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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Camellya — SEED OF FATE
>Wuthering Waves A message arrived in a dream?!
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.4 Official Trailer | When the Night Knocks


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Camellya Banner [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
Weapon Banner: Red Spring (Sword) [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Gifts of Fleeting Dreams: 7-day Sign-in Event] [Sept 28 - Nov 13]
[Somnium Labyrinth - Somnoire Adventure Event] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]
[Pincer Maneuver Warriors I - Recurring Combat Event] [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
[Depths of Illusive Realm - Phantasm Amass] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]

>Timeline, Rewards and Media Contents



>/wuwa/ Friends List

>VER 1.4: (Patch Notes)

Previous: >>503057284
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Jeji at the top of the thread
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I like the new echo skin
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>Start new Illusive realm
>Finish Manko build with full inferno rider
>I have absolutely no fucking clue what's happening on screen because 10 different numbers appear every time I press resonance skill and I can press it every 0.1 seconds

Bosses eat shit so fast bros. It's fun.
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Wowie Kellogs x Wuthering Waves
You failed again ZhezhiKING, but you were very close this time.
Seriously what's that suitcase hiding? I know it's a ghost but what kind of ghost, what the fuck even is a ghost in WuWa?
Reminder that Cammy is the make or break on wuwa's future. If we still see a decrease in revenue for November, it's over and hoyo niggers get to act even more smug
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literally me
I will never roll for z*zhi
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I hope they rerun it or put in in the store at some point. Sucks to be new and miss out.
It's Rococo's devilishly pink panties actually.
it's loli sized, so there's a loli sized ghost inside
You failed again four eyes
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I'm tired of mintpicking for rolls bros
I think I'll play a better game like zenless zone zero today and take a break
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Smth like this
You'll never become a ZhezhiGOD? Damn, sucks to be you bro, but I'm rooting for you all the same.
What if she is the ghost and her skeleton in inside
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hello angelo, come here to start shit since you got exposed in /zzz/?
kuro should have copied zzz instead of making genshin but worse
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Wu.... wawa
She's the only reason I ever go to ZZZ threads anymore. ZZZ is an appropriate description of that game's quality btw.
>Ragusa + Ravenna
So it's basically renaissance italy
Does not need this game like atleast 35$M per month to keep it alive? EoS Imminent?
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I rarely go to the /vg/ threads of anything because of >>503084536
Fake or not, the entire site is just filled with kids like this that think they're fighting some kind of war and shitting up every videogames thread ever on the site is their god given duty.

Genuine discussion is dead, bantz is buried and tongue in cheek posts have ceased to exist. It's all a war and if you're not with "us" then you're against "us.
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>hoyo niggers get to act even more smug
till 5.3, maybe
Like 70%+ of the playerbase is PC, their revenue is fine.
So everyone thinks the staff/cane is the nun right?
What about the tie?
Well yeah genshin is 200m per month abd this game is just genshin with more expensive animatiin and graphics sooo it's 300$m per month. You do the math
rover in a suit, doing diplomatic visit to rinsctia
Our drip for the aristocratic party and troupe performance
Kuro just needs to bite the bullet and dump money into more aggressive marketing. Genshin took off because it was fucking everywhere
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Would be cool if Rover gets a free skin to fit the new region.
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Psst. Hey. You there... how do you liked my rifle?
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stop noticing, you are ill
it's funny how everyone and every general thinks their game will suddenly take off and everyones gonna love it as goty just because it got advertised
This is concord but atleast cocnord died without pain this game I pity for its bleeding slow painful death
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Less marketing please, make everything a mystery and filter all ADHD retards.
Wait a second...
You're not Livlov!
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Niggers, it's been more than a week now but why are the threads still so fast? Are the days when we only have 2-3 /wuwa/ threads really gone forever?
A lot, it had a nice butt but yours is nicer.
Looks cool, need to see stats. Will probably get it anyway.
You can't attract new players if nobody knows your game exists, especially in the gacha market.
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Monument Valley , Arizona
Yes i hope your pistols look good too
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It looks like a glass rifle but it's probably ice or crystal, cool red energy core
>why are the threads still so fast?
TGA Nomination
1000 gems
Cammel doing well
Buckbroken some cucks it seem lmeow
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Shut up jeji.
This is why I'm no longer bought the BP and Monthly its too risky because there is threat that they pull the plug and exit because they ni longer generate income for tencent. I still play sometime because I'm have fun but I do not invest money any more
Advertising is important but fixing the game and improving newbie experience is extremely important too.

Shame that kuro's loyal soldiers prefer to suck solon's dick, masturbate to shirtless pictures of him and wage war against other gachas than try to improve their game and community.
instruction unclear. male rober will get a new skin with an exposed midriff. female rober will get a new hat.
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>the days when we only have 2-3 /wuwa/ threads
Still too fast, 17 hours thread at page 5 is the actual /wuwa/ speed
Good IR event probably, + hamster express beginning today as something to look forward too.
It's definitely not something you roll for. None of the marketed items are if you noticed. The staff isn't a weapon, Roccia uses gauntlets, bulante's mask speaks for itself, and the tie is probably not a weapon either. She probably materialises the gun the same way Danjin does her blood sword
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Cammy DESTROYED zooniggers.
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she overclocked our game
Sex with wuwa
Which one
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I just want our game to succeed bros. I can't go back to Genshit combat.
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I want Phrolova to try and rape me, I need to punish her accordingly
Looks like a winding key from a toy or a music box. Since the echoes of Rinascita are special maybe she tamed a mechanical monster-toy echo or something?
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does she really need to contort herself like that while fighting?
True, wouldn't really work with other gun characters animations if she just got a rifle instead of pistols.
I have top up 2000$ for C6 Changli and its worst mistake of my life I did not realise. I am too blind that no one plays this game and left for better like ZZZ like we only make barebones after ZZZ got release its unreal
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She knows you're always there
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Why is this stepleaker faggot not answering if Feibi is a loli or not? I doubt Kuro could be based enough to drop two lolis in a row, but I still have a little of hope.
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it's not rape if I cum
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Last one you rolled
I love the feeling knowing I got Cammy for free while whales spent $200+ rolling for her
Amnesiac Flora is quite animalistic.
If that's true she might really be spectro
That'd be Cammy
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Time to save your roll and invest in FROGLOVER
but colgate is first desu
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It's definitely Aero because the cane has a bird, also Rinascita is mountain based and up in the clouds, churches are usually located in the high places
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How long iz Zhezhi's and Encores companion quest?
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I'm still laughing like a tard at this post, this guy won
probably not confirmed
Stepleaker has a pretty good track record so if he says something not confirmed then others will screenshot it and say SEE? HE WAS WRONG SO YOU CANT TRUST THEM
what do the letters means? anyone figured it out?
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Genshin is flopping and they're doubling down on being jewish niggers with region locked kits.
Probably 3 hours total if you're not skipping.
Zhezhi = too long
Anko = not long enough
Eh, most of the names changed as well.
Rococo is now Roccia, Camorra Is now Carlotta, etc...
Things might be subject to change
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Don't you know 1st DPS in new region is always a brick?! Don't not redeem!
Roccia sounds cute don't change it solon
>jiyan brick

