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How the tables have turned edition

>Patch Notes

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>Found a problem or have a suggestion? Use the "Contact" button at the top right of the site.

>SKSE AE Update tracker

>/tesg/'s characters
>/tesg/ stories
>/tesg/ social
>/tesg/ mods
Mazetism: https://pastebin.com/L7cBYDrM
Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf
>Lore and Lore Accessories

>character sheet workdocs (svg + png)

>/tesg/'s sister threads:
>>>/tg/tgesg/ - /tg/'s Weekend Lore General
>>>/aco/teslg/ - /tesg/ Adult General
>>>/vg/tesog/ - /tesog/ Elder Scrolls Online General

>mega treasure trove of RUASLEEP and pre-AE USSEP patches, as well as OSex/OSA archives

>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
>comprehensive combat mod list and guide for anyone
>gear list for gear people

Elder thread: >>502942106
Ain't it kind of immersion breaking to play with these glossy looking spec maps all the time?
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you're asking that in the general where people make the most unimmersive waifus possible?
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Play? I thought Skyrim was a screenshot studio
I got filtered by the silver hand so hars at level one because of a radiant queat that Brunwolf sent me to and because of that I focused an entire play through on becoming a werechad and making sure Ulfric won the civil war so that faggot could never have any actual power
My waifu gets back pains and knee pains in the morning.
I like skyrim.
Last night a deathlord shouted my bow out of my hand and I couldn't find it anymore so I had to hide behind my follower while she killed it because the piddly little daggers didn't do squat to it.

Holy based.
Other thread was gone too soon.
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I haven't played any canon Elder Scrolls today
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good work eliminating the threat

sometimes i hit jauffre on purpose
WOW the scaling in vanilla Skyrim is FUCKED. I'm only level 9 trying to go into a dwemer ruin, and I get it, but like, holy shit, these dwarven automatons and falmer are hitting like trucks and have yuge health pools...
Why is Alduin such bland shit compared to Dagoth Ur and Maknar Camoran?
It's meant to tell you that you haven't been leveling your combat skills or health
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why would i level health when i have illusion and restoration spells i wanna cast
>squishy wizard surprised that magic-resistant automatons and blind morlok-Mer are kicking his ass
Why do caster classes attract brainlettes?
pretty lights and larping as gigabrains
t.brainlet caster player
apocalypse mod ruined an entire generation of retards
meanwhile you need to have a very high iq to use a melee build (no stealth)
>moth priest
But why tho, why did the plot get so fucking weird
The writers wrote from the middle instead of from the beginning or the end.
>alright first off we got a vampire waifu voiced by laura bailey
>then uhh we got her dad i guess he's the villain
>probably should include a better vampire form that shits all over werewolf
>uhhh gonna need anti-vampire faction to have the illusion of choice
>i guess some snow elves would be cool yeah
>elder scrolls are kinda important
>alright we got our dlc story done

>what do you mean it's gotta be coherent??
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The Elder Scrolls is not a WEG franchise, this is not a porn game thread. Please keep to discussing the gameplay and lore or go to one of the many NSFW boards to share your lecherous pornographic modifications of Todd Howard and Bethesda Games Studios vision. Any NSFW or off topic posts will be reported on sight. Thank you.
>pornographic modifications of Todd Howard
does it exist?
I've finally decided to stop using nexus mod manager, what should I use now?
Mod Organizer 2, you dummy.
What mod removes the disgusting shaders when you attack enemies with magic and enchanted weapons?
ok thanks
Wrye Bash, you dummy.
What's the difference?
Also should I move to using SE instead of LE? All the mods I like are on LE.
Why would I play the game if not to watch my waifu get severely injured in a fight and then nursed back to health by her priest husbando’s dick?
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how come todd put this in the game then
Can't you come up with a better conversation starter than pretending to not know the very basics of modding Skyrim? Are you really that creatively bankrupt that you have to resort to the most inane subjects of discussion?
hubba hubba
None of those npcs are essential, just like waifufags in this thread
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I haven't played in years and when I did I always used nexus
What's the point in being an angry faggot and crying about people asking questions?
/tesg/ are a bunch of faggots now don't even bother
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There's an opening post.
Read it.
Or is reading for faggots, too?
Look. I'm a nice guy. But your posts... they're disrespectful. When you disrespect me, then I have to prove that I'm supposed to be respected. Usually, that means that I put my cock in your asshole. Since you already called me a faggot, and it takes one to know one, that means you'd like getting your shit pushed in by my 6x8 inch beast. That's not a punishment. That's a reward.

