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>PoE 2: Early Access December 6th
>PoE 2: Teasers

>PoE 3.25: Settlers of Kalguur (6 Month League)
>Necrogurr Event

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat
/global 1488

poop of excrement
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based diablo 4 campfire chat today before poop 2 poop cope stream! HYPE
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Poops of Excitement
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>10 hours away
>Blizzjeets already spamming
Today is gonna be good.

Fingers crossed for Templar Reveal.
speedrunning the campaign isn't really a skill check unless you want to reliably get a time signficantly below 4 hours.
They will 100% polish the turd
Sunk cost fallacy is no joke
please define what a skill check is then?
poe1 shitters will stay poe2 shitters, there is no magical redemption for those people in a game that is mechanically harder than the one they are a shitter in
>poo 2 releases
>it's casualized diabloized dogshit
>dies 2 months after release
>people go back to poo 1
>GGG has no idea how to handle the situation because poo 2 has been in development for 7 years and they need to recoup their costs so they cannot just drop the game
>poo 1 gets a league every 6 months while they are trying to push people back to poo 2
>it's not working
The next year will certainly be an interesting time for this game
tyty said the guy he was sitting next to at the la event was stuck on an act 1 boss for almost an hour.
>an act 1 boss
>not even THE act 1 boss
>it's casualized diabloized dogshit
this seems unlikely
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where the fuck is he GGG?
I can't play marauder. What kind of little bitch looks at a stone saying "We decorated our meeting houses with the heads of their citizens" and then be like "Omg dominus was so evil taking my family away from me. Praise Kaom. I'm going Scion and speccing her into a two handed barbarian.
It's already looking like d4, they want the mainstream audience this time around so QoL will be a big focus.
why is that cuck alkaizer talking shit about /ourguy/ tri?
gone back onto the redesign board for the 4th time because jonathan saw something cool somewhere to put in his game
yeah that was talkative tri, the footage is still up on youtube.
he was playing warrior and got armour first from the tree instead of damage, and kept fighting Draven for an hour despite being routinely one-shot instead of doing anything to fix his items or build or re-farming a level.
so many casualbabs are gonna get filtered by poe2
its going to be glorious
the early screeching from existing players about zones resetting on death is going to be even better.
>level scaling
>class specific loot drops
>skill twig
>6 skills
>diablo 3s endgame
>best builds are literally bugs
i don't think ggg are capable of making something as bad as d4.
i find it shocking that exactly these casualbros are pro poo2 because they think they have an advantage in skill, when in reality it's just hubris
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>phone wakes me up
>answer phone and say path of exile
>go back to sleep
>phone alarm is still accidently on
>type path of exile into it
>it doesnt work
>throw it out the window
today is the day for chaos
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>Doomer has been spaming that poe is dead for years, while the game was completely fine
>By bruteforcing poe2 and focusing solely on it, poe will ACTUALLY die
knowing not to fight a boss undergeared like a retard isn't a casual issue. for example the Chinese culturally react by farming if they a struggling with a boss.
Tri seems to have sperged out and gone full OCD because he was playing a live event.
Yeah but why did they show the Marauder, Duelist and Shadow?
Was it just some intern putting in the wrong clip?
tri is based keep seething faggots
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nah they did that shit on purpose the same way they kinda hid the witches face and body prior to her transformation, they are sneaky fuckers and they are based because of it
jonathan reacted "oh you can do that" to the chinese stuff, like he didn't think about it
pretty sure they will nerf the resets of the zone to drop lower or no items to make it so you can't overgear the campaign constantly
T*lkative Tr* your grift will soon end.
Nobody will be interested in your clickbait channel
based on the legend of the incredibly dicksucking shoelicker
that trailer is from years ago.
tri videos filter midwits, he's like gog
zones are instanced.
>your not allowed to be level 3 in a level 2 zone!!!
doomers are retarded.
>zones resetting on death
It doesn't happen anymore though, they added checkpoints next to boss
not what i said.
it could easily be that once you reach a boss checkpoint and get fucked by the boss that the loot drops get scaled down in earlier zones so you can't just do the chinese method on it
explain why the models for all other characters are updated then
campaign gameplay will feel so trash by the last few acts, it's literally just "run to zone boss, complete zone boss, go to next zone" for 100 zones straight
this is one of the most retarded things i've read in awhile.
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>if you see adverts its so i dont lose my house
The vision has got him
my guess is that the actual campaign(10 acts from poe1) ends at act 3 or 4 and the rest is basically poe 1 map completion but in a more story focused way
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>You're STILL misrepresenting this.
Are you jewish? you sure act like a fucking schizo kike.

The chinkoids did 1 attempt on the boss, died and Immediately decided they NEEDED to go grind to over level the boss instead of trying to out skill it.
Jonathan was confused why they immediately opted for this strategy instead of at least attempting the boss a few more times first, had nothing to do with them re-clearing zones.
>"Why would they just leave after a single attempt, I didn't think players would do that"
zones will have "catchup items" (IIRC skill gems) which only can drop once. so if you die a lot and reset you will get more XP and your skills won't be underlevelled.

but even in the LA demo, Tri could have probably just gone and spent his accumulated gold on gambling for items and he would have been fine. he just wasn't assessing why he was failing.
retard zoomer
atlas completion*
>me, then we have kripp
what a clown
>it's literally just "run to zone boss, complete zone boss, go to next zone" for 100 zones straight
So... exactly like Maps?
why would they want to stop lower-skill players from bruteforcing their way through the campaign?
I mean that is the fundamentals of how arpgs work
surprised hes surprised
if you would prevent players from doing that that would be even more stupid
blizzjeet sticks out like a sore thumb
>tri opened the valdo box faster than anyone else and without help
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that's because he made a soulslike not an arpg
there is no grinding in soulsilkes
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>woke up
>blizztroon already in spamming on cooldown mode
kek today goona be bloodbath
>there is no grinding in soulsilkes
you're either a no hit sl1 tier godlike gamer or you cheated somehow
The schizo seems very nervous today, is he not confident that the livestream will be good?
that's the eastern equivalent of attempting to run past all the monsters and dying because that used to work in PoE1, then asking for dodgeroll to give phasing.
>east: expect success from putting in more time mindlessly grinding easy tasks
>west: expect success because you complained and the authorities lowered the difficulty to keep you in your safe space
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yeah it's going to be fucked lol.
i'm glad /d4g/ was able to hold on to their thread for almost 9 days so i can make fun of them later.
calm down xister, do your shot of hrt to relax
Doomers lost.
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Chris Won.
The VIsion Won.
good post
you don't grind experience to beat a boss, you just grind deaths on the boss until you learn and beat it
what is the poe1 tool called that records my times per act when I speedrun? rax has been using it.
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>it's true...
it depends on why you're failing the boss which is better.
pinnacle bosses are bosses where the whole idea is to grind to beat them.
>league every 6 months
Nice i can finally get a mageblood
this man was genetically engineered to make retards seethe, from birth
in PoE, yes.
In soulslike, no. My whole point about this was that jonathan was confused why chinese players went to grind, because to him poo2 is a soulslike not an arpg. and you don't grind in soulslikes
I just want to punch him once or twice
yeah but specifically in reference to tri getting stuck Jonathan acknowledged that they needed to prevent players from falling into "balance holes" by guaranteeing a minimum level of drops.
it really is possible that Tri was unlucky with his drops, the issue is that he didn't react to the evidence that he was undergeared.
>this man was genetically engineered to look retarded
can you (you) the schizo posts? i literally can't say which you mean because this general is genuine shithole
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So sisters wich class are we starting with and why?
>wich class
that one
will poe 2 be woke
Lmao, that's my post.
I usually didn't argue with him much, if at all, but his constant mention of D4 and sleepoch for no reason made me expose him. Genuinely obsessed
Remember when reddit was coping about poe2 fixing every problem that 1 had?
They have been hyping up 2 for so long, failure is no longer an option
If it fails we are doomed
Yeah, poe 2 gone full woke...
Holy samefag, you ARE mindbroken
poo2 gonna fail niggas
You know I realized why I hate him so much, it's his retarded smile.
So this is how the liberals feel about trumps face huh?
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Bed time, see u later frens
what if poe2 is actually good?
not happening chud
Trump's forced smile face doesn't look like this goblin, thoughever?

