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No Avatarfags Edition

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Recap: https://recap.agdg.app

>How to WebM

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I found an anthropometry book for artists.

Ironically enough, I've never seen /ic/ mention such topic.
Link? Name?
john croney, anthropometry for designers.
go cry to the mods ericschizo
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Something gamedev related.
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I'm tired of seeing this fuck every time I look up anything related to deving
how do I change controls mid game in godot?
the longer i look at it the more feelings of disgust and hilarity blend together
this is right on the edge between cringe and kino
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>looking at old game i played
>would like to make something in the genre some day
>see someone asking if they added coop
>it's a singleplayer genre
What goes through these peoples minds? A game with a story and designed to prevent a player from becoming OP to quick and then they just request coop like it's nothing difficult to add. Do they not understand
>the difficulty of adding coop
>the waste of time to do this after the game has likely already gotten the majority of it's sales
>all the balance changes required to handle multiple players, enemy difficulty, and limited items
>all the story changes required
I'm not going through all that for a few sales. Why do they act like gamedev is as simple as pushing a button and magically the game just works like their every desire of it in an instant?
Not everything is as it seems.
Sometimes you must look behind the looking-glass.
Consumers don't know how anything actually works. Just don't bother reacting to it. Total waste of time to try to talk to these kinds of people because you're going to be speaking entirely different languages.
is this roblox?
Gamedev youtube is now induated with attention seekers. I wonder how hard it is to find the gamedev youtubers who actually taught well. Feels like some of them have disappeared. Who'd want to spend all that time teaching gamedev when some dude making a funny voice gets 10x the views on his
>4 devs make a game in 1 week
Or some dude doing poor tutorials where 70%+ of all the knowledge is never taught because
>okay now go to this site, download this file, put it in game, attach the script to this character, and we're done
Or those who flip flop between the two, one days it's
>*soi face* i made a game in 1 week
>today i'm going to teach you this super niche way of doing this thing that will require a ton of effort to function in a game of bigger scope than this 15 minute video (doesn't work in more than half of all versions of the engine)

It's so tiresome, I should've saved all those good teaching channels videos onto a hard drive. Most of these gamedev youtubers now just feel like clickbaiter pretending to be experts or literal gamedevs most of which are just looking for a break on success. The age of gamedev teachers on youtube seem long gone. Who wants to teach when 9 devs making a soi face on their thumbnail with an obscure clickbait of "Do this" with an arrow get 10x the views and sponsorships that might be paying them $2k for a single video?
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Like this?
No it is the space one, but harsh black shadow don't work outside of space or bleak industrial.
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I'm just gonna find a way to measure things in photos and then measure actual photography of people in diferent ages.

Can't find the data on google.
best color balance variation so far
a bit heavy on the red tone everywhere, but i personally like it
GAMEDEV on youtube should just be the cool game being shown off and what you added to your cool game; trying to teach new generations of gamedevs is retarded and lame.

Video related;


Not educational, its just shilling a good game with the dev SHOWING what they added to the game. Anything else is now boring and will flop and it should because educational gamedev videos are cancer we dont need more asset flips in the industry flooding steam gamedev should be brutal and only done by those who love it
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today i got the next continue working on my game!! but then somehow i broke the score screen again and its not calculating points correctly ... )':
One day I hope I can get a cross over into games I like. Only if it fits though.
this is the essentially fast-foodization of game development. actually, atleast fast food will bring you pleasure quickly. what a fucking shit time to be alive
What the fuck that editing is literally for zoomers with ADHD
why does every new indie FPS has to have a grappling hook and wallrunning
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well, my method works.

I just need to memorize this method.
how the FUCK do I get sound effects
The educational videos weren't even popular, they did gain some popularity at one point but I get the feeling that died off. I take it those who got serious found gamedev too hard and gave up. I found them useful as it was the easiest way to learn. If anything putting all three types of videos into a vacuum, the gamedev grifter type channels are probably the ones causing the largest increases to games coming out. Sure they don't teach you all that well on how to make a game but it sure stirs up the crowd to become gamedevs unlike the boring teaching videos.

Though for advertising purposes yeah this is one style that can work. How'd a guy like that become a gamedev anyways? He doesn't even look like the type that would become one.
/ic/ for several years has taugh boxes and fancy brush are all you need, they are hopelessly retarded like worse than /v/. imagine if /v/ chewed on videogame discs for the taste of it and then complained about games not working. that is /ic/

Just played through this game its a pretty good Russian indie half-life like with no wall running or grappling hook. Just needed head leaning, prone, melee, jump kicking, and sliding and it would have been a LOT better than just half life 2 with aiming down sights controller.
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progress. map generates and you can go collect resources
so far a bit boring. map too big maybe?
adding darkness and monsters before i start tuning
non westerners are really saving the gaming industry
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I wish I had Erics success. I also want women to cosplay my game.
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here's your new character
cross-hair is too annoying, make it transparent or smaller or not a continuous line or thinner etc
jumping seems a bit "floaty" especially when transitioning into the ledge-climbing animation
same goes for the weapon-strike-animation, it feels too smooth and not at all as if it were a significant impact
that's a man with a penis
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I think this is good enough.
How much skill do these devs have, I don't believe 3D art is easy at all (and I mean all facets of doing 3D design ie modelling, rigging, weightpainting (whatever that is), etc). I don't see myself getting this level of required skills without years of investment into 3D art alone.
I think most of the game dev time in the project I am doing right now has been bug fixing and debuging. The only thing visual I have added in the past 5 days was leaves moving
That game is done by a russian solodev who worked on it for a VERY long time and bought most of the 3D assets. You dont need to model everything lol
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all placeholder
like i said, i personally like the red tint - if you want to get rid of it, you should remove it from the shadows too, or keep it in both the shadows and the ambient light (=night sky) otherwise the lighting does not make sense and gives the viewer a feeling that something is "off" in the back of their mind without being able to put their finger on it

