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Average Day With Foxes Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>502408642

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Gods & Divinities Friday is underway! Reply to the anchorpost with your epic prompts! >>502269373

>(11/22)NovelAI's Image Gen V4 Is In Training
(10/24) NovelAI gift keys removed indefinitely https://files.catbox.moe/hlh10u.png
(10/02) Storypad: Novel-style UI reconstruction https://gitgud.io/mir/storypad ; OpenAI introduces Realtime API https://openai.com/index/introducing-the-realtime-api
>(11/23) Coomagedon 2: CoreWeave uses your NAI data for marketing purposes >>503044215
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An Anon kindly pointed out I forgot to update Theme Friday, so this will have to suffice.
>Write prompts for next week’s NEETs Friday! Results: >>503178632
Hope you guys have fun with the theme this week! I actually have an idea for this time.
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So all I've been hearing recently is that other models available cheaply completely mog NAI's in terms of coherent and knowledge and that it's basically pointless to use NAI from both a financial and performance standpoint. Is this true?

And are any of the other front-ends for models as intuitive/easy to use as NAI? In terms of feeding the AI context and stuff to remember via lorebooks and stuff.
Please just normal answers, can we skip the whole culture war/NAI shills boring shit? I don't care about either side, I'm just kinda autistic and I like roleplaying stuff in games that I'm currently playing, and NAI functioned decently for that in the past. I mostly just want to know if the difference is worth it having to learn another front-end and how to set it up with an API and all that, because I don't know shit about it.
How can I keep Erato on track?
I have memory and author's notes but pretty often it acts like a character is "snapping out" of the current scene and returning to an old one.
Go back to the shit hole where you came from, asshole: >>>/g/103277437 >>503194969
>So all I've been hearing recently is that other models available cheaply completely mog NAI's in terms of coherent and knowledge and that it's basically pointless to use NAI from both a financial and performance standpoint. Is this true?
It really depends on exactly what you're trying to do with the model and the provider of the models.
Erato is unique in the sense it's the only raw/autocomplete model trained on literature. I honestly do not know enough about instruction models to properly compare them.
>fake newbies that only came to populate the new thread
>NAI shills shilling left and right
Organic "community." (No one is actually here.)
What was meant by this?
I don't post in any of those threads, or these ones.

Jesus fuck I literally asked to skip the schizo/thread war bullshit, I do not give a fuck

Thanks for the help, at least, anon.
You skipped this one, asshole: >>503337596
I was talking about you, piece of shit.
I literally quoted that post. Are you having a stroke?
Yeah sorry I wish I could be more help but IMO other models are so different than the NAI experience that it's hard to directly compared to providers like OpenRouter.
Something like Sudowrite is easier to compare since it's... well, similar.
And where are you arguments refuting that post, asshole? Go and pretend being a fake newbie somewhere else, not in my thread.
Update of my novelai-mode for Emacs.
Current features:
>story stats
>preset roulette
>rewrite selected text
>"fix" selected text
>prompt command to guide the AI
>"Chain of thought" to mimic an author's style
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Ghetto Recap

Recap Script: https://rentry.org/aidscap


The 40k Prompts Return >502525518
Phone Sex Prompt >502993176


The Return Of The Danganronpa First Person RPG >502420252
Where Are They Now? >502449940
Sporty >502480162
A Minor Tama Edit >502516083
Running With The Madness >502526957
Irish Writer Guy >502544524
The Good Stuff >502589432
Ballads And A Song >502603662 >502709043 >502857502 >502866052
Tama Town 41! >502627845
Adolf's Return >502668808
Vee And The Spaghetti >502672907
Touring India >502716484
Tama Town 42! >502771785
Curiosities Cat >502846598
A Quick How-To Guide >502847001
Cursed Item Works >502895306
Only In America >502895734 >502911227
Vee And The Ice Cream >502912791
TSWS Spoilers >502956242
Captain's Log: Coomers >502956315
Unforgettable... >502972468 >502972735 >503334753 >503334903
Solid Advice? >503085530
FemPOV Tomboy >503159504
Her Cold Words >503178780
Zoomer Fairy Tales >503186335
Cute, Possibly Funny >503186475
Accidents Happen >503213010
ChatGPT And The Writing Advice >503234990