if the PC gamer article wasnt a false flag gaslight about what classes we have this is my first 6 playthroughs

gn fren EU bros are up now
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Just a quick 8 hour nap
what the hell are these chud boxes?
does everyone who gets one make a unique item for poe2?
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i don't see how it can't be good, even if it's bad it will still be in the top 3 arpgs.
the only real competition it has is poe 1.
can't wait for the 40 minute video where he talks about this post
Which ascendancy are you starting and why?
Marauder here. Always played them and want to see if they fixed melee since that's the reason they made poe 2. Spoiler: they didn't.
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>when the hrt kicks in
Poe2? Livestream? What are you talking about, anon? Let's go farm some perandus coins.
this nigga evil as hell bruh ong
these threads will be filled with posts claiming it is bad until the day Blizzard ceases to function as a company.
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Will she be playing PoE2?
Anyone seen her newest blacked content?
god i love dominant older women like you wouldn't believe...
>he burned all the bridges with ggg in a single video
he really like it
germans are so boring...
interesting bit i got from it is mercs skills are actually reloads, for example you want frost bolt? you use right mouse button then use left mouse button to fire it very interesting how different the cross bow is

he said he couldnt stop playing it after getting adjusted to it for 30 mins basically this >>503064474
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sure schizo
>what if poe2 is actually good?
It's almost impossible.
It could be good if given a few years to fix all the major problems and make it practically a new game.
As it stands, they don't have that time.
Game is already years late and there isn't enough patience left in people.
New players, D4 and last sleepoch rejects will get filtered.
PoE veterans will get disappointed that it's not what they wanted it to be
That's leaves almost no one left that is happy with the game. And they need at least some happy audience to gobble up slop and finance the fixing of shitshow that is an unfinished, bady thought out game, 5 years in the making.
They either release PooE2 into the wild and let it fend for itself, while going back to PoE1 for finances (to eventually fix PooE2 over time).
Or they go all-in on PooE2, murdering PoE1, the company and making tencent step in.
>You can't be sure about any of....
Screencap this, we can talk about how I was right later
im not reading or screencapping that shit
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didn't read
and it will never beat poe1
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>100k before poe2 livestream
let's go
t. solded @ 59k
if poe2 succeeds
chuddies won
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What matter is that I am right, not whether I get views and karma on my post.
You people are twitter/reddit brained
Stop the brainrot before you start chimping out about moving to bluesky
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going to beddy bies lads, gonna have sweet dreams tonight and wake up nice and early for the kino stream
did we have any game with another 8 year dev cycle release this year? wasn't there one? con..cord? how's that one doing?
gnite poe chads. tomorrow we feast.
>poe2 stream is tomorrow for americans
lmfao suffer burgers
enjoy the poop sar
Great. Never heard about it in my life!
>1 shit and 4 piss till the stream
you retarded or something? stream's live around 3pm burger time
its today for me bitch i win
i repeat, you retarded or something? it's the same day for burgerchads.
didnt read because i won
based retard
oh yeah? read this, bitch.
*smashes your face to the curb*

get the karui elemancer pack before its too late, we will be using different elemental skills and the armour will change, cant really be done in poe1 because we specialise in 1 element skill

its like they accidentally released this pack too early
im snakechadding it up with the serpent GOD
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it is one of my favourite packs as well
poe2 will be big in asia
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lightning warp got butchered
poo 2 is gonna fail just because of this retarded "muh long walls of text are actually le good"
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you never beat poe1
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>4 years ago
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reminder that poo2 is in development for 8 years
>8 year dev cycle means it's an abortion baby coming out
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what's so fucking funny you disgusting piecies of shits111
an 8 year dev cycle was a cause for concern 20+ years ago, it's pretty much the standard now.
and 8 years ago was them shipping 3.0, so year of r&d and preproduction, year of work, reveal at exilecon, covid, expand the scope of the game. not really out of the ordinary.
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look at other games with an 8 year cycle
they are trying too much and feature creep comes in and kills the project with rot, accomplishing none of the goals fully
sounds very much like jonathan the leprechaun to me
>schizo tries to imply that poe2 will actually be concond 2.0
>bootlicker troon trying to roleplay a doomie
>nooo you can't hold rpgs to baldurs gate 3 standard nooo it's just not feasible to make such games!!!!
>nooo poe2 is in development hell nooo it's a scope-crept abortion baby!
kys blizzdrones
i am the concordposter, and blizzard is ass, that doesn't mean ggg can't be ass too.
In what world do you live, where either ggg or blizzard MUST have one good and one bad side? they both can simply suck.
all i want is for poe1 to receive the same level of support as it used to.
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>i am the concordposter, and blizzard is ass, that doesn't mean ggg can't be ass too.
>In what world do you live, where either ggg or blizzard MUST have one good and one bad side? they both can simply suck.
>all i want is for poe1 to receive the same level of support as it used to.
not that guy, but nice try.
i just wanna know why people think this is a partisan thing, both sides can simply release trash games for unrelated reasons, and d4 being bad doesn't mean poe2 has to be good
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>outs himself as the brownschizo
>calls everyone out for schizo
>starts samefagging himself
lmao this is just sad
ggg has never given me a reason to doubt them
yes, that includes 3.15 and 3.19
are you retarded bro
>as it used to
assuming your meme 8 years number is correct, this is what ggg produced when poe 1 was their only focus. poe 1 has had more support and higher quality content after poe 2 went into development.
You're talking to the person I described in this post >>503062025
6 acts
multiple ascendancies per character
templar stealth reveal
new trade site