the color of shadows comes from your secondary / ambient / soft light source, which in this scene is the sky. therefore the sky and the shadow have the same tint
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>angry eyes
>blonde hair
>twin tails
ya good character for me
This must feel absolutely terrible to the Unrecord dev. First two guys clone his game and name it Bodycam to stunning success. Now a second group shows up and names it.....Bodycam as well. The capsule calls it Bodycam Zombies, however searching up either does not have it appear in the search, idk why.
Now look at the reviews, 23k! Just how much are these two dev teams going to cause people to start cloning games that haven't even released? First group could be explained away but two in a row with tens of thousands of reviews?
a new schizo is born
23k reviews for a motion sickness simulator
It's unironically touches close on my desire to make a STALKER-like some day. Though I'm heavily turned off on how much effort I need to pour in just for the 3D alone. Feels like something that would take me years to make. Sure I can make something low quality but I want to make something high quality. Finding this many assets must not be easy, the amount of cohesiveness I'd need would make this a nightmare to deal with. Any idea how long it took him? His, unlike my idea, feels like he smashed together 3 or so game ideas into it (STALKER, Half Life 2, and the zombie mode in Call of Duty Black Op's)
Bodycam/Bodycam Zombies is the same game.
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well, I got an easier method to memorize stuff that works fine with faces.
Unrecorded was an asset flip too it just took too long to come out. Foolish to show it off before it was ready knowing someone with more money could make the same thing in less time.
Live by the asset flip die by the asset flip
>3day ban for posting nsfw, even though it should've been fine
>come back
>a new schizo joins the fray
maybe I was better off without this place
I heard freesound has a problem right now with people uploading sounds from paid sound packs and claiming they made them themselves which makes the whole site a legal minefield. What kind of skeevy little faggots would do something like that?
All I did was just start a thread and the ericschizo is sperging out.
And yet somehow they're rich. This makes me dread sharing my game early. Literal who's coming out of nowhere, cloning game's, finishing them before the original does, and getting rich off it. My current game doesn't feel like it's going to make it but for any potential future game I think it may be wiser to limit how much content I reveal too early. These cloners can't really clone it with ease unless they have enough to work with, though this depends on the idea, some are easier than others. Might be wise to not post it at all until you're under a year away from release.
how do i find my style
become good with the fundamentals and a generic style, then jump into an style. otherwise you will end up like cris
>not game development
kill yourself
sounds like an easy court case for the bodycam guys
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Question: What are the technical difficulties involved in getting a system like the original STALKER's A-Life to function? Is it too intensive for the average gamer's system? Because STALKER 2 doesn't seem to have it. Maybe it's a UE5 issue?
You must be over 18 to post on 4chan.
yeah dude, you got it
Kek didn't realize that until I read your post and went back to check.
what's this?
The developers say its still in the game and there's no reason why you couldn't do something like A-life in unreal. STALKER 2's development has been a shit show for obvious reasons though and I wouldn't be surprised if they accidently broke it at some point then ran out of time to fix it or they just never had enough time to fully implement it and they had to ship as is.
>otherwise you will end up like cris
i already did...
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It's not x-ray engine.
Wasn't the engine infamous for being completely broken?
How many of these retards waging war in the threads lately are active in the discord? My love for the imageboard format is being tested by these persistent identifiable shitposters.
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To be honest with you, I don't even know what's going on anymore.
each general has its own schizo, we just happen to have more than usual.
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had to open pursuer back up to see how i used to seal maps (i created 2 bespoke geo for the open/closed state of each passageway. final pass from the map builder was to let each passageway know which to use)
that's a good starting point at least
>Parallels can be drawn to connect creativity to major mental disorders including bipolar disorder, autism, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, OCD and ADHD.
It is what it is.
You count.

Attention whoring, plus cris doing his standard routine.

Yeah but I'm asking if I make a discord account am I just going to see them doing the same thing there?
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all the attention lavished on yesdevs causes jealousy from those unable to attract that attention through conventional means
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She cute
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I wish I had dev frens so we could make fun games together
Internet frens don't count
BTC is mooning don't forget to put NFT in your , you are welcome.
looks like a team galactic character.
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I have discovered Mahjong and now my progress shall suffer playing it all day instead.
>Attention whoring
Looks like the baroneschizo is throwing a hissy fit that he couldn't make a thread sucking off his master.
In fact, where are the Bocchifags? They are eerily missing.
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ah jesus i gotta move a bunch of code around thats in the wrong places
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Well, well, well.
Looks like the schizo's got so pissed he called the janny trannies.
I've replaced all the dialogue string arrays in my game with vectors so I don't have to change the position of every string manually when I want to add or remove lines, probably the smartest thing I've done all month.
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It tooke me a day to figure out a new workflow for drawing proper proportions, lmao.

