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Gee Billy, TWO stubbers? Edition
Previously on /coopg/: >>502876678

>Latest News/Updates:

Darktide: Grim Protocols - Releasing 3 December
Darktide Released Slop : https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/Commodore%27s_Vestures

Vermintide 2:

Helldivers 2:
Patch 1.001.102


Deep Rock Galactic:

Space Marine 2: Patch 3.0

Payday 3:

Remnant 2:
The Dark Horizon DLC releasing SEP24:

Earth Defense Force 6

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2
The Forever Winter
No More Room in Hell 2

>Future games
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
What could they give Vet that is even remotely as cool as what they've announced for Zealot and Psyker? The only thing that would blow me away would be a sword+pistol dual wielding weapon.
Meltagun, hellgun, hotshot lasguns(the kreig lasguns seem functionally the same), power axe, power fist, infantry grenade launcher, deagle?
ideally? Melta gun and LMGs
realistically? Plasma pistol
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More like CACAdia!
Medicae station! !! XD
can you fucking use it already so we can go?
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Which class do you like revolver on the most?
It's a tragic event that killed billions of people, what's funny about it you fucking rat? it's like memeing about 9/11 X 100000000 kill yourself
Cheers. I'm guessing the idea is that the absurd fire rate means infernus procs more often and dumdum builds faster leading to more dps than the other marks?
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Sending out assail shards and follow up with fanfire revolver shots against priority targets is very fun. Pretty good boss damage too.
not a gun nerd but they look like a .32, a .50 and a mg42, right? at least the barrels
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Is there an image for the power swords as well?
are you retarded?
Zealot. It lets you one shot specialists from range that are too cowardly to get within range of your axe.
No, they look more like browning M2s. All of the stubbers do
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I can't believe how cute the Skaven look in some of the score screen poses.
You can't count but I love your energy!
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Melta, LMGs, hotshot las, grenade launcher.
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Looks cool.
Will try these out on my zealot.
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Not sure about fan fire, but the normal one plus assail is my favorite pair up. Assail easily deals with the chaff and revolver deals with any specialists and most elites. I also like taking Deimos force sword with it to poke crushers to death.
Sex with female judge Zealot.
>not an elf thread
fem fanatic zealot > all
chainsword and laspistol for the Cain combo for horde clear and special killing. other variant could be basket hilt saber and bolt pistol for the elite and boss damage/single target variant. special fires the gun, special while blocking for a more accurate shot (the ADS of the weapon so to speak). melta obviously, and maybe a flechette gun. it'd be similar to a shotgun but higher damage and cleave in a tighter cone for the trade off. dual wield hand guns might also be fun but i'm not sure how to make them feel unique. maybe give them a reload or crit boost on dodge thing to reward you for using them in melee, but it would always be worse than a melee because of ammo.
Yah + you're gay
maybe a shellf thread?
but fem judge zealot is pure wife material.
Based. We need a serious boost in players right about now.
Female judge is fun to bully
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That loner laugh in the end
She sounds like a batshit insane Irish girl who probably does some drugs
Scottish fem zealot is best.
just say "irish girl" next time
Trips of truth
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The trips of Truth...
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Ratfag here, just installed Dorktide again and I'm having fun.
Is there any hopium for the future updates?
Which one's the pig here?
VT or DT?
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What does the I stand for?
The one with $1500 worth of cosmetic microtransactions and 0 purchasable content.
That's the best part.
That pussy has the psych ward sock grip.
"Inquisition" or "Inquisitor" would be my guess, but I'm a lorelet.
Havoc is coming out on December 3rd.
Based on what I've heard it seems to be is the Winds of Magic but for 40k.
I haven't played VT or Winds of Magic for that matter, but from what I heard it was really rough on launch.
Here's hoping Fatshark doesn't fuck it up this time (they likely will)
It stands for "I'm coming for that ass little heretic nigga"
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Inquisition symbol
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Nice, thanks.
I know it's good fun to shitpost, but despite Ratclick having double the players of Darktide, we are currently being hard targeted by cheaters.
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>Fall for the "take sustained assault meme"
>Get fucked by a 10 rager stack i could have just W+M1'd with thy wrath be swift
>The one with $1500 worth of cosmetic microtransactions
Which aren't mandatory.
No one is putting a gun to your head to eat up the premium store FOMO slop.
It is all entirely on you if you fall so low to buy it.
Yea because all the actual content is free thanks to the purchasable cosmetics.
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Biggest tip for your fellow rejects?

Make sure you learn sound cues. Most of the time I don't see catchers, dogs, mutants, and more about to take me down but I can dodge their attacks anyway off their sound cues. If you can learn to dodge on sound alone you can avoid a lot of damage and frustration.
>But I can't tell where they're coming from!
Even if you guess wrong and dodge the wrong way, it's better to attempt a dodge and be successful than resign yourself to an incap'd fate by default. In cases where I can't see shit and I dodge I tend to avoid getting downed most of the time. If you hear a catcher's net getting primed or a dog pouncing just dodge even if you can't see them. More than likely you'll avoid their attack.

You don't want to be the player that gets downed every few minutes. Don't be that guy.
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>umm you dont have to buy it :D
anytime an Ogryn is ledged I stop what I'm doing and dart over there as fast as I can, because the devs give you like 5 seconds to save them for some reason (they're heavier I guess?)
what a drama queen
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Are we getting new cosmetics today? I have the urge to pig out.
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>the actual content is free
Is Space Marine 2 any good? I have been reading a lot of 40k lore and it seems cool but ive never played a 40k game.
Yes. The premium cosmetic store is crap, I agree.
But none of it is mandatory. Unlike DLCs which I'd have to buy if I want more content.
>anon would rather forego one of Zealot's two best straight damage nodes and take a crutch talent with a point tax attached than find another way to deal with obscene Rager stacks
It gets me breakpoints on so many weapons that I've stopped even checking, so maybe you are using something that doesn't actually glean much from it, but fighting Rager stacks in melee in a straight-up fight is a mistake at least 95% of the time, and you're no doubt being heavily health taxed for doing it with TWBS. I love fighting in melee, but trying to deal with more than 4-5 Ragers that are aggroed to you and not disabled is a gun solution almost every time. Otherwise you're losing a lot of HP, regardless of TWBS keeping you from getting knocked around. The main exception to this is when they line up for me with a Heavy Sword, but I'm still using FOTF to stagger them there.
Anon, it's not even nominated for GOTY
Yes, Sanjay, it is in fact better for the game when each update doesn't require you to pay up to get content because it doesn't split the playerbase. You're so fucking retarded you'd rather see VT2 pvp be paid content and then complain about it being dead on arrival. Holy shit I wish brown people like you weren't allowed to post here.
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>ratclick pvp
>paid content
Yea? New maps and weapons are still content. The quality of said content is irrelevant the literal fact is that the only thing past the initial cost of the game that you need to pay real money for is consetics.
It's a pretty fun game yeah. It's not very mechanically deep or something that will keep you coming back for hundreds of hours or anything but I got a solid 80 out of it, mostly playing Operations which is the co-op mode.
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>but fighting rager stacks in melee in a straight-up fight is a mistake at least 95% of the time
The 5% is when Ogryn does it
>ratfag buckbroken by DTChads
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>my steam friend keeps regularly grinding VT1 for years at this point
Maybe I should reinstall it again too.
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>cant beat ratclick on player numbers anymore
>has to move the goalposts to DLCs when the last 15 ratclick updates have been free
Why? You beat that game 5 years ago
This 100%
It's cool if you play for free. The gameplay isn't that interesting. It also has kind of a hard time finding the area between being a good portrayal and a fun game.
Does it or does it not have paid content outside of cosmetics?
Eh don't, it's full of cheaters and modders.
Unless you want to play with him in closed lobbies, then it's fine.
Bro is speaking trvth
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What the hell is this post
I accept your concession.
Mental illness + spending all day every day online arguing but being too stupid to actually make an argument so you need to make up things your "opponent" didn't actually say and pretend like they did.
lmao that's some neat copium
it's just the resident Pajeet, ignore him
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It's good and comfy
Still no Stromdorf in VT2
I actually don't have everything beaten on Cata and haven't unlocked trials of foolhardy
All mods I know of make the game harder. Except for one guy I met who somehow had unlocked flamethrower staff from trailer, it fucking melted everything.
I enjoy both Darktide and Vermintide 2 :)
I hate both Darktid and Vermintide 2 :(
I enjoy Darktide and hate Vermintide 2 :D
based posts
Yeah but there are level 4000+ people instantly winning matches with 7 grimoires thanks to IamLupo and other notorious cheaters.
Ah, seems like the resident pajeet has been banned again, that's 3 days free of easy baits
3 days without steam chart posting? the horror!
They'll delete those posts but they won't even as much as delete the obvious tanner advertising
What sort of cheats are people running inbVS?
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>play a game of shopclick, have fun
>finish, watch a video a friend sent me
>finally look at thread again
>it's 50-odd posts worth of autistic shitflinging
Do any of you actually play the games you're so obsessed with?
A shelf must suffice, I suppose.
be glad, the resident pajeet is the only one keeping the thread alive by arguing with himself in a false flamewar
>exec stance
Give it back the ability to reload your weapon, if not by default then at least as a node.
Lower the cooldown time to be on par with VoC, or fuck it, switch VoC and Infiltrate's cooldown times.
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I played 20 games of gunpsyker earlier today and now I'm shitposting while waiting for my 'za to come
Please tell me you were the bald man with the fucking shredder pistol somehow mogging the scoreboard with a meme build
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No, I'm the laspistol guy.
>Two-Handed Force Sword (2 Marks) - Psyker: A finesse-oriented weapon combining melee and psychic powers.
Is that just a vague description for being fancy or an actual reference to the finesse mechanic in the game?
You're not allowed to
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anyone still play L4d2 here?
>vague description for being fancy
"finesse-oriented" must be the weirdest way to phrase that so it's either swede engrish or the latter
Love me laspistol it's my go to for zealot [spoile]with the full auto mod because Im not clicking 2000 times a mission[/spoiler]
isn't it full of third worlders nowadays?
Based + redpilled
Gay + gay
It means it has the finesse stat for enhanced crits, fatshark doesn't do nuance.
Almost like someone has connections with the higher ups…
Thoughts on the latest cheat?
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I'm ready to pig out, I hope the new cosmetics will be good.
Autowin with 7 grims, invulnerability, flying, teleport, instant mission completion (different from the firstbecause it's objective based), instakill, infinite ammo and more.
Each enemy you kill in executor stance rewards you with 1-15% toughness, depending on how "tough" the enemy is. For example 1 single random dreg stalker gives you 1%, something like a crusher gives you 15%. This tougness can exceed your max toughness like VoC and give you maximum of +60 gold toughness.
I say 60 gold toughness because you need to expend ammo to get that toughness, so it's a trade off
Bake the 3 nodes of
>-90 of threat when leaving stealth
>+50 toughness damage reduction
>+30% damage boost
Into the ability by default. And keep the 2nd charge node the same.
To make it more team oriented, when you leave stealth and also have allies in coherency they'd get the toughness damage reduction and damage boost, but not the -90 threat.
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There can be no peace.
Rats against pigs, pigs against rats.
The war will never end.
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>Versus out for less than a week
>already full to the brim with cheaters ruining every other lobby
fucking BASED cheatgods making ratfags seethe impotently
Downloaded it
Using it
Will keep using it
Don't give a fuck, hate the puzzles
I want one for the tree puzzle so I can cheat all of them

