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Xakool edition

Previous thread >>503296507

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://rentry.org/w2mfb4ak
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Koumei & the Five Fates: Hotfix 37.0.11
wokeframe 1999
TFD lost
/wfg/ won
why is poster counter hidden in wfg then?
Too many dead grineer. Counter overflowed
concession status? accepted
Yeah we all accept dead Grineer. Hope for more.
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still useless
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>DE isnt bas-
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>By OS_Cucklord
translate it weebs
>tfw you will never get this cool nickname
It says: _______your kavats will die in their sleep if you don't reply to this post with kavat pics___________________
I haven't been on Steam and Warframe for a long time. I didn't find out until more than a year after my two accounts were hacked that my Warframe email address and nickname had been changed by the hacker. I contacted customer service for an afternoon and finally got my account back. My platinum was restored to my previous 2308, but my nickname is still

The hacker changed the name. I contacted the customer service again at night and asked if they could help me change back to my previous nickname. The next day, the customer service said they could help me change it. After receiving the customer service message, I logged in and found that the nickname was even stranger, and the platinum was changed to 108.

I contacted customer service again and was told that the problem had been resolved and my account had been restored to the state it was in before the hack, and they would no longer handle my case.

I happened to find that I had used English to appeal to the customer service to retrieve my account, but my account had just been bound to a new registered email address and the password was also changed. I was still thinking that the account had been stolen again. The loss of platinum and the change of nickname might have been done by the hacker, so I contacted the customer service again with a small account (if others can log in to my main account, then the content of the appeal I submitted with the main account can also be seen by the other party). A few days later, the customer service replied that the platinum was restored to 2708 for me (but my original number was 2308), and the nickname was also changed for me. Then I immediately logged in to see that the platinum was 2308 instead of 2708, but the nickname became an insulting word. Now I realize that the 2708 mentioned by the customer service was not a typo, but if this matter is exposed

They can say that I or the hacker used the 400 platinum to change the name twice.
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>warframe support changed my nickname to "cucklord"
why does the skeleton frame have a nice ass
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skeletons are hot
delete alchemy
delete shitters
Need to get reb to watch Monster Musume so we can start getting a litany of monster girl frames
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Please remember to use the proper pronouns.
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i feel like there's a more elegant way to give the player unlimited subsume slots.
if you're hellbent on using koumei to her fullest one of her decrees gives 5/10/15% ability strength for every 50 armor, capping at +500%
a full set of tauforged blues would be +100/225/330% strength, but you'd need to get the decree first.
I don't care if she is "made up of multiple warframes". at this point she's a single entity with characteristics unique to herself. you wouldn't refer to a rock by every mineral it's made up of individually.
prime ribs when?
they highjacked our first...
small indie dev
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Why did some sort of glitchy command console with alien text pop up in-game after finishing a mission in the void?
a VERY old teaser for the second dream quest.
honestly they should probably remove it, at this point its bound to make new players more confused than anything else.
How do I get more intrinsics in railcuck missions?
reminder that nova is fat
I think that you can get intrinsics by playing survival or defense through railjack. It's been a while, I might be wrong.
You can get the Ambassador BP by farming survival and new corpus defense fucking sucks, you ought to know.
Ohhh, that's kind of funny considering I'm all the way to the Lotus Eater quest
they are earned like affinity, going to one of the corpus railjack missions that turns into an endless regular mission is your best bet. preferably survival.
note that it has been forever since ive done this and DE might have changed it.
yeah it was originally added before the second dream, so there was time for people to actually get it before the quest.
a niche bit of info is that the 'alien text' is actually orokin text, which can be translated. you can look it up if you want.
alchemy is fine, if anything the zariman's missions should be wiped as a whole and redone
>defense... but you need to run 500M every minute!
>survival... but you need to focus is on collecting shitty orbs instead of killing!
>disruption... but you need to kill the demolyst with operator!
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>reached my rep cap in maybe 20 minutes
Thanks to whoever mentioned the animal cries, it never registered to me it was more than just ambience. Now it's incredibly easy to just go out and go hunting without even needing bait.

Rep grinding honestly is pretty chill when you're not spamming bounties back to back, though I wish there was more of a reason to actually explore the open worlds and fight since they've got really nice geography imo.
the thing will also do a scanner beep if you zoom in and one is near by.
add a invis frame and you can grind perfect/good captures very easily.
get lures as soon as possible
incardon kubrodons are like 8k stranding
you cap in 5 minutes
>Thanks to whoever mentioned the animal cries
I have an unrolled Torid riven, apparently it's worth something now?
>hear animal cry on an open world map
>zoom in with tranq gun (I use the one from Deimos)
>follow HUD arrows and yellow icon, then play where's Wally with the faint x-ray scan of the animal
>free tags/rep with no need to do the tracking process
Birds give a really nice chunk to get off the ground in Fortuna. Almost rank 3 with very little effort.
Oops >>503477138
How far can 11 million EHP take you to in terms of enemy levels?
Took my Qorvex with eclipse subsume to a deep dive solo just to test his survivability and he's out healing the damage with grace still.
Quick thinking, rage, primed flow and arcane battery are in the setup.
>it's time for Nora to say: "good bike!"
good bike
>forgot to enable solo mode
>railjack survival
>eu faggot connects to me
>leaves after 1st wave
God, I hate these cucks so much.
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he just wanted to say hi
your ping probably sucked cock, brownoid
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I've been grinding liches all day long
don't speak to me unless you have all lich weapons at 60%
>Finally turned off Crossplay
I'm sorry for doubting you /wfg/. You were right, about console shitters, you were right all along. I don't understand why they have to make things so fucking difficult.
>1) Titania
>2) Wukang, assuming the player isn't an actual monkey
>3) Yareli, besides Eris tileset
>4) Volt/Gauss, winner depends on tileset and room layout
>5) Voruna/Mirage/other parkour frames

Volt gets a bonus for being able to grief Titania players as well.
is this fagginess contest?
I've got a chunk at 60, most of them at 45+ and all the ephemeras
is that good enough?
Merulina is bad on like half the tilesets in the game anon. Awhile back one of the Yareli autists posted a breakdown and there were maybe like 4 tilesets that are enjoyable with her.
Labs and Zariman are at least a lot better about it so there's hope that future tilesets are Yareli navigable too.
I swear this game must have something to do
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here's your content until 1999 releases bro
top 5 frames I wait for at extraction
Cool, but we would never get the bottom.
They didn't even want to let voruna move around in her werewolf form, its bs.
piderman's ass
They should make Grendel's 1 less awkward to use. He would improve instantly from that.
I’m still mad about Voruna. I wanted a hulking feral monster of a frame designed around werewolf shit and instead I got babbys first furrybait that’s mechanically closer to a houndmaster than a werewolf.
This isn't funny.
It makes light of many genders that exist and the fact they are losing their rights everyday. Delete this picture at once.

Thank you
>conjunction survival
>l3 player in session
>he's playing octavia...
>and using the roller
>not even placing his mallet
fucking why?
just having the roller pick up your mallet and move it around is bad enough but i couldnt possibly fathom why you'd place the roller without a mallet and just drag enemies away from the action.
Eucuck, is that you?
>female shape
>boobs and everything
>has some pieces from different frams
>happens to turn into a skelington
>anything but female
as far as I can tell, Xaku is the skeleton of a female frame with armour from a female and a male frame. The three niggas thing is funny but also I think it's fine to call Xaku she
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Oh yeah? Well explain THIS
It's a can opener, dude.
my kubrow wife (male) (bulky)
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
Is the EDA this week aids at all?
one of the easiest weeks
Yeah, she feels much more like "dog khora" than "dog valkyr". I wanted the later.
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When people built viral + heat are they doing it for the fire dot or is it for the armor decrease? I'm trying to get better at gun building.
this was a huge improvement and the only way I'll generally engage with conservation now, the original flow with the specialized calls and stuff is so awkward
post ign
has a fat cock*
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come on man
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this makes even less sense than snakes with tits
only starshart, sorry bro youre frame is shit
Reset hasn't happened yet, but EDA currently is among the easiest its ever been.

