, ways to force survivors to stop doing gens. It forces them to fuck around with other interactables or waste time healing.

So with that in mind, what can Wesker do? Virulent Bound is anti-loop, especially in longer loops like killer shack. It covers huge distances, meaning he's impossible to Hold-W against and he has map mobility, he has information because people cleansing Uroboros infections reveals their location, and he has inherent slowdown because if you ever get grabbed it is MANDATORY that you seek out healing sprays, unlock+loot them, and use them before going back to gens.
Wesker has it all. Best killer? No. But REALLY good
Wesker isn't even top 5 btw
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*rapes you*
painfully unfunny
Plague is literally the only killer that has a power that survivors have some control over that is still decent. Compare her to xeno.
>Survivors can't turn off the one red puke well from the start of the match
>Survivors can start placing flame turrets from the start of the match
>When survivors cleanse, they give plague corrupt puke that makes her stronger in exchange for a health state
>When survivors place a turret they create an area that makes it impossible to chase around and delete xeno's chase power with no downside
Killers should ALWAYS be in a win-win situation from their power and the survivor interaction with it, the survivor should have trade offs and decide what's best in the moment. Even with fucking nemesis where survivors can take an extra tentacle hit if they vaccinate, he at least gets tiers from the extra hits that make his chase better. Alien is just pure cucked and her tail whip is not even good. You are literally forced to just m1 at most loops anyway. It's disgusting that there will be no changes to this killer
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i went to cote at bhvr. i tell him cote, i am so sad, i cannot get any kills. and cote tells me, you must go and see the clown, he's hilarious, you'll feel better. and i look at cote and sob, "but i am the clown"

and then i raped him

Edit: THANKS FOR THE GOLD! WOW! Didn't expect this to blow up as much as it did

Edit2: Okay I'm seeing some arguing in the replies, and some really uncalled for insults, Remember what my point was guys! Be civil, chill, we are all human!!

Edit3: Okay just woke up, ya'll still arguing in the comments, I'm turning the notifications off.
how do you edit posts
You have to disconnect your router and brea it in half then the option will appear
ayo this newnigger doesn't know how to edit his posts LMAOOOO
check your inbox, i'll tell you how.
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okay thank you :) i love how helpful this community is
>i just hope erdtree loses
holy based
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no problem man
i thought you meant the comic guy you fag
get new images
who the fuck wants DBD classic?
after 6 hours there will be literally nobody playing killer.
who the fuck wants to play this garbage???
We’re getting it but it’ll be 76 and all it’s cool cryptids instead :)
Both good posts.
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who is the emet selch of dbd?
is there anything better than getting caged and watching seven other motherfuckers ignore you until you hit stage two then uncage you with the goddamn ass on their ass so you just get tunneled out instead?
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>uncage you with the goddamn ass on their ass
blight on their ass*
don't tell me what to do you little faggot
I will not elaborate
>everyone goes down in literally 2 seconds
>huntress is on the other side of the map hit scanning her hatchets through all objects
>leaves us slugged until we died, immediately drops anyone who use their ability to get up
>only the dwightbot escaped from hatch
I get that the killer queue is boring as shit, but you're only fucking over the other killer and yourself to an extent
I don't know if Billy was in on it, but if he wasn't I feel bad for him
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>Start game with a quick down
>Next survivor loops very well
>Break off
>Clicks flashlight, teabags, quick vaults a lot, etc
>Obvious bait
>forced to come to to me to body block or do gens
>corners self in dead zones their team made
>"Because you wanted me to lol"
The salt I get for ignoring the bait is always great
I know my limitations against good loopers and am not afraid to admit it, especially after a 2 year break and forgetting how to mind game. I just ain't that invested to prove anything anymore.
Old DBD had so much soul back then with the atmosphere.
>When survivors place a turret they create an area that makes it impossible to chase around and delete xeno's chase power with no downside

