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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7608 - Siblings?? Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>Sonic is getting a five issue crossover miniseries with DC, further collaboration will continue through 2026

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 11 December 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #76 - 05 February 2025
Sonic the Hedgehog #77 - 19 March 2025

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread:>>503563428
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The whiteboard cult lost. Duochad won.
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My husband Shadow!
Now post naked Blaze cuddling her.
Duofag = Mariafag = Drawschizo.
He isn't Dramafag.

FWA is A dramafag, but not the dramafag.
They are both such embarrassments
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Will operation Big Wave ever be acknowledged in future games?
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>nipple missing
Try again
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slop sloppy toppy
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what the fuck are you smoking. Duofag has started this drama for like 2 threads you moron
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Maybe duofag = drawschizo, but Mariafag is another anon, they were once posting at the same time with him.
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Shadow is pretty cute ngl. Even in slopform he's cute.
Shadow is the ultimate slopform
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Most maria posters are interested in talking about the games.
If you see a random Mariafag policing discussions while simultaniously never talking about the games in any capacity, you are talking to duofag.
Picrel is one of his avatars.
He will probably switch up to another identity thinking that will change a damn thing.
What mindbroke duofag this time?
Oh god, Knuckles wants to forcefeed Wave!
>Knuckles named the operation after two people he knew who had gone MIA during the war
Multiple devices. Until it stops being beneficial to see it that way, Duofag and Mariafag are the same. Duofag and Drawschizo are the same. Mariafag and Drawschizo are the same.
Mark my words, none of them will ever do a single thing that inconveniences the others and all three will forsake game discussion completely.
>Hey Sonic, it's been a while since we've seen Trip, why don't we go pay her a visit?
>Knuckles... Trip was on the front lines of Operation Big Wave. She didn't make it.
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I already sussed out their habits, they made it too obvious
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of course Mariafag has no quarrel with duofag if they both do ai
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Are you ready for Sonic Rumble, /sthg/?
no this is a duofag general, discuss duofag.
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Less drama, more chadow
duolingo? i didn't come here to learn a new language man
>Trip, Fang, Bean, Bark, Mighty, Ray and Honey all died in operation Big Wave
If they used this as the actual explanation as to why they never appear in Modern games, I'd actually accept that.
Nonsense. AI is not a "side" it's a position.
Mariafag and Duofag never talk about the games and whine about the same shitposts and they will continue to do so.
They even have the exact same response to being called out.
They won't fight each other and there is no point in trying to make them fight each other because they're the same person. A bad day for duofag is a bad day for Mariafag. They won't undermine each other.
It's astroturfing.
I don't remember asking.
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I think you're losing it, buddy.
shadria is the most sovlful ship sonic media ever conceived, anything else feel forced and artificial
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Laying in her usual spot in the grass near the Black Onyx, Trip gazed upward as the sky shifted from the warm hues of sunset to a gentle purple dusk. Tiny stars began to peek through the sky, glimmering like distant friends. The sounds of her Sungazer kin training, conversing, working, and merrymaking that always ring out without her begins to fade, as they return to their dwellings for the evening, leaving Trip out all alone. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she closed her eyes, surrendering to the silent embrace of evening, and the familiar pain of loneliness. She thought of Amy and her friends, briefly, how kind they were to her, yet how briefly they stayed with her, and long it felt since she'd seen them... Then, memories of her time with Fang and Eggman drifted into her thoughts, wrapping in a veil of nostalgia that was both comforting and unsettling.

For a long while, she lay there on the cool, damp grass, the world around her hushed save for the whispering leaves and the quiet ripple of the pond nearby. "Eggman... Fang..." she murmured into the twilight. "I wonder what they're doing now." A flush of shame warmed her cheeks as she recalled how she had been intimidated into helping them. And yet, beneath that shame was a subtle yearning she couldn't quite name.