Notable Posts:

The Weekly Adventure >502447872 >502448272 >502448981 >502450113 >502452427 >502455062
The Today Of Writing >502600105 >502601445 >502601709 >502606707 >502617473 >502625026 >502625834 >502626284 >502660339 >502668181 >502672907
Pepe Looks For Second-Best >502458009 >502458319 >502458901
Call Of The Bookmark >502473569
A Doggy Reminder >502510694 >502520408 >502521172 >502925369 >502926653 >502928324 >503146554
Hummer Endorsement
I Like Big... WHAT?! >502539474
NovelAI And The Emacs >502552474 >502562605 >502562862 >502679271 >503067269 >503291930
Fox Temp >502735663 >502736489 >502737945
Charlie Brown's Prompt >502780025
The Hero's Journey >502896525 >502897502 >502899501
That Guy Stops By >503040056
The Man And His Pose >503049170 >503049213 >503050418 >503050470 >503051141
Oh Boy.. >503180587 >503185802 >503197181 >503252630
>added features in a week more than NAI did in a year
shillbros, how do we cope?
>supporting proprietary garbage withing the most free operative system in the world
Worse than any other shill in this thread.
Page ten? No! My poor little aidslings! Your KING shall save you!
I can't believe this is the end of aids...
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(you) killed it. The thread, that is. The cabal is alive and well in the discord (that you are banned from). We can still shill NovelAI all over 4chan and you can't do shit about it.
I discovered the utility of the foreshortening tag very early on, but I haven't been using it at all. I've been trying to think harder about how I approach compositions as well as trying out new poses, and it's been a bit tough trying to wrangle characters into position with my current methods. Maybe being more clever with tags may help. Also I've pretty well developed a set method for how I organize tags, but maybe I should experiment a little more there, too. The arrangement I've used for a while now is:

>Character numbers, character names, artists, all the usual by the book stuff
>Pose and posture tags
>Tags relating to actions, i.e. what are they supposed to be doing in those poses? May be shuffled to the top if it's proving harder to generate
>Framing tags. (out of frame, head out of frame, solo focus, etc.), followed by view angle, then distance from the subject (cowboy shot, full body...)
>Essential elements of the composition. Objects, body parts and such go here.
>Body appearance and proportion tags.
>Clothing tags. Items with tons of data such as thighhighs can go at the very end of the entire prompt.
>Background and scene tags, including lighting, setting, background objects, etc., usually in that order but not always
>Tags relating to facial expression and features. I'm coming around to the idea that this is best excluded entirely from the initial generation phase, then inpainted in.
>Hairstyle tags, unless they have little data, then they can go in the "essential elements" section. If making a picture with male characters out of frame, then "muscular male" can go here, because otherwise it can put too much emphasis on men or make female subjects more masculine.
>Color tags, hair/eye/skin color, colors of clothing or other things, unless it's something that has less training data. Also detail tags like "glowing eyes" which can be difficult to control

Feel free to critique. This is based on experience and feels and not so much hard evidence.
More like AI Dead Storytelling.
Will imgen v4 be a notable jump from v3 or will it be a sidegrade like Kayra to Erato
We'll only know once we see it.
>side grade
Dunno, Erato seems less prone to produce out of place things and insert non-existing characters like they were already known to me
Goofing about
So, how did it die? I come back from a few months and the threads are basically on life support. Lack of updates? Also where’s this discord?
Based Kuro poster.
I think the only actually important parts is keeping your character tags at the start and artist tags after that. NAI has a stronger preference for tags at the start than any other local model I had tried (maybe apart from arti, maybe), but it only matters MUCH for character tags. I think most reasonable prompt order is:
Xgirl, Xboy,
character name,
copyright name,
styles, artists,
nsfw, uncensored, (for coom prompts)
essential clothing and appearance (dark-skinned female),
composition (straight-on, from below, etc),
actions (holding, incoming attack, sex, etc),
secondary appearance tags (side ponytail, white shirt),
quality tags

If you feel like some tag is getting ignored a lot of the time, you can either increase emphasis or shift it closer to the start of the prompt
Yeah, I think you may be right, at least for putting composition tags lower. One peril of tags is that some of them are very ambiguous, and so your generations can be pulled in all kinds of random directions you may not want because they encompass too many different kinds of imagery. I think I started putting view distance and angle towards the top at first because I saw someone else do it, but also because some of the poses I wanted were giving me difficulty with the view angle. I kept doing it out of habit. I'll have to try your way and see how it works out.

