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4th Fuck Oskar edition.

>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>Where to get this game if you want to try it first:
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
https://pastebin.com/G1P4WqiB (embed)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=18476t 4th Edition79158&searchtext=rimpy

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
https://pastebin.com/vZ9nxmbh (embed)
(old /rwg/ OP)
https://pastebin.com/Q47AZ2KV (embed)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>503017208
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>barely wake up and turn on the pc
>have to emergency bake
You lazy faggots.
No sanguophages allowed in this thread.
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Third for anime
I made another thread a minute before yours anon but you posted first
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I have only a single colonist
This may be becoming a problem
this shit is why i always wait before rolling the ancient gacha no matter how tempting it is
I never open the ancient gacha unless I need gold for the multi-analyzer and I have absolutely no other way of getting it within two days
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Oh you can add an Apocriton in the scenario editor. Nice -16 mood from hatred
kys nigger 8pm is nap time
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Realistically what other vehicles do you need?
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I got the one from alpha mechs and installed a module that let it do doctoring work
>something capable of defending itself
>something able to drive in rough terrain
>something with more cargo capacity
>something with more passanger capacity
>something capable of VTOL
poor fucking guy
can it do the revive tho
You get to hear its rendition of AM's speech while it follows you around and hauls your simple meals
I love the car too, but the Subaru can't do VTOL.
Mechanit*rs and other mechan*id lovers are so deranged
These machines full of hate will be the end of you and you'll go to hell where you belong for betraying baselinerkind and doing all these horrible things to the innocent
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>We have Orks at home
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It shows up on its bar when drafted, but it doesn't do anything. The jump does work though
shame, that would have been kinda fun to play around with
Yeah sucks. I was just curious about starting with any mech I wanted from the scenario editor since I hadn't explored its options much
>22 post
>Not a single one is about female pawns
Step it up
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sometimes i wonder if im overdoing it
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Let us fix that mistake.
Schizo anon is that you?
Oi, that's Bobby
Glad to see the lad's okay
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female pawns!

my fairy hag is gonna finally take a class of might after i managed to finally grow devilstrand before winter kills it. i wonder what class ill get~ i hope not sniper she hates ranged.
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>incapable of violent
female pawn btw. begger getting 700 so my colonists will be happy.
I hate face tattoos so much
yeah they are ugly
...well some are fine. like the star or the tear on the cheek
don't judge me

still scar on the arm
still missing a leg
i could probably heal the scar with some medicine and bep tech
donnu if it works on animals
Augment Bobby
Rebuild him, you have the technology
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bobby count as an animal
so i can't give it the bionic leg i have
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alright ms fairy hag
time to learn a proper way to fight
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she learned the 'faceless' combat style
not bad
as long as its not ranged only, i won't reroll
now to give her proper equipment
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testing her new skills on infestation... not bad
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another day
another base posting
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ill fix his leg when i get the mats (glitterworld medicine) required to craft the heal serum
Instead of trying to balance a big "bulletproof" mechanoid for vanilla combat I should do something healthier like gambling
all mecha have inherit weakness to emp. as long as you don't go all out with its offensive capabilities, it can be dealt with even in vanilla.
>cool concept art
>actual textures are boring and lame
Many such cases.
thats not how teeth work
here is a cool ork mode for you
>Outland shit
yiff in hell neronix, you furry faggot
Mechanitor bosses work on temporary event sites?
Which one is his real head?
is there any 1.5 window mod? Everything I found is outdated...
>literal gay shit
All Revia, Miho, and Kurin women owe me sex
>Catch the constructoid humping a comfort slave
>Think little of it and restrict his zone from the prison
>A few days later a scyther chest bursts out of the slave he screwed
I was unaware RJW added this functionality
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So as of right now, Rimworld of Magic or Psycasts Expanded? Which one tanks the TPS harder? I'm specifically concerned about performance issues.
Well, that two more things:
Can enemy pawns use psycasts from the mod? I vaguely remember pawns using RoM spells, but I'm not sure.
How much additional shit must pawn do and have as a mage/psycast user? Not really a big fan of the way Tynan implemented vampires, they are both strong and incredibly unfun to maintain because of all the "I need blood ON TOP of normal food AND I need my superextracool sleep ON TOP of normal sleep." No matter how broken the ability is, if a pawn needs to spend half of their life meditating/eating special food/drinking potions, I'm not really interested. It kinda ruins the flow of the game for me.
Jecstools rapes your performance
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finally the mecha fairy is here

