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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
smug face edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
WRC Club: https://rentry.org/vrgwrc23
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft (Vanilla+): https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft (Dungeon Crawling): https://crawler.vrg.party
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5
Bonelab: https://rentry.org/bonerlabeu

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 19:00 UTC (20:00 CET)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Thursday at 11PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 13:00 UTC/11:00PM AEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 19:00 UTC/20:00 CET
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEST
EU Bonelab: Saturday at 18:00 UTC

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>503124678

>Upcoming Events
Christmas Party - December 14th
first for taco bell
second for Yuki
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Bonelab every Saturday at 18:00 UTC, that's today in 50min. Modpack:

god i love bonering with the bros
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Resonite today!
Decorating a house for christmas and exploring afterwards.
At 20:00 UTC friend uzugu or plejadis
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this is also happening in like an hour
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Is RTX4070 good enough for the next 10 years? I still have my 780ti machine as the gaming machine :D
3070 will probably be enough for the next century
depends what you want to do with it, but considering you are in a vr thread then no
Headsets' screen resolution is growing up and so is the texture memory consumption in games, so with vram alone the 4070 will suffer at some point
That's actually my bad, 30 series does have more than 8 but it was the $1000+ ones
>for the next 10 years
You might be able to limp one along for that long, but I think you're going to want to upgrade sooner, especially for VR.
The one anon I know that's still on a 1070 is struggling in most games and that's only 8 years old at this point.
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Arizona Sunshine 2 is fucking great.
The dog is amazing, can carry stuff, can eat zombies, can give paw, and you can dress him up
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Evangelion Unit-01 going berserk vibes when he attacks zombies.
you'll never be as comfy as him
how does it run? think i can do it with a 2070? I gave Into the Radius a go and it runs like dogshit
My performance from todays session, almost everything maxed out in the graphics (might need to reduce a bit)

fpsVR Report:
App: Arizona Sunshine® 2 HMD: VIVE Pro 2 (90.000 Hz,
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (566.14, Tavg 72.9, Tmax 77)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 8-Core Processor (Tavg 81.5, Tmax 91)
Battery charge of controllers - @start: LC 85% RC 85%
Battery charge of controllers - @end: LC 53% RC 51%

Delivered fps: 84.42 Duration: 144.6min. Headset was active: 100%
GPU Frametimes:
Median: 8.8 ms
99th percentile: 17.5 ms
99.9th percentile: 20.9 ms
frametime <11.1ms(vsync): 77.8%
CPU frametime:
Median: 2.2 ms
99th percentile: 4.3 ms
99.9th percentile: 8.2 ms
frametime <11.1ms(vsync): 99.9%

Reprojection Ratio: 28.3%
Compositor Frames Dropped: 1134 or 0.1%
Max. SteamVR SS during the session: 80%
Render resolution per eye: 3196x3196(by SteamVR settings, Max. during the session)
HMD driver recommended resolution (default for SteamVR at 100%): 3572x3572)
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come play uno, cause if youre not there, youre square
1070 is all you need, the human eye cant even see past 20 frames
karaoke fin.
still sitting at the table, come help us get a hand going proper
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Real VR Fishing in 50 minutes!
a feeling so complicated
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My friends!
Workout time
something something squats and exercises.
Come join for a basic fitness workout to impress the ladies and ladies (male).
please help me make my avatar outfit management more efficient and modular. i've been doing everything in blender by combining materials and meshes. i'll make a new fbx for every outfit so i usually end up with good or medium. i also keep them in different blend files because eventually blender just gets laggy as fuck if i put too many in one file. however this means that if i ever wanted to change the base i'd have to go and update every blend file i've made for every fbx. i have over 20 fbxs, this is just not feasible, how can i do this better?
go back to /trash/
Kill yourself you freak.
Maybe someday when I get FBT
>doesn't know how to crossboard link
you're just as bad newfag
Rather be a newfag than a furfag.
Bro, I don't think my 4090 will be good for the next 10 years, 4070 should keep you alive for like 3 years.
fuck off flame, stop importing furry randoms in to the community.
Just use modular avatar and delete the base mesh and materials from all the saved outfits
I'm still using a 1070 and got it when the RTX series weren't announced yet.
Yes it does struggle sometimes but I don't play on 244hz 4k monitor, VR games work perfectly (except vrchat in big instances)
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Real VR Fishing NOW! Join EU lobby
Gone fishing
pass 1488
>VR games work perfectly
Anon, 20 fps isn't working perfectly.
>modular avatar
i want to be able to atlas my shit though
Just generate imposter on the website after the avatar is finished uploading. It'll save you lot of grief and time
https://github.com/d4rkc0d3r/d4rkAvatarOptimizer can do almost all the material and mesh merging on top of modular avatar, including a sort-of atlassing by combining textures into an array used by a single material. This theoretically isn't as performant than rearranging the UVs and rebaking atlassed textures yourself, though if you're just clicking the 'combine materials' in CATS, I bet it's essentially the same.
not even him its ST
I never got why some people like armpits
People like what they like, some things you just can't explain. I absolutely love exposed shoulders and collarbones with no obstructions and I do not know why.
Collarbones are known to be a common beauty signal. Even I like them collarbones, it signals soemoene is not a fat slob if they are visible and keep reasonably healthy and fit.