Slowly, Trip sat up and fixed her gaze on the serene pond before her. The water's surface mirrored the emerging stars, each ripple distorting their reflections into winking fragments of light. She thought of Fang, the way he commanded with such confidence, his every step purposeful and assured. She followed him without objection, drawn by a certainty she lacked within herself. In contrast, she felt so timid, so prone to stumbling over her own feet, even still, after learning to tap into her own inner strength.
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Mina was right all along.
Who is Mariafag?
AI can do so many styles and Duonigger chooses the most generic stuff possible. Change it up lazy slopfag.
As an aifag myself I will always side with Duofag because we get shit on every day for no reason at all.
>Mina about to have sex with her creator
I know how it sounds, but I'll put it like this.
This is 4chan, not a police station or the court of law. Being wrong here has very few risks, however, reading Duofag, Mariafag, and drawschizo as one person has literally zero drawbacks whatsoever.
"These" retards will do everything in their power to fit in that box, so fine.
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I have no idea what you people are talking about
>t. Duofag
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A myriad of emotions stirred within her. There was respect for his strength, admiration for his boldness, and something else... a tender feeling that fluttered like the wings of a moth drawn to a flame. She remembered how readily she complied with his orders, a strange comfort found in his guidance. It made her feel submissive, but not in a way that diminished her. It awakened a part of her that longed to be led into new adventures, to step beyond the familiar confines of her world.

He had shown her things she had never imagined, taken her to places she never knew could have existed. Even when she faltered, when her clumsiness must have tested his patience, he may have scolded her, but he never gave up on her. There was a warmth in that thought, a subtle thrill in remembering how he looked out for her. It was exciting... an excitement that made her heart quicken even now.

As these memories enveloped her, a gentle rain began to fall, the droplets thudding against her heavy ceremonial helmet, and creating a delicate patter on the pond's surface. Trip hugged her knees to her chest, feeling the cool rain on her skin, mingling with the warmth that her reminiscence had kindled. A stirring arose within her, a mix of longing and melancholy, that she couldn't quite understand.

She shook her head softly, trying to dispel the lingering thoughts, and turned her gaze toward the Black Onyx still perched upon its ancient pedestal. The great gem loomed in the dim light, its surface absorbing the surrounding shadows. This was the source of her burden... a revered artifact that seemed to bring nothing but trouble and isolation. She felt tethered to it by expectation and duty, a role she had never truly chosen, and never really wanted.
Sega doesn't have the balls to admit that one of their most prominent "hero" characters is a war criminal. This is probably why they force writers to keep him on the island. Logically, it'd be on sight with most people after the shit he pulled.
i don't know either and i think i'm genuinely okay with that.
post more shadow ai kino
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I'm the anon that generated fatckles. Do you realize that there are other aifags in this general?
Duofag: Um actually, Duofag isn't half bad, also he is very grown up and mature! His dick is huge! I am not Duofag!

Every fucking day with this shit. Do you think this is vp or something
>posts duofag ai as evidence he isn't duofag
shut the fuck up attention whore
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But I don't want different styles, I want generic slop.
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>Inferior hunter, prepare to die
Like what?
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Staring at the Onyx, a sadness settled over her. She wished, with a quiet desperation, that Fang might return someday. Perhaps he would take the gem away, lifting the weight that anchored her to this solitary path. Maybe she would have to chase him down to get it back, and it would be another incredible adventure... Or maybe he would find a way to get rid of it for good. The thought of being free from her lifelong obligations stoked a fragile hope within her, a hope for a different life, one where she could explore the world and enjoy the wonderful of life, unbound... or accompanied by someone who understood her... maybe, just maybe, at Fang's side...

In that quiet moment, Trip allowed herself to dream. She imagined journeying beyond the horizon, discovering wonders she had only glimpsed in stories. She thought of Fang not as the commanding figure who had once intimidated her, but as a companion walking beside her, sharing in the mysteries of the world. Despite everything, she couldn't deny the connection she felt, the way her heart thumped at the mere thought of him.

Perhaps she didn't belong solely to the role of guardian. Perhaps there was more to her than the weight of responsibility that had been placed upon her shoulders. The idea was both terrifying and exhilarating... And she couldn't deny that she liked the feeling.

