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>A Blast to the Past Begins with Overwatch: Classic

>6v6 playtests in Season 14

>Latest patch notes

>Season 13 "Spellbinder" trailer

>Overwatch: Classic Official Trailer

>Comics, short stories and music

>Oct 15 - Season 13 "Spellbinder" (Map reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado, Widowmaker Mythic, Soldier: 76 Mythic weapon, Gilded Aspects versions for all Mythic skins, MHA collab, Halloween Terror event, Cassidy and Brigitte hero mastery, QP: Hacked Limit 2, QP: Hacked Kingmaker, more Mercy and Kiriko skins)
>Nov 12 to Dec 2 - Overwatch: Classic, Soldier 76 mythic weapon
>Dec 10 - Season 14 (incl. New tank, 6v6 playtests, Venture skins)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports

>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>502646197
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Kiriko spam filterlist
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based kings, I kneel.
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>post this
>proceed to bitch and moan about "the kirikoposter" for the entire thread
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the kiriko dance
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Just correcting a mistake don't lump me in with the samefag schizo.
reminder it is your moral obligation to throw every game your tank picks ball
but I'm the tank?..
then don't pick ball and you're good
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cute op
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can you trannies stop spamming the thread with your garbage posts? thanks.
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>Good! And I slept good too!
good to hear at least one :P
>And it looks like Mercy is saying yes! Cutest even
good that's all I want to hear, and I would do everything for that yes
>Yesss, it was fun! Sorry for keeping you so long, I assume you fell asleep faster today which is why you could get up earlier
Don't be sorry, I love playing with you. You're amazing. Uhm, yea, fell asleep faster this time.
>Yeah, that's what I am thinking, so in 2 weeks? Very long season this one...
Wait, this season is still 3 weeks long? Takes forever and feels like the last season. Maybe the new tank will spice things up, hopefully he's not Magua 2.0. We do know nothing about him? Only that he's sound based?
>Haven't we seen everything? I don't know really, Mercy already got her skins for the season
hm, I don't know what skins are missing was there a collab this season? Oh, right, 100% the doctor Ziegler skin will come back because of the anniversary event.
>Sweet, I noticed be flip flopping between my druid and mage really destroys my button pressing lol, I often forget my basic rotation
I guess because they play that different? Which do you like more? Mage or druid?
>You need to help me with the addons like usual :) Probably another mage? I have to look at the classes, maybe pick the same race as you so we can play together from the start?
np I'll gladly do that if you play with me :3 Uhm yea human, if you want mage gnome because racial.
>Yeah, we should probably put more time into that before classic
only 2 days left :(
>Slacking! Bet you couldn't guess that one :^)
I want to slack with youuuu and game now! more gamey
>Dummy! Soon! You still have your work and workout to do! I love you too!
I don't want to work, I want to game with you... now...so long away till I get you... I want you now! I love you!
>I'm keeping both threads up just in case, reply wherever
alright boss
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Why do you not use the filter anon?
why do you fucks not just report them for spamming instead of letting them shit up the thread?
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I'm not triggered by pictures of overwatch characters
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you are triggered by the fact you'll always be a biological male, tranny.
and there it is
Can you go back to 1680x1050 it made you easily filterable
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>jq is top or second best winrate in all rank subdivision
can I have a qrd on this, is she that strong or justd played by smurfs
I accept your concession, tranny.
now get back to dilating
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>good to hear at least one :P
Like usual :^) Yeah, ended late again... Need to fix that, it's bad lol
>good that's all I want to hear, and I would do everything for that yes
Can't really say no to someone as sweet as that Bastion!
>Don't be sorry, I love playing with you.
But you need your sleep!! I love gaming with you too
>Wait, this season is still 3 weeks long? Takes forever and feels like the last season.
Yeah, the season ends in 21 days... Feels super long lol
>Maybe the new tank will spice things up, hopefully he's not Magua 2.0. We do know nothing about him?
I hope so, I'm sick of these only shooting tanks that do nothing else
We know he's based on a concept art priece from before launch but that's about it?
>Only that he's sound based?
Based on what? :^)
>Oh, right, 100% the doctor Ziegler skin will come back because of the anniversary event.
You think? I bet they could charge money for that one but I want that winter one since it's the only one I'm missing
>I guess because they play that different? Which do you like more? Mage or druid?
They do and my buttons aren't the same, like I don't have protection stuff on the same keys etc... Druid is easier but think I like mage a bit more
>np I'll gladly do that if you play with me :3 Uhm yea human, if you want mage gnome because racial.
What are you picking? Tank?
>only 2 days left :(
I know but the game won't run away, we can come back to it
>I want to slack with youuuu and game now! more gamey
Dummy! Tonight!
>I don't want to work, I want to game with you... now...so long away till I get you... I want you now! I love you!
If I could stay home and be with you all day I would, dummy I love you too!
>alright boss
She was always one of the best tanks. Probably going to be hard meta at OWCs. Her heals are absurd op, shout is busted as fuck and her ult makes her unkillable.
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Isn't Mauga the meta tank in esports right now?
junkerqueen is the tank you play when you're in a speedboost stack with a juno or lucio (or both) and your entire team is 200% speedboosted at all times, teleporting onto the enemy backline and decapitating everyone in voice