screencap this
apparently i am. let me spell it out: poo2 looks like ass, i will try it and probably laugh at everyone seething over it
That does not mean that i jack it to d4 or even play it viguriously.
i check out d4 seasons when the poe league is dead, and they are ok for a few days but it's very devoid of content
Reminder He's below 80 IQ
Even more samefagging from brownschizo faggot. GGG derangement syndromehas truly rotted his mind
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check your emails
open your boxes
get your goodies
welcome sis
this, all the best leagues were made in parallel to poe2 - and they all were beta-tests for poe2
>he hasn't seen the video of jungroan one-shotting packs with poe2 lw
the best leagues were made in parallel to poe 2, that is true. But they were made at a time where poe2 was far out and not a priority, now that poe2 actually has to deliver they are losing their way, they have been losing their way since 2022 i'd say
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>need 90mins for twitch drop
big content i guess
>multiple ascendancies per character
this is almost necessary in some cases, e.g. sorc and witch pretty much need to ship with 1 ascendency for each damage type.
>oneshot with an ability that exclusively deals damage to half dead monsters
wow nice explosion you got there, just need a way to trigger them, would be a shame if it was painful to do so.
it's going to save a lot more than poe1, anon
I dont fucking get this guy at all
he just materialized out of nowhere at some point, without any following, any community, anything
and just started shilling like a fucking robot
does he even play poe1 at all
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so poe 2 was on the backburner for years, wouldn't that mean an 8 year dev cycle is ahead of schedule?
it's amazing they were able to get so much done.
ggg cultists are insufferable.
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>the autism schizo is back for more
haha.. time to bully the retard out of this thread again
i uhhh... cast fireball?
it wasn't on the backburner, more like they had no pressure to release so they could balance resources as they needed
which is clearly a luxury they don't have right now
/d4g/ needs your bumps
go back
based. don't bully him too much we still have 2 weeks to go
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Hype is off the charts right now lads
poe2 looks really bad so far
>he definitely hasn't seen it
he was one-shotting pack with undamaged monsters when there was one monster in cull range
Try to be a little less obvious with your samefagging
it's up
so basically you are just a retard?
yep so how do you get that one monster in cull range? sounds like CBT gameplay
i uhhh... cast fireball?

hello bootlicker
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yes, anon, i am 100% retarded for ggg mismanaging and killing off all the good will they built up in the leadup to an obviously shit game.
you got it, good job. have a gold star!
i love how good the summoner looks.
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>summoner OP

>butthurt harvest tranny alert
we can still make our bis mirror tier 3 res booties...
we can still become real women
>path of pokemon master
you are clearly retarded and you sound like a schizo.
>5 months ago
surely they weren't nerfed into place where jonathan feels good about releasing them. by that i mean they will require multiple different active skills to clear.
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flop2 confirmed, looks like 1 but with glow added just like ai art has. not to mention how fuckin shit it will run for the majority of people judging by the fact how incompetent the optimization is in the first title
>xister got filtered 2 weeks before the release of EA :skull:
walking while casting and turning your character looks so stupid lmao
they fixed the optimization issue by tuning down player power a lot, instead of 50 projectiles per second you get 5, and the 5 is the upper limit
same with monsters, in poe1 you kill as many monsters as you fit in a screen, in poo2 you will pull monsters and small packs, MMO-Style
jonathan... how about you allow the players to edit game files so they disable certain effects like fog
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it's basically a turn based game at this point
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>he hasn't spent 500$ on poe
>he won't get into poe2 EA for free
NO you cannot customise my game! You WILL play the way i want it, and when people glance at your stream they WILL know it's MY game. You WILL play with bloom, you WILL play with fog, and you WILL not move UI elements.
You thought Chris' vision was bad? Just wait for the Woodful vision!
minions will still be gear-dependent af in endgame but for the campaign it'll be a very comfy style and at least there is some room to apply skill now.
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PoEG told me the bosses were going to be insanely difficult and filter millions but the ones in the video got trashed easily and they did no damage
>apply skill in an ARPG
i see no issue with this. Poo2 will succeed! :-)
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never appreciated breach for levleing bros...
is this game good
>bout to fomodrop 160€$ on poo ee without seeing new packs
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13 years ago when chris was still posting here, i told him to kill himself and somehow he doesnt value our bond, by gifting me a EA key. Meanwhile some literally 'who are these fucking faggots' get a super fancy puzzle box and the ability to design a unique or div card.
only if you're over 135 IQ
only if you sit with asians at the lunch table
Or under 70. There is no middle ground.
Chris has left GGG and is just there so the community doesn't lose their shit.
The """accident""" during affliction with paperwork?
He tried to sneak out, got caught, and they backpedaled.
He gave a shoutout to us during the 3.15 apology tour.
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poe2 or warframe 1999
So you are telling me, if chris still was the boss, i would have gotten my key?
what am I gonna play to get level 50 in necro settlers
warframe is and always will be one of the worst games out there
Yes, that is correct. If he was the boss and if he still cared you would have gotten into all the closed NDA betas, even.
I don't know
Is there video evidence?
That is somehow very calming. So you are also telling me China-Jonathan is the enemy?
I am not telling you he is, but from what it sounds like that's the case for your personal pov.
I dislike jonathan too, but because of different reasons. He has spiteful gamemaster vibes ("You're not playing the game like i want you to! You WILL play like am telling you!") and his unbridled hubris.
Octavian saved PoE and PoE2
tarke almost killed PoE with harvest
Tarke is a faggot.
Octavian is also a faggot.
>dive hour
>run 10 maps
>get 2 div

wow, I literally spent more on the scarabs
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Magic Chess
He won.
We won, bald faggot lost.
It's ok, Chris is out now and Jonathan will give me my deterministic crafting that I deserve.
>that Jung video
kek they turned spark and lightning warp into melee skills
mr. jung check my pob
dad gaymers lost
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I made this post and I changed my mind since
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Stream today
who here /hype/
listen to jonathan talk about crafting and despair
>scouring gone
>alterations gone
>chaos orb changed to add a mod, remove a mod
>alc always puts an item to 4 mod rare
>the plan is for you to pick up ground loot and use a chaos orb to add/remove mods to either make a ground item good or toss it
>rerolling maps? nope, better just get a new map if you got brick mods on your maps
You were retarded back then and you are just as retarded right now.
Least obvious discord raid.
Is this real or are you having another shizo attack?
6 hours left
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It was my post actually and I haven't changed my mind.
This is real, there have been multiple talks about this. People are gonna be in for a treat. It makes sense too, how else do you make ground loot matter?
You mean like there are literally no swords in the game real or actually real?
actually real
they have been pushing towards a reworked crafting system for awhile now. recombinators are the future.
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Recombinators without alterations
The new instant trade action house is all that matter, Jonathan has already admitted that nobody will accept a game without instant buyouts. I'm just going to buy all my gear and never pick up any item that isn't currency to be sold on the currency exchange.
Fuck i have literally no clue about recombinators because i hate chasing them bases. Is it hard?
I love my fractured, essence and meta crafting.
>no sword
lmao pajeet still pushing this dead meme
How do you suppose good items will go on trade when nobody can make them?
Belton quit because he saw the writing on the wall.
you VILL listen to that faggot's jonhnyboys voice
you VILL buy the "free" EA
and you VILL like it
nice tiddies
Tarke motivated to make content because of ideally wanting to work for GGG (or in game development in some capacity somewhere)