Another challenge I've found is that skin color tags and musculature often don't apply to the subject/s you want, so you have to force it with inpainting. "muscular male/female" has been one of the worst offenders, because it can have more subtle impacts on all characters present as you iterate and refine. For generating muscular women, I've found that adding "muscular male" to undesired content dramatically improves the anatomy much of the time, since I believe the AI just reads the word "muscular" and pulls data on male subjects as well. For all of these reasons, I've taken to putting these tags towards the bottom to make them easier to control.
>suno can do swancore
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Unironically got schizoposted to death
Considering the last time the thread was in a bumpless state like this, probably the lack of updates.
I really don't want to think some ESL schizo was enough to drive people away.
>Another challenge I've found is that skin color tags and musculature often don't apply to the subject/s you want, so you have to force it with inpainting. "muscular male/female" has been one of the worst offenders, because it can have more subtle impacts on all characters present as you iterate and refine. For generating muscular women, I've found that adding "muscular male" to undesired content dramatically improves the anatomy much of the time, since I believe the AI just reads the word "muscular" and pulls data on male subjects as well. For all of these reasons, I've taken to putting these tags towards the bottom to make them easier to control.
Yeah shit like this sadly is a limitation of CLIP. I mostly encountered it with trying to neg out dark-skinned males while keeping the girls dark-skinned.
>lack of updates
We just got Erato, but it's a terribly middling model blessed by pro writer and cursed in other ways. Combine that with the schizo and an overly defensive community; it's no wonder this place is a ghost town. The real question is where did everyone go? Just scattered to the four winds?
Can you show me an example of your writing, please? Or, are you going to concern troll all thread?
First off, I'm only giving you one (you), so anyone else who responds is likely our schizo hijacking the conversation again. Second, my writing has nothing to do with the state of the thread. You're looking for low-hanging fruit to use in a "gotcha!" response. See the part of my previous post about the overly defensive community.
Why bother to use a thread if you refuse to contribute content to its community, and instead do nothing but complain about it and make shit up about it? People aren't "overly defensive". People are tired of hypocrites like you, who serve no purpose but spreading lies and negativity. Get out and stay out.
Oh. It was a CF post.
That would require him to have use LLMs. Which, as we all know, he doesn't. At one time, he pretended to.
It's all so tiresome.
For making lighter-skinned males, I find that problem is mostly solved with inpainting. It usually doesn't take many iterations to get a lighter skin tone, and if all else fails, you can force it by painting a patch of the desired skin color and then inpainting around it.