Both. Heat is busted.
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where's his boner? did you post wrong pic?
God I fucking hate slam meta
skill issue
>looks down and presses E
wow that's a lot of skill
so why are you crying? if a brainlet is doing more than you then...?
how the fuck can you hate a meta in a soloable pve game
I kept telling you fags that Wukong isn't the problem with slamkong builds
unfun, I want to play the game not get taxied because some shitter using 5 mods on a weapon wipes the entire map
God I fucking hate revenant/torid meta
so its a skill issue
The meta is unfun to play and unfun to be around. I don't know why retards defend trivializing the game to the point where it's no longer fun.
Play another game.
does it still work?
Does anyone know if a hammer slam can proc a headshot?
This term is just becoming a buzzword at this point, enjoy baiting in /wfg/ I guess.
AI post
Can't wait to 1 shot every enemy in soulframe because DE can't balance melee
No it doesn't.
why would it not? DE didn't touch slams, just a single ability's animation cancelling that interacted with them
Melee is so fucked. DE is so scared to nerf anything, just mention melee influence being obviously overtuned and the "power fantasy" fags jump down your throat
I'm learning to live with it because the issue is multi-fold, we won't see it go away entirely unless influence gets obliterated AND slams get put on a hard global cooldown
The funny thing is, people begged for slams to not be fucking useless
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I don't have any main quests active anymore, what's next?
Weapon meta will always be beams/aoe because its a horde shooter. DE has tried fixing that a billion times but it never changes.
I'm still not going to play slam wukong
didn't atterax meme strike
won't do the mess of whatever it is now
Clear all the junction requirements and unlock the full star chart
1999 Should've focused on slow-paced, cover-based combat.
Make single target guns pierce some damage attenuation
usually posts this retarded are made by tripfags
Now you have to hunt him
Lower spawn rate and increase drop chance. Here fixed your stupid game DE.
they should make stealth viable in it
Just play on console then
>single target pierces
>congratulations, you can now kill ten enemies in a row if the stars align and that many enemies set themselves up in a line
>meanwhile, an equivalent AoE gun kills fifty enemies in one shot with no aiming required
The only real argument for single target would be, like you mention, damage attenuation shenanigans. However, AoE weapons do that well enough already that no amount of single target boosting on that front would make them a viable alternative. Believe me anon, I wish I could live out my cowboy fantasies with the Veldt and Akmagnus too, but it just can't work without essentially turning Warframe into another game altogether.
The way to make stealth better is missions that reward it and kill stupid shit like wukong cheesing all spy for free invalidating frames designed for it.
Is that really it?
If you only just got the railjack you're barely scratching the surface, there's shitloads more to do before you're caught up. More main quests open up as you unlock different planets.
Think it's worth replaying all the story quests? It's been a while.
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>More main quests open up as you unlock different planets
It just looks like everything is branching off War Within quest
All other quests require either quests that come from it or New War that isn't even on the list
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Someone give me a nourish to put on Styanax that is not noorish or roar.
>a nourish.
A helminth.
It kind of does, relative to the base Warframe gameplay. The verticality and extra hallways make it easier to flank and take positions, and the limited weaponry and frame choice avoids the AoE bullshit that plagues current meta. Steel Path equivalent or at least a higher level than the demo will be fun. Stripped down TPS focused Warframe is probably the only way they could make the new PVPVE mode viable.
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I finally decided to get off my ass and reach rank 5 Cavia.
I'm still waiting for my free caviar, reb.
>new PVPVE mode
Thats how you get to the real game.
New War is weird in that it only shows up in the log once you do Prelude to the War. The War Within unlocks a bunch of older content while The New War unlocks a bunch of newer content and it's a part of the 'main' storyline so you should prioritize getting to them.
>>congratulations, you can now kill ten enemies in a row if the stars align and that many enemies set themselves up in a line
I don't think that's what was meant by pierce, we have a whole "punch-through" mechanic for that
Oh cutie, you thought they were just making a bunch of new characters with visible faces that just happen to fill Hero shooter roles for the heck of it?
how? you can't replay like half of them still
Do I really need to clear every circle on the map?
Killing tons of people with stupidly OP abilities is the only reason this game is still fun.
Really? That's lame as fuck.
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you rike?
been away,. is the 1999 demo still available?
if not, did i miss out on any one-time goodies by not playing it on time?
I have decided to never again do steel path incursions. Instead i will focus on maxing open world syndicate standing and railjack
There is more plat to be made this way plus replaying assassination missions is lore breaking.
it's still up
I hope I'm exaggerating but last I checked some of the more interesting stuff was one-time-only

