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Racy Goblin, Fast Car Edition

>Mountain Dew Promotion Now Live

>NA /wowg/ guild
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Old >>503635889
>20 hours ago
Retail is dead!
Long live Retail!
curious what blizzard will do with m+ in S2. i think it will be the most DoA season in the games history without drastic changes to almost every aspect of it
I mean thats what people here said about tww s1 and that was not the case.
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blessed, i was looking for this one
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gnome POV
s1 will always pop off because the new expansion hype. go look at the numbers for DFs later seasons to see how grim the numbers can get, and keep in mind that DF s3 was widely considered one of the most enjoyable seasons ever
can you post those numbers?
no, you can easily find them with a google search
It was played so much because they overnerfed every single dungeon and removed entire portions of fights. The mega dungeon was ass but doable with 20 deaths so people played it. Also exodia comp existed
what i know so far from interviews
they said that they want to make lower keys more rewarding and easier because they felt that people trying to do m+ from t8 delves were hitting a brick wall at +6/+7
there's also a new swirlie. i guess we have to see the affixes
>Also exodia comp existed
that was s2
>there's also a new swirlie
Be still, my beating heart.
new swirlie animation/design, i meant. hopefully it has a defined edge so you dont die to bs
I'm sure the shitters will find a way to die and bitch about muh visibility and le bloat.
How can I get that as skinny loner virgin coomer?
the problem with the hard edge is you are still going to get clipped from lag/desync, and its going to feel so much worse.
thats a given. they'll always find something to blame but themselves
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Today I learned about the meme Dragons having sex with cars and I thought about you wowg.
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>20 hours to 750
That's ancient, bro
s3 was so good bros ofc they had to ruin everything it was too much fun
That simply means mythic is shit content and we need something else.

post her feet
Ion has this bizarre mindset that difficulty=fun and that the only reason people dont do X content is because they arent rewarded properly. He is literally autistic and needs to be fired.
never had an issue like that unless the servers are shitting themselves
i did however get hit by swirlies whenever i ran something for the first time because you can never tell the exact range
>new swirlie animation/desig
I bet it's something like from XIV
S3 was so much fun, I miss it every day. I try to pug keys still but its just not the same :(
>GM of elitest jerks
>difficulty = fun
yeah no shit
Shadowlands-kind of dead.
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>Leveled Rogue to 80
>Got him to 591 ilvl
>Got the daggers I wanted
What'd you do before reset
You're not wrong but this is mostly about the raid numbers, s3 was so fucking fun and easy everyone was spamming keys but the raid was incredible hard andpunishing and I'm not talking just about tindral and fyrakk, larodar and smolderon killed so many guilds.
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a toast! to wowo wawa!
had sex! with women(men)!
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they don't have feet. just asses
s3 was incredibly easy. easy affixes and easy dungeons. throne of the tides and blackrook hold were literally free
That's why they shilled player retention so much.
thats because theres a patch every 8 weeks now
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>Never tried ranked PvP before this season
>Hit Rival in SS this weekend
>Getting 18-20% buffs to my damage out of cooldown across the board in PvP once the patch hits
Lets fucking go
are we still acting like casual content and a bigger playerbase is bad for the game?
Well it is a bad thing for the game director and after s1 I assure you noone is going to mention player retention this time.
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looks good to me. if people stop playing it's because they ran out of things to do, not because of difficulty
10s on main and delves on alt
Raiding*. Give us a 10 man version and remove lockouts.
>ummmm yeah sure easier seasons like DF s3 and s4 have way higher player participation than shitty seasons like now and SL s1
>yeah sure those easier seasons were considered fun by the platerbase and the harder seasons are considered shit
>but like... people not playing the current shitty seasons isn't because of difficulty!
Does 1+1=3 in your world also?
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Nice car
mazed+ is dying badly and is not content
I fucking hate paladins so much those stupid dress wearing faggots forgot their place
I hate Preheat so fucking much
delvin melvins are having a great time getting hero gear for free
Wrath TW vendor is up, go buy wrath era low res shit and mount if you have the badgerions
they had fun until they had to run keys to upgrade it.
>Thought the dude was alright at first
>Then he completely ruins his reputation by being a retarded dipshit hosting a Harris/Walz rally
If you play a mage to even a semi-decent level (less than 10% of their playerbase) you quickly realize how much of a fake ass bitch he is
2 hours extended, coming right up!
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Question: is Xalatath a she or an it, since the body is just a dead elf being puppeted?
she is an it
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she gets my it
i wish she was younger. we need loli draenei slop
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no we dont
The other old gods were he's so Xalatath is a she.
Xalatath isn't an old god.
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he is right. we do need more
Post the graph for the current season, you lying sack of shit
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Are dwarves cute?
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SHE can get IT (it is my peanits)
besides the t2 mog, any good DH friendly tmog in the anniversary event?
Kind of wanted to do some M+ but then it hit me brewmaster has been neglected for 3 months and it wouldn’t be fun, and DPS never kick shit, and trinkets never drop, and i have no crests and basically everything sucks and i went to go lay in bed instead
T2 is literally the only mog for the event retard
i miss season 3 and 4 of DF
it was so fucking comfy
>it was so fucking easy even retards like me could play the game