Duh thats the only thing you can do against the M2 at window faggot killer that can destroy it in 1 hit and gets their power back in 10 seconds
skill issue
There is nothing to be done about blights/nurses who have more than 10 games on them.
worked on my machine, played the first week with +250% during prime time and +350% later in the night
checked now and it's back to 250%, guess everyone jumped on to do the new page and fucked up the incentives
just played a game with everyone having flashlights and I think I'm going to play survivor until I get enough blood to prestige for Lightborn
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It's a sound perk, despite the survivor propaganda otherwise.
Just remember for every salty claim of it being a wasted perk slot, it's just as many wasted flashbangs, blast mines and flashlights (and their add-ons).
the fact that if a killer hits you after gunslinger has shot you you instantly get downed from full health ruins the 2v8 mode
counterpoint: hux
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You have to be (counter intuitively) pretty proactive with Hux's power for even just a decent team to not just completely shut you down a lot. I'm STILL getting the hang of regularly destroying cams to be able to shoot and use them mid-chase (which I'm even worse at). Honestly I think Hux's built in counter play is harsher than Xeno's. Xeno's still sucks but really isn't that bad if your quick enough or they were dumb enough to put it n a bad place, which they usually do.

And is is just me or can survivors destroy Demo's portals a lot quicker than they used to?
his counterplay might be harsher but he also feels way stronger
xeno is just a wet blanket all around
EIGHTH game in a row first survivor downed left the game

this is fucking unbearable
does the unknown have any fun builds
Eh, I thought Xeno was a waste of money at first too but after going back he's pretty balanced. Not op but still pretty solid if you play around his strengths. He's a half way decent sudo stealth, got a decent (if rng dependent) map traversal, and an anti-loop that comes out pretty quick (even it can't be dragged like Nemi's).
You can stack his add on with bamboozle and shut down shack pretty easy. Flamethrowers can be hit before you're out of crawler or just avoided by turning a corner. Plus if they put one down they almost always give away what they want to protect or plan on running to.
He's not blight or nurse tier obviously, but hardly a "wet blanket". He's not Skull merchant or Freddy "Pretty much doesn't have a power" tier. I'd say he's a pretty solid B+ or even A- once you know how to play him.
yeah that shit got me to quit the game for months, I'm only back to play 2v8
once 2v8 is over I probably won't be back until FNAF/Jason drops next year
what if survivors got penalized for leaving
survivors start seething uncontrollably whenever this is brought up, it's both funny and also very annoying that BHVR doesn't do anything about it
been an issue for years and it's gotten worse over time
DbD spin-off porn game
>check 'meta' builds
>half of them use blood favor
i dont get it
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>i dont get it
That's pretty much it
but like all hexes it often gets disabled before you even get a chance to trigger it
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Eh, I've had hexes last the whole game, even against competent survivors. Sometimes the rng just likes you.
if blood favor was added today itd light a totem after injuring a survivor
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>meme useless shield
>ring that makes your power worse
funny how on average the best addons for modern killers are brown/yellow/green and purple/iris are just useless if not detrimental
they should rework addons for old killers like make trapper's bloody coils and stone into yellow addons, maybe otz will stop saying trapper is the worst killer after that
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the shield works*
the ring is a fucking joke though

