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GRUG aim edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Milds
Milds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/milds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Milds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>502909604
I love huntresses
I love huntresses
Wilds/Dos/4U > World/Tri/FU > Frontier > XX/P3rd/3U >>> Elden Ring > Wild Hearts > God Eater 1/2/3/Freedom Wars/Toukiden1&2 > Remnant from the Ashes > The First Descendant/Once Human >Sunbreak >>>>> Dauntless > Outlanders >>>> MHO >>>>>>>>> Jurassic World Evolution 1/2 >>>>>>>>> Theme Hospital >>>> Shin Godzilla/Legendary Godzilla >>>> 98 Godzilla >>>>> Gamera/Giga Bash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Forspoken >>>>>>> Rise
>wake up at 7am
>pull aira close to me
>fall asleep cuddling for another couple hours
>9am now
>we both properly wake up
>give each other our daily "I love you"s
>freshen up in the bathroom
>come back to bed
>we both grab our Steam Deck 2s
>boot up monster hunter Wilds
>we just received the 14th update: Shantien and Amatsu
>a whole 20 hour long story with them as the main monster antags
>update also introduced the Misty Peaks as the 23th locale, reworked to be in line with the other massive locales, complete with its own endemic life, some new small monsters (Gagua's! Cute!), and a carefully handcrafted habitat giving suitable nests for monsters such as Naruga, Tamamitsune, Bulldrome, and Inagami (which was added in update 8)
>as we connect to the /mhg/ 256 player room, we decide that today, we want to visit the Pokke village hub. We already revisited our precious Astera and Seliana yesterday
>we're greeted by Saltminer, Blanche, Jiur, Blondie, and Jamp
>Blondie and Jamp are chilling in the hub having a drink
>Saltminer and Blanch are busy grinding treasure hunter quests
>Jiur seems to be afk, presumably he's shitposting /mhrg/ (monster hunter rise general (lol)) to death, since the Nintendo playerbase is still stuck with Rise as their newest game
>Aira and I greet our /mhg/ comrades, before we set out for the first of many story assignments unveiling the mystery of the two storm dragons appearing in the stratosphere, bringing doom upon the hunter world as they legendarily battle each other, and it's up to us to stop them, as we start watching the first cutscene together
>life is perfect
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>he isn't a soles hunter
interesting technique
I really wish you guys wouldn't spend the end of threads typing up these unfunny and cringe paragraphs just to spam them at the beginning of the next thread
>Theme Hospital
holy BASED
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Ngl you're on par with Ryukishi for hottest /mhg/ hunters.

Only Ryukishi image I have sadly.
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>yfw this god tier early armor makes its comeback in Wilds
Attack Up (Small) will carry me to Rathalos once again
>yfw kut ku is actually a mid game mon in wilds
Theme Hospital is so bad compared to old marxis games it's kinda depressing.
Nilfgaardian Dick Armor energy desu
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Maybe, but it will for sure show up in packs
>yfw 6 fireballs from 6 different directions
so glad they redesigned it and made it sexy
>yfw there will be mods for the packs
>pack full of elder dragons
>full pack of Kushalas
It's Maxis Games. Pretty sure Will Wright isn't some commie retard.

t. 10k hours across Sims, Bustin Out, Sims 2, Sims 4
>Jaggi to rathalos
>Rathalos to brachy should in theory be an upgrade
>Monsters don't enrage enough to activate challenger consistently
>Switch back to rathalos which has half the defense
>Don't have the special armor spheres needed to upgrade it
>Only one weapon with a sliver of white sharpness
>It's sns
Late high rank 3U is hell. I don't want to farm jho anymore than I already have I'm sick of the bastard
for me it's spore, spore creatures (ds), bustin out (gba), urbz (gba), sims 2 (ps2), sims 2 (ds)
I think this was my first full set
Spore was kinda boring.
Starting 3U and not having this felt weird
But then I got Barroth armour and felt at home again
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Velociprey was the superior noob set
Hey, I also crafted this yesterday.
I am the hottest /mhg/ hunter.
why do retards keep memeing on rise? it literally fucking won
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Thank God World and Wilds exist. imagine playing modern MH with these yeye ass graphics
it looks sexier, LR armors look better in general imo
If there's one thing that I want from sets in Wilds is for them to be conservative with how many gimmick skills they add. Leave it for super endgame
>About to post my huntress
>Realize I'm on a new PC
>I have no huntress pics to post
nyeheheh morloids
>half of the thread is people talking about kutku armor
great start bored retards
What did it win?
>it literally fucking won
explain how
The triumphant return of yes ma'am???
Kut Ku Armor is kino, you pleb
It's a forced discussion by tendies. They know they are currently outnumbered so they are drowning the thread with uselss tendie topics to avert World and Wilds discussions. Remember play it tacticals.
discord raid energy for sho
fivies can't understand soul
yes ma'am was lost to dead hdd...
Well yeah that's why new pc made me think it could be the triumphant return
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I think we all miss her
>Worlos seething at classic/Wilds discussion
Bones set is the ultimate noob set
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huntress legs...
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How hard are NPC mods to implement in Rise? Is it just dragging the model in and weight painting the bones?

IIRC it was really hard in World, which is why we never got a FULL Handler replacement for Serious Handler (it glitches out in some cutscenes apparently...)
i'm just glad we're on the dawn of wilds to come. the sooner we leave all mention and memory of rise the better
I guess as long as you've got all the bones as the original models it should be fine. All the info about modding MH is stuck on the MH modding shitcord so have fun with that.
>You WILL do the inevitable Dragon's Dogma 2 crossover event quest
>You WILL craft the inevitable Dragon's Dogma 2 crossover armor and weapons
>You WILL enjoy it
Freydina my wife
a friend forced me to listen to this once and it was just vile. gachafags have such low standards its insane.
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I will now play your bingshit
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>MH modding shitcord
well? links?
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this is cringe, do gachafags really?
Monster Raper
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>used to get new rath armor every new gens
>gorrilions of rath armors
>recent games still have this old ass armor because muh nostalagia(read laziness)
why post the 1hr version instead of the animated music video
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Canon and in
They realised they got it right the first time
because 2 minutes isnt nearly long enough to finish my goon sesh
based if real but not real so not based
first time i saw it i spent 30 minutes finishing 5 times to it
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Anyone have that Instagram video that supposedly had a Wild’s version of Chameleos’ theme?
Once again based if real but I don't buy it
i wish they'd just gone with a 3-piece set for kut-ku, although the helmets look pretty cool.
it looks good tho
Don't fix what ain't broke.
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>"Hello there."
>"Have you heard about Kut-Ku armor? Amazing armor."
>"Yes, it’s great. The devs are doing their best."
>"I hope it’s released soon. My cousin wears that armor often."
>"Indeed. Take care."
>"You too. Farewell."
More like they realized they could get away with least amount of efforts while "people" make excuses for them.
Nothing stop crapcom from making armor series again to keep most of them available.
>looks good tho
that's not the point, we get less content for the sake of what? better graphics? come on.
me on the left
Ask in the MH modding discord.
My wife
I've seen a hermitaur the other day. Nasty creatures.
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>"I don't know you and I don't care to know you"
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*charges at you from offscreen*
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo oo o o o.. o........ o..........
This for every NPC from 5th gen on
me on the left rise on the right
god I want serious handler's feet on my face
I don't have it anymore but it was from the german monster hunter account
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digimon ass looking mfer
It's even worse when you're trying to carve in older gens after killing the monster and get timed out with no carves. Vespoids too.
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>Filters shitters who can't dodge
>Not killing all creatures in an area before gathering/carving
cant believe they made the meme real that one world mosswine shits on 100 rise hunters... ichinose hold me
>Proof of a Hero playing while you wrangle some hogs
Capcom should do these shitpost event quests more often.
literally me in the lumu
For me, it's Blademaster Ukanlos X
At least people try to talk to you. I log into the room, only to look at the player list and leave. I ain't using the voice chat.
Nobody uses voice chat in the rooms here.
that's the joke, idiot. he doesn't actually join the rooms. he's just shitposting.
The last one I joined had the microphone thing turned on. My was shown as off as everyone else's was on.

Not everyone fun posts, sir.
>Nobody uses voice chat
explain that to noicie. mfer is so thirsty he doesn't even care what you think of his begging
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Collab soon.
>HH is white rarity
>HBG and Hammer are only Blues (R3)
me on the right
me over left
>Lady Devimon and Lady Angemon armor sets
i dond ged id :DDD
bot misidentified an image, interesting
i wonder how many replies here are actually bots
needs to be in
stop samefagging
Will he be in? Should he?
Why not, it'd be funny.
No. No. Siege monsters have literally never been good and if the earlier ones like Lao had been introduced in 5th or 6th gen everyone would shit on them the same way they shit on the shitty world sieges.
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No room?
They're seething because nobody cares about wilds
Name 1 Brute Wyvern that's fun to fight.
Glavenus (in GU)
>wilds is releasing under trump's reign as emperor of the estados anus

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If we can just get an Agumon layered set for the palico, I'd count that as a win.
well he is a reigning anus
They can just take the Fatalis layered, shorten the neck, increase the head size and it'd be close enough.
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World PC lumu room:


Here you go.
I've been really enjoying Acidic Glavenus' fight. On the other hand, I dislike Brachydios.
Imagine this inside my huntress
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It's kind of telling about the state of the world when Trump is set to be the most powerful man on the planet soon (again btw). What ever happened to smart people? Did we kill them all?
if it's that easy why don't you do it?
Dabbing on liberals takes priority.
Smart people got us Rise and look what happened. It's time we have passionate people instead.

