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From the twisted mind of Jun Maeda who brought you Angel Beats!, Clannad, AIR, and Little Busters!

>Is it on PC?
Yes, it's on PC and mobile.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA1mOkiaukg [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHvGw_3p0cM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbW8RQBouz4 [Embed]


>Database/Tier list

Roll the guaranteed SS banner!


>Current event
3000 bonus quartz

>How to deal with malicious spoilers
Everyone make up your own spoilers to dilute it

tags: yuri, JRPG, comedy

Release chapter 4 part 1.
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Invite Code:
>(embed) [Embed]
Is it more important to focus on damage type (slash, crush, pierce) or on element?
lategame shills elements pretty hard
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So with Reversion, should you be a bit picky on who you use it on? It seems like the materials needed to do it are a bit rare. Right now I'm thinking Tama might be a good pick since she has a lot of styles and could use a fourth skill slot.
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Well /hbr/ are you doing that on sunday?
Why the fuck doesn't this gacha have any armpits?
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I've already whaled in a different gacha and I'm not doing that again. It's not worth it and in all honesty with or without my support the game can still go EoS. I'm buying the merch though.
It doesn't even have panty shots, despite most of the girls wearing skirts.
31-A is a safe bet because they have the most styles to pick and choose skills from. Yuina/Aoi/Adel/Mari also have quite a few SS. Later on when you unlock orb skills though, pretty much everyone likes having Point Care and Drive Gain which takes up 2 skill slots, so getting someone to +1 for another slot is usually safe if you ever plan on using them.
I'll buy month passes and thats it. Maybe some packs if they are good.
I'm probably going to end up whaling on certain banners
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I think you can still play auto lategame you just have to set up proper skill usage...
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Would there ever be a reason to use normal Aoi after maid Aoi comes out?
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Is this tiny dancer ever good?
You want normal aoi ex skill to be used on all other aoi that is all.
good onahole
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These translators are just taking a shit aren't they. And yes she said manga in Japanese and she was referring to the Kongming manga
>inb4 manhua is just chinese for manga
Good with 4th sister.
So far Karen and Tsukasa haven't been given gay gay homosexual gay stare
When will that start for them?
Next chapter
footfags get the bullet
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If you're a new player you can use my code and we'll both get gems.
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Who do I need to pull to continue cheesing content with this gremlin?
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Sadly no, both of her SS styles are kinda garbage.
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Do we ever get pets that follow us around?

I really liked dressing up the cat in Another Eden.
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Get your mind out of the gutter chink
>Character is named Shiki
>is a Chad
Shikichads won...
How soon until her SS comes out? I heard it's a must-pull.
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well, she's not wrong, I DO want to do unspeakable things to her.
>dresses like a slut
>"I'm not responsible for how my body makes you feel!"
my body my choice CHUD
Where are her panties?
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Not anytime soon. But most likely I will buy gems for a spark at some point. The team building is pretty good in this yurige.
I'm unironically worry about Global
Band aid.
>>503039441 meant for >>503034867
I unironically hate your fucking guts if you're an EOP or fotm mobagetard but I also love you and I give you good advice even if it pisses off because I want my cute juniors to enjoy this story.
But the fucktarded things some of you newbies say does really piss me the fuck off.
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>Band aid.
same, i want to read this game till it's story ends..
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10 S+ ticket pull or single, that is assuming you can even do 10 pull with those
It's Yostar, I'm not worried.
Yostar killed Revived Witch
anything can happen at this point
You cared enough to want to grab your senpai's attention, I love you too cute kouhai don't worry.
Revived Witch killed itself.
Is this game seriously going to bitch at me about using a certain non-canon character for the entire rest of the story? That's pretty annoying, desu. Especially since she's so good.
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oh no
>Yostar killed Revived Witch
Only after 1.5 years of it doing pretty much nothing. So we probably have at least that long.