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Can't wait to catch a pikachu.
>blonde nun
A break please...
very breedable pikachu
Do not redeem the shooty whore . 3.x powercreep and not hypercarry DPS
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That's what a gigger would say
I want a female resonator with a…tacet mark on their feet…eh, whatever. No one cares anyway and i am working in a dead end job.
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She's so easy to manhandle though
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>Do not redeem the shooty whore . 3.x powercreep and not hypercarry DPS
No I'd like that too
Especially if she was a tanned tomboy martial artist
The problem is we can't have a character like this in nonVenice
Okay but 2 womb tacet marks come before that.
I hope she's Aero so she has less overlap with my jinny
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And you told me the chinks were based
Can all the obvious genshin/zzz doomposter fags whose speech literally sounds like an ad fuck off already?
How do you pronounce that? Ro-cha or something?
As usual the ball washers refuse to pick a side on anything
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and she show it off in her liberation anim from below like shes gonna step on you?
>Comes from a wealthy family
>Stoic and bluntly efficient
>Socially akward but big heart
Add a military uniform skin and make Camorra spill her spaghetti around Rover and we're golden.
I wonder if they kept the sword idea in her kit though, maybe she will reshape the weapon's ice or something.
solon is too pozzed to release womb tattoo resonators or cute feet
we'll get ugly hags and fags or clown looking garbage like the """loli""" anons were saying to look forward to
What a joke of a game
I hope they did and it looks like the rifle, a long skinny glass/ice sword
chinks have femcels too u know
More or less, but with more emphasis on the "ch" because it's a double "c" in italian
>stinky chinks don't wash their balls
do they not have showers over there in china? that's disgusting dude
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>Don't not redeem!
So...redeem colgate? Got it
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>Womb tacet mark
>But it's a male
Don't ever to respond to my posts, even indirectly.
She's dressed like an action heroine is all, but yeah a military skin could be fun
Yeah all these whores want to suck my seed but yapyap is the only one that sings happy birthday for me
Genshin has been releasing cuter girls lately. Meanwhile wuwa only has Camellya for post release characters that actually look good.
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Wuwa better, simple as.
You mean on their pelvis then Jinny? Cause men doesn't have wombs
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Do not redeem floaty whore. 2.0 powercreep is near. She's not much better than Jinhsi or Jiyan or Yao.
this mogs upcoming genshit bobbleheads

just wait for the dmc anims to drop that makes clorinde look like a joke
Real shit im a sucker for this
how many hours until?
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How many years until we get Huanglong's capital city, with a wuxia empress that's the best DPS in the game and also for (you)?
>Jiyan or Yao
i'm not gay thoughbeit
>italian region
>all flatties and lolis
>no big boobs
Womb tacet mark is too porn coded for them to do (even more than mesugaki somehow), but I expect some martial arts kicker girl like chun-li or juri with tacet mark on feet eventually.
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Despite making up a small proportion of /wuwa/, jinnycord make up 80% of the shitposting.
Concerning, isn't it?
might be 3.0, only reason it's not 2.0 i sbecause they want to avoid chink fatigue
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Blue Archive has a loli succubus, why can't we get something like this? Is it because of the chinese?
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nyo she is best girl
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Every time I look at this image it gets better
they don't? uterus masculinus or prostatic utricle
>Blue Balls Archive
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Of course it's not 2.0, we already know we're getting Italy next patch
>Withering waves
I'm very pleased with my blue inferno rider
Is feibi the archon?
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I'm hoping now that she is a smug troll, I need some sparkle replacement.
are you stupid bro
why the fuck would you make all of the magistrates spectro?
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She is an awkward unfunny clown, take it or leave
is this supposed to be dancing? it looks like the high school retards trying to dance at prom where everybody praises them because they're retarded even though they know it's objectively bad dancing
>Broly Archive
ignore that
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Sparkle is cute and a fun character
Two things kurogames could never do
The close thing from what you ask is, Watanabe Etipath. He uses shotgun and saber
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I'm not pulling out.
Honestly the rifle looks like it could be transformed to a sword. Also I remember some "enhanced" attacks mentioned in the leaks. So I guess it could be either usual sword transforming to some cool snipe shots or snipe transforming to huge sword slashes
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Neither could hoyo since she does nothing and then fucks off from the story and meta.
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>kurogames could never
Kuso COULD and WILL.
Your cammy?
So is this 4 rectifiers and 1 gun
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>Could and will
>Newest loli looks like a clown with randomized colors
lmfao they sure arent trying then
Pirate homo is a broadblade iirc
No we already know Roccia uses gauntlets, these aren't the rollable weapons
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Roccia is gauntlet, floaty punch loli with havoc schizonados.
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She's representing HSR in HI3 though and made the strongest character of HI3 into her apprentice and a follower of elation
She's just unfortunate to be a cute girl in a homo game
that's unfitting as fuck, pirates are DEX builds
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I keep stealing all the Roccia images to use
Anon who do you think shills the hoyo males?
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don't bother looking for the full version it's terrible
>bro come play wuthering waves we have better designs than hoyoverse
>the designs in question
I feel bad for kuro running out of money but hopefully tencent will write them another check to hire a real character designer that knows what they're doing for the next batch of characters
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Me too, our time will come once the drip marketing happens.
Why would an italian use a katana?
why would a Brazillian use Katana?
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>filtered by the clussy
gayest post itt
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>better designs
>better in-game design adaptation and animations
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Here's the full video bros
Her thighs are fat, i dont think she's a loli desu. Just a womanlet or hebe.
One man's trash...
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No she's literally confirmed to be a loli, if you really take a look at her model it becomes obvious too, WuWa lolis are just built different
Never seen this one, stealing it. Although I've gotta say, I think I prefer just a little bit the design we have. The frills do look better though
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>zzz has miyabi and idols upcoming
>genshin has the new anemo qt and citlali for their next charas
>HSR has the herta and a pink loli announced to look forward to

