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Lamp of Malice (until 31 December)

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Previous: >>503197858
WHEN maint
glad I hit refresh before creating a new thread
a princess enduring torture
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>she does it again
>this time right in front of Debra
Damn, Yekat is cold

>Debra pretends it's not her fault and blames me for not having a solution
I think Yekat might have a point
I like Viviana
When you say we got unlucky with ambushes, she interprets it as you going soft on her for not detecting them
Repeating OP picture from two threads ago? Don't you have any better material wizkeks? Guess the roadmap to EoS is being reflected on the general.
God, imagine already dying in less than 3 months.
And to think some anons were even dreaming about divegrass teams a few threads ago.
Better wake up to reality
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Dead... general...
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I'm grinding
I'm playing Etrian Odyssey.
I'm farming sahuagin scales

I'm killing whoever made this quest on fucking god
shitposter is that desperate for (You)s. sad
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Doing the first few Districts or the ship seems to be way more efficient than repeating the Pier Request
At least this way you can get loot as well
>recommended level 38, 6 evil, 2 thieves for a dispatch
anyone here tried this dispatch?
is it worth or should I spam other dispatches
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>6 evil
I don't even have enough evil characters that level
Is Elise... you know?
Strong-willed womyn are weak to anal.
I got old remains from the intro and my B7 bones
B6 didn't respawn yet, but I think my B4 chest did
Screwed up my jumps and forgot to try the Death Stench request

I think the knight npc gives you one for free after you meet him enough times
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Will murder you in blind rage to protect things precious to her? Yeah, I think she will.
Is wild strike with 2 hit weapons broken?
It only hits once, and the damage (level1) is around the as a level 1 heavy strike which is way cheaper to use.
What is the fucking point then?
I feel like wild strike might have been supposed to be 2hit as well, with 2hit weapons, but it is not working correctly.
why is lana like this
>girls frontline 2 in 11 days
She keeps saying something about how she's going to show off the techniques of an erofu, so I don't think so bwo...
>crucible has 5 bones
>resets every 2 weeks
>10 tags from weekly/login in that time
>+10 if you dismiss the previous crucible set
Alright anons, crucible resets in a week. Is your gear good enough to get that fresh set of bones from fresh start all the way to Melgina or Octo without needing to be carried by your existing units excluding MC?
Going to fap to porn but not gonna play it
>Dofus Unity in 11 days
Why play dofus when wakfu a better game
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oh no bwos I don't know if I can no life 2 gachas like this
Why don't characters remove their gloves when eating?
what do people even eat in the dungeons?...
For I have the mermaid's protection! Hihihihahah!
Rations, dried food and dehydrated fruits and nuts?
Don't know if they have affordable glass and metal sealing technology though.
Probably some kind of soup with fountain water?
Rather, how much time they spend in dungeon? Because believe it or not humans need a lot of water, and water not only is heavy but takes a lot of volume.
>PoE2 in days
I bet they'll have server issues again
Bro, I just sold all my sahuagin scales, picked up the quest an hour later and realized I needed to farm them.
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I wonder how they sound in jp
I've come to like their en voices
I want to rape Lana's EN VA
Raymond was the true risk to be savored all along.
What is the point of the soldiers/knights/pirates that want an antitoxin?
no real reason
they gift you stuff if you find them after you help enough
be a good person
they gift you multiple items higher in value
A shame if you go back you have to give them again
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Beast-Thi never misses.
I really want to kill a lot of people.
I bet they wouldn't act like such cunts towards me if they knew I had time travel powers.
They better be thanking god I'm not a chinese or korean regression novel protagonist.
groundhog day moment
Big Skeleton Soldier energy.
Mermaid meatz good medicine. Cry pearlz. Sweet songz. Scalez good coin. Good trophy.
in my mind i though that the dungeon is like a day job kind of stuff goes in 3-4 hour a day maybe even less and spend the rest of the day outside of dungeon doing preparation work
This uncle is courting risk
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Finally a good shield to give to my frontline Fighter
So what what happens if you accept the free resurrection from the church if you dont have enough gold? Does it fuck me over in anyway shape or form?
Your loli is sold to a nobleman to pay your debts
the character gets raped
nothing much besides that
They do lose some fortitude to the experience.
They already lost fortitude from the death and now they lost a bit more from the rape, so things can get tough if they die again before it can recover.
Apparently if you increase the well of the mind passive attack buff too much it disappears and you don't get the increase. Tried getting it to 7 and it vanished from my skill list
That's well documented already
Cool I just learned about it though
That's why Adventurers are so strong and well-respected. Knights and soldiers can fight, but adventurers can pack a bag and manage supplies.
Where can I find this novel's worth of bug documentation?
>Tried getting it to 7
They need to show a skill's max level more easily, since 6 is the max anyway.
I carry around spare elf bones to reverse as emergency rations.
The jap wiki has a dedicated page
>marcille in dungeon meshi can revive falin from her leftover bones

