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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>Where to get this game if you want to try it first:
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
https://pastebin.com/G1P4WqiB (embed)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=18476t 4th Edition79158&searchtext=rimpy

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
https://pastebin.com/vZ9nxmbh (embed)
(old /rwg/ OP)
https://pastebin.com/Q47AZ2KV (embed)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>502283149
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since when was /rwg/ anti-Book?
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this will be a good thread
very cool story
I’m so excited for the upcoming psychite harvest so I can let all of my waster slaves out of cryo. We’ve got so much work to do, slaves.
does someone know if VFE mechanoids also eventually gives the advanced mechanoid variants to the vanilla mechhive faction?
Nope. According to Oskar's Lore VFE Mechanoids Faction is from a Megacorp hence they have the brand new white color and can upgrade to Advanced version
Why are mechanoids so easy to produce if their default setting is "kill all humans"
thanks, I just did some testing and found out that you're right
and thank god, because yayo's combat applies a faction-wide armor buff only to the vanilla mechanoid faction in its assembly which I can't easily get rid of. if the vanilla faction could spawn an advanced centipede, it would have a very stupid 188% sharp armor instead of the 140% I'm going for. I can however buff one faction without buffing the other so all is well
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why pathfinding go around side bridge
why he not use bridge bitch
no need to use the b word
thank you verry sorry!
since you're sorry, here let me give you the least buggy one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2341486509
look at all that trash on the floor, i wouldn't want to walk past that either
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>animals can't nuzzle when VAE insanity is active
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when starting this run i wanted to do solo b.e.p run but sadly such scenerio was not available
so i tried to do solo colonist but it was too tough for me and i ended up recruiting more colonists and ruining the mood
now i got normal start but i got smol colonists so thed clash less with the b.e.p race
i didn't keep it at 3 and got 2 more non-b.e.p
and i'm gonna get one more probably because i really need someone with good plants and somehow the only guy in my colony that goes with plants is undergrounder so he doesn't like going outside
>but sunlamps
he doesnt like the sun
>but shrooms
fuck shrooms
anyway im gonna have 6 non-b.e.p colonists and 5 of those are smol, and thats it.
that isnt their default, whatever is or was controlling the mech faction just really hates people and unlinked mechs get taken over by it
funnily enough if you disable the mechanoid faction at the start of a save (dont actually do this its boring) and you spawn mechs they just kind of wander around forever and dont even fight back if you attack them
Does lolium still work in 1.5?
>Quick, lazy and unofficial patch for 1.5, I am not the original dev.
>I take no responsiblity if this nukes your game.
the settings were completely broken on my machine so I just gave my custom xenotypes genes to make them smaller
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it's coming...
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Any fellow modders here? What is your craft and what are you currently working on?
What stops you from learning a craft and mossing yourself?

Personally I'd like a few opinions on wheather or not this is a good enough Preview image.
It's a decently sized, yet very simple weapons pack, realy nothing too special, but I am willing to say that my spritework has gotten good enough to finally publish it, I might post the content sheet later. It features a noteworthy collection of early gunsmithing weapons and a few melee additions, many inspired by FONV.
what does this have to do with rimworld
beastfags think their fetish is the funniest shit in the world
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Well, here we go.
Also I spelled modding wrong...
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I have edited the touhou music mod so it would work on 1.4 (by convincing it it supports 1.4 on the about.xml)
I tried to do the same with the genshin impact voices, but gave up when i realized its only the english voices
I have edited b.e.p facial animation to not display empty eyes (the head was higind the eyes, i just needed to change the masking)
right now im trying to convince actual modders to make a faction mod that use vehicles, but im not having much success
Believe it or not, being able to change the supported version on a mod already proves that you are way ahead of the average mod user.
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I like it
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Thanks, fren.
Certainly, it took quite some time to learn how to draw, yet one can see improvements constantly when doing so.
My first works were absolute garbage, not gonna lie about it.
I'm however still struggling with things like buildings, but I'll get there eventually.