it's not that the character's stronger than other tanks, it's that she's the tank of choice for stacks-that-use-comms
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I ca understand her being strong in the hands of a good player, but even metalfags have absurd amount of winrate with her
alternatively; torb is also ultra high in the winrate department, how are bronzies able to aim with it
OWCs is going to be played on the patch before his buffs.
man I wish they'd stop doing that lame shit and nut up
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I run, I see you soon again! I love you!!!
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Good night
good night!
Masterkaiden is in your gold games because he too is gold ans the game shows the rank range to be gold 3 and 4.
Ah. Thanks.
So is Moira just in every single gold game on both teams?
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>Like usual :^) Yeah, ended late again... Need to fix that, it's bad lol
I know how :3
>Can't really say no to someone as sweet as that Bastion!
aww that mercy is sweeter and better
>But you need your sleep!! I love gaming with you too
I know, but I need you more
>Yeah, the season ends in 21 days... Feels super long lol
what... 21 days, I was thinking it was over next week. Are you sure it's 21 days? Can't even google that because it says nothing, cool.
>I hope so, I'm sick of these only shooting tanks that do nothing else
Hey.. I liked mauga... I like shooting... it's just playing against him his cancer
>We know he's based on a concept art priece from before launch but that's about it?
Do we? The concept art is female and has these sound speakers? How is nobody hyped for her?
>Based on what? :^)
you... I mean like what if the hero deals dmg with sound abilities?
>You think? I bet they could charge money for that one but I want that winter one since it's the only one I'm missing
Maybe they are rerunning old skins in the shop. Oh, right Snow Angel maybe this christmas?
>They do and my buttons aren't the same, like I don't have protection stuff on the same keys etc... Druid is easier but think I like mage a bit more
Yea you should put them on the same keys, or otherwise you will always fuck over your muscle memory. Yea I can imagine mage looks more fun
>What are you picking? Tank?
Probably warrior yea, not tank, though I want to dps in classic more fun.
>I know but the game won't run away, we can come back to it
Yea, that's the good thing about D4. Classic will kinda be once in a lifetime, I guess once in 5. Though I also never played on a mega server hope we get in.
>Dummy! Tonight!
but I want you now!
>If I could stay home and be with you all day I would, dummy I love you too!
me too and nobody else :3
Hey there :3
see you later love
No but they are very common
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yes, read these posts like a good boy
What I really like about Overwatch is how it's so obvious just from first picks whether you gonna lose or win, really saves me the time by expediting losses.
NTa but how important is to melee as Queen, isnt it like 50hp gained and a 50 damage attack, compared to a shotgun hit to the face
>Huītzilōpōchtli :D
Best emote in the game
What did I miss, why is everyone picking Mauga again.
they made his charge have 5 seconds cooldown so now he has noclip and -50% dmg taken and a huge AOE damage+stun for around half of his time alive
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Licking her sunpower burned pubic regions
imagine kiriko with juno's butt
would make me like her at least a little bit
I don't get the hate she receives from players but I'm a high silver tard so they never suzu correctly
>enemy tank and dps picks us off (supports)
>our team doesn't even bother to check back and help us
>tell our team to do the same first since every fight we're losing is because their supports are free to outheal our team's shitty aim
>teams just dives and just plays deathmatch instead as a team anyway
>we lose
but this is my fault as well right?
My personal issues with her
>not fun to play
>a bratty bitch in the worst possible of ways
I want to worship JQ and Ashe's feet.
>Ashe's feet
I'm not sexually attracted to Ash for some obscure reasons but yeah good for you
>JQs feet
ermmm yeah I'm not sure about that, wouldnt they be extremely dirty smelly in a non erotic way, also her sweat must smell horrible
t. gym coach that knows well about female musk
>Moira on enemy team
>Sweat and try my hardest
>Moira on my team
>Take nonsense flanks and throw
One day I'll get all these freaks back to silver where they belong!
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>he is climbing out of gold?
>send in the moiras
lmao, got demoted from the first gold rank because of moiras but that's just coincidences I guess
I want them both to shove their feet in my face and to threaten me if I don't provide their soles and toes with due respect.
why are illari players like this
>had blizzard account years before OW2 even came out
>still have to add phone number
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Get away from me!
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you didn't play OW1 before OW2 came out
Classic is getting a patch today right
Because you deserve it for playing moira
that's just stupid it should count anyway
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Why the dislike for Moira? Too honest for you? No piss bottle? No sleep dart? No teleport? No suzu? No rez? Luckily I don't care what metal monkies like you think.
If she wasn't so fucking dull to play I would rock her way more
not having to aim is fun!
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Sure thing aimlet
There's a reason moira is the #1 swap for m*rcysissies
It can be but I prefer Brigitte if we're going there.
She's brainless with a low cooldown get out of jail free card and abilities that require zero mechanical ability. Playing her regularly let alone maining her should be a mark of shame.
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ow lost to this... it's so over...
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early jq was cuter
Did we lose to that?
Not bad. Prefer her now.
i would bet if you took a GM and higher players and put them on a account in bronze, those mfs would NOT climb SOLO support. guaranteed.
if i lost i would unironically transition to a woman.
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Moirasisters... not like this...
Can't wait for Eskay to have a new friend
this is what bronze looks like huh
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>Apex Legends general dead
>demoted to /vm/ general
Another one bites the dust
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We cannot stop winning
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That's actually plat 2, not that you've ever been carried that high moirasister
Wake me up!
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>he is uncarryable
lol pathetic
The degenerates can't help themselves.
Nah, codfags pretty much just play cod, it's a closed ecosystem
best decisions in my life were
- to switch from french servers to english servers in MMOS, especialy wow (Im french)
- disabling team and allchat from OW2
I think I've had that lazyturtle in some of my games in the past couple of weeks, EU, likely plays in a group, just goes to show how small the playerbase is now.
why are 4channers so anti-social? just join in on the banter, dude. not that deep
I don't play in groups, I'm just goated. I got POTG too.
Illarikeks went really quiet.
I had it enabled for a while and there was no banted, just autistic and very reddit jokes
seeing the cringe ass nicknames is already too much
>join the banter
if I banter back I unironically get muted for 14days, speaking of which my mute is lifted today
bunch of thinskin losers that will passive aggressively criticize me, but when I go all in on their retarded ass mothers they will cry and beg for reports in all chat lmao, there's no banter, just little transexuals and unironical mid twenties kids that did not experience the good ol days of call of duty lobbies on xbox 360 *sips*
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>Same screenshot that isn't even yours posted for the twentieth time
Nobody in this general is GM
>(Im french)
Sorry to hear that anon
It's literally my screenshot.
er'body in 'ere is bronzechad.
>all those people calling me a shitter retard for playing moira... I sure owned them
Post a picture of your career profile right now with hours on moira displayed
>just dox yourself to bunch of schizos, bro
No, thanks.
I'm literally playing this shit game, I'll talk to you later homo.
You were reported multiple times by your fellow players for inappropriate communication. Some examples include abusive chat, advertisement, spamming, or other communication that violates our code of conduct.

Suspension expires on: 2024-11-26 15:07
cant yet bro but remind me whan my permaban ends
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Too busy dunking on moiratroons in the game, sorry!
new player here, that is gold only carried by aim and one tricking Dva
what are the strength of Illari? barely heals, requires aim to hit your shots (none of the support players have it), heals for not that much, the healing lantern dies in three hits, ult is ok but that's it
on the other hand, I can see why Moir* is disliked, I put them in the same bag with Zen, just non support players that are playing support for some reasons, they just happen to be there
>"lets do a transformers crossover!"
>overwatch has a character who is a gorilla
>transformers has a character who transforms into a gorilla
>lol nah lets have arcee for ilari instead