As the rain began to ease, Trip rose to her feet. She took a hard look at the Black Onyx, its dark surface now glistening with a sheen of rainwater. "Maybe one day," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle sounds of the night.
I don't really care about the probability here. Until I see a reason not to just call you duofag, you're duofag.
There's AIfags who are obviously not Duofag. You're not one of them.
We unfurtnately have a ton of namefags here, but many of them have varifiably talked about the games or produced content that indicates that they played the games. Duofag? At best he reads the shitty comics and cooms to the shitty ocs.
Maybe if you talk about the games or something else?
Do you think they'll be cross promoting it with the Movie since they're both releasing around the same time?
I'm planning on grinding until I get Crystal Zavok and nothing more.
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NOW we're talkin'!
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>The smile
He just bought those shoes in the window didn't he?
nta but I do a particular kind of shitposting when I'm bored, but usually discuss older games here. How would we know what duofag discusses when he isn't dramawhoring allegedly is if he doesn't avatarfag anymore.
god I want this to be in the sonic movie.
Post more aidow
Duofag has never played a Sonic game? Shit. Me neither.
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he has a specific style of posting. Namely he obsessively takes metric shitloads of bait and usually will say the same shit.
Like he's posted the same whiny shit when he spams it with ugly ai slop too.
In that case then it shouldn't matter to you, so don't let it.
Duofag sticks out like a sore thumb by simply avatarfagging, raging about a random drawfag (usually fwa) and never under any circumstances talking about the games.
Literally not a single day in the last five months of his shitposting has he ever posted about the games. At most he's talked about the canon.
I can even remember times when Colono and WA spoke about the games. Duofag? Hah.
The Mariafaggot is the same
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I love this.
I would still fuck boomnic but yeah shadow is superior to sonic. Sad but true. I liked ShadowxSonic gens. I want shadow to get his own game again. Even if Shadow05 isn't great, it's still memorable as fuck and more playable than the shitshow that came out a year later
Can you gen a Black Arms queen Shadow? That'd be hot
Duofag is easy to bait out actually. I usually just post certain images that I know he always responds to, without fail he will show up, say the exact same thing, and then continue dramafagging like I can't see him in the open.

I haven't posted those today, and I don't currently believe he is in the thread. He was definitely in the previous thread though. I will not confirm which ones.
He's like Sparky where he absolutely has to let you know his specific thoughts on a specific thing every single time even if he already expressed it 40 times in the last month. There is having a posting style and then there's being a posting style.
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You're deranged sthg. That's just your usual schizo behavior. How many times has it been since you tried to pin drawschizo this on Duofag? This is like the 12th time.
When you have to shill your ship you know it sucks
Yeah but sparky is better than duofag. Sparky will actually SAY he's sparky and duofag is a fucking coward
Drawschizo is Duofag the same way ABT is Adam Bryce Thomas.
What was the point of Sonic Boom?
The series didn't need a reboot then since Colors and Gens had largely mended its reputation and there was no demand for a new subfranchise, especially one like Boom.
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Wow duofag is just like him.
Do they ever do anything like this in game?
How is this supposed to sell me on Sonic Boom?
The whole Boom era was just so bizarre and unnecessary.
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>Sparky is better than Duofag.
I would agree with you if I cared who talked about the games and who doesn't. I like the comics enough that this doesn't make a difference to me. Also Duofag isn't literally posting identifying shit about his family to 4chan. He just seethes about artists all day. I think what Sparky does is objectively worse and arguably dangerous.
Only thing I can think of is SoA wanting to do its own thing. but instead of adapting reboot archie, which was popular around that time. they went with whatever that it
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I just occurred to me how many purple/violet Blobians there are.
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I like duofag, he is the villain of this general. Sparky is just the retarded side character who becomes a significant menace in later arcs.
Did you just call Sparky Impmon
Sparky is a danger to himself. Otherwise he mostly is a lolcow.
duofag is annoying and ruins threads.
The fact that you don't want to talk about sonic on here and are only into faggot drama clearly shows you're the problem
If I had to think of someone who's quickly going to become a lolcow that people start using to provoke into shit storms, it's duofag. If I'm thinking of the user most likely to get innocent people doxxed because he's a massive fucking idiot? Sparky or Maris. They are the worst two
only artists care about this whole drama, they should fuck off to another general to freely discuss art, same goes to duofag, he can go to the ai general (there is one in /vg/). Problem solved, you fags just want attention.
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Can we talk about Sonic now?
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>posts non sonic image
you clearly don't want to
Why do you continue posting this garbage again?
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cute shadow! This is what maria wanted!!
Lol you can add NiGHTS too if you want
It's quality content, more than any bullshit going on here.
I agree we try this but I want drawfags who only make terrible slop instead of try hard shit. Nobody understands how I yearn for 2000s style shitposters
Reminder that Roads hasn't improved since 2019.
Here is your 2000s style bro.
>Tranny Planet
Literally who
random ai girl 12415 (generated with bing)
Maria was a plot device, not a character. I think expanding on her was a mistake. Maria arguing with Black Doom being a canon thing that happened is just dumb
Your anger makes me happy
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Do you not realize the models are public, retard?, You don't know how AI works
Fixed a couple things like blaze's random arm
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How do i become a troublemaker myself and be an sthg menace?
Reply to yourself.
It's that easy.
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i don't think you wanna!
This isn't 2000s style it's just bad art.
A ching chong made the art before getting cucked by a troon btw.
thank you, I had noticed the weird arm too.
whatever anon, this is complete slop
This is canonically how Maria sees Shadow.