>le ebin no u xD
You're the one who is begging for attention, you annoying little whore.
by me
Maybe after enough territory is reclaimed from the Cancers.
You might be retarded if that's what you're worried about in a situation with 95% of humanity having been wiped out.
How many chapters does JP have?
Iiiiiihi, insult me more, stuff like that makes me want to fuck...
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Isn't it more like 4.5 since Chapter 5 isn't done yet?
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It still hurts.
You asked what was released, not what was finished.
>Don't level healer because I have Aoi
>Fight Flat Hand
>Don't have enough damage
>Don't have enough healing
Bros...I should have leveled Tama...
Hope you enjoy your stay here. I don't expect the English version will live very long but happy to help you get going on JP if you ever feel like it.
Yes. That's what I mean. If there's 4 completed chapters and half of a fifth chapter, that's 4.5 chapters, not 5.5.
>You might be retarded if you liked dressing up a cute cat that followed you around
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Here's your cute cat.
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JOP grandstanding faggots can go fucking kys, you play JP get the fuck back there or stfu don't pretend to be an expert and lord over people here you're a fucking piece of shit and you fucking piss me off.

Fuck you for insulting newbies this thread wasn't made for fucking assholes like you. No one gives a fuck about you so just hurry up and die if all you're going to do is call people retard for asking a question
I guess it's done vs complete. 4pt1 and part2 are complete. As for what's done it's what I first said
revived witch was dead on arrival if you know how that game was doing in its original server, by the time it was localized. the devs were insanely greedy and paywalled a unit on launch, can't really keep a game alive in global when its already dead in its original country honestly its a miracle it lasted as long as it did.
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Just gonna hit me over the head with it a few minutes in Maeda? I am familiar with your game.
I'm also a retard, I just get pissed off by other retards being more retarded than me. You juniors are hopeless, you can't even breathe or take a piss without asking for help and you have everything in a language you can effortlessly understand.
did i ask for your opinion JOP cunt? no? you owe me for japsplaining fcking cunt. go buy a 3 month premium pass on global to make up for it or bad things will happen to you.
Bro. Ok. There's Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (both parts) and part of Chapter 5. That means that there are, currently out, 4 full chapters and half of another one. That equals 4.5 chapters. Not 5.5. 4 full chapters and half of a chapter. For it to be 5.5 chapters we'd need to be done with chapter 5 and halfway into chapter 6.
>kita no saihate ni aru kyodai shelter ni suumannin no jinrui wo tsurete ??shita to iu hanashi ha kiiteiru. Keredo, sore ijou no koto ha watashi mo shirasareteinaino.
I don't think we're going to EOS given the publisher but I'm worried we're going to under perform and they put us on maintenance mode. the twitter followers and youtube guide videos that tie into the beginner missions don't have that many clicks sadly.
Are the patrol missions important to do?
>no marketing
>no profit
color me surprised
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I... wat
free gems so may as well i don't think they affect the story though.
Yeah, thing's certainly aren't looking very bright. They also did a pretty poor job advertising the release. It was just like oh it's coming out in 3 days once release week came.
i heard they paid for some advertisements on relatively small fgo channels. But like common man yostar stop being so cheap with that.
i ignore them whenever i can do a socialization quest lol
It would be 5.0 or then and when chapter 5 finishes it would be 5.5, because chapter 4 part 1 is 4.0 and chapter 4 part 2 would be 4.5, so you're both wrong. Don't try to correct me this is how nips do manga chapters.
>people arguing about literal number of chapters for an hour now
you guys are funny
The FGO crowd? Sounds like a poor choice to target.
I'm senior to you, and all I hear from you is a little child blabbering trying to learn to talk
It's cute
>I'm senior to you
You're just as retarded as they are.
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you're really insufferable, faggot.
You wouldn't leave her hanging would you?
you're a subhuman
I actually got hit with an HBR ad on YouTube. It was only once though. I'm honestly concerned not for the game, but for the revenue. I already spent $20, but I don't have the funds to whale...
Anyone check the size of their balls since playing this game? Mine shrunk in half.
my penis has become a vagina
i'm turning into a woman, it's over
Bro your adblock?
How would he know what to buy if he used it?
I want the game to be alot bigger so yostar will love us but yeah.. i'm pretty poor too gave them my 8$ already.
I'm looking at their youtube and the first video that's tied to the beginner missions has 33k views.
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I just realized she's wearing two panties. One underneath at normal height, and a second one that's lowered down as if to subtly reveal what's underneath had not there been a second panty blocking it. What the hell?
don't take it upon yourself. you need tens of thousands of dollars to make a significant impact. server fees are probably much cheaper but there's also staff to pay salaries for. it can't be done by a single person, because someone with that kind of money would probably rather buy apple stocks than waifu jpegs.
just see how things will turn out.
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are there actual women playing this game?
shame fgo stole all the addicts,
Once the free passes are up if you were to purchase the Premium pass does it include the gold pass stuff as well?
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Hmmph. I'm still your senior. Don't you dare mouth off to me like that just because I look and sound retarded and small.
no they're separate
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How do you level up other classes? I want them to be high enough to be able to finished the their event
I told you tsukkomi would be the game's doom
>I'm still your senior.
You're actually not retard I played JP day 1.
We'll have to see how they did month 1 in a few weeks to have a better idea.
More like mihoyo shitslop games.
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Even Yuki knows the writing is shilling her too hard and barely giving any attention to the others.
i was 17 when clannad came out in japan in 2004.
Leech the flashback battle in reserve
I finished the event with all A at level 44-45 fully upgrade. You can't use Aoi in the dungeon and boss though.
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imagine enlisting and finding out your captain is t*ma
Would make me enlist again.
i'd be her bravest soldier
She's only good at mathing and commanding her ship. Everything else she's kind of a dork.
I played the JP alpha test so I'm actually still your senior.
wait so you are 37 now?
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It didn't have an alpha test you fucking retard, it only had a closed beta test.
never thought I'd be posting among hags...
mihoyo games have ok gameplay, fgo is literally just a worst VN that people play to be a gacha addict. You can tell based off the download count.
FGO has a tiny download count for its revenue but gets about 5-11x the revenue per average user compared to hsr.
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It was on my phone.
Mihoyo games have dogshit forced story, and I wouldn't really call most of the gameplay there good. At first it might seem alright but after a while you see it for what it really is.
so I'm looking at the JP wiki and apparently the events just give away new SSRs or what? are we still getting these events if they're already unlocked?