>no face
oh, i forgot to fix forgotty face. oops.
imma.... reload.

if all you need jecstools for is magic, you can use jecslite instead

so it could still be one or the other
>44 revias
randy.... please.... forgive me.........
I only play 1.0 and refuse to play anything after that
Give them your men as tribute
You can sacrifice me.
I'll be the hero
Why is The Book so memed?
Any mod where I can make individual character presets and then pick them when starting a game? I want to make my irl friends
character editor
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one for every cake!
Any good race mods that don't use HAR? I want to play as slavers but I need victims.
I love dungeon diving, I got two more dungeons to hit right after this one.
Rats (biotech edition)
Moyo (biotech edition)
Any elf mod
Could always throw together your own slave races and put them in the world with xenotype spawn control too
What's wrong with HAR
Is there a mod with an implant/psycast/surgery to turn pain stimuli into pleasure and vice-versa? I'm considering some new war crimes and other...stuff...
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>SOS2 1.4 version still doesnt play well with Rimworld Exploration Mode
Closest you can get is probably Licentia Labs with Masochist serum..

feels like bloat after biotech, while it can't do everything HAR can, I haven't missed it.
>Rats (biotech edition)
Link to this? Can't seem to find it on workshop
never played with them but maybe any of resurrectionem's race mods
aaaaa the quest bugged out
>Muffalo plush
talk me out of it
Sex with the new DLC girl
Sex with Vorat
Sex with Bueri
Sex with Ritsuko
Sex with Indigo
Sex with Mayukhi
Sex with Brusalt
Sex with Elaina
Sex with Jenni
Sex with Momi
Sex with Veron
Sex with Julo
Sex with Vermillion
Sex with Tsukimi
Sex with Nanako
Sex with Serach
Sex with Bell
Sex with Yoonseul
Sex with Yosimi
Sex with Norma
Sex with Tomomi
Sex with Strawberry
Sex with Apple
Sex with Twilight
Sex with Bubbles
Sex with Blossom
Sex with Buttercup
Sex with Charlotte
Sex with Esther
Sex with Marine
Sex with Femcel
Sex with Katarina
Sex with Glowie
Sex with Kraut
Sex with Saki
Sex with Eve
Sex with Nurse
Sex with Aurine
Sex with Kealana
Sex with Mint
Sex with Snowdrop
Sex with Katya
Sex with Toxos
Sex with Stream
Sex with Snickers
Sex with Dudina
Sex with Corin
Sex with Hilda
Sex with Alboio
Sex with Erin
Sex with Kylar
Sex with Layla
Sex with Ryane
Sex with Uskos
Sex with Cindy
Sex with Sappy
Sex with Sera
Sex with Mink
Sex with Harper
Sex with Setsuko
Sex with Zen
Sex with Doris
Sex with Amalia
Sex with Rikki
Sex with Date
Sex with Brooke
Sex with Allie
Sex with Auric
Sex with Zamora
Sex with Lena
Sex with Flynn
Sex with Impids
Sex with Highmates
Sex with Hussars
Sex with Wasters
Sex with Dirtmoles
Sex with Baseliners
Sex with Moyos
Sex with Ratkin
Sex with Anty
Sex with Revia
Sex with Askbarn
Sex with Slime girls
Sex with Fox girls
Sex with Cat girls
Sex with Bunny girls
Sex with Moose girls
Sex with Dragon girls
Sex with Dog girls
Sex with Monkey girls
Sex with Maru girls
In rimworld.
Don't do it! It's too cute, you would feel unfound happyness everytime you look at it!
You know, this post reminds me. Weird how out of all these girls only Corin got the whole "hehe she fucks horses" treatment. Like, I'm pretty sure at least Kylar and Layla were posted rather often at one point, as were Setsuko and Zen, yet no one felt the need to shitpost about them.
I may have gotten two muffalo and a sloth..
its nice seeing my girls there and remembering them