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Titans bad.

>hardcore race won by guy with standard UI
Some retarded writer at Blizzard saw what Algalon said back in Wrath and decided to base the entire storyline about how erm akshaully the titans are da bad guys... (even though they literally helped save the world soul of Azeroth back in Legion)
Yeah, he was called Chris Metzen.
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Based, so fucking based.

they're hot
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They're sexy
>wowo wawa would rather play Classic Classic than retoilet

i play both you dumb bastarfd buitchg
This is a confusing reaction on the behalf of Brinthe. It's a revelation that the edicts of the earthen of Khaz Algar exist solely to make sure they don't go native and that the memory reset is also for that but that really shouldn't change anything. Prior to this the entire framework was "the edicts exist because the earthen were made by the Titans/Keepers to do a job and the Titans/Keepers say to do this so shut the fuck up". Yes it's fucked up that the titans in this new context destroyed all the earthen who got "infected" by Azeroth but under their baseline culture (which they've seen moved on from in the questing of TWW sure) they had long since accepted they exist to do whatever the Titans told them. Like Brinthe makes a point here that the earthen helped build all the great works of the Titans on Azeroth and the Titans forced them to be glorified maintenance workers. But like yeah? This was known. This was how they functioned.
>graph confirms numbers drop after season 1 and that df s3 was goated
>you lie!
Why can't the Titans have bad traits? Is it suddenly an issue that in addition to cleansing the world of the Old Gods and a dozen other objectively good things they also had ideas that may be at odds with how people 20 thousand years removed from them being there feel?
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Do you REALLY need it anon?
Was having a space sex-demon not enough? When will your lust be sated?
There is literally nothing interesting about the Earthen whatsoever. They've always been a glorified machine race with no thoughts or personalities of their own. But now they're sentient robots more or less with a fucking retarded "we wuz slaves an shiet" message abruptly forced in. They've never had a culture so to speak of, and they've always been disposable.
>They've never had a culture so to speak of, and they've always been disposable.
I mean the entire context for Khaz Algar is that these specific earthen are have a level of sentience the other earthen do not
Because you're not saying or doing anything differently than some fucktard writer going "Erm God is, like... bad and stuff..." but complete fucking Neanderthal retards like you will immediately go "woah.... so deep...." and gobble it up.
Do you consider the titans to be analogous to a single Abrahamic god of consistent and unequivocal righteousness?
Dragonflight world and sidequests, I am having fun.
>Abrahamic god of consistent and unequivocal righteousness