Networks with Chris Wilson during exilecon, goes for dinner at Jonathan's place after exilecon where he is asked if he would like to go to the GGG studio (obviously with future hire plans being the primary reason). He then asks if Octavian could also visit the studio with him since they both had aspirations to work there (basically trying to look out for his bro so he isn't left out).

Octavian and Tarke already had a league plan in mind to pitch to GGG for potential employment credentials (garden and seeds league idea), LARGELY reminiscent of Harvest League right now (so it's obvious GGG used the idea, at least to some extent). They pitch league idea while over there.

While Tarke and Octavian are at GGG headquarters, Chris Wilson begins to come up with a plan for them working there, telling them of one year work visa to work there and basically "trial" at the company. (Nothing completely guaranteed and set in stone, but nearly so). Tarke leaves GGG studio under impression he'll be working there.

Tarke has many discussions with Chris on discord in the weeks/months following, nearly guaranteeing employment, even with Chris inquiring on whether he'd be able to move there before Christmas.

Talks with Chris about employment eventually decline to a halt over time, Tarke begins to wonder what is going on. Talks with Octavian about it and Octavian had none of those concerns and was fine. Tarke then goes directly to confront Chris about it and is given a "Uhhhh yeah about that position for you... It's been filled already" reply (perhaps "confront" is a tad bit strong of a word to use, but you get the picture).

Ending TLDR: Octavian gets hired, Tarke doesn't. (Ouch)
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>can barely see her feet
ok i'm with the jeets PoE2 SUCKS
this, holding RMB and moving the pointer in general directions was peak kino
I am sorry Trevor Gamon. You are national treasure for exposing the Six-Act-Lie for the Three-Act-Truth it actually is.
>How do you suppose good items will go on trade when nobody can make them?
If there is no good items the game dies with overwhelmingly negative steam reviews, which would be hilarious to see and even preferable to the game being playable.
>talk to employer
>employer wants you to start
>don't immediately move there because ???
>just yap over discord without doing anything
>omg they screwed me!
tarke's a cuck
honestly, the bar for what constitutes a good item will just be ridiculously low, 1-2 tier 2 and 1 tier 5 mod = good item, with the rest being dead. Just like what currently drops.
doomer hypotheticals are so retarded.
unbridled hype hypotheticals are so retarded, they never come true
the jeet melty later is going to be amazing
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any hype in the chat? any hypers? are you guys also hyped? please be hyped my job depends on it
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6 hours until kino.
I don't think he had any redeeming feature. What would he contribute to a company? There are already god knows how many people working there who can pitch ideas to baldo and Jonathan.
chat get your N-words ready it's about to pop off
when poe 1 launched items were dumpster tier, the crafting bench wasn't added until a year after the game launched.
>even if they make the make unplayable shit it's impossible for it to fail!
You faggots are worse than the d4 jeets.
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>zizaran didnt get the box because of his "i want to watch movies on the second screen" comment
get bent faggot
there is literally no hype lmfao
Is this the same pedo? Haha wtf >>503059583
Who is he exactly?
That is correct, and it took them years to fix itemization to a point where the game was playable.
Weirdly enough the game became only popular and somewhat big when itemization was at a point where you could reliably make good items with according effort.
I would not wanna go back to early beta PoE, or even pre 2.0 PoE
it's almost as if poe is a live service game
>9 day old thread
lmao go back
stalker 2 was shit, what do i play until the 6th?
>Who is he exactly?
That is Trevor Gamon, the "mobile fall guy" from exilecon 2019. Since PoE Mobile got shelved for now he is now heading the PoE2 console development.
He is the guy whi spilled the THREE ACT TRUTH and exposed the SIX ACT LIE, he is a national treasure. You will NOT besmirch him.
>he doesnt know about the Jonathan Shuffle
Sorry but he looks like a pedo. Nobody stares at boys like that
I can't wait to see the hypetrainwreck that is brewing. I need to get popcorn.
6 hours
1 hour?!
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61 hours
>6 hours to go
>already drunk
>they are unaware of the announcement of another delay
is ziggyD doing the post-showcase interview or some other shill?
ZIGGER FACKING D same as always
Its the fattest community something in the world: Bex
g'day guys ziggyd here with jonathan and mark for our q&a session
they are making fun of us again
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you have been blessed by anime booba, poe2 is going to be kino
>linking your own thread
man the stream is hours away and this guy is already melting down, almost feel bad for him
why is the ggjeetlicker flaseflagging again
poe2 is going to be kino but why does that child have such ample knockers?
Shit man, i desperately need /v/ to validate my existence.
Also you fucking homo made that thread, didnt you.
better question yet, what is she using them for?
ggjeetlicker tranny falseflag operation failed
troon is literally talking to himself
She's a dragon. They're fire stock
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holy fuckin corporate bootlicking
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GGG bootlicker troon false flagging and well poisoning is fair game
Cringe, I admit.
But everything is fair and love and shitpost
He's got the honor of his favourite multi billion dollar chinese corporation to protect
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How do we cope if the presentation is awful?