Armpits signal what?
just loik em, simple as. vrchat shoulder rigging leaves a lot to be desired though. It's a complicated joint.
Armpit sex.
well if they are shaved and smell good it signals that she has good hygiene. also there's probably pheromones in there
terrible weight painting
Huh that… you may be on to something with that
Armpits only do it fo me when its a jungle
Grabbing thighs in Bonelab
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good boners
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>broom power source operator has a workplace accident and loses control over the broom
>turns out it's actually reasonably controllable and can be pushed in the general direction you want to go
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GOD i fucking love boneylaba with the boys
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we still ballin, almost got a full table
Ready for da club
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fucking slept through bonerlabs again.
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god i wish that were me
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"- yeah but we have seen in in wrestling that-OH MY GOD HE IS ON THE ROPES! WILL HE DO IT! YEEEESSSSSSS HE JUMPS AND LANDS A HIT OH MY GOD!"
I'm not sure if this is the best place to post, but is there any Device like those smart display glasses that uses a Halo strap or more traditional VR strap for comfort and plan on wearing it in my house so I don't really care how it looks. Basically some like a big screen beyond/meganex but 3DOF and not needing basestations.
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your best bet is probably the XR elite which sucks ass
Okay thanks but I phrased that terribly. Is there anything like the XReal glasses but with a halo strap?
Don't think so. Glasses form factor is the new thing everyone's chasing.
How much Very Poor is too much?
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do you own these glasses? you could just build a strap instead
More Starship Troopers, the game has surprisingly deep weapon and skill progression, bringing right perks and weapons combo can make or break the run. The game also gets brutally hard pretty fast, pretty much every enemy seems to have some oneshot attack.
Nah I don't. QPro in bed it is
>QPro in bed it is
if you're just trying to goon while lying down it doesn't really get better than q3's shitty default strap
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What are we drinking tonight?
beer, as always
an entire bottle of soju and maybe two beers
coffee and mint tea
i wish drinking was fun
just puts me to sleep
It's not for gooning, I just wanted something light I could sleep in. People tend to like the glasses but the main problems people bring up is the weight distribution and how it hits the bridge of the nose so if there was a halo strap it seemed like it'd be perfect.
half a bottle of soju (I hate alcohol)
what do you usually drink anon? dark liquor and beer does the same to me but anything else is fine especially if I also have caffeine
you're asian aren't you
I really didn't expect them to send so many bugs per minutes. It's not insane like high difficulty drg but man those missions got you shooting non-stop for 5 minutes.
Still I can't believe how hard the third campaign mission was. That's such weird design. The kid playing with us had twice our level when we started and said he didn't even finish the 2nd one.
I kinda like the rogue-lite-ish aspect of keeping your troopers alive. It just feels like a nice gimmick.
wasn't there some ultra-lightweight headset that came out and was kind of just mediocre
MeganeX that's the one

black tea with rum or "jungle juice" (the recipe called it that i don't recall where i found it), which is 1 part rum, 1 part orange juice, 1 part other fruit juice (usually grapefruit for me), and 1 part some kind of soda (optional)
wine also makes me groggy but less