she's literally us!
Same, but I carry around beastfolk bones to use as bone broth soup stock in emergencies.
They are no different from animals anyways.
I tried that but my party kept complaining about them tasting gamey.
I should probably lower the water on Gessi but Lulu is saying I'm a scrub if I do
How does elf bone soup tastes?
Not soup specifically but....
I saw some recipe about how to make anime meat just because.
Gonna try making some with normal minced meat and eggs: but the catch is I'll use beastkin bones for the drumstick then I'll serve it to my beastkin party members lol
Also tempted to run a cycle where I kill Elmon and use her bones for soup just to know how genetic failures in elves affect taste.
>cannibalism and degeneracy
What's next? Making sausages and preserving food just like warped ones?
The abyss and the cursed wheel truly makes one go crazy.
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Elves and beasts aren't humans, it's not cannibalism.
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well we're not exactly reviving
think of it as turning back time to before they died
I just spent the last hour going in and out of the pier for the Regia bondmate. I only need to meet her one more time but she hasn't spawned for the last 30 minutes. Who thought this was a good idea?
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Do you think the dungeon meshi author is into guro?
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trvth nvke
I am only into like half of those tags sadly.
How do you get to the second town? I heard that has really good gear. I just unlocked den of earth.
Save the king
When you finish the first dungeon.
Every part of the elf is edible. Nothing goes to waste.
I finally got her. And I would have missed her if I didn't check every nook and cranny of the pier on a whim. Fuck's sake.
I tried.
He died.
I just did.
Do it better this time :)
>He died.
You didn't finish the first dungeon if he died.
It's SAVE the king.
Not bring back his corpse.
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>he died
It's all Lulu's fault
I hate this ghost more than can be put into words
>want to know where you went wrong? You're weak and couldn't save anyone. Oi are you listening, I'm talking to you. Whatever when your dead in a few seconds we can be ghost pals.
>brutally murder a bunch of fairies
>Yekaterina: "They sure were cute, huh?"
Now you'll die too
She says that about weak enemies
>gary the brave will be missed

Still won't fuck you quatro.
I got this today with Gigi. His bond doesn't go away, but it doesn't go up a level either. I guess these bonds can only go up to level 1?
Gary's bond only leveled up if you wittingly let him die again.
Which always felt odd, so I already thought it was broken somehow, just hadn't thought it would be because it was supposed to be level 1 only.
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wife material
wait a minute, changing weapon in this game doesn't waste a turn? are there any nice trick tie to it?
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Send your maxed exp character to dispatch. If you don't have level 60 already, you are bricked in Pixie event