Meanwhile wuwa only has the clown, what the fuck is solon doing? Feibi seems like the only hope if they don't drop the ball with her too
This makes hoyoshills rope
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>mfw I realize that Lumi is forever stuck in 2D
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142cm tall women...
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he's cooking give him time
don't forget the furries, the main selling point of zzz.
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Is this the best ass in the game?
I want her to have different enhanced states like cammy and yao
>actually it will be gunsword mutant like the Gunbreaker class in FF14
How will /wuwa/ react?
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She is one of the most forgettable designs I've seen in genshin though.
>anemo keqing
Pyro, hydro and cryo still missing
Last time we let him cook it just ended up with Rococo
Hope he doesn't burn up the kitchen this time
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Nah, pic related is. I thank Solon for giving us slightly plump ass and thighs
>mihomotards can't help themselves talking about their shit here
Jesus christ almighty.
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They dropped the ball with the loli so much it's unreal.
when does the new event start in na?
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How can a gacha game be so kino
genshin would never add vomit like this
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Isn't that the gunblade from ffviii? It's more a sword that explodes. FFXIII does have a sword that is a gun though. I can see her having something like that because it's confirmed she does parry, could be with a flintlock
nvm it's up already
It did a little bit ago, lollo gibs are here
yeah bro its amazing how the fanbase and general that spams other gacha game generals for sport always talks about other gacha games I cant believe it
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petition to uncrazy Cummy
make Yapyap the crazy one instead
anyone else thinks her eyes is slightly too big?
fuck that
the mental illness is what makes her hot
I want to make her even crazier
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She's literally not even crazy
She's tiny and Lumi sized so it fits
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Hello there
it's just because its a static model, once you see her animated those lids will relax
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that face is ai upscaled or something so it's not accurate. pic related is closer to what'll be
Why is her tits bigger before overclocking?
wouldn't say big but they're bit too low
she's not mentally ill or crazy, she's just horny and very high maintenance
I don't think botwfags are 24/7 in mihomothreads also mihomo didn't invent shit, open world games were already a thing nigger, now dilate back to your thread.
This was the only version of Camellya that I genuinely enjoyed.
Shit taste. You already have the elf for crazy women. I want another woman that's more modest than Yapyap and Camellya Alter.
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She's just vegeta but as a teenage girl for (you)
Only picked up ZZZ because the idols and Waterkuma's loli potential but I'm thinking in dropping the game already since they have released just hag after hag and it's getting really boring to play without lolis.
Wuwa already gave me 3 lolis and another one is coming.
nah I think i'll stay here but thanks
you're free to keep crying like the lil bitch you are
camellya's kit reads like she is the most complex character to date

then you start to use her and you just hold LMB.and spin to win then nvke whenever its up

am i missing something?
Ordered popeyes at work and it's gonna take like 40 minutes to get here wtf
alright speedreader no need to spout your headcanons and garbage opinions in the thread for people to see
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Holy mother of tourism
>Wuwa already gave me 3 lolis
2 my discord friend
The 3rd one is the worst character in the entire game and the other one looks like an ugly clown which is fitting because you'd have to be a clown yourself to play this LMAO
ToF has 700k a month, still alive and even revamped the game.
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enjoy your ice cold chicken
bruh they put all that money into marketing live service games especially ones made but slaving chinks don't cost that much to develop by themselves
We have a microwave alhamdulillah
holy tourism
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>7 replies to an eslpag revenoo post
any relevant lore from the green quests on first zone? or can i safely skip them?
im doing the mourning aix one and its a borefest so far
When will this game let me cum inside Yangyang and Sanhua? I'm ready to impregnate both of them with my sick quickswapping skills.
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>Encore needs autistic rotations to be competitive in endgame content (Still comfy everywhere else tho)
>Verina is just a healer that does two things and swaps out
>Youhu is hot msgk design with absolute dogshit kit
>Rococo has the ugliest design ever made with a kit that will either be Camellya's support bitch or doa damage dealer because she gets mogged by camellya

Meanwhile all the lolis in ZZZ can clear endgame content or carry their teams no problem with only 1 of them being a support. And said support can also be built for damage which is actually a viable strat.
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The descriptions are long because they like to cover every transition, even those you don't do in practice. But you forgot to wait until you have 10 crimson bud to buff the budding mode before nuking with the concerto bar, otherwise you'll get a weaker version of it. Regardless you can just spin2win if you don't care about proper rotation and it should be fine.
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Verina is the second most valuable resonator in the game
What are you on about?
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I like the muted colors on the right they blend in better without it looking too busy and the dress fits well unlike whatever they tried with the left one
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ZhezhiGODs rolled THIS?
i will just mod her, should be a good base for cuter characters since twintail physics

shame shes gonna be a support again probably
>What are you on about?
I'd explain but you seem illiterate and unable to read posts so I'm afraid it would be too much for your tiny brain
>all the lolis in ZZZ
Piper and? Maybe Soukaku but all the others are hags.
cute trans girl
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I like current one better because of the edgelord and chunni aspects of it while also having a hint of modern elements to fit the setting like the case and her dress, the frills would be better than the puffy skirt still. But the 8 rings and the cape is cooler and more readable, it's a much cleaner design
Piper, Corin, Qingyi, Lucy
There's the upcoming idols too. Lucy and Soukaku can also be dealt for damage and deal a surprising amount of it too with Qingyi also being able to deal damage if you get her M1.
all me by the way
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I murdered all the exiles on the map. What now?
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Her being a grouper sub-dps is good because there is no loli for that role, it's what allows a full loli team with encore and verina.
Join someone elses map and do the same.
Wake up tomorrow and do it again
Move on to the fractsidus, wuwallions must die.
You can skip sure
encore, verina and a modded rococo because that abomination should never be seen with the other two cuties
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arent green quests just daily quest? What do you mean
am i tripping or is there no use for the gas masks that drop in this game
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>mfw Solon invented the cure to male loneliness but it's not real
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Jeji looks like THIS??
I think he meant the dark green quests. Exploration quest category? Dailies should be light green.
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theres another set of green quests, the world quest ones like the ones to clear the poison near the monkey boss
Some of the normal side quests such as the lighthouse are a lot more lore relevant. Be sure to keep a look out for those and not just pile them in with the exploration quests.
Camellya? More like CAMEL YA
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men only want one thing
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The original grouper looked infinitely better and cuter than the ugly clown
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Looks like this actually
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my dick her ass
i wish she didnt take so long for her forte to buildup
holy fuck there's a lot to explore as a newbie, also sex with yangyang and verina
kek that fuckin leather jacket
What I would give for there to be just that bit more of physics
holy fuck his name is literally SOVL ON.
That's why WUWA always WUWINS!
I should go back to G*nshin and *rail.
you have quite the variety in taste
if there are any newfags ITT i have an account with s1r1 jinshi femrover i ended up getting with my rerolls but i will never use it