Expect more from me, once I get myself around to be productive. Next pack is gonna be Urbworld-Themed, so a bunch of police/Riot stuff. Might post some WIPs later too, first is gonna be this release tho, once I test out the CE patch.
Pic unrelated.
gj and hf
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Wife (Cooking +17)
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35th for anime
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36th for pokemon
This impid needs to be civilised... I will correct her...
38th for TRR
Nice, it worked. Finally I can force a romance attempt between the 13 year old orphans that joined as best friends and lovers, but broke up due to a rejected proposal as soon as they hit 13. Couldn't do it normally since they were underage.
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Jezebus Christ Cassie, I thought you were supposed to be fair & balanced n sheit? Not send 2 giga raids in a row without giving me time to recover and reset my traps.
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Remodeling coming along nicely. Just had the 20th or so healthy baby of the colony. Gen 3 growing out nicely.
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Converting all my stuff to Vector atm
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Bueri
Sex with Ritsuko
Sex with Somi
Sex with Garam
Sex with Indigo
Sex with Mayukhi
Sex with Brusalt
Sex with Elaina
Sex with Jenni
Sex with Momi
Sex with Veron
Sex with Julo
Sex with Vermillion
Sex with Tsukimi
Sex with Nanako
Sex with Serach
Sex with Bell
Sex with Yoonseul
Sex with Yosimi
Sex with Norma
Sex with Tomomi
Sex with Strawberry
Sex with Apple
Sex with Twilight
Sex with Bubbles
Sex with Blossom
Sex with Buttercup
Sex with Charlotte
Sex with Esther
Sex with Marine
Sex with Femcel
Sex with Katarina
Sex with Glowie
Sex with Kraut
Sex with Saki
Sex with Eve
Sex with Nurse
Sex with Aurine
Sex with Kealana
Sex with Mint
Sex with Snowdrop
Sex with Katya
Sex with Toxos
Sex with Stream
Sex with Snickers
Sex with Dudina
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Askbarn
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
Sex with Maru girls
In rimworld.
do you have romance chance mod
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Aight, I made another quick teaser for the Urbworld stuff.
Since this one's still in active development I might still take suggestions if they are good,
however there is only one more firearm planned for this pack, unless, again, some good suggestions come up.
Like with the first one, a few melees will be included, like a police clobba, or I might go full out and add a police scimitar for the enforcers of the brittish caliphate
There are also included some bonus sprites for way down that line,
the bottom ones of the teaser, the 50AE SMG and the SMMG,
both from FONV, my personal favorites so far.
>Sex with Ritsuko
>Sex with Setsuko
Cringe, no
I use romance on the rim and way better romance, forget which gives the right click gizmo.

If that attempt had failed I probably would have done it via character editor, but with this theres a chance of failure which only makes the story spicier. (Gonna try to get them back in good standing with each other first though, he hurt her pretty bad. )
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Ah, you are that Spacer Weapon guy.
I often see you posting your works on oskar's.
As a german I need to say good things about the fact you added a Mono-Zweihänder.
I'll likely continue using Krita for now, yet I'll likely switch to Affinity 2 one day,
which I should have bought when it was only 60 Euromarks.
Weren't you using Inkscape for these?
Where did that childhood friend thing come from
what mod
right click romance should be from biotech
Yes Inkscape is pretty good and it is free. You can always convert them to Adobe or Affinity afterward.
Why do you hate Setsuko so much? Wouldn't you want to suck on vampire milkers?
She fucks and sucks her brother and is a pretty horrible person overall and even ripped off her bro's arm off
You can't just gloss over this simply because she's naturally hot and also double hot because of vampire charisma and sexiness
>and is a pretty horrible person overall and even ripped off her bro's arm off
Aren't like half the female pawns on that list pretty bad people overall?
Pretty sure all of them have killed someone
They are 'bad' in a sense that they are perfectly willing to use violence and kill people to protect their colony.
You could argue that not having any reservations in regards to killing is bad.
But Setsuko is beyond that. She's just terrible. And cringe.
Does killing make someone a bad person? Defending your friends and loved ones makes you a horrible person?
>Sex with Indigo
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what about bell
she called anabell fat
that wasn't very nice
>tis but a scratch
She might have killed people and be abrasive but she has giant ass that id put my penis in and fuck the whole day so it's okay
Oh. I forgor.

romance on the rim adds the quest, I assume it adds the memory as well.

