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You wanted a new mechanic? Too bad, it's rituals again!

Previous Thread: >>501326810

A general to discuss everything Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel, playable on EDOPro and Duel Links, plus the Go Rush anime.

>Recommended simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android):https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Duelingbook (online). Visit:https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “rdg” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful links
How to:https://www.konami.com/yugioh/rushduel/howto/
Probability calculator:http://yugioh.party



>Upcoming Releases
●Neo Legend Awakening Pack (Oct 12)
●Salamandeus of Scorching (Nov 16)
●Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact (Jan 11)

>Duel Links stuff
Zwijo unlock event (upcoming)
>●Neo Legend Awakening Pack (Oct 12)
>●Salamandeus of Scorching (Nov 16)
Should remove this for
>●Galactica of Eternity (Feb 8)
My bad. Thanks for the heads up!
>Too bad, it's rituals again!
Sure but Ritual monsters that are located in the ED will be a whole other beast compared to OCG rituals.
True. "Rituals except they don't suck ass" is almost like a new mechanic.
I feel vindicated over my desire for rituals several threads ago. BRING EM ON.
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I wonder what they'll do with the ritual support cards like Senju or Hyper sonic bird.
I heard that Japanese got simplified from traditional Chinese in the writing of some characters because of the Edo period I think, and that the punctuation of Cantonese and Taiwanese was different from each I suppose from their relations with European language speaking countries, but I don't know any details, just saw an image showing the difference and mocking Korea in some way.
I also heard that simplified Chinese is way harder to learn and understand than regular Chinese.
>Forgetting nekroz & dtrons
Excavate & add spell if there
the'll need to be replaced by protection or recycle stuff.
love it when a previous villain still gets treated with respect long after his arc
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(Save us Zwijo-sama)
If I count Dragiastar and Fire Dragons as a single deck type, it's the second most represented deck!
I hope we get some sort of Luke support with the new box, but considering there is no new skill leaked for him, I'm expecting Romin to get it this time.
So given things. Think we'll get a proper Ritual Soljersey?
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we already have ritual spells at home
I wish they had expanded this concept more. It would've been cool to have vanilla monsters that can be summoned with a specific spell at the cost of some monsters, and get some strong permanent effects if summoned with said spell.
Do you think the Zwijou box will be a main box or a mini box?
I'm really hoping it's a main box. I want more cards and I ended up accumulating too many gems. I counted how many I had in the present box and it seemed to be nearing 20 thousand. If anything I'll buy older boxes I missed, like Heavy Metal Scream and the maximum excavator box
Considering they did a double mini between Go & Yuo I hope that a new main would come.
I thought people were saying it was going to be a super mini
My OCD is legit pissed off at the existence of this card now.

Almost as much as Nidoran
Zwijo's deck is gonna be one of those anti-meta decks that end up becoming meta themselves.
Yeah we had that, but Black Luster Soldier and Masked Beast also had monsters that gained multiple summoning types as well.
Oof. This didn't age well
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what did konami mean by this
>4 zones
>ritual that are in the ED
Inhave a feeling this game will look completely different by January.
this has to be some ARG metanarrative ludokino since its the very thing yuga was fighting lol
>4 zones
When did this happen?
They did speculate at one point that Yuga bringing Rush Duels into the past didn't actually fuck up the timeline and that the Master Duel ruleset at the beginning of SEVENS was just the natural evolution of Rush
I dont see them deviating from the Mini/Super Mini formula. Even a new world, which are traditionally main box releases, got double Miniboxes instead
they made a mistake causing a lot of people think rush duels is getting more zones even though they said it was a error
Could you imagine if they're just pretending to be a mistake and it's actually foreshadowing what will happen in the anime?
>Yugioh 9 starts with the main character opening his new duel disk and it turns out to have 4 zones due to a factory error in that batch, giving birth to a new meta of defective duel disks that the manufacturer tries to cover up
This does make me wonder: have they done a proper "master rule" guide book for rush yet? Between maxes, fusions, equips and now rituals I'd imagine something must be in the works. It did take until 5ds for them to do it for the main game and things would be repeating with this being the third show. Would be ironic if mr5 was actually for rush since people can't get it through their skulls that the current setting is listed as- mr4 2020 revision.
I wonder if only the Ritual Kuaidul used has the moon or if it will be shared by other Rituals.
Cydra and Harpie Structure Decks.
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>Harpie deck: 45 cards
>Extra deck, probably fusion
Can't believe rush Harpies will get fusion before OCG/TCG harpies.
> It'll be a contact one like the sync basically is
Maybe harpies will get ritual, if the structure deck releases after the next episode.

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