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he punched at the talking points people cared about instead of tranny pronoun bathrooms and free surgery
you know who needs free surgery? my idiot brother dying of renal failure. but no. a troon gets that instead so they can ACK a month later.
All the passionate people left Capcom already
The fight's alright, other than the 'oooh better get behind a rock now oooh' bit, but having to do it seventy trillion times when it plays out more or less the same every time is just cancerAIDS
There WON'T be any Elder Dragons in Wilds pre TU
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Why was this guy such a shitmon? I got one shot by every attack from mr3 with current gear. And then this guy barely does anything wtf.
Not unless Tokuda leaves
>my idiot brother dying of renal failure
Your brother deserved it. He should've prayed to God.
How? His Werewolf form hits much harder sure but takes forever to do any attacks.
>rise is getting increase shitposts
>ping the troon defense force
>looney troons immediately fabricate discussions about rise

like an open pamphlet
I meant to say the mons in master rank 3 star were way harder than this thing
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cope morloid
the fanged wyvern curse.
Tokuda doesn't even like monhun. He actively chooses to focus on everything except the core of monhun gameplay. You know the thing that made the series popular? I guess he is passionate about muh immersion though despite being bad at implementing it. At this point I'd honestly like to see what tokuda's pure vision would look like without being forced to conform to the legacy of the series. It would obviously be a boring chore to play but maybe it could be interesting in its own way. Realistically he'll just keep tacking meaningless shit onto world though
Quematrice and Bflame are blast.
The core of monhun gameplay isn't anime moves btw.
it is cool the first time but after its really just sharpen breather
Ironically it has been since GU lol
yes it is just ask the wilds devs
The core of monhun gameplay was removed after Dos flopped.
>mice mad divine beings can see through their troonshit
>Since GU
So not Monster Hunter.
So world isn't monster hunter?
you do know it's a straight knock off of God Eater right?
Monster Hunter (PS2) isn't a Monster Hunter game
That doesn't count. Just fuck you okay?
Scroll down to the very bottom.
it is unironically because it set the series back to the proper path before ichinose drove the series into a cliff trying to please his god eater girlfriend. then ichinose got a chance to ruin it again with rise but suzuki had to salvage that trash heap of a game.
>World is connected to GU
You really should get your narrative right.
mice iq please understand. in between dilating and trying to make end's meet they have a lot going on in their minds
>Blood Wind
>Brimstone Slash
>Demon Riot
>Void Piercer
>Devouring Demon
We could've gotten GodSlayer: Annihilation Strike if we've kept down this KINO path.
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We've been over this. World literally took several moves from GU and incorporated them into base movesets. The exact same way wilds took rise moves. Anime is now a core part of monhun gameplay. Now here's the part where you say no weapons in world are anime despite the jump from 4U to world LS being anime as fuck as well as several other weapons. You people always have to lie to yourselves
unlike Worlo's with nothing going on in their minds
Literally does not count. It's the retarded child that we keep around because its parents get mad if you don't include it.
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Despite what oldfags might say, the franchise has been moving towards anime shit with every entry since Tri.
Anything after FU cannot be considered "oldfag". I'm sorry, I don't make the rules.
Yeah yeah heard it all before. The reality is the mainline team has been taking cues from portable games on gameplay design since at least P3rd and wilds has only confirmed they intend to continue that trend. Portable games get to test all the new fun toys and mainline games include some of those toys next game but tone them down to be less fun
>retards actually believe this
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>game is called Monster Hunter
>anon says it's not a Monster Hunter
Choosing not to believe in facts doesn't make them false.
then explain clutch claw.
Damn, can't believe Rise still has the single button Greatsword gameplay. In case you haven't noticed, they just (steal) build off ideas from each other.
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4/16, ubel please come back
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Thank you, I was feeling lonely.
Clutch claw is one of those additional meaningless mechanics I was talking about and it has routes in wystones from 4U. It has nothing to do with what we're talking about. The mainline team taking ideas from portable games doesn't mean they can't have their own (bad) ideas
How do I transfer my old save to a new steam account? Game doesn't load the save
this quest gave me cancer can I sue capcom
it's almost midnight anyway and I was the 5th one
I see. Thank you, and shame, because the greatswords look fucking sick and cool.
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sometimes the tree of truth need to be watered with the blood mice
next you're going to tell me wirebugs totally are not clutch claw ideas huh?
Yeah no shit that was my point. It's just the portable games have continued focusing on gameplay while the mainline games have veered off course to focus on the environment so when new ideas get transferred over more portable gameplay ideas are taken then anything else with regards to gameplay as there's no other ideas to really take. The point being this clashes with the "mainline and portable are entirely separate" idea idiots here say all the time
You were supposed to clap so hard when whatever Elder decided to interfere that you'd think it's a good quest anon.
Does it show where RE3 remake placed in that?
Stop shitposting and play the game
>31 million
I've played the series since the first portable but never did I imagine monster hunter reaching Grand Theft Auto numbers.
Wirebugs themselves are an idea older than world itself. Stuff like the Marionette spider is very clearly from clutch claw wall bang though
it's 9th
Still don't understand how a tiny bug like the marionette allows you to pull giant monsters with ease. Or how it really differs from a wirebug really.
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Tokuda sabotaged Wilds because he has western graphicsfags living in his head rent free?
Wirebugs and marionette spiders are entirely different creatures in the lore or whatever.
>Wirebugs themselves are an idea older than world itself
but conveniently you can't name them right?
>I wouldn't say it was all bad
>MH4U received brutal comments
>4U was received so badly it became the framework for World
Bold words from an avatarfriend.
I would rather do literally any other hunt than this shit
Name what?
Underwater combat would have saved 4U in the west
i told you retards, time and again that world was closet to 4U than any other game
It's not the final Narwa quest by the way. Look forward to the next one.

Who even debates this? World takes its entire framework and inspiration from 4U. It's just world went too far in some areas and split off from the main focus of the series in other areas.
Anon, they are quite literally saying that they used criticisms levied against 4U to make World. Unless that's the connection you want to make, in which case, good for you.
>Who even debates this?
these retards
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>Spine Tingling Divinity
MR30 quest. It's "just" AllMother though. At least Malzeno particpates.
>World took ideas from GU
>Wtf no it didn't it took ideas from 4U !!!
You mongoloid it can be both at the same time
i accept your concession. once more we have exposed rise players for the liars that they are. claiming main team get their ideas from the portable team when the very games themselves show us that it is ichinose who steals ideas from other entries (and franchises)
Ok schizo.
Frieren isn't a monster hunter.
kys ubel
They take ideas from each other. That was the point. I know it pains you to think of tokuda playing the portable games and saying "damn this shit is cool" but you have to come to terms with that anon.
I haven't read in a while because reading weekly is aids. I left off when the cutting bitch was arrested or whatever with her four eyes lover boy
>tokuda playing the portable games and saying "damn this shit is cool"
prove it.
Sorry my connect in Japan hasn't insteal my tokuda spy cam yet but I do have the ichinose spy cam set up. He likes to watch mecha anime what a dork
>post sales numbers
>massive jump in posts to drown in out
why are lice so predictable? it's so funny
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pls save me from 5th wheel...
>it's so funny
i find it sad personally
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you are missing some kino

wrong again
Goddamn autocorrect is fucking my shit up. God I hate Microsoft
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1. World wins the popular vote (sales numbers despite Rise being available on more platforms (said platform having more than double combined sales of Playstation and Xbox) AND having had timed exclusivity), current active player count, amount of mods despite RE Engine being far easier to mod).

2. World is far more popular in 4chan's dedicated secret clubs (/v/, /mhg/) evident by the 30 in 1 ratio of lobbies being posted and overall on topic discussion around both games.

3. World is more popular on hyper sterile echo chambers such as Reddit.

4. Player retention in all possible metrics (current active players % of peak, current active players % of last update's peak which is almost a 4 year difference) is much higher for World than Rise.

5. User reviews are higher for World.

6. Critic reviews are higher for World.

7. World gets more content creation than Rise.

But despite this unanimous preference towards World, even between polar opposites, you insist that despite all of these, it still means Rise is the better game?

There's no sense in that until you realize there's only -ONE- demographic that benefits from these mental gymnastics. I'll give you a hint they will be excluded from Wilds as well.

You want to know an actual unpopular but good game? Wild Hearts. You will rarely see anything bad posted about it despite it being one of the biggest flops. The only complaint is the bad performance which can be bruteforced nowadays so it has become a non issue.

Eat shit contrarian tendie retards.
Are you really seething over the fact your low level shitposts aren't getting as much attention as you'd like
She's a whore she only likes him because he can use his clone things to gangbang her
yeah bro i hate it when i can't insteal a gpu and have to pay a technician to do it
Stop stealing you're not even black like aira
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Kek I have 25 step it up kid but here's a pity (you) for your troubles
>Now notification
>New friend quests are here
>click tab
>sorry u have no friends
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Yeah I can see why you're seething
2334 5766 8939
Monstie Huntie?
I wish i had friends to play video games with too. the ones i thought were my friends avoid me
Not that Anon but why are you terminally online trannies bragging about (You)s?

Does it somehow help pay towards your rent?
Your worth as a human is more than being able to make money for a millionaire, sis
its fun?
mhw had a sense of environment I've never felt in any other game before. the monsters interact with eachother, they get into fights with eachother, some are passive and just look at you while others will attack head on. the herbivores grazing and slowly moving in herds with young ones, packs of smaller monsters patrolling their territory. the endemic life just brings it all together. it doesn't feel like I'm just going in and hunting the monsters, it feels like I'm actively in their environment, I have to hunt in their territory. if I stop, the ecosystem keeps going, and that's a rare feeling to get in games.
>quick reply to my post about rise and drown out the criticism
>ez you
This isn't reddit
I actually wasn't joking last time though. I really am hot IRL and I do actually have a big dick. That's why it's important you only know me through monhun or else you guys would get jealous and hate me and I don't want you to hate me because we're bros
ok let's be realistic. will we be able to run wilds on d1 because of denuvo?
I agree wholeheartedly but what else are you going to do in 4chan? Be kind? It's troll or be trolled and I learned that the hard way.