It's a shame she never got to bear witness to his full silver-gold Super form and only his completed Doom state. Then again she'd probably have fainted from the over-stimulation of such a sight. Considering N.I.D.S. is a neurological disorder it'd make sense that taking in such immense visual stimuli like with the aurora borealis in Dark Beginnings would probably overwhelm her system (though the latter also was most likely aggravated by her running through the ARK to get to the viewing bridge). Maria actually might not be able to tolerate extended listening sessions of more complex musical compositions like some classical symphonies or EDM tracks.
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Making out with Shadow in the haunted mushroom forest!
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The worst thing i did is triggering some retard by calling tails our "BOY".
So i guess i am BOYfox now.
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A bunch of nobodies got upset because I said that their art looked like garbage.
>picrel, me tonight.
I think it's morally wrong that none of you defended Maris from Shadougefag when she was last here
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Here, BOY's mother for you.
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Oh, it's you.
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If we're going in and tweaking AI-Gen shortcomings, then might as well restore Blaze's royal blobs to their rightful place here.
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I love you anon.
>When Merga found herself in Mobius, she desired a quiet life. Instantly trying to start her own flower selling business, she would find herself in need of a place to sleep. Needing a job, she discovered that a certain bat mobian needed a babysitter for her recently born child, given that her boyfriend had vanished (VERY long story). This was how the Water Dragon met Rouge and became her roommate alongside E-123 Omega.

>At first, the two were simply acquaintances, but Merga turned out to be a great babysitter. Rouge could also tell the Water Dragon was in need of a friend. Pretty soon, the two began to hang out more, with Merga learning more about Mobius in the process. Rouge also noticed that, in a few ways, Merga was much like her missing lover, Shadow. Mainly, brooding and powerful, yet also warm-hearted and still feeling the pain of the past.

>Already, Merga began to develop feelings for the beautiful bat mobian, as she was a wonderful mixture of mischievous and kind. She was even bringing out some of the Water Dragon's own mischievous side. She knew that Cordelia would have wanted her to be happy, so she decided to follow her heart. Rouge would admit that her heart still belonged to Shadow, but she had recently found a message from the hedgehog mobian that, should his mutations run out of control (which they did), he would want his best friend and lover to find happiness as well, giving his blessing to anybody who courted the bat mobian, as long as she was happy in the end.