also on guarantee
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I was under the impression she looked like this
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Why is the mask cracked?
Fuck this, I'm uninstalling this shit.
I just got a bigger SSD to move WW to.
So what letter is this?
T? P? F?
I have a nice place for your practice. Ever heard of /gig/? You'd do everyone a huge favor
Schizo pressure
she's so ugly that the mask couldn't take it either
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phoebe, bulante, roccia, carlotta, and who?
None of them are real letters
Could be a result of ghost possession, wouldn't be surprised if she has a double personality
Tripped over with her fat legs and broke it.
PS5 doko?
your goofy ahh husband
Either Rover or someone we haven't seen yet
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Why are you retards telling the newbro to skip the Aix quest? It's the most peak one (granted it's not a high bar for exploration quests, but still). At least he shouldn't skip the scientist dialogue
>Every time someone uninstall one YapYap dies
Update: I got my popeyes. Told the nigga to leave it at the door but this mf rings the doorbell and waits there anyways
>She's actually a le sad character with ubisoft parents hiding behind her goofy demeanor and you cracked her mask
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Open the fucking door
>ubisoft parents
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s1 already makes it pretty fast, but getting the shield to full is still too slow while enemies are killing you and the timer is running (which only s6 fixes).
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if you're a borgir bro I bet he wants tip for basically doing his job, kek.
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>cracked mask
>the second
>out of three
and don't even pretend any of the 4* are competitive support material. They are taken cause of the previous point.
Man, I started just in time to snag that before it was too late. I hope they rerun it for you bro.
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Encore should have been havoc, she is schizo enough with personality changes, imaginary friends and sudden extreme headaches.
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Solon please tell me what they mean
Encore should have used guns instead of a rectifier. Gun loli would have been kino as fuck but solon hates giving nice things to his players.
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I think not many anon ITT even know what the Aix quest is even about
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You just say that because you want Roccia to buff her further
>but getting the shield to full is still too slow while enemies are killing you and the timer is running (which only s6 fixes).
That's why you build her as dps with Mortefi not subdps
What letters are the rest of them? I can only recognize the "X" aka 'Y'
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I didn't say most valuable support, retard. I said most valuable resonator. Out of all of them. Right behind Shorekeeper. In this game it's less about which DPS you're using, and more about how high you can bring them with your support. An account without Verina and Shorekeeper is a bricked account.
Swirley jianxin build is definitely fun. Mortefi buffs her forte while she buffs Mortefi's coordinated attack ult.
These looks like fake notes instead of letters.
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Who do you want to have sex with
Is it even a fucking question
Nobody wants their favorites to be support bitch that tags E and swaps out.

That was exactly genshin's problem with all the girls being subdps charas or supports while the males were onfield DPS characters. But apparently it's KINO when wuwa does it because getting dicked by solo is way better than getting dicked by dawei.
So what's your opinion on Changli vs Cammy? Surely Cammy wins right? That's literally her character, so strong that no one but you can match her.
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This woman still make my cock throb whenever I see her
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In case you're not baiting, he's 1 shitposter, we all love Clunny here
Gonna cry about it?
Cummies beats every single character in the game easily in terms of damage, design and story. She's easily one of the best designs currently in the hoyo trio too but she seems like a fluke because the other characters are either boring or bad.
We do? Cause i don't.
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I don't encourage fighting within my harem
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It would be an interesting battle, Changli is all wits and cammy is pure instinct. And then there's the dynamic between the size of their boobs
Cammy would have lost to that exile if she took the time to double tap.
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Nah because I can just quit for better games like Genshin Impact where they're releasing a character that rides a fucking bike. Kuro could fucking never.
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Fuck the jannies is here, no fun is allowed
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nice brapper, too bad she's boring to play like all genshin characters
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well the 2nd one is definitely a letter so looks like it's just hard to tell from the stylization + can't see all of it
how do i get the rider skin?
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>censored for speaking the truth
>gigger shitposters are left running amok
Good night bros
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Wait so is the Rinacita sentinel going to be a fucking horse?
unlocks after you do the new IR floor its in the shop
>press ephemeral
>press dreamless
>forgery is done
yeah no Camellya is incredible
Either a unicorn or a seahorse
Ok but in this game we get plenty of both female supports and female on-fielders. And in this game even the female sub dps units like yinlin and Zhezhi (and soon rococo) can be used as main dps with the right supports especially now that we’re getting a co-ordinate attack echo set in 2.0.
We have Encore, Danjin, Jinhsi, Changli, and Camellya. We’re also getting Carlotta and Phoebe (next magistrate) as dedicated female on fielders. Soooo what is there to complain about? Inevitably some characters like verina and Shorekeeper are doomed to be eq bot supports but that’s the nature of the game
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So who do you think it has been grooming for us?
So you're crying
Is it just the first letter of their names? We only have two kind of confirmed names and Roccia's looks like an R easily
The loli nun.
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Definitely a mother protecting the sanctity and virginity of a loli, probably Feibi
Fuck if I know
Bulante's would be "Y" so no
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I need Carlotta
She's a priest not a nun
>Soooo what is there to complain about?
If you go back to the original post before it got derailed into dumb shit and trolls trolling trolls, the OP was talking about playable lolis and loli teams.
The only onfield loli right now is Encore and the other characters are just support charas. Even the ugly clown bitch is going to be just Camellya's support so it's not doing any better than other games.
It's also not confirmed that Feibi will be a loli, could just be a regular teen chara or a hag for all we know.
The staff looks like the P, has the detached top and bottom parts
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This shit does not look like the R in that chart at all
Maybe his name is YBulante, aka Їблaн?
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And sub-dps in this game also needs on-field time due to the concerto mechanic, you can't just EQ them (outside of fedoraman I guess). And then you get a permanent game mode that you can use even your healers like baizhi and verina as strong dps that you can play as an alternative to overworld farming. The situation is not the same.
Imagine this, alpha impales enemies in HER BIKE WITH A ODACHI
>Kuro games could never
yeah they could never do that retard no taste unfitting spins, also it wouldn't do anything remotely associated with niggers or trannies
His name is Brandt, bulante is the nipponese form
It does. It has the same V shape just with calligraphy and the other piece. It's just creating an X because it's stylized
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What's the excuse this time?

have you seen this apparently it's also made with tencent money and by PGR developers
We don't know that's his final name though
Um, children shouldn't be shooting guns.
It's facing the opposite direction, it doesn't fit too, the curve there even if stylized seems too wrong, it's probably something else entirely and not their initials
I guess they Genshinified Wuwa to make a completely different game feel dark instead.
>Carlotta, Kamola, Camorra
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>IR Verina
I fucking fear her
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reminder that even so much as you"only fap to the girls" that makes (you) a hot homo
>by PGR developers
???? where?
The clown loli amps basic attacks by 25% so she actually is an encore support and will bring her own damage as well.
Loli teams will be verina/youhou > clown > encore
That’s actually a cohesive team with synergy you can get by only using lolis. And it’ll probably be a pretty good team. It’s not much but it’s SOMETHING
Pacification sex.
uhm, why aren't you cloning your ssd? Then you don't have to reinstall everything...
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>These motherfucker make 2 Changli quest and think we didnt notice
It's pretty much been confirmed that she's not a loli. Otherwise they'd have said flat, not small breasts.
retards, don't open this, they only want to shot the views fooling you, just look at the thumbnail, it has some no names there
>It’s not much but it’s SOMETHING
This is the problem every game has though. If you wanna make a loli team then you're left massively coping with a "hey at least its SOMETHING"

I think the games closest to actually making a full loli team that doesn't suck dick are ZZZ and Snowbreak right now but I don't think it's possible to make a loli team that's both all loli and actually meta. Also the clown looks extremely ugly, I don't know how they ended up with that when all their PGR designs and other wuwa designs are so good.
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Look at the clown for 5 minutes straight and you'll get your dick hard, you're just a drama queen
>Feibi is a loli
>Wuwa shitposts itself to death about how they won and have an amazing loli character and other games could never
>Feibi isn't a loli
>Wuwa shitposts itself to death about how hagCHADS won and how pedos should fuck off back to blue archive

I can see it now, I have predicted the future.
>Look at the clown for 5 minutes straight and you'll get your dick hard
god no, that creature will steal my soul. It's such an insultingly bad design. Even fucking TOF had way better designs than this.
The first SSD is a system drive, I can't clone that if I don't intent to use it as the new boot drive.
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She's small breasted
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stop replying to it and let the dogfucker get knotted in peace
the studio was alledgedly built by some ex PGR devs
i dont give a fuck since i dont even find PGR good enough, nevermind the scraps that left that studio building their own thing
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We need more shotas instead
Please don't lump hebechads and hagchads together. We love women but we're not the same.
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wu wu wu wa
*honk* *honk*
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>meta cunnycomp
Bruh, just play Blue Archive for that shit. Loli is just too niche of a fetish that I don't think Solon can able to realize it in an action combat game.