well thats just prime...
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moirachads for the win once again
>4-9 ball
>4200 damage
bro got 2 dollars from blizz in his bnet balance after this game
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>Moira player posting their victory over... another moira player
you just know that ball whined like the biggest bitch in your third grade pe class
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what login rewards
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Happy Birthday, Amelie
>trying to force a moira x illari rivalry
The mercy mafia are behind this
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>you will never give Amelie a reacharound
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Making us hate each other, Mercissies
Blueberry pie..
BBC bandit
Why is her arm whiter than the rest of her body?
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>play support
>people congratulate me, get 3 endorsement per game all the time
>play DPS
>people insult me and make fun of me and leave the game
It's not my fault I can't aim, just wanted to try something else
what did they mean by this?
>It's not my fault I can't aim
It is actually. And you being too cowardly to deal with a tiny tiny bit of criticism is why you will never develop it
does anyone else struggling to play their main?
I used to be the sweatiest lucio onetrick on the planet but he's just exhausting now
I never play him more than once or twice before I'm just too tired
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is this still bugged
grind vaxta and you'll be able to translate aim across both dps and support heroes
do 10 minutes before you play and 10 minutes after you play
decent aim is the biggest gatekeeper in this game
aiming is stupid hard in ow
She is the good stuff. That's what.
I guess it's natural to get bored or fed up with after a time. I got lw to lvl 100 and then moved on to other heroes, occasionally picking him
>you will never give amelie a reacharound and a rimjob as punishment for being on the losing team
it's so unfair
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Man good junkrats are the scariest thing ever.
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Doomfist OWES me sex...
illari is youngest but orisa is literally 1 year old???
They're there if you look.
It's because you play a hero that's mechanically demanding AND has a high ceiling. Playing flowchart Lucio is probably very boring to you since you've unlocked a lot of his potential, but playing Lucio to the best of your ability requires a lot of energy. Overwatch is a game where half of the characters barely require any effort to make a legitimate impact, meanwhile a real Lucio player's APM is 10x more than the average support player's. Since main support has been reduced to peelbot there just isn't enough reward to convince your brain that Lucio is a rewarding experience worth the effort.
where juno
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classic update today?
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What different things would a talking fashion doll of Mei say?
i am owned sex from brigitte
Rampage counters orbital
I am owed marriage and children from Ashe
does anyone here play free cities?
I'm bored and thinking about making ow characters in game
why are low ranks absolutely ALLERGIC to focusing mercy
that shit is unbelievable actually
tank agro is very effective against enemies with low awareness levels
>"Ice to meet you!"
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>1game to rank up
>lose streak
>absolute stomp with people actively trolling, doing 1/3 of the damage or healing the opponents are doing
l m a o
how can anyone be unironically silver
do you play with your monitor off?
dva bounces on that shit for hours
I have 20 hours of playtime, relax a tiny bit little nigger
i can literally see your comp points there
I guess some people take a long time to understand that when you kill the supports = you win. Also aimlets and "not my problem" thinking.
>20 hours
why are you lying?
do the maths then motherfucker, and add the fact that I play tank or support
the math is that you suck
sea monkey redditor is mad
this but silver
Have you ever done this? Just popped my widow duplicate cherry
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What a bunch of chads.
high test gang
Me all the way on the top left
>enemy team has a moira zarya
>ah yes i will go genji
Just nano him.
god i wish that were me
I'll never understand why people feel like they have to defend themselves on 4chan
it's an anonymous website
if someone calls you bad just stop replying
why lie about it lol
there's unironically nothing to lose
so the most impactful roles
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>i was only ever good at playing offtank
>in Overwatch classic my winrate is ~80% (Hog 1trick)
>near the end of OW1 it was ~60%
>now its 40% playing 5v5 maintank
>only good at offtank
you're good at being a corny flanker and abusing a mismatch
you're not good at offtank
two very different things
because its a thread for a shitty video game and literal children post here?
I think if you deleted Moira from the game it would be 100x better im not even joking
This but Mercy and Ana
Got killed by a 'flanking' Moira again, anon?
i would just 1v1 you with lucio then lol
No my dumbass Moira is throwing a ball into a group of enemies my teammates clean it up we lose because she wont heal and then cites her elims so she isnt the problem
Not everyone is posting in good faith.
this butr mercy, un ironically
>it's another Mercy pockets Widow all the way in the back and does nothing to help others
the only thing dumb about moira is her new range
she's essential in 5v5 because any match could be the match where you're stuck with a ball or doom onetrick and you have to suffer through 15 minutes of the gaming equivalent for "didn't cook, everyone fend for themselves" night
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>it's a zarya keeps solo ulting and it gets gripped match
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Man I cant play JQ
yes you can bro i believe in you
If I could do it, so can you.
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>I know how :3
Getting you to bed wouldn't be very difficult, making you sleep however... :^)
>I know, but I need you more
Dummy! Sleep comes first
>what... 21 days, I was thinking it was over next week. Are you sure it's 21 days?
That's what I saw on the ingame comp screen, it says how many days remain of the season
So, unless that's wrong we're still 3 weeks away
>Hey.. I liked mauga... I like shooting... it's just playing against him his cancer
He was fun for the first week and the prerelease test but that's it
Now he's just annoying, I really hate playing with and against him
>Do we? The concept art is female and has these sound speakers? How is nobody hyped for her?
Which concept art are you talking about? We heard his voice in the season 13 trailer
I'm talking about this concept art, see pic
>you... I mean like what if the hero deals dmg with sound abilities?
Just teasing lol
Would they do another Lucio style hero? I personally wouldn't do that because it would make Lucio less unique
>Maybe they are rerunning old skins in the shop. Oh, right Snow Angel maybe this christmas?
Yeah, they are rerunning skins right now so we'll probably get more today
If not this Christmas then next one for sure :^)
>Yea you should put them on the same keys, or otherwise you will always fuck over your muscle memory.
Yeah, I'm kind of an idiot like that... It's just weird because they don't have similar stuff, mage has more defensive abilites compared to feral
>Though I also never played on a mega server hope we get in.
Are you sure the queues won't mess us up? I feel like that's going to be bad the first weekend
>but I want you now!
Well, I'm home now and I am waiting for you!
>me too and nobody else :3
Only you!
learn dva instead
she's the more fun backline shredding brawler anyway
A bit too old for my taste
seek help pedophile
I'm sure someone like mercy is more your speed
Yes. Help from a bullet.
A bit too fat and old for my taste
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>new hero
>no one gives a fuck
>same bot and gooner spam
New hero looks like shit lmao
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that's a lot of gun
Atrocious design.
The rein rage quit after this
looks cool
I like it aside from the arm gun
Lmao looks so dogshit could've made him an actual cyborg instead of a bitchboy
Ok so he’s definitely going to be gay/bi/trans, right? No way they’re giving us a straight white male in CURRENT YEAR
Meh, need to see more
Swallow Cum God
Looks like a modded mauga lmao. Awful design
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hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, Marvel Rivals is 2 threads down
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>literally fuckyouleatherman hero
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He looks kind of boring compared to the original design.
He sounds like an annoying faggot
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he even stands like him
Another one for JQ to take 'em to the wasteland.
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Hey love, my everything, welcome back
>Getting you to bed wouldn't be very difficult, making you sleep however... :^)
I don't want to sleep if I have you :3
>Dummy! Sleep comes first
no you first...
>So, unless that's wrong we're still 3 weeks away
omg and here I was thinking this season was over already.
>He was fun for the first week and the prerelease test but that's it
I had fun owning people with you. Like always.
>Now he's just annoying, I really hate playing with and against him
The problem with him is you need ana otherwise you just can't play against him.
>Which concept art are you talking about? We heard his voice in the season 13 trailer
That one you posted. I just had someone else in my head. Eh, never mind new trailer dropped already https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR8N3cXWxqM
total not my hero
>Yeah, they are rerunning skins right now so we'll probably get more today
Yep, probably + new hero stuff. Was wondering where it was marketing starts now it seems.
>If not this Christmas then next one for sure :^)
You get that skin, I'm sure. You have enough money on your bnet?
>Yeah, I'm kind of an idiot like that... It's just weird because they don't have similar stuff, mage has more defensive abilites compared to feral
No you're not, yea mage is just harder to play, you need to get used to it. We're not playing much wow at all right now, sorry.
>Are you sure the queues won't mess us up? I feel like that's going to be bad the first weekend
It's going to be bad, I need to wake up earlier. You want to play hc? I'm not sure.
>Well, I'm home now and I am waiting for you!
yes sorry, soon, I want you now! I love you
>Only you!
only you, you're amazing :3 how was your day? are you gaming already?
the legend of swallowGOD lives on
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no negativity in here fella
I play her but my inner instinct tells me JQ will get me higher and further than just mastering Dva but Im totally wrong apparently
it's too hard for such little reward imo, Ill keep trying but I got demoralized by how hard it is and how squishy you are, I have to play like a cuck aroud corners and some maps does not make it ez like cart ones, or maybe I should not push the cart and fuck them up
How the hell do you even shill this design?
What's with the bara design lately? The majority of the player base couldn't lift x2 plates. Not that I complain, the guy looks at least like he lifts stuff.
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Cover goin up
Easily the least inspired design so far. IDK just feels like every element of his is a rehash from some other character
I really need to know how can anyone jerk off to this shit?
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time to hop in comp and get a win
>inbreds complain there's no straight white men heroes
>get straight white man hero
>they hate him
on your alt account right?....right?....
Those guards in the trailer have the aim of a moira player.
white mauga
I don't hate it, I just don't get anything from it. But I also really really dislike Mauga's design so maybe I am just over generic buff dudes.
bros I'm freaking out where's his pride flag logo or his non binary design???!???
He can't be straight....can he!?
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Homos of owg, you won the next season
I wouldn't bet on it.
We got Juno in current year so anything is possible
>part of "freaks"
>is trans/gay
they wouldn't....
of course (i only have 1 account)
That's just FF7 Barret if he was white.
I feel like both mauga and this guy are heavily inspired by the cyberpunk anime
Why would middle easterner people care about that?
he's literally Van Darkholme
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>no straight white men heroes
can whitoids be anymore sensitive? holy shit
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what the fuck is this ugly shit
>another tank with a gun

cool, can't wait to see him break the game again.
I noticed something similar between 4/5 of those heroes you used. This feels like a disingenuous response to a valid criticism a group is making, it almost feels like you are being subversive and evil rather than trying to understand. You come across as very Judaic in your actions.
A throwaway character that no one will ask to be a hero. Dumbass.
>3 competitive matches in a row cancelled because of leavers
what the fuck
>it's a throwaway so it's OKAY if it's shit
This is how we ended up in OW2
Probably going to end up being FtM. It’s the safest way to introduce trans
>5.5 years since the last straight white male hero
Cass Junk Rein and Torb came out in 2016
Sigma in 2020
You're telling me in 8 years we only got ONE white guy hero?
out of a cast of what? 40!???
Accelerate the classic plan.
what's wrong with it?
Every single one of Rivals still unrevealed 5 heroes will mog this dude.
>fat robot
>nose ring
>Blacked tats
this is one of the designer's self inserts
I hate the small head big body shit they always do this looks like a scaled down reinhardt
>Blacked tats
>it's OKAY
Illiterate burger.
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>I noticed something similar between 4/5 of those heroes you used.
and that is...?
>valid criticism
stop trying to be a victim all the goddamn time, it's so tiring
>"facts are jewish!!"
>5.5 years since the last straight white male hero
what's that in days? hours? minutes? lmfao picrel
see above and picrel
so the tranny faction?
Hazard sounds like an Apex Legend name
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>Blacked tats
Don't even bother going outside, just kill yourself. Right now.
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What the FUCK happened!????
He looked so fucking cool and monstrous last year
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Hi again!! I missed you!
>I don't want to sleep if I have you :3
Dummy! You need your sleep otherwise you'll be grumpy
>no you first...
I'd trade sleep for time with you too
>omg and here I was thinking this season was over already.
Yeah... sorry, maybe classic will be more fun with the 1 hero limit? :^)
>I had fun owning people with you. Like always.
Yeah, quickly realized how strong Ana was with him, literally just hug your butt and throw antis at you
>The problem with him is you need ana otherwise you just can't play against him.
Pretty much, I hate how him and hog are the "need Ana" heroes, is it just because of their high self sustain? Would they work if you lowered their health? Nerfing their healing would be better
>Eh, never mind new trailer dropped already
Yeah, he looks better in that animation with that cell shading but the ingame screenshot is weird
He'll probably look better in motion like every new hero does
>You get that skin, I'm sure. You have enough money on your bnet?
Lol, I hope so, they are bringing back skins so there's a chance!
I do! :)
>We're not playing much wow at all right now, sorry.
It's fine, we've kinda plateaued on progress which is why you don't feel like playing as much, I understand
>It's going to be bad, I need to wake up earlier. You want to play hc? I'm not sure.
Like 1 death = character gone? No way I can do that lol
>yes sorry, soon, I want you now! I love you
It's ok, I love you too!
>only you, you're amazing :3 how was your day? are you gaming already?
You are! Today was good, yes I'm gaming a bit, going good so far
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We are going to make fun of "The Libs". And you will like it.
Moira is awesome because she's what mercy players usually choose when Mercy's taken
I thought we were getting a damage. I'm less interested now.
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get off 4chan I beg you
We have enough monstrous tanks to be honest
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its so fucking fun shitting on streamers and then watching their reactions
not like u guys would know anything about that hahahhaha
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>no response only deflections
thanks for proving me right
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I literally thought this was sigma when I saw the thumbnail.
Nobody wants to fight dps sized queen, tanks should be big targets
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>trannies and fags itt seething normal people didnt like Van Hazardholme
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Who are you quoting?
Would Overwatch have been better if they had gone with Angelo Zieglabembe instead?
>Mid range explosive primary?
>Weird Mei-like Crystals that shoot up>
>Ultimate where they go AOE with spikes
>new hero drops
>immediately nothing but tourist raceshit in /owg/
I think this has happened every single time since like, orisa
The game would have had like 80% less porn and would have died completely in 2 years because of it.
>literally has an image named (you).png saved on his PC for the many times where he has no argument but needs to heckin "win" somehow
you're pathetic
Sex with
Fuck new tanks, give me a pure melee dps. I want to use shitty dragonblade all the time
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>oh sweetie summer child fat robot for internet gbps is totally normal like touch grass its 2024 sheesh
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True, need more tanks like Ramattra, Orisa, and Doomfister.
he has a piercing shot on the first kill, I wonder if there's something else that's special with his gun or if they just put those effects to spice things up
What about hog?
dogshit design. posture like soldier, looks like a white mauga, HUMONGOUS disappointment compared to the Phreak design >>502829707
Wow brawl tank #3746252
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No I made it just for you!
Here's another.
cry more divefag
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you cant unironically defend this kek
Mako is Maori.
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When is this bitch getting deleted from the game?
Ramattra isn't black. He's a well spoken english-indian.
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why would you build a robot to look like it's fat
is that the new venture skin
never but they will keep wondering why no one wants to play tank going into next season anyway.
How is an omnic fat?
the same reason why we built echo to be sexy
>young sigma
>with mauga chest size
>with JQ fashion sense
>who makes barriers and has a shotgun
>with a cocky attitude
Wow... really got the creativity juices flowing here didn't they
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literally who gives a fuck about some random robot
Actual tranny delusion
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You didn't have to call me out like that...
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>incels finally get their straight white man hero
>but they don't understand how to celebrate so just spampost about the fat robot we'll never see again