Used to be fun. (You) harvesting on /mhg/ nowadays doesn't provide the same excitement as it used to.
>4chin in a mobile web browser
turbo retard
31 million is larger than 16 million just wanted you guys to know
Wilds? Shan't be buyin
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Please stop consuming this japanese jrpg fantasy garbage have some fucking standards man.
Just move to the side, you can hear them coming
And then you ask this guy what he reads and he says chainsaw man lmao
Yeah Frieren sucks. Dungeon Meshi is better. Wooooo look at me I'm an emotionless Galadriel rip off but in 2D wooooo

At least Marcille is hilarious.
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Which of these two is a most likely scenario and why

1. Tokuda team releases Wilds and works on Wilds G and after that Portable team releases P6 and so on


2. Tokuda team releases Wilds and works on Wilds G and after that Portable team releases MH remasters using RE engine
I highly doubt that'd happen since if it did, it would've already done so.
its worse because its got you in it
Yeah but let's be honest. Rise was already in development when World was released and with the recent remasters that capcom have been doing it's most likely that they'll go for the cheaper route of remastering older mh instead of paying portable team to make an entirely new spin off.
miss frieren is cute
It's been 20 years and no remasters. People only keep mentioning it because resident evil did it. I don't see why they'd bother. Remaster implies it's the same game with some slight tweaks and a facelift. Old fans will say the facelift looks like dog shit and fivers will say it's le clunky. It would please literally nobody
old monster hunter was le clunky though
>thinking like a gamer instead of a company executive
Monster Hunter started at World
Even a company exec wouldn't be that dumb. It would be more cost effective to keep releasing world clones which they clearly plan on doing as evidenced by wilds. They know the market for world clones is 5 times bigger than the market for old monhun games especially remasters of old games
it would just take the omniroll from 5th gen to not be clunky tho
I doubt they'll ever do a remaster, we'd probably just get more anniversary titles reusing a bunch of old assets.
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>investing anxiety this early for tendie salt

I see what you did there, King and I like it.
The next mh title is world remastered for switch 2 featuring new content which will cause a melty here.
It's a meme strategy anyway. Nobody truly believes portable games are going anywhere. Not only are they the testing ground for new gameplay ideas but rise is still selling to this day so they know there's a market for portable monhun
Then why haven't we heard about a portable 6? even rise was leaked way before world's release and cause stealth__ to make some capcom civil war headcanon because of it.

don't tell me capcom's security is tighter this is literally a company where their pre denuvo full games are being leaked.
Answer me
Bro wilds hasn't even released. Rise likely leaked because work started on that right after gen. P6 is probably still in early stages. Sunbreak only released 2 years ago
I sent you a quest invite
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Too early and what with it likely going to a new console, it may take some time to iron things out. Or, it stops being truly portable and is available on all platforms Day 1.
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Not a real argument.
It is a real argument. Since the beginning of the series there's been 3 years exactly between every g rank expansion except for iceborne which came 1 year early. Which means not only should wilds have released by now by we should be getting an expansion next year. Clearly that's not happening and because wilds is fucking up the schedule ichinose will possibly have more time to make the next portable game even bigger in scope possibly GU size and that means they could be still in early stages at this point. Going forward monhun cycles will likely be longer than 3 years
The four mice retreated into their safe corner in silence until it was broken by the white mice. Its voice trembling and his fingers bloody from all the nail biting "W-w-w-w-hat if /mhg/ is right? w-w-w-w-what if there is no portable 6? if ichinose is working on something we would have heard something by now! what if the switch 2 mh is just a 25fps version of wilds?"
The brown mice clenched its fist and uttered in a deep squeak "Faith, sisters. faith"
>the logo isnt mouse ears silhouette
>World logo design
Is Switch 2 actually going to be a thing at all?
The creaking grew, heavy and deliberate, a slow thudding that made the air press tighter against their fragile bodies. Then came the shadow, long and low and dragging behind the slinking form, the unmistakable figure of the Cat, its silhouette a prowling beast full of hunger and knowing. Its eyes gleamed like the pale moons of an endless night sky, and its tail flicked lazily behind it as though toying with the world itself.

The Cat, this Cat, loved Monster Hunter World more than anything, a cruel and singular devotion that had sharpened its appetite not just for prey but for dreams, for faiths, for all the frail and foolish hopes of small things. Its voice, when it spoke, was not a growl but a mocking purr that echoed off the walls like the toll of some ancient bell. "I heard you," it said, its grin spreading wide and jagged. "Heard your little squeaks about portable dreams and switchy hunters. Tell me, little ones, do you think you can escape the wilds? Think you can outrun the Old World and all its heavy truths?"

The mice huddled closer, their whispers a fragile thing that broke and scattered in the Cat's shadow. Only the brown mouse, fists clenched tight, dared to stand and speak. "We do not run," she said, though her voice was small. "We do not run, for what we seek cannot be outrun. It must be faced, here and now."

The Cat laughed, deep and resonant, a sound like the earth breaking open to swallow the light. "Faith," it purred, circling now, each step measured and deliberate. "Faith is a tasty thing, you know. But it always leaves the belly empty in the end."

And yet the mice stood, trembling but unbroken, as the Cat loomed larger and larger, its love for the hunt as cruel and boundless as the games it adored.
They already announced the announcement of it by announcing that they weren't announcing it at their announcement and to look forward to future announcements of the announcement.
It better not suck or they could be fucked. The switch was a success despite its multiple flaws because it was a new fresh idea but now everyone and their mother has designed a switch clone including steam. They can't release the same thing again but slightly better specs and expect people to buy as many as the first one
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>two carves from a tail
Huh? Is this something that can happen in investigations? I got 5 carves from a Rajang recently too
maybe stop being weird
2/10 for using AI
The Cat circled them now, its body low and sinuous, muscles rippling beneath its fur like a river of coiled steel. Each step closer sucked the air from the room, leaving the four mice trapped in a void of dread, their tiny chests heaving, their eyes darting to every corner and finding no escape. The walls themselves seemed to close in, warped and mocking, and the single bulb overhead swayed like the last pendulum of an inevitable clock.

The brown mouse stepped forward, its fists clenched so tightly that blood welled in tiny beads beneath the strain of its nails. She did not shiver. She did not flinch. Her sisters whispered behind her, voices small and broken things. "Don't," the gray one whimpered. "Please don't."

But the brown mouse turned her head slightly, not to look at them but to acknowledge their fear, to mark it as something to be carried in her stead. "Faith," she said again, her voice no louder than a whisper but no less heavy than stone. "For Ichinose. For Nintendo."

The Cat froze mid-step, its wide grin splitting further, its eyes alight with savage delight. "Ah, brave little faith," it purred, tilting its head in mock curiosity. "So noble. So small. Tell me, do you think the gods of your little faith care? Do you think they hear you at all?"

The brown mouse said nothing more. She stood, defiant but trembling now, as the Cat loomed above her, its shadow swallowing her whole. The others dared not move, dared not even squeak, their tails curled around their bodies like lifelines to a ship already sunk.

The Cat struck without warning, a single swipe of its massive paw, claws like jagged scythes cutting through the air. The brown mouse flew backward, her body slamming into the wall with a sickening crack. Blood smeared the plaster as she slid to the ground, her tiny chest heaving, her legs twitching but unable to lift her.
Very likely the Felyne skill activated and allowed you another carve.
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You're fucking stupid.
Those portable PCs are just that. Playing big name titles that are already available on PC. Nintendo has far and away the more creative titles and branding to do well with their system.
Let me put this so you can understand it.
Nintendo Switch has sold nearly 30m units.
Steam Deck has sold 3m.
You live in an echo chamber where you think these ripoffs are far more popular than they are.
"Faith," the Cat mused, padding closer, its steps slow, savoring. "Faith has no place here."

The brown mouse coughed, a wet, rasping sound that filled the room and made the others shiver as though winter had crept into their bones. Her voice, weak but resolute, rose again, trembling yet unbroken. "For... Ichinose. For... Nintendo."

The Cat's grin widened, a terrible, gleaming crescent, and it raised its paw high, the claws catching the dim light like the blades of a guillotine. For a moment, time seemed to stretch, the swing of the bulb casting long shadows over the trembling forms of the remaining three. They could only watch, their limbs frozen, their hearts pounding in their tiny chests like drums of war they could not fight.

The paw came down, a terrible, crushing weight that met the brown mouse's skull with a sickening crunch. The sound of bone splintering echoed in the room, sharp and final, and the brown mouse fell silent, her body limp, her faith extinguished beneath the Cat’s heel.

The white mouse screamed, a high-pitched, keening wail that was more instinct than will, and the Cat turned its eyes toward the remaining three. Blood smeared its paw now, a deep crimson that dripped onto the floor like a ticking clock, and its grin remained, unshaken, triumphant.

"Faith," it said again, stepping forward, its voice thick with mockery. "Who's next? Who else believes?"

The gray mouse collapsed to her knees, her tiny hands clasped over her face as sobs wracked her body. The black mouse pulled her close, though her own shivers betrayed her fear. The white mouse could only stare, her eyes wide, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps. The Cat’s shadow grew larger as it approached, and with it came the suffocating weight of certainty: there would be no escape, no salvation.

There was only the hunt, and the hunter.

