Previous: >>502749750Official: https://booru.inkgen.moeBuild analyzer: https://sendou.inkPool code: inkgen>News• Version 9.2.0 patch notes:• Drizzle Season is on until 11/30>Media Accounts>Map Schedules and Seed Checker>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
wtf the patch nerfed all the good weapons
fat veemo is 2,300lbs...
stop using the nerfed weapons and pick up what was buffed lmao
honestly you're better off playing 2
I love Aori.
>>503045726I love her big butt.
runnin' in the supermarketno one can stop her
woomer sluts
>commissioned woom x yeb art as thread imagecomfy restored
I don’t like the uncharged fizzy buff :( now it outclasses curling even more
weyyos huge butt
soo... Is the vshot buff noticeable?
I thought of something that'd make a funny joke but I can't draw.
>actually good freelance teamUnbelievably good feeling.
No fatties allowed beyond this point
fat woomy
>>503056969all those seanwiches go into her buttspats... overburdened...
>>503058452she's in her bridal gown!
>>503058580But who's the lucky ceph?
>>503058723Agent 3!
>>503050619I dunno, unless I fucked something up, there is zero difference. But I don't see how I could have fucked it up when left (orange) was captured before updating the game.With faster fire rate it should have emptied faster, but it's the same down to a frame. Unless they buffed ink capacity as well to compensate.
>>503050619>>503059418Better view of the range, seems the same too. I don't get it.
>>503059085But Agent 3 is shtinky-
>>503059418firerate was never mentioned in the notes, only projectile speedwhat concretely changed was the speed at which the bullets spawn and how long they stay at max speed (SpawnSpeed and GoStraightStateEndMaxSpeed) which indirectly affect their rangealso there was a shadow (or maybe just untranslated) buff to accuracy (Jump_DegSwerve and Stand_DegSwerve) which was probably adjustment for the range increaseall just to say you should check instead of eyeballing
>>503059562it's a 3% increase, it's marginal.
>>503062150only the speed increase is 3%, the range is said to be "extended" and is around 6%
Yebby buffs...
>>503064817but woomy can't be too fator she will be banned from the arena!