well i always assumed people that enjoy Maeda Jun's work to be older so that's nice
better then fgo's gameplay. and honkai starrail's story is above average as long as it's not on that stupid china planet where the writing quality drops to a 4/10.
no one plays fgo for the gameplay and the story is shit whenever its not nasu writing.
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Cute junior needs words explained to them how adorable. Alpha tests aren't typically public or external. Look up software development life cycle. Beta test is more open and invites testing from external user base/public. If you weren't a little cute junior you would have known this but instead you let your mouth reveal what you don't know.
Just use youtube with brave browser on your phone.
We already have those events, you'll need to unlock them to grind out the event shop. The events don't give away free SSRs, the SS soul is the last equip item for characters.
Yeah you're just getting ignored now since you're pretending like closed beta isn't a thing and trying to call it an alpha test.
>the SS soul is the last equip item for characters.
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I just confirmed that an A rank pull can infact spook an SS so never give up! wish I got someone useful though
revenue's only at about 100k for mobile so far, problem is idk where people would even spend this early on since there's not really any good target banners. and the pity is so shit you may as well reroll if you really wanted someone specific. hopefully it improves when we get actual focus banners
>revenue's only at about 100k for mobile so far,
1% of that is literally me
Looks like you don't know how to read too. Alpha is for testing specific things, beta is stress test and identifying major bugs from a larger number of players, it can be closed or open beta, open beta is a much bigger stress test. Much closer for launch than alpha and closed beta. Sometimes it's better to be quiet than to get mad and try to win and end up showing your lack of understanding cute junior.
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I'm retarded. These are my SS characters. What is the best team of 6 that I can make to hopefully grind out this event boss in the 1 day that I have left to get all the rewards? I'm too new and retarded to into team building, I've just been using the best SS characters that the game will allow me to use and not break story continuity.
i don't even know what people spend money on, the monetization is garbage
>Heaven Burns Red
So is this DEEP and MEANINGFUL or is it more Japanese nonsense cause random English words thrown together sounds "cool"?
This doesn't include PC sadly, so we'll never know.
Look harder
I told you earlier what you have is fine.
Breakers are lower priority than other things. Ideally you run a debuffer, 1+ buffers, 1-2 attackers, minimum 1 blaster and a defender. For instance I run 1 debuffer, 1 attacker, 2 buffers, 1 blaster and 1 defender.
is there an optimal point in the story i should be doing recollections?
finished chapter 2 so far.
>I told you earlier what you have is fine.
No you didn't. I've never posted my roster before.
(continued) Healer and defender are interchangeable, most defenders have at least self DP recovery, but defenders are tanks and healers can restore a lot of dp and some healers can fix dp break.
ASAP. Burn those life points.
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Has anyone mentioned yakiniku yet?
It looks similar to what someone posted this morning, so I'm probably wrong then.
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>Heaven Burns Red
>The boss of chapter 2 was called Red Crimson in Japanese
>He burnt Aoi and sent her to heaven
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Kura with a jelly donut!
A good defender eg SS1 Aoi cam reduce or eliminate the need for hp healing, dp break restoration and dp recovery.
Is Miya or Miko a better debuffer?
I fear this game will go the route of princess connect - people save for the meta banners since they have advance knowledge from JP servers. Since everyone saved up a stash, no one whales on impulse to get the banner character.
Well this is already different to Princess Connect because we aren't launching from 0 with no catch up.
Use the China girl S if you have her
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big-ish spoiler
>The Ruka summer event was just her trauma manifesting itself in a dream
that's definitely going to happen but that's kind of the cost of having super late global server. I hope they're smart and just start doing like gssrs where you pay 15-20$ for a ss of your choice inbetween then.
it's too much to ask for people to blow 150 to pity a unit that's going to be powercrept but i think they could get a nice bit of money off some gssr packs in the meantime
>catch up
Are we on an accelerated schedule to catch up with JP?
Which Miya, ranges from tier 1 to tier 3. Light is tier 3 and equal to Miko (tier3), but their debuffs stack. Miko has 2def down, atk down and paralyze if you have her r/s-rare styles. Miya light has a light field and 2 turn multi stat reduction.
Wait it wasn't a fucking dream what???
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That's the soulless atheistic take, but this game doesn't have an atheistic worldview and souls, consciousness, what it means to be you, what you're here for, what happens after you die etc are all central themes.
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>have LB2 yuina SS1 but LB0 yuina SS2
>have no good blasters aside from yuina SS2
>have miya
>LB1 aoi
seira can heal but she's no tama, should i put light blaster duties on yuina and keep her in SS1, unlock her ult and save the LB tokens for her SS2, swap tama out for max LB S german ninja and hope aoi + seira recover can keep the team going until i'm ready to blast, or something else?
onegai, teambuilder anon
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I don't have :(

