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You will buy the marketable plushie for the "free" pet, edition.

>Mountain Dew Promotion Now Live

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBOFOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent Dawn
>WoWg community for NA

Old >>503552163
can you post the left pic?
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November 2024... i am forgotten
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fucking pozzed chink AI
they upped the horny filter
nevergooners win...for now...
tons of people still use it
reddit set
reddit race
reddit class
reddit spec
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Where's the druid thread?
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When you play classic but realise some people lack the intelligence to quit retail because you're just a chill guy
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>Update: It seems like the pet has a limited quantity. There are only 750 pet codes available from the EU gear store and 150 pet codes available from the UK gear store. US gear store doesn't list the quantity, only "while supplies last." This is likely due to stricter EU consumer protection laws.
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Is this "reddit" in the room with us right now?
Post her ass
If I see one more fucking death knight or horde shit wearing this I am going to go insane.
you post yours first
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The mystery of the druids will remain unsolved.
why aren’t you playing a fempera?
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Aight bet.
No, it won’t. The mystery is that they were eating people. Mystery solved
>Pepe items are still not warband-wife
Go and pay your pit-za bill, Halligan.
>old reps are still not warbound
its so fucking over
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a toast! to wowo wawa!
To be fair they have said those are coming, they're just slow.
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What's next for her storyline?
getting knocked up
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settling down and becoming a stay at home mom to my 5 children
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way too fucking slow. I fucking hate it.
yeah I'm thinking about buying a kling membership
She has become an ability now. She will do nothing from now on.
post that whitemane from last thread pls
>blood dk can't have whitemane as dps ability

Why is NuBlizzard liket his?
I can see the light!
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not doing requests anymore
just do it yourself, it's piss easy. go to klingai.com, sign up with random throwaway google account, click on image to video, drag and drop your image, write a short prompt, done.
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Time to see what ass rogue is all about.
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When's the burning legion coming back, so we can start fixing Legion's mistakes?
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Wow what an entertaining character!
I sure hope he doesn't get killed off and has his position taken over by a strong independent woman!
With Sire Denathrius in charge.
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cute feet
Based choice.
Nice, and then we will join the oppressed demons to topple the evil tyrant dreadlords
Love you wowo wawa poster!!!!!
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Post more feeties
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Questing... in HC Fresh...
Is there a meaning behind the horde symbol or is it just a cool drawing the orcs made?
Fresh is like osrs?
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go to the proper thread then, fuck off
1-3 hunter
4-6 warlock
7-9 warrior
0 i do a ronnie mcnutt irl
New flying city hub in TLT for sure
There's no real lore behind the symbol, other than the common guess/acceptance is that it's the Orc symbol for Horde.
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We won. We post where we want.
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It's funny how I am always accidentally unlocking GOAT looks on all my characters with absolutely zero effort. I know the freaks will love my Goblin Warrior.
Whenever they decide to free sargeras, i thin metzen hinted illidan will play a role in one of these world soul expansions so probably that one

>Blizzard STILL coasting by on the villains from Warcraft 3
>le shiny Cristal in the ceiling of big cave deep in the earth
How many decades old is this concept by now?
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Speaking of, I've been thinking about what a hypothetical Nathrezim race would be like.

Here's some racials I thought of:
>Fiendish Defense: gets protected by bats or insects, increasing armour
>Demonic Linguism: can speak and understand any language
>Dracthyr flying abilities because they have wings
>Infiltration: Can take the form of an enemy NPC or player

Ideally they'd be Horde because of their association with the undead. The Alliance would have to get another race like furbolgs or Keepers if Blizzard is bold enough to give us four legged races though I don't see that happenning.

As far as classes go, they'd either have their own unique dreadlord class or just choose between warrior, rogue, warlock or hunter.
Fresh is an actually game instead of OSRS which is cookie clicker disguised as a game
is dwarf hunter based
Classic is just the perfect version of WoW.
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Thinking of rolling a gnome warrior..but plate looks goofy as fuck on them.
Why the fuck are wine glasses so big if you’re not supposed to fill them up?
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Literally the most based race/class combination other than maybe dwarf warrior.
Bit silly to be asking this about a series that openly cribs so much from Warhammer, isn’t it
post her feet
100% Built for interfactional relations
I mean is it like classic with updated content or what is this
During SL i hoped for playable venthyr that turn into dreadlords somehow
OSRS > Classic >>>>>>>>>>> retoilet
how do you have time to shit up the retail thread?
your spellcleave?
your grinding?
your faggotxp?
OSRS is barely a step above idle 'games'
it's as much of an MMO as Cookie Clicker is
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you can make them look okay, i think
>osrs 50k players max
random games on steam have more people playing than that trash
post tits.
femhumans are the ass and titties race
This exact type of logic is why we got shit like the dractyr and mechanomes as they are now, when we could've been playing actual dragons and mechanomes.
She's a Death Knight, she can't get pregnant anymore
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The game is super boring right now.
I’m playing classic, and the only person I’ve seen pipe up in game about it being boring had “trans” in their name
Funny how she's attractive as long as you don't see the rest of her body and she isn't speaking
>and she isn't speaking
thats every wom*n
Actually dosent look to bad my stupid coomer brain is just telling me to roll a horny race but I shouldnt give into my degeneracy.
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this bitch is so meedy. 8/10 random hoes in the streets of tokyo look better
I know fora fact this is tranny
Every race is a horny race
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>as long as you don't see the rest of her body
Isn't she skinny with big boobs
Second set isn't plate
Protection warrior fem gnome is 10/10
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What do I need to do for her to let me burry my face there?
She looks like a teenage boy
Is she the hottest female WoW streamer?
>Second set isn't plate
no but it looks like it
Dunno I remember someone posting a webm of her and she didn't look bad

She doesn't have a looking body by any means
But she, and any streamer at all, seeking external validation
Anybody who seeks fame, who wants to be known, is mentally flawed
You should want to know others and be known in tight knit circles, not be known by thousands and not know them back

that she goes face fully caked with makeup to the gym should tell you all about what kind of person this is thoughever
>Protection warrior fem gnome is 10/10
>constant high pitch squeaking from ignore pain
Yeah, no
not in a million years.
Here's /ourgirl/
i miss the heart of azeroth..........
Yeah thats also what bothers me I can probably mute all the sounds with an addon but without its so fucking annoying.
NAGURA>SNOWMIXY>>>>>>this hapa fuck
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>leveling an alt through timewalking
>get this guy in my group, queued as tank, deleting every mob in the dungeon
whats his endgame?

ugly slag
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I'm about 100 hours into the game and the thing I've found to be one of the most interesting things about the game and world is the lore.
Give me your favourite tidbit of lore, Anons.
Farming tokens
Baelgrim sure is a good guy and a strong warrior. Surely he won't be killed for no reason so he can be replaced with some random woman.
farming badges for the shitty n64 transmogs they added to tbc and wotlk
john fucking madden into push no buttons for the rest of the fight cause you have no energy
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I want her milk
>two white women who have hit the 30 yr old wall
I always liked that Zeliek was so devout he could use the light as a death knight.
no i mean the pic
I made an 11 warrior to farm tokens for the reputation things for my main because I'm autistic and want them maxxed even though they do not matter whatsoever

Took less than 10 min to set it up
All you need is lifesteal on two 2h weapons and to lock your experience at level 11, then you just spam whirlwind and you basically can clear any dungeon/tw dungeon as fast as your movement speed is