Why dont we talk about how the tank is just another big buff dude with a le chaingun instead of fucking talking about a fat ass robot
>but w-wobot can't be fat! iss wooookkee!

overly-sensitive faggots who made getting mad at woke culture their entire personality care.
that guy looks like he's anything but straight
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>Hi again!! I missed you!
Hey love, me too
>Dummy! You need your sleep otherwise you'll be grumpy
not if you're around me
>I'd trade sleep for time with you too
I trade all my sleep for that
>Yeah... sorry, maybe classic will be more fun with the 1 hero limit? :^)
Yea, unironically fuck the widows and hogs
>Yeah, quickly realized how strong Ana was with him, literally just hug your butt and throw antis at you
perfect for us two :3
>Pretty much, I hate how him and hog are the "need Ana" heroes, is it just because of their high self sustain? Would they work if you lowered their health? Nerfing their healing would be better
I would nerf their healing, yea it's just way too much in Overwatch 2. If you lowered their hp, they would just blow up.
>Yeah, he looks better in that animation with that cell shading but the ingame screenshot is weird
I want to know what his abilities are also 22-25... couldn't they release him next week.
>He'll probably look better in motion like every new hero does
Yea, he kinda looks very generic though, kinda lackluster for Blizzard. When do we get another monster or robot?
>Lol, I hope so, they are bringing back skins so there's a chance!
Hopefully today for you!
>I do! :)
good, you can just ask.
>It's fine, we've kinda plateaued on progress which is why you don't feel like playing as much, I understand
Yea sorry, there's just not much to get and classic is out soonish...
>Like 1 death = character gone? No way I can do that lol
Yea, I mean, it would be fun. I think I know all the hard parts of classic. But it's up to you PvE probably better for us yea. Need to think about what we play and stuff today.
>It's ok, I love you too!
I love you more
>You are! Today was good, yes I'm gaming a bit, going good so far
good, hope you have fun, I want you now! gimmie you :(, lovey
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gave enough of a fuck to purposely make it obese
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orisa has 4 legs and horns but I don't hear you calling that shit out
>thought he was just doing some flex in the air
>he's actually shooting spikes out of his back
I want to fuck orisa though
>"pick dva bro"
>enemy instantly pick sym+zrya
pic reminds me of when people tried to make "robot dick/fuck machine supremacy" a thing
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>y-you're in bronze b-because you're bad a-and you deserve it!!! g-g-get better, chud!
sure, buddy. this is what the average bronze game looks like. felt bad for the two fuckers because that happened to me before. i was lucky to NOT be for once on the team that throws and leaves
When is this fucking "Spiderverse" animation style gonna die? It's enough already, it's played out.
You do know you have rocket boosters that allow you to go anywhere on the map on demand right?
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he's hungry
meant to be a replay to >>502829562
Then swap to ram or winston
Because the guards already came with 4 legs; and a child made the head.
I just one trick ball and ignore my team when they tell me to change.
I need the ability trailer NOW
>enemies are not instantly glued to their zarya the micro second you step out of bronze
ok den
no normal person cares if he's white or gigablack from zambia, but nice of you to out yourself with that projection, troon
>Nade is the only ability to outright stop Healing, a vital function to the survival of tanks
>Not only that but it also has AOE
>Sleep Dart is the worst CC in the entire game and still in for some reason (seriously why isn't this a slow effect or something)
>Nano heals you up 100% so lol fuck you
>posture like soldier
Honestly, good point. That's adds another layer of boring to his boring design.
>the super duper secret serum?
>oh it gives you spikes on your back that you can shoot out everyones gonna fuckin want this Dood
>more tankwatch
i sleep. will check back again in a few months. valorant dropped some banger patch notes in the meantime.
ong no skibidi?
>no normal person cares
this is unironically the only way to enjoy tanking in OW2. if my team cant capitalize on me causing the entire enemy team to hard focus and chase me off the objective, then we didnt deserve to win
fr fr blud
>2022 they gigabuffed Doomfist and let him ruin the game in December
>2023 they gigabuffed Mauga and let him ruin the game in December
Just nerf tanks to the ground they make the game so fucking boring
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Ah so if they give you a lore reason why the omnic was fat you'll stop complaiing?
I’m getting Spiderverse vibes
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this nigga talking about valorant man
They need to make a twinkish schizo white boy who's armed with nothing but a M1 and a combat knife, his ultimate is just him throwing a homemade grenade.
Sigma came out in 2019
>what if.... even more tanks
they can't do that again because rivals.
>he says as support has boiled the game down to its worst parts that everyone complained about as far back as OW1
yeah bro its tanks fault that we now have GOATS level sustain across entire teams while only having one tank. how dare tank get hit with suzus and ana nades and be revived at full health by a mercy etc. CLEARLY they are the problem
They'll complain about the length of the reveal trailer, then. No pleasing these cucks.
behead tankoids
Are we getting the ability trailer on reset?
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>Juno was hot
>Hazard is Bara hot
>Brought back Overwatch Classic
>6v6 tests coming in December
>Gave Widowmaker a mythic
>Even nerfed unpopular heroes to play against like Sombra and Orisa
>Promised to give Venture her first skin next season to keep the LGBT crowd from leaving them
>All of this suspiciously around the time Marvel Rivals drops
Might be thursday or friday
Tanks are the problem when the entire game hinges on whether your tank has more than 1 IQ or not dick licker
He's going to have a hero trial on the 22nd November
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hey dps sissy, have you tried:
>not shooting the tank
>taking an off-angle to split pressure
>shooting the backline/supports, so they can't heal the tank
>using cover aka the fucking walls around you
>not going in 1v5
>waiting for whole team before engaging
totally organic, wins are stomps; losses are stomps
>Rivals is the only thing keeping OW2 from hitting the usual rock bottom shitfest that is its December patches
fucking hell that's sad
not white
not male
will be revealed as lesbian when they need to emergency virtue signal again
how is that sad, do you want another mauga repeat?
Sombra wasn't a nerf tho, I regularly get most kills and damage with her. She as an insane level of damage now, she's way better than just hard camping supports and balls.
>tankoid telling someone to use cover and not go in 1v5
oi i am laffin
it's sad because the only way we can get competent balancing is when they're in danger of losing their jobs
>not white
>not male
No, but she really likes those!
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>insta queues as tank become pic related
>biggest stomp I have ever witnessed
Hey tank have you tried
>not running into the whole enemy team and then whining about supports/dps
I just play arcade. It's a lot more fun
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I unironically think this was their "inspiration"
I laughed
said no one ever
Do you think he will get a skin before venture?
I hope the next damage we get is like Evil Genji.
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>Overwatch gets a gay bara homo
>Rivals get this
>dps sissys get called out and insta seethe
as is tradition
>running into the whole enemy team
sorry you're stuck with bronze shitters
>overwatch classic
It has been 8 years, hasn’t it
ease off on the bait pedal a little marvel shitposter you look desperate
The new character’s design is so boring and unaesthetic
does rivals have role queue yet?
this tanktard cant be more gold
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Let him cook (it's all he has)
God why does the new hero looks like a buffed jonesy from fortnite. Plus who the fuck are they? I swear MS is making this game worse.
oh no, i just heard the voice. it's fucking wimpy. i wouldnt be surprised if it is a trans VA >>502829210
Do you think Bob and Ashe are fucking?
holy mindbroken
that would be the funniest thing alive
This lacks dynamics. There is no weight behind this. His design and voice also seem kinda... soft? Really not feeling it.
Happens to you?
She's a cuckqueen for him and D.V.A.
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Ah, on Friday, yeah.
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>sees this
>first thought is of trannies
terminal brainrot
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holy seethe
>give the chuds a white male
>chuds still complain
>white mauga
Is there someone in blizzard who is obsessed with baras or something?
>t. seething bronze dps sissy
you'll climb if you follow >>502832238
>unprovoked mentioning of trans people
oh wow this rent free huh?
blizzard said venture's getting something in season 14
>season 14 starts on Dec 10th
>the new tank will be extremely overtuned (as usual) and ruin every single match
Thank fuck I will already have uninstalled Overwatch for Marvel Rivals at that point, I don't think I could tolerate a repeat of the Mauga vs Mauga season
>Male heroes are Bara faggots or a literal flamboyant faggot
>Females are all meek virginal and small.
Hmm.... really gets the noggin joggin.
add a bunch of heroes, unnecessarily specify they're alphabet members, no problem.
one single not specified as alphabetical
need the same greentext wall of words but for tanks instead
t. bronze hardstuck tankie
that's what happens when you're the perpetual victim
wouldn't surprise me if they were all dps players too
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>Yes...Yes that's right, he just won 3 in a row...
>Understood, sending in the Reinhardt mains now
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>not if you're around me
I feel the same, you always make me happier even when I don't feel very good
>I trade all my sleep for that
Me too! At least for a little while :^)
>Yea, unironically fuck the widows and hogs
Yeah, it's bad, the stacking really sucks lol
>perfect for us two :3
Still weird seeing people afraid to enter his ultimate and help a teammate out, like it's not that dangerous to be in there, it's actually worse if you're stuck outside most of the time I feel like
>I would nerf their healing, yea it's just way too much in Overwatch 2. If you lowered their hp, they would just blow up.
Yeah, I mean compare hogs healing in classic to now, it's wild how much stronger that single ability has gotten
>I want to know what his abilities are also 22-25... couldn't they release him next week.
Great timing I know lol
>Yea, he kinda looks very generic though, kinda lackluster for Blizzard. When do we get another monster or robot?
Yeah, he's not looking too stand out-ish, maybe his dialogue will make up for it?
When was the last omnic? Ram I guess
>Hopefully today for you!
Doubt it's today, if anything in December, we'll see in an hour
>good, you can just ask.
Stop being so nice!
>Yea sorry, there's just not much to get and classic is out soonish...
Yeah, we're just playing for slightly higher mythic rating and waiting for weekly vaults
>Yea, I mean, it would be fun. I think I know all the hard parts of classic. But it's up to you PvE probably better for us yea. Need to think about what we play and stuff today.
Uh, I don't think I can do that, does that mean if I die in a dungeon my character is gone too? Seems too hard, I've never played classic
>good, hope you have fun, I want you now! gimmie you :(, lovey
I'm waiting!!
I can't believe white males are real
yt males are livid and seething ITT
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>Is there someone in blizzard who is obsessed with baras or something?
Yes, actually.
no and it will never have one (thank fuck)
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Quick, someone wake venture anon to ask about ow posting
it's almost like the game is pitting you against more difficult opponents to see if you're ready to surpass them since you beat weaker ones.
FYI: youre not.
you motherfucker shut the fuck up NIGGA
>giga buff white scott
>brown sidekick chick goes "he cute"
wtf blizzard?
guess it won't get any players either
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Screeching about the new Overwatch hero and animated short is Overwatch related.
Venture is such a sad story
>make good looking concept art
>make her uglier and less feminine in the actual game to avoid people calling her by her biological pronouns
>accidentally make her so ugly that no one cares about her anymore, not even the skin team
>give her no attention beyond a few nerfs
>don't even give her legendary skins in her default locker