It's pretty functional. I tried messing with the settings but fucked it. The default settings work perfectly fine on 30~40 ping, but I haven't tried being a transatlantic tourist with it yet.
kick chinese fuckers on sight
>cheatgods making ratfags seethe impotently
i mean i went back to twitch cata
oh no the horror
Fatshark learned nothing from weaves. Absolutely nothing.
havent seen a single cheater in EU and I'm rank 60
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I made this.
>killing floor
I wish I could go back...
What's wrong with back 4 blood and forever winter?
Move vermintide 2 two or three ranks and it's perfect
Remnant 2 was really fun though, why is it complete dogshit tier?
English speaking website
My guess would be that you can't actually coop it like a normal /coop/g game, it's more like campaign oriented old school coop.
He probably didn't play it and based his opinion off the first NPC you meet for 5 minutes then never deal with again. To be fair if that NPC was in your game for any longer than 5 minutes I would rate it as utter dogshit too
Mee helevettiin, homo.
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oh well I run a Zomboid server and was looking for coop players

also a 40k faggot as well, I own tide and played by myself as none of my friends wanted to play even got pretty decent with bots till I couldnt no mo.

Bannerlord - The Old Realms is pretty good wish it had skaven and orcs tho
canadian, actually, but born in Mumbai
Yes. People claim it’s still “alive” but frankly I’d say it’s a shambling corpse.
edf6 got ruined by the developers?
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>whats wrong with steaming diarrhea marketed as X game but better
This. Better yet quarantine the entire third world. Sick of this shit.
Still keeping up this cope eh?
>Crime Boss
>Ready or Not
Literally Who
Motherfucker what???
A rat born in a stable doesn't make it a horse.
Étu skít, Finna djöfli
TLS ruined the game
I haven't met any so far
Except it's Canada so it's more of a sheep pen or cote
he's born in Mubai so he's a piece of shit
Do you ever get tired of starting arguments, Rajeeshi?
A shit shitted in a horse house isn't made a horse
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you can honestly tell how /coopg/ became a /vpol/ colony because of all the casual indian racism there is
it's not casual it's competitive
Uh, good? This is not Reddit. You can go suck south Asian cock back on the subreddit
you can always cry somewhere else, Pajeet
>is that… someone noticing a pattern among a specific third world race???? omg this is not wholesome!!!!!!!! fucking pol where is my bull load!!!!!
It’s fun but very shallow and very strangely balanced (you’ll go 90% of the map without taking damage, make one mistake and die) and the devs are drip feeding updates in three parts with the cosmetics saved for the last which is bullshit.
Go ahead and report, see how much it gets done.
fuck off already pajeet
It’s not really. At least I wouldn’t recommend buying it at full price. It’s very scant on content right now and what’s there isn’t exactly award winning. Sad because graphically it’s pretty impressive and atmosphere wise too.
Everyone hates Indians, it's really not unique to here.
not funny
>one for the tree puzzle
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>pajeet got banned
Missing Borderlands and Monaco for classics
I went through my characters and finished their monstrosity weeklies before the event ends. Managed to get them all done in short order so I'll meander through the rest at my leisure. I've maxed bolter mastery on zealot and deciding which ranged to work on next. I should also work on another melee weapon but dueling sword and combat axe just werk and feel good to use.
Hey this is sweet, thanks for the suggestion.
But also no, I want one that literally cheats and finishes the puzzle for me. The part I hate the most is how the retarded devs basically designed that puzzle for controllers because the WASD controls are frustratingly inaccurate. I'd rather not have to play it at all.
I can't imagine being this retarded
>Indian got deleted instead
Pottery. Karmic justice, even.
happy people don't spend their time doing this.
oh yeah, its annoying not because of any kind of challenge it might have, but because when you press a directional key its anyone's guess which circle gets highlighted, I agree.
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Do you guys Play Zomboid here?
It's kind of baffling why they would design it this way, really. It just goes to show that the devs are obviously controller tards with how little attention they pay to m+kb controls.
>the train puzzle where you have to center the ball
Like sure, I AM skilled enough to keep it from even going yellow, but it shouldn't take me 3 gorillion ADHD hyperactive WASD inputs to get it done. How come these retards can't let me control it with the mouse by holding a button?
Fuck you fagshart, downloading the mod that cheats it for me was the best decision of my life.
Most players are now on consoles and if not they will be with the playstation release, so mouse and keyboard will be increasingly an afterthought.
Didn't someone once mention the devs only play on Malice too? Core playerbase of longtime -tide vets are also an afterthought for them, afterall, they'll keep playing regardless.
how do you view Steam profiles in Darktide?
Racism against indians is literally everywhere now
you can't
isn't there a mod where you can see their steam name?
ye but you still have to go on steam and type the name there, can't check ingame
>anon doesn't know about the players feature steam had for 20 years now
there is a mod actually that opens the steam profile but I can't recall its name
>devs are malicelet controller shitters
Huh, is that why ogryn is so shit? The skill floor for melee is so low, you can basically play it blackout drunk and still completely shit all over even most of damnation, so even with a controller handicap, it'll still utterly dominate malice.
But then why is psyker in such a questionable state? I don't think I ever see a console psyker for longer than 5 minutes because they all inevitably go down to some retarded shit and then ragequit.
doesn't work
most of the classes are just cloned and modified from ratclick, psyker is mostly just a watered down Sienna they poorly adapted to an FPS game
are you retarded?
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I swear this is the fastest general on the board that isn’t a gacha one. You guys literally just blabber anything and everything at light speed. It’s impressive.
are you?
>guy intentionally aggros DH and leaves trying to ruin my game
>invite him to talk, see what his problem is
>he blocked me
why are redditors such passive aggressive bitches?
> I don't think I ever see a console psyker for longer than 5 minutes because they all inevitably go down to some retarded shit and then ragequit.
… Is that true? Psyker is completely unviable in console?
>view->players->retarded idiot
the thread was practically dead a few days ago, I think its just hype over versus and the new darktide update coming up.
I also suspect Fatshark astroturfs in here a little bit.
Well no, psyker just has the highest skill floor (outside of being a smigger), you just kinda fucking die if you mess up. Combine that with xbox users having an average room temp IQ and being unable to keep their head on a swivel because of controller limitations, and you get smiggers that get assraped by even poxwalkers sneaking up to them.
I just think it's in a questionable state balance wise because you have to try exceptionally hard to even keep up with the performance of other classes, at least in auric damnation and maelstrom. I can kinda turn my brain off and just focus on popping heads with vet, ogryn is just pure cathartic fun, and zealot is a fucking power trip. Psyker, meanwhile, makes me feel like a hamster on crack with how paranoid I have to be when like 2 poxie hits will send me to my fucking grave. And I say that as someone who plays and likes psyker the most.
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We are nowhere close.
Gacha thread go through an entire thread in 50 minutes.
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fuck off already
If I could shit down your throat I would
Vermintide 2 is no longer a co-op game, which makes it more popular amongst thirdies.
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i-its just a phase
im a pox-rat-sissyhipnopotamus btw
What do I put on this thing?
flak/block efficiency
tranner and other retarded jewtubers are probably trying to do that too with the help of their discord minions
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>2 high level vets and zealots
>highest difficulty in the game
>is an absolute cakewalk, we barely even used the medicae stations, and just to heal like 30 chip damage
...maybe shitter teammates aren't that bad after all.
>block efficiency
>on psyker
bro your kinetic deflection? bro?
bro, they stack bro
It was just an image I pulled
I'm using it on veteran
vp9 is still better
mp4 is bitrate starved from what I've seen so far
>no audio
just put +3 stamina and +block efficiency on 1 curio so you can put whatever you want on your sword
also better because that +3 stamina also helps a lot with shooting when you take deadshot
'nuff said
Don't worry, come December 3rd you will have more shitters joining your lobbies than you know how to deal with.
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prove it.
Vet already has most of his exclusive toys sans the hellgun
Melta should go to the Zealot since it fits their "burn the heretic" larp and they have the least anti armor ranged options.
Plasma pistol can be an option, turning the charge blast into an AOE explosion against the first target hit
Grenade launcher is another potentially fun option, can't let the Ogryn monopolize grenade launchers
Speaking of Ogryn, their new heavy stubber should've went to the vet and instead Ogryns should've gotten the autocannon as their 'sniper' gun
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Can't wait to hide a screamer or a jumpscare behind every innocent mp4.
Tanner doesn't even know that we exist, schizo
NTA but I don't believe that this update will bring in so many players
then why was she moaning about needing to "de-4chanify" is discord?
payday 2 should be in the 3rd or 4th tier
>Unsupported file type.
>trolling outside of /b/
Even the most surface-level normienet websites have people openly making fun of Indians. They're seriously managing to break through decades worth of intense anti-racist social engineering in the West, something ethnonationalists have been struggling to do, simply by being their dumbass, unhygienic, annoying and downright scummy selves. It's fucking hilarious.
could have been an autocannon but nooooo fartshart had to be lazy once again and cut twin linked heavy stubbers in half
indians arent plentiful enough in daily life where we have to force some tolerance. however they will call your phone with some bullshit and annoy you.
>new weapons
>new event
Just those alone will bring a fair amount of players in. I don't know if the PS5 release will be particularly successful unless it has something like the Game Pass deal that let Xbabs get the game through it but I don't think the release will be negligible for player count.
i hate archibald so much it's unreal
Remember when Reginald kept shilling his videos here inecessantly every thread and someone doxxed him and it turned out it was a jeet? It's always jeets. Tanner is looking suspiciously brown too, to be honest
I don't remember any of this, but I have seen people post about him having advertised here before. I've watched some of Reginald's videos, and he doesn't sound Indian at all.
How hard is the jump from damnation to auric heresy?
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get in my aurics
it's easier, in fact I'd say auric damnation is easier than regular damnation too because regular damnation is absolutelyi nfested with mouthbreathers
if you can hold your own there you'll be fine
Is there a mod in SM2 that lets you use melee weapons with the heavy class?
Having a power sword and shield while using gravis would be cool.
Auric Heresy HISTG is pretty chaotic but nothing too terrible. If you can handle normal Damnation with modifiers, then you can handle Auric Heresy. Just jump in. Stop doubting yourself.
but that's not canon
Fuck the canon.
>autism like this exists
Tanner? Won
Rat click? Won
coopeg? coping and Losing
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No you're going to be mean and judgey when I am bad
slopdiver status?
Unlike most other autism guide makers he's actually putting out very very close to 0 misinfo ever so I appreciate him
don't care about half that shit though
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>here's your power greatsword, bro
so does fatshark just have an obsession with making every 40k weapon "realistic," or are they going to sell the paddle variants at a later date as skins, because these skinny shits look awful