My prose isn't as good as William Faulkner.
Do you guys ever get any new hunters or is it just the same group always fighting mRank stuff
What are some recommended mods for world?
Mostly cosmetic to vfx mods.
Also is their a mod that changes the hud, Rise has a Dos Hud mod but world has nothing as far as I can tell.
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Wilds will be so kino bros...
And I think you underestimate how much hype was behind the switch. Celebs were carrying this shit around as an accessory. A slightly better switch wouldn't have that hype and frankly some switch owners have been let down by the switch. All I'm saying is the switch 2 might not be the slam dunk you think it is. See the Wii U
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Pick your favorite Quest Clear Theme.
And why is Frontier the best?
Area 4 and you didn't kill the congas before fighting the big one? Real genius
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Good hunts! 4/16.
I'm partial to 15:08 onwards
As a switch owner.
All I ask is a more powerful long term system at this point, something just refined completely, it doesn't need to be PS5 levels of capabilities but it also shouldn't be that far below.
But in terms of marketing I don't know how they could really go up from the switch, I think Nintendo is in a tighter space to work with, like you said with the Wii U situation.
Also the switch had a lot of big name exclusives coming out on it, if a switch 2 were to come out and didn't get that support I can easily see it tumbling down.
You know shitposting with chatgpt I kinda realize I can probably write a well written epic fantasy like Redwall or Ga'Hoole.

Hmmm I kinda enjoy reading the results I have for shitposting but Jacques already took mouse and stuff I wonder what cute animal I can use to populate my fantasy world. Fish kinda sucks as evidently shown by Tri.
Didn't they supposedly spend nearly a billion on research? There's no way the leaks are true. 1 billion for a slightly better switch? Cmon
We have some lower MR players join sometimes. Had a few the other night. You can still join regardless of your level, just ask people to gear down unless you want them to murder stuff for you.
Everybody thinks they're the next hit writer get in line
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Also had this cool killscreen.
A billion yen is like 7 million dollars
Yeah maybe but there's no harm in doing so. It's more for my enjoyment desu rather than trying to capitalize on it.
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Alright I'm done with rise, where the fuck is the spiritbird mod so I don't have to collect these shits anymore for max hp, I already finished giasmagorm and chaotic gore so I've pretty much done enough of putting up with it. Curio azuros is just retarded fart bear that you have to dps. Idk maybe its because this is my first time playing rise in like a year but I don't have the patience for picking up birds anymore.
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There needs to be a PvP mode but instead of hunter vs hunter there should be mode where you can control the monster vs hunters online.
You mean Evolve?
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>Collecting birds
Get ready for a TRVE NVKE.
Fun fact the HP Bar? Same size as world's.
Those buffs? For bad players who suck at the game.
Evolve died 3 times for a reason
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What the fuck is Evolve?
but if micebreak is harder than world
then collecting the birds is necessary no?
Is this fucking true? I've been under the impression that I'd be screwing myself not getting the buff, I'll warm myself up on him because he really isn't hard I just stopped playing immediately after the first quirofart
It was a multiplayer FPS game where you had 4 hunters fighting a player controlled monster that evolves and gets stronger over the course of the match.
Was it in yen?
You can get 250HP in Rise, but not in World
You're talking to a shitter anon. The concept of finishing a hunt without getting hit more than 5 times is something they can't even comprehend since all they do is mash heal unless of course they install mods to make the game easier
>frogposter is also underage
checks out
That was right after entering the area, but it doesn't matter because I was playing like shit and was about to fail the quest anyway. At least I got the Vibrant Pelt in the 2nd try though.
Did you ever play it, Anon? It really intrigued me waay waaaay back because of its concept but the bad press about it really turned me off. I can buy it for literally 2 dollars where I live and wondering if it's worth it.

Also isn't Hunt the Showdown kind of the same but FPS? Or is EDF still the true Lost Planet 2 successor?
Hunt is an extraction “shooter”
>At least I got the Vibrant Pelt in the 2nd try though.
Fuck you
>play World
>notice one of my weapon is rarity 4 when all others are rarity 10 or 11
>need anjanath+ materials
>"easy peasy piece of shit"
>start expedition
>meet Anjanath
>start beating him
>"wait this isn't right"
>his heaviest attack deal like 2 pixels of damage to my health bar
>my own attacks break the triple digits easily
>oh shit that's right
>i'm using endgame gear to fight a midgame monster
>suddenly start feeling bad, poor Anjanath is getting manhandled by my female hunter
>he starts limping away, whining and crying with every step
>feel really bad
I think I'll just capture him and not actually make the weapon. I bet a fire-infused greatsword is shit anyway.
Well yeah it’s World. The game with 0 build variety and where only raw matters.
Why is element not good?
There's like 20 people playing it and pretty much all of them have thousands of hours on the game. If you play that game and the person on monster knows what he's doing, you won't win unless you have a highly coordinated team.
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I just checked apparently it's no longer online. I guess I can play it offline just to check what it's about.

The devs moved on to a L4D game it seems.
There's a discord with a private server still up I think.
I mean, I'm really interested in status, but I'm told status are only good for fast weapons like bow or dual blades, so for a greatsword? No.
I think I'm fine testing it out offline. I mean it's 2 bucks. That's like a cheeseburger right?
>Wilds is launching with only 29 monsters
Fucking pathetic lmao
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>Creamapi link is dead
I can’t believe Wilds is launching with 2/9 monsters
I can't believe Risecucks are so mad that they invent reasons to get angry at Wilds.
I can't believe Rise had 1 monster... Wilds is launching with 1/2 of a monster.
World had TWO Monsters why did these games fail when World did it perfectly...
>invent reasons
>haven't played rise in ages
>been playing 3U nonstop
>boot up rise right now just for a hunt or 2
>end up killing 10 monsters because im having so much fun
Goddamn going directly from third gen horn to rise horn really fucking emphasizes how good rise horn is. It's such a goddamn crime how underappreciated this weapon was. It feels so fucking smooth and does nearly everything you want it to. To think it got a bad wrap almost entirely because of a lack of recitals and because people didn't bother to explore it and only played optimally. There's no telling if ichinose will bring it back but I'm just glad it exists. Easily the most fun horn has ever been.

Anyway that's the thing about rise. It can feel so soulless when compared to older games but actually playing it is a ton of fun. I really appreciate that ichinose just understands fun
Yes, Rise is fun.
I can't believe Wilds doesn't have a single monster, and that you can only spar against the Handler.
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Wilds is only launching with 29 monsters but this is a good thing because my indian made pc can't run it anyway now i can play the game of coping and shitting
Hot, going to hold her down and forcibly impregnate her tbdesu
Pleb fetish.
Only anal for me.
Thanks for the hunts, room is 2/16
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>his seed isn't powerful enough to impregnate through anal
I mean, the rectum and the vagina are...
You know what let us stop this train of thoughts.
but that's wrong you muppet
all the TAs use elemental unless they're clusterbombing it in a team
Element is fine, he's being obtuse
You can run status or elemental on weps like the greatsword, iirc they tweaked the values with iceborne so that it was more viable
>it's 2 bucks. That's like a cheeseburger right?
I fucking wish .-.
shits are like 7.99 now
Wait, status too? I thought only elementals were worth it?
No, you see, only meta/optimal sets are considered worthy in Worldborne. Doesn't matter that using off-meta sets generally only loses you about 3-4 minutes on average.
But apply this same logic of "only metashit matters!!!!!" to Lice or other bingshit? And they'll accuse you of being a nofunallowed speedtranny.
>no mouseguard theme monster hunter game
Life isn't fair.
It depends on the monster, and what ailment it's weak to. You can absolutely run like a paralysis or sleep greatsword and get 2-4 procs per hunt if the monster has at least a 2-star weakness to those ailments
Oh no my earplugs build is no longer valid and I'm getting trashed on /mhg/ nooooo i mist blame the game insteaaaaad
I don't know. Maybe if if fight the blue rat more often I won't dislike it so much
what would a good elemental sns build look like for mid-late iceborne? i assume 2-piece velk and 2-piece namielle with shara gloves and an elemental/expert necklace
>he doesn't know how high those damage modifiers go compared to worlos tempered / AT mon modifiers
other than fatty, alatroon and at velk, everything in iceborne hits like paper. in sunbreak everything hits like a brick wall so getting that +100 hp over the usual 150 is good if you dont wanna be one shot by SIs
but clearly you didnt play either game and you're just paroting redditors so nvm
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Just keep at it and eventually the game will drop arena investigations.
This is what you can spend most of your time doing.
That way, the game will always grant you with a rainbow bingshitbird for free. You won't have to waste your time engaging with Itchynose's dogshit bingshitbird collecting system, nor will you have to waste time engaging with Itchynose's dogshit map design.
If you want to level up AR fast, then I suggest you filter join requests for the usual Diablos and Seething Bazel investigation that pretty much everyone ended up farming to get to AR300 fast. Grab yourself a comfy bowgun set and just turn off your brain until you're AR300 (because if you don't turn off your brain, your brain is gonna melt from the tedium of this dogshit).
2pc Nami doesn't really do anything unless you have absolutely no other way of getting Free Element, because it adds a flat 60 or 80 to your element. You'd be better off with 4pc Velk because Frostcraft affects both raw and element
Wroggi is really great for both low and high rank
nibelsnarf is great in GRank with a mix of some diablos
I see. It scales to the damage.
>2-piece nami
I thought it also boosts your elemental dmg as long as you keep attacking. Can you explain frostcraft being useful on SnS, because I don't understand; it basically never has to sheath so I wouldn't really be getting the benefit unless I start playing SnS like critdraw GS? Does the frostcraft meter deplete slower on smaller weapons?
New weapon idea. Ballerina ribbon whips that deal blunt damage at medium range.
Worlo is all Raw because Perfect Rush is fucking stupid with its MVs.
Sounds like a lot of cope from a shitter who doesn't upgrade his Armor.
I know assist kinsects are meta but speed kinsects are just a way smoother gameplay experience
>I thought it also boosts your elemental dmg as long as you keep attacking.
Yes, like I said it gives you a flat 60 element after activation. The reason this is not good is because it's a small number, and it neither increases nor goes above your element cap. Frostcraft at max gauge is a 25% boost to raw and element, and 20% at one gauge below that. Also Frostcraft doesn't care about the element cap
>Can you explain frostcraft being useful on SnS, because I don't understand
Faster weapons do consume the FC gauge slower, so SnS can get a few hits before dropping a level. Also you have the fastest sheathe speed in the game, and Velk's set comes with Quick Sheathe making it almost instant. Usually most weapons can treat FC as a nice bonus to make up for lack of uptime, but SnS can leverage it quite a bit.
And to appease metafags, you can also Perfect Rush from sheathed to get a 20% damage bonus on the overtuned MVs
The next weapon should be them focusing on making Prowlers good.
Why bother introducing Prowlers in Gen/GU only to abandon them?
Yes, Prowlers were shit in that game, but only because they were poorly balanced in Gen and bizarrely made even worse in GU.
They shouldn't abandon the idea.
>Why bother introducing Prowlers in Gen/GU only to abandon them?
Same thing could be said about underwater and medium bowguns
post your 5 minute clear on SI risen shaggy without any spiribirds or vacate the thread
Nothing more satisfying than killing the monster with your kinsect
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>here’s your monster designs, bro
As it turns out, Marxism doesn't put food on the table. Also leftists are retards with expensive papers and a mean SUCC
>Monster hunter Portable Third out of THIN AIR
>missed the lumu
not again...
Put one up and I'll hoont with you
nah that was disproven months ago
spinslash spam or optimized combo does extremely comparable dps while being more mobile and not locked into doing a long chain that you need to time perfectly
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How do I get a job at Capcom so I can code proper fucking hitboxes myself?
I'll open one, just wait for it.
Make a new character
The head hitbox clipped with your leg hitbox. All you need is Smellden Ringu i-frames on legs when you're doing a jump attack.
>spread 3 on the garuga lbg
am I missing something? show bill pls
what's the issue here? you bingbugged straight into rathalos as he was attacking in your direction
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This is the frame I got hit on. I swear aerial hitboxes in this game are Plesioth-tier
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Everyone says LBG and HBG deal massive damage numbers, but whenever I pick it up it feels like I'm shooting nerf darts.
Because you don't know how to use them correctly
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You're missing the fact that it has it.
Medium bowguns, yes I agree. That's a weapon.
But underwater is an entire SYSTEM.
It's easier to bring back MBGs or Prowlers than it is to bring back an entire system and have to design combat (and moves for all the weapons) with that system in mind.