Yes I already know the existence of Pulao, Bambinata and 21 but still
I swear to god gacha players are the horniest niggas on the planet
I wonder what's the reception for these kind of characters, I rarely heard anything about shotas in gacha games
why is she drawing a dick
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Pretty much, as a lolicon I never played PGR or WuWa for the lolis even though I love them
That's an officer cavalry sword, you philistine.
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I want to go to the flower field in Rinascita with Shorekeeper
>trying to samefag
We’re already accidentally getting a meta cunny comp thanks to rococo before the first year ends. If Feibi does basic attack damage we’ll have basically two
>Loli is just too niche of a fetish that I don't think Solon can able to realize it in an action combat game.
>Every other game has multiple loli characters

Retarded cunt.
Sexy SK
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My dick gets rock hard whenever I see Ying
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don't forget to give your Rover cheek massages
please post ass
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Really starting to believe this with how every gacha general seems to want to push this anti-loli sentiment or pretend loli is some niche thing that doesn't sell or isn't popular with anyone.
Like in what fucking planet do you live in where loli isn't popular? Japanese companies are literally getting slammed by payment/credit card processors for loli content and they'd rather look for alternative payment options than drop the loli content because it just makes them that much money.
your venti
unless you're talking about potato males, in which case, star rail has been entertaining the idea of a jew baby with a pacifier (not a joke) names sugilite
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tacet fields take 20 seconds alone when before it took me a full team each with a bunch of aoe abilities/echoes 45-60s
Pedos should stop playing
I know we’re overdue for a gun character but a sword with her aesthetic would’ve gone so hard.
Changli should’ve been the gun character

sorry was in illusive realm
what fucking universe do you live in? half this thread is just lolifags
Disagree hard, a gun with this aesthetic is where it's at. Changli with a gun doesn't fit at all
it's gonna be a gunblade bwo
her sniper kind of looks like a sword too so looks like it'll be both
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what the fuck it's real
so is /wuwa/ gonna support this game now
dual-wielding pistols with that coat is going to look kino
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I want her to be something like a watanbe expy melee aoe and then with gun mode giving strong single target DPS and then you ult to use both gun and sword just like how she was originally intended
Is this what they do before jumping on my dick? I'm still sore from when Anko rode me for like 3 hours a couple of days ago.
Cammy > Jinny
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Post cute characters
Cunny link time to jump on lord arbiter's dick
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Goddamn these all look great, my wife is so hot
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Feibi isn't going to be loli and Rococo is going to be tailored towards Havoc/Camellya and not Encore
Did they abandon Kuro already? Yikes
i don't know why they got fired, some say it was to evade having senior devs, but i do not buy that, if not why fire several newfags that just start to work too? something fishy happen but was company internals, and pgr quality hasn't dropped at all so i refuse to believe they were "key" figures
>In 2024
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>Every other game has multiple loli characters
*has 3 lolis out of 360 playable characters in your path*
she buffs basic atk and has grouping. That works well for encore
someone, anyone edit solon face in this pic
who cares about furryknights?
Pedos are worse than trannies. They want their deranged fetish to grow bigger. NEVER pander to them. Solon I know you browse these threads.
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Don't dead open inside
Blue archive, Azura lane and Girls Frontline already prove your bait wrong.
Bro when a studio uses some famous name or title as its achievement, yjk it's 100% shitters who didn't matter at all
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Star rail only has 2, bailu and hook the great. And no, fu xuan, QQ, yunli, clara and sparkle aren't lolis.
This is the chinkiest picture I've ever seen and really describes /wuwa/ as a whole since this is just ESL chink central
the cloud retainer rerun is the only thing keeping me invested in genshin, and even then it begs the question as to why even bother. the past couple of months for hoyo games have been so incredibly dire.
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>They want their deranged fetish to grow bigger
This is everyone though? I sure suck don't see cowtitfags going
>Nah we're good bro we don't need more big tits
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let me spray some pest control here
Lolifags still get more representation than chads who want big plump ass's
yeah maybe they fired them because they tried to unionize or they were doing some shit, fire HUNDREDS of people at the critical time of development of your NEW GAME? super retard move, so yeah i bet they are the shitters
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star rail is also going to get a playable male shota so it's the gayest of the gay because they decided to appeal to fujotrannies instead of straight men
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PGR has 4 lolis (3 if you don't count 21), over the course of 5 years, all of which are A ranks. If you were smart enough to do research you would've known what to expect, it's already a miracle for me that we're getting Roccia at all, that already puts her on par with them in just half a year. Even above considering they're all really good except for Youhu
>CN games
>When China tried and failed to ban loli via at the UN cybertreaty.
So the only loli is the clown then. Good. The pedos can have that abomination.
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Shit stored in the ass btw
im sorry but if they are below 1.50 and flat they are cunny to me, so i fap faster and harder, no i do not care about age just the physique
>can wallride
>gets stuck on a brick sized ledge
Truly Hoyoquality...
we need at least 23623623623623 wugorillion dollars to keep this game barely afloat
I asked for limited loli every survey and I won't be satisfied till we get a limited loli main dps.
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Show her in-game model.
Also Kuro already made a character that uses a motorcycle in PGR and she came out 2 years ago.
But man imagine only having retarded spin and slam as your move set LMAO what a fucking joke.
By the way we already have Inferno Rider.
>cloud retainer
She’s one of the many reasons I gave up on genshin. Turning one a long-awaited (and one of my favorite) characters into a meme plunge support felt like I got stabbed in the heart. Also they her old white design was better than the updated black one we got.
bros youhu is so dogshit
should i roll zhezhi? can she save her
>If you were smart then you would have known you were going to get fucked too and be happy with scraps
Brother, if I wanted to live with whatever scraps I get thrown at then I would be playing Genshin Impact.