first we had eviscerators that aren't even half as tall as the wielder, and now we've got two handed powerswords that look like they'll be the same
I really like them, what's so bad about them? I'm assuming they're almost mansized based on the size of that skull
Kill yourself, tranner
>that isn’t a gacha one
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how many of these 40k swords do you see tapering off to a point? almost none of them? so why did fatshark do it? because it makes it look more wieldy, same reason the eviscerator isn't even as massive as it is in their own character concept art

FUCK realism, and FUCK fatshark
Damn. Thanks for explaining. Kinda disappointing because I thought it would be the most easy going.
They fixed their design mistake
>how many of these 40k swords do you see tapering off to a point?
Like, fucking all of them? Are you blind? Do you mean to say the blade profile tapering?
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it might seem unrealistic until you remember there’s literally a billion of them and there are statistics like these around
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I mean I don't really care about like 10 google results, and so long as it's a cool big sword that looks like a power sword I'm happy. I don't know why you think it can't be tapered, power swords explicitly come in every shape you can think of. Also, I personally think fuckoff big tapered swords look sick
Here's a crazy thought, why not try it out for yourself? If you find yourself sucking shit consistently for a few matches, then you're not ready for it
this is really autistic. It's clearly meant to be a power claymore which fits the zealot preacher aesthetic pretty well
if you don't think that's cool because it's not the standard shape you have autism
Nigger are you fucking retarded? If you're going to bitch about something at least bitch about it properly.
do you truly believe there are no thinner power swords in 40k? I'm sure if you trawled through every book you'd find one, it just probably doesn't have a pic to put to the description
I mean most power swords are depicted as sabers even
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Even checking the wiki casually just now I can see a dozen different designs. It's utterly insane to complain about these ones having a thinner profile.
literally none of these look like the fatshark ones, thougheverbeit
> I don't know if the PS5 release will be particularly successful unless it has something like the Game Pass deal that let Xbabs get the game through it but I don't think the release will be negligible for player count.
It depends if it releases in a broken state like the Xbox did (and still is) or if they actually took their time to ensure a smooth launch for new buyers. Lots of them have been waiting to play though so I imagine any issues would be sorted out rather quickly
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I will be a shitter and you will carry me.
And you will be proud of it because you have a scoreboard mod and get all the orange numbers.
that's because fatshark does what gw don't
Is that really your takeaway? Are you retarded? The point is that the design of a powersword is not one set thing, just that the wider blade is more common.
Yep. That's the deal
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can anyone here help me with auric storm survivor penance? i've been trying to get it for the last couple of days and I keep getting "interesting" people with matchmaking. I'm not over level 100 but I can hold my own.
Play Shroudfield Zealot, will be much easier as you have a ton of survivability.
>play melee class
>every mission is fun and chill
>play ranged class
>every mission is now me having to race retards to ammo pickups or they'll leave me at perma red
I've come to the conclusion that 99% of people clutch on ranged playstyels and I havent noticed until now because I rarely play it myself
If you're on NA, I'll play in about 2 hours.
We should get together sometime and do a /copeg/ game session where we try to get the ASS title for everyone
I doubt the average anon is worse than a pubbie
In my experience, getting people to play with each other on 4chan has… mixed results…
True, it's better to meet them in the wild. I've been in so many quickplay matches where someone is obviously from here. But they do tend to be better players.
There is nothing wrong about playing on malice.
like what? I've seen huge spergs in pubs and everyone here seems pretty chill, except for the few that hate smiggers.
>why don't copeggers do stuff together
The website attracts mostly antisocial and/or mentally ill posters who fear being doxxed or, even if they're somehow a well adjusted individual, they'd fear forming an attachment from someone more mentally ill than they are.

Its a nice dream though, but given how few players of an already small playerbase play aurics exclusively, the overlap is likely strong with posters here.
That's right, there isn't.
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The janny really wants this rats vs pigs to escalate.
>plays psyker
>9/10 times is the dumbest motherfucker
Why are they like this
don't care + having fun + playing
I just unlocked the shield, am I finally no longer a burder for my team?
im trying sibling
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>turning any frame generation module increases my framerate by 40%
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Everyone here likes Smiggles. Those Sandy Hook kids deserved it.
True. People who are in malice aren't in my aurics
You can play whatever you want. They aren’t a burden because of their builds they’re a burden because they’re worse than a bot
>The website attracts mostly antisocial and/or mentally ill posters who fear being doxxed or, even if they're somehow a well adjusted individual, they'd fear forming an attachment from someone more mentally ill than they are.
Very accurate
so how do I finish darktide event? where are these missions?
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the entire game is held together with tape and bubblegum
it's actually insane how people pretend the game doesn't run like absolute shit to 80% of the playerbase
FSR doesnt work very well on older CPUs, it keeps drawing calls and gutting your performance
i assume yours is one
turn volumetric fog, ambient occlusion and lighting and global illumination to low\off, you'll gain 20% additional fps
It's a modifier. Pressing tab shows progress
Mesh Quality higher than 1.0 is also a massive framerate chugger with no visual difference.
Gotta complete 10 missions with the mutated horrors modifier.
>turn on frame gen
>get more frames
>throw a tantrum because ?????
turning OFF
The frame generator is generating frames?
are staves supposed to suck monkey ass when leveling up?
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I thought i wrote offline, but i didn't.
Cool it with the racism
>i wrote offline
I used to play the invis elf with dagger on vermintide 2. I had my fill of that playstyle. But I do wanna try that again maybe later on. I can survive just fine right now with dueling sword/heavy evicerator builds

yeah man I'll be on feel free to add me FS: 3295002448 , Steam: 779976
I don't use my mic so I hope you don't mind
Yea a bit.
This guy is having a stork
>teammates constantly stagger without killing so no deathblow over and over again
Sell your heavy sword and pick up an eviscerator
ironhelm is shit
Tranner is a Jewish crossdresser, not a Jeet.
Ogryns tankiness gets nerfed every patch and people go "good it's unfair that he gets to have 30% toughness regen on heavy and 50% DR" but they never think about how
>ogryn has no lingering iframes unlike human classes
>ogryn has an extremely large hitbox which is relevant for shooters, shotgunners, nets and catching crusher hits with your ankle etc
>ogryn has veritable inertia to his movement, and all movement is slow to start up, which makes it hard for him to move out of things (ontop of his big hitbox and less iframes)
>he takes full damage while sliding, unlike every other class which just inexplicably takes half damage during actions