Good one
The issue of "it's trite to take an objectivity good thing such as literal God himself and crudely explore the idea of him being self righteous and evil" requires you accept the idea that as a default God or the general concept of such a deity is by default infallible.
Alright boys I think I've had my fill of WoW for the season and will probably only give siren isle a token couple weeks before coming back for gobbo time. What're some fun games to pick up in the downtime? I haven't had my feelers out for this sort of thing in a good while
ya retail is dead as shit
even the sweats have given up for the season
no one even posted their vault in here today
Im playing classic fresh
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Only one answer
I don't really care about the doomtranny narrative. I enjoy the game and play it but even my forever game doesn't need to be 24/7 365. I could not care less about WoW minus its decades of improvements.
Looking forward to it but not out yet
he was a retard way before that. he got yeeted from Limit because him and his dumbfuck wife tried to sue a small streamer for having the name Preheet, as if preheat is some original name that 500 other mages didnt already use
the Titans were never supposed to be good though. they always operated on the basis that the living creatures on Azeroth are no more than a science experiment that could be flushed at any moment
how am i doomtranny because i said that the game has lost a shit load of active players at this point in the season
idk how you extrapolate that from my post
its like if your blood started boiling because someone told you that there are only two genders
you lost shit eating tranny
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tfw no wowgfu to orbit
>gets called a tranny
>calls other person a tranny in response

uh oh meltie
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i want alex in my midnight house
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all this effort for a mount that the majority of players will stop using after a week
>how am i doomtranny because i said that the game has lost a shit load of active players at this point in the season
because numbers prove you wrong >>503740115
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Your response?
"No thanks I don't like black women"
no flying in undermine
i would start from feet and work my way up between her legs
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Why are you repulsed by me, /wowg/? i thought you’d like boypandas. I fixed them, i made them not fat and emasculated, i erased the putrid bara and turned them into soft, pudgy, squishy, bratty chubby boys w squishy round moobs, all done to be closer to fempandas :(
>i thought you’d like boypandas
nobody said that
>i made them not fat and emasculated
pic clearly shows you made them fat and emasculated
The maze stats show while tww s1 didn't have the player retention of DF s3 or even s1 its nowhere near as bad as DF s2. They'll probably make changes to make season 2 easier.
but you get a 400% speed goblinissan skyline instead.
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>waves at you
how do you respond?
>no ez 1-10 keys
>with delves
looks pretty good
its actually far healthier than i expected. no sudden, massive drops like in other seasons. pretty smooth curve all considered
>remove affixes
>overtune delve rewards so low keys basically don't exist
>only 8 dungeons
>4 of which aren't even dungeons from the new expansion but old, nerfed and neutered dungeons
>city of threads and ara-kara are aggressively boring
>dawnbreaker is a boring mess with a final boss about as fun as the final boss in The Oculus
>stonevault is just a series of dull concrete corridors (only 3)
>m+ loot is boring and uninteresting
>a lot of trinkets are whacky gimmick trinkets
>the good trinkets are boring statsticks with no flair or they're on-use trinkets that line up with the spec's cooldowns
>it's basically impossible to catchup in M+ now because low keys are dead
>meta is heavily enforced

It's impressive that the season has lasted this long honestly, class design is carrying this expansion so far
Bringing back affixes and reviving low keys would go far in improving M+
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Do as I'm told
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WoW hasn't had interesting loot since TBC
>Bringing back affixes
sanguine sucks. incorporeal sucks. afflicted sucks. all of them sucked ass
>reviving low keys
they literally said that they will make lower keys easier and more rewarding in s2
Because affixes are fun and add variety
likelihood of 11.1 coming in february?
highly likely it comes on Feb 18th
I start licking her feet and get into biggest debt imaginable so I can lick more.
chance is higher than worgen getting tails.
cinderbrew isnt even out yet
holy brainrot
what's fun about uninterruptable caster mobs sitting in sanguine?
what's fun about incorporeal/afflicted spawning to who fuck knows where?
ptr is in december. so it's pretty much guaranteed
late feb/early march
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I miss her...
>what's fun about uninterruptable caster mobs sitting in sanguine?
excuse me sir, i happened to ENJOY having the last enemy of ruby life pools sit in sanguine!
Skill issue
>This is a terrible idea and was not good when it was in the game
>"but its variety :)"
God I hate you nigger
Grim Yawn
try again
friendly reminder that The Venture Co did nothing wrong in Cinderbrew and the entire dungeon is one of the WoW developers sick commie fetish.
>they stole it from Wenbrandt
false, he admits to never even reading the contract
>its to save the bees
the bees that we get a "Special Assignment" FROM the earthen to go and fucking massacre right outside the brewery?
>the mead quality was bad
it wasnt even functioning before the goblins took it over

you go inside, kill every single employee, every single bee, trash the place, and hand it BACK to the guy who let it fall into disrepair in the first place.
I bet you want M+ to be slightly harder than heroic dungeons
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pandas is love
pandas is life
Who cares. Jews suck and so by extension Capitalism and banking sucks.
I'm very proud of the Southern Barrens. But looking back, I see a fair criticism. The Alliance ending doesn't create the sense of story finality that the Horde ending does. The Alliance's big victory (Tauraho) happens off-screen. Blowing up the goblin camp is not as satisfying as blowing up Bael Modan.