I just need to memorize this.
>reading up on how Godot's RenderingServer actually works in the back
It's actually kinda crazy how many layers of abstraction there are between the user and pixels actually showing up on screen.
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Only had a little bit tonight to do stuff and I have an early morning tomorrow so I mainly just cleaned up the mistakes on the town map file I made last night and refined it a bit. Starting tomorrow hopefully I'll be able to get in one or two hours of actually sketching the NPC's in this area and planning out things for actual implementation. ]
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>I just need to memorize this.
no one's gonna steal your game man, unless if you're popular on social media.
still, i don't like how many games focus on one singular quirk. like it's cool at first but it loses it's appeal so quickly.
kannadev stop nodevving!
i hate shaders!!!! whoever computer video game guy that invented shaders... why!?!?!?
you can now post mp4s on 4chan
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Playing the games on the most recent releases page on Itch makes me feel better about myself.
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was just about to post that mess with shaders is pretty fun lmao
if shaders are so fun then... why don't you join my project as the shader guy!!!!
Filesize limit the same? And does it include sound?
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I'm getting this error.
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Egosoft's claim to fame is basically A-Life on crack but they've also been doing nothing but refining it for two and a half decades and every new major release always breaks in 100 different ways.
Basically the more complicated the system gets the more you need to have super optimized code but in making said optimizations you have to be careful not to break your increasingly complex house of cards.
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That wasn't me, I am nodevving tho.
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Working on being able to pick up other players in game. This'll be the animation when you've been picked up. Hoping to have this fully implemented before the Demo Day demo. It'd be funny to pick up people and throw them off cliffs if they don't get out of being grabbed in time lol
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Is it worth working for 7 years on a passion project with limited appeal?
>Still no videos with sound on every board
Is posting concepts of what you plan on doing seeking "feedback" the dev equivalent of masturbating instead of finding a relationship? Like working until you get a cool progress post ready and then posting that and getting (you)s only to stop working on that after because it's drudge work and you already got your (you).

Can you misuse and abuse progress posting?
just be thankful the site is still running in 2024
yes there are people in this thread who think their collection of MSpaint drawings are a game.
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bro why are you making FtM characters?
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You will be able to buy hats and clothes from this fat bastard
today i will work on my gameplay loop
Today I got sick so I had to sit in bed and pretend that writing stuff in a doc on my phone is progress, pray for me
This is brilliant.
I'd love to work on my own passion project for 50 years.
yeah, if you're just doing it for fun and don't expect money from it.
is his name Wally?
Always keep in mind that the poster you're replying to could be a troon. Anyone who has been here for a long enough time knows that it has been 100% confirmed that there are several developers and non-developers around these parts who are transgender.
yeah me. Why does it matter if I'm trans
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Are the trannies in the room with us?
Nope it's Bosco
fall4youdev and the russian fruit are completely real people. Imagine how many others undermine us unnoticed
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Worked on this combat tutorial today.
In my scene dialogue files (which are just plain text) I can define certain conditions to wait for:
>Node emits signal with such-and-such extra arguments
>Other node has property equal to some value
And it won't advance the dialogue until all the conditions are met.

I'm gonna watch Mechanical Violator Hakaider tomorrow because an aggerdagger not too long ago mentioned it. Thanks anon, it looks cool and I'm excited to see it!

>Huge shield
>Wizard hat
Triple-classing as fighter-mage-thief, I see. Very cool. What's the significance of the happenings at the end of your webm?
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this a beat 'em up?
crazy how 4chan became full of trannies, you'd imagine they'd want to be on normie social media but nope they are here being ridiculed instead.
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4chanx needs to be updated too
no loligames on sight
its over
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Debug click boxes, just messing around after adding some features on the player animation and weapon animation systems. I can animate the limbs and items individually with zordering as needed, etc. I did this so I didn't have to cheat and "mirror" the players (eg put bow in left hand when facing left), and I instead will do animations for each side like this. But its a pain to make it just right, so I'll polish the animations themselves later- Its more important the code is done so I can carry on to the next feature.
why can't you all be nice to each other
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lolidevs are nice to each other though
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I'm trying hard, okay
strong adult artists doesn't even go outside
Chat, is this true? I go outside all the time. Does that make me a weak adult in danger of being violated by a brat?
Fucking wind storm took out the power in half my state so I couldn't shit post
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Is Fiverr the only place where you can find VAs for cheap?
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added some animation to the shield spell
good fucking morning /agdg/, let's get to it
msgk escape stealth game when??????
1 hour of daily progress when you're happy and calm is better than trying to cram in 6 hours of progress being mad and do nothing for the rest of the week.
aren't there VA discords? I thought those existed
capsule knight looks different...
what headset are you using? quest? does it run on the headset itself?
I respect that he's not a nodev but I don't consider his dev ability to be anything special either. He relies entirely on streaming power.
and in that case, I despise some of his takes, shit like
>lmao why would you use patreon just use ko-fi (which is owned by paypal)
>lmao piracy good because my main source of income isn't my game anyway
>god harrases a tiny guy who wants to be left alone.mp4
fall4you... it flopped didn't it?
I love this thread and I love your games
I love this ritual post and I love you
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Carrying on from my tileset stuff, i created a pretty basic version of a map editor. its very barebones at the moment but it beats manually entering shit into a txt file.
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artchads, we won!
Modern indies are completely devoid of creativity
im creative...
Can't believe there's still a bunch of troons out there who keep spouting "it's a lottery bro" "you just need to get lucky". When if you were born with a soul like me it just comes to you naturally to make soulful games which are really solid and people want to play them
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same bro
How did undertale take 2 years to make?
that last paragraph is just the OP huffing his own farts
he's just mad his indie game that's a "statement on oppression and transgender holocaust" is getting drowned out by run-of-the-mill pajeet sloppa

listen champ, the most important things when making a game are discipline and vision, both equally important

dev had vision, but no discipline
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Today I learned that papercraft is just 3d modeling but with paper.