Like, I'm not saying I struggle with him RIGHT NOW, obviously his dodge slides are enough for most things and he's still tanky enough for the rest. I just hope they don't gut his defenses more. He's still alright but if they nerf his tankiness any more he's going to feel like utter shit to play. You can't design a class that inherently has a far harder time dodging shit, instead designing him so he's built around taking hits, and then nerf his capabilities of taking a hit too much.
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I have a confession to make: I don't use the scoreboard mod.
>>ogryn has an extremely large hitbox which is relevant for shooters, shotgunners, nets and catching crusher hits with your ankle etc
it's not, shrimply iframe through things
you're thinking of this as a shooter when it's actually a first person soulslike
Are you talking about how staggering them fucks up headshot alignment, or is there something I'm not understanding about how enemy hit mass and stagger interact?
I mean yeah but did you msis the part where other classes get far more iframes than him, both because their iframes linger + because their dodge delays are shorter due to inertia? It's like a compound effect.
I'm aware it's fine right now and I literally just did an auric maelstrom with like 100 damage taken on him but it's gonna feel like shit on havoc modifiers assuming they'll keep curbing up difficulty the same way
yeah, headshot alignment
>>ogryn has no lingering iframes unlike human classes
Not right. I use it against snipers all tbe time
other classes literally get iframes post dodge and their inertia is so low they can smoothly chain dodges together to have non stop iframes. Ogryn is the only one who can't do this
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oh shit oh fuck
>other classes literally get iframes post dodge
rofl even
Oh, yeah. That is frustrating
>warm piss post
but u are one?
Just blast through the lower difficulties. I think the modifier still shows up on malice missions.
leveling up characters made me quit vermintide 2, what a slog
Why does the zarona feel so shit after playing with the bolter pistol
it's fast with events
you cum fast with my feet on your face faggot
Less oomph to its sound and no gorey mess, I imagine. I still think it feels just as snappy and powerful as ever, and I've used the bolt pistol a lot since its buff.
This is tangential but related to Deep Rock Galactic. A while back there was a Neco-Arc AI cover where she was singing a sad song and the background was the Deep Rock Galactic bar. I assume the video got hidden/taken down, but does anyone remember what the song was?
>it's a pug with 3 ogryns
>they're all retarded
where the FUCK is the event frame????????
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Your ugly frame that you will never use is at the bottom of the list.
I use it :(
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for the first time since the game released, i'm actually having fun with darktide
it's impressive how all they had to do was give out tangible rewards with events and unfuck the unbelievably retarded progression system
who here /returning/?
darktide is a pretty good game now i'd say, i hope they won't fuck it up like they did vermintide pre-wom
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Works on my machine
It's over, you didn't make it in time
I'm happy as well, finally the game is its own thing and not just a bad clone of ratclick.
damn these are some super sexy swords
who asked for PVP
>we finally make it to extraction
>no, the other retards HAVE to go back to rescue the guy who died a million times and was carried throughout the game
>almost lose the game entirely
what's the penalty from leaving someone behind?
If you aren't doing everything in your power to carry the shitters on your team across the finish line you are playing wrong
How the FUCK do you get the On Overwatch achievement in a game where you're constantly flanked? All the guides are from the old version of the game.
>he doesnt RP go back and save everyone

do you even play video games?
Just don't get hit
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>previous thread was close to falling off
>only realize after finishing
there isn't one
When are they putting up commissar clothes for sale again?
had an heresy game with 3 retards arguing about someone not dropping the ammo supply, then they all got killed because they kept reviving each other to keep arguing so I decided to sprint to the extraction point while the other 3 were captured.
I'll need another hour, then I'll play as much as you want. I don't use a mic either, game doesn't need any serious voice calls like that and it always makes me play worse. I'm pretty chill, only play Auric HISTG and Maelstrom, Zealot main, done many duo runs and I like to do solo runs too (no stealth cheese). I'll play my Shroud-build (special/monstrosity assassin), but I'll put the 5 second subtree on to clear objectives too. Not a sperg, I'll play with smiggers even if it's broken, toonkers and loogers are funny to me and must be protected.
There's a bunch of stuff that's just about playing the game for a really long time and getting lucky. Yes obviously most of the time you will get blindsided by one zombie silently dropping in behind you, but eventually you wont be.
right click to block
I think lately I only lose games when I go out of my way to res someone in a fucked situation and lose half my HP for it. I have to stop doing this, ressing some retard who goes down to shooters is like the number 1 noob trap in darktide
There is very little if any banter actually. It's actually very boring. People mostly just send "Thank you!" and "gg" at the end. Once in a blue moon you get someone calling another player a shitter, but there is rarely ever any response when that happens. I mostly play with BRs and Argentinians.
Doesn't it only count health damage? It's not that hard
Is DT worth buying yet? I haven't kept up with the game at all. Also, who's the main chaos presence? Nurgle?
I thought it was worth buying from the outset, so it depends on what your reservations are.
>main chaos
It's just ol' smelly.
>tfw forced to speak in english cause fuck learning BR speak
Would the thunder hammer really be too strong if it didn't get turned off when an enemy within 20m of you looks in your general direction?
Most of the actual major issues are fixed, with a few relatively minor exceptions. The game is still sort of light for content in my opinion but I have been playing it since launch so maybe I'm biased. My friends say there's tons to do just from making builds
*raises rat paw*
*clubs you with my cane, killing you instantly*
die, beast!
doesnt really matter when dueling sword and knife exists
Been drinking and just unironically shat myself again lmao
i mean vermintide nobody cares about darkturd
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>vermintide's 24 hour peaks are at 9 in the morning in America which is the middle of the workday in western europe
it really is all russians and chinks
No, and it's annoying as fuck that it does that.
chinks are crazy about this mode
go in the lobby browser and see how many china lobbies hosting versus
Must be pretty easy to cheat in.
of course. pvp game with no anti-cheat.
chinks will always find a way
and they are using family share or something to eat their eventual bans
that's why their steam profiles are often a string of numbers
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actual retard
don't speak if you are clueless like this
What new class will they add for DT do you guys think? A sister of battle? Or maybe a tech priest?
worthless fragging psyker
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Do the dialogues in the Mourningstar all repeat themselves or is there only a set "pool" of lines that plays over and over?
I don't think they're going to add a single one before the game goes in maintenance mode
making another big skill tree too much work for swedes
It's a random pool that randomizes and resets every time it runs out. So it is technically possible to hear the same line twice in a row if the pool ends with that line and the new pool begins with it.
Are ALL the voicelines ever released included in that pool?
Like stuff from 2 years ago.
That idk
I got it boys.
i dont think they will
They might as paid content
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I'd use it if it had less info. The same shit that VT2 told you is enough, I don't need to know every single stat that the game is capable of tracking.
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>penetration of the soul is bugged and does absolutely nothing
>is the best option to unlock warp siphon because empyric resolve is actually detrimental to psyker
10/10 fatshark
>Play V2
>Use Bolt Staff
>Pick Pyromancer
>Game wobbles like a motherfucker when casting
>Turn off wobble in settings
>Still there
>Try to shoot horde
>Go out of my way to move at an angle so everyone can melee and I get a clear angle
>Both elf and saltz walk at a curve through me, blocking my shots and doing FF
>Die to a plague vermin that runs around the corner and hits me instantly and die.

This is the game ratclickers were shilling hard for?
>the point is this thing I inferred that suits what I want to believe instead of what is plainly visible with the source I provided
I just inferred that you're retarded
You're a retard.
I genuinely don't even understand what half of the blessings do
Neither does Fatshark
more impact = more stagger
brittleness = armor reduction applied to the enemy
rending = armor penetration applied to you
finesse damage = critical damage and headshot damage
ignore enemy hit mass =(sort of) more cleave