you can only switch one.
Twice then you will crash.
Do you guys just manually keep track of how much experience you gain past the cap?
There's a bug that allows the weapon you swap to to keep the traits of the weapon you start the battle with. So if you start with a mace and switch to a sword, you'll do half damage on a miss and so on.
so dagger to mace = high acc and sur?
You only get what you started with. Dagger to mace should let you keep the increased crit rate, but your attacks can actually miss now and you'll never get the chance to stun.
>400 max storage
Can you swap from a 2h weapon to a 1h sword and still get the extra Strength+ damage?
Strength+ is just a mistranslation, it means that the weapon is 2handed (aka requires more strength to wield)
I don't really understand the question. Why would we need to manually track anything?
no fucking way
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That is not at all what it means, what the hell are you talking about? You can use 2h weapons regardless of your strength. The Strength+ trait means you get a 75% attack bonus from the weapon, it's to make up for the weapon needing 2 hands
post your proof that i'm wrong, you can't
By that logic Strength- means the weapon is 1handed so every 1 handed weapon should have it.
I actually can but it's funnier if i don't.
I guess we are back to dumbasses spreading misinformation around here
i accept your concession
>he isn't getting the hourly bone on b8
aka weapon much better with strength
it is the reason why 2 handed weapons have as much atk as they have.
if you are gonna lie on the internet at least be funny
>back to
my man it has never stopped
they have more attack because they only hit once
Just my wishful thinking, I was away for a few days...
if I hit you once with a twig on one hand and then hit you harder with the same twig on the other, you will barely feel the difference
but if I hit you with a sledgehammer on one and then hit you with all my strength, one hand will have a few broken bones while the other will be splattered all over the place
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then explain why 1h staff and 2h staff have the same physical damage. 2h staff has strength+, why isn't it dealing more?
>b-but it's a magic weapon
Doesn't matter, it has strength+ passive.
I'm seeing 173 attack power on my Ophelia with a hardwood 2handed and only 117 with a hardwood 1h.
>2h staff has strength+, why isn't it dealing more?
It is though you stupid fuck
I think when I proved what STR+ did whenever I did that I might have phrased it badly. But to be clear:

Pretend you are a fighter with 50 strength and are using a 100 ATK Strength+ weapon.
Your base, unequipped ATK is going to be 50*120%=60.
Your weapon's attack will be 100+75% of base ATK, so 145.
Your total ATK will then be 205.

Because you're using it on a mage. If you can even GET 50 strength on a mage, their base attack would be 50*50%=25 ATK, then because Japan hates mages, they only get 50% of THAT as ATK from Strength+ (literally the only class with a different multiplier here). So they only get an extra 13 ATK.
I hope you understand how retarded you are
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Here you go, genius. He's clearly getting more out of the 2h staff than the 30 he's supposed to

Mages still get more than they're "supposed" to, even if it is less than other classes
Do mages get shafted even harder with strength- on the pickaxe?
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This is my second time here and I still hate this room
it's pretty nice
No idea. The last time I equipped it, it gave me like 5 attack and that's not a big enough number to do any math with.

Yeah, its' just hard to notice because most of our current mages are elves which tend to have extremely low strength, with a big strength penalty, and a second strength penalty on top of that because fuck you.
I always just stand in the corner out of the water and let enemies come to me
What's worth taking the time to extract?
Do you extract all the +2/+3 stats or only if the enchant is good on low tier gear?
its worth it if I get something
I extract anything that I would refine or alter
I take ATK or MAG especially regardless of how low the number is
Well, I just checked and strength- is at least -120%, completely killing the strength to attack conversion so there's no difference anyway.
Holy shit Octonarus fight is a fucking marathon. Is it impossible to do on lv40?
> Extract all shitty *1 +ATK
> Put it on 4* grindable gear
> Extract the 4* gear
> You gain 4* ATK stone
> Put it on the main gear
Yes, assuming you are talking about leveling up your units without unlocking the level cap.


This page has a chart where you can tell what level you are by looking at your total amount of experience. Keep units you want to level up as quick as possible capped so you can get the most experience possible. This page lists some good ways to grind experience, not all of them though.