it's so fucking sad. they ruined her just for acceptance only to toss her to the side.
got you, fren
>play a pubstomp/noobstomp tank like zarya
>low ranks will charge your bubbles, wait until you're high energy, walk into their backline and use a bubble to kill a squishy, walk back to safety with your other bubble
>rinse and repeat
>general tips for other tanks:
>don't duel the enemy tank, UNLESS they are out of position, low on health, killable, or they made an obvious mistake like over-extending
>play behind cover as much as possible, your supports can't always outheal the damage of 4 other players
>press tab, see who is the problem on the enemy team (sometimes at lower ranks the entire enemy team is being carried by ONE person), put pressure on them, it can turn the whole game around
>learn to track enemy cooldowns (ults, and big abilities like bap lamp). bait these cooldowns out before using YOUR ult. example, do not zar grav if you know LW has pedal, he'll just raise everyone up. do not zar grav if you know zen has trans, he'll just keep everyone alive. do not use D.Va bomb if you know bap has lamp, etc.
lmk if you need anything else
>not a ginger

the scotts do not accept this representation.
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Blizzard is so creatively bankrupt that they're now stealing Arcane "Get Jinxed" style for their new hero. Overwatch is truly a dead game.
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Don't you guys think it is kind of stupid how there is no environment to practice new heroes in because quickplay is just as sweaty as comp if not sweatier? I was trying to practice Lifeweaver in QP and I had to turn off chat because people would relentlessly flame me for not having perfect grips/petals on my 2nd time ever playing him.
>league of lesbains invited cyberpunk
do we just make up shit now?
>see new Overwatch trailer dropped
>”Oh I bet the usually suspects are on /owg/ right now”
>check /owg/
>screeching about trannies and posts about Marvel
Like clockwork
I guess so. It's just funny how we tend to go off a cliff every single day.
They really did rail her bad. There is a very small, very fanatic group of Venture lovers but that's about it.
well like everyones said, his voice doesn't fit. should've been more deep and raspy.
buff dudes like that are fugly af anyway
Yeah wish non comp matches you with similarly skilled players other than giving you a team of either bronzies or grandmasters or a mix.
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keep waiting for a dps bab who will do an ebin flank and kill those annoying supportcucks while you brawl with another tanktard for big damage number, tankoid metal shitter
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I'm just gonna queue up so you anons don't have to.
He has a really annoying voice. I thought Venture was bad, maybe I'll get used to him like I did the thussy.
>sending in the Orisa and Mauga DPS all Queuers now
I wan to rail her bad
nah I'm always racist
Wait a minute...I'm an all queuer who mostly plays tank and orisa/mauga. Is that a bad thing/stereotype?
I won't judge. Maybe the crooked teeth will do some magic tricks.
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Nothing about that the new hero is cyberpunk, you dumb zoomer retard. The jittery pink/purple 2D graffiti mixture with 3D style, Blizzard is desperately trying to emulate LoL's Arcane style with their new shitty hero trailer. It's too bad your dogshit washed up Blizzshit company couldn't emulate the success of Arcane. KWAB
nice fanfic
Yes it basically means
>uh i have no fucking idea how to play tank so im gonna pick the lowest fucking effort op tanks to play if I get the slightest push back i'll crumble like a wet sausage
I assume his gun is related somehow to orisa due to lore or maybe just laziness?
how is Orisa OP? Doesn't she have like a 46% winrate? your point might be valid if you were talking about OW2 release month where she had a 60% wr.
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The designer really tried to make a character that appeals to no one except himself.
Am I supposed to think this is good? Also Psylocke has the worst lore out of any fictional character I've ever seen in my life. Talk about the writer's barely disguised fetish..
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>nice fan-ACKK!!!!!
She's not "OP" per say I just mean the lowest effort heroes for the highest gain even with Reinhardt you need to put a modicum of effort Orisa you can play with a joystick up your anus
Angela Ogundimu
Sex with Hazard
Sex with futa Widow
Sex with Juno
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we're having guinea pig stew tonight
I will volunteer to take one for the team
made for brown queens
Over/Under that the Riot troon is also the Marvel shilling chink?
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finally the tourists are gone and we can go back to quality posting
Dying game, Riot games are a terrible company too. League is also a terrible game but I guess it's not dying, there are plenty of idiot zoomers around who don't know any better.
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>is the faggot posting adversarial game vs game bait for attention this other adversarial attention seeker posting game vs game bait
8 ball says highly likely
99% sure it's they/them, anything for attention.
Is it even worth playing Illari anymore? Honest question. Pylon is so easy to destroy now
Well at least we got Juno. Still a net positive.
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>Valorant is dea-ACKK!!!!
Flopwatch 2 lost BIGLY btw
she has a cat girl skin, who cares about viability
Yeah he's a chink, can't even speak English properly.
werent they supposed to update 6v6 classic rule set at some point
She's fun. And hot. But on the viability/best bang for your buck side of things, it's not looking good for us.
They're going to rerun the event in future seasons with different metas.
lil bro fell off after taking the biggest Ls
Wlorant warped his mind BIGLY
Thank you
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Why is Valorant more appealing to zoomers than Overwatch?
knock it off faggot
>calling literally any other game "dead" in an overwatch general
This. He has a pussy voice.
why does this look like Porn Lara Craft in a crappy wig
the type of nigga that thinks he is smart when he is only surrounded by literal brownoids like himself lmao
how in the world the game matchmakes me against dificult opponents withing the same fucking rank lmao, not even a division up or down, withing the same fucking number
dumbass forced50 denier you are the reason we all hate thirdworlders
Valorant doesn't take five million years just to kill one guy solely because he has a shield and a 10 billion health pool.
Valorant? Isnt that the CSGO but for skilless players?
I need help regarding my team dying 4vs3 or even 4vs2
I go highground usually with Dva, to deny their highground and get attention from enemies; I always bait grenade/sleep, bap lamps, suzu etc, all the fucking cooldowns are baited, somethings I force the two fucking supports to go hide with their tails between their legs but I somehow lose teamfights or even the game
what do you do when a sombra/tracer farms your support
what do you focus on as jq when enemies are 5maning and you cant scream go axe someone