Those are the main things I can think of with regards to useful blessings.
I'm gonna infer your boywife around my dick, how about that?
Vet with weapon specialist, just makes life easier
can you explain why anon "wants to believe" that the power sword design can vary?
There is only 1 power greatsword design in the 40k universe and if you stray from that design in any way then you should be tied to a pole and skinned alive
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Train is so fucking hard just because retards don't know how to hold W
For me it's people who see a boss spawn and decide they should do literally anything other than fight the boss.
So can I make strong weapons for low level characters if my mastery level is maxed?
Boss(Monstrosities) are low priority. If you're talking about the assassin targets, then yeah.
always one guy who hangs out too long, gets pounced/netted, instantly quits dooming the entire team
As we all know, the Imperium has an extremely streamlined administrative apparatus that was able to smoothly standardize weapons procurement.
>ignore all the other enemies to fight the boss
You don't need all 4 players to be focusing the boss at the cost of ignoring everything else.
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That's right and it's this one.
yeah man those 3 straggler dregs were about to fuck up everyone good job keeping the team safe king
Does this look like a force greatsword to you? That's a force katana that's been folded 40k times
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Very next game was a psyker with two wound curios telling his friend he needs to use wounds too
The last guy was a martyrdom zealot
You're getting a force greatsword. Shut the fuck up
said literally no one EVER
I'm sure someone did. Psykers are always whining
qrd on smite? seems the most useful psyker ability
Don't. Just don't
it's the meta
>wanted to try making a Zealot memebuild with the fanfire revolver
>it seems even more worthless against the quantity of melee elites present in aurics than I'd assumed because it has 0 penetration
How incredibly disappointing.
Very useful, very strong with Empowered keystone, Often used by absolute rubes to push into difficulties they couldn't otherwise handle, and they fold like a chinese escalator the moment something goes wrong
The cowboy revolver really is just sad.
It's super fun to larp as palpatine and quite strong, but it's frequently used as a crutch by bad players and it will make people seethe when you use it.
the second you use it your balls shrivel up and fall off because they know you're not gonnna be using them
This sounds like such a fun mode can’t wait to try it!
that would make you gay
All wrong. A Kasrkin Black Ops. :)
once you play on higher difficulties you'll find that special waves keep spawning while a boss is on the screen
Yes it’s Nurgle and yes it’s more or less worth it.
Grimdark image.
That's what you get for going off-meta, chud
Honestly a DC assassin would make for a pretty sick class.
Sent you a friend request if you're still playing.
Post where to get these cheats, I want to be a piece of shit in both versus and chaos wastes
Literally just the right most branch of the zealot tree.
>Teammate leaves
>End screen holds me hostage forever
Fuck this shit, FIX IT FATSHARK
that’s seriously a thing?
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I did it!
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yay, you got a frame
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Do we have any more information on the heavy stubbers yet?
This is the ONE thing I've actually been asking for since day one
It'll probably be a bit like a bolter
It's not forever, but it takes longer than usual to tell you that you failed.
>Heat Activation Mechanic: Generates a heat gauge, building over time. Reaching the limit locks activation briefly (overheat mechanic).
>Special Attack: Sprinting Heavy stab attack for unique engagement tactics.
This is what I wanted for all power swords so that they don't have a clunky activation workflow. Guess its locked to Zealot use and only for these "two handed" movesets (most weapons are used with two hands regardless, but there is a distinction in style and speed).
lmao. I still don't buy it
I'll blow your mind: there are indians who grew up in the US and speak normal english
>It's not forever
Nothing ever is, is it?
>implying there isn't a difference in the average tonality of people of asian, european, south american, etc. descent
Dude sounds like "generic white gay" encapsulated, and
>dude trust me
isn't enough to make me stop trusting my own ears. Moreover, when someone says "so-and-so is Indian", I assume they mean he's from fucking India. Not some born-and-raised American who's brown. That's pretty fucking misleading.
>oh dude those Compton nogs are totally Africans
Empyric resolve is only bad if you are
Just read the forum news post, it answers that. I think they're just going to be halved fire rate in return for more accuracy, and the alt fire is actually aiming with a single shot restriction. It's also possible the damage will be proportionally higher per shot than the twin linked variants so the DPS isn't literally halved. I personally wish they were stylized as autocannons instead but it is what it is.
After playing vermintide again. I can say with full confidence that darktide is just better. Mechanically and just game feel
Hear, hear
I'll drink to that
Ol' 40k darktide's got my vote
>"generic white gay"
I meant "nerd", and I'm genuinely not sure how I mixed the two up.
I was really hoping for an autocannon, shooting one huge slug out of a meaty gun sounds fun as fuck and is one of the main reasons I havent been able to get as much satisfaction out of ogryn. Grogornom 'works' but it has so many trade offs that it's barely ever worth it.
I wish it was more accurate and the setup time wasnt so huge
I don't give a shit what you think, face reality or fuck off me
he apparently also enjoys cuck porn lol
>oh dude those Compton nogs are totally Africans
I mean… they are, technically speaking.
I prefer vermintide in a vacuum but it's hard to justify playing it when I see a cheater every third game since chinks can't stay in their own goddamnn lobbies
Uhh bigoted much? They're Americans
You certainly seem to give a shit. Thank you for finally posting evidence to support your claim after all this time.

An Indian from India and an Indian from America aren't the same thing, and all I'm saying is that it's stupid to act like I'm the retard for assuming anon saying someone is Indian is actually from fucking India.
Regular damnation without modifiers, to (auric) heresy high intensity anything? On a technical level, I find it easier because every enemy feels so fucking squishy in heresy. Players are just slightly more retarded somehow.
I have arguably more success in auric damnation than in regular damnation because getting netted/dogged/downed for whatever reason doesn't mean an instant wipe because the group lost the carry, since people can actually hold their own.
>An Indian from India and an Indian from America aren't the same thing, and all I'm saying is that it's stupid to act like I'm the retard for assuming anon saying someone is Indian is actually from fucking India.
You heard his voice so you knew he's NA
you are told he's indian

you now know he's indian american
super simple stuff
All psyker games post patch, GRIM
This sword better be worth it
That is a possible procession of events, yes. Unfortunately, your autism prevents you from realizing that not everyone interprets or reacts to the same information the same way and that there can be multiple conclusions of similar probability drawn from the same source.
Look at the bright side — they would at least use the new shiny sword instead of smite.
It'll finally be time to buy a couple dozen greens and sacrifice them so I don't have to grind new weapons
we are soldiers brave and strong
our muscles will protect you all from any harm
Here, fix it yourself
>turn off all the features you don't need, they're unnecessary
>bind end screen skip to shift
>you can now instantly quit out of the post-mission screen
You still get all your mats and shit btw.
got my frame
>he doesn't stick around to say gg to the team and hang out in postgame chat shooting the shit
absolutely coopless
I say gg when I wait them inside the valkyrie.
>>he doesn't stick around to say gg to the team and hang out in postgame chat shooting the shit
>>>you can now instantly quit
>you can
Of course I usually stick around, why do you think I advocate turning off all the features other than the skip button? If there's retards, I'm not gonna stay, not to mention that I play yuropoor servers so ESL and language barriers mean barely anyone ever talks anyway.
Also >>503051337 this.
I don't finna do that cuz the cat box might finna be filled with achievements and that finna hides the GG so i finna bouta do it after the extraction cinematic finna trynna be playing
zealot because with shroud you can get 2 guaranteed and buffed crits that cleave through warp itself
incredibly based
humans have no idea when "9 in the morning in america" is nor care in the first place
>which is the middle of the workday in western europe
It's even more stupid when the same people look at shit like VoC and Shroudfield and say nothing or they unironically think "Yes, this is balanced."
>the designated tank class who is meant to soak up damage, which has a shit dodging, etc. as a drawback who still takes full damage even if they are dodging or sliding, and said tank class still for whatever reason has least base toughness in the entire game
"Nah, too overpowered and not ok."
>Vets spamming VoC every few seconds because tactical awareness shaves off 6s of cool down everytime they kill a special and they have iron will on top
"This is completely fine and not overpowered."
Not even on auric, which spams specialist 24/7, meaning VoC pretty much constant up time.

Fatshark should stop with the ogryn nerfs because it's dumb.
Even the latest nerf that nerfed delight in destruction and moved the 10% TDR node, came completely out of the blue for no reason.
The buff for no push over was great imo, and it works perfectly for ogryn and his play style.
But then they buffed the talent which gives 100% more toughness regen if you have below health threshold from 25% health to 33% health.
But the reason why no one runs that shit on ogryn is because if you are playing as ogryn you have less than 33% health remaining most of the time, then you're just playing bad.
It's the same reason why no one runs "wont give in", which gives you 20% damage reduction for every ally who is downed or incapicitated within 20m of you. It's a noob trap.

If you are an ogryn player, you tank damage, yes.
But you shouldn't be a dumbass that is below 33% health most of the time, you aren't a martyrdom zealot.
Ye, the frame as a reward is nice.
I hope they do something similiar, maybe helmets or armor cosmetics as a reward during other events.
Slop refresh soon?
getting kind of bored of maelstrom and I don't believe havoc will be that fun, never played the rat game before, is it harder or any fun? I see it's literally a dollar right now
>Psykers are always whining
No, that's vets and zealots.
Psykers are the biggest class apologists in the game, they vehemently insisted that their class is OP before the tree reworks and trauma was still hot garbage that only did 70 damage.
Zealots are a mixed bag, but vet STILL has people crying that his skills are "worthless"
I see people say this on /copeg/ all the time
Well fagshart are controller malicelets, so any "playtesting" they do themselves is made with the bias of having an enormous handicap and never even reaching the required skill to play any of the classes at even baseline performance. To them, ogryn feels super fucking busted, because they weren't going to dodge the trapper in the first place, they can't dodge properly, probably have retarded curios, etc. etc. to where I wouldn't be surprised that the +1 wound is a major part of ogryn's power budget.
Ogryn is probably the strongest class by far when you're extremely bad at the game. As long as you take the top row of talents, you basically can't really go wrong.