It's something else to do while endgame has content draughts, it's a little fun ngl..
those tits are fake right?
>goblin themed patch set in a gallywix controlled area
>won't be any slave markets or stuff related to slavery despite goblin penchant for it
>won't be any posters or drawings of hot women
>won't be any hints of prostitution or brothels
>will be le wacky humor, mcu quips, and FEELINGS alongside other heavily sanitized bs with none of the more risque shit in goblin starting zone or previous goblin shit and you faggots will clap like seals at it just because it's goblin related
It's all we have left now they've killed old timewalking sets.
Hardcorechads are laughing at us, AGAIN...
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As a self diagnosed autistic I find fire mage the most fun so far. Any other specs I might like?
I suppose my attraction towards euros is greater than it is towards bugeyeds
Even if they're a few years older, and even if I love youth
The fact Draenor was destroyed by Nerzhul because he opened so many portals for the orcs to enter Azeroth was always pretty metal
Also I'm surprised new players can figure out wtf is going in this game after so many years
It has even less than Runescape 3 on steam, but i'm not counting that anyway.
Hella lifted, yeah
Grom dying but killing Mannoroth and freeing his clan and Thrall's Horde from the blood curse will never not be kino.

"I have freed myself..."
"No, old friend... you've freed us all."

Wrath TW tomorrow
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Is it possible to find lgbt unfriendly guilds?
I hoping the new TW rewards for wrath are good. I love wrath
>2008 weapons
>low res pet and mount
not really good

It's low res wrath era shit
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she is always caked up in make 24/7
she goes super light as well
doesnt even match her neck its so dumb, grudge lookin ass
yeah but, engineering legendary
What's the best femnelf face?
can't be any more unhinged than anonymous seething over someone you don't even know
>low res pet and mount
> not really good

You sound like someone who came to the game too late to get the Swift Alliance/Horde or Crusader's White/Black Warhorse. That's okay, you're just in time for $100 store mounts
>I'm surprised new players can figure out wtf is going in this game after so many years
Thankfully there's like a million lore videos on youtube, and wikis full of stuff to read about.
i love these masks so much

Is this HD assets mounts or low res like the classic tw mount?

>wanna join our guild? we're queer friendly btw
I'm not queer friendly though.

Always been tempted to respond with that but I don't want to risk a report.
What's shaman like in retail? All 3 specs
healer is the best for normal content
enha is by far the best dps right now
elemental is good as well
best melee, best caster, best healer
>started playing shaman because I wanted to do TWW with other class than DF
>apparently it was just in time for class to become meta
I'm about to experience getting badly nerfed in real time, aren't I?
took the words right out of my brain
prob safe until 11.1
Ion's main has been a shaman since vanilla. It'll never be nerfed to the point of uselessness.
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they would have a lot of good options if the rest didn't have that retarded permanent smile
yeah its annoying as hell
There is an OF woman who looks like this but with incredibly flat tiddies.
resto has a BIG kit, newer players to it will be overwhelmed with the amount of buttons, but as you get a bit more experience, having a big kit isnt nessecarily a bad thing, it means you have a tool for every job, and for the most part those tools are very straightforward to use, unlike some other healers which require convoluted or unintuitive combos to heal like fistweaver, hpal, evoker or disc. its healing is more effective the more hurt an ally is, its aoe tools are generally very smart, and it has an easy to use dps kit if you want to do contribute to the damage, with about 4 dps buttons and a talent that turns one of your main aoe heals into a damage boost too. it also has a short cooldown long duration aoe stun, and a short cooldown interrupt, both very handy.

enhancement was previously a complicated fucking mess of tab target dot spreading to funnel back into single target 10 different strikes and shocks with 6 second cooldowns all vying to fit in a 4 second window, and multiple different resource spenders like lavaburst and lightningbolt you need to blast out as well as 2-3 different 30sec-45sec cd medium cooldowns, and 2-3 1min to 2 min long cooldowns. but with the introduction of the new lightning stormcaller build, you can skip like 80% of aaaallllll of that nonsense and just click stormstrike and lightning bolt and do big crits. its very fun.

elemental is still somewhat more complicated than the new stormcaller enhancement, but not greatly so, and they have done a bit to pare back the extra button bloat. its a bursty big crit nuker with fast casts and auto funneling, a handful of very fun cooldowns that grant you buckets of haste and instant casts and eye watering burst windows with a fairly undemanding aoe and single target rotation that doesnt require lots of setup like the old enhancement

all specs have a good amount of mobility, defensives, and crowd control. honestly the hardest part of shaman is just wrangling all their keybinds
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does she have long knife ears?
Luckily not. Elf ear cosplay porn is cringe.
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gay. not interested
>actual good response that isn't just stating how viable or meta the specs are at the moment
the best class overall right now
Holy based.
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Billions must die for Uther
From new player perspective who literally never done hard content and only pvp was korrak's revenge once(and my god never again what a horrible fucking mode)

Elemental seems easy and fun and chain lightning on big groups gives coom. Stormcaller special talents(which can be used for enh too) give you even more coom inducing tempest lightning AoE. You also get cool elemental if you're into that.

Enhancement seemed very underwhelming for ammount of work needed to put into it, but desu I got used to it and now it's fun to use and also seems to give big dick dmg.

Resto I didn't try for long because I play on controller and healing with controller is misery.

I only wished you could have all the totems cast on you instead of most of them being targeted, once again because I play on controller. Also all specs seem very bloaty in buttons but I learned to tackle it somewhat alright by limiting active skills and speccing into passives more.
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Why do you keep posting his twitter dude
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>Created an ugly femdraenei 'lock because my friend wanted to play as a dwarf and alliance doesn't have any other interesing races
>Actually got invested into my toon`s appearance near lvl 20. Gone out of my way to unlock the red skin color and put together some semblance of a suit. Looking forward to unlocking the cooler draenei because of their horns.

It's not joever yet, but i am afraid it has begun.
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kinda looks like this
Playing a bit of classic just makes me sad that the horde is dead.
World of Warcraft is the loneliest game I’ve ever played. It’s just hours and hours of queueing or questing all alone. Even the most active realms feel desolate. Is this really what constitutes a “massively multiplayer” game in 2024? No one gives a shit about the game besides their mandatory scheduled raid times with their guild buddies. No one cares.
Macchi?! post your toon
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Whelp I'm capped out on gear on my disc priest now. Think I'll roll a tank for m+ but can't decide between prot warrior or blood dk. Halp
>Blue and Gold.
Doomhammer rolling in his grave at what Thrall did to his drip.
Is RP on WrA dead?
I'd rather have the current Horde than the retarded warchiefs they've given us twice that stated a war with everyone that we then have to replace
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Protection Warrior.
I always wondered why they gave him blue armor in his redesign

We know why he doesn't have doomhammer, but what happened to the armor?
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>beat Zekvir
>got 1800 in solo shuffle
>got the vicious mount
I'm a 11 Delve and Glory of the Delver away from being complete
What number is that?
>korraks revenge
I'm 100% certain people ONLY play this to farm HKs for the hk achivements and titles
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the drae are irresistible
they'll get you one way or another
Don't think they ever gave a reason for the Armor, but design wise it's probably intended to represent the Frostwolves. The problem is, it makes him look more Alliance.
you have the weird city phasing bug thats been happening lately. also RP on WrA is like 90% furry and the other 10% is guild RP. there is no walk up events or anything of the sort
Thank god your avatarFAGGOT screenshot got fucked up
How did you beat Zekvir but haven't done an 11?
I understand but new players are also funned to it for this reason and as my first PvP experience of the game it makes me not want to pvp ever again.
Just mass clusterfuck of not knowing what the fuck is even happening and apparently it's super time consuming.
Maybe I'll try someday small scale pvp but I don't want anything even remotely similar to korrak's revenge.
tier 11 delves aren't difficult they're just tedious as fuck and bottom of the barrel shit-tier content
I do it once per character each week because it's a relatively quick and easy 5 marks of honor
what?? you mean multiplying the hp and damage of enemies by several times ISN'T good content!??!?!
Garrosh was based and anyone who disagrees is a faggot who didn't belong in the horde anyway
Horde RP is so fucking dead in general now that all of the big server-wide events on MG now are neutral or cross-faction to accommodate the fact that the Horde RP population isn't big enough to run their own shit.

