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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the newest update (November 2024). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

>Previous thread: >>503640275
Why does Volo even want other people getting Arceus' blessing?

He's waiting until the precise moment that Arceus decends from heaven to bless your outfit to snag god in a great big net.
Arceus giving so many blessings uses so much of its power that it weakens enough for Volo to capture easily
I think that in the end Volo will just get an Alternative or Sygna Suit with Origin Giratina
>that awkward bit where Red and Leon just stare at each other while their Charizards are fighting in the background
It kinda doesn't feel special anymore now that Leon got an arc suit desu
It wasn't going to be special anyway as soon it was shown that it was just a Type-themed Masterfair, so there were going to be at least 17 of them, maybe even 18.
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>Ethan event
>Ethan loses to Red but promises to get stronger
>Arc leon event
>Ethan not only loses to Red again, but loses in a fucking 3v1

I hate Kantowank so much man, my boy deserves better.
NC Ethan will save Ethan.
Is the Mt Silver fight even a canon event in the pokemas universe? Have they ever acknowledged it or mentioned who won?
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>they're hoping I will lose again
galarbro got actual shakes from facing KANTOOOO again
Why doesn't Leon simply use hurricane against mega charizard X rather than quad resisted fire moves? Does the top champion of galar not know about type effectiveness? Is he stupid?
If the next arc is Bug or Dark, then it's going to be useful by virtue of those types having few options.
What is the best they have? SS Hilbert and Akari?
Dark has Akari, NC Marn, Giacomo, SC Zinnia
its a lot better than Bug atm
Leon couldn't even get a hard gimmick fight because all he does is it hard.
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Why did they sync with Steven at the end and not Giacomo?
Giacomos B-move dmg goes down a lot if he loses his SyncMoveUp stacks
I feel like a strike+tech sync followed by a B-move with reduced multiplier would do more than a maxed B-move.
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Do I keep rolling when I did 9 fuck it 10 rolls? We get around 26k gems this month so I guess I would have to dedicate 18k to spark. I guess I want nothing else this month.
>Is he stupid?
I don't know, but I know you are since you're considering hurricane over Earthquake which Leon also has and is super effective aganist MCX.
CS2 or MGR4 for Arc Leon as a Lucky skill?
He's staying at 1/5 for a long while if it matters.
>Liko officially caught Terapagos
fuck off

Arc Leon first update 57
If you want nothing else and have the power to get it then why even ask?
It's over....
Has anyone else noticed how fucked up and disproportional Leon's arms are? He looks like a crab.
>Arc Leon needs burn to activate his Buddy Move
Am I missing something or is Arc Leon kinda lame?
He is effectively just Ash 2.0. He doesn't do anything special he just hits hard
I mean Inferno has 100% burn
That's just carcinization, Leon's ahead of the curve.
We should have gotten Sygna Suit Bea/Machamp instead of Milo. Milo should have been dumped in during the yearly spotlight drop
>B-Move activation condition: opponent must be burned
>B-Move bonus effect: burns the opponent
>B-Move is single target

Nah, he's just unga bunga and DoT through burn and damage field.
>Arc Leon first update 57
They couldn't come up with anything better.
No, they couldn't come up with the usual Piercing Blow-like effect either, for some reason.
>his thread flopped
>had to go here
>anime is also a flop and had to pull this, also needed to the collective might of the franchise to shill Shiny Rayquaza this December
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+200 is a huge success
Leonchad saved the game from +300
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Leon's B-move really should've been AOE at the bare minimum. He really feels like an outdated master fair rather than a cutting edge arc fair. If he didn't have two layers of AOE rebuff for doing basically nothing he would be worse than Alt Gloria
sounds like a fan game eeveelution
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I was too caught in suspense to realize how funny this was the first time
>Leon acknowledging everyone prefers Red
>His Arc Unit sucks meta-wise
>Needs God to help him defeat Red because Red is just that powerful
>When Red gets his Arc Suit it stands to reason he can beat Leon again
>Narrative has to keep trying to tell us Leon and Red are totally alike and we should love him isn't it cute and funny how he's always getting lost and needs his heckin' Zarderino to guide him
>Has to be compared to the most popular character in the franchise just to even try to get people to like him and thus pull a 500 point glorified Master Fair
Paldea had a lot of problems but I'm so glad Gaylar shilling is mostly over
Sure I don't give a fuck about the fatties and uggos from Paldea but at least the art and models in Pokemas fixes some of their eyesore designs and I get to save gems
Except Penny I'll never not find her face deckable
He doesn't need more aoe it needed something unique like refreshes if it kills.
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When will these girls arrive in Pasio?
With Sinnoh NCs in May
When they get their arms back.
These designs are so ass
Hard to believe they're from the same game as Ursaluna
I would have pulled for Leon if Arceus gave him some magic pants instead of his gay shorts
Arceus should have removed his hat.
he'll be my first mix pity
Arc Leon at 1/5 isn't enough to beat Thorton's UB.
I don't want to candy him up yet, so I think I'll wait until the Kanto NC come back.
forgot these aborts existed
regret remembering they exist again
Cynthia couldn't beat Red where Leon did it, she's such a joke.
I'm more baffled that these are supposed to be Origin forms they got just because Giratina had one too, but kept them with the same shitty pressure abilities.
Its kinda wild that Masters confirmed that Cynthias mere Lucario was stronger than Leons pre-arc Charizard
We know she is strong, but didnt think she was that strong