You wouldn't even be able to jerk off with this annoying brat pestering you for attention, and you wouldn't be able to correct her either, insufferable!
reminder to hoard your bones for future proof characters.
unless don't have full legendary team yet.
>Oh, you couldn't get a boner? Shall I tell you where you did wrong?
>assumes extract works 100% of the time
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it's christmas
Does this really work? I haven't been extracting much because it takes forever to do.
>1* white steel x3 and 1 shell coin
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I needed tags so I rolled. I got exactly that, a bunch of tags. So you're not wrong.
Why waste your gems when they'll add more ways to get tags in the future
inherit all those free stats instead
I didn't use my gems, I used the compensation bones that I was holding for no reason.

I want to. but I am holding off for now.
>he dismissed stat boosts for tags
Bricked. A level 30 team clears all current content.
>unless don't have full legendary team yet.
I most've gotten lucky because I had 1 of every SSR by the time I beat tutorial dungeon. I try to limit myself to 1 or 2 as I think it makes the party more soulful
don't waste gems for tags bro, do the mausoleum for discipline / tags / inherits
How do I beat the centaurs in the mausoleum with as little harm as possible? Or am I destined to party wipe?
you press the flee button
It's easiest to just run away from them, they can mostly be juked. If you're on a route where they can't be, you're fucked, you'll probably lose someone before you burst them down.
That's the funny part, you don't.
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About that...
apart from the very first centaur fight, you avoid them in all your later mausoleum runs
there are maps in the rentry
Keep trying, by the third or fourth try it will work in my experience
I killed him because he didn't instant death me, just mazelos. Still a shitty unfun mechanic.

Nice game you got there Drecom!
>closes wallet

I mean it's like a story battle where flee doesn't just fail, its impossible.
>open door
>centaur in the treasure room on top of me
Okay okay, I savored the risk here.
The unfleeable one only appears if you paid gems to open 3 doors. Don't ever pay gems at the mausoleum just do it the long way.
This dude really spent gems for free bones? I can't imagine ever doing that shit, even if I had a million of them.
Not his fault, the game tells you to do it. You don't blame the victim of a scam for getting scammed. You just kinda silently judge them.
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>You don't blame the victim of a scam for getting scammed
I do in fact. It's their own fault.
it is worth it.
All your parties are worth more than a measly 100 gems.
>all these fucked up underwater levels
>draining the water is a staple of doing these stages
>fucking jap coded game is buggy as fuck, leading to not knowing whether the water level is actually up or down until you get into battle, and sometimes the pumps are bugged so you can't activate them and sometimes you can't see the circle minigame
I want to fucking drown the jap coder
100 gems is half of a bone. Or a quarter of a class change.
Do you have to give class change scrolls to a character? Because we could find out if they're 1 use only if you don't by just using the same character twice and seeing if the scroll still shows up on the other one after you use it once.
you got much more bones than you spent if you were collecting thief's bones.
You're going to lose all those bones. You spent gems for nothing.
It's not worth it when you can easily get those gems for free.
More easily than paying even, considering paying spawns more fucking monsters making your job harder and more dangerous (especially since it spawns unfleeable enemies what the fuck I didn't know that)
>when you can easily get those gems for free
get those bones* for free, I meant