I'll be going with the "I was never hyped for PoE2 and always knew it was going to be bad" route.
Holy cuck
uh oh
jeet melty
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i feel like campaign is almost surely going to high production values. from what we've seen it just looks like they've tried hard to make epic moments, cool environments and so on.
but who knows about endgame shit.
Fren, I guarantee you it will be a success.
ey retard if you make those screeshots, halve the size of your browser, to make them more readable. you are welcome. kill yourself.
all that manpower is wasted if it goes into the campaign. The 4 hour campaign being bad was never the issue why people hated poe1
brownschizo havin' another little melty melt :)
this. any mere suggestion that poe2 won't be perfect makes the poejeets spam seethe.
there it is
the mass reply
tears behind smiley face sar
Is Carlos in the thread with us, posting right now?
He's giving off some serious bootlicker troon vibes ngl
yeah that's pretty much my fear. the campaign can be the best thing, the game still won't have longevity without a proper endgame.
brownschizo back on his bullshit
all timer melty incoming when blizzard gets btfo again
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>still 6 hours
>still 16 days
very stable sane individual
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You can tell when the autism schizo is mad he starts samefagging and pretending to be different people
damn the blizzjeet is completely mindbroken 5 hours before the stream even starts kek
its gunna get much worse buddy, hang in there
qrd on the jeet lore?
>returning to what originally made poe interesting is despair
kinda glad poe1 fags ruined their game so we get poe2 as a whole new game.
holy poejeet melty
>i'm worried dat poo2 wont has proper endgame
me too, the endgame in poe 1 is pretty sparse.
HES in the comments of the other cock sucker
ggjeetlicker tranny scrambling
>macaco brazilian having an opinion
>/poeg/ general, talking about PooE2 releasing
>Can't wait for blizzard to get BTFO
HAHAHAHA, he did it again!
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How much HP+ES do I need for Uber Lab?
I have 3.4k HP and 1.4k ES
I got one-shot by this shit
Yes I was running in circles before this, didn't know he had that attack
Deeper than PoE lore
so you think poe2 will have as much endgame? lmao.
just dont get hit lil bro
>schizo still samefagging his own post
Pure mental illness lmao
>he will rather drive the game to the ground than surrender to "casuals"
poe2 looks extremely fucking casual, like their main goal is to appear to the casuals now
without any dmg reduction at all that might be like 5k (without any buffs on him).
it's pretty much the only dangerous thing he does. it can actually be a bit hard to avoid because he spins before doing it so it's hard to tell which direction he's actually doing it in.
goodness no, everyone knows poe 2 won't even get out of early access. it's going to get thousands of negative reviews and they will shut down the servers.
>she doesnt frostblink and shield charge on cooldown
sisters???? you play a game made by faggots who put garbage to make it le hard?
>browniod projecting their skin color again
A little dash of brown to boot if you think that's older than an adult's mother.
holy ESL
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>A little dash of brown to boot if you think that's older than an adult's mother.
Time passes too slowly
do something
They want to cash in on the disappointed diablo crowd. Idk why they are making the game that looks and feels the same. Diablo cashed out on people who bought it, poe is f2p.Except early access
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ralakesh my son you did it again
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>A little dash of brown to boot if you think that's older than an adult's mother.
>Less than 6 hours to the greatest happening since 3.15
This is just Jonathan's vengeance for BFR talking him down while he was the boss
He's bringing the whole company down with him. That lunatic is the agent of chaos
jonathan didint work there prio he never even played poe1
this is what jeets actually believe
struck a nerve, eh, favela macaco?
poo1 almost doubled it's player base post 3.15, so this is a good sign.
He didn't play it, but he worked on PoE1
And with PooE2 he's gonna have his sweet revenge
Culminating in a dead game with a 6 months long league. Yeah, great sign
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>He didn't play it, but he worked on PoE1
what kind of a fuckin developer is that supposed to be
Barely anyone on GGG played the game. Neon and some other guy. Bex had a level 30 character or something, and claimed she played the game
i want to play as classic paladin but have a gut feeling they somehow will manage to make it boring and bland as hell
Only solo indie devs play their game.
Chris played the game. He was a Marauder
whats going on here why they be like that?
>they somehow will manage to make it boring and bland as hell
stop samefagging jeet, d4 lost
>Culminating in a dead game with a 6 months long league. Yeah, great sign
they did the same thing leading up to 3.0, somehow they managed to hold on for more 8 years. i'm sure they will be fine.
stop your projecting and take the L little buddy
doomsissies are already frenzying, do you think they'll start popping blood vessels when the stream begins?
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damn its a good day less than 5 hours in 6 minutes for the stream

>A little dash of brown to boot if you think that's older than an adult's mother.
the fuck does that sentence mean.
why is there so much seething
shouldnt everyone be happy that the sequel to everyones favorite game is coming out soon?
I decided i will download an h game, goon a bit and be ready in time for the best stream of my life.
bros....... I literally can't wait bros........... bros...............
i am a doomer and all i do is laugh at the hypefags, i will laugh especially when the happening starts
Yes, you did. Please apologize.
wouldn't your time and effort be better spent dooming a game that is actually doomed?
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any hype in the chat? please dear god spend money on the game so it doesnt die and i can keep streaming it