Arc Garchomp beats anything on pasio except Arceus himself
>Leon has to be blessed by a literal fucking deity just to narrowly beat Red even though his charizard knows earthquake and Megazard is weak to ground

Galarians? Our response?
Leon was always a fraud.
>removes the sponsors stickers
>retains the tights and short shorts
>add a gem chest just because
>gives a cooler cape
Arceus' will work on mysterious ways
Why didnt he just ask Eternatus or the dogs or that ugly Calyrex thing for a blessing PU?
Why does Sinnohs god need to bless other regions champions?
Because it was a match between Charizards
Wait really? That would make her second anime protag after Goh to get one in a ball, right?
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>leon bulge slapped on the intro screen
good update after all
[Analysis] Christmas Lillie is abnormally erotic
DeNA resents the fact that TPC forced them to shill this Pajeet for 2 years non-stop, this is their revenge.
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Post clears
SS Morty - Kabu - NC L*af
All the cute fun heals good for the heart!
Didn’t feel like offtyping last night so just murdered him with Alt Selene & Elio team
Based Elio, didn't want to reveal his power level by literally crushing the two shitzard autiats with Continental Crush Stakataka serving as their tomb.
That scene would have been kino had it been literally any other people and specially so any real genuine rivalry between people who're actually characters and not vehicles to shill shillzard first and foremost.
The constant Leon shilling and the artificial as fuck OMG LEON IS TOTES LIKE RED narrative getting shoved down your throat completely ruins it. Kinocringe is indeed the perfect word to describe it.
Leon peaking at 41 or so.
That's honestly not bad considering how dead this game is.
That's just people buying the gems packs to save for Lillie
That's really high considering the last 2 months were a bunch of whos and he's a solo 1% banner in this day and age. Could literally just get him off all the free gems.
The game overs around the 100+ most of the time and you guys still bother to salesfag?
Where did Anni rank again?
What have been the latest ranks?
>Where did Anni rank again?
Cynthia 16 or so
Steven was a few higher, like 17-18 IIRC
Lance over 20, I think ~24-25
Should I spend leftover battle rally points on tickets or sync orbs (I'm low on them because I got a bit too much happy with the limit break feature)
It is easier now to get tickets. Go for the orbs.
I used Zapdos + 2 Pikachu
Hop + (You) + EggMon?
why did Leon kill the thread?
Why did Leon fuck my mom?
Why did Leon fuck Cynthia?
Why did Leon?
Why Leon?
Charizard fatigue is real.
The Arc Fair stuff isn't helping it either
Who's a better partner of Victini, Moltres or the new Cinderace?
say trainer names
Oinky oinky! Quite the coincidence to see the new Arc fair dropping on bundle refresh day, eh? Remember to drop all your money on him and not even getting him in the process to have a Champion time!
? NCLeaf or Variety Marnie
NC Blue + Rats
The old and reliable rat team is the only thing I've needed for any of these.
NC Leaf
>that charizard
we were robbed
he has a fanbase in japan just like raihan
Not a very big one, clearly
Do you think that the Fair at the end of the month will be another Arc or just a Master fair?
Another Arc seems more in line with this game's modus operandi, but I'd rather see a NC for one of the skipped regions or a SS for someone that didn't get stuff in a while.
Big enough to still want to spend that much money on him despite him being by himself to use stocked up free gems on
How do you know anyone had stocked up gems?
We just had SS Serena, Adaman, Irida etc. reruns
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Nah, Leon just isn't popular. He had some value back when Galar was the new thing but that's gone now.
Im assuming that we will get 2 neo champs. Since anni gave us 3 arcsuit and two masterfairs.
>anni gave us 3 arcsuit and two masterfairs.
SS nemona wasnt an anni pair
...Because they're reruns
Most people aren't latefags nor would they necessarily want those units
I literally have all of them and the new Leon without spending any money on them
Arc seems more likely, unless they give Lucas a pity NC since he still has no (costume) alts
I think that 2 NCs would be a lot, that's one more 1% banner compared to the previous years.
Still, it could be possible seeing as they're ramping things up.
NC Lucas and Infernape to put another stone on Afroman's grave.
So Cynthia and Steven are the only ones that are actual arc suit tier and not just overpriced masterfairs?
1 banner = 1 content
>one chance at being a good unit
>you're born with a super effective gimmick
Charizard has an edgy black shiny, Venusaur has a swamp green and Blastoise if purple, this just shows shiny hunting numbers for the fire lizard.
Is Lusamine & Pheromosa the worst Arc Suit because she was released too early?
Leon can't even solo Latios LMAO
Should I focus on a single DC unit at time, or buy one of each first?
The latter seems more useful for stuff like Battle Rally, but 1/5 units are rather pitiful.
6? thats lower than OG Cynthia... (10)
Can beat sun anabel instead (Only 2 teams can do that)
Carried by leaf and steven
>leaf and steven
where's the sun clear with leaf
I impulse rolled on Irida and didn't get her
I impulse rolled on Hilda and got 3/5 Hilbert please help
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It's also pretty fucking stupid considering that I don't have the Kanto NC either and those are on a similar level of usefulness.
I'll decide later in the month if I want to keep on being retarded.
Hope you get them all bro
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10/5 Dragon Mommy tomorrow
I have 3 General candies when considering also the Shiny Ray event, should I candy up Leon to 3/5?
>Leon to 3/5?
I guess you're not a leon fan if your asking that. But do you have another OP unit? if you do its not necessary to candy leon.
>But do you have another OP unit?
Like an Arc or newly released masterfair? I don't think so, I have a few that look strong but only at super duper investment of 10/5. I have SS Morty (not SA, only 3/5) so he at least would have a good Fire partner albeit without a Master passive to double down on normal moves Damage&Damage reduction, I guess.
>I have 3 General candies when considering also the Shiny Ray event, should I candy up Leon to 3/5?
if you dont have Arc Cynthia or Arc Steven - save yellow candies and wait for next arc(s)
if you want an op Fire pair at 3/5 - just go for 3/5 NC Leaf
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Summer 2025
It's been a half a decade bro... It's never coming.
Finally after 84 years!
>3/5 NC Leaf
she can't kill the sides. 1/5 leon is better than her
Lost 160 red coins + two SA candies just for two pairs that shit is expensive bros
>she can't kill the sides
She can 1 by 1 and also you can use a second fire dps for AoE, given how much utility and dmg boosting she brings