But yes, you're right, MBGs should be back. Or as someone on YouTube put it, they should just scrap the distinctions altogether and allow players to completely customize bowguns with different stocks, barrels, etc.
don't use normal 1
aim at weakspots
shoot peirce shot
You need to make sure you're customizing your bowgun properly and equipping the right gunner skills.
That's half the battle.
you got hit before then but were traveling fast enough that it looks like you got hit up there
normal ammo is a joke. you want sticky, pierce, or spread. the latter two are also insanely weak unless you get their (insanely rare) relevant skills, pierce shot or spread shot
no I mean I understand that it has it as an ammo type, I just don't see why you'd ever use it since you only have one in the mag and it doesn't have autoreload as far as I know. do tenderizing attacks/mount finishers use the selected ammo to calculate their dmg or something?
Oh I imagine it's just cause I ran out of sticky I dunno m8 I clipped this years ago
>aim at weakspots
Just a slight correction here: Aim at gunner hitzone weakspots, which won't always be the same as melee hitzone weakspots.
Perfect example of this is Diablos.
Melee players will aim at his abdomen.
Gunners will aim for his wings.
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Here's a frame right before I got hit. Still nowhere even close to his head
He tickled your toes, so it was a true and honest hitbox.
Rise hitboxes are very vertical specifically to hit people wirebugging around.

Your mistake here is trying to be cute with aerial combat instead of being efficient and using EBC on that bite attack for big damage. Even if you didn't get hit in the air, you still would be doing less damage than if you used EBC.
ok and you got hit before then
his hitbox is like a big cube that covers the front half of his body
>Aim at gunner hitzone weakspots, which won't always be the same as melee hitzone weakspots
These are the bullets in the bestiary, right?
>mp4s are allowed now
>no audio still
why do I see everyone saying there's no good sticky HBGs in MR iceborne until fatalis or some dumb shit like that? i even see people recommending the guild palace HBG, but it has recoil +3 and shitty reload speed no matter what you do, meanwhile the tigrex HBG is like a MR version of the dark devourer
>negative crit
>high raw
>autoreload on sticky 3 and slicing
>has cluster 3 and can get that down to recoil 2 with suppressor mods
>wyvernheart for targeting parts when monster is KO'd
>has access to a bunch of misc ammos like spread, pierce, fire, paralysis, and sleep
>basically your best gun for sticky until you can make the zora magdaros upgrade
yet nobody talks about it
Anons, gonna start playing MHFU. Do you recommend a Vita or a PC if mainly I'm going to play it alone?
Also, any tip to get started? Only played world.
>any tip to get started
Don't use Hammer.
Don't be greedy, play safe.
You have a very limited inventory, mind what you're taking.
Use paintball to mark enemies.
>unoptimized eurojank piece of shit from slavs on the run runs better than wilds
You WILL have to do gathering missions to go out and get supplies, especially early on. Find mining/foraging maps because most nodes aren't very obvious, especially coming from Worlo where everything is clearly indicated.

Take day/night quests in the desert for hot/cold drinks don't worry about crafting them.

If you need a bit of money quick you can farm the arena Kut Ku.

Make sure to dump your mats carves every hunt you only have one bag.

Buy the crafting books.

The 60 second end timer is important in the old games. It's there so you can grab materials for the way home.
Oh yeah; if you want tails you better get good at cutting them off cause you're shit out of luck otherwise.
>why do I see everyone saying there's no good sticky HBGs in MR iceborne until fatalis or some dumb shit like that?

Whomst the fucketh even says that?
People used the Furious Rajang HBG for a long time before Fatalis for Sticky shit.
To this day, they STILL use the Furious Rajang HBG for Sticky, because the recoil on Fatalis HBG for Sticky just feels terrible.
>linking reddit
Why are you like this, /mhg/?
And what's wrong with Reddit? Literally everyone was using Reddit before 4chan even existed.
For me it was Gaiaonline
Sorry I just meant in general people are like
>what's a good HBG/LBG for progr-
>"the endgame one"
Like yeah no shit guy, the best one is gonna be at the end. People are asking what's good to use in the early and midgame, lategame is obvious. Rajang would be the "just use fatalis" in this scenario because it's basically postgame. Not intending to give you shit you call you out, just trying to clarify what I meant initially.
Like I'd try to ask what some good midgame armors for GS would be and people would answer '3teo2ragbrachy', but I'd have just beaten ebony odogaron or something. I'd later end up running something gross like legiana chest for focus 2 and kestodon gloves for the last focus, with barroth pants for slots, waist for agitator, and nightshade lumu hood for wex.
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>Try to make a full knight or armored looking layered set
>Almost every torso piece has a cape or some attachment on the back
WHY? Do people like capes and shit or something? Why does every piece have to have a cape or some BS?
If you're talking about STALKER 2, for the amount going on it absolutely doesn't.
I'm doing this off memory and personal preference, no particular order as well.

Pierce HBG: Legiana, Black Blos, Viper Tobi

Spread: Anja, Zinogre

Sticky: Zorah, Savage Jho, Furious? Maybe Teo? I didn't sticky much on HBG. I preferred LBG for sticky,
Hey guys I'm playing MHFU for the first time and I'm getting my ass kicked
I was wondering when mantles get unlocked to make the game a little bit easier
There are two camps of these people:
1. The people who have spent so many hundreds of hours continuing to play Iceborne after Fatalis that they forgot they wore something that WASN'T Fatalis before Fatalis came out.
2. The bingshits who just want to smear Worldborne in general and make it sound like Fatalis was the only ever meta for the game, even though it was the last title update and the game went through multiple meta sets before Fatalis in IB was even an idea among MH devs (because remember: the devs themselves admitted during the title update video that they initially weren't planning on having Fatalis, but positive fan reaction to the Fatalis anniversary CG image inspired them to put it in).

>Like I'd try to ask what some good midgame armors for GS would be and people would answer '3teo2ragbrachy', but I'd have just beaten ebony odogaron or something. I'd later end up running something gross like legiana chest for focus 2 and kestodon gloves for the last focus, with barroth pants for slots, waist for agitator, and nightshade lumu hood for wex.
The proper answer to this is the mixed set that has Brute Tigrex and Garuga pieces. I forgot the exact combination was, but this was basically what players wore as a standard blademaster armor when Iceborne just came out and they just beat Shara. I'm sure if you look up YouTube, you'll still find
That was the general meta armor prior to Safi coming out and dominating everything. I believe Silver Rathalos was also a top pick for DB/Bow or any weapon that attempted to use element.
Then it was Raging Brachy armor. That was what players stuck with until finally Fatalis came out.
>I was wondering when mantles get unlocked to make the game a little bit easier
Look at this transparent bingbro falseflagging post. (You)'re not even trying.
Speaking of which, they haven't said which mantles aren't coming back, have they
I hope the only ones coming back are the useless ones
I also hope they make them fall of automatically when they're spent, fucking hate trashbag men
>ask question
I can understand them taking away temporal and rocksteady honestly. They are blatantly broken
Stuff like glider mantle and maybe the elemental ones are a little more balanced. Even the health boost was good for team support
capes look cool, it's not rocket science. alloy set doesn't have a cape, I don't think Damascus does either
They don't, you still turn into trash man. The beta had the ghillie mantle in it so that's back.
One of the damascus sets has a cape.
Nah savage jho ends up being pretty bad for sticky iirc. HR jho was good because it had the highest raw and you could make do with the +3 recoil and slow reload, but other MR HBGs can get away with only having to deal with one of those, and the raw dmg increase it provides isn't enough to stay competitive. Teo only gets like 1 shot of sticky without free element/ammo up, idk why people would use it since the raw dmg wasn't that high either.
Thanks for the recommendations though even if I already knew most of them, the effort is much appreciated
>The proper answer to this is the mixed set that has Brute Tigrex and Garuga pieces
that's still postgame aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ok then use the other ones, or the high metals, or the ingots
You know I thought it would never get used to world gunlance but I'm really starting to get the hang of it
All I need to do now is kill fatty
I already killed AT velk and alatreon so fatty is last on the list
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I love buntresses
i think i'm finally getting the hang of SnS
good job cutie
World gunlance isn't bad but it's like CB where it has a bunch of moves that simply serve no purpose because they don't participate in the primary loop at all and don't even have niche application. I still wish they had reworked the heat system so firing shells buffs your melee damage while the gauge is in the red and NOT had an overheat mechanic at all, so you bounce between shelling to keep the gauge up and melee including pokes to do the most damage, OR just shell if you're stuck in front of a hard zone.
At least Wilds gunlance seems more interesting
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children these days,,,
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Yeah wilds gunlance made me hyped af so I decided to start playing gunlance in world. Obviously it's very different but it's still really fun. I like the dodges and the damage output, especially shelling (even if it gets BTFO by melee and stake spamming)
I mean i can focus on what the monster is doing and not what my buttons are. every move seems to flow into each other on SnS so learning what move to use when seems like it's going to take a while compared to Hammer which you KNOW what moves to use you're just fishing for an opening to use them. It really does play like a mix of hammer and DB where i'm fishing for an opening to use one of my ten million combos
...you are ready for a real challenge, then.
>He didn't notice the smaller, invisible Rathalos riding on top of the big Rathalos