The Alliance spends a large chunk of time reacting to the Horde in this zone, while the Horde is proactive in the story. Cataclysm balanced the map by removing some of the Alliance territories from the classic game, so the add-on was often berated for feeling like the Alliance was being beaten. This zone just added fuel to the fire.

We paid attention to this criticism and listened to it, so in the next expansion we decided to give a trophy to the Alliance, allowing them to storm the enemy capital and overthrow the leader. That way no one would complain anymore! [Spoiler: “Everyone complained.”]”

- Dave Kosak

i hate this faggot so much for ruining every alliance zone in cata and calling it a balance
but i thought Jews were all about communism?
>alliance zone

Also every zone was ruined in Cata it wasn't just the Alliance's
He means zones that was given to the Horde or completely destroyed, not only Barrens, to "balance" the map
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*waves back*
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only affix i hated were the ones that forced you to move to move mobs
or move mobs*
sanguine was overhated imo, shit like bursting was 1000% worse
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I politely, but very firmly decline.
Armor on the right?
Yeah Kosak was a massive faggot, such a shame he took over since Metzen was working on their failed shooter instead
It's a mixture of the wastewander tracker set, the goblin heritage armor, the gladiator's ragged chest and helm of endless dunes, for that big collar effect.
god it is so hard to go back to playing other mdps after playing ret and stormkeeper enhance. 3x the work for half the payoff.

i really hope they overhaul the other dps specs to be more like them.
I actually enjoy fatebound i like seeing the coin go bling and the dice rolling
haha bing biNG wah-NOOOOO BAD ROLL BAD ROLL!!!!
Why is enhance SO FUCKING BORING
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Now that the dust has settled, is this season the worst one yet?
run the lavalash ice strike build if you need something to make you feel special for pushing 100 buttons
The worst season and the worst expansion yet.
Thread is as dead as it was back in Shadowlands.
this guy is a manipulative piece of shit. why does the wow community follow him for even a second? he's even straight up said his whole personality and show is false act to farm outrage and clicks

one of the most blatantly fake people on the internet
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Lmao classic tranny seethe, it's boring to mash stormstrike so clearly I must want a spec with too many buttons
guarantee you do absolute shit dps as enhance
who asked?
there is a DIFFERENCE...
Man the 8 orb is so bugged
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this line caught me off guard, usually they refer to the big bad as the void or the legion etc.
but fallen to chaos automatically made me think of whfb
Retard describing disorder as falling into chaos predates warhammer
How do i leave the room with the humming crystal in karazhan catacombs? Am i missing something?
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dont call me a retard...
no, but the old affixes were objectively trash and not fun
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FuCk OFffff
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its one of the most fun specs in the game
boy thats straight doodoo trash
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still samefagging
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I just hit level 80, what's the best method of getting to 567 so I can start heroics?
isnt that the paraplegic nigga people keep voting for out of sympathy
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The Chadthyr has spoken
must breed
you can buy 564 gear from the auction house for usually like 300 gold a piece, then just do your weekly cache quests(the blue quest markers in dornogal) to get some coffer keys, then do tier 8 bountiful delves to get the odd piece of like 580-605 gear.