tough there could be other girls with the same name. indigo is probably a common name in rimworld.
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I can't believe the game generated this description after Horror finished her book, how fucking rude.
my female pawn got included this time :DDDDD
life is worth living, bros. never give up!
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moffi slave get!
my collection grows once more!
>stay alert
>move out
>hold the line
what the hell is this?
you just got KEKED
Vanilla Military Tactics Expanded
What mod for pawns to write books
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its from rimworld of magic
its a might class called 'commander'
(ironic cuz she is a slave)
stay alert gives nearby pawns rest
move out increase nearby pawns speed
hold the line increase damage resistance and fire rate but reduce movement speed
damn, that's disappointing. Here I thought my dream mod of ai controlled pawns in combat became reality
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End of the line nigger!
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Why can't I make my pawns hunt with melee weapons instead I have to see


until i get them a gun and watch them miss every fucking shot because their shooting is 0.03 while their melee is fucking 20 but no they can't hunt with a fucking melee weapon unless i micro it.
CE fixes this and many other things.
Install CE.
why would you do that? just give your best shooter a chain shotgun, draft them, send them to a pack of passive animals and go ham all over the place. Hunting is so incredibly retarded because they do it max range with 7% chance of hitting the animal. Alternatively just spawn yourself some meat instead of micromanaging this nonsensical bs.
Tynan is a fucking hack.
Also don't install CE, although the devil may tempt you. It ruins your game.
I have 370 ad ons, no way I'm using CE and having 80% of them break. Waiting on that one dude to come in and say something about cheat ad ons.
What if I only have a small number of colonists and none of them can shoot.
>370 mods
All with integrated patches.
>All with integrated
Not really, no.
>cheat ad ons
I don't know what you have installed so I can't say. But I bet you won't show us your modlist.
Show yours first.
>CE is compatible with everything
>the mod that breaks half the game is compatible with other mods
lol, at least say something like "CE is better than the 370 mods" rather than spout this drivel
there is a mod aespecially for hunting with melee weapons
tweaks galore has a setting for this
>I have 370 ad ons, no way I'm using CE and having 80% of them break.
Nice larp.
If your mod doesn't have a comp patch for CE it's a shit mod and you should demand that mod author makes a patch
hi Oskar!
>Pick Up And Haul
Nice cheat mod
>Vanilla Exp--
Stopped reading there.
hahaha, so you went from
>dude CE is compatible with EVERYTHING
>uhhm achtually just don't use the mods you want use
>use this retarded nigger bloat garbage mod that I like instead!
CEfags are the leftists of /rwg/. A loud elitist minority who think everyone agrees with them and should bend over backwards to suck them off.

cute ratkin is cute...
We've been over this many times already.
CE is compatible with every good mod. Tranime races, tranime weapons, tranime psycasts or whatever aren't good mods, tranny.
>immediate meltdown and tranny delusions
yep, the sperg is back
show us the mod list, tranime fag
mod for making pawns sway back and forth?
>everyone having a conversation
>that one retard come in: TRANNIES TRANNIES TRANNIES

Guess that's what they mean by rent free huh?
rimworld of magic class system is excelent flavour for colony stories.
I didn't watch the vid but I assume it's yayo's animation
>rimworld of magic
Kill yourself, cheating tranny.
you first, cheating tranny
how about you do it first, you know, just like I asked you to last time and you ran away?
>tranime fag
pffff, it's so blatantly obvious when you're projecting. Just take care not to shit your diaper, ok?
>just like I asked you to last time
previous thread, nigger. I know you remember.
Link the post, tranny.
It feels like I don't see anyone called a faggot anymore even though it's supposedly just as harsh as the more common words. I kind of miss it desu.
Because no other female pawn's been posted for 4+ years
being gay is based as long as you're racist
>waste your time for some dilating faglord on period
how about no. I know you know. You know I know. Why pretend to be retarded, tranime faggot? Now post the modlist or fuck off to your support group.
>link the post
>ummmm... dude just trust me!
But they are remembered to this day and people talk about them
>reading comprehension: 0
you still have yet to post it, tranny. But you already know I'm right and are in the "desperate attempt to save your ego" phase.
Friendly fire incident
It's medieval overhaul
>medieval overhaul
Nice cheats
>more than one colonist