it's probably one dude with mental problems trying to stir shit up and farming (You)'s. He doesn't even reply to posts, kek
Did you REALLY think this would work? How boring and small.
Bootlicker troon can't wait for the stream.
Blindly rushing to his doom
Remember to bring me some sweet seething posts when poo2 turns out to be a D4 knockoff
You'll always be welcome back in PoE. If they don't murder it completely for poo2, that is
You went full time?
How do you even alive without hype? Maybe you're already dead and you're posting as a ghost
Bros its -10°C outside and my heater failed. Its so fucking cold, my legs are starting to feel numb. If i dont make it to the stream, tell chris i would have liked it and also to give ziggybitchd a wedgie he will never forget.
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>go on poe2db.tw
>go to currency
>no mirror
>no scours
>no alterations
crafting will be so fucked
lowest sustain pathfinder build
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>shouldnt everyone be happy that the sequel to everyones favorite game is coming out soon?
pic happen
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So comfy
It's just an ai chatbot, sissy. Poe babies love ai shit.
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please... the hype... my work enviroment depends on it
We all like PoE, we just hate GGG.
based melee god
yeah thats the problem, I like poe1 and not whatever poe2 is shaping out to be
being a sequel doesn't mean "same game but better"
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I like PoE1 (one), not poo2
the niGGGers weighted the storm amulet so its really rare now because people use it for trickster.. sorry cuck. buy poe2
>tfw /poe2g/ is faster than /poeg/
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do I
it will be faster at reaching page 10
That's for sure
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Another less hour to go
What is your guyses opinion on the removal of the most iconic poe1 currency: the mirror
absolutely, both the serpent and kalguuran MTX are good, forgemaster station decoration is kino and summoning an anvil while crafting with currencies is fun
No, wait until the stream later today. They will announce how you get beta to PoE 2 and there will probably be new packs
the more packs you buy, the more content they will add to end game
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Hello /poeg/. It's me. Michael Jackson. Reminding you to shitpost reasonably and be nice with your fellow mazies. Temper your expectations for the livestream. And most importantly, remember to have fun. Hee Hee
Why would you quit your job 8-9 MONTHS before official release?
Current ones are going away as soon as they show the new ones
that's very optimistic, release will be in 2026 earliest at the speed they are going right now.
i got the karui elemancer the one above that i dont regret it
>your 12,500$ ruler of Wraeclast pack has been added to the pool for Chris' black lotus collection
>thank you for your support
>Hee Hee
>Not Tee-Hee
Fake as Michael, probably some white ass cracka playin with us
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>Chris' black lotus collection
Threadly reminder that all of GGG's profits are bing chilling and have been for a while.
There's no way they're going away tonight, I don't believe it. It would take at least until a new league launches, or in this case until PoE 2 launches but even in that case why would PoE 1 cosmetic offerings be affected by PoE 2 cosmetics?
well, both poe1 and d4 will die today
is he mongolian or a downie
Even $1.6 is too much.
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quin bros...
they are yearly core supporter packs, times up chuddie.
>well, both poe1 and d4 will die today
d4 died long ago, PoE1 when they went all in on poo2
It's only hopes of poo2 being a good game dying today
worse, a blizzard employee.
poe 2 doesn't have maps
At least he has played the game before. Pretty funny how Quin hasn't gotten a box though
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But once its gone its gone forever......
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>It's only hopes of poo2 being a good game dying today
>mirror removed
is this true /poeg/bros?
On the brighter side, crafting has been gutted.
So nothing good to mirror anyway
Oh I guess I was wrong. That's kinda weird though. I guess they're announcing some PoE 1 stuff as well?
I haven't bought a supporter pack since Abyssal Lich
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what vidya we playing while we wait
if that's true then poe2 is actually doa
will poe 2 have legion
Packs are the same between games, core fomos you by removing current ones before you can see the new ones
You really think they won't have separate core packs for PoE 1 and PoE 2, that's 50% less money that could be earned!
The Bazaar and also just doing some comfy simulacrums in PoE, hoping to hit a 3 or 1 passive voices. Only hit 1 5 so far and some 7s and I've done like 50+
What do you think they'll show? My guess is probably a new class?
i hope so. copying other peoples items is gay and mirror shards are worthless in ssf
stalker 2
>have to clear hundreds of enemies in 10 seconds
not a chance, only 'meaningful' combat is allowed now
meant for >>503084505
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Weird West
legend of the dragoon
Chris does not collect lotuses
1 lotus
2 loti
Good taste. I should get back to it, stopped on disc 2.
>Idk I just think he doesn't
i started playing it again back in the day i was too underleveled to beat the final boss and couldnt grind my way out cause i was locked at the end
>The Bazaar
Is it any good? I like autobattlers but spending 30 bucks on one that might suck seems excessive.
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It is quite a bit of fun. There are keys given away in certain streamers streams like Kripps. I got a key from a friend, but I definitely enjoy it. It is pretty buggy though, mostly small bugs that are just annoying but I did get a pretty dumb one last night.
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He collects tundras. He has every variant ever made, even one of the 2 pre alpha playtest tundras.
He also collects misprints, there is a YouTube video of it somewhere.
He has flashed his black lotus on stream though.
I'll consider buying it if I get too bored, I can't stomach spending dozens of hours in kripps stream hoping for a free key
Showed it off to ROODY iirc
That would be pretty miserable, yeah. Will probably be a decent time killer in the wait for PoE2.
He did, it was an absolute kino video to see Rudy and Chris together.
since its poe2 day, heres a free bazaar key
based anon giving away a key, though I already have one.
Yeah it was kinda shocking to see it pop up while I was in a MTG phase
Thats ver, ki-
Anon, i ..
what is this
its a virus dont redeem
Extremely based, thanks anon
Absurd, and it reminds me of that other guy doing it when Expedition released. People might lose interest in watching poe quickly. I can imagine that it's a game you would rather want to play yourself than watching it.
doomers absolutely shitting in their pants rn
GGG knew Quin would be too much of a dumb nigger ape to actually open it, so they didn't bother
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is this like FFtactics/triangle strategy?
I'm in, time to lose 20 games before I figure out what the meta is
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Why are they called exiles is Poe2 if Oriat is gone?
The suffering of your fellow citizens has finally... stirred something.
3 hours and 47 minutes
He collects misprints and non-basic lands
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train wreck incoming when the hype train for poo2 abruptly falls off a cliff
retail is hype
this is not
Exiled from Ogham
act 6 is called "Path of Exile" and this is where we will earn our namesake
just dropped a massive vessel of hatred lads
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why is he mentioning campfire first
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blizzard is doing a campfire cope before the poe 2 reveal.
because he unironically got filtered by poe and hes permanently seething inside whenever he has to play it
The Bazaar might actually be the first game created by a streamer (Reynad) that is actually good
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Can you feel it, anon?
feel what? did you shit yourself again?
I'm impressed we didn't get a big leak.
nobody cares enough to leak anything about this shitfest
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Oh I'm feeling it alright.
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>reply 1 minute apart
I know you're replying to yourself, this is just sad
The cooldown on /vg/ is 90seconds without an image and 120 seconds with an image.
this roleplay is getting ridiculous
stream today will be such a sweet sweet disappointment
I like rollslop so I will never be disappointed
do neither and play some based poe1 instead
there's witch so I'm already sold.
Witch gang ww@?
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finna do some magic up in this bitch
How do I redeem it?
Stream when????
Step 1: Go download the Bazaar launcher.
Step 2: Make an account.
Step 3: Redeem.
It looks like someone already got it though.
do not do it sar
Is there any point in going for the weapon specific nodes as a melee focused two-hander scion? The passives closer to the center seem better. I'm getting back into PoE after discovering that it was in my steam library with a few hours played.
SOON (in about 3 hours and 20 minutes)
Looks like it
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do people typically get these codes from sites like humble bundle?
Oh, okay, thanks. I thought it was a PoE2 key
The Bazaar looks like Backpack Battles, I'm on their website.
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We made it bros. Hype day is here.
In this case, Bazaar codes are only available to people who buy into it, since you get an extra code IIRC. I personally don't own it yet and haven't kept up with it in a while. The game is supposed to go F2P when it releases and this is just for the beta.
Yeah. It's an auto battler, but it actually predates Backpack Battles.
do i really have to buy a console to do couch coop? i already have a pc capable of playing the game
you can do couch coop on pc
nothing, it's just insecure faggot gibberish
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Then they should probably update the Steam page to reflect that.
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i gotta get some controllers
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Doombros...we're going to feast.
gee they should probably update the steam page with more info about the game too instead of the minimal teaser stuff thats on there right now!!!!!
this guy looks like a literal low-test incel kek
why was this deleted?
Sooooo like every PoE player? The only streamers who don't look dysgenic are 4'6" tall so their features are squished and they look somewhat normal with the camera zoomed in on them.
jan is tran
Because he's been going full-retard for like an hour now and finally accumulated enough reports from all the other posters and lurkers to get a mod to slap him a bit.
He'll be back in 5 minutes after he cycles his router.
>He'll be back in 5 minutes after he cycles his router.
hopefully that will be the case, that post is very based
My bussy is ready to be bullied by the new core packs, those thicc packs will stretch me out so good.
>you will convince people poe2 is bad or you're fired!
ggjeetlickers assemble hype train
Its going to be a disaster. Theres a reason why BFR jumped ship.
The level of PoE 2 game knowledge is 0 right now. Once everyone figures out the meta the game will be solved like PoE 1 and everything will be easy.
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>tfw chris is the anti tranny schizo anon
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Jonathan will bend the knee and make PoE 2 ezmode. Nobody will play some soulslop rollslop ARPG. That's not what ARPGs are for.
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*saves videogames*
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the ez mode is PoE 1
announcement of early access stream guys
the game is not out
make sure to buy our poe 1 supporter packs to get into early acess
poe 2 is not out
but yea we promise, just buy our poe1 packs
buy our poe1 packs to get into early access more than 2 weeks from now guys
even though we stopped updating poe 1
you're buying poe 1 supporter packs
poe 2 is not out
but yea we've stopped making content for poe 1
but buy our packs for poe 2 early access guys we promise
no charge backs
because technically it's for poe 1
sorry guys no refunds
*refuses to explain further*
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It's been known forever that devs post here. Neon is the one who replies "retard" to every comment he doesn't like and reports frogmode.jpg whenever someone posts it.
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That hat is too big.
Pretty sure everyone has caught up on his bullshit but they're too polite to call him out.
poe1 zoomslop is not successful because its good.
its because its all we had for a decade.
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Holocure will have more concurrent players than PoE 2 if they try to make it a skill game.
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where are the puzzles
its ok its a beta
theyl patch it
Not to burst your bubble but thats also me
it's not even like his skills are polished enough to seem like he's been hired by GGG.
the frostylaroo guy who makes ironic anti-blizzard videos to promote D4 is much more plausible.
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Retard. Once something becomes a meme it belongs to everyone.
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I wouldn't count SEA residents as "players"
Post the vid
holy SOVL
I post retard everywhere tho
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They genuinely DID browse /v/. That is how I got a close beta key. There was a thread about the game and they were giving codes away to people, and you might assume it was one whale who bought a few but I think over a dozen were given away and I got one.