what I want are ways to win alone, players are ust too fucking bad to rely on
do we? we have like 2. maybe 3 if you count fat people as monsters

honestly i can't believe they made this guy look so fucking bad though. the color scheme, the hair, the stupid looking orisa handgun all looks like hot garbage, the FUCK happened?
oh no....
no that's CS2
more than that, its for skilless players, brainless players, trannies, biofems and kids
For some reason Valorant became the game that asian zoomers like using as an identity trait. You know those SoCal, Vancouver, Toronto types. It’s perfect for bbg asian girls that don’t play games cause all you have to do is log in, die, spend majority of downtime on tiktok, and then you can write in your social bios that you’re an “Valorant player”.
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when you can fuckin see them anyway
but enough about overwatch
where's her spade tat?
Explains why our resident shill likes it
not here to defend the game tbqhwy, the microsecond my game is playable I'll fuck off, I'm the "organic" poster, I wont tolerate a matchmaker to fuck me over, blizzard can suck dicks, even on wow they fuck me over by timegating the most nonsensitical things like wotlk questlines etc
they dont respect my ass I wont either, already tired of the game after playing 115 hours, tired to losing three then automatically winning three etc

on top of that, hardstuck silveroids think they can trashtalk their teammates while being literal subhuman monkeys
game is somewhat fun tho but eh
What happened to the original VA from the teaser? What happened to the original Phreak design?
This dude is so fucking ugly and doesn't fit the art style at all, it's actually unreal.
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she's supposed to be a centaur robot and she was created by a literal child, in the first game her personality was like baymax because she essentially WAS overwatch's baymax. the reason her kit felt like an amalgamation of a bunch of other hero's kits (the grav, the shields, the OR-15 base in lore) all reflected that it was from the mind of a kid, complete with the "NUH UH THAT DIDN'T HURT ME" ability that bypassed everything.

then ow2 just made her a warlord because ehhh who the fuck cares and gave her spears.
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Dr. Ziegler in the shop. I'm gonna fucking cum.

And also that one anon can stop making fun of me for having an complete Mercy skin set. Fuck you Brian.
trolling in classic is fun
they decided to lose all originality and fun from it just like they did with OW.
Who said this in this thread?
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medic brig available. One of the previously rarest skins
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this is the kind of person who was never hugged by their father. never knew affection, so they mistake attention for the same thing and do anything for an ounce of it from anyone, no matter how negative it is.
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>when you can fuckin see them anyway
As opposed to Overwatch's top-notch visual "clarity"? At least in valorant, those skills can't be spammed with zero downtime. Once they're used up, there is no way to get them back until the next round. Meanwhile, in Overwatch, this shit happens once in every three seconds.
kek they're desperate for some Q4 revenue so they're back to good ole reliable milking of mercy sissies again
theres nothing visual going in there thoughever
There’s no need to lie anon. Who are you trying to impress here?
if you wanna discuss valorant why not go to the valorant general?
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my findomme literally drained me of my last $400 last night so I can't even buy the fucking skin
remember that retard who would post a list of skins that ow2 players would ""never"" get?
i wonder if he killed himself, and what that list would look like today

The shitposting Jett fag won’t tell you why there isn’t a Valo general anymore lol
imagine playing the lowest skill genre in video games and calling other games in that genre low skill. Only fps players do that lawl.
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The skin was free just before OW2's launch, like everyone has it already
do more damage you're playing the perfect hero for it
honestly I don't care for marvel but I can't deny that it's making overwatch look increasingly more outdated in the graphical department and that was one of the few edges it still had over the competition

>saying this while overwatch launched with widowmaker 20 years ago
this is literally all symmetra's fault and would be perfectly fine without her
when are these etsy shills gonna stop with useless junk like this and just make me a fuckable one? it'd sell more.
They're fun keychains...
You don't have to stick your penis inside everything all the time
I want to stick my penis in Lena all the time
oh well nigga. you get no money then.
>have to buy the whole bundle to get the trans lena
i'm good
>washed out blonde
>orange highlights
>cyan highlights
>purple highlights
>grey spikes
>purple spikes
>white tanned skintone

what the FUCK is this guy's color palette? it's even worse than venture's. he looks like a knockoff offbrand toy
i seriously hope you guys dont actually do this
except the game doesnt hinge on your tank to do anything more than soak up all the annoying CC and abilities in the game without dying, which doubles back around to why supports spam their game breaking utility to keep them alive in the first place
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True that. It's just bunch of puke shit color being thrown at your screen. That's just typical Oversharts "gameplay" for you.
Well I can see that Overflopped 2 didn't impress anyone looking back at how dead the game currently is. KEEEEK
it sounds like you have more game sense then most of the people in your rank. low ranked players don't see the value of high-ground, and don't understand "dive", so your efforts are going to go unnoticed. in the scenario you described i would probably retreat earlier and bait less cooldowns, aka go back to your team sooner if they're losing fights and need your help.
these are high skill ceiling dps with high mobility, sometimes as a tank there isn't much you can do if they're diffing your team. encourage your healers to switch to mobile supports aka get off zen/ana and go LW, illari, moira. as a tank you can "spy check" (shoot randomly at your backline) to try to get sombra out of stealth before she engages but this doesn't work as well at it used to with the recent sombra changes. ask your dps to switch to cass (grenade counters sombra/tracer) and torb (turret counters tracer).
i have lower experience with her. i would say switch in that situation. counter-watch is real unfortunately.
>what I want are ways to win alone
learn a pub-stomp solo tank. dive tanks like winston/dva need more team coordination, which is hard to find at low ranks.
the blizzard forums hate phreak, they hate the animation style of his intro vid and they think bliz is washed
quick, tell us what reddit thinks
i don't understand. venture had a genuinely good blend of masculine and femenine tratis on his concept art and the 3d wip design they had shown back at blizzcon while maybe too femenine still had the cute look they were obviously going for. what the fuck happened? why does the 3d team always end up botching it up in this game?
I love armchair dev day
i do most of the time, that game was kind of an odd one out
Why is Junker Queen's design based while Hazard is cringe? They're pretty much the same except race and gender swapped
newfag here, do we get raided by jealous dead games often like this?
He’s boring. The had a perfect opportunity for an edgy character and the went with safe and boring. I blame women for this.
They needed to put out something exciting to compete with Rivals and they failed.
no its CSGO for people who actually want to e date instead of play csgo
>so your efforts are going to go unnoticed
I unrioncailly get flamed daily bny doingn things right, or atleast doing that jewtube coaches tell to do
I never use my Dva bomb and use it as a second life, did it in a stomp game and got the classic "report Dva for trolling" when I was making space like crazy and killing one or even two healers
it's truly absurd how dunning krueger works
That's smart cs:go exist to teach russians wrong weapon usage and it worked.
That's the biggest issue isn't it. The bad people they make don't feel bad enough. They have to make you like the characters even if they move down 'good people'
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Yes, literally anytime anything Overwatch anything happens like a seasonal event, new character, new season, etc.
they hated him for he told the truth
What does that mean?
Are you trying it out
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>placeholder image looks like big freaky mutant turtle guy with a shell or something
>end result is just a buff guy
man can we go back to getting weird and out of left field tanks?
Raided? No. It’s just the usual shitposters like the Brig, Tracer, and other waifu fags who become more emboldened after getting amped up on /v/ and bringing it back here.
>Scottish man breaks and enters, steals, then injects illicit substances into his body and goes on a mindless rampage of violence