Name at least 5 of them that dont have a better CE compat replacement.
what a cheating fucker
>a better
None of CE shit is better.
Minor blood loss did him in
here you go CEtranny.
another loss for the CEfag
And? Save Our Slop is cheating trash. Tranny Wars conversions are dogshit. Vanilla Slop Expanded should never be used to begin with.
Are you going to provide examples of actual mods?
Ol' boy in here screamin about cheat mod this, cheat mod that but won't post their own mod list.
see >>503503937
>Are you going to provide examples of actual mods?
right after you provide an example of CE being a real mod and not bloat for trannies
You still haven't posted yours even though I asked you in the last thread.
>anti CE sperg is also typical "muh new version" basedjacking faggot
Cant say im surprised desu.
>anti CE sperg
you mean normal people? and you STILL haven't posted your 1337 based modlist, CEtranny. Even after multiple people told you to do it. You're laughably retarded.
>i demand you post your modlist so i can find one mod i dont like, so i can harp on it and deflect everything reeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Anti CE fags are always funny.
Psycasts. RoM is a good concept, but it's jank.
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Space fish
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ROM also has lot of medieval shit added and sometimes doesnt fit an sf modlist.
Psycasts are easier to RP/handwave for both medieval and normal Rimworld modlists.
>xe's making excuses instead of posting the list
CEtranny, I don't think you play this game at all. Why are you even here?
What mod gives that hammer?
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>thread is only alive when the resident retard starts screaming about nothing
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I think its Eltex Weaponry one but dont quote me on that.
nice cheat mod for fridges, retard
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Thanks, i like cheat mods.
>non-vanilla door texture
At least you're not denying that you're a retarded tranny afraid of a challenge.
>21 thousand corn
Gorbachev? Is that you??
>Raider camps quests aren't being triggered
I wonder why this is not happening to me.
Probably because you installed a cheat mod. Works on my machine, though I only have CE and Vanilla Trannies Expanded installed
t. CEtransvestite
Looks like vali's charged arsenal, but the author deleted their workshop recently so you'll have to either get a (continued) version for 1.5 or find a backup on another site
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>anti CE having an absolute meltdown again
God this board needs poster ID's pronto.
Khruschev you mean. And obviously not seeing as i HAVE food lol.
>Khruschev you mean
There's a difference? All russians are subhumans.
>keeps shitting his pants every time his retarded mods gets insulted
>gets mocked for it by several people
>ur having a meltdown!!!!!
cute. How's that modlist coming up btw?
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Well one was a russian that killed USSR and other had the corn boner..
Just pro forma saying it.
No one cares tho.
Shit, you're right. I live close to the shithole and I still mix all the 'chevs up
this Anon >>503510245 is right
I am wondering if it's because of https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2557302879
Though I don't see why it would stop work camp quests from firing.
>this Anon
we all know you're samefagging
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Fair enough.
there is more than one CE fag
one is retarded, the other is dragged into his arguments
maybe there are more than 2 people who like that mod so passionatly

just use the name field
>least gay american soldier
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Poor Gaban cant even build shit in peace.
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can't oskar hurry up and release his bound to be amazing medieval 2 mod
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I'm samefagging a reply that some other anon pointed out a correct mod?
What would be the point? What is even the point of this accusation?
Take your meds
>tranime picture
I accept your concession
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this is a tranime general, Chud Chudinski. Tynan says so.
I love this picture
that's nice. Me? I love Elaina!
>this made me remember i have Elin to check out
Thanks tynan-sama.
he should fix animal nuzzling in his niggerman mod first
so I'm not the only one with this problem, I see
it basically shows up instantly with the dev quickstart option i have no idea how their "playtesters" didn't pick it up
So lolium +romance on the rim makes all HAR races become 'incompatible orientation'.
I wish I knew how to code to patch this, fuck. I can't even remove ROTR because it breaks the UI if I do. And it's not like you can ask the usual steam modmaker 'Hey make the loli mod compat bruv'
just use PE
>ATF >years out of date
Come on, mang
I might just have to bite the bullet and cut one of them.
>have over 1000 mods
>edge with a single tab open still uses more resources
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>raid happens
>only two raiders
>send 3/4 colonists down (2 melee/1 with a gun)
>one of the raiders makes some kind of punching sound (like a monk hitting a training dummy)
>downs all 3 of my colonists within a matter of seconds