I played the game for an hour, said it was fucking trash, and uninstalled it until Harbinger and now I am at like 3.7k hours.
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>every longtime PoE player says PoE 2 is dogshit
>only paid shills trying to get a cut of the cheddar are saying it's good
It's not looking promising bros....
quin littlebro no box bitch..we know you are mad af
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Wilson you based faggot
every longtime poe player is legitimately retarded
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Chris is the Karlaposter you know.
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>trichad got a box
>quincuck didn't
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Chris just pretended to head up PoE 1 so people would still support GGG while they had to delay PoE 2.
Otherwise most people would have dropped support until PoE 2 release which would have fucked GGG.

His master plan will be revealed today.
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never kys tr/a/nny
I hope you fags know GGG is giving streamers dozens of keys to giveaway so there is no point in buying some $30 pack
its actually fucking over
GGG struck a deal with elon to bring over the blizzdrones
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Now that he's finally been hired by GGG will PoE stop being garbage?

We've all spent >$480 and have guaranteed keys kiddo.
Oh boy can't wait for the drones of retards here, on reddit and forums complaining of leveling the character every 4 months.
I'd love to see Elon's terrible PoE build
He'll RMT. Like come on.
smell like doomschizo falsefagging
2 hours from complete humiliation and meltdown.
Remember, this will be a humiliation ritual and nothing else.
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Imagine doubting a lifelong turbo autistic MTG player.

Elon will play PoE2, it's inevitable now WTF
and he'll win
who gives a fuck
Campfire chat?
if elon gets a box imma lose it
yep and wow launch
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Always bet on black
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ah shit poe bros going mainstream
my lorewife noodle got a box
Poet's Pen...
i fvking kneel... so fvking zased...
No he won't lol. He only played D4 because it was a clicker game he could cheat at that requires ZERO skill whatsoever. D3 requires 100x the skill of D4.
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>Hi, I'm Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games
someone show me the Lycia apparition from the immortal pack
this will decide everything
she is most definitely ftm
>Buy an account
>Do the usual "rollslop" gameplay that even "gamers" can handle
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What competitive aspect would he go hard on PoE with?
Deep Delve?
He's currently obsessed with time trials on D4, PoE doesn't have anything like that, so far.
Unless you count the Lab Ladder.
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I don't think soulslop rollslop walk-backwards-all-the-time-kiting will be fun
>people here say they dont want skilled gameplay in poe 2 cause its daunting
>also proceeds to shit on d4 for not requiring skill
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>another day of ggg burning what's left of their reputation
No one is saying that
People just want a fun clicker game that they can pretend requires skill but actually doesn't.
I'm reminded that Grim Dawn added a "Dash" function later on but it ended up being fucking useless anyway since it's better to use other mobility skills.
When will people pretend that there's only one kind of "skill", I know this website is disingenuous shithole, but it's kinda tiresome.
>nine inch nails
what the kek is this
zizaran is live, go watch him talk about how much fun zooming is and stop shitting up the thread
total ziz death
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manliest current year norwegian
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what went wrong poebros?
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Reminder, this is a mathil general.
>mathil poe2 starter baits
we are going home bros
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Saars I have been warninged by the Modjanitors and I have been reformed i love PoE 2 now sirs!

This will be my facing when i am seeing the PoE 2 reveal stream at 1:30am new delhi time this coming night/tomorrow morning!