>Thus, Merga and Rouge went on their first date, the two finding that they shared an equal level of passion when talking about their hobbies (horticulture and gemstones, respectively). Eventually, Rouge's hand would find itself over Merga's, the Water Dragon feeling a great deal of warmth in her heart. A warmth she had missed after not feeling it for so many years.
No, rosemaryfag is still asleep probably.
I just spam foxes of every kind.
I drove Shadougefag out for over a week.
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>rosemaryfag is still asleep probably.
ok I'll wait then.
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What the actual fuck is going on.
>Start shit then pretend you don't know what's happening
shadow x cordelia
So at what time is the trailer dropping? Estimates?
Sparky is at least not a coward
Yeah, nah, I won’t make a statement because it really doesn’t matter with you people desu. I finished scrolling down through the previous thread. All I can say is that I have no problem with FWA, don’t get me mixed up in this shitshow. The only reason I ever created not one, but two models of her artstyle is because I think she’s a really good artist.
When? They're here almost every day.
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Better version (WITH BLOBS)
This whole schizo shit started because some namefaggot traced some garbage, and everyone started thinking every single AIfriend here is (you)
wholesome gen, are you remixing my references?
>everyone started thinking every single AIfriend here is (you)
That's normal.
The trailer is probably in less than 5 hours, usually drops 6am or 9am Cali time.
Where's my Silveream, duo?
Boom Amy is sex.
I can give your her mom.
Jesus, you're as prude as whiteboard cultists.
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I had two strange dreams tonight.

Basically i dreamed about shadow kissing rouge and both of them flying away after jumping off a skyscraper, she was carrying him.
Then i woke up for a piss, came back to sleep and dreamed about sonic jerking off shadow while driving a car.
I woke up this morning and laughed my ass off, because i'm neither a shadouge or a sonadow fag, but it was so goddamn funny you bastards shitposted so much you successful inserted your bullshit inside my subconscious.
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Not really, but I do like the ones in your model's showcase.
>That's normal.
All because most retard drawfags here don't understand how AI works, and think everyone has to EXCLUSIVELY like/create traditional art only
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Sorry I'm on the phone and can't generate new stuff right now.
you are gay
Normally I'd say you're losing it, but you seem to be managing well enough.
wait is mariafag the fatckles ai guy?
I see.
I'll be waiting.
I always thought her design was ruined by her dress, it looked too stiff.
Look i don't even defend myself, it was just so illogical and surreal i had one of the best laughs that improved my mood.
Operation Big Wave wasn't a bad idea THOUGH
Cute, but the elf looks like she's standing in front of a backdrop while Blaze looks like she's laying down in the hammock.
it was a HORRID idea because he was betting on having more men than Eggman has bullets
Fang WON
Can you generate Sonic and Blaze feeling up Marine please
kek, the cult has put a bounty on us.
What would you have done in Knuckles' situation?
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Personally I think you're all getting played by a third party, since more than one drawfag, dfwnn included, don't mind Ai at all and even use it themselves.
I'd be willing to bet money that we have some faggot pretending to be a drawfag to start shit, only to turn around and gen the laziest fucking slop known to man to try and get a reaction from both sides and throw the whole thread into a shitfit.
That being said I don't really care, and I got to talk about cool Sonic stuff with people, so I got what I came for.
Nice. You should try another Big while you're at it, I still think it would look cute if you could get it just a bit more on model so he doesn't have the shitty bara moobs.