>Which Miya
I don't know, man. The SS one. I don't have S Miko. I have 10k gems, but I feel like I should probably save them.
>15-20$ for a ss of your choice
I would be buying that almost every banner if that was an option. Hell I'll buy it for 30$.
You could run DP build on an Attacker like your Yuina but any other Blaster with a destruction rate skill will out perform her for that role.
Well don't worry, you have a solid set of characters for starting off. Two years ago I started on JP with only two SS-rare (chie ss1 and miko ss1), very mediocre mediocre tier5/tier3 and I would be surprised if you have more issues getting through all content through chapter 3. I didn't even have any hangups.
i'd pay 20$ if they let me get a yuina ss2 right now. wouldn't roll for it though since i'm saving for AB. that's 20$ on the table they can get from poor old me right now. common yostar
Okay but I'm asking about a team for the event specifically. I guess what I'm picking up is that it literally doesn't matter and just level up anyone.
>Paid banner only has 7 units in the pool
You're not supposed to make the paid banner completely unappealing.
I guess I don't know what EN event is up, and that's more or less why I gave a general guideline on how to build a party with enough proper roles that can clear with what you have. If you have a decent "layout" you can even clear against resists.
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it's kinda unfortunate having my best attacker and blaster be the same character
That Ruka works. She's not bad for the attacker role, once they're dp broken she slays. The EX skill is a good od builder too since it's like 8 hits.
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I would shell out 20$ for SS2 Yuina too. Maybe another 20$ for SS2 Tojo, and another 20$ for SS2 Seika. I've been conditioned to buy selectors from GBF
I'm already at 29k quartz, I'll be at a spark soon. C'mon yostar, literally no point in me paying for more than a monthly pass at this rate. C'mon yostar, gimme some selector packs.
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>The event was Ruka going schizo over ____'s death while her friends just play along because they think it'll help her cope with the trauma
>Go ~60 rolls without an SS
>Clear chapter 3
>Get Yayoi on the 10 roll and Iroha for the guaranteed
I don't feel so good, bros...I guess at least Yayoi was just a random SS off a tenner and I can use Iroha for dark, but still...
my account is tama seeded, what do?
tcvgnh9uwmy3yro2 please...
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Slowly peel her stockings off.
About a month or so.
Posted this before but: This JP translator talked about why bad localizations happen and how they can be stopped
the solution is money but corporations won't pay for it so just give up and learn japanese
>got Irene SS1 from the second free 10 summon ticket from story
>she's the top tier in the doc from the OP
>switch to the "Tier List+6month" tab
This game has some really insane powercreep, yes. The +6 months thing is assuming we're getting same pace stay behind and not accelerated catch up progress too. It might be less than 6 months!
What's funny is that Ruka SS2 who is right next to her gone only 1 tier lower
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What do I do when heaven decides to give me 2 healers? And one of them is a hot butler?
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>It was a dream after all
>So it really was about her trauma manifesting itself in a dream
Damn girl
>Get Tama SS2 from the guaranteed SSR
>Get Tama SS1 dupe from the daily free roll
So this is what it means to be Tama seeded...
Switch to JP and she's back on the top.
Is there a reason to save my S shards or should I just use them on yunyun?
what changed?
yes but also get yunyun to at least lb3
Why does my yunyun always get one shotted? I've been upgrading her and her level is similiar to everyone else.
>First month of the premium package is free
>People already know the meta so people already know who not to roll for
>No actual selectors, just a faux one that picks from a pool of three
>Nobody's also buying the selectors because the super meta units aren't on there
>Top that with Yostar doing nothing to advertise the game
Yeah this was kinda expected. Granted it's not exactly all of the revenue, but it's kinda a given that the mobile market generally has more people and more MTX spenders than the PC market.
When is Asmon going to save this game
He would apparently need to clear through Chapter 2 within 2 streams, and he can't do that because he already spends 10 hours of his streams "reacting".
ya that's the problem i was going to buy the selector but then realized it wasn't even an actual selector.
I don't get why they do this desu its all jp year 1 units i presume anyways that more or less got powercrept and if anyone wanted one of them bad enough they'd of just rerolled.