Get out played
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>They hate him because he gave them true Monster Hunter that can run silky smooth on any rig without garbage MMO mechanic
>without garbage MMO mechanic
Sunbreak has a worse gacha than World in its endgame
at what cost
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Nothing can be worse than Safia's fucking weapon gacha and deco gacha
thinkin' 'bout wilds CB...
thinkin' 'bout how they should revert savage axe to world functionality (removing the nauseating button hold) and remove the infinite phials buff from savage axe...
thinkin' 'bout what could be...
How do I refund RiseBreak?
thats rise for you
literally who?
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it has spikes
they said that about kulve
Sunbreak has the equivalent of safi armor rolls on all your endgame armor/weapons. The only difference is that you hunt a gorillion different monsters instead of just one rotating annoying one.
>keeping the roster fresh and varied despite dropping the ball harder and harder with each TU
it was a great idea at first you gotta admit.
>The only difference is that you hunt a gorillion different monsters instead of just one rotating annoying one.
Don't forget having a gorillion rolling options with almost all of them being utter shit since everyone just looks for a few meta skills
This nigga is really out here complaining that they made hunting a variety of monsters viable end game instead of autistically grinding like one single mon
what was that wacky event quest from old monhun where it was like a kutku that would stretch its skeleton into a flying wyvern and change to have a diablos moveset or something when it fell below 50% hp
You literally never have to hunt kulve/safi in World unless you play DB or really really want to get fast speedrun times on alatreon. Meanwhile you need to do the qurious shit in sunbreak if you want good endgame gear.
Sorry, let me fix that

This nigga is really out here complaining that they made hunting a variety of monsters viable end game instead of autistically grinding like three elder shitmons
nonono it's ok, all worldbabs are retarded
to be fair...
in Sunbreak, you can go the entire game not touching Anomalies because there isn't a single monster you are required to do anomalies/raise AR to unlock.
even the risens + Primalzeno don't require you to do anomalies.
They are alot harder without qurious crafting tho.
>viable endgame
>autistically ginding like three elder shitmons
If you want to talk about viability, it was perfectly viable to grind any tier 2 tempered mon in base World for your augments and decos. And the plethora of event quests that rolled high tier decos like Behemoth, Ancient Leshen, Greatest Jagras/Lavasioth, every AT, and tempered Jho
Real endgame is playing the game after beating it because you enjoy playing the game
I'm currently playing through Sunbreak and just unlocked anomalies but have been ignoring them and just doing the urgent quests like gold and silver raths. When do I need to do them? I also don't know what qurious crafting is yet so I assume that comes later. My Diablos X armor isn't going to be good enough soon?
when you're done those urgents the only new quests you'll be getting for a bit are anomalies
you can do them as soon as possible, or wait until the Risens to do them. Whenever you feel your armor/skills/current un-augmented weapon isn't enough.
Think the very first Anomaly monster is Arzuros. Been awhile.
Raging Brachy is kicking my ass.
Name the Game.

>It has the best gameplay in the series and /mhg/ is a gameplay-first sphere. Theoretically it should be loved by /mgh/.
You now remember the mobile game tier tower defense stampede mode from base rise
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>muh ecology
>it's only for the show and has no impact on the actual game beyond free damage
>Doesn't even unique interaction like old ecology clips did
I will never understand the amazement some people have for this.
Post set
i think the amazement factor is from people who have played previous MH where literally the entire world was out for your blood.
>herbivores not named Gargwa and Aptonoth running away from the monster? nah, YOU are enemy #1 in this environment. Apceros will get struck dead in the face by a rock Jho launched at you, will turn and say "IT WAS YOU!!!" and become dead set on killing you as if it's entire species would become extinct if it didn't
honestly it's a nice change of pace.
post lobby or "lumu" which is what mhg likes to call it
Why call it "lumu"?
it sounds like a japanese person trying to say "room"
Japanese people can't say L sound
L and R are just the same sound in japanese
>trying to sound cute
What are you a woman?
There's a few of them lurking around
There is no r or l in japanese doe
because you are autistic.
you dont understand how normal people feel
source for your claim?
yes, they have a sound that is somewhere in between R and L. Hence, lumu
you just proved me right xD!
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rumu would be more accurate than room or lumu

you think the nonsensical and temperamental bait posts were written by men? no man could be that petty
yeah but there's a monster called pao lumu so it's lumu
there's a monster called パオウルムー which kinda sounds like your Lu/Ru but it's not a Lu or a Ru.

To be fair you need a high IQ to understand languages.
How long is the Safi'jiiva siege going to last? I really want to do it but it's really hard getting enough people to stay in the lobby to complete one
jesus, why is sunbreak so soulless compared to iceborne?
>will never be a shit eating normalfag
Feels good.
bing bing wahoo toddler game
>muh shivering frogs
unnecessary garbage is soul now? Man you are going to fucking love Wilds, it's literally made for retards like you
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>Man you are going to fucking love Wilds, it's literally made for retards like you
i know right i'm so excited for wilds you have no idea
erics back
yes, details that make the game world more believable is pure soul.
hopefully they can bring that back for wilds after they dropped the ball so hard with rise.
That's my point kinda with >>503050050 but minmaxing autists like that never want to actually play the game, they want to "100%" it was fast and efficiently as possible and then move on to the next game to consoom
oh they have
whole herds of herbivores being rendered on the other side of the map
If you're free now I'd join you to do it if you want to put up a room.
yea it's unbelievable how dogshit world is
>unnecessary garbage is soul now?
that's literally what that is yes
detail and fluff had never needed, but was put in the game anyway, because the game is a product of love rather than a mass produced sweatshop product for nig cattle
>half the weapons BONED in exchange for shivering frogs
Rise lost
wilds has more unique weapons than rise does thougheverbeit
>this new
you will never get your toddler lego brick weapons back tendie. it's time to grow up
no, thats rise.
couldnt play it for more than 5 hours before going back to grinding guiding lands in iceborne.
lol imagine actually believing that
Did someone rile up the ricepedos by reminding them their bingshit is shit?
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I don't remember the last time capcom released a game that wasn't fueled by corporate greed.

GU doesn't really count since it's just a mishmash of good monster hunters.
Monsters acting like sedated zoo animals is hardly what I would call a nice nice change of pace.
the world vs rise shivering frog video is a tactical nuke right in the heart of the tendie hornet nest

January 26th, 2018
And also July 19th, 2024 but that one flopped hard because of zero marketing
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>2020: World vs Rise
>2021: World vs Rise
>2022: World vs Rise
>2023: World vs Rise
>2024: World vs Rise
>2025: World vs Rise
need to have sex with the blue archive poster so bad
I'll take you up on that offer in an hour or so, if you'll still be free. I appreciate it.
Details arent supposed to be so superficial everything listed can be easily ignored and won't change your experience after you noticed it.
I would rather have actual details on monsters fights than the shit they do while they aren't, at least there it will add depth to the gameplay.
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>2020-2022: World vs Rise
>2023: Now vs Rise
>2024: Puzzles vs Rise
>2025: Wilds vs Rise
>2026: Outlanders vs Rise
more like world & wilds (70m sold) vs rise (24m sold)
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>It's 2028 and Sony-Capcom release Wilds:Borders interlinked
>People still post webms of world nargacuga vs rise nargacuga
Might be asleep by then but some room regulars are usually around. Just specify that it's a safi room when you post the code.
Because World shitmonsters are still in.
What kind of come back is that? You just made World look worse.
hey, to each their own.
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World killed the IP, told you.