Kurogames is supposed to do better and be better, not also copy hoyo's strat of throwing scraps at their players and hope their loyalty makes them stay
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Just want to keep your expectations in check since that would the first time ever Kuro has ever done a limited DPS loli
How do you get those triple cut-ins ingame?
ult everyone when the ult icon and characters glows white?
>get meta loli team half a year into game
>still complaining
You’re lucky these lolis are function together in a team jfc
The exploration quests are more theme relevant. They're cute tho. I think the monkey spore one was the weakest.
And I want you to understand that not everyone is a diehard PGR fanboy that would stick to the game regardless of what happened. If the game doesn't deliver then people will complain and quit, if the game tries to be genshin but worse then people will quit.
Game is meant to be better than genshin and do better than genshin, not fall for genshin's same pitfalls and run damage control about how Kuro is trying their best but you should "keep your expectations in check"
i have all the pieces ready for a premium navia ploonge team. idk what her previous design was like but i like her glasses and overall aura.
>ult everyone
>You’re lucky these lolis are function together in a team jfc
chinkbro I think your translation app broke, you should ask tencent for a new one or else nobody will take your damage control posts seriously.
>You’re lucky these lolis are function together in a team jfc
If Iansan in genshin is good then Genshin will have a meta loli team of 4 characters before Kurogames. And I don't want to wait 5 years in this game before Kuro decides to do it.
just get extra copies of the clown and she'll prob be a good dps
this is the only cope, bruteforcing the supports into damage dealers via extras

bros I think it might be over for Tectone we lose our biggest shill
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I'm so fucking sick of hearing about lolis. Can you please shut the fuck up about your fetish.
What's the obsession with them being a limited though? Not satisfied with Anko? Is this just some kind of gacha autism that won't let you be satisfied unless you gamble to get them?
Iansan is a shota.
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For me it is Yapwife
no, fuck you, just filter the word
time to go back to wuwahusbandos then sis
>people malding about no loli team
isnt Encore/Roccia/Verina really good? Roccia buffs basic attacks for Encore...
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He's a shitposter anons, pay attention to his talking points and how asspants retarded they are
Not him but I don't even like Anko gameplay much, I'd enjoy a new cunny DPS
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bros, can we spam this pic whe trannies try to derail the thread?
The shitposter is your tranny ass crying about people wanting loli
Live Love Loli
People doubted he fucked the cosplay sluts he had on his stream?
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based grifter treating the worthless slut like the sex toy she is
>hurr durr why nobody cares
>oh haha let's just falsely blame men for sa for fun and get them jailed what could go wrong in the future

Karma finally steps in huh
So that's why this game was lacking.
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>What's the obsession with wanting a good character??
Is it really that surprising that people want good characters instead of scraps?
>Just roll M6 and she'll be good bro!
>Just cope with this meme team, at least it's something!
>You should be thankful you're even getting anything!!
>You're lucky these characters even work together!!!

Like holy fuck, are you guys getting paid for posts like these? Not everyone wants to be stuck with Encore for three years while riding Solon's dick. I don't think anyone wants to go through the same hoyoshit schedule of having to wait a full year for a character then she's a support or shit then gotta wait another year for another character then she's also shit or a support.
hagbros the loli chads have gotten too cocky, we need to channel our energy to get new hags
If you remove the accidental “are” it’s a normal sentence. You’re trying too hard and deflecting
You guys are right just a tard shitposting my bad for giving him a single (You)
PTSD melty
Rococo/Luokeke/Roccia who tf knows her real name lmao
new 5* support in 2.0 leaked to have 25% basic attack damage and 20% havoc damage buff on outro
Kuro's preferences stems on the older side so you'll be just fine
>Global publisher Glohow
literally who
Reminder that multiple main dps parties can be really fucking strong and competitive with support sub dps and main dps teams. Look at the long long man and cucklin kino teams
wuwahusbandos is already having a melty over camellya/shorekeeper, if we get a loli that's extremely for you then they're gonna fucking lose it
roll the fucking cons pussy, put your money where your mouth is
c2 is easy as fuck because of the shop, if the lolis are this rare surely you can spare 2~4 extra copies to make her a real dps
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>i literally cannot enjoy any character released in this game unless they are a little girl!
there are plenty of hot and strong DPS released but you are obsessed with them being a child, this is entirely a you issue that no one else needs to be concerned with
>put your money where your mouth is and whale in a game thats fucking you over

How about you put your mouth on my dick then? Money is reserved for the actually good games that actually pander and appeal to me, not the ones that want me to spend a thousand for a maybe usable character
then why are you still playing this game if you think it does not pander to you or appeal to you?
I’m so glad my taste in girls is varied because imagine being obsessed with only one type and then constantly seething cuz that type isn’t the only thing we’re getting. I’m here enjoying every single female that’s released and all future ones. I’m literally a homo and straighter than everyone here
why not have a loli and husbando banner so everyone gets what they want
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The "meta" in this game is extremely flexible and flat in terms of power. No one is seriously in another league so far, Cammy and Jinny are only slightly better than the rest at lower costs. Even Anko and Jiyan rivals or surpasses them, there's the "theoretical" chart that shows if Jiyan hits every hit of his ult he's the top DPS in the game. And Stringmaster Anko with Shokie is on par with Camellya
Why do you need to spend money? Just play the game and roll for them
Fucking idiot, if you want lolis this much surely you can afford to skip the hags, why do you need to spend money?
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uh oh melty
because trannies have to seethe about loli eternally and they'll kill themselves before seeing a game appeal to straight men that like young girls
Remember to watch the OFICIALLY SPONSORED wuwa animation
Solon paid money for this.
sorry for the off topic but his is hilarious asf lmao
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It's not about the fetish. It's about keeping tourists out.
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except changli, she sucks
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Angelo won
/wuwa/ lost

Notice how anons here want loli or younger characters but the anti-loli sentiment is winning. Soon the thread will be filled with feminists or male lovers after driving out everyone that wanted cute girls.
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Cameltoe JP report
Holds up better than Shorekeeper so far
Report end
she is pretty good but god damn is she ugly
We already had youhu on green homo rerun
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bladder tattoo
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>ZZZ has cunny chars that work at C0
>Genshin has cunny chars that work at C0 and are actually using a loli model instead of hebe
>HSR has cunny chars that work at C0
>Fucking tof has cunny chars that work at 0 dupes

But clearly it's a fucking crime to want the same in wuthering waves because we're too good for loli characters right?
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You mean just (you) right. People here like lolis. Go have your hoyocuck ptsd melty about how you got denied your lolis for years or whatever somewhere else
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He's literally falseflagging as a cunnyfag demanding that the game caters to him to try to install anti-lolicon sentiment while being an anti-pgr schizo and calling Genshin the better game to pit us against them, it's literally the exact same definition of those schizos.
I mean Anko's fine but have you seen Lumi and Youhu? Post-launch 4*s have been total garbo
im surprised shorekeeper flopped
characters like her are the most important since theyre in every fucking team, every single team has verina or shorekeeper
why the fuck would you skip, i cant imagine having no variety for a whole year on the third slot
yo nigger, play encore with roccia and verina, whats the issue
Roccia isn't in the game, dumbass.
Meant for >>503107009
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>exactly two minutes apart (imageposts)
can't make this shit up
ok then wait 2 months and play sanhua in the meantime retard
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>noooo you dont understand my character is good you need to do the quikswaps

No, not doing 5 times the effort for the same result, RETARD.
This picture encapsulate why we need an for (you) loli. I don't like them, no curves, no ass, no tits and annoying voice. But the powerlevel of lolis as a gatekeeper is so high.
are we finally back on the up bros
I wouldn't call it a flop yet. 600M Yen was the peak at launch. Shorekeeper was half of that. If popular characters stabilize in that 250-350M Yen range, that's pretty good. The actual flop was Zhezhi with her 144M and Yao with 87M.
Yapyap, no...
>wuwa not mentioned
Are we safe from The discord raids?
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She seems extremely fucking good to me but I never did roll for her. Would go great with my anko
When Neverness and Promilia come out, they'll be our new rivals... ZZZ will get their own rivals too...
/wuwa/ and /zzz/ will slowly forget each other... until it's just a distant memory. A tragic love story
>Cammy saved wuwa
I kneel
encore sanhua is just as good desu and doesn't require as much investment
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im sure the clown or whatever will prob work at c0 too
its just not good enough for you, theres people playing and clearing with shoki/verina yinlin teams, why cant you do the same?