hope we get a better pack soon to save us yostar's publishing is great but my god are they fumbling the ball with packs at this rate no one will buy anything but the monthies and just hoard gems till AB collab
Same boat. I was really excited to buy it then someone pointed out that it's still a random pool. Like what the fuck were they thinking?
ss2 seika irene ichiko account
ss1 yuina aoi ss2 ruka account?
They gave her ult a buff that makes it always hit weakness or something like that. I saw someone say global already has it and you have to clear some dungeon after chapter 3 to get it but it might have been bullshit.
Is the butler any good?
How do I check hits for characters, both for normal attacks and skills
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Alright Yostar, hear me out.
Before I Rise, sponsored cover, by Mori Calliope.
at this rate that's going to cost them this entire month's revenue.
Where are the Japanese shaman girls, Ruka?
el... psy... kongroo de gesu
they already paid one for a sponsored cover what's one more?
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I would've sooner suggested Bae, but then I remembered how she shit on Fire Emblem's translation during the only stream she did of it and that wouldn't go too well for Yostar.
That sounds hilarious is the vod still up?
Technically they paid for 2 for that cover. Also paid another vtumor for streams.
Do stats of lower rank units transfer as well, or only skills? Like, do I level up all of an A/S rank's shit, or do I only level up the skill part?
the only thing that transfers seems to be the ones without the (exclusive) marker next to it which is basically next to nothing in stats like 2 points.
Yeah but it was only two or three times throughout several hours of stream, she really restrained herself. It was memorable because she rarely complains about things like that.
Is the Step Banner worth it? Or should I just save for future banners? I already got Seika 2.
Noted, ty.
>which is basically next to nothing in stats like 2 points.
It adds up for characters who get a lot of styles. For the unpopular ones it is next to nothing.
so do we have any barefeet swimsuits in this game? or did they fail us footfags
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>installed because bored
>get hit by a pleasant theme title song already
i kneel...
There's one small problem. Basically everything that will release in the next months outside of the colab IS meta. You can't save for it all.