if he has no discipline it would take him 5 years and it won't even make it beyond obscurity.
life happens.
It kept all aspects of itself simple.
>Short conversations with a small textbox
>Simple but recognizable artstyle, developed with the help of an artist
>Minimal UI. Simplistic combat that doesn't take risks, simplistic risk-free mechanics like equipping items or eating food to heal
>Linear story, reusing most assets between routes

>the main pull of the game, the music, is easy to create since music is one of the easiest parts of gamedev if you're good at it
Is it really that surprising? Authors spend years writing a single book.
corporatism KPI was a mistake
What a good hobby
why not use something like Tiled?
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let's see the creative games you've made
>t. uncreative loser
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your unbelieverism is telling
I wonder how hard undertale would have flopped if the music wasn't so iconic.
4 MB filesize limit for mp4's is retarded AND NO SOUND ALLOWED STILL ON TOP OF THAT GAH
play to your strengths
there's the script workaround for the sound at least but only 4 people use that
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do you know what iconic means
the music of undertale is iconic BECAUSE the game was successful.
what you mean is that undertale succeeded because its music is GOOD, on which i agree
No. The game serves as a platform for the music. The music is iconic. The music is the main reason why people enjoyed the game.

True. Smart. I will learn from this.
Play your favorite game with music on. Then play through it with music off. Tell me how much you enjoyed each experience.
my game has no music
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idk, it seemed easier this way. maybe ill move to something like that when maps have more complex things happening in them. but it didn't really take long to setup this one up. and i like the feeling of being able to do the stuff myself. realistically I could have just used rpg maker or something for the kind of game im making but i do it for the love of the game. programming is fun and I like knowing how everything works.

its all pretty hardcoded at the moment, but i dont think that will be too difficult to change. picrel is current setup for tilesets/maps
is that you yandev?
No, it's not me.

someone needs to make a game based on this concept
>The music is the main reason why people enjoyed the game.
No? It was the characters, your choices mattering, the 4th wall breaking and the lore. The music just enhances it.
nolgorb's ordeal
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>nolgorb's ordeal
>2 negative reviews
>both complaining about the menu
they lacked the vision
When I was a kid, I discovered the power of hacking and map editing by literally opening the map files for this one RTS in a text editor and realizing that the characters corresponded to tiles, units and buildings. You're using 1996 best practices and I applaud you for that.