when the quest popped up I had very different expectations on what "Orphan Lover" (singular) was going to be.
This but with Setsuko
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i guess i should bring back bb bodies
Do we know if Setsuko had a big ass? Or big tits?
This is very important, asking for a friend
Clothing mod?
Well, IIRC she had the Pretty trait on top of being a vampire. And she was a knight. So we can sort of infer that she has a toned body with nice, but not overly large ass.
Dunno about the titties, really, I don't think we can make an educated guess on that front.
FemaleBB BodyType Support
its only for female body type
>Dunno about the titties, really, I don't think we can make an educated guess on that front.
pun intended?
>major boss event that's supposed to trigger on the sixth year hasn't triggered
>offspring of the boss appear as an animal migration event
>can tame them
>ok yeah sure tame them why not 50% wildness
>handler actually tamed all of them
What the fuck do I even do with these things, I have six of them now.
We did it, boys.
You're not allowed to do good things with the no-no mod!!
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I thought we like evil women (female pawns) here?
theyre no-maintenance haul bots
thats about it
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>I thought we like evil women
>hot naturally
>double hot because of vampirism
>blonde (blondes are evil)
>charming when she wants to
>noble by blood
>literally seduced her own brother, stealing him from another girl and mindbreaking him in being perfectly loyal for her
She's a villianess, that's perfectly explains why /rwg/ remembers her so fondly
She's going to make you worse.
Now that you mention it Setsuko seems even hotter now
I WILL fix her.
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Are ytou sure about that?
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Mod is up. It won't blow off your foreskin, but maybe at least some of ya'll might enjoy it,
It has CE support too, if that's what you play with.
50% wildness sounds like they'll need consistent training though, but I never really used non-pack animals so I wouldn't know.
If I have the right pawns then I regret to inform you that Somi and Garam are boys, unless you're into that.
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I don't want any gay furry rape etc stuff
I just want my female pawns to have a bladder meter and pee themselves or pee on the ground if they can't get to a bathroom in time, and get associated moodlets/have others' opinions of them change from witnessing it and so on.
Hygiene says it does this but in reality the average pawn if conscripted to keep them from seeking a bathroom will stand there for days, then once you release them do whatever for a while, then maybe randomly pee herself if she doesn't go to the bathroom first.
Is there a better mod for this?
by no maintanance i was referring to them not needing to eat and being disease resistant but i did forget that retraining was a thing tbdesu
50% wildness is actually pretty low for non-pen animals though, the only things that have it any lower are cats and dogs
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Nisse caps was a mistake
what should i get instead
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Oh shit you're right, they don't need to eat. Neat. I do have the draftable animals mod for some reason, so I'll probably send them out to fight their mom if she ever decides to come.
Do you think I need to become good at this game before starting Dwarf Fortress?
Soi Fortress is even easier to break and exploit.
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>the only wildlife in my map are undead
>start marking undead for hunting left and right
>>wraith revenge
>its my sun mage, have her use the power of the sun to kill the wraith
>now im facing a wildfire unless i act quick
i need to reevaluate asking the help of belor, the burning hate, again
I'm just unsure which game has a harder learning curve. I'm pretty new to these type of games.
>Somi and Garam are boys
DF's learning curve comes from three things
- atrocious interface (somewhat negated with steam release)
- seeming variety of options when in reality there aren't that many (i.e. multiple iron ores that are abso-fucking-lutely identical in every way except color and name)
- lack of in-game way to gather solid information (can't see creature size, abilities, how tough it is, what item does what, what thing does and why)
Well, okay, there's another thing, and it's the deranged community full of retards who genuinely bought into the "tee-hee losing is fun the game is so heckin HARD real heckin' challenge" and so they spread this air of hardcore true gamer epic 400 IQ experience when in reality DF is not hard and never was intended to be.
Overall, let's say you want to make an iron sword.
In Rimworld you would (if the game had iron instead of steel) either mine a chunk of iron from an iron vein or buy one. Then use that one chunk to make a sword in a workshop. You would be able to examine the sword, see all of its stats.
In DF you would first try and find which ore on your map contains iron, then use smelter to melt a chunk of ore into an iron bar. Then try to forge the sword only to realize that you need two bars but the game thinks you have none because your dwarfs are carrying them and so the smith cannot path to them. Then you would forge the sword and have no way to intuit just how good it actually is outside of vague notion that it is of fine quality and probably, maybe, debatably better than a bronze one if DF works like real world in this very specific case.
As you can see, the only difference is that you need to consult the wiki several times in second case.
Why is half of your colony traps
It just happened.
It's only 3/14 but like the other guy said, it just happened.
They look like they have tight buttholes
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in rimworld if you want to make iron sword you need to first
a. get steel
a.1. mine it or
a.2. buy it or
a.3. deconstruct stuff you don't need or
a.4. smelt it (call smelter(trash)) or
a.5. raid a mining site (call caravan()) or
a.6. drill(steel) or
a.7 scan(steel)
b. you also need to research smithing.
b.1. good chance you alrerady started with it. or
b.2.i. build a research bench (you got steel right? tough its not optimal)
b.2.ii.a while (!avaialble?(smithing))
b.2.ii.b research the stuff that came before it
b.2.iii. mark smithing to be researched
b.2.iv. make sure you have a dedicated researcher
b.2.v.(optional) craft a chair near the bench
b.2.vi. wait for the research to complete
c.1.i. build a fueled smithy
c.1.ii. mark some wood to chop if you don't have it.
c.1.iii. OR
c.2.i. build electrical smithy
c.2.ii. call electricity_production()
d. in your smithy, make a bill for 'iron sword'
e. (optional) make a chair near your smithy
f. make sure you have a pawn assigned to smithing
g (optional) command such pawn to move his ass to the smithy its already winter and we still don't have any swords
That's cool and call, but it is done in three clicks through clearly-labeled menus. Your description is overly verbose and misleading (much like everything in DF lmao).
i mean normally you already have steel in your storage and a a working smithy so its just 'click smithy, click bills, click sword'. but if we starting to mine or buy it, we might as well go all the way.
>we might as well go all the way.
Explaining things in the most obnoxious and retarded way possible isn't 'going all the way'.
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because there isn't a 'male miho' mod
as a madoka fan im really happy about the magiaplant mod. the MS system is kinda like how a soul gem deplate to fuel magic and to heal wounds, and the panelty for it reaching 0 is fitting.
>my female pawn isn't in the list
should I just end it all?
Post your female pawn
not him
try posting your pawns more and maybe they will get there

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