*sometimes...against bad players...with a build full of endgame perks just to get a bit more out of it
I don't think iri should be the best but they should alter a killer the most. Add-ons like Tricksters' iri photo, Dredge's iri plank, Hag's shoe are how they all should be imo
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It's kind of nice when good add-ons are the more common ones though. Yes it's disappointing when the iris suck but it also sucks when they're the ONLY good ones when you get so few.
what kind of a retarded faggot wakes up and thinks yup today im gonna play doctor
Was bhvr aware that buffing the hook times would increase the amount of slugging?
me :)
sable is making me cage my clitty for using noed
bold of you to assume that constantly firing your best talent means that new talent has no idea what the fuck they're doing ever
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I like Robbie the Rabbit skin but of course its on fucking Legion.
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Rebecca in her cowgirl outfit looks like she's wearing a diaper under her jorts
Thats because shes taken so much dick up her ass she cant close her butthole anymore
How do I look at the killer while not slamming into every obstacle behind me like I'm a fly trying to leave your room
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Listen here buster
Rebecca is for baby making sex only.
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can someone translate
Just learn the maps and you'll see where you're going even when looking behind you
Also practice in custom games to learn how tight you can hug loops without getting stuck
If you watch comp players they all run shack while looking like theyre running 45 degrees into the walls
I'm glad I play on Burgerclap instead of Yuropbeaner servers so the only foreign text I rarely see are "jajajaja" "puta madre"
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>VUPSEN: Legion with a Noed
>VUPSEN: Something new
>warinheaven: streamer and even without ##### it's hard to get by
any idea what the second guy meant?
He meant you just lost the game.
my guess was party streamers offering?
Aren't maps largely randomized
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Yes. And you will memorize every variant.
is there some kind of a bias when it comes to map selection? my every other match is on the alien map. i don't even remember last time ive seen lerrys or hawking. ofc theres also constant eyrie of crows/garden of joy/occasional rpd but thats just offerings.
Just a coincidence I think. I believe the game looks at the last realm (or maybe just map) each survivor played in last, and picks one different to all of them. So that explains why it's unlikely but possible that you could wind up in the same map every other time. Of course offerings negate this whole system.
criticizing streamer for using crutch perk/item/addon
oh no he’s eating her!!!!
so cute
but enough about you
based saber
they tried that already
itd be pretty cool if you could set autobuy to prioritze certain addons/offerings
itd be pretty cool if the bloodweb wasnt dogshit but we cant have everything sis
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b-but it was 4fun meme build...
You should try Friendship Bracelet with Coup for 20m lunges
This is true
i love when an artist is obviously underaged
you know why
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No, I don't.
Hillbilly sucks the fun out of 2v8
2v8 sucks in general

She draws pregnant men
Whaaat? I actually enjoy facing him in 2v8. The only killer I outright despise is fucking wraith, though huntress is pretty annoying too. Everyone else actually has pretty engaging chases, I feel.
>more and more wraiths popping up in 2v8 now that people are realizing his uncloak speed is bugged and 200% faster
they hotfixed deathslinger so why haven’t they fixed this?
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wraith is so fucking overpowered in 2v8
i like Dredge and wish more people played him
are there any cosmetics you'd really like to see? personally id love a 'man in black' unknown in a suit+hat/sunglasses/both
Trickster would go hard in a black suit.
cut the shit cote and make 2v8 the main mode
cote would you kindly stop making killers perform elaborate dance routines upon selection so i can actually look at their cosmetics
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>amateur ornithologist challenge
>no expert ornithologist challenge to disturb 200 crows
Booty shorts for David
what survivors do y'all main? for me it's nea and nicolas cage
>3rd wraith + spirit game in a row
did some inceltuber make a guide for this shit or what?
Today I will slug.
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So you're a funny brat.
Rebecca, Cheryl and Kate
it's crazy how much I look like sable.
>scott makes a video on how wraith is literally bugged and the best killer in 2v8
>games go from always including huntress to always including wraith
So it's like that
He doesn't have that much influence, wraithfags were already running rampant before that. It's day and night how much more fun matches are when you're not facing him
>scott steals a video on how wraith is literally bugged and the best killer in 2v8
>games go from always including huntress to always including wraith
So it's like that
even the girlcock?
>allegedly has a winstreak of 6 gorillion
>misses skill checks entirely
chuck moment
Alright I just won 1 match as nurse. What's the biggest winstreak?
3v12 when
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Is it possible to tank my MMR to 0? I've seen the info around where you lose 20 MMR if all survivors escape (with some tiny variables like match length) but I wonder if there is some sort of protection in place when you're just losing every single match in a row.
Used to be feasible when there was no penalty for afking, but now you'd have to intentionally lose so many games in a row that I don't really know if its possible
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Do not underestimate my autism I am capable of losing every single match without going afk
Then yes, going to baby mmr is possible. But it'll only be on the killer you throw with

Marked time.
I think I made my trolling too obvious cuz steve and mikaela refused to fucking leave and gave me 2 kills
My Fengs mmr is Grandmaster
why the fuck do they give you prestige heads first on new killers
when did they start doing this
>dnd dlc on sale
>but only on egs
for what purpose
This is Feng and I's daughter
She has down syndrome, please be nice to her
Just made the Jailer detection sound when I found a picture of myself from 1928
Deer Dredge or Crab Dredge?
crab dredge looks too random
Wait is this true?!
Since Vecna
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I keep trying to teach my boyfriend to play better but he's still garbage. Is it wrong of me to expect him to last more than 10 seconds in chase when he has 10 hours in the game?