There really is a lot of that in this game, it seems. Not sure if it's intentionally trying to scam or just incompetence, because they don't explain anything in this game whether it's related to spending gems or not
>daily b7f bone chest had draught and junk instead
I got mine earlier today
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>suddenly, underwater segment
Oh God this is reminding me of Elminage all over again. That's a compliment btw, I love Elminage.
I just noted where the water started and lured the enemies into engaging me outside.
It'll turn into a endurance test, but at least I don't have to risk that sort of bugginess.
it's always intentional.
Post Gary the Dog.
Gary the Brave will be missed
that is the face of a woman coming
I ***love*** Lulu.
Devs capped a bunch of "easy" bonds to lvl 1 as a fuck you.
They have a lot of HP but stun works well on them. Easier to just flee to be honest.
I'm in ship level 2
Whenever I do the Marin quest for the arena, I can't detect the underwater niggers, so I can't lure them. Whenever I go for the pump, I get ambushed.
I need more words to express my frustration.
This also happened when I did her bond.
The ENT isn't hard at all, it's all these underwater niggers and their shitty pumps, and burning flames to recover from getting ambushed.
It's partially my fault for not wanting to play their shitty tag economy game and running around with 4 lvl30s.
>tag economy
Literally everyone can get to level 40 with their main crew zero problems, you are just gimping yourself for no reason.
we need 6 level 50 because PVP events are coming.
Yes and that anon is talking about level 30s. I'm telling them there is zero reason to be sticking around at 30.
Oh I didn't notice the maximum of the exp bar increased once you hit the cap. At a glance I thought it was just stuck around 300k/300k at level 30 and I thought you guys had an notepad autisically tallying exp after each battle.
acquire 3 soil weapons usable in the FR
acquire 1 soil wep for the BR (bow or spear)
get to upper 30s, ideally with an earth mage such as yeka
breeze through the content you are talking about
Yea, you're right, I'm just being stubborn
I'm saving tags because I want more than 6 members to be over 40, but can't decide. I've already benched Viviana and Yek who are 40 and max bonded and was trying to bond others + Geluf.