However, I'd probably store the tile-character pairs as a list of tuples or structs or someshit, I dunno
genital jousting already exists
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4Chan supports mp4 now.
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i've been fucking around with navmesh lately, it's borderline unusable if your character has custom movement.
Its pathfinding algorithm doesn't consider agent's parameters which is totally stupid. Turns out all the obstacle avoidance happens when you make the agent move, but i see no point in custom obstacle avoidace. I've already tried using a proxy agent to move it to the real next point and then move the gameobject itself towards that new point.
At this point i feel like remaking the movement script to be more precise, right now it can overshoot which has already led to so many problems.
I did this too, I found a game that let you upload the stages for multiplayer online play. I found unused tiles they don't normally let you use with the map editor.
good luck. I gave up on navmesh. my vision didn't require it but it would have been nice if it 'just worked'
kino game, good work
I wish I had internet friends (female) so we could make fun games together.
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I'm still gonna use webms to just to annoy applefags
How is Hiro going to afford paying for the mp4 license? He can barely pay his staff. Maybe all those /v/3 ads and Bocchi hunger games ads are paying well.
I felt like I've just committed a crime by using dynamic typing in C#, it just works tho!
Trying really hard to force boochi the reddit, aren't you?
that's fake. sanic is way faster than that.
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How difficult is to code multiplayer in a turn based rpg? Asume your usual engines unity/godot/unreal/etc
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i'm honestly thinking that the future of gamedev is going to be making games for roblox.
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that's not what iconic means.
iconic means that you listen to it and immediately recognize where it's from, even years later, even if you did not play it yourself
the success of the game is what leads to its iconic status, it's not an intrinsic quality of a game in itself
it's about being part of the cultural background, how influential it is
I like it so far, are the dots placed with a mouse click and then your guy executes movement?
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This may or may not be up by the time (you) click on the link, but switched to canvas for the map rendering which is definitely faster than rendering tiles via the html dom. I've added weapons, armor, and island name generation as well for some flavour. Also added options for characters to escape fights to try and prevent half the players from dying on the first day. It's a little unavoidable given the nature, but I would like a more linear drop in players as the days roll by.
I hate that this part of gamedev (silly customisation) is basically mandatory now, it doesn't serve any purpose other than putting a silly shit on your MC.
The guy turns around and sprints too fast, goes from 0 to 100 instantly. Other than that good job!
testing out mp4 support
I played it for 2 hours and bounced(before it was popular, on a recommendation I play it blind). I don't remember any music from undertail other than megalovania because of memes and it sounds 90% like a duke nukem 3d track
You'd better be making Shadowrunlike (Genesis) or I'll be disappointed.
Bruce! Behave!
Does it sound to you like I like it?
Hell yeah, I remember when I did it for the first time. How does it feel, champ?
Hobby devs rise! (And don't quit your job just in case)
I quit my job to do hobby dev
I'm a hobbydev with a job (I opened editor last time 2 weeks ago), my job eats away my will to work.
No longer a hobby
Small progress everyday. At least write one line each day.
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Hobbydeving until I make it.
>No longer a hobby
what is it?
Your job, you're like a freelancer or a shop owner but with 0 income until you finish something.
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>from chad to a harem whore
Actually it could make for a nice grimdark RPG like Fear & Hunger, you start as a knight(male) but then you end up as a belly dancer(female) after a failed campaign.
most countries have an unemployment benefit system. Maybe someone could eek out a living on benefits while making games with free assets etc until they make it.
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hey bros how the fuck do i animate some widget/text from a widget in ue5? like a simple fade-in
I am retired.
>slow mo during the jumps
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Yeah, my $20 shills are singlehandedly paying for 4chan's evolution. You're seeing it in real time. Don't forget to watch the /v/erdict on November 30th at 5pm EST to thank me.
I can do everything involved in the game making process besides the coding.
Can i just make some music video or something and upload that to demo day instead of a game.
you ever wonder why tourists like this are here? what made you click on agdg? genuinely curious
Bro just ask claude to code your game for you. if it doesn't work just keep feeding the code back until it does.
>technically perfect
>practically unplayable
if you don't know how to code, AI will literally take a steaming dump on your game and make it unmaintainable really quickly
You missed it bro. /v/3 would be the perfect opportunity to make a trailer for a nonexisting game and submit. There's always next year though Or is there
Or you could make a visual novel with videos like Bandersnatch or something
nice buzzword, unmaintainable thats a scary one too ooooh i'm so scared
t. certified nocoder
gm :3
Learning the basics is enough. Just tell the AI to make it nice and maintainable.
sissy faggot
seethe+ mr insecurity
homosexual freakazoid
macho man
is it safe to post progress?
good. one less barrier to progress posting.
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gm(good morning)
I'm never fucking adding anyone from /agdg/ ever again. You're all fucking weirdos and assholes. FUCK YOU!!!!
not good morning you bloody basterd benchod bitch
gm sir
*sharpens crab claw* yeah sure buddy go ahead
'morning, pardner
hows the devin'
>shart on a tranime sissy posting "le good morning"
>they go apeshit
kek so predictable, i own these freaks
i'm the boss of this gym
mighty fine you ol cow hoof
I'm adding the biological females from agdg that want to collab on making a video game
everybody says gm but nobody says gmi
t. sex pest
Dunno who that is I'm not in the AGDG Discord
>can't see raycasts in my main scene
>can see them in any other scene
thanks godon't
99% of times i blamed godon't for something the fault was of my own
if you don't see your current issue in the github, chances are you are doing something wrong
Do you have it enabled in the display settings
>Or is there
Yes there will be next year. June 2025
it was my fault after all, I've had my player scene turned invisible
My game failed. Literally zero sails. But at least I can still work on it. And I can take solace in that. I pity those who make slop they don't want and then don't have it sell.
This is my advice. Make the game YOU want. Failure doesn't hurt as much then.
But what if no one wants to play the game I want
My pirate game has tons of sails
i'd rather win
is mad john g girls gonna have a visual novel component to it?
this doesnt make sense, else no one would be posting those issues in first place
godot (and unity) is very buggy, this is what happens when an engine tries to do too much instead of focusing on something
But what if you dont though.
What if you try your hardest and you still dont win.
Wouldnt that be more frustrating than just playing for fun and if you win then you win and if you dont then who cares you had fun so it doesnt matter.
yes, they are very buggy, and 99% of the time somebody else has reported those bugs in the github
I wasn't jesting for exactly the reasons you put down