slav actually
my father literally drunk himself to death
yeah just checked
MeganeX superlight 8k
they're not out yet
yeah rum fucking puts me out too, try something else lmao. soju/sake is likely the favorite of most of the alcoholic otakus around here
Alcohol fucking sucks and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't. Energy drinks are much better.
kahlua and then vodka until i dont remember hanging out with you guys
I do like egg nog.
Like specifically cheap storebought egg nog.
Dunno why.
I really want to be hopeful for these but ehhhhh
bros i don't know how much longer i can keep waiting 2 more weeks for
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trying to decide between bloody mary, salted caramel bailey's with milk or coffee, martinis, and limoncello shots, sipping beer because i cannot choose
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the latest LTT video had a small segment about remuxing videos for 3D viewing
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new vket soon!
just use pico 4 ultra or quest3
all deserve rape
Need to fully explore it this time
>pico 4 ultra
Never heard of this, interesting. Wish the strap was changeable. Looks like I might end up doing the slight upgrade and getting the quest 3 used
finishing off my toki suntory whiskey
2 more weeks
What are you listening to, /vrg/?
the humming of my 2080 fan, keep it to trash little big guy
My headset died, I need a replacement. Which should I get Pico 4 or Quest 3
the coil whine of my 3090
corporate worlds are shit after vket6 and booth worlds are online anyways
pypy fatgenda songs
the soft whirring of my 3d printer making a phone case for a phone I don't use
The storm outside.
weed and nose beers.
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thanks for the games fellas, mostly because i won, sorry i wasnt fast enough to see it explode
International cat war prevented, peace detected.
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Another hanchan?
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As the holidays approach, /DinnerCircle/ must continue with its tradition of an annual Thanksgiving leftovers eating in VR meetup! In part 41, we will join a VRChat instance to eat our leftovers from our family's Thanksgivings(if that wasn't obvious), but as with any /DinnerCircle/ you can bring any food as you might have destroyed your relationship with your family due to; politics, emotional damage, assault, sexual assault, rape, murder or other factors not listed. Please feel free to bring any food, like from a frensgiving, or something you've made yourself. Be sure to join us on the Saturday the 30th at 7pm ET! Links will be provided here in the thread.
I hate fags
I hate women more.
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...well i did run back expecting one
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Sounds like a plan to me
If they actually make games for that damn thing, it would be pretty solid. The only thing that's bad is the lenses. What is everything else? I wonder how much of the good shit being locked on PCVR has to do with them or the headset itself. Is Tobii weird about their products being used with PCVR? Would they have needed to pay extra?
yeah, tobii blocked the eye tracking on pc. i prefer the psvr2 over the quest3, the lenses are hardly an issue
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they're adding fbt and kicking to valheim vr
Please continue to bring VR fitness to /vrg/. Thank you for your service
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too bad im fuckin tired, i might open the parlor an hour or two later, seems like 1800utc is too early for people to want to play, that or not enough eu actually want to play on weekends
Is eye tracking worth using in VR chat? As in, is it noticeable compared to the proximity eye contact? I feel like I'd rather have foveated rendering implemented, but I just finally got a router that should be able to have the eye tracking be noticeable to other people.
Honestly, it's great. Helps me to stay focused on people, and it's easy for them to pick up on.
It's noticeable. I don't have it myself but I want it after seeing how it looks on other people.
Okay, I'll give it a whirl in NT2T tonight and report back
Eye tracking is cool
Shame it's on like
2 headsets
and one is dogshit
and the other is overpriced dogshit
End credit music of "Sicario".
I will bring and wake up this time
oh shit that's cool as fuck
based and dinnerpilled
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Now go and kiss
good song but >>>/trash/
my stock ryzen fan constantly ramping up/down over ryzen's random temp spikes
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fuck off I'm not gonna look at plastic goonballoon creatures
trash is for the offtopic posting newfag chan
technically yes
functionally it's just a second /d/
don't pretend otherwise
i mean more specifically for this thread/general its truer than just alt /d/
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Great resoniting everyone, it was fun to build house for christmas, everyone else should be able to see the amazing changes soon in vrc
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indeed absolute cinema
Club Penguin's shutdown has been nothing but disaster since
The BGM of some H-RPG I've left open for the last 2 weeks.
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I'm listening to my favorite streamer playing World of Warcraft Classic Classic Hardcore right now