Woah a little too on the nose there Jeff!
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I played the beta and it's probably one of the worst multiplayer shooters I have played in my life
The guns feel like shooting nerf guns, the paper gimmick is stupid, most of the characters play similarly
the only fun part was playing the girl who could control a giant teddy bear
>t. seething angloid without a loicense to post
His name is Hazard you dumb fuck rage baiters cannot get a single thing right
Ball was a disaster and not "weird and left field" like people expected. The "weird and left field" thing about how the design ended up was that it looks like teh p3nguin 0f d00m from Battleborn.
junker queen was (most likely) made by Arnold Tsang who before his departure a few months before OW2's release had designed most if not all of the hero's concept art. The last character he worked on was Kiriko and you can tell if you go by the concept art alone, Kiriko's being stitched together from a few other designs as opposed to having a full on pose like the rest of the cast by then -- and then the new heroes after that using a similar but noticeable different artstyle.

The thing with Hazard is that he's most likely the first hero they truly didn't have anything to go by. Mauga, Ram, even Venture we know they had all been worked on by the previous team in one way or another, with the only exception to this being MAYBE lifeweaver and juno since afaik we don't have any confirmation for those two. Freak isn't like that, he really does just seem like the concept art from VERY early in ow1's development and nothing else, which they seem to have completely disregarded too.
If you ever have to make a "cyberpunk" character like he seems to be you'll quickly realize you REALLY need to have a theme in mind from the get go or very early on because otherwise you'll just end with an ugly mesh of tech, tubes and colors that just don't fit at all.
Oh and I forgot that all the maps are copied from Counterstrike/Valorant/other popular shooters. Not even "loosely inspired", they are straight 1:1 clones. Shameless.
Like what was the idea session for Hazard?
>well he's a tank so he should be big oh and his shirt should be off because uhhh idk lol
how fucking lame "buff dude with shirt open" is the best they could come up with? I dont care if he's white black Asian fucking martian
Is he scottish or Welsh?
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Does it have PVE?
not him but he really is just another "we might be thiefs and killers but we're QUIRKY about it!! We care about our FAMILY dood!!!!"
an edgy character for this setting and with this team would be something like Ram instead i guess
It didn't in the beta
you could only do Team Deatmatch PvP until you reached account lvl 20 or so
You do know Scotland is part of britain, thirdie?
Northern Irish
I forget which shill I was watching play this but they could barely contain themselves from shitting on it during the #ad.
Scottish of course. Too bara and not twink enough to be a Welsh.
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this will protect us!
Good job outing yourself nonce
a reminder that ball's design was so dividing even within team 4 that jeff and the gang were supposed to have a meet up to see if ball had killed the game by 2022
personally i've come around to like the little goblin and he IS better than whatever the fuck this new guy is but he is an outlier and not a particularly good one. i still remember seething about how obnoxious his tie in to winston's origin was
look man, you all talk funny to me at the end of the day okay?
>counter strike but with generic as fuck anime girls
lol not even horny weebs will want to play this trash
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Que onda!
he really is just the baptiste of ow2
Scottish =/= Irish
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When the hell is victorian doll echo and doll ashe going back in the store? How do I get the game to email me when they do?
They should make a robot spinosaurus with a buzzsaw spine.
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>All new heroes are either ugly wokeshit or sfm coombait slop
Rammatra was the last cool hero they made.
Finally. Good Overwatch is here.
sorry but the development team is entirely women and troons now, best you're going to get is a was/were bara freak
>finally release a white man
>he's a freak and a hazard
both balls design and gameplay were weird and new which is why hes one of the few tanks in the game with a loyal player base regardless of how good or bad he is. theres a reason why no one likes these safe "sit in one place shooting downfield while dishing out DPS tier damage and having 3 damage mitigation abilities" type tanks like mauga and orisa. its not fun to play, its not fun to fight, and theres zero real engagement with them
Ball is the most fun tank to play and people seethe at him begging you to switch to some bland fucking turtle because they dont want you to have fun
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>quick glance back at thread
>yes let me continue queueing instead
This looks nothing like Overwatch lmao
qrd on winston vs dva if I want to farm niggers like ana and the french sniper woman with big glutes
Hand Holding
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what brig skin do I use now I can't use medic
hero limits in classic....... fun over .....................
I like the 2D gimmick stuff I saw on streams, but I'm not into the CS match type so nah
Winston is better at diving those two because dva has to play mindgames with her DM against an ana that doesn't panic and waste sleep immediately, assuming you don't get whip shotted the second you try to engage
That's literally as common as every base skin though
I wont a game with a brig that had the tranny color scheme skin
I now love brig players
Why are her shoulders so wide?
Fuck yeah he's hot af.

Thanks Fag at Blizzard for not wasting the hot Scottish accents on a hideous beast and instead gave us a hot white big guy AND shirtless
>autism awareness tracer
peppermint bark
>say gg when i win
>immediately leave game without saying anything when i lose
that simple.
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cos she's jacked
>can't get dr. ziegler separate from the bundle
yea you're not getting 20 dollaroos from me blizz
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Join up with me
winston fucking sucks unless you are playing in a stack. his wack ass 70 damage per second is doing fuck all to either of them. dva is better if youre solo qing since you can dive in and eat any sleep/nade or burst down widow faster
Uhh Flats is at the top of LSF
Is that a scale for weight?
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dr ziegler is in a bundle with cancer heroes whyy
I'm watching a video essay on him because of that
Uh, let’s just like, make a quick buck off our dying game before our Rival, who shall remain nameless, totally destroys our playerbase, lmao.
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What's he thinking right now?
So nobody else has to go look. Flats showed his viewer metrics to "prove" there's an adpocalpyse even though showing your metrics has literally nothing to do with ad revenue.
what? is this just eceleb gossip or something?
>how zesty can I be while saying lgbtqia+ streamer name
Speaking of diving snipers as Dva, what are you supposed to do when Widow/Ana are sitting at the end of the long hallway on Payload with no flanking routes? Running at them head-on is insta death, I could fly over a wall but then I'm alone and probably trade a tank for a DPS or supp which is horrible, my DPS lost the sniper war every time so I can't rely on them. I had a game like this and it just seemed unwinnable.
If you actually care you can look it up yourself
Thinking about how much r34 Hazard is gonna get
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Queen of /owg/
forgetting someone? starts with an E
LipoSuction Fantasizer?
she makes me jack
I love playing Brig but I hate every other support. What's another good support support for a brig chad
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I forgot what the map was called since it was one of the newer ones and I don't play much nu-OW2, but it was like this with 2 snipers on a platform in back and their other DPS/support off-angling. Anywhere I approached from was death. Playing defensively was also death.
You're not a chad, you're just bad at the game. You can't aim, you can't position, you need to ask for help for picking a character to play in a video game.
How is this a bad thing?
fat hag
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Excuse you?
I'm so sick of multibillion dollar corporation """""""punk"""""shit
>supportoid telling someone else they can't aim
I just prefer DPS. Most supports are gay
Can you stop regurgitating whatever you hear on /v/eddit and become a real person?
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you heard me
scroll down a little and you'll be greeted with a much nicer pair thoughbeit
It's just a game anon
They are selling my exclusive skins to dirty faced plebs. I’m an OG and should be treated with respect.
Why would you build an obese robot lol
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I though the omnic girl was cute. Would clank