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Do you think Fang would steal the Onyx just so gramps would let Trip leave the island?
Use the power of the Master Emerald to kill Infinite and Eggman
I don't give a fuck if it's trad or ai. It's free stuff.
sending my depletable mortal men against the plot armory gem that can photo copy everyone in infinite numbers is a bad strategy. fight fodder using more fodder. this includes bombs, robots and drones of all forms. take over eggmans production bases and use his production lines to make allied badniks and send those istead
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>sending hordes of your guys to rush at the automated defenses of the enemy's main headquarters
>not a bad idea
... You know what's worse? Either nobody objected to this plan, or Knuckles had total, unchecked authority of the organization. I just imagine there had to have been one person was was pic related, but was quickly silenced for daring to question the great TARDckles' word.
dfwnn isn't a part of anyone's group
she's the loneliest namefag
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>Hello? Am i speaking with the based department?
>You totally want to know this guy...
Or we could just admit that Forces was awful
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I think it's weird that the entire fanbase is talking about the movie, the leaks, etc, but on /sthg/ nobody mentions it. We're getting a new trailer in 4 hours, and there's nothing. Even /v/ has discussion on it.
I'm glad that I'm finally not the only one generating AI using actual decent models. I don't really care about this shitshow because I'm always being targeted by some drawfriends or my schizos. I'll keep myself off the drama and deliver these.
I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.
Sounds hot.
>I think you're all getting played by a third party
I wouldn't be surprised, since there's been an influx of random losers generating bingslop just for (you)s
>You should try another Big while you're at it
I'll try later, it's late and I got work to do in a few hours.
I don't watch the movies, sorry.
Hasn't it been talked to death already, now all we can do is wait in anticipation of whatever drops and then dissect it from there. Personally I hope to see the Tornado 2 in mech mode and some reference to the egg carrier (even though it doesn't make sense if they're in space).
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Cool, cool.
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>and deliver these
Based, you'll probably do a better job anyway
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Does Bing scare you because it's better?
>"Oh hey, it's bunch of jews, black people and some white dude."
>"A 90s comedian as villain? nice 10 minutes homosexual undertones."
>"Oh and some CGI puppet or two for 5 minutes.
That's why.
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>"Hop on, kid. I got a job comin' up and I could use an extra pair of hands."
>"B-but Fang, I can't, i-it's my sworn duty to guard the-"
>"Yeah, I wasn't askin'. I'm stealin' ya."
Bing (or dall-e?) aside, the problem is that your Shadows are usually not doing anything remotely interesting in most of your gens.
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Can someone tell me who the artist of this image was, please?
Don't worry about it. It's just some retard that thinks they're better than you
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trip wants adventure, she doesn't want to babysit a rock her whole life...
the artist's name is literally in the corner
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So hecking based and wholesome, here's an upvote for (you), my fellow gentleman, haha!
>Either nobody objected to this plan, or Knuckles had total, unchecked authority of the organization.
Imagine if Operation Big Wave had succeeded and the resistance had won then and there. Knuckles would've been instituted Supreme World Leader with total unchecked authority over Sonic's World, free to make all sorts of Big Wave tier decisions.
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duofag sucks, i make better slop
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I trained that Silver model though.
>Cherny 1g