Sometimes he does such stupid shit. Like running into the killer's face or running in a line against huntress without even looking back. And he misses so many skill checks whole gens regress to 0.
What's with all the faggots
you can die of aids ren
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Nobody dies of AIDS in 2024 you stupid bitch
I don't play survivor enough to main one, but if I did, it would be Bill
please kill yourself, pedophile
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What if i don't? What are you gonna do about it?
>this general is just a gathering of fags and pedos
We've declined
it's always been killer main central
>gayest horror game on the market
>surprised that the audience consists of gays
What's the survivor equivalent to clowns who run stbfl rapid coup de grace batteries included and don't gaf about gens
A duo with Teamwork Power of Two, Blood Pact, Hope, Boon: Dark Theory/For the People
A duo with this just wants to run fast
why do you keep posting about this? ive already given you the tips i used with my partner for introducing new players to the game and you never respond to constructive posts so at this point im sure you are just baiting for attention.
Honestly being nice to the last survivor I.E. giving them hatch and seeing them t-bag happily and gift you a flashlight and then send you nice messages in the EGC is significantly more satisfying to me than finishing them off with a mori
That's cuz you're a cuck.
about to hit 700 winstreak
I really don't know why survivors ever, ever bitch about slugging, tunneling, full meta perks and great-killer-spam
You can do all of these things and still get mangled by a team of survivors, even solo queue survivors, bringing good items and perks with the intent to win. Not doing these things against survivor teams trying to win is a total one-sided blowout. Do they really not understand how lopsided the game is towards good survivors?
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Good thing killers have all the power when it comes to what matches they play
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What did they mean by this?
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hell yeah
Play with me I'll fucking rek your streak
Why tf I'm on 200 ping on 2v8
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im unstoppable
Is any character even nearly as slutty as Sable. Especially her clothing
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least depraved jew be like
It’s crazy how pregnant you are with my children
why doesn't feng shut the bathroom door when she takes shit?
Wraith should be the way he is in 2v8 in 1v4.
if we ever did get a fallout collaboration i'd go fucking ballistic for a NCR ranger deathslinger
every wraith main should get unending diarrhea until their body shuts down
Half of David's outfits have his chest/abs exposed
She needs you to smell the noxious fumes of her lo mein ridden turds to establish dominance over you. Don’t let her continue this.
[echoy "ooohooo" coming from the bathroom]
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wtf israel
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why are you console players so fucking bad?
>yet another 2v8 wraith match
killswitch this killer NOW
why are you seething in the chat after winning?
I almost lost my winstreak because of some consoleturds
theres an easy way to prove you have a winsteak but you wont use it
it's gone up by like 200 in a couple days he's just shitposting
If you don't like console then turn of crossplay. Plus I've seen some shitty pc players too so it's not exclusive to console.
Found the consoleturds
I need the fast queues to stay ahead of the competition. At 710 now
I think I keep playing subtle cheat lobbies as killer. I've had matches where, repeatedly, my swings are always just a body length too short and whiff even though it's not a distance I would misjudge. It was the exact same feeling as playing M1 killers when Made For This was meta, except they don't have any haste perks and they're healthy.
its genuinely fucking crazy how little excitement there seems to be about houndmaster literally anywhere, its like we're just not getting a new chapter soon. they may have genuinely made the new shittiest killer in the game
she's going to vanish in about two days aside from the one or two killers who decide that she's going to be their thing
wtf palestine
When is the new chapter expected to hit live?