>1/5 leon is better than her
not even 5/5 leon is necessarily better
>I have SS Morty (not SA, only 3/5) so he at least would have a good Fire partner albeit without a Master passive to double down on normal moves Damage&Damage reduction, I guess.
Yeah if you have morty you already can form one of the strongest duos in the game. You can candy leon if you're struggling with content. Otherwise, remember there's gonna be more arcs that can be better or worse than him.
>you can use a second fire dps for AoE
>just use TWO units (who need heavy investment) to do what a single arc does.
ok bud
>do what a single arc does.
All he does is have an AoE sync and good 1-time burst damage
no sun
outside of big burst, the Inferno dps is nothing special by modern levels
debuffs are vastly worse than NCLeafs and not AoE
and her sync still does more ST damage (than even 5/5 leon) with double Powerplay
I'm struggling with all Ultimate Battles, my only doubt if he's enough to push into clearing a few of them beside the Fire weak one.
I got pretty far with that already, so I may just be able to push through with the EX role I'll give him as soon as the rally shop resets.
When did you start playing?
At launch but I took a looong break starting from 2023
>my only doubt if he's enough to push into clearing a few of them beside the Fire weak one.
yes, having morty makes it really easy to beat most UBs.
The easiest besides Thorton would be Argenta, Darach, Giovanni, Lucy and Noland.
Those can be cleared with a free pair as a 3rd.
I saw that Noland's can be cleared with Falkner+Lana as supports to dodge his gimmicks, so I should be able to do that rather soonish
yeah that covers all gimmicks of noland. you just need a good AoE damage to kill him
I impulse rolled on Eri and Dexio but didn't get them
Me between them
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acktually its 7 solos in the more updated doc
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The weak should fear the strong
What does the + 10E mean?
That the extra energy you can unlock on the sync grid, in this case all 10 (which requires 5/5)
when's Lillie's banner
scroll up
It's not there
look at the images, there's one with all the events this month
Still less than OG Cynthia
Arc Steven: 14, all 1/5 and almost all EX-less
Arc Lance: 14, lots of 1/5
Arc Cynthia: 13, mainly 1/5 to 3/5
Arc Leon: 7, mostly 3/5 and up
I guess they think they fucked up with the first 3 and now every successive Arc is going to be gutter trash
Not soon enough but Dec 13th.
Arc Steven: Can beat Sun Anabel
Arc Lance: Can't beat Sun Anabel
Arc Cynthia: Can't beat Sun Anabel
Arc Leon: Can beat Sun Anabel
Arc Cynthia - can duo Anabel (without needing arc steven)
Arc Cynthia - can also duo Palmer (also without arc steven)
>Arc Leon
hardcarried by Leaf*
This place is really fucking autistic
Moltres really is the best Fire pair
Arc Leon was a mistake
It's a Pokémon general outside of /vp/ on the only (blue) board that can beat it in autism.
Honestly speaking, Arc Leon should have at least had Fuel Economy backed inside a passive just like Lance.
All these MGR on his Inferno are stupid.
>Honestly speaking, Arc Leon should have at least had Fuel Economy backed inside a passive just like Lance.
oh yeah arc Lance and Cynthia both have their spammable moves at 2 bars
while Inferno is still 4 bar??
>hardcarried by Leaf*
post sun anabel clears without lear using leaf
there isnt because she's so bad she had to wait for an Arc pair to be carried
>noooo you can't remove the sun that's cheating because my arc pair can't change weather then your arc pair isn't allowed to do so leon is best cynthia is worst i won hehe
who is that brown girl?
is she breedable?
Arc Steven: Can beat Sand Nita
Arc Lance: Can't beat Sand Nita
Arc Cynthia: Can beat Sand Nita
Arc Leon: Can't beat Sand Nita
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>who is that brown girl?
One of the few good things about SWSH
Yes, but she unironically only fucks white guys and canonically keeps flirting with the pink hair farmer himbo in the picture who doesn't understand her intentions.
Hmmm sweaty, she might be a gym leader in Galar but the leaks revealed her native region is Alola, the main supplier of brown girls and lolis.
Were the Eevee eggs rigged this year? Out of about 30 eggs I only hatched 2 shinies, and they were the two I was missing. In comparison I was hatching 1/3 eggs as shinies last year and got a lot of duplicates.
lillie sex
Arc Lillie never ever
thats the last nail in the coffin
Good for Lilliefags, tee bee heich
I could see her being Fairy arc, unironically
There's Diantha for Fairy specialists.
She's one of the who champions objectively, but she's still a champion.
Post them, these are strongest trainers and soon to have alder and diantha
>he fell for dena's latest scam
>the laziest one even
I skipped leon, but based
okay then Lillie and Ice with alolan Ninetales
Lillie is a seasonal slut, she isnt arc material
>t. Shitrona simp
I can hear the oinks.
Thanks for keeping the servers up btw.
Does anyone actually care about Alder?
I think he's kinda cool
I think he's kinda hot
superwoke pokefairs
I think he's kinda lame
lillie handholding
Are your gems ready for Arc Suit Piers with an obstruct buddy move?
Is the Dark type Arc really going to be either Iris with Hydreigon or N with Zoroark?
Twist: It's the Karen and Umbreon redemption arc
I'd take it.
Nobody would realistically ask for it but it would be neat to have Miss. "Use your favorites, bro" have a costume about the super special bond stuff.
>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile game, duh.
It’s going to be N & Zoroark, Bug & Dark are going to debut together in February and they’d have to be insane to think Alder & Iris would sell at all. N is also a good transition away from only having Champions, because he technically is one after beating Alder in BW. Also, that fight can serve as the story motivation or whatever for both of them getting arcs.
Shut up Raihan
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I like his Yugioh hair and the fact that he is the mentor of many characters from Unova
It's going to be Masked Royal, kek.
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God I hope so I would actually pull for him instead of skipping N
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Next Arc Suits are Dark and Bug, and what better for that the Iris/Alder combo, Unova time.
first negative revenue banner in history
Cry harder unovabort
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FINALLY I have them all!
Why the fuck did we get lodge Arven before Nemona or Penny. This would have been a great time for another Penny banner
how many days until lillie?
I gotta catch 'em all