Both of them are straight and pure.
Both of them needs to touch virtual lips. It's straight because they're both anime girls
These controllers clearly have dementia, but God, I'm falling more and more in love with this headset the more I use it
which one
bro nobody says it like that
The deafening sound of my jigsaw going through 12mm plywood
Mutually exclusive.
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/vrg/ Title Matches when?
I got 20 bucks on this being jankier than Dragon Fist or the VRchat boxing game that i forget the name of
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wow, nuclear apocalypse, only 2 weeks away
good thing it only costs 10
should i spend a bunch of money to build a supercomputer in january when the 9950x3d and 5090 come out or just try to stuff a 5090 into my current pc? is pcie5 going to be a big deal?
I'm scared my 13900k will die because it was made during the manufacturing defect timeframe.
I updated bios with intel's new microcode fix thingy but it still feels like a ticking timebomb
I live in a remote area so if something in my pc dies it could be like 2 months before it's back up and running
i dont know
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Very cool, VRChat! Thanks for sharing!
wat da heeelll
whoops, wrong thread
at least you guys are nerds I guess
what feuds in this thread should we have as the headliner and who will be the undercard fights in a vrg boxing tournament?

Cardizem vs Mauseris
Wired vs Ugly Anime Fag
Cartography vs any conservative voting vrg
Obligatory femanon vs femanon match
Yuru vs prospective leaderfags
Ryder vs Furry
anon vs other anon who insists on namedropping people in the thread
Jelly and Krial
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>pour blood sweat and tear into my worlds
>only get 1/10 of favorites of the fucking" immersive mother avatar" world
im on the wrong platform, no the wrong universe
me vs my demons
stop being a newfag
furry vs TDA
ur mum vs ur dad
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i was almost empty sorry oops :3c
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Polluting the water supply.
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this clip is so funny to me. the little anime girl running away.
:: SEA Anime and Exploration - Edition | (See schedule below) ::
What is this?
We go in a group to explore many new VRchat worlds in a rapid fashion to find good ones and experience them in full with nice frens. We watch a couple of seasonal anime before the explore!

Sun - 8:00AM-9:30AM UTC - SEA anime
Sun - 9:30AM-3:00PM UTC - SEA after hrs heavy exploration

There will be one soon in a few hrs will drop link when the time is nigh.

anime is in 15 mins
i cast Futanarium Transformis
anime time!
Play Thrill of the Fight 2