I don't know what the fuck that was, but I ended the game process and restarted it (commitment mode).
Lol I have a Saiyan Jedi and a mandalorian ki user guarding my colony and neither of them even have ranged weapons.
>years out of date
if you mean PE its been updated
but you should probably ditch trannies on the rim either way
>trannies on the rim
QRD? I just like seeing my pawns kiss. I wish there were mods that did that.
anons here are comparing everything to trannies
i am weak to peer pressure
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>installed tranny cheat add on that causes sandstorms
>actually covers everything in sand and slows down pawns significantly

Pretty neat

What the fuck is a cheat mod? Rate my Modlist plx. What should I add and what should I remove? I'm genuinely asking for advice and not trying to trigger anyone's schizo meltdown.

>What the fuck is a cheat mod?

Nobody knows, some schizo in the thread always screeches about "cheat mods" yet never posts their mod list.
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Anything that changes the game from Tynan's (pbuh) intended vision.
Interaction Bubbles allows you to get more immersed in the game thus letting you have more fun, so I'm pretty sure that's the cheatiest one of them all.
I might be retarded and it might only be Oni of the rim. Maybe the lolium coder is retarded?
Neat. Does it only work in deserts?
In what way does it allow you to cheat?

But couldn't that apply to literally every mod?
It lets you have more fun. Rimworld is a story generator, not a game. You're not supposed to have fun, you're supposed to be moved by cinematic drama.
The game was intended to be played without mods. If you use ANY mod for ANY reason you are a cheater plain and simple.
Pick up and haul is always the first thing I download whenever I reinstall the game. It just makes sense for pawns to use their inventory to carry things. .
Did Tynan put it in the base game? No? Then it wasn't intended and you're a cheating tranny.
I have 645 active mods but still made sure to avoid this one because I enjoy solving the hauling problem with the tools the game gives you
it ends up being buggy and it's pretty retarded that pawns can carry 100 things but mechs, animals, and guests can't
It's a shitpost, the person posting it doesn't even believe it, stop asking for the "how" there isn't one.
That does exist, it's called Search and Destroy. Dunno if it's CAI compatible or not but it makes them go by the vanilla combat logic.
Character Editor also doesn't play well with it, ironically Prepare Carefully has to be used instead to prevent issues, which is peak retarded. I wish someone patched that so I don't suddenly lose the ability to strike enemies with lightning because I changed one gene or one trait unrelated to RoM
It also has various issues with character creation before you even enter the Rim. Such as a different magic class loading instead of the one you chose, or lacking a class entirely despite having the trait.
I hate to say it, but Oskarshit is the better choice.
My pawns are having fun, killing cultists in their monasteries, looting everything of value, and drinking their alcohol.
>ashlands mod
based, i like the volcanoes.
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Why are all of them naked?
All of them had a reskinned death acidifier installed. None of them had any armor particularly worth taking so I don't really get why they needed it.
Which storyteller do you guys use and why?
want fun? use cass. want 3 raids in a row every 1 to 3 years? use randy. it's that simple
What ever one of my 20 or so the random start picks
Randy. Why would I use anyone other than Randy?
So, people have made the argument that rimworld doesn't 'need' more weapons in its standard set because there is no gameplay difference between an AK and an AR.
But in that case, wouldn't it only take a little extra work on the game designer's part to give us extra guns and weapons that fill similar roles to already existent guns?
This feels like the same copium people gave us when Oblivion removed many weapon types compared to Morrowind.
More is always better. Fuck the "Less is more" Bullshit.
Someone post a cute female pawn quick or ill burn my book
I find that the vanilla set of weapons is incredibly lacking, there's only two spacer tier guns and one of them is generally agreed upon to be inferior to every industrial gun
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>side ties
Tell me more
I basically never use the spacer weapons except the persona swords. Why have people invented laser guns but not like a laser smg that sprays a shit ton of rounds?