The main thing that confuses me is that psyker is in such a weird place, but I guess they just get their asses handed to them, concede they don't understand the class, and then listen to some echo chamber of playtest retards. I'd be surprised if the devs play anything but assail or smite.
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This. I'm the one who said it
It was already OP on psyker. It's even more OP on the other 2 classes, overshadowing so many other weapons. Now everyone and their mother is running it.
how to fix voice of command?
Make the cooldown 60s.
Increase cooldown on the gold toughness node (like the revive node), but keep the base node at 30s.
gold toughness can't be replenished by any means
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chinks are crazy about vermintide in general. I wanted to play cata chaos wastes, nobody was joining me and when I looked through lobby browser that's what I saw
>wiping to an assassin
>What new class will they add
Ideally: some mechanicus dude or enforcer
Realistically: nothing
Just go to the extraction by yourself. So the mission itself won't fail even if they fail to rescue that guy.
>get in the valkyrie
>flamer jumps out from the side and sprays you to death with no room for escape
true story btw
There was this on reddit and it seemed pretty cool as a concept.
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she's tempted, bros
>2.6k hours
fucking neet
voice changers can be pretty good nowadays
She is the character. It doesn't really matter who controls this character.
if your parents knew that you'd grow up to be a vtuber watching faggot they'd have smothered you in your crib
>throw sand in a cone, light stagger
>40s cooldown
>voice of command, 360 degrees of full knockback, gold toughness
>30s cooldown
Class looks cool. I'd play it.
Veteran WILL get her meltagun or longlas this update!
mentally ill
mentally ill
mentally ill
all me
looking at the dummies in the keep, do sienna's negromancer skellingtons always light targets on fire? I keep seeing the DoT numbers. If so, whats the point of barrow blades?
Ironically enough it's probably more balanced as a class than Vet is.
Which is rare for fanmade concepts.
GTFO is awful
I cant comment on a few of them like EDF6 but the rest seems pretty on point
Has anyone else been getting a lot of lag or is it my new router? Other stuff seems not laggy.
All I ever wanted out of kf2 was fixed netcode and hitboxes. The original formula was next to perfection.
It was so sad watching kf2 get worse and worse every single update, And the few good additions to the game ended up being bug behavior that they fixed, like scrakes SPRINTING at you at twice the speed after being decapped
which game?
I've been getting higher ping and some lag in shopclick. European servers, if that matters.
kf2 on the same level as black4blood is a fucking crime. I refuse to believe you played both. At least kf2 had enjoyable gameplay even if you hated the neon aesthetics.
Well 90% of the thread is talking and arguing about darktide, so clearly he means the gary's mod sub game trouble in terrorist town.
why does nobody ever talk about how clearly out of line psyker is in balance
sorry but ratclick has more players now, we cant make assumptions anymore UwU
in what way
this doujin slayed billions of my family

Go back
I'm bad at it ideally new swords will remedy this
if you can get it under 15 dollars
it insists upon itself
Either do a grand rework of all the cooldown reduction talents (because having them have so much more value in high difficulty games is fucking stupid beyond belief) or gold tougness removed completely and replaced with a stackable shield effect that nullifies one hit then disappears.
When is the new pigslop in the shop?
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>le funny pegleg
I am so sick of that shit, kill these niggers who made these already ffs
Yeah, I hate those dumb peglegs as well. Vet's prosthetic legs are pretty cool though.
It's the same shit there was like couple of rotations ago wtf. Any weapon skins?
>heretek pet/summon class
>enforcer tank/debuffer class
>smuggler assassin/loot amplifier class
I really hope we get a summon class, I love the necromancer in Vermintide. It's really a surprise they managed to nail the pet handling in one go.
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oh no the pickaxe looks good
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you snake
aight, not bad, not bad

better than the skeletor one from the previous rotation
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you gonna pig for it huh piggy? HUH? HUH?

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of course not I was just picturing my ogryn with that
If it was the Rising Eagle model itself and not a retexture over the pick I would've bought this.
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Fuck, that pickaxe is cool.
I really want it.
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You sure about that? it's a weapon you often use, and it looks cool, come one, just a few bucks hehe *squeeze squeeze*
>Ogryn chest piece looks pretty cool
>1400 aquila
These people are insane
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Come on piggy it's only 1400 aquilas, are you POOR? hehe *squeeze squeeze*
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Rat bros
These rats asked for versus.
>psyker teammate speaking in thick Finnish? accent, can barely understand what he's saying
>"we stay together as team is better yes?"
>motherfucker has 4 wounds total
>picks up a grimoire without asking anyone
>spergs "we stay together!!!" as the zealot breaks coherency to do zealot things
>tries to votekick the guy after he went looking for ammo just before an elevator
>obviously failed
>check his profile after the game
>no psykinetic's aura despite being on the left side
>rending with electro staff, but not to dodge empyric resolve, HE TOOK BOTH
>grimoire resistance
>6% damage to elites on 500 rating weapon
>in auric damnation
kek you cannot make this shit up. At least he wasn't a smigger.
You made this shit up+ it never happened+ team bunga me unga+checking other people's profile + nobody cares

yep, to the shitter you go
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>10000 hours in ms paint
You could've just asked nicely
that's my build
I'm based and was doing the accent as a joke and it was the other guy that started the votekick
>your build?
A true free thinker hampered only by his room temp iq. I kneel.
Bunch of stuffs were wrong on launch.
Cataclysm paywalled.
Beastmen were overtuned.
WoM problem 1) Ignored your base game progress
2) Can only join a WoM level if someone else is playing on the same level (think there were over 100 of them). Can't join friends mission #70 if you havn't beaten the missions before it.
3) Playing solo means solo, no bots. Meaning if one special caught you, its over.
beastmen are still fucking shit to fight
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I hate zealot penances I hate zealot penances I hate zealot penances I hate zealot penances I hate zealot penances I hate zealot penances
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I bought all the dlc classes in vermintide you god damn furry,why shouldn't I be allowed to buy one weapon skin?!
He's a deeply bitter person and his pretend enjoyment of vermintide is just a facade. Otherwise he wouldn't have qualms about supporting Fatshark monetarily. Not that hard to figure out.
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I...*sniff sniff* I smell cope-cope?
You have another two hundred guys to hit in the head with a throwing knife, get cracking.
Do ratfags have to ruin everything?
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234 actually
Of course. "Bring Ruin to the horned rats name, or face his wrath!"
If you're struggling or annoyed with the kill penances like stun and whatnot, try Mercantile HL-70-04, or whatever the map was with the really long walk at the start so you can blow up 2 walls before hacking a thing. Ideally something damnation high intensity, probably with many more try mod so you can save the mission and restart it when necessary. Set your server to some shithole nobody plays on, and just leave if someone joins.

Blow up the first wall, kill the spawns behind it, then walk through and sit on the crates immediately to the right while waiting for the horde. Once enough enemies bunch up, do your thing. Stun grenades are easy to do with flamethrower if you nade and immediately swap over. Most other penances are easily done by just playing normally.

Immolation grenade penance is bugged and supposed to hopefully be fixed with the next patch. The loner and backstab penances are annoying but you can just play on lower difficulties if you don't want to be a griefing faggot. Stamina curios + knife with backstab rending are your friends here.
No one should be in favor of supporting Fatshart monetarily. They are doing way too shitty job with their cosmetics stuff. The bare minimum they should do to be worthy of paypigging should be:
>add ability to recolor all outfits, ideally with the ability apply patterns / materials
>(new patterns / materials might be paypig only)
>no basic rehashes of free items in paypig shop, only items with 100% new models
>add ability to earn some aquillas by playing the game, even if it's only a little bit
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I can't wait for the devblog to mercifully relieve me of any hope I had by confirming the power two hander mechanics are absolute dogshit.
>but what about the heavy stubber?
why would anyone want a non-twin-linked heavy stubber
>but what about the force two hander?
psyker isn't a melee class
>b-but scriers
kill yourself
Why do you want things that you like to shrivel up and die? You like vermintide at least, right?
Shopclick should add beastmen/pestigors, but jewdubz' hatred of beastmen in 40k and fatshart's laziness stands in the way of that
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GW hates fun in general desu. 40k is absolutely miserable now, there's no fun at all.
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Tower of Treachery finale is impossible. Fuck fartshart for this stupid barrels mechanic
>le shoot skulls
doesn't work, they don't break and there are too many of them
>le throw barrel from a distance
doesn't work, skulls still hit it
>le use invisibility
doesn't work, barrel still gets targeted
>le use dash
doesn't work, skulls still hit the barrel

And mission is braindead easy and pointlessly long until this impossible event
>changes walking sound
if there isn't an option to disable this, including if someone else in my match is wearing them, I'm uninstalling
I don't want it to shrivel and die, I want it to become better. And if we reward Fatshart's current half-assed cosmetics then they will never improve it.
>crusher/mauler behind me reflex flares up
>it's just a vet with his dumb prosthetics
thanks, fatshark
very cool
gonna pig for those
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What's wrong with martyrdom zealot?
>What's wrong with martyrdom zealot?
stop before my brain starts leaking
>Me and my wife
They're okay once in a while, but this is too much
I wish I was that pig
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looks oddly fitting
>hood clipping trough armor
I like to imagine it's part of the armor
What you propose is simply not feasible. Making aquilas earnable would give up their last source of revenue coming from the game. Sure it's what (You) would like but the updates are free now, remember? The upfront cost of buying the game can only fund so many years of development.
The cosmetics are ass, sure, but do you honestly think that if they could do better, they wouldn't? Shit's outsourced. Fatshark is incompetent. If they're not offering you better cosmetics it's because they can't. What they offer you instead though is the game itself. The thing that you supposedly like. Assuming that you don't only play for cosmetics alone, eventually you have to make peace with the idea that if you want fatshark titles to keep being developed, somebody, even if not you, has to buy the shitty cosmetics. It's just common sense.
Well fuck me. I just bought the bomber jacket they're rotating out for vet yesterday, and this one looks like a better swap.
for any psyker paypigs, can you post the dark leather cosmetics items so i can nab them in 6 months when they get back in rotation
>coat and legs
>prob won't use headgar with
crit zealot gets more toughness DR, more toughness back (due to ability recharge) and quite possibly more damage on average, not to mention the fact that crits can stagger the shit out of certain enemy types