I'm just venting about how niggardly I find the marin quest. I've already gotten the I.Q. lantern.
Have you had any success getting her item yet?
I did, but I don't know which steps are important
Marin was in the flooded room closest to the harken
I picked up the two pieces of holly
I then wasted the holly on he courtesan to see what would happen and got the bad end
When time reversed, I still had the holly and I killed Marin and got the hairband. The text said it was floating in the water, but I fought Marin without being flooded.
The fucked up thing is I don't get to keep the hairband to skip the quest in later runs.
>The fucked up thing is I don't get to keep the hairband to skip the quest in later runs.
If you do 1 route first, you should unlock all the jump points in the other routes. All that differs is fight 3 because there's a different one for all 3 of the routes, and you have to redo the fights but they're easy because you can set the flags first without the quests.
What exactly is the process of doing another route if you have to do all the fights? You have to go through the waterway, right? Then you go through the ship, and what, when you reach a fight just "jump" to the fight with the flags turned on?
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finally lvl50 wanderer
take a shower
Yeah, pretty much. You get back to the ship, and then you can check your wheel and set the flags before each fight.
>that iq
More like level 50 retard.
grats anon. if possible,can you try wheeling to awakening? to the secret teleporter on B1, maybe the teleporter on the waterway part lights up after you maxed all the class
is daphne making the devs money?
it brought in over 6m the first month
it easily makes money
source has always been your ass
shut up
Not that guy but they said they're releasing an event where users compete at clearing dungeons
Not the pvp you might be imagining since it's not us killing each other, but that's still a form of pvp even if it will likely just be a leaderboard.with ranking rewards
They got $5 million from the japanese gov't on the condition the game release this year in addition to what they've made in sales. The rush to release partly explains the ridiculous number of bugs.
>They got $5 million from the japanese gov't on the condition the game release this year in addition to what they've made in sales
Oh so that's why they didn't further delay the game even though they've delayed it 2 years already.
Is it possible to rescue Vernant on the second loop? I remember trying to investigate his place of death but turned up nothing, and now when I started the 2nd loop, I have ways to rescue the other two, but Lulu says we'll just have to let him die this loop.
You're supposed to be able to pick up knowledge when you raise the rocks that crushed him
Raise the rock that Jill Sandwiched him to find out he died because he was too cheap to buy a new pair of sabatons, talk to the item shop owner, do a request for him then you can give the cheapskate the new sabatons to save his life.
why does the japanese government care about wizardry?
They care about Japanese game industry losing because they produce kusoge one after another
Investment is more about culture relevancy, as in 5 years China will dominate the market
I'm glad they're making an effort to not rest on their laurels from the past 20 years
F, guess I gotta go through this loop and then I can save him. Also anyone know any ways to play elminage 2, 3, and gothic in English on 3ds or psp? Seems there is no English patch yet.
Effort in vain though, Daphne is still a kusoge that will EOS in short time[Sad News]
>china has been subsidizing many games with huge budgets an the market is now full of them
>japanese game companies are top heavy with out of touch boomers overdue for retirement who think jpg collectors are still relevant
>despite this some nips realize they are falling behind and create a govt program that allows game companies to apply for funds if they meet certain requirements
I don't really know much about it though
Still think it's an useless effort.
Nips can still make reasonably good console games, but gacha games aka the ones that can potentially print infinite money? The Chinese are experts on that.
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>Seems there is no English patch yet
Ironically part of the problem is games like FGO have printed money since long before the chinese showed up so there is little incentive to make anything better.
Why tho?
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Honestly, not a big fan of how undead weakness is handled in this game. All it does is just force me to carry a secondary anti-undead weapon for all non-mage characters, and switch it when a random encounter happens to me vs. undead. It's just a matter of inventory fiddling; doesn't necessarily add much depth.
I appreciate it when you are going through the dungeon the 1st time because undead are a serious enemy and threat until you scrape together the weapons to beat them and mages like Yekatarina and priests feel amazing against them.
But yeah, once you put together the tools, it does just become a nuisance.
Once you hit the second town you're honestly better off just smacking them with the new weapon types.
Whats the point of the Shield of Honor it fucking sucks ass
What's the point of Shield of Covenant if they all come like garbage unlike Steel Shields which at least can come as something usable
The most annoying part is that the game is so rigged against giving you good undead weapons in the first place that it feels almost pointless to even use them after a point
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I'm waiting for my team to be lvl50 before taking him on
It's doable at lvl40 tho it's just a pain
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God Alice is fucking ugly, why would anyone use her over Marianne or Human Pri-chan?
How is your general not dead yet? Is game actually not as bad as it looks like? It seems dated as fuck.
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Shit taste in priests aside, It's funny how nameless female human priest was localized down to "hu-pri". I wonder what they're going to do if they add more nameless characters later, like nameless male human priest. I guess that's pretty unlikely, though, given nobody is going to be whaling for Rs.
Game good. And it leverages the visuals/atmosphere well.
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>It seems dated as fuck
>It seems dated as fuck.
Zoom zoom out
k bye
Alice's only bad because of the floating heads and long strip things on her armlets.
Same as Yekaterina with doctor and Girard with the glowing blue things.
>4 runs in malice cave
>Get 0 crystal
whoever invented the event chest timer needs to get fired
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Didn't get B7 today even though B6 respawned
Weird little things these chests are I tell you
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>decided to do a meme speed mage build
>my lvl30 Flut is now faster than my main mages
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love how easy to anger she is
I figure there will only ever be one combination of race and class
Honestly I'm not expecting any generics to be added at all, but certainly not a second human priest
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Just need to turn that Def into Mag or Atk and we're good to go
8% ASPD is fucking nothing anon, I'm sorry to say
ASPD in particular really needs to be a flat stat
>double shit rolls
This is garbage, man.
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Thinking of doing the bronze rank, but I don't have tags on me right now.

Any tips?
Milkbros unite.
â„… is godly when you reach level 140.
flat stats don't increase anything at that point
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>â„… is godly when you reach level 140.
Yeah, in 8 years. Until then, it's just a failed roll.

Honestly, if % was applied after all flat stat additions, it wouldn't be too bad. I got a +9% magic earlier, if it actually worked how it should work, my 200 magic would boost up to 218, and it'd actually be decent even at level 50.
Boss is easy, might not be a bad idea to use the priest's ailment resist spell on the front row, whatever it's called
My first run she spammed the fuck out of the stun and it stunned almost every time, but the fact that I still first tried it despite that should tell you how easy it is. The approach to the boss is far more dangerous like every trial, don't really have any tips for that