increase ilvl with crests, you can get some free crests from teh guy at the back of the dornogal throneroom i think, and the introductory ilvl upgrading quest (in the shop across the street from branns explorers league pavilion) will give you some crests as well to get you started. you can get more from activities like world quests and delves.
Literally who
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aint no way he became a scalie
and you can also get some high ilvl pieces from the weekly vault in the bank in dornogal, but if you just got to 80 that will take a full week to net you any benefit, so its not an immediate fix. you charge up the rewards in the vault by doing tier 8+ delves, heroic/mythic dungeons, raiding, and so on. tier 8 delves are the easiest track to quickly fill up as soon as you hit 80
I don't like your UI setup
im peanutbutter jelly
>four weeks in a row of no upgrades from a 5 slot mythic vault
yea I'm good on this game actually
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you are mentally ill
What is a bountiful delve?
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>brown eyes
>face shaped like the end of a skateboard
rofl even
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Winners win
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yo this is the guy that shits up gacha threads
you mean this is the closet tranny autist that shits up every thread
i fucking hate this guy
at worst you get a socket from the vault, which is probably equivalent to a 3ilvl increase anyway
lowkey looks like an israeli
why does he look jewish
Lil fattie
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i kneel
Long may you reign... over your empire of ASH
is the zekthyr fight hard?
Yes because you can't blame anyone else for your failures
? difficulty is a total joke. ?? is just obnoxious in the worst way
Im at the point of just not even caring about filling my vault. All I can do is spam apply to keys and get denied because I am not disc or restosham. Its so unfun, I am so bored and none of the DPS specs i like are good.
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varies wildly depending on class and spec. ? is not too bad for anybody, ?? is a huge pain in the ass for most classes. just do it on retardin if you have one.
Kosak's reign was fucking awful and it only gets forgotten because Danuser's reign was way worse. As dumb as Afrasiabi's reign was sometimes it was better than Kosak and Danuser's combined.
some of the delves will have a glowing icon instead of a regular icon. those are the bountiful delves. it generates fresh ones every day or maybe every few hours, idk the exact timing on it.

bountiful delves will have better chest rewards at the end, including a purple coffer which requires coffer keys to open which you can either get from weekly quests and events or by combining 100 coffer key shards from world quests. bountiful delves are also the only way to get experience for brann past level 15. you can still complete a bountiful delve without a key, but you will only be able to open the blue chests and not the purple one.

bountiful delves are not any more or less difficult than a normal delve of the same tier level.
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>Waves back at you
WoW has never had good writing or story. Even Vanilla is full of putrid dogshit that makes no sense.
roughly mage tower difficult, maybe a bit less difficult than some of the tougher mage towers
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gonna do deepholm loremaster with this shammy when i get him to 30
literally why are you still subbed at this point? don't you know nothing will change till season two comes out? that's like 4 months of stale abysmal dogshit. has blizzard even done something basic like nerfing prot paladin? I haven't been keeping up with it but I bet they haven't. my point is, the game is dogshit and you people need more self respect.
I was leveling there for the first time recently and came away wondering how the heck the Horde and Alliance got those massive gunships down there?
Why you mad tho?
because until last week this was the main game my friends played together and I was considering rerolling but its too much work so I just play til my sub runs out. Also the whole "lacking self respect" over playing a game or not playing a game is such a weird aspect of the WoW community, when I used to boost accounts on League for money in high elo lobbies people wouldn't care this much over single games that would be worth hundreds of dollars lol.
>the whole "lacking self respect" over playing a game or not playing a game is such a weird aspect of the WoW community
no one talks about this excerpt me. I'm the only one who's always pointing out the humiliation rituals. I'm trying to help you guys. our generation (millennials) is being made fun of because we're so fucking pathetic whiny losers and it's all because we grew up playing video games.
Projection + go to therapy
>I'm trying to help you guys. our generation (millennials) is being made fun of because we're so fucking pathetic whiny losers
the absolute fucking state of this general LMFAO