Every field EX role looks this bad fucking lmao, I pay for this shit.
>SS Blue EXR on 26th
I sleep...
>need paid gems to get Rika or Chase
Malignant cunts
Pretty sure those banners aren’t even selects so the only thing you’re guaranteed to get is a role cake
Would be insanely based
>Field effect is great
>Stat boost is totally mismatched for attackers
There's a normal banner for them lower down
12 more days
>"check out your super sparring results!"
>leaderboard is broken and you can only see your own placement
>no titles given
as expected from the skeleton crew running this kusoge
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>another 1.6M month
kusomas EoS incoming btw
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Leon truly flopped...
....we lost
Highly based
Highly cringe
Based and true
>shillronacucks instantly triggered
Truly the most fragile creatures in pokem@s
Leon lost and flopped >>504348861
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I skipped Cunthia and I have no plan to ever get her
Bro got the 2 worst damage dealer arcs and skipped the best one
You will get her in the daily scout
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That's neat and all but they're probably at 0.000000001% each
How many can SST Red clear?
She's the second worst one, no big deal
>Bro got the 2 worst damage dealer arcs and skipped the best one
What being a homo does to a mfer

>All 3/5 + EX role and up
>More than half 5/5 + 10 Energy
That Lance looks neat, is it a variety scout?
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Who else Zero Point Pledge?
Just say no, bros
Has super awakening massively boosted mediocre characters up to high tier?
OG Diantha
I’m sorry bro, but I impulses because I have no self control
Every pokefair aside from an handful got buffed a lot from it.
If only because its jacks up their damage by +30~50% even with just level 1 to 4.
Yeah, gotta love being carried by pokeboys as usual.
carried by Lance and Brenden.
Stop impulsing bro you're gonna run outta gems
more like LMAO @ your math skills
You’re right, I hate my own weakness
The homocope is getting old, get a new one
All the evidences were presented in the video, don't get uppity just because today it's your international day, shitrooner.