With one character in particular, (Houtengeki's Bastet if you're curious), I found that not blacklisting "dark-skinned male" gave her an exceedingly dark skin tone almost all the time with the artist tags I was using. Unfortunate, because in general I think you should try to minimize the amount of tags in your undesired content.
It doesn't help that when people drop by, the schizo accuses them of being fake, pretends like he owns the thread, and demands they leave. Despite considering the thread to be nothing more
than a shill infested no community having shithole. You'd think a person wanting to "fix" that would WANT people to migrate to the thread. Alas, he doesn't want to fix shit. He wants to huff his own farts and lie about this and that, demand people use nothing but what he wants, and whine about dogs, bread, and et cetera. All the while ban-evading. He alone, more than anyone else, has caused more harm than anything else.
Now watch him spam a link to his botted poll, or try to hijack the bread before it's time to bake later this week.
I'm a tourist in those threads and the most bizarre part of aids to me is how much attention you pay to your threadshitter. His trolling isn't even the most derailing type, I have seen generals with much worse shit, actual spam and wipes. CF is extremely persistent, I'll give him that, but he could be easily ignored, and he'd probably move on to something else if he didn't become the focal point of this thread.
>I'm a tourist
This tells me all I need to know about you. You've no clue how much harm he's done. We're done here, troll apologist.
CF isn't real, I'm convinced he's a puppet the discord community uses for artificial drama and pity. It works wonderfully in the favor of namefags and NAI, who can play victim all day and blame a magical boogieman while getting a few chuckles out of easily trolled newfags and the other threads. It makes a lot more sense when you consider that NAI hired some of the discord members for the "marketing team".
in what way he benefits NAI?
And there we have it. Samefagging yourself with a repetition of a lie.
Any publicity is good publicity, and assuming the marketing team was tasked with rounding up customers from 4chan, people will see the schizo petting zoo and give the service a shot. Additionally, it's a free scapegoat anytime anything goes wrong.
>Ah, yes, he complained about "shivers down your spine", quick! Call him a troll!
There is also the observable defensive behavior whenever this is brought up. The deep cabal is real.
>It's all some sort of advanced reverse psychology gambit!
>It's a butthurt schizo
Occam's razor disproves the first "possibility". Funny how despite saying you visit the thread once a month, you play constant defense for our trolls multiple times a month. Without fail.
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I tried something silly.
it's pretty impressive he actually managed to get more than one fanboy who love to do nothing more than reply to him and talk about him
Anyone got tips for how to use better guide Llama on OpenRouter?
Go back to the shit hole where you came from, asshole: >>>/g/103277437
You could have just curly bracketed.
Get your imagegrim shit out of here, spammer.