I like your world anon!
but retarded fetish worlds will always get favorited more
Bonelab is fun.
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if it isnt fun, why bother?
similar to people who make detailed mecha avatars with no boobs
What's the deal with furfags anyway?
Are they overly obnoxious/degenerate? or is it just that their avatars are disgusting western shit? What about kemono/chibi avatars?
inb4 lurk moar.
They destroy communities they are allowed to infest, that's basically it.
every furry I've met has shared unsolicited and strange opinions about california
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i <3 constraints
That's cool
yuki starting the fetish map tour strong tonight
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SEA Exploration is live!
Come join! on Yuki Nagato
rtx on
Japan, India
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some more avatar tech
a torch with fire that aims upwards
just liltoon and physbones
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a liltoon setup for a smokey orb effect on the gems
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Back to the fetish worlds
I don't have space for extended tracking or FBT, so is the Meta Quest 2 still the best bang for buck if I'm just using hands + headset at my chair?
Finally japanese innovation: flooded tree on plain map
im the small ghost
Night mode at persona beach
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i mean they do say it's a completely random selection...
stuck cat on a bigger tree
Great art is not when there is more to add but when there is nothing left to take away
pretty map though
Another glorious fetish world
shimapan carnival!
I'm not too upset
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Golf+ slopping today 1900 UTC.
Best world feature I've seen in a while
NOOOooooOooo the users will get motion sick!!!!
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You ain'tseen nothing
it's sooo fucking massive
boardgame but mecha
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Some of the later patrols in Starship Troopers definitely get as brutal as the campaign with active bugholes that need to be closed and buggers rushing from every direction.
Standing on walls is actually worse since the warriors can start the grab animation while on wall and instagrab you immediately after coming up.
Happy Holidays
bloom japan
sleepy time nini NN
Home Alone
thats a championship fuckup speedrun right there
i really underestimated this stage
try playing in vr
this is not alcohol!?
its in vr doebeit?
world id in filenme
im not in vr right now, but my virtual desktop streamer system tray icon just turned white for 2 minutes before going back to orange. what the fuck does that mean?
woah wtf i'm getting hacked?!
How are you recording?
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ah right, due to the stabilization it might seem its not in vr
i used screen recording on my Pico4, my 3090 has no fucking headroom in this game so I can't record on the PC side
ggwp, nice exploran. till next time
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would you eat yuki's pizza?
made with love
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P has seen... things
no because I have to be afraid that there needs to be a 2 hours long detailed autistic discussion
The 2 hour long detailed autistic discussion is only if you don't pay
or rather if you merely exist and he is in the same dimension as you
Kino friends
It’s this one
But how many peperonis per slice would equivocate an equal distribution of calories knowing the cheese, bread and sauce vary across the whole pizza?
Yeah this map is really good. The photos don’t do it justice
I love this one. Being carapulted between the blackholes via gravity feels good
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Y running to the other side of the instance because he noticed there was a discussion about anything
tower, japan
Is anything happening tonight in VRC?

Pic related, spent most of today dicking around in Unity making a new avatar after a solid half a year away from VR.
Sign meet in an hour, maybe some Settlers of Catan later
Also sunday seaonal anime watching during NA hours at night
otherwise you're stuck with /trash/ events
and sunday night mahjong, forgot that one*
I just want to hang out and explore worlds, but my socially awkward ass doesn't want to meet new people, nor is my avatar set up for trash meets lmao

Even if some trash people might know me by my avatar's ass anyway.
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World exploration is the only thing I give a shit about, too, anon. Be happy you made even a little progress in unity. I've been stuck in Blender with two outfits for a week and it is making me upset so I get it.
i hope you regularly backup your project...
Whoops, I guess I forgot to post this to something else and now I don't remember what it was. Oh well.

... Uh... Any outfit ideas still welcome. Recently I was given an idea but it exists nowhere so I've been trying to do scratchmade again.

This is my version I started at the start of 2024. I do keep backups, but I also ride the raggedy fucking edge of disaster when I take screenshots for funsies. If I turned on gizmo view, I'd probably lose the project.
prob just grab a quest 3s bro
They say if you go to this classroom at 3pm on a sunday theres a scary ghost haunting it
poker usually midnight est if the host is around
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EU Assetto Corsa: European Racing club, season 12!
Race 85

19:00 UTC 20:00 CET, Monday 2nd of December 2024.

FUCKING TRUCKING. HELL YEAH. We're taking these FUCKING TRUCKS to america, to Laguna Seca. Drive these 5 tonn, 1000 HP shits around the corkscrew and don't screw around!

1 hour practice
12 minutes qualifiers
8 laps race

After that some relaxing convoy tracking in Scotland.

Assetto - can be played with wheel, controller, or steam-vr-wheel addon, it doesn't matter, we will all have fun driving together. If you just bought Asseto - grab Assetto Corsa Content Manager - a better launcher and mod manager: https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html To install mods: just drag and drop zip files from mega onto the Content Manager windows and click on the hamburger menu on top right. Highly recommend installing stable custom shader patch and 7-zip plugin in Content manager.

For communication we'll use mumble at voice.vrg.party port 64738, as it doesn't need any registrations or logins.

I can't recomend enough Crew Chief
He's a helpfull AI fellow in the pits who'll provide you information about your car, your opponents, yell at you or try to encourage you. And most importantly, he will spot for you, in case you have a car in you blind spot.

UI radar are immersion breaking and basically cheating, but this guy will tell you verbally if someone is there on your right. Download, install, select Asseto Corsa in game list, press "Start application" and it should work!