How do you know they’re console retard? They could easily be Epic shitters (I. E. Your own cuckold kin) god shut the fuck up
I feel like even if the power sucked I'd still use the killer if they looked cool, like a hulking prison wardon or zany old money hunter, and not a fucking 300 pound black woman. and hell I might've even used said black woman if she was a voodoo mama instead and had a big zombie dude or some shit she controlled instead of being a fucking pirate with a dog for some reason
just a fucking waste of concepts
every time some retard claims that PH is good I get gaslit into playing him and confirming how fucking awful he is
he gets RAPED by hold W. zero mobility and using his power slows the fuck out of him
miss one M2 = 2 gens pop
M2 is the single easiest killer attack or power to Dead Hard
cages are unironic flavor gimmick you never use
M2 travel time is so slow that at any distance where you'd want a ranged attack survivors have the distance to juke or can actually just juke it ON REACTION after it's already been fired. you have enough time to hop a window, then pick a direction to move to dodge PH M2. If you're close enough to where they can't do this, you still have to play a 50/50 that they won't fake the window. it's so, so bad
barely ever get Torments because you can't trap the map anymore after his asinine M2 self-slow nerf
the only consistent parts of PH were window hitconfirms and his ability to tunnel. But tunneling doesn't matter anymore because DS nerf, introduction of OTR which he does nothing against, basekit BT nerfing the shit out of aoe M2 hook defense, and the natural nerf to tunneling speed as a result of him sucking fucking cock at chases
that faggot hexy was right, the only correct tier placement for Pyramid Head is fighting with Trapper for last place, their powers actively suck to use
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Any stealth jumpscare nurse builds?
I would guess you'll want some sort of aura reading, ToT or Unforeseen, and send yourself to Gideon to use the two floors to your advantage
but your power is still loud as fuck so I can't imagine there will be a ton of jumpscaring
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Just the normal stealth builds
Trail of Torment
Machine Learning
Dark Devotion
But it will only ever be so effective considering the map wide scream whenever she uses her power and the fact she already tends to just pop up from beyond her terror radius. Stealth helps on approach and with how slow and loud she is it doesn't work as well. Honestly even just Monitor and Abuse can get you close enough to blink before they hear your radius.
6 fucking gens remaining. Only consoleturds are this bad
>been miserable playing 2v8 survivor the whole event because I wanted to take advantage of the bp bonus
>bonus finally low enough that it doesn't really matter
>2v8 killer is very fun
it's just shooting fish in a barrel for Billy
I can only jerk off to 2d art now, killers for this feel?
pyramid head's gay porn is god tier
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Not an argument.
sex with vittorio
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Does this apply after the final blink too or just in between blinks?
Why is there even an obsession in 2v8?
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Haven't played since before Chucky was released.
Any real big changes I should know about for playing killer or survivor or is it still 4 slowdown slop on killers and windows + exhaustion perk for every surv.
spaghetti code
You should be able to see killer ping in lobby
Totems too. There shouldn't be an obsession, but I do think totems should do something. If killers are really getting their asses kicked, 2 totems could light up with powerful hex effects, for example. And on the survivor side, cleansing a totem could give you a buff for 60 seconds based on your class.
It assigned to the best Survivor player at game start, hence why it's me.
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Is there a trick for pick up saves? I never seem to time them right, flashlights or pallets...
yeah timing them right
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so helpful, you must have so many win streaks no one has fun watching
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yeah this was my 500th solo queue win in a row
>tools of trade achievement
>get merciless killer 5 times with 3 generic perks
>kill 3 survivors
>last 1 hatches