Seira ss2, Yunyun, Muua, Lolita ss2 (+the only real dark debuffer for quite a while), Adel + Mari ss2, Megumi ss3, Aoi ss2 (Byakko ss2 is also better than the new thunder blaster they released in JP "recently", but quite a margin)
It calms down past that, but even if you aren't accelerated, the next months will be hell if you want them all. Not like you have to get them all. Not immediately. But you kinda do want them all eventually.
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oshimaiii... NI DEKITARA
(onegai shitan daaa~)
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before you know it jun maeda will have his fangs into you. just like the witch who lured kids into the gingerbread house.
The weird extreme way HBR does stat breakpoints means every point matters at the absolute tippy top end of content, because a single point in STR can be the difference between doing 1 dmg per hit and full damage.
a large chunk of people will just save for AB, i don't think short term meta really matters anymore when we know what'll come in the next 2 years.
You're never going to get a better deal on admittedly purely random SS units than this step up banner. 50 pulls at reduced cost with two guaranteed SS units.
I just read up info on boosters in docs (wish I did it earlier so I won't waste GP to buy 'em every time new ones are added). Is Muramasa (STR+57/Other+19/0 slots) really worth it? Can't you just use say Unbroken (VIT/SPR+31/Other+29/4 slots) and equip 4 HP ATK III (STR+5) chips instead? The difference in STR will be just 8 points but other stats would be much higher.
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I can give her the skills from her alts
That's awesome
Out of all of these that you listed, which are the most most most meta? And I assume it's better to get all of the styles of 1 character, if you can swing it that way, rather than spread them all out.

I just want like a universal team. I've seen people talk about crit pierce, and that sounds pretty universal to me. But then I've seen people say that there's apparently some Dark team that can always deal damage too.
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Top is the upgraded version
2 years from now Japan will be two years further ahead and have even more insane bullshit to save for. If you base your whole pulling schedule in a delayed release gacha around future powercreep you'll never pull anything.
you could but nothing matters for attackers besides str and dex unless they're at risk of being 1 shotted.
Bros these chapter 3 mountains are making me want to fucking die.
How do i see hit counts for attacks?
that's assuming we don't get accelerated releases which is very likely we will given how many units got thrown at launch. if yostar wanted to keep pace they'd of just kept it at a 200 pity and given us nearly identical to jp launch.