I just googled it and I came with nothing.
King Knuckles....
Everything's already been talked about.
>The Movie
We go through like seven threads a day, there's barely anything left to discuss at this point.
>The Leaks
Fake unless proven otherwise. The only real leaks are the storyboards.
>The Trailer
Will be a nothingburger. You get 10 seconds of new footage that barely adds anything we didn't already know about.
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/sthg/ can't handle the kino
Shadow is inherently interesting.
Ok, I like this one
Infinite WON.
>duofag sloppa deleted
Cheroy '19, as in a picture made by Cheroy in 2019
i love krack so much
Fatdow's smugness and superiority is unmatched
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I do not care for Hollywood slop made by a woman hating frat boy.
Redpill me on Latinas
That would honestly be interesting:
>Knuckles is given absolute authority
>Rules with an Iron Fist
>Makes absolutely retarded decisions that nobody questions
>The power goes to his head
>A new threat arises that Knuckles struggles to deal with
>Sonic tries helping, but his actions keep getting undercut by Knuckles and his retarded decrees
>When Sonic calls him out as being no better than Eggman, he orders Sonic executed
>Only hours before Sonic's Execution does Knuckles realize he's effectively become Pachacamac, killing the chosen one of the ancient Exhidna prophecies
>Knuckles can't reverse his decree since he's a King and his decrees can't be reversed so he fights his way through legions of his own guards to save Sonic
>Having grown as a person, Knuckles saves Sonic, they both transform into Super Sonic and Super Knuckles and fight whatever the aformentioned threat is
eat paint
she hates negroes
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Cringe meme
We've already seen what it looks like when Knuckles becomes ruler of the planet, and it's the actual worst thing.
NTA, I like that she's honest, good, pretty smart and self-aware, but she can exchange barbs if she wants to. God I wish I had a girlfriend like that, my girlfriend is so vapid.
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Do you have a link?
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Who would be worse to have ruling over you? Emperor Eggman, Master Knuckles, King Shadow, or Metal Overlord?
putting Shadow's hand in a glass of warm water so he pees himself in his sleep filling his capsule with piss
What's this from?
shadow would be resistant to something like this
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Eggman. He actively torments people because he gets off on it. Metal seems like the type to leave you alone as long as you behave. Shadow is the same, only he does insist that you literally worship his sister. Knuckles is a toss up, cause we don't actually know if you're still conscious after having your soul extracted.
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Does anyone have a link to the original source of this image? I can see the artist was Cheroy, but it's not available on their DeviantArt account.
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Дoбpoe yтpo anon whats for breakfast
Archie, specifically the final future timeline story of the preboot. Long story short, Knuckles became a god-like entity called Enerjak, went mad with power, and conquered the world as a sadistic tyrant. And yes, Knuckles becoming a mad god is just as bad as it sounds.
Honey's honey
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Everyone's favorite fox.
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Cuddles, but only if you don't rape. Otherwise i have to revoke your cuddling privileges.
Enerjak? More like... Basedjak! LOL!
I never actually read it, I assumed Knuckles was possessed by some ancient echidna spirit or something.
Well the concept is based, certainly. What's funny is that's actually the second time Knuckles became Enerjak. First time was basically The Infinity Gauntlet with Sonic characters.
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here you go, canon in Sol dimension
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>Espio isn't black
That's usually the case, but the Dark Mobius version is Green Knuckles with the Enerjak aesthetic.
Can you generate just a nude picture of marine next. Nobody else.
the chaotix dynamic never made sense to me
Have you ever seen a black ninja?
That's hecking racist!
All lizards are black, bro
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>this shit
Fuck this. Wait for Espioyume to wake up so we can ask her what Espio's human ethnicity is.
Reminder that we had like 5+ hours of schizoing because some faggot >>503557370 decided to trace (AGAIN)
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I was asleep so i don't care
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Espio talks in medieval Japanese or something like that in JP dub.
Also, he's very disciplined.
What do you think he's ethnicity is?
Black raised by Asian parents who love him
dfwnn did nothing wrong
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>technicolor hair
I fucking hate you.
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>Lol you can add NiGHTS too if you want
Good idea.
Fuck it, we're going with this. Now everyone's happy and you can all shut the fuck up.
Okay, fuck everyone for ignoring my messages on searching for that Cheroy image.
I love cunny
>ywn cream Cream's tight creamy cunny
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There's also Udina, Aleena, Bernadette, Fang, the moth lady, Thrash, and Merlina if we're counting elves.
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Why is it so hard for these """"artists""" to just pick a normal hair color for these characters?
>B-but hair dy-ACK!
Go back and kill yourself.
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when you think about it Silver's 06 future probably didn't have many morals around sex considering everyone was five minutes from fiery lava death at any time
Are weird hair colors somehow new to you or have you never watched anime before
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Fi and her strong smell.
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You're the best.
That mole made me try to wipe my screen
Mighty tamed this
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>Any excuse to try and touch me, hmm?
In scribble's fantasies.
why did they even want tails to get into a romance? he's 8
>muh anime cope
Bitch, you are on 4chan.org. If you are seriously trying to defend colored hair, you need to fucking LEAVE.

I am genuinely looking forward to AI hard replacing scribblers. Fuck these "people", they deserve to lose their "jobs".
Out of 8!
>that stare
Pour me a glass of EVIL, babe.
Gen more
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They didn't. All of his "romance plots" go out of their way to shit on this literal child. Fucking based.
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I'm not him.
In archie he's 10 and a delusional faggot. But still why shouldn't he fall in love.
lucky guy.
Who drew this?

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