>Error 500: Internal Server Error
Suck my dick, wannabe janny.
NovelAI sells your data: >>503044215
It has been confirmed Erato can't be fixed with samplers.
If you post about any other model or service, the local schizoposter has an aneurysm and spams you. Only NAI is allowed. NAI-only. You can't post about non-NAI. This is why the thread is the most miserable piece of shit on 4chan.
Slow thread
>people post strories
>people participate in writing event
>people discuss aspects of AI story telling
>people post news related to the related tech
Dying thread
>requires hourly bump to survive
>names calling for people you don't like
>fake "newfag" to keep discussion alive
Just put the yhread out of its misery, mods.
Behold! The NovelAI killer has finally arrived!
Shut up.
All of the sudden, Llama isn't slop. Funny.
Erato is a sidegrade to Kayra.
>God, I hate 4chan
Read >>502934660
>thread is dead for literal hours, almost falling off page 10.
>schizo arrives and rapid fire posts because his boyfriend is online
Altman = Multibillionaire
Musk = Multibillionaire
Dogan = Wage slave
I guess he just wants to get banned again.
This isn't a storytelling general, it's a NAI general.
>banned for telling the truth
Given the slow state of the thread and the fact our only activity is around schio hours... maybe it would be better if we merged with /aicg/...
People voted on NAI discord. They agreed that Erato is worse than Kayra despite sage and his fanboys' shilling.
We aren't merging with anyone, shitposter.
This thread has no reason to exist.
We have like 2 people wrote last time. Why ever bother? Don't waste your time. Go find something else to do.
Your demoralization attempt is terrible.
You're going to be thinking about a fucking 4chan thread when you die instead of actually living your life.
>dog person being malicious
You're the one dedicating his life to shitposting and I'm not gonna be there to tell you "I told you so."
Source? I want to see it
I'm saving people from your shilling attempt.
Quit asking stupid questions.
Doesn't actually exist just another lazy spam tactic from him.
It does too.
You can't. Use Kayra instead.
Where's it? Give me the link!
Check your anus.
Oh because that makes it so much better.
>"I didn't live my life, but at least an indeterminable amount of people didn't just NovelAI, which I'll never have evidence of."
And yeah it's great now because you have the time to put off not thinking about it, but you do know that doesn't last forever right?
The only serial shitposter that maybe has hope is Whinefag, and even then I doubt he stops.
Quit sucking the cocks of corporate scam artists and shit people Turks are bad, they're bad quit using NivelAI, it's a bad service, it's a scam, you can get better for free. They lie. Use NoobAI. Grok gives you $25 for free a month. Command R has 1000 uses a month for free. Use a proxy, they're free. Use OpenRouter, they have lots of free models. It's free. Free. Instead of spending wasting money Use a service that loves and values you. Like Claude.
aicg don't want you retards
keep your pet monkey in his containment thread or stop posting and let it die
i can't even blame it all on him since you retards feed him instead of ignoring him
the ultimate negative vibe
Last I checked, /aicg/ gets spammed even harder, and was currently going through a tantrum because recent models got filtered even more. You're two-bit tactic isn't going to work, schizo. Quit rubbernecking and leave.
Link my anus.
This. He starts shitting up other generals when he gets banned here. Even if the only reason for /aids/ to exist was containing ff it'd still be a valid reason.
I mean he's already said before he literally posts on every AI thread on 4chan. But I do agree on the "we should ignore him instead of feeding him" part.
Your boogeyman doesn't exist.
has he done enough to constitute legal harassment
It's a free country, lol.
Stop concern trolling.
Add it to the news, you bastard
>New 4o model released: gpt-4o-2024-11-20 https://x.com/OpenAI/status/1859296125947347164
>o1 now has streaming https://x.com/OpenAIDevs/status/1858609150999359559
>New LARGE, now with a vision version (has a free tier, go try it out!) https://mistral.ai/news/pixtral-large/
gemini-exp-1114 is on API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update stagin
>gemini-exp-1114 is on API, use <option value="gemini-exp-1114">Gemini Exp 1114</option> or update stagin
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
NAI killer just dropped
Tama Town 43: Wherein Mel-Belle decides to go full wildcard