it's simple but it perfectly evokes the feel of the game and makes it seem like an epic journey
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Currently making ads and banners for /v/3 next Saturday. If Aggy wants to help us make some I'd be happy to run them next week.
if you want to avoid frustration and have fun then give up and do something else
tom hardy has sex with men
>What if you try your hardest and you still dont win.
You build on top of your failure. You should be able to apply the lessons you learned from your first game to your next.
mp4 is inferior
This but its more like 95%.
i can't use webms on xitter and i don't want to encode twice
why did you release it with 0 wishlists?
How many things have you learnt so far? How many successes do you have?
Because /agdg/ sabotaged me.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Starting with Reptile.
trying your hardest makes you badass, even if you lose, trying hard leaves you with much improved skills that increases your chance of winning. not trying so hard and winning anyway is possible, but less likely and we'll call you a nepobaby.
I had a bit over 1k
Still 0 people bought it once it released.
what did you price it at?
Should have gone for $69
You can't really take these stories seriously. He can say things like "I made my dream game and still made 0 sales, and that's why my advice to you is....." and they might say it's good to do even with zero sales, or it's bad to do and you should sell out. But it's meaningless without seeing his game. Meaningless. There's nothing to gain from his experience without seeing the game.
His dream game could very well be a hack platformer with bad controls.
Now this is epic
? It's actually meaningless to see his game if regardless he enjoys working on it. If it's his dream game how does your opinion matter anon?
what's the appeal of games like factorio?
its fun
More mature system heavy games that demand the attention of the player. Also probably my autism. But sim games and engineering games have always scratched that for me whereas nothing else ever has.
is it "number go up" type of fun? I never get dopamine hits from that
To him sure. He can enjoy doing what he wants to do. But it doesn't contribute to the overall argument of "Should I sell out or not." There's nothing we can take from it.
No its
>can I logically solve this issue I'm looking at with what I have at my disposal and if not, how can I?
What the fuck are you asking dude. It's planning. It's creativity. It scales. It builds on itself. What do you mean what is the fucking appeal.
Just, like, make game anon
>my country's government literally telling us to stockpile water and food
man i was already depressed from gamedev now you're telling me ww3 is gonna fucking happen?
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conveyor belts are fun to watch
>is gonna
More like has been for years. War does in fact change.
Why does agdg keep joining v3 and then nonstop complaining about it.
why would that one person do this
attention seeker join v3 in hopes of saving their flops when vedditors dont buy games
its just yet another humiliation ritual for the trannies of /agdg/ kinda like marmoshart spamming reddit before release
person below me will ngmi
>le advertising is... bad!
Why did you say this to me. Why was this an appropriate response.
"Just make game" is all we can learn from his posts anon. That's why. I dev at least because I enjoy it and the output. I'm not specifically worried about the finances and such. Sure I hope my game makes it, but it won't stop me or even discourage me if it doesn't sell. I'll still just keep working on my game. That's how it's an appropriate response. Just get to work.
The reason I keep joining /v/3 is because I want to make a trailer for it but shit keeps happening IRL that prevents me from doing it in time
your retarded trannoid ass doesnt understand what marketing is, v3 is not marketing it's a humiliation ritual where retards shout into the void
that that time to make social media content or email journos and youtubers if you want marketing (you don't, tranny)
Alright. Makes sense.
How does one email journalists? Find journalists who cover games in your genre by just looking up random g game reviews or something?
I'm having some rounding errors?
The box is showing the calculated position of the voxel the raycast is pointing towards
Don't give a shit about v3, just calling out your shit talking advertising on reddit. It's backwards mentality. This place is about making games and putting em out there, not playing gay nigger gatekeepers from vg.
What is v3?
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forgot the image
i liked a lot their summer show, which is why i chose to join this one
also, i like making trailers in general, it's fun and good practice
>Tales series is basically the precursor to Smash's control scheme
>has no spiritual successor in the age where beat 'em ups made a comeback in the indie space, indie JRPGs make big money, and platform fighters are at their most popular, and several singleplayer ones exist like Astral Ascent
What gives? Would It require most indie devs to play a JRPG that wasn't from their childhood on the SNES?
/v/3 is an online showcase of games and projects made by anons from 4chan’s gamedev community on /v/ and on /agdg/, mixed in with a small animated story and shitposts to make the showcase something… special… to watch. We also encourage devs to join in the show’s production by submitting booths and avatars to be animated into the show!

I was in /v/3 last time, I didn't complain
I'm not now as I didn't have time to create new trailer and my game hasn't advance too much since last time
The reason I'm not making a Tales of Phantasia-like from my childhood on the SNES is because I prefer the complexity of fighting games over the simplified combat of Tales of Phantasia but I believe it's difficult to get a player base for some random fighting game compared to other genres so I'm not making one.
marketing is unironically a fulltime job but the passive way is to put yourself out there and bookmark games similiar to yours the algorithm will bring accounts that cover games in your genre and you can see what works, splattercatgaming made a video on our demo and the wishlists bump was worse than when a much smaller but specialized youtuber covered it which was extremely shocking to us, keep those accounts in a spreadsheet they are more than willing to cover your game (for free), my advice would be to start posting on social media as soon as possible even if you dont see results right away
i dont care live your life and join v3 if you want, i'm just telling you it's not marketing just like marmo spamming big subreddits just before launch isnt marketing either
v3 is some guy who spams the thread and samefags his event that no one watches every year
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I forgot to do my laundry over the weekend and I've been wearing underwear I dug out of the dirty clothes all week
I watch it.
You almost convinced me, but you didn't use quite enough buzzwords to really sell it. Better luck next time.
>I prefer the complexity of fighting games over the simplified combat of Tales of Phantasia
Then copy Destiny DC's combat.
good post
I don't think indie fighting games are good at pulling an audience. Skullgirls managed to do it because it has outstanding art.
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From pic related alone, this looks KINO.
>Text parsing
>Hideous ancient graphics
>Low stakes detective story
>Ontario (the worst part of Canada)
>Nancy Maple
Theres so much soul here it's spilling out of every seam. If this wasn't made by a w*man I would buy it right now.
It does look cool. I'll try it after I'm done with TROTGI
nvm fixed it, I needed to add a normal to the equation
>crimson diamond
So basically a ruby?
no, a red diamond
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Made a newer, more efficient clock function. Previously I had the sun rotating slowly around the world and I determined time from its position but this lead to it running every frame. Not a huge performance decrease, but still. New clock runs once every 2.5s (an hour is 24 hours in game) and then stops itself until its time to run again. Feels kinda dumb simple for me to have been struggling with it as long as I had. Anyhow, I'm merging over time specific events to the new clock and then I can strip out the old one. Then I'll have to tie sun positions to the clock rather than the other way around like I had previous. Need to implement hunger, fatigue and thirst bars afterwards.