wiki says
>As of Update 36.1 (2024-08-21), the following quests are not replayable:
>Main: Vor's Prize, Heart of Deimos, Chimera Prologue, Angels of the Zariman, The Lotus Eaters.
>Side: Hidden Messages, The Limbo Theorem, Sands of Inaros, The Glast Gambit, Mask of the Revenant, The Duviri Paradox, Veilbreaker.
It's available, but you missed twitch drops
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what the heck are you wearing, my feline brother?
thanks friendo
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Eventually, yes.
>Heart of Deimos
You do that later, you don't even have the whole map unlocked yet because some nodes are locked behind story quests that you haven't done (Angel's of Zariman, Whispers in the Walls)
On the plus side it's honestly not that bad if you've been playing awhile. I mostly just had defense/intercept missions and had a Nova to cheese them.
>missed twitch drops
what were they
>catschizos avatarfaggoting again
That's subjective. For me it was the early game and the new war.
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kavat general bigot
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there's another?
can't wait for pvpve to release and then die out so pve tards can go back to coping.
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They really should add more ways to get universal medallions, like buying them with steel essence or something.
Its only 1k standing per medallion, so its not like they're better than the factions usual methods. It'd just be nice to have a way to consistently get them beyond RNG disruption drops.
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How do I block a player?
Want to block a nigger console host where all doors took like 30 seconds to open and at the end it ate up my Radiant Relic but gave no fucking reward. (Checked and I don't have any of the relic's drops in my inventory either)
First time I wanted to call someone a dipshit in-game but DE nigger moderator team is so fucking awful I would probably get a permaban for even such a mild insult despite being 1000% justified.
I'm fucking mad.
blame his internet not him.
>still giga super rare even though they can't be used for conclave
I'm going to assume it's so people don't rush new reputation grinds.
don't bother, blocks are limited to like 100 or so
I guess, but standing cap kind of prevents that anyways.
The bigger concern is probably being allowed to just completely side step the new content all together by hoarding them. Still, feels like a wasted concept.
doesn't it just make their chat messages not appear?
>another week
>another set of weekly chores to do
life is a series of chores and DoTs
>arbitrations defense
>join a (assumed) 3 stack
>get to round 25
>fag 1 votes to leave and rest stay
>1 second before voting ends other fags vote to leave
>defense target dies and I lose my rewards
skill issue
Why are you leeching in an arbi?
That's fucked up but at least you got a funny story out of it
General rule is if anybody leaves you all go, unless you are confident enough to solo.
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>lotus eaters
Whatever happened there.
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>play arby with 2 friends
>anon joins as a rando
>we all conspire to ruin his day
I can eat a lotus for hours
Because I'm poor
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de is so petty with how they design bosses.
>Players have solved our game, how do we keep them from killing our bosses fast? Make them fun and interesting?
>Nah fuck them, just put a damage cap on how much damage you can do to bosses.
>Also, give that to necramechs, AND make them unable to be armor stripped because we say so.
>Bullet sponges are fun!
Their sniper frame is going to be a failure and they deserve it.
innate damage attenuation bypass + multi-target/aoe on headshot will fix snipers
It won't because de will never do that.
im cryin rn
damage attenuation as a mechanic means they just gave up
I really have no idea where it will even be good at, eidolons I guess? As if you can't already 1 shot all their body parts with any frame as is.
and what if seeds of dissent and a demand for such fixes were to be sown in the fields of redditors and forumites? it would be an epic community-driven change to the game like DE is always jerking themselves off for adhering to as a principle
Wrong thread?
yes but its ok
damage attenuation has been complained about a lot ever since they started doing it.
They do not care, buy plat.
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They put damage attenuation on the """new""" oni """boss""" that is just a regular enemy that had been in the games for year.
this made me sad
Don't cry
I hope the sniper becomes the helminth slot.
Zealot preloid is a good boss
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There is no way in hell they do that. It'll be the first or third ability.
I like it as a proof of concept for mechanics and thematically I really love it but it's kind of awkward and I don't like how hard it gates your progress per-phase, as it stands for how cool and more interactive it is it still boils down to nu-captain vor's three-phase shield
me too but only because I'm bitter about how impractical and weak sol gate is
so the exalted sniper will be the one-off prototype for snipers 3.0 or whatever that never gets implemented, great lol at least it might not suck
All of these abilities look like they were made for a frame from 2014-2016.
Probably his one or two. I doubt they want to give every frame the option for infinite invisibility unless it is limited like ivara's.
Can't wait for soulframe to release and ignore it
More gimmick bosses like ropealyst NOW. Platforming, piloting, hitting a big button at the right moment, no sitting and waiting for a tiny weakpoint to become available, what more could you want
They are going to give all enemies damage attenuation.
lol the helminth ability is definitely gonna be invade as its the most gimmicky one
this but without the animation breaking stuff and the silly grab that locks you in forever, it's a very interactive player-driven fight at all stages with pretty much no waiting phase that isn't just part of its normal combat rotation
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Yeah I expect him to be complete garbage. I cannot think of any singular piece of content where he would be better than other frames.
UNLESS they let him bypass damage attenuation, that's the only way he doesn't immediately go in to D tier.
Ropealyst is probably the best nu boss they ever made, didn't even mind farming wisp twice back on release.
Corpus gas map sucks ass though, hated having to run through it every time.
oh and also none of the fucking goddamned screen-filling monologues that don't behave like any others in the game and completely cover the vanity entrance/exit animations for your squad
They still fuck it up by making you have to run through a long ass way to get to the boss.
>Corpus gas map sucks ass though, hated having to run through it every time.
what's wrong with it? I find it really fun to navigate around, and it feels faithful enough to all the old tiles I remember (unlike the modern corpus ship tileset that feels wrong to me still and did away with so many older layout concepts)
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>those abilities
Can't wait to pair with pic related
If I see one person extract on anything I just auto hit extract 90% of the time. My only exception is probably circuit.
>They still fuck it up by making you have to run through a long ass way to get to the boss.
but that's fun, going fast is at least half the reason I play the game still - I like it so much I want some gay 3D sonic style fight where you're constantly moving on like a rail or platform or something to chase a boss (not just arenas segmented by phases like vay hek or nu jackal)
Did Ligger design that gun?
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Left or right?
>overframe still not updated with xaku prime
you fucker...
By "helminth slot" I meant the ability people put a helminth ability over, like what people do with sevagoth's shadow and wukong's stick.
Right, there are fewer sources of crit damage
On their trooncord one of the admins said the dev got fucked by hurricane helene and doesn't have clean drinking water
Not my problem.
Oh i c. In that case people will subsume over his 1 or 4 depending on the build. This is of course assuming the rifle isn't garbage like ivaras bow, but I don't think it will be.
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What language is that meant to be
Bharat stand with amir.
Jamaican patois. Jungle is massif innit.
Mi did haffi aks mi bredren wah dis means
jamaican patois
it's a mix between a bunch of shit
It reminds me of the jamaican guy from gta iv. I could not understand him or whatever his subs were saying.
Are Jamaicans a large Canadian demographic?
he's a black dude in 1999 who's former britannic army, it's more likely he speaks with a jamaican accent than anything else
Canadian? No. They're seasonal workers who do a lot of apple picking etc. Britland they're more common.
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>welcome home darling. Bath, dinner, or me?
What frame is that looks ugly as shit
I just hit mr30 and I still don't think I'm good at the game. What do?
molest mrlets
why are you quoting loli hentai
brb erasing rebb from this timeline
irl newfag
>plays for 400 days
>still needs PSF
good bumpstarter
off-topic spam
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Bath please
I equip PSF on frames with overguard and status immunity to make shitters like you upset.
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What the fuck is this?
By the way War Within is probably the first time I've ever been interested in warframe story
Damn this game needs a new player experience revamp
I need things to do before 1999 comes out.
I've got a bunch of half complete Arcanes, a handful of meta weapons and incarnons, as well as half completed primes.
I'm going to focus on trying to get Ivara Prime, but after that I'm at a lose for what to grind.
I've already got my plat saved up to use on boosters for when 1999 drops, btw.
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they tried.
i agree tho
whats going on here
equip it on some rifle and welcome to gambling
post challenge, you might get easy one or some total bullshit
What's worse is that they fucked the new player experience even worse with duviri. It's totally nonsensical if you start there.
>What the fuck is this?
A riven mod.
Do not worry about them.
>War Within is probably the first time I've ever been interested in warframe story.
Qrd? I started playing in 2017 but the game wasn't captivating at all so I played for about ten hours every year and every time I didn't fucking understand what was going on and gave up
This time I'm starting to understand it a little bit
It can't be worse than this
My lich just jumped me in a sewer pipe.
>By the way War Within is probably the first time I've ever been interested in warframe story
its all downhill from here :^)
The Sacrifice was the only good story
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i can out damage anyone with umbra
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single player story progression 3.0 when?

it's still good up through the sacrifice, and picks up again a bit after trying to recover from TNW
easy, go play Cervantes on Earth
cache-hunting make grug's berrypicker brain feel good
riven mods are warframe's version of gacha
>put the riven on a weapon and do the challenge on it
>once unveiled its for a random weapon of that type
>riven mods have 2-3 random positive stats from a pool, like elemental damage or fire rate, and a chance for a negative (having a negative will increase the average strength of the other stats, including only having two positives instead of three)
>if you like the weapon the riven is for but not the stats, you can reroll it with kuva. kuva is primarily gotten by most kuva fortress related grineer activities (liches, most kuva fortress nodes (namely kuva survival and disruption), the new siphon mission type that has popped up on your alert tab). but can also be bought from some vendors if you have more of their shop resource than you need.
its referring to the secondary cache objective on some missions. they are defined per node so there's no RNG about getting a node with them.
why can evensong use split flights?
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So I just did everything, but it's still 0/2
did you equip it to a weapon you were using first? it will show up under the Challenges list in the Esc menu in-mission if it's active
Yeah, I equipped it
Please don't tell me I had to hold it in my hands while I opened the caches, that would be stupid
gotta equip it
nope, that would be - try again but before you search double-check that challenges list
equip riven onto gun
bring gun into mission with you