You might think, "Oh, will he try to kill me, then?" The answer is "no", because you're not worth the prison time. So that only leaves torture. I'll have to take off your fingers, so you can't write down who ruined you. I'll have to cut out your tongue, so you can't describe what I look like. In fact, I'll even have to gouge your eyes out, so you can't nod emphatically when the FBI shows you a picture of my face to help identify me. Is that what you want? Do you want to be an eyeless, tongueless, fingerless fuck? No?

Then show me the goddamn respect I deserve, and apologize. Now.
Scandalous depictions of Todd's little head.
... i'm sorry... please don't hurt me...
no way...
if there's a character I like but it's "private" I recreate them for my own use
it's a sort of fun challenge to me, I like recreating characters that haven't been done yet, from almost any source material, I nearly recreated the whole cast of girls from aurelia
the only problem I run into is if the person's private OC was made entirely custom from the ground up using custom meshes and textures, that's a bit tricky as my current knowledge of CE is very limited
Is there a mod that adds throwable poison bombs that isn't caco
Toxic Toss, janky as hell though. hasn't received an update since it dropped either
>Also should I move to using SE instead of LE? All the mods I like are on LE.
There's no reason not to. All the mods save some super extremely niche ones have all migrated to SE, or there's an SE equivalent.
>Erandur gets injured
>he then proceeds to walk around naked because the bandages take up the same slot as his normal hooded robe
On an unrelated note what are some good robe mods that I can put him in
>want to play unarmed
>but it means all the weapon drops/quests are useless
what do
what a slut
Ran LOOT, I recently installed Spaghettis cities of which Morthal is one. I installed a patch for Spaghettis Morthal but its giving me a error because it doesn't recognize that I have it as part of his compendium. Will the game recognize that the files are in fact installed if LOOT doesn't?

Also LOOT says I don't have Vigilant.esm active and that it is inactive, how do I fix that?
If it’s missing a master it’s going to crash no matter what. If it isn’t and you have the AIO or whatever you should be fine because spaghetti’s doesn’t really add anything except like some flags and maybe a wall or two
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I hope you guys had an excellent Wokegender Wednesday
shut up nigger nobody cares about your tranny shit
jeez what a racist blackgender
>racism is…le bad
why are trannies like this?
Was the thread too quiet for you "two" retards?
don’t talk to me niggergender
we do be wokegendering right now
elder scrolls niggers are based, they fight for their own country instead of invading others, i*perials are the subhuman trash
Classic woke tactic of making niggers good in fiction to try convince people that they’re like that in reality too.
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Hammerfell is Iran fighting against Israeli Dominion
I choose Palestine
What about the issues with Vigilant? Its been years since I played around with it and never got a message like this
The issue isn’t with vigilant, it’s with spaghetti’s. Theoretically the one good thing about running Spaghetti’s over Dawn of Skyrim, JK’s, CotN, etc. is that it doesn’t do enough for it to matter if there’s a patch or not as you can just disable the crate that got placed in front of the door. But by the sound of it, you’re running Spaghetti’s cities AIO and the patch is asking for specifically the Morthal one, which will crash you unless you make either a dummy .esp with the actual name of the file it needs, get the AIO patch, or remove it.
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Does HRT give you fucking brain damage
at least 10% of those posts are mine. I wonder how many other anti-wokegender chads there are
Should I say niggergender or wokenigger?
either one is fine, but these jannies don't like the nigger word sometimes so be careful
Is there a link for the /tesg/ followers? Had that sudden urge to play this shit again.
Are the thalmor supposed to represent jews?
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Nice, found a waterbreathing-enchanted item in the wild.
/fog/ faggots trying to force a meme and not a single quality post on sight
I don't even play Fallout though
thalmor is mossad, yes
wokegender meme
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I've never seen this in my life.
Whats the matter, cant stand the sight of a strong nord woman carrying a bucket full of shit?
P. sure that bucket is empty.
There are no toilets in skyrim my guy, what did you think the buckets were for?
It's just a container. You could put ANYTHING in one.

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