Dead Thread Edition>Steam Page:>Where to give feedback and report bugs:>latest patch:>How do I git in?Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.>How do I git gud?Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.Additional Resources:>Unofficial Wiki>New Player Guide>Advanced Movement Guide>>502876812
The black woman of Valve unoriginality.These are TWO different characters.
>>503037234Inferior to monster girls in every wayThough everyone isSo it's nothing against htm
it's so over
>>503037086My beloved gargoyle wife
When are they buffing purple items?
>dead threadngl i want to play, but im waiting for bigger updatesthe "content" drip feed is too slow for me when i really want to see how the world's story ultimately developsgame is great, but i need breaks from competitive games and im currently binging on another game that came out 2 weeks ago
I really love trapper, very fun and you dont need to be good at aiming at all to play him well. Hope he gets added sooner than the aids lizard and cat nigress
How the fuck do you look someone up on deadlock tracker? I want to see his fucking partyAll the enemy team profiles are private
>>503039526sorry but my hold Q method on calico will be your downfall and I will achieve 100% uptime on silence and stealth.
why is there forced 50 in unranked?? Why can’t I just play fair games without having to prove to the system I can carry retards? I don’t give a shit about muh skill and elo if the game is just unfun
hopes for the patch?
>>503041793Anything more than just balance adjustments and slight map tweaks. Feels like that's all we've gotten for months
>>503041769there is no forced 50 you colossal retard you're just not as good as you think you are
>>503040320Hope they were retarded enough to not hide on tracklock too.
>>503042263Tracklock can't load match data atm for some reason
i fucking love paradox bros, super fun character. makes shitters seethe too
>>5030417932 new heros introduced into herolabs along with new testing items. Any of the new heros being added into proper matches aside from Viper or Wrecker. Any adjustments to match progression I don't really care how specific the changes are current state is real wack.
>>503042075>these are the kind of yoshi cocksucker downplaying contrarians you have to share the general withgas all autists
>>503041793::::Hopes::::Haze made useful again.Split pushing and ganking made viable again.Jungle made viable again.Deathball meta broken.At least one hero fully released.Some visual updates to heroes with placeholder models like Bebop and Yamato.::::Expectations::::Slight map tweaks.Slight item tweaks.Another hero lab release. Tiny tweaks to hero balance.
>>503043405>random words strung together in a meaningless sequencei accept your concession
>enemy wraith seething over my lash>no improved spirit armor to go with her lifesteal so she can just trade with me>instead opts for slowing hex and curse and constantly fucks up using them and feedslol
>>503043842>can’t understand englishoh it’s an esl too
>>503043927Wraith seems to have the most people misplaying her. It's like they died to a fed wraith and assumed she got fed by brooling(she was ratting)
>I build for assassination rather than multi ult so I shouldn't get unstoppableThis is a really stupid haze mind set. You should build unstoppable anyway so you can assassinate target without getting cc and blown up
I am 3-4 in ranked, fighting HARD to regain my Archon rank. I really feel like it all depends on your teammates. I think if I were paired up with Archon players rn I'd get pretty much the same results.
>>503042646Yeah broken characters are usually fun
>>503044356Oh and fuck pocket, he's in every match on the enemy team and he's the slipperiest fucker in the world. I would like them to force the TP on the cloak at the very least, even if that wouldn't fix the problem.
>>503044543Your silence glyph bro? You're still seething from last thread?
>>503044932Oh, good shout. And no, everyone hates Pocket.
>heal tons as Kelvin and keep everyone alive>does jack shit because team still does no damage>so the Haze goes 1/6 instead of 1/10I really like healing but I don't think I can keep playing this character in ranked when I get multiple teammates who only have deaths as a score with 0 assists or kills
>try to play one ranked game>matched with fucking oracle on my team (was ascendant 4 last week)>Oracle loses lane as grey talon>Oracle rushes headshot booster>Oracle comes to my lane, can't take tower because he's super behind so I roam and cover pushed lanes, 50 seconds later he dies and ask why I left >Oracle does a fucking point blank owl RIGHT IN FRONT OF AN ULTING WARDEN>Oracle has lowest souls, 2/6, 100 objective damage>My haze rushes echo shard melee hazeI am so fucking done with this garbage gameEvery fucking week it's "gee I wonder how the devs are gonna ruin the fucking game this time"
who won deadlock fight night
Every time i go against Gray Talon or Geist in lane, i get restorative locket as my first item. Every time i go against Bebop, Abrams or Lash, i get Reactive Barrier as my first item. And i always win the lane. Getting Reactive Barrier as your first item feels especially silly, since if they ever try to fight back you just get so much barrier for that point in the game that they can't really do anything, and locket against ability spammy heroes essencially means that you have two HP bars before 10 minutes. I highly recommend these strategies
>>503046104>Play a game in an invite beta testing phase>HURR DURR WHY ARE THE DEVS MAKING DRASTIC CHANGES TO TEST THINGS FOR A WEEKCould be worse with horrible metas locked in for months
>>503046237we did, lots of shitposting occurred as a result
>>503046436Maybe not make utter dogshit changes no one likes?Is that too much to ask?