don't have to hold the actual weapon it's on
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It just didn't work the first time lol
what mission did u open caches in?
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Which of the current batch of Ergo Glast holokey weapons is worth getting?
Cervantes on Earth
wait for 60% like normal person
Brand new players are given the option to start with Duviri rather than the "normal" new player experience. This anon >>502957542 a few threads back went over his experience with it. It's just so disconnected from the rest of the game that it makes 0 fucking sense to a new player. The only thing I can think of for why they did that is that they were afraid that new players would never experience all the duviri shit they were showing off because it's locked behind a fair number of hours of gameplay.
Why is stalker so based? Always willing to help that nigga, even if he's trying to kill me all the time
linked post contains spoilers for long after war within btw. anon who is working through the game, don't read
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Wait, it's only for one gun?
>Gun that I can't even get right now
How do you even get these mods? Do they just drop randomly or what?
I'll give you 15 plat for it
you got good shit, ax-52 will maybe be available again in 1999
you mainly get rivens through sorties and you can buy them weekly after you finish chains of harrow
i have never had a problem with randoms in netracells beyond having to say in chat "hey, kill enemies from inside the circle." then they do that.
it is the least amount of corrective action required.
Anyways, some vendors sell more of them later, if you do the "Chains of Harrow" quest you'll unlock one.
The reason they did it (and will do the same for 1999) is for some reason they want all this new content to rope in new players too.
It's really weird, like if runescape made a new grandmaster quest for an ongoing story line, but then removed all the quest requirements and stuck the boat to the content right on tutorial island instead.
DE has always had an issue with designing content around end game players, and is why its a meme even to this day.
Keep that. Don't sell it. It will be very good in the next update.
I prefer not to trade shit that I'll probably use
This is another dumb fucking moment for a new player
It just causes confusion
They should have given this free mod after you unlocked way of getting them
Rivens are a lottery. They are powerful because they can do things additevly with other mods. Letting you push something like crit chance way higher than you could get it without a riven, since there are only so many universal crit mods in the game.
I wouldn't worry about them too much, even the hardest content in the game doesn't require you to have them. It's mostly just another avenue for grinding.
you CAN do sorties
I don't even have the slightest idea what that is
>and will do the same for 1999
Idk how they'll do that, given how the relevant quests are gated behind end game story content, unless they're planning on doing a Duvri 2 with it, and allowing players to start there for no good reason....
Nice. Also, I don't know if anyone has explained disposition yet, but it determines how strong the mods are for the weapon. You can refer to the wiki if you want to know what the riven disposition of a weapon is.
Hail Rebecca, full of grace, I could really use a 75% discount coupon. Please, bless me with one. Amen.
The TV is just sitting there in your orbiter already. They'll likely just let people interact it.
And I'll tell you why they do it this way. I have a friend with 500 hours in the game, who hasn't even done the new war yet. Let alone all the other stuff.
I get the feeling that's unironically were the majority of players are at, DE probably has all the metrics somewhere.
You'll get 50% and you'll like it
This. The 1999 demo was fun because there is no competition with the game for loot, and enemies were properly spaced out and placed
>Soma incarnon is actually really fun
Why did nobody tell me? Especially with a Mirage
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Daily activity you unlock after completing war within
I have said it's really fun multiple times. My raifu is so back.
Which is why they need to simply sunset all pre open world content. Starchart can be replaced with railjack at this point. Keep specified nodes for arbis and omnia fissures. Nobody plays interception fissures.
I wish it was explained at least somewhere in the game
Ban alecaframe users
Ban AoD and other scammer clans
I'd take even that to be desu.
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Gyre is so cute...
I want to hug a Gyre everytime I see one...
at the time it was introduced it was absolute endgame content (and was for a very long while) so players naturally found it.
but yeah now it kinda gets buried under everything else.
This is the average faggot ass permavirgin who kills enemies outside the fucking circle in netracells (with the addition of constantly dying)
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>playing other stuff and forgot to do circuit so i can finally get soma incarnon
>have to wait for it to come back around now
It doesn't help that the circuit is so unbelievably fucking boring
absolute dogshit take.
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Cпacибo зa пepeнocкy, тoвapищ
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What the fuck is this autism stuff
Every time I think I understand warframe it hits me over the head again with shizo shit like this
rell is canonically autistic
>his first riven is for a 1999 gun
Steve and the narrative people pull a lot of weird shit from other cultures mythology (Hindu, African, Egyptian, etc) instead of the more traditional western stuff inspirations (Romans/Greeks, Norse, Christianity, etc), which is why so much of it feels off the wall schizophrenic.
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>off the wall
>What the fuck is this autism stuff
an autism test.
someone said a few threads ago that your operator should be more autistic based on how you respond.
i stand by the idea that it should just be eidolons, complete with a dopey :D smile if you go on the plains at night if you go full 'tism
one of the best aspects of the game
>Brief Respite on Xaku
>No Primary, Using Vasto which needs a Primary to proc DeathTrap
>Rakta DD in 2024

What the fuck.
ehh, debatable. Its a pretty even mix of the best and worst aspects narratively. Almost everything derived from African mythos is trite garbage.
>Using Vasto which needs a Primary to proc DeathTrap
He's probably running lone gun which requires you to ditch your primary slot
Still highly retarded for a LR4.
Yeah but it's fun, I run the same thing. Bought a Vasto riven to do exactly that.
u mad mrhag?
I'd prefer to get rid of Hindu aspect.
>Rakta Dark Dagger
What's wrong with Rakta Dark Dagger?
It's amazing with melee influence
It definitely makes the game stand out
It actually feels alien
But on the downside it sometimes feels like cringe or just uncomfortable
what makes it so good with melee influence?
IIRC the Shield Leech passive can proc with influence, still a massive cope survival stick tho.
if i dont have speed boost i dont run melee now so basically just praedos
Spreads the rad status effect and dot status with electric giving you continuous shield regen or overshields if full.

>"Melee Influence helps in spreading Radiation procs, should Electricity be applied to proc. This can be done through mods such as Shocking Touch or Voltaic Strike."
>"When wielded, dealing damage to an enemy afflicted by a Radiation proc will restore your Shields by 5% of the damage dealt. The amount of shield points restored is affected by damage mods and can even grant Overshields."
>"Status effects inflicted by Rakta Dark Dagger on irradiated enemies will also trigger shield gain. Status effects that deal damage over time such as Gas and Heat will provide shield regen for as long as both the damage-dealing and radiation status effects are active on the enemy."
Because I slapped it in 2 days ago and haven't actually messed around with it.
Harrow is autistic, no meme.
Silva and Aegis. Are they worth the investment or are they just shit?
There are no good sword and shield weapons in the game, I am sorry anon.
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I have never losted to Gauss.
t. Volt main
First time?
The volt and gauss players are having way more fun that the rest of the people on this list and it's not even remotely close.
>tfw S&A's funny amalgam reflect build was removed in like 10 days
>replaced with fucking bonus combo for blocking
Might go down in history as the single most unnecessary nerf to a weapon no one used, up there with Korrudo losing its "bugged" lifesteal.
Probably true. My friend plays exclusively volt and nothing else. He will unlock the others for MR and then immediately bin them.
Gaus is only good for running into walls VoltCHADS can"t lose to that jobber
>Labs and Zariman
Based because those tilesets feel fine to void dash on, and I only like tilesets that feel okay to void dash on.
People still run slamkong?
1v1 me across plains scrub