I deeply miss when Conquest had a slew of alliance-only events instead of them all being neutral now because Hordelets cried to be included and Maxen is a giant spineless cuck.
>Go to very first Delve the game sends you to on 11
>Already beat Zekky ??
>First mob is big empowered beetle
>LITERALLY one shots me, even Zekvir crits don't do this to me
>Try again, this time with flask
>As I'm barely making progress on the first two packs of mobs ZEKVIR HIMSELF enters the Delve in a cramped hallway full of spiderwebs and personally murders me
11s seem like fucking insanity compared to ?? Zekvir
thats because zekvir is one mob, when you do a delve you have 3-5 mobs critting you for 200% your max hp
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It's much smaller and quieter compared to MG-A RP but I prefer it. Because holy *fuck*, faggots on MG are insufferably retarded, cliquey and everyone thinks they're too good to just interact with others naturally.

Plus, dragon warrior on the Horde feels more kino than Alliance.
Garrosh was a super retard
>faggots on MG are insufferably retarded, cliquey and everyone thinks they're too good
the lack of self-awareness is staggering
>Because holy *fuck*, faggots on MG are insufferably retarded
we know mate youre a prime specimen
>umm... no u xD
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I'm a druid! (Dog Retard Under the Influence of Drink)
If you haven't played Horde before MoP, you've no right to give your opinion on Horde.
Especially if you started playing Horde from Legion onwards
you VILL vvait for all ze gooldowns if zhou vant to progress in ze delve

ze zhield vall iz down?
zhou VILL wear ze frown!!
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>tu quoque
>play dogshit snowflake character
>"waaahhh why won't anyone interact with me!!"
Should I buy the Mt. Dew bike with gold? I'm kinda indifferent to it, but there's FOMO.
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Classic is fucking popping off, holy shit

The Woke Within couldn't even maintain 200k for a full day, let alone several days after
You literally walk around Stormwind looking for shit to get mad at and post here. You're the faggot you're complaining about.
Korraks revenge is ultramega cancer
If you want a taste of what pvp is like, queue random bgs
Then once you are familiar with the idea, try blitz, it's 8v8 with slightly different rules (the rules aren't stated anywhere ingame iirc so you got to look it up lol)
I'd personally advice against arena or solo shuffle, because it's full of people who have played in the top 5% of rating across all mmr ratings for some reason, which makes it feel like every other game you play against a smurf

Spamming duels is the best way to quickly learn other classes kits and how to play around it or counter them, too
But duels require patient frens or kind strangers
>>Classic is popping off.
>Implying people are watching for classic wow and not just the le epic streamer reactions to post on reddit.
>anon discovers that having an aesthetically pleasing character improves gameplay experience.
People don't watch the game
People watch the streamer
If you want good merits of how wow is doing, compare their viewcount now compared to when they play other games
Hint: it's much lower when they play wow
What would Horde even RP about after best warchief (Garrosh) was killed?
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>this stupid dog's back
Fuck yeah
It's like people forget the Hearthstone era and Overwatch era of twitch as well.
No one came to watch Hearthstone back during those days, they came for the streamer drama.
you know they are all paid to play it, right?
I've had the opposite experience. I have gotten Zekvir down to like 75% health. But 11s were no problem
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>Try to get into wow because i browse wowg so i should play the game too
>Buy wow
>Buy 12 months of membership
>Level to like 20 and then get bored and buy max level boost
>Try this raiding stuff
>Get bored
>Buy race change and class change to the meta class and race
>Nah still boring
>Quit and uninstall wow and blizzard launcher using up like 1 or 2 months of my 12 month membership
>Go back to shitposting in /wowg/
>Havent played wow since
>This was back in like... early shadowlands i think the season was called at the time
Anyone else doesnt play wow but goes on wowg here?
>Anyone else doesnt play wow but goes on wowg here?
At least a fourth of all posters
this thread is filled with mentally ill people like you so don't worry about it.
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You could've at least used Free Trial before giving out all that money
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i hate that i recognize most of these names
literally the most basedmilk of streamers
also i fucking laugh how the vtuber tags are
>real female awooga

this generation is so fucked
I'm not playing right now but I come back for big patches
Using a boost on your first character is crazy btw, I dont think people should be able to do this, no wonder they're lost at max lvl
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Beware. I logged in and am applying to YOUR key.
Vei is based, but streaming is cringe.. it cancels out
Not Mr. We Live In A Society...
Log in and pound my pussy instead.
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Well when you put it like that.
Almost 20 years later and Blizzard STILL hasn't added payment methods beyond the usual standard paypal/credit card system. Filtered my third world ass good.
Why does the texture on his arms and chest look like hes from a ps1 game
i know your names bitch, ywn join my group
Zekvir is easy. idk how he has the reputation he does, it's very simple once you understand the whole fight and phase 2 is even easier than phase 1
prepaid cards
you can also pay from convenience stores
Blizzard will add crypto payment option soon(it will be tippity top of the bullrun). It will be bitcoin only though so nobody will use it because of fees and wait time, then once prices crash again they will remove the payment option.
there are so many cringe guides that overanalyze and go into it so hard. it's not that complicated. I died a couple times because I was interrupting his self heal and then getting trucked by the debuff he'd cast. decided to let him self heal and only kick the enfeebling spell, and I killed him that attempt
after what they did to necrotic wake I cant fucking imagine s2 top.
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>bad player not responding to chat
>look inside
>latin american realm
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is there any reason whatsoever to renew my sub with PoE 2 on the horizon?
just.. don't invite them. you don't bother with useless content that makes you queue right? you're not a scrub right?
uh sorry libtard im not trans
>poop of excrement number 2
let it go
it's undeniably going to be shit
idk lmao I've been coasting on my friends free sub he gets from working at blizzard for years. if I didn't have it I wouldn't be playing this shithole game.
brahs... nixxiomdaddy btfo us retoileters again!!!
>invite quelthalas, azralon or ragnaros tank
>brick a fucking 10
many such cases, I dont even feel like it's his fault I feel like it's my fault for taking a chance on a fucking spic tank
If it's a shithole game that you wouldn't play otherwise, why are you playing it at all...?
Guys this game is dead its a single player game also no one plays it even though I see people in it all the time. No one talks to me or bends over backwards to be my friend and I don't get it. I'm EXISTING over here! I know everyone around me has been playing for 20 fucking years and has long since already made friends that they play and chat with and thus don't feel a desperate need to shoot the shit with every Tom, Dick and Harry but you don't get it. ***I*** don't have friends in wow and therefore there's no community! No I don't wanna put in any effort on my part! Why doesn't someone put friends on a silver plate for me!!!
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actually wrong though.
friends play it and I enjoy doing stuff with them.
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You look like you bottom showin off all that skin
i bottom for malorne
it's so fucking ugly I just might get it
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Don’ be goin’ ta Goldshire Inn tonight.
De Loa speak, dey tell me it be time ta start de cleansing.
breh that's literally wrong, you got phase 2 ?? Zekvir with his 25% heals down letting him heal? That's downright masochistic