Also what's the best way to do depleting bars like that? I created a solid color square png and just instanced that +Y of the previous for however much health/hunger/etc the player has. And unused blocks (if you've lost health or something) are just hidden until needed. This is fine right?
>>technically perfect
What's this? Write the full name if it's another text parsing adventure game.
The Rise of the Golden Idol, sequel to The Case of the Golden Idol. Sorry, was too lazy to type that all out. It's good if you like solving logic puzzles, but it's not really an adventure game by any stretch.
Sex with Reptile! Even if it's not her job
My advice to all the devs here:
Do not associate with /agdg/.
Do not join any Discord that you get invited to on /agdg/.
Do not contact anyone from /agdg/ directly.
This place is not your friend. It's your enemy, in fact. They tend to shield themselves with the "a-at least we're not a hugbox!" but the reality is that it's simply a cope for the fact that everyone here is evil and vitriolic towards you. Look at all the /agdg/ games that released. Doesn't matter if they're a flop or a success, they shit on you all the same. You do get some genuine, good advice here occasionally, but it's never coming from /agdg/ regulars. It's coming from clueless newfags like you. This place is dead. You want actual advice, or help from 4chan? Go to /v/. Don't like 4chan? Go anywhere else. But don't trust this place. /agdg/ is no longer a collective of amateurs trying to cobble together their dream games out of whatever they have. It's a pit of bitter, angry people. Not necessarily nodevs either. They can have a game. They may even be someone you look up to. But they hide under anonymity to crush you and belittle you. Save yourself, stay away from this place. It will destroy you, whilst lying to you saying how their harassment and belittlement will actually benefit you.

Don't feed the trolls.
I completely agree with this anon

Anticommunity. This is how they separate us further. I love you anons but we're dying.
Cool so when are you leaving?
give me a game to clone
The Game
This, I rarely come here anymore it was useful for a while but no more.
I sincerely only post progress and a few silly shitposts (like fucking one or two every few days) and I never attack or try and belittle other anons works. I try and support the ones I enjoy by replying to their posts. A constant onslaught of continued attempts at positive community will be what helps us heal.
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Devving has never been so comfy right?
>give constructive criticism
>hurr durr you don't get my vision
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I joined /v/3 and my game got no views or clicks or downloads so to any dev who values your game stay away from this shitshow. I'd like to point to pic related as why you shouldn't even give this the time of day.
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ya im p sure i posted it before but i have a big intro put together with the main character coming in and talking and all that its a story game where youre trying to win your freedom
I'm gonna make a game and put a Discord invite inside it so that people that have interest in my game join.
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>t. cultic dev

New version of Sora, remember all the bocchi troons who said that AI is stagnating? LMFAO YOURE FINISHED
How am I supposed to farm (You)s if I leave?
You can't heal a rotting corpse Anon. How many anons have pointed out that barely anyone posts progress? I've lost count. Your attempt to keep /agdg/ alive is noble, I won't deny that. In fact I even salute you for at least trying. But at somr point, you've got to accept the facts and cut your losses. /agdg/ always tells this to flopdevs, "abandon your dream game and go make slop chasing the trends!". So why delude yourself about the general itself? At the end of the day you have to think and make choices for yourself. You can listen, and interact with whoever you choose. I choose to interact with the dev threads on /v/. Sure there's enough of the similar shit there, but the constant traffic of newfags to /v/ makes the chance to reach genuine honesty.
>>503074385 is a loaded statement. Criticism given here is dishonest. Harldy anyone here looks at your game and thinks "hey that kinda looks interesting, i should help this dev make what i think is a better game, out of genuine interest" however misguided that criticism is.
Here, criticism is almost always rage bait. It's aim is not to help you improve, but yo try and enrage you to farm (You)s. That's why there's so often personal insults towards devs and their projects. I harbor no delusions for this place. They can keep coping and telling me how it's not actually like that, but they'd be lying. I've seen this exact same charade too many times. I just hope, for your sake, you can shield yourself from the shit of this place and continue working on what you want to. Because that's exactly what /agdg/ doesn't want you to do. To continue.
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Now this technology allows me... further enhance my goon sesh?

This appeared on my timeline rm120dev, keep posting you gonna make it
I look uncomfortably similar to the guy in this picture
niggas be typing out whole ass essays instead of just like making game lmaooo
Seethe faggot. See you tomorrow when you're still here and I call you a fag again.
Yes my slavix boochi the troondit friend, you will be able to goon to anything and everything, AI WON.
I still agree with you, but we can't just give up anon! There is some level of actual psychological warfare happening here. I mean, in the end, if our community is no longer ours, where do we go? Nowhere? I can't live with that. This isn't even about this thread anymore, it's happening across all of 4chan and even wider than this site. It's happening in reality also. We're becoming further isolated and hardened to this fact and that's haunting. I came here to talk about my passions damn it. We're all passionate about game dev in some form or another, we do share this in common. The bad actors who are constantly shitting up the various communities are only going to get worse. We can't just give up though anon...We should just try and continue to only interact amongst those truly trying to make this place a community.
>agdg is dead
>you should leave
You keep saying that but where the fuck else would I post progress? Bluesky?
This is the place I get the most engagement of the entire internet at least that I've found so far
I don't get the issue with people attacking games. I think some anons are fucking gay in their attacks. "They didn't listen to my advice and they failed hahahaha" Ya and who the fuck are you, and what was your gay advice. Stfu.
BUT it's up the dev to determine which advice is needed. Maybe some have a hard time figuring out what's real and what's not. Maybe some can't handle it. If that's you, then ya, don't post. But that's not an agdg problem.