Double Cynthia!
Another Steven carry
Stove is lucky to get carried by double Goddesses
Is Dianthas SA as busted as it sounds?
she >= SS Gladion
Diantha won
SS Gladion is still better, but she is second best Fairy for now
>get two Leon Face cookies from event
>one is Max Gauge Refresh and the other is Max Double Down
>time to use them but only found Max Gauge Refresh for my Arc Leon
>realized the other cookie is for the "normal" Leon and Charizard
Gee, thanks.
Isn't the first one Move Gauge Refresh?
As in, it triggers with any move like SS Red's base passive.
They're both shit anyway
CS2 better
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why do devs hate Misty?
it's amazing she has gotten jackshit in this game
They don't have the nostalgia that boomers like you who watched the original anime have for her.
He says while they're releasing Charizard number 36
So they have nostalgia but for the game and not the anime.
2 alt outfits is not nothing
Meh, low HP sync rush Palmer, Giovanni countered by Penny alone, at least she did something against Leon.
At least she isn't shit as she used to be, maybe now Marnie can take her place, unless she'll shine better than N in Damage Challenge Singles.
N got a Field role, it'd be fucking pathetic if a SA'd Tech wasn't able to outdamage him in 3vs1.
Marnie now has a 276 BP power trip and 2 multiplier at 10/5 with her normal passive every other turn and her new 20% passive.
Indeed, but that's the reason why the game exists to be honest
The fact some pairs get amazing SA while others get absolute shit is baffling
They are trying to balance out the units. So units that are already really good like Oleana get shit ones but shit units like Diantha get good ones. Some units get so much power from the stats that the power of the passive needs to be bad to balance it out like Poppy gaining 180 BP on her buddy move.
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Is Ultra Chicken going to be better than NC Silver when she gets her SA?

10/5 SSShirona did the impossible, she made AS Lance good-ish
Other away around
the tcg feels lackluster contrasting to masters
You now remember the 1st year of Masters
Back then there was hope this game would be better. It hasn't and there's no hope either.
Who the fuck is going to get the poison arc suit? Will Plumeria finally get the alt she deserves?
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Irida isn't even fucking dancing.
Alder/Volcarona (march 2025)
Hau/alolan Raichu
Speaking of chicken, would you use her along with Ultra Elio to wipe out an entire Battle Rally with starting Rock Upgrade? I did exactly just that.
>SS Red from the mix scout

The superior charizard wins again
I’m too autistic to not get as much points as I possibly can, so no
>Rival bonus
>sprint rotation

Time to finally spend my damage challenge tickets
Picked up Pokemon TCG Pocket after all the hype. Saw Masters EX in the search results.
Why should I play this over pocket?
Masters has lodge "dating" and actual gameplay
Pokemon TCG was never good in any form
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All Mallows and Lusamines in Unova CS MM!
TCG Pocket doesn't have characters from other games interacting
In fact, it doesn't have characters at all
How the fuck is Yancy still not in Master Sex? Did they forget about her?
>always struggled with rock types
>remember I have Geeta and Rose with their secondary moves
>use Rose
>have 1 trainer move to buff himself
>have Stone Edge + Max Rockfall that causes Sandstorm
Rose is completely fucking busted wtf
I dunno how'd they'd be able to spin it since Rosa is the canon BW2 MC in this game.
They would have to skirt around the reality that she fucked Clay and is the mother of Lacey.
What's the best way to go about using the tickets for EX Roles coins?
Cycling through each role so that the passive gain from the daily battle can keep up?
Just use enough to get 20 total cake coins whenever you feel like caking someone
Dont touch them until then
Hoard and use when you need?
I tend to cake when rally calls for more multipliers.
Or favs.
That's why flopped nobody cares humanflops characters lmao
begone Pocketshill
>she fucked Clay and is the mother of Lacey
Curtis > Yancy
we are dead
It's pretty obvious why the icon is Charizard and not Leon.
Are we really going to get that ancient map event again, tomorrow?
>the icon is Charizard and not Leon.
I didnt even think of that kek
so much for "trainer gacha"
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Which Pokeboy is getting an alt next?
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Twist: Instead of SV, we get the Retro Arc as Eevee Day Extension
NC Lucas and Heatran in february
In Masters, your game won't get fucked over from a coin flip
You shouldn't play any DeNA game if I'm being serious. It's not a competent company. It's not a proactive company. It struggles immensely with game content balance and has no idea how to balance player-to-player battle systems (PVP in Pocket, co-op in Masters).
Imagine if N or Akari cuck Iris out of Arc Dark haha
They're picking pretty safe choices with these Ack Suits
Why would a dragon expert get dark
She is a "champion" and should get an arc or something
Bug is Alder
Dark is Masked Royale
N gets a free pair that reuses his Anni model like Lillie, maybe with White Kyurem
Iris gets a seasonal or something
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>she thinks there will be only one arc per type