I'm playing in a region with fewer players than average (South America) and thanks to the dwindling player numbers i'm actually playing with the same people over and over. Like, day after day i keep getting the same people in the matchmaking. I'm starting to learn their play patterns, the heroes they usually play, how good they are. It's actually... kind of nice? It reminds me of playing in community servers back when those were still a thing in games.
this has been genuinely the most unfun 2 weeks I've ever had with this gamestarting to see why people are leaving in droves, I just don't see this getting better judging from past patches
>>503046664From the guy who makes dota? Probably.Most of the changes anyway are community suggested which is the problem because people who play these games are typically retarded and just suggest to make a mechanic either incredibly tedious or broken for a character they play. Please run the urn across the fucking map while muted silenced and fucked up the ass because that's fun. The vocal minority is slowly ruining the game.
>>503047137>>503046664Just stop playing. I legitimately don't understand why you people are like this, is it just an addictive personality? It's an unfinished ass game in an invite-only alpha, if you're not having fun to the point where you constantly complain about it online, then why are you playing it? The game gets updates nearly every week, if you think the current meta sucks and is unfun, just wait literally like a week or two for changes. Go do anything else with your time that isn't playing a blatantly unfinished game you don't even like
>got a haze teammate in rank>Uhhhhh haze suck now but I gonna pick her anyway>Uhhh I refuse to build unstoppable, sleep dagger haze is the onlyJust fucking peak suffering on top of our Abram being useless all game and a haze that never go online. Who give a fuck of they "can" get metal skin. You have better chance of doing damage that doing stupid ass sleep build that goes nowhere
>>503047185I make great changes doeTODAY
>>503047423Yeah and while we're at it we should have 2 urns so less people on the winning team can have fun and add teleports to opposite sides of the arena so it's more tedious and unfun to snowball win but harder to stop instead of fixing the ability to snowball really hard and win because the losing team is getting throat fucked in their base because every "building" is terrible. Also lets add the ability to headshot the "buildings" so they're even weaker. Clearly the community is a master of game design and don't just suggest things that are either only fun if you're winning or making something tedious to try to "nerf" it.
>>503047395it's because it was once fun, and now it is not, is that hard to comprehend?
>>503047971I do comprehend that, my point is that you don't have to play if it's not fun right now. Usually it sucks to stop playing a game you like because the current meta sucks, but this game gets patches almost every week. Just take a week off dude. You're going to be happier for it.
>>503047971It was only fun when everyone was bad at the game, at it's base this game doing meta shit is terrible since y'know it's a beta and widely unpolished and unbalanced. The only reason ranks were added was to appease retards thinking it's a finished game for some reason.
Siphon bullets on Warden, yay or nay?
I was watching a video about the new version of Train they added to CS2 and man, does it look good. Valve is really good at aesthetic design. It's one of the things i'm really looking forward to when it comes to Deadlock, i feel like the map's final version is going to look really pretty.
>>503048645Certainly wouldn't hurtWhat would you be replacing for it?
pocket with items is practically impossible to kill if you dont have slowing hex, silence or curse. even then if he has kinetic dash he can ape around until it wears off. very unfun to play against. i bought superior duration silence + curse just for a faggot pocket player and he had the audacity to complain, rofl
>>503050410>Counterbuilding worksNo shit. Why are you still complaining? Two threads now of your bitching.