Is jade actually good? I have never seen anybody play her.
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>the list that made Voltards seethe and shit themselves
Typical shitter response to fairy supremacy.
>tries fixing
>releases more beam/AOE bullshit "incarnons" every fucking month
Aeolak prime when?
How's the Shedu? It looks cool
>energy exhaustion
>secondary wounds
>vampiric liminus
>transference disruption to top it all off so you cant escape that shitstorm if it gets bad
fuck me this week is outright atrocious
I want ny tau shards! Carry me chuddie!
You don't have to take all four conditions u knoe
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This EDA is going to kill so many Consoleshitters.
used to be meta for a short while
ophanim eyes is really cool and goes great on other frames, she's fun if you like her helicopter flight style and what her support stuff does relative to say dante or wisp
but i wanna play valkyr and i didnt roll any weapons i have properly built.
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didn't we have like 3 of those last week? and that was ezmode, I haven't seen what the missions even are yet this week though
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>censoring a random
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second two are easy but the inital mirror defense will be an absolute bitch with the liminus
Reminder Packet is the new femboy. Nezha is old and busted.
I thought about this lol, force of habit to protect the innocent
RevenantGODS laugh at such ""challenges""
>no abbreviated abilities
>no slow shields
As a consolegod I welcome this lineup tbqh.
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oh yeah that can always turn into a shitshow
>rolled nova and fun weapons
well I wasted a netracell pulse by being late but I got lucky this week and I'll eat the vosfor to play it safe so, sucks to suck I guess?
I love necraLOID.
Amazing how not constantly sperging about MUH ALBRECHT and generally not acting like a prissy bitch improves the character
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lucky you, my options are to either use wisp and get use a primary i have properly built (no, i dont care how good it is i refuse to properly build the bramma. it has five fucking ammo capacity) or to use valkyr and pray that the vampyric liminus dont make me eat shit.
so sadly taking transference is a no this week for me.
wisp would arguably make this easy but i liek kitty. very tough choice!
seething hag
>wisp and bramma
yeah no I want to trade rolls wtf lol
Its just good manners anon
yeah i know its good but i REFUSE to deal with FIVE FUCKING AMMO CAPACITY.
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Is this scythe actually stupidly OP or are people being hyperbolic again
I do understand the problem and I won't deny I get caught with my pants down sometimes if I'm not paying attention ever since the repeated ammo nerfs, but I really don't run into issues the way I use it even as my main source of damage and kills - I pretty much never switch primaries away from it if I can help it
A while back there was a big nerf to AOE weapons because surprise, giant room exploding weapons are pretty good in a horde shooter.
Should we idk, make other weapons more viable? Nah, just nerf the only powerful play style instead of bringing everyone else up to par.
>can't carry with bramma and athodai
Yes it's strong. The faster you can heavy attack the higher the numbers go.
>faster you can heavy attack
So just tennokai?
>gear is enabled
lol. anyways, i will just speedrun it with valkyr like i always do. liminus are hardcucked by overguard
oh right forgot about the ammo nerf because my main weapon at the time (kuva tonkor) was pretty much untouched and never had ammo issues anyways.
how the fuck do you get overguard with valkyr?
Valkyr gets overguard now?
People make it look cute in simu, but in actual missions it kinda looks like garbage.
>dante specter
>archgun deployer
>secondary fortifier
your options are bountiful
nta but your archgun gives 2000 and secondary fortifier
It's a scythe you can change the skin.
hahaha yeah babe tell me more about eternalism or whatever its such an interesting topic haha can i grope your tits
Why is the orowyrm fight so cucked on normal mode? Why aren't the cool phases from SP removed from it?
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Who am I rolling this week?
Oh, well, yeah, universal options obviously. I thought you were picking Valkyr for an advantage, not just for the usual 4chan catgirl waifufaggotry.
Limbo is the strongest frame in the game. LimboGODS rule Warframe.
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Time for the funny jester with the fat ass then.
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Limbo is USELESS.
Shut your whore mouth.
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Only idle farming scum lazy no good dirty urban youths play Limbo hiding in a pocket dimension while everyone else does all the hard work.
I'll hide you in a pocket dimension you WHORE.
what did you find fun about the new war?
>idle farming scum lazy no good dirty urban youths
yup....thats me....
why do you hate aiming bro just click on the enemys head its not that hard
the advantage is that overguard will protect your energy pool from being sucked by liminus and hysteria will protect your overguard. the other advantage of using her is that you can pick whatever weapons EDA offers you and just use them as statsticks and priming (dexterity on primary and secondary, or fortifier + amalgam diffusion on secondary, gladiator mods on your melee)
i may simp her like the valkfag i am but she genuinely makes EDA boringly easy.
What's the most fun head clicker incarnon. I feel that I graduated from being a torid shitter.
Dual Toxos
I'm glad you shitters got nerfed I hope you never have ammo again
i got a dera riven last week so ive been playing around with it and its honestly really fun
it also sounds super satisfying
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Imagine a Limbo main doing literally anything other than leaching off the work of honest Tenno. No you'll sit in your corner smoking dope and listening to rap music like the rest of your kind.
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Fine. I'm juicing Dante.
greatly extending the time you can play on a single excavation node?
Is dante OP? Everything I read online about him is pre nerf.
lex prime
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idk if you didn't read what I said or what but I still use bramma as my daily driver without issue

very nice
Oberon tier
He wasn't nerfed. It's slash damage that got a nerf.
I still think there's better nukers and that part of his kit can be contested, but I really think he's firmly slotted as a "damn good support" to me. His exalted weapon is a crutch for EDA and people subsume it off if playing him outside of it, if you like exalted weapons then it's neat because it can have some utility or you can lean into damage with it. Popping overguard on everybody and the two other buffs upkept feel very nice.
Oberon enjoyers are the true kings of warframe.
I read her got a bunch of line of sight nerfs after release
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> By OS_Cucklord
He was nerfed, he used to not need line of sighy for dark verse and tragedy