expect every ex role for every type
thats not for years still
TCG Pocket.... won
>it's another event featuring Pierse, Roxie and Ryuki
I'm getting really tired of this trash, if I'm not wrong those three are the vocalist of their own bands and are looking to be famous by their own ways, putting them together every time kills their characters.
Just think of them as a supergroup.
But I want them to do something else other than ¨dude, music lmao¨
Muscians are for music events
Tate and Liza are for incest events
Penny is for every other event
Actually, Roxie was a character before the inclusion of Piers and Ryuki, now she's just that, music lmao.
I really don't get why people are so convinced we're only getting one Arc for each type. Putting a hard limit of 18 on a premium unit class doesn't make much sense to me. We've only had a total of four so not having two of any type yet doesn't really feel like a sign of anything.
because random
Because when we're done with the first 12 (not 18) arc fairs we'll start to get the new master z arc fairs (0.5% rate, 600 points pity)
>0.5% rate, 600 points pity
Paid only
Z-passive locked behind 5/5
And Pokefairs getting new0 energy grid tiles locked behind Super Awakening, because people are still not rolling for them.
Nice, more Cynthia upgrades
Cynthia is always guaranteed something, since she has 0 seasonals/SC pairs/mix pairs that never get anything
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Why do they refuse to give her a normal pokefair?
she is the seasonal/SC girl
Her specialty is attending celebrations and parties, which SC and seasonal events tend to be about
Because there's no reason to not sidegrade that pokefair to a seasonal or to sell it as a master fair
Classic Lillie soon.
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In canon, it's because she's a still treated as a novice Trainer so her alts focus more on dressing up than actual battling. Also, the game doesn't have to go full jew to get people to roll on her, just give her a cute fit and she outsells most Master Fairs.
Since Flint was already planned to get a NY alt somewhere but perhaps got delayed, who'd be his partner?
The pairs all look shuffled beside maybe, just maybe, Lisia & Dawn, the cool trainers, the pretty girl trainers, Flint either gets paired with some loli like Acer- or someone with Xurkitree to match Wallace way too festive outfit.
I just hope nothing Penny or Nemona related for another year, maybe a Kris seasonal for the odds.
Assuming Seasonal Flint would still happen, as a Pokémon partnerd he'd probably have Magmortar to match Volkner's Electivire.
While for the accompanying seasonal it's obviously harder to predict, it could either be a fellow hothead to match his spirits or a calm character to contrast him.
>Flint was already planned to get a NY alt somewhere
It was part of the big pokeleak. New Years was supposed to be Flint and Magmortar instead of Sabrina but they realized they didn't want to make the gayest event ever made.
Juan wan wan when
Is the mix scout update going to include everyone up to the refresh or is it going to stop a month early like how they would do ticket scout updates?
Currently live banners won't be included
Along Arc Suit Wallace
Is anyone pulling for Milo? Is he even good?
No and no
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How the fuck is Arceus going to give her Arceus colors when she already has them?
I fucking hate this event format even more than the new one.
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More details, a diamond and black belly details on her
Pokeleak didn't have any info past the plan to add Anni Lillie/Steven/N (which were still labelled as sygna suit at the time)
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>they realized they didn't want to make the gayest event ever made.
Then why did they make this?
Flint and Volkner was the latest thing they had but was so early it was just their original art with Magmortar and Electivire beside them. I think they were only labeled seasonal.

Lillie was also originally going to have Necrozma.
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Speaking of the leaks, can't wait for him to finally get in
As a Mix pair
He performed just like a half Anni unit when the game is dead what are you bitching about?
New Variety will be Kanto Birds: Sprint Edition
Followed by Kanto Birds Mix banner using all 5 (6) roles as combo with EXR.
>half Anni unit
That doesnt mean anything, those dont really do better than normal MFs. Only full anni ones get more
Especially when he is an arc that requires more gems for pity
His peak 41 is about equal to what Adaman/NC Serena had (who were the worst selling MFs until the Unova NCs came out)
I'm pretty sure Geeta did about the same, maybe even a slightly better

>the game is dead
Its been dead since 2021-2022 apparently
Man, such an upgrade, Red's final model looks pretty bad.
Considering Arc suits are utter garbage and Leon is the worst one in a skip month so that’s still pretty good. And by dead I mean it’s gradually getting worse
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>Considering Arc suits are utter garbage
They're not tho

>Leon is the worst one
no, Lance is probably the worst one. His SpAtk/Atk is low-ish for no reason and complete lack of AoE hurts. Worst utility too
He barely had any impressive UB clears and the ones he did require either NC Nate or 10/5 SS Cynthia
Fire also has better units than Dragon
They're both ass for what they're supposed to be.
>-6 defenses per turn applying status and stun is bad utility
>single-target only
>6 turns to apply both AoE
>i need a nerfed ss lusamine or anni n style aoe
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who would be the best teammate for poppy+steven between lear/chicken/lillie?
>typhlosion in the back
It's so fucking over...
Real leak? When did this leaked?
The teraleak. Some hacker leaked literally all the database from GF.
That's a really early build from master, idt it's relevant now anyways.
It's hilarious how tech was designed to be utility but then overtime it evolved into all the utility plus massive damage. But now with arcsuits it has somehow evolved again into damage but no utility
Arc Lance has more utility
>It's not aoe
It's very fast to set up to make up for it, dropping def/spdef by 6 in a single strike is huge and I don't remember anyone else being able to do the same.
Arc Leon's burn gimmick is a joke in comparison, feels tacked on just to force him to be a tech.
Unironically would have been better with AOE P-moves and M-moves instead of AOE M-moves and S-moves.
>pixiv red
That looks closer to the original Red, Pixiv Red doesn't have spiky hair.
>complete lack of AoE hurts.
The Rebuff is AoE :^)
Lillie. You either replace Poppy with Lear and vice versa, Lillie and Steven are the core
Is there a spreadsheet for UB clears?
I want to see how Arc Leon is faring and with which team mates.
>Is there a spreadsheet for UB clears?