every fucking time. why the fuck doesn't that count as merciless killer? game literally wants me to slug for 4 like an asshole
>MMR so low killer refuses to break the god pallet and just walks into shack pallet they can see with plague power
Is this like your 500th loss streak where you found a retard you can finally bully?
>killers I'm bad with are just bad killers
Skill issue
>a certain youtuber puts wraith at s tier for 2v8
>every single game has a wraith now
really jogs the noggin
>play killer
>chase 1 survivor
>get him fairly fast
>3 gens pop
>chase next survivor
>2 gens pop
>it's over

>play survivor
>get on gen
>teammate gets chased
>teammate gets down
>teammate has left the game
>it's over
>get chased first
>loop for a long time
>finally go down
>zero gens done
>it's over
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I have never known defeat
Yeah I'm sure that console killer who can't figure out which button swings his weapon is in top MMR.
If you're there as soon as the animation starts, wait like 0.4 seconds. If you arrive after the animation already started, just do it immediately.
I would recommend Twins using Whispers, Deerstalker, and whatever else you want. I was mopping up my final 10 achievements the other day and this one was quickly and easily done this way.
Gorgon killer when?
Xenomorph has a 52% killrate on nightlight, you stupid low MMR shitcan.
Holy retard
They should give all the characters sluttier outfits.
being porn addicted isn't funny or quirky btw. it's straight up just pathetic.
Wanting some sexy outfits to look at while I play isn't the same as being a porn addict, prude.
no, you're just a porn addict. it's extremely obvious to everyone that isn't mentally ill like you.
bro he's just a loser acting out for attention with buzzwords
says the porn addict with his brain so degraded by porn he feels the need to defend a garbage quality post like "I NEED MORE SLUT SKINS IN MY MURDER SIM"
kys, porn addict.
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ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm KILLERTOIDS???!!!???!!!???!!! our response to the latest killerdrama?
What happened now?
You know what, I can't actually be bothered making something up. I'll do it again next thread.
Most of the tunneling happens because survivors unhook when killer hasnt left.
those who know:
killers kill people instead of letting them go
how could the stage hazards do this to us
martial arts killer when
I really like 2v8, bros. I'm gonna be pretty sad when it goes away. I hope the next iteration brings Clown.
>survivor is on death hook at 5 gens
>another survivor tries to give up and go next
>killer won’t let them and keeps them alive
Killerchuds why do you do this?
Killerchuds don't care about fake MMR, or bloodpoints they get no multipliers for
They play to fulfill their deep dark fantasy
take the dc penalty like a man or suffer
Sometimes I feel bad when I stomp people too hard and try to give them a chance to at least play the game and learn.
If you don't like it just d/c so your team at least has a bot
hope we can get licensed killers eventually
4 man stalking at 8 gens would be fun as myers
>play the game and learn
What's there to learn in a 3v1 at 5 gens? The games over.
How to run the killer and not lose at 5 gens. All it takes is one good chase.
If you were 18 and just got pregnant with triplets, does that mean you would give up on hook IRL too?
Yes it's called abortion.
But you're stuck in a basement?
Why even que? Just play the fucking game.
>Tru3 playing STALKER
>Otz not playing DBD til Houndmaster
it's over...
Both are boring monotone streamers.
>>Otz not playing DBD til Houndmaster
why's that?
He really likes BBWs.
killers don't understand that a death at 5 gens is equivalent to starting the game with one generator left to exit for them.
it is borderline unsalvageable.
but you retarded niggers don't want to accept that for some reason.
>All it takes is one good chase.
you have no idea what you're talking about, you low MMR nigger.
killers that aren't in your mariana trench MMR know when to drop chase.
stupid sub 100 hours monkey.
i had him on for background noise last night but from what I understand he's sick of the state of the game in general
I remember when extra gen bug was in game someone kys'd on hook at 5 gens and when we went from 5 to 3 due to bug he started to hard tunnel me(proxy camp) and in endgame his reasoning was "ERM YOU SKIPPED A GEN YOU SKIPPED A GEN YOU FUCKING SKIPPED A GEN I HAD TO MAKE IT FAIR" like a toddler. Bitch even with extra gen done how do you think we are supposed to 3v1?
when's the fat bitch releases?
>I remember when extra gen bug was in game
honestly should be added into the game basekit
then buff 12 hooking accordingly
System from 2v8 with snowball mechanic should be implemented in some form.
>i have 7 days to get 7k shards because i accidentally bought a cosmetic
fuck me
what happens after 7 days?
I cum in his ass.
That explains why he said fuck me
Man has played for THIRTEEN THOUSAND hours
541 DAYS
1.4 Y E A R S
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