I think they know that's going to be a stupid idea because if you wanted to play this you'd of already done so on jp.
>everything is meta
I'm sure montly packs will be enough right? I'll get both. Though in the end it really depends on whether we get an accelerated schedule or not.
I'm not too concerned about full meta to be hones. Mainly focused on Yunyun, AB collab, Adel SS2 and Megumi SS3 for now. Everyone else, even Muua are not a priority.
I've been using the hbr.quest site in the OP
Doubt it, they timed this release perfectly so seasonal units will actually release during the proper season (it's 1:1 release month with when JP released stuff) I'm pretty sure that's the only reason we got moved forward as much as we did considering maeda's autism
>I'm sure montly packs will be enough right?
Personally skipping Angel Beats entirely outside of my free ss1.
I do wonder if we'll be getting a quicker pace and by how much.
if they aren't doing accelerated releases then them putting the improved pity and the increased rewards in event shop wouldn't make sense.
Why would they openly say they're increasing the global rewards to make up for the time gap between servers then just keep it at a 1 to 1 release schedule.
Pretty much all non JP servers started +/- around this point. I guess they think it's the best place to start, where you don't miss much of what's already been released, and there's a lot of good shit coming in after the release.
JP stream soon
It would also be a problem when they catch up because they can't suddenly increase pity to 150 and people would probably complain if the gem income became worse as well since it'll be tracked by people with autism.
Damn. Its ok though, I've already mentally prepared to whale for the characters I want.
no one says they need to go super speed that wouldn't be healthy either. But say 3 banners in the span of 2 for the first year then slowly dwindling it down would be fine.
I'm sure there's a ton of rerun rateups and dead weeks that they can just skip.
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>8+ unique yaps when you go the wrong way
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I went and tried every other "wrong way" thing after that and it was apparently the only instance of that happening
There's at least one other instance of that happening, but it's also in the prologue.
Based off what I remember when I looked at the debut list from the doc in the OP there's a new banner every 2 weeks roughly with 2 SS characters and some having a third S as well with some exceptions being 1 SS and 1 S, and the unison banners being the only new SS.
Yeah, JP format basically is
Event banner > 2 weeks > off-banner > 2 weeks > event banner
With additional banners sprinkled in due to some seasonal/celebratory reasons or awkward month breakpoints.
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I just did all the steps of the 5-step banner, how shafted am I?
Yes I picked Tama only for the game to give me two of her in the same 10-roll later
Playable but I would reroll.
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Guess I'll be forced to like this bitch or something
depends on how much you like the waifus. honestly that's way above rate since the 5 step banner only guarantees you 2 ss, and you got 6 overall.
If you're a metafag just reroll i guess.
What is the fastest/most efficient way to level characters? Is it Flashbacks?
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Should I stop rolling and start saving?
I still don't have Yingxia S or a good debuffer...
No reason to roll for an S, just "get lucky" with the event S tickets, each event has 5 S+ tickets.
haha... nice troll. you aren't fooling anyone with aoi and seika ss2, especially with the ice duo.
honestly pretty gud unless you're a turbo autist
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Eh, I can live with this then. I wasn't planning on rerolling due to being plagued by technical issues, but this is just reassurance
This is good. You'll get some random S debuffer from free rolls later.
I was so close...
>increased event rewards
That has a different reason. HBR did a change to events during half ani, where they removed certain SA (aka SC) rewards and put them into the event shop instead, so they are essentially permanent. Some quartz, also some gold coins as an example. Instead SA would now provide you with event coins.

This way, later joining people would still get these rewards. So all they did for global and china was doing this change from the beginning. SA wasn't until the third month of JP though, so technically you did actually get some better rewards for 2 events, but it'd be REALLY weird if they'd be the sole exceptions.

Every event as of the swimsuit event as such had the same rewards that global gets: 1500 quartz, 5 S tickets, 3 gold coins as the major stuff.
what's the actual gameplay of this game? the only screenshots I've seen are of a VN, but how could a VN be a gacha? and do the lesbians actually fuck or is it more "oh they are really close friends and have never had boyfriends isn't that weird haha"
Ok but why does Aoi have a fucking pet tiger in her squad?
When is the update to the way reincarnation bells work? EN is still missing that QoL change.
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Why does this look like a tenga?
>what's the actual gameplay of this game?
3 (6) niggas in a row
Made by WFS, it's kinda like Another Eden's combat, but a bit different
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It's not a pet
I have a really hard time breaking bars.
>and do the lesbians actually fuck
Ruka (the protagonist) is actually a lesbian, she straight up say so.
It's yatteroyanaika
Use skills
its her pillow cushion
Hopefully not until you are at that content. It's not really QOL, it's actually a power boost once more. I already think they fucked up by giving you access to the default max level 120, SS levels and keys. All of that shit isn't balanced around the content you'll get for a long time.

The bell rework made it so every reincarnation level actually gives you +1 to all stats instead of +1 to a single stat, effectively making it equal to character levels. It's REALLY powerful, considering stats are basically everything.
HBR kinda does a yearly "everything gets stronger" thing, though this year was harmless compared to last year.

Of course, if global's publisher actually cares and reworks your SC to be more aligned to what memorias and level cap you have it'd be fine, but I... doubt it. When does such a thing ever happen.
If you're talking about when she's messing with Yuina she was just fucking with her, unless there was another time that I missed or have yet to get to.
>Check the game out of curiosity because nothing is going on in the gachas I currently play right now
>I'm already hooked even from the prologue
I hate this, I already have 3 other gachas....
It's more of the latter. But I was told that the future chapters get more serious with lesbian relationships. One of the girls also straight up grazes Ruka's pussy with her fingers just to check if she actually pissed her pants out of fear when she claimed to have - so she can tell if she was lying or not by sniffing it.
>Pull on the Fire banner
>Get mahou shoujo Tama
I didn't even know she was there. Now I have all her Memorias.
It's actually a spoilers for later in JP
This game is family friendly yuri no explicit stuff or it won't be allowed on steam.
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this is nerfed on steam
How do I level fast bros...
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Is there a good single target fire welfare in the events? I have Ichiko and SS1 Tsukasa, but my only fire attack is the aoe from summer Ruka.
somebody swap codes with me..
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how much more of Jun Maeda do i need to consume before i become immune this shit?
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Alright but fair warning I'm a wagecuck who's progressing really slowly.