HSR cunny chars dont work at C0, hook and bailu are actually dogshit, you mean the hebes? we get those and theyre playable at C0

ZZZ is cunnypilled but it has no limited cunny DPS, its all launch 4* and a stunner if you count the lolibaba, what the fuck are you complaining about? We have nonlimited, strong cunny from launch too, its called anko

btw anko clears all the ZZZ lolis in terms of performance at c0, youre full of shit

wont comment on genshin because i havent played in 2 years
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>Rinascita news
>"I hope there are males..."
>Comment locked by mods
looks like shit desu
You stupid fucking bitch you literally have a perfect team of verina or youhou with rococo/encore. Just be patient and wait for future lolis
>17 hour threads became 4 hours fast
What the fuck do you think?
I don't have anything to add to this other than it's 100% correct and true, and that I want to be associated with this post in any way I can because it's the best thing that's been posted in this general in forever.
Healers never do well and they usually need just a copy and a whatever weapon.
Dps will always be more profitable
I think it's pretty smart honestly because the bitter hagcucks and feminist trannies both have cunny as their common enemy so the homos and trannies just have to shit on loli and push the anti-loli sentiment to drive a large part of men out then it's easier to shitpost those who remains or double down on the anti-loli shit until nobody remains.
Shitposting tactics sure are getting advanced these days
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Is this shit the same for everyone?
I'm just waiting for GFL2 to drop wuwa and shitpost against snowbreak
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>Fucking tof has cunny chars that work at 0 dupes
Yeah, you just use the loli simulacra with the newest t0 A1/3/6 slop of the 2 week cycle, completely right, here's your (You) retard.
im about to test it
Ok but what’s the purpose of paying people to shitpost on 4chan? I don’t get it.
You fuck I nearly choked on my coffee.
No one's doing that. Again it's just you. Why are you pretending to not be the same person having a melty. Just give it up
she's genuinely the worst limited released since launch
every other character has access to stronger teams than she does, every other character adds more value to accounts as well since anko is free

maybe one day she'll be good
you cant downvote on 4chan so the only way to "downvote" is for many people to scream the same thing to look like the majority opinion
Those who you don't like will feel alienated or outnumbered and leave while whatever you kept spamming will have become the truth or "thread culture"
Yeah, the feet game GFL2 has will make Snoble fume until the improve their models.
But given how much raunchi shit Snoble has, i can't really see it as a competitor for goon and intimacy. Gameplay being completely unrelated as well.
you are just terrible
Jinhsi + Changli and Xiangli Yao + Changli are very good unless you're shit at pressing buttons
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>wont comment on genshin because i havent played in 2 years
Except nahida (archon) no loli is anywhere near meta in genshin, and there is no main dps one. the only loli released is the last 2 years was sigewinne and she is so bad people thought she was a standard banner or a promoted 4* character. Things aren't looking good for iansan either.
But she does like 100k nuke damage and has quickswaps at like 40-50k. She seems great filler in every team and pretty fun
That's not bad though
ToF's simulacra system was an excellent idea that allows people to play as their favorites and would have solved the age old problem of peoples favorite characters being dogshit.

Stuff like Encore model with Xiangliyao's moveset would have been extremely kino for example but too bad the simulacra system is tied to a dogshit game that died on arrival.
I feel like we've found a comfortable position in the upper mids/low highs in terms of revenue. Hopefully that's enough to keep the game going.
I forgot the 4* kachina, but the only thing she can do is hold an artifact set (no point in using her ever over the dj rapper cougar hag).
i never said you cant have strong teams with changli anon, but theyre worse than other options, which is my point
there are no bis teams that include changli, she is genuinely the worst character yet, there's strong teams that include her, and thats where it ends

name a worse limited, you can't
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She's seriously so hot, can't wait to see her crow girl superior in Rinascita too
You people need to re-evaluate your lives.
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Same flavor of mental illness every day, same stench even. A constant reminder of this perpetual state of wuwinning we've fallen into.
>(no point in using her ever over the dj rapper cougar hag).
funny story mavuika will be a better buffer than xilonen in pyro/hydro teams which devalues the geo hag by a lot
She did fine for right after a save patch desu. Her and the Jiyan rerun combined meant we had a very solid month.
easy, yinlin
>funny story mavuika will be a better buffer than xilonen in Natlan pyro/hydro teams

and snez chars will be better buffers in snez teams, welcome to powercreep? not sure what your point is
Yeah simulacras are actually fucking great, I even went and bought one of those $100 special ones because Liu Huo is sex.
But the issue in the post is the "character viability at 0 dupes", sure you can say is not completely wrong, but it's completely moot when you consider how tof actually works and just made to pad the previous examples and maybe take advantage of someone not retarded enough to have played tof.
Good fucking luck looking for viability with Ruby's weapon, or Gunono and Mimi's if hotta already pushed out a new weapon on their respective roles.
I don't hate loli enjoyers I just want more hags
Xilonen is also from Natlan though? lol
The worst anti-loli stuff is if you like the child model in GI/HSR, there's some schizo spamming garbage 24/7 that constantly gets deleted but comes back to seethe every single time.
But Natlan characters are the Zoom Zoom meta.
In the end it would limit animation quality some tho. You could never get fucking camy animations on a very different model and make it not look retarded
She’s not even a buffer tho she’s just generic pyro main dps number 20
You're now imagining cammy animations on yuanwu
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Bambinata can make it work
Why do you need to preface the statement that you want more hags with the clarification that you do not hate a completely unrelated group of people?
I don't mind sacrificing animation quality if the tradeoff is that I can equip weapons to my favorite and watch them have new fresh animations and playstyles every time I roll for a new weapon.
Life is about tradeoffs and this is definitely one I am willing to make. I could just play Cammy until eos for example if I could just equip her with whatevers the newest and latest meta weapon.
>In the end they fail to power creep Bennent
Correct but her kit still makes her a better buffer than Xilo in Pyro/Hydro teams just like how raiden wasn't necessarily a buffer but transitioned into one after her damage got powercreeped.
Because (you) made this post >>503108279
saying "hagcucks" hate cunny
Cause he's broken? So they don't want to break the game even harder?
Bennet is like Verina, but the buff is bigger and heal is stronger just with a cap. Doesn't even need playtime to do his effects. And pyro being hte best element doesn't moderate the issue either.
look, cat is out of the bag
they pay us $10 per day for this, told us to shill other games and make shit up to kill genuine discussion