Be glad that Dragons Dogma 2 and soon to be releasde WILDS are so fucking bad that it will kill the normies hold on the IP
It'll be 2040 and people will still be seething about 5th gen like the RE boomers that still seethe about RE4.
>I would rather have actual details on monsters fights
Like getting wind pressured when you poke inflated Paolumu's air sac enough?
Or Kulu digging up varying objects each with their own properties?
Odogaron opportunistically carrion feeding to power himself up?
Savage Jho and Ebony Odogaron perma seething and not letting up on their chase of you unless you de-enrage them by fighting them (or firing dung pods at them if you're a loser)?
There's plenty attention to detail in fights too but you're a Nintenbab with a giant hateboner for the savior of MH being the first non tendie game after 2 generations. Die mad and di late.
>World killed the IP, told you.
>Like getting wind pressured when you poke inflated Paolumu's air sac enough?
if there's one thing I love about world it's wind pressure
you forgot to list how immersive it is to be staggered every time a monster walks
Actually, it didn't sell like crazy, it didn't retain 5 times the playerbase Rise did, and it certainly didn't realize the original vision of Monster Hunter displayed in its very first released cinematic.
getting butthurt is not argument
Monster Hunter 1 killed the franchise
>it's not immersive just annoying
fucking KEK
nobody likes boned weapons but everything after world is guilty of this
>there won't be another portable MH game after Wilds
Are we really doing this again?
that wasn't said nor implied tendie schizo
why are the new monster in rise/sunbreak so forgettable compared with worlds?
do other fanbases have to deal with the wild vs rise shitflinging for their own games
Peak Reddit mon?
I just want to play mh and eat peetzer, can you guys stop being niggers
>pink trex
>poopy lavasioth
>a mix between a snake and a lizard
>a really big iguana
only correct answer
the entire game's design is gimmicky
>japanese oni based monster designs in rise
>western horror based monster designs in sunbreak
They're inherently unoriginal in design for the first time in the series. They just don't feel like proper "monster hunter" designs because of that. Go pick up God Eater and you will experience the same forgettableness.
>>a mix between a snake and a lizard
That's been like half of mh's roster for 20 years
world has the worst roster
and still better than rise. funny.
more original than
World is the worst monster hunter entry alongside Monster Hunter
No, that'd be 4U by a fucking landslide
every rise nigger should be obligated to post their username so i know who to avoid in wilds when you retards inevitably buy the game because you can't stand to miss out on more monster hunter
>being able to afford a rig that can run switch
there's a reason these manchildren play on a 100 bucks tablet device for kids
Hi newfag.
>run switch
run wilds*
doj meds status?
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>phoneshit has better efx than rise or wilds
re engine bros...
>these people offend me, i need them out of my hugbox!!
So this is the worldbabby's autism. How cringe and sad and miserable and pathetic.
oops meant for >>503056225
jokes on you, i like world more than rise and im not getting milds
you are a reddit tier faggot if you think wilds is even a monster hunter game
Both World and Rise is what we don't want to see Monster hunter be.

SO it's a great thing that WILDS is just on full auto-streamlined mode cause Capcom will finally let the IP rest LOL
>press L2 to shitpost
You struck a nerve, the redditor is mad.
Why are you like this?
tri... tri won... it's over... we lost the war fiversisters...
www.google.com tailrider location in seliana gathering hub
no one ever said yes u_u
there is no war
rise isnt big enough to be even registered in our radars
you fags are so tiresome
im fags
worldbabs....they are laughing at us again
Monster Hunter?
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What was the silly huntress meant to do? Get earplugs, or roll everything?
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all caps because it's funny
kys dante
Not being a Valor GS abusing fag would be a good start
How do you unlock guild alchemy?
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True that.
the 2nd and 3rd hits were piss easy roll iframes even without evade+, a lot of OG narga's moveset was designed with you rolling through them in mind

the first hit could've been rolled too if he didn't approach narga so close to the wall when he was clearly gonna roar and stunlock him into a cheapshot, normally narga would've jumped further away and given the space for an easy iframe
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"Sorry man we used all your CPU cycles for shits that happen on opposite of the globe that we have none left for you and the NPCS but the frogs shivers simultaneously now"
8% playerbase retention with world vs
15% playerbase retention with rise

fucking lol
wtf is bioenergy
videogame natural element meme magic stop trying to unravel this with söy logic
it's literally life force in japanese, the translation team thought it's cooler to use bio+something i guess.
another black people twitter word that zoomers stole
Why should players not use game mechanics put there on purpose by the developers?
Oh ok
what the fuck is life force
Does scenthound increase the rate at which I get research for monsters, or just the meter for scoutfly tracking? Getting research for lavasioth is a pain cuz he barely ever leaves any footprints
What exactly are these numbers you are pulling out of your ass?
they were right to because westoids dont understand the concept of chi
world was never able to hold 10% of it's playerbase.

Rise could.

Get fucked
Again, where are you pulling these numbers from? I'm assuming...your ass?
he's trying to brag about having a lower player peak or something
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>nintendo: alien invades earth and makes regular monsters mad and speedy and more powerful
>not nintendo: alien invades earth and makes regular monsters mad and speedy and more powerful
literally anything but standing straight up and trying to jog away
reality. Reality to accept that no one likes world except for losers that started with it.
gore magala is objectively good
xeno'jiva is objectively bad
Aren't you able to block with GS? Or does Valor GS remove that option?
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Gore Magala was good before Shitbreak removed his fun front leg topple and made him 10 times more spastic than he ever was in 4U/GU.
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People with even a basic sense of dignity do not use crutches that make the game several times easier, because it defeats the purpose of playing the game. But to answer your original question, he could've easily blocked the second hit and Valor sheathed the third, or what >>503058181 said
I like both a lot
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>people with the dignity to not use the mechanics tied to the style they personally chose for the weapon
the mental gymnastics you fucking fat people come up with are insane
You guys are so fucking funny you know that
Can I ask you why do you play videogames? What about them gives you enjoyment?
Are you still around, anon?
i realized world sucks and kys myself sorry
understandable its really fucking bad
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Keep insulting Rise.
See what happens.
doing whatever i want gives me enjoyment, even more enjoyment if someone seethes about it. i'm not the guy you were originally replying to, i just think your stance is moronic
>doing whatever i want gives me enjoyment
What does that mean exactly? Does that mean you can go on an expedition and only gather and slay small monsters and catch endemic life for an hour and you would enjoy it?
>i'm not the guy you were originally replying to
Neither am I, I'm merely curious what makes the "win at all costs in a non competitive setting" mentality tick. For me it's fun to push myself and improve and become able to pull off feats you otherwise couldn't without a lot of practice, trial, and error.

And I'm not telling you you're doing it wrong, I just don't understand why not play something more casual that compliments not caring about improvement, like most MMOs and gachas

world wins yet again
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*disables clutch claw and iceborne super moves like perfect rush entirely*
you are welcome
>Like getting wind pressured when you poke inflated Paolumu's air sac enough?
The same shit happen with Zamtrios or Tetranodon
>Or Kulu digging up varying objects each with their own properties?
Again Congalala already did that years and monsters attacks having different effect depending of the map isnt new
>Odogaron opportunistically carrion feeding to power himself up?
Too bad he never get his meal before dying.
>Savage Jho and Ebony Odogaron perma seething and not letting up on their chase of you unless you de-enrage them by fighting them
Actually every monsters will chase you between areas when they are angry but S.jho and A.glav will fight and debuff the monster for you, which is even more free damages than detriments to your hunt.
And S.jho being almost always angry isn't new at all.
>There's plenty attention to detail in fights too but you're a Nintenbab with a giant hateboner for the savior of MH being the first non tendie game after 2 generations
What you listed was present most MH games, what I'm more interested in is how monster could use the terrain and traps to their advantage (kind of like echa Wacha or balahara does) or using critters to buff themselves.
My hateboner is towards ecologyfags who are graphic whores in disguise.
kek, you're so passive aggressive with your last sentence about mmos and gachas. doing whatever i want encapsulates exactly that, you little faggot. if that bothers you, i dont care.
cared enough to reply
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>went from "I would rather have actual details on monsters fights than the shit they do while they aren't, at least there it will add depth to the gameplay" to "b-b-b-but older games did it first, so it doesn't count le worlo baaaaaadddddd!!!!!" when anon shows easy examples of monsters in World doing exactly the things he believes World monsters don't do
Does using valor gs prevent you from doing more dps?
Here's the biggest joke:

World and Wilds
>Anon finally understanding everyone argues in bad faith
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For a downy, he's way more coordinated than you'd expect
world most intelligent and tactical player ever
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>nooo dont use traps, thats CHEATING
>nooo dont use valor, have DIGNITY
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So Wilds monsters being made after cryptids and other mythological monsters isn't original as well?
>They're inherently unoriginal in design for the first time in the series. They just don't feel like proper "monster hunter" designs because of that.
Are you saying that Quematrice is less original than Anjanath because it's made after a cockatrice instead of being a pink vulture Trex?
what the fuck is valor?
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>kek, you're so passive aggressive with your last sentence about mmos and gachas
I'm not being passive aggressive.

Most MMOs and all gachas are designed in such a way that sweating your balls off won't make you perform much better then than the laziest mouthbreather. You can't grind these games because progress is timegated or paywalled with energy or daily systems, and your skill level or intelligence will make you perform at best 20% better than the laziest casual, because all progress and performance is predetermined as an on-rails experience.

FFXIV, Genshin, Honkai, ZZZ are all great games on paper that are pointless for me to play because you will hit an improvement ceiling 2 hours into the game.

It's a genuine suggestion for you that you might actually like these games because you don't seem to care about this. They have really enjoyable gameplay at their core.

Here's a passive aggressive comment: you are so pathetically self defensive about that I MIGHT be poking fun at your loser mentality that you immediately interpret a normal discussion as someone attacking you. In a way that answers my original question; what makes your mentality tick is simply that you're an insecure loser.

And here is genuine advice: no matter how shit you are, you can improve. You just have to try.
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>Attack up small
>Look at damage calculation
>It's not even 1hp more damage
Biggest noob trap until f2 attack up changes
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SUPERIOR GS MHGU ARTSTYLE that makes you hit like a truck, makes you have insane evasion properties, gives you a parry and it lets you get a supah level 4 charge level in a matter of seconds.