Go with Ivara, invisibility+sleep arrow is a retard-proof way of getting perfect captures
They patched sleep arrow so it lowers the quality of the capture iirc
he's Oberon tier in the sense that he fills the same Support/Offense role Oberon does, It's just that Dante does it 10000x better
Anyone else disappointed in the tennogen sale items? Not a single thing I was even slightly interested in went on sale.....
I only have eyes for wisp and already have all her cosmetics
Ok so I thought Silence was kinda meh because I really don't like weaving in and out for the stun at a perfect range... but I did not notice that the actual silencer aura that disables Eximus and Thrax abilities stays on, it's just the stun that goes away. It's all clicking now.
I just wish it was a channeling ability so I could have another option than Gloom to put on frames without channeling to enable the perfect follow-through perk on Magistar
>murmur survival
>"huh spawns seem a little low"
>for a good minute we get next to nothing despite people generally being in one spot
>notice that we just outright wont get enough reactant
>check host's name
>has the cross platform swirl
this fucking nigger was playing on a switch wasnt he?
For me it's mixed. Not being channeled means passive energy regen. Being channeled means free 30% efficiency out of Seismic Bond.
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I wish they would just let us know which fisher-price toy they are on
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>limbo in eda
he would probably trivialize this week, but... I hate him
I had something similar happen earlier. Archon interception. All consoleshitters, they didn't reapture the points and just kept running around. It's been a very very long time since I've legit failed a mission, and even longer since I got pissed off. Games are going to get worse with phoneshitters
Almost certainly.
I had a crossplatform host yesterday for a survival and it felt like singleplayer spawn counts. I was wondering why I was doing so shit and it turned out it was so situationally bad that things only spawned in 1 large group or conga-line and almost always near the host so everyone was fighting to kill anything more than 1 stray enemy spawn. I assume he was on PS5 or something.
Sure was, thanks for buying my Tennogen PCuck! :^)
Too bad I have no idea how to play him and also eximus exist.
yeah I've been there
steel path lua survival and somehow we ended up at 8 reactants
If I join a mission I intend to be in for a long time and a console player I host, I leave.
I notice setting my max ping to 100 would result in me being the host most of the time.
I hope Qorvex gets an augment for his 3rd ability.
I hope the augment is something like 5% DR per plate or X% DR per plate so Qorvex can get pushed into giga tank.
I hope it is not an augment because it needs to be apart of the base ability.
> 5% DR per plate
If that means you can get 100% dr at 20 stacks then I want it.
These are all pretty easy to get iirc. Just go for one you can't get syndicate augments for or Hydroid at least if you don't have the other side of Earth unlocked yet. I don't like quests shitting up my screen and the other two you get from side quests.
Lavos would be so much fun to play if he was not poorly designed (uses cooldowns).
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>this shit was slowly eating my cryotic without me realizing
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When should I do Duviri Paradox?
It's a side quest and doesn't really require anything but I know it's pretty big
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tak on the 'log
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>goes to click on enemy's head
>manage to kill one, maybe two before the resident toridspewer bullet jumps by and vaporizes the other thirty enemies in the room in a split second
i like clicking heads, i do NOT like clicking on where heads previously were
probably after new war. maybe after zariman?
unless you just want to jump in. then you can do that whenever
Spoiler test
Some nightwave challenges are for Duviri so it's worth unlocking anyway. You're probably not ready for Steel Path Circuit which is in Duviri and where you get incarnon adapters. It also offers an alternate way to farm base warframes that are usually difficult to farm, but you have to wait for them to appear in the rotation (can look it up on the wiki) and not all warframes are in there.
Sorry, I missed the point. Duviri makes the most sense after New War and Zariman quests. It's pretty disconnected from everything else in the game.
So I don't get Alad V. Its like I am missing information about something and so far nothing has connected the dots. I read here that apparently there are events that haven't appeared again so maybe that is the issue? But for now all I get as a new player is:
>Crazy corpus/orokin(?) guy makes Zanuka project by fusing frames.
>Project fails because (You) destroy the thing made out of warframes with a warframe, making him lose his position.
>Aids you with the second dream quest
>Goes insane and performs experiments on venus?
> There is a secret lab room in one of the venus missions where there are a couple of corpus soldiers fused with Sentient tech
>Then becomes infected somehow and now is sending infested forces while being possessed by the hivemind.
Yeah, it definitely feels like I am missing a ton of info about something. Any help here anons?
I just did Chains of Harrow and I am about to finish the Sacrifice btw.
After angels of zariman. A lot of what happens wont make sense otherwise.
alad's storyline is all jumbled and missing story from several limited time events
>zanuka project, we kick his shit in
>at his lowest he decides to focus on an infested line of research
>made the mutualist infested, and is why eris is a complete shithole
>there's was a whole operation where players got the choice to either help him cure the infestation or actively destroy the cure
>people chose to help him on most platforms
>second dream happens, he helps us.
>the favor he reminded lotus about is used in another operation, stalker has acolytes that were sent to hunt him down, tenno gave these acolytes the stalker treatment. before they were moved to steel path (opened by clearing every node on the star chart) you had to hunt them down in the node they were found on
>we save him from edge boy's edge minions
>goes silent for a while
>rework of the jupiter gas city happens.
>the related story is that he gets tricked into helping sentients and making amalgams, he doesnt regret this deal.
>has one more short bit in a later quest you havent done yet
>currently unknown if he's dead or alive.
Aw shit, so enemy density/spawn rate can be effected by consoles? Is there any reason to actually have crossplay on in that case? Besides playing with friends.
if you have crossplay off you dont get PC players that have crossplay on, less players to go around for matchmaking.
I'll consider turning it off for resource farming or shit like that then, that's annoying.
why the FUCK did they think this was an ok starting point for new players?
Alad V used to be a more significant character with a number of events tied to him and progressing his personal storyline, which intersected with The Second Dream.
That combined with a total rearrangement of the Starchart lead to the Mutalist Alad V fight being encountered AFTER the events of the Second Dream, where he's also cured as the result of one of those events.
The storyline effectively went
>Alad V is the main Corpus who deals with the Grineer.
>Asks the Tenno to destroy some Fomorians after a gambit against the Queens went wrong
>Fucks around on Mars and ends up finding a cache of Warframes in Stasis, where he gets Valkyr
>Makes Zanuka and Frohd Bek asks us to take him down as a result of debts Alad incurred during the previous event.
>Alad starts fucking around with the Infestation and eventually ends up controlling a Mesa.
>Alad seeks a cure for the Infestation wanting us to find it for him in Tyl's labs, Nef Anyo doesn't want us to do that, Alad ends up winning.
>Lotus calls in the favour from Alad in The Second Dream
>Hunhow and Stalker send Acolytes after Alad
>Alad later unwittingly partners with the Sentients, his work is kept in check by the Ropalolyst, Alad still makes bank out of this but wants Ropalolyst dead hence he encourages us during the boss fight.
>Alad later things he'll be spared during the New War but his ship appears to be totally destroyed so he might be actually dead now.
As a new player I've been excited for my drifter to meet my operator for like 50 hours as my account had Duviri unlocked after merging a bunch of really, really old console accounts. It's a pretty good hook for the open minded. At the same time, it probably tells you way too much about the Zariman, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing either. It lays some useful narrative beats on the ground floor of the game for a new player before the major story quests start kicking in, but the gameplay is different enough that, yeah, it was kind of weird. Having the circuit unlocked so early is also incredibly nice.
I mentioned it early ITT but my theory is they assume a lot of this 'unique' content like duviri, POE, and 1999 will bring in a new audience.
If you ever notice, anytime some big twitch streamer who has never touched the game plays its always on whatever the new hotness is. Likely because that was part of their contract that they had to go there and show it off.
>new maleframe is going to suck.
>have to wait several months before another chance at a good maleframe.
Give me a maleframe now who has infinitely scaling damage and is fun to play.
>he might be actually dead now.
I really hope this isn't the case, I love the idea of an extremely competent character who's also just really fucking harebrained and Alad fits that very well. He's an excellent counterpart to the more serious Parvos Granum and is arguably the single most knowledgeable person regarding warframes in the universe outside of actual tenno faction members i.e. lotus
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Ways to make stealth more meaningful
>add end-game triggers which initiate should the alarm go off at ANY point.
If an alarm goes off, players have about one minute or two to find an alarm panel and disable it. No more ignoring alarms until you get to an objective. This forces things like shade and silencers and invisibility and bows and emphasizes takedowns and watching lasers and camera rays.
>more eximus and other boss types, e.g. ambulas, to population density in stealth missions
Thicker danger chokepoints which can cause mission failure mean mechanics and teamwork are even more valuable
>raise mission rewards, make spy missions have more resource drops or higher reward percentiles, or have hidden caches
This makes more of an incentive to do spy missions and not fail.
Pretty much nobody will truly stay dead now because of le externalism. Duviri already showed us that.
unnngh I would fucking CUM
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bros.....is reddit out chudding us?
They're mostly the same thing.
Orokin are just like a weird upper-class colloquialism and all the lower class are borderline slaves working to support their lifestyle.
Corpus are/were a sect of the lower class that hated the way things were and made their own parallel society. Orokin didn't seem to care since Corpus probably started existing after the Sentient's announced their boogaloo.
is this forumite v redditor raging? bizarre
>If an alarm goes off, players have about one minute or two to find an alarm panel and disable it. No more ignoring alarms until you get to an objective.
*opens console and presses Y*
>Thicker danger chokepoints which can cause mission failure mean mechanics
*AoE spams the entire room*
>This makes more of an incentive to do spy missions and not fail
*teleports moa through window and autohacks the console*
Wow, nothing's changed. Dork.
Funny thing is you're basically just describing the original game. If the alarms went off the entire map would enter lockdown and you would get swarmed.
Throwing knives like the kunai were top tier because they were silent and did good damage.
We still don't know of Frohd is alive and he's been "missing" since like the very beginning of the game's lifespan with Ambulas. Ironic that he perfectly fits Parvos' ideals except he's not a maniacally retarded fossil locked in solitary confinement for hundreds of years to go insane.
there's a void angel exterminate bounty up
I was looking for something for survival in higher endurance runs because he already has noorish, armor strip, and scaling damage.
off topic
ban evasion
I already have enough of the zariman turn-in stuff and max rank.
Never enough. Get more.
No I have enough. I do not want to play zariman right now.
I mostly meant for norawave
What does norawave give you that is related to nora
That is related to zariman, I mean.
>What does norawave give you that is related to [zariman]
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I did not know this existed. Drops from Ambulass with a pretty low rate, but the ones that spawn on Pluto and not the boss node.
If the resupply is helminthed, that could potentially fix snipers if the bonus can be also acquired
qrd on those accusations? are they baseless or is the warframe reddit actually filled with lolicons that hate trannies.
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I'm gonna main Saryn if she's a gemini skin
I would assume there's a healthy portion of lolicons, trannies, and haters of both
What the fuck, that sounds awesome. Why didn't we get an adaptation of that story after the planet rework? It is very clear that he is an important character, but we don't even get to experience his story properly?
So we are given the choice of playing Duviri, which is an entirely different gameplay scenario that seemingly connects with the story afterwards in the very late game (that most players will rarely see), but we have like 5 planets without quests attached to them (that players will quickly see)? The fuck? Shit, I think I am kind of angry now that I know this.