I will type out the simplest guide I can for you because you're anons even if you're all /vg/ degens
1. Gear checks are if you can DPS down the cocoon in optimal circumstances and survive a Zekvir crits in optimal conditions
2. Dont step in anything, at all
3. Save CDs for cocoon, kill it before hatch
4. Interrupt heal at all costs
5. desnares remove the poison, save desnare for enfeebling spittle
That's it. Now it's just a game of learning to not stand in all the various no zones
anyone playing on a steam deck or rog ally? how is it?
he is proabably talking about ? you cannot kill the boss if he is healing 25% every 20 seconds
forgot to mention

Step 1 is with ABSOLUTELY no cooldowns used. if you can't stop the coccoon from hatching without CDs in optimal circumstances or survive a crit in optimal circumstances CDs will not save you in suboptimal circumstances which will happen
Anyone else getting mailbox spam by goldsellers constantly now? fucking add private mailbox function already
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Do whatever, I'm not moving.
Don't suggest that, protection warrior is beyond boring.
reminder to start doing the felcycle secrets asap while there are people helping. I predict a lot of crying once latefags realize everything they have to do
people are already crying because of the battle pets and because is too long and "hard"
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Cute warden trainees! And also when are we getting these glaives?
They are strong though
>read this as 'cute warden trannies'
you can imagine my disappointment
is the deeprun tram actually IN azeroth? or is it a separate instance outside the normal game space of azeroth?
it's gonna be funny if in the end you don't actually have to do all those steps
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man i was about to post the same thing and say my brain is cooked
instance. you go through a portal retard
ou have to do most steps to unlock the next steps
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What is it about Grim Batol that fucking mind breaks everyone? I've had three groups now that were all fine, and then immediately fall apart on the trash before the third boss. Like 1 wipe and people leave.
I've played a little on my steam deck and it runs really well
the kbm to controller learning curve is a real pain though
a wipe in that area is most likely a bricked key
What are the fun class quest lines in Legion? Going to level an alt through it. I've heard great things about DK, Mage, and Rogue. Especially rogue since it has the sex goddess Vanessa Vancleef.
how could retail steal back players from classic before we die??
warrior is trash to me because I hate that whole valhalla shit
paladin is good
dk is one of the best if not the best
hunter is inconsequential trash
shaman is good
rogue is one of the best
monk is stupid as fuck
druid is good
dh is ok
mage is cool
warlock is one of the best
priest is beta as fuck
>average time in queue 6 minutes
>current wait time 32 minutes

>dissing shenzin su
DK is the best and it's not close.
The worst is hunter. It is agonizingly dull. So much that I can't remember what even happens.
are you on moonguard?
At least you get to kill demons as hunter, priests just roll over and beg for help
The most important thing to know is that there's literally no reason to play through both Priest and Paladin because it's the same fucking quest.
The DK mount quest was fucking awesome.
>You're heartless.
>Just. Like. Me.
yeah, this is peak
So? I don't understand why everyone gets so butthurt over keys
>he didn't actively avoid killing even a single dragon
>Good ones

DK is the best by a large margin. Priest is the worst by a large margin.
It is. I don't have time for this stuff.
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Can WoW realistically have belly/boob slider as a customization option in the future? I mean devs wont but hypothetically, does the Tech exist that it can if they wanted too?
>kill all the dragons
>show up on the dragon isles
>bitch red dragonflight won't do anything to stop me
If you have time to post here you have time to do one of the steps every day.
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Goblin game, Goblin general.
Getting those unique pets is pretty time and rng intensive
I really hope you're friends with my goblin friend, he doesn't go on 4chan but just letting you know. Shortstack chad...
wicked pup and spyragos take like 10 minutes and if you have an evoker lvl 70 you get another one in 5 minutes
I can post at work with my phone. I can't do the same with the game.
love this worg
It's been a while. I've always found the journey to max level quite enjoyable in this game. So much that I almost always leveled up multiple characters. When I hit max, however, I always lost all motivation to continue playing and I have no idea why. Seems like my brain just shuts down the moment "number going up" stops actually going up and it feels like I'm not making any progress towards anything anymore. What do you guys do at max level to keep you engaged?
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Quite possible
farm achievements and transmogs
What robe is this?
probably venthyr renown stuff
Does Spyragosa require drinks that may or may not appear? I thought I saw in back in DF and didn't do it because it was annoying.
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god i wish i were my dracthyr
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Long-time paladin player here. In recent years I've drifted between rogue, warlock, and the dark side (warrior). Lately I've been feeling the call to the Light again.
What led (you) to roll a paladin?
he plays them all, vulpera, goblin, gnome, loves league of legends shortstacks too...
When are we going to get an MMO where it feels natural for everyone to roleplay?
I have this same problem. Have you tried classic?
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Not him but everything was there when I unlocked the pet.
I wanted to be a DK or warrior but I am too shit at the game.
This is a playerbase issue so probably never. That ancient star wars mmo was pure rp fun but jedis and trying to compete with wow killed the game.
need more trolls
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Why do Goblins sit like this?
It's unlikely, given the constraints of the format. A big part of roleplaying is having the world react to you and your actions.
>Have you tried classic?
I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but I actually prefer the changes Blizzard has made over the years in retail. I don't really care about having to stop for 30-40 seconds to eat and drink between mobs like I had to in vanilla wow. Holy shit playing shaman was absolutely miserable.
god i wish you were your dracthyr
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Getting to DF as a DK I felt like such a Chad. They slob on my cold dead knob even after I finally solution'd their entire shrine.
Yeah they classic lvling is trash and slow and not even fun.
to seduce and lure unsuspecting adventurers, only for them to wake up with a headache and empty pockets
>it's very simple once you understand the whole fight
Absolutely agreed, no question.
>and phase 2 is even easier than phase 1
I think that depends on your class and spec.
Blood is easy and Frost is actually braindead.
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>Planet Buster single single target DPS
>Good AOE dps
>Short global CD
>Straight forward rotation
>Good sound effect, abilities feel impactful with the metallic sounds
>Amazing game changing utility, to myself and my team, giving me a sense of agency and control over the match
>Good defensives, on short CD
>Looks cool as fuck, makes libtards seethe
There's just no real reason to main anything but Paladin, i play other classes but only when taking a break from being GOD.
maybe their butt hurts?
i just think ret is boring desu, as far as straightforward specs go ret is basically the best way they've ever done it

im super down for ret being the go-to "good performance for low investment" spec in the game. At least when some goober is gonna be lazy on Ret they might actually press Bubble and survive because it's a tanky class. Whenever BM is the best low-effort spec all you get are a buncha fucking retards dying every 15 seconds in a dungeon or raid.
Frost dk
What is the easiest spec to learn and play and with the fewest buttons? My reflexes are shot and I can't micromanage buffs and keyboard bloat.
Not saying Frost is hard but Breath alone makes it less braindead than 80% of the dps specs outright.
That's fair. I'd play a game with modern gameplay but classic xp speed.
its a mixture of changing attitudes over time and mostly blizzard creating these "ease of connection" systems, things like auto dungeon finder, along with making the difficulty of quests, open world content, and anything below like mythic completely trivial that has removed all need for communication or patience between players.