Add Lion Maw to give you extra OOMPH. Basically bitches mad that GS slaps and the last good MonHun is MHGU
fr fr no cap on god
Why would I?
Nobody does that.
>Basically bitches mad that GS slaps
Physically can't mention GS without mentioning Valor and vice-versa, and it's ALWAYS someone FUMING about it.
>zoomers steal older generations lingo cause they have 0 cultural relevance

Don't blame the slap, blame the slaperer
Never said World monsters weren't detailed, just said it's not more than what we've already seen through the series.
Not my fault if Crapcom couldn't expand on that instead of giving more tools to hunters.
>Actually every monsters will chase you between areas when they are angry but S.jho and A.glav will fight and debuff the monster for you, which is even more free damages than detriments to your hunt.
>And S.jho being almost always angry isn't new at all.
See you've never actually paid attention to the game and probably barely played it because both Savage Jho and Ebony Odo do not unenrage. You HAVE to special topple Jho's counter or hit Ebony's elemental topple to unenrage them
>what I'm more interested in is how monster could use the terrain and traps to their advantage
Wait so like how every single base World mon has their own nest where they're powered up?
>Paolumu getting a world tour sneak attack where he uses the big gaps in the coral
>Pukei having lots of scatternuts he can can eat to power up his spit attack and always stun you
>Jyuratodus having a completely flooded area to gain an edge against you and regenerate his mud armor with
>Barroth having mud to regenerate his mud armor with
>Odogaron and Tobi being in an enclosed space with more wall jump abuse
>Diablos having sand waterfalls to use dig attacks from
>Kushala having permanent tornado geysers
>Teostra having lava eruptions that synchronize with his attacks
>Vaal having the area filled with carcasses to abuse effluvia with
>Tzitzi having reflective shells on the wall that cause omnidirectional flashes
>Radobaan having bonepiles to regenerate his bones with
>Lavasioth having lava pools he can jump around in for extra attacks
>Uragaan having a skate park to roll around and rape you in

You've never played World have you? Lmao
>seething about graphicsfags
Gotcha tendie poorfag AHAHAHAHAHA
Can't wait to see the bingshit try to wiggle his way out of this one!
goddamnit FUCK this goddamn map, all this nigger does is hop from one lava pool to the next and i cant do shit, fuck you capcom for deliberately making it like this
The PSP did not have scan lines
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>Kirin walks through my trap
Dammit. Guess you'll die.
i got the new version
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Dual blades kinda fun. Should have enough to improve my amulet.
>emulating scanlines to make it look older
>but also using HD texture packs to make it look newer
What is this mental illness called?
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>upgraded amulet boosts sleeping damage from 70 to 210
What in the seven layers of fuck. I missed a lot by skipping that "hidden element reveal" thinjimagick.
>doj pretending to be new again
No one's falling for it.
Tendie getting destroyed here
it's an elder dragon Anone
you can't trap those
Nevermind >>503062865
I don't care, I will engage with sincerity every time because I have hope and faith in newfriends discovering MH
i just realized something but is it possible that the falling spikes in nergi nest might "wound" his wings and give him black spikes without you hitting them?
im not using a texture pack kek
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>that's still postgame aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
oolong astral kulu hornetaur astral, replace parts with better ones as you go, usually with 3pc kaiser and either clockwork or glavenus legs
I like valor hammer
The uppercut was always the most satisfying move to hit and 12golfswing gets boring pretty fast
there's no event
For GS specifically you'd skip 3pc kaiser because GS isn't sharpness intensive and start out with jyura legs for focus instead, later replacing with azure age arms, and glavenus parts for handicraft. This will last you until Raging Brachy.
The 3000 absolutely had scan lines, not as harsh as that all the time but they were there
whos your favourite non-elderdragon monster?
Mine is propably Barroth or Anjanath.
I'll always have a soft spot for Nargacuga for being the exact moment the MH series actually became good
That's weird. Why did I get a quest to capture a Tigrex? That Kirin was red stars, the Tigrex is a Master Quest.
You are right about E.Odo, I never really paid attention to the topple and for S.Jho I just assumed it naturally happended while fighting back few moments.
Yes monsters have special interaction given the area they are in and I also never said it didn't with World monsters or any other monsters, I said I want to see more of these interactions around the maps than free traps or only when the monster is nearly dead.
should I upgrade my PC for Wilds now or wait for 2025?
There is no way they are gonna Black Friday any recently made CPU / GPU so wait if you want.
>americans are so obsessed with bbc they named a holiday after them
>Say Black
>Immediately think of cock

Okay i guess
What's your rig like? But as other anon said not much is really on sale besides peripherals and with the 40 series being discontinued those will rise in price instead.
I must be retarded because I've played MYW for hundreds of hours and only noticed like three of these
Is it wise to wait for the 50 series or get a 4070ti super?
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>Game was developed 8 years ago
>Not even the beefiest rig of today could run it decently

But how?
>wake up at 5am
>freshen up
>take supplements
>go to gym
>do monster hunter now dailies
>do monster hunter now paintballs that expire today
>do hunt a thon
>do anki reps
>open monster hunter puzzles
>do dailies and use up energy
>open monster hunter world
>claim lucky vouchers
>use them on high deco droprate elder events
>do dailies
>it's now 10am and i can finally start my day properly
this shit should be illegal what the fuck?
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i was really liking rise's tutorial mode since i'm a shitty worldbab but almudron really pissed me off, imagine having to fight that thing with a full HP bar, fuck that. at least i know magnamalo fucking me up is a skill issue
also kinda wish the tutorial mode didn't exist but it's the fastest way to get to HR and i doubt anyone plays LR or even HR multiplayer
pic unrelated
LR hub shouldn't even exist.
Considering the insane scalping that will be happening on those cards for the next half year and waiting for references from other brands. The 4070 TiS is a solid buy at the moment. Will last a few years so you can skip the 50 series altogether, really.
>The 4070 TiS is a solid buy at the moment. Will last a few years so you can skip the 50 series altogether, really.
thats what they said about the 3060 and 40 series
if you're that bothered by it, just download a 1 shot mod to get through LR/HR and go straight to G after you uninstall the mod
I am unconcerned with GPUs
Give me recommendations on good CPUs
30 series was pretty bad though. Inefficient, took a ton more wattage and ran hotter than it should.
40 was basically a refresh with better everything. Only being replaced because Nvidia needs sales of the 50 series to hit the roof and are killing the 40 series to do so. And they can do this because AyyMD refuses to be competitive as they've gotten lazy on console money.

7800x3d or 9800x3d if you can get one without scalp prices.
Ryzen 7 5000 series or Ryzen 7 7000 series
How do ricies try to argue the game isn't balanced around bingbirds when almost half of anomaly progression gives them to you for free
7800x3d if you don't want a xbox hueg cooler
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>capcom makes a horrendously optimized game
>instead of shaming them and making it flop
>the MH slurpers just spend 5000 dollars on hardware that wont run it anyways
honestly if no one's playing HR multiplayer i'll just use the defender set
basically any x3d
My PC was almost a decade old already. The demo actually didn't run that badly for me but I wanted to upgrade anyway.
i'm still using my 3070 gpu
>newfag learns how powerful the MH brand really is
historically, the console that had MH released on it was the console that slayed ass
Capcom is not the only company that's enforcing DLSS and scaling. It won't get any better, vidya is too big for them to fail.
The recently released 9800x3d is literal perfection.
Even if you currently don't have the money to buy this, you should save up to buy one, because you can't find a CPU better than this.
>The 4070 TiS is a solid buy at the moment.
4070 Ti Super is only 100 euros less than the 4080 Super and thus presumably the 5080 here, I don't really see the point
Unfortunately most regions didn't even get any stock of it because AMD is prioritizing the US market, depending on where you live it's basically a paper launch for now
No one is going to be buying a 5080 without either insane markup or scalp pricing.
Get the 4080s if you'd like.
The 5080 is supposedly basically a 4080 rebrand with faster RT while the 5090 is massively more powerful than the 4090, if any card is being scalped it won't be the 5080
Almudron pisses everyone off it's ok
wrong he's one of the 2 mons in rise i actually like
Is it the scat theme
people are fucked if 50s sucks ass or insanely pricey so they have to take a gamble NOW before 40s goes away
i like that his threat center (his tail) location is always in a different spot
and it's cool that he has a lot of attacks he can use while you're behind or next to him
reminds me of beru and dora
>people are fucked if 50s sucks ass or insanely pricey
We already know the 5080 is the worst 80 card ever and that the prices are going to be completely extortionate ($1500 5080, $2000-$2500 5090)
It's a shame we lost a lot of soul along the way but ultimately ichinose games are fun and that's what truly matters. I'd sooner give up all soul and immersion than fun and enjoyable gameplay. In that way ichinose is the last hope for this franchise now. I just hope he has more time to cook the next game given that wilds fucking up the usual monhun schedule had to have given him at least a year of extra time for the next portable monhun and this time they won't force him to pivot mid development like with rise
>ichinose games are fun
Maybe if you're below 90 IQ or a child
>I'd sooner give up all soul and immersion than fun and enjoyable gameplay
The irony being that I most probably have a higher IQ than you do
holy fuck you're all still going
Monhun was always about gameplay first
Why would you buy new hardware, PC or console
Name 1 good game that requires a more powerful GPU than a 1080Ti, or warrants buying a PS5
Literally just 1 game
mildies are so fake, nobody even noticed i butchered the op milds info
nobody cares about biles
Any good MH manga?
Not really. It's all porno shit
the old ass one with wind element duals
some autists probably remembers what it was called
im making one but the MC is jewish and can only hunt in accordance with jewish tradition
I know what its called
Alright bros, straight up
No cap
For real
No bullshit
Straight fax no printer
No horsing around
No nothing
No bullshit
Is Freedom Unite worth putting the time into?
F2 is better
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Ukanlos and Akantor would be sick in Wilds with the big open arenas and the ability to ride your birb around midfight.
You guys might be the funniest people in the world
How so?
More original experience
FU feels more like the Frontier experience but less content
I'll take that as a compliment thank you very much
MH orage
This game wasn't marketable to begin with
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Ends up that the people browsing the monster hunter thread really want to play monster hunter?

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