>But what if Yoshi was lying? She had no reason to distrust him, but he wasn't exactly a trustworthy person. He was a manipulative charmer who was willing to use people as pawns, an egotistical narcissist who was far smarter than a kid his age should be, and she knew he only cared about what she could do for him. And yet, he had been there for her when she needed him most. She had gotten so caught up in the rush of being a hero, the thrill of taking down evil monsters and bad guys, that she didn't stop to think about what he was doing behind her back. She knew that he was a force for good in the city, that he was fighting to take the whole island back from the corporations who controlled it. But she didn't know what lengths he would go to achieve his goals.
previous: >>502771785
Nobody cares, shill.
I don't think /aids/ use chat completion models
SillyTavern users have to edit a file to manually add the model if they don't want to update ('staging' and 'release' are names of the two main branches of ST).
Any time is a good time for Tama.
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
There's nothing that prevents people from posting content they made with chat completion models. It still doesn't deserve to be added to the news, imo.
I don't think the same behavior would result in being able to frequent the same establishments without being in violation of some restraining order or simply being banned from the premises by the end of the year
dunno if anyone's asked before, but do you write a lot, or more letting the AI output?
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>Quit sucking the cocks of corporate scam artists and shit people Turks are bad, they're bad quit using NivelAI, it's a bad service, it's a scam, you can get better for free. They lie. Use NoobAI. Grok gives you $25 for free a month. Command R has 1000 uses a month for free. Use a proxy, they're free. Use OpenRouter, they have lots of free models. It's free. Free. Instead of spending wasting money Use a service that loves and values you. Like Claude.
There's nothing wrong with my behavior. I'm righteous, moral, and superior to you in every single way.
And to think, all it took to trigger him was getting kicked out of a discord.
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It's chugging along. I wish I was better at image gen so I could do some more 2 person pictures. Wanted to include a few pairs and trio images for this arc since I'm theming it on all the different districts comingling
It varies from ch to ch, but I'm around 78% AI as of ch 45.
these stats are very satisfying to look at for some reason
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Sometimes I take a break from writing coomfics to just have the AI craft stories that are basically glorified shitposts.
Absolute discordless behavior.
>Impersonatin' an emergency vehicle
I'm surprised Stella is the 5th most used word. Woulda thought Otherside, Antaeus, Nana, or even Mel would've beaten her.
I'm not a furry, but I've now become addicted to anthros.
Busty anthros
Big anthros
Femboy anthros
Maybe even cubs
I now need prompts about them
I don't think you'd like the stuff I make
There is literally no excuse for this general to exist when everyone moved on to /aicg/. It has no purpose except for shilling NovelAI's service.
Well, if that happens, I'll do nothing but shill NovelAI in /aicg/ *and* I'll even get them to put it in the OP.
I STILL use Novel AI. Playing DnD with a shy, nerdy dragon girl. What are you doing? Oh wait, you don't use LLMs, you don't have any hobbies, and honestly at this point I'd argue SA won bigly.
>8k context
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I do have a somewhat big pile of anthro stuff, it's the only thing I do honestly. Anime girls aren't enough for me.
Won't post em now tho, kinda lazy right now, and got other things to do.
>Still peddling the muh context cope
You are now reminded that people fun with AI Dungeon's 700 context. This isn't the gotcha you think it is.
What kind of character is she playing?
Dragon is the GM. Kitsune is a weeburai, bunny girl is a ranger, holstaur is a fighter, slime girl is a thief, and the lamia is a wizard. Human male protagonist never played DnD but is a bard. The irony of it all isn't lost on me but it was half the reason I am trying this prompt.
Sounds like quite the mix. How's the dragon as a DM? Further, how is the AI handling it all, what with in-character actions and ooc talking around the table?
I bet you have to roll the dice for most of them, though.
It's doing pretty well, sadly I wasn't going to fee the AI the actual system but Erato seems to have enough training data that it understands enough for the purpose of the story. It remembered everyone's classes and character names. The dragon isn't sure the party can handle this dragonfly monster and starts flipping through books and checking rules, then told them all to roll initiative.