>>503050484suck my cock faggot pocket player
>>503050484you are the most powerful defense force for they/them bussy I have ever seen
>>503041793Curse stopping Viscous's ball againVindicta Fire-Rate nerfsViscous fire-rate nerfs
Round 1 predictionsGo
>>503050038Probably Crippling Headshot, which is my second T4 unless I really, really need Curse.That's the thing, Siphon Bullets is great but I feel like it's outdone by other T4s. It's such a competitive economy for items lategame
>>503051156I kind of wish items had more variable prices and or more complex recipes like ib dota. some 6200 items are just a scam. maybe more 7450 and 9200 items, some 6200 items get a little cheaper and weaker idk
Hunters aura only seems like it's worth buying on Abrams. Anyone else could probably benefit more from literally any other item.
>>503051156Crippling headshot is probably better for warden due to his mixed damage
>Left click heroes dominating the meta>People are bitching about Pocket and DynamoLmk when you see either of them melt your walker or drop 20 kills.
>>503051149bit of a stompAlso I don't like going against a wraith in lane, that's so much god damn shove and damage to deal with
>>503052730dynamo is literally a left click hero
>>503052730these posts are just extremely low quality bait at this point
>>503052831Just run enchanters or reactive barrier against Wraith if lane gets too obnoxious, also play behind your trooper when she pushes lane up it makes landing her cards harder
>>503052970No it's just suspicious how much whining there is over spirit heavy characters when we're in a gun meta, almost like there's insecure shooter kiddies shitting up the thread 24/7
>>503053015She only got me with her ult once, but I was eating cards constantly, but managing to keep the wave below my stairs thankfullyI just couldn't fight her the way I wanted
I don't care if it isn't that impressive, it made my dick twitch.
>>503053365Im impressed anon, very nice play
>>503053124Pocket is a lot of things and a spirit heavy character is not one of them
>>503053365Should have cubed that stun, if Yamato went for heavy melee right away instead of shooting you wouldn't be able to parry
>>503054157You wish, woody
>>503053535thanks>>503054337yeah I was gambling on beating the stun rather than cubing it. She probably thought the ivy would've got it.
Vindicta is built for bbc
>>503051459>>503052441Yeah, just one of those things.I'm also kind of caught up between Crippling Headshot and Spiritual Overflow; I think the former is better because I can apply it in the middle of an ult and it still counts, rather than needing to proc the extra spirit before ulting with the latter
>>503054820Big bLash cock?
>503054820christ this general is quickly becoming unusable
Any ETA on getting to queue for a chosen lane? I hate going Solo
>>503056689Get duo partner, in ranked beg for duo lane, quite often people actually prefer solo lane because they have bully hero
Why don't more people run melee charge on Haze? This shit seems absurdly good for her laning phase / early game
>>503049705hope deadlock doesnt look too fancy, i feel like the simplistic artystyle wasn't hurting it's players at all and also itd be pretty nice if they decide to add like a map editor and stuff like that, it's basically impossible to make a cs2 map without a big team of people
dead game see in you in 18 months when the soft launch has no one interested
>>503039513Thanks for the blog bro!
>>503047137Viper killed my interest in the game.I only played to fap to Ivy but a snake lady is just so much sexier and now Ivy does nothing for me, why play?In all seriousness the character's sliding gimmick is so fun but I can't justify jumping to my pc at a specific timeslot just for a CHANCE to play the only character I have fun on anymore in an extremely unbalanced game mode. I can definitely see myself coming back when she is added and has a cool skin where she has a cowboy hat or something. Until then I'm only really here for art and patch shitstorms
>>503058161>Expecting valve to be able to handle new IPs after artifact>Hand every big streamer a beta key and ask them to only share it with close friends and not stream it>Have to publicly release the game in a shit state 2000 years too early so every ones burnt out before it's an actual game playing a version that's literally broken on a fundamental levelName a company that makes worse decisions. Name a company that survives more on brand loyalty that it's been burning for years.
Round 2Predictions
>>503059686team with the wraith wins
Cold Front should deal more damage when used by KelvinTesla bullets should deal more damage when used by Seven
>>503056689There should be an option to choose "duo" or "solo" in unranked queues. I play Dynamo and solo lanes can be outright unwinnable but in duo I can shine. Same with Ivy and Kelvin. Though Ivy does OK in solo because of her kit and gun.
>>503059686Left wins
>>503060864>>503059929We certainly did
Round 3Lets-a-go
>when my own teammste dynamo quantum entanglement you as Yamato in middle of power slash as well as mirage out of his tornado and single handedly loses the fight
>>503061628I'm rooting for my wife Ivy, left will win
>>503061628I vote for Vindicta