Game needs more robot girls. Never forgave them for giving Echo that goofy face
How many pounds of silicone do you think is under that butt plate?
Yeah I should just shovel slop down my throat and ask for seconds and thirds and fourths and...
You literally are though. You're just too stupid to even know you're consuming it. You're crying about something that isn't even real that you chose to engage with. It's so embarrassing to watch people like you act like this.
venture is seriously broken and easy as hell to play, they need to nerf her so only otps can play her at all
I'm not crying though?
I just said I'm tired of something and you started seething
lol you're bad at the game
AND E mongg
what’s exactly is wrong with slop? is slop really that bad?
Fat omnic triggers my bbw fetish.
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Bested by my own tricks
>Hrrrrnnggh Snowball, I’m trying to flank around, but I’m dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting the enemy team.
I'm just tired of it is all
They should add some seasoning or something to the slop this same safe bland """"punk"""' aesthetic got boring 10 years ago
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post ranks?
C1 in EU, M4 NA
>Trump wins
>DEIwatch immediately releases first white male hero in years

They'll make him bisexual or something to compensate for now but still it's so over for wokecels
Klansman hero in 2026 trust
post them :)
replay codes?
They haven't had any good designs since Kiriko / JQ.
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>first white male hero in years
>is literally a gachi meme
Kiriko feet skin
JQ needs a bulge. Love her melee ability. I'm a sucker for damage over time and shotguns
Grandpa skirtpants isn’t a good design.
those were og team leftovers
yeah and current screenshot ofc
Stop embarrassing yourself
your Juno?
People jerk off to her so they like her but she's also quite bad imo
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Thoughts on sex with Sombra?
>t.literal fucking pig
racemix while holding hands and kissing and telling her I love her and
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Why should anyone care about your shitty opinion? Do you have any actual points or are you just an ape who has vague feelings and the inability to articulate yourself?
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>Flats says the Twitch Adpocolypse is happening and that he has proof
>accidentally proves that there isn't an Adpocolypse and that his stream is just flatlining because it's all people just waiting for drops

lol, lmao even.
Juno is quite sexy imo
I always felt streamer views were entirely artificial
If he wasn't retarded he wouldn't be so fat people would pay to see him in a 1910s traveling circus.
Sorry that people being able to form their own opinions frightens and confuses you
Juno is literally just an Ai-generated character that had Mei + Kiriko put into a blender and a goldfish tank on her head. Awful design, only liked by coomers.
Reverse cowgirl while she pops out that plump heart shaped latina bunda
More like Fats lmao gottem
I want to coom in Juno
>negative verbal IQ
>another brown eyed character
I’m calling it now. Cyberpunk collab and the new tank dude is getting Adam Smasher skin. It’s too close just like how Juno was perfect to cosplay Ochaco.
Depends on the streamer. if 99.999% of your entire existence is built around advertising AFKing on your channel for drops to casual gamers on tiktok who just sort by popular then yeah
aaron pls go
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Horrible games today. I get what I fucking deserve I guess. Good night joses, schizos, homos, waifus.
>slam all 5 of the enemy team
>all the overhealth i gained gone in an instant so fast that it hardly feels like it would make a difference between living and dying
Baby steps for now
Like I said Klansman hero by 2026
Criticism for each hero release since Mauga has been that they loko AI generated or look like too much like characters xyz. Beyond exhausting how retarded these people are lol
Is this a good widow strategy? It's fun to get close and personal
If you think Jeff was better than anything and not a massively inept retard who failed at everything he tried you're the dumbest retard on earth and probably play on console.
>Mei's newfew looks sort of like Mei
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It's going to be a Turtles collab and he's Krang
The Klansman hero will not be AI generated because they will have fired the diversity hire "artists" by then
as long as you're having fun it's good strats
Because they want to complain but don't actually have anything to complain about so they make up braindead nonsense like a catty teenage girl
This. Unfortunately Aaron doesn't have a single ounce of the charisma that Jeff had so people think they're worse off now under him.
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It’s gonna be a Halo collab and he’s just gonna be a giant Needler
>JQ needs a bulge
/owg/ isn't supposed to be this based
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I'm conflicted on all the skins that keep coming back.

The reasonable side of me says that I'm happy for people who get to use whatever skin they like, and that timed exclusives are lame because some people may not have known about the game back when it was available.

But the other part of me says that people who have been playing the game should get some goodies for being long term loyal customers and when you make everything available things lose some of their charm. You're not using a cool skin that shows off you're an avid fan of the game, everyone has everything, and therefore nothing is special.

Brig's exclusive skin is available, and for Mercy first it was Pink, and now it's Doctor and Combat Medic.

I use Noir Widowmaker and people say "oh cool" sometimes. I know that it's probably next on the chopping block, some day it won't be special either at this rate. I have that skin because I preordered Overwatch 1 way back in 2014. I know it's silly and I know it doesn't really matter, and I know that I should just be happy for the people who now get to use everything because wanting people to not have things is psychotic, but on the other hand I think there should be a few things that let people show off that they've been here from the start.
these motherfuckers are selling comic tracer for 20 dollars instead of rerunning the event…
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>adam smasher
I mean...
Part of it isn't FOMO as much as choice paralysis. Same reason a restaurant that has 800 different things on the menu isn't going to do as well as one with 12.
weird eyes
>You're not using a cool skin that shows off you're an avid fan of the game, everyone has everything, and therefore nothing is special.
but why does dedication need to have a material requirement, though? sure, it's cool to feel special and have something rare, but if you're a fan, you're a fan. you don't need limited-tme pixels to validate that.
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This guy looks cooler than Hazard. (That’s the forgettable name of the hero)
Make this the op image pls
Oh yeah I forgot about the anime. That definitely works better.
a lot of people play games almost entirely because of cosmetics.
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ESL detected, parroted opinion rejected
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>overwatch is apparently a "woke" company
>there still isn't a single twink/femboy hero in the game (lifeweaver doesn't count, he's just a generic flaming homo)
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No one deserves your OG skins, anon
Why would they program a robot to be hungry all the time?
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>Hero from Europe
>Actually European
Pleasantly surprised, I expected them to pull a "He's Scottish (Dad was Malian, Mum was Pakistani)! Redditmutts have been crying about his design because they wanted him to be another Sojourn/Venture I guess.

This. Good ol' Le Papa Jeff left Brigitte as tyrant of the meta for 18 months but evey now and again he would put out a wholesome video blog so it wasn't a big deal I guess?

I know what you mean but I think I still prefer letting new people have a chance to get older stuff. I refused to get the Brigitte Medic skin in Overwatch 1 because I couldn't be bothered to make a twitch account and give some random person my money. Very amusing that the Medic skin comes back in the same month that I started replaying Starcraft 2 again. As Artanis would say, it must have been fate.
so he can suffer, as i have
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>inferior, less sexualized version of Psylocke
How about you cucks explain that instead?
>Got so tired of OW2 I usually only play 6 or 7 games a week before I'm burnt out from the garbage
>played over 45 classic games the past week
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Guangguang the Creative Director of Marvel Rivals has charisma to spare.
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>trillion dollar microsoft-activision-blizzard
>12 fps trailer
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Lifeweaver being like 6'3 is pretty funny
You guys suck, I'm going back to the healslut general on /trash/.
She’s a roomba
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Welcome back, Aniki
But Overwatch isn't a company tho tbhfamngl
post you're favorite porn image there right now
LifeWeaver x JunkerQueen remains the most based ship in all of OW. too based for even /owg/ to see its genius.
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>Overwatch gradually became worse over the years
>Paladins killed itself
>Marvel Rivals looks basically the same as OW2 but with worse gunplay/production values and extremely overpowered ults
Is there any hope for the hero shooter genre? I don't know what I'm going to do when the OW Classic event ends.
mf living in the past
I just played a match in OW2 and all the dumb shit with Kiriko, Ana, Orisa, Brig
Think I'm going back to Classic for the rest of the season kek
they can't compete with valorant which is one of the biggest games on the market
forgot to mention you voted for trump
I didn't vote but thanks for letting me know you lost
Let me check...
>native english speaker
>not old
>not retarded
>not malformed
OK the last two points are debatable but due to the way blizzard calculates diversity points, he's almost certainly a gigantic turbofaggot (he even looks like one)
The most based ship is actually Cassidy x Zarya
see >>502840030
Based on what
Blitz marketing. They don't really care about the game or games in general it's just safe. It became such a meme that saying you play Valorant became a bigger red flag than League.
t. cope central residents
The mandate of heaven
Can't argue with that tbqh
the kiriko brought you donuts! (and her feet.)
safe horny
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>Play echo
is it really that easy?
>Mercy hard pocketing the silver Pharah who ends 16-11
Fat bitch
Depends on the supports
>try OW2 again
>Get a 5-14 Soujourn on my team
And back to Classic it is

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