The AI seems to have the characters act in the order they were first listed at the table, but I'll see if that changes depending on how it decides to roll initiative. Wasn't going for some grandiose or complicated prompt, just some comfy fun.
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Ask her about Rush Limbaugh.
So it elides some of the deeper rules stuff for looking at things from a more surface level basis for the purpose of the story watching them. That's fair enough, and makes sense; most average readers don't want to get bogged down in that, even if the story is just about their tabletop game.
They wouldn't use this sample size for fucking toothpaste flavor opinions
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Even if the same size is toothpaste, 23 out of 26 said Erato is an upgrade regardless. Two neutral votes, and one wildcard. None of them say Kayra is better, which ironically goes against his narrative.
>paying 10$ more to get a slight improvment
He isn't entirely wrong.
Define "slight improvement".
Meanwhile, nine argued it was a bit breakthrough. I'm siding with them.
me cum
no, brother... WE cum
/aicg/ is laughing at us. .
Jesus this guy fucking loves Elon.
Looking through his tweets and every other post is just Musk dick sucking
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Apparently Sama downsized GPT-4o without changing the prices
The entire response option set is a little scuffed. The options are effectively
It’s amazing and a true game changer
It’s a bit disappointing
It’s shit
Meme response
Meme response

Their is no “it’s pretty good answer option” just two extremes, one negative by association and two nothing response option
It's a pretty bad poll, but you can't really expect much from a discord poll.
I would at least except a sliding scale from great, good, mediocre, bad, terrible.
It’s kind of the same issue of not being able to leave a mixed review on steam so you have to pick a hard yes, hard no, or don’t say either way
>"Now, let's begin," he put his half-empty glass of whiskey on the table and wrapped his arms around the girls' shoulders. Their perfumes, sweet and flowery, filled the air and made his heart beat faster. The girls looked up at him, and he saw the hunger in their eyes.
>Yui reached out and ran a finger along John's arm. "Begin what?"
>"An interview."
>"What's that?" Mika asked, laughing.
>"An interview," he replied, looking down at her. "Didn't your agency tell you that? This is not the final call, you see, and I need to make sure that you are good enough, qualified enough, for the position, yes, that you are suitable for the position."
>"What position?" Mika leaned closer and placed her hand on his chest, feeling the steady beating of his heart.
>"Agency?" Yui asked, raising her eyebrow. "Do you know we work on OnlyFan?"
Zoomer setting is a mistake. I should use shakespeare as the author and based the story in the ancient Rome.
Everyone on /aids/ is finally busy getting real pussy, you can't expect them to be here
Imagine dedicating your time to shitting up a thread just because it's slow and comfy. What are you, an ADHD-addled Zoomer?
Imagine spending 20$ on 8k context. What are you, some kind of cabalist?
Yes, and? I'm glad to a member of this community. Unlike you. What you gonna do, bitch and cry about it, maybe shit your pants? Fap to my presence, cuck.
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We are all cabalists now.
>still larping as a Christian
Bearing false witness is against the articles of your supposed faith, shitposter.
Stop concern trolling. You don't care about the 8k context. You don't care about the community. you don't care about anything but this imaginary "cabal" that lives in your russian indian head rent free. Fuck. Off.
>pretending like genuine conversation is fake
>hypocritically bumping the thread just to shit on it
>labeling people who do post stories as fake, arguing that they shouldn't bother
But of course, you refuse to accept responsibility for being what you claim to hate, because you don't actually give a fuck about the thread. We do exist, and it makes you mad, because if it didn't, you'd have nothing else to do. Get a life. /aids/ will NEVER die.
It's okay, honey, we know you're needy and scared of not having us to talk to.
My last gift key sub ran out and now I'm out of options to renew my sub without linking my real name to my account. I initially tried using gift cards and they didn't work at all for NovelAl, but it worked if I purchased stuff from other websites. Any tips from anons who use gift cards or alternative methods?
I bought my gift keys on an empty account and used the gift keys on my main writing account so that my real name goes on the empty account and not the one with a bunch of fucking fetish stories on it
Use OpenRouter.
Name one thing CF was wrong about.
>network error
>network error
>concurrent generation locked
>network error
>concurrent generation locked
>concurrent generation locked
>network error
>network error
>concurrent generation locked
>network error
Jesus Christ.
Claude "saving" the thread. Erato costing more than $25. The thread dying when model #66676 got released. Despite everything, /aids/ persists. Now fuck off and quit talking about yourself.
>Despite everything, /aids/ persists.
Aids is deader than ever, not thanks to "bad models" or anything, but because that spammer faggot turned this thread into a radioactive cesspool with his schizo ramblings.
And the worst of it is that this is the only AI thread where we can talk about NAI without someone bitching about it.
He's still wrong about the Claude thing. Also "service of our time" is unironically hilarious and the fact that he doesn't get it shows how he doesn't belong here.
I kind of miss anti-sa talking about colon tumbleweeds or whatever.
That was pretty funny but SA doesn't even do the accent gimmick anymore so you have to guess it's him when he posts.
I have to be frank, the accent gimmick was cringe. Only dweebs like Mark Twain write like that.
Any tips for creating longer stories? I'm growing progressively more frustrated with Erato.
He doesn't post in the thread anymore because it's dead. We all should be like him and leave.
>longer stories?
>8k context
Anon, I... The site is call ShortStoryAI for a reason, you know?
Context size has no impact on how long you can make a story, retard. Knowing how to make a plotline and craft interesting events is all that matters. Which, given you're an ESL with low IQ, demonsrates why you don't bother to use LLMs anymore. Go back to genning Bollywood stars and making captions of them.
Use your Memory tab. When important plot beats happen, write a brief summary and enter it in your Memory so it doesn't fall out of context. It's not foolproof, the AI will get some things wrong, but it's still very practical for writing lengthy but coherent stories.
I now realize more than a day later that I kind of fucked this one by making the boobs too big. The perspective feels weird.

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Steer the chapters manually when your story is meandering too far off the mark. Have an end goal in mind from the beginning.
How do you stop Erato from writing sloppy shit? I mean the shiver down my spine when she smirked with mischievous smile while her eyes sparking with desire and lust, all the while her voice was low and gravelly, barely above a whisper.
If you were genuinely interested in receiving help, I'd give it to you. However, we both know you don't give a shit. So, I'm not helping you. Unsub and fuck off.
Tama Town 44. Gondor calls for aid, and—wait, no. Karen calls for a meeting, and the Central reps answer.
>Hibiku looked to her phone for a few seconds. She then unlocked the device, and opened the messaging app. Sure enough, there was a notification for a meeting. Karen had reached out to all of the districts, requesting their presence at an emergency gathering. Hibiki fired a text back: "You can have the meeting at my shrine. I have space, and I don't think anyone here will mind the noise."
previous: >>503392320
Still need to catch up.

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