MODS: https://mega.nz/folder/viQUiKwJ#USYXpjP1sPo3_Obad4leTA
Come learn Sign Language with us at Sunday Sign Meet. Any controller type is usable, and any level of skill is welcome.
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culprit caught red handed
finally a reason to get face tracking
original https://files.catbox.moe/yqaie4.mp4
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hate seeing happy couples with matching avatars
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Warm and comfy Golf+ in 5 minutes. Room name will be VRGVRG.
Face tracking in sign language to emphasize the sign for fat, very powerful
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Anyone wanna play some Catan in an hour? Need atleast 3ppl for a game, reply to this post if you down to play!
Fun signing today, hope to see everyone again next week as usual.
We will be there. If A tries to dodge catan to get railed again we will be raiding trash with high brat correction intent.
It's just RS
nevermind then
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I'll join
Have you guys seen this video? Very good writeup on the state of the industry
ill listen to it rn, this is the shit that cant be ignored
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Come play!
fuck yo chicken strips
No we’re in San Francisco
it just keeps happening
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so true
what are some good link cables
Kevin Wifi router
eurocuck, i haven't seen that thing on sale anywhere here
just buy it from amazon NA and cope with the shipping costs
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Thanks for coming!
I agree fellow 4chan user! We should all watch this video right now. It is the perfect summary of where we are in this spacial computing industry.
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NA anime tonight at 10 pm est in vrchat

Nagi no Asukara - 15
Nagi no Asukara - 16
Puniru - 08
Dandadan - 08

will drop a link when the instance is up. If you only want to watch the airing shows you can wait until 11 to join
*blocks your path*
what do you do?
why are you people incapable of being normal
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where do you think you are
>put on girl voice changer and pop on vrchat
>get sexually harassed/assaulted
Wimin have it good
I don't think I've ever encountered a girl voice changer that was even remotely convincing
That's the thing, the good ones are the ones you never pick up on.
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is arm tracking helpful/worthwhile over foot/chest tracking when not using controllers? would the 7 tracker setup in pic related be dogshit? Maybe I should just pay the money to get 8 trackers
Very retarded tracker placement.
where would the better placement be?
Knees and elbows are far more useful than in the middle of a bone.
oh yeah, that's just my shitty drawing. I thought you meant the trackers should be in different places altogether
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This is where 7 trackers should go.
crotch tracker? what's its use case?
Autistic fucking retard.
Name a good voice changer
Not that anon but I use RVC
*waist tracker
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Turns out there's harder difficulty version of every mission, aside from enemies being faster and tankier there's also more of them, as in HELLA MORE, 10-15 bugs chasing you around map is pretty standard. And turns out difficulty does scale with number of players, numbers remain same but bugs attack faster and have higher damage resistance with full squad so landing crits and concentrating fire is a must.
Play Starship Troopers Continuum, do your part.
he said 'good voice changer'
Isn't this functionally voice input->text->ai voice output?
Nope, although there are some voice changers that do that. RVC takes a trained voice and tries to match you to that voice. You accent, cadence, other aspects of your manner of speaking will make it through RVC.
i'll give it a try
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The original query was anon getting treated like a femoid in public worlds which yes is something that happens on the rare occasions that I go to public.
>You accent, cadence, other aspects of your manner of speaking will make it through RVC
anon you're full of shit, I hear your voice changer all the time. it's no better than the old school tts in that regard
I've provided a clip of what it sounds like so people can decide whether that's good enough for them or not.
>implying anyone who doesn't know better than to click on it will know what your accent sounds like already
that happens to me without a voice changer though
What the fuck are you talking about. You can sing using RVC. People use it to replace singers in songs.
That's not related to accent and cadence thought? I mean maybe it is possible but basing it on the one anon always advertising it, his never reflects that
I mean that's more or less how I speak. People are routinely surprised at how my regular voice sounds similar.
No it isn't. I'm surprised by how *different* it sounds
Well, people have very strong but wildly different opinions on it. Either way, anon can evaluate the clip and go from there.
don't care
alright little kittens, put away all your flatshit flavor of the month games, its mahjong drinking time.
>drinking on a sunday night
how degenerate
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oh yehh
thanks anon, and would you recommend 7 or 8 IMU trackers?
kill yourself
shit n ded thred
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Tentative thanksgiving rumble on Saturday as long as youtube leaves me alone
More Details later
Sweet. Looking forward to it.
Cool. Happy thanksgiving anon. Looking forward to the rumble. Are you accepting more submissions for wrestler. Or you still have references unused the last time you asked for references?
I'm the BIG GHOST!
God I wish I have a recording of it... I was surprised what the big ghost did
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pull out one of these bad boys
>elbow and knee trackers on the joint
Really? I figured you'd have it slightly towards one side or the other.
nobody actually knows, just experiment and decide for yourself what works best
Would anyone be down for booth ban friday again this week?
I'd be down for it. Will this be done on all timezones or just NA like last time?
most likely just NA unless someone wants to take the mantle for hosting it on their timezone, its a relatively simple event so it wouldnt require too much coordination, just a warmup for a while in a world with an avatar search and randomizer, and then hangout where you ritualistically discriminate against anyone who shows up in a booth/furry/tda avatar until they change into a knuckles or a streetlamp or something
theres so many funny awesome avatars out there that people forget about because everyones always in their booths
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I can take up the SEA one and get everyone to start in an avatar search world during SEA explore. Though most of us has an old avatar that was not made from booth.