you still see some socialization in town, but admittedly its much the same as it would be in real life. if you dont know anyone how do you meet people? do you just go up to random strangers and strike up a conversation? no, thats not usually how things go in real life or the game.

wow needs what 14 has in terms of social spots in its cities or housing. places completely disconnected from progression or combat systems that provide a context for social interaction to initiate it. its what taverns should be, but no one ever goes there except the goldshire tavern. the stormwind park fountain somewhat fills in this role, but not well.

its also just the case that wows player base is just mostly focused these days on the endgame grind to the exclusion of everything else. a lot of people dont even do quests anymore, they just dungeon queue, silently, levels 10-80, then run mythics. the silence is only broken if they connect with a real life or discord friend group or guild to run content. most of the old RP guilds are dead. most of the old RP realms are dead. and it seems like no one has a desire to pick those mantles back up
Goblin genocide in 11.1 bro
once the next big mmo revolution happens when a quality VR mmo comes out
it's not gonna happen. if you really want that, then support the modding scene
i dont care much about class being hard or not, what really matters is looking cool. ret has a lot of DAKKA thats why its badass, ur a warrior hero of lights that shoots up in flames with wings n shit showing whose boss. as a ret ur a powerful presence in the bg in dps and visually and thats more appealing to me than anything. kinda like Goku when he turns super saiyan

i like to be the main character, every bg to me is an anime episode of my character, and i am top dps every time, so i am in fact, the main character. i overcome very obstacle,
Ret. Fury is just as braindead but it has the disadvantage of having much weaker defensives/utility.
based dragonball chad
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We will repopulate!
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Goblin breeding farms in 11.1
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Another day of being bored while sitting afk in GS.

Side lol though for the butthurt pet user drakthyrs blocking the dancers, haha
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Why play death knight if you're gonna be such a pussy? The dragons should've died out with the cataclysm anyway so there's really no reason to not hunt them down
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>almost finishing the statues on watcher solver
>missclick a statue
it's over
Alexstrasza didn't even say anything to the dk with the class hall mount when they went to the Gay Isles
NuBlizzard doesn't care at all about lore
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Cant decide Warlock and Warrior
LOTRO already exists bro
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>Blizzard doesn't care about lore NOW
When the fuck was the last time they did? MoP was the end of 'serious' lore and that shit was released over a dozen years ago at this point.
mop lore and worldbuilding was unironically good especially by wow standards THOUGH
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Considering they removed the FoS I assume it's just non-canon the DK decided to genocide her flight
>all these legion DK dick riders
Edgelords. Best story was mage.
ability to do all 3 roles pretty well
XIV has even less interaction

Yet another Dunguser lie
Warrior. Playing pure DPS is for faggots.
i approve
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They removed the FoS because fomofaggots felt like they were FORCED to commit dragon genocide or else their account would be bricked
The absolute state of this game
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Yea, I agree. Mop was the 'end' includes mop being decent. I kinda fucked that explanation up. WoD was a mess and the destruction of any 'serious' story in this game. TWW has seemed fine so far but it's just 'generic big bad' shit where there's no real story.

So far only Hallowfall felt comfy. I know /v/ hates her but Faerin's pretty sweet to interact with.
That was the first thing I did on my DK in dragonflight. I hopped on my class mount and talked to every red dragon I could to see if there was any dialogue. Very disappointed.
It was a dumb thing to give an achievement for anyway.
>Oh, you murdered the last Red Dragons until our next retcon in this questline for your mount? Here you go, an achievement for it!
There's a reason they never bothered giving you achievements for shit like if you kept the Eye of N'zoth in BFA going forward.
I feel like it's not a bad idea but ideally there should have been two distinct achievements so you could have a memento of "where you stand"
Same thing for Sylvanas simps in BFA
nice belly..
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>There's a reason they never bothered giving you achievements for shit like if you kept the Eye of N'zoth in BFA going forward.
Yea because people take that shit way too seriously. Fucking FOMO bites both ways with Blizzard. Outside of competition shit, really wish they'd just let us eventually get everything. Keep glad titles/mounts and top 100 or w/e guild kills the same but let us get shit eventually if we have the skill for it. All this time-gated shit is obnoxious. All you have to do is miss one or two months of this game and it begins to look like a wall in front of collecting fun.
Can Mythic Dawn of the Infinite be solo'd? Want to go for the transmog set for a flawless run.
I believe Iridikron will anal vore you due to how his fight works desu
I need to make a goblin alt but I'm not sure what class to go for. Tempted to do warrior for aesthetics but I really don't want to play warrior again.
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I guess I must suck at prot warrior then? I feel squishier on him than I do on both my blood dk and vengeance demon hunter. I don't think I'm really doing anything wrong though, just keeping up shield block, using ignore pain to dump excess rage, then spamming abilities + cds when needed.
Only issue on Mythic Dawn is your required to basically out DPS IridiGOD before he kills Chromie, less you've a healer.
You also need 4 people to actually do the mega-dungeons special achievement to get the Infinite Dragon tmog.
>didnt play mop remix
>missed out on one item I really want
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Damn it.
I think some dude in the guild I'm in tried to solo it but couldn't and I went to help him but I was weirdly phased. So there is ALSO that possible issue.
Yeah, there's an odd phasing bug as well where you basically need to be in there from the start together.
Presumably if you manage to get 3 friends to tag along for the special achievement, phasing nor Iridikron should be an easy as long as 1's a healer for Chromie
teh chicken?
The troll altar step will easily be worse for non-collectors once you can't leech off of others. Latefags will have no trouble with the pet battles as long as they wait for the next round of Cata timewalking, when every million-IQ speculator will ground out several Wishwings (AHable pet that solos more than a third of the fight) and tank the market.
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all nelves are like this
pug obelisk will also make people seethe unless there is a pugless method
yep, Yep, YEP!
Wish I could witness it, hidden in the bushes, only catching a glance from her here and there.
Whats pug obelisk?
>Wish I could witness it, hidden in the bushes.
Calm down Wolverine.
Well what do you want me to do? I can't take that beast on myself and she clearly doesn't want to be "rescued" anyway.
this is going too far
Buy a 25k consumable from a vendor (or an alternate version that comes from Hallow's End currency, so timegated for almost a year), go to a hidden obelisk in Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and use it on a Perky Pug. It gives credit to anyone in the area, so anyone doing it now can do the prior steps and then idle there until someone else blows the gold on it.
Is this cannon?
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df alex is so pretty, the freckles were a nice touch
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Oh yeah, it's Goblin time.
God i wish i had a Bg blitz healslut...