have sex
you need help
He's trying to help us guys
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Whats the point of being able to craft these if I can't trade them and can only use one?
Work orders
the same point of inventing in engineering once you've discovered all the prototypes (none whatsoever)
the current hunter tier set may not look nice as a complete set but it has some nice pieces, especially the pants
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she cast confess. what do you admit?
im a male cumdump for tauren
Vanilla Fresh cannibalized the whole general huh, at least everyone will be back for 11.1 and there won't be fresh until like 10 years later probably
Is there a catch up to these titan disc quests or can i only do 1 per week?
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Thread dies everytime Maye gets banned. It's insane how quiet things get when a troon and his clique aren't spamming incessantly.
Vulpera paws typed this post
uh no
everyone is spamming classic general rn
including me
>mentioning smelly trannoids out of nowhere
>khadgar this isn't felweed
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I still like Shadowlands a lot even if it ruined the lore.
>Gul'Dan constantly gets btfo
>its called the strongest mortal warlock
We need a new MMO. A true WOWkiller
I like draelolis
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I thought we established by now that the only thing that can kill WoW is itself.
Oribos was bad (should have been Tazavesh)
Covenants were OK once patched a dozen times
Torghast was OK once patched a dozen times
Dungeons were fine
Lore was shit
Asset management was bottom of the barrel
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Goblin game, Goblin general.
post fem humies
impregnating this goblin
It's still ass that the only true MMO's are WoW or FF14. And the latter some how has more coomerbullshit than this general and worse systems.
>be nice and give people who haven't timed that dungeon on 10 yet their chance to do so
>bites me in the ass 90% of the time
I need to fucking STOP doing this.
i do this but lower keys
satisfying to blasting the mobs to fuck and see newbies treat you like some sort of hero
Yeah, but Warlocks have been more influential on the history of Warcraft than any other class.
i have raid today but i really dont feel like going or logging in ever again...
I am working on getting all +10s done via pugs and it is rough.
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Someone should have told the idiot writer that he wrote the shit based on the piece that happened millenia before Legion and in the Legion Titans have saved us all from getting split in half and parted the ways as the bros.
>Implying the Titans didn't just fuck off so they can forcefully convert Sargeras back to Order and then send him to cut the planet in two.
Shiggy diggy Titanshill.
it is dishonest to pretend otherwise, until legion that was almost universally their portrayal. The only flaw the titans were portrayed with was having failed at times given that they aren't omnipotent or omniscient.
azeroth is the source of the curse of flesh huh
i thought the curse of the flesh was old god corruption
>check out a new story with Thrall as one of the main characters
>of course Thrall has spent an entire story being wounded and not being able to make anything in time so Jaina and Aggra have dealt with everything on their own.
Based Metzen!!
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the new horde....
Curse of Flesh as far as we know is Old God shit. But Azeroth at least gave the Earthern free will. Might just be a case of old gods gave mortals skin and flesh and then Azeroth then made everyone free or some stuff, depending if they wanna do more retcons.
Replace the orc with a vulpera, then its accurate.
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>i'm just projecting and i need help
this is not my "opinion". sorry to burst your bubble but you clearly don't know anything about the real world. you have to understand the people who are keeping us permanently sedated and distracted with infinite bread and circus are doing it because they want to see humanity fail and benefit from it (the great reset).
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>So we been breaking bucks ever since the Second War.
>Mos' time the breaking sticks. The buck don't give you any kine uh problems.
>B b but sometimes, sometimes... well sometimes you get a PECULIAR buck.
>This one buck, well he was the peculiar type, he a uh, well he would act up but he wouldnt hide it.
>It seems every week he was pretending to take a nap on mining duty( but with one eye open all koi like) or he'd take extra pumpkin pie, or or or he'd sit his field ass on the front porch.
>Every week he'd do somethin' rasically IN PLain damn sight of Blackmoore
>Blackmoore would call out to the buck to get to the Breakin Shed. This Bucks eyes would light up and before you could whistle Lordaeron, he'd be in the shed.
>This Buck would run to that breaking shed like it was a cool stream on a hot August day in the Badlands.
>By the Light it got so bad this buck would TELL You what kind of mischief he was gonna get his green ass into. He hadnt even DO nuthin yet..
>He would skip over to the shed after and call out " COME on MAaaaaSSA THIS BUCK AINT GONNA BREAK ITSELF!"
>Just down right peculiar....
Its retarded that the kor'kron obey Thrall after what he did to Garrosh
since when did guilds let both horde and alliance in together t. I have not played wow in 10 years
sometime towards the end of dragonflight
That Heartlands audiobook is so fucking bad. Blizzard should break up the factions entirely instead of inventing absurd scenarios to keep them together.

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