Will that be fine to do or is that not in the spirit of the event? How important is it to actually get a random avatar from an avatar search world?
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today in headset repair:
The top strap of my index mostly broke and was just holding on, so I took an old tie i couldn't wear anymore because it had frayed some and stitched it in to reinforce my headset strap. It's firm and comfy now.
The black sock, btw, is tied around a zip tie to hold my cable in place since the plastic cable clip on the back broke ages ago.
thanks for coming frems
see you on wednesday for more k-on and magilumi and mecha-ude
the spirit of the event is to be in a non-booth, if people want to weasel around and go "oh well my avatar technically isnt booth" or "oh this one looks exactly like my current avatar, just a couple years older and not technically a booth" then sure w/e i dont really care to argue too much on the semantics, they can be partial participation melvins if they want to be so long as its technically in the rules
i definitely wanna see people in random dumb shit that they wouldnt normally pull out or saw one time in a public and thought it was funny though
I already have something for this, cool.
>i definitely wanna see people in random dumb shit that they wouldnt normally pull out or saw one time in a public and thought it was funny though
Aight Wacky Avatars it is. I'll do my best to ask everyone to change to a random wacky one they have or from the search for at least an hr or two during exploration :3
ye pretty much just bully and discriminate against booths/furries/tda's and call people who just have alternate versions of their everyday avatar lame
group racism was my favorite part of last time, hearing someone yell behind me "HEY THERES A FUCKIN BOOTHIE IN HERE" and watching as 90% of the instance dogpiles and starts slurring and spitting on them until they swap was very fun
it is dead
What's dead?
RIP Poker... I can scramble logging in 30 mins from now if you need a poger fren
it's fine it's dead and i'm annoyed that all my settings changed because I had to reinstall windows and it feels like my fbt is slightly off so i'll wait for next time.
i'd love to join
holy shoit I remember playing this game like 8 years ago or some shit this shit ROCKS
Somebody who blatantly bought into the hypetrain that was the Deckard stupidity and the VR1, which turned out to be a disaster with the CEO being a lying sack of shit, shouldn't be listened to about the state of anything.
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New Metaverse stats
Looks like your index is wearing a diaper.
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>Japan and Asia has no delusion that they are "Other" and just want to fuck anime girls as a male
>eurotrannies are clearly labeling themselves as other
>murica trannies think they are real women
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You ain't seen nothing yet, Anon. I remember printing these and using them for a few years until the crocs I had them on fell apart.
Why is your crocs so dirty when it's only used indoors
I can see how the crocs fell apart.
Ex-work crocs, this was after fitting the clasps to them. They have been washed, but this was a heat of the moment thing since I was still new to 3d printing back then from what I remember.
>sample of 1000 users
>using self-reported survey data
not sure how representative it really is.. 73% of VR users being Japanese seems too high

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