How would you rank the UBs in terms of difficulty
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4:Everyone else
Nita, Nemona, Leon, Morgan, MR - top 5
what are all the rewards in the Shiny Rayquaza event?
I know that there's a yellow candy
Anything else?
>ELEVEN boxes of cutscene shit
I hate this
Some gems but I don't remember how much
>every clear with my waifu carried by steven, leon or red is impressive because i decided so
>other team comps with anything different are not
yep, this sounds like the old schizo take behind the post-sync 3K clears and eventually pre-sync 3K clears one
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Is ball guy a Gloria alt?
Dunno what you're babbling about, but Arc Lance objectively has the worst and least impressive UB clears of the 4 arcs.

Part of it is because Dragon pairs arent that op and he has to try and solocarry (Leon has NC Leaf etc.), but part is because he has the weakest kit of the 4 arcs
Have you ever seen them together in the same scene?
Special Event
Shiny Rayquaza Appears

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x10
=> Move Candy Coin x1 | Limit Change: 20

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x10
=> 5 Power-Up x1 | Limit Change: 1

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x5
=> Skill Sphere x10 | Limit Change: 5

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x5
=> Co-op Sync Orb x200 | Limit Change: 5

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x5
=> Codex Set, Vol. 1 x5 | Limit Change: 3

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x5
=> Tome Set, Vol. 1 x10 | Limit Change: 3

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x3
=> 5-Pack Great Drink ++ Set x50 | Limit Change: 4

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x3
=> 5-Pack Drink ++ Set x50 | Limit Change: 4

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x2
=> 5-Pack Ultra Drink + Set x50 | Limit Change: 4

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x2
=> 5-Pack Great Drink + Set x50 | Limit Change: 4

Start: 16/12/2024 06:00:00
End: 12/1/2025 06:00:00
Event Voucher K x2
=> 4 Level-Up Manual x10 | Limit Change: 10
I need Bugsy on my lap now
>Guzma rate-up
No more rolling this month for me
Is Bugsy better than Lillie?
He can't get pregnant so yes
He's a mediocre bug support as usual for the type
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I wish, best Bug Zone setter right now but also still whatever as he wants to cover every Bug damage dealer multipliers.
If you'll get a non-support as main role Bug Zone setter Fair unit then said unit would most likely still rely on other non Bug-type supports.
No he's a circle user with no circle extension and with two uses of bug zone. He's awful
Will seasonals ever get grid expansion or SA?
Hopefully, yes, my girl could use a boost
Realistically, doubtful
Probably no.
Old ones could start to get EX roles though, they're nearly done with Fair pairs.
Shit girl
I feel like spotlights will get them first, if at all
They don't seem to care about giving seasonals anything that they don't already have. They are purely "charity" units to give characters funny costumes and that's it
I think that seasonals/special costumes are more likely on the base of being limited, but I sure wouldn't mind spotlights getting some more bones thrown.
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I'm just going off of what we have so far
Spotlights are the only one included in masters day, which I imagine will start going to ex role once side grids and ex's for 4 star and under are all handed out
Seasonals, outside of the few ex-less units, have NEVER gotten an update, not even in their many reruns
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>the few ex-less units
It's been five years...
They're never going to run out of side grids considering that they gave them to pokefairs too.
>39 pairs left without EX
What, this many? Even ignoring the BP MC pairs and the free ones like Eevee girl, that's 27 pairs so over 2 years of Master Days shit.
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In due time kahili-bro...

>They're never going to run out of side grids considering that they gave them to pokefairs too.

At least the pokefairs run on their own little schedule iirc, and we wont have to wait for masters day for those

>that's 27 pairs so over 2 years of Master Days shit
Here's hoping they decide to speed things up, having pairs wait nearly a decade for a feature added a year in is kind of nuts (assuming the game lives that long)
Still waiting on misty starmie....
>they gave them to pokefairs too.
only to 3
I'm talking in hypotheticals
Even if they run out of spotlight pairs to give side grids, which they technically could considering that they add less than 12 spotlights each year, then they could just switch to give them to the other Fairs too.
>if they run out of spotlight pairs

there are like 70 spotlights, plenty to choose from
How do I get 1 million with Guzma?
in 3v1 Bug? you cant
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Next month we are getting a solo Neo Champion.
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Lmao even Victor has more of a chance than him
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Best I can do
Is it safe to uninstall the game after linking my nintendo account? I'm playing through installing the APK directly since the game isn't available on my region and I'm not sure if that may affect the nintendo link stuff.
I would double check everything from the app and the Nintendo website to make sure it's linked on both ends and also get all your IDs written down
Alright, thanks.
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Are you going to pull her?
No, I'm saving for NC Blue then Arc Alder and Arc Iris
I think one of your rice fields is named after my grandpa
Of course, Lillie is always a priority
I just beat my first UB
Is that it for rewards? Just 300 gems and not even a title?
I didn't feel it...
Skill issue