I'm a rampaging gorilla, galaxy size DPS. LF healer babe
Oh yeah I remember I parked my character there and went to the store when I came back I had the key on my bags.
>make an entire evoker tier 2 set from scratch
>it doesnt match with any of the racial armor scraps they are forced to wear

i swear to god at this point they are just trying to make evoker as visually insufferable as possible
To be a tragic hero, fighting against the very impulses you seem to delight in indulging.
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they made her so incredibly cute i just cant
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They really leaned into the 'cute' energy. Even if they seem to go full on puritan, they at least did a good job on her appearance. Maybe someday they'll abandon the puritanical stance and give us EQUALLY nice options for all.
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unironically hyped as fuck to drive through undermine. no flying, fast cars, drifting
gonna play some lofi gobbo music and cruise through
raid looks like a banger too
just nature stuff
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Genuinely not sure why I posted that image with that comment but alrighty. Maybe it's the wishful thinking
Shoulda just been enthusiastic about super stellar Bpets minigame to get the rare ones already.
no, you're right. often times npcs have better customizations.
dont get me started on armors
pet battle bg like battlebots when
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I need some feedback.
what was it?
Hopefully when they add a Starcraft Siege Tank and Colossus pets.
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I finally got around to getting the back piece I wanted
I want to fuck you.
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So many things annoying/unfun/could be better about this game but here we still are.

>Also just refused basically a free? dance from a VE fem that seems friendly
I swear this game just helps me be more sad.
December trading post stuff preview WHEN
He takes worgen knot
I want you to fuck me.
I want to be your slave.
Other way around.
simple. i like it
Try a different style maybe. A lot of your mogs all look kinda the same imo.
>>Also just refused basically a free? dance from a VE fem that seems friendly
why would you refuse that
Yeah, I sort of like this simplistic style in general. Besides, mail doesn't have too many options. Most "skirt" armor look awful too because there is no proper cloth physics in WoW.
get the outdoor mail set from tww?
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Doesn't have cloth physics so looks awful when you move around.
Try a slutmog
makeup should be both mandatory and illegal
Making all these unique weapon illusions a seasonal pvp reward is a mistake
oh my....
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Goblin and gnome women in unison, please
a mix of nelf heritage set?
walking fleshlights
10 more sleeps until poe 2 bros, we're almost free of this shit game!
see you in 11.1
for dev evoker, in scale commander is deep breath a dps gain on single target? it seems to make me lose control of my character for a loooooong time with the new manual steering thing

i havent played my evoker since dragonflight
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Why of the two does the Gobbo look most concerned for what's about to happen
recast to cancel
i always drag it over my targets and then swoop backwards with my movement ability
Over/Under that Blizzard will refund my faction change so I can return to being a goblin?
She's worried about hidden condoms
did they....?
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try to open a ticket
jfc she's so hot..
thanks i didnt know you could do that. it doesnt say that anywhere in its tooltip and it greys all my buttons out immediately so i thought i was just at its mercy until the cast ran out
If you waites more than 3 days you're done
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Please blizz....just at least make it playable...
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fuck off, piss of shitdaria was a mistake
Fuck off celestalon you're a rainbow colored tranny
Flirting with an elf (we are trauma dumping)
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take a dump on her instead.
You're not invited to the picnic.
>trauma dumping
never heard it referred to that way before but its accurate.
I do that a lot problem too much
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gob gang
Lock 8 solved; brute force chads stay winning
Anon I kneel
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Bloodlust/Heroism >>>> Fury of the Aspects >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Warp
Is it easy?
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Just a heads up. This thread is about to go to shit. Good luck /wowg/ guys.
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When's classic remix?
Never kid
this image made me remember that Bolvar was the "front cover" guy for Shadowlands yet all he did was sit around in Oribos next to Baine in his cuck corner
What does this have to do with wow, dumb discord tranny? And who asked?
Trivial as long as you can count to a max of 10 up to 7 times.
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What makes you say that?
>Give Valeera a unique model
>She basically does nothing but point you in directions of quests
>Meanwhile Voss is still using the generic Forsaken model from Cata, despite being involved in far more plots.
Well sound easier than the fucking warden statues
What would that even be? Molten core?
All of Anduin's elven wives deserve a unique model desu
You can macro /cancelaura Deep Breath to all your abilities. It cancels it faster than the recast DB utillity.
>Genn is over ten fucking feet tall
How is his wife even able to walk?
He, like all Worgen canonically, fucking despises the fact that he's a Worgen and acts like a cuck and instead always walks around in his human form.
Hes only worgen during the night
gnomes are retartet idiots
Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot blizz made him a complete bitch.
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my new favorite hobby
He is standing there...
Why is Baine so tiny?
Imagine worshiping Genn's massive paws
Can't outshine the blue side.
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This chest is really nice.
Did anyone try speaking to it?
I got one person earlier today, only put it down two times
boring zzzzzz mogs every time
Which tabard is that?
Frosted Riders of Azeroth, from the riding challenge in WotLK.
How come this general has so many PvP bads that hide in wpvp but suck at rated, like that one orc rogue
Get saurok stalker
made for bgc
Easy to catch people offguard and kill them in the open world
Different story when everyone is prepared
Northrend cup?
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Assassination is kinda fun
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Done. Thanks for the suggestion Anon if you're around.
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4 Cosmos. Lol.
lmao that was funny
Nice, ty. I had it. Glad I completed those. They're once a year.
Speaking of which, what's the next one? Did they announce MoP cup or something? Cata doesn't really make sense imo
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It was I. I have slain all would-be challengers, one after the other. Are there any left who would face my might? Any who CAN?! I have felled a thousand outsiders and I will fell a thousand more. Pandaria balances on the tip of a spear. Fight one side off, the other encroaches. For so long as I yet draw breath, I will not allow it to fall. I am the cost of peace! Your death will be my burden to carry. I will ensure flowers bloom over your grave. Can you promise me the same? Your death or mine, it will be beautiful. It will be serene. Come, then. Let only one of us walk away from here. You stand before a master of the Temple of the Jade Serpent. Today, you will behold the true might of the Celestials, as you face none other than the Claw of Yu'lon herself. Hold nothing back, for I will fight with the ferocity of a cornered tiger, and the desperation of a thirsting tree amidst a burning forest. Your move, outsider. It is not too late to surrender and flee. Once we begin, I will not stop until one of us is dead.
I have no idea. I didn't do the other cups though, I only returned back to the game during DF S3.
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I brought the marketable plushie.
I thoroughly enjoyed tww questing. Especially the sidequests like that one. Highly recommend doing side stories.
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I know it's frostwolf colours but seeing thrall in the alliance blue and gold will never not be funny
toughpaw only picks on retards in random battlegrounds
que up for arenas, skank
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You should have /bowed after you pushed him off, but that was really funny anyway. Based PVP RPer.
Do a slutmog next
I /kneel..
holy based
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Anyone who plays the AH or gathers knows how rampant bots are. It's funny when ppl complain about them, cuz if Blizz were serious about it and b& all of the botting accounts their subs would plummet and the game would fail. these bots are also the reason you can buy 7 gold orbinds. they're like slaves, they do the shit that well off players don't want to do.
you're absent from the classic thread
i cant put my focus on two threads AND play the game
you must play classic fresh so i can bully you there too
i havent even gotten to show the guys the blacked infographic
this is unacceptable
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Blizz is running gathering bots for the sole purpose of driving down the market price on mats and consumables. If you've ever tried to manually push a price down by 10-15% you'll be met with like 2-3 players farming your ass and resisting your efforts. Same if you try to manipulate a market by buying. There will be a magical level 1 show up with 10k of whatever your selling who will undercut you by 50% until the market reacts and everyone lists there.