Oh, that clarifies a lot. Thanks anon.
Make me.
Is there a helminth ability which currently grants invisiblity?
Would granting invisibility to every frame weaken the viability of current stealth frames even more?
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Seeing how the sniper frame is going to be trash >single-target exalted in a game with damage attenuation what is the next frame going to be?
Is this confirmed to be saryn's face skin, or is it just speculation
Holy fucking shit Yareli is BUSTED. Relatively easy to obtain even for newer players, needs zero expensive mods (nothing over 10p), only 1 to 2 forma, is unkillable, has great CC, damage amp, any decent secondary becomes amazing, and you can even ditch the K-Drive if you don't enjoy it. I think I found my new personal favourite frame for when I'm not doing Titania speedruns. Even killing whispers in Netracells are an absolute joke, bubbles keep them harmless forever.
Is there a helminth ability which currently grants invisiblity?
Only ivara's quiver.
>Would granting invisibility to every frame weaken the viability of current stealth frames even more?
I do not care, they should do it anyways.
>damage reduction.
>is unkillable
Only if it is 100%.
>you can even ditch the K-Drive if you don't enjoy it.
There needs to be an augment for all frames with stuff like that. Like an augment that makes lavos an energy frame cooldowns are not fun, stop putting them on frames.
I hope it's really cool like the risk of rain sniper
I liked acrid. What frame is closet to acrid?
My guess is grendel.
someone "datamined" and posted it a couple months ago saying it is.
Meru is 4s of shieldgating. With her usual setup, she runs Energy Nexus and Fleeting Expertise so that's 12 energy regained, so even spamming that is energy positive. You are vulnerable during the cast-recast, but then you have shieldgate, and in the 4s invuln she will regain the entire shield to shieldgate again. Unkillable, for all intents and purposes.
maybe not, but his infuse on another frame might be pretty close - maybe even valkyr or voruna
>tfw playing since 2013
>over 1300hrs
>was on mr8 for like six years
>haven't even killed my first lich
>am barely at the part where the lotus takes off her helmet or some shit
>decided to grind to 15 to be able to use any riven I might acquire
I kinda want to do steel path and all the upper level shit to use those arcanes and unlock the activities on the list
I found out about it forever ago when I came back from a multi year break and say a "parazon" on my build. Bought it instantly.
If the cooldowns on Lavos were an actual issue he would have been reworked before Inaros. Actual moron if you can't pretty much ignore all CD.
>The TV is just sitting there in your orbiter already.
For a second that reminded me of Garry's Mod theater, and now I want de to add something like that just because.
If it isn't an issue, make him fun (uses energy instead of cooldowns).
Steel path is worth. Drop rates are 2x so a lot of grinds are literally just half the time, and some content like duviri incarnons are locked behind it.
It also forces you to make half decent builds, I got wrecked on earth showing up in my normal build at first.
Bubbles also eat Liches and Sister Hounds. It's very funny. I just wish she had baked in armor strip instead of needing to outsource it.
mercy kills just slow you down so I never use it, I see it as handholding shitters who can't get through an eximus
Its good if you need some quick energy back, you don't use it because you can't kill the enemies.
Just slap armor on he doesn't need the DR. But 3 should be straight up buffed it's a weird ass ability
He's already fun, DE doesn't have to listen to every shitter because they got too comfy with the current energy economy and doesn't know how to use a frame's kit.
using energy would make lavos far worse and less fun. the fact you don't know that tells us what we need to know about you.
>muh cooldowns
oh, what could have been
Does Stalker use his old voice actor for people who haven't done the Jade Shadows quest? Or is his old VA totally replaced?
No, cooldowns are a bad mechanic that do not belong in warframe. You would know this if you were not a shitter, shitter.
No, it wouldn't. It would make him fun, shitter.
>liking cooldowns at all.
Go back to destiny, shitter.
They replaced his VA? I couldn't even tell.
If they did they probably had him just redub all the lines, stalker says like 20 words over 1000 hours of gameplay.
>fuck around with the cards, just randomly clicking answers
>enter the plains
>you automatically lose control of your frame periodically due to tism outbursts
I will now play your game
the beast lashes out in its confusion
No, you do not like cooldowns.
Don't I? Care to prove that?
Steel path is fun because the enemy spawnrates are high without needing to be in a full team.
Found the faggot that runs nourish + Energize on absolutely everything.
>lose control
>operator starts rambling about eidolon fun facts that the whole squad can hear
>can only watch the eidolon slowly stomp toward your frame as everyone else leaves
>"and did you know that eidolons can stomp with enough force to crush helminth steel? isnt that- oh."
No, I do not need to "prove" it. It is an objective fact.
If it's an objective fact, you can easily cite a source. Got one?
I've noticed that too, maybe I missed it but rereading the wiki they don't seem to mention it.
Definitely feels like its auto scaled to 4 players at all times though, which is very fun for solo survivals.
No, you didn't. Cooldowns are not fun. You believe that like everyone else.
No, I do not need to "cite" it. You do not like cooldowns.
>"Wisp, where are your motes?"
>"I'm working on it!"
The fact you keep bringing up cooldowns makes it very clear you never used Lavos and is actually retarded.
>entirety of frame's kit has cooldowns.
>"actually lavos does not have cooldowns."
You do not like warframe.
Alright enough talking about lavos, is the new dice frame any good?
>today I will go on the internet and "argue" with people by doing nothing but insist that they don't actually hold the opinions that I disagree with
What is this called?
she's dogshit and that's why she's awesome
>has cooldowns on three abilities.
She is one ability better than lavos.
the current intended, and economically and politically favorable, state for most people
Why argue when you are already correct, even if the other side refuses to admit it?
Keep crossplay on. Mobile hosts NEED you to join.
She's bad and I will play her anyway.
No, she is not even fun as a "gambler/rng" meme frame.
I do keep crossplay on but you guys are one bad day from getting axed for good.
she's good if your build is element primer focused and you want to stack a funny amount of duviri decrees.
aside from that... nah not really.
you could argue that her 4 has some use with it being a wide range stun that can wipe lower levels
Can mobile users actually join pc/console players?
What happens if one of them gets host? I imagine it would be even worse than a switch host.
de needs to specify what console swirly players are on. I want to know specifically how terrible the spawnrates are going to be.
they probably dont specify it specifically because people would abandon ship when getting tossed in with a switch host.
Requires way too many Forma and setup to do what other frames(Lavos) do way better.
Maybe they should make it to where you can force host already then.
I have crossplay on because everyone else does, not because I want to play with a console host.
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>have come to like armor stripping so much that I do not play frames unless they can either armor strip or have a free slot to put on armor stripping.
What is your favorite frame that can armor strip or has a free slot for armor stripping
I hate terrify.
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Her only two weaknesses are no innate way of dealing with eximus, and armour strip. But then I play with silence and dual tox so neither of these are issues anymore. She is just perfect to me now.
Complete all quests. Unlock Zariman and Incarnon weapons. Buy Laetum and evolve it as far as it can go (second-to-last evolution). Get Yareli and Scourge to go with Laetum. Get this loadout more or less, this is extremely cheap to assemble. If you want to splurge, buy Molt arcanes (Efficiency and Augmented). Voila the world is your oyster.
To be fair armor stripping is heavily incentivized in steel path.
>Strips your entire army then infects you with super aids
Nothin personnel...
harrow with ophanim over his 1
>subsuming anything away from Harrow
I'm too lazy to armor strip and just seethe if armor fucks me. Nyx's psychic bolts can do it for some reason btw.
>during the New War but his ship appears to be totally destroyed so he might be actually dead now