Also try beating Nita or Nemona or Anabel etc.
It's only there for the meta chasers to feel some validation in their pathetic lives.
What type is it again?
>Are you going to pull her?
She will be my new DC slut instead of Melony
>Pokémon Masters generated around 340m total in a little over 5 years
>Pocket got over half of Master's lifetime sales in just 1 month
Just fucking end this game already. Not one cent of that Pocket money is going to come back here to this game.
Why would DeNA cancel a game (that still makes money) when they are raking in cash?
If anything them doing well assures that Masters will go on for years and years

Besides Pocket will die after the fotm novelty wears off.
It's so fucking over
>Besides Pocket will die after the fotm novelty wears off.
"Any day now," nervously cried the Mastersfag.
>coinflip simulator

Barry stonks
Brybry's website got updated with automatic monthly gem count
I feel that if the Sinnoh NCs are ever going to happen, then it's more likely for it to be a trio release with the Lake spirits.
>triple psychic trash nobody likes
delusional, they didn't turn into fairs the more popular regis and you think the failed mew clones same looking feefee shitmons would be a successful combo?
higher chance for shaymin, heatran and manaphy at this point
I forgot they were all psychic, kek
Nooo... My updoots...
Leaks revealed that at least Cresselia was going to be an even more annoying yet based Psychic/Electric typing (her design is somewhat inspired by northern lights and so is probably her ability to levitate) with Levitate but then decided to turn her into a mono Psychic with Levitate in case the Lake Trio was not enough for Sinnoh.
Darkrai was suggested to be Dark/Ghost perhaps.

I am both aroused and scared at the thought of Psychic/Electric Cresselia cancer in Gen 4 being immune to Ground, Spikes and Toxic Spikes, resisting Fighting, Psychic, Electric, Flying, Steel and only being weak to Ghost, Dark and Bug, literally no downsides being part Electric with Levitate beside Mold Breaker and Gravity alike counter strats.
>Gen IV Mold Breaker
So just Pinsir and Rampardos aka non-existent
Is Lillie the strongest seasonal unit they have ever made?
Steel Lillie is the strongest freebie by far

New X-mas Lillie? she is a top-tier sing spammer in DC, idk what she has besides that.
She can probably be a good sync nuker in 3v1 Fairy too, but SS Wally will still vastly outclass her
Fall Roxanne and Summer Gardenia are also quite strong seasonals
Bugsy is better
>summer gardenia
For my dick
>2024 damage dealer just barely reaching 1mil
The absolute state of bug types
Alder can do 1M and he's a 2020 unit without ex role or SA. Bug type never was *that* bad, and is currently pretty good with the modern ones.
Are you disrespecting the 6ex pirate?
but metawise too
You wish
Thats just meme DC mode aka evasion and para simulator

Bug teams have like 0 UB clears
The best events
cynthia just sucked off Lucario again
Arc Fighting Cynthia soon
first character with 2 arcs
I spent 30k+ gems to get Rika from that Triple banner, thinking that I need her to beat the last Ingo/Emmet fight.
Only for me to beat it and the rest of the missions with Red/Pikachu, Blue/Zapdos, and whatever damage unit that fits the Theme mission.
There goes my gems for the month
cynthia just flew over my house
no shit
they kept this kusoge running with palette swaps, pokemon swaps and barely touched models sold as top tier units to fund pocket
>after the fotm novelty wears off
so never since it will be powered by it 2/3rd of the year
At least you got a lodge unit.
Unless something big, in a bad way, happens I doubt they're going to EoS Masters before 2026 and the 30th anniversary of the franchise.
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She's the only must pull this year.
For a seasonal she's definitely up there. Even ignoring her DC potential, 400+ Sp Att, 90% and 20% damage multiplier out of the box, and another 30% on grid. Her single target sync damage is better than SS Gladion's as well.
Not even dailies
Roll for Milo
Im giving him 1 multi, if i dont get him i'll daily him. If i dont get him in dailies i'll pick him in the mix.
My hot himbo is coming home like it or not.
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Shauna's legs are like, infinite
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does anyone know if this is official art?
anyone got a clearer image of it?
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Shauna really wants to be a mother.
>skip everything that i don't really like
>get lucky with shit i do like
>now have 175k gems

Maybe I should just pull Leon
Having gems doesnt mean you should impulse on shit
Literally just wait for next month they're probably gonna drop multiple MFs on us
Have gems? Just impulse bro
Save for Lillie!
Save for Chuck Month 2025!
haven't played in days? what have i missed
Arc Suit Leon

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