The popular consensus afaik has always been to just use Randy by default but I'm getting tired of him lately. Any modded storytellers that you guys suggest or is Cass really the underrated better option?
What's the best mod for defining sexuality? SYR seems dead and psychology is broken.
I like randy but the guy hates sending me fucking traders. I just wanna sell some loot.
Holy fuck. she's so hot that i'll buy another copy
From what I just looked up, "perry persistent" is basically a slightly more exciting Cassandra.
Hot take but Cass is honestly harder than Randy. Only that bitch would consistently trigger two major negative events in a row and have them be muscle parasites for all combatants and a breacher mech raid.
That those canis aertigo or whatever race? Ears are cute.
I installed it to have a bit of challenge and RP as a colony that would capture mages, sever them from magic, and let them go.
But a lot of the abilities are straight up bullshit. There's one that has AoE swords come out of the ground with no telegraph whatsoever. It goes straight through armor and it hits legs often. One nether swaps your pawn and them through walls.
Even Tynan wouldn't add this zero counterplay crap. I'm uninstalling it so I never make the mistake of forgetting this mod sucks.
Yeah, personally the "Electro-Thermal-Chemical Assault rifle" is my favourite part of the mod, thing is gorgeous
This, charge rifles have bad range and barely higher DPS than assault rifles in practice and charge lances have rancid rate of fire despite the mediocre range. Where are my fast weapons?
My biggest problem is him sending me strangers to recruit who always turn out to be traitors. I don't think I've EVER gotten a loyal stranger with Randy but then again that just might be the game itself and not the storyteller.

Picrel is some wandering abomination that showed up randomly. Let him in for a while then he spazzed out. I'm gonna cut off his arms and legs though and just use him for blood packs.
Oh and it's laggy as hell. Even with jecslite it's still the biggest TPS hog of my run.
I'm actually so pissed about it that I'm trying to figure out how to newgame+ my colony as is, but without it.
>But they are remembered to this day and people talk about them
None of them have a mentally ill owner like corinfag
I read Male Fealtor as Male Fellator
Started out with just a rich explorer. It's been pretty smooth so far. No major deaths yet.
The chances of her being past menopause are extremely high but i would fill her womb with my seed every single day multiple times in hopes that we'll have a kid together
That outfit part of the mod or something else?
Also being unable to make femboys wear panties without a mood penalty sucks.
I'll have to give it a try, mods with prereqs irk me.
The regular conduits are triggering my anxiety, please replace those with hidden ones if you're on 1.5
But they cost more steel
Lol will do.
>That outfit part of the mod or something else?
I'll get her "Fertile" and "High Libido" genes, in your honour
Appreciated anon.
Hag supremacy also
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Fuuuuck I have performance fish and rocket man and neither of them seem to have sped up my game starting
optimize your textures
Please tell me how
>mods designed to improve gameplay lag don't help startup time
i wonder why
Rimpy, right? Pity the dev prolly got himself strafniki'd.
I have rimpy but idk how to do that
I thought rocket man was supposed to
How do you analyze a specific mod's performance impact?
How did people arrive at the fact that for example jecstools rapes your TPS? I don't see it anywhere on my profiler.
When you open up Rimpy the "Optimize Tex" button is in the column of options on the right
Thank you <3
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On the side tab, optimize textures.
Takes an average of 37 minutes for me. Depends on your GPU or cpu.
Perf analyzer?
>I thought rocket man was supposed to
honestly i forgot it is supposed to but it's still pretty underwhelming