It's all fake.
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What is this, an intercom?
>*microphone feedback*
>*Speaker crackle*
>Maye, report to the classic thread. Maye, the classic thead. Thank you.
I died at level 15 on the Taur shaman. I'll get back to it tonight or tomorrow; I'm roleplaying at the moment.
why would blizz run gathering bots if they can just spawn shit via console? lol
>like that one orc rogue
Panduh or should i call you Sulong, are you still licking your wounds from that one time i (Slippinjimmy) raped you so hard you cried in hallowfall gen chat for minutes non-stop as well as your cries for help because you can't ever win a 1v1?
why would you undercut? they removed that a long time ago. now it's whoever placed the most recent auction will sell first. there is no reason to undercut. the extreme undercuts are to bait people not paying attention into dumping mats which they will buy up. undercutting is for retarded spics. just cancel your auction and put it up again with the mass group
Ok but what about seamus?
meant for >>503695037

>why would you undercut?
Players refuse to learn that it changed for some reason, the retards are using the gold making system but hate to make gold
Aren't you stuck under 1k rated in shuffle dude
haha troon
2.2cr in blitz, i dont like playing with retarded shuffle donkeys.
Kek you're that rogue that uses gliders and follower dungeons every time you're losing.
You mean when alliance toddlers send 3 healers 9 dps just to kill me, a single rogue? taking follower dungeons is funny and wastes your time, you can never kill me :^)
I undercut myself sometimes I get so stupid
Nah you die 1v1 all the time it's why you can't stand arena kek
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Watching this WoW Ibelin documentary and saw this.. sexo..
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this game is SO easy
what weapon models are those
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Another 80 down

What mask are you wearing?
Recommend me wow stuff to listen to while I'm at work. YouTube or podcast. Preferably wow lore or adjacent
I undercut to spite people.
A cloth one that was required for a portion of the chain.
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First try btw.
>Digital product
>Running out of product
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New mog. I think this looks pretty nice. I like the color scheme too.
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I like it.
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Heh. Ez game.
Why does your hair only have 5 pixels
Game is old.
All the best transmogs are venthyr.

Revendreth was really too good for the expansion it got stuck in
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>four 10's done
I don't have the strength for more. Good luck on your vaults, I know I won't have any.
god luck doggy
It should have been the San'layn
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Can blizzard fix this dogshit event never showing the right timer on the map? Timerifts also had the remaining time of the event. And also make coffer keys warbound
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can any autistic retard explain this moon to me?
looking forward to doing this and getting the cm sets in mop classic :)
the skybox horizon is level to your character so the higher your elevation the more fucked up the real horizon looks.
what are the odd that they'll make a new skybox?
the skies of azeroth are fake
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I could see it being alot of work and who knows how janky the old engine is with that sort of thing. Currently it uses a dome skybox locked to your character so that way you can never get closer to the moon/sun or coulds.
A full 3d skybox would be cool but seeing as something like housing fucked them up I don't know if they think its worth the resources.
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>playing the worst patch of the worst expansion
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>omg blizz we need more celebration tokens
>okay here you go
>omg why can't I hold all of these tokens?!
Seriously tho why do they cave in to people all the time?
Man I almost cried a few times watching that Ibelin netflix thing. That was sad.
who cares if they give an abundance of imaginary fun bucks for a once in a 20 year event. you can dump all your tokens into time warp badges
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Your gnomes are very cute, and so are your Draenei and Mag'har orc.
who says that?
I wish I were raped to death by a female orc
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Thread sure is quiet tonight
Context? who is this what is this.
I hate Preheat so fucking much
I really, really, really want a new MMO to take the world by storm. But for 20 years it's always just been WoW being the king. Will anything ever top it?
Holy shit this place is dead.
verdict: ur mom

If you bought everything and need something to spend excess tokens on
I got btfo
That's what happens when your game is currently shit and not properly maintained. They can't even fix basic shit like >>503705682 which was also an issue for the entirety of dragonflight with their events. They randomly broke shadowlands for new characters and still haven't fixed it after all these months. They don't even attempt to maintain this game anymore.
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Just now saw this post.
First of all, that's not Panduh. Not panduh's alt either.
Secondly you aren't Slippinjimmy on MG-A. In the very tiny chance that you are Jimmy, I know that you know that I have wasted you. Like so many times. Mopped the floor. Even though Jimmy spams all those annoying fucking toys and benches and shit, only to get his ass reamed by me in the 1v1 and vanish.
Good fights though I enjoy fighting that guy.
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>dog in
>post scoops
>dog out
Unbelievable. The nerve of this guy.
faggot tranny haha
Announcing your arrival into the thread really isn't necessary.
I appreciate you telling us your pronouns anon.
Kelly is very upsetty.
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I'm like the best, funniest poster in this thread. Everyone claps, replies and can't wait to see more from Me...
obsessed schizo
Look man, just because you're entirely accurate doesn't mean you gotta state the obvious.
This time he actually is wearing Alliance colours
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Do you look at shit like this and say 'so cute! i want panda boywife' right? I'm willing to bet you do, you're not disgusted or anything, i mean just look at him, isn't he cute, he's not too fat, muscular manly or anything like mos tmandas, he's just slim chubby, pudgy, soft and cute... :)
>doomhammer armor was always shown as black and gold
>nu-wow devs with their extremely cartoony and washed out color palette artstyle give thrall a new model with a washed out black that looks like navy blue
>products based on the new model see a navy blue and just use blue instead
>thrall now looks like he's alliance
Literally lost in translation lmao.
Your scoop is getting wet.
or maybe it's because everyone has gotten everything they wanted out of the game already and gone to do other shit. honestly if we're 3 months into a season and you haven't done everything you wanted to do you need to take a serious look at yourself because you're a failure
If that cope helps you sleep at night, sure you can think that. If that was actually the case though then these threads and in game would be this dead routinely every season around this time. They're not though. It's only ever this dead during really bad droughts and dire times like shadowlands.
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Ironically his armor was the correct shade back in WoD.
It was the correct shade in all previous versions that I can recall. Even in vanilla with the low poly armor it was just straight black and gold plated armor.
>In Shadowlands Thrall can use the elements because he does so in the fight against Sylvanus
>But they didn't even bother giving him back the Doomhammer
turd shoveler

Thrall uses axe now, faggot
i figured it was because he got all chummy with the alliance during BFA, he looked like a reeal coward in the cutscene before saurfang fought sylvanas
>In a place the elements don't even exist
>It's a between plain we're running along chains between
>This green fucker summons rock bridges from 'the elements'.
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>People piss and shit themselves over Green Jesus
>But none of them said anything about the dozens of Mary Sue Alliance characters we've been forced to entertain for over a decade
if you want to grasp at straws perhaps there was a few earth spirits in that shit zone to the side of the maw which i cant remember the name of
>1 week till ecelebs move over to poe2, classic dies and all the posters come back to wowg
can't wait
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Like who? Other than Alleria currently.
What happened to making all reps account wide?
Imagine a new MMO that didn't suck and gave you the feeling of experiencing WoW the first time back in like 2007
Jaina, Anduin, Magni, Tyrande...
We need a VR MMO. Like all those Anime's keep promising us will happen
yeah i want to die in the game and die in real life
If we had those VR plug into your brain things those cartoons show, weebs and everyone here would die because of their addiction. Fuck no one would work anymore.
Anduin hasn't done shit but job to mega Satan and simp for a half breed negress. Magni has literally never done anything in the history of the game besides talk about titans and spent the first part of this expansion being a bitter dickhead.
Nerub GM status?
Jaina was called crazy for having the audacity to say 'fuck the horde', got booted out of her own city, went into hiding for ages, cried a bit, then got locked in torghast and did nothing since.
Anduin is literally the biggest cry baby in the game who is too scared to even use holy light after getting mind raped by j'lor and has done absolutely nothing ever.
Magni has done literally nothing at all.
Tyrande has not only done nothing at all but in fact got her one chance of doing something (killing sylvanas) taken away from her.