I will not be redeeming the D4 stream today, it is no good sirs!
i read it as "mathil poe2 starter baras" and was fine with it
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Reminder that Chris is a long time /b/tard and even made the MTX for Mageblood be an homage to the famous goatse.
what would the kid of a poe enjoyer and player couple look like
Zoom zoom builds are good for casuals or those short on time. People complaining about "the speed meta" are reddit-level retards.
Can someone post a picture? I don't use x(formerly twitter)
its elonia trump asking if poe2 is super good or medium good
I thought it was another delay kek
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Quin Box Status?
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>Can someone post a picture? I don't use x(formerly twitter)
I tried to warn you.
As much as I hate it, it's probably going to sound like that
>elon will stream poe and post league starter pobs
get me out of this hellish timeline right fucking now
>ftw some retard streamer + their viewers watch all stuff in poe1 category and miss all drop
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put the word cancel infront of any x link in the future you scrub
your formerly twitter account is now banned btw
>not actually shaving
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Both are closet fags however and thus not our guys.
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In the mail.
there's no evidence that poe1 requires more kinds of skill than poe2, or that D4 requires more kinds of skill than poe1. so the poe2>poe1>D4 ranking is pretty reasonable.
Kek Memethil don't miss.
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>we will see Chris Neon and Jon get skinned alive by the triads after poop2 flops and buries the company
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what if it is just another 15 minute segment of low level campaign stuff with cringey jonathan voiceover
its not
Its a 90m+ presentation.
They said its gonna be 3-4 hours inc the QnA.
It's over 90 minutes long
6 cum till stream
fuck i'd better have a bath now
I have not seen a single PoE2 opinion piece that is 100% positive from actual PoE players.
they're showing mapping and revealing a reworked atlas tree that focuses more on big risk/reward rather than just adding content + increasing rewards
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Because high iq poe players aren't like blizzcattle that will blindly praise everything regardless of quality?
well yea we've seen 0 end game
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bros the stakes are too high tonigh, i can't take the stress
one game
two poops
>based chad with good money spending it in what he enjoys
>this drives the jeets into a mazed rage
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He's coming.
We haven't seen anything yet and the people who got to playtest it are basing their opinion on outdated beta builds.
when are we getting romance league?
I need to kiss my wife gianna
How can she be your wife if she's my wife?
That's an NTR league.
Penis grabber, don't open
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god I hope its more developed than those horried +15% phys as cold/fire/lightning shaping nodes in ruthless.
Why can't GGG have organic non shill interest in their games?
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mr 1gram smoked his brains out, even poe2 is not casual enough for him, you gotta be at least 85iq
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whats this about
New supporter packs
prepatch for poe 4.0.
>put the word cancel infront of any x link in the future you scrub
but your link has cancel after the "x"
It's the dlss and fsr patch
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I wonder if Aris got a puzzle box, it's probably sitting on his kitchen table, unopened for a week.
they are buffing ogre magi
my bad after
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He's too retarded to open it anyway. Bless his Hagrid looking hairy ass.
Lifechanging stream inbound.
What goes through the mind of such giga beta males?
because the organic non-shill interest in things that exists on the internet consists of non-internet personalities.
bold claim
two games, one shilling campaign
>ignoring things you were shown to praise the things you invented in your head
Blessed Arnis
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bros, it's 4:30am and I couldn't sleep because of a fucking video game
I'm mid 30s, and have a full time job, why am I so stoked for this?
It's amazing how much hair can do for a guy
Mathil looks like a 10/10 with hair but he looks painfully average here
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End game will not exist, they'll try to add it later.
The game won't survive for their content patches 2 years in
Jonathan is a NIGGER.
That's all
(if they show good endgame in tonight's presentation, I take everything back)
no one cares, kangaroo shagger
Define good endgame.
I had $40 of skins riding on the infamous 1G game, I'll never forgive him
I don't fuck what I eat
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>t. street shitter
What would your opinion be of PoE 1 if you only got to play Act 1 and 2 for maybe 30mins.
Would prob think the game is dogshit.
It's too late to sleep, so stay up and watch with anons.
I played back then, and it WAS dogshit. It only got good later on, probably by accident. An accident they won't repeat, i am afraid.
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he probably has a garage with all kinds of power tools and will open it with a band saw
Maps akin to the ones we have in PoE1
If it's some bullshit run the same area 2ooo times with barely any mods, quant, rarity, atlas passives for league mechanics etc. then it's cooked
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dump the LOTR arpg trailer
>ignoring what you see to praise the thing you made up in your head
Mental illness, brother.
I still don't know what made me stick with this game back then
I can't imagine myself grinding in A3 right now tbhdesu.
Was D3 really that bad that PoE felt superior?
d3 was worse than you think.
there are countless autistic faggots that are willing to sit weeks in h/o crafting
gauntlet showed they can pretty easily set up some silly shit for bosses
what if they have map bosses get different abilities every league
they already said campaign layout would change between leagues why not add a little spice to map bosses which generally arent affected by league content
they won't do that, since mirrors are gone.
this genuinely sounds based
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I played it when Dominus was the final boss and it was kinda ass but it was alright because nobody expected some literal who company from new zealand to actually make something good.
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>the RMTers are gonna get real jobs because the crafting is different
I went to bed early but didn't even set an alarm and woke up for it
Like 80% of crafting stuff is gone. It will be all about picking up a good enough stuff off the ground and slightly modifying it
It's not some profound revelation but I've come to realize that the people who already hate PoE2 don't enjoy learning new shit but rather enjoy already having the knowledge. That's why bow zoomers are at the spearhead of this. They play the same build every league, dunes legion and they expect fubgun to spoonfeed them how to exploit the league mechanic.
why did ggg choose the same day as d4's campfire
yep and everyone will feel that part of the playerbase missing.
>have game
>game fun
>make game2, sequel to game
>remove things that made game fun
its not that complicated
its the other way around

get in here
>ggg chose
>not blizzard the king of scheduling everything they do over competitors
Its the other way around. Blizzard does this shit all the time.
ARPGs aren't about learning. They're about blasting. Nobody plays ARPGs to think. That's why even 2-step crafts in PoE have 10x or greater returns on investment.
what if i'm just weary? i'm gonna wait to get my hands on it but i can see multiple ways trying to be the dark souls of argps could backfire hard
This sounds like TIs crafting system a while back which everyone hated lol. I guess it didn't have a cancer limit I guess.
retarded leprechaun syndrome
>how bad can we make the game and still milk the cucks
all hear is miau miau
why didn't they choose to do their announcement at the exact same hour then instead of 1 hour earlier
no im watching the official stream
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wtf is this
it's just the same people that have been calling poe trash for years desu
that's a cat
>learning new shit
There is barely anything new. What's new is just reshuffled from base game. It's just the original game with lower power level, cut content, less options for crafting and grinding and (probably) no endgame
PoE 2 just looks like Mud Flats: The Game to me.
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bros wtf
Don't forget the soulslike combat, and the power level ceiling where you will always have to watch out for monsters
1 shotting the entire screen and bosses from the start is not fun move along with your shit smeared face
the only fun that exists in poe1 is pob
he's getting perma'd 2 weeks before the EA lol
nobody oneshots screens fromt he start, you do have to earn it in poe1.
I know you only see the clips of people doing it, but you conveniently skip the portions where they are getting there.
>separate category for poe 2
Uhhh one game?
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Soooooooooo no one seems to be mentioning how every streamer who has actually played the game says PoE 2 is godawful and 2 years away from being ready for release?
>1 shotting the entire screen and bosses from the start is not fun
It is fun though
Playing "Simon Says" alone isn't fun though, despite Dark Souls players thinking otherwise.
>Was D3 really that bad that PoE felt superior?
yes and people were literally shitting on d3 in poe's global chat from the outset.
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The Final Thread
Did you come up with that yourself? It would be funny, because TiddyKiller described it exactly that way

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