dubs analyzer is the most technical way but you can tell just by comparing tps before and after installing heavy mods
I love Perry Persistent. I know he's Oskarshit but he's the best modded storyteller I've come across.
He's like Cass but with daily events and a chance of a 'man in black' type event when you're vastly overpowered by a raid or siege.
How many mods do you have and what are your specs? Anything less than 16gb of ram and it takes 30+ minutes to load 300 mods
Seconding, I'd love to find out how. RimPy's takes hours with the 2500 mods I have installed (even if disabled), and I know there's another program I just forgot what it's called.
Why does this game let you make baby food out of used condoms?....
Im playing on a 8 year old Acer "gaming laptop" that has 16 GB of battery and it takes about 20-25 minutes loading 100 or so mods. I'm gonna try the textures thing though
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Just select active mods instead of all mods, it does take a while to compress them and I don't think there's anything you can do about it, though they say Rimsort is faster in compressing textures
Sounds about right. Mine's new but shittily made and falling off the hinges, 16gb of ram, 4gb of vram, takes 30 minutes to load my 500 mod modlist.
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revian sexo
that's not a revia that's an underage gacha hag
Post ideoligions please

I need ideas
heya there anons, i wanted to ask if anyone have a copy of the PvZ mod for 1.4 the author nuked its page and hasnt appeared since if im not wrong and the only archives are from russian sites that have copies of the 1.3 version
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They broke through the northern wall
I'm moving further north as soon as I get another colonist
Why do people let hives get this bad
>visitors spawn
>manhunter pack spawn
>both on the same spot at the same time
>open ancient danger with caravan around for free loot
>bugs dont follow all the way
>caravan leaves
>too weak to deal with it
>farming bug meat
>it's funny
You forgot
>raids sometimes zero in on them and get eaten
Bugs are glorified manhunters, megaspiders have literally almost the exact same stats as grizzly bears, just get some melee blockers, a shotgun or two, and a 1 tile chokepoint and you'll have the whole thing cleared out in an afternoon
I have 1 colonist
And a funny mod involving a cigar with a knife and hat
Now THIS is pod racing!
>it's funny
Okay you got me
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If you get bunny guests, turn them away IMMEDIATELY.
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funny thing is, they're both rapists.
>raid spawns when tribute collectors are here
Clean it up janny
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>raid decided the hive had to die
Oh dear
I swear at some point Tynan quietly nerfed the guards on tribute collectors once he realized no one ever uses them as anything but convenient meatshields.
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I did notice its now just squads of like 6 guys rather than the small army from before

On an unrelated note
Minimap included because funny
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>arms AND legs
I actually do give them slaves as tribute. It's a decent use for prisoners.
i remember my first try with RoM had a single raider with lightning bolt.

why did tynan add a mod option to the menu than? checkmate atheists

Randy. it feels more real when events don't have a pattern.
i tried to use other story tellers but i kept having problems. one story teller tried to rurn my aya waifu colony into a sausegfest, another didn't let me research things my own pace, so im just sticking to randy.

i think weapon autism is bloat for people who don't care about weapons thats why it should be an optional content ie mods

she cute
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Refugees really do send you some stacked shit sometimes
i usually look forward to tribute collectors, if a raid came with them i'd do everything in my power to protect them so they don't run off the map before i can trade them
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>finish the entire anomaly entity codex
>requeen boss still hasn't spawned
At least someone got a new friend.
>Local rapist not so tough after being raped
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i'm not playing it for difficulty- i have storyteller setting for difficulty (i play on adventure story) iuse magic because its interesting.

i think rjw is still more laggy but i never bothered testing

imma ainstalling portraits of the rim now.

sorry my ideology is just the basic precepts

tanks are fun
but tis more fun just to run people over
i wish pawns with guns could shoot from jeeps

you can't rape the willing
What mod is giving you those giant flowers, and does it come without anime?
the mod 'alpha biomes' gives various biomes, one of which - idealistic meadows- is the one with the giant flowers

it doesn't come with anime

i actually use another mod to make the flowers smaller. their original size is something else.
man I really wish that mod came without VE framework
I know there's the other biome mod, but their biomes aren't remotely as interesting
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I wish alpha biomes came without the fucking bloat
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