Other stats like ATK or MAG maybe, but ASPD won't really get high enough for 8% to ever be all that much
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>if % was applied after all flat stat additions
you mean it doesn't? what the hell
You know what your stats are without any gear on? That's what it applies to
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Sacrifice your dorfs
Istg, some stats are not weighted the same. Mag/Atk can show up on helmets, yet i only have 5 pieces with it...
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If I hand of reversaled mister bones what would happen?
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Reminder that if your purple gear doesn't have these 2 starting stats (you alter 3rd) it's trash
I've yet to get a steel shield, regular or heavy, above 2 stars. Steel shields and SoC are both unusable garbage compared to the iron shit that drops with massive def, mdef, and asp buffs. I understand how probability works, and that with iron equipment being more common it's only natural to get more higher rarity/blessing iron equipment, but the numbers still don't feel right. I get roughly 1:1 on Iron to Steel equipment, almost an equal proportion of both, and yet the iron is overwhelmingly 3* and above while out of a thousand junk I have five 3* pieces of steel equipment and none of them were blessed. I'm genuinely convinced that the rates are wrong in the drop rates tab and that Iron and Steel equipment do not have the same roll table for quality and blessings.
which quest gives pickaxe?
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I have the ghoul rizz
You must go tavern first to summon Lambert's dead body.
It's near the daily bone too.
So may as well do it daily.
For Rentry:
Benjamin's question (camp) "tenets as our leader" can be answered with "to protect my comrades"
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I may have a problem
this game is soooo biased towards large shield, my inventory looks like this too
I just convinced a friend to try the game. I pushed eos date by 1 day, no need to thank me.
I talked with my coworker and singed praises of this game to him and he just bitches about how shitty the monetization and pity system is
which I agree
You're correct in that the rates are different. From normal junk, steel can only go as high as 3 stars. I'm not sure, but I think steel can only go as high as blue.

From fey junk, which is given from the daily quest or can be bought from the jewel store, you can receive 4 star and purple steel. I think it might even be possible to get 5 star from some fey junk.
I'm kinda lost, bros.
I just translated all the mermaid text in the statues. What's the next step? Lulunarde said something about finding a lizard man to learn more about the situation... Is this implying i should rewind and talk to Gessi?
Lana is such a glutton!
The game is unironically fun as fuck
>Literally gaslighting you
Elf women!!
This is me too. I dunno where the hell all the regular shields are, I need a good one for my thief, and maybe another one for Lana after the fix. Probably won't bother with the Lana one though
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You need to talk to the mermaid princess to unlock the option to help
After that you can talk to Gessi the first time you meet
Thanks bro. You're the best
We're iron now! Please be more pumped Lana!
>(...)for someone as meaningless as me
>It's near the daily bone too.
Wait what.
What daily bone. What's this I'm missing?
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So how good of a skill is Assault Guard?
It says it greatly increase Defense Power on Ambushes but I can't tell how much
I imagine every Fighter that doesn't have Knight as a second class might see some use in it
Kinda miffed that a higher levelled adventurer doesn't give extra skill EXP when inherited.
By the way, on what day was crucible Mausoleum last reset?
It's very good, frontline barely takes damage with it
I bet Lulunarde smells horrible, even when she was alive. She'll be one of those smelly country girls that rarely bathes.
It's a LOT. it almost makes ambushes desirable.
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The amount of sacrificed adventurers seems to adjust the tags you'll received upon dismissing the main one
Adam for example still is lvl40 here
Daily bone is true and all (legality issues aside) but that breeze sword/mattock thing is annoying
The two aren't connected to each other
it's because it refunds you tags used to go to lvl30/40/50
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You just know she gets railed by adventurers every night and loves it.
He probably means adventurers invested into them from discipline and stuff. Like if Adam is level 40 and bronze rank, he shouldn't be giving an iron tag normally