Also I don't get the obsession with posting progress. Demo Day is the only day I need to see progress. If Demo Day dies, then agdg dies. I don't need someone starting a new project in Unreal and having some fancy looking animation that they'll never finish a game with. And I don't care if someone just finished learning how to save. I dont' get this obsession with random anons posting progress. I care far more about marketing strats, and success stories from small devs.
>This is the place I get the most engagement of the entire internet
this is a huge redflag, your game will flop sis
i will continue posting progress hear, i will continue ignoring spammers, when my game is almost done i will start posting it in other community's.
crabs be gone with you!
To expand on this even further, it COMPLETELY feels like a waste of time to post here. There's usually no contribution back or discussion when I try and engage with the thread. However, the rare time it does lead to discussion or an actual exchange of some sort, I'm really glad for it. I'm glad to be able to give feedback to the real devs that are passionate about their stuff and are truly hungry for input. And I'm always glad to receive such feedback as well. So it's really hard to fucking want to be here but there is a reason still.
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You know this place has been overrun by newfags when the monthly "/agdg/ is dead you should leave" replybait post gets treated like a groundbreaking realization worth taking seriously.
Where are all these new posters coming from? How did you find our general?
Unironically, they're v3 tourists
See? In other places no one even replies to my posts here I got a reply in under a minute and not only that but it's actually talking about and showing interest in my game.
What other places on the Internet can I have this?
>don't care about progress
>only care about small dev stories and marketing

These are two sides of the same thread anon. I'm the exact opposite of you. I only care about progress posts and mechanics and game functions. But I'm not complaining, this is the thread for all of these things realistically.
>felt a sudden, immense sense of motivation
>for 2 seconds
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
Expand upon it! Fucking get up and do something you lazy fuck! I believe in you!
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>he only works when motivitaed
>he doesn't just work because it is time to work
this is the quintessential essence of the ngmi nodev vibes
You have to learn how to grab onto and prolong mood swings. I make all my progress this way.
mascot horror
some bullshit lore youtubers can rot their brains with
i already know im a ngmi nodev, you dont have to tell me, i have demonstrably proof of that
damn that's craaazy
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im in the work non stop on my game for a month and then burn out for ages camp myself
Glad I'm not the only one who views lore as cancer.
>he works even when it is not time to work
Take care of yourself, king. Work should be done at a sustainable rate.
Any good tutorials on how to generate top down tile based worlds with realistic continent shapes
das rite, lets all make gambling roguelike simulators, fuck storytelling
I've read several hentai doujins about the characters in gatcha games. The stories usually involve all of them getting pregnant. So gatcha games have lore.
yea now i have a schedule and days blocked out so i can make sure im doing a little bit at a time and not overworking
Yeah it's tough to fit dev work in around your actual job, and social life, and girlfriend. Right anon? Right?
Wtf I love gotcha games now
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true my bf is pretty needy but its okay if you time block things out you can make sure everything get the time you can allot
Game design anons, how would you incorporate combat into a classic point & click adventure game?
A separate combat screen where the nature of gameplay changes? Turn based with number autism? Or simply to click on a gun and click on the target and it dies, and doing it before it kills you?
It's just gay when people read deeply into nothing. I respect Game of Thrones because he's like, ya I just started writing. Lore was a mile wide and inch deep, there was no real lore. Not until people started calling him asking him for maps or whatever. That's when he sat down and actually added some lakes, and started filling in gaps in dynasties. Basically, substance first, then details. Unless you're an actual genius making a masterpiece, I think it's a waste of time to add lore at the front.
miyazaki was right, people like you despise storytelling because you have nothing to say, you're a shallow bugman living an empty meaningless "life"
i wonder what you're even doing here, filthy disgusting subhuman tranime tourist
friend, normally hopping enemies don't actually hop. they play a hopping animation, but their collision is just a pill shape. Same goes for flying enemies and other unusual movers, their movement is purely cosmetic and only animation-based. You seem to be trying to make some kind of 3D terraria slime? That can be done by making the hop an attack in addition to the hopping animation. The only thing that should be physically moving during a hop is the player.
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A little redo of the priest HR girl.
hitboxes should always be separate from collision.
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i'm trying to make a more visually pleasing HUD and layout
if only you would
That's the most unappealing half naked girl I've ever seen
You draw women like you draw your gay boys
Why is /agdg/ like this?
this is cool, reminds me of doujin art.
Why are you faggots so cynical? Everything in this project is being done for fun, I'm under no obligation to do any of this. Quit taking this shit so seriously and have some fun with the process for once. You "people" make me sick.
saddest tits in the solar system
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Maybe you should make an otome game since you prefer drawing twinks?

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