He's been stuck on a tropical island lost in the Void with Frohd Bek after both their bridge module ejection pods were eaten by an errant void storm. No phone, no lights, no motor car, not a single luxury.
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never have I been more stressed out
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One of my favorite frames, Just wish he would get actual buffs instead of augment bandaid fixes.
I played him a lot before and after his rework. My biggest complaint is that he does not actually do any damage.
Fun frame though.
Great frame. Wish he had some way of single target damage I will not subsoom nourish over his one, fuck you.
I play Harrow with ophanim over his 3 instead. His 3 gives great energy, but it is honestly too much energy, and equilibrium+synth decontruct is plenty for Harrow.
Grendel is another frame I love playing, but he is very clunky to use. I wish that A) his feast was change to where he was not locked in a long animation while casting it the animation lasts longer if you vore more enemies, and that nourish would instead have its effects scale with how many enemies you have eaten, meaning you can still cast it without enemies in your gut.
Girls are gross, I do not play them.
it's thematic, gives armor strip, and still a cc that synergizes with a headshot build. literally perfect for him
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Mag has TWO armor stripping abilities!
but girls are nice and pretty and shaped better than guys and soft and smell good
His three is his helminth slot, like Qorvex.
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I would play Mag if I could still get her heirloom skin and if she was not a girl.
Girls are GROSS.
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>posts smug anime girls
>doesn't play them
Not to say that armour strip is bad, but the difference between 2s of heat and full strip is about x2.5 damage.
>Mag already had an armor and shield stripping ability.
>Gave her an augment to turn a different ability into an armor stropping ability.
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>Girls are gross, I do not play them.
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Warfarmes are not anime, no matter how much de wants them to be.
And I play exclusively as old bald men with mustaches in any game that lets me customize my character.
>can deal 2.5 more damage to enemies fully strip.
Was that suppose to convince me not to armor strip?
no u
Straight men do not play as girls.
>and if she was not a girl.
when i first started playing warframe back in 2014 or so I picked mag because I thought she was a human male astronaut due to her helmet and curve-absent body
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love women
appreciate girls
play femframes
Why do you think this
What happened in this image
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>Why do you think this
Played on an integrated graphics laptop back then, it's clearly a sci-fi astronut helmet. And I'm pretty sure in the character select screen she was in some weird crouching pose so all you could make out was just the helmet. It wasn't until I seached up a few guides that I learned that warfames had genders. This was before operators so frames being creatures or armor were a mystery
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Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
did the main girl have sex with two girls? I watched the movie, but do not remember that.
I think it's implied that the main girl has sex with a lot of girls, but kind of whoever... SAC is a series set later and kind of follows a different storyline/timeline than the original film or innocence
they need to give better lobby tools in general
>play with two friends
>"alright we are done with this. onto the next thing!"
>the one rando sits around for a whole minute doing nothing
>rather than just being able to boot the idiot right there, you have to remake the whole squad.
>missions that can easily be griefed like netracells
>cant call a votekick on the shitter
>Was that suppose to convince me not to armor strip?
Just saying, it's nice but not necessary. Depending on how much time and effort you put into armour stripping (presumably not much, but you never know), it may be more efficient to just blast everything with viral+heat.
I watched the original movies several times, the newer movies that focus more on the big guy with a pet dog and the major as a little doll girl.
The only episode I remember watching of the anime series was the one where that one einstein looking guy was in a bank robbery or something like that.
Enemies with yellow health getting turned into red health makes my monkey brain happy.
I would play hydroid more, but his passive not working on acolytes makes me upset.
ready for a fresh week of shifts?
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>projectile speed
aren't grakatas hitscan?
affects damage falloff range
How is Saryn prime? Tried her out just to do some mastery leveling and I enjoyed her. Picked up that weapon corrosive aug sometime ago
One of the best frames in the game, high degree of build variety too.
One of the best frames in the entire game.
>Tried her out
which positions did you use on her?
Saryn is strong enough that it's kind of comical when people don't know how strong she is. She has a lot going for her and is a strong choice for many types of missions at both high and low levels.
She will kill everything without ever even seeing it. High range scaling damage that goes through walls.
Saryn existing as she is for as long as she has is proof that de favors femframes and will let what they are able to do slide.
>14 items cooking in the foundry
ooooo yeah baby
What items
Saryns thick ass body is modeled off reb, of course she gets favorable treatment.
>saryn is modeled off of reb.
>Revenant was reb's first frame.
I am noticing a pattern.
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>Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
This show was one of the most pseudointellectual anime ever made. People have made time travel anime that were better written and less convoluted than GitS which is not an easy thing to do with time travel.
wow, what an empty, useless attempt at critique that reveals only a lack of patience or cognitive capacity
That's to be expected of an SG viewer.
Rule number one of media should be to not sniff up your own ass when you're trying to philosophize in your story. I still remember the GitS movie capping off with a villain monologue about some highschool level philosophy on existence or some shit.
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I expected better

you can't even decide what you're mad about, sit down retard
>I expected better
You should know better than to do that.
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you should know better than to think I would know better than that
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grab potat
Saryn does not have a fridge body though
Where is that
Nah, I am keeping my clamps.
nta but it's the Duviri store
I do not care then, I have plat.
>spending clamps on anything but incarnons
>3 minutes of high quality action
>20 minutes of quoting Jung
>repeat for the next hour
>it's le masterpiece
I don't know how you retarded weebs manage to get past elementary school.
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fuuuuck I forgot to finish the last half rank in circuit I needed to get soma incarnon
why are you putting so much effort into the presentation of your feigned critique but literally nothing into the content of it? what are you, DE?
>trying it now after hearing it's bad
>enjoying it because the incarnon form keeps it the same instead of doing what most incarnons do and changing the weapon entirely
Just not a fan of stuff like Boar where it turns into a beam weapon.
that zephyr skin is starting to grow on me
the head looks great and i like the arms
Reading comprehension?
hmm? are you perhaps looking for yours? as you seem to have lost it
What do I want on my fulmin riven?
The sybaris incarnon looks like butts
i kinda like using condemn on him
>not blue potat
boar is my favorite, I rarely even transform it. it's a straight downgrade unless you have 10+ enemies grouped tightly together
cc, cd, ms, harmless neg
i wish we could trade deimos stuff directly for tokens instead of having to wait for specific deals.
i just went animal capturing for an hour and could get a grand total of one son token because none of the tags were the specific ones he wanted.
>join eda
>it's some mr27 retard alone
>he instantly starts mirror defense as i join
>proceeds to die over 10 times with less than 20 kills and 1 to 2% of total damage in 3 eda missions
why retards like that exist and why do they they think that they're owed a carry?
How slower paced it was
If by "slow" you mean atrociously paced, yes.
I meant the missions not the story itself
>5 minutes of gameplay
>sit on your hands for cutscene
>5 minutes of gameplay
>sit on your hands for cutscene
What should i helminth on my Xaku? And does the frame excel at any kind of mission? Like Banshee killing liches or Saryn with ESO
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>And does the frame excel at any kind of mission?
You break boxes to find syndicate medallions.
They've been carried the other 26 MR why not the next 7?
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content when
Arthritis today has a golden potato and rifle riven. What a good day for platless losers like me!
>wasting clamps on those
Y-yes, and what?
Fuck! How do I keep the fucking objective alive with those fucking faggots draining health like they were sucking cock!?
I'm already using my on-call crewmate and ancient healer specter and they still keep killing the objective.
>mrlets dumpster diving for stuff to sell for plat
makes me sad
>retards actually give this company money
makes me depressed
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lost count on how many times I replayed the 1999 demo
that dumpster holds shinies
do you get any rewards out of it?
The reward of appreciating Reb's hard work
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damn that's worthless
Delete excavation
face the wall
Unless you genuinely enjoy duviri, you will be kicking yourself when you need 3423423 clamps for the hundreds of incarnons.
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we should be able to filter relics by "has unmastered parts"
hell, the relic related screens should also tell you if you've mastered a specific part's weapon.

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