If you need them and have none, yeah. You get some fro ma weekly quest and a couple in the daily login every 14 days or whatever. But aside from that, you have to dismiss characters.
You'll have plenty of SRs that you're not gonna get any use out of and they're worth 2 tags. It's not that big a deal.
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But why I do I get an Iron Tag then?
I didn't even use the Bronze Tag on him yet (that's why he's still lvl40)
That's why we said to sacrifice your dorfs
>tfw you realize she and WaterPort girl are wearing the exact same uniform, so Arna is going out of her way to expose her cleavage like this
This girl...!
>But why I do I get an Iron Tag then?
Because it's a legendary
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Oh yeah that's true
I sometimes forget Adam is supposed to be a Legendary
Legendary characters by default give a lead tag and a tag equal to their rank
So, assuming he's bronze, he should be dropping a bronze and a lead tag, not an iron
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got my 2nd one from rescuing the king again. Is it worth keeping? +1 to every stat
I am curious what kind of numbers it has at +10
Go dismiss one buddy
Well, guess I'm wrong as fuck. Really had it in my head that I checked and it said lead grade/no grade tags shortly after release. My mistake.
Though it is funny that they drop a tag that we can't even use yet.
i can't spawn the npc to take me to viscount Guane's Lands. I have all 3 routes done, i spawned it on princess, no im wheeling to church route and nothing. Any ideas?
Mine spawned multiple time throughout the routes regardless of where I woke up
Have you tried going inside the dungeon and returning back to town?
Yeah, i have... In princess route it shows up all the time for me too. Ill try wheeling to a different spot, maybe that fixes it
try talking to Arna in the guild?
Is there a limit to the number of skills you can inherit?
Okay, i fixed it. I went to the moment where you pick one of three requests, picked church, then wheeled again
No. But inherited skills have a maximum level.
I had an absolutely bizarre experience kind of related to this where, on the Admiral route, I was forced to do the Church Guane event even though I'd already done the Admiral's. It proceeded as normal - I visited the Pope and all that - and after it was done, it wasn't really mentioned again.

Until the epilogue. It played out the Admiral's ending... and then the Church's Guane ending. So my Admiral ending was a mix of both the Admiral and the Church epilogues. It was truly bizarre.

I truly believe we will never get a bug-free version of this game, but I don't really mind.
>already saved Vernant from getting crushed
>make it to B5 Harken with all knights alive
>objective is now "Return to the Past and Find Way to Rescue Vernant"
Smarr indie company, prease understando.
They really shouldn't have came up with this cursed wheel shit.
Bet they would have never thought about all the troubles time travel mechanics that don't reset everything such as Majora's Mask would bring.
Don't worry, I've cleared every second dungeon route and I'm still stuck here. I've even gone back and tried giving him the shoes a few times, doesn't help.
>go to the underwater segment in the western district
>very loud waterfall sounds
>harken back to town
>waterfall sound is bugged, continues playing even while I sleep at the inn
>only stops when I reverse some junk at the ruins
Funny game with its funny bugs.
Welcome to the club, You will have that shit forever and ever.
Did you checked Vernant in the first loop on how he died? I forgot to do that and that's probably it got stuck on it. Doing from the 2nd run onward doesnt work on it and you're cursed to have it forever and ever
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there are those 2 slots in the outer edge spread around the well, there's a few of these. I'm assuming we can't unlock those yet since they are not even shown in the rentry guide?
There's no connection to them, so you can never access them as you can never unlock their 'previous node'.
>Did you checked Vernant in the first loop on how he died?
Yeah, I reversed all of the blocks the first time through.
What's the best way to make money after rescuing the king? Trying to outfit my party with new iron and steel stuff from the port town but enhancements are expensive as fuck even just to get to +4
Just selling the shit you pick up in port town should give you loads of money.
Yeah, me
I just start selling my bronze stuff, whichever ones I no longer need. And do the usual dailies and selling gold-exchange items.
Just be selective as to what to upgrade, you don't have to enhance every piece you think is good. It might be outclassed by the next couple hours of grinding/exploring.
sell everything bronze, there is no level requirements and members at level 1 can just equip the lastest tier of weapons with no downsides.
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I see no reason to build Barbara when she's so yummy to feed my fighters
>finally have both Alice class books
Do I dare?
Weekly shop refreshed, anyone get anything good? I only got one bad page.

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