the fact that martyrdom doesn't have a golden toughness generation mechanic by now is kind of fucking wild, nevermind the host of other ways they could rework it to not be completely idiotic
I'm the pig and the cute savage is Fatshark with this rotation (I'm ogryn)
This armor would be very cool with the new power armor backpack.
Can you post a pic of that?
It's odd how many ogryn cosmetics are reused, I got that exact chestplate and I know it is the same because the premium store shows that I own it.
Also that bone 'ead eye implant has been in the store before a lot.
It's not just ogryn. The armor for vet is literally identical to the one they're swapping out
>The cosmetics are ass, sure, but do you honestly think that if they could do better, they wouldn't? Shit's outsourced. Fatshark is incompetent
I bet there is GW meddling as well.
40k has a shit tons of cool stuff in it that could be made into weapons and cosmetics.
But GW is ass backwards in that everything must be exactly like the tabletop.
This is definetly one of the reasons why ogryns have such an anemic weapon selection.
I bet some GW "representative" faggot is just telling Fatshark "No you can't give that to ogryns because they don't have access to those in the tabletop"
Skiitari new playable character soon
>last source of revenue
Sales of the game itself to new people is also a source of revenue — it's not like people only buy games in the first week after launch. Hello Games managed to live off NMS sales and make crapload of free updates too. Surely FS could do that as well.
>but the updates are free now, remember?
I'm sure new classes would be paid dlcs just like in ratclick. Or at least would've been if they had any intention of actually making any.
>If they're not offering you better cosmetics it's because they can't.
Come on, that's just silly. There are plenty of ways to solve this problem. Like hire better specialists or work harder instead taking a vacation every other month. And outsource their shit to better artists too.
>What they offer you instead though is the game itself.
Which is something I've already paid for.
I don’t even have the mod framework installed. Most of the stuff I used it for is irrelevant now anyway. I do miss mourningstar hotkeys tho
why did you stop using mods like the hotkey one
Shitter trap or guaranteed win. There is no in between
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hmmm, how can i squeeze vermintide into this conversation
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>Sales of the game itself to new people is also a source of revenue
Grim, considering that their next big target is the playstation audience. You'd better not look up how well Sony's been doing lately...
It would be preferable if all cosmetics were free and instead actual content like weapons and careers paid. That way Fatshark would be forced to create good content at steady pace, otherwise they wouldn't earn money.

With game being monetized via cosmetics Fatshark isn't obliged to do anything, because they are earning money by doing nothing. Then they can shit out some low effort content once a year and if it's shit all shills suddenly go "well it's free so you can't complain :^)" despite them at same time claiming that you are supposed to finance game's development by buying cosmetics.

Selling cosmetics is pure evil and horse armor was a disaster for game industry.
>me walking in Tertium after having funded the CCP with my pigging

>chinky runes level 3000 joins your game
>leaves in under a minute without doing or saying anything
Why do they keep doing it?
not gonna lie this song is an absolute banger
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>chinks even cheat to raise their secret character level that literally doesn't matter at all and you can't even see without a mod
Unironically what is wrong with them? I don't get it
propaganda musics tend to do that, I don't understand a single fucking word of this yet I want to commit warcrimes :

The bundles are bad, but some of the loose cosmetics are pretty decent
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I'll wait for a non gold recolor

My favourite, better than the actual german anthem IMO
>Come on, that's just silly. There are plenty of ways to solve this problem. Like hire better specialists or work harder instead taking a vacation every other month. And outsource their shit to better artists too.
Not him, but there is only so much you can do by hiring better artists or 3D modelers to make assets when the people who own the IP (GW) are complete dumbasses and have the final say on everything.
I've been into building and painting 40k models for a while and lot of the premium slop just reeks of GW interferance. Like it reeks of "well we don't make model kits for that, so they can't have it" or "well that doesn't exist or hasn't happened in the rules or lore, so you can't do that either."
GW in general has had a long track record of doing dumb shit, like trying to copyright the term "space marine".
Communist musics in general really had a knack to sound cool, guess it's expected because they need to motivate illiterate peasants
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Looks cool and fits nicely
Only if we could have more armored arms and legs and it'd look like proper power armor.
Big number = better?
I dunno, feels like africa logic, where europeans found african guns with the sights dialed to the max number.
And when they asked the africans about it, they said they do it because they think it makes the gun shoot harder.
Looks like a psyker staff
Imagine ogryn psyker who just goes "wolololooo" and channels lightning using the pickaxe and then he just uses it to smash a crusher in the head with it.
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could you show the first person POV please
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Even if GW meddles with the actual design of the outfits and weapon, there is still something they should be able to do.
In particular recoloring is something GW would definitely not object, that's either Fatshark's incompetence or Fatshark's ill intent (i.e. why allow recoloring when you can sell the same item several time in different color).
Not gonna buy it but I like that ogryn chest piece
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is that the model that got bit on the ass by the pig like 5m later
eh less exciting than I thought, barely able to see the pick. I presume the model looks the exact same for the three picks
>stop playing somewhere before the twins were added
>get new pc
>reinstalled around the start of mutated horrors
just haven’t bothered to put the framework back in the folder yet.
It's in the slop shop atm, dummy!
you should it's such a game changer
do it then
be a good piggy
The hotkey mod is nice, but the real game changer is the Psych Ward mod.
>never have to load into the awfully optimized and memory leaking mourningstar
>immediately get thrown back into character select after mission concludes
>this skips half the loading screens the game forces you to sit through
>no more eternal loading screens because the shitty hub got stuck loading
Agreed, and honestly I think the latter option is likely.
It fits into GW's scummy jew mentality.
Why give players options in the model kits, when you can just remove the options from the model kits and then sell them back to them on a mark-up at a later date.
Oh I know but I’m just a lazy bitch
how does it interact with other mods like hotkey? I've been weary about this
Why are you implying it was GW's decision? There is no way GW would be against recoloring considering that painting the minis in any colors you want was always the core part of Warhammer.
It's was most likely Fatshark's decision.
What does kickback want ideally? + maniac obviously but does it have minimum pellet count damage that needs + unarmored for dreg gunner 1 shot breakpoint or would + flak just get infinitely more mileage on scabs, flak ragers, and maulers?
the kickback's goal is to kill snipers so I'd say maniac (for netters and flamers) and unarmored for snipers. Surgical then whatever
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>he pays to look like shit, so I may have power greatsword for free
>Make Helbore memebuild
>Rolling steel was in the rotation
>Have bad time
That's what I get for trying to score some extra cash i guess.
piggers truly are virtual jesus
doesn't matter that much honestly. It's so good by default thanks to all the buffs from fatshark.

I noticed it was much better playing it for mastery but I didn’t realize they had buffed it that much
Skill issue, Helbore isn't even a bad option in trains since you can still blast through trashmobs blocking bombers/trappers/snipers in the previous carriage
Why is helbore the only gun with an actually good melee bash
the laspistol has a good special attack, only for Psyker though
Basically, after you log in (you should be using the LogMeIn mod as well, put it at the top of your load order), you get put into character select and can do all the important things from there. You no longer interact with the hub at all.
>how does it interact with other mods
Well the mod itself is a little buggy in that it causes some mild client-side desync, such as when changing/upgrading your wargear, or reallocating skill points. You can force sync by going into the firing range and doing your shit there if it matters to you. Just remember to hit change character if you want to leave.
I haven't noticed it interacting poorly with any other mods, and the bugginess is outweighed by the quality of life of not having to spend twenty minutes of your gaming session looking at loading screens.
it used to be really bad. Compared to release they've buffed damage, range, cleave, and practically doubled the reload speed.
I was trying out exec stance. Couldn't do much to save everyone going down every other second. Also I got some snark from someone saying that rescuing a netted person is faster than rezzing someone, even though he was netted further away from me.
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You're welcome, little one! I feel generous today, want me to gift you 2400 aquilas?
the snarker is technically right but it depends how far away he is and the health of the downed person and where enemies are and which teammate you like the most
why do you need manic, thats only dreg ragers, flamers, mutants and trappers, unless you really dont like dreg ragers, but youre an ogryn
no thank you kind sir, I'm not a degenerate so they'd merely be wasted on me
>thats only dreg ragers, flamers, mutants and trappers
Yes and all are high priority targets...
Does the kickback one shot all of them with a maniac perk?
If yes, does +25% increase the range at which you one shot them? If yes then maybe it's worth it.
Fair enough, I respect that. Have fun with the swords.
I run revive speed, so he's not AS right, but during this particular instance I thought everyone was downed because I saw 3 red triangles on my screen and didn't bother looking at the health. Also he had the GALL to lead his snark with "For future reference..."
>"For future reference..."
lel that's salt right there
im pretty sure its still two shots at range, because pellets, and its going to one shot at point blank except for mutants and ragers, the minimum pellet is 12 now
So is smite the best way to level up psyker? I was using the magic missile blitz but I still feel like dead weight on difficulty 3 level and I'm already level 15, only thing carrying me are my previous knowledge of ranged and melee combat.
At least I unlocked the barrier ability but still I feel like I'm doing something really bad with psyker.
I'll take em :^)
"am not mad,you are"
Have you tried using your actual weapons?
Smite is lame. Just get a Voidblast staff and blast away. Way more fun than stunlocking the game and sleepwalking through the level.
Yes, like I said but where if the fun if I'm not interacting with my class stuff... I don't even use the class specific stuff
Anyone in south america? is it me or finding teams usually takes quite some times?
The staffs are fun. Trauama(voidblast for the newbies) staff + headpop is a classic combo that you can use to deal with almost anything.
>tfw forgot to finish the event
sooo how important is 150k gold?
fucking christ every darktide player on discord is a troon or what
Smite and Flaming Shriek is probably the easiest levelling combo.
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>I'm not interacting with my class stuff
try this for fun with a Voidblast staff. That node at the bottom lets you magdump all your magic missiles at 100%
thats like 7 games
>Ping spot so teammate drops down to join us
>He rapid fire pings back
Wow ok, no need to show off your full auto ping mod to me.
that's like 4 auric games
I remember the shitback on release. I also remember the grenade gauntlet feeling a lot better than it does now but that might just be faulty memory
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I could have sworn grenadier variants were maniacs too, and I hate those motherfuckers like you wouldn’t believe. I should go to the meatgrinder and refresh my memory I guess
What's it sound like?
smite makes the game slower, slower games = slower levelling
use your staff
and assail has its uses too, just don't throw it at ogryns or bosses
>I should go to the meatgrinder and refresh my memory I guess
Please do. Don't expect random anons to have perfect memory either. We all forget things.
scab bomber is flak and unarmored and dreg is unarmored. but you should be able to kill scab bombers regardless, they dont have a lot of hp
play a single game with 4 shout vets
Assail is phenomenal vs enemy shooters. You don't need the bubble shield if you have assail. A more pro-active approach.
thud thud thud boink
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>install many more try
>expect the bots to fold at the first thing
>they're actually very well coded and extremely proficient, damnation runs are 100% possible if you snipe specials before they reach the bots
I mean, I'm very surprised?
>Sprint set as toggle
>Need to wait for attack animation to end before I can sprint
>Press shift early, doesn't count
>Try to slide
>Crouch instead
>Try to sprint again and slide
>Getting shot so it doesn't work
Specials aren't the problem for bots usually, they get bent over by mixed hordes because they just try to hold block against elite spam until they fall over.
>It's another episode of "No one helps grab the fucking batteries for the fan event"
I'm getting tired of this rerun. Just gonna camp by the batteries and not move them wothout anyone nearby. They won't learn otherwise.
What do I pair voidblast with? Assail?
It can take a while sometimes especially this early on a weekday. I usually don't have issues later in the day or at night, at least for damnation.
Brain burst. Just so you have some kind of monstrosity damage and can countersnipe snipers.
Welcome to the club, Ive decided I shan't do the scoreboard boys work for them anymore.
is it me or people are more friendly in this game?
>someone fucks up in darktide
>oh anyway
>someone fucks up in vermintide
I'll try it, can you give me a level 30 roadmap?
Is the zarona revolver worth it on zealot? How do you deal with long reloads?
There's also all the elf bullying going on
In Darktide I am so used to hard carrying console shitters and others while playing friendly Ogryn I don't mind.
I guess the only people left playing ratclick are the die-hards and if someone fucks up they just assume they're raging at another die-hard with no excuse for fucking up.
The last time I've played ratclick people weren't giving hard time to those who fuck up.
Maybe now there are only the most dedicated autists left.
yeah I guess
everyone was making fun of me not hitting gas rats with throwing axes..
Why did the pig do this?
They can hold their own, but if you ever go down in a bad situation, that's a wipe. They will try to res you next to a crusher and consistently get bonk stunlocked out of the res while taking heaps of damage.