ive never played this dogshit, i dont even know what the characters do, they wont know who posted this, i didnt send in todays report yet
The only news I care about is the console version
hang all metafags
>sacrificing animation quality
...are you a fucking retard? Go and play ToF if you want basic effect slop, the whole point of why PGR and Wuwa characters work so good is because everything is tailor made to the character, so they can go wack. Why would it be better if you get sloppy seconds instead and then it devolves into effects and basic movements but nothing actually creative?
Why does the lolis all do the naruto running..
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ok i made a round trip asking around, i odn't know if its because the time but /zzz/ i got a response, actually chill handling that retard well almost don't mind him /hsr/ didn't respond(like usual) cause they too busy posting art /bag/ has same speed as we usually have(10+ hours) didn't see anything wrong with it, /gig/ tho? they hate our guts and have same opinion we have of them, didn't stick to see shit
Why the fuck do I care that these characters I won't play, roll for or even like have flashy cinematic animations? I'd much fucking rather spend money in making MY favorite better than clapping at the epic cinematics on the latest homo or random slut I wont roll or play.
At that point you might as well just swap models and voicelines with mods. The animations are part of a characters personality and lore, if you're free to choose the moveset they might as well just sell the kits and you tie to any character you make on the creator (not unlike stuff like souls-likes or monster hunter likes) and don't roll characters.
Oh, so you are retarded. I guess confirmation is key.
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This shit is backwards /bag/ is the one spamming art at blistering speeds and /hsrg/ has the 10+ hour threads
>thought illusive realm rewards were per season
>it's every monday
I'm giga bricked...
stop talking with him and let him play in whatever retard way he wants to play and instead go and famr echos or something stupid
also you ignore the retard that wants to impose his stupid opinion on you, and go and do your thing, you are just as retard as he is for giving him an answer
>Old ass 4* stronger than the Pyro Archon
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Spoilers for Cammy's quest
Not even the guy you are trying to argue with but I don't get your point at all because while the wuwa characters are super flashy, the gameplay itself is the exact same as the webm/gif/video of that one guy playing Noctis.
you can have both, its not one or the other
tof already does this sometimes
you could have changli and she exists, and her kit on another character
they wouldnt get the burning jacket/blindfold she gets, but theres no reason you cant have both
But if you do chara swaps with mods then the animations will be off, not fit and the voicelines wont be of the chara either. It's janky as shit and not intended.

ToF's simulacra system was one of the best things in that game because you could actually customize who you play as which gave you a lot more freedom as the player. It's still attached to a dogshit game but credit where credit is due, simulacra stuff was definitely an excellent idea that I wish other games copied since everyone always spends a gorillion dollars in cosmetics for their favorites in games where it's possible or allowed.
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You are the retard.
kontentsu wa doko desu ka? :(
why would you care about what some other crackpot schizo said?
I don't which is why I'll stop replying to you
oh yeah? didn't stick around to see, i only saw several pics one after the other and 2 mins or ore between each post in /bag/ but meh only retards actually taking the bait....are /wuwa/ and /gig/.... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh? this incident just proves who is the population of this general
tectones new vid is out
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Bro it's just overworld mats
you don't use mods do you? all they do is change the visual, the animation and voicelines are the exact same still
I've gotten decent echoes from it already
>still replying to bait
thats...thats the entire point anon.
Hehe, her name is Ugly.
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this is why you keep getting forgotten jinny
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Hello wuwuwawa! What's up? What's down?
You get echoes everywhere, you only need 5 of them too
Fish sure are biting today
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off model. cammy is thicker than shorkie
we've reached the point of the day where anons start calling everything bait and everyone a schizo
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interesting lore dropped today
End of patch will be slow again
I'll pass on that after having played and paid tof. I don't want to go back to pulling a shit weapon with a shit kit and shit animations just because it has better numbers because hotta needs to turn a profit and the waifu factor isn't that much of a sell once you're deep enough into the game.
Kuudere and not!Yandere teenage girls
Camellya would call you a creep if she found out you were taking creep screenshots of her ass
every general is trying this anti-loli stuff and it really works because normies hate loli so they have no issue with hopping on the bandwagon and doing their work for them
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ToF barely makes a couple of millions on SensorTower and it's nowhere close to EoS
Odds are the mobile revenue for this game is a lower percentage then PC, which is why that game isn't dead yet
We'l be fine
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nah, she got powercreeped by lumi
Lumi and Cowqi give Cammy a run for her money with shape and size but all of Cammy's animations seem specifically designed to draw your gaze to her ass, so in terms of ass service I think she's the peak.
Frover has the best thighs in the game and it's not even close
what is happening on the screen is 1:1 all you did was turn your character from red to blue so to speak
how can the ''animations be off'' and ''janky'' nothing changed?
That's what I said though. The system is good, Hotta and ToF is just shit. I think they had a lot of good ideas but the execution was awfully and horribly bad.

The simulacra system on an actually good game would have been good though which is the entire point I was trying to make.
>how can the ''animations be off'' and ''janky'' nothing changed?
If you slap a model that doesn't belong then the animations will be off because they weren't made for that character. Like if I modded child Changli model onto Changli then the animations will be off and not be visually correct because Changli's animations were made with Changli's model in mind, not the loli NPC model.
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The hebe model is somehow more impressive but it's fucking amazing nonetheless
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Funny how it doesn't really work here much. There were some obvious fags who tried to shit on lolis, but you can't really shush away lolicons from here when you have the powerpuff girls and another loli nun (maybe) on the horizon. And Wuwa lolis are actually appealing, so... sucks to be them I guess.
many wu not enough wa
desu lucy from zzz negs any wuwa loli
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Pff, you zkeks are always so cute
idk we have a ton of angry hagkeks shitting on loli this thread and trying to call anyone that wants more loli a schizo/pedo/raider/whatever
>jc borderline jk negs js/jc designs
No. The new set might though.
S6 will save your Youhu and mine...
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Well that explains the shitposting in /fgog/
this is true, other anons will shit on you for even mentioning a gacha game from that company thoughever
Unironically Verina and Youhu are the hottest characters in wuwa desu and I wish there was more porn of both, but I would jump into the anti-loli movement just because I hate BA and /bag/gots.
is she for (you) tho?
Wonder what she'll end up being
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My wife...
>Likes loli
>But wants to shit on cunnybros
>all because you got fed propaganda and falseflags
Living proof why shitposts like that work and why autists like that will always have the easiest time ever pitting generals against each other
I bet she's gonna be on Carlotta / Zhezhi banner
Yea. Either Jeji, Yinlin, or Mortefi with the new set.
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I wonder if we'll see them on a Rinascita trailer
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>plays nikke, bd2, ba
>asks for male characters in wuwa
are these niggers being paid or something?
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if she's under 150cm and flat its a loli to me
don't even play zzz btw
what the fuck does any of this mean
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I didn't like lolis before I played wuwa

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