jesus christ what the fuck I didn't know jun maeda was such a sicko
i think clannad was the worst of it, can't really get much more depressing then afterstory
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the other guy replied first sorry bwo..
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The other hand didn't even consent.
I saw that unison art, yuina'd better be getting some action.
Ruka is a man.
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>first JP stream after this general's creation
>everyone is still too busy catching up to watch it
Oh yeah? Where's her cock?
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Just finished chapter 1. Have I even got a hope of getting a decent score in the current event in the next 22 hours? This is pretty much the best squad I have.
Inside of her, it's mine.
Inside Yuki
It'll be a year before we're caught up sis...
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I am at chapter 2 day 5 like its hard man I need to take my time
I mean, what's the point for an average EN player to watch it? To see the content they'll get in 2 years and have a chance to get randomly spoiled on chapters that aren't currently in the game?
Literally every gacha general that is behind its JP/CN counterpart still watches new content streams, it's part of thread culture...
You don't need a good score, you just need to clear 61/10 for the main reward, which will easily be doable if you grind some flashback / event battles to quickly get yourself to level 100.
>blow Isuzu ear
>lick her neck
Ruka please
I think you should be fine. Just increase your levels in the event's flashback battles. You could also try to do some progress in chapter 2 to get better boosters/chips but that would take a while.
I started this game a few days ago and have been slacking big time (had my tutorial battle). Are there limited-time things I should be doing?
I'm not talking about dailies but things like a mini-bonus event available within the first x amount of days of starting the game.
>grind some flashback / event battles to quickly get yourself to level 100
Do you just blow your entire stack of life gems on this?
If a guy goes around doing what Ruka does to other, you fags would be screaming gay faggot asap
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gay faggots
Today stream is basically about the new monthly story event and should be safe to watch. But do note they have story spoilers(there is a warning message before spoilers are shown) especially on chapter release streams. So watch at your own risk en bros.
You get a lot of exp for doing them, and the exp scale becomes massive at higher levels. It shouldn't take more than 20 gems' worth of battles to hit level 100 if you're fighting the strongest boss you can beat in the first event.
Everyone here is a little girl
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what does she think they are, the ELS from Gundam?
Newbro here.
I got SS2 Chinese dress, SS2 yankee girl (main squad), SS2 swimsuit blond girl, the SS1 loli and the crazy girl.
Is this good enough to stop rerolling?
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>you will never be an intelligent cancer, seduce her into becoming your lover, and betray her while gouging out her other eye
Why even live?
Would it have killed you to use actual names?
Damn you Maeda, i'm not supposed feel sad for a tiger
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My progress after finishing chapter 2. Rolling all of those Tamas kind of hurt.
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I regret ever complaining about the short training sessions of chapter 2. Please. Please give those back. Anything but mountains.
I'm only able to fight the level 2 flashback bosses that only give like 1 level for 5 gems at level 70, how do I unlock the higher ones? The requirements just say ???
>Hear Indigo in Blue for the first time
fucking hell, I wasn't ready, I had to just sit back and listen for a couple minutes
Yes i don't want to die
Any JP players here with an invite code? Need one for the 1000 quartz. Here's mine if anyone else also started JP version. y0abko14dvex7ea8
oh fyi some of those loot locations have bell for reversion or flashback passes. So you'd better not miss them
do more main story its always the goddamn main story.
Playable Asami WHEN?
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You wouldn't get it...
>log in
>game freezes
>alt f4
>claim for real
I hate this gamepaly loop.
Anyway, please use my code onegai.
Megumi's "seyana" does things to me
how much more main story unlocks higher levels? I live in a shit timezone and have IRL shit to do so I basically have 3 hours left of actual playtime before the reset, and I don't want to skip story

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