You get used to it. Start running +3 stamina and any preferred mix of stamina regen and/or sprint efficiency on everyone, and learn to spam slide, and it's not so bad.
Personally, I'm happy to do all the objectives if the others are actually competent and watching my back. I had an entire auric rolling thunder mission where I barely shot anything because I was soloing all the objectives, but it was actually piss easy because the team looked out for me.
by using bolt pistol or boltgun if I run knives
How long does fatshart take to reintroduce bundles? I really want the Gregoris Delante one but that was in October Last year and I wasn't playing that month.
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She eepy :>
>Personally, I'm happy to do all the objectives if the others are actually competent and watching my back
I can count on 1 hand the amount of times the fan event went smooth because someone was helping/doing it themselves. Every single time people are spread out killing random shit opposite of where the batteries are. The other times it went smooth were because people didn't cascade die as I was reaching the 3rd battery, alone.
how do I not kms with scrier gaze
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something like this. It's not set in stone. You can personalize it.
Tip: +100% cleave works on assail shards.
use a gun
should probably be a version without the weird abs, at least not on the psyker.
pick Warp Unbound which lets you blast at 100% without exploding for 10 seconds. It's a modifier talent that sticks out from the Scriers talent.
It's also okay to get Crystalline Will and maybe +1 wound as training wheels. When you stop exploding you can move the talent and change the curio.
80% of the time bots are better than most randos, yes.
They have bad pathfinding though, and won't do a basic platform jump to res you five feet away when there's a gap on certain areas.
They also consistently fall off the bend at the end of hab dreyko, which makes it a good spot to farm rescue/revive penances.
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slow down when you're near 100
laggy piece of shit game will make you blow up even with the talent because of the half of a second it between when scrier's gaze ends and warp unbound begins
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Can i have a qrd on the story of Darktide so far?
Like we gained the trust of Rannick in 2022, and then what happened?
I miss the early 40k fandom days on /tg/ when this OC was still new. Nice to see a comeback, hopefully other artists take the character up too, but part of the charm was the amateur fan-work feel of her early art.
Doesn't happen to me in VT. Maybe it's a thing on Champ/Legend? In general people are friendlier in VT, probably due to private hub to which they are always put together. In DT people barely interact with each other
>Twins show up
>We kill twins
>We find special steel
>One twin is back
>Changed chaos teams from traitor to cult
>Commisar is here now
>Also Zola has some kind of ties to wolfy, but that's not important.
>story so far
>Prologue: Initial reject/trust climb
>Heretics making stimms in the carnival, rejects sent to investigate
>The Karnak Twins start stalking strike teams
>Zola hysterically sends strike teams on a personal mission against the Twins.
>Zola reprimanded, but the Twins defeated (except one)
>Sefoni and Hallowette start handling missions to steal some kind of crystal or something, for lasguns presumably?
>Swagger shows up with information on some lost factory in the hive city and the rejects go reclaim it
Am I missing anything?
Huh, which twin survived? And where do you fight it?
I just count to 10
what makes voidstaff good?
should i use charged or normal fire?
Rinda survived. Cultists rescued her and now she's with Admonition or whatever.
She stalked the fireteams for a bit.
Now in the new trailer you see both nurgle factions fighting for leadership as Admonition is performing some ritual.
The female. You fought her during an event a few weeks ago, where she showed up, got dunked on and then vanished. Testing her new powers or some bullshit. Expect her to be like the gatekeeper and burst into a spawn at some point in the future.
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Rinda, the woman. You can fight the Twins whenever you want if you queue for this special assignment.
moebian 21st show up and get their shit and catch the monkeypox, rejects are now considered elite strike teams and have to fix their mess, Rinda Karnak returned and joined the Cult of Admonition, no idea if it's a different, group from Wolfer's 6th but it sounds like it
I tried, but only massively incompetent consoletards ever play that
Oh i missed the event, dang it.
*shit kicked in *extra comma
Zarona is good for deleting ranged specials if you can aim and aren't using throwing knives. Just reload in between chopping enemies or after ducking into cover.
There are two voids. VoidBlast and VoidStrike. Use Charged fire for damage. Use normal fire to quickly interrupt the enemy.
You didn't miss anything, the event had no rewards.
Unless you're talking about Riona teleporting on the map to get her shit pushed in, it wasn't really that different from the previous Twins event, just this time with tox-bomber grenades.
If you play their special assignment that's basically what her event was but with lights out and wothout the fight at the end. She pops up, gets her ass kicked and retreats for the rest of the mission.
Moebian 6th and Wolfer kneel to the Admonition Cult anyway so Wolfer can't really oppose them, though he might be butthurt over Rinda becoming their herald.
qrd on kinetic deflection? should I take the other node if I use guns?
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is swagger this faggot near the tech priest?
for how long has he been there?
does he have any purpose?
Another update to ratclick, where are the patchnotes?
you are mindbroken
Which part of "support the dev you like" necessiated them to make a fomo rotation? I'm not going to buy shit until they get rid of that period.That is 100% their choice and you are defending it by giving them money for it
He is an agent who claims to personally know Grendyl and discovered the abandoned manufactorum that makes Real™ Moebian Steel for the warband to reverse engineer, which may help break the stalemate against the heretics. People suggest that he is an Eldar in disguise or Grendyl himself.
which one is better? and what blessings for each?
Hello grandpa
>Tweaked the power of items received from crafting: Each Hero level past level 30 increases the minimum power of crafted items by 1. This means that at sufficiently high levels, crafted items are guaranteed to be 300 item power. Only the level from the highest level character is considered.
>Added the ability to equip Hero Poses on the Deprecated UI.
Do eldar talk like smarmy faggots?
oh i see, thanks
tell me more about the twins that got pozzed up and whatever is happening with the chaos guardsmen, are there 3 factions of enemies now?
Make it 2900 and we have a deal!
ratchuds woke up to mald at a 4 hour old post...
Lots of good stuff from this artist. Very based
>the event had no rewards
can you still get the hardmode banner?

afaik it's the hardest cosmetic to get in the game, not that it means much
Love them <3
Chaos guardsmen(not the traitors) were an event modifier. Guards got the bad stimmies and got fucked up and turned into poxies. They will be a modifier for havoc mode.
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oh, right
thank you
can i still play the old missions or events?
I guess, the ones that did it even get a tp at the start with a red bell

Sounds like Africans alright. Also Chinese.
>You'd better not look up how well Sony's been doing lately…
They’re fine? At least players wise
Cute girl
Either in havoc(Dec 3) or if they ever do an event rerun. Keep in mind this event was just a modifier where the hordes were now more mass more armor because infected guard. You're not missing out on a special limited time unique mission.

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