Do you even know what a mary sue is? None of these character have even done anything let alone be mary sues. Jaina is the only one who even remotely comes close to the description for shit like coming out of nowhere to save the day in the battle for lordaeron and having a boss fight she teleports away from in BfA. But that is all she has done, which is heavily outweighed by all the shit she HASN'T done, like when she wanted to nuke orgrimmar from existence and they wouldn't let her.
Allincel cope: The post
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Jaina I sort of can see since she's the most powerful mage on Azeroth now that Dadgar is an invalid and probably secretly evil or something. Plus she pulled some wildly op shit in BfA
Oh sorry should I mention the part how Genn has done nothing and then randomly cucked out and gave his daughter Gilneas? Or the part about how Velen is one of the most powerful figures in the lore and has done literally nothing the entire game except escort us to Argus in legion? What about how Malfurion, another one of the most powerful figures in the lore who has done literally nothing this entire time and even almost got one shot by Saurfang throwing his axe from a bush?

You got another other mary sues for me to laugh at?
You forgot to mention how the motherfucking Lich King got his shit pushed in by a bitch with arrows and chains.
I want an MMO with 6,000 spells. 500 classes. 800 races.
If I had a gun I'd blow my brains out right now
Yup Sylvanas was/is an actual mary sue and she's turbo cringe because of it.
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This thread was fun about a month ago when people would shitpost the game and post AI puzzles constantly.
The thread is now dead as fuck 90% of the time outside the 1 major faggot avatar clearly replying to himself constantly or the other 2 orbiter avatars that all ERP each other.
I've not seen this thread this desperate since i think later BFA(?).
Not even the days of the horrid tranny menaces of MoP-WoD were we this dead.
Truly shocking how Nu-Blizz has run off everyone that would pay2play.
not sure if I should play my arms warrior or assassin rogue in season 2
there's nothing to do in this game
Do you want to be a chad smashing fools in a berserker rage or a limp dick faggot pokey poking with rinky dinky butterknifes?
Been playing some classic now during the downtime for 11.1, came back to do some M+ and it really hit me that your average pack in one (1) M+ dungeon has more mechanics than entire dungeons

One entire M+ dungeon in retail has to have more nuance and variety in combat scenarios than an entire raid in classic
This is true and it's not a good thing.
Midnight waiting room desu
people were saying in one of the previous threads that arms warrior is shit, linear, no skill gameplay.
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i only post when i play
im waiting for next season
+classic fomo was released
Accurate, but since your only options are specifically arms warrior or assassination rogue, playing something that isn't shit is clearly not a priority to you.
I just don't get how people don't get bored more easily playing only classic

Some classes have a rotation of 2 buttons, and the bosses have like 2 mechanics that only impacts the tanks usually, maybe one dps at most. It's like watching cookie clicker most of the time, you're not doing anything, just watching auto attacks and pressing 111111111111 for 2 minutes
well, what class/spec isn't shit?
>IMMEDIATELY default to druid in every game I play
>spore zombie goddess in bg3
>kino beast in wow
>werewolf handler in diablo 4
>nelf whore #348924
Better meme than sakura fish

... AI puzzles? you go into a general to play jigsaw with porn on, with strangers, without a chat? jesus fuck get a hobby bro. Try using /1 once in a while. Anything other than 4chan
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>Enter Timewalking
>Three Barthilas and one Ragnaros
Paladin, DK, Mage, Shaman are all thriving right now.
I want to be a necromancer, a summoner, a beast tamer, a thief or ranger, a priest or warcleric. I feel constrained.
Unholy is a necromancer. Warlock isn't a pet class; you dont empower or utilize your pet in any meaningful way. Rogue isn't rogue anymore and paladin is a meme.

Only marksman hunter fit any of those wants
Everyone's playing fresh faggot, otherwise threads would be 8 hours as well before fresh release and as usual
Good one exposing yourself as a faggot tourist
Vanilla has no mechanics and classicbabs still need 20 weakauras and dbm to deal with going left or right on thaddius polarities
You're here to talk about literally nothing and your hobby is playing defense for a mega corp.
In the brave and true words of Terry A Davis, You're a nigger cattle.
projection and cope.
cope and rope.
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Lmao, the fuck did anduin do? He finally actually did something by resurrecting khadgar.
In df he was absent, in sl he went from being dommed by sylvanas to being mind controlled
fem humie love
W-why is he Alliance cooloured...
>why is Jaina's house orc alliance coloured
who knows dude
every day i can't stop fantasizing about blowing my head off or slitting my throat. i just want to end it all
class, race and spec for this feel?
Undead Unholy dk
you could say that's... classic
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see you in 3 days
Orcedfags get the rope
I fucking hate Crimson Vial so goddamn much.
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quick xally drive by feet lick?
Yes please. After a long day of walking around
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Need 2.15m tall Alleria mommy to worship...
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these little kobold niggas can make pretty good wax statues
if a bunch of kobolds can make that, and if blizzard housing without the option of having a 7ft tall alexstrasza/alleria/tyrande/jaina/valeera/assumi statue with a disposable cum tray i will shit myself
Blame the troll pedo with a vpn and m+ye
What chest/pants?
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everything about draenei screams sex. their accent. their posture. greatest video game race ever
yeah I noticed that alleria statue and thought it was cool as well, would be nice if we got a mommystrasza one of them desu
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i need that in me house
i've not played in a month, did anything cool get added
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had to scroll a lot to find a worg.. suspicious
did you do the anniversary stuff?
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It's a sad indictment of the state of these threads, for sure
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let me cum(con)tribute
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What about them?
Would breed
11.0.5. Heroic BRD. Remastered T2 sets. A bunch of other mogs pets etc
Also get the sylvanas set from the post before it goes away
It's a must buy
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>Also get the sylvanas set from the post before it goes away
>It's a must buy
Fuck that, skipping the set. I don't care to dress as a main character.
Especially if the hood is gonna make everyone bald.
you NEED to have it for the exposed belly...
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Joined a desperate 3am key group and timed my first and second 12s. Remember you can do anything you set your mind to!
Dominate me
late night gamers are the best gamers
they are the dedicated ones
>18 hours ago
>see a wow thread on /v/
>usual dedicated dumper starts dumping all the cringe shit from Trannyflight era
It's kinda wild seeing it all at once, all the tranny faggot brownoid pandering like they are their main audience or something.
And then snap, the only thing closest to that is the cripple nig in Hallowfall, which doesn't come near the amount of poz from DF.
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its not wild, its sad to be reusing material from years ago over and over again
What does that mean
Why is WoW pandering to brown trannies?
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>18 hours
I would also like to know.
>low effort shitposting
Turn me into your cum dump.
that's a female character anon
i dont get this
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And? If you got no cock that's fine too. Turn me into your pussy cleaner.
The urge to make a goonable alien goat is very high
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enjoy being a fatso then
Piss on me, please.
>check the archive for pic related
